HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2020-393 - Original - GIS WebTech LLC - KentValleyWa.gov Website - 10/15/2020ApprovalOriginator:Department: Date Sent:Date Required: Authorized to Sign: Director or Designee Mayor Date of Council Approval: Grant? Yes No Type:Review/Signatures/RoutingDate Received by City Attorney: Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor’s Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk’s Office:Agreement InformationVendor Name:Category: Vendor Number:Sub-Category: Project Name: Project Details: Agreement Amount: Start Date: Basis for Selection of Contractor: Termination Date: Local Business? Yes No* *If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete “Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions” form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Yes No Contract Number: Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor’s Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreementsadccW22373_1_20 Budget Account Number: Budget? Yes No Dir Asst: Sup/Mgr: Dir/Dep: rev. 200821 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Software License Agreement This Software License Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into effective October L5,2O2O (the "Effective Date") by and between GIS WebTech LLC, ("LICENSOR"), a Georgia limited liability company, and the City of Kent, Washington ("LICENSEE"). ln consideration of the mutual promises and upon the terms and conditions below, the parties agree as follows: RECITALS: o LICENSOR is the owner of a software solution for online site selection and analysis ("Recruit Viewer/');¡ LICENSEE desires to obtain a license to use Recruit Viewer as a Software-as-a-Service ("SAAS") application and to replace the existing letter agreement between the part¡es dated August 1.6, z}tg with this Agreement; ¡ LICENSOR desires to grant LICENSEE a license to use Recruit Viewer as a SAAS application and to replace the existing letter agreement between the parties dated Augusl 16,2Ot9 with this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained here (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged) the Parties hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 TICENSE GRANT l.t Grant of License. Subject to the terms and cond¡tions of this Agreement LICENSOR will provide LTCENSEE with online access to Recruit Viewer for use as described in Schedule A attached hereto, including updates, bug fixes, or other minor enhancements or improvements that are made generally available by LICENSOR to similarly situated clients paying similar license fees (hereafter the "services"). Subject to the terms and cond¡t¡ons of th¡s Agreement, and only upon payment in full to LICENSOR, LICENSOR grants to LICENSEE a personal, nontransferable, nonsublicensable, nonexclusive limited license to use Recruit for LICENSEE'S own use, in accordance with any documentation provided by LICENSOR, to allow web site users to view and search for information about properties and related data. t.2 License Attributes. The license for LICENSEE's use of the Services will be personal, nontransferable, nonsublicensable, nonexclusive limited license and irrevocable except as provided herein. The license authorizes LICENSEE to use Recruit Viewer for any aspect of their business in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Any changes or additions to the Services requested by LICENSEE must be agreed in writing and signed by both parties, and LICENSEE agrees and recognizes that any such changes may require changes to agreed delivery schedules and the payment of additional fees to LICENSOR. ARTICLE 2 PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF LICENSOR 2.1 Restrictions on Use LICENSEE acknowledges and agrees as follows: (a) Although LICENSEE is permitted by LICENSOR to use Recruit Viewer according to the terms and conditions herein, LICENSOR owns and forever retains sole and exclusive right to control and direct the manner or means by which Recruit Viewer is provided and Services are performed. Nothing herein entitles LICENSEE to actual possession of any software. LICENSEE does not obtain any right to use, modify, duplicate or reverse engineer any aspect of Recruit Viewer or the Services. (b) LICENSEE agrees that it shall not: i) modify, decompile, translate, distribute, rent, sell, lease, license, assign or otherwise transfer all or any part of Recruit Viewer or the Services (including any associated documentation) and LICENSEE's rights to use Recruit Viewer and such Services, except for use by web site end-users Page 1 of 9 as described herein, ii) reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to discover source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of Recruit Viewer orthe Services, or iii) modify or create derivative works based on Recruit Viewer or the Services. ARTICLE 3 LICENSEE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3L Data and lnformation. LICENSEE shall make available in a timely manner at no charge to LICENSOR all technical data, programs, files, documentation, sample output, or other information and resources reasonably required by LICENSOR for the provision of the Services to LICENSEE including but not limited to the Data described in Schedule A, Section 6. LICENSEE will be responsible for, and assumes the risk of any liabilities resulting from the content, accuracy, completeness and consistency of all such data, materials and information supplied by LICENSEE. LICENSEE shall cooperate with LICENSOR and provide such assistance as LICENSOR may reasonably request in connection with LICENSOR's effofts to obtain all consents, approvals and authorizations of and cooperation from third parties which may be necessary or required in orderto use the materials or information provided by LICENSEE. LICENSEE shall bear any costs (including those above and beyond LICENSOR's quoted costs) including added time resulting from LICENSEE's failure to meet its obligations. ARTICLE 4 OWNERSHIP 4.7 LICENSEE acknowledges that, as between LICENSOR and LICENSEE, all right, title and interest in the Services including the Recruit Viewer software, and any other LICENSOR materials furnished or made available hereunder, and all modifications, enhancements and improvements thereof, including all rights under copyright and patent and other intellectual property rights, belong to and are forever retained solely by LICENSOR, or LICENSOR's licensors-and providers, if any. There are no implied rights. LICENSEE agrees to the inclusion on LICENSEE's site of LICENSOR's image logo and text descriptions identifuing LICENSOR's ownership, copyright notice, and links to LICENSOR websites. ARTICLE 5 FEES, EXPENSES, AND TAXES 5.1 Fees. LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR the fees listed in Schedule B according to the following schedule:o One hundred percent (IO0%l of the Annual License Fee, plus one hundred percent (100%) of the Set-Up Fee shall be due and payable at the Effective Date;o One hundred percent (1".0}%l of the Annual License Fee shall be paid thirty (30) days priorto each anniversary of the Effective Date. Effective only afterthe third anniversary of the Effective Date, the Annual License Fee may be changed by LICENSOR with 30 days advanced, written notice. LICENSOR may cease provision of Services at any time if payment is not timely made. ln addition, LICENSEE shall pay LICENSOR one and one-half percent (7.5%) interest per month on the outstanding balance of any fees or approved expenses not paid within thirty (30) days of the due date, provided LICENSOR is not in breach of this Agreement. LICENSOR provides the option to pay via credit card or debit card for LICENSEE's convenience, and if choosing to pay via credit card or debit card LICENSEE agrees to pay an additional processing fee of 2.75%. 5.2 Expenses. Provided LICENSOR has obtained prior written approval from LICENSEE, LTCENSEE shall reimburse LICENSOR for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses actually incurred by LICENSOR in performance of the Services. 5.3 Taxes. lf LICENSEE is not a tax-exempt entity, LICENSEE shall pay or reimburse any and all federal, state, dominion, provincial or local sales, use, personal property, excise, or other taxes, fees or duties arising from or related to this Agreement (otherthan taxes based on LICENSOR's net income). Page 2 of 9 ARTICLE 6 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 61 ln the event that LICENSEE desires LICENSOR to provide additional consulting or other services beyond the scope of the Services, then the parties shall mutually agree upon a Statement of Work describing the scope of such consulting or other services, which document shall be appended to this Agreement and made a part hereof. Any additional fees for such consulting or other services will be billed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the rates set forth in Section 4 of Schedule A unless different fees are mutually agreed in the applicable Statement of Work. ARTICTE 7 CONFIDENTIALITY 7.t Each party agrees to keep confidentialand not disclose or use except in performance of its obligations under this Agreement, confidential or proprietary information related to the other party's technology or business, including, but not limited to: information relating to products or technology or the properties, composition, structure, use or processing thereof, computer programs, code, algorithms, schematics, data, know-how, processes, ideas, inventions, and other technical, business, financial, and product development plans, forecasts, strategies and information (allof theforegoing, "Confidentiallnformation"). Each party shall use reasonable precautions to protect the other's Confidential lnformation. Confidential lnformation shall not include information that (a) is in or enters the public domain including in reasonably available public or government databases through no improper action or inaction by either Party; (b) was rightfully in the Receiving Party's possession or known by it prior to receipt from the Disclosing Party; (c) was rightfully disclosed to the Receiving Party by another person without restriction; or (d) was independently developed by the Receiving Party by persons without access to such information and without use of any Confidential lnformat¡on of the Disclosing Party. Each party may disclose Confidential lnformation that is required to be disclosed by a court or other adjudicative body provided that reasonable measures are taken to minimize disclosure and guard against further disclosure, and also provided that the party gives the other party pr¡or written not¡ce of the proposed disclosure to allowtheotherpartytoseekprotectionfortheConfidentiallnformation. Thisobligationtokeepconfidentialall Confidential lnformation shall survive this Agreement and remain for a period of two years after its termination. ARTICLE 8 WARRANTIES 8'1 LICENSOR will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide the Services in a professional and WOTKMANI|KE manneT. LICENSOR MAKES, AND LICENSEE RECEIVES, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF, RELATEDTO, OR UNDERTHISAGREEMENTORTHE PROVISION OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES THEREUNDER,ANDLICENSORSPECIFICALLYDISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITYORFITNESSFORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. LICENSOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. ARTICTE 9 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY 9.1 LICENSEE AGREES THAT LICENSOR'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS LIMITED TO THE ACTUAL AMOUNT PAID BY LICENSEE FOR THE SERVICES, IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR HAVE ANY LIABILIW FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA OR COSTS OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT UNDER ANY CAUSE OF ACTION. ARTICLE 10 Page 3 of 9 TERMINATION 10.1 This Agreement willtake effect on the Effective Date and will remain in effect, unless earlierterminated in accordance herein, until the third anniversary of the Effective Date. At the end of such term, and each subsequent anniversary of the Effective Date, this Agreement shall renew automatically for additional one (1) year terms unless either party prov¡des written notice of termination to the other at least sixty (60) days before the end of the then current term. Notwithstanding the foregoing, LICENSOR may immediately terminate this Agreement if LICENSOR determines that LICENSEE has failed to com ply with a ny of the terms a nd co nd itio ns of this Agreement, or may terminate for convenience provided that LICENSOR offers LICENSEE a pro-rata reimbursement for the time period that the Services are not provided due to such termination for convenience. This Agreement may be terminated by either party if the other party (i)fails to pay any amount due under this Agreement within ten (10) days after written notice of such nonpayment, or (ii) commits a material breach of this Agreement, which breach, if capable of being cured, is not cured within thirty (30) days of written notice of termination. Termination by any means will not affect the provisions of this Agreement relating to the payment of amounts due, orthe provisions of Sections 4,7,8,9,!2and 1-4 of this Agreement, allof which will survive termination of this Agreement, regardless of the reason for termination. Upon termination, all licenses and rights to the Services that are granted hereunder shall terminate, and LICENSEE shall immediately return to LICENSOR, LICENSOR proprietary and confidential information, and documentation regarding use of the Services, if any, along with a signed, written statement certifying that LICENSEE has returned to LICENSOR and is no longer in possession of the foregoing items. ARTICLE 11 GOVERNMENT USE Il-.L lf LICENSEE is a unit or agency of any government, or licensing use of the Services by payment with government funds, the Services are provided subject to LICENSOR's standard commercial terms, set forth in this Agreement. ARTICLE 12 REFERENCE I2.L LICENSEE agrees that LICENSOR may identify LICENSEE as a customer and use its logo on its brochures, websites, and other marketing materials, and may describe the Services provided by LICENSOR to LTCENSEE and include imagery and video examples of the Services in its marketing materials. ARTICLE 13 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 13.1 Each party w¡ll be and act as an independent contractor and not as an agent or partner of, or joint venture with, the other party for any purpose related to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated bythis Agreement, and neither party by virtue of this Agreement will have any right, power or authority to act or create any obligation, expressed or implied, on behalf of the other party. ARTICLE 14 GENERAL t4.L Assignment. This Agreement is not assignable or transferable by LICENSEE without the prior written approval of LICENSOR, and any such attempted assignment or transfer shall be void and without effect. L4.2 Attorney Fees. ln any action to enforce this Agreement the prevailing party will be entitled to costs and attorneys'fees. Page 4 of 9 L4.3 Waiver. The waiver by either party of a breach of this Agreement or any right hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement; nor shall any delay by either party to exercise any right under this Agreement operate as a waiver of any such right. lf any provision of this Agreement shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall othen¡vise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. t4'4 Governing Law. This Agreement and any disputes hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. Any disclosure of materials or records created under the auspices of this agreement w¡ll be controlled by Washington State's Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. ARTICLE 15 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 15.1This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes all prior agreements, discussions, express or implied, concerning such matters. Any modifications of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties hereto. The Agreement shall take precedence over any additional conflicting terms which may be contained in LICENSEE's purchase order or other acknowledgement forms. lN WITNESS THEREOF, each of the Parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative on the data first set forth above. GIS WebT Signature:Signatu Name: Ronald P. Bertasi Name Title Date Date ech LLC fU //r TICENSEE /c> Page 5 of 9 SCHEDULE A Statemen t of Work 1.0 SERVICES DESCRIPTION The Services shall be the provision of software functionality on an online basis via the lnternet. The functionality of the Services will include the follow¡ng: 1_.r Basemaps Available basemaps will be those provided by Esri, as Esri may change from time to time, currently including: lmagery; lmagery with Labels; Streets; Topographic; Dark Gray Canvas; Light Gray Canvas; National Geographic; Oceans; Terrain with Labels; and Open Street Map 1..2 Property Search and Brochures o Site users will be able to search for available commercial property based on user-defined information such as minimum and maximum size and type of use.o Site users will be able to generate property brochures for available properties. ¡ LICENSEE is responsible for providing property data for display in the software, through (1) provision of electronic property data to LICENSOR, or (2) direct entry of property data by LICENSEE, or (3) direct entry by third parties provided access by LICENSEE as described further in section 1.5(a) below. 1".3 Community Layers o Site users will be able to utilize LICENSOR"s standard set of community layers, as LICENSOR may change from time to time, currently including specific layers organized into categories labeled lnfrastructu re, Education, Recreation, Broadband, and Admin Boundaries. Sharing Site users can share the results of a property search or the details of a specific property with third parties, including sharing on social media sites, such as, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln. 1.5 Property Management for External Users Within the Administrative area real estate professionals (like brokers or property owners) or other individuals may add an available property, delete a property that has been leased or purchased, and modify information for a property. To help avoid conflicts between brokers, Recruit Viewer will provide functionality to allow LICENSEE to offer individual security logins and passwords so that only the individual who added the property, and who has the appropriate login and password, should be able to view or delete the property. As provided, Recruit Viewer will also check for the tD of the broker before deleting information. A login and a password will also be required in order to add or delete a property. A user- friendly web site or interface will be used to make adding, deleting or modifying a property relatively easy for the broker. Both the Broker's login database and Property Listing database will be ma¡ntained on a server running the Recruit Viewer software, Brokers can also add photo images and/or document attachments that will appear on the property report. A file size limit of 1 MB will be required for each file. Properties that cannot be geocoded to ArcGlS Online will be excluded from the database of properties. Page 6 of 9 L.4 LICENSEE understands and agrees that, with the sole exception of the individual security logins and passwords described above, only users in LICENSEE'S organization are authorized to log in and/or utilize any portion of the Administrative area of Recruit. ln no case shallanythird party be authorized to log in to LICENSEE's installation of Recruit and utilize the Administrative functions of Recruit. 2.0 SERVICE 2.1 Delivery and Installation. LICENSOR will make the Services available to LICENSEE as a SAAS solution in accordance with a mutually agreed project schedule. 2.2 Maintenance. LICENSEE agrees and understands that routine maintenance by LICENSOR's internet service provider or hosting facilities may cause temporary downtime, and that loss of connectivity by LICENSEE and its users to the hosted services due to reasons which are beyond LICENSOR's reasonable control may occur from time to time, and agrees that the LICENSOR shall not be responsible for such loss of connectivity. LICENSEE recognizes and agrees that users should have access to high-speed internet connections for best performance. 2.3 Hosting. LICENSEE has engaged LICENSOR to implement and provide the Services as a LTCENSEE of a SAAS solution through an online web-hosted portal. As context dictates, Services will also refer to any proprietary or third-party software or infrastructure used by the LICENSOR to provide such Services. LICENSOR will provide a suitable hosting environment for the Services. 2.3(al. Uptime Commitment. After implementation of the site is completed, LTCENSEE and end users will be able to access and use the Services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The Services will be fully functional in accordance with the Agreement. LICENSOR will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the Services available at least ninety-seven percent (97%) of the time during each calendar month of the term, excluding: (a) scheduled maintenance, emergency maintenance, and scheduled updates (which, when possible will be identified in advance to LICENSEE in writing and scheduled during off hours); (b) access or use problems related to the failure of the LICENSEE's site or solution; (c) access or use problems associated with LICENSEE's failure to use the Services within the operational directions, specifications, and requirements established by LICENSOR; (d) access or use problems caused by software, patches, updates, or upgrades installed by LICENSEE on its site; (e) access or use problems caused by LICENSEE's users, representatives, or employees; (f) access or use problems caused by LICENSEE's personal device or internet service provider (subsections (b)through (f) above being referred to as "Excused Delays". 2.4 Help and Training. LICENSOR will provide help and training to enable LICENSEE to properly test and use the Services. Training is approximately 4.0 hours and will be delivered via webcast. 2.5 Support. Support means LICENSOR will (i) correct deficiencies, and (ii) be accessible by telephone during normal business of LICENSEE on regular business days to answer questions about the Services. 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE The implementation schedule will be mutually agreed between the parties. 4.0 FEES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES Time and material rates are established as follows: o Staff: Si.50.00 /Houro Senior Staff (CEO, COO, CTO): 5250.00 / Hour Page 7 of 9 Travel related expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses: passed through to LICENSEE for reimbursement at cost with no mark up 5.0 GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE The geographic scope of the Services provided to LICENSEE will be the City of Kent, Washington unless mutually agreed otherwise. 6.0 LTcENSEE REqUTREMENTS Provided is a list of requirements to be furnished by the LICENSEE to LICENSOR at the start of the project. Failure by LICENSEE to provide this data or information shall not affect or delay payment of any fees due to LICENSOR under Art¡cle 5 of this Agreement nor relieve LICENSEE of any other obligations under this agreement. lntroduction to, access to, and support in discussions with key stakeholders, to include:¡ lnternalstakeholders (e.g. lTteam, GlS, Marketing, etc.)r External partners including Esri, 3rd party data providers, website developers, and others whose cooperation is required to deliver the Services Data lmages Property listing data (required format to be supplied by GtS WebTech) Organization logo, photos use for the user interface a a a Page 8 of 9 SCHEDULE B Fees 7. Solution Licensing & HostÍng Recurring Bøsis Fee 2. Set-Up 3. Technicol Support Technical Support Annual lncluded Technical Support Fee Recruit 4,0 Viewer Version Annual $s,tso/yr Hosting Annual lncluded Annuallicense Fee s3,75O lv? Configuration and lmplementation One-time lncluded Training One-time lncluded Set-Up Fee Page 9 of 9