HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-065 - Change Order - #1 - ICON Materials - Meet Me on Meeker Sidewalk and Riverbend Driving Range Improvements - 01/12/2021G oLoe Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 1t22t2021 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee EI Mayor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: R20086.641 10.120 & G20031.61 10.9476 Budget? EYes trNo Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WAgHrNcroN eo fl IE E.L orF5 *tg o EooLgl Vendor Name: ICON Materials Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34467 Sub-Category: Change Order #1 Project Name; Meet Me On Meeker- SidewalURiverbend Project Details:lnstall back-flow preventer's with pressure reducing valves at both the schedule B and C irrigation water source hookups not accounted for in the initial contract. Agreement Amount: $15,781 .63 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $i6l Termination Date: N/A Local Business? E Yes El No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cftyspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2020-065 olc iyI E$o=EE IEtr .9vt Date Received by city Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office; ad(W221/l_l_20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WASHINGfoN CHANGE ORDER NO. #L NAME OF CONTRACTOR:ICON Materials ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER:Meet Me On Meeker- Sidewalk/Riverbend ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :February 16, 2020 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to : Install backflow preventers with pressure reducing valves at both the schedule B and C irrigation water source hookups not accounted for in the initial contract. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $2,305,304.28 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $o.oo Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $2,305,304.28 Current Change Order $14,831.32 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $9s0.31 Revised Contract Sum $2,321,085.91 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (insert date) 100 100Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (*) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 100 In accordanc€ with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CITY OF KENT: fu 8o;* (signature) Print Name: Cho"l 4i*re.n Its 6n1+ttr Puili" LJql<r' O;'."1o2 (title) DATE: CONTRACTOR: lL I Print Name: DATE: By: CHANGE ORDER. 2 OF 3 ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (appllcable if Mayar's signature required) Kent Law Depaftment Ih thb neh, yd my enier tlE derlrcnk filegath wheE the cooFnqt has bs savedl CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 KE T FILE NO: 2OO.2 W^sB'NGroN CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 1 Construction Engineering Division -Public Works Project:Meet Me On Meeker - Russel Rd 1 9-30 1 7, 1 9 -3024,PK20-02 nla ICON Materials Project Engineer: Capital Projects Man Mark Madfair Brian Shields Project No.: Fed-Aid No.l Contractor: Dater 0L-06-202L I. PROPOSED CHANGE Amend contract with CO01 in relation to I adding to the scope of the work: ump sum bid item 8001 B by adding 95,328.36 and "Add new backflow preventer with pRV 1 I/2 inch,, and "Add quick coupler to pOC Assembly" and Amend contract with co-01 in relation lump sum bit item 8003 c by adding gg,503,06 andadding to the scope of the work: "Add new backflow preventer with pRV Deduct 2 L/2 inch Sch 40 mainline Add 2 inch Sch 40 mainline Add irrigation controller with stainless pedestal on concrete pad,, and "Add new quick coupler valve" Total co-01:L4 837.42 II. REASON AND BACKGROUND FOR CHANGE Co ntract des ig n d d n ot acco u n t fo r th e n e cessa ry nsta at io n o f b a ckfl OW pre V e nte rs W ithPressureReducngValvesatboththeSchedueBandschedulecrngattonWaterSOurce h ooku ps Co nt racto r id e n ri fi e d th e co n ft ict a n d pro p o s e d a ppropri a te ch a n I es a n d pn c n I III. METHOD OF PAYMENT NEW PAY |TEM(S)Not Applicable 1 Order FOR usEowl Sch. No.Item Description Total Est. Qty Qty this PE Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item B Irrigation System, Complete.1 7 LS $5,328.26 $s,328.26 REV. DATE: 3/27/t8 Schedule B c Irrigation System, Complete, Schedule C 1 1 LS $9,503.06 $9,503.06 U Independent Estimate Attached - REOUIRED !CREATE PAY ITEM ONLY - Payment to be made at a later date upon completion of work U PAYTHIS PAY ESTIMATE Material Submittals Required - CC: Construction Coordinator New Sub Reqrd?No KENT DELETE EXTSTTNG PAY !TEM(S)1-09.5 Not Applicable TNCREASE/DECREASE TO EX|ST|NG pAy !TEM(S)Not Applicable TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER * FILE NO: 2OO.2 xTotal of the Cost of Item Columns THIS PAY ESTIMATE $14,831.32 rV. WORKING DAVS Change Order No.FOR ACCOUN'T'VG USE ONLY Sch. No.B.l. No.Qtv Unit Unit Price Gost of ltem Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED Change Order No.FOR ACCOUNT'NG USE OTVT.Y Sch. No.B.l. No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Gost of ltem X Independent Estimate Attached - REQUIRED L.321 Original Contract Due This Change Order*Previous Total DATE:DATE:*Exolanation/Justl ired: TOTAL WORKING DAYS* *This Change Order + Previous Total All work' materials and measurements to be in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Contract Special Provisions for the type of work described. O f 'Q6 ..76L1 2 Capital Projects Manager:Date REV. DATE:3/27/18 FILE NO: 2OO.2KENT w^sHrNdioN Construction Engi neering Supervisor: Construction Manager: Date: Date: I 3 REV. DATE: 3/27118 IGON ICON MATERIALS 15OB VALENTINE AVE PAC|F|C, wA 98047 (206) 575-320A Office e (206) S7S-3207 Fox ADDITIONAL WORK PRIGING Project Name Contractor Attention : Meet me On meeker ICON Job # Request # Date m 8t24t2020 : ICON Materials : Brian Shields 002 lcoN MATERIALS respectfully subrnffs this Additional Pricing Form which contains a quotation for a change in the contract sum or thecontract time in response to proposed modifications to the contract documents based on: [| Fonvard Priced Proposal[: EWo work to be Performed EI EWo work already performed Explanation of Change(s) see individual pricing sheets fli{rlr IUII|I Illlliltrlrd{l(rrt\lrt.tt-- viltc viltc VIIIB VIIIB See 803 See 806 See _805 See 804 1 1 LS LS LS LS $ 9,15s.33 , $ $ 347.73 $ $ 4,956.38 $ :$ 371.98 . $ 9,155,33 347.73 4,956.38 L 1 .98371 General Contractor ICON Materials Signatu Signature $ 14,831.42 TOTAL lCoN is requesting your review, acceptance and change order issuance so it may apply for payment during the proper billing cycle. IGON ICON MAIERIALS i5O8 VALENTINE AVE PACIFIC, WA9BO47 (2061 575-3200 Office r (2061 57542A7 Fax EXTRA WORK ORDER FOR INTIINDED RECIPIENT ONLY l)0 ]'0T DISCLOSE ICON Job # Owner Proisct Name ICON Foreman : Bill Johnson City : Meet Me On Meeker Schedule Vlll C New Backflow Preventor with PRC, lrritation Controller with Stainless Steel pedestal on concrete pad. rcoN EWO # Contractor Ref # Date : 812412020 Employee Name Classification Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate 1 HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR s HR o HR $ Overtime Hours Worked Quantiiy Unit Rale HR $ HR $ HR e HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ Total $ $ $ $ D $ s $ $ Material Description Quantily Unit Cost f ax o/o Cost Total $ Equipment Description ( Make/Model/year)EO# ular Hours Worked Quantily Unit Rate HR s HR $ HR s HR s HR $ Hours on Standby Quantily Unit Rate HR 5 HR s HR $ HR $ HR s Total: Totel 5 s ) s s $ Name Service Buckley lrrigalion LABOR MATERIAL & RENTALS EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR BOND MARKUP Quantlty Unit Cost 1 LS $ 8,174.40 Tolal Total $ 8,174.40 $ 8,174.40 $ $ $ $ 8,174.40 $ 9,155.33 29.000/0 21.00o/o 21.OOo/o 12.0OYo 0.00o/o $ $ $ $ 9,155.33 $ poiornEd dutiog this pariod and thal ptavailng wagee hsve been paid to all laborers, wkerc or reclnilics on this Noject in ac@dan@ with the Statennl ol Inlsnt on lile with the Djsh|cl. represats Owner/Contractor ror"r,S! ilt{ txntililt August 1L, 7020 ICON MATERTALS 1508 Valentine Ave sERacific, wA 98042 16819 - 92nd Str€et East . Surnnsr, WA 98390-8154 Phone (253) 863-9569 . FAX (253) 863-1545 Buck[ey NuRsERy CoMpANy/ lNC. RE: SUB]: ATTN: Meet Me on Meeker coP #L niverbend rarlcing Lot rmprovements ei I I Johnson ei11, To follow is the pricing for the irrigatjon changes discussed at the site legt'!ng qf B/7/20.with.the_city.of,rent. and parl<3 Department. rrrigationPri ci ng does not i ncl ude El ectri ca1 hool<-up to rrri ghti on control I 6r. ADD NEW BACKFLOW PREVENTOR WTTH PRV MATERTAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT BACKFLOW CERTTFICATION TEST FEE ANN TDDT':A anN'rDnt LER hlTTlJ C-r^Tf,lt trcc Dtrntrc.-rar ON CONCRETE.,-PA-D MATERTAL LABoR & reurpuetqr TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VTIT C ROADSIDE RESTORATION- RIVERBEND DRIVING RANGE IMPROVEMENTS Regards, opave 6ftcmmtngt Dave Hemmings $L,7 $2, 3 $23 s L4.75 33.87 .00 <$644.00> $378.00 $2 ,403 .67 $1,753.1"1 $8, 174 " 40 an tgual opportunity EnpToyer ICON MATERIALS 1508 VALENTINE AVE PACIFIC, WA 98047 (2061 575-32A0 Office r (2061 StS-3207 Fax EXTRA WORK ORDER FOR INTENDED RITCIPIENT ONLy DO NO'I'DISCLOSBrGoil ICON Job # Owner ProJect Name .E : City of Kent : Meet Me On Meeker ICON Foreman : Bill Johnson lcoN EWO # Contractor Ref # Date 8124t2020 Schedule Vlll C Add new Quick Coupler Employee Name Classification R€gular Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate 1 HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR a HR e Overtime Hour6 Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR $ HR o HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR s HR $ Total $ $ $ $ $ { a $ $ Material Quantity Unit Cost Tax o/o Cost Total @ _ Eqyipment Description (Make/Modeliyear)EQ# Regular Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR s HR s HR s HR s HR $ Hours on Standby Quantity Unit Rate HR s HR s HR s HR 5 HR s Tota Total s 5 s $ $ Name Service Buckley lrrigation Quantity Unit Cost 1 LS s 310.47 LABOR MATERIAL & RENTALS ESUIPMENT SUBCONTRAGTOR BOND MARKUP $ $ $ $ 310.47 s 347.73 29.00% 21,00% 21.00o/o 12.OOo/o 0,00% $ $ $ $ 347.79 s Total $ 310.47 $ 310.47 perfotred durlng this psriod and lhat Fevailtng wagos hav6 been paid to gtt laborers, workerc ot ntechanlcs on rhis projscr in awdane with rhe srarercnt or lnrent on fire with lne Dk..ict. lcoN @recl rout'Q Iftll\ixntil#t August 19, ?020 ICON MATERIALS L508 valentine Ave SEeacific, tliA 98042 16819 - 92nd Street East . Sumnbr, WA SBS90-8154 Phone (253) 863-9563 . FAX (aso) B6s-154s Buck[ey NuRsERy CoMpANy/ lNC. RE: SUBJ : ATTN; Meet Me on Meel<er coP_#l--A Riverbend narking Lot rmprovementssill Johnson sill, TI waq,brought-lo my attention by my foreman in the field that cop L fortne addecl bacl(f low & PRV assembly was deficient of a euick Couple Valve towinterize the i.Ii.ql!l9n pvstem.'r tr.ive-ijn;;'trao'.omtrnit'uii6[i"*iir.r iiivrnspector lason Bryant(substituting for Brian shields) and coif-compiexManager Pete .Peterson. noth partjes have concurred eNc should nioUlaepric.ing-to add this apparatus'to the poc. Here to foliow i;;breitaown 19 :yPqly,!J+Igria'ls ahil labor for installation. -irrii apparatus wiTt notrequi re addi ti onal submi tta'l i nformati on as (1) eut ck cbilpt e i vaive i sshown on sch n which cut sheets hai been pFeiTouiiv-iu6ilTtt;; ni'aNc. ADD N OUTCK COTJPL VALVE MATERIAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VITT C ROADSIDE RESTOMTION- RIVERBEND DRTVING MNGE IMPROVEMENTS Regards, opave gftemmingt Dave Hemmings $261-. 19 $49.28 $310.47 An EquaI Opportunity tnployer ICON MATERIALS I5OB VALENTINE AVE PACtFtC, WA 9804/ (2061 57s,3200 Office r (206) 575-320t Fox EXTRA WORK ORDER IiOR INTENDED RECIPIENT ONI,Y DO NOI' I)ISCI,OS}]IGONAlltrtsr^t> ICON Job # Owner Project Name 're: Cily of Kent : MeJt M" On tr,teet er ICON Foreman : Bill Johnson tcoN Ewo # Contractor Ref # Date 812412020 Schedule Vlll B Add new Backflow Preventor with pRV 1-1/2" Employee Name Classificalion Regular Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate 1 HR $ HR $ HR c HR $ HR c HR $ HR $ HR $ Overtime Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Material Description Quantit Unit Cost Tax o/o Cost Total $ Equipment Description EO# Regular Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rat€ HR ( HR ) HR ) HR $ HR s Hours on Standby Quantity Unil Rate HR 5 HR $ HR $ HR 5 HR s Total 5 5 5 s 5 $ Name Service Buckley Nursery lrrigation LABOR MATERIAL & RENTALS EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR BONO MARKUP Quantity Unit Cost 1 LS $ 4,425,34 Total Total $ 4,425.34 $ 4,425.34 $ 4,425.34 $ 4,956.38 29.O9a/o 21.O04/o 21.00vo 12.000/o 0.00% $ $ $ $ 4,956.38 $ peiorred during this period and that prsvaillng wges have been paid lo ail tEborcrs, wotkers ormchani* on this projscl in ac@tdan@ with ths Slalarent of tnlenl on frte with lhs Disticl. rcpre*nls lrue rcoN rotat'@ Itt ilnflillt I\Bucklry NuRSERy CoMpANy/ lNC. 18819 - S2nd Street East . Sumner, WA 98990-81b4 Phone (253) 863-9569 . FAX (zsg) A6a-1548 August 1"L, 202A ICON MATERTALS 1508 valentine Ave sEPacific, wA 98047 RE: SUB] : ATTN: Meet Me on Meeker CoP #2 sch. e add eackflow with pRV Bi I I Johnson ni i'l , ro follow is the pricing for the'irrigation changes discussed at the sitemeeting of B/7/20', with"the cr'ty of riEni ino-pi'i[i-p6pi.trilent. tt MATERAIL CLUDTNG USE LABOR & EQUTPMENT BACKFLOW CERTIFICATION TEST FEE TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VTII B ROADSTDE RESTORATION MEET ME ON MEEKER Regards, opave qftemmingt Dave Hemmings $1, 856 . 47 $2, 333 . 87 s?3 5_.Oq $4,425 .34 An Egual Opportunity enployer ICON Job # Owner Projoct Nam€ 'E: City of Kent Meet Me On Meeker ICON MATERIALS I5OB VALENTINE AVE PACIFtC, wA98047 (2061 575-3200 Office r (2O61S7S-3207 Fax ICON Foreman : Bill Johnson EXTRA WORK ORDER FOR IN'I'ENDED RECIPIENT ONL}' DO NOT DISCLOSI4 rcoN EWO# Contractor Ref # Drte | 8l24l2o2o IGON Scheduie Vlll B Add Quick Coupler Valve to pOC assernbly Employee Name Classification Regular Hours Wo*ed Quanlity Unit Rate 1 HR $ HR 0 HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ Overlime Hours Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR $ HR $ HR c HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ HR $ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Material Description Quantity Unit Cost Tax o/o Cost Total $ Equipmenl (Make/Model/Year)E0# Regu Worked Quantity Unit Rate HR ) HR s HR s HR 5 HR s Hours on Slandby Ouantity Unit Rate HR s HR s HR 5 HR I HR s Total 5 s I I ( $ Name Service Buckley lrrigation LABOR MATERIAL & RENTATS EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR BOND MARKUP Quantity Unit Cost 1 LS $ 332.06 Total Total $ 332.06 $ 332.06 $ $ $ $ 332.06 $ 371.91 29.O0o/o 21.00o/o 21.000/o 'l2.OOo/o 0.00q/o $ $ $ $ 371.91 $ 6ftedpedotredlhisdunngperiodlhatandboenhavewagesUeveillnglopaldall orwo*erclaborerc, onnEchanics inlhis,prcjecl withac@rdaM lhe Stalemenl lnlentof lleon the Disticr. rotrt'p illt fintliltt August L9, 202A rCON MATERTALS 1508 valentine Ave sEPacific, WA 98047 16819 - 92nd Street East . Sumnor, WA g8g90-4154 Phone (253) 863-9563 . FAX (253) 863-1s45 B Add quicl< coupler Valve to poc Assembly. Bucklry NuRsERy CoMpANy, lNC. RE: SUBJ: ATTN: Meet Me on Meel<er CoP #2-R sch si I I Johnson si11, For the citv of Kent's consideration gNlc is supplying.the cost in a changeof9gr for a-pqjck couplei vaive;!;;mb1'y- at the poc which was not inctuded ryi tn the eackf1ow. ald' PRV proposal . itr6 qul iii-cbJpt ". 'nrr.rbl y woul d befgr use'of winteriztng the'syttem yeariv, ' r-wouia-jiLe'-i;"-i';+6rni"ir,I citvthere is a Quick cgypTsr valve io 6e--iniiatteo-it-rtu.-t+*zs as part oF'"'the. new fystem. rhib Jocation wouio noi-ue a tvpiiiT-riiiiioil"f|;''wlnterizing the entire system but can be done ii'the city io-eteiis. 1 lv I MATERAIL INCLUDING USE LABoR & EQUIPMENT TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VTTI B ROADSIDE RESTORATIONMEET ME ON MEEKER Regards, "pave gftemmtngt Dave ttemmi ngs $282.75 $49.28 $332 .06 An Equal opportunity rnptoyer Shields, Brian From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Johnson, Bill X (ICON Materials) <billjohnson@iconmaterials.com> Tuesday, August LL,2020 11:10 AM Shields, Brian Fwd: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNC cop #1 & cop #2 - Irrigation submittals Meet Me On Meeker - BNC COP #L Sch. C Riverbend Parking Lot Improvements lrr. Changes.pdf; ATT00001.htm; Meet Me on Meeker - BNc cop #2 Sch B Irr. changes.pdf; ATT00002.htm; FW: H.D. Fowler Submittal for B423LO9 - SCHED C DCV, pRV, CONTROLLER MEET ME ON MEEKER - SCHED C DCV, PRV, CONTROLLER MEET ME ON MEEKER; ATT00003.htm Brian please see below Begin forwarded message From: Dave Hemmings <dhem m ings@buckleyn u rserv.com> Date: August 1.t,2020 at !O:47:15 AM pDT To: "Johnson Bill (ICON)" <Bill.Johnson@oldcastlematerials.com> cc: "tvler.townsend@iconmaterials.com" <tvler.townsend@iconmaterials.com>, "ma rk.eichel berger@ iconmateria ls.com " <ma rk.eichelberger@icon materials.com> Subject: [EXT] Meet Me On Meeker - BNC COP #1 & COP #2 - trigation Submittals Bill, Attached are the following: . COP #1 Sch Vlll C Riverside Driving Range lmprovements - lrrigation Changes ' COP #2 Sch Vlll B Roadside Restoration Meet Me On Meeker - lrrigation Changes. lrrigation Submittals for new apparatus, Link provided- Please forward to Engineer for review and comment BNC requests a timely response from the Engineer on the City's final determination if Change orders are to proceed with installation. lrrigation material is in short supply and high demand. Our supplier has indicated shortages throughout the industry and we will have to order the backflow preventors immediately. Thank you, Dave Hemmings BUCKLEY NURSERY COMPANY .com 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL dhemm ucklevn u office: fax: cell: (253) 863-e553 (2s3) 863-{ 545 (2s3) 4Os-O66{ CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you are expecting this email and know the contents are safe. ATTENTION: Ce courriel vient de I'exterieur de I'entreprise. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens, et n'ouvrez pas les pidces jointes, d moins que vous ne connaissiez I'expdditeur du courriel et savez que le contenu est s6curitaire. 2 Shields, Brian From: Sent: To: Petersen, Pete Thursday, August 13, 2020 8:40 AM Shields, Brian RE: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNc cop #1 & cop #2 - Irrigation submittalsSubject: Bria n, Good to go, I approve From: Shields, Brian Sent: Tuesday, August 1I,2020 2:26 pM To: Petersen, Pete Subject: FW: [EXT] Meet Me On Meeker - BNC COP #1 & COP #2 - Irrigation Submittals Pete, Please see COP #1'for Sched. C items. Let me know if you concur and we willget this going. Brian Shields, Senior Construction Inspector Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 l{ainlCell 253-293-4973 | Desk 2s3-ss6-6s10 bshields@ KentWA.oov CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON KentWA.oov Facebook,. :,.,.,.,. YouTube FLFASE CONSI&ER THf ENVIRONMEruT AEFORE PRINTINS Ti.{'S E.I.iAiL From: Johnson, BillX (ICON Materials) tmaitto:Oitt.jonns lSent: Tuesday, August LI,2020 11:10 AM To: Shields, Brian Subject: Fwd: [EKf] Meet Me On Meeker - BNC COP #1 & COP #2 - Irrigation Submittals Brian please see below Begin forwarded message From: Dave Hemmings <d hem m ings@ bucklevn u rserv.com> Date: August tL,2O2O at 70:47:LS AM pDT To: "Johnson Bill (ICON)" <Bill.Johnson@oldcastlematerials.com> Cc: "tvler.townsend@iconmaterials.com" <tvler.townsend@iconmaterials.com>, "ma rk.eichelberger@ iconmateria ls.com " <ma rk.eichelberger@ icon materials.com> Subject: [EXTI Meet Me On Meeker - BNC COP fl& COP #2 - trrigation Submittals Bill, Attached are the following: . COP #1 Sch Vlll C Riverside Driving Range lmprovements - lrrigation Changes I EXTERNAL EMAIL ' coP #2 Sch Vlll B Roadside Restoration Meet Me On Meeker - lrrigation Changes ' lrrigation Submittals for new apparatus, Link provided- please forward to Engineer forreview and comment BNC requests a timely response from the Engineer on the City's final determination if Changeorders are to proceed with installation. lrrigation material is in short supply and highdemand' our supplier has indicated shortages throughout the industry and we will have toorder the backflow preventors immediately. Thank you, Dave Hemmings BUCKLEY NURSERY COMPANY dhemminq ckl urserv .com office: fax: (2s31 863-9563 (2s3) 863-{ 545 (253) 405-0661il:cc! CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or openattachments unless y_ou are expecting this email and knoi the contents are safe. ATTENTION:Ce courriel vient de I'exterieur de I'entreprirg. N: cliquez pas sur les liens, et n,ouvrez pas lespidces jointes, i moins que vous ne connaissiez I'exp8diteur du courriel et savez que le contenuest s6curitaire. 2 Shields, Brian From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hi Brian, No comments. Good to go Thanks KENT Almaroof, Abdulnaser Wednesday, August 1,2, 2O2O L1:49 AM Shields, Brian Madfai, Mark RE: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNc cop #1 & cop #2 - Irrigation submittals Abdulnaser Almaroof, Design Engineer II Design Engineering I public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5535 AAlmaroof@kentwa.qov www.KentWA.oov PLFASi CCi{sloER THE FITVIRoi!MENT BTFORE pRIilTiI{G r;{Is E.M-qIL From: Shields, Brian <BShields@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August t7,ZO2O2:37 pM To: Alma roof, Abdu lnaser <AAl ma roof(d ke ntwa.sov> Subject: FW: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNc coP #1 & cop #2 - trrigation Submittals Abdulnaser, Please see coP #2for pricing on the necessary backflow preventer and pRV needed for sched A/B irrigation section Letmeknowifyouhaveanyquestions. lwillrunitthroughPaul/Ericoncelhaveyourconcurrence. Thanksl Brian Shields, Senior Construction Inspector Construction Management I public Works Department 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA 9g032 |4ainlCell 253-293-4973 | Desk 2s3-8s6_6s1o bshields@KentWA.oov crTY oF KENT, WASHTNGTON KentWA.oov Facebook,,.t., youTube PLEASE CCruSIDER THE Ei..IVTROI!MFruT S,FORE PR]I{TING TH,s ,.MArL From: Johnson, BillX (ICON Materials) t tSent: Tuesday, August LL, ZOZO 11:10 AM To: Shields, Brian Subject: Fwd: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNc cOP #1 & Cop #2 - Irrigation Submittats Brian please see below 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL Begin forwarded message: From: Dave Hemmings <dhemmines@buckle > Date: August L1-,2O2O at 1O:47:I5 AM pDT To: "Johnson Bill(ICON)" < > Cc: "tvler.townsend@iconmaterials.com". r,"mark.eichelberger@iconmateria|s.com,'.r.rk."i.hu|b. ,subject: [EXT] Meet Me on Meeker - BNc cop #1 & cop #2 - trrigation submittals Bilt, Attached are the following: ' CoP #1 Sch Vlll C Riverside Driving Range lmprovements - lrrigation Changes ' CoP #2 Sch vlll B Roadside Restoration Meet Me on Meeker - lrrigation Chrng.,' lrrigation submittals for new apparatus, Link provided- please forward to Engineer forreview and comment BNC requests a timely response from the Engineer on the city's final determination if changeorders are to proceed with installation. lrrigation material is in short supply and highdemand' our supplier has indicated shortages throughout the industry and we will have toorder the backflow preventors immediately. Thank you, Dave Hemmings BUCKLEY NURSERY GOMPANY dhemmi u rse .comI office: fax: cell: (253) 863-9563 (253) 863-1s45 (2531405-066{ CAUTION: This email originated fromoutside of the organization. Do not click links or openattachments unless y_ou are expecting this email and knoi the contents are safe. ATTENTIoN:Ce courriel vient de I'exterieur de I'entreprisg. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens, et n,ouvrez pas lespidces jointes, d moins que vous ne connaissiez I'expSditeur du courriel et savez que le contenuest s6curitaire. 2 I///t \txntiltlt August L1-, 2020 ICON MATERTALS 1508 valentine Ave sEPacific, WA 98047 16819 - 92nd Street East . Sumner, WA 9S390-8154 Phone (253) 863-e503 . FAX (253) 863-1545 Buck[ey NuRsERy CoMpANy/ lruc. RE: SUBJ; ATTN: Meet Me on Meeker coP #2 Sch. e add eackflow with pRV ei I I Johnson ei11, ro follow i meeting of st 8/7 oe(s he pricing for the irriqation chan/20, wi th the ci ty of r<6nt and par s discussed at the site Department. $1, 85 6 ,47 $2,333.97 $23s.00 $4,425 .34 ,, MATERATL NCLUDTNG USE LABOR & EQUIPMENT BACKFLOW CERTIFTCATTON TEST FEE TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VITI B ROADSIDE RESTOMTION MEET ME ON MEEKER Regards, opave 4ftemmingt Dave Hemmings An Equal opportunity tnployer llt1 txflt$itt I I.Buck[ry NuRsERy CoMpANy/ lNc. 16819 - 92nd Streel East . Sumner, WA 98990-8154 Phone (2s3) 863-9563 ' FAX (253) 863-154s August 11, 2020 ICON MATERIALS L508 valentine Ave SEeacific, wA 99047 RE: SUBJ : ATTN: Meet Me on Meeker Ca?-#L Riverbend rarking Lot rmprovementsni I I Johnson Bill, To follow it llg^pricjng.for the'irrigation changes discussed at the sitemeet'ing of B/7/20'with [he city.of_<eii-ana p;rk;-0"["itnrent. firisitioneri ci ng does not i ncl ude el ect-r'i cal nooklup to iiriqlii on control I er. App NEW BACKFLOW PREVENTOR- WrTH pRV MATERTAL LABOR & rqurenrenr BACKFLOW CERTTFICATION TEST FEE $ $ $1" $2 $2 ,71"4.75 ,333.97 3s.00 tl 644.00> 378.00 4DD TRRTGATTON CONTROLLER I TTH STATNLESS PEDESTAL ON CONCRETE PAD MATERTAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT TOTAL ADD SCHEDULE VTTI C ROADSIDE RESTORATTON- RTVERBEND DRIVING MNGE IMPROVEMENTS Regards, opave gftenmtngt $2,403.67 $1. 7s3 . L1 $8 , 174.40 Dave Hemmi ngs An Equal opportunity EnpT7yer