HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW18-398 - Amendment - #4 - Wood Environ. & Infrastructure Solutions - S 224th St Project - Sediment Sampling & Analysis - 10/11/2018ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: o Director or Designee o Mayor Date of Council Approval: Budget Account Number: Budget? o Yes o No Grant? o Yes o No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? o Yes o No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? o Yes o No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 AMENDMENT NO. 4 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S. 224th Street Project ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: October 11, 2018 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor’s work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled “Description of Work,” is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: No change to the scope of work, however an amendment is needed to extend the time of completion to December 31, 2021 due to the project will not be completed by the time of contract completion. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II “Time of Completion,” and Section III, “Compensation,” are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, including applicable WSST $8,910 Net Change by Previous Amendments including applicable WSST $12,070 Current Contract Amount including all previous amendments $20,980 Current Amendment Sum $0 Applicable WSST Tax on this Amendment $0 Revised Contract Sum $20,980 Original Time for Completion (insert date) t2t3ut8 Revised Time for Completion under prior Amendments (insert date) t2t3U20 Add'l Days Required (+) for this Amendment 365 calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) nBrnt The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement ofall claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. coNSULTANT/VEN R: By (signature) PrintName: Kathleen GoodmanIts Principal Hvdrooeologist (tiile) DATE :f)ecemher 21 _ ?O)O CITY OF KENT: By: Print Name: DATE:z ATTEST: U* l{r-Mfu Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department Wood - 224th 1 Amd 4/Maloney AMENDMENT-2OF2 ¿^,a,<:<>pÌ>'CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A INFORMATION ONLY AND RIGHTS UPON THE HOLDER. THISDOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMENO, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORD ED BY THE POLICIESTHIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING TNSURER(S), AUTHORTZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. AGES RTIFICATE NUMBEB NUMBEB o EoIt oIt o I DATE(t\¡t\¡/DD^/YYY) 0612912020 SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, sub¡ect to the rerms and rusune conditions of the pol¡cy, certain pol¡c¡es may require an endorsement. A statement on this IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL I certificate does not confer ri hts to the cert¡ficale holder ¡n lieu of such endorsement(s). lÆ3.\to. ¡,', (866) 2s3-7122 (800) 363-010s E.MAIL ADDRESS: PRODUCER Aon Risk Services Southwest, rnc Houston Tx office 5555 san relipeSuite 1500 Houston TX 77056 usA INSURER(S) AFFOFDING COVËBAGE NAIC # TNSURERA: zUrich American Ins Co 16s35 |NSURERB: American cuarantee & Ljability Ins Co 26247 TNSURERC: ACE American Insurance company ¿2667 TNSURERD: AIG Specialty Insurance Company 2 6883 rNsuREREr American rnternatjonal croup ux Ltd AA1120187 gs di , Inc. aries and affiliates INSUREO JWGUSA Holdin and its subsi 17325 Katy Freeway Houston Tx 77084 usA INSURER F: MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANC SUCH POLICIES, LII\4¡TS SHOW THATFY LI BESTEDE ETHTO ETHRFODICATED.IN STAN NGDI REQUIREMENTANY RMTENOTWITH CONDOR OFITION ANY CONTRACT OTOR EH DOCUMENTR ITH ïoRESPECT tcHWH THISRTCEMAYIFICATEISSUBEDEOREBYAFFORDEDETHDESCBPOLICIESBEDtsHEREINTOSUBJECTTHALLETERMS,IONSEXCLUS DAN OFCONDITIONS N HAVMAY BEENE ER BYDUCED IDPA CLAIMS.ilsLim areshown as TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBEH LIMITS X ËACH OCCL'RHENCE 100, MED EXP (Any one person) PERSONAL & ADV INJURY , 000, GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS . COMP/OP AGG $5 , 000, X COMMEFCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L LIMITAPPLIES PER: LOCPOLICY OTHER: PRO, JÊCT COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $2 , 000, X BODILY INJURY ( Per person) BODILY INJUBY (Per accident) PROPERTY ISA 07 X X EACH OCCURRENCEUMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS.MADE AGGREGATE $1, 000, DED X stn appìies per poììcy te & condi ons X E,L, EACH ACCIDENI 1, 000 ,N E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1, 000, 000 c EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPR¡ETOB / PAFìÍNER / ÊXECUTIVE OFFICER/IlIEI,lBER EXCLUDEO? (Mandatory ¡n NH) describe under N/A work comp- AoS scFc6745 5745 work comp- wt 07 /oL/202 07 /oL/202 E,L. DISEASE.POLICY LIMIT E nq Claims Made- prof. liab. Srn appìies per polìcy te & condi ons t Any One c'lajm Agg reagate $5 , 000, RE: SCd'i as Additit-ìabììity I nsu rancegranted i General L Insupol l I abl ability befo re OFOESCRIPTION men st amp ona and ava n rfavo cance de t SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THEEXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE OELIVEFED IN ACCOROANCE WITH THEPOLICY PROVISIONS. -úØ*lffi"*ffie*tg* AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY n@t.,oo@N 99 t-@ oz o fEo Lo(J ANYAUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS ONLYONLY CERTIFICATE HOLDER city of Kent220 Fourth Avenue southKent wA 98032 usa CANCELLATION 01988-2015 ACOBD CORPORAT|ON. Ail righrs reserved.The ACORD name and logo are reg¡stered marks of ACORDACORD 25 (2016/03) /-,a,<:c>pÍ>' AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 570000021966 LOC #: ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE eage - of - AGENCY Aon Rjsk Services Southwest, Inc POLICY NUMBER see certificate Number: 570082659765 CARRIER see certificate Number: 570082659765 NAIC CODE EFFECTIVE DATE NAMED INSLJRED Jh/GUsA Hol dì ngs, rnc, ADDITIONAL REMARKS TNSURER(S) AFFORDTNG COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER INSURER INSURER INSURER THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Certificate of lnsurance INSR LTR TYPE OFINSURANCE ADDL INSD SUBR wvD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTTVE DATE (MIVI/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS OTHER D Env contr Poll cPol-24561L9 claims ¡lade- Poll. Lìab. srn applìes per policy te 07 /0L/2020 ms & condit- 07 /ot/202L ons Agg regate Lrmrt Per LossLimit $5,000,000 ADDITIONAL POLICIES If a policy below does not include limit information, refer to the corresponding policy on the ACORD certificate form for policy limits. $s , 000, 000 ACOBD 101 (2008/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACOBD @ 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. AGENCY CUSTOMER lD: 570000021966 LOC #:.rP/ã ^CORìf ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page _ of _ NUIVBER certificate Number: 570082659765 ADDITIONAL REMARKS Add¡tional Descriplion of Operat¡ons / Locations /certificate holders in accordance with the polìcy provìsions. see attached addendum for ¡dditiona'l NamedInsured Amec compan'ies. ) njsk services southwest, Inc AGENCY JWGUSA noldìngs, rnc CARRIER See certificate Number: 570082659765 NAIC CODE ËFFECTIVE DAIE: THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Certificate of Liabil lnsurance ACORD t0l (2008/0r) The ACORD name and togo are registered marks of ACORD @ 2008 ACORD CORPORATION, Atl r¡ghts reserved. AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: LOC #: s70000021966.1 ^A,(:(>ß?rr-ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page - of _ AGËNCY Aon Rjsk Services southwest, rnc POLICY NUMBER see certificate Number: 570082659765 CARRIER see certificate Number: 570082659765 NAIC CODE EFFECTIVE DATE: NAMED INSURED J\¡úGUSA Hol d'i ngs, Inc ADDITIONAL REMARKS ndditiona'l Named rnsured rwcusA Hol di ngs, wood Group use, Wood envi ronment AMEC Constructio AMEC E&E, P.C. AMEC Engi neeri ng Amec Foster h,hee Amec Foster whee Amec Foster Whee Amec Foster Whee Amec Foster h/hee Amec Foster h/hee Amec Foster Whee Amec Foster h/hee eil4t so'l uti ons , r Inc, nc. & lnfrastructure solutions, Management, Inc. and consul ti ng of tr,,tì chì gan,er Energra, S.L.U.er Industrial Power Company,er Kamtech, rnc.er Martinez, Inc.er North America Corper Power Systems, Tnc.er USA Corporatjoner ventures, Inc. c, I n n Inc. Inc, Ïnc. c E c controls Company, Inc,crpc Softwrrc, rnc. Foster whee'ler Intercontinental Corporat'ion Ingen'i ous, Inc,Kelchner, rnc. MAcrEc engìneering and consulting, p.c. I4ASA Ventu res , Inc. |\4ustang International, Inc. R'ider Hunt International use, lnc. RWG (Repair & overhau'ls) usA, rnc. swaggart Brothers, fnc. t^lood Deslqn, LLL wood Group Alaska, LLc wood Group PSN, Inc. wood croup uK, Ltd wood Massachusetts, rnc. wood Prognams, rnc. THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: ACORD 25 FORM TITLE: Certificate of Liabil lnsurance ACORD 101 (2008/01) The ACORD name and loqo are regislered marks of ACORD @ 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All r¡ghts reserved.