HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD10-272 - Other - Addendum #1 - VSWAT - Establish and Maintain a Multi-Jurisdictional SWAT Team - 10/01/2020Agreement Routing Form foKENTFor Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signa¡ure and Contract Cover Sheet (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHtNctoN -6 r4x\iN '.. rÈ9F q:x¡\) I f g< -9 sESrß SÈS\-r .,1\ J E ÈIË È;i g,,#4lrfirö ë Department: Police Date Required Date of Council Approval: 1t21t2020 Grant? EYes E No Type: Originator: Jalene King Date Sent: 5t11t2020 Authorized to Sign: D Director or Designee Ø Mayor r oL CLÈ Budget Account Number: Budget? EYes ENo co iP IE ELot.. E ihttro EooLoì Vendor Name: VSWAT Category: lnterlocal Vendor Number Sub-Category: Project Name: Addendum 1 to ILA between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila and Port of Seattle for the creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Projecr netails:Admitting Des Moines as a member Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Atyspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes trNo Contract Number: ctìg P =\.oìE.i; o--æioc .9t^ Date Received by City Attorney: May 1 1,2020 Comments: L_." Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: ¿d(W221/l_l-ð Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements RESOLUTION NO. 2006 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, approving and adopting Addendum 1 to the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Poft of Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team, admitting the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team. RECITALS A. In or around 2010, the municipalities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle executed the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team (ILA) for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences. B. Pursuant to Section IV of the Ilá, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the Valley SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the ILA. C. The city of Des Moines petitioned the Valley SWAT Team Executive Board, made up of the chiefs of each participating jurisdiction, L Resolution to Admit Des l,íolnes as Member of Valley SWAI Team for membership and received unanimous approval of the Executive Board subject to approval of the legislative body of each participat¡ng jurisdictíon, D, Addendum 1 to the IS, which is attached and hereby incorporated into this resolution as Exhibit "4", admits the city of Des Moines as a member jurisdiction of the Valley SWAT Team. Upon approval of this resolution by Kent and the other participating jurisdictions, and the signature of Addendum 1 by those authorized to sign, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Il-4. E. The City Council finds that approving and adopting this resolution and admitting the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley SWAT Team is in the best public interest. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 7. - Recitals Incorporated. The foregoing recitals are incorporated into the body of this resolution and constitute the findings of the Kent City Council on this matter. SECTION 2. - AppravaltAdoption af Addendum 1 to the Interlocal Caoperatlve Agreement to Admit the City af Ðes Moines as a Member of the Valley SWAT Team. Addendum 1 to the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team, attached as Exhibit "Ao, is hereby approved and adopted. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute Addendum 1, substantially in the form attached hereto. 2 Resolutìon to Admit Des Moines as Member of Valley SWAT Team SECTIAN 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this resolution is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this resolution and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrcçtions by Cltv Clerk Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; resolution, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTIQN 5. - Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. DANA RALPH, MAYOR January 2L.202O Date Approved KIM APPROVED A , CIW Januarv 21. 2020 Date Adopted CITY ATTORNEY 3 Resolution to AdmÍt Des Floines as Member of Valley SWAT Team ADDENDUM I: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ÀUBURN, F'EDERAL WAy, KENT, RENTON, TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AI\D TACTICS TEAM WHEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 entitled "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (lLA) between Aubum, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team" was executed by the participating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approval and execution of this Addendum, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team lnterlocal Agreement, Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Addendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of the City of Des Moines and e¿ch participating jurisdiction. This Addendum shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. This Addendum may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each representative had signed the original document. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlooal Agreement Addendum I Mayor, City of Aubum Date City Attomey, City of Auburn Date City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Mayor, City of Renton Date City Attorney, City of Renton Date City Clerk, City of Renton Date Mayor, City of Tukwila Date City Attorney, City of Tukwila Date City Clerk, City of Tukwila Date 51LU2020 City Kent Date City Attorney, City of Kent Date 5 City Clerk, City of Kent Date Mayor, City of Federal Way Date City Attomey, Federal Way Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Date Cþ Manager, City of Des Moines Date City Attorney, City of Des Moines Date o.^A.. City Clerk, City of Des Moines Date 2 Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum I ADDENDUM 1: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN AI]BURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM V/HEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 entitled "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement G-A) between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team" was executed by the participating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multijurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occunences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approval and execution of this Addendum, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement. Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Addendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction. This Addendum shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. This Addendum may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each representative had signed the original document. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum I Mayor, City of Auburn Date City Attorney, City of Auburn Date City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Mayor, City of Renton Date City Attorney, City of Renton Date City Clerk, City of Renton Date Mayor, City of Tukwila Date City Attorney, City of Tukwila Date City Clerk, City of Tukwila Date Mayor, City of Kent Date City Attorney, City of Kent Date City Clerk, City of Kent Date Mayor, City of Federal Way Date City Attorney, Federal Way Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Date City Manager, City of Des Moines Date City Auorney, City of Des Moines Date City Clerk, City of Moines Date L.r/;"/¿¿c.o-o Stephen P.Anne Purcell Date Sr. Port Counsel: Approved as to Form'frt Executive Director ,,Valley Special'Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum 1 CAG-10-160, Adden #1-I9 ADDENDUM T: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL \ryAY, KENT, RENTON, TUK\ryILA, AI\D THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR TIIE CREATTON OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM WHEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 er¡titled "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ILA) between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team" was executed by the participating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the future adrnission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approval and execution of this Addendum, the City ofDes Moines witl be admitted æ a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SIWAT Team Interlocal Agteement. Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Addendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of Des Moines and each participating.jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or òrdinance oitþ" governing body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction. This Addendum strall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. This Addendum may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each representative had signed the original document' By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum I Mayor, City of Aubum Date City Attorney, City of Aubum Date tt'lll ç RE Auburn Date Date ,u/, /I LZ I City of Rmton *s I ¿ b. Clerk,of Renton lIl Mayor, Cityof Tukwila Date City Attomey, City of Tukwila Date City Clerk, City of Tukwila Date Mayor, City of Kent Date City Attorney, City of Kent Date City Clerk, City of Kent Date Mayor, City of Federal Way Date City Attomey, Federal'Way Date City Clerk, City of Federal rffay Date "tr æ (t 4z2ozó /s/Tim George 061r212020 City Manager, City of Des Moines Date City Attomey, City of Des Moines Date ffYv--V-13-?þ?r) City Clerk, City of Des Moines Date 2 Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team laterlocal Agreement Addendum I City of Tulnnrila Washington Resolution No.t 1ôL A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUKWILA, WASHINGTON, APPROVING ADMISSION OF THE CITY OF DES MOINES AS A MEMBER OF THE VALLEY SWAT TEAM SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THE EXISTING INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS (SWAT) TEAM. WHEREAS, in 2011, the municipalities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle executed an lnterlocal Cooperative Agreement (ltA) for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictionalValley SpecialWeapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section lV of the ILA ("Formation"), the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the Valley SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Valley SWAT Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of the governing body of each existing participating jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, upon approval by all participating jurisdictions, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team ILA; and WHEREAS, the Tukwila City Councilfinds that approving and adopting this resolution to admit the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley SWAT Team ILA is in the best public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C¡TY OF TUKWILA, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: W:\Word Processing\Resolutions\SwAT lnterlocal--Des Moines added 1 4-16-20 BL: Review and analysis by Barbara Saxton Page 1 of 2 The Tukwila City Councilfinds that it is in the best interest of the public to admit the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teåm subject to the terms of the existing lnterlocal Cooperative Agreement between Auburn, Fåderal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle. Accordingly, the city of bes Moines'þetition for admission as a member of the Valley SWAT Team is hereby approved and adoPted. CITY OF TUKWLA, WASHINGTON, At I Ao¿'l -,2020. ATTEST/AUTH ENTI CATE D : ¿ a A"z Christy O'Flaherty, MMC, CitY Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: Council President Filed with the City C q-27.20 Passed by the City 1- Office of the City AttorneY W:\Word Processing\Resolulions\SWAT lntedocaFtÞs Molnes added I ¿t-16'20 BL: Review and anaVs¡s by Batúra Sadoø Resolution Nu í Page 2 oi 2 t t-087(a2) Council Approval 5/4120 by Res. #1986 ÅDDENIIUM l: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPDRÁ,TIVE AGREEMENT BETWE,EN AUBURN, FEDERAL TVÄY, KENT, RENTON, TUK\ryILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR TTTE CREATION OF TIIE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TÂ.CTICS TEAM IVHEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 entitled "lnkrlocal Cooperative Agrcement (ILA) between Aubum, Federal lrVay, Kent, Rentono Tukwila, and the Po¡t of Scattle, for creation of the Valley Special 'Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teflm" was executed by the participaling jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and mâiffâining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal tccumences, and \VHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agresment, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a msmber of the S\UAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agrrecment, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has pelitioned the Executive Board for membership and has receivcd unanimous approval subject to approvul of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approv¿l and exccution of this Addendum, the City of Des Moines will be admittcd as a membor of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley S\{¡AT Te¿m Interlocal A,greement. Except as modified hereby, all otherterms and conditions of the Valley SW.AT Te¡m Intetlocal Agreernent rernain in full fo¡ce and effect. This ^Addendum shall be executed on behalf of thc City of Des MoÍnes and ench participating jurisdictíon by its authorized reprtsentative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinanca of the goveming body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction. This Addendum shnll be deemed cffective upon the last date of execution by the last authorizcd rcpresentative. This Addendum may be executed by countery¿rts snd be valid as if each representative had signed the original document' By signing below, the signor cærtifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiotion, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum, Vrlley Special lVeapons and Taolics Team lntcrloc¡l Agreoment Addendurn I Mayor, City of Aubum Date City Attomey, City of Auburn Date City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Mayor, City of Renton Date City Attomey, Crty of Renton Date City Clerk, City of Renton Datc &aar 6øt 'tg 0913012020 09t29t2020 Mayor, CþofTukwila Date City Attomey, Crty of Tuhvila Daûç (2¿aral¿¿¿.rg 0913012020 City Clerk, City of Tukwila Date lvlayor, City of Kent Date City Attomey, City of Kent Datc City Clerk, City of Kent Dste Mayor, CïtyofFederal Way Date City Attorney, Fcderal trVay Date City Clcrk, City of Federal Way Date City Manager, City of Des Moines Daæ CityAttomey, City ofDesMoines Dste City Clerh City ofDes Moines Date 2 Valley Special lVeapons and Taß'tics Tsöm Intcrloc¿l Agrcement Addendum I ADDENDUM 1: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERÄTIVE AGREEMENT BET\ryEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAYO KENT, RENTON' TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CRBATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL \ilEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM WHEREAS, the clocnment dated Augr.rst 19, 2010 entitled "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ILA) between Auburn, Federal'Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Teâni" was executed by the parlicipating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occlu'rences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the futute admission of a jur.isclictio¡ as a rnernber of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership ancl has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this A<ldenclum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to tlle approval and execution of this Adclendum, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a membel of the Valley SWAT Team strbject to the terurs of the existing Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement. Except as rriodifîed hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team lntellocal Agreement remaiu in full force and effect. This Aclclendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of l)es Moines and each participati¡g jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or òrdinance ollh. gouerning body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction' This Aclclendur¡ shall be deened effective upolt the last date of execution by the last authorized repr.esentative. This Addendun'r may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each lepÏesentative had signecl the original document, By sigling below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on ìrehalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Tearn Irrterlocal Agreenrent Addendum I Mayor, City of Aubum City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Mayor', City of Renton City Clerk, City of Renton Date Mayor, City of Tukwila City Clelk, tìity of Tukwila Date Mayor, City of Kent City Clerk, City of Kent Date City Attorney, City of Auburn Date Date City Attoraey, City of-'Renton Date Date City Attorney, City of Tukwila Date Date City Attorney, City of l(ent Date Date ,>ÕçN.L lzsbot" -' Duta - l\,ùl',ofF way City Attorney, Federal Way lcll<, City of F*'<Way Date City Manager, City of Des Moines f)ate City Attorney, City of Des Moines Date City Clerk, City of Des Moines Date 2 Vatley Special Weapons and Tactics Tearn lrrterlocal Agteement Addendum I CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.4394 A RESOTUTTON OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHTNGTON, AUTHORTZTNG THE MAYOR AND CITY CTERK TO ENTER INTO ADDENDUM 1 TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUKWIIA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTTE FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAT WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM, ADMITTING THE CITY OF DES MOINES AS A MEMBER OF THE VATTEY SPECTAL WEAPONS AND TACTTCS (SWAT) TEAM. WHEREAS, in 2010, the Cities of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle executed an lnterlocal Cooperative Agreement (lLA) for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section lV of the Agreement, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Valley SWAT Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of Addendum 1 to the ILA; and WHEREAS, upon approval and execution of Addendum 1 to the lLA, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team lnterlocal Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that approving and adopting Addendum L to the ILA and admitting the City of Des Moines as a member of the Valley SWAT Team is in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, THE C|TY COUNCIL OF THE ClrY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO 1 RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION NO.4394 SECTION l. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into Addendum 1to the lnterlocal Cooperative Agreement between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by this reference PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this gth day of December,20L9. Jason Seth, Ci lerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of December, Denis Law, Mayor ìltilttt Approved as to form Shane Moloney, City Attorney RES.1827:1Llt2/L9 ,lrililtì 2 RESOLUTION NO.4394 EXHIBIT IJA" ADDENDUM 1 TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUKWILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAT WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM 3 ADDENDUM I: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUKWTLA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL \ryEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM WHEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 entitled "fnterlocal Cooperative Agreement (lLA) between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) 'feam" was executed by the participating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approvaland execution of this Addendum, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement. Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Addendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction. This Addendum shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. This Addendum may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each representative had signed the original document. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum I Mayor, City of Aubum Date CityAttomey, Cityof Auburn Date RE Auburn Date Date /?l.z 1 City of Renton f s #¿ 6.lilClerk,ofRenton Mayor, Cify ofTuhrila Date City Attorne¡ City of Tukwila Date City Clerk, City of Tulrwila Date Mayor, City ofKent Date City Attomey, City of Kent Date CþClerk, Cityof Kent Date Mayor, City of Federal Way Date City Attorney, Federal Way Date City Clerþ City ofFederal Way Date Cþ Manager, City of Des Moines Date City Attorney, City of Des Moines Date t¡l CityClerk, Cityof Des Moines Date 2 Valley Special \Veapoos a¡d Tactics Team Interlocal Ag¡eement Addcndum I RESOLUTION NO. 5499 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC¡L OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND ADOPTING ADDENDUM 1 TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FEDERAL WAY, KENT, RENTON, TUIOVILA, AND THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AND TACTICS TEAM, ADM¡TTING THE CITY OF DES MOINES AS A PARTICIPATING MEMBER WHEREAS, in 2010, the jurisdictions of Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the port of Seatfle executed an lnterlocal Cooperative Agreement (lLA) for the creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team (VSWAT); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section lV of the llÁ, the future admission of a jurisdiction to VSWAT may be accomplished by an addendum; and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines petitioned the VSWAT executive board for membership and received unanimous approval subject to the approval of each participating jurisdiction's legislative body. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, WASHINGTON, RESOLVES as follows: Section l. The Mayor is authorized to execute Addendum 1 to the lnterlocal cooperative Agreement between Auburn, Federal way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the port of Seatile, for the Creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team, which Addendum will be in substantial conformity with that attached as Exhibit A. Section 2. The Mayor is authorized to implement those administrative procedures necessary to carry out the directives of this legislation' Resolution No. 5499 January 30,2020 Page 1 of 2 Rev.2019 Section 3. This Resolution will take effect and be in full force on passage and signatures. Dated and Signed: February 18. 2020 CITY OF AUBURN S, AfiEST APPROVED AS TO FORM: Shawn Camp , MMC City Clerk ndra Comeau, CitY AttorneY Resolution No. 5499 January 30,2020 Page2 of2 Rev.2019 ADDENDUM I: TO THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AUBURN, FADERAL WAY, KENTO RENTON, TUK\ryILA' AI\D THE PORT OF SEATTLE, FOR THE CREATION OF THE VALLEY SPECIAL WEAPONS AI{D TACTICS TEAM WHEREAS, the document dated August 19, 2010 entitled "Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ILA) between Auburn, Federal Way, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, for creation of the Valley Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team" was executed by the participating jurisdictions for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team to respond to high risk criminal occurrences, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section IV of the Agreement, the future admission of a jurisdiction as a member of the SWAT Team may be accomplished by an addendum to the agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines has petitioned the Executive Board for membership and has received unanimous approval subject to approval of this Addendum; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE as follows: Pursuant to the approval and execution of this Addendum, the City of Des Moines will be admitted as a member of the Valley SWAT Team subject to the terms of the existing Valley SWAT Team lnterlocal Agreement. Except as modified hereby, all other terms and conditions of the Valley SWAT Team Interlocal Agreement remain in full fo¡ce and effect. This Addendum shall be executed on behalf of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction by its authorized representative pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of the City of Des Moines and each participating jurisdiction. This Addendum shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last authorized representative. This Addendum may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each representative had signed the original document. By signing below, the signor certifres that he or she has the authority to sign this Addendum on behalf of the jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction agrees to the terms of this Addendum. Valley Special Weapons and Tactics Team Interlocal Agreement Addendum I ]79 Aubum Date Attomey, City of Auburn Date -.Lsa..C City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Mayor, City of Renton Date City Attomey, City of Renton Date City Clerk, Cþ of Renton Date Mayor, City of Tukwila Date CityAttomey, City of Tukwila Date City Clerk, City of Tukwila Date Mayor, City of Kent Date CityAttomey, City of Kent Date City Clerk, City of Kent Datc Mayor, City of Federal \lVay Date City Attomey, Federal Way Dat€ City Clerk, City of Federal WaY Date City Manager, City of Des Moines D¿te CityAttomey, City of Des Moines Date City Clerk, City of Des Moines Date 2 Valley Special Weapons and Tactícs Tcam Interlocal Agreement Addendum I