HomeMy WebLinkAbout4371ORDINANCE NO. 437L AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of theCity of Kent, Washington, amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designations in compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (CPA-2019-O4, cPA-20 19-05, CPA-20 19-06). RECITALS A. The Washington State Growth Management Act ("GMA') requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements. B. To assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up to date, the GMA requires each jurisdiction to establish procedures whereby amendments to the plan are considered by the city council, and limits these amendments to once each year unless certain circumstances exist. C. The City of Kent has established a procedure for amending the Comprehensive Plan in chapter L2.02 of the Kent City Code, which sets a deadline of September 1't of each year for submittal of requests for comprehensive plan amendments. D. The City received three timely applications to amend the comprehensive plan's land use designation map. The applications involve parcels located at: (1) 116thAve SE and SE Kent Kangley Rd (CPA-2019- Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Land Use Plan Map Designations 1 04), (2) E Canyon Dr and 101 Ave SE (CPA-2019-5), and (3) SE 256th St and 132nd Ave SE (CPA-2019-6). E. Two properties at 26O47 116th Ave SE and 11504 SE Kent Kangley, parcel numbers 2922O59L3O and 2922O59L2O, are currently designated Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) and the applicants are requesting a plan designation of Mixed Use (MU) (CPA-2019-4). F. Seven properties at 256L7, 25623, 25707, 25709, 257LO, 25704, and 25624 100th Pl SE, parcel numbers 1164000030, 1164000040, 1164000050, 1164000060, 1164000070, 1164000080, 1164000090, are currently designated Single Family, eight units per acre (SF-8). The applicants are requesting a plan designation of Mixed Use (MU) (CPA- 2019-s). G. Three properties at 13115 and 13133 SE 256th St and one with no address, parcel numbers 2822O59t38, 2822O59L62, and 2822059038, are currently designated Single Family, four units per acre (SF-4). The applicants are requesting a plan designation of Neighborhood Services (NS) (CPA-2019-6). H. The City of Kent Land Use and Planning Board considered these amendment requests at a regularly scheduled workshop on July 27, 2020, and at a public hearing on September 28, 2020. I. The City's SEPA responsible official issued a SEPA Addendum for the proposed amendments on August 3, 20L9. J. On September L8,2O2O, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified of the proposed amendments. No comments were received. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Land Use Plan Map Designations 2 ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Incorporation of Staff Report and Recitals. A Staff Report is attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A." The Staff Report's background information, analysis of public benefit, maps, and staff recommendations for each proposal, as well as the preceding recitals, are incorporated herein by this reference and constitute the city council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. Approval and Amendment The applications involving parcels located at (1) 116th Ave SE and SE Kent Kangley Rd (CPA-2019-O4), and (2) E Canyon Dr and 101 Ave SE (CPA-2019-5) are aooroved. The Kent Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to establish new land use plan map designations for the following parcels: L) 26047 116th Ave SE and 11504 SE Kent Kangley, parcel numbers 2922O59t30 and 2922059L2O, from a land use designation of Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) to a land use designation of Mixed Use (MU) as depicted in the map attached and incorporated as Exhibit "B" (CPA-2OL9-4). 2) 256L7, 25623, 25707, 25709, 257LO, 25704, and 25624 100th Pl SE, parcel numbers 1164000030, 1164000040, 1164000050, 1164000060, 1164000070, 1164000080, 1164000090, from a land use designation Single Family, eight units per acre (SF-8) to a land use designation of Mixed Use (MU) as depicted in the map attached and incorporated as Exhibit *C" (CPA-2019-5). SECTION 3, - Denial. The application requesting a plan designation of Neighborhood Services (NS) for parcels located at SE 256th Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Land Use Plan Map Designations 3 St and 132nd Ave SE (CPA-2019-6), parcel numbers 2822059138, 2822059t62, and 2822059038, is denied. SECTION 4. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 6, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYO November 17. 2020 Date Approved ATTEST: CI November 17. 2020 Date AdoptedMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Pub APPROVED AS TO FORM: PAT" FITZPATRICK, CITY ATTORNEY 4 Comprehensive Land Use PIan Map Designations EXHIBITA-StaffReport Comprehensive Plan Amendment Requests for 2019/2020 #0PA-2OL9-4, #CpA-20 19-5, #CqA-2O19-6 Introduction The City received three applications submitted by private propefty owners for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map during the 2019 docket process. The three proposals are classified as Proposals A, B, and C. This staff report includes background information, an analysis of public benefit, maps, and a staff recommendation for each proposal. Analysis and recommendations are based upon the standards of review listed in Kent City Code. 256L7 25623 25707 25709 257L0 25704 25624 10Oth 100th 100th 10oth 10oth 100th 10oth PI SE PI SE PI SE PI SE PI SE PI SE PI SE SR-8 (Single MU (Mixed Use) Family 8 Units/Acre) A ARCA, LLC 116th & Kent Kangley 26047 116th Ave SE 11504th SE Kent Kangley MDMF (Medium Density Multifamily) MU (Mixed Use)B 13115 SE 256th St 13133 SE 256th St APN 2822059038 sR-4.5 (Single Family 4.5 Units/Acre) NS (Neighborhood Service) c Sanha Corner Proposal A 4 rs Proposal A - CPA-2O19-5: Applicant requests redesignation from SR-B to MU. Background: The site consists of 7 tax parcels, which combined comprise 1.82 acres. Six of the seven property owners have signed their approval to be included in this application. Their signed approval of the property owner that did not sign on to the CPA application would be needed for a rezone application to be considered on their property. The site sits on the East Hill, just south of Canyon Drive and west of 100th Place SE. The current land use designation is Single-Family (8 units/acre). Parcels east of the site are designated Mixed Use, as well as the four parcels directly to the north. Parcels to the west of the site are designated Medium Density Multifamily. To the south, a 4.9 acre condominium complex consisting of 81 units is designated as Single Family (8 units/acre). The parcel to the south, combined with the site, form a small "island" of land designated Single-Family between larger Medium Density Multifamily and Mixed Use designated areas. Existing improvements on the site include single-story residences on each parcel. Soil on the site is Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, according to the USDA web soil survey. King County Metro routes 159 and 164 serve the site along nearby Kent Kangley Road, as well as Dial-A-Ride (DART) routes 914 and 916. The intent of the redesignation is to pursue a rezone and develop the property as a mixed use development, with commercial and office uses along Canyon Drive and residences behind. However, the MU designation also supports zoning for commercial only. Commercial uses that would be allowed in the MU designation are gas stations, drive through restaurants, and miscellaneous retail and services. Existing access to the site as well as to the single-family lots south of the siteis provided by a private street (100th Pl SE). This existing connection is nonconforming and in need of safety improvements. These parcels would take access by way of East Canyon Drive and 10lst Ave SE. East Canyon Drive/SE 256th Street is classified as a Principal Arterial and is also known as State Route 516, 101st Ave SE is a local commercial street. These roads are capable of handling added capacity of the proposed higher intensity land use and subsequent future redevelopment of the site. Future access to the site may be limited in accordance with the 2009 Kent Construction Standards. Driveways within 300 ft of a signalized intersection may be denied or required to mitigate for impacts. Relevant Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Policy LU-3.1: Encourage mixed-use development that combines retail, office, or residential uses to provide a diverse and economically vibrant Urban Center and designated Activity Centers. Staff comment: For the site to be designated as mixed use would fulfill the intent of encouraging mixed use development, although not guarantee it. I Policy LU-6.3: Locate housing opportunities with a variety of densities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, human and community services. Staff Comment: The site is located within close proximity to transit, restaurants and businesses, religious institutions, some shopping and medical services. Additional density in this location would fulfill the intent of this policy. However, if the site were to develop as commercial, the intent of this policy would not be met. Goal LU-7: Kent will provide opportunities for a variety of housing types, options and densities throughout the City to meet the community's changing demographics. Staff comment: The majority of Kent's residential areas are single-family, so for this site to become designated and eventually rezoned and redeveloped as mixed use with multifamily would provide more variety of housing types, options and density than currently exists. However, if the site were to develop as commercial, the intent of this policy would not be meL Goal H-2: Encourage a variety of housing types, Staff comment: Changing the site's designation from single-family to mixed use with multifamily encourage more variety of housing types since Kent's residential areas are majority single-family. However, if the site were to develop as commercial, the intent of this policy would not be meL Policy H-2.2: Encourage infill development and recycling of land to provide adequate residential sites. Staff comment: Designating the site as mixed use with eventual development including multifamily residential would encourage infill development. However, if the site were to develop as commercial, the intent of this policy would not be met. Policy T-1.1: Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials, or around freeway interchanges. Staff comment: The site is located just off a principal/minor arterial. Multifamily residential and commercial development as part of a mixed use project on the site would be compatible with the intent of this policy. Goal E-3: Create connections for people and places, Staff comment: Given the site's visibility from a major roadway, a mixed use development on the site would create more connections than the existing single- story residences. The connections could include people walking from nearby areas to visit the commercial or office component, and the resolved access tssue would be cause for more conforming connections to the area generally. Applying the Standards of Review: 1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. Staff comment: Any development that occurs as a result of redesignating the site as mixed use will not adversely affect public health, safety or general welfare. An exception to this would be in the property owner of 25623 700th Pl SE who did not sign their approval of the application. If they do not eventually sign their approval, they might find future higher density development adversely impacts their single- family property. 2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan, or that circumstances have changed since the adoption of the plan that warrant an amendment to the plan. Staff comment: The need for housing variety and options has been increasing nearly every month in this region due to population and job growth and housing demand. Additionally, changes in market preferences result in increasing demand for multifamily and mixed use living. 3. The amendment will result in long-term benefits to the community as a whole and is in the best interest of the community. Staff comment: The community will benefit from having increased commercial or office singly, or as part of a mixed use development in this location, as this area is a desirable destination for residents to visit existing commercial/office. It is in the best interest of the community for parcels with the highest visibility to have a mixture of uses including commercial or office, and mixing uses within a site is in the best interest of the community due to the lower demands placed on city infrastructure when residences are placed in close proximity to other uses. 4. The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, and that the amendment will maintain concurrency between the land use, transportation, and capital facilities elements of the plan. Staff comment: The amendment meets several goals and policies in the comprehensive plan and maintains concurrency. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval Proposal B- CPA-2O19-4 Applicant requests redesignation from MDMF to MU. Background: The site consists of 2 parcels totaling 1.3 acres in size. Both parcels are designated MDMF (Medium Density Multifamily). The property owner at 11504the SE Kent Kangley Rd did not sign approval of the CPA application. Their signed approval would be needed for a rezone application to be considered. The site is located on the northwest corner of Kent-Kangley Road and 116th Ave SE, on Kent's East Hill. King County Metro routes 159 and 164 serve the site along Kent Kangley Road, as well as Dial-A-Ride (DART) route 914. Existing structures include small single-story buildings. The property at 26047 116th Ave SE is developed with two single-story buildings utilized as a commercial child care center. The property at 11504th SE Kent Kangley is developed as a single-family residence with an attached garage. Soil type is Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, according to Web Soil Survey data from USDA. Parcels to the west and north of the site are designated Medium Density Multifamily. The parcels to the south of the site are designated Low Density Multifamily. Parcels on the east and southeast corners of the Kent Kangley and 116th Ave SE are designated as Mixed-Use and are developed with drive-thru restaurants and a gas station. The applicant is requesting redesignation to Mixed Use in order to develop the property with a commercial use, although amending the land use plan map designation does not guarantee the development proposal will occur. The applicant states in their application "the intent of the resignation is to pursue a rezone and develop the property as a commercial development". A land use plan map designation of Mixed Use permits commercial only use, as well as a mixed-use development. Commercial uses that would be allowed in the MU designation are gas stations, drive through restaurants, and miscellaneous retail and services. These parcels have frontage along SE Kent Kangley Road and 116th Ave SE. SE Kent Kangley Road is classified as a Principal Arterial and is also known as State Route 516. 116th Ave SE is a Minor Arterial. These arterial roads are capable of handling added capacity of the proposed higher intensity land use and subsequent future redevelopment of the site. Future access to the site may be limited in accordance with the 2009 Kent Construction Standards. Driveways within 300 ft of a signalized intersection may be denied or required to mitigate for impacts. Relevant Comprehensive PIan Goals and Policies: Goal LU-9: Kent will promote orderly and efficient commercial growth within existing commercial districts in order to maintain and strengthen commercial activity, and maximize the use of existing public facility investments. Staff comment: The redesignation of this site from MDMF to MIJ meets the intent of this policy due to its location at a commercial intersection. The intersection of Kent Kangley & 776th has a high volume of vehicular traffic, and this increased visibility and vehicle access will be beneficial to a commercial use. The eastern corners of the intersection are already developed with commercial use. All businesses have the opportunity to benefit from potential customer trips to this intersection. Policy LU-1O.4: Promote redevelopment of existing commercial properties by limiting the conversion of additional residential land use plan map designations to commercial land use plan map designations, Staff comment: The intent of this policy would only be met if the site is developed with a mix of residential and commercial uses. If the site is developed with commercial uses only, the intent of this policy would not be met. The applicant has not proposed a specific type of development for the site. Policy T-1.1: Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials, or around freeway interchanges. Staff comment: The site is located at the intersection of a minor arterial and a principal arterial. Mixed use or commercial development on the site would be compatible with the intent of this policy. Policy LU-11.5: Consider neighborhood urban centers where appropriate to add convenient commercial opportunities and gathering places. Staff comment: The intent of this policy supports redesignating the site to commercial. Being at the intersection of two arterial roads, and having commercial developments on 2 of the 4 corners of the intersection, the site is a node for conven ient commercia I opportu n ity. Applying the Standards of Review: 1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. Staff comment: Any development that occurs as a result of redesignating the site as mixed use will not adversely affect public health, safety or general welfare. 2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan, or that circumstances have changed since the adoption of the plan that warrant an amendment to the plan, Staff comment: Since the site was designated MDMF in 2018 the north east corner of the 776th and Kent Kangley, which is already designated as MlJ, has been developed with drive through uses. 3. The amendment will result in long-term benefits to the community as a whole and is in the best interest of the community. Staff comment: Expanding the mixed use designation could benefit the community as a whole by providing more commercial options on a trafficked intersection that already has similar development. 4. The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, and that the amendment will maintain concurrency between the land use, transportation, and capital facilities elements of the plan. Staff comment: The amendment does not meet some goals and policies in the comprehensive plan, most notably Goal LU-9 and Policy LU-10.4 which aims to limit conversion of residential areas to commercial areas. However, the amendment does meet some goals and policies in the comprehensive plan, most notably Goal LIJ-9 and Policy LU-10.4 which aims to agglomerate commercial uses around intersections and neighborhood centers. Recommendation: Staff recommends approving this request. J'l ; Proposal C S.b zYi st la rt I a, 3 Proposal C - CPA-2O19-6 Applicant requests redesiglnation from SR-4.5 to NS Background: The applicant requested redesignation to NCC, however, that is a zoning district and not a comprehensive plan designation. Planning staff is proposing resdesignation to NS (Neighborhood Service), which is the comprehensive plan designation that allows the NCC zone. The site consists of 3 tax parcels, of 2.42 acres in size. All three parcels are designated as SR-4.5. The properties are located on the corner of SE 256th St and L32nd Ave SE. There are two single-family residential structures on the property with attached garages. The terrain slopes generally downward from west to east. Slopes on the propefty are from 3-L5o/o. The soil type is Alderwood gravelly sandy loam according to the USDA's Web Soil Survey. i Neighboring properties are designated as SR-4.5. However, the neighboring properties, and surrounding area, has a mix of development. This is because the area was paft of the 1996 Meridian annexation into Kent. Many properties in the area pre-date the current zoning. The properties to the west are part of a 48 lot subdivision of 9,4 acres developed in 1999. The property to the east is a 44 unit condominium development on a 6.58 acre lot built in 1980. The property to the southeast is a 9.8 acre lot zoned as Mobile Home Park. The park has 77 pads occupied with mobile homes. The properties to the south are developed with single family houses on 2 to 3 acre lots. The property to the north is an undeveloped lot with an identified stream and wetland on site. Lake Meridian is located 0.3 miles southeast of the property. King County Metro routes 183 and 190 serve the site along SE 256th St Street. The NS designation allows the NCC (Neighborhood Community Commercial), MRT-12 (Multifamily Townhome/L2 units per acre), and MRT-16 (Multifamily Townhome/16 units per acre) zones. The applicant has applied to rezone the property to NCC, if the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application is approved. The NCC zone permitted uses are gas stations, convenience stores, liquor stores, day cares, churches, as well as miscellaneous retail, personal, and professional services. The two residences currently located on the site have driveway access to SE 256th street. The undeveloped parcel on the eastern portion of the site has evidence that it is being used as an unpaved pull out with access from SE 256th St and L32nd Ave SE, both of which are designated as Minor Arterials. These parcels have frontage along SE 256th Street and 132nd Ave SE. Both of these roads area classified as a Minor Arterials. These arterial roads are capable of handling added capacity of the proposed higher intensity land use and subsequent future redevelopment of the site. Future access to the site may be limited in accordance with the 2009 Kent Construction Standards. Driveways within 300 ft of a signalized intersection may be denied or required to mitigate for impacts. The applicant also submitted permit RPLL 21937O2 in which they propose to adjust the lot line of the eastern parcel so that it is 5 feet away from the residential propefties. This would enlarge the eastern parcel from 35,266 square feet (0.8 acres) to around 70,000 square feet (1.6 acres). 'lftffiffi"4 I t cn^pHtc scALE zd iE Rv r mao ^rs uruEffilsrm w0@@r h 3lns'N id P5 !dr6' {nE, SuBsg F?Df@TT (x*ee- ?.€z.'.'ts Areo,r*t- a ouoB r./2' lEf hs @ Ll M2'SIdNffi IMPERVIOUS AREAS t*t bt 'A' - lqflz WrXa fifrbIA ftsW m90d m - EDI& eor@ - SI E* F 'a' r tO!41 SQgld ElDr& 4ffi sglsOl E _ rfi6t&&F-ffi W |,of 't - tq07. wE EEIhr[ arffi u4wl g - laIOIA &O5 - Si so0B uE tr llE t.tt,/a. c Bt N.E.r/a. 0t N F.Etl.. *c. 2t If all three parcels are redesignated from SR-4.5 to NS, then the two residential parcels could be difficult to develop for commercial use due to their size and orientation away from the arterial road. Additionally, new residential is not allowed in the NS land use designation which further limits the redevelopment potential for those parcels. Relevant Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Goal LU-g: Kent will promote orderly and efficient commercial growth within existing commercial districts in order to maintain and strengthen commercial activity, and maximize the use of existing public facility investments. Staff Comment: The site is not within an existing commercial district as it is zoned for residential use and surrounded by residential areas. There are areas zoned as Community Commercial one mile to the north and one mile to the south. Policy LU-1O.4: Promote redevelopment of existing commercial properties by limiting the conversion of additional residential land use plan map designations to commercial land use plan map designations. Staff comment: The intent of this policy is specifically at odds with redesignating the site to commercial. The site is currently designated for residential use. There are areas zoned as Community Commercial exactly one mile to the north and one mile to the south. i t" :E I' i & I I I ,"lt' uJ ut g a ii ad 60',i sllbl' E E ilI Policy LU-11.5: Consider neighborhood urban centers where appropriate to add convenient commercial opportunities and gathering places. Staff comment: The intent of this policy may support redesignating the site to commercial depending on the density of commercial nodes that could be considered "appropriate." Being at the intersection of two arterial roads, the site does have the potential for convenient commercial development. There is currently a fruit stand that operates on the corner lot, showing existing commercial use despite the reside ntia I d esig natio n. However, appropriate density for NS designations is a subjective criteria. /VS designated land areas in Kent are located at the intersections of SE 240th St & 716th Ave SE, S 272nd St & Military Rd S, SE 280th St & 152nd Ave SE. All fhese /VS designated areas are at the intersections of arterial roads, are within about one mile of commercially designated areas, and surrounded by single family residential development. Therefore, the redesignation of this site to NS may follow the pattern of commercial development density historically followed in Kent. Policy LU-6.3: Locate housing opportunities with a variety of densities within close proximity to employment, shopping, transit, human and community services, Staff comment: A redesignation fo /VS would allow for commercial development in close proximity to residential areas allowing for access to employment, shopping, hrJman, and community services. Policy T-1.1: Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily and other uses that generate high levels of traffic in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials, or around freeway interchanges. Staff comment: The site is located at the intersection of two minor arterial roads, SE 256th St and 732nd Ave SE. Redesignating this parcel to commercial would be consistent with this policy. Applying the Standards of Review: 1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare Staff comment: Any development that occurs as a result of redesignating the site as commercial will not adversely affect public health, safety or general welfare. Subjectively, new commercial development may be perceived as adversely affecting the relatively quiet residential nature of the area, but there are regulations in place to ensure noise and lighting from commercial development would not encroach on any residential development on this or neighboring properties. Traffic circulation close to the intersection is frequent and the proposed site is small with limited options for vehicle access. However, a traffic study could be required to ensure proper circulation is provided. 2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan, or that circumstances have changed since the adoption of the plan that warrant an amendment to the plan. Staff comment: Since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan there has been a change in working patterns brought on by the COVID-L9 pandemic. A greater portion of the population is working from home. This could be evidence for the increased need for convenient commercial uses within close proximity of residential areas. 3. The amendment will result in long-term benefits to the community as a whole and is in the best interest of the community. Staff comment: Nearby commercial opportunities already serve this community, and adding commercial development in this location may not result in long-term benefits here due to the primarily residential nature of the area. Conversely, conveniently located commercial areas have the opportunity to enrich the surrounding community by offering services that are easily accessible. 4, The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, and that the amendment will maintain concurrency between the land use, transportation, and capital facilities elements of the plan. Staff comment: The amendment meets some policies and does not meet others. Specifically, it does not meet Goal LU-9 and Policy LU-10.4 which express that residential land use should not be converted into commercial uses and commercial development should be concentrated in existing commercial areas. It does meet Policy LU 77.5, Policy LU 6.3, and Policy T 1.1 which support having commercial land uses locate at trafficked intersections and locating convenient commercial opportunities near neighborhood urban centers. Recommendation: Staff recommends denying this request. The surrounding area is defined by a residential character. Allowing a commercial use on these properties has the potential to add noise and traffic levels that could negatively affect the residential character of the area. There are no commercially designated parcels in the immediate area and changing the designation of the subject property would not be consistent with the surrounding area, Fufthermore, there are commercially designated areas one mile to the north and south of this property. By allowing the this property to be redesignated to commercial, it could negatively affect the potential for redevelopment in these nearby commercial areas. Exhibit B I *i .-Cr *f ceqonO, rr I I I i,f IJ a|,lrF,,l lt I tt ta,,#I tde J ? o)rn I F D 1l 1) I I I* I r MU (Mixed Use) I l la IJ %. Exhibit C eladsified Proof Client Address 238398 - City of Kent, City Clerk - LEGAL ADS 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA, 98032 Phone E-Mail Fs (2s3) 8s6-s728 kkomoto@kentwa.gov Order# Classifioation StartDate End Date Run Dates Publication(s) 9 l 3880 3030 - Legal Notices 1t/20/2020 1U20/2020 I Kent Reporter Requested'$r,KIM KOMOTO PO# ORDS 43"11-4382 CreatedBy 8280 Creation Date ll/17/2020, 0l:04:24 pm Order Price Tax t Tax 2 Total Net Payment $338.73 $0.00 $0.00 $338.73 $0.00 Salos Rep 9470 - Jennifer Tribbeu Phone E-Mail Fax (360) 802-8212 jtribbett@courierherald.com Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page: I Clqccifierl Prnnf\-/lt lrJ\t.t .l.ll/\l r r \-r\-rl- CITYOF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 17,2020. ORDINANCE NO. ,(l71 -AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the Cityof Kent, Washington, amending the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designationsin compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (cPA-2019-04, cPA-2019-05, cPA-2019-06). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE No. iB74 - AN ORDINANCE ol lhe City Council of the Cig of Kent, Washing- ton, amending sections7.01.070. 7.02.230. 7.03.030, 7.04.220, and 7.05.130 of the Kent City Code to ohange the cal- culation of lifeline utility rates for water, sewer, storm and surface water drainage, and to make other minor technical changes within those same code sections. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after the date of its passage as provided for by RCW 35A.1 1.090 and RCW 354.12.130; how- ever, the new authorized lifeline utility rates in Sections 1,2, 4, and 5 will not be utility charges ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE applied to until Janu- NO. 4375 - AN ORDINANCE of Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:2 elaSsified Proof the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between July 1, 202O and Sep- tember 30, 2020, refleit- ing an overall budget de- crease of $4,338,400. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force fve days after its publi- cation as provided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW35A.'12.130. ORDINANCE NO. 4376 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year Capital lmprove- ment Program for capitalimprovement projects (2021 -2026) (CPA-2020- 2'). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4377 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Faoilities Plansof the Kent, Federal Way, and Aubum SchoolDistricts for the202012021 through 202512026 school vears (cPA-2020-1 ). This ordinance will take efiect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4378 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, amending Section 12.13.160 of the Kenl City Code to adjust the school impact fee sched- ules (CPA-2020-1). This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4379 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ion, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Utilities Element to include the 2019 Wa-ter System Plan (cPA-2020-3). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4:I8O - AN ORDINANCE ot the City Council of theCig of Kent, Washing- ton, levying 2020 proper- ty taxes for the first year ofthe 2021 -2O22bien-nial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:3 Classified Proof lve oays atter me oate of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 35A.12.130; however, the property tax levied through this ordinance shall not be assessed for collection until January 1,2021. ORDINANCE NO. r$81 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe Cig Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re- lating to budgets and fi- nance and adopting the {tnal 2021 -2O22 biennial bddget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 354.12.130; however,the budget authorized through this ordinance shall be effective Janu- ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE /til82 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City ol Kent, Washington, made necessary as a result o{ COVID-19 restaurant closures, restricting res- taurant delivery and pickup fees charged by third-party, application- based food delivery plat- forms and prohibiling re- ductions in compensa-tion rates paid to delivery drivers. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force be- ginning Friday, Novern' bet 20, 2020, at 11:59 pm. A copy of text of any be mailed of the City the complete ordinance will upon request Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@KentWA.gov 253-856-5725 #9'13880 11t20r24 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, llll712020 0l:05:18 pm Page: 4