HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-065 - Change Order - #2 - ICON Materials - Meet Me on Meeker Sidewalk and Riverbend Driving Range Improvements - 01/12/2021Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor! Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHttcroN .E oLoc Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1t22t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: N/A Budget Account Number: R20086.641 1 0.1 20 & G20031.61 1 0.9476 Budget? ElYes tr No Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Eo fl IE ELotts E +,Eo E C'oLgl Vendor Name: ICON Materials Category: Contract Vendor Number 34467 Sub-Category: Change Order #2 Project Name: Meet Me On Meeker- SidewalURiverbend Project Details:lnstall 690 LF of 6' or 8' high fencing with 1" mesh to match existing that prevents golf balls to pass through Agreement Amount: $4A,227 .00 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: gid Termination Date: N/A Local Business? EYes @ No* xlf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cftyspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? tlYes E No Contract Number: cAG2020-065 gl tr*, = E$o=EE Gcgl UI Date Received by City Attorney Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ad(W22l7l_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR:ICON Materials ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:Meet Me On Meeker- Sidewalk/Riverbend ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :Februarv 16.2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Install 690 LF of 6' or 8' high fencing with 1" mesh to match existing that prevents golf balls to pass through, 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and WSST) $2,305,304.29 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $15,781.63 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $2,321,085.91 Current Change Order $36,570.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $3,657.00 Revised Contract Sum $2,361,312.91 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 100 Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) t00 Days Required (*) forthis Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 100 In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3, The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: DATE Its Print Name By: Its .Interim.PublicWorks DireELgr CITY OF KENT: Print Name : Chad Bieren , P.E. DATE: (signature) (tiile) 0r- CHANGE ORDER - 2OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's slgnature required) Kent Law Department {ln thls ield, yd mry €ocr dE dectmnlc tllepath {bEre the ontract h6 beq svedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT WAsHINGTON CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 2 Construction E nqineeri n Division - Public Works Project: Meet Me On Meeker - Russel Rd Project Engineer: Mark Madfai Capital Projects Brian Shields Manaqer: Project No.: Fed-Aid No.: Contractor: L9 - 30 L7, L9 - 3024,P K20 - 02 nla ICON Materials Date: Ot-O7-2O2L I. PROPOSED CHANGE Amend contract with CO-02 for the installation of 690 LF of fencing to match existing on site fencing. The fencing to be installed (to match existing and not allow golf balls to pass through) shall be 6 or 8' high (depending on location, common price), 1" mesh (9 guage), (3) L-5/8" OD rails,2- 3/8" OD line posts, and 2-7/8" OD end posts. The actual quantity installed is 690 LF, On PE7, previously paid 557 LF on Bi 1280C will be deducted, for a total quantity of 0 LF. Type 3 Fencing: -557 Lf @ $28.50 LF = ($15,874.50) New (match existing) Fencing: 690 LF @ $53.00 |-p = $36,570.00 Net add to contract: $20,695.50 II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Fencing specified in original contract did not match existing fence at Riverbend Driving Range Per COK Parks, fencing shall match exisiting fence, and be installed at 588 LF. The fencing to be installed (to match existing and not allow golf balls to pass through) shall be 6 or 8' high (depending on location, common price), 1" mesh (9 guage), (3) t-5/8" OD rails,2- 3/8" OD line posts, and 2-7/8" OD end posts. III. METHOD OF PAYMENT ChanSe Order No.FOR ACCOUNI'NG USE ONLY Sch. No Item Description Total Est. Qty Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Gost of Item c Install new chainlink fencing to match existinq 690 690 LF $s3,00 $36,570.00 n Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED U CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date upon completion of work PAY THIS PAY ESTIMATE Material Submittals Reouired - CC: Construction Coordinator New Sub Reqrd?No NEW PAY !TEM(S)Not Applicable 1 REV. DATE:3/27/78 FILE NO:2OO.2I<ENT DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 Not Chante Order No.FOR ACCOUNI'NC USE OIVT.Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of ltem Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED Change Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE ONT.Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Descriotion Qty Unit Unit Price Gost of ltem X Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED TNGREASE/DECREASE TO EX|ST|NG pAy |TEM(S)Not TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * IV. WORKING DAYS *Total of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $36,570.OO 70.oo Original Contract 100 Due This Change Orderx o Previous Total 0 DATE:DATE:*Exolanation/Justification Reouired: TOTAL WORKING DAYSX *This Change Order + Previous Total All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. Capital Projects Manager:Date:Ot*al"ruzt Construction Engineering Supervisor: 2 o Date: REV. DATE: 3/27/18 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT Construction Manager:Cs'Date 3 REV. DATE: 3/27/78 Itrpf! ICON MATERIALS I5O8 VALENTINE AVE PACtFtC, WA98047 {2061 57s-3200 Office o (206) 575-32O7 Fox ADDITIONAL WORK PRICII{G Project Name : Meet me On meeker Contractor : ICON Materials ICON Job # Request # !. 52.S60$ - 802 Date : 812412Q20Attention : Brian Shields ICON MATERIALS respectfully submifts this Additional Pricing Form which contains a quotation for a change in the contract sum ar the contract time in response to proposed modifications to the contract documents based on: E] Forward Priced Proposalf]EWO Work to be Performed EWO Work already Performed Explanation of Change(s) Revised Fence design. New fence will be similar to existing fence and comprised of (3) 1-5l8" OD Rails, 1" Mesh (9-Guage), 2-318" OD line Posts and2-7/8" OD end post (all set in concrete footings). see f t J { rt, I f I i 1ti I tI {-{d lt I I I trr II I {-l I I rt, 7:l I { rrrEt:I I I ll l'I :l[lt1! rul llt lr d rd { I {or lltrllrltrtt 1280C 1280C New Fencing Per Above Original Fence Cost 690 -557 LF 53.00 $ 28.50 $ 36,570.00 (1s,874.50)LF $ Net Add for Revised Fence $ 20,695.s0 ICON Materia Signature $ 36,570.00 General Contractor Signature: TOTAL ICON is requesting your review, acceptance and Change Order issuance it may app payment during the proper billing cycle. (,fl Atnaricrn FonceAi#lrlion,loc.ruoGoN FENCE/NEI CONTRACTORS 12510 S, E. Petrovitsky Rd. Renton, WA 98058-6706 Phone (425) 228-7296 Fax(425) 228-9969 Ema il: mcrnoriady@comcast. net To: Attn: From: No. of pages: Reference: Subject: UPDATED PROPOSAL #2 Icon Date:8/7112020 Bill Johnson billjohnson@iconmaterials.com Michael Moriarty 1 Meet me on Meeker - Cify of Kent Revised for added 6' high footage and Viewguard fabric at trash gate. Chain link fence at sides and end of driving range area: We propose to furnish and install the following all galvanize chain link fence for 6'18' high with (3) 1 518" od rails a 1" mesh (9-guage). Fences to be comprised of 2 318" od line posts with 2 718" od end posts (all set in concrete footings) with (3) | 5/8" od rails (ail CR40 full weight material) with l" mesh, 9 gauge, 1.2 oz chain link fabric similar to existing fence.. Up to 622 LF of 6'high. Up to 68 LF of 8' high f,umn Sum $ 33-.00 Plus Sales Tax TERSTS: Balance is due imnredistely upon comptetion with no retainer withheld. STANDARD EXcLIIsIoNs.ebaraS-grcdjtg$akiaglageti4gof lence line. locstine of utdeteround utilitv. tlafl],c ro-u!rp], electrical grounding, sleeves, bL outs, aslthalt patch, core drilling sona tubes, padlocks, any locking devices, saw cuiting, backfill, extra mobilizations, remoyal-of exllstinf fence. post pulling, mowstrios, curbs, bollards, hazardous waste training and removal of, wood or plastic slats, pipe gates, paintilg,_vinvt or lowder coatinn, tcm oorarv fence, guardrail, wire mesh, liquidated damages, sales iax, performance bonds, bid bonds, permits and union fees (non-union quote). All costs incured for drug testing perfortnance bonds and OCIP programs ino credit will be issued for any OCIP). lVarranty's mors than one ycar. QUALIFY: Sun'ey and grade hubs supplied by others prior to us mobilizing. We must have access to fence line with <tigging equipment and concrete truck. Please allow minimum 2 weeks for powdercoated or vinyl coated finished materials. WA Contractor Lic # MORIAEL}27R3 INSURANCE: Insurance coverage of$1,000.000 each occurrencc ($2,000,000 General Aggregate) included. Insurance certifications include CG2033 at no additional charge (requirements beyond CG2033 will result in additional charges). Waivers of subrogation endorsements add $150.00 per named entity, This proposal expires 14 days from proposal date due to urrstable steel market and prices beyond that will need to be confirmed at time ofcontract. Date accepted: Company: By:(Sign and Print Name of Authorized Officer) FAFR'C BAND (tYF.)STRETCHER BAR (TYP)TEI{SION TMRETIE WIRErYP.}FABRrc AAND ITYP,}STE€TCHER BAR OYPjt!oFUoooogd.oEND OR CORNER POSTTEIiSI{)N t 'lREHOG RINGS OYPJ -SPAC€D @ 24" (rN) MAX.END OR CORNER FOSTTE}ISION IMREPULI POSTTENSION WREPUI POSTrENSrOt{ WRETENSION U/IRE1000' - 0' MA)(500,-dLINE POST - SFAGED@ 10 (Fr) MAJ(.BRACEPOSTTEHStOr.lWRETVUST€O SE.VAGE(rYP.)BrKNI}CI(LED SEI-VAGFoYP.lTE{SION IA4RECTIAIN LINKF€I'{CE FABRICTENSION TIIRECOI,ICRETE POSTs,rsE (TYp.)PULL POST . SPACED@ 50o (FI) MA)(TENSION WRE10-sMAt. 0. MAJ(WEPULT POST - SPACED@ 1m0,(rD MA\.HOG Rttlcs ctYP.) -SPACED@24'0r{'M xNOTES1. All concrele post bases shall b6 1 d (in)mlnlmum dlmeter.2. Along lh€ bp and bottm, cing HogRings, fasten the Chain Link FineFabricto the Tersiqn WE within thelimits of th€ first tull iabric wBav€.3. Details arb illustratiw and shall notlimit hardErE design or Fo6t sel€ctionof any particular funcs Vps.4. Fencing shall be used for securlty andboundary delineation only.ARACE POSTll€ lvREsspAcED erYP.) -14. (rN| MAKFABRIC BANO WITHCSRRIAGE 8OLTA'.{DNUT- SPACED 1' (lI.OMAXPO$THETHOD OF FASTENIIIGSTRETCHER BAR TO POSTTIE VIIRECIYP.)lIEWRECTYPJaallSTRETCEERBAnFAERICHOG RINGS FYP.) -SPACEO @ 24' ltNl Un:rLINE POST - SPACED@ 10 (FD MACBRACEPOSISRACE POSTbF!oUIIEfTrE wlRES (IYP.) -SPACEo @ r{: (tN) MAX.+rErE,6XNUCKI"EOCWP)CIIAIN IINKFENCE FAERICCONCRETE POSTBrlrsE GYP.ITYPE 4LIiIE OR BRACE PGSTENO. CORXER OR PULL POSTPOSrPOST AI{O RAIL SPECIFICATIONS2'DtArn.2 1A DhM"l,Iot stzE(scH. d0)t.o.HPE1,85osEcnof,ROLT FORTED5.10U'E|GHT(rb/ft)3 r2"1 9a'q.6FENCE UNEFAAR1C LOOP -2 STDES{u;,e-u+ ip: {;q/29fcu'J LusDYrXf e?F.* c,...& r F Courgz+"nak^ e->.ist-1: "r<{EdJul 14 2015 I l;14 AMcHAtH LIilK FEHGE u*"TYPES 3 AND 4ATANDARD FLAN L-ZO.I OdSSHEE'T ' OF2SHEETSPTENSION VlIREFABHC BNND TTYP)STREICIIERBAR TTYPJTYPE 3TENSION IIVRETIE lIllREOYPJrfP.)STRETCTIERBAR(rYPJI0IlLWeillEb 56 OFdddTEBF&Jul l4 2015 I l:24 AMc^rh: c-.h a JJ*d 3'rl tr-op.frt d /" lnestFa"c:y SRACE BAND WTIiCARRIAGE SOI.T A'{D '{UTItr\'otnAY BRACE BANO rt,lTHCARRIAGE BOLTS ANO NUTSFAARIC aATID IA4THCARR!i6E SOLT AND NUTIIE wlRE - SPACED@ 14 (rt9 i/!A,'C (rYFJSIRFTCTGR BARTEM;IOII IA'REENSIONWRENNNBUCIGE1_IURNSUCXI€STRI-TCHER BAn ffyP.)TI'RNBTJCI(LErENStOil I.I|RESTREICHER EAR CIYP.'TENSION II'REE!qFoo>E6o1-ElaD OR C{tf,llER POSTDETAILSRACE POSTDETAILIENSION r''/tFESFAAR|C gAilD T'UTHCARRI,AGE BOL]AI{ONUlFYP.}TENSION WRESFABRIC SAND WTflC^RRIAGE BOLT ANONur6wP.)PII|I POST (lT El{) OR OORilEFTID€TAILTV\rc4VAY SRACE BANDC4RRI,AGE BOLTS AITIDV\'THNUTSA.TENSOil IVREBRACE BAND V'/ITHCARR1AGE BOLT AND NUTHOG RING - SPACED@ 24" (tN) MA(FULL POST (f,trrHtN Rtit)DETAILc^d 7-r&t2015 ll:14 AMJulCHAIN LIIIK FENGETYPES 3 AI{D 4gse!STANDARD PI,AH r.2O.IO.O3SHEST2OF2SHE€ISAFORCarperter. JcffJd 1,{2015 1l:25 AMWdhab tED'qfrd..rry'tr.-.w/: Shields, Brian From: Sent: To: Subject: Petersen, Pete Monday, August I0,2020 6:04 AM Shields, Brian RE: SKM_C658200803 16060.pdf Good morning Brian, I approve as by lcon the submitted Change Order for Schedule C fencing for the Driving Range Project. From: Shields, Brian Sent: Friday, August 07, 2020 10:41 AM To: Petersen, Pete Subject: Fwd : SKM_C65820080316060.pdf Get Outlook for iOS From: Johnson, Bill X (ICON Materials) <bill.iohnson@iconmateria ls.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 4,2O2O 9:45:07 AM To: Shields, Brian <BShields@kentwa.sov> Subject: SKM_C658200803 16060. pdf EXTERNAL EMAIL 1