HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-220 - Change Order - #19 - Scarsella Bros, Inc - 228th St UPRR Grade Separation Bridge & Roadway - 01/06/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WASHTNGToN E oLec Originator C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1t22t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: @ Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number R20067.641 10.120 Budget? EYes E No Grant? EYes ENo Type: Federal c .9{r,o ELor- E tHtro Eo atLt'l Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros., lnc Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #19 ProjectName: S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Bridge and Roadway Phase 5 Project Details:lnstall longer posts due to slope being closer to 1 :1 and needing more stability. lnstall 8'fence gate to follow UPRR guidelines for overpass. Agreement Amount: $1 3,260.08 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: N/A Local Business? EYes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, pleose complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? trYes E No Contract Number: cpaol9-220 g|c .JJ\o .a -so=8,3og .9tn Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk s Office ad(W22lil-1,20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements ,$/4 ~KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. #19 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Scarsella Bros, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:S. 228th St. Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Bridge and Roadway Phase 5 (19-3022} ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: April 19, 2019 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other prov1s1ons of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: This Change makes the following revisions to the Contract Documents and provides compensation for the added work: Install longer posts at 4' tall fence due to slope being closer to a 1: 1 and needing more stability. Install a 6'x4' tall gate so the MH lid can be accessed Install 8' fence and gate along the UPRR property to follow the UPRR guidelines for overpasses. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $13,802,146.40 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $345,610.50 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $14,147,756.90 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $13,260.08 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $14,161,016.98 CHANGE ORDER -1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 240 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 240 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 240 working days In accordance with Sections L-O4.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section ViI of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date, All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in sectton 2, above, IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT: ilt E;* DATE: I /(, iEI (title) I fc Tnferirn Dr rhl Works Director Print Name: (siqnature) Chad Bieren. P.E. (signature) Matthew Scarsella*_ _. "Its Prolect Manager : CONTRACTOR: 7 By:M:D-D-;rP DATE: Print Name CHANGE ORDER - zOF 3 Av{* ATTESTI Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORMI (applicable if l4ayort signature required) Kent Law Department , P.E-JIn thls lleld. yqu aay €nfe. the elect.onic lilepsth wher€ the cort.act has bes gsvedl CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. O19 Construction Management Division - Public Works Project S. 228th St Union Pacific Railroad: Grade Separation Phase 5 Project Engineer: Cameron Bloomer, PE Owners Rep: KBA, Inc ProJect No.: 07-3022 Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: HLP-FMSTB-12L6 (005) Scarsella Bros. Inc. Date: I2l2/2A20 r. PROPOSED CHANGE N. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE III. METHOD OF PAVMENT This Change makes the following revisions to the Contract Documents and provides compensation for the added work: r Contract Drawing 37 of 68 - For the 4'tall black vinyl chain link fence, furnish and install longer fence posts from STA 4+49.47 to 7+22.37. Post embedment shall be 3.5'minimum. o Contract Drawing 38 of 68 - Furnish and install a 6' wide by 4'tall black vinyl chain link single swing gate at - STA 6+65 R, centered at the existing MH casting. o Contract Drawing 43 of 68 - Furnish and Install 8'chain link fence along the UPRR property, from 19+41.50,49.38'Lto 19+42.02,98.23'Rand from 20+41.33,99.83'Lto 2O+42.A3, 98.83'R as called out under bid item L275. r Contract Drawing 43 of 68 - Furnish and Install 8' tall 14' wide gate as shown and called out under bid item 1280. Longer Posts at 4'tall fence - The plans call for the fence to be placed at the top of slope, posts buried 2'deep and show the slope as a 2H:1V. The slope is closerto a 1:1, leaving less soil to suppott the fence posts. Longer posts are being used and driven deeper into the soil to provide adequate stability, 6' wide, 4' tall gate - there is a city owned MH in the fence alignment along the trail. The fence would prevent the MH lid from being removed. A gate is being installed which can swing out of the way for access. 8'fencing and gate along UPRR property - UPRR guidelines for overpasses require 8'fencing be used al RR ROW. The lans called for 5'. :M(l Change Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'TVG USE ONI.Y 1 NEW PAY lYot REV. DATE:3lLSlLg Sch. XI XI 4 6 B I 0 0 0 0 Item Description I I Unit PE otv thisNo.Unit Price , L32.48 732.48 Total Est ow LS LS LF Total Estimated Cost of Item $3s8.40 $1r14?.40 $39.q4 Fence Longer Posts Single Gate, 4'tall Tall Chain Link Fence Tall 14'Swi $3s8.40 $ -L,r!2.4O $13,87E,80 Materlal Submlttals R€duired - CC: Construction Coordinator ESTIMATE i Sub PAPATHIStomadebeAitachedrnatentEstiendCREATE PAY ITETIONLY Paymen n ofletion workatdatelatercompaupoREQUIRED N ew ?NordReq ENT DELETE EXISTING PAY 1-09.5 Not INCR DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM Not TOTAL ESTIMA TED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE IV. WORKING DAYS TOTAL WORKING DAYS* FILE NO: 2OO.2 *Total of the Cost Item Columns nge Order + Previous Total REV. DATE: 3lt5/192 FOR ACCOUNrNC USE OIVIyOrder No. Item DescriPtion Double 25 Ft. Chain : Link Gate Double 14 Ft. Chain ow 1 1 Unit LS LS1280I $1,750.00$1,750.00 Link Gate B.l. No. r277 Cost of ltem $2,500.00 Unit Price $2,500.00 Sch. No. I Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNTTNG USE Ofvtv Unit Price Cost of ltemItem DescriptionB.l. No.Unitotv . REQUINEDIndependent Estimate Atta o.o81 o Orig na Co ntract 2 40 D ue This c ha nge Ord er*o Previo us Total 240 DA TE:D4TEi I to the working daysThtsChangeOrderdoesnotthecriticalpath,a d cha ge made. 240 *This FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENTg.rr.rro.6r All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard Specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Prepared 8Y:Bloomer Date: 12 212020 Construction SuPervisor: Construction Manager: Date Date: /*t a6r/zr' 3 REV. DATE: 3lLsl19 November 13,2020 City of Kent 220 Fourlh Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Aftn; Cameron Bloomer Field Engine€r KBA, lnc. RE:07-3022 228th St UPRR Phase 5 COP 015 Fencing (RFP 004) SCARSETLA BROS IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL FOR THIS PROJECT: NOTES: Sincerely, Matthew Scarsella Project Manager ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OUANTITY UNIT PRICE BID AMOUNT 1 4'Fence Lonqer Posts LS 1.00 $320.00 $320.00 Prime Markup LS 12.000 $320.00 $38.40 2 6'Sinole Gate. 4'Tall LS 1 $ 1,020.00 $1,020.00 Prime Markuo LS 12.00o/o s 1.020.00 $122.40 3 E'Tail Chain I ink Fence LF 350.00 s 35.40 s 12.390.00 Prime Markuo LS 12.OOo/o s 12 390.00 s 1.486.80 4 8'Tall 14'Swino Gate LS 'l $ 1.904.00 $1.904,00 Prime Markun LS 12.OOo/"s 1.904.00 $228.48 TOTAL E 17.510.08 Enumclaw. ulA ,t t I '1516 Chinook Avenue, Enumclaw WA 98022 Ph 360-802-1059 Fax 360-450-5464 Contractor License CPFENPFSS2ME SCS Certiflcation #1 670 Date: 11l13l2OZA Scarsella Bros. Project: s 228th st UeRR Grade phase 5 RFP:004 Aftention: Matt We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of this projecl Scope of Work To Be Completed DESCRIPTION lnstall Longer Post for Black 4 ft. Chain Link Fence 6 FT X 4' Tall Black Coated Chain Link Gate I FT Tall Galvanized Chain Link Fence Type 1 Double 14 FT X 8' Tall Chain Link Gate -r*-**Respectfu lly Submitted:_ By: Paul Pohlman, cett @n@corncast.net Note; This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 45 Days. QTY LS 1 350 1 #BID 1 2 3 4 UNIT PRICE EXTENSION $ 320.00 $ 1,020.00 $ 12,390.00 $ 1,904,00 $ 1,020.00 $ 35.40 $ 1,904.00 TOTAL COST OF THIS ESTIMATE $ 15,634.00 We acknowledge addendum No. 0. King County Prevailing Wage Rates, Exclusions: lnsurance pr€miums for Waiver of Subrogation or primary wording, cl€aring and grading, concrete saw cutting and core drilling, bonding, surveys, signs, electric€l grounding oftenc€s, traffic control, painling and staining ofwood f€ncing, psrmits, survsying, labor agreements, staking lhs fenee line, hazardous waste training or removal, temporary fence, concrete mowing strips, post sleev€s/setting of post sleeves, damage to inigalion lines, padlocks, knox box, fonce removal. SUBMITTALS MUST BE APPROVEO AND RETURNED PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIAL THIS ESTIMATE IS TO 8E INCLUDEDAS AN EXHIBIT IN THE CONTRACT All material costs over $1,000 00 will bs subject to a joint check agr€emont provided by our supplier C & P Fencing requests thal retainage be paid 30 days after lheir work has been compl€ted, provided that all paperwork, warranties, payroll rsports, releases, elc, have been satisfied. 'Quote good for 45 days. Materials must be ordered and ehipped immediately in ord€r to guarant66 price. Material ord€rs not received immedialely are subject to any price increase initiated by our suppllers lN WITNESS OF WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto caused this Agreement to be executed. Date: 1111312020 Accepted Date FA Sheet No @)lndependent Cost Estimate coxltRUcTrot MAAAOETEXT a7-3022 Prime Contractor: Scarsella QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNTMATERIALS / SERVICE DESCRIPTION :. lnc Sub-Contractor: G and G I orated Project Name: 228th Ph 5 Description of Work: RFP 004 - Fenci Item No.: Work by Subcontractor?: X (mark"x" if yes) Project No Date s Extended posts for 4' chainlink s 3t EA 5 +,oo 5 124.0054 more per post, 31 posts Labor, additional digging. 10 mins per post, 2 guvs 10.3 Hrs S oo.oo S ozo.oo Total Extended Posts 5 744.OO 4' tall, 6'single swing gate Fabrication, 300, materia I s, 2AO, labor /equ ip 500.1 EA 5 1,000.00 $ r,ooo.oo $ 8' Fencing 5 Bl 1275 Bid price $30 LF 3s0 LF s 37.s0 $ 13,125.00 estimate 25% additional cost for inceased height, labor 5 Furnish and install 8'tall 14' wide gate replacing 6'L 5 2,012.s0 s 2,012.50 6' gate bid price 51,750, scale up 15% f or materials s s s suBTorAL-MATERTALS 5 16,881.50 suBcoNrRAcroR TorAL s 15,881.50 Verification of Hours Worked: c:;;i;;;i;7;'i;;;;;;;i;ii;A'6';;ii;;;';;;i 2ontraclor's Ropresantalive Sign ature Date Owner's Representalive (printed name) Owne r's Re presentalive Signaturc AaE Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 12olo MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) S 2,025.78 lf checked, lhis work is in dispule. By signing lhis form, parties are agreeing lo lhe time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlemenl to be determined at a later date. n SHEET TOTAL: $ 18,907.28 Prime Markup on Subcontractor: 12%: < $25,000 10%: $25,000 to $100,000 7%: > $100,000 ToTAL: S f0,egf.SO Items/Cost 1of1 P-13 (Rev. 7/12) KENT WasHrxcTofl Request for Proposal RFP OO4 07-3022 HLP 1216 (006) 10/1s/2020 Project Name: Contractor: Subject: S. 228th St lJnion Pocific Railrood Grade PW Project Number: Separotion - Phase 5 Scarsella Bros. lnc. FederalAid Number: Fencing Date: Provide a cost proposalfor the following: o Contract Drawine 37 of 68 -,For the 4' tall black vinyl chain link fence,_furnish and install longer fence posts from STA 4+49.47 to7+22.37. Post embedment shall be 3.5'minimum.r Contract Drawing 38 of 68 - Furnish and install a 6' wide by 4' tall black vinyl chain link single swing gate at - STA 5+65 R, centered at the existing MH casting.r Contract Drawing 43 of 68 - Furnish and lnstall 8' chain link fence along the UPRR property, from 19+41.50, 49.38', L to 19+42.02,98.23', R and from 2O+4L33,99.83', L to 20+42.03, gg.g3', R as called out under bid item 1275, o Contract DrawinE 43 of 58 - Furnish and lnstall 8' tall 14' wide gate as shown and called out under bid item 1280. Measurement and Payment: o 4' fence longer posts - Provide a LS price proposal r 6' single gate,4'tall - Provide a LS price proposal r 8' tall chain link fence - Provide a per LF price proposal o 8' tall 14' swing gate - Provide a LS price proposal. Attachment(sl: r None * @trW Date: _10ft9/2020- THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOES NOT PROVTDE FOR ETTHER A T|ME EXTENSTON OR A CHANGE tN THE CONTRACT pRtCE LABOR, EQU|PMENT, AND/OR MATERIAL OUTLINED SHALL BE PAID 8Y A CHANGE ORDER. KENT FILE NO: 2OO.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. O19 Construction Management Division - Public Works Project S. 228th St Union Pacific Railroad: Grade Separation Phase 5 Project Engineer: Cameron Bloomer, PE Project No.: 07-3022 Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: HLP-FMSTB-1216 (00s) Scarsella Bros. Inc.Owners Rep:KBA, Inc Date: L2/2/2020 I. PROPOSED CHANGE This Change makes the following revisions to the Contract Documents and provides compensation for the added work: . Contract Drawing 37 of 68 - For the 4'tall black vinyl chain link fence, furnish and install longer fence posts from STA 4+49.47 to 7+22.37. Post embedment shall be 3.5'minimum. o Contract Drawing 38 of 68 - Furnish and install a 6'wide by 4'tall black vinyl chain link single swing gate at - srA 6+65 R, centered at the existing MH casting. o Contract Drawing 43 of 68 - Furnish and Install 8'chain link fence along the UPRR property, from 19+4]-5O, 49.38' L to 19+42.02, 98.23' R and from 20+47.33,99.83' L to 20+42.03, 98.83' R as called out under bid item L275. . Contract Drawing 43 of 68 - Furnish and Install 8' tall 14' wide gate as shown and called out under bid item 1280. II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Longer Posts at 4' tall fence - The plans call for the fence to be placed at the top of slope, posts buried 2'deep and show the slope as a 2H:1V. The slope is closerto a 1:1, leaving less soil to support the fence posts. Longer posts are being used and driven deeper into the soil to provide adequate stability. 6'wide, 4'tall gate - there is a city owned MH in the fence alignment along the trail. The fence would prevent the MH lid from being removed. A gate is being installed which can swing out of the way for access. 8'fencing and gate along UPRR property - UPRR guidelines for overpasses require B'fencing be used al RR ROW. The ans called for 6'. rII. METHOD OF PAYMENT Chante Order No.FOR ACCOUNNNG USE ONLV 1 NEW PAY ITEM lVot REV. DATE: 3/7s/79 FILE NO: 2OO.2T<ENT Sch. No.Item Doscription Total Est. otv Qty tnis PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimatsd Cost of Item XII 4'Fence Lonqer Posts 1 0 LS $358.40 $358.40 XII 6'Sinole Gate. 4'tall 1 350 0 LS s7.L42.40 $1,742.40 I 8'Tall Chain Link Fence 0 LF $39,64 $13.876.80 I B'Tall 14'Swinq Gate 1 0 LS $2,732.48 $2,t32.48 n Independent Esti mate Attached - REOUIRED U CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date uoon comoletion of work U PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE Material Submittals Reouired - CC: Construction Coordinator New Sub Reqrd?No DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM 1-O9.5 Not Chan$e Order No.FOR ACCOUNIT'VG USE ONLY Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description Otv Unit Unit Price 1 LS $2,500.00 1 LS $1,750.00 Cost of ltem I 1277 Double 25 Ft. Chain Link Gate $2,500,00 I 1280 Double L4 Ft. Chain Link Gate $1,750.00 Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED 5) tx Change Order No.FOR ACCOUNNNG USE ONI.Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description ow Unit Unit Price Gost of hem Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED INCR IV. WORKING DAYS TO EXISTING PAY ITE Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * THIS PAY ESTIMATE *Total of the Cost of ftem Columns 13 260.O8 o Original Contract 240 Due This Ghange Orderx o Previous Total 240 DATE:DATE: *Exolanation/Justification Required: This Change Order does not impact the critical path, and no change to the working days is beino made. TOTAL WORKING DAYSX 240 xThis Change Order + Previous Total REV. DATE: 3hs/192 FILE NO: 2OO.2 KENT WASHINOTON All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the standard specifications and Coniract Special Provisions for the type of work described' Prepared BY:Cameron Bloomer Date: tzl2l2O2O Construction SuPervisor:Date: /z_,/2,/no /4' ,Construction Manager:Date: 3 REV. DATE: 3/t5179 1945 SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC. RE November 13,2020 City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Attn:Cameron Bloomer Field Engineer KBA, lnc. 07-3022 228th St. UPRR Phase 5 COP 015 Fencing (RFP 004) SCARSELLA BROS. IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING CHANGE ORDER PROPOSAL FOR THIS PROJECT: NOTES: Sincerely, Matthew Scarsella Project Manager ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE BID AMOUNT 1 4'Fence Longer Posts LS 1.00 $ 320.00 $320.00 Prime Markup LS 12.OOo/o $ 320.00 $38.40 2 6'Single Gate, 4'Tall LS ,|$ 1,020.00 $1,020.00 Prime Markup LS 12.OOo/"$ 1,020.00 $122.40 3 8'Tall Chain Link Fence LF 350.00 $35.40 $ 12.390.00 Prime Markup LS 12 000/"$ 12,390.00 $'1.486.80 4 8'Tall 14'Swinq Gate LS 1 $ 1.904.00 $1.904.00 Prime Markup LS 12.OOo/"$ 1,904.00 $228.48 TOTAL $ 17,s10.08 Enumclaw, WA 1 516 Chinook Avenue, Enumclaw WA 98022 Ph 360-802-1059 Fax 360-450-5464 Contractor License CPFENPFSS2ME SCS Certification #1670 Date: 1111312020 Scarsella Bros. Project: s 228th st upRR Grade phase S RFP:004 Aftention: Maft We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of this project QTY LS 1 350 1 #BID 1 2 3 4 Scope of Work To Be Completed DESCRIPTION lnstall Longer Post for Black 4 ft. Chain Link Fence 6 FT X 4' Tall Black Coated Chain Link Gate I FT Tall Galvanized Chain Link Fence Type 'l Double 14 FT X 8'Tall Chain Link Gate UNIT PRICE EXTENSION $ 320.00 $ 1,020.00 $ 12,390.00 $ 1,904.00 $ 1,020.00 $ 35.40 $ 1,904.00 TOTAL COST OF THIS ESTIMATE $ We acknowledge addendum No. 0. King County Prevailing Wage Rates. 15,634.00 Exclusions: lnsurance premiums for Waiver of Subrogation or primary wording, clearing and grading, concrete saw cutting and core drilling, bonding, surveys, signs, electrical grounding of fences, traffic control, painting and staining of wood fencing, permits, surveying, labor agreements, staking the fence line, hazardous waste training or removal, temporary fence, concrete mowing strips, post sleeves/setting of post sleeves, damage to irrigation lines, padlocks, knox box, fence removal. SUBMITTALS MUST BE APPROVED AND RETURNED PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIAL THIS ESTIMATE IS TO BE INCLUDED AS AN EXHIBIT IN THE CONTRACT All material costs over $1,000.00 will be subject to a joint check agreement provided by our supplier C & P Fencing requests that retainage be paid 30 days after their work has been completed, provided that all paperuork, warranties, payroll reports, releases, etc. have been satisfied. 'Quote good for 45 days. Materials must be ordered and shipped immediately in order to guarantee price. Material orders not received immediately are subject to any price increase initiated by our suppliers. lN WITNESS OF WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto caused this Agreement to be executed. =-__43. _ Respectfully Submitted Date: 1111312020 By: Paul Pohlman, Cell No. 253740-5841, ppohlman@comcast.net Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 45 Days Date: FA Sheet No. lndependent Cost Estimate coirlRucftofl X XAC:T8tr7 Prime Contractor: Scarsella Bro's, lnc MATERIALS / SERVICE DESCRIPTION OUANTIry UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Project Name: 228th Ph 5 Description of Work: RFP 004 - Fencing Item No. Sub-Contractor: G and G lnco 07-3022 7t/t3/2020 (mark "x" ff yes) orated Work by Subcontractor?x Project No: Date: s Extended posts for 4' chainlink s 54 more per post, 31 posts 31 EA S +.oo S rz+.oo Labor, additional digging. 10 mins per post, 2 guys 10.3 Hrs S oo.oo $ ozo.oo Total Extended Posts s 7t14.00 4'tall, 6' single swing gate Fabrication, 300, materials, 200, labor/equip 500.T EA s 1,000.00 s 1,000.00 s 8'Fencing s Bl L275 Bid price S30 LF 3s0 LF s 37.s0 S 13,125.00 estimate 25% additional cost for inceased height, labor s Furnish and install 8' tall L4' wide gate replacing 6'T S 2,012.50 S 2,012.50 6' gate bid price 5!,750, scale up 75%for materials s s s SUBToTAL-MATERTALS s 16,881.50 SUBCoNTRACTORTOTAL s 16,881.50 Verification of Hours Worked Contractot's Representative Signature Date name) Owne ls Representative Sign ature Date Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 12% MARKUP (for prime when subcontract work) S Z,OZS.tg lf checked, this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. SHEET TOTAL: $ 18,907.28 Prime Markup on Subcontractor: 12o/o: < $25,000 10ok: $25,000 to $100,000 7%: > $100,000 TOTAL: 5 t6,ggt.SO Items/Cost 1of1 P-13 (Rev. 7/12) KENT WASHTNGToN Request for Proposal RFP OO4 07-3022 HLP 1216 (006) 10/1s/2020 Project Name: Contractor: Subject: S. 228th St Union Pacific Railroad Grade PW Project Number: Seporation - Phase 5 Scarsella Bros. lnc. FederalAid Number: Fencing Date: Provide a cost proposal for the following: Contract Drawins 37 of 68 - For the 4' tall black vinyl chain link fence,_furnish and install longer fence posts from 5TA 4+49.47 to7+22.37. Post embedment shall be 3.5' minimum. Contract Drawins 38 of 68 - Furnish and install a 6' wide by 4' tall black vinyl chain link single swing gate at - STA 6+65 R, centered at the existing MH casting. o Contract Drawin e43of68-Furnish and lnstall 8' chain link fence along the UPRR property, from 19+41.50, 49.38' L to 19+42.02,98.23' R and from 2O+4L.33,99.83' L to 20+42.03, 98.83' R as called out under bid item 1275. Contract Drawine 43 of 68 - Furnish and lnstall 8' tall 14' wide gate as shown and called out under bid item 1280, Measurement and Payment: o 4' fence longer posts - Provide a LS price proposal o 6' single gate,4'tall- Provide a LS price proposal o 8' tall chain link fence - Provide a per LF price proposal e 8'tall 14' swing gate - Provide a LS price proposal. Attachment(s): o None %r,t,t amu a a a Date: _IO/I9/2020- THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHER A TIME EXTENSION OR A CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE. LABOR, EQUIPMENT, AND/OR MATERIAL OUTLINED SHALL BE PAID BY A CHANGE ORDER.