HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2001-0557 - Amendment - #1 - King County - Borden Chemical Loan Agreement - 03/28/2003 � l GJ AMENDMENT TO LOAN AGREEMENT This Amendment, dated for reference purposes ,V , 2003, is entered into by and between CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter called the`Borrower" and KING COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter the "Lender"), AMENDMENT RECITALS In February of 2001, the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation(hereinafter the `Borrower") and King County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter the"Lender"), entered into a Loan Agreement related to property known as the Borden Chemical Plant in Kent, Washington The parties also executed a Promissory Note for $9,000,000 00 on February 9, 2000 This amendment (the"Amendment") to the Loan Agreement modifies the recitals, terms, conditions and covenants set forth in that Loan Agreement A complete copy of the Loan Agreement is attached to this Amendment and identified as Attachment 1 The purpose of this Amendment is 1)to ensure that the Agreement meets the requirements set forth in Community Development Block Grant Program (hereinafter "CDBG") Regulations at 24 CFR Part 570 503(b) to constitute a subrecipient agreement for acquisition of real property, and 2) to ensure that the use of the real property acquired with funds provided under this Agreement is consistent with the national objective for the CDBG Program specified at 24 CFR Part 570 208(a)(4) In consideration for this Amendment to Loan Agreement, King County agrees to accept a Substitute Promissory Note with the same terms as the Promissory Note referenced above, except that the rate of interest on the Note will be 2% after June 30, 2002 and a upon receipt of the Substitute Promissory Note agrees to cancel the February 9, 2000 Promissory Note AMENDMENTS The Borrower and Lender agree to the following amendments to the Agreement (in) The Loan Agreement shall be re-named Subrecipient Loan Agreement (2) The RECITALS provision of the Agreement, is hereby amended as follows Paragraph A is hereby amended as follows. The phrase "multi-family housing"is deleted from the second sentence 1 (3) ARTICLE V of the Agreement, BORROWER'S LOAN COVENANTS, is hereby amended as follows Paragraph 5 2 is hereby amended as follows 52 Change to Protect (a) There shall be no material change to the Project without the prior written approval of the lender and, to the extent that such approvals may be required, the appropriate governmental authorities (b) In the event Borrower wishes to undertake a housing activity on the property acquired with the loan proceeds, Borrower must execute a subrecipient agreement with Lender prior to undertaking the activity. Paragrrah 5 3 is hereby amended as follows 5.3 Compliance with Laws. Borrower's use of the proceeds of the Loan and the project shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and executive orders of federal, state, county or municipal governments or agencies, including, but not limited to the following Public Law 88-352,which is title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 United States Code et seq ) and regulations at 24 CFR Part 1, Public Law 90-284, which is the Fair Housing Act (42 United States Code 3601-3620), Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executive Order 12259 (3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp ,p 652, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp ,p 307) and regulations at 24 CFR Part 107, Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and regulations at 24 CFR Part 8 and 24 CFR Part 146, Section 110(a) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and regulations at 24 CFR Part 70; Section 202(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 United States Code 4106) and regulations at 44 CFR Parts 59 through 79, The Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (42 United States Code 4601-4655) and regulations at 49 CFR Part 24, Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; 24 CFR Part 5, and those provisions of 24 CFR Part 85 and OMB Circular A-87 that are specified at 24 CFR Part 502(a) Paragraph 5 9 is hereby revised to read as follows- Program Income Borrower shall return to Lender all CDBG Program Income, as defined at 570 500 (a), and including the following (i) principal and interest payments, (n) any additional proceeds that may be due from the borrower's disposition by sale or long-term lease of the property purchased or improved with CDBG funds, as noted in Paragraph 7 16 below, and (in) repayment of any amounts specified in Paragraph 5 14 Paragraph 5 10 is hereby deleted in its entirety Paragraph 5 12 is hereby deleted in its entirety Paragraph 5 13(a) is hereby amended as follows (a) Borrower, Private Developer and any subsequent owners of the Property shall require in the lease with each Tenant a provision requiring the Tenant to provide documentation regarding the specific job titles and number of permanent full-time equivalent lobs to be created, and the household size and annual household income of persons subsequently hired for those lobs The information shall be provided in a format approved by Lender Exhibit D, King County Job Creation Summary Form, and Exhibit E, King County Employee Income Verification Form, both of which are attached and incorporated by this reference, are the current acceptable formats Borrower, Private Developer and any subsequent owners of the Property shall use HUD income guidelines in effect at the time of hiring Such income guidelines shall be obtained from Lender The following Paragraph 5 13(c) is hereby mcgMorated as follows: (c) Borrower shall include the requirement set forth in Subparagraph (a)to Paragraph 5 13, above, as a condition of transfer of the ownership of the Property to the Private Developer Such condition shall be set forth in a covenant running with the Property in favor of Lender that must be recorded at the time of closing The covenant may be extinguished with Lender's prior written consent upon completion of the Project Completion of the project shall be defined in Section 717 Paragraph 5 13(d) is hereby deleted in its entirety Paragraph 5 14 is hereby amended as follows Borrower shall repay to lender an amount equal to at a minimum (1) the interest rate subsidy which shall be defined as the difference between lender's loan interest rate and the Borrower's normal cost of borrowing funds as of February 9, 2001, less the loan fee and the cost of the letter of credit plus (it) additional funds if any calculated as follows the current fair market value of the Property less any portion attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds, and less any principal and interest payments made pursuant to the Note if any of the following occurs- (a) Borrower falls to sell, lease or transfer the Property to a Private Developer within 173 months of February 9, 2000; (b) The Private Developer fails to (1)secure financing, (2) obtain all necessary construction permits, and (3) commence construction of the Project within 179 months of February 9, 2000; (c) Borrower fails to provide documentation (as stated above)to the Lender evidencing that a minimum of 51% of the permanent full time equivalent lobs created were filled by persons from low- and moderate-income households within 203 months of February 9, 2000, (d) Once the minimum 51% achieved per subparagraph (c) above, borrower fails to continue to use the real property in accordance with the CDBG national objectives in 570 208 (a) (4)through the date of project completion defined at Section 7 17, or (e) Borrower transfers any portion of the Property and fails to record a covenant as required under Section 5.13(c) _ Para rah 5 17 is hereby amended as follows- (a) The Borrower shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and project records and other such records as may be deemed necessary by the Lender to ensure proper accounting for all funds provided under this Agreement and compliance with all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (b)Records required to be maintained in subsection (a) above shall be maintained for a period of six (6) years after the completion of the Project Completion of the Project is defined in Paragraph 7 17 (c) The Borrower shall inform the Lender in writing of the location, if different from the Borrower address set forth in this Agreement, of the aforesaid books, records, documents, and other evidence and shall notify the Lender in writing of any changes in location within ten (10) working days of any such relocation (d) Exceptions to the six (6) year retention period are as follows Records that are the subject of audit findings shall be retained by Borrower until such findings have been resolved (e) Financial records shall identify adequately the source and application of all funds provided under this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of 24 CFR Part 85, Subpart C Financial Administration, and the U S Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87. These records shall contain information pertaining to authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays, and income (f) The Borrower's record keeping with respect to real property acquired with funds provided under this Agreement must comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 (g) The Borrower agrees to maintain racial, ethnic,persons with disabilities, single female head of household, single male head of household, household income, and gender data showing the extent to which these categories of persons have participated in, or benefited from, the Project (h) The Borrower shall maintain documentation of the affirmative action measures the Borrower has taken to overcome prior discrimination if a court or the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development has found that the Borrower has previously discriminated against persons on the grounds of race, color,national origin or sex in administering a program or activity funded in whole or in part with CDBG funds pursuant to 24 CFR Part 121. (4)ARTICLE VII of the Agreement, MISCELLANEOUS, is hereby amended as follows- Paragraph 7 13 is hereby amended as follows: 7.13 Conflict of Interest The Borrower covenants that no officer, elected official, employee, appointed officials, consultant, or agent of the Borrower who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the Project shall have any person financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement The Borrower shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance with this provision and the requirements set forth in 24 CFR Part 570.611. The following new Parag_ra_ph 7 15 is hereby incoWorated as follows 7.15 Termination for Convenience In accordance with 24 CFR Part 85.44, this Agreement may be terminated by the Lender, in whole or in part, for convenience. The following new Paragraph 7 16 is hereby incoMorated as follows 7.16 Reversion of Assets Upon completion of the project as defined in paragraph 7 17 the Borrower shall transfer to the Lender any CDBG funds provided under this Agreement and on hand at the time of tennmation and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG funds provided under this Agreement Borrower agrees that real property purchased with CDBG funds will be used in accordance with the CDBG national objectives in 570 208 until at least the date of project completion defined at Section 7 17, or borrower will pay to lender additional funds if any calculated as follows the current fair market value of the property less any portion attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds, and less any principal and interest payments already made pursuant to the Note In calculating the amount of principal and interest payments to subtract for this purpose, the actual amounts paid in the past shall be adjusted to reflect the present value of those payments The following new paragraph 7.17 is hereby incoMorated as follows: 7 17 Duration of Agreement Except as otherwise provided herein, this Agreement shall be in effect until project completion, defined as five years after the date on which the Borrower provides the Lender acceptable documentation of the total number of jobs created and that 51% were filled by persons from low- or moderate-income households (5) EXHIBIT A to the Agreement, "Description of Project" is hereby amended as follows Description of Project Creation of Jobs The Project shall include mixed commercial uses ranging as follows Office 55,000 to 75,000 sq feet Retail 80,000 to 125,000 sq feet Entertainment 50,000 plus sq. feet Parking. 650-800 spaces Based upon the above estimates, it is projected the project will create 480 new permanent full-time jobs - 220 new office jobs and 260 new retail/entertainment jobs The majority of the jobs created will be non-supervisory positions that do not require a higher education, and thus will be made available to and filled by individuals from low-to-moderate income households ♦ Of the office jobs, approximately 40% (88)will be clerical or other non-supervisory jobs not requiring a higher education. ♦ Of the retail/entertainment jobs, approximately 70% (182) will be either non- supervisory retail clerks or non-supervisory theater/entertainment associates, neither of which require a higher education The number of jobs actually created will depend upon the economic climate at the time of development, and the specific business tenants However, a minimum of 51% of the actual number of jobs created will be made available to and filled by persons from low- and moderate-income households Protect Schedule Milestone Target Date 1) Loan closing 2/9/01 2) Private Developer selected through 10/01 RFP 3 Note matures 8/3/03 4) Property conveyed to Private Initial and largest takedown to be Developer in phases or takedowns completed in 2003, final takedown to be completed no later than 6/30/14 5) Private Developer secures Within 6 months of completion of step financing, construction/development 4 for each phase. Final phase permits and starts construction construction begun no later than 12/30/14. 6) Individual Businesses identified; Within 18 months of step 5 for each borrower provides to lender a listing of phase Final phase no later than specific jobs by job title, and total 6/30/16, number of permanent full-time equivalent jobs, to be created 7) Borrower provides documentation Documentation for each phase due to Lender evidencing the number and within 6 months of Step 6 for each proportion of the jobs created that phase Documentation for total due were filled by persons from low- and with last phase, no later than 12/30/16 moderate-income households. Standard to demonstrate compliance with 24 CFR Part 570 208(a)(4) and Paragraph 5 13 is 51% or more of the totallobs created when all phases are completed and combined 8) Protect completion 5 years from satisfactory completion of step 7 for the final phase (6) Exhibit D to the Agreement is hereby replaced with Revised Exhibit D, which is attached to this Amendment and identified as Attachment 2 (7) Exhibit E to the Agreement is hereby replaced with Revised Exhibit D, which is attached to this Amendment and identified as Attachment 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower and Lender have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above by and through their duly authorized representatives LENDER: KING COUNTY BORROWER CI F {FNT By By: f6fR& Sims, King County Executive Approved as to form. Norm Maleng Tom Brubaker King County Prosecuting Attorney Kent City Attorney By' By. 4L4AA&4 Gt• _ Deput se utmg Attorney STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appeanng before me and making this acknowledgment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document tb- On ism day of Q ,200 3 before me personally appeared yap u tam an me known to be the and respectively, of THE CITY OF KENT,the municipal ibrporation that execut6ft the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any,is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal here xed the day and year first 14ove written. *N S:tim VONNo Public in an for the State of Washington residing at GZJ # :0 My commission expires {-Z Sp WAS.* I [type or print notary name) ATTACHMENT ORIGINAL LOAN AGREEMENT LOAN AGREEMENT THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), dated for reference purposes February_, 2001, is entered into by and between CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation, hereinafter called "Borrower," and KING COUNTY, a Washington municipal corporation,hereinafter called"Lender." RECITALS This Agreement is entered into upon the basis of the following facts and circumstances: A With the use of the Loan proceeds described below, Borrower intends to purchase that certain parcel of property known as Borden Chemical Plant located at 421-608 ]n Avenue North,Kent, Washington (the "Property). Thereafter it is anticipated that a private developer(the "Private Developer") will be selected through a request for proposal procedure to develop the Property as an urban town center, mixed-use development which shall include office, retail, entertauunent space, multi-family housing, parking and public space. It is anticipated that the acquisition will result in the creation of jobs where at least 51% of the jobs, computed on a full time equivalent basis, involve the employment of low- or moderate-income persons, all as more fully described in Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof(hereinafter called the "Project"). B. The Economic Development Program of the Office of Regional Policy and Planning of Lender is responsible within King County for the receipt and disbursement of Community Development Block Grant monies made available to Lender by the United States Department of Housing and Development (hereinafter called "HUD"), pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, and the federal regulations promulgated thereunder (hereinafter collectively called the"Act"). Lender seeks to maximize the use of such monies consis- tent with both Lender's and block grant program objectives C. The acquisition of the Property and the subsequent development of the Project by a private developer will result in the increase of a minimum of 258 new full time equivalent jobs which will provide public benefits and qualify for Community Development Block Grant monies under 24 CFR§570 203. Lender has agreed to lend Community Development Block Grant monies to Borrower(the"Loan")to assist its acquisition of the Project. D The Loan from Lender to Borrower will have no negative effect on any projects approved in Lender's Community Development Block Grant programs. E The Loan shall be evidenced by this Agreement and by Borrower's Promissory Note ("Note") in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and secured by an unconditional, irrevocable Direct Pay Letter of Credit, payable upon demand ("Direct Pay Letter of Credit") in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "C" (The Note and this Agreement are collectively referred to herem as the "Loan Documents"). It is the intent of the parties that Lender will draw against the Direct Pay Letter of Credit to repay the indebtedness owed under the Note 46247A04306A215342 V02 DNL F. Lender is willing to make the Loan to Borrower for the purposes hereinabove set forth, all upon the terms and conditions herein set forth G Lender makes no commitment to future support and assumes no obligation for future support of the activities contracted for herein, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the covenants and conditions,representations and warranties contained herein,the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE I THE LOAN 1.1 The Loan. In reliance upon Borrower's representations and warranties, and subject to the terms and conditions herein and in the Loan Documents, Lender hereby agrees to loan Borrower a sum of money not to exceed NINE MILLION AND NOl100 DOLLARS ($9,000,000 00) for the purposes set forth herein, which funds shall be received by Lender from HUD and from no other source (the "Loan'). Borrower shall have the right to receive Loan funds from Lender only pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the Act,and then only to the extent Community Development Block Grant funds are made available to Lender by HUD. Should anticipated sources of revenue become unavailable to Lender for use in the Economic Development Program, Lender shall immediately notify Borrower in writing and Lender will be released from all contracted liability for that portion of the Agreement covered by funds not yet received by Lender. 1.2 Acquisition Financing Only. The Loan is only to provide financing used by Borrower for the acquisition of the Project. The Promissory Note evidencing the Loan is to be paid off on or before its maturity date from such sources as may be necessary to pay the Loan in full, including,without limitation, from the Direct Pay Letter of Credit. 1.3 Loan Documentation and Security. The Loan will be evidenced by this Agreement and by the Note The Loan will be secured by the Direct Pay Letter of Credit ARTICLE II BORROWER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES In order to induce Lender to make the Loan, Borrower represents and warrants as follows, which representations and warranties shall be true and correct as of the execution hereof and shall survive the execution and delivery of this Agreement,the Note and the Direct Pay Letter of Credit: 21 Organization of Borrower: Authority to Enter into Agreement. Borrower is a municipal corporation, duly formed and vandly in existence pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington and authorized to transact business in the State of Washington. Borrower has the right 2 46247T04306X215342 V02 DNL and power to own the Project and Borrower has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement,to borrow money as contemplated herein and to execute and carry out the provisions of the Loan Documents The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Loan Documents have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action, and no other action of Borrower is required for the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement or the Loan Documents This Agreement and the Note constitute or, if not yet executed or delivered,will when so executed and delivered constitute, valid and binding obligations of Borrower, each enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. 2.2 Nondiscrimination. A. During the performance of this Loan Agreement, Borrower shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,sex,religion,national origin, creed,marital status, age or the presence of any sensory,mental or physical handicap in employment or application for employment or in the administration or delivery of services or any other benefits under this Loan Agreement. Borrower shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, executive orders and regulations which prohibit discrimination. These laws include, but are not lirmted to, Chapter 49 60 of the Revised Code of Washington, and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. B. If Borrower fails to comply with King County Ordinance 4528, as amended, such failure shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance and a material breach of this Loan Agreement. Such breach shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension of this Loan Agreement, in whole or in part, and shall be grounds for Lender to demand full repayment of the Loan. 23 No Litigation. There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of Borrower threatened against or affecting it or the Project in any court at law or in equity, or before or by any governmental or municipal authority which might adversely affect the ability of Borrower to perform its obligations hereunder or under any of the Loan Documents to which Borrower is a party 24 Covenants,Zoning and Codes Borrower will comply with all applicable environmental statutes and regulations to be complied with in connection with its ownership of the Project. To Borrower's knowledge, all permits, consents, approvals or authorizations by, or registrations, declarations, withholding of objections or filings with any governmental body necessary in connection with the valid execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, or presently necessary for the ownership and operation of the Project, have been obtained, are valid, adequate and in full force and effect or will be obtained prior to the commencement of any activities for which a permit, consent, approval or authorization is necessary. To Borrower's knowledge, operation of the Project will in all respects conform to and comply with all applicable zoning, environmental protection,use and building codes, laws,regulations and ordinances. 25 Approval of Protect. The description of the Project set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto is a general description of the Project The description of the Project is satisfactory to Borrower and 3 46247\04306A215342 V02 DNL has been approved by Borrower and, to Borrower's knowledge, the Project has been or will be approved as required by all governmental bodies or agencies having jurisdiction. 26 Compliance With Documents. As of the date hereof and for so long as the Loan Documents remain in effect, Borrower is and will remain in full compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Loan Documents, and no event of default has or shall have occurred and be continuing which, with the lapse of time or the giving of notice, or both, would constitute such an event of default under the foregoing 27 Incorporation of Representations and Warranties. The request by the Borrower for any advance of Loan proceeds under this Agreement shall constitute a certification by the Borrower that the aforesaid representations and warranties are true and correct as of the date of such request. ARTICLE III CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO LOAN CLOSING Lender's obligation to enter into and perform its duties under this Agreement shall be subject to the full and complete satisfaction of the following conditions precedent: 3 1 Documents Lender shall have received and approved fully executed originals of each of the following documents which shall have been duly authorized, executed (and, where appropriate, acknowledged), and delivered by the parties thereto: this Agreement, the Promissory Note, the Direct Pay Letter of Credit, and any and all other documents as Lender may deem reasonably necessary with respect to the Loan. 3.2 Evidence of Authority Lender shall have received evidence satisfactory to it that Borrower and the persons signing on behalf of Borrower have the capacity and authority to execute and deliver Loan Documents on behalf of Borrower 33 Insurance. (a) Borrower shall carry and maintain general public Lability insurance against claims for bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage occurring or ansmg out of the ownership and/or operation of the Project, which insurance shall cover such claims as may be occasioned by any act, omission, or negligence of the Borrower or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns or servants relating to the Project. The limits of liability insurance, which shall be increased from time to time as deemed necessary by Lender, with the approval of Borrower which shall not be unreasonably withheld, shall not be less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit personal injury and property damage insurance. The insurance required above shall be issued by an msurance company or companies authorized to do business within the State of Washington and must be acceptable to Lender Lender shall be specifically named as an additional insured on all such policies, and all such policy or policies shall be primary to any other valid and collectible insurance. 4 46247\04306A215342 V02 DNL (b) Certificate or certificates or other evidence satisfactory to Lender evidencing the existence and terms and conditions of all insurance required above shall be delivered to Lender prior to the initial advance of Loan funds. The policy or policies of insurance required to be maintained in accordance with this Agreement shall not be canceled or given notice of non-renewal nor shall the terms or conditions thereof be altered or amended without thirty (30) days' written notice being given to Lender. ARTICLE IV CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO LOAN ADVANCE Lender's obligation to make the initial advance of Loan funds pursuant to the terms hereof shall, in addition to compliance with the terms of Article III hereof, be subject to receipt of the following documents and satisfaction of the following conditions precedent: (a) Receipt by Lender of any other documents and assurances as it may reasonably request which are required by HUD or any federal, state or county regulatory agency which requests Lender to provide such documents or assurances. (b) Lender shall have received and have in its possession sufficient Community Development Block Grant funds to fund the draw request of Borrower. (e) Receipt by Lender of a written acknowledgment from the issuer of the Direct Pay Letter of Credit adjusting the amount of the Direct Pay Letter of Credit upward by an amount sufficient to cover the disbursement, plus two month's interest which will accrue on said disbursement. ARTICLE V BORROWER'S LOAN COVENANTS Borrower covenants and agrees as follows: 51 General. From and after the date hereof and so long as any amount remains unpaid on the Promissory Note, or for so long as any commitment exists to extend credit hereunder, Borrower covenants and agrees that it will (a) Promptly pay principal and interest pursuant to the Note as and when the same becomes due and payable, (b) Preserve and keep in full force and effect its existence as a municipal corporation and its ownership of the Project, and 5 46247043061215342 V02 DNL (c) Obtain and maintain the insurance required herein. 52 Change to Project. So long as any portion of the Loan proceeds remains unpaid, there shall be no material change of the Project without the prior written approval of Lender and, to the extent that such approvals may be required,the appropriate governmental authorities_ 5.3 Compliance with Laws. Borrower's use of the proceeds of the Loan shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and executive orders of federal, state, county or municipal governments or agencies now in force or which may be enacted hereafter. 5.4 Call Provision. In addition to, and not in any way to be deemed any limitation upon, Lender's right to demand repayment of the Loan at any time, Lender may call the Loan immediately due and payable if at any time during the term of the Loan without Lender's prior written approval: (a) Borrower sells, transfers or assigns all or substantially all of the Project, whether voluntarily or involuntarily,or by the operation of law; or (b) There occurs any default under the terms of the Promissory Note, this Loan Agreement or any of the Loan Documents which is not remedied in full within any applicable curative period provided herein or therein Upon the occurrence of any of the foregoing, Lender may declare an Event of Default hereunder and exercise its rights and remedies pursuant to Article VI. 5.5 Inspections Lender and its representatives shall have the right at all reasonable times during regular business hours (and at any time in the event of an emergency) to inspect the Project to determine that the same is in conformity with the Agreement and all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to Borrower's use of the Loan funds. Lender shall have the further right, from time to tune and upon reasonable notice to Borrower, to inspect Borrower's books and records relating to Borrower's use of the Loan funds. Without limiting the foregoing, Borrower shall permit Lender to examine and copy all books, records and other papers relating to Borrower's use of the Loan funds to insure Borrower's compliance with the Act and applicable provisions of 24 CFR Part 570, 5.6 Notify Lender of Litigation or Complaints Borrower shall promptly notify Lender in writing of all litigation or possible litigation affecting Borrower or any part of the Project which might materially and adversely affect Borrower's performance of its obligations under the Note or the Loan Documents, and of all complaints or charges made by any govemmental authority affecting the Project or Borrower which may require changes in the Project. 57 Indemnify Lender Borrower shalt indemnify and hold Lender, its elected and appointed officials and any employees thereof, harmless from all liability for any actual or alleged damage or injury of whatsoever nature arising out of or in any way connected with the Project or arising out of Borrower's breach of the provisions of this Agreement, including the cost of defense 6 46247\04306\215342 V02 DNL thereof using counsel approved by Lender. Lender may commence, appear in or defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the rights, duties or liabilities of the parties hereto or the Project, and Borrower shall pay all of the Lender's costs and expenses incurred thereby on demand. This section shall survive execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, the Note and the Loan Documents. 5.8 Further Assistance. Borrower will at any time and from time to time upon request of Lender take or cause to be taken any action, execute, acknowledge, deliver or record any further documents,opinions, or other instruments or obtain such additional insurance as Lender is required to do or obtain by HUD or other federal, state or county regulatory agency. 5.9 Use of CDBG Funds. (a) To the greatest extent feasible,Borrower shall purchase supplies and services for activities under this Agreement from vendors and contractors whose businesses are located in King County and served by Community Development Block Grant funded activities or owned in substantial part by project area residents. (See Section 3, Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended). (b) Funds loaned to Borrower hereunder shall not be used directly or indirectly to employ, award contracts to, or otherwise engage the services of, or fund any contractor or subrecipient during any period of debarment, suspension, or placement in ineligibility status under the provisions of 24 CFR Part 24 5.10 Procurement Standards (a) If Borrower is a"for profit"borrower,it shall comply with Federal Executive Orders 11625, 12432 and 12138, 24 CFR Part 85 36(e) If Borrower is a "nonprofit" borrower, it shall comply with OMB Circular No.A-110,Attachment O,Paragraph g Failure of the Borrower to comply with any of the applicable requirements set forth within the foregoing regulations shall be a breach of this Agreement. (b) In advertising for employees, goods or services for the activities under this Agreement, "for profit" borrowers shall comply with 24 CFR Part 85 36(e) and "non profit" borrowers shall comply with Attachment 0 to OMB Circular 110, Procurement Standards, paragraph 9, Contracting with Small and Minority Firms, Women's Business Enterprise and Labor Surplus Area firms. Borrower shall be considered to be in compliance with this provision if at least one of the following steps is taken: (1) advertise in a minority publication m addition to publication of general circulation; (2) utilize a minority contractors bidding center, (c) utilize the King County Affirmative Action Office Certified MinoritylWomen's Business Enterprise Directory and King County Plan Centers (c) In awarding contracts pursuant to thus Agreement, Borrower shall comply with all applicable requirements of local and state law for awarding contracts, including, but not limited to, procedures for competitive bidding, contractor's bonds, and retained percentages (RCW 7 46247\04306\215342 V02 DM. 60.28.010) In addition, "for profit" borrowers shall comply with the requirements of 24 CFR Part 85.36(h) Bonding Requirements, and "non profit" borrowers shall comply with the U. S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102, relating to bonding, insurance and procurement standards, and with Executive Order 11246 regarding nondiscrimination in bid conditions for projects over $10,000 00. 5.11 Intentionally Deleted. 5.12 Administrative Requirements. Borrower shall comply with the policies, guidelines and requirements of 24 CFR Part 85.20, Standards for Financial Management. 5 13 Job Creation Monitorine and Documentation Lender is loaning $9,000,000 to Borrower for the Project. This money has been granted to Lender by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development through its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Therefore, Borrower's activity must comply with CDBG regulations. Lender has qualified this activity under the national objective criterion for job creation and retention. This requires that (1) at least 5 1% of the permanent, full-time equivalent jobs created be held by persons from low and moderate income households, defined by HUD as households with annual incomes less than 80% of the area median, and (2) a minimum of 258 total permanent, full-time equivalent jobs be created Borrower, Private Developer, any subsequent owners of the Project and tenants within the Project ("Tenants") are responsible for compliance with the above national objective criterion. To this end (a) Borrower, Private Developer, any subsequent owners of the Project shall require that all Tenants complete a King County Job Creation Summary Form attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and by tlus reference incorporated herein and require each new permanent employee hired as a result of this Project to complete the King County Employee Income Verification Form attached hereto as Exlubit "E" and by this reference incorporated herein. (b) Borrower shall set forth the requirements of the national objective criterion that at least 51% of the permanent, full-time equivalent jobs to be created by the Project be held by persons from low and moderate income households and that a mimmum of 258 total permanent, full-time equivalent jobs be created by the Project, as well as Exhibits "D" and "E", in its Request for Proposals (RFP) to sell, lease or transfer the Property. Borrower shall submit draft language to Lender for approval prior to issuing an RFP. (c) Borrower shall include these national objective criterion requirements and Exhibits "D" and "E" in the deed transferring the Property to the Private Developer as covenants running with the Property in favor of Lender 8 46247\04306\215342 V02 DNL (d) The Private Developer and any subsequent owner of the Project shall include Exhibits"D"and "E", and the requirement to complete said forms, in all leases with individual Tenants. 5.14 Repayment of Subsidy. Borrower shall repay to Lender the interest rate subsidy (defined as the difference between Lender's loan interest rate and the Borrower's normal cost of borrowing funds at the closing of the Loan, less the loan fee and cost of the Letter of Credit) if any of the following occurs (a) Borrower fails to sell, lease or transfer the Property to a Private Developer within 60 months of the date of the Note (b) The Private Developer fails to (1) secure financing, (2) obtain all necessary construction permits, and (3) commence construction of the Project within 66 months of the date of the Note. (c) Borrower fails to provide documentation (as stated above) to the Lender that a minimum of 258 total permanent full time equivalent jobs were created and that 51% of the permanent full time equivalent jobs were held by persons from low and moderate income households within 96 months of the date of the Note. 5.15 Compliance with Endangered Species Act. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, has granted this Loan to Lender Consequently, pursuant to 16 US C §1536 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), HUD must insure that any action it funds is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any endangered or threatened species or result in the destruction or adverse modification of any endangered or threatened species' critical habitat. Lender has been informed that species listed as threatened pursuant to the ESA occur in the general area of the Property. Borrower has disclosed to Lender that it intends to demolish the existing buildings on the Property prior to repayment of the Loan In order to analyze any possible effects the demolition activities might have on listed species, Borrower must prepare a Biological Assessment that will analyze whether the demolition activities might have an effect on listed species. AHer the Borrower has prepared the Biological Assessment, Borrower and Lender will consult with the Services on this Project. Section 7(d) of the ESA prohibits the commitment of irreversible or irretrievable resources by the Borrower or Lender until the Section 7 consultation process has been concluded. Therefore, Borrower, its agents and/or the seller of the Property may not engage in any demolition, grading, clearing, or construction activities on the Property prior to the completion of the Section 7 consultation. If Borrower, its agents and/or the seller of the Property engage in any demolition, grading, clearing or construction activities on the Property prior to the completion of the Section 7 consultation, Lender will demand immediate repayment of the Loan, including any interest that is due. 5 16 Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act If at any time during the construction phase, any contractors for the Project encounter archaeological materials, Borrower covenants and warrants to Lender that a professional archaeologist will be called immediately to evaluate the materials and develop a mitigation plan if appropriate This covenant shall also be 9 46247W4306\215342 V02 DNL i included in the RFP and the deed transfemng the Property to the Private Developer as a covenant running with the land 517 Retention of Records Records required in connection with this Agreement shill be retained for a period of the later of three (3) years after termination of this Agreement or five (5) years from the date of initial disbursement of Loan funds,except that records that are the subject of audit findings shall be retained until such findings have been resolved. ARTICLE VI DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 61 Event of Default The occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default hereunder- (a) Any default by Borrower in the repayment of any indebtedness owing to Lender for any purpose or reason,which indebtedness is not paid when due (b) Any breach by Borrower of any of the non-monetary covenants and conditions of this Agreement, which breach is not cured to Lender's satisfaction within ten (10) working days from the occurrence thereof, provided, that in the event of a non-monetary breach or default by Borrower which is outside of the control of Borrower and which cannot be cured within said ten (10) working days, Borrower shall have commenced to cure its breach or default within said ten (10)working days and thereafter diligently proceeds to cure its breach or default. Notwith- standing anything to the contrary contained herein, any breach or default by Borrower of any applicable laws,ordinances,rules,regulations or executive orders applicable to Lender,Borrower or Borrower's use of the Loan funds shall immediately constitute an Event of Default hereunder. (c) Any representation, warranty or disclosure made to Lender by Borrower proves to be materially false or misleading as of the date when made, whether or not such representation or disclosure appears in this Agreement. (d) Any material deviation in the operation of the Project without the approval of Lender which deviation is not corrected or substantially corrected within ten (10) working days after receipt of written notice thereof from Lender to Borrower (e) A petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization or for an arrangement under any bankruptcy or insolvency law or for a receiver or trustee for any of Borrower's property is filed by or against Borrower which is not dismissed within forty-five(45)days, or if Borrower makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts as they mature or any attachment or execution is levied against a substantial portion of the property of Borrower and is not discharged within forty-five(45)days (f) There occurs any event which in Lender's reasonable judgment materially adversely affects (i)the ability of Borrower to perform any of its obligations hereunder or under any 10 46247\04306k275342 V02 DNL of the Loan Documents, including, without limitation,the occurrence of any event of dissolution or termination of Borrower; (ii) the business or financial condition of Borrower; (ili) the operations or value of the Project; or(iv)compliance with the Act. (g) A petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization or for an arrangement under any bankruptcy or insolvency law is filed by or against Borrower within mnety-one (91) days after Borrower has repaid the Loan in full In such an event, Lender shall have the absolute right to draw upon the Direct Pay Letter of Credit to the extent of any payments made within runety-one (91) days of filing a petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization or any arrangement under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, regardless of the fact that Borrower has previously paid the Loan in full, provided that within a reasonable time thereafter Lender shall pay over to the trustee or bankruptcy estate the funds previously paid to Lender by Borrower to the extent that the Direct Pay Letter of Credit is drawn upon under this subparagraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Borrower has repaid the Loan in full from funds received from a third party, institutional lender, then Lender shall immediately return the Direct Pay Letter of Credit to the issuer thereof 62 Remedies Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, Lender may, in addition to any other remedies which Lender may have hereunder or under the Loan Documents or by law, at its option and without prior demand or notice take any or all of the following actions: (a) Immediately terminate any further advance of Loan funds hereunder (b) Declare the Note immediately due and payable and commence collection proceedings against the Direct Pay Letter of Credit All remedies of Lender provided for herein and in any other Loan Document are cumulative and shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies provided by law. The exercise of any right or remedy by Lender hereunder shall not in any way constitute a cure or waiver of default hereunder or under any other Loan Document or invalidate any act done pursuant to any notice of default, or prejudice Lender in the exercise of any of its rights hereunder or under any other Loan Documents unless, in the exercise of said rights, Lender realizes all amounts owed to it under such Loan Documents. ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 No Waiver No waiver of any default or breach by Borrower hereunder shall be implied from any failure by Lender to take action on account of such default if such default persists or is repeated, and no express waiver shall affect any default other than the default specified in the waiver and shall be operative only for the time and to the extent therein stated Waivers of any covenant, term or condition contained herein shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same covenant, term or condition The consent or approval by Lender to, or of, any I] 46247\04306U15342 V 02 DNL act by Borrower requiring further consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary the consent or approval to,or of, any subsequent similar act 72 Successors and Assigns This Agreement 2s made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of Lender and Borrower, their successors and assigns, and no other person or persons shall have any right of action hereunder The terms hereof shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto; provided, however, that the Borrower's interest hereunder cannot be assigned or otherwise transferred without the prior consent of Lender. 7.3 Notices. Any notice, demand or request required hereunder shall be given in writing at the addresses set forth below by personal service or registered or certified, fast class mail, return receipt requested. The addresses may be changed by notice to the other party given in the same manner as provided above If notice is given by mail, it shall be deemed received on the earlier of (i) receipt as shown on the return receipt, or(ii)three(3)days after its deposit in the U.S. mail. If to Borrower. City of Kent 220 4"' Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032-5895 Attn If to Lender: Office of Regional Policy and Planning King County King County Courthouse 516 Third Avenue,Room 402 Seattle, Washington 98104 Attn• Manager, Economic Development Program 7.4 Time. Time is of the essence hereof 75 Amendments. No amendment,modification,or termination of any provisions of this Agreement or of any of the Loan Documents shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by Lender and Borrower. 76 Headings. The article and section headmgs in no way define, limit, extend or interpret the scope of this Agreement or of any particular article or section. 7.7 Number and Gender When the context in which the words are used in this Agreement indicate that such is the intent, words in the singular number shall include the plural and vice-versa. References to any one gender shall also include the other gender if applicable under the circumstances 7.8 Validi . In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect in any respect whatsoever the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 12 46247\04306UI5342.V02 DNL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower and Lender have executed this Agreement as of the date first wntten above by and through their duly authorized representatives. LENDER BORROWER KING COUNTY, a Washington CITY OF KENT, municipal corporation a Washington municipal corporation . � r By dr By- Ron ims, King County Executive Approved as to form: Attest: Norm Maleng,King County Prosecuting Attorney By. Deputy Pilosecuting Attorney 14 46247\04306U15342 V02 DNL STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the persons appearing before me and making this acknowledgment are the persons whose true signatures appear on this document Qn this!._ day _, i899, before me personally appeared and to me known to be the and respectively, of THE CITY OF KENT he municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said municipal corporation WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. +""t""'ti. No Pu 1 d for the State of Washington, �N %wM residing at s ♦ J� My commission expires: fit. Ayettt o [Type or Print Notary Name] a W11O���` (Use This Space for Notanal Seal Stamp) 15 4624"43061215342 V02 DNL EXHIBIT"A" Description of Project Kent Urban Town Center Acquisition &Development Project The City of Kent has completed a Commuter Rail Area Study. The Borden Chemical property is the largest parcel addressed in the study The study and the City of Kent view the site as underutilized land and providing the City with the opportunity to create an urban town center mixed use development. The City's vision is for a mixture of uses ranging as follows- Office 55,000 to 75,000 sq feet Retail. 80,000 to 125,000 sq feet Entertainment: 50,000 plus sq feet Multifamily: 230 units (depending on configuration and size) Parking: 650-800 spaces Based upon the above estimates, it is projected the project will create, at a minimum, 258 new jobs. This type of development will create a new synergy in downtown Kent. The mixed-use development on the Borden Chemical property will be a compliment to the current historic downtown. The mix of retail will expand the market for downtown and meet some of the unmet shopping needs of people who live, work and ride commuter rail in the town center. South of the property is the planned location of the Kent Civic and Performing Arts Center and a 680 stall parking garage The garage is a shared facility and these two facilities will be part of the whole mixed-use development. The planned redevelopment of the Borden Chemical property will provide for some public space. The proposed concept could include a fountain or an entertainment Plaza. The plaza with many other design elements is envisioned to tie the new development to the older historic downtown area. The City of Kent anticipates using approximately up to $9 million in CDIL funds to acquire the Borden property. The balance of the purchase price ($12,078,300)will come from other sources. The proceeds from the CDIL loan will be used for acquisition only. It is projected that a private developer will be selected, through a RFP process, to purchase the property from the City of Kent and develop the mixed use concept. It is expected that this selection process will take 18 to 24 months. Proceeds from the sale of the property to the private developer will be used to retire the CDIL loan 4624704306X215342 V02 DNL To meet the national objective of CDBG regulations as defined to Section 570 208(a)(4) benefiting low- and moderate-income families through job creation, fifty-one percent (51%) or 132 jobs will be held by low-or moderate income persons. 2 46247%4306U15342 V02 DNL EXHIBIT`B" Promissory Note 46247\04306X215341 V02 DNL PROMISSORY NOTE $9,000,000.00 February ,2001 Seattle, Washington FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation,promises to pay to the order of KING COUNTY, a Washington municipal corporation, at its Office of Regional Policy and Planning, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Room 420, Seattle, Washington 98104, or such other place as the holder of tlus Note may from time to time designate, the principal sum of NINE MILLION AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($9,000,000.00), or so much thereof as may from time to time be outstanding hereunder, together with interest on the unpaid balance of principal at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum, calculated on the basis of a 365-day calendar year. Interest shall be calculated for each day all or any part of the principal balance hereof shall remain outstanding. This Note shall be payable as follows. On the first(1") day of August, 2001, and on the first(I s)day of every sixth calendar month thereafter,the undersigned shall pay to Lender all interest which has accrued during the previous six calendar months hi the event interest is not paid when due, the undersigned shall be in default and the interest that has not been paid when due shall be compounded by adding said unpaid interest to the principal balance hereof and thereafter said unpaid interest shall bear interest at the same rate as the unpaid balance hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing payment provisions to the contrary, the principal balance outstanding hereon, together with all accrued and unpaid interest and any other sums due hereunder, shall be due and payable in full on the earlier of(i) demand by the holder hereof(said demand to be made as set forth below), (ii) sixty (60)days prior to the expiration of the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit described in the Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") of even date between the undersigned and King County, and (iii)August 1, 2003. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the holder of this Note shall have the absolute right to demand partial repayments of the principal balance of this Note not more often than once per calendar week nor five (5) times per calendar month (said demands to be made as set forth below). Demands for partial repayment may be made by the holder of this Note when funds are needed by the holder of this Note to pay for regular block grant activities. Provided that the undersigned shall first give the holder of this Note thirty (30) calendar days'prior notice, the indebtedness evidenced hereby may be prepaid in whole or in part from time to time without premium or penalty Should default be made in any payment when due or in the performance or observance of any of the covenants and agreements of this Note, then, after the expiration of any applicable cure period,if any, the whole sum of principal and interest shall become immediately due and payable at the option of the holder Failure to exercise such option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise it in the event of a continuing or subsequent default 46247\04306\215341 V02 DNL This Note is issued pursuant to and is entitled to the benefits of the Loan Agreement An Event of Default under the Loan Agreement shall be deemed a default hereunder, whereupon the holder may at its option declare all sums as are then outstanding hereunder immediately due and payable This Note shall be secured by an unconditional Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, payable upon demand, issued by a banking institution approved by the holder of this Note (the "Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit'), all as more fully set forth in the Loan Agreement. Upon the sale, transfer or assignment, whether voluntary, involuntary or by operation of law, of all or substantially all of the "Project" (described in the Loan Agreement), then at its sole option the holder hereof may, by written notice to the undersigned, declare all sums as are then outstanding hereunder to be immediately due and payable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Maker shall have the right to grant a deed of trust or mortgage in favor of the issuer of the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit to secure Maker's obligations to the issuer in connection with its issuance of the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit. As set forth above, the holder of this Note may demand partial repayments of principal from the undersigned for regular block grant activities. The holder of this Note shall make demand for partial repayments of principal upon the undersigned, in writing, by delivering or mailing said demand to the undersigned in the manner and at the address set forth in Section 7.3 of the Loan Agreement. The partial repayment of principal shall be due and payable on or before ten (10) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, from the date the undersigned receives or is deemed to have received the demand. In the event the holder of this Note fails to receive a partial repayment within said ten (10) day period, the holder of this Note shall have the right to draw upon the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit without any fiirther condition. As set forth above, this Note shall be due and payable in full upon demand. The holder of this Note shall make demand upon the undersigned, in writing, by delivering or mailing said demand to the undersigned in the manner and at the address set forth in Section 7.3 of the Loan Agreement. All principal, accrued interest and other charges due under this Note or the Loan Agreement shall be due and payable ten (10) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, from the date the undersigned receives or is deemed to have received the demand and the holder of this Note may,on said tenth(10)day or at any time thereafter, draw from the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit all sums, including principal, accrued interest and other charges, necessary to fully satisfy the Note. Except for the demands described above, the undersigned hereby waives diligence, demand, presentment for payment, and notice of whatever kind or nature Without discharging or many way affecting the liability of the undersigned, the undersigned hereby consents to any and all extensions of this Note as the holder hereof may in its sole discretion grant from time to time, to the release of all or any part of the security for the payment hereof and to the release of any party liable for repayment of the obligations hereunder 2 46247U04306\215341 V02 DNL All payments due on this Note shall be payable in lawful money of the Umted States of America at the time of payment, and shall be made to the holder at the address first hereinabove indicated,or such other address as the holder may hereafter designate. Tlus Note shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, except to the extent that Federal laws may preempt the laws of the State of Washington. In the event that this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney at law for collection after maturity or upon default or in the event that proceedings at law or in equity are instituted in connection herewith, or in the event that this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney at law to enforce any of the rights or the agreements contained herein or in the Loan Agreement, the undersigned shall pay all costs of the holder hereof in collecting or attempting to collect tlus Note or protecting or enforcing such rights, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees; and all such amounts shall be deemed to be secured by, and may be drawn from, the Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit. This Note and the Loan Agreement are by this reference subject to the limitation that in no event shall interest or any other amount paid or agreed to be paid to King County for the use, forbearance or detention of money to be advanced hereunder or pursuant to the Loan Agreement exceed the highest lawful rate permissible under applicable usury laws If fulfillment of any provision hereof or of the Loan Agreement shall be deemed by a court of competent and final jurisdiction to violate any applicable usury restrictions, then Wso facto, the obligation to be fulfilled shall be reduced to the lumt of such validity, and any amount received in excess of such limit shall be applied to reduce the unpaid principal balance hereof and not to the payment of interest. Time is of the essence of this Note and of each and every provision hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Promissory Note as of the date first above written. CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation Attest: By: Its: 3 46247\04306\215341 V02 DNL EXHIBIT"C» Direct Pay Letter of Credit 4 61 4 7104 3 0WI5342 V02 J)NL ( bank. US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT 1420 FIFTH AVENUE,9TH FLOOR SEATTLE,WA 98101 U S A PHONE 206-344-2398 FAX 206-344-5374 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT ------------------------------ FEBRUARY 9, 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFICIARY APPLICANT KING COUNTY CITY OF KENT OFFICE OF REGIONAL POLICY AND PLANNING 220 4T"AVE S KING COUNTY COURTHOUSE KENT, WA 98032 516 THIRD AVE,ROOM 402 SEATTLE, WA 98104 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER SLCSSEA00665 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -----------------------------------------------------------------------__-----------_-----`--_------------------------------- EXPIRY DATE AUGUST 9-2003 AT OUR COUNTERS PRESENTLY LOCATED AT 1420 FIFTH AVENUE, 9TH FLOOR, INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT, SEATTLE, WA, 98101 ON OR BEFORE 500PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT $9,060,000 00 NOT EXCEEDING NINE MILLION SIXTY THOUSAND AND 001100 U S DOLLARS --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE HEREBY ISSUE THIS IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFT(S)DRAWN AT SIGHT ON U S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AND ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS I BENEFICIARY'S CERTIFICATION BEARING A SIGNATURE PURPORTING TO BE FHAT OF THE KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR DEPUTY KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF KING COUNTY STATING "1, THE KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPUTY KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE OR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF KING COUNTY (INDICATE TITLE),HEREBY CERTIFY THAT PURSUANT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND KING COUNTY DATED FEBRUARY 9, 2001 ("THE AGREEMENT"), AM REQUESTING PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF$ IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT WHICH AMOUNT DOES NOT EXCEED THE OUTS LANDING,UNDRAWN AMOUNT OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE BORROWER UNDER THE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY KING COUNTY OF THIS DRAWING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT ' 2 THE ORIGINAL OF THIS LETTER OF CREDIT AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS PARTIAL OR COMPLETE DRAWINGS MAY BE MADE BY THE BENEFICIARY THE BANK SHAI L RETURN T1IF ORIGINAL OF THIS LETTER OF CREDI T TO TIM BENEFICIARY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY PARTIAL DRAWINGS THAT ARE PRESENTED HEREUNDER THE AMOUNT OF FHE LETTER OF CREDIT SHALL BE REDUCED BY THE AMOUNT OF EACH DRAFT PAID HEREUNDER PHIS PAGE I FORAIS AN INTEGRAL PART OF LETTER OF CREDIT NO SLCSSEA00665 Wbank® THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MAY BE EXTENDED BEYOND ITS CURRENT EXPIRATION DATE ONLY BY FORMAL AMENDMENT FROM THE ISSUING BANK HOWEVER,THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MAY BE CANCELED BY THE BENEFICIARY AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO ITS EXPIRATION DATE UPON THE RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT TO THE ISSUING BANK ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT "THE UNDERSIGNED,THE KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE,KING COUNTY DEPUTY EXECUTIVE OR THE FINANCE DIRECTOR OF KING COUNTY (INSERT TITLE),HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT ALL OBLIGATIONS OF THE BORROWER UNDER THE LOAN AGREEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 9,2001, HAVE BEEN DISCHARGES IN FULL, AND LETTER OF CREDIT NO SLCSSEA00665 IS HEREBY RETURNED TO THE ISSUING BANK FOR CANCELLATION" THIS STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT SETS FORTH IN FULL THE TERMS OF OUR UNDERTAKING AND SUCH UNDERTAKING SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY BE MODIFIED, AMENDED OR AMPLIFIED BY REFERENCE TO ANY DOCUMENTS OR INSTRUMENTS REFERRED TO HEREIN OR IN WHICH THIS STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT IS REFERRED TO HEREIN OR IN WHICH THIS STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT RELATES AND ANY SUCH REFERENCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO INCORPORATE HEREIN BY REFERENCE ANY DOCUMENT OR INSTRUMENT DRAFTS DRAWN UNDER THIS CREDIT MUST BEAR THE CLAUSE "DRAWN UNDER U S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO SLCSSEA00665" PURSUANT TO U S LAW WE ARE PROHIBTTED FROM ISSUING,TRANSFERRING ACCEPTING OR PAYING LETTERS OF CREDIT TO ANY PARTY OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED BY THE OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL,U S DEPT OF TREASURY, OR SUBJECT TO THE DFNIAL OF EXPORT PRIVILEGES BY THE U S DEPT OF COMMERCE THIS CREDIT IS SUBJECT TO"THE UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCUMENTARY CREDITS" (1993 REVISION)INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION NO 500 WE HEREBY ENGAGE WITH YOU THAT DRAFT(S)DRAWN AND/OR DOCUMENTS PRESENTED UNDER AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT WILL BE DULY HONORED UPON PRESENTATION TO US THE AMOUNT OF EACH DRAWING MUST BE ENDORSED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS CREDIT BY THE NEGOTIATING BANK U S BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL BANKING DIVISION AUTHO ED SIGNATURE Jane: Jo,,eman Le",er es Creai>, Of-i-er THIS PAGE 2 FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART OF LETTER OF CREDIT NO SLCSSEA00665 EXHIBIT"D" King County Job Creation Summary Form O KING COUNTY JOB CREATION SUMMARY FORM STORErFENANT ADDRESS: JOB TITLE/CATEGORY WAGE RATE $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per TOTALJOBSCREATED _ 46247W4306\215342 V02 DNL Signature Date Name and Title Thu is a confidential statement necessary to verify the need for public financial assistance for a business and is 2 4624T04306N2I5342.V02 DNL EXHIBIT"E" King County Employee Income Verification Form KING COUNTY EMPLOYEE INCOME VERIFICATION FORM STORE. EMPLOYEE NAME ADDRESS Sex Male Female Job Title Date ofButh ! / Salary/Wage $ How long employed here. Years Months A. Please circle Full Time Part Time If part time#hours per week B.Please circle the number of people living at your residence. I FAMILY SIZE 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 410 more C. Please circle the number below which best describes the income for your household for the last 12 months. In calculating total income,include all of the following sources that apply. • Wages,salaries,bps,etc (covered by W-2) Total IRA distributions,taxable amount • Dividend income Total pensions and annuities,taxable amount • Taxable refunds,credits,or offsets of state and 0 Rental real estate,royalties,partnerships, • Local income taxes a S corporations,trusts,etc • Alimony received • Farm income(or loss) • Business income(or loss) • Unemployment compensation • Capital gain(or loss) • Social Security benefits,taxable amount • Other gains or losses • Other income(specify source) INCOME $0423 050 $50,201-$54 200 $23 051-$35 150 $54,201-$58 250 $35 151-$40,150 $58,251-$62,250 $40,151-$45,200 $62,251-$66,250 $45,201-$50200 $66,251 or more The following Race/Ethnicity information is optional. It will be used to determare the employment/hiring benefits of Project Name The information you provide will remain confidential and will not be made a part of your permanent records Please check the appmpnale box- Afncan Amencan Amencan IndtanMative American Asian/Pacific Islander 46247U14306\215342 V02 DNL Caucasian Hi amc/Lahno Other I hereby certify all of the above to be true and correct Signature Date This is a confidential statement necessary to verify the need for public financial assistance for a business and u not considered a public record THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE 2 46247\04306U15342 V02 DNL � � a ATTACHMENT 2 REVISED EXHIBIT D KING COUNTY JOB CREATION SUMMARY FORM STORE/TENANT ADDRESS JOB TITLE/CATEGORY WAGE RATE HOURS/WEEK $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per $ per TOTAL JOBS CREATED Page 1 of 2 1 � In this business hours per week is considered full-time Signature Date Print Name and Title This is a confidential statement necessary to verify the need for public financial assistance for a business and is not considered a public record THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT REVISED EXHIBIT E INCOME VERIFICATION FORM FOR EMPLOYEES TAKING NEWLY-CREATED JOBS LISTED IN EXHIBIT D STORE EMPLOYEE NAME ADDRESS Sex Male Female Job Title Date of Birth Sal (Wa e $ Head of How long employed in Household? Yes No this job Months A. Please check one: _Full Time _Part Time If part time,how many hours per week? B.Please circle the number of people living at your residence. HOUSEHOLD I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 more SIZE C. Please circle the box below which best describes the income for your entire household for the last 12 months. In calculating total income,include all of the following sources that apply. • Wages, salaries,tips,etc (covered by W-2) • Total IRA distributions,taxable amount • Dividend income • Total pensions and annuities,taxable amount • Taxable refunds, credits,or offsets of state and • Rental real estate,royalties,partnerships, • Local income taxes • S corporations,trusts,etc • Alimony received 0 Farm income(or loss) • Business income(or loss) • Unemployment compensation • Capital gain(or loss) 0 Social Security benefits,taxable amount • Other gains or losses • Other income(specify source) INCOME BOXES: $0438,100 $58,751-$63 100 $38 101-$43,500 $63 101-$67,450 $43 501-$48 950 $67 451-$71 800 $48 951-$54,400 $71,801 and above $54,401-$58 750 Page 1 of 2 The following Race/Ethnicity information is optional. The federal government requires us to ask for this information,but you do not have to answer this part if you do not wish to do so. The information will be used to determine any additional impacts of the public funds that helped support this project The information you provide will remain confidential and will not be made a part of your permanent records Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? _yes no Please check the most appropriate cats or Amencan Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White American Indian or Alaska Native AND White Asian AND White Black or African American AND White American Indian or Alaska Native AND Black or African American Other more than one race I hereby certify all of the above to be true and correct Signature Date This income and race%thnicity statement is confidenttaL It is necessary only to verify the need for public financial assistance for a business and is not considered a public record THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE Page 2 of 2