HomeMy WebLinkAbout4387ORDINANCE NO. 4387 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Ch. L4.OL of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 editions of the International Building, Residential, Mechanical, Existing Building, Property Maintenance, and Energy Conservation Codes and the Uniform Plumbing Code; and to repeal Section 14.01.070, entitled Uniform Housing Code. RECITALS A. In response to legislative amendments adopted by the State of Washington, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 4202 on May L7, 2OL6, which adopted the 2015 editions of the International Building, Residential, Existing Building, Mechanical, and Energy Conservation Codes, and the 2015 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. At the end of 20L9, the state adopted the 2018 edition of these codes, which are all scheduled to take effect and apply to all cities in the state on February L, 202I. This effective date was originally July L, 2O2O, and was changed to November L, 2020, before being further revised to the current date of February L, 202t. Given the upcoming effective date of these state-adopted codes, it is necessary to similarly amend the Kent City Code to formally adopt the same. International Bu ilding, Residentia l, Mecha nica l, Existing Bui ld ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 1 B. With the adoption of Ordinance No. 4202 on May L7, 2Ot6, the City Council also adopted the 2015 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code for application and enforcement in Kent. The International Property Maintenance Code was not a mandatory code adopted for application within the entire state; rather, it was a code available that Kent elected to adopt to assist with code enforcement efforts. The International Code Council recently published the 2018 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. Therefore, it is appropriate to amend the Kent City Code to similarly adopt the updated 2018 edition. C. In addition to adopting the 2018 code editions and Washington State Amendments, this ordinance also makes local amendments to the expiration and extension of permit applicants. The Washington State Building Code Council allows the adoption of local amendments to the administrative provisions of the codes without approval, pursuant to WAC 51-04-030. D. Finally, the ordinance makes other housekeeping amendments, such as deleting references to the Uniform Housing Code, renumerating local amendments to avoid conflicts with the State Code, and renumerating the Kent City Code to account for repealed sections. E. On November 30, 2020, the City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Responsible Official determined the ordinance was a non-project action exempt from SEPA under RCW 43.21C.450. F. On December 1, 2020, the City requested expedited review under RCW 36.70A.106 from the Washington State Department of Commerce regarding the City's proposed local amendments to the codes adopted through this ordinance. The Washington State Department of Internationa I Build ing, Residentia I, Mecha nica I, Existing Bui Id ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 2 Commerce acknowledged receipt of the request for expedited review on December L, 2O2O, and we anticipate the expedited review will be granted without comment prior to the February t, 2O2t implementation date. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Amendment Chapter L4.OL of the Kent City Code, entitled "Building Codes," is amended as follows: Chapter 14.O1 BUILDING CODES Sec. 14.O1.O1O. Building codes - Adopted. In accordance with Chapter t9.27 RCW, the following codes (collectively, the "building codes") together with any additions, deletions, and exceptions currently enacted or as may be amended from time to time by the state of Washington through its Building Code Council pursuant to the Washington Administrative Code (*WAC"), and as further amended in this chapter, are adopted by reference: A. The International Building Code,2€+5-281L Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51-50 WAC. B. The International Existing Building Code, 2Ol#2418_Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc. fnternationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Bui lding, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 3 C. The International Residential Code,2g$-2019 Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51- 51 WAC. D. The International Mechanical Code,20iL5-2018 Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapter 51- 52 WAC. E. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 2€+5-201€_Edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, including the Uniform Plumbing Code Standards (Appendices A, B, and I to the lJniform Plumbing Code) as amended pursuant to Chapter 51-56 WAC. 6E. The International Energy Conservation Code, 20l5-2Q!Q_Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., as amended pursuant to Chapters 51-11C and 51-1lR WAC. {+G. The International Property Maintenance Code, z€l#z01g_Edition, published by the International Code Council, Inc., including the Boarding Standard (Appendix A to the International Property Maintenance Code). One copy of each of these codes is on file with the city's building official, and rerilh fiha ail.r alarlz ac nrarri daA Ft'tr lrrr DflA/ ?( ?1 1an Sec. 14.O1.O2O. Code conflicts. To the extent allowed by RCW 19.27.040, if a conflict exists between the provisions of the state building codes adopted by the Washington State Building Code Council and the provisions of this chapter, the Kent City Code provisions shall govern. 4 Internationa I Building, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption Sec. 14.O1.O3O. Amendments to the International Building Code. The following local amendments to the International Building Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Building Code: A. General - Building code appendices adopted. Section 101 of the International Building Code, entitled "General," is amended by adding the following new subsection 101.5: Sec. 101.5. Building code appendices adopted. Appendices C, E and J to the International Building Code are hereby adopted; however, the public works director shall have the authority to enforce and interpret Appendix J and, accordingly, all references to the "building official" in Appendix J shall be substituted with the words "public works director." B. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. Section 104 of the International Building Code, entitled "Duties and Powers of Building Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection LO4.L2: Sec. LO4.t2. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding the authority of the building official to administer and enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. C. Permits - Expiration of preje*pumitsapplication. Section 105 of the International Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 105.3.2 with the following: Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residential, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 5 Sec. 105.3.2. Expiration ffiapplication. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. t2.OL KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire automatically bf-{imitatien-if no permit is issued +8O +ays365_deE after the date a determination has been made that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC L4.LL.O20, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, each period not exceeding 1809e days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken.If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. D. Permits - Expiration. Section t05 of the International Building Code, entitled "Permits." is amended by substituting subsection 105.5 with the followino: Sec. 1O5.5. Exoiration. 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire automatically three years after the date of permit issuance. However. the permit shall expire earlier if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the date the permit is issued, or once work commences, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more. 2. The building official. after finding that no significant changes have or will be made to the originally Internationa I Build ing, Residentia I, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 5 rh^Fnr16r{ hl-hc rn/ cnaaifin arnc farr fha annrnrtaA vtlrL mav extend a permit's expiration date or revive a permit which has been canceled due to inactivity, at the building nffiriel'c rlicr^rafinn r rndar fho fnllnr,rrinn rirrr rrrrcfrnrac. a. A oermit issued and related to a sinole- family residence, if it has expired due to inaction, may be extended for a 90-day period, up to two times. However, this subsection does not alter the permit's overall three year enniration rlate aq nrnvided for in crrhqpcfinn 1OE E 1 h A nermit iqcrred nd related to a sinole- family residence may be extended for a 90-day period if work is started and continuously performed. and necessary periodic inspections are made. c. For permits other than those related to a single-family residence. the building official may grant a single 90-day extension when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved. ?l\ln narmif av{.ancia n rlrill ha rrranfarl fnr =nrr property that is the subject of a code enforcement proceeding under Ch. 1.04 KCC. EE. Board of appeals. Section 113 of the International Building Code, entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section 113 with the following: Sec. 113. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.110irce. Internationa I Building, Residentia l, Mechanica I, Existing Bu ild ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 7 F. Additional height increases. Section 504 of the International Building Code, entitled "Building Height and Number of Storim," is amended by adding the following new subsection 504.5: Sec. 5O4.5. Additional height increases. For Group B or Group R, Divisions 1 and 2 Occupancies, the permitted increase of one story allowed by subsection 504.2 may be increased to two stories when all of the conditions enumerated below are met. The increase provided in Section 504.3, as amended by WAC 51-50, shall not be added to this increase. 1. An automatic fire sprinkler system complying with Section 903.3.1.1 is installed throughout with the installation of quick response sprinkler heads in all areas where the use of these heads is allowed. 2. Vertical exit enclosures are constructed as smokeproof enclosures or pressurized stair enclosures in accordance with Section 909.20 and Section 909.11. 3. Standby power is supplied for light, emergency, and any exit enclosure pressurization systems used, as provided in Sections 4O3.4.7, 403.4.8 and 9O9.20.6.2, and the adopted edition of the National Electrical Code. Connection ahead of service disconnect means shall be permitted for standby power. 4. Walls separating dwelling units or sleeping units, and corridor walls in Group R, Divisions 1 and 2 Occupancies shall be constructed as l-hour fire paftitions as provided in Section 70B. Reduction of the fire-resistance rating is not permitted. 5. All exterior walls, including those with a fire separation distance of more than five feet, shall be of not less than l-hour fire-resistance rated construction on the interior and the exterior of the wall. Internationa I Build ing, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conservation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption B 6. Structural observation is provided during construction in accordance with Sections 2O2ff82 and 1704.5. 7. An emergency voice/alarm communication system complying with subsections 907.5.2.2 through 9O7. is installed. 8. Approved supervised indicating control valves shall be provided at the point of connection to the automatic fire sprinkler system riser on each floor. 9. Structures meeting the requirements of this subsection shall have an automatic sprinkler zone per floor. All zones must report independently. Sec. 14.O1.g400i's. Amendments to the International Existing Building Code. The following local amendments to the International Existing Building Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Existing Building Code; A. All references to the "code official" in the International Existing Building Code shall be substituted with the words "building official." B. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. Section 104 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Duties and Powers of Code Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection to4.72: Sec. LO4.l2. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding the authority of the building official to administer and enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. Internationa I Build ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conservation, a nd Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 9 C. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section 105 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 105.3.2 with the following: Sec. 105.3.2. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. LZ.OL KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire automatically h4r-{imrtati'on-if no permit is issued +8€-3.05 days after the date a determination has been made that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC t4.Lt.O2O, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, each period not exceeding 9S-.180_days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. D. Permits - Expiration. Section L05 of the International Existing Buldrng Code, entitled "Permits." is amended by substituting subsection 105.5 with the following: Sec. 1O5.5. Exoiration. 1. Every permit issued by the buildino official r rndar {.ha nrarricianc aF f hic nh:nfar chall arznira automatically three years after the date of permit issuance. However, the permit shall expire earlier if the work Internationa I Build ing, Residentia I, Mecha nica I, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, a nd Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumhing Code - 2078 Adoption 10 -r r{-h^Fi?6.{ hrr cr rah narmif i rr.\f .^ryrrr.r aF'r4/l r^ri{'hin rrna year from the date the permit is issued. or once work commences, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more. 2. The building official. after finding that no significant changes have or will be made to the originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work, may extend a permit's expiration date or revive a permit which has been canceled due to inactivity, at the building official's discretion, under the following circumstances: e A nermit issrrrld and related to a sinole- familrr racidanna if if hrc raA Ar ra fn in=nfinn nrrrr ha extended for a 90-day period, up to two times. However, fhic cr rhcaafian laao nnf a r l'ha narrrrif'c nrrarrll thraa year expiration date as provided for in subsection 105.5.1. b. A permit issued and related to a single- family residence may be extended for a 90-day period if work is started and continuously performed, and necessary periodic inspections are made. c. For permits other than those related to a single-family residence. the building official may grant a single 90-day extension when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved. ?Nn nerrnit prrl-anqinn will he nranfpd fnr anrr property that is the subject of a code enforcement proceeding under Ch. 1.04 KCC. DE. Certificate of occupancy Altered area use and occupancy classification change. Section 110 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Certificate of Occupancy," is amended by substituting subsection 110.1 with the following: Sec. 110.1. Altered area use and occupancy classification change. No altered area of a building and Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia I, Mecha nica I, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Propefi Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 11 no relocated building shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or portion thereof shall be made until the building official has issued a ceftificate of occupancy therefor as provided herein, except that no certificate of occupancy is required for detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures subject to the provisions of the International Residential Code. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. EE. Board of appeals. Section LL2 of the International Existing Building Code, entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section 112 with the following: Sec. 112. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. Sec. 14.O1.gEgO{O. Amendments to the International Residential Code. The following local amendments to the International Residential Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Residential Code: A. Duties and powers of building official - Lot lines and setback lines. Section R104 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Duties and Powers of the Building Official," is amended by adding the following new subsection R104.12: International Bu ild ing, Residentia I, Mecha nica l, Existing Bui lding, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption T2 Sec. R1O4.12. Lot lines and setback lines. Notwithstanding the authority of the building official to administer and enforce the building code, the building official shall have no duty to verify or establish lot lines or setback lines. No such duty is created by this code, and none shall be implied. B. Permits - Substantially improved or substantially damaged existing buildings in areas prone to flooding. Section R105 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection R105.3.1.1 with the following : Sec. R1O5.3.1.1. Substantially improved or substantially damaged existing buildings in areas prone to flooding. The building official may require that all applications for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of existing buildings or structures located in an area prone to flooding be submitted in accordance with Ch. 14.09 KCC. C. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section R105 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection Rl05.3.2 with the following: Sec. R1O5.3.2. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. t2.OL KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire automatically #imitation-if no permit is issued ffi,f365 days after the date a determination has been made that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC L4.LL.020, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, each period not exceeding 9f.L$Q_days, upon written request by the applicant showing that Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 13 circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. Building Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection R105.5 with the followinS Sec. 1O5.5. Exoiration. 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire automatically three years after the date of permit issuance. However. the permit shall expire earlier if the work arrfhnrizerl hrr qr rrh nerrnif ic nnf .r.rryrrnan.ed urifhin nna year from the date the permit is issued, or once work commences, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more. 2. The building official, after finding that no significant changes have or will be made to the originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work, may extend a permit's expiration date or revive a permit which has been canceled due to inactivity. at the building official's discretion. under the following circumstances: a A permit issued and related to a sinqle- frmilrr racir{anaa if if Jrra av irad Ar ra fn inantinn rrrarr ha extended for a 90-day period, up to two times. However, this subsection does not alter the permit's overall three year expiration date as provided for in subsection 105.5.1. b. A permit issued and related to a sinqle- family residence may be extended for a 90-day period if Inte rnatio na I Bu i ld i ng, Residentia l, Mechanical, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption L4 work is started and continuously performed, and necessary periodic inspections are made. c. For permits other than those related to a single-family residence. the building official may grant a single 90-day extension when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved. 2 l\ln narmi{- av}anai rrrill ha nrrntarl fnr rnrr property that is the subject of a code enforcement proceeding under Ch. 1.04 KCC. DE. Fees - Building permit valuations. Section R108 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting subsection R108.3 with the following: Sec. R1O8.3. Building permit valuations. The permit applicant shall provide an estimated permit value at time of application. Permit valuations shall include total value of the work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued. (The work would include, for example and without limitation, electrical, gas, mechanical, and plumbing equipment and other permanent systems.) If the building official decides that the permit valuation is underestimated, the permit application shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the building official. Final building permit valuation shall be set by the building official. EE. Certificate of occupancy. Section R110 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Certificate of Occupancy," is hereby repealed. FG. Board of appeals. Section R112 of the International Residential Code, entitled "Board of Appeals," is amended by substituting Section R112 with the following: Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia I, Mecha nica l, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, a nd Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 15 Sec. R112. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in section L .OL.100 of the Kent City Code. Any appeal to an order, decision, or determination of the public works director with respect to work within a flood hazard area shall be made in accordance with Ch. 14.09 KCC. Sec. 14.01.960050. Amendments to the Uniform Plumbing Code. The following local amendments to the Uniform Plumbing Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the Uniform Plumbing Code: A. Permits. Section t04 of the Uniform Plumbing Code. entitled t'Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 104.3.3 with the following: Sec. 1O4.3.3. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. 12.01 KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SFPA All nther nroicct nermif annlicatinnc chall pvnirp automatically if no permit is issued 365 days after the date A defermination haq hepn madc thaf a frrllv rnrnnletp nroiect nermit annlicatinn aq dpfinpd in KCC 1411 n)n has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building nfFicial'c diecrctinn The hrrildinn nfficial rnaw awfend tha timp fnr artion nn thp nprrnif annlicatinn fnr nno nr rrrnrp periods, each period not exceeding 180 days, upon written request bv the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired. plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building official, In order to renew action on an expired application, Internationa I Build ing, Residential, Mecha nical, Existing Bu ilding, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 16 the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. B. Expiration. Section 7O4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled ttPprrnitc " ic arnondad hrr cr rhcfifr rfinn stthserfion 1O4 4 ? with thp fnllnwinn' Sec. 1O4.4.3. Exoiration. 1. Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire automatically three years after the date of permit issuance. However, the permit shall expire earlier if the work authorized by such permit is not commenced within one year from the date the permit is issued, or once work commences, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more. 2. The building official, after finding that no significant changes have or will be made to the originally aporoved plans and specifications for the approved work, may extend a permit's expiration date or revive a permit which has been canceled due to inactivity, at the building official's discretion, under the following circumstances: e A nermif isqued nd related to a sinole- frmilrr racirlanna if il lrrc av iraA dt ra fn inanfinn rrrarr lra avtanr{ar{ fnr r Of\J rrr nari t tn tn frrrn firrrac l-lnrrrarrar fhic crrhcanlinn dnaa nal rl r tha narrrriftc nrrarrll fhraa year expiration date as provided for in subsection LO4.4.3.L. h A nermit issued and related to a sinole- family residence may be extended for a 90-day period if work is started and continuously performed, and necessary periodic inspections are made. c. For permits other than those related to a single-family residence. the building official may grant a single 90-day extension when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved. Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nica I, Existing Bu ild ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propetty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption L7 2 l\ln narmi* av{.anai n r^rill lro n rr nfar{ fnr r nrr property that is the subject of a code enforcement oroceedino under Ch. 1.04 KCC. C. Extensions. Subsection 7O4.4 .4 of the Uniform Plumbina Code entitled "Extensions." is hereby repealed. r'\Dltrmhina aar'ai/- Faae Tahla 'l O/- tr nf fha /lnifnrm Dlttmhinn fnAa entitled "Plumbing Permit Fees." is amended by substituting Table 104.5 with the followinq: Table 104.5. Plumbing Permit Fees. Plumbing permit fees and related fees shall be as established by resolution of the city council. in accordance with 14.01.090 KCC. AE. ier' Section +€2-106 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled "Qpgs6izatiofttftd ," is amended by substituting subsection,1e2.L06.51 with the following : Sec. 1094.53, Penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its requirements or who erects, installs, alters, or repairs plumbing work in violation of : (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building code official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. BE. Aoara of Appeats@. Section +92-L07 of the Uniform Plumbing Code, entitled "Q5g66i7s{i€rft6rnd ," is amended by substituting s,t+bsection +gZtW3 with the following: Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 1B Sec. @O7. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in section L4.OL.100 of the Kent City Code. iem fe+elvlng' to €h' 12,01 l(€€ or that require SEPA review are subjeet +ft inc ission' D' /'/umbrng permif fees, Table 103,4 of the Uniferm Flumbing €ede; @ International Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Cotdes and llniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 19 ei Sec. 14.O1.gZgOGe. Amendments to the International Mechanical Code. The following local amendments to the International Mechanical Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Mechanical Code: A. Permits - Expiration of project permit application. Section 106 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Permits," is amended by substituting subsection 106.3.3 with the following: Sec. 106.3.3. Expiration of project permit application. Project permit applications that are subject to Ch. LZ.OL KCC or that require SEPA review are subject to the deadlines established by that code chapter or by SEPA. All other project permit applications shall expire automatically b#imitatisn-if no permit is issued 365l€e days after the date a determination has been made that a fully complete project permit application, as defined in KCC L4.LL.O2O, has been submitted, unless that application has been pursued in good faith as determined solely in the building official's discretion. The building official may extend the time for action on the permit application for one or more periods, each period not exceeding 9f.!!!Q_days, upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. If an application has expired, plans and other data previously submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building official. In order to renew action on an expired application, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new review fee at the rates in effect at the time of resubmission. Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 20 B. Expiration. Section LO6 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Permit Issuance," is amended by substituting subsection 106.4.3 with the following: Sec. 1O6.4.3. Expiration. 1. Every permit issued bv the buildinq official r rnz{ar }ha nrnrriaiana nf fhic ahanl'ar ch=ll avnira automatically three years after the date of permit issuance. However. the permit shall expire earlier if the work rrrfhnrizar{ hrr orrah narmif i nnl- enrrrrrrannar{ rrrithin nna year from the date the permit is issued, or once work commences, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days or more. 2. The building official. after finding that no significant changes have or will be made to the originally approved plans and specifications for the approved work, may extend a permit's expiration date or revive a permit which has been canceled due to inactivity, at the building official's discretion, under the following circumstances: a. A oermit issued and related to a sinole- farnilv rpqirlpnrp if it hac evnired rlrro fn inerfinn rnarr hp errfpnded fnr a Qo-dav nprinrl rrn tn fwn tirnaq l{nworrer fhis crrhcprfinn dnec. nnf alfar tho nerrnif'c nrrer:ll fhree year expiration date as provided for in subsection b. A permit issued and related to a sinqle- family residence may be extended for a 90-day period if work is started and continuously performed, and necessary periodic insoections are made. c. For permits other than those related to a single-family residence. the building official may grant a single 90-day extension when only the final inspection approval is remaining and all other work has been approved. International Build ing, Residentia l, Mechanica I, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, a nd Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 2L ?Nn nermif prrtcnqinn will he nrantpd fnr anv property that is the subject of a code enforcement proceeding under Ch. 1.04 KCC. C. Extensions. Subsection 106.4.4 of the .lnfernafional Mechanr'cal Code, entitled "Extensions," is hereby repealed. BD. Violations - Penalties. Section 108 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Violations," is amended by substituting subsection 108.4 with the following: Sec. 1O8.4. Violation penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its requirements or who erects, installs, alters, or repairs mechanical work in violation of : (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building code official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. €E. Means of appeal - Board of appeals. Section 109 of the International Mechanical Code, entitled "Means of Appeal," is amended by substituting Section 109 with the following: Sec. 1O9. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, designs, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in section t4.O1.100 of the Kent City Code. International Building, Residentia I, Mecha nica I, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 22 +r ffi dwelliftgs; c +nr €hapter 34; and IR€ 5 R102:7; as may be applieable, Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 23 +ettew+ng= ings ffiions is €od€' inc b,y+ailh Internationa I Building, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 24 +nC-oF in the manner and aeeording te the applieable eonditiens G, /-ermifs and rnspee#ens Fees, Seetion 302 ef the Uniform Housing fe+bwing+ applieabt'e; as-fotlowsr ffiiolt+ BUITDING €eDE is the International Building €ode ("IB€") Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Bu ild ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 25 ism ing I ffiien+ s may be applieable and iem ing+ loeated with respeet to propeGy lines and with respeet to ion WinS= ime++n @ ing- I nte rnatio na I Bu i Id i ng, Residentia l, Mecha nica l, Existing Bu i ld ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 26 floors of water eloset eompartments; exeept in dwellings; is +RG ion m+n$- fe+bu*lng= ien Internationa I Build ing, Residentia l, Mecha nical, Existing Bui lding, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 27 +re +ng-+ft ien ln +s ie+r is Sec. 14.O1.99qe85. Amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code. The following local amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code, including all amendments enacted by the state of Washington, are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Energy Conservation Code : A. Compliance required, violations, penalties. Section C101.5, entitled "Compliance," is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection c101.5.*2: Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia I, Mechanica I, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 28 Sec. C1O1.5.+2. Unlawful acts and penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, move or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by this code, or cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of this code. Any person who violates a provision of this code, or fails to comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued underthe provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chapters 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. B. Compliance required, violations, penalfies. Section R101.5, entitled "Compliance," is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection Rl01.5.*2: Sec. R1O1.5.+2. Unlawful acts and penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, alter, extend, move or occupy any building, structure or equipment regulated by this code, or cause the same to be done, in conflict with or in violation of this code. Any person who violates a provision of this code, or fails to comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued underthe provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chapters 14.08 and 1,04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. C. Appeals. Section C109, entitled "Board of Appeals,'1 is hereby amended by substituting Section C109 with the following: Sec. C1O9. Board of Appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of Internationa I Bu ilding, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 29 construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. D. Appeals. Section R109, entitled "Board of Appeals," is hereby amended by substituting Section R109 with the following: Sec. R1O9. Board of Appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in KCC 14.01.100. Sec. 14.O1.O9O€8'7. Amendments to the International Property Maintenance Code. The following local amendments to the International Property Maintenance Code are adopted and incorporated into the International Property Maintenance Code: A. All references to the "code official" in the International Property Maintenance Code shall be substituted with the words "building official." B. Fees. Section 103.5 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Fees," is amended by substituting Section 103.5 with the following: Sec. 1O3.5. Fees shall be assessed as set forth in Section 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code. C. Violations. Section 106 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Violations," is amended by substituting subsSections 106.1 and 106.4 with the subsections that follow+ng. all other subsect Section 106 remain the same: Internationa I Build ing, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Bu ilding, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumhing Code - 2078 Adoption 30 ffiioal* 106.1. Unlawful acts. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the same to be done in violation of this code. LO6.24. Violation penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of its requirements, or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of: (a) the approved construction documents, (b) a directive of the building official, or (c) a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code, shall be subject to penalties as set forth in Chs. 14.08 and 1.04 KCC or as otherwise provided by law. D. Notices and orders. Section LO7 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Notices and Orders," is amended by substituting Section 107 with the following: Sec. 1O7. Notices of Violation. Whenever the building official or his designee determines that there has been a violation of this code or has grounds to believe that a violation has occurred, the code enforcement officer may issue a notice to any person responsible for the violation, pursuant to Chapter L.04 of the Kent City Code. E. Board of appeals. Section 111 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Means of Appeal," is amended by substituting Section 111 with the following: Sec. 111. Board of appeals. The City of Kent hearings examiner is designated as the board of appeals in order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the Internationa I Bu ilding, Residentia l, Mecha nica I, Existing Bui ld ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 31 suitability of alternate materials, design, and methods of construction and appeals of the reasonable application and interpretation of the building codes. Appeals shall be made as set forth in section 14.01.100 of the Kent City Code. F. Failure to comply. Section LL2.4 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Failure to Comply," is amended by substituting Section Lt2.4 with the following: Sec. 1L2.4. Failure to Comply. Any failure to comply with a stop work or stop use order shall constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in jail for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine in an amount fixed by the court of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both such imprisonment and fine, pursuant to KCC 1.04.090, L.O4.100, and 1.04.110. G. Rubbish and garbage. Section 308 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Rubbish and Garbage," is deleted in its entirety. H. Electrical facilities. Section 604 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Electrical Facilities," is deleted in its entirety. I. Electrical equipment. Section 605 of the International Property Maintenance Code, entitled "Electrical Equipment," is deleted in its entirety. J. Elevators, escalators and dumbwaiters. Section 606 of the International Propefty Maintenance Code, entitled "Elevators, Escalators and Dumbwaiters," is deleted in its entirety. Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia l, Mecha nica I, Existing Build ing, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 32 Sec. 14.O1.1OO.O9O Building codes - Fees. The city council shall, by resolution, establish the fees to be assessed to implement and operate the codes adopted in this chapter. Sec. 14.O1. 1 lO.ife0 Appeals. A. Appeals to the hearing examiner. 1. Jurisdiction. The city hearings examiner has been designated as the board of appeals and shall have jurisdiction over all matters concerning the application of the building codes cited in this chapter. The city hearings examiner, however, shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions of these codes, nor shall the city hearings examiner be empowered to waive requirements of these building codes. 2. Filing. Appeals shall be filed with the hearings examiner by 5:00 p.m. of the fourteenth calendar day following the date of the order, determination, or decision being appealed. When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or city holiday, the period shall run until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. The appeal shall be accompanied by payment of the filing fee. Specific objections to the building official's decision and the relief sought shall be stated in the written appeal. 3. Standing. Standing to bring an appeal under this chapter is limited to the following persons: a. The applicant and the owner of property to which the permit decision is directed. Internationa I Bu ilding, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Bui Id ing, Energy Conseruation, and Propefty Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 33 b. Another person aggrieved or adversely affected by the order, determination, or decision, or who would be aggrieved or adversely affected by a reversal or modification of the order, determination, or decision. A person is aggrieved or adversely affected within the meaning of this section only when all of the following conditions are present: i. The order, determination, or decision has prejudiced or is likely to prejudice that person; ii. A judgment in favor of that person would substantially eliminate or redress the prejudice to that person caused or likely to be caused by the order, determination, or decision; and iii. The appellant has exhausted his or her administrative remedies to the extent required by law. B. Appeals to superior court. Appeals to the hearings examiner shall be made pursuant to Chapter 2.32 KCC. The decision of the hearings examiner shall be final and conclusive unless, within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the hearings examiner's decision, an appeal is filed with the King County superior court. When the last day of the appeal period so computed is a Saturday, Sunday, or city holiday, the period shall run until the next business day. SECTION 2, - Amendment. Section 14.08.020 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Definitions," is amended as follows: Sec. 14.O8.O2O Definitions. The definitions contained in KCC L.O4.O2O shall also apply to this chapter. In addition, the following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings Internationa I Bu ild ing, Residentia I, Mecha nical, Existing Bu i ld ing, Energy Conservation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 34 ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 1. Building codes means and includes the International Building Code, the International Existing Building Code, the International Residential Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Fire Code, the International Energy Conservation Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, and the Uniform Plumbing Code, and the Uniform fbusing-€edqas now or hereafter adopted, amended, or supplemented pursuant to this title, the Revised Code of Washington, and/or the Washington Administrative Code, 2. Building official means the building official of the city or any person authorized by the building official to enforce the building codes. 3. not. Premises means a plot of ground, whether occupied by a structure or SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. International Build ing, Residentia l, Mecha nica l, Existing Building, Energy Conseruation, and Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 35 <:. SECTION 5. - Code Synchronization The changes to the building code provisions enacted herein shall be implemented simultaneously with the state code's change, currently scheduled to be implemented February L, 2O2L. However, if the Washington State Building Code Council further delays implementation of the state codes referenced by this ordinance, the implementation of this ordinance shall similarly be delayed to coincide with the implementation date of the state codes. SECTION 6. - Effective Date. This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. RALPH, M December 8, 2020 Date Approved ATTEST: 0"December 8, 2020 Date AdoptedKIMBERLEYKOMOTO, CITY CLERK December 11. 2020 Date Published APPROVE UR *P PATRICK,ATTORNEY Internationa I Building, Residential, Mecha nical, Existing Bui Id ing, Energy Conseruation, a nd Property Maintenance Codes and Uniform Plumbing Code - 2078 Adoption 36 'ClaSsified Proof - CiE of Kent, City Clerk' LEGAL ADS Fourth Ave S wA, 98032 51 53 - Leg4l Notices 12/11t2020 ralu2a2t0 - Jetrnifer Tribbett 856-5728 43,83-4387 802-8212 10:54:47 am $210.13 $0.00 $0.00 $2 10. l3 $0.00rJ Irlftr, Prooftd by Jennifer Tlibbett, 12/04/202A 10:55:03 am Page: I 'Classified Proof CITYOF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on December 8, 2024. ORDINANCE NO, 4383 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re- pealing Ordinance No. 4369 and right-of-way dedications made there- in, and through this ordi- nance dedicating as right-of-way a portion of City-owned property lo- cated in the 24800 block between Military Road South and 38th Avenue S. for right-of-way pur- poses, authorizing the Mayor to sign all docu- ments necessary to fi- nalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance, and directing the City Cle* to record a certified copyof this amending ordi- nance upon its passage. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. /1384 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between October 1, 2020 and No- vember 30, 2020, re- fleciing an overall bud-get increase of $29,72eJ49. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publica- tion, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4385 - AN ORDINANCE of Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 12/041202010:55:03 am Page:2 'Classified Proof the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, authorizing the transfer of excess Local lmprovement District Guaranty Funds to the General Fund. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its publi- cation, as provided for by RCW 35A.1 1.090 and RCW 35A.12.130. ORDINANCE NO. 4386 - AN ORDINANCE ot the City Council of the Cily of Kent, Washing- ton, amending Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Fire Codes,' to adopt the 2018 edition olthe lnternational Fire Code and to make other housekeeping amend- ments and local amend- ments specifically appli- cable within Kent. This ordinance will take €ffect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4387 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ion, amending various sections of Ch, 14.01 of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 editionsof the lntemationalBuilding, Residenlial, Mechanical, Existing Building, Property Main- tenance, and Energy Conservation Codes andthe Uniform Plumbing Code; and to repeal Section 14.01.070, enti-tled Uniform Housing Code. This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text ol any ordinance will be mailed upon Fquesl of the City Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@KentWA.gov 'E' AEC EA'E #91 51 53 12t11t20 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 1210412020 10:55:03 am Page:3