HomeMy WebLinkAbout4384ORDINANCE NO. 4384 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, approving the consolidating budget adjustments made between October L,2O2O and November 30,2020, reflecting an overall budget increase of $29,728,L49. RECITALS A. Expenditures as classified in the final, adopted budget constitute the City's appropriations for that year. After adoption, there are a variety of events that will precipitate the need to amend the adopted budget, such as grant awards, bonds issuance, collective bargaining agreements and additional budget requests. These modifications are periodically consolidated into a supplemental budget adjustment ordinance amending the original adopted budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Budget Adjustments. The 2OL9-2020 biennial budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments from October 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit"A," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. Except as amended by this ordinance, all terms and provisions of the 2019-2020 biennial budget I 2O79-2O2O BudgetAdjustment Oct 7, 2O2O through Nov 3O, 2O2O Ordinance No. 4296, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 4324, 4330, 4343, 4344, 435L, 4354, 4359, 4365 and 4375, shall remain unchanged. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such / decision shall noi affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the Code Reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publication, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYO December 8, 2020 Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLEY KOMOTO, CITY CLERK December 8, 2020 Date Adopted Date Publi APPROVED AS TO ATTORNEY 20 79-20 2O Budget Adj ustment Oct 7r 2O2O through Nov 3O, 2O2O UR *PAT' FITZPATRICK, 2 Exhibit A City of Kent Budget Adjustment Ordina nce Adjustments from October L 2O2O to November 30, 2O2O Fund Title Previously Approved Approval Requested Total Adjustment Ordinance General Fund Street Fund Public Safety Retiree Benefits Capital Resources Fund Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Community Development Fund Management Operating Projects Fund Kent Events Center Operating Fund Special Assessment Debt Service Fund Street Capital Projects Parks Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Technology Capital Projects Facilities Capital Projects Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Fund Fleet Services Fund Facilities Management Fund Insurance Funds Total 1L,574,83O 18,1531319 29,728'149 2,630 15,000 6,O39,24O 810,170 1,864,330 2,843,460 I,27B,L4O 4,567,59O 75,000 311,300 813,600 1,088,809 545,000 627,OOO 5,428,230 L,45B,g7O LsB,22O 382,330 (386,700) 637,500 3,187,000 (2,842,5OO) 145,000 (1,530,690) 1,200,000 759,93O 249,59O t,2go,77o 4,567,59O 75,000 311,300 828,600 1,0BB,8Og 6,039,24O 545,000 627,OOO 6,238,4OO 3,323,3OO L58,22O 382,330 (386,700) 637,500 3,197,000 960 145,000 (1,530,690) 1,200,000 759,930 249,59O Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October !,2O2O to November 3O, 2O2O Approval Date or Other Fund Previously Approved by Council Not Previously Approved by Council Total Adjustment Ordinance General Fund Transfer of Guaranty Funds to Meet Me on Meeker/Placemaking project Transfer of Placemaking funds to Meeker/Russell to GRE Segment Transfer to 4th & Willis for Signs (CARES) Transfer to Showare Lifecycle for Reopening Equipment (CARES) Legal Services Laptops and other expenditures (CARES) Parks YE Adjustments (APS21-10 Operating Support, PSB20-206 Grant) Street Fund Transfer to LID 362 84th Avenue Rehab Project Transfer TIF funds to 228th Street Grade Separation project Transfer TIF funds Io 224/228 (94th -104th) project Transfer to 76th Ave Road Raising project Transfer to LID 359 Total Street Fund Public Safety Retiree Benefits Increase healthcare costs Total Public Safety Retiree Benefits Capital Resources Fund To move expenditures from Parks projects to Parks Lifecycle Establish budget for Financial services fees Total Capital Resources Fund Criminal Justice Fund Establish budget for seized asset actuals Establish budget for red light camera fees and other expenses Target Net Zero Grant Total Criminal Justice Fund Housing & Communiw Development Fund Establish budgets for HUD Block Grants Establish budget for new Sales Tax Revenue from HB 1490 fotal Housing & Community Development Fund Management Operating Projects Fund Establish Commerce CARES Budget Establish KC CARES Budget Total lrlanagement Operatang Projects Fund Kent Events Center Operating Fund Transfer from GF for Reopening Equipment (CARES) Total Kent Events Center Operating Fund Special Assessmcnt Debt Service Fund Transfer of Guaranty Funds for Meet Me on Meeker/Placemaking project Transfer to LID 361 - 272nd Extension Transfer out LID 353 funds to Streets Fund Total Special Assessment Debt Service Fund Street Capital Projects KC Grant for Transit Access Improvements Establish budget in Meeker/Russell project for use of MMOM funds Establish budget in Meeker - Russell to GRE for CMAQ Grant Match Establish budgets for use of Transportation Impact Fees Establish budget for 4th & Willis Signs (CARES) Establish budget for transfer from Streets Operating Fund for 76th Ave Road Raising Transfer of interest income to MMOM Russell to GRE (CMAQ Grant Match) Financial services fees Transfer from LID 361 to Street Fund Transfer from LID 353 to Street Fund Establish budget for Sound Transit ILA (James & 2nd Pedestrian Crossing) Establish budget for Sound Transit ILA Total Street Capital Projects Fund KCC 3.70 612120&.1Ol2Ol2O 5,841,000 7l2Ll2O2O 198,240 1000 2600 to 3300 3300 to 3100 3100 1951 KCC 3.70 2,630 119,000 100,000 145,000 545,000 80,140 285,000 4,000 1 19,000 100,000 145,000 545,000 80,140 285,000 6,630 2,630 L,278,'4O L2AO,77O 3100 3100 3100 3100 2521 169,550 2,000,000 2,059,590 289,450 49,000 169,550 2,000,000 2,0s9,590 289,45O 49,000 4,567,590 4,567,590 75,000 75,OOO 75,OOO 3200 304,800 6,500 304,800 6,500 311,300 311,300 45,910 767,690 15,000 15,OOO 813,600 828,600 855,489 855,489 233,320 233,320 - 1,088,809 1,088,809 45,910 767,690 15,000 5,841,000 198,240 6,O39,240 6,O39,240 545,000 545,000 - 545,OOO 545,OOO 3300 3100 3100 119,000 20,000 488,000 1 19,000 20,000 488,000 70l612O2O 3300 1 100 2500 2500 3lt7l2o2o 4/2rl2O2O 285,000 100,000 179,860 4,059,590 145,000 289,450 141,480 4,850 20,000 488,000 273,640 25t,490 627,000 627,000 285,000 100,000 179,860 4,059,590 145.000 289,450 141,480 4,850 20,000 488,000 273,680 25r,490 810,170 5,428,23tJ 6,238,400 Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October l,2O2O to November 3O,2O2O Approval Date or Other Fund Previously Approved by Council Not Previously Approved by Council Total Adjustment Ordinance Parks Capital Projects Establish budget for KC Levies Transfer of KC Levy funds to various projects Establish Budget for Fee-in-lieu of Revenues True up of Parks revenues to actuals Transfer Fee-in-lieu of Revenues funds to various projects Net transfer from P21011 to P21062 (reducing P21011 exp) True-up of RCO Grants Establish budget for KCCF Grant Establish budget for KC Grant Transfer of interest income to Unallocated Parks project Establish budget in Unallocated Parks Project for funds transferred Total Parks Capital Projects Other Capital Projects Establish budget for LID 353 funds transferred to MMOM Guarantee Fund Transfer of interest income to MMOM Russell to GRE project (CMAQ Grant Match) Total Other Capital Projects Technology Capital Proiects Transfer of interest income to Unallocated IT project Establish budget for transfer from Utility Funds for PW Asset Management System Total Technology Capital Projects Facilities Capital Projects Transfer of interest income to Facilities Operating Fund Reallocation of funds to and from Facilities Capital and Facilities Maintenance Projects Total Facilities Capital Proiects Water Opcrating Fund Transfer Water share of PW Modular Building project Establish budget for PW Modular Building project Total Water Operating Fund Sewerage Operating Fund Move Sewer project budgets from 4400 to 4300 Total Sewerage Operating Fund Drainage Operating Fund Establish budget for Aerial Imagery project including transfers Transfer Drainage share of PW Modular Building Project Move Sewer project budgets from 4400 to 4300 Flood Control District Grant Watershed Management Grant Total Drainage Operating Fund Solid Waste Operating Fund Adjust S&B to reflect actual allocations Total Solid Waste Operating Fund Golf Operating Fund Correct Golf capital allocation - funded as part of 2021 allocation Total Golf Operating Fund Fleet Services Fund Use of Fleet fund balance to purchase 2021 replacements in 2020 Total Fleet services Fund Facilities Management Fund Fire Alarm Upgrades Corrections plumbing upgrades previously budgeted in Facilities Capital Projects Council Chambers Renovation Transfer of interest income from Facilities Capital to Facilities Maintenance Total Facilities Management Fund Insurance Funds Increase Unemployment Insurance budget due to increase in claims Established budget for reimbursement revenue with an offset to expenditures Increase in Property Insurance premiums Total Insurance Funds 4ltl74 &, u2rl2o 20L7-2020 9/2O120L6 & 8/16/19 7712U20t7 KCC 3.7 1000 4to0l43o0l44oo 5400 4400 4100 4300 21r812020 712712020 1.150,980 559,700 (48s,760) 634,410 5,000 50,000 496,600 216,400 74,27O 310,850 310,850 1,150,980 50,000 559,700 495,600 216,400 74,270 (485,760) 634,410 5,000 310,850 310,850 1,864,330 L,458.,97O 3,323,300 119,000 39,220 119,000 39,220 L58,22O 158,220 278,330 104,000 278,330 104,000 382,330 382,330 36,300 (423,000) 36,300 (423,000) 2t2,500 425,000 (386,700) (386,700) 272,500 425,000 637,500 637,sOO 3,187,000 3,187,000 3,187,000 3,187,000 1,445,000 1,398,460 132,000 2r2,500 (3,187,000) 132,000 272,500 (3,187.000) 1,445,000 1,398,460 2,843,460 (2,842,500) 145,000 960 145,000 145,OOO 145,OOO (1,530,690) (1,530,690) (1,s3O,690) (1,s30,690) 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,2OO,OOO 1,2OO,OOO 41,910 600,000 82,s50 35,47O 41,910 600,000 82,550 35,470 759,930 7s9,93O 25,000 199,590 25,000 25,000 199,590 25,000 3500 249,590 249,s9O Budget Adjustment Detail for Budget Changes October l,2O2O to November 3O, 2O2O Previously Not Previously Total ^"H,?",,?ffi "' ^"::il.".9,6" ^o:::l."i, o"' T:;,""*il. Grand Total All Funds r1,574,830 29,728,L49 'ClaSsified Proof - CiE of Kent, City Clerk' LEGAL ADS Fourth Ave S wA, 98032 51 53 - Leg4l Notices 12/11t2020 ralu2a2t0 - Jetrnifer Tribbett 856-5728 43,83-4387 802-8212 10:54:47 am $210.13 $0.00 $0.00 $2 10. l3 $0.00rJ Irlftr, Prooftd by Jennifer Tlibbett, 12/04/202A 10:55:03 am Page: I 'Classified Proof CITYOF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on December 8, 2024. ORDINANCE NO, 4383 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re- pealing Ordinance No. 4369 and right-of-way dedications made there- in, and through this ordi- nance dedicating as right-of-way a portion of City-owned property lo- cated in the 24800 block between Military Road South and 38th Avenue S. for right-of-way pur- poses, authorizing the Mayor to sign all docu- ments necessary to fi- nalize and define the dedications authorized by this ordinance, and directing the City Cle* to record a certified copyof this amending ordi- nance upon its passage. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. /1384 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between October 1, 2020 and No- vember 30, 2020, re- fleciing an overall bud-get increase of $29,72eJ49. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after publica- tion, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4385 - AN ORDINANCE of Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 12/041202010:55:03 am Page:2 'Classified Proof the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, authorizing the transfer of excess Local lmprovement District Guaranty Funds to the General Fund. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its publi- cation, as provided for by RCW 35A.1 1.090 and RCW 35A.12.130. ORDINANCE NO. 4386 - AN ORDINANCE ot the City Council of the Cily of Kent, Washing- ton, amending Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Fire Codes,' to adopt the 2018 edition olthe lnternational Fire Code and to make other housekeeping amend- ments and local amend- ments specifically appli- cable within Kent. This ordinance will take €ffect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4387 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ion, amending various sections of Ch, 14.01 of the Kent City Code to adopt the 2018 editionsof the lntemationalBuilding, Residenlial, Mechanical, Existing Building, Property Main- tenance, and Energy Conservation Codes andthe Uniform Plumbing Code; and to repeal Section 14.01.070, enti-tled Uniform Housing Code. This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text ol any ordinance will be mailed upon Fquesl of the City Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@KentWA.gov 'E' AEC EA'E #91 51 53 12t11t20 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 1210412020 10:55:03 am Page:3