HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 12/14/2020 (2) Unless otherwise noted, the Land Use and Planning Board meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the Kent City Hall, Council Chambers East, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Tanya Kosen at 253-856-5461, or email Tanya Kosen at TKosen@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Land Use and Planning Board Agenda Board Members: Ali Shasti, Chair Shane Amodei, Vice Chair - Gwen Allen-Carston - Dione Dittmar - Paul Hintz - Katherine Jones - Joseph O'Toole Monday, December 14, 2020 6:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 01 MIN. 2. Roll Call Chair 02 MIN. 3. Approval of October 12, 2020 Minutes YES Chair 05 MIN. 4. Changes to the Agenda Chair 01 MIN. 5. 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards NO Susanne Smith 10 MIN. 6. Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update NO April Delchamps 45 MIN. 7. Adjournment Chair 01 MIN. Page 1 of 3 Pending Approval Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2020 Date: October 12, 2020 Time: 7:01 p.m. Place: Chambers Attending: Ali Shasti, Chair Shane Amodei, Vice Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Dione Dittmar, Paul Hintz, Katherine Jones, Joseph O'Toole Agenda: 1. Call to Order 7:01 p.m. 2. Roll Call Ali Shasti Present Shane Amodei Present Gwen Allen-Carston Present Dione Dittmar Excused Paul Hintz Present Katherine Jones Present Joseph O'Toole Present 3. Approval of Minutes dated September 28, 2020 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated September 28, 2020 RESULT: APPROVED [4 TO 0] AYES: Shasti, Amodei, Jones, O'Toole ABSTAIN: Allen-Carston EXCUSED: Dittmar RECUSED: Hintz 4. Changes to the Agenda 5. Land Use and Planning Board By-Laws Update Kaeleen Nobis presented the changes suggested for updating the Land Use and Planning Board By-Laws. They included: · Removal and replacement of position titles, · Removal of old dates, · Update the scheduled meeting time to 6:00PM, · Virtual meeting clarification, 3 Packet Pg. 2 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f O c t 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 7 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 · Required Order of Business items, · Online distribution of agendas, forms, and other material. There was little discussion or questions. MOTION: Move to amend the by-laws as presented by staff. RESULT: APPROVED [5 TO 0] MOVER: Shane Amodei, Vice Chair SECONDER: Katherine Jones AYES: Shasti, Amodei, Hintz, Jones, O'Toole ABSTAIN: Allen-Carston EXCUSED: Dittmar 6. Isolation and Quarantine Facilities & Emergency Housing Facilities/Shelters Amendment Matt Gilbert gave a brief summary of the agenda item he presented at the September 28, 2020 Land Use and Planning Board Hearing. The presentation was on the proposed zoning code amendment to address locational and permitting requirements for Isolation & Quarantine facilities, and to update locational requirements for emergency housing and shelters. Earlier discussions about this topic included potential supportive housing regulations, which are no longer included. Supportive Housing regulations will be taken up at a later date. Questions centered around the permitting process and the trigger for needing a Temporary Use Permit vs. a Conditional Use permit. The need to include conditions such as restricting drug use that are covered under other Kent City Code. There were comments regarding the adverse impact on nearby property owners and how the City will mitigate that. MOTION: Recommend City Council approve the code amendment related to Isolation and Quarantine Facilities, Emergency Housing Facilities and Emergency Shelters as presented by staff. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [5 TO 0] Next: 10/13/2020 4:00 PM MOVER: Joseph O'Toole SECONDER: Paul Hintz AYES: Shasti, Amodei, Hintz, Jones, O'Toole ABSTAIN: Allen-Carston EXCUSED: Dittmar 7. Recreation Facilities: Amendment to KCC 12.04.060 & 15.09.045 3 Packet Pg. 3 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f O c t 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 7 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular Meeting Minutes October 12, 2020 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 Jason Garnham gave an information-only presentation introducing the Recreation Facilities Code 12.04.060 & 15.09.045 and the Staff’s research into updates. Recreation space is required in subdivisions and most multifamily projects to provide Kent residents with convenient opportunities for passive and active outdoor recreation. While the city’s current standards in KCC 12.04.060 and 15.09.045 effectively provide minimum space and location requirements, they lack detail in relation to equipment type and material quality. This causes unpredictability for applicants and often results in construction of park facilities of poor quality, limited longevity, and/or diminished utility. Further, many developers choose to place recreation facilities atop underground stormwater vaults, which were not previously allowed by the City, posing new design challenges that were not considered in the current standards. Members had questions about long term maintenance of such amenities even suggesting a possible inspection on a biennial basis. They also had recommendations for additional usage of recreational space such as gardening and adult exercise equipment. 8. Adjournment 8:35 p.m. Tanya Kosen Committee Secretary 3 Packet Pg. 4 Mi n u t e s A c c e p t a n c e : M i n u t e s o f O c t 1 2 , 2 0 2 0 7 : 0 0 P M ( O P E N S E S S I O N ) ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5454 DATE: December 14, 2020 TO: Land Use and Planning Board FROM: Public Works SUBJECT: 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards SUMMARY: Over the past several years the City of Kent Public Works Department collaborated with departments throughout the City to update the 2009 Kent Design and Construction Standards. The 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards were created from this effort. The purpose of the standards is to the extent practicable, to set forth the minimum requirements for specific and consistent construction of, and improvements to: public and private streets, water utilities, sewer utilities and storm water utilities; placement and operation of any utilities in rights-of-way; and all excavation and grading in the City. These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty and deviations, to establish uniform criteria to guide the City’s own design, construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. The 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards have been submitted for SEPA and to the Department of Commerce, the State Department of Health and the King County Industrial Waste Program for review and comments. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2021 Design and Construction Stds (12-14-20 LUPB) (PPTX) 5 Packet Pg. 5 City of Kent 2021 Design and Construction Standards Info rmation -Only Land Use and Planning Board December 14, 2020 5.a Packet Pg. 6 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Histo ry of Standards -Ordinance #23 passed in 1890 Set Standards for Wo oden Sidewalks -1962 –City Passed Ordinance Adopting first Manual -Pe riodically Updated Over the Years -Most Recently Updated 2009 5.a Packet Pg. 7 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Goals of Standards -Sets up Parameters for Implementing Comprehensive Plans -Sound and Efficient Development -Standardized Parts and Construction -Stormwater Management -Environmenta l Protection -Tr ansportation Safety 5.a Packet Pg. 8 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Applicability -All Public Improvements in the Right-of-Wa y -All Improvements from New Development within Public Right-of-Wa y or Easements -Improvements Intended for Maintenance by the City -Other improvements that require the approval of the City 5.a Packet Pg. 9 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Purpose of Design and Construction Standards •Set standards for the construction of public and private development •Materials 5.a Packet Pg. 10 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) -Sections of Manual 1.General Conditions and Requirements 2.Construction Control and Inspection 3.Wa ter System Improvements and Standard Plans 4.Sanitary Sewer System and Standard Plans 5.Storm Drainage System and Standard Plans 6.Street and Standard Plans -Sample Real Estate Documents -Meet Me on Meeker Standards -Downtown Design Guidelines Layo ut of Manual 5.a Packet Pg. 11 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 1 -General Conditions and Re quirements •Overview •Applicability •Change Procedures •Applicable Codes and other Standards •Plan Submittal Requirements •Financial Guarantees •Latecomers Agreements •Va riances 5.a Packet Pg. 12 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 2 -Construction Control and Inspection •Authority to Enfo rc e Standards •Field Testing Procedures •Control of Materials •Tr affic and Site Controls 5.a Packet Pg. 13 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 3 -Wa te r •Wa termain Extensions •Wa ter Services and Meters •Fire Lines and Hydrant Connections to City System •Backflow Prevention Assemblies •Cross Connection Control •Materials Specifications •Construction Procedures •Standard Plans 5.a Packet Pg. 14 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 4 –Sanitary Sewer •Sewer Main Extensions •Side Sewer Connections to City System •Lift Stations •Private Grinder Pumps •Material Specifications •Construction Procedures •Standard Plans 5.a Packet Pg. 15 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 5 –Storm Sewer •Storm Sewer Extensions •Connections to City System •Pump Stations •Private and Public Detention Ponds •Low Impact Development Procedures •Material Specifications •Construction Procedures •Kent Surface Water Design Manual •Department of Ecology General Stormwater Permit –NPDES •Standard Plans 5.a Packet Pg. 16 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 6 –Street Syste m •Right of Way Dedications •Street Types and Dimensions •Re quired Developer Improvements to City Streets •Access Management •Street Design Standards •Driveways, Sidewalks and Non-motorized Facilities •Inters ection Design •Fire Department Access 5.a Packet Pg. 17 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Section 6 –Street System(cont.) •Ro adside Appurtenances-Mailboxe s, Fences, Re ta ining Walls •Tr affic Control Devices –Signs and Markings •Tr affic Signal Systems •Street Lighting Systems •Material Specifications •Construction Procedures •Standards Plans 5.a Packet Pg. 18 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Overview of Update -Updating New Construction Techniques -New changes in State Law -Pe rmitting Requirements -Changes in City Code -Industry Changes 5.a Packet Pg. 19 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Inte rnal Coordination •Citywide effo rt to update document included many groups •ECD •Planning •Law Department •All Public Works Sections •Re gional Fire Authority 5.a Packet Pg. 20 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Next Steps •SEPA •Maste r Builders Association •Wa shington State Department of Commerce •Wa shington State Department of Health •King County Industrial Waste Program •Land Use and Planning Board Hearing •Re turn to Council for Adoption 5.a Packet Pg. 21 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) Questions/Comments? 5.a Packet Pg. 22 At t a c h m e n t : 2 0 2 1 D e s i g n a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n S t d s ( 1 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 L U P B ) ( 2 5 2 0 : K D C S ) ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Kurt Hanson, Economic and Community Development Director 220 Fourth Avenue S, Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5454 DATE: December 14, 2020 TO: Land Use and Planning Board FROM: Public Works SUBJECT: Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update SUMMARY: The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) details Kent’s transportation vision for the next 20 years. This vision crafted through extensive public outreach and interdepartmental coordination can be seen in the project lists as well as in the policies and actions. These two elements of the TMP are a critical part of the roadmap for reaching the adopted goals. They are two of the most tangible outputs of the Transportation Master Plan update process. Project Lists Over the last 10 months, staff from Public Works, Economic and Community Development, Parks and Police have been collaborating and coordinating to develop the draft project lists. The TMP project lists are categorized into three buckets based on funding: 6 Packet Pg. 23 Funded Projects Within the funded projects, there are three categories of lists based on their potential funding source: Programs During public outreach and project development, multiple projects were categorized under two programs: Safe Routes to Schools and Neighborhood Greenways. The Safe Routes to Schools project list is the starting point for the Safe Routes to School program. These projects will be prioritized based on funding availability and scoring criteria to determine project priority for funding. As the program is developed, Kent staff anticipate identifying additional projects. As part of the Neighborhood Greenways Program, the City will develop a Neighborhood Greenways Plan, which will include a few projects identified as part of the TMP development. The Plan will identify a network of Greenways in each area of Kent and prioritize projects for funding by the Neighborhood Greenways Program. Unfunded Projects Extensive public outreach and project development identified more high priority projects than available funding. This “Next Priority Project List” identifies 55 multimodal projects that address the goals of the TMP but are currently unfunded by the capital project budget. The TMP is a living document, which means if there is a change that impacts the capital budget or project eligibility for outside funding, then the TMP can be updated to reflect the change. For example, if a new funding source or increased funding is identified, then the TMP can be amended to move projects on the next priority project list to the prioritized project list. Kent staff will be developing a TMP Amendment process in 2021 to ensure that the TMP remains flexible to take advantage of emergent funding opportunities. 6 Packet Pg. 24 Capital Budget The capital budget is composed of 4 funding sources, the business & occupation tax, grants and appropriations, Transportation impact fees, and project specific Local improvement districts. The TMP capital budget is projected to be $254 million and consists of 4 existing funding sources. The capital budget forecast is based on historical data as well as ongoing trends. Over 20 years, $70 million is anticipated from the B&O tax, $80 million from grants and appropriations, $74 million from transportation impact fees, and $30 million from local improvement districts. Policies and Actions The policies and actions provide direction and next steps that will facilitate a variety of efforts. These efforts include grant applications for projects on the prioritized project list, process updates to improve the flow to the 6-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), data collection and analysis to facilitate grant applications and to support partnerships, and external and internal collaboration on projects and processes. Both the project lists and policies and actions flow to the last element of the TMP, the plan performance measures. There will be a future presentation on potential plan performance measures. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. ATTACHMENTS: 1. TMP-Draft-ProjectList-11-18-2020 (PDF) 2. TAB_SummaryOfOutreach (PDF) 3. KentTMP_Draft_Policies_Actions_11-16-20Updated (PDF) 6 Packet Pg. 25 KentTMP.com For more information, please contact April Delchamps, Project Manager, at TMP@KentWa.gov or 253- 856-5564 Project List The purpose of this packet is to explain the City of Kent Transportation Master Plan (TMP) project lists and types of proposed transportation improvements. This packet is divided into five geographic subareas: Downtown, Manufacturing and Industrial Center (MIC), Midway, North East Hill, and South East Hill. The subarea approach was chosen to ensure that projects were identified across all areas of the City, as well as to acknowledge the distinct topography and land use characteristics within each subarea. There were many incredible project ideas that arose during the project development process. In order to prioritize projects for funding but not preclude great potential mobility improvements, the TMP project lists are categorized into three buckets based on funding: Funded Projects Within the funded projects, there are three categories of lists based on their potential funding source: Funded Projects •Projects that are anticipated to be completed over the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Programs •Projects to be considered by a funded program Unfunded Projects •Priority projects for which funding was unavailable over the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Prioritized List •Projects anticipated to be funded by the Kent Capital Project Budget. •This Capital Budget includes funding from the Businesses & Occupation Tax (B&O), Grants and Appropriations, Transportation Impact Fees, and Local Improvement Districts (LIDs). Secured Funding List •Projects with secured funded that predates the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Developer List •Projects anticipated to be funded by developers. 6.a Packet Pg. 26 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Kent TMP Project List November 2020 2 Funded projects include: Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/ Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 27 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Kent TMP Project List November 2020 3 Widen Roadway to 3 lanes with Pedestrian/Bike Facilities Buffered bike lane New/Improved Pedestrian/Bike Crossing Bridge Replacement Roundabout Source: Google Maps Source: Google Maps Bike intersection improvements Physically separated bikeway/shared use path 6.a Packet Pg. 28 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Kent TMP Project List November 2020 4 Programs During public outreach and project development, multiple projects were categorized under two programs: Safe Routes to Schools and Neighborhood Greenways. The Safe Routes to Schools project list is the starting point for the Safe Routes to School program. These projects will be prioritized based on funding availability and scoring criteria to determine project priority for funding. As the program is developed, Kent staff anticipate identifying additional projects. As part of the Neighborhood Greenways Program, the City will develop a Neighborhood Greenways Plan, which will include a few projects identified as part of the TMP development. The Plan will identify a network of Greenways in each area of Kent and prioritize projects for funding by the Neighborhood Greenways Program. Unfunded Projects Extensive public outreach and project development identified more high priority projects than available funding. This “Next Priority Project List” identifies 56 multimodal projects that address the goals of the TMP but are currently unfunded by the capital project budget. The TMP is a living document, which means if there is a change that impacts the capital budget or project eligibility for outside funding, then the TMP can be updated to reflect the change. For example, if a new funding source or increased funding is identified, then TMP can be amended to move projects on the next priority project list to the prioritized project list. Kent staff will be developing a TMP Amendment process in 2021 to ensure that the TMP remains flexible to take advantage of emergent factors. Neighborhood Greenway 6.a Packet Pg. 29 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !( !( !(!( !(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( E TitusSt LakesideBlvd W S 236 St 53 P l S 88AvS S 232 Pl La k e s i de Blv d E Reiten Rd S Jason Av N W Gowe St E Gowe St E Guiberson St R u s s e l l R d S 64 A v S 1 A v S 6 A v S W Smith St K e n n e b e c k A v S 3 A v S W James St E WillisSt Central Av N W Willis St E S mithSt Central Av S Washington Av S W ashington Av N 68 Av S W Meeker S t W James St W Smith St 64 Av S LincolnAv E James St 4 Av N 4 Av S 66 A v S S234St 74 Av SS Kent-Des M o i n e s R d P-25 P-88 D-2 P-85 P-19 P-31 P-33 P-90/91P-89 P-36 D- 4 P-22 D-1 P - 5 6 P-84 P-1 8 P- 1 4 P-23 P- 1 5 P-85 P- 1 8 P-14 P-15 P-15 P-26P-24 P-32 P-34 P-36 P-37 P-27 P-29 P-30 D-4 D-3 P-82 P-83 N TRANSPORTATIONMASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT Proposed Prioritized Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Roadway Reallocation with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !( Intersection Improvements !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing !(Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Bridge Replacement with !( Plan Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan 6.a Packet Pg. 30 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !(!( !(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!( S 200 St 40 P lS 3 7 P l S 53 PlS 96 Av S 88 Av S S 218 St 93 Av S La k e s i d e B lv d E 92 Av S S 222 St River v i e wBlvdS 94 Av S S 208 St S 232 St 88Wy S 35AvS 42 AvS P-66 P- 6 5 P- 1 6 P-6 2 P- 3 8 F- 4 P- 1 7 P- 1 4 P-62 P- 1 8 P-58 P-63 84 Av S Mil i t a r y R d S East V a l l e y H w y S 68 Av S S 180 St S212W y CentralAv N S 212 St S 43 St S 188 St Ea s t V a l l e y R d O r i l l i a R d S W e s t ValleyHwy S 228 St R ussellRd S 64 Av S 4 Av N S 55St 80 Av S Veterans Dr S 196 St 83AvS I- 5 F w y S 216 St S 220 St 81 Av S 8 0 P l S S 231 St 54 Av S 6 6 A v S 72 Av S S 226 St 7 0 Av S 76 Av S S 1 9 9 Pl S 190 St 62 Av S S 207 Ct59 P l S S K ent-DesMoinesR d P-57 P-61 P-60 P-60 P-60 P-64 P-86 P-87 P-59 N Proposed Priority Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT !(!( SR 1 6 7 S 262 St 79 A v S 7 4 A v S 80 A v S 78 A v S S 266 St S 259 St S 259 StS 259 St 78 A v S 79 A v S S 259 St 74 A v S P- 1 8 F-3P-68 Ce n t r a l A v S C e n t r a l A v S Ce n t r a l A v S S 259 St Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Roadway Reallocation with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !( Intersection Improvements !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing !(Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Bridge Replacement with !( Plan Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan 6.a Packet Pg. 31 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( 516 99 S S t a r L a k e R d 20 t h A v e S S 259th Ln S 272nd St S 259thPl S 240th St S 260th St ReithRd Military Rd S 16 t h A v e S 5 MilitaryRd S S 272nd St P-28 P-54 P-71 D-6 P- 3 8 P- 4 1 P-53 P- 3 9 P-52 P-4 3 P- 4 0 D- 5 P - 44 P- 5 5 P-69 P-27 P-45 P-45 P-45 P-42 P-55 P-55 P-51 D-6 P-70 N Proposed Prioritized Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Roadway Reallocation with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !( Intersection Improvements !( New/ImprovedPedestrian/Bicycle Crossing !(Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Bridge Replacement with !( Plan Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan 6.a Packet Pg. 32 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !(!( !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( 100 Av SE S 200 St SE 200 St 148 Av SE 96 Av S 124 Av SE S 228 St S 248 St 98AvS 93 Av S SE 248 St 92 Av S SE 196 St 10 9 A v SE S 222 St S 218 St S 2 1 6 St 94 Av S S 232 St 104 Av SE S212Wy S 208 St 108 Av SE Bens o n R d SE S 21 2 S t SE 240 St SE 192 St SE 208 St 132 Av SE 116 Av SE S 240 St SE Lake Y o u n g s W y S 55 St 140 Av SE P - 1 9 P-66 P- 1 0 P- 1 P-67 P- 8 P-75 P- 7 P- 2 P-3 P-73 P-4 P-5 P-9 P-7 P-10 P-8 P-6 P-67 P-78 P-76P-74 P-77 N TRANSPORTATIONMASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT !( Proposed Prioritized Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Roadway Reallocation with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !( Intersection Improvements !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing !(Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Bridge Replacement with !( Plan Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan 6.a Packet Pg. 33 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( !( 100 Av SE 148 Av SE 109 Av SE S 259St S 248 St 124 Av SE 120 Av SE SE 248 St Re i t e n R d S SE 272 St104 Av SE 94 PlS 152W y S E 144 Av SE 108 Av SE SE 260 St W oodland Wy S S 267 St 156 Av SE 94 Av S 140 Av SE SE 263 St Jason Av N 9 7 P l S Green R i v e r RdS SE 267 St 118 Av SE E Maple St 104 A v SE E C a n y o n D r SE Kent Kangley Rd 132 Av SE SE 240 St SE 256 St 116 Av SE E James St S 277 St S 240 St 152 Av SE SE 274 WySE277St S E 244 StP-85 P- 1 3 P- 2 P- 8 P-20 P- 1 0 P- 1 1 P- 1 9 P-79 P- 1 2 P-75 P-81 P-5 P-9 P-12 P-12 P-12 P-10 P-26 P-21 P-80 P-78 P-76P-74 P-77 P-93 N TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT !( Proposed Prioritized Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities Maintenance with Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Roadway Reallocation with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !( Intersection Improvements !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing !(Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Bridge Replacement with !( Plan Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Plan 6.a Packet Pg. 34 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m P-1 100th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th St Construct greenway/bikeway treatments (signage/paint) X P-2 100th Ave SE SE 218th St SE 240th St Construct greenway/bikeway treatments (signage/paint) X P-3 108th Ave SE (SR 515)SE 192nd St Change channelization to provide WB/EB left turn pockets and optimize signal timing.XXX P-4 108th Ave SE (SR 515)S 208th St For the EB approach, add a new signal head for right turns, and add an overlap phase to the EB right turn movements and optimize signal timing. XXX P-5 104th Ave SE (SR515)SE 240th St For the EB and WB approaches, add a new signal head for right turns, and add an overlap phase to the EB and WB right turn movements and optimize signal timing. XXX 116th Ave SE P-6 116th Ave SE SE 223rd St Evaluate and construct a RRFB in the vicinity of SE 223rd St X P-7 132nd Ave SE SE 208th St SE 228th St Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps. Evaluate a full signalized intersection at 132nd Ave SE/SE 224th St. XXX P-8 132nd Ave SE SE 228th St SE 240th St Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps. Evaluate a pedestrian crossing at 132nd Ave SE and the vicinity of SE 234th St. XXX P-9 132nd Ave SE SE 240th St Optimize signal timing. X X X X P-10 132nd Ave SE SE 240th St SE 248th St Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and with pedestrian facilities. Construct enhanced crossings at 132nd Ave SE and SE 245th St. XXXX P-11 132nd Ave SE SE 248th St SE 256th St Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and with pedestrian facilities. XXXX P-12 132nd Ave SE SE 256th St SE 272nd St Widen to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane and with pedestrian facilities. Construct enhanced crossings at 132nd Ave SE and the Park and Ride and at 132nd Ave SE and 263rd St. Intersection improvements at 132nd Ave SE and SE Kent-Kangley Rd. XXXX P-13 132nd Ave SE SE 276th St SE 278th Pl Sidewalk on west side. X X P-14 4th Ave N S 228th St James Street Convert from 4 lanes to 3 lanes (Road Diet) and construct a separated bike lane. Construct bicycle intersection improvements at 4th Ave N/James St. XX X P-15 4th Ave N James St Willis Ave Convert from 4 lanes to 3 lanes (Road Diet) and construct a separated bike lane. Construct a bicycle intersection treatment at 4th Ave/Meeker St to transition bicyclists to the separated bikeway. Crossing improvements at 4th Ave N and W Harrison St by installing RRFBs. XX X P-16 76th Ave S S 212th St 1,000 ft south of S 212th St Construct drainage and road improvements X P-17 76th Ave S 2,700 ft south of S 3,400 ft south of S 212th St Construct drainage, road improvements and fill sidewalk gaps X X X 100th Ave SE 104th Ave SE/108th Ave SE/ Benson 132nd Ave SE 4th Ave N 76th Ave S *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 35 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 2 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Cental Ave P-18 Central Ave South City Limits SR 167 Planning Study for Central Ave that does the following: examine traffic speeds along the corridor, evaluate sidewalk improvements including the gap on the east side of Central between Titus and Willis, evaluate pedestrian safety improvements, evaluate gateway treatments, and evaluate a southbound right turn pocket and a northbound dual left turn lanes at Willis and Central. The study should also incorporate implementing the communication connection between the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) rail corridor and the traffic signals along Central Avenue to allow area signals the ability to adjust signal timing in anticipation of, during, and after train events. XX P-19 E Canyon Dr Titus St 97th Pl S Construct protected bicycle facilities. X P-20 E Canyon Dr/SE 256th St 97th Pl S SE Kent- Kangley Rd Construct bicycle facilities and fill sidewalk gaps X P-21 E Canyon Dr/SE 256th St 104th Ave SE/ SE Kent- Kangley Intersection Study X P-22 James St Washington Ave Interurban Trail Road Diet (4 to 3 lanes) with striped bike lanes including a traffic analysis prior to design XX P-23 James St Lincoln Ave N Park and Ride Railroad Ave N Pedestrian improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, pedestrian lighting, and related safety improvements)XX P-24 James St Interurban Trail Rebuild traffic signal and Crossing Improvements X X P-25 James St 1st Ave N Railroad Ave N Sidewalks (Both sides) X X P-26 James St Jason Ave N Prospect Ave N HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal X X E Canyon Dr/ SE 256th St James St *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 36 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 3 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m P-27 Meeker St Kent-Des Moines Rd (SR 516) Optimize signal timing X X P-28 Meeker St/Frager Rd SR 516 Golf Course crossing on Frager Sidewalks on north side of Meeker from SR 515 to Frager Rd and on Frager Rd from Meeker Street to the golf course crossing X P-29 Meeker St Green River Retrofit or replace the Green River Bridge on Meeker St (Maintenance)XX P-30 Meeker St 64th Ave S Intersection improvements (bicycle, pedestrian and transit facilities)XX P-31 Meeker St 64th Ave S East of Elementary School Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (South Side Only) X X P-32 Meeker St 64th Ave S Washington New traffic signal X X P-33 Meeker St East of Elementary School Washington Ave Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (South Side Only) X X P-34 Meeker St Washington Ave N Construct east and westbound right turn pockets and modify signal phasing; ADA Curb ramps and crossing improvements XX X X P-35 Meeker St Washington Ave N N Lincoln Ave (Roundabout) Bicycle and pedestrian facilities on south side, Convert from 4 to 3 lanes, and rechanellization and reconstruction under SR XX X P-36 Meeker St N Lincoln Ave Construct a roundabout and convert Lincoln Ave from Meeker St to 4th Ave to 3 lanes XX P-37 Meeker St S 6th Ave S 4th Ave New midblock crossing X X P-38 Military Rd SR 516 S 240th St Construct vertically protected bike lanes and sidewalks.XXXX P-39 Military Rd S 240th St S 246th St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. XX P-40 Military Rd S 246th St S 253rd St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street.XX P-41 Military Rd S 253rd St Reith Rd Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. XX P-42 Military Rd Reith Rd/ S 260th St Realign the intersection and widen the approaches to provide eastbound and westbound left turn pockets and a westbound right turn pocket. XX P-43 Military Rd Reith Rd S 264th St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. X P-44 Military Rd S 264th St S 272nd St Widen to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street. X P-45 Military Rd S 268th St, S 248th St, and S 254th Construct 3 enhanced pedestrian crossings (RRFBs) XX P-46 Multiple Streets* Traffic Signal Coordination Study on Major Arterials X X P-47 Multiple Streets* New speed reader signs (Including 94th north of 240th) X P-48 Multiple Streets* Cameras on Arterial Streets Meeker St Military Rd Optimization/ Monitoring/ Enforcement *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 37 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 4 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m P-49 Neighborhood Greenway Plan*Bicycle Greenways Plan X P-50 Neighborhood Greenways Program* Neighborhood Greenways Program X Pacific Highway S (SR 99)P-51 Pacific Highway S (SR 99)S 240th St Optimize signal timing. X X X P-52 S 260th St/S 259th Pl SR 99 30th Ave S Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian facilities XX X P-53 S 260th St/S 259th Pl 30th Ave S Military Rd Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian facilities XX X P-54 Reith Rd Military Rd 38th Ave S Convert to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian facilities XX P-55 Reith Rd S 253rd Rd/Lake Fenwick Rd Kent Des- Moines Rd Convert the intersections from two-way stop control to compact roundabouts and convert from 4 to 3 lanes from 253rd to Kent-Des Moines Rd XX Russell Rd P-56 Russell Rd Meeker St Northern limit of Park Sidewalks (East side) X X P-57 S 212th St Frager Rd Green River Construct sidewalks and bike facilities and Bridge X X X P-58 S 212th St Green River Trail Interurban Trail Improve sidewalks and bike facilities X X P-59 S 212th St Interurban Trail Crossing improvements X X P-60 S 212th St Riverview Blvd S, 72nd Ave S, and 84th Avenue Bicycle intersection treatments X X X P-61 SR 167 NB S 212 St Add overlap to NB right turn and optimize signal timing. X X X P-62 S 228th St Green River Trail 64th Ave S Noise Mitigation Study X P-63 S 228th St Green River Trail Interurban Trail Improve sidewalks and bike facilities X P-64 S 228th St 64th Ave S/ 64th Ave S Connector Trail Realign the 64th Ave S Connector Trail entrances on 64th Ave S and S 228th St to connect directly to the signalized crosswalk and crossing improvements XX X P-65 83rd Ave S S 228th St S 224th St Fill sidewalks gaps X X P-66 S 218th St/ 98th Ave S 94th Pl S S 216th St Widen 3 lanes with sidewalks on both sides. X X P-67 S 216th St 98th Ave S 208th Ave SE/ SR 515 Widen to 3 lanes with sidewalks on both sides. Modify the traffic signal at 108th Ave SE/SR 515 to include flashing yellow arrows for northbound and southbound left turns XX Neighborhood Greenways Veterans Dr/ S 224th St/S 228th St/ 83rd Ave S/ S 218th St/ 98th Ave S/S 216th St S 212th St/S 208th St Reith Rd/S 259th Pl/S 260th St *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 38 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 5 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m S 259th St P-68 S 259th St Interurban Trail Crossing Improvements X X P-69 S 272nd St Star Lake Rd Construct left turn pockets X X P-70 I-5 SB Off-ramp S 272nd St Add a second right turn lane X X P-71 S 272nd St I-5 SB Off- ramp Military Rd Add 12 ft shared use path on the northside and a 5ft sidewalk to southside XX Safe Routes to School Pogram P-72 Safe Routes to School Program*Safe Routes to School Program X SE 192nd St P-73 SE 192nd St 124th Ave SE Evaluate a traffic signal X P-74 SE 240th St 102nd Ave SE. Remove the westbound right turn pocket, and add northbound, southbound, and eastbound flashing yellow arrows at SE 240th St and 102nd Ave SE. XX P-75 SE 240th St 116th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE. Convert from 5 to 3 lanes with bike lanes and add left and right turn lanes on the west leg of SE 240th St and 116th Ave SE and 132nd Ave SE X P-76 SE 240th St Clark Lake Park New pedestrian crossing X X P-77 SE 248th St 104th Ave SE Signal timing improvements (ITS upgrades, additional time to north-south movements, lead pedestrian intervals, etc.).XX P-78 SE 248th St 116th Ave SE Construct a single-lane roundabout X X SE 256th St P-79 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE 148th Ave SE Shared use path on one side X SE 272nd St P-80 SE 272nd ST 148th (Lake Meridian)HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal X X SE Kent-Kangley RD P-81 SE Kent-Kangley Rd 124th Ave SE Intersection improvements X P-82 Smith St Interurban Trail Crossing Improvements X X P-83 Smith St Railroad Ave N HAWK/PHB pedestrian crossing signal and Crossing improvements XX P-84 Multiple Streets Interuban Kent Station Plan pathway and construct bicycle facilities to connect the Interurban and Kent Station. P-85 Multiple Streets Earth Works Park Downtown Construct bicycle facilities to connect Earth Works Parks and Downtown (Titus across Senior Center to Kenebeck, Kennebeck from Senior Center to Meeker, Meeker from Kennebeck to Interurban) P-86 West Valley Hwy (SR 181)S 196th St Optimize signal timing and reconfigure lanes to add a westbound right turn lane and remove one westbound thru XXX P-87 West Valley Hwy (SR 181)S 212th St For the WB approach, add a new signal head for right turns, and add an overlap phase to the WB right turn movement. Optimize signal timing. XXX Smith St SE 248th st SE 240th St S 272nd St Downtown West Valley Hwy (SR 181) *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 39 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Prioritized/Funded Projects - Page 6 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m P-88 Willis St Union Pacific Railroad Sidewalk gaps X X P-89 Willis St SR 180 Naden Ave Pedestrian facility on north side and crossing improvements at the SR 167 SB off ramp and at the SR 167 NB on ramp XX X P-90 Willis St Union Pacific Railroad 4th Ave N Construct a shared use path on the north side of Willis X P-91 Willis St Union Pacific Railroad 4th Ave N Construct a shared use path on the south side of Willis X Safety Program P-92 Multiple Streets* Safety Program X X 108th Ave SE P-93 108th Ave SE SE 264th Construct a compact Roundabout X Willis St *Not Mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 40 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Projects with Secured Funding - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway Start End Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Multiple Streets F-1 Multiple Streets* Quiet Zone X F-2 S 259th St 5th Ave S 1st Ave S Construct a new trail segment X F-3 S 259th St Union Pacific Railroad Lower S 259th Street under the Union Pacific Railroad bridge to facilitate traffic flow and construct bicycle and pedestrian facilities X 76th Ave S F-4 76th Ave S 1,000 ft south of S 212th St 1,000 ft south of S 212th St Construct drainage, road improvements and fill sidewalk gaps X S 259th St *Not mapped. 6.a Packet Pg. 41 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Developer Projects - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y D-1 Meeker St Russell Rd 64th Ave S Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) (Northside only)X D-2 Meeker St N Lincoln Ave (Roundabout) Interurban Trail Bicycle and pedestrian facilities (southside only) X D-3 Meeker St Interurban Crossing Improvements X X Naden Ave N D-4 Naden Ave N Willis St Meeker St Construct the new Naden Avenue including the intersection at Willis St/Naden/74th (right-in/right-out intersection at Naden and right-in/right-out/left-in at 74th) and crossing improvements at the Interurban XX D-5 32nd Ave S (new) Just west of I- 5 S 244th St (new) Construct a new street with bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the street. XX D-6 S 244th St (new) 32nd Ave S (new)SR 99 Construct a new street with bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the street. At the intersection of S 244th St/SR 99, bicycle treatments will be applied to transition riders from the striped bike lanes to the separated bikeway on SR 99. XX Meeker St Midway 6.a Packet Pg. 42 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !( !( 100 Av SE S 200 St SE 200 St 144 Av SE 96 Av S 109 Av SE S 259 St S 248 St 148 Av SE 88 Av S 98 AvS 120 Av SE 93 Av S 118 Av SE SE 248 St Re i t e n R d S SE 272 St 124 Av SE S 228 St 92 Av S 94 Pl S SE 260 St S E 2 82Wy E TitusSt 152W y S E 10 8 A v S E S 222 St W oo d land W y S S 267 St S 216 St 156 Av SE SE263 St S 218 St Jason Av N SE 282 S t 94 Av S 9 7 P l S G re e n River R d S S 208 St S 232 St SE 277 Pl SE 267 St 88Wy S E Maple St 84 Av S SE KentKangley Rd 104 Av SE E Canyon Dr S212W y ESmithSt S 212 St Ce n t r a l Av S CentralAv N Benso nRd S E A uburn W y N 132 Av SE SE 240 St SE 256 St S 277 St SE 208 St 116 Av SEE James St 140 Av SE S 240 St 152 Av SE S E L a k e Y o u n g s Wy 83AvS SE 274 Wy S E 2 7 7 S t SE244 St 81 A v S G-5 G-4 S-11 G - 6 S - 1 0 G - 3 G-1 G-7 S-4S-3 G-8 S- 1 G-2 S-2 S-7 S-5 S- 8 S - 9 S-6 S-7 S-3 G-2 N Safe Routes to Schools Projects& Neighborhood Greenway Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian !(Intersection Improvements !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT 10 0 Av SE 10 0 Av SE 6.a Packet Pg. 43 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Neighborhood Greenway Projects - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y SE 269th/ 270th St G-1 SE 269th/ 270th St 108th Ave SE 115th Pl SE. Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). X SE 270th St G-2 SE 270th St 116th Ave SE 124th Ave SE Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk gaps. Crossing improvements at SE 270th St and SE 116th Ave SE. X SE 259th Pl/ 119th Dr SE G-3 SE 259th Pl/119th Dr SE 116th Ave SE SE 263rd Ave Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk gaps. X SE 263rd Ave G-4 SE 263rd Ave SE Kent- Kangley Rd 124th Ave SE Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk gaps. X SE 274th St G-5 SE 274th St 124th Ave SE Springwood Park Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). X SE 276th Pl/ 130th Ave SE G-6 SE 276th Pl/130th Ave SE Springwood Park 132nd Ave SE Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.). X SE 282nd St G-7 SE 282nd St 132nd Ave SE 140th Ave SE Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk improvements. Fill sidewalk gaps. X SE 278th St G-8 SE 278th St 144th Ave SE 152nd Ave SE Neighborhood greenway improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, traffic calming, curb bulbouts, bicycle facilities, etc.) and fill sidewalk gaps. X 6.a Packet Pg. 44 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Safe Routes to Schools Projects - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y S-1 100th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th St Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X S-2 100th Ave SE SE 229th Pl SE 240th S Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X S-3 S 200th St 92nd Ave S 100th Ave S. Construct sidewalk on one side and RRFB on S 200th St at 100th Ave SE. XX S-4 S 200th St 100th Ave S. SR 515 Sidewalk on one side. X S-5 SE 248th St 104th Ave SE 116th Ave SE Fill sidewalk gaps on one side. X S-6 SE 248th St 116th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE Fill and widen sidewalk gaps on one side. X SE 256th St S-7 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE 142nd Ave SE Traffic Signal at 256th St and 140th with WB left turn lanes & Sidewalks on one side XX X 116th Ave SE S-8 116th Ave SE SE 244th St SE 256th St Sidewalks on one side X Reiten S-9 Reiten E Titus St Maple Sidewalks X Woodland Way S-10 Woodland Way Reiten E Walnut St Sidewalks X Maple S-11 Maple Reiten Woodland Way Sidewalks X Lake Fenwick Rd S-12 Lake Fenwick Rd North of S 252nd Pl Swiss Apartments Fill sidewalk gaps on one side XX 100th Ave SE S 200th St SE 248th St 6.a Packet Pg. 45 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !( E TitusSt Lakeside BlvdW S 236 St 53 P l S L a k e Fenwick R d S S 232 Pl L a k e side Blvd E 88AvS ReitenRdS Jason Av N W Gowe St E Gowe St R u s s e l l R d S 64 A v S 1 A v S 6 A v S W Smith St K e n n e b e c k A v S 3 A v S E Willis StW Willis St E Smith St Central Av S Washington Av S W ashington Av N CentralAvN 68 Av S W Meeker St W James St W Smith St 6 4 A v S LincolnAv N 4 Av N E James S t 4 Av S 66 A v S S234 St 74 Av SS Kent-Des M o i n e s R d N-19 N-54 N-19 N-23N-22 N - 4 7 N-17 N-21 N-20 N-53 N TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT Next Priority Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Intersection Improvements !( !( !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 46 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( S 200 St LakesideBlvdW Lak e s i de B lv d E 4 0 P lS 3 7 P l S 53 PlS 96 Av S 88 Av S S 218 St 93 Av S 92 Av S S 222 St River v i e wBlvdS 94 Av S S 208 St S 232 St 88Wy S 35AvS 42 AvS 84 Av S M i l i t a r y R d S East V a l l e y H w y S 68 Av S S 180 St S212W y CentralAv N S 212 St S 43 St S 188 St Ea s t V a l l e y R d O r i l l i a R d S W e s t ValleyHwy S 228 St R ussellRdS 64 Av S 4 Av N S 55St 80 Av S Veterans Dr S 196 St 83 AvS I- 5 F w N-29 S 216 St S 220 St 81 Av S 8 0 P l S S 231 St 54 Av S 6 6 A v S 72 Av S S 226 St 7 0 Av S 76 Av S S234St S 1 9 9 Pl S 190 St 62 Av S S 207 Ct59 P l S SKent-D e s Moines R d N-25 N-27 N-30 N-31 N-33 N-35 N Next Priority Projects TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT N-48 SR 1 6 7 S 262 St 79 A v S 7 4 A v S 80 A v S S 266 St S 259 St 78 A v S Central Av S S 259 St Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Intersection Improvements !( !( !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 47 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !(!( !( !(!( 516 99 S S t a r L a k e R d 20 t h A v e S S 259th Ln S 259th Pl S 240th St S 260th St ReithRdMilitary Rd S 16 t h A v e S 5 S272ndWay S 272nd St N-36 N-36 N-19 N-36N-36 N-19 N-36 N TRANSPORTATIONMASTER PLAN Next Priority Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Intersection Improvements !( !( !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 48 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !(!( !( 100 Av SE S 200 St 148 Av SE 96 Av S 124 Av SE S 228 St 98AvS 93 Av S 92 Av S SE 196 St S 222 St S 218 St S 2 1 6 St 94 Av S S 232 St 104 Av SE S212Wy S 208 St 108 Av SE Bens o n R d SE S 2 1 2 S t SE 240 St SE 192 St SE 208 St 132 Av SE S 240 St 116 Av SE SE Lake Y o u n g s W y S 55 St 140 Av SE N-9 N-4 N- 1 N-30 N-1 4 N- 1 0 N- 1 3 N-25 N-26 N- 9 N- 1 2 N- 1 1 N- 2 N-37 N-38 N TRANSPORTATIONMASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT Next Priority Projects Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Intersection Improvements !( !( !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 49 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) !( !( !( !( !( !(!( 100 Av SE 144 Av SE 109 Av SE 94 Av S S 248 St 124 Av SE 120 Av SE 118 Av SE SE 248 St Re i t e n R d S SE 272 St 94 PlS SE 260 St S E 282Wy 152Wy S E 10 8 A v S E W oodland W y S S 267 St 156 Av SE 140 Av SE SE 263 St SE 282 St S 259 S t 9 7 P l S Gre e n R iverRd S SE 277 Pl SE 267 St SE 284 St 148 Av SE E Maple St A u b u rn W y N 104 Av SE E Canyon Dr SE KentKangley Rd 132 Av SE SE 240 St SE 256 St 116 Av SE S 277 St E James St S 240 St 152 Av SE SE 274 WySE277St S E244 StN-4 N-8 N-15 N-16 N-16 N-43 N-42 N-51 N- 5 N-45 N- 5 2 N-49 N-46 N - 2 4 N- 5 0 N - 8 N- 1 5 N- 1 6 N- 7 N-37 N-41 N-38 N-44N- 1 3 N Next Priority Projects TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN CITY OF KENT Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian Facilities New Roadway with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Widen to 3 Lanes with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities !(Intersection Improvements !( !( !( New/Improved Pedestrian/Bicycle Crossing Roundabout with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities Bridge Replacement with Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 6.a Packet Pg. 50 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Next Priority Projects - Page 1 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y N-1 100th Ave SE SE 216th St SE 218th St Construct a new non-motorized bridge over Garrison Creek X N-2 100th Ave SE SE 218th St SE 229th Pl Construct a sidewalk on one side of the street. X N-3 104th Ave SE/ 108th Ave SE Northern City Limits SE 256th St Access Management Study for 104th/108th from SE 256th St north to City Limits X N-4 104th Ave SE 244th St SE Evaluate traffic signal X N-5 108th Ave SE SE 256th St SE Kent- Kangley Rd New roadway with sidewalks. Intersection improvements at SE Kent-Kangley Rd ad 108th Ave SE (adding eastbound and westbound dual left turn lanes, adding an eastbound right turn pocket, and changing northbound right turn phasing) XX X N-7 108th Ave SE SE 260th St SE 274th Fill Sidewalk Gaps X N-8 108th Ave SE SE 274th City Limits Construct striped bike lanes. Construct an enhanced crossing (such as an RRFB) near 108th Ave SE / SE 274th St near Meadow Ridge Elementary. XX N-9 116th Ave SE SE 208th St SE 216th St. Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of the street and convert the existing signal at SE 208th St to a Roundabout. XXX N-10 116th Ave SE SE 216th St. SE 223rd St Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of the street. XX N-11 116th Ave SE SE 223rd St SE 231st Pl Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of the street. XXX N-12 116th Ave SE SE 231st Pl SE 240th S Widen to a three-lane cross section with TWLTL and a buffered bike lane. Fill sidewalk gaps on both sides of the street. XX N-13 116th Ave SE SE 240th S SE 270th St Construct a physically separated bikeway/Shared use path and fill sidewalk gaps on other side (SE 270th to SE 256th only) X 100th Ave SE 104th Ave SE/108th Ave SE/ Benson 108th Ave SE 116th Ave SE 6.a Packet Pg. 51 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Next Priority Projects - Page 2 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y N-14 132nd Ave SE SE 208th St Soos Creek Trail Construct sidewalks one sides of SE 204th Way from SE 208th St to City limits. XX N-15 132nd Ave SE SE 272nd St SE 278th Pl Widen to 3 lanes with pedestrian facilities and striped bike lanes. Construct enhanced crossings at 132nd Ave SE and S 274th St. XXXX N-16 132nd Ave SE SE 278th Pl SE 288th St Widen to 3 lanes with pedestrian facilities on both side and striped bike lanes. Construct enhanced crossings at 132nd Ave SE and S 282nd St and at SE 132nd St and S 278th Pl. XXXX N-17 James St Russell Rd Lakeside Blvd Sidewalks on south side. X X N-18 Rail Grade Separation at James and BNSF Rail Grade Separation at James and BNSF X N-19 Meeker St SR 516 Green River Bridge Sidewalks on the south side Meeker Street and intersection improvements at SR 516 XX X N-20 Meeker St Green River Bridge Russell Rd Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) (Northside only)X N-21 Meeker St 64th Ave S Washington Ave N Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) (Northside only)XX N-22 Meeker St Washington Ave N N Lincoln Ave (Roundabout) Pedestrian facilities on north side and reconstruction under SR 167 XX N-23 Meeker St N Lincoln Ave (Roundabout) Interurban Trail Pedestrian facilities (sidewalks and buffer zone) (Northside only)X Mill Creek N-24 Mill Creek 104th Ave SE 108th Ave SE. New shared use path just north of Mill Creek from 104th Ave SE to 108th Ave SE. X N-25 S 200th St 92nd Ave S 100th Ave S. Construct bike lanes and sidewalk on one side X N-26 S 200th St 100th Ave S. SR 515 Construct bike lanes and sidewalk on one side X N-27 S 208th St 84th Ave S West of Bridge over SR 167 One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both sides)X N-28 S 208th St Bridge Over SR 167 One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both sides) on Bridge XX N-29 S 208th St 92nd Ave S. Construct a small compact roundabout X N-30 S 208th St East of Bridge over SR 167 S 212th St/Way One-way separated bike facilities and sidewalks (Both sides)X N-31 S 212th St Orillia Rd West of Bridge over Green River/Frager Improve sidewalks and bike facilities to meet Pedestrian and Bicycle LOS Guidelines X N-32 S 212th St Union Pacific Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X N-33 S 212th St Interurban Trail SR 167 Improve sidewalks and bike facilities to meet Pedestrian and Bicycle LOS Guidelines X N-34 S 212th St BNSF Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X S 208th St S 200th St Meeker St James St 132nd Ave SE S 212th St/ S 208th St 6.a Packet Pg. 52 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Next Priority Projects - Page 3 Corridor Project ID Roadway From To Project Description Sa f e t y Bi k e / Pe d e s t r i a n In t e r s e c t i o n / Cr o s s i n g 3 L a n e Ro a d w a y Au t o L O S Br i d g e / Ma i n t e n a n c e Pl a n n i n g Pr o g r a m Ne w R o a d w a y Veterans Dr/ S 224th St/ S 228th St N-35 S 228th St Military Rd 2nd Ave N Widen sidewalks to meet Pedestrian LOS Guidelines (Excluding the Union Pacific Bridge)X S 272nd St N-36 S 272nd St I-5 Construct interchange improvements including roundabouts at the southbound and northbound on/off ramps, roundabouts at Military Rd and S 270th St and bicycle and pedestrian facilities XX X N-37 SE 240th St 100th Ave S. 116th Ave SE Widen sidewalks on both sides to 10 ft. X N-38 SE 240th St 132nd Ave SE. City Limits Construct vertically protected bike lanes X N-39 SE 248th St 94th Ave S 104th Ave SE Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped bike lanes. Fill sidewalk gaps. XX N-40 SE 248th St 104th Ave SE 116th Ave SE Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped bike lanes. Fill sidewalk gaps on one side. XX N-41 SE 248th St 116th Ave SE 132nd Ave SE Widen to 3 lanes with a physically separated bikeway, where feasible, and where not feasible, with striped bike lanes Fill and widen sidewalk gaps on one side. XX N-42 SE 256th St 104th Ave SE Construct intersection and implement signal timing improvements X N-43 SE 256th St SE Kent- Kangley Rd Construct intersection and implement signal timing improvements X N-44 SE 256th St 132nd Ave SE Soos Creek Widen to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes. Fill sidewalk gaps if needed.XX SE 260th St N-45 SE 260th St Woodland 100th Pl SE New Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge over Mill Creek N-46 SE 282nd St 124th Ave SE SE 282nd Way Fill sidewalk gaps X N-47 Reith Rd 55ft south of Lake Fenwick Rd Kent-Des Moines Rd Sidewalk on south side X N-48 S 259th St 1st Ave S 1,200 ft east of Central Ave Fill sidewalk gaps X X N-49 SE 272nd St 120th Ave SE 124th Ave SE Fill Sidewak gaps. X N-50 120th Ave SE SE 272nd St SE 277th Pl Fill Sidewak gaps. X N-51 SE 277th Pl 118th Ave SE 120th Ave SE Fill Sidewak gaps. X N-52 118th Ave SE SE 277th Pl South City Limits Fill Sidewak gaps. X N-53 Smith St Lincoln Ave N Park and Ride Railroad Ave N Pedestrian improvements (pedestrian wayfinding, lighting, and related safety improvements)X N-54 Smith St N Kennebeck Ave New midblock crosswalk near N Kennebeck Ave to provide access to the Kent Senior Center. X N-55 Willis St Union Pacific Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X N-56 Willis St BNSF Railroad Rail-Road Grade Separation X Willis St Smith St SE 256th St SE 248th St SE 240th St Multiple Streets - Sidewalk Gaps 6.a Packet Pg. 53 At t a c h m e n t : T M P - D r a f t - P r o j e c t L i s t - 1 1 - 1 8 - 2 0 2 0 ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Public Outreach Summary November 6, 2020 6.b Packet Pg. 54 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Outreach Stages Seeking  Feedback Sharing  Information Getting the  Word  Out 6.b Packet Pg. 55 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Getting the Word Out •Posters •Ethnic and Specialty grocery stores (19) •Grocery & Retail Stores (8) •Parks and trails (13) •Partnerships •Neighborhood Councils •Cultural Communities Board •Kent Bicycle Advisory Board (KBAB) •Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) •TMP Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) •King County Metro •Community Organizations •Apartments •Social Media •E-Connect (Email Distribution) 6.b Packet Pg. 56 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Partnerships 6.b Packet Pg. 57 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TMP Social Campaign Results •70,784 Reach (The number of people who saw an ad at least once) •122,897 Impressions (The number of times the ads were seen) •1.87 Frequency (The average number of times each person saw an ad) •405 Unique Clicks (The number of people who performed a link click) •$500 spent through Facebook and Instagram automatic placements 6.b Packet Pg. 58 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TMP Social Campaign Targeting Targeting profiles self-identifying as living in Kent, 18-65+ •English, ~100,000 potential reach •60,000 actual reach •Spanish, ~17,000 potential reach •9,712 actual reach •Vietnamese, ~2,600 potential reach •1,376 actual reach •Ukrainian, ~2,000 potential reach •500 actual reach Targeting profiles self-identifying as living in Kent, 18-40 •English, ~57,000 Potential reach •23,000 Actual reach 6.b Packet Pg. 59 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Sharing Information - TMP Website 6.b Packet Pg. 60 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Website Traffic •2,556 Visits (the number of single browsing sessions by individual visitors to your site.) •3,365 Pageviews (how many actual page requests your site received) •2,424 Unique Visitors (an estimate of the total number of visitors that reached your site) 6.b Packet Pg. 61 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Seeking Feedback •Online Survey •Webmap •Presentation, Workshops & Interviews •TMP@KentWA.gov Email 6.b Packet Pg. 62 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Online Survey •643 Survey Responses •195 What Did We Miss Comments •83 Comments pertained to existing or potential new projects •Other comment topics included land use, green spaces, parks, police, outreach, Metro Transit, and policy 6.b Packet Pg. 63 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap •622 Votes •40 Comments 6.b Packet Pg. 64 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Survey: Which project in the Downtown Subarea is most important to you? 6.b Packet Pg. 65 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap: Downtown Subarea 1.DSA-11 (Willis St) •26.5% 2.DSA-10 (Central Ave) •10.8% 3.DSA-2 (James St) •9.6% 4.DSA-6 (W/E Meeker St) •9.6% 6.b Packet Pg. 66 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Survey: Which project in the Manufacturing and Industrial Center (MIC) Subarea is most important to you? 6.b Packet Pg. 67 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap: Manufacturing and Industrial Center (MIC) 1.MIC-6 (S 212th St) •39.1% 2.MIC-2 (S 212th St) •12.9% 3.MIC-4 (S 228th St/83rd Ave S) •9.6% 6.b Packet Pg. 68 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Survey: Which project in the Midway Subarea is most important to you? 6.b Packet Pg. 69 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap: Midway Subarea 1.Midway-4 (Military Rd) •36.0% 2.Midway-2 (S 260th St/S 259th Pl) •28.0% 3.Midway-1 (S 272nd St) •28.0% 6.b Packet Pg. 70 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Survey: Which project in the Northeast Hill Subarea is most important to you? 6.b Packet Pg. 71 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap: Northeast Hill Subarea 1.NEHill-2 (SE 240th St) •28.3% 2.NEHill-5 (132nd Ave SE) •26.3% 3.NEHill-4 (116th Ave SE) •13.1% 6.b Packet Pg. 72 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Survey: Which project in the Southeast Hill Subarea is most important to you? 6.b Packet Pg. 73 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Webmap: Southeast Hill Subarea 1. SEHill-3 (SE 256th St) •62.1% 2. SEHill-1 (132nd Ave SE) •9.5% 3. SEHill-2 (SE 248th St) •8.7% 6.b Packet Pg. 74 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) Presentations, Workshops, Interviews & Emails •Committee of the Whole •Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) •Cultural Communities Board •Land Use and Planning Board (LUPB) •Kent Bicycle Advisory Board (KBAB) •Neighbors of West Hill Neighborhood Council •Cambridge Neighborhood Council 6.b Packet Pg. 75 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TAB Interviews: King County Metro •DSA- 3: James St from Lincoln Park and Ride and Titus St - This portion of James is served by Routes 150, 162 and 183. Project would improve access to Kent Station for identified areas of need with high concentrations of multi-family housing north of James Street. •DSA-6: W/E Meeker St from Washington Ave to 5th Ave N - Meeker is one of the few streets that connect across/under SR-167 in the downtown area. This project would improve access to the I Line/Sounder and other transit options for identified areas of need west of SR-167 - areas with a relatively high concentration of multi-family and subsidized housing. This area is part of the Kent regional growth center. •MIC-4: S 228th St/83rd Ave S - Routes 161 and 153 intersect S 228th/224th, and Routes 150 and 165 operate on portions of the corridor. Sidewalk improvements will improve transit accessibility within the MIC. •Midway-3: 32nd Ave S (new)/S 244th St (new)/S 233rd St (new) - This project will improve access to two modes of high-capacity transit: Link and RapidRide (A Line) - within this area identified as a "Transit Oriented" community in the city's comprehensive plan. •NEHill-6: S 218th St/ 98th Ave S/S 216th St - This provide will improve access to transit service on James Street (Route 165) for identified areas of need with existing multi-family housing on 100th Ave SE. •SEHill-2: SE 248th St - This project would improve pedestrian and bike access to the new I Line station at 248th. 6.b Packet Pg. 76 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TAB Interviews:Parks and Recreation Commission •Downtown: DSA-10 then DSA-2, DSA-3, DSA-9 •SEHill - SEHIll-6 followed by SEHill-7 & SEHill-4 –108th & SE 270th •MIC Subarea - MIC-1 •Midway: All are very important projects but prioritize projects that provide access to link light rail. •NEHill: 116th and 132nd work fairly well for vehicles, but bike and pedestrian infrastructure would be helpful. •Top Priority Project Corridors: Central, James, 212th & 208th •Other Critical Issues: •Get more people to bike and walk to decrease congestion BUT the corridors are limited by steep hills. The answer will probably be transit •Thoughtful planning for how you manage transportation improvements with new development. •Safety along the railroads and railroad crossings in Kent. •Safe Routes to School – Pushing for more walking & programs like the walking busses Kent School District Transportation •Downtown Subarea: DSA-1 & DSA-2 •SEHill •SEHill-9 – Sidewalks •SEHill-2 – Daniel Elementary & Martin Sortun Elementary – Wider sidewalks needed as the sidewalks are too narrow •SEHill-3 – Traffic Light at Meridian Elementary •NEHill •NEHill-1 – Sidewalks are needed. •NEHill-3 – Sidewalks near 240 th •West Hill – Midway •Missed Project – Lake Fenwick needs sidewalks near apartments 6.b Packet Pg. 77 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TAB Interviews: TAB Resident Members (6 of 13) Downtown •Priority Corridors: •3 Votes - DSA-3 •2 Votes: DSA-10 •1 Vote: DSA-2, DSA-8 •Comments: •Top Project: Smith and Railroad pedestrian crossing (DSA-8) •Walkability and Bike ability should the focus. Manufacturing and Industrial Center •Priority Corridors: •2 Votes: MIC-1 •1 Vote: MIC-4, MIC-5, MIC-6 •Comments: •Bus Schedules – No late-night service for swing shifts in the Kent Valley. •MIC-1 - Extremely dangerous street for all modes. Very happy to see this on the list. Needs a right-hand turn lane on 208th to go north on Central Ave. Cars are using the shoulder as are pedestrians. Loves the roundabout at 92nd. The bridge over SR 167 is critically endangered according to WSDOT. •Missed Projects: SR 167 off and on-ramp at S 196th St going west only. 6.b Packet Pg. 78 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TAB Interviews: TAB Resident Members (6 of 13) Midway/West Hill •Priority Corridors: •1 Vote: Midway-1, Midway-2, Midway-4 •Comments: •1st: Midway-1 – This is already a bottleneck and will become a greater bottleneck with Sound Transit station. However, I don’t see how roundabouts will solve this problem with increased traffic. •2nd: Midway-4 – The traffic will increase in this area and Military is undersized Southeast Hill •Priority Corridors: •3 Votes: SEHill-6 •2 Votes: SEHill-1, SEHill-2 •1 Vote: SEHill-8, SEHill-9 •Free Comments: •SEHill-8 - Extend the left turn lane on 124 th turning west onto Kent-Kangley OR making dual left turn lane. •SEHill-6 - Concerned with trucks on 108 th Ave SE especially north of 274th/277th. The corridor connects to a major arterial and is a residential collector street. Bicyclists and pedestrians should e focus of designs. •Important project: Sidewalks are missing on 132nd Ave SE south of Kent-Kangley. •Missed Projects - Traffic Light and crosswalk at 104th Ave SE and SE 244th St – Bus Stop (Metro and School) •SEHill-2 & SEHill-6: Needs roadway capacity 6.b Packet Pg. 79 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) TAB Interviews: TAB Resident Members (6 of 13) Northeast Hill •Priority Corridors: •3 Votes: NEHill-4 •2 Votes: NEHill-5 •1 Vote: NEHill-2 •Comments: •NEHill-5 – Surprised this is not suggested to be 5-lanes. Corridor looks lopsided between the sections with new developments that look like 5 lanes would fit to the older sections that are still 2 lanes. •Mountainview Academy in Panther Lake Library – Are they putting in a turn lane? General Comments •Mobility and accessibility for those with mobility challenges. Issues range from pedestrian facilities to access to bus tops to lack of access to fast and reliable bus service when it is needed. •In almost of the major corridors, Kent is connecting sidewalks. Just off these corridors, there are many corridors that connect to these major streets without sidewalks. Are there any plans to address sidewalk gaps on streets connecting to major corridors? 6.b Packet Pg. 80 At t a c h m e n t : T A B _ S u m m a r y O f O u t r e a c h ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 1 | Page Transportation Goals, Policies and Actions  Goals  The following goals were adopted by Kent City Council in November 2019: • Goal 1: Connectivity & Options Expand and strengthen the multimodal network, specifically walking, biking and transit, to increase options for those who have fewest opportunities. • Goal 2: Safety & Health Promote community health by improving safety and by making walking, biking, and getting to transit viable and comfortable alternatives to driving. • Goal 3: Stewardship Maintain and improve what we have, and focus new investments on projects that have long term community and economic benefits. • Goal 4: Placemaking Make investments that emphasize Kent as a welcoming place and enhance the character of the community. • Goal 5: Strategy Pursue grants, partnerships and technologies to maximize resources and find new efficiencies. Transportation Policies  Connectivity & Options Policies TR-1. Provide a balanced transportation system that delivers reasonable circulation for all users throughout the City, including pedestrians, bicyclists, persons who use a wheelchair or other ambulation devices, transit riders, freight haulers, motorists, emergency responders, and residents of all ages and abilities as detailed in Ordinance 4247 (Complete Streets). TR-2. Coordinate land use and transportation decision making to reduce sprawl and promote dense development patterns that support cost-effective transit and build stronger connections between housing and employment opportunities. TR-3. Promote transit-oriented development around high capacity transit through land use patterns, support for increased transit service, and emphasis on non-motorized facilities. TR-4. Prioritize the creation of strong east-west connections for all modes. TR-5. Ensure that changes to the City’s transportation system promote walking, biking, and public transportation. Where possible, strongly discourage the development of dead-end cul-de-sacs, facilitate the inclusion of connecting pathways for pedestrian and bicycle 6.c Packet Pg. 81 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 2 | Page access in cases where dead-end cul-de-sacs are permitted, and construct pedestrian and bicycle facilities that connect to and through parks to shorten and encourage non- motorized trips. TR-6. Facilitate the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the City’s adopted pedestrian and bicycle network. TR-7. Use short-term, low cost improvements, such as pedestrian and bicycle signage and markings, to identify routes when high cost capital improvements are not funded. TR-8. Develop programs and construct infrastructure for walking, biking, and access to transit that make it possible for Kent residents and employees, especially underserved populations, to access essential services and support local businesses while reducing auto-dependent travel. TR-9. Protect the mobility of T-1 and T-2 Freight and Goods Transportation System (FGTS) routes; design all other streets to accommodate only first/last mile freight movements through utilizing engineering standards that are based on smaller design vehicles. TR-10. Ensure that efforts to improve access to transit and other mobility services consider the needs of those who rely on transit services the most and those with special transportation needs. TR-11. Implement transportation programs and projects that provide access to opportunities while preventing or mitigating negative impacts to underserved populations as defined in the transportation equity definition. TR-12. Advocate for new transit and mobility options for Kent residents and employees. TR-13. Work with transit providers to start planned transit service as early and effectively as possible and continue to support existing and new bus service that connects to light rail stations, high-capacity transit corridors, and park & ride lots throughout the City. TR-14. Support transit planning efforts based on criteria guided by the City's preferred land use, population and employment distribution, and opportunities for redevelopment. TR-15. Implement transportation improvements and strategies needed to implement the City’s Layered Network and meet level-of-service standards and guidelines for transportation detailed in the next chapter. Safety & Health Policies TR-16. Encourage lower speeds in residential neighborhoods using best practices in traffic calming techniques, implemented through the Residential Traffic Calming Program. TR-17. Work with residents and local businesses to reduce speeds and cut-through traffic on non-arterial streets with techniques that include education, enforcement, and traffic calming. TR-18. Construct projects and implement programs that improve safety for all users of the transportation network 6.c Packet Pg. 82 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 3 | Page TR-19. Minimize the number of driveways and access points per parcel on arterials to improve the bicycle and pedestrian environment. TR-20. Emphasize comfort and user experience in the design of bicycle facilities following the City’s bicycle level of traffic stress (LTS) guidelines. TR-21. Coordinate with the Kent Police Department and school districts within the City of Kent to increase safety through education and enforcement programs. TR-22. Coordinate with regional transit providers to plan and construct transit stops that are comfortable, meet minimum transit stop amenity standards set by the City of Kent, and address potential safety and security concerns. TR-23. Provide equitable opportunities for an active, healthy lifestyle by integrating the needs of non-motorized users into the multimodal transportation system. Stewardship Policies TR-24. Ensure that maintenance and operation of the existing and proposed transportation network is included in transportation planning. TR-25. Implement maintenance and operation projects to ensure the resiliency of the transportation network. TR-26. Coordinate new development and redevelopment with transportation projects as mandated by the Growth Management Act (GMA). TR-27. Coordinate with state and regional agencies to ensure continued mobility on state routes (including I-5, SR 167, SR 509, SR 515, SR 516, SR 99 and SR 181), including improvements needed to achieve the adopted level of service standards for these facilities. TR-28. Consider the economic development implications in the planning and design of transportation projects. TR-29. Foster transit-oriented development opportunities and leverage public and private funds to achieve City objectives related to economic development and growth. TR-30. Protect the investment in the existing system and lower overall life-cycle costs through effective maintenance and preservation programs. TR-31. Implement and maintain a transportation impact fee program that supports future growth, while advancing the overall policy objectives of this TMP and the City’s other plans such as subarea plans and the Comprehensive Plan. TR-32. Maintain a comprehensive asset management program that monitors the condition of Kent’s multimodal transportation network and that facilitates data driven decision- making. TR‐33. Develop transportation projects, programs, and investment strategies that comply with state and federal guidelines and are consistent with best practices for air quality, water quality and other environmental impacts.  TR-34. Optimize land use patterns and transportation systems to minimize air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, consistent with the priorities of the King County Cities Climate Collaboration. 6.c Packet Pg. 83 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 4 | Page TR-35. Pursue mode split goals for designated Regional Growth Centers within Kent. TR-36. Reduce the impact of the City’s transportation system on the environment using technology, expanded transit use and non-motorized transportation options. TR-37. Encourage the use of technologies that minimize reliance on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as electric and high fuel efficiency automobiles. TR‐38. Develop a resilient transportation system (e.g. roadway, rail, transit, and nonmotorized) that protects against major disruptions and climate change by developing recovery strategies and by coordinating disaster response plans.  Placemaking Policies TR-39. Using the Complete Streets process, incorporate street trees and plantings in transportation facility planning and design to enhance community vitality, placemaking, traffic calming, and economic development. TR-40. Plan and implement the transportation system utilizing urban street design principles in recognition of the link between urban design, safety, economic development, community health, and transportation system design in the planning and implementation of transportation projects. TR-41. Consider the effects transportation projects have on the public realm, particularly the impacts on public perception, placemaking and use. TR-42. Promote and support public transit, and bicycle and pedestrian circulation within compact urban settings. TR-43. Prioritize inclusion of pedestrian amenities, street trees, art and integration into public spaces when implementing transportation projects within the Urban Center and designated Activity Centers, key gateways and high capacity transit corridors. TR-44. Establish residential streetscape patterns that foster more opportunities for healthy living and community interaction. TR-45. Construct comfortable, safe and supportive public streetscapes for transit riders, pedestrians and cyclists where appropriate based on land use context. Strategy Policies TR-46. Secure reliable funding to ensure continuous maintenance and improvement of the transportation system. TR-47. Support efforts at the state and federal level to increase funding for local transportation. TR-48. Leverage public and private investments in the transportation network to build a healthy, opportunity-rich city. TR-49. Coordinate land use, transportation and development decisions with transit providers, including in subarea and corridor planning efforts. 6.c Packet Pg. 84 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 5 | Page TR-50. Take an active approach to managing on- and off-street parking in commercial and high- density residential areas to minimize land dedicated to parking and ensure right-of-way balances parking with other community needs. TR-51. Coordinate the allocation of curb space for delivery purposes with development. TR-52. Ensure CTR-affected employers are implementing a commute trip reduction program for employees, as mandated by the state Commute Trip Reduction law, and evaluate program effectiveness every other year. TR-53. Encourage all employers to implement a commute trip reduction program for employees and to help reduce peak hour commute trips by facilitating employees’ use of telework, flexible work hours, compressed work week schedules, and other scheduling options. TR-54. Emphasize transportation investments that provide and encourage alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel and increase travel options, especially to and within centers and along corridors connecting centers. TR-55. Utilize Transportation Demand Management strategies to increase the proportion of trips made by transportation modes that are alternatives to driving alone, especially to and within centers and along corridors connecting centers, by ensuring availability of reliable and competitive transit options. TR-56. Support commute trip reduction goals and multimodal forms of transportation via development standards pertaining to building setbacks, location of parking, parking standards, as well as amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. TR-57. Facilitate the construction of curbside spaces for electric vehicle charging stations where on-street parking is allowed. TR-58. Implement intelligent transportation system technology and infrastructure to support the efficient movement of people and goods. TR-59. Coordinate with the County and neighboring jurisdictions to implement concurrency strategies and provide for mitigation of shared traffic impacts through street improvements, signal improvements, intelligent transportation systems improvements, transit system improvements or transportation demand management strategies. TR-60. Coordinate with BNSF Railroad, UP Railroad, Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) and Sound Transit. TR-61. Coordinate transportation operations, planning and improvements with the State, Region, County, neighboring jurisdictions and other transportation planning agencies to ensure the City’s interests are well represented in state and regional planning strategies, policies and projects and to identify strategies to maximize benefits with limited financial resources. TR-62. Actively engage residents, especially underserved populations, during the planning and design of transportation facilities proposed by the City and other agencies to identify and reduce community impacts. 6.c Packet Pg. 85 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 6 | Page Transportation Actions  These actions are intended to implement the above policies through tangible projects and defined steps to improve processes, develop capital projects, assign tasks, and set priorities. Connectivity & Options Actions Actions/Objectives  Adopt standards that implement the transportation network planned for in the Midway Subarea Plan.  Develop a Benson Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned transportation network to support high capacity transit.  Develop a Military Road Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned transportation network.  Develop a Central Avenue Corridor Plan to update the existing land use and planned transportation network.  Update transportation administrative procedures and include funding in the annual budget to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from disasters as provided for in the City of Kent Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.  Assign a roadway type to all streets in the City based on quantitative and qualitative criteria including mobility of transportation network users, accessibility to adjacent land use traffic volumes, and other related transportation criteria.  Develop roadway cross-sections for each roadway type that include all modes and parking as appropriate with distinctive roadway types for different land use and network contexts.  Update the Kent Design and Construction Standards to include street designs for each roadway type as well as for local private and public roadways.  Regularly update and maintain the city's pavement management system.  Develop cross-sections and design parameters for the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) network and add to the Kent Design and Construction Standards.   Construct projects to implement the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) network.  Construct projects to implement the pedestrian network adopted in the TMP.  Develop policies related to alternative travel modes, such as bike share services, electric bicycles, motorized scooters, etc.  Develop a sidewalk prioritization program for sidewalk improvements.  Identify and utilize best practices to minimize conflicts between trucks and other transportation modes during project design and construction.  Update applicable codes, standards and guidelines to ensure developers provide connecting pathways for pedestrian and bicycle on dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs.  Include freight needs in the prioritization criteria for the pavement preservation program.  Develop tools to better understand how local planning and actions address inequities. 6.c Packet Pg. 86 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 7 | Page  Develop outreach process for project development that incorporates the feedback of populations affected, especially typically underserved populations. Preliminary ideas include: o Facilitate outreach and engagement in places where communities already gather, including cultural events, farmers markets, community centers, and places of worship. o Identify opportunities for education around the relationship between transportation and the economy, environment, and health as well as strategies for preventing and managing conflict. o Provide translations of informational material, including websites, brochures, flyers, and posters that are written in plain language. o Collaborate with cultural organizations, social service entities, faith-based organizations, and other community-based organizations to develop effective outreach and engagement strategies. o Leverage established relationships with communities by partnering with nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, neighborhood associations, community advocacy groups, and other organizations and individuals to help connect the city with the community, improve communication, and build relationships. o Effectively communicate how community input is being incorporated into project decision-making processes throughout the project duration. Safety & Health Actions Actions/Objectives  Utilize the Residential Traffic Calming Program process to receive public input and make improvements based on neighborhood concerns and priorities.  Develop City of Kent minimum transit stop amenity standards.  Enhance access management requirements in the Design and Construction Standards to reduce the number of conflicts points and extend arterial capacity.  Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to develop a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program that emphasizes ongoing education and enforcement efforts in addition to engineering solutions.  Update the Local Roadway Safety Plan periodically.  Develop a Safety Program to make safety improvements with a safe systems approach.  Update the streetlight design requirements within the Kent Design and Construction Standards in line with current industry best practice.   Update the Kent Design and Construction Standards to include a variety of multimodal design options that incorporate the current national design practices and modal level-of- service guidelines. 6.c Packet Pg. 87 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 8 | Page Stewardship Actions Actions/Objectives  Review the roadways in the Federal Functional Classification (FFC) System to maximize grant eligibility.  Develop a process to facilitate public-private investment to increase access and mobility and to address transportation needs in the City of Kent.  Develop performance measures that track asset management of the transportation network and define what success looks like. Placemaking Actions Actions/Objectives  Update Design and Construction standards to include placemaking elements for each roadway type.  Identify high priority commercial nodes and corridors to prepare comprehensive multimodal streetscape plans with the goal to create a safe and inviting pedestrian environment.  Identify gateways at locations of high visibility and prepare guidance for landscaping and aesthetic treatment to aid in capital project development.  Update street tree program guidelines including preservation during construction, establishment and maintenance responsibilities, and replacement procedures. Strategy Actions Actions/Objectives  Regularly review and improve signal timing on all corridors.  Evaluate the viability of an Adaptive Signal Control System for the Downtown Core particularly in areas of regular congestion near railroad crossings.  Develop an ordinance to require non-motorized access to transit stops. Call-Out Box A comprehensive asset management system for all transportation system assets is a key strategy for being able to accomplish the goal of lowest life-cycle cost for these assets. The system should monitor the condition of a comprehensive list of roadway assets, such as pavement quality, signals and traffic controls, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, guardrail, signs, and concrete barriers. A comprehensive asset management system includes the following elements:  Setting level of service goals  Developing and maintaining a complete inventory of assets  Regularly collecting asset condition and usage data  Tracking costs  Developing a method for evaluating risk  Developing a method for evaluating when and how to replace or refurbish the asset  Adopting performance measures that provide information to best manage the resources used to manage the asset. 6.c Packet Pg. 88 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P ) 9 | Page  Develop City of Kent minimum transit stop amenity standards.  Monitor the frequency and connectivity of transit service in the City and advocate for improvements as appropriate.  Develop curb space delivery standards  Develop standards for and a plan to support construction of electric vehicle charging for on-street parking.  Require new development to incorporate appropriate design features such as: 1. Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools; 2. Special loading and unloading facilities for carpools and vanpools; 3. Transit passenger facilities, including comfortable bus stops and waiting areas that may be integrated in the building design; and 4. Secure and covered bicycle parking, showers, lockers, and related facilities to support bicycle commuters. 5. Convenient short-term bicycle parking for customers or other visitors.  Update the Intelligent Transportation Systems Plan.  Develop annual legislative agendas and meet with federal and state representatives who can help fund key projects.  Update the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) annually to ensure inclusion of all transportation modes.  Develop an outreach process to include public comments on projects from planning to construction.  Develop targeted outreach processes to inform and seek feedback from underserved populations.  Develop a program to identify and construct low-cost improvements to improve safety and quality of life. 6.c Packet Pg. 89 At t a c h m e n t : K e n t T M P _ D r a f t _ P o l i c i e s _ A c t i o n s _ 1 1 - 1 6 - 2 0 U p d a t e d ( 2 5 2 5 : T M P )