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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4377ORDINANCE NO. 4377 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts for the 2020/2021 through 2025/2026 school years (cPA-2020-1). RECITALS A. The State of Washington Growth Management Act (GMA) requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements and the plans from other jurisdictions. B. To assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up to date, the GMA allows amendments to the capital facilities element of comprehensive plans concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a city budget. RcW 36.70A.130(2XaXiv). C. The City of Kent has established procedures for amending its Comprehensive Plan in Chapter L2.02 of the Kent City Code (KCC). KCC 12.02.010(AX5) allows amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the City budget. In that circumstance, the City Council holds the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan amendment rather than the Land Use and Planning Board. I Comprehensive PIan Amendment- Capital Facilities Element and Six-Year Capital Facilities Plans for School Districts D. The Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts have submitted proposed amendments to their Capital Facilities Plans for the 202012021 through 2025/2026 school years to be included in an amendment of the City's Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. No amended Capital Facilities Plans were received by the City from the Highline or Renton School Districts, whose Capital Facilities Plans remain a part of the Capital Facilities Element as last submitted. E. After providing appropriate public notice, the City Council of the City of Kent considered the requested Comprehensive Plan amendment and held a public hearing on the same on October 20,202O. F. On September 1t,2O2O, the City provided the required 60-day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 to the Department of Commerce for the State of Washington of the City's proposed amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The 60-day notice period passed on November 10, 2O2O. G. On November t7,2O2O, the City Council of the City of Kent approved the Capital Facilities Element amendment CPA-2020-1 to include the Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts for the 2020/2021 through 202512026 school years, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated by this reference. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Amendment The Kent Comprehensive Plan, and its Capital Facilities Element, are amended to include the Capital Facilities Plans 2 Comprehensive PIan Amendment- Capital Facilities Element and Six-Year Capital Facilities Plans for School Districts of the Kent, Federal Way, and Auburn School Districts for the 2O20/2O2L through 2025/2026 school years, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated by this reference (CPA-2O2O-L). SECTION 2. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. DANA MLPH, M November 17, 2020 Date Approved ATTEST: l KIMBERLEY KOMOTO,CLERK APPROVED AS TO RNEY November 17. 2020 Date Adopted Date Pub 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendment- Capital Facilities Element and Six-Year Capital Facilities Plans for School Districts K, CITY A,'t KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT EQUITY XCELLENCE I COMMUNITY Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan 2020-21 through 2025-2026 June 2020 Kent School District No. 415 L2033 SE 256th Street Kent, Washington 98030-6643 (2s3)373-72ss BOARD of DIRECTORS Ms. Leslie Hamada, President Ms. Denise Daniels, Vice President Ms. M aya Ve ngadasa la m, Legislative Re presentative Ms. Michele Bettinger, Director Ms. Leah Bowen, Director ADMINISTRATION Dr. Calvin J. Watts Superintendent of Schools lsrael Vela, Chief School Operations and Academic Support Officer Dr. Jewelle Harmon, Chief Accountability Officer Mr. Benjamin Rarick, Executive Director of Fiscal Services Mr. Dave Bussard, Director of Capital Planning & Facilities Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table of Contents l- Executive Summary ll - Six - Year Enrollment Projection. lll - Current Kent School District "Standard of Service". Current Standards of Service for Elementary Students Current District Standards of Service for Secondory Students.... lV - lnventory and Capacity of Existing Schools V - Six-Year Planning and Construction Plan Vl - Portable Classrooms ............. Vll - Projected Six-Year Classroom Capacity Vlll- Finance Plan lX - Summary of Changes to June 2020 Capital Facilities Plan X - Appendices Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 2 of 15 3 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 TL 12 .. 15 | - Executive Summary This Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan has been prepared by the Kent School District as the organization's capital facilities planning document, in compliance with the requirements of Washington's Growth Management Act, King County Code K.C.C. 2IA.43 and Cities of Kent, Covington, Renton, Auburn, Black Diamond, Maple Valley, and SeaTac. This annual Plan update was prepared using data available in the spring of 2O2O forthe 2O2O-2O27 school year. This annual update of the Plan reflects no new major capital projects, and an inflation-based adjustment to prior year impact fee rates. This Plan is consistent with prior long-term capital facilities plans adopted by the Kent School District. This Plan is not intended to be the sole planning document for all of the District's needs. The District may prepare interim and periodic Long-Range Capital Facilities Plans consistent with Board Policies, taking into account a longer or shorter time period, other factors and trends in the use of facilities, and other needs of the District as may be required. Prior Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent School District have been adopted by Metropolitan King County Council and Cities of Kent, Covington, Auburn and Renton and included in the Capital Facilities Plan element of the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction. This Plan has also been submitted to cities of Black Diamond, Maple Valley, and SeaTac for their information and inclusion in their Comprehensive Plans. ln order for impact fees to be collected in the unincorporated areas of Kent School District, the Metropolitan King County Council must adopt this Plan and a fee- implementing ordinance for the District. For impact fees to be collected in the incorporated portions of the District, the cities of Kent, Covington, Renton and Auburn must also adopt this Plan and their own school impact fee ordinances. This Capital Facilities Plan establishes a standard of service in order to ascertain current and future capacity. While the State Superintendent of Public lnstruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, those guidelines do not account for local program needs in the District. The Growth Management Act, King County and City codes and ordinances authorize the District to make adjustments to the standard of service based on specific needs for students of the District. This Plan includes the standard of service as established by Kent School District. Program capacity is based on an average capacity and updated to reflect changes to special programs served in each building. Portables in the capacity calculation use the same standard of service as the permanent facilities. The capacity of each school in the District is calculated based on the District's standard of service and the existing inventory of permanent facilities. The District's program capacity Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 3 of 15 of permanent facilities reflects program changes and the state's mandated reduction of class size to meet the standard of service for Kent School District. Portables provide additional transitional capacity. Kent School District is the fifth largest (FTE basis) district in the state. Enrollment is electronically reported monthly to the Office of the Superintendent of Public lnstruction ('OSPl") on Form P-223. Although funding apportionment is based on AnnualAverage Full Time Equivalent (AAFTE), enrollment on October 1 is a widely recognized "snapshot in time" that is used to report the District's enrollment for the year as reported to OSPI. The District's standard of service, enrollment history and projections, and use of transitional facilities are reviewed in detail in various sections of this Plan. The District plans to continue to satisfy concurrency requirements through the transitional use of portables. This Plan currently represents projects in process funded primarily by the Kent School District's 2016 Bond. Additional information about these projects can be found at the district's capital projects homepage (link). Additionally, project updates sent to our community of stakeholders can be accessed on the KSD website (link). ll - Six - Year Enrollment Projection For capital facilities planning, enrollment growth projections are based on cohort survival and student yield from documented residential construction projected over the next six years (See Table 2). King County live births and the District's relational percentage average were used to determine the number of kindergartners entering the system (See Toble 1).7.75% of 25,800 King County live births in 2015 is projected for L,976 students expected in Kindergarten for October L,2OZO.This is an increase of 1-39 live births in King County over the previous year (See Table 2). Early Childhood Education students (also identified as "ECE"), "Early Childhood Special Education ('ECSE") students are forecast and reported to OSPI separately on Form P-223H for Special Education Enrollment. Capacity is reserved to serve students in the ECE programs at elementary schools. The first-grade population of Kent School District is traditionally t-3% larger than the kindergarten population due to growth and transfers to the District. Cohort survival method uses historical enrollment data to forecast the number of students projected for the following year. Projections for October L, 2020-2025 are from OSPI Report 1049 - Determination of Projected Enrollments. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 4 of 15 Within practical limits, the District has kept abreast of proposed developments. The District will continue to track new development activity to determine impact to schools. lnformation on new residential developments and the completion of these proposed developments in all jurisdictions will be considered in the District's future analysis of growth projections. The Kent School District serves eight permitting jurisdictions: unincorporated King County, the cities of Kent, Covington, Renton, and Auburn and smaller portions of the cities of SeaTac, Black Diamond, and Maple Valley. STUDENT GEN ERATION FACTOR "Student Factor" is defined by King County code as "the number derived by a school district to describe how many students of each grade span are expected to be generated by a dwelling unit" based on district records of average actual student generated rates for developments completed within the last ten years. Following these guidelines, the student generation rate for Kent School District is as follows: Single Family .334 .o78 .tL7 .529 .TL7 .o28 .048 .193 The student generation factor is based on a survey of 2,767 single-family dwelling units and 1,831 multi-family dwelling units with no adjustment for occupancy rates. ln preparing the 2020-202L to 2025-2O26 Capital Facilities Plan the District contracted with Davis Demographics and Planning (DDP) of Riverside California, a noted expert in demographic studies for school districts, to analyze and prepare the student generation factor. DDP used a larger sample of single-family residences than the district did in previous plans and included both "garden" and "urban style" apartments in the calculation for multi-family residences. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan lune 2020 Page 5 of 15 Multi-Family Elementary Middle School Senior High Total Elementary Middle School Senior High Total KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 ocToBER REPORT 1251H (HEADCOUNT) ENROLLMENT H|STORY For 2020 CFP - Headcount Enrollment History LB = Live Births LB in 2005 LB in 2006 LB in 2007 LB in 2008 LB in 2009 LB in 2010 LB in 201 1 LB in 201 2 LB in 2O13 LB in 2014 October HC Enrollment King County Live Births 2010 2011 22,680 2012 24,899 2013 2s,222 2014 25,057 2015 24,514 2016 24,630 2017 25,O32 2018 24 910 2019 25,348 lncrease / Decrease 194 't,564 655 323 -1 65 -543 116 402 280 316 Kindergarten/Birth%'8.130/o 8.18o/o 8.570/o 8.4Oo/o 8.340 8.34o/o 8.170/o 8.14%7.98o/o 7.93% Kinderqarten 1845 1983 213r'.2119 2090 2045 2013 2037 1 989 2010 Grade 1 1996 1 888 2017 2186 2127 2131 2067 2056 2061 2036 Grade 2 1942 2016 1 905 2055 2190 2163 2163 2077 2008 2091 Grade 3 2002 1983 2082 1922 2070 2176 2195 2143 2043 1 995 Grade 4 1956 2024 2000 2087 1956 2089 2195 2218 2118 2038 Grade 5 2086 1974 2044 2008 2116 1958 2103 2189 2't69 2120 Grade 6 2135 2135 2026 2079 2023 2058 1952 2120 2184 2164 Grade 7 iriddre schoor 2095 2105 2139 2046 2104 1974 2021 1922 2044 2166 Grade 8 2153 2111 2139 2121 2091 2100 2021 2043 1882 2073 Grade 9 Senior High 2440 2471 2455 2483 2428 2093 2105 2006 2004 1 888 Grade 10 2238 2272 2092 2046 2151 2165 2099 2080 1946 2035 Grade 11 2048 1 995 1933 1873 1802 1818 1865 1823 1732 1663 Grade 12 1694 1658 1646 1539 1576 1742 1 730 1810 1654 1634 Total Enrollment 2 26,630 26,615 26,612 26,564 26,724 26.512 26,529 26,524 25,834 25.913 Yearly Headmunt lncrease / Decrease 134 15 -3 -48 160 -212 17 -5 -690 79 Cumulative lncrease -201 -216 -219 -267 -107 -319 -302 -307 -997 -918 Change to Day Knderyaften for all schools I This number indicates actual births in King County 5 years prior to enrollment year as updated by Washington State Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics. Kent School District percentage based on actual Krndergarten enrollment 5 years later 2 Enrollment reported to OSPI on Form P-223 generates basic education funding and excludes Early Childhood Special Education ('ECSE' & "B2" or Birth to 2 Preschool lnclusive Education) and excludes College-only Running Start students. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table I June 2020 2019- 2025 Proiections from OSPI Report {049 Full Day Kindergarten at all Elem LB in 2014 LB in 2015 LB in 2016 LB in 2017 LB in 20'18 LB in 2019 Est LB in 2020 ACTUAL ENROLLMENT PROJECTED ENROLLMENT October 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 King County Live Births lncrease / Decrease Kindergarten / Birth % 25,348 438 7.93o/o 25,487 139 7.75% 26,01 1 524 754% 26,011 0 7.48o/o 26,011 0 7 .42o/o 26,011 0 7.360/o 26,011 0 7.30o/o FD Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 2,OrO 2,036 2,091 1,99s 2,038 2,L20 2,L64 2,166 2,073 1,888 2,03s L,663 L,634 \,975 2,04s 2,047 2,081, 2,000 2,03r 2,L09 2,r20 2,t77 2,064 1,838 L,735 \,577 7,961 2,OtO 2,056 2,037 2,087 1",993 2,020 2,066 2,T3I 2,1,68 2,009 t,567 7,645 1,945 1,995 2,02L 2,046 2,042 2,080 r,982 1,979 2,077 2,L22 2,LLL t,7L2 L,486 r,929 L,978 2,006 2,Ott 2,052 2,03s 2,069 L,942 1,989 2,068 2,056 L,799 r,623 L,9t4 L,962 1,989 1,995 2,0!6 2,045 2,024 2,027 r,952 1,981 2,0r3 T,76L r,706 1,898 7,947 1,,973 !,979 2,007 2,009 2,034 1,983 2,038 7,944 L,929 r,716 t,670 Total Enrollment 25,913 25,800 25,750 25,598 2s,s67 2s,386 2s,r2t Yearly lncrease/Decrease 79 -1 13 -50 -152 -31 -1 81 -265 Yearly lncrease/Decrease %O.31o/o -O.44o/o -O.19o/o -0.59o/o -O.'l2o/o -O.71o/o 'l.Q4o/o Total Enrollment 3 800 750 121 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICTNo. 415 SIX-YEAR ENROLLMENT PROJECTION Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 2 June 2020 Urban style apartments typically have four stories, a central lobby and entrance, elevator access to all floors and have a central corridor with apartments on each side. These apartments have little or no surface street parking, with parking located beneath the building; retail may or may not be included with the building. lf there is retail, it will generally be located on the first floor. These apartments seldom have swimming pools and do not have playgrounds for children. Garden style apartments will have very little studio apartments and will have more three- bedroom apartments then the urban style and in theory generate more students enrolled in school. These apartments will also have lawns, club houses, swimming pools and places for children to play. The District felt that it is important to include both styles of apartments for the student generation factor. Though it is anticipated that few students will come from the urban style, they are now part of the mix in Kent and thus should be included in mix of multi- family housing units. Within the district's borders there are several low-income and multi-family housing projects coming on-line during 2O2O-2O2L. Once developed with occupancy occurring the District does recognize that the student generation for multi-family housing may impact future Capital Facilities Plan updates. lll - Current Kent School District "Standard of Service" ln order to determine the capacity of facilities in a school district, King County Code 21A.06 references a "standard of service" that each school district must establish in order to ascertain its overall capacity. The standard of service identifies the program year, the class size, the number of classrooms, students and programs of special need, and other factors determined by the district which would best serve the student population. This Plan includes the standard of service as established by Kent School District. The District has identified schools with significant special needs programs as "impact" schools and the standard of service targets a lower-class size at those facilities. Portables included in the capacity calculation use the same standard of service as the permanent facilities. The standard of service defined herein will continue to evolve in the future. Kent School District is continuing a long-term strategic planning process combined with review of changes to capacity and standard of service. This process will affect various aspects of the District's standard of service and future changes will be reflected in future capital facilities plans. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 6 of 15 Current Standords of Service for Elementary Students Class size ratio for grades K - 3 is planned for an average of 23 students per class, not to exceed 26. Class size ratio for grades 4 - 6 is planned for an average of 27 students per class, not to exceed 29. Some special programs require specialized classroom space and the program capacity of some of the buildings housing these programs is reduced. Some students, for example, leave their regular classroom for a short period of time to receive instruction in special programs and space must be allocated to serve these programs. Students may also be provided music instruction and physical education in a separate classroom or facility. Some identified students will also be provided educational opportunities in classrooms for special programs such as those designated as follows: English Learners (EL) Education for Disadvantaged Students (Title l) - Federal Program Learning Assisted Programs (LAP) - State Program Highly Capable Students - State Program Reading, math or science Labs Dual Language Programs in four elementary schools lnclusive Education Service for Elementary and Secondary students with disabilities may be provided in a separate or self-contained classroom sometimes with a capacity of 10- 15 depending on the program. Current District Standards of Seruice for Secondary Students The standards of service outlined below reflect only those programs and educational opportunities provided to secondary students which directly affect the capacity of the school buildings per the negotiated collective bargaining agreement with KEA. The average class size ratio for grades 7-8 is 30 students per class and 143 students per day, with a maximum daily class load/enrollment of 150 based on five class periods per day. a a Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 7 of 15 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 INVENTORY and CAPAGIW of EXISTING SCHOOLS SCHOOL Year Opened ABR ADDRESS 2019-2020 Program Capacity Carriage Crest Elementary Cedar Valley Elementary Covington Elementary Crestwood Elementary 1 990 1971 2018 1 980 CC'18235-140thAvenueSE, Renton 98058 CV 26500 Timberlane Way SE, Covington 98042 CO 25811 l56thAvenueSE, Covington98042 CW 25225- lEothAvenueSE, Covington 98042 428 360 630 408 East Hill Elementary Emerald Park Fairwood Elementary George T. Daniel Elementary 1 953 1 999 1 969 1 992 EH 9825 S 240th Street, Kent 98031 EP 11800SE216thSkeet, Kent 98031 FW'16600- l4SthAvenueSE, Renton 98058 DE 11310SE248thSheet, Kent 98030 464 477 386 432 Glenridge Elementary Grass Lake Elementary Horizon Elementary Jenkins Creek Elemenlarv 1996 1971 1990 't987 GR 19405 - 120th Avenue SE, Renton 98058 GL 28700 - 191st Place SE, Kent 98042 HE 27641 - 1441h Avenue SE, Kent 98042 JC 26915 - 186th Avenue SE, Covinqton 98042 431 428 477 384 Kent Elementary Kent Valley Early Learning Center Lake Youngs Elementary Martin Sortun Elementary Meadow Ridge Elementary KE 24700-64lhAvenueSouth, Kent 98032 KV 3'17 --4lh Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 LY 19660-142ndAvenue SE, Kent 98042 MS 127'11 SE 248th Street, Kent 98030 MR 27710 - 1081h Avenue SE, Kent 98030 1999 2014 1 965 't 987 1 994 454 318 497 455 454 Meridian Elementary Millennium Elementary Neely-O'Brien Elementary Panther Lake Elementarv 1939 2000 1990 2009 ME 25621 - 140th Avenue SE, Kent 98042 ML 11919SE270thStreet, Kent 98030 NO 6300 South 236th Street, Kent 98032 PL 12022SE 216th Street, Kent, 98031 497 478 454 552 Park Orchard Elementary Pine Tree Elementary Ridgewood Elementary Sawver Woods Elementarv 1 963 1967 1987 1 994 PO 11010SE232ndStreet, Kent 98031 PT 27825-118thAvenueSE, Kent 98030 RW 18030-162nd PlaceSE, Renton 98058 SW 3'l 135 - 228th Ave SE, Black Diamond 98010 463 487 477 477 Scenic Hill Elementary Soos Creek Elementary Springbrook Elementary Sunrise Elementary Elementary TOTAL Cedar Heights Middle School Mattson Middle School Meeker Middle School Meridian Middle School Mill Creek Middle School Northwood Middle School Maddle School TOTAL Kent-Meridian High School Kentlake Senior High School Kentridge Senior High School Kentwood Senior High School Senior High TOTAL Kent Mountain View Academy Kent Phoenix Academy DISTRICT TOTAL 1960 1971 1 969 1992 SH 26025 Woodland Way South, Kent 98030 SC 12651 SE218thPlace, Kent 98031 SB 20035 - 100th Avenue SE, Kent 98031 SR 22300 - 132nd Avenue SE, Kent 98042 CH 19640 SE 272 Street, Covington 98042 MA 16400 SE 251st Street, Covington 98042 MK 12600 SE 192nd Street, Renton 98058 MM 23480- l20thAvenueSE, Kent 98031 MC 620 North Central Avenue, Kent 98032 NW 17007 SE 'l84th Street, Renton 98058 KM 10020SE256thStreet, Kent 98030 KL 21401 SE 300th Street, Kent 98042 KR 12430SE208thStreet, Kent 98031 KW 25800- l64thAvenueSE, Covington 98042 MVILC 22420 MilitaryRoad, DesMoines 98198 PH 11000SE264thStreet, Kent 98030 454 360 396 477 1 993 1 981 1970 1958 2005 1 996 13,055 5,148 1,904 1,957 2,277 2,159 8,297 396 414 27.310 895 787 832 792 916 926 1951 1997 1 968 1 981 1 997 2007 Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 3 June 2020 6 d& KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 518 t4 Kent School District Demographic Report + I l l;llrl';l bq f N c3 o?6 irt -{t'q b+ atd' "d* - UJ(a o g 54 . t gJ ,h $oEs i t g qe \ \ |lJp ot $!f,€ f G ,,. sE (a & L'h F -- .S€ ?3?nd St Valleqt Elk Fun 6oll Club l2ird sr ,..- - .Hen Ril 0pen.! tr., ah ,$t il 'it, & t, F . ':.3E:30,tfi sr ft llr SAYUYER ODs ES FhtIdo3Ia * Lo! Hill ,l sE 3l?fi,tt 1i A'dvf Elementary Schools and Current Enrollment Carriage Crest - 457, Cedar Valley - 241, Covington -628, Crestwood -518, Daniel - 458, East Hill - 478, Emerald Park - 523, Fairwood - 349, Glenridge-495, GrassLake-419, Horizon-460, JenkinsCreek-433, Kent-671, LakeYoungs-479, MarlinSortun-661, MeadowRidge-492, Meridian-540,Millennium-596,NeelyO'Brien-768,PantherLake-664,ParkOrchard-453,PineTree-436,Ridgewood-506, Sawyer Woods - 441 , Scenic Hill - 615, Soos Creek - 365, Springbrook - 496, Sunrise - 696 Map provided by David Demographics June 2020 Kent School District Demographic Repot - Middle Schools t I I Sourd a I $c {61 Mr00le scnools and current tnrollment Cedar Heighb - 673, Mattson - 691, Meeker - 717, Meridian - 591, Mill Creek - 887, Northwood - 598 SoEe.: E i. HEE, Dlorm, USGS,ld.rmrt,lrcREMEm 4NC.G EilJ.t.r, METI. E{lchh. (hnaKone), E lKo..r. Eln(lhlhnd), t.pny'ndb. NGCC, O OFnSa..Wat conhlbr!.ddS. Gtg U$Cmmunly 'l:144,448 1.75 3.5 275 55 June 2020 7mi 11 kn Li5!hbtA PhnnlE Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Kent School District Demographic Repoft - High Schools tte P$yel $o[nd I iql{y'fin &y dlrtw.';rr1 a Oa aat.itt --ldd6 lwJ at T!t frfrl La. NltatrtsS ,}II M. tllb*t t a ffvihiffq t Ip '"it\*. '. &* ffi .,-6..isb' Hign scnools an0 current Enrollment Kent Meridian - 1858, Kentlake - 1382. Kentridge - 1818 Kentwood - 1750 Sore!:Eui. HEE, hl!.m. USGS,ld.rm.t, lrcR€M€M P, mC.q EldJ.p.n, UETI. E!il Cnh. {Sne KonC), E.dKor.!, Eei(Ihlhnd), M.p6tndh. NGCC. O OFnSt..Urp Go.!dubr!,idrh. Gls usrcnmonly 'l:'144,448 1.75 June 2020 2.75 5.5 3.5 7mi 11 km LS!! I PL.nlEKent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan a The average class size ratio for grades 9-12 is 32 students per class and 153 students per day, with a maximum daily class load/enrollment of 160 based on five class periods per day. Similar to lnclusive Education Programs listed above, many other secondary programs require specialized classroom space which can reduce the program capacity of the permanent school buildings, such as technology labs, performing arts activities, a variety of career and technical education programs, and other specialized programs. Space or Classroom Utilization As a result of scheduling conflicts for student programs, the need for specialized rooms for certain programs, and the need for teachers to have a workspace during their planning periods, it is not possible to achieve tOO% utilization of regular teaching stations at secondary schools. Based on the analysis of actual utilization of classrooms, the District has determined that the standard utilization rate is 85%for secondary schools. Program capacity at elementary schools reflects 100% utilization at the elementary level. lV - lnventory and Capacity of Existing Schools Currently, the District has permanent program capacity to house 27,31O students and transitional (portable) capacity to house 2,085. This capacity is based on the District's Standard of Service as set forth in Section lll. lncluded in this Plan is an inventory of the District's schools by type, address and current capacity (See Table 3). The ratio between permanent capacity and portable capacity is94.9%-5.1%. The program capacity is periodically updated for changes in programs, additional classrooms and new schools. Program capacity has been updated in this Plan to reflect program changes implemented in the Fall of 2019. Calculation of Elementary, Middle School and Senior High School capacities are set forth in Appendices A, B, and C. Maps of existing schools are included. For clarification, the following is a brief description of some of the non-traditional programs for students in Kent School District: Both the Kent Mountain View Academy and the Kent Phoenix Academy are now sharing the building that formerly served Sequoia Middle School beginning the school year 2OL9- 2020. Kent School District Six-Year CapitaI Facilities Plan lune 2020 Page 8 of 15 iGrad - Kent School District has developed the lndividualized Graduation and Degree Program or "iGrad". iGrad offers a second chance to students age 16-21 who have dropped out of high school and want to earn a high school diploma. iGrad is not included in this Capital Facilities Plan because it is served in leased space at the Kent Hill Plaza Shopping Center. Over the past three years, enrollment in the iGrad program has averaged over 300 students. V - Six-Year Planning and Construction Plan ln November 2OL6, the voters of the Kent School District approved a bond measure for 5252 million. This new bonding authority provided for the replacement for Covington Elementary school, which opened in August of 2078, a new elementary school in the Kent Valley (Currently being built at the former location of Kent Mountain View Academy), and the twenty additional classrooms project redirected by the Kent School Board to build a 20 classroom Kent Academy Facility housing multiple academy programs in our district, which is currently underway at the site of the Old Panther Lake Elementary School. At the time of preparation of this Plan in spring 2020, the following projects to increase capacity are either in the planning phase or will start in spring 2O2O. Construction is in progress for New Valley Elementary School (project name only) on West Hill within the City Limits of SeaTac, WA. The 89,000 square foot K-6 school project is being funded with bond funds and impact fees from King County. a o Construction is in progress to add New Academy Facility at the Old Panther Lake Elementary Site in Kent in order to free up space at the current Kent Phoenix Academy location (formerly Sequoyah Middle School) for additional classroom space if needed and/or to open another middle school in the near future. The new 59,000 square foot facility will accommodate a variety of Academy Programs within the Kent School District. Some funding for lease or purchase of additional portables may be provided by impact fees as needed. Sites are based on need for additional capacity. As a critical component of capital facilities planning, county and city planners and decision-makers are encouraged to consider safe walking conditions for all students when reviewing applications and design plans for new roads and developments. This should include sidewalks for pedestrian safety to and from school and bus stops as well as bus pull-outs and turn-arounds. lncluded in this Plan is an inventory of potential projects and sites identified by the District which are potentially acceptable site alternatives in the future (See Table 4 & Site map). Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 9 of 15 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 Site Acquisitions and Projects Planned to Provide Additional Capacity SCHOOL/FACILIry/SITE LOCATION Status Projected Completion Date Projected Program o/" for new Growth on Map ELEMENTARY #on Map ' orHER strEs AceurRED Land Use Designation Land Use Jurisdiction 6 New Valley Elementary School Old Kent Mountain View Academy Site Elementary Addition MIDDLE SCHOOL & SENIOR HIGH 3 New Academy Site Old Panther Lake Elementary Site Academy TEMPORARY FACILITIES Portables I TBD - For placement as needed 1 164thSE(AcrossfromMattson) 25230-25O5O164thSE,Covington 98042 2 Ham Lake area (Pollard) 16820 SE 240, Kent 98042 4 Shady Lk area (Sowers, Blaine, Drahota, Paroline) 17426 SE 1 92 Street, Renton 98058 5 SE of Lake Morton area (West property) SE 332 & 204 SE, Kent 98042 1 0 South Central Site (Yeh) SE 286th St & 1 24th Ave SE, Auburn 98092 12 256th - Covington (Halleson) 25435 SE 256th, Covington 98042 12a 156th - Covington (Wikstrom) 25847 1 56th Ave. SE, Covington 98042 Notes: I App-,ir"f"l"t" Under Construction 2021-2022 700 1000 Under Construction 2021-2022 480 lOOo/o Additional Capacity New Planning 2O2O+ 24-s1 each lo0o/o Rural Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Rural TBD Elementary Elementary Secondary TBD To be sold To be sold King County King County King County King County King County King County King County 1 TBD - To be determined - Some sites are identified but placement, timing and/or configuration of portables has not been determined. 2 Numbers correspond to sites on Site Bank Map on Page 19. Other Map site locations are parcels identified in Table 7 on Page 29. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 4 June 2020 IrA:r,liir']Tt>It.?)...olN)(:i::;|.!:,j;|?,,1:,il;:1L rt.l. :4,tIlr,,- | "I'i:\-n',zu;\t:32tCI t)/.:)!)=,c,; ll3€''!r.,, J-";'.-l;xtrli::r...... 'rL:c_ ri:":., ,'.,.,,, ,N)oii:'i ir::ll,:I-FiiErr=36.D-. r,r)!ril:ril:;a;i)C!)Il""z'l/:i:)!i..,. ."ji,.'* ,:1i*+>-L:I2',"!,:o.,-. a2ia,rr:i,ani "".il::i. ... ..;1. . ..l,: ::i.-:::,'ii::i.1'i: i-'.;. ,1i16tb (o'r:1,.,,..!ti:=eI i"l?, :a)a):;/ {'ll::iiIt*lqihTIr &4thi. i' li- :iri!, .ir,.,;ts+.-o l.^ r: li:!.a:io{3D-I,i- ,ii..\. )i?Io9ewo,f2sLoJtJto:a)qro-il tal''":+di:.,..:atJ:>' ':.6'o6n€g5g8.IxoJI=ao=.6x'ooooEdJI6'!o=ooE€=-vo-r=!oo=!DzzIt{=6'EqooI3oe6'qB-oE' Voter approved bond issues have included funding for the purchase of sites for some of these and future schools, and the sites acquired to date are included in this Plan. Some funding is secured for purchase of additional sites, but some may be funded with impact fees as needed. Not all undeveloped properties meet current school construction requirements and some property may be traded or sold to meet future facility needs. The Board of Directors has started the process to sell surplus property in the spring of 2020. The Board will continue an annual review of standards of service and those decisions will be reflected in each update of the Capital Facilities Plan. Vl - Portable Classrooms The Plan references use of portables as interim or transitional capacity and facilities Currently, the District utilizes portables to house students in excess of permanent capacity and for program purposes at some school locations (Please see Appendices A, B, C). Based on enrollment projections, implementation of full day kindergarten programs, lower state mandated class sizes, program capacity, and the need for additional permanent capacity, the District anticipates the need to purchase or lease additional portables during the next six-year period. During the time period covered by this Plan, the District does not anticipate that all of the District's portables will be replaced by permanent facilities. During the useful life of some of the portables, the school-age population may decline in some communities and increase in others, and these portables provide the flexibility to accommodate the immediate needs of the community. Portables may be used as interim or transitional facilities L. To prevent overbuilding or overcrowding of permanent schoolfacilities. 2. To cover the gap between the times of demand for increased capacity and completion of permanent school facilities to meet that demand. 3. To meet unique program requirements. Portables currently in the District's inventory are continually evaluated resulting in some being improved and some replaced. The Plan projects that the District will use portables to accommodate interim housing needs for the next six years and beyond. The use of portables, their impacts on permanent facilities, life cycle and operational costs, and the interrelationship between portables, emerging technologies, and educational restructuring will continue to be examined. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 10 of 15 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 PROJEGTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY TOTAL DISTRICT PROJECTET Permanent Program Capacity 1 27,255 27,255 27,255 28,435 28,435 28,435 c to Permanent Capacity 1 Capacity lncrease (F) New Elementary School2 New Academy (Old PL Site)480 Additional Permanent Classrooms 700 00000 SCHOOL YEAR 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual 27,255 27,255 28,435 28,435 28,435 28,435 lnterim Portable Capacitv s Elemenlary Portable Capacity Required Middle School Portable Capacity Required 5 Senior High School Portable Capacity Required 5 1 336336336456,248,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permanent Program Capacity Subtotal 1,440 1,248 456 336 336 336 ITY 1TOTAL 28 695 891 28 771 28 771-IW TOTAL ENROLLMENT/ PRO.IFCTION 4 DISTRICT AVAILABLE CAPACITY 5 2.782 2.703 3.'t41 3.173 3.204 3,385 1 Capacity is based on standard of service for programs provided and is updated periodically to reflect program changes. 2 New Elementary school will increase capacity and will be built on the existing site of Kent Mountain View Academy. 3 ZOI}-ZOZO total classroom portable capacity is 1440. Some additional relocatable used for program purposes. a Actual October Headcount Enrollment with Projections from OSPI Report 1049 - Determination of Projected Enrollments. 5 School capacity meets concurrency requirements and no impact fees are proposed for secondary schools. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 June 2020 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY ELEMENTARY Grades K - 6 R Elementary Permanent Capacity 1 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,700 13,700 13,700 New Elementary School - Kent Valley Additional Permanent Classrooms z 0 0 0 0 0 0 subtotal 13,000 13,000 13,700 13,700 13,700 13,700 Portable Capacity Required 1 1440 1248 456 336 336 336 700 SCHOOL YEAR 20't9-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Actual 't 12 I M,qqo M,248 14,156 14,036 14,036 14,036 ENROLLMENT / PROJECTION 14 11119114164 1 13 SURPLUS (DEFICII CAPACITY -14 -41 -8 75 -44 90 Number of Portables Required 60 52 19 14 14 't4 I Capacity is based on standard of service for programs provided and is updated periodically to reflect program changer 2 Additional classrooms will be placed at schools with the greatest need for aleve overcrowding 3 Actual October Headcount Enrollmentwith Projections from OSPI Report 1049 - Determination of Projected Enrollmen Enrollment & Projections reflect FULL Day Kindergarten at ALL Elementary schools @ 1.0 & exclude ECSE Preschr Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 A June 2020 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and GAPACITY MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 7 - 8 Middle School Permanent Capacitvl 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 No Chanoes to Middle School Caoacitv Subtotal 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 Portable uired 0 0 0 0 0 00 SCHOOL YEAR 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-2026 PROJECTED TOTAL CAPACITY 1&3 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 5,148 ENROLLMENT / PROJECTION 4 297 4 197 4 056 3 931 979 4 021 (DEFICIT)I t,ztt I I t,tzt NumberofPortablesRequired 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Classroom Portables required at middle schools at this time. Some Portables used for classroom and program purposes. 0 1 Capacity is based on standard of service for programs provided and is updated periodically to reflect program changes.2 Actual October Headcount Enrollment with Projections from OSPI Report 1049 - Determination of Projected Enrollments.3 Surplus capacity due to grade level reconfiguration - All 9th grade students moved to the high schools in Fall 2004. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 B June 2020 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 PROJECTED ENROLLMENT and CAPACITY SENIOR HIGH Grades I - 12 Senior High Permanent Capacity'8,297 8,297 8,297 8,777 8,777 8,777 8,777 New Academy (Old PL site)480 No Changes to High School Capacitv subtotal 8,297 8,297 8,777 8,777 8,777 8,777 8,777 Portables Caoacitv Required 1 0 0 0 0 00 SCHOOL YEAR 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-2025 2025-2026 PROJECTED TOTAL CAPACITY 8 777I2978777 8 777 8 777 777 ENROLLMENT / PROJECTION 7 17722072147389 7 1 7 SURPLUS tct CAPACITY 1107710831388 1 221 1 316 1 NumberofPortablesRequired 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No Classroom Portables required at this time. Some Portables used for classroom and program purposes. 1 Capacity is based on standard of service for programs provided and is updated periodically to reflect program changes 3 Actual October Enrollment with Projections from OSPI Report 1049 - Determination of Projected Enrollments. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan Table 5 C June 2020 Vll - Projected Six-Year Classroom Capacity As stated in Section lV, the program capacity study is periodically updated for changes in special programs and reflects class size requirements, class size fluctuations etc. As shown in the lnventory and Capacity chart in Table 3, the program capacity is also reflected in the capacity and enrollment comparison charts (See Tables 5 & 5 a-b-c). Enrollment is electronically reported to OSPI on Form P-223 on a monthly basis and funding apportionment is based on Annual Average FTE (AAFTE). The first school day of October is widely recognized as the enrollment "snapshot in time" to report enrollment for the year. Kent School District continues to be the fifth largest district (both FTE and headcount basis) in the state of Washington. The P-223 Headcount for October 2OL9 was 25,833 with kindergarten students counted at 1.0 and excluding ECSE and college-only Running Start students. A full headcount of all students enrolled in October 2019 totals 26,749 which included ECSE and college-only Running Start students. ln October 2019, there were L,L77 students in l1th and 1-2th grade participating in the Running Start program at different colleges and receiving credits toward both high school and college graduation. Of these students, 654 attended classes only at the college ("college-only") and are excluded from FTE and headcount for capacity and enrollment comparisons. Kent School District has one of the highest Running Start program participation rates in the state. Based on the enrollment forecasts, permanent facility inventory and capacity, current standard of service, portable capacity, and future additional classroom space, the District plans to continue to satisfy concurrency requirements through the transitional use of portables (See Table 5 and Tables 5 a-b-c). This does not mean that some schools will not experience overcrowding. There may be a need for additional portables and/or new schools to accommodate growth within the District. New schools may be designed to accommodate placement of future portables. School attendance area changes, limited and costly movement of portables, zoning changes, market conditions, and educational restructuring will all play a major role in addressing overcrowding and underutilization of facilities in different parts of the District. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 11 of 15 Vlll - Finance Plan The finance plan shown on Table 5 demonstrates how the Kent School District plans to finance improvements for the years 2O2O-202L through 2025-2026. The financing components include secured and unsecured funding and impact fees. The plan is based on future bond issues, state school construction assistance, collection of impact fees under the State Growth Management Act and voluntary mitigation fees paid pursuant to State Environmental Policy Act. The plan also includes an additional elementary school in the Kent Valley which is currently under construction at the current site of the Kent Mountain View Academy on Military Road in SeaTac. Kent Mountain View Academy moved into and is sharing space at the current Kent Phoenix Academy (located at the former Sequoyah Middle School) starting the 2019-2020 school year. This new school will increase the capacity at the elementary level by 700 students. Some impact fees are scheduled to be part of the overallfinance plan. ln November 20L6, the District held a special election to approve the authorization of 5252,000,000 in bonding authority. The projects described above are part of this authorization. The first series of bonds (S80 million) were issued in February 2OI7, which funded the Covington Elementary Replacement School, as well as other infrastructure projects. lmpact fees will be used at both projects due to escalation in construction pricing across the pocific northwest. The Finance Plan includes new portables to be purchased or leased to provide additional capacity and some may be funded from impact fees. Enrollment projections reflect future need for additional capacity at the elementary level and unfunded facility needs will be reviewed in the future and reported in annual updates of the Capital Facilities Plan. No impact fees are requested for secondary schools in this Plan. For the Six-Year Finance Plan, costs of future schools are based on estimates from Kent School District Capital Planning Department. Please see pages L3-t4for a summary of the cost basis. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan lune 2020 Page 12 of 15 'F=Funded U=Unfunded NOTES: 2 The District anlicipates receiving some State Funding construction Assistance for some prcjecls. 3 Facility needs are pending review. Some of these prcjec,ts may be tunded wilh impact fees. 4 Cost of podables based on curent cost and adjusted for inflation tor fulure years. s Fess in ihis column ere besed on amounl of fe6s @ll6clad lo delo and oslimaled fe6s on futu6 unils- Kent Schaol District Six-Year Capifal Facilities Plan KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.415 SIX.YEAR FINANCE PLAN Table 6 SCHOOL FACILITIES 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 TOTAL Secuted Lo€l & Stato slate 2 or Local 3 Unsecured _5tsees lmpact PERMANENT FACILITIES New Elementary School - Kent Valley Elementary Site Acquisition (,l0 acres) New Acad€my Facility/ 20 Classrooms \o Secondary School Projects at this time. TFMPORARY FACil ITIFS Additional porlables 3'' OTHFR t11.m0.000 $16.000,000 $26,000.000 cr,770,355 t5,000,000 $13,000,000 $18,000,000 $393,760 3 potlrbleE $393,750 $393,750 $53,000,000 $1,770,355 $36,000,000 051,000,000 $1,270,355 s30,000,000 $2,000,000 $500,000 $6,000,000 Totals $0 s0 s0 $0tt8-164.t(F s29.000.000 344.000.000 991.164.10s $42.270.355 $0 t8.893.750 June 2020 Kent School District Six-Year C8pital Facjlities Plan KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT No.4I5 Site Acquisitions & Gosts Average of Sites Purchasod, Sold or Bullt on wlthln last 10 Years Table 7 June 2020 Type & # on Mao School / Site Ysar Open / Purchased Sold Location Acr€aoe CosUPrice Aw cost-ori@/acre Total Averaoe Cost / Acre Elementary 12 I Ufian 7 I Runl 3 / Rural 6 / Rural Property Sale-2g.7 acres of Plemons-Yeh site 2016 2015 2019 2019 SSE 1241h Ave and 284th ST SE 2900 Kent Black Diamond RD SE 17070 SE Wax Rd, Covinglon SE 2641h St., Kenl Elementary Site Subtolal 29.70 13.25 8.00 10.00 $947,536 $330,000 $3,869,697 $1,770,355 $31,904 $24,906 $483,712 $177,036 Property Sal6 - Scarsella site Properiy Sale - Old Covington Parcel A, #362206-9081 Property purchas€d for new elementary 60.95 $6,917,588 $1 13,496 Elem Bib eEEde Middle School No Acquisitions for l\iliddle School 0.00 $0 0.00 $0 $0 S6nior High No Acquisilions for Senior Highs 0.00 $0 $0 Senior High Site subtotat 0.00 $o $0 Nole: All ruEi sites weG purchased priorto adoption of Urban Growth Area. to 2010 Total Ac€age & Cost 60 95 $6 917 588 Totrl Avengs Colt rAcE $1'13,496 Cost Basis Summary For impact fee calculations, construction costs are based on cost of the last elementary school, adjusted for inflation, and projected cost of the future elementary schools and additiona I classrooms. Project Projected Cost New Elementary School Kent Valley (To open Fall2O2Il S53,ooo,ooo New Academy Facility (To open Fall2O2Ll S36,ooo,ooo Site Acquisition Cost The site acquisition cost is based on an average cost of sites purchased or built on within the last ten years. Please see Table 7 for a list of site acquisition costs and averages. District Adjustment The impact fee calculations on Appendix B & C include a "District Adjustment" which is equal to the amount of increase that the impact fee formulas total for this year and adjusted for the increase in the Consumer Price lndex (25%l for the Seattle metropolitan area. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 13 of 15 lX - Summary of Changes to June 2O2O Capital Facilities Plan The Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") is updated annually based on previous Plans in effect since l-993. The primary changes from the June 2019 Plan are summarized here. Changes to capacity continue to reflect fluctuations in class size ratio as well as program changes. Changes in portables or transitional capacity reflect use, lease or purchase, sale, surplus and/or movement between facilities. The district worked with contractor David Demographics out of Riverside California to update student generation factors. The updated rates are included in the body of the Plan. The student headcount enrollment forecast is updated annually. All Elementary schools now have Full Day Kindergarten so six-year Kindergarten projections were previously modified to meet the requirements for Full Day Kindergarten programs at all elementary schools. The district expects to receive some State Funding Assistance (formerly called "state matching funds") for projects in this Plan and tax credit factors are updated annually. Unfunded site and facility needs will be reviewed in the future. The impact fees for 2021 calendar year will increase by the percentage increase of the consumer price index for the Seattle metropolitan area. The increasefor 2O2t calendar year is 2.5o/o. For single-family residences, the fee will increase by $fa8.85 to 55,692.85. The impact fee for multi-family units will increase by 558.63 to 52,403.63. Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 Page 14 of 15 X - Appendices Changes to lmpact Fee Calculation Factors include: Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan June 2020 ITEM Grade/type FROM TO Comments Student Generation Factor Single Family (SF) Elem MS SH Total 0.398 0.096 0.185 0.334 0.078 o.tt7 0.679 0.529 0.150 Decrease Student Generation Factor Multi-Family (MF) Elem MS SH Total o.tL7 0.028 0.029 o.tr7 0.028 0.048 o.r74 0.193 0.019 lncrease State Funding Assistance Ratios ("State Match") Area Cost Allowance Average Assessed Valuation (AV) AV - Average of Condominiums & Apts. SF MF s6.96% s22s.97 5407,25s s1s1,126 56.96% s22s.97 s423,247 S164,546 Per OSPI Website Per OSPI Website Puget Sound ESD Puget Sound ESD Debt Service Capital Levy Rate / S1000 51.04 51.41 Per King Co. Assessor Report General Obligation Bond lnterest Rate 3.95% 2.t6% Bond Buyers 20 year GO lndex lmpact Fee - Single Family lmpact Fee - Multi-Family SF MF ss,ss4 s2,345 S5,692.85 s2,403.63 lncrease of S138.85 or 25% lncrease of 558.63 or 2.5% Page 15 of 15 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT FACTORS FOR ESTIMATED IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS Student Generation Factors - Single Family Elementary (Grades K - 6) 0.334 Middle School (Grades 7 - 8) 0.078 Senior High (Grades I - 12) 0.117 Total 0.529 Projected lncreased Student Gapacity Student Generation Factors - Multi-Family Elementary 0.117 Middle School 0.028 Senior High 0.048 Total 0.193 OSPI - Square Footage per Student Elementary Middle School Senior High Special Education 90 117 130 144 Average Site Cost / Acre Elementary Middle School Senior High $113,496 $0 $0 Temporary Facility Capacity & Cost Elementary @ 24 Middle School @ 29 Senior High @ 31 $o $0 $o Elementary Middle School Senior High (Academy) New Facility Construction Gost Elementary * Middle School Senior High * (Academy) * See cost basis on Pg. 26 700 0 480 Required Site Acreage per Facility Elementary (required) Middle School (required) Senior High (required) 11 21 32 $53,000,000 $o $36,000,000 Temporary Facility Square Footage Elementary Middle School Senior High Total 143,372 10,736 21,296 5.1o/o 175,404 Permanent Facility Square Footage Elementary 1,571,558 Middle School 764,809 Senior High 1.048 ,939 Total 94.9o/o 3,385,306 Total Facilities Square Footage Elementary Middle School Senior High Total Developer Provided Sites / Facilities Value Dwelling Units State Funding Assistance Gredit District Funding Assistance Percentage Gonstruction Cost Allocation CCA - CosUSq, Ft. District Average Assessed Value Single Family Residence District Average Assessed Value Multi-Family Residence Bond Levy Tax Rate/$1,000 Current Rate / 1,000 Tax Rate General Obligation Bond lnterest Rate Current Bond lnterest Rate GPI Inflation Factor 56.96% $238.22 $426,418 '1,714,930 $177,957 775,545 1.070,235 3,560,710 1.41 0.0014 0 2.160/o 2.50% Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan 0 (APPENDTXA)June 2020 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEE CALCULATION for SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Site Acquisition Cost per Single Family Residence Formula: ((Acres x Cost x Student Generation Factor Student Factor A 1 (Elementary) 1 1 $1 13,496 7oo 0.334 A 2 (Middle School) 21 $0 0 0.078 A3 (Senior High) 32 $0 480 0.117 Total 64 $113,496 1,180 o.sFA+ Permanent Facility Construction Cost per Single Family Residence Formula: ((Fadlity Cost /x Student x Ratio $s95.69 $0.00 $0.00 $595.69 $22,835.58B 1 (Elementary) B 2 (Middle School) B 3 (Senior High) $53,000,000 $0 $36,000,000 700 480 0.334 0.078 0.117 0.903 0.984 0.998 0 Required Site Acreage Average Site CosuAcre Facility Capacity Construction Cost Facilitv CaDacitv Student Factor Total $89,000,000 Temporary Facility Cost per Single Family Residence (Portables) Formula: ((Facility Cost /x Student X C 1 (Elementary) C 2 (Middle School) C 3 (Senior High) / Total 1.180 0.529 B+ Ratio $8,757.4s $31,593.03 $0 $o $o $0.00 $0 $0 $0.00 24 29 31 0.334 0.078 0.117 0.097 0.016 o.o2 ,dPaulY I g[tPUtdt Facility Cost Facility Capacity Student Factor Total $0 84 State Funding Assistance Credit per Single Family Residence (formerly "State Match") Formula: AreaCostAllowance x SPI Feet student x 0.529 Assistance% x StudentFactor c+ Student Factor 0.334 0.078 o.117 $4,078.84 $1,238 $2,064 $7,381.00 D 1 (Elementary) D 2 (Middle School) D 3 (Senior High) $238.22 $238.22 $238.22 90 '117 130 0.5696 0.5696 0.5696 DO Tax Credit per Single Residence Developer Provided Facility Credit (Below used to calculate NPW Current Bond lnterest Rate Years Amortized (10 Years)- Used in NPV Calculation 2.16% 10 TCo FC+ $5,351.12 000 Net Present Value (per EQ) (NPV) Current DebtService Rate/ 1,000 ( r) $426,418 8.90 SF Residential Assessed Value (AAV) 0.1 Faciliv / Site Value UnitsDwel Fee Recap A = SiteAcquisition perSF Residence B = Permanent Facility Cost per Residence C = Temporary Facility Cost per Residence Subtotal D = State Match Credit per Residence TC = Tax Credit per Residence $595.69 $31,593.03 $0.00 $32,188.72 $7,381.00 $5,351.12 Subtotal Total Unfunded Need 50% Developer Fee Obligation FC = Facility Credit (if applicable) District Adjustment (see page 28 for explanation) Net Fee Obligation per Residence - Single Family $12,732.12 $19,456.60 $9,728 Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan (APPENDTX B) $0 June 2020 KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT IMPACT FEE CALCULATION for MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE Site Acquisition Cost per Multi.Family Residence Unit x Student Generalion Factor Required Site Acreage Averaae Site CosuAcre Facilitv CaDacitv Student Factor Formula: ((Acres x Cost per A 1 (Elementary) A 2 (Mlddle School) A 3 (Senior Hioh) 11 21 32 $1 13,496 $0 $0 0.117 0.028 0.048 $208.67 $0.00 700 0 480 Total 1 13,496 1 .'180 0.1 93A+$208.67 Pe]manent Facility Construction Cost per Multi-Family Residence Unit Formula: ((Facility Cost i x Student Construction Cost Facility CapaciW Student Factor Footaqs Ratio B 1 (Elementary) $53,000,000 700 0.117 0.903 $7,999.29 B 2 (Middle School) $0 0 0.028 0.984 B 3 (Senior High) $36,000,000 480 0.048 0.998 _ $3,592.80 Total $89,O0O,OOO 1,180 Temporary Facility Cost per Multi-Family Residence Unit Formula; ((Facility Cost / Facility Capacily) x Student / Total x / Total Foolage Ratio) x Facilitv Cost Facility Capacity Student Factor Footaqe Ratio C 1 (Elementary) C 2 (Middle School) $0 $o 24 29 31 o.117 0.028 0.048 0.097 0.016 o.o2 $0.00 $0 D 1 (Elemenlary) D 2 (Middle School) D 3 (Senior High) c3 Totat $0 84 State Funding Assistance Credit per Multi-Family Residence (formerly "State Match") $0.00 Formula: Area Cost Allolvance x SPI Square Feet per student x Fundi Assistance% x StudentFactor $238.22 90 0.s696 0.117 $1,428.82 $238.22 117 0.5696 0.028 $445 $238.22 130 0.5696 0.048 $847-F- $2,720.04 Tax Credit per Multi TC + $2,233.18 (Below used to calculate NPV) Current Bond Inleresl Rate Years Amortized (10 Years)- Used in NPV Calculation Developer Provided Facility Credit 2.16% 10 00 FCo 0 Area Cost Allowanc Fl. IsPt o/o Student Factor MF Residential Assessed Value (AAV)$r77,957 0.Rate / 1,000 8.90Present Value (per EQ) (NPV) Debi Facilitv / Site Value Unils Fee Recap A = Site Acquisition per Mulli-Family Unit B = Permanenl Facility Cost per MF Unit C = Temporary Facility Cost per MF Unit D = State Match Credit per MF Unit TC = Tax Credit per MF Unit Subtotal Total Unfunded Need 50% Developer Fee Obligation FC = Facility Credit (if applicable) District Adjustment (see page 28 for explanation) Net Fee Obligation per Residential Unit - Multi-family $208.67 $1 1,592.09 $0.00 Subtotal $2,720.O4 $2,233.1 8 $1 1,800.76 $4,953.23 $6,847.53 $3,424 0 Kent School District Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan (APPENDTX C)June 2020 , FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Each Scholar: A voice. A dream. A BRIGHT future. Mirror Lake Elementary School La ke Grove Elementary School ':,,,,,.,.L!i??#k:i, ;:,r..,,,,. Wildwood Elementary School Thomas J effe rso n High School CAPITAL FACI LITI ES PLAN 202L FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2021 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN June 5,2020 BOARD OF EDUCATION Trudy Davis Hiroshi Eto Dr. Jennifer Jones Geoffery McAnalloy Luckisha Phillips SUPERINTENDENT Dr. Tammy Campbell Prepared by: Sally D. Mcl,ean, Chief Finance & Operations Officer Jennifer Thomas, Student & Demographic Forecaster FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION I THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Introduction lnventory of Educational Facilities Inventory of Non-Instructional Facilities Needs Forecast - Existing Facilities Needs Forecast - New Facilities Six Year Finance Plan SECTTON 2 MAPS Introduction Map - City and County Jurisdictions SECTION 3 SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Introduction Building Capacities Portable Locations Student Forecast SECTION 4 I 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 KING COLINTY, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, AND CITY OF KENT IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS Introduction Capacity Summaries Impact Fee Calculations Reference to Impact Fee Calculations Student Generation Rates Impact Fee Changes from 2020 to 2021 t2 13-l 5 t6-t7 t8-20 2l 22-26 27-28 29-30 31 32 1 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN INTRODUCTION In response to the requirements of the State of Washington Growth Management Act (SHB) 2929 (1990) and ESHB 1025 (1991)), and under the School Impact Fee Ordinances of King County Code 21A, City of Federal Way Ordinance No. 95-249 effective December 21,1995 as amended, City of Kent Ordinance No.4278 effective June 2018, revised January 2020, and the City of Auburn Ordinance No. 5078 effective 1998, Federal Way Public Schools has updated its Capital Facilities Plan as of June 2020. This plan is scheduled to be submitted for consideration to each of the jurisdictions located with the Federal Way Public Schools' service area: King County, the City of Kent, City of Federal Way and the City of Aubum and is incorporated in the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction by reference. This plan is requested to be included in the Facilities Plan element of the Comprehensive Plans of each jurisdiction. To date, the City of Des Moines has not adopted a school impact fee ordinance. The City of Des Moines collects school impact fees as part of the SEPA process. Discussions with the City of Milton to adopt an ordinance for school impact fees for parcels located within the Federal Way School District's service area is in process. The Growth Management Act requires the County to designate Urban Growth areas within which urban growth can be encouraged. The Growth Management Planning Council adopted and recommended to the King County Council for Urban Growth Area Line Maps with designations for urban centers. A designation was made within the Federal Way planning area, which encompasses Federal Way Public Schools boundaries. King County will encourage and actively support the development of Urban Centers to meet the region's need for housing, jobs, serviceso culture, and recreation. This Plan's estimated population growth is prepared with this underlying assumption. This Capital Facilities Plan will be used as documentation for any jurisdiction, which requires its use to meet the needs of the Growth Management Act. This plan is not intended to be the sole planning tool for all of the District needs. The District may prepare interim plans consistent with Board policies or management need. During the 2016-17 school year the District formed a 100 member Facilities Planning Committee consisting of parents, community members and staff. The Committee was tasked with developing a recommendation to the Superintendent regarding Phase 2 of the District's plan for school construction, remodeling, and/or modemization for voter consideration in November 2017. The voters passed this $450M bond authorization with a 62%oYES vote reflecting a commitment to invest in the modernization of our infrastructure. Through the committee's work a determination was made to rebuild Thomas Jefferson High School, Illahee Middle School, Totem Middle School, Lake Grove Elementary, Mirror Lake Elementary, Olympic View Elementary, Star Lake Elementary, and Wildwood Elementary. In addition to the school projects, the committee included a plan to modernize Memorial Stadium, which currently supports athletic activities for all schools. The rebuilding of the schools will create additional capacity for students at the elementary and high school levels. 2 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN INTRODUCTION. continued The District continues to monitor factors that may have an impact on enrollment and capacity at our schools, including new single-family and multi-family residential developments and any impacts due to the COVID-l9 stay home order. In accordance with the McCleary decision, the State has provided funding to reduce K-3 class size to I7 and 4-12 class size to 25. Beginning in 2019-20 the legislature expects compliance with this funding adding pressure to the need for elementary capacity. In response to this need the district has acquired a commercial building to renovate into classrooms to provide permanent additional capacity. We will also continue to study school boundaries as new housing and fluctuating populations impact specific schools. Some shifts in boundaries may be required in the coming years. At this time with more than 1,000 unhoused elementary students, boundary adjustments cannot resolve the need for additional capacity. 3 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION 1 - THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN The State Gror,vth Management Act requires that several pieces of information be gathered to determine the facilities available and needed to meet the needs of a growing community. This section provides information about current facilities, existing facility needs, and expected future facility requirements for Federal Way Public Schools. A Financial Plan that shows expected funding for any new construction, portables and modemization listed follows this. 4 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN INVENTORY OT' EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (K.5) Adelaide Brigadoon Camelot Enterprise Green Gables Lake Dolloff Lake Grove Lakeland Mark Twain Meredith Hill Mirror Lake Nautilus (K-8) Olympic View Panther Lake Rainier View Sherwood Forest Silver Lake Star Lake Sunnycrest Twin Lakes Valhalla Wildwood Woodmont (K-8) MIDDLE SCHOOLS (6-8) Federal Way Public Academy (6-10) Illahee Kilo Lakota Sacajawea Sequoyah Totem TAF @ Saghalie (6-12) HIGH SCHOOLS (9-12) Decatur Federal Way Thomas Jefferson Todd Beamer Career Academy at Truman ADDITIONAL SCHOOLS Internet Academy (K-1 2) Employment Transition Program ( I 2+) Federal Way Open Doors Former DeVry Property (K-5) 1635 SW 304ft St 3601 SW 336th St 4041 s 298d'St 35101 5th Ave SW 32607 47ft Ave SW 4200 S 3081h St 303 SW 308'h St 35827 32"d Ave S 2450 S Star Lake Rd 5830 S 300th St 625 S 3l4th St 1000 s 289th st 2626 SW 327tJ,. St 34424I't Ave S 3015 s 368th St 34600 l2e Ave SW 1310 SW 325th Pl 4014 S 270s St 24629 42'd Ave S 4400 sw 320d'st 27847 42"d Ave S 2405 S 300th St 2645416th Ave S Federal Way Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Kent Kent Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Des Moines 98023 98023 98001 98023 98023 98001 98023 98001 98003 98001 98003 98003 98023 98003 98003 98023 98023 98032 98032 98023 98001 98003 98198 34620 9th Ave S 36001 I't Ave S 4400 s 308th st 1415 SW 3l4d'St l10l S Dash Point Rd 3450 S 360th ST 26630 40ft Ave S 33914l9th Ave SW 2800 sw 320th st 30611 16tr Ave S 4248 S 288th St 35999 16ft Ave S 31455 28ft Ave S 31455 28tr Ave S 33250 2l'tAve SW 31455 28ft Ave S 3600 S 344thWay, Federal Way Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Federal Way Auburn Kent Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Auburn Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way 98003 98003 98001 98023 98003 98001 98032 98023 98023 98003 98001 98003 98003 98003 98023 98003 98001 5 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN CURRENT INVENTORY NON.INSTRUCTIONAL F'ACILITIES Developed Propertv Central Kitchen Federal Way Memorial Field Educational Services Center Support Services Center t2l4 s 332"d 1300 s 30gth st 33330 8th Ave S l2ll s332ndst Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way Federal Way 98003 98003 98003 98003 Leased Propertv Early Leaming Center at Uptown 1066 S 320th St Square Undeveloped Pronertv Federal Way 98003 Site # Location 75 SW 360th Street &3rd Avenue SW - 9.2 Acres 65 S 351st Street & 52nd Avenue S - 8.8 Acres 60 E of l0th Avenue SW - SW 334th & SW 335ft Streets - 10.04 Acres 73 N of SW 320th and east of 45th PL SW - 23.45 Acres 7l S 344th Street & 46th Avenue S - 17.47 Acres 82 l't Way S and S 342"d St - Minimal acreage 96 S 308th St and l4th Ave S - .36 Acres Notes: Not all undeveloped properties are large enough to meet school construction requirements. Properties may be traded or sold depending on what locations are needed to house students in the District. 6 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN NEEDS FORECAST - EXISTING FACILITIES As part of the multi-phase modernization and replacement plan, the District intends to increase capacity for elementary and high school students with expansion at the Thomas Jefferson, Lake Grove, Mirror Lake, Olympic View, Star Lake, and Wildwood sites. Only projects in Phase II with plans to increase capacity are included in the impact fee calculation for this plan. 1 PHASE EXISTING FACILITY FUTURE NEEDS ANTICIPATED SOURCE OF' F'UNDS As needed Purchase and Relocate Portables Interim Capacity Anticipated source of funds is Impact Fees. II Thomas Jefferson High School Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity Voter Approved Capital bond II Illahee Middle School Replace Existins Buildine Voter Approved Capital bond II Totem Middle School Replace Existing Buildine Voter Approved Capital bond II Lake Grove Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity Voter Approved Capital bond II Mark Twain Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD, pending SCAP funding II Mirror Lake Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Caoacitv Voter Approved Capital bond II Olympic View K-8 School Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity Voter Approved Capital bond II Star Lake Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity Voter Approved Capital bond II Wildwood Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity Voter Approved Capital bond II Memorial Stadium Replace Existine Facilitv Voter Approved Capital bond II DeVry Property Temp Swing School Increase Capacitv SCAP and K-3 Class size reduction funding III Decatur High School Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD III Kilo Middle School Replace Existing Buildine TBD III Sacaiawea Middle School Replace Existing Buildine TBD Adelaide Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD III Brigadoon Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacitv TBD III Camelot Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Canacitv TBD III Lake Dolloff Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD III Nautilus K-8 School Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD III Twin Lakes Elementary Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacitv TBD Woodmont K-8 School Replace Existing Building, Increase Capacity TBD FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN NEEDS FORECAST - ADDITIONAL FACILITIES T'ACILITY LOCATION ANTICIPATED SOURCE OF' I'UNDS No current plans for additional facilities. B FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Six Year Finance Plan Secured Fundmg Projected Revenue Actual and Plarned Expenditures NOTS: l- Thsefsarceurrenllyb.ingheldinaKiigCounly,CilyofFd6dWay.CilyofAubum,mdCilyofKenlimpaclf€a@unl.andwillbe .vdlableforus€bylheDistdclforsydemimprovements. Thhbywendbalmceonl28l/19. 2. Ths k y@rend hlsn€ on l13ll19. 3. T his b lhe I 28 l/ 19 balme of bond fuds ud ap ild levy fundr. t hi c fiSre includes inlercil eamirF. 4. thhreprcsenlslhebdm@ducloFWSfionOSPIfor$hoolConsructionAssi$taneProgrilfundsspmtlhrotrghDoimbq3l,20l9. 5. Thh is mt;cipald rcAP for lhe future prcjeG aulhotud by lhe volec in 20l7.lees paymflls rdvd lGdsle 6. This h a seurd K-3 Class saeduclionFtrt. in school impacl f€celcuhlions. 8. Thercar€nopmj@ldsaleofsurylusprcpdi*. 9. Theseaaprcj@ld f6 bsd uponelicipald rsidenti0l developmmb in lheDiilrict,elimatd at S50,0m permonlhovdlhene! 6 y6E. 10. Prcjet budFlsarc updald d ofApdl 2020ad rcndiveofacld OuMeld PriceMd{muns lbrall bul lllah@Middlc ehool and Olympic VeNK-8 6alemponryhouin& Thes€ossofthesiteaquisilionareincluddinthe sch@liDpactlbqlcnlations I 2. Thse ks reprdat lhe cos of purchsirS ud inslsllinS new podsbles. The ponable ryenditurc in futurc y dB may rq la@ cisinS ponables rhar arc not functiond. Th6emay nol ircEBeepeity ed aenor includd inthe€peity summary. 9 Somes wsffioor-s 2021-22 2422-23 2023-2t tn2[2]75 $861t m s9 145ffi sld-l00r0t s53mffi ss3i00r0t $l? 571 ffi s80300i0( g s( 24 $?m m s?mffi s2m ffi $tmffi qmm sfn0n0f $561.771r7t FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2T CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION 2 - MAPS Federal Way Public Schools has twenty-one elementary schools (grades K-5), two schools with a K-8 grade configuration, six middle school schools (grades 6-8), four high schools (grades 9-12) and four small secondary schools. The Federal Way Public Academy serves students in grades 6-10. The programs at Open Doors and Career Academy at Truman High School serves students in grades 9-12. In additi6n to these programs, TAF@Saghalie serves students in grades 6-12 who reside within the service area and the Employment and Transition Program (ETP) at the Norman Center serves 18-21year old scholars. The Growth Management Act requires that a jurisdiction evaluate if the public facility infrastructure is in place to handle new housing developments. In the case of most public facilities, new development has its major impact on the facilities immediately adjacent to that development. School districts are different. If the district does not have permanent facilities available, interim measures must be taken until new facilities can be built or until boundaries can be adjusted to match the population changes to the surrounding facilities. It is important to realize that a single housing development does not require the construction of a complete school facility. School districts are required to project growth throughout the district and build or adjust boundaries based on growth throughout the district, not just around a single development. Adjusting boundaries requires careful consideration by the district and is not taken lightly. It is recognized that there is a potential impact on students who are required to change schools. Boundary adjustments impact the whole district, not just one school. The final map included represents the city and county boundaries which overlap with the district's service areas. o City of Algona . City of Auburn o City of Des Moines . City of Federal Way. City of Kent o City of Milton o Unincorporated King County 10 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN MAP _ CITY AND COUNTY JURISDICTIONS fr FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Erch Sehole.: A !stc€. A d.erm. A lRl€HT future. "-F' 'o 0.5 I City and County f u risd ictions Des Kent Auburn Prgef Souod Federal Algona Milton 2 Miles 11 FWPS boundaries is 100% Urban Growth Area FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILTTIES PLAN SECTION 3 - SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Building Capacities - The Education Program Portable Locations Student Forecast - 2021 through 2027 I2 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN BUILDING CAPACITIES This Capital Facilities Plan establishes the District's oostandard of service" in order to ascertain the District's current and future capacity. The Superintendent of Public Instruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, but these guidelines do not take into consideration the education program needs. In general, the District's current target class size provides that the average class size for a standard classroom for grades K through 3 should be 17 students to comply with current legislation. In grades 4-5 the target is 25 students. For grades 6to 12 the target class size is 26 students. Classrooms for students with Individualized Education Program (Special Education) needs are calculated at 12 seats per classroom. Historically, the District has used the OSPI square footage calculation as a baseline for capacity calculation and made adjustments for specific program needs. The District will continue to use this calculation for determining capacity at our middle and high schools. However, for elementary schools capacity will be calculated based on the number of classroom spaces and the number of students assigned to each classroom. Class Size Guidelines FWPS Historical "Standard of Service" HB2661lSH82776 Enacted Law Square Footage Guideline Kindergarten 18.9 l7 25-28 Grades I -2 18.9 l7 2s-28 Grade 3 18.9 t7 28 Grades 4-5 25 25 28 For the purposes of determining student capacity at individual schools, the following list clarifies adjustments to classroom spaces and the OSPI calculation. Special Education Resource Rooms: Each middle school requires the use of a standard classroom(s) for special education students requiring instruction to address specific disabilities. English as a Second Language Programs: Each middle school and high school requires the use of a standard classroom for students learning English as a second language. Middle School Computer Labs: Each middle school has computer labs, except Totem Middle School. Wireless access has been installed at all secondary schools. Ifadditional classroom space is needed, these computer labs may be converted to mobile carts. 13 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN BUILDING CAPACITIES, continued High School Career Development and Learning Center (Resource) Room: Each high school provides special education resource room and career development classrooms for students requiring instruction to address specific disabilities. P resch oollEC EAP/IIead start: Our district currently offers preschool programs for both special needs & typically developing students at 9 elementary schools. We also have ECEAP and Headstart program at l0 sites (4 elementary schools, I middle school, 2 high schools, and 2 commercial sites). These programs decrease capacity at those schools. Alternative Learning Experience: Federal Way offers students the opportunity to participate in an Altemative Learning Experience through our Internet Academy. These students have never been included in the capacity calculation of unhoused students. 1418 Youth Reengagement: Federal Way offers students the opportunity to participate in 1418 Youth Reengagement Open Doors program. These students are housed at the Truman campus but are not currently included in the capacity calculation of unhoused students. 1,4 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN BUILDING CAPACITIES, continued ELEN4U{TARYBT]ILDING PROGRAMCAPACITY Eementary Arrcrage 403 MIDDLE S CHOOL BTJILDING PROGRAMCAPACITY HIGIISCHOOL BT]ILDING PROGRAMCAPACITY 2High School Average lJos Notes: lPreschoolenrolhnentreducescapacityforK-5students. l5preschoolstudentsinoneclassroorn 2Federal Way Public Academy, Career Academy at Trunnn High School, and Enployment Transition Program and TAF @ Saghalie for the high school school grade span (9-12) are non-boundary schools. These schools are not used in the calculated averages. ' lake Crove and Wildwood are scheduled to open January 2}2l:MmorLake is scheduled to open September 2021 School Nanre Headcount lPreschool Adelaide 353 30 Brisadoon 299 30 Camelot 277 30 Entemrise 345 15 Crreen Cables 401 take Dolloff 400 't ke c,roue 600 lakeland 371 MarkTwain 430 Meredith Hill 375 30 3Mirror I ake 600 Nautilus (K-8)466 Olynpic View 3s3 Panther lake 347 Rainier View 40s 30 Sherwood Forest 390 6 Silver take 400 Star take 337 Sunnvcrest 405 Twin takes 341 30 Valhalla 406 3wildwood 600 30 Woodmont (K-8)357 TOTAL 9258 231 School Nanre Headcount Illahee 855 Kilo 779 [-akota 786 Sacaiawea 694 Seouovah 585 Totem 795 TAF @ Saghalie s98 Federal Wav Public Academv 183 TOTAL 5,275 *Middle School 727 School Name Headcount Decatur 1243 Federal Way 1684 Thomas Jefferson 1224 Todd Beanrer r085 TAF @. Sashalie 15s Career Academy at Truman r59 Federal Way Public Academy u6 Employment Trans ition Program 48 TOTAL 5.114 15 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACTLITIES PLAN PORTABLE LOCATIONS The Washington State Constitution requires the State to provide each student a basic education. It is not an efficient use of District resources to build a school with a capacity for 500 students due to lack of space for 25 students when enrollment fluctuates throughout the year and from year to year. Portables are used as interim measures to house students when increasing population impacts a school attendance area. Portables may also be required to house students when new or changing programs require additional capacity. They also provide housing for students until permanent facilities can be financed and constructed. When permanent facilities become available, the portable(s) is either used for other purposes such as storage or child care programs, or moved to another school for an interim classroom. Some portables may not be fit to move due to age or physical condition. In these cases, the District may choose to buy new portables and surplus these unfit portables. With the launch of construction of new schools, a number of portables will be relocated, decommissioned, or sold. These numbers are not available at this time. The following page provides a list of the location of the portable facilities, used for educational facilities by Federal Way Public Schools. 1,6 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN INSTRUCTIONAL NON INSTRUCTIONAL Adelaide 7 1 Brigadoon 1 Camelot 1 Enterprise 3 Creen Csbles I I-ake Dolloff 4 1 Lake C-rrove Lakeland Mark Twain 3 Meredith Hill 3 Minor [-ake Nautilus 3 Olympic View 2 Panther Lake 4 Rainier View 5 Sherwood Forest 2 2 Silver Iake 1 3 Star Iake Sunnycrest 6 Twin Iakes 1 2 Valhalla 4 Wildwood Woodmont 3 TOTAL 49 9 PORTABLES LOCATU) AT H.WIU'{TARYSCHOOLS PORTABLES LOCATH) AT MIDDLESCHOOLS PORTABLE LOCATIONS, continued PORTABLES LOCATU) AT HIGH SCHOOLS INSTRUCTIONAL NON INSTRUCTIONAL Decatur 8 Federal Way Thomas Jefferson 6 Todd Beamer 8 TOTAL 22 PORTABLES LOCATTX) AT ST]PPORT F'ACILITMS MOT TDC 9 Former TAFA TOTAL 9 DISTRICT PORTABLES IN USE FOR ECEAP AND/OR HEADSTART Sherwood Forest 1 Totem Total 1 INSTRUCTIONAL NON INSTRUCTIONAL Illahee 2 1 Kilo I 6 Lakota Sacaiawea 4 Sequoyah 2 Totem TAF@ Saehalie 4 TOTAL 13 7 r'7 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STUDENT FORECAST Student enrollment projections are a basic component of budget development. Enrollment projections influence many of the financial estimates that go into budget preparation. The majority of staffing requirements are derived directly from the forecasted number of students. Allocations for instructional supplies and materials are also made on the basis of projected enrollment. Other expenditures and certain revenue projections are directly related to enrollment projections. Enrollment projections are completed annually in the Business Services Department. Projections must be detailed at various levels, district total, school-building totals, grade level and program level to include vocational and special education students. The basis of projections has been cohort survival analysis. Cohort survival is the analysis of a group that has a common statistical value (grade level) as it progresses through time. In a stable population the cohort would be 1.00 for all grades. This analysis uses historical information to develop averages and project the averages forward. This method does not trace individual students; it is concerned with aggregate numbers in each grade level. The district has used this method with varying years of history and weighted factors to study several projections. Because transfers in and out of the school system are common, student migration is factored into the analysis as it increases or decreases survival rates. Entry grades (kindergarten) are a unique problem in cohort analysis. The district collects information on birth rates within the district's census tracts and treats these statistics as a cohort for kindergarten enrollment in the appropriate years. The Federal Way School District is using various statistical methods for projecting student enrollments. The resultant forecasted enrollments are evaluated below. The first method is a statistical cohort analysis that produces ten distinct forecasts. These are forecast of enrollment for one year. The projections vary depending on the number of years of historical information and how they are weighted. A second method is a projection using an enrollment projection software package that allows the user to project independently at school or grade level and to aggregate these projections for the district level. The Enrollment MasterrM software provides statistical methods including trend line, standard grade progression (cohort) and combinations of these methods. This software produces a five-year projection of school enrollment. In February 2018, the District contracted a demographer to develop projections for the Federal Way School District. The report was complete in March 2018. The model used to forecast next year's enrollment uses cohort survival rates to measure grade to grade growth, assumes market share losses to private schools (consistent with county-wide average), assumes growth from new housing or losses due to net losses from migration. This forecast was provided as a range of three projections. The long-range forecast provided with this report used a model with cohort survival rates and growth rates based on projected changes in the 5-19 age group for King County. 1B FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STUDENT FORECAST, continued Most of the methods used for long range enrollment reporting assume that enrollment is a constant percent of something else (e.g. population) or that enrollment will mirror some projected trend for the school-age population over time. The report included 5 different calculations to provide a range of possible projections for the District to the year 2026. This model produces a projection that is between 21,500 and 25,000 when applied to the low, medium and high range modes. This provides a reasonable range for long-range planning and is consistent with estimates from various models. Long-range projections that establish the need for facilities are a modification of the cohort survival method. The cohort method of analysis becomes less reliable the farther out the projections are made. The Federal Way School District long-range projections are studied annually. The study includes information from the jurisdictional demographers as they project future housing and population in the region. The long-range projections used by Federal Way Public Schools reflect a similar age trend in student populations as the projections published by the Office of Financial Management for the State of Washington. Near term projections assume some growth from new housing, which is offset by current local economic conditions. The District tracks new development from five permitting jurisdictions. Long range planning assumes a student yield from proposed new housing consistent with historical growth patterns. Growth Management requires jurisdictions to plan for a minimum of twenty years. The Federal Way School District is a partner in this planning with the various jurisdictions comprising the school district geography. These projections create a vision of the school district community in the future. In school year 2018-19, King County as a whole experienced unusual enrollment patterns. We continue to monitor this closely. I9 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN Calendar Yr STUDENT FORECAST, continued October 1 Head Count Enrollment History and Projections Excludes Full-time Running Start and Open Doors Enrollment School Year Fleme Middle School School Total K-12 20t4 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2U4 2025 2026 2027 2013-14 2014-15 20t5-16 2016-17 2017-t8 2018-19 20t9-20 82020-21 P2021-22 P2022-23 P2023-24 P2024-25 P2025-26 P2026-27 21,778 21,754 21,995 21,933 21,915 21,716 21,584 21,593 21,723 21,940 22,181 22,359 22,537 22,808 % 1.1% 0.0% 0.6% L0% 1.1% 0.8% 1.6% 0% 10,131 4,848 6,799 9,998 4,931 6,825 10,206 s,094 6,69s t0,424 5,033 6,476 10,418 5,159 6,338 10,158 5,115 6,443 9,953 5,309 6,322 9,887 5,336 6,370 9,946 5,369 6,409 10,046 5,422 6,472 10,156 5,481 6,543 10,238 5,525 6,596 10,319 5,569 6,649 10,443 5,636 6,729 Elemmtary K-5 Middle School 6-8 High School 9-12 % 22,500 Enrollment HiSory and Six Year Forecast 22,000 21,500 21,000 20,500 20,000 uE u'e uE u'"^ "'^^ \ u'g nu, qu u\ uu, School Year r#R.. *2020-21 projections from SM projections, brick and mortar schools. Does not include altemative (IA, ETP, PTC, Support). Does include Truman. 20 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN SECTION 4 - KING COUNTY. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. AI{D CITY OF KENT IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS Capacity Summaries Site & Construction Costs Allocations Student Generation Rates Impact Fee Calculations Reference to Impact Fee Calculations 2I FEDERAL WAY PUBLTC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARIES All Grades, Elementary, Middle School, and High Schools The Capacity Summaries combine Building Capacity information, Portable Capacity information and the Student Forecast information. The result demonstrates the requirements for new or remodeled facilities and why there is a need for the District to use temporary facilities or interim measures. The District has recently adjusted its capacity calculation method for Elementary schools to better show capacity needed to comply with the K-3 Class Size Reduction. This adjustment is also shown in the portable capacity calculation. In order to allow for flexibility in portable usage the District will use an average class size calculation of 2l for each Elementary portable and an average class size of 25 for each Middle and High School portable. The information is organized with a page summarizingthe entire District, and then evaluating capacity vs. number of students at elementary, middle school, and high school levels individually. The notes at the bottom of each spreadsheet provide information about what facilities are in place each year. FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARIES, Continued Capacity Summary - All Grades CAPACITY A\IROLLMM{T Budeet -- Proiected-- Calendar Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 202s 2026 2027 School Year 2020-21 2021-22 2m2-23 2023-24 202+25 2025-26 2026-27 BI.NLDINGPROGR.AM TMADCOUNT CAPACITY Add Capacity 19,434 571 20,005 237 20,242 138 20,380 6W 21,077 0 21,077 0 21,077 0 Adiusted Program Headcount Capacity 20,005 20,242 20,380 21.077 21.077 21.077 21.077 Bas ic Headcount Enrollrnent Intemet Academy Headcount Enrollmentl Basic FTEEnrollment without Intemet Acadenry 21,593 (2ss) 21,338 21,723 (2ss) 21,M8 21,940 (2ss) 21,685 22,181 (2ss) 21.926 22,359 Qss) 22.104 22,537 (2ss) 22.282 22,808 (2ss) 22.553 SURPLUS OR(UNHOUSU)) PROGRAMF'TECAPACITY (1.333)(L2261 (1305)(849)0.027\(1.205)0.4761 RUJOCATABLECAPACITY SURPLUS OR(U|IHOIFU)) PROGRAM AND REI./OCATAB I,E CAPACITY s96 428 349 763 s35 357 86 NOTES: 1 Intemet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full tirne use of school facilities. Current Portable Capacity Add/Subtract Portable Capacity 2,360 (431) r.929 1,929 (27s) 1.654 1,654 0 1.654 1,654 (42) 1"612 1,612 (s0) t.562 1,562 0 1.562 1,562 0 1.562Adiusted Portab le Capacity FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILTTIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARIES, Continued Capacity Summary - Elementary Schools CAPACITY E\ROLLME\T Budset Proiected Calendar Year 2ml 2m2 2023 2024 2025 2026 247 School Year 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 20n-24 2024-25 2025-26 202647 BTJILDINGPROGRAM HEAD COI]NT CAPACITY Add/Subtract capacity total Add capacity atr: Lake Grove Mirror Lake Star Lake Wildwood De l/ry Olympic View K-8 8,M5 571 247 196 128 9,016 0 9,016 138 138 9,154 697 697 0 9,851 0 9,85 I 0 9,851 0 Adiusted Proeram Headcount Capacitv 9,016 9.016 9.154 9.851 9.85 I 9.851 9.851 Bas ic Headcount Enrollment Internet Academy Headcount2 Basic Headcount Enrolknent without Intemet Academy q887 9.867 (20) 9,946 9.926 (20) 10,046 10.026 (20) I 0,156 (20) 10.136 (20) rc,n8 10.218 10,319 (20) r0.299 (20) 10,443 10.423 STJRPLUS OR(UNHOUSD) PROGRAMCAPACITY 448 R"U,OCATAB LE CAPACTI i, NOTES: Capacity increases are pro-jected based on a design to accommodate 600 students - as design is completed these may be adjusted in future iterations ofthis plan. Increased capacity is cunently stated as the difference between current calculated capacity and the projected design. 2InternetAcademystudentsareincludedinprojectionsbutdonotrequirefulltimeuseofschoolfacilities. 3 Relocatable Capacity is based on the number ofportables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to temporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only The actual number ofportables that will be used will be based on actual student population needs. The District may begin to pull portables from the instructional inventory. Age and condition of the portables will determine feasibility for continued instructional use. 24 Current Portable Capacity Add/Subtract portable capacity Add portable capacity at'. Subtract portable capacity at: Lake Grove Mirror Lake Star Lake Wldwood Olympic View K-8 1,260 (23r) (2 1) (r 26) (84) I,U9 0 \me 0 1,029 (421 (42) 987 0 987 0 987 0 Adiusted Portable Caoacitv 1-029 1.029 1.029 987 987 987 987 SURPLUS OR(U|{HOUSU)) PROGRAM AND R"U-OCATABLE CAPACITY t78 tt9 157 702 620 539 415 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARIES, Continued Capacity Summary - Middle Schools CAPACITY A\ROLLMA\T Budeet -- Proiected-- Calendar Year 2021 2W2 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 School Year 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-2s 2025-26 2026-27 BUILDINGPROGRAM HEADCOUNT CAPACITY Add/Subtract capacity Add capacity at: Totemt Illahee 5,275 0 5,275 0 5,275 0 5,275 0 5,275 0 5,275 0 5,275 0 5.275 5.275 5.275 5.275 s,275 5,275 5,275Adiusted Program Headcount Capacity Basic Headcount Enrollment Intemet Academy2 Basic Enrollrnent without Intemet Academy 5,336 (ss) 5.281 5,368 (55) 5.313 5,422 5.367 (55) 5,481 (s5) 5.426 5,525 5-470 (55) 5,569 (5s) 5,514 5,636 (55) 5,581 SURPLUS ORGTNHOUSU)) PROGRAMCAPACITY (6)(38)(B2r flsl)(l9s)(2391 (306) RU,OCATABLECAPACTTt' NOTES: I Totem and Illahee Middle Schools currently have capacity for 800 & 850 students respectively, so no new capacity is anticipated with the rebuild of this older buildings. 2 Intemet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full time use of school facilities. 3 Relocatable Capacity is based on the number of portables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to temporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only. The actual number of portables that will be used will be based on actual student population needs. The District may begin to pull portables flomthe instructional inventory. Age and condition of the portables will determine feasibility for continued instructional use. Current Portable Capacity Add/Subtract portable capacity Totem Middle School Sacajawea Middle School Illahee Middle School Adiusted Portable Capacity 4s0 (100) 350 (25l 325 0 325 0 325 (s0) 275 0 275 0 (r 00) 350 (2s) 325 325 325 (s0) 275 275 275 SURPLUS OR(LNHOUSD) PROGRAM AND RELOCATABLE CAPACITY 344 287 233 174 80 36 (31) 25 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN CAPACITY SUMMARIES, Continued Capacity Summary - High Schools CAPACITY E\ROLLMU{T Budset -- Proiected-- Calendar Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 School Year 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2W5-26 202G27 BUILDINGPROGRAM HEADCOT]NT CAPACITY Add/Subtract capacity Thomas Jffirson High Schoola 5,714 0 5,714 237 6,188 0 6,r88 0 6,r88 0 6,r88 0 6,188 0 5-714 237 6.188 6,188 6 188 6,188 6,188 6,188Adiusted Proeram Headcount Caoacitv Bas ic Headcount Enrollrnent Intemet Academyl Basic Rl without lntemet Academy 6,370 (180) 6,190 6,408 (r80) 6,228 6,472 (r 80) 6.292 6,543 (180) 6.363 6,596 (180) 6.416 6,&9 (180) 6.469 6,728 (r80) 6.548 SURPLUS OR(I.INHOUSD) PROGRAMCAPACITY (4761 (40)fl04)(175)028\(281)(360) RAOCATABLECAPAC.ITf SIIRPLUS ORGTNHOUSED) PROGRAM AND RU-OCATABLE CAPACITt'74 260 196 125 72 19 (60) NOTES: l. Intemet Academy students are included in projections but do not require full time use of school facilities. 2 Relocatable Capacity is based on the number of portables available and other administrative techniques which can be used to tenrporarily house students until permanent facilities are available. This is a calculated number only The actual number of portables that will be used will be based on actual student population needs. The District rnay begin to pull portables fromthe instructional inventory. Age and condition ofthe portables will determine feasibility for continued instructional use. 3. Capacity for unhoused students will be accommodated with traveling teachers and no planning time in some classrooms. 4 Cunent project timelines estimate the completion of Thomas Jefferson HS opening in the fall of 2A2. Current Portable Cap acity Add/Subtract portable capacity Thomas Jeferson High Schooll Adiusted Portable Capacity 650 000) 550 (2s0) 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 300 0 Q00) 550 (2s0) 300 300 300 300 300 300 z6 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS Single and Multi-Family Residences Each jurisdiction that imposes school impact fees requires that developers pay these fees to help cover a share of the impact of new housing developments on school facilities. To determine an equitable fee throughout unincorporated King County, a formula was established. This formula can be found in King County Code 21A and was substantially adopted by the City of Auburn, Federal Way and Kent. The formula requires the District to establish a "Student Generation Factor" which estimates how many students will be added to a school district by each new single or multi-family unit and to gather some standard construction costs, which are unique to that district. Impact Fee Calculation On page 30, the 2021 vaiables for the calculation of the Impact Fee for single family and multi-family units based on King County Code 21A and the Growth Management Act, generate the results below: Plan Year 2020 PlanYear 2021 Single Family Units Multi-Family Units Mixed-Use Residential' $5,035 $20,768 $I 384 $3,243 $16,003 $8 I Impact Fee Calculation - King County Code 2lA The Impact Fees have changed as a result of changes in several factors. The updates made to the variables in the Impact Fee calculation, generate a change in the Impact Fee between the 2020 Capital Facilities Plan and the202l Capital Facilities Plan. A summary of these changes can be found on page 32 and a yeff over year comparison of formula variables can be found on page 33. I In accordance with the City of Federal Way Ordinance No. 95-249. 2l FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2021 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS, continued Impact Fee Calculations School Site Acquisition Cost: Facility Elementary Middle School High School School Construction Cost: o/oPermFac./ Elementary Middle School High School Temporary Facility Cost: %o Temp Fac. Total Ft Cost / Facility Facility Facility Facility Cost Facilitv Student Factor Student Factor SFR Student Factor SFR Student Factor SFR Student Factor Student Factor MFR TOTAL Student Factor MFR Student Factor MFR Total TOTAL Cost/ Cost/ SFR Cost/ SFR Cost/ SFR Cost/ Cost/ MFR Cost/ MFR Cost/ MFR Elementary Middle School High School School Construction Assistance Program Credit Calculation ConstructionCost Sq. Ft. State Ft Student Match Elementary Middle School High School Tax Payment Credit Calculation Average Assessed Value (April 2019) Capital Bond Interest Rate (April 2020) Net Present Value ofAverage Dwelling Years Amortized Property Tax Levy Rate Present Val ue ofRevenue Stream Mitigation Fee Summary Site Acquisition Cost Permanent Facility Cost Temporary Facility Cost State Match Credit Tax Payment Credit Sub-Total 50% Local Share rIn accordance with the City of Federal Way Ordinance No. 95-249 2ln accordance with the City of Kent Ordinance N o. 4278, rev l/20 Single FamilsMulti-Family Mixed-Use Residences BC$lgrc Residentialr IOTAL $ 1,193 $ $ 16,037 $ $$ $ (4,488) $ $ (6,257) $ 3,340 43,299 (12,082) (2,ss2) $ $ $ $ $ SFR MFR 3,340 43,299 (12,082) (2,ss2) $ $ 6,485 $ 32,005 $ 3,243 $ 16,003 $ 32,005 16,003 Calculated Impact Fee $ 3.243 $ 16.003 $ 8.001 Citv of Kent Impact Fee2 $ 3.243 S 9.193 s 1 .193 s3_340 $0 $0 11.97 $384,077 697 0.1 809 0.0691 0.0987 0.5064 0.2523 0.2523 $0 $0 $ I,193 $3J40 94.09% 97.26% 96.98Vo $39,486,883 $ 16.236.550 709 237 0. l 809 0.0691 0.0987 $e 0.2s23 0.2523 $26.s37 $ 16.763 $16.037 $43.299 $0 s0 $0 $02. 3. 5.91 0.1 809 0.0691 0.0987 0.5064 0.2523 0.2523 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2.s 10 s7.026 $0 $0 $238.22 $238.22 s238.22 90 t30 64.71% 64.71% 64.7lo/" 0. I 809 0.0691 0.0987 0.5064 0.2523 0.2523 $ I .978 $s.0s6 $4,488 $12,082 $383,1 89 2-44o/" $3,364,1 16 t0 s1.86 s1s6,304 2.44% 81,372,234 10 $1.86 s6.257 s2.552 2B FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN REFERENCES TO IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS SCHOOL ACQUISITION COST The district purchased the former Devry Technical School building to house displaced scholars during school construction then will provide permanent capacity for Early Childhood Education programs. SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION COST With voter approval of the $450,000,000 bond package, design work is underway for six of the approved projects. Anticipated construction budgets (based on the Guaranteed Maximum Price or GMP) have been updated to reflect the final construction contracts. In addition, a credit for the cost of new construction is incorporated to recognize the K-3 Class Size Reduction Grant obtained by Federal Way Public Schools. The following table outlines the facility cost included in the impact fee calculation: Two additional projects are within this horizon, but not yet included - Olympic View K-8 and Mark Twain Elementary. These costs will be incorporated into future Capital Facilities Plans. Current Middle School capacity calculations do not reflect unhoused students, so no costs associated with Illahee Middle School or Totem Middle School are included. Elementary Schools Lake Grove Mirror Lake Star Lake Wildwood Elementary TOTAL Permanent Capacity 353 404 387 472 t6t6 New Capacity 600 600 525 600 2325 Increased Caoacitv aso/o 43.9o/o GMP $28.874.876 $29.833.964 $29.091.582 s28.63s.988 $116.436.410 Proportionate Share $ 51,085,034 K-3 Class Size Credit ($ I1,598,151) Net Proportionate Share $ 39,486,883 29 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Consistent with the capacity calculations described earlier, the District uses the OSPI square footage calculation for determining capacity at our secondary schools. Based on this methodology, the following construction costs for Thomas Jefferson High School are allocated as the proportionate share: REFERENCES TO IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS, continued Square Footage Capacity at 130 sq. ft. Cunent: I79,ll9 1378 Planned: 210.000 1615 Increased CapaciW 237 Increase as o/o t7.24% GMP s94.176.828 Proportionate Share $ 16.236.550 The District will use the above formulas created as a base for future Capital Facilities Plans during the life of the current bond authorization. The capacity of these schools may vary from year to year as programs are added or changed and construction cost may increase over time. FACILITIES CAPACITY Permanent Facility Capacity: Changes to the Building Program Capacities calculation are found on page 15. Capacity Summaries: The changes in the Capacity Summary are a reflection of the changes in the capacities and student forecast. New schools and increased capacity at current buildings are shown as increases to capacity. Capacity Summaries are found on pages 22-26. Student Generation Factor Analysis: Federal Way Public Schools student generation factor was determined separately for single-family units and multi-family units. The factors used in the 2021 Capital Facilities Plan were derived using actual generation factors from single-family units and multi-family units that were constructed in the District in the last five (5) years and can be found on the next page Temporary Facility Cost: The list of portables reflects the movement of portables between facilities or new portables purchased. Portable Locations can be found on pages 16 and 17, 30 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2021 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN STUDENT GENERATION RATES New Construction in Prior 5 Years Single Family Student CFnention Num rer of Number of Number of Nuil 16t of Elemenfaru l{idh School Total rmilv EIementatu Middle Schdol Hldh chaal Shr.lenf Sftr.lanl Stur.lent Student DET/ELOPMENT Dwe nds Sludenl3 Sftrdenlg Factor Factor Factot Fa ctor '18-R6t€al Meadows 4 t 5 0.o714 0.0357 0.0893 0.1 964 18-Wvncrcst ll A1 5 'l 4 o.1220 o.0244 0.0976 o.2440 1A-SolrnalUcs Manor 21 2 1 1 0.0952 0.0476 0.0476 0.1904 17-Eaole Manor 't2 4 1 1 0.0833 0.0833 0.4999 17-LakehaEn Estates 13 0 I I o 0000 0 0769 0 0769 0't538 17-Hibbicrd Glen '15 7 4 4 O 2t667 o 2667 o2667 1 0001 17-Vista Pointe 105 24 8 't0 o2286,o 0762 0 0952 o 4000 16-Jefferson Place 11 2 o 5455 o 1a1g o ocog o Rla, 16-Star Lake East 30 3 1 o Iooo o 0333 o Io00 o 2333 Tola I 304 55 21 0-{809 o 0691 o o9a7 O 3/ln7 Multi-Family Student Gnemtion - City of FedemlWay Number of Number of Number of Number ot Elementaru Mlddle School Hloh School Tota I Multi Familv E|ementarv Mlddle School Hioh School Student Stud6nt Sludent Siudent DEVELOPMENT Dwellinqs Students Studenta Studonta Factor Fa c-tor Fa clor Fa ctor f17) Uotom Souare 308 114 7 o 3701 o 2305 o 2435 o 4441 l17l Kitt's Comer 216 161 o 7454 o 2aa5 o 2645 1 te)a l16l Kandila Tomhomes 27 4 o 1441 o 370,/4 o t)22 o.7407 Tota I 551 279 o 50at o 2823 o.2523 1.0109 * Student Generation Ete is based on totals 31 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2O2I CAPTTAL FACILITIES PLAN IMPACT FEE CALCULATION CHANGES FROM 2O2O TO 2O2I Item From/To Comment PercentofPerrnanentFacilities 95.10%to96.110/o Report#3 OSPI Percent Temporary Facilities 4.90% to 3.89oh Updated portable inventory Construction Cost Al location $225.97 to5238.22 Change effective July2020 State Match 65.59%to 64.71o/o Change effective July 2020 Average Assessed Value Per Puget Sound Educational Service District (ESD 121)SFR- $367,890 to $383,189 N{FR- $133,215 to $156,304 Capital Bond Interest Rate 4.09%to2.440 Market Rate Property Tax kvy Rate $1.86 to $1.86 King County Treasury Division Average Cost of Portable Classrooms Student Generation Factors Single-Family Elementary Middle School High School Multi-Family $189,941 to $169,579 Updated 5-yr rolling average of portables purchased and placed by2016. Impact Fee .1793 to.1809 .0897 to .0691 .1386 to.0987 Elementary .5853 to.5064 Middle School .2938to.2523 High School .31 16 to .2523 Updated Hous ing Inventory Note : Student generation factors for our single family units are based on new developments constructed within the District over the lastfive (5) years prior to the date ofthe fee calculation. Student generationfactors for are multi- family units are bqsed on new developments constructedwithin the District over the last Jive (5)years prior to the date ofthefee calculation. SFR based on the updated calculation MFR based on the updated calculation SFR based on the updated calculation MFR maximum per City of Kent Ordinance No. 4278, rev ll20 SFR- $5,035 to $3,243 MFR - $20,768 to $16,003 SFR- $5,035 to $3,243 MFR - $8,386 to $90193 City of Kent 5Z FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Each Scholar: A voice. A dream. A BRIGHT future. In an environment of high expectations, high support, and no excuses, the staff of Federal Way Public Schools will continually learn, lead, utilize data, and collaborate to ensure our scholars have a voice, a dream, and a bright future. THE EARLY YEARS WHOLE CHILD ACTIVE LEARNERS CONTENT-AREA COMPETENCE PERSISTENCE TO GRADUATION This document is published by the Business Services Department of the Federal Way Public Schools. May 2020 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 Adopted by the Auburn School District Board of Directors June 22, 2020 SCHOOL DISTRICT ENGAGE . EDUCATE . EMPOWER SCHOOL DISTRICT ENGAGE . EDUCATE. EMP()WER 915 Fourth Street NE Auburn, Washington 98002 (253) e31-4e00 Serving Students in: Unincorporated King County City of Auburn City of Algona City of Kent City of Pacific City of Black Diamond BOARD of DIRECTORS Laurie Bishop Arlista Holman Sheilia Mclaughlin Laura Theimer Ryan Van Quill Dr. Alan Spicciati, Superintendent Table of Contents Section I Executive Summary Page 1 Section ll Enrollment Projections Page 6 Section lll Standard of Service Page 12 Section lV lnventory of Facilities Page 20 Section V Pupil Capacity.Page 24 Section Vl Capital Construction Plan. Section Vll lmpact Fees Page 31 Section Vlll Appendices.Page 36 AppendixA.l - Capital Facilities Plan Projections Page 38 Appendix A.2 - Student Generation Survey Page 40 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section I Executive Summary Auburn School District No.40B CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 l. Executive Summary This six-year Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") has been prepared by the Auburn School District (the "District") as the District's principal planning document, in compliance with the requirements of Washington's Growth Management Act and the adopted ordinances of the counties and cities served by the District. This Plan was prepared using data available in the spring of 2020. This Plan is consistent with prior longterm capital facilities plans adopted by the District. However, this Plan is not intended to be the sole plan for all of the District's needs. The District may prepare interim and periodic long-range Capital Facilities Plans consistent with Board Policies and actions, taking into account a longer or a shorter time period; other factors and trends in the use of facilities; and other needs of the District as may be required. However, any such plan or plans will be consistent with this six-year Capital Facilities Plan. To enable the collection of impact fees in the unincorporated areas of King County and within the City of Auburn and City of Kent; the King County Council, the City of Auburn and the City of Kent will adopt this Plan by reference as part of each jurisdiction's respective comprehensive plan. To enable the collection of impact fees in the Cities of Algona, Pacific, and Black Diamond, these municipalities must also adopt this Plan and adopt school impact fee ordinances. Pursuant to the requirements of the GroMh Management Act and the local ordinances, this Plan will be updated on an annual basis, and any changes in the fee schedule(s) adjusted accordingly. The Plan establishes the District's "standard of service" in order to ascertain the District's current and future capacity. While the State Superintendent of Public lnstruction establishes square footage guidelines for capacity, those guidelines do not account for the local program needs of the District. The Growth Management Act and the school impact fee ordinance authorize the District to define its standard of service based on the District's specific needs. ln general, the District's current standard provides that class size for grades K-3 should not exceed 17 students and class size for grades 4-5 should not exceed 27 students. When averaged over the six elementary school grades, this computes to 20.33 students per classroom. Class size for grade 6 should not exceed 27 students and class size for grades 7 and 8 should not exceed 28.53 students. When averaged over the three middle school grades, this computes to 28.02 students per classroom. Class size for 9-12 should not exceed 28.74 students, with some subject areas restricted to lesser numbers. Decisions by current legislative actions may create the need for additional classrooms. (See Section lll for more specific information.) The capacity of the schools in the District is calculated based on this standard of service and the existing inventory of facilities including transitional classrooms. The District's 2 2019-20 capacity was 13,997. The actual number of individual students was 17,300 as of October 1,2019. (See Section V for more specific information.) The Capital Construction Plan shown in Section Vl addresses the additions and proposed modernization to the District's existing facilities. The plan includes the replacement of five elementary schools and one middle school, construction of two new elementary schools, and acquisition of future school sites to accommodate growth. The new facilities are required to meet the projected elementary school class size reductions mandated by the State of Washington and student population increases generated by the large development areas within the Auburn School District. Three areas that have significant impact on the school district are the Lakeland South, Lea Hill, and the valley areas of the district. There are also other development pockets that impact the District. The District completed a comprehensive review of all district facilities in October 2008. A Steering Committee made recommendations to the Board for capital improvements to existing facilities and replacement of seven schools over the next ten years. These recommendations led to a capital improvements levy and a bond issue that was placed on the ballot in March 2009. Both ballot measures were unsuccessful in March. The Board determined to rerun only the capital improvements levy in November 2009, which the voters approved. ln the fall of 2011, the Board determined to move forward with the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction Project and placed the project before the voters in February of 2012. The bond issue was supported by the community at nearly 57o/o approval rate, but was short of the super majority requirement of 60%. ln March of 2012, the Board determined to rerun the bond in November of 2Q12. ln November 2012, the bond passed at62%. The project was completed during the summer of 2016. ln the spring of 2016, the Board determined to move forward with the replacement of six schools and the construction of two new elementary schools. The project was placed before the voters in November 2016 and the bond passed at 62.83%. The first of the projects, the replacement of Olympic Middle School, started construction in May 2018 and opened in Fall 2019. Construction of new Elementary School#15 started in May 2019 and construction for the replacement of Dick Scobee Elementary School started in June 2019. Both schools will open in Fall 2020. Construction of new Elementary School #16 and construction of the replacement Pioneer Elementary School started May 2020. The School lmpact Fee Ordinances adopted by King County, the City of Auburn and the City of Kent provide for the assessment of impact fees to assist in meeting some of the fiscal impacts incurred by a district experiencing groMh and development. Section Vll sets forth the proposed school impact fees for single family and multi-family dwelling units. The student generation factors have been developed using the students who actually attend school in the Auburn School District from single family and multi-family developments constructed in the last five years. There have been dramatic changes in the student generation factors for single and multi-family in the past five years. The District plans to carefully monitor the numbers over the next several years to determine if this is a trend or an anomaly. The method of collecting the data is with the use of GIS mapping software, data from King County and Pierce County GlS, data from Davis Demographics and integration of the mapping with student data from the District's student data system. This method gives the District actual student generation numbers for each grade span for identified developments. This data is contained in Appendix A.3. 3 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Listed below is a summary level outline of the changes from the 2019 Capital Facilities Plan that are a part of the 2020 Plan. The changes are noted by Section for ease of reference. Section I Executive SummaryA. Updated to reflect new information within the PlanB. Summary level list of changes from previous year Section ll Enrollment ProjectionsA. Updated projections. See Section ll & Appendices A.1 Section lll Standard of ServiceA. Updated to reflect current number of classrooms allocated to non-standard classroom uses Section lV Inventory of FacilitiesA. Add 1 portable at Washington Elementary School.B. Add 1 portable at Cascade Middle School.C. Add 4 portables at Olympic Middle School. D. Add 2 portables at Rainier Middle School.E. Remove 3 portables from Gildo Rey Elementary School F. Remove 5 portables from Pioneer Elementary School. Section V Pupil Capacity The eight portables to be relocated in June 2020 are needed to accommodate enrollment increases. 4 lmpact Fees Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHANGES TO IMPACT FEE DATA ELEMENTS 2019 to 2020 Appendix A.1 - Updated enrollment projections with anticipated buildout schedule from April 2020 Appendix A.2 - Student Generation Survey April2020 Section Vlll Appendices DATA ELEMENTS CPF 2019 CPF 2020 EXPLANATION Student Generation Factors Single Family Elementary Middle School Sr. High Multi-Family Elementary Middle School Sr. High School Construction Costs Elementary Site Acquisition Gosts Cost per acre Area Cost Allowance Boeckh tndex Match % - State Match % - District District Average AV Single Family Multi-Family Debt Serv Tax Rate GO Bond lnt Rate $60,200,000 0.2370 0.0960 0.1280 0.3820 0.1 530 0.1 51 0 $385,083 $225.97 64.990/ 35.01Yo $2.05 4.09% $366,092 $161 ,495 $60,200,000 0.2500 0.1 31 0 0.1520 0.4330 0.1 850 0.1750 $404,377 $225.97 66.32% 33.68% $2.41 2.44o/o $374,661 $160,501 Consistent with King County Ordinance 11621, Student Generation Factors are calculated by the school district based on district records of average actual student generation rates for new developments constructed over the last five years. From new school construction cost estimate in April2019 Updated estimate based on 5% annual inflation Updated to current OSPI schedule. (July 2019) Updated to current OSPI schedule (May 2019) Computed Updated from March 2020 King County Dept of Assessments data. Updated from March 2020 King County Dept of Assessments data using average AV for apartments and condominiums. Current FiscalYear Current Rate (Bond Buyers 20 lndex 3-14) 5 Auburn School District No.408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section ll E n rol I ment Projections Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 ll. Student Enrollment Projections lntroduction Projection techniques give some consideration to historical and current data as a basis for forecasting the future. ln addition, certain assumptions must be made about the variables in the data being used. Forecasting can be defined as the extrapolation or logical extension from history to the future or from the known to the unknown. The projection logic does not attempt to weigh the individual sociological, psychological, economic, and political factors that are present in any demographic analysis and projection. The logic embraces the assumptions that whatever these individual factors have been in the past are present today and will be in the future. It further moderates the impact of singular factors by averaging data over time. The results provide a trend which reflects a long (13 year) and short (6 year) base from which to extrapolate. The degree to which the actuals deviate from the projections can only be measured after the fact. This deviation provides a point of departure to evaluate the effectiveness of the assumptions and logic being used to calculate future projections. Monitoring deviation is critical to the viability and creditably of the projections derived by these techniques. Summary ol 2020-21 En rollment Projections Table ll.1 shows historical enrollment for the October 1 count in the Auburn School District over the past 13 years. The data shows overall average growth over these thirteen years of 1.46%. ln the recent six years, growth has been an overwhelming 2.44% average increase. Table ll.2 groups the historical enrollment by grade bands. This data is the baseline information used to project future enrollment. TABLE ll.l Thirteen Year History of October 1 Enrollment Actuals GRADE 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 1 3-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 GRADE KDG I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 996 995 1019 997 1 057 1 078 1 007 1 057 1033 1337 1 368 1 352 1263 998 1015 1024 1 048 1044 1069 1096 '1034 1 076 1256 1341 1350 1352 1032 1 033 998 993 1 073 1 030 1 040 1125 1031 1244 1277 1 303 1410 1010 1 066 1 016 1013 1024 1079 1041 1 060 1112 1221 1238 't258 1344 1029 1068 1 097 996 1022 1018 1063 1032 1046 1273 1170 1233 1316 1 098 1 089 1083 1111 1 038 1070 1041 1 086 1017 1 200 1278 1 164 1321 1170 1 188 1124 1125 1123 1 075 1076 1072 1116 1 159 1229 1240 1274 1232 1219 1 136 '1'136 1 156 1122 1 059 1 091 1088 1275 1 169 '1211 1323 1 198 1279 1289 1232 1170 1172 1116 1099 1 136 1229 1316 1 167 1260 1237 1210 1 300 1317 1237 1 199 1152 1132 1't08 1261 1248 1 318 1226 1 261 1276 1252 1328 1325 1 269 1207 1 194 I 183 1 258 1 300 1249 1419 1272 1 2S0 131 1 1276 1378 1 345 1275 1231 1213 1372 1 313 '1296 1377 1292 131 5 1295 1320 1316 1361 1 338 1 295 1236 1399 1411 1320 1402 KDG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 TOTALS 14.559 14.703 14.589 14.482 14.363 14.596 14.971 15.277 15.663 15.945 16.525 16.949 17.300 Percent of Gain Student Gain 144 114 0.99% (0.78)% (0.73)% (0.82)vo 'l 620 2570/" 2040/" 2530/" 1 233 375 306 386 2821 580 % Gain fo|Ist 6 years.0.48Yo 69 yeaIs" Student Gain 13 %Gainforlast 6years Student Gain for last 6 424 351 2.44o/o 388 7 TABLE ll.2 Grade Group Combinations based upon OctoberAcluals l9-20 998 3037 61 98 7294 1032 3063 6159 7199 10't0 30s2 6208 7249 1029 3't 94 6230 7293 1098 3270 6489 7530 '3zB3t 5391/ 6432 1237 3747 7500 8652 1261 3789 7715 8922 KDG 996 3010 6142 7149 1170 3482 6805 7BB1 1232 1198 3647 3766 70u '/ 7340 8120 ' 8456 '3238 ' 3351 2175 2235 '34s4 '3464 '3392 ' 3584 2240 2377 '3501 ' 363s K,I,2 K-5 K-6 1-3 1-S 1-6 6-8 7-8 7-9 '3011' 3oB7 tJaz4' 3095 t 3161 's146'izoo's1z7' s19B t 5201t61s3 t 6296 '6167 'a239 ' aza+ '3097' 3206 t3196 t3213'3141 2090 2110 2156 2172 2078 ' 3427' 3366' 34oo' 339s' 33s1 ' 3437t s635/ 6711 3264 21 88 3347 ' gssl '38oo t 3827 t 3856 ' s9zg 7 6142 '6263 t 64b4 '6888 ' Tzsg '74i5 ' 7661 ' 3144 2103 ' 3303 7 7 79 -12 10 -12 4992 3719 '4963' 3763 4902 ' 3743 's320 ' szgg ' s2s4 ' 5061 t '3983 ' 4043 ' 3990 ' 3B4o '' 4g7B ' 4972 '50s3 ' 5226 ' 37oJ ' 3743 '3792 ' 3968 1272 3873 7872 9147 3877 6600 7875 5358 3986 '3719 2444 '3816 1292 3902 7899 9237 3930 6607 7945 3869 2531 3S30 ' 5532 '4133 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through2026 Table ll.3 shows the three basic factors derived from the data in Table ll.1-. These factors are a Factor 1---Average Student Change Between Grade Levels: This factor is sometimes referred to as the "holding power" or "cohort survival." lt is a measure of the number of students gained or lost as they move from one grade level to the next. Factor 2--Average Student Change by Grade Level: This factor is the average change at each grade level over the 13- or 6-year period. Factor 3-Auburn School District Kindergarten Enrollments as a Function of King County Live Births: This factor calculates what percent each kindergarten class was of the King County live births in the five previous years. Kindergarten students expected for the next four years have been extrapolated from this information. Facior Average Student Change By Grade Level2 Factor 2 is lhe average chanqe in grade levei slie. 13 YEAR BASE 6 YEAR BASE K 24.67 K 12.00 1 26.67 1 19.20 2 23 00 2 19 80 3 26-92 3 36.80 4 21_58 4 32.00 5 23.58 5 47,84 6 27.58 6 55.80 7 19.83 7 40.80 I 15.92 I 29.60 9 5.17 I 24-80 10 3.58 10 48.40 11 {2,6r1 11 21.80 12 11.58 12 15.80 o a 8 TABLE ll.3 Factors Used in Projections Factor Average Student Change Between Grade Levels Factar I rs lhe auerage gain or ioss of sludenfs as lhey rnove lrom one gnde level to the next. Factor I uses the past 12 or 6 of 13 Kts 1 42.92 Kto 1 36_50 1to2 21.42 1to2 30.17 2to3 15.50 2lo 3 22.83 3to4 28.17 3to4 28.67 4to5 13.17 4to5 12 50 5to6 5to6 6to 11 to7 17 toB to 8to9 165.57 8to9 158,33 9to 10 17.08 9to10 33.83 10 to'11 1.5 10 to 11 11 lo 12 73.58 11 to 12 87-67 total 399-75 total 452,67 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 $ource: Center for Health Statistics, Washington Slate Department oI Health Table ll.4 shows the current year actual enrollment as of October'J-,2019 and projected enrollment for 2O2O-21and five years after. Prior to the COVID health crisis, all projection models showed enrollment growth of 1..0% to 2%. This year is the eighth consecutive year of an increase in enrollment. The 2019-20 increase of 351 students puts the average gain for the last 6 years at2.44% which equates to an average student gain of 388 students. Given the uncertainty we are facing, the decision was made to use the lowest growth model to estimate projections for the 2O2O-21school year. ln addition, enrollment projections are transitioning to call out special programs that have impacts on enrollment such as Running Start and Open Doors program. ln the past, enrollment projections have included Running Start and Open Doors programs even though those students did not attend school full time. For this reason, note the 2O2O-2I projections compared to 2019-20 actual shows a slight decrease. However, when you base growth on the full-time students attending Auburn schools, that percent reflects a 1% increase overall. 9 AU BURH SCHOOL DISTRICT KIH DE RGARTEH E H ROLLIRE I{TS AS A FU}ICTIOII OF KIHG COUI{TY BIRTH RATES Factor 3 CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL LIVE BIRTHS A3 RD EIRTHS 1/3RD BIRTHS YEAR OF ENROLL ADJ LIVE BIRTHS ACTUAL KDG ENROLL AUBURN KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENTASA%OF ADJUSTED LIVE BIRTHS 2000 2001 2W?. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2fi19 2010 201 I 2012 2013 2A14 201 5 2016 2017 2018 22,487 21,rrB 21,863 2?.,431 22,874 22,680 24,2U 24,S02 25,1S0 25,057 24,514 24,630 25,032 24,910 25,348 25,487 26,011 21,274 24,337 14,S91 14,51S 14,575 14,S54 15,249 15,120 16,163 16,601 16,733 16,705 16,343 16,420 16,688 16,607 16,8SS 18,SS1 17,341 16,84S 16,?25 7,496 7,25S 7,288 7,477 7,625 7,560 8,0s1 8,301 8,3S7 8,352 8,171 8,210 8,344 8,303 8,44S 8,496 8,670 8,425 8,112 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-t I 2411-12 20{2-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-?0 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 22,014 21,835 22,24? 2?,7afr 22,745 23,723 24,683 25,0S4 25,101 24,695 24,591 24,898 24,S51 25,202 25,441 25,838 25,520 24,6,19 s41 ss6 ss8 1032 101 0 1 02S 1 0s8 1162 1732 1 1SB 1237 1281 1272 12S2 r28t 130t 12.85 r111 0 4.274V!t 4.562%. 4.487% 4.54196 4,441Vn 4.3380/6 4.448% 4.831% 4.S08% 4.85196 5.03096 5.06596 5.0ss% 5j27% *numberfrom DOH Last 5 year Average 5.034!6 Actual <-Prjctd <-Prjctd '{-Prjctd <-Prjctd Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 Table ll.4 Auburn School District Enrollment Projections - April 2020 K-5 9-L2 +Projections for grades 9-12 include estimated students enrolled in Running Start and Open Doors prcgrams. Tables ll.4a-d show projections based upon the 13- and 6-year models using cohort factors and two methods of estimating kindergarten students. The first uses the average increase or decrease over the past 13- and 6-year timeframe and adds it to each succeeding year. The second derives what the average percentage Auburn Kindergarteners have been from live births in King Countyforthe past 5 years and uses this to project the subsequent four years. DISTR]CT PRGIECTIOIIS on 13 Year History GRADE ACTUAL 2019-20 PROJ 202t-21 PROJ 2421-22 PROJ ?.s22-23 PROJ 2023-24 PROJ 2024-25 PROJ 2t25-26 PROJ 7A2A-27 KDq I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I t0 1t tz TOTALS 1797 '1315 1295 1320 1316 1361 1338 1295 1236 1399 141 1 1320 1402 1 317 1335 1336 1311 1348 1329 1359 1361 1307 1402 1416 1400 1394 1341 1 360 1 356 1352 133S 1361 13?7 1382 1374 1473 141S 1405 1473 1 366 138,1 1381 1372 13S0 1352 1 380 1351 't3s5 1539 1490 1407 1418 13S1 1 409 1406 1397 1400 13S3 1350 1383 1363 1560 1 556 1475 1481 1415 1434 1430 14?1 14?'5 1413 13S1 1373 1395 152S 1 578 1545 1 55? 1440 1458 1455 1.t46 1449 1438 1411 1415 1 386 15S1 1546 1 566 1 618 1465 1483 1480 1471 1474 1463 1436 1435 14?7 1551 1578 1534 1640 Percent of Gain Student Gain 1.82V6 314 1.S7Ve 348 1163% 2S3 1.719{ 312 1.8096 334 1 E2VL 2eB 1 2896 248 1 GRAOE 2019-20 Actual 20za-2t Projected zo2l-22 Proiected 2022-23 Projected 2023-24 Projected 2024-25 Projected 2025-26 Projected K 7,292 7,269 1,321 r,284 7.242 1,,767 r,269 1,315 1,316 r,326 1,353 1,315 1.270 1,295 2 1,295 1,316 1,339 1,335 7,362 7,334 7,289 3 7,32D 7,289 1,330 1,339 1,336 r,374 r,346 4 r,316 1,327 1,316 r,344 1,354 1,361 1,400 5 7,361 1,301 1,332 1,308 1,336 1,356 1,363 7.899 7.8L8 7,964 7,963 7,945 7,562 7,562 6 1.338 1,336 r,297 7,3L4 1,290 1,329 1,349 7 1,295 7,342 1,362 1,308 r,326 r,372 1,351 8 7,236 1,298 1,364 7,370 1,316 1,345 1,331 6-8 3,8€9 3,976 4,O23 3.992 3932 3,986 4,031 g*1,399 1,393 1,483 r,544 1,551 1,502 1.535 10*T,47I 7,427 1,436 7,5r4 1,576 1,596 1,546 1l*1,320 7,364 1,401 7,402 1,477 7,552 7,57L r.282t2*r,402 1,386 1,400 1,303 1,485 1,559 5_4605.532 5,706 5,860 5,907 6,135 6,2L1 TOTALS 17-300 L7.234 17.693 17.815 t7.744 18.O83 18.204 10 TABLE il.4b DISTR]CT PROJECTIOI{S Based on 6 Year Hietory GRADE ACTUAL 20t9-20 PRO.I 20?4-21 PROJ 2821-22 PROJ 2022-23 PROJ 2023-24 PROJ 2024-25 PROJ 2t25-26 PROJ 2026-27 KT}G I z 3 4 5 6 7 I s t0 11 t2 TOTALS 1292 1315 12S5 1320 't31 6 1361 1338 1235 '1236 1 3S9 1411 1320 '1402 1304 132S 1345 1318 134S 132S 1355 1364 131S 139,1 't433 140S 1408 1316 1341 1359 1 36S 1 347 1361 1323 138'.r 1 38S 1478 1428 1431 1 4S6 1328 1353 1371 138? 13S7 1359 '1355 1349 1406 1547 151'r 14?6 't 518 1340 '1365 1383 1394 1410 1409 1353 1382 1373 1564 1581 1509 1514 1352 1377 13S5 1.108 1422 1423 1403 1 379 1 406 1 531 1 599 1578 15S7 1364 1 389 1497 141 I 1434 1435 't417 1430 1404 1564 1 565 1 5S5 1 666 1376 1401 141 I 1430 1446 1447 1429 1443 1454 1562 1598 1563 1 683 PercentofGain 2.0596 Student Gain 355 2.0496 361 1.58% 284 1.50% 214 1.57% 2S1 1.17% 220 0.s5% 163 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 TABLE ll.4c DISTRNT PROJECTIOIS Based on Eirth Rates & I 3 Year Hislorv GRADE ACTUAL 201 9-20 PROJ 2420-21 PROJ 2421-22 PROJ 2022-23 PROJ 2023-24 K I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I t0 fi 12 '1292 1315 12S5 1320 1316 1 361 1295 1238 1399 1411 1320 't402 1252 't335 1 336 131 1 1 348 1 32S 1359 1361 1307 1402 1416 't400 1394 1281 1335 1 356 1352 133S 1361 1327 1382 1374 1473 1419 1405 1473 1301 1324 1 356 1372 1380 1352 1360 135'l 1395 1539 14S0 1407 1478 440t 1344 1345 1372 1 400 1393 1 350 1383 1363 1 560 1556 1479 1481 TOTALS Percent of Gain Student Gain 1.67% 2S0 1.63% 297 1.27qh 227 1.14% 206 TABLE ll.4rl DISTRICT PROJECTIOHS BEsed on Birth Rates & 6 Yesr History GRADE ACTUAL 2019-20 PROJ 2070-21 PROJ 2A2l-22 PROJ 2022-23 PROJ 2023-24 KDG I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I t0 t1 12 1292 1315 1 295 1320 1316 1361 1338 1295 1236 1399 141 1 1320 1402 lAOt 1329 1345 1318 1349 1 329 '1355 1364 1319 13S4 1433 1409 1408 1281 1329 1359 1 368 1347 1 361 1323 1381 1 388 1478 1 428 1431 '1496 1301 1317 135S 1352 1 397 1 359 1 355 1349 1406 1547 151 1 1426 1518 1285 1337 1347 1382 1410 140S 1 353 1382 1373 1564 1581 150S 1514 TOTALS Percent ot Gain Sludent Gain 1.98% 343 1.8596 326 1.43% 257 1.20% 21S 1.1 Auburn School District No.40B Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section lll Standard of Service Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE The School lmpact Fee Ordinances adopted by King County, the City of Auburn and the City of Kent indicate that each school district must establish a "Standard of Seruice" in order to asceftain the overall capacity to house its projected student population. The Superintendent of Public lnstruction esfab/ishes square footage "capacity" guidelines for computing s/afe funding support. The fundamental purpose of the OSPI guidelines is to provide a vehicle to equitably distribute state matching funds for school construction projects. By default these guidelines have been used to benchmark the district's capacity to house its student population. The OSPI guidelines do not make adequate provision for local district program needs, facility configurations, emerging educational reform, or the dynamics of each student's educational program. The Auburn School District Standard of Seruice addresses those local considerations that require space rn excess of the OSPI guidelines. The effect on the space requirements for both permanent and relocatable facilities is shown below for each grade articulation pattern. Conditions that may result in potential space needs are provided for information purposes without acco m pany i ng co m putation s. OVERVIEW The Auburn School District operates fourteen elementary schools housing 7,899 students in grades K through 5. The four middle schools house 3,869 students in grades 6 through B. The District operates three comprehensive senior high schools and one alternative high school, housing 5,532 students in grades 9 through 12. crAss srzE The number of pupils per classroom determines the number of classrooms required to house the student population. Specialists create additional space needs. Class sizes are subject to collective bargaining agreements. Changes to class size agreements can have significant impact on available space The current pupil/teacher limit across all elementary programs is an average of 20.33 students per teacher. Consistent with this staffing limit, room capacities are set at 20.33 students per room at grades K - 5. At grades 6 - B the limit is set at 28.02 students per room. At grades 9 - 12 the limit is set at 28.74 students per room. The OSPI space allocation for each grade articulation level, /ess the computed reduction for the Auburn School District Standard of Service, determines the District's capacity to house projected pupil populations. These reductions are shown below by grade articulation level. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS STRUCTURED LEARNING FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SPECIAL EDUCATION The Auburn School District operates a structured learning program for students with moderate to severe disabilities at the elementary school level which currently uses 15 classrooms to provide for 126 students The housing requirements for this program are provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. No loss of capacity is expected unless population with disabilities grows at a disproportionate rate compared to total elementary population. PATHWAYS SPECIAL EDUCATION The Auburn School District operates an adaptive behavior program for students with behavior disabilities at the elementary school level. The program uses three classrooms to provide for 28 students. The housing requirements for this program exceed the OSPI space allocations. (Three classrooms @20.33 - 11 = 9.33) Loss of Permanent Capacity 3 rooms @ 9.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 9.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = (28) 0 13 (28) Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE SPECIAL EDUCATIO'V RESOURCE ROOMS The Auburn School District operates a resource room program at the elementary levelfor special education students requiring instruction to address their specific disabilities. Nineteen standard classrooms are required to house this program. The housing requirements for this program exceed the OSPI space guidelines. Continued loss of capacity is expected as growth in program is larger than the total elementary population. (1 83) 0 (1 83) NATIVE AMER'CAN RESOURCE ROOM The Auburn School District operates one resource room to support the education of Native American students at the elementary level. One standard classroom is fully dedicated to serve these students. Loss of Permanent Capacity I (17-B) rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total CaPacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 room @ 20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 12 rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 5 rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 15 rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = (20) 0 (20) EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION The Auburn School District operates a pre-school program for young children below age five with disabilities. This program is housed at seven different elementary schools and currently uses 12 standard classrooms. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (244) 0 (244) READING LABS The Auburn School District operates a program for students needing remediation and additional language arts instruction. These programs utilize non-standard classroom spaces if available in each elementary school. Four elementary schools do not have non-standard rooms available, thus they are housed in a standard classroom. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (102) 0 (102) MUSIC ROOMS The Auburn School District elementary music programs require one acoustically-modified classroom at each schoolfor music instruction. The housing requirements are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (305) 0 14 (305) Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS PROGRAM The Auburn School District operates pullout programs at the elementary school level for students learning English as a second language. This program requires 30 standard classrooms that are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 30 rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity B rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 15 rooms @20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = Loss of Permanent Capacity 7 rooms @ 20.33 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 20.33 each = Total Capacity Loss = (610) 0 (610) SECO/VD GRADE TOSA PROGRAM The Auburn School District provides a TOSA reading specialist program for eight highly-impacted elementary schools. This pullout model provides direct instruction to students who are not at grade level and do not receive other services. This program requires eight standard classrooms that are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (1 63) 0 (1 63) ELEMENTARY LEARNI NG SPECIALIST PROG RAM The Auburn School District provides a learning specialist program to increase literacy skills for first and second graders. This program model was originally created from the l-728 funds and currently has the specialist going into existing teacher classrooms, as well as pulling out students into designated classrooms. The district is utilizing classrooms at all fourteen elementary schools. (305) 0 (305) EARLY C H I LD H O O D ED U CATION ASS'STA N CE P ROG RAM The Auburn School District operates an ECEAP program for 246 pre-school aged children in twelve sections of half-day length and one full-day program. The program is housed at three elementary schools and three off-site locations and utilizes three standard elementary classrooms and four additional classroom spaces and four auxiliary office spaces. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (142) 0 (142) 15 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE MIDDLE SCHOOLS SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCE ROOMS The Auburn School District operates a resource room program for each grade at the middle school level. This is to accommodate special education students needing remedial instruction to address their specific disabilities. Eleven classrooms are required at the middle school level to provide for approximalely 292 students. The housing requirements for this program are not entirely provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. PATHWAYS SPECIAL EDUCATIO N The Auburn School District offers a self-contained program for students with moderate to severe behavior disabilities. The program is housed at one of the middle schools and uses two classrooms. One of the two classrooms for this program are provided for in the OSPI space allocations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 rooms @28.02 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.02 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 4 rooms @28.02 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.02 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 room @28.02 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @28.02 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 9 rooms @28.02 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @28.02 each = Total Capacity Loss (28) 0 (28) STRUCTURED LEARNING CENTER AND DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SPECIAL EDUCATION The Auburn School District operates six structured learning classrooms at the middle school level for students with moderate to severe disabilities. Two of the six classrooms for this program are provided for in the OSPI space allocations. (112) 0 (112) NATIVE AMER'CA'V RESO U RCE ROOM The Auburn School District operates one resource room to support the education of Native American students at the middle school level. One standard classroom is fully dedicated to serve these students ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS PROGRAM The Auburn School District operates a pullout program at the middle school level for English Language Learner students. This program requires nine standard classrooms that are not provide for in the OSPI space guidelines. 28 0 28 (252) 0 (2s2) 16 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE ROOM UTILIZATION The Auburn School District provides a comprehensive middle school program that includes elective options in special interest areas. Facilities to accommodate special interest activities are not amenable to standard classroom usage. The district averages 95% utilization of all available teaching stations. OSPI Report#3 dated 12114111 identifies 148 teaching stations available in the mid-level facilities. The utilization pattern results in a loss of approximately B teaching stations. Loss of Permanent Capacity B rooms @28.02 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.02 each = Total Capacity Loss (224) 0 (224) 17 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS NATIVE AMERICAN RESOURCE ROOM The Auburn School District operates one resource room to support the education of Native American students at the high school level. One standard classroom is fully dedicated to serve these students. Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 room @28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss SEA/'OR HIGH COMPUTER LABS The Auburn School District support standard allows for one open computer lab at each of the senior high schools. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. 29 0 29 Loss of Permanent Capacity 4 rooms @ 28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 1 rooms @ 28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 1 room @ 28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @28,74 each = Total Capacity Loss (1 15) 0 (1 15) ENGLISH LANG UAG E LEARNERS PROGRA,M The Auburn School District operates a pullout program at three comprehensive high schools for English Language Learner students. This program requires eleven standard classrooms that are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. (316) 0 (316) PATHWAYS SPECIAL EDU CATION The Auburn School District offers a self-contained program for students with moderate to severe behavior diabilities. The program is housed at one of the high schools and uses one classroom. The housing requirements for this program are not provided for in the OSPI space allocations. (2s) 0 (2s) STRUCTURED LEARNING CENTER PROGRAM The Auburn School District operates twelve structured learning center classrooms for students with moderate to severe disabilities. This program is housed at three high schools requiring standard classrooms that are not provided for in the OSPI space guidelines. Loss of Permanent Capacity 12 rooms @28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss 0 (345) 't8 (345) Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 STANDARD OF SERVICE SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCE ROOMS The Auburn School District operates a resource room program at the senior high level for special education students requiring instruction to address their specific learning disabilities. The current high school program requires 15 classrooms to provide program to meet educational needs of the students. The OSPI space guidelines provide for one of the 15 teaching stations. (402) 0 (402) P ERF O RM I NG AR IS CETVIERS Auburn High School includes 25,000 square feet used exclusively for a Performing Arts Center. The OSPI lnventory includes this space when computing unhoused student capacity. This space was not intended for, nor is it usable for, classroom instruction. lt was constructed to provide a community center for the performing arts. Using OSPI capacity guidelines, 25,000 square feet computes to 208 unhoused students or 7 .25 classrooms. Loss of Permanent Capacity 7.25 rooms @ 28.74 each =(208) ROOM UTILIZATION The Auburn School District provides a comprehensive high school program that includes numerous elective options in special interest areas. Facilities to accommodate special interest activities are not amenable to standard classroom usage. The district averages 95% utilization of all available teaching stations. There are 185 teaching stations available in the senior high facilities. The utilization pattern results in a loss of approximately 10 teaching stations. Loss of Permanent Capacity 14 rooms @28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss Loss of Permanent Capacity 10 rooms @28.74 each = Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 rooms @ 28.74 each = Total Capacity Loss STANDARD OF SERVICE COMPUTED TOTALS ELEMENTARY Loss of Permanent Capacity (2,102) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 Total Capacity Loss (2J04 MIDDLE SCHOOL Loss of Permanent Capacity (5BB) Loss of Temporary Capacity 0 (287) 0 (287) Total Capacity Loss SENIOR HIGH Loss of Permanent Capacity Loss of Temporary Capacity Total Capacity Loss TOTAL Loss of Permanent Capacity Loss of Temporary Capacity Total Capacity Loss (58B) (1,674) 0-(,@ (4,364) 0 (4,364) 19 Auburn School District No.408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section lV lnventory of Facilities Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 INVENTORY OF FACILITIES Table lV.1 shows the current inventory of permanent district facilities and their OSPI rated capacities. Table lV.2 shows the number and location of each portable unit by school. The district uses relocatable facilities to: 1. provide interim housing in school attendance areas uniquely impacted by increasing school populations that would otherwise require continual redistricting, 2. make space available for changing program requirements and offerings determined by unique student needs, and 3. provide housing to cover district needs until permanent facilities can be financed and constructed Relocatable facilities are deemed to be interim, stop gap measures that often place undesirable stress on existing physical plants. Core facilities (i.e. gymnasiums, restrooms, kitchens, labs, lockers, libraries, etc.) are not of sufficient size or quantity to handle the increased school population served by adding relocatable classrooms. Table tv.1 Permanent Facilities @ OSPI Rated Capacity (March 2020) District School Facilities Buildinq Gapacitv Acres Address Elementary Schools Washinqton Elementary 494 5.33 20 E Street Northeast, Auburn WA, 98002 Terminal Park Elementarv 415 6.09 1101 D Street Southeast, Auburn WA, 98002 Dick Scobee Elementarv 484 8.90 1031 14th Street Northeast. Auburn WA. 98002 Pioneer Elementarv 441 8.40 2301 M Street Southeast, Auburn WA. 98002 Chinook Elementarv 461 10.99 3502 Auburn Wav South, Auburn WA, 98092 Lea Hill Elementary 450 20.24 30908 124th Avenue Southeast, Auburn WA,98092 Gildo Rev Elementarv 566 '10.05 1005 37th Street Southeast. Auburn WA. 98002 Everoreen Heiohts Elem 463 '10.10 5602 South 316th. Auburn WA. 98001 Alpac Elementarv 505 10.68 310 Milwaukee Boulevard North, PacificWA, 98047 Lake View Elementary 581 16.44 16401 Southeast 318th Street, Auburn WA, 98092 Hazelwood Elementarv 594 13.08 'l 1815 Southeast 304th Street, Auburn WA, 98092 llalko Elementarv 592 14.23 301 Oravetz Place Southeast. Auburn WA. 98092 Lakeland Hills Elementarv 594 12.00 1020 Evergreen Way SE, Auburn WA, 98092 Arthur Jacobsen Elementary 614 10.02 29205 132nd Street SE, Auburn WA, 98092 ELEMENTARY CAPACITY 7,254 Middle Schools Cascade Middle School 837 16.94 1015 24th Street Northeast. Auburn WA, 98002 Olvmoic Middle School 974 17.45 839 21"t Street SE, Auburn WA, 98002 Rainier Middle School 843 25.54 30620 1 'l6th Avenue Southeast, Auburn WA, 98092 Mt. Baker Middle School 837 30.00 620 371fl Street Southeast. Auburn WA. 98002 MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPACITY 3.317 Senior Hiqh Schools West Auburn HS 233 5.26 401 West Main Street, Auburn WA, 98001 Auburn HS 2.127 23.74 711 East Main Street. Auburn WA. 98002 Auburn Riverside HS 1.387 35.32 50'1 Oravetz Road, Auburn WA, 98092 Auburn Mountainview HS 1.443 39.42 28900124th Ave SE, Auburn WA, 98092 HIGH SCHOOL CAPACITY 5,190 21 titx ,-l.rt{Id6pf -:',i.,..tIamHw,,J.lJ.;jffiI.; Auburn- Mountainview HS- Arthur Jacobsen ES#Bt Cascade MS ; Hazelwood ESRainier MS Lea Hiil ESDick Scobee ES. Evero-rlen Heiolf qt l_..! t -'to,--rr -I,, .i., ':; Administrationwest Aubur{r i{d ' , ''.' . '' Auburn HS''i: " i -r.1..; i' '' Washington ESIBuilding''- Lake View ES. ,??.,TerrniqplFarkFStll' .i: Olvmoic n,lS= --\'.yf r-- ;iS'.rll.,:t,,IChinook ES ''o , I'u'?,irI ,r. PioneerES" Gildo Rey ES: Alpac ESI - fUt Baker MS..*.,..;*: i; ' g'. t:ffi"-: Auburn RiversiGHS- tt"tto es tBowman Creek ES' Lakeland Hills ESIl--lr:t llI:-iirI=r:tIF.Souree Es4 Dbhrehbo, @c@Brc, tradjhdarGooWhfle, ChfiEgAftbre DS, USIDA tJS@nAm@lRflD,!@N1, amd the GIS Llren@miftnurffry Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 INVENTORY OF FACILITIES *TAP - Transition Assistance Program for 18-21 year old students with special needs TABLE tv.2 TEM PO RARY/RELOCATAB LE FACILITIES INVENTORY (June 2020) Elementarv Location 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Washington Terminal Park Dick Scobee Pioneer Chinook Lea Hill Gildo Rey Evergreen Heights Alpac Lake View Hazelwood llalko Lakeland Hills Arthur Jacobsen Bowman Creek Elementarv #16 6 8 0 5 6 13 7 4 8 2 2 7 7 4 0 0 7 8 0 0 b 13 4 4 8 2 2 7 7 4 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 2 2 8 7 4 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 8 2 2 8 7 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 8 2 2 8 7 4 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 8 2 2 8 7 4 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 8 2 2 8 7 4 0 0 TOTAL UNITS TOTAL CAPACITY 79 1,606 72 1.464 55 1 ,118 49 996 49 996 49 996 49 996 Middle School Location 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 Cascade Olympic Rainier Mt. Baker 0 0 7 10 I 4 I 10 4 b 10 11 4 6 10 11 4 6 10 11 4 b 10 11 4 6 10 11 TOTAL UNITS TOTAL CAPACITY 17 476 24 672 31 869 31 869 31 869 31 869 31 869 Sr. Hiqh School Location 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 West Auburn Auburn High School Auburn High School - *TAP Auburn Riverside Auburn Mountainview 0 0 1 13 4 0 0 I 13 4 0 2 1 13 6 0 3 1 14 8 0 3 1 14 8 0 3 1 14 8 0 3 1 14 8 TOTAL UNITS TOTAL CAPACITY 18 517 18 517 22 632 26 747 26 747 26 747 26 747 COMBINED TOTAL UNITS COMBINED TOTAL CAPACITY 114 2,600 114 2,654 108 2,619 106 2,612 106 2,612 106 2,6',t2 106 2,612 23 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section V Pupil Capacity Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 lhrough 2026 PUPIL CAPACITY While the Auburn School District uses the OSPI inventory of permanent facilities as the data from which to determine space needs, the District's educational program requires more space than that provided for under the formula. This additional square footage is converted to numbers of pupils in Section lll, Standard of Service. The District's capacity is adjusted to reflect the need for additional space to house its programs. Changes in the capacity of the district recognize new funded facilities. The combined effect of these adjustments is shown on Line B in Tables V.1 and V.2 below. Table V.1 shows the Distict's capacitywith relocatable units included and Table V.2 without these units 3l 1/ New facilities shown in 2019-20 through 2023-24 are funded by the 2016 School Bond lssue. 4 The Standard of Service represents 27 .69% of OSPI capacity. When new facilities are added the Standard of Service computations are decreased to 24.16% of SPI capacity. 3/ Students beyond the capacity are accommodated in other spaces (commons, library, theater, shared teaching space). 2t 2024-202t Capacity WITH relocatables Table V.1 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2025-2026 13,997 17,261 (3,264) 2,600 (4,364 15,761 650 166 (1,710) 14,867 17,618 (2,751) 2,654 (4,364 16,577 650 209 (1,745) 15,691 18,005 (2,314) 2,619 (4,364\ 17,436 (1,752) 16,073 18,347 (2,274) 2,612 (4,364\ 389 17,825 (1,6e6) 16,364 18,700 (2,336) 2,668 (4,364\ 235 1B,060 (1,6e6) 16,364 19,053 (2,6Be) 2,668 (4,364 18,060 (1,6e6) 16,364 19,365 (3,001) 2,668 (4,364 Total Adjustments (1,764) SPI Capacity-Replacements CAPACITY ADJUSTMENTS 15,761 B. c. D. 764 E ASD Surplus/Deficit Exclude SOS 14 ASD Enrollment lnclude Relocatable A. A.1 4.2 Capacity Adjustments Net Capacity SPI Capacity SPI Capacity-New Elem (1,710)(1,745)(1,752)(1,6e6)(1,6e6)(1,696) Capacity WITHOUT relocatables Table V.2 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-202!2025-2026 11,397 17,261 (5,864) (4,364 15,761 650 '166 (4,364) 12,213 17,618 (5,405) (4,364 16,577 650 209 (4,364) 13,072 18,005 (4,933) @.364\ 17,436 389 (4,364) 13,461 18,347 (4,886) (4.364\ 17,825 235 (4,364) 13,696 18,700 (5,004) (4,364) 18,060 (4,364) 13,696 19,053 (5,357) (4,364) 18,060 13,696 19,365 (5,66e) @,364 Total Adjustments (4,364) SPI Capacity-Replacements CAPACITY ADJUSTMENTS 15,761 4,364 Exclude SOS 14 B c D E.ASD Surplus/Deficit ASD Enrollment A. A.1 4.2 Capacity Adjustments Net Capacity SPI Capacity SPI Capacity-New Elem (4,364)(4,364)(4,364)(4,364)(4,364)(4,364) 25 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FAGILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 PUPIL CAPACITY PERMANENT FACILITIES @ SPI Rated Capacity (March 2020) A. Elementa Schools B. Middle Schools C. Senior H Schools Buildino 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Washington Terminal Park Dick Scobee Pioneer Chinook Lea Hill Gildo Rey Evergreen Heights Alpac Lake View Hazelwood llalko Lakeland Hills Arthur Jacobsen Elementary #15 Elementarv #'16 494 415 484 441 461 450 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 494 415 650 441 461 450 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 494 415 650 650 461 450 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 650 650 650 650 650 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 650 494 415 494 650 650 650 650 650 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 650 494 650 650 650 650 650 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 650 494 650 650 650 650 650 566 463 505 581 594 592 594 614 650 650 ELEMENTARY CAPACITY 7,254 8,070 8,929 9,318 9,553 9,553 9,553 Buildinq 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 Cascade Olympic Rainier Mt. Baker 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 837 800 843 837 MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPACITY 3,317 3,317 3,317 3,317 3,317 3,317 3,317 Buildino 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 West Auburn Auburn Auburn Riverside Auburn Mountainview 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 233 2,127 1,387 1,443 HIGH SCHOOL CAPACITY 5,1 90 5,190 5,1 90 5,1 90 5,190 5,1 90 5,1 90 COMBINED CAPAGITY 15,761 1 77 17 6 17 825 1 60 1 060 18 26 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section Vl Capital Construction Plan Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN The formal process used by the Board to address current and future facility needs began in 1974 with the formation of a community wide citizens committee. The result of this committee's work was published in the document titled 'Guidelines for Development.' ln 1985 the Board formed a second Ad Hoc citizens committee to further the work of the first and address the needs of the District for subsequent years. The work of this committee was published in the document titled Directions for the Nineties.' ln 1995 the Board commissioned a third Ad Hoc citizens committee to make recommendations for improvements to the District's programs and physical facilities. The committee recommendations are published in the document titled Education lnto The Twenty-First Century - - A Community lnvolved.' The 1995 Ad Hoc committee recommended the District develop plans for the implementation, funding, and deploymentof technologythroughoutthe District's programs. The 1996 Bond proposition provided funding to enhance the capacity of each facility to accommodate technological applications. The 1998 Capital Levy provided funding to further deploy technology at a level sufficient to support program requirements in every classroom and department. ln 2005 and 2014, replacement technology levies were approved to continue to support technology across all facets of the District's teaching, learning and operations. ln addition to the technology needs of the District, the Ad Hoc committee recognized the District must prepare for continued student enrollment growth. As stated in their report, "the District must pursue an appropriate high school site as soon as possible." The Ad Hoc recommendation included commentary that the financing should be timed to maintain consistent rates of tax assessments. A proposition was approved by the voters on April 28, 1998 that provided $8,000,000 over six years to address some of the technology needs of the District; and $5,000,000 to provide funds to acquire school sites. During the 1997-98 school yeat, a Joint District Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee was appointed by the Auburn and Dieringer School Boards to make recommendations on how best to serve the school population from an area that includes a large development known as Lakeland South. Lakeland South at that time was immediately adjacent to the southern boundary of the Auburn School District. On June 16, 1998, the Ad Hoc Committee presented its recommendation at a joint meeting of the Auburn and Dieringer Boards of Directors. On June 22, 1998, the Auburn School Board adopted Resolution No. 933 authorizing the process to initiate the adjustment of the boundaries of the District in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. On June 23, 1998, the Dieringer School Board adopted a companion Resolution No. 24-97-98 authorizing the process to initiate the adjustment of the boundaries in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. These actions resulted in the transfer of an area from Dieringer to Auburn containing most of the Lakeland South development and certain other undeveloped properties. Property for the third comprehensive high schoolwas acquired in 1999. The Board placed the proposition to construct a new high school on the ballot four times. Each election was extremely close to passing. After the fourth failure a community meeting was held and from that meeting the Board determined need for further community study. ln April of 2002, the Board formed a fifth citizen's Ad Hoc committee to address the following two items and make recommendations to the Board in the Fall of 2002: a. A review of the conclusion and recommendations of 1985 and 1995 Ad Hoc Committees related to accommodating high school enrollment growth. This included the review of possible financing plans for new facilities. b. Develop recommendations for accommodating high school enrollment growth for the next 10 years if a new senior high school is not built. 28 Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN This committee recommended the Board place the high school on the ballot for the fifth time in February 2403. The February election approved the new high school a|68.71% yes votes. The school opened in the fall of 2005. ln the fall of 2003, the Board directed the administration to begin the planning and design for Elementary #13 and Elementary #14. ln the fall of 2004, the Board passed Resolution No. 1054 to place two elementary schools on the ballot in February 2005. The voters approved the ballot measure in February of 2005 at 64.72%. Lakeland Hills Elementary (Elementary #13) opened in the fall of 2006. Arthur Jacobsen Elementary (Elementary #14) is located in the Lea Hill area and opened in the fall of 2007. These two elementary schools were built to accommodate the housing growth in Lakeland Hills and Lea Hill areas of the school district. ln the 2004-05 school year, the Board convened a sixth Citizen's Ad Hoc committee to again study and make recommendations about the future impacts in the District. One of the areas of study was the need for New Facilities and Modernizalion. The committee made a number of recommendations including school size, the need for a new middle school, and to begin a capital improvements program to modernize or replace facilities based upon criterion. During the 2005-06 school yeat, a Joint District Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee was appointed by the Auburn and Kent School Boards to make recommendations on how best to serve the school population that will come from an area that includes a number of projected developments in the north Auburn valley. On May 17,2006, the Ad Hoc Committee presented its recommendation at a joint meeting of the Auburn and Kent Boards of Directors. On June 14,2006, the Kent School Board adopted Resolution No. 1225 authorizing the process to initiate the adjustment of the boundaries of the District in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. On June 26, 2006, the Auburn School Board adopted a companion Resolution No. 1073 authorizing the processto initiate the adjustment of the boundaries in accordance with the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation. These actions resulted in the transfer of an area from the Kent School District to the Auburn School District effective September 29, 2006. ln October of 2008, after two years of review and study, a Steering Committee made recommendations to the Board regarding the capital improvements program to modernize or replace facilities as recommended by the 2004-05 Citizen's Ad Hoc Committee. These recommendations, based on specific criteria, led to the Board placing a school improvement bond and capital improvements levy on the ballot in March 2009. Voters did not approve either measure that would have updated 24 facilities and replaced three aging schools. The Board decided to place only a six- year Capital Levy on the ballot in November of 2009, which passed at 55.17o/o. The levy funded $46.4 million of needed improvement projects at 24 sites over the following seven school years. Planning for the replacement of aging schools was started with educational specifications and schematic design process for the replacement of Auburn High School. The District acquired a site for a future high school in 2008 and a second site for a future middle school in 2009. The District also continued efforts to acquire property around Auburn High School The Special Education Transition Facility opened in February of 2010. This facility is designed for students with disabilities that are 18 to 21 years old. ln the November 2012 election, the community supported the $110 million bond issue for the Auburn High School Modernization and Reconstruction Project al62%. Construction began in February 2013. The entire new building was occupied by Auburn High School students and staff in the fall of 2015, with site improvements being completed during the 2015-16 schoolyear. 29 1t Auburn School District No. 408 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN 2020 through 2026 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN ln January 2015, a citizen's ad hoc committee was convened by direction of the Board to address growth and facilities. The major recommendations were to construct two new elementary schools in the next four years and to acquire 3 new elementary school sites as soon as possible. ln the November 2016 election, the community supported the $456 million bond issue for the replacement of six schools and the construction of two new elementary schools at62.83%. Construction for the replacement of Olympic Middle School began in May 2018 and was completed in Fall2019. Construction for New Elementary School#15 began in May 2019 and will be completed in Fall 2020. Construction for the replacement of Dick Scobee Elementary School began in June 2019 and will be completed in Fall 2020. Construction for New Elementary School#16 and replacement of Pioneer Elementary School began in May 2020 and will be completed in Fall 2021. Within the six-year period, the District is projecting 904 additional students. This increase in student population along with anticipated class-size reductions, will require the construction of a second new elementary school and acquiring one new elementary school site during the six-year window. The table below illustrates the current capital construction plan for the next six years. The exact timelines are wholly dependent on the rate of growth in the school age population. 1/ Thesefundsmaybesecuredthroughacombinationofthe20l6Bondlssue,saleof real property,impactfees,andstate matching funds. The District currently is eligible for state matching funds for new construction at the elementary school level and for modernization at the elementary and middle school levels. tl Ll Ll 1t 2020-26 Capital Construction Plan (Mav 2020) Proiect Funded Projected Cost Fund Source Project Timelines 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 I 25-261 26-27 Technology Modernization Yes $35,000,000 2020 6 Year Cap. Levy Portable Relocation Yes $1,800,000 lmpact Fees XX XX Property Purchase - 1 New Elementarv Yes $7,500,000 Bond lmpact Fee XX XX XX XX XX Multiple Facility lmprovements Yes $46,400,000 Capital Levy XX XX Elementary #15 Yes $48,500,000 Bond lmpact Fee XX open Elementary #16 Yes $48,500,000 Bond lmpact Fee XX const XX open Replacement of five Elementary Schools Yes $242,500,000 Bond XX const XX const XX const XX open 30 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section Vll lmpact Fees IMPACT FEE COMPUTATION (Spring 2020)Elementary #16 within 2 year periodI. SITE COST PER RESIDENCEFormula: ((Acres x CostAcreaciSizex Student Factoril, PERMANENT FACILITY CONSTRUCTION COST PER RESIDENCEFormula: ((Facility Cost/Facilx Student FxIII. TEMPORARY FACILITY CONSTRUCTION COST PER RESIDENCEFormula: ((CosVFacilx StudentAuburn School District No. 408CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN2020 through 2026to Totalx District Match x Studentemto TotalXSiFamiIV, STATE MATCH CREDIT PER RESIDENCEFormula: (Boeckh lndex x SPICosVMulti Family$4,040.26$0.00$o.oo$4,040.26$2,332.71Cost/Sinole Family$2,332.71$0.00$0.000.43300.1 8500.1 750Student Generation FactorSingle Family Multi Family0.25000.1 31 00.1520FacilityCapacity650800'1500Cost/Acre$0$o$404,337SiteAcreaqe152540Elem (K - 5)Middle Sch (6 - 8)Sr Hiqh (9 - 12)Cost/Multi Family$37,815.02$0.00$0.00$37,815.02Cost/Single Family$2 1 ,833.1 5$0.00$0.00$21,833.150.43300.1 8500.1 750Student Generation FactorSinqle Family Multi Familv0.25000.1 31 00.'t 520% Perm Sq Ft/Total Sq Ft0.94300.94300.9430FacilitySize6508001 500FacilityCost$60,200,000$0$0Elem (K - 5)Mid Sch (6 - B)Sr High (9 - 12\CosVMulti Familv$218.68$67.79$62.52$348.98Cost/Sinqle Familv$126.26$48.00$54.30$228.550.43300.1 8500.1 750Student Generation FactorSingle Family Multi Family0.25000.1 31 00.1520% Temp Sq Ft/Total Sq Ft0.05700.05700.0570FacilitySize20.3328.0228.74FacilityCost$180,000$180,000$180,000Elem (K - 5)Mid Sch (6 - 8)Sr Hiqh (9 - 12)$6,156.78Cost/Multi Familv$6,156.77$0.00$0.00CosVSingle Family$3,554.72$0.00$0.00$3,554.720.43300.1 8500.1 750Student Generation FactorSingle Familv Multi Familv0.25000.1 31 00.1520StateMatch66.32yo66.32o/o66.320/.SPIFootage90108130Boeckhlndex$238.22$0.00$0.00Elem (K - 5)Mid Sch (6 - 8)Sr Hish (9 - 12\32 V, TN( CREDIT PER RESIDENCEFormula: Expressed as the present value of an annuityTC = PV(interest rate,discount period,average assd value x tax rate)VI, DEVELOPER PROVIDED FACILITY CREDITFormula: (Value of Site or Facility/Number of dwelling units)Auburn School District No. 408CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN2020 through 202687Tax CreditMulti FamilyTax CreditSingle Family$7,927.08Number ofYearsBnd Byr lndxAnn lnt RateCurr Dbt ServTax RateAve ResidAssd Value$2.41$2.412.44o/o2.440h1010$160,5014,661ngle FamilyMultiFaci$0.00$0.00No. of UnitsValue0000Single FamilyMultiMultipleFamily$16,325.80PER UNIT IMPACT FEESSingleFamily$6.456.31FEERECAPSUMMARYSite CostsPermanent Facility Const Costs$21,833.15$228.55($3,554.72)$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)332.71040.26395.87porary Facility CostsState Match CreditCredit,927FEE (No Discount)FEE (50% Discount)Less ASD DiscountFacility Credit$12,9't2.61$6,456.31$0.00$0.00$32,651.61$16,325.80$o.oo$0.00Net Fee Obligation33 Sife CosfAuburn School District No. 408CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN2020 through 2026MULTI FAMILYSr High9-120.1751 50028.74$180,00040$404,3371,700,850102,8851,803,73594.30%5.70o/o130$238.2266.32o/o33.68%$160,501$2.412.44o/oMid Sch6-80.1 8580028.02$1 80,00025$404,3371,700,850102,8851,803,73594.30%5.700/o108$238.2266.32%33.68%$160,501$2.412.44o/oElemK-50.433650$60,200,00020.33$180,00012$404,3371,700,850102,8851,803,73594.30%5.70o/"90$238.2266.32%33.68%$160,501$2.412.44o/oSINGLE FAMILYSr High9-120.1521 50028.74$180,00040$404,3371,700,850102,8851,803,73594.30o/o5.70o/o130$238.2266.320/"33.68%$374,661$2.412.44o/oMid Sch6-B0.1 3180028.02$180,00025$404,3371,700,850102,885'1,803,73594.30%5.70%108$238.2266.32%33.68%$374,661$2.412.44%ElemK-50.250650$60,200,00020.33$180,00012$404,3371,700,850102,8851,803,73594.30%5.70o/o90$238.2266.32%33.68%$374,661$2.412.44%IMPACT FEE ELEMENTSSingle Family - Auburn actual count April 2020Elementary Cost Estimates April 2020ASD District Standard of Service.Grades K - 5 @ 20.33, 6 -B @28.02, &9 - 12 @28.74.Relocatables, including site work, set up, and furnishing.ASD District Standard or SPI MinimumSee below14 Elementary, 4 Middle, and 4 High Schools2x768 SF + 24 x 864 SF + 87 x 8g6 SF + TAP 2661Sum of Permanent and Temporary abovePermanent Sq. Footage divided by Total Sq. FootageTemporary Sq. Footage divided by Total Sq. FootageFrom OSPI Regulations (WAC 392-343-035)From OSPI projection for July 2O2OFrom OSPI May 2020ComputedKing County Department of Assessments March 2020Current Fiscal YearCurrent Rate - (Bond Buyer 20 lndex Feb. 2020 avg)Student FactorNew Fac CapacityNew Facility CostTemp Rm CapacityTemp Facility CostSite AcreageSite Cost/AcrePerm Sq FootageTemp Sq FootageTotal Sq Footage% - Perm Facilities% - Temp FacilitiesSPI Sq FVStudentBoeckh lndexMatch % - StateMatch % - DistrictDist Aver AVDebt Serv Tax RateG. O Bond lnt RateProjectedCost/Acre$491,474Latest Dateof Acquisition2025SitesRequiredElementary2020 Annuallnflation Factor5%Projected Annuallnflation Factor5.00%2019 Annuallnflation Factor10.00%$404,337AdjustedPresent Day$401,274$379,431$664,125PurchaseCosVAcre$382,1 66$361,363$575,000$380,593PurchasePrice$480,000$2,959,561$460,000$3,89e,561PurchaseYear20't920192018Acreage1.268.190.8010.25Recent PropertyAcquisitionsElem. #16 Parcel 1Elem. #16 Parcel 2Elem. #16 Parcel 3Total34 Auburn School District No. 408CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN2020 through 2026VII. IMPACT FEE MODIFICATIONS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY OF AUBURN ORDINANCEVIII. IMPACT FEE MODIFICATIONS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY OF KENT ORDINANCEoJ,JYC.6 /$16,325.80Multi-Family4 & 5 BedroomMulti-Family IThree Bedrooml$14,325.80Multi-FamilyTwo Bedroom$11,325.80UJMulti-FamilyOne Bedroom$8,325.80Multi-FamilyStudio$6,325.80PER UNIT IMPACT FEESSingleFamilv$6,456.31FEERECAPSUMMARY$2,332.71$2'r ,833. 1 5$228.55($s,554.72)$4,040.26$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)$4,040.26$37,815.02$348.98($6,1 56.78)$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)040.26395.040.26395.87927ax Creditporary Facility CostsMatch CreditSite CostsPermanent Facility Const Costs$12,9',t2.61$6,456.31$0.00$0.00$32,651.61$16,325.80$5,000.00$o.ooFEE (No Discount)FEE (50% Discount)Less ASD DiscountFacility Credit$32,651.61$16,325.80$10,000.00$0.00$32,651.61$16,325"80$8,000.00$0.00$32,651.61 $32,651.61$16,325.80 $16,325.80$2,000.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00Net Fee ObligationMultipleFamily$9,193.80PER UNIT IMPACT FEESSingleFamilv$6.456.31FEERECAPSUMMARYSite CostsPermanent Facility Const CostsTemporary Facility CostsState Match CreditTax Credit$2,332.71$21,833.15$228.55($3,554.72)($7,927.08)$37,815.02$348.98($6,156.78)($3,395.87),040.26$+FEE (No Discount)FEE (50% Discount)City of Kent lmpact Fee CapFacility Credit$12,912.61$6,456.31$0.00$0.00$32,651.61$16,325.80$7,132.00$0.00Net Fee Obligation35 Auburn School District No. 408 Capital Facilities Plan 2020 through 2026 Section Vlll Appendices Appendix A.1 - CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Enrollment Projections Appendix A.2 - Student Generation Survey Appendix A.2 - CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN En rol I ment Projections Buildout Data for Enrollment Projections-April 2020BASE DATA. BUILDOUT SCHEDULEASSUMPTIONS:1 Uses Build Out estimates received from developers.2 Student Generation Factors are updated Auburn data for 2020 as allowed per King County OrdinanceectedProStudent Generation FactorsMulti-Family0.43300.'18500.1 750SingleFamilyAuburn Factors2020 sF 2020MFElementaryMiddle School0.25000.13100.15200.7930hSenior0.5330TotalTotal978978245128149521774774335143135614175258027128411352026Single Familv Units50145155140140140208208522732Total K-12277783757575111MultiFamiUnits726242400000000020s5227321112026-275802712841 1352025140351B2100000140351821752025-265282442521024202414035182100000140351821752024-25493226231950202314035'182100000140351821752023-244582072108752022155392024241044191794925281022022-234231891898002021145361922241044'19169472326962021-22374164'1616992020501378726314134127576??63271411356022020-21327141135602TablelAuburn S.D.lDevetopment1Totalle FamilUnitsElemils K-5Mid School Pupils 6-8Sr. High Pupils 9-12Total Multi Family Unitsjected PupiElementary Pupils K-5Mid School Pupils 6-8Sr. High Pupils 9-12Total K-12Total Housing UnitsElementary Pupils K-5Mid School Pupils 6-8Sr. High Pupils 9-12Total K-12Cumulative ProiectionElementary-GradesK-5MidSchool -Grades6-8Senior High - Grades 9 - 12Total3B Appendix A.3 Student Generation Survey SINGLE FAMILYAuburn School DistrictDevelopment Growth since 1/1/15May 2O2Q (Based on Oct 1, 2019 Enrollment)FeederElementaryElementary 16llalkoAurthur JacobsenEverqreen HtsLea HillEveroreen HtsLea HillElementarv 16Bowman CreekBowman CreekBowman CreekBowman CreekBowman CreekChinookEverqreen Hts.Everqreen Hts.AloacAurthur JacobsenLea HillHazelwoodTerminal ParkElementarv 16To BeOccupied002500300000001400130007163GurrentOccupancv281335515167221061306636899814238553306913110I 855Units/Parcels28'1338015161022106130663689981182385516306913811'19'r8Year of FullOccupancy2016201820182018201820152015201720152018201520162018201920172017Development NameAlicia GlennAnthem(formerlv Meqan's Meadows)BridqesCanvon CreekDulcineaHastinqsHazel ViewKendall RidqeLakeland East PortolaLakeland Hills EstatesEdqeview at Lakeland HillsLakeland: Pinnacle EstatesVillas at Lakeland HillsLozier RanchMonterev ParkMountain ViewOmnia Palisades PlateSeremounteSonata HillsSpencer PlaceVasiliyWillow PlaceActual StudentsTotal2919157473020551014017110752010913220202004989HS13157I004143211502470297188304282Middle104319208132684032150300152700243Elem6146929108284321815130050607101000464Student Generation FactorsTotal1.0361.462o.4420.3110.5000.0000.9090.5190.7770.6060.4651.0810.6420.0000.4580.2360.6670.6670.2901.5380.0000.4000.533HS0.464o.0770.16'10.0600.0000.000oj820.132o.2460.1670.1 360.2420.0860.0000.1220.1270.3330.2670.116o.2310.0000.4000.152Middle0.3570.3080.0870.0600.3330.0000.3640.1230.2000.1210.1090.3230.1 850.0000.1260.0000.3330.1 670.0290.5380.0000.0000.131Elem0.2141.0770.1 940.1920.1670.0000.3640.2640.3310.3'180.2200.5150.3700.0000.2100.1 090.0000.233o.1450.7690.0000.0000.250Totals40 SINGLE FAMILY-- 2020 and beyond* currently under constructionAuburn School DistrictDevelopment Growth since 1/1/15May 2O2Q (Based on Oct 1 , 2019 Enrollment)TotalsTo BeOccupied147181017302561411104674434130663978CurrentOccupancy00000000000000001 855Units/Parcels147181017302561411104674434130619182833Development NameAnderson AcresBackbone RidgeBridle EstatesHastinqs 10 *GreenvaleLakeland: Forest Glen AtLakeland: Park RidqeLakeland: River Rock*Pacific LaneRidqe At Tall TimbersRichardson BLfuPlatHuntionton Woodsf opaz Short PlatOxbow AcresWyncrest llWesport CapitalCurrent Partiallv Occupied DevelopmentsEstimated Students Based onStudent Generation FactorsTotal74105161367b55339222216334521HS2132353922161111064710149Middle212124342114110105408128Elem4253486443262191110771624541 MULTI FAMILY2020 and beyondTotalsAuburn School DistrictDevelopment Growth since 1/1/15May 2020 (Based on October 1,2019 Enrollment)FeederElementaryLea HillWashinqtonTotalTo BeOccupied000CurrentOccupancy294295589Units/Parcels294295589Year of FullOccupancy20182018Development NamePromenade AptsThe Villas at AuburnActual StudentsTotal39374467HS9013103Middle9B11109Elem20550255Student Generation FactorsTotal1.337o.2510.793HS0.3060.0440.175Middle0.3330.0370.185Elem0.6970.1690.433To BeOccupied482265000774CurrentOccupancy000589Units/Parcels482265005891363Sundallen CondosAuburn Town Center AptCopper Gate Apt.Current Partially Occupied DevelopmentsEstimated Students Based onStudent Generation Factors381793960614840870135942930143219B216033542 School District Capital Facilities Plans General Statistics School District:Kent Federal Way Auburn Hiqhline Student Generation Rates =E(I'IL I -og)ca Elementary Middle Senior High .334(v) .078(v) ,117(v) 0.180s(4) 0.06e1(v) 0.0e87(v) 0.2s0(4.) 0.131(4) 0.1s2(4.) n/a (did not submit this year) t E(I'IL I r= :l = Elementary Middle Senior High .117(-) .028(-) .048(4) 0.s064(v) 0.2s23(v) 0.2s23(v) 0.433(4) 0.18s(4.) 0.17s(4) n/a (did not submit this year) Enrollment 2OL9-202O 25,913(4)21,584(V)17,300(4)nla eladsified Proof Client Address 238398 - City of Kent, City Clerk - LEGAL ADS 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA, 98032 Phone E-Mail Fs (2s3) 8s6-s728 Order# Classifioation StartDate End Date Run Dates Publication(s) 9 l 3880 3030 - Legal Notices 1t/20/2020 1U20/2020 I Kent Reporter Requested'$r,KIM KOMOTO PO# ORDS 43"11-4382 CreatedBy 8280 Creation Date ll/17/2020, 0l:04:24 pm Order Price Tax t Tax 2 Total Net Payment $338.73 $0.00 $0.00 $338.73 $0.00 Salos Rep 9470 - Jennifer Tribbeu Phone E-Mail Fax (360) 802-8212 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page: I Clqccifierl Prnnf\-/lt lrJ\t.t .l.ll/\l r r \-r\-rl- CITYOF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 17,2020. ORDINANCE NO. ,(l71 -AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the Cityof Kent, Washington, amending the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designationsin compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (cPA-2019-04, cPA-2019-05, cPA-2019-06). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE No. iB74 - AN ORDINANCE ol lhe City Council of the Cig of Kent, Washing- ton, amending sections7.01.070. 7.02.230. 7.03.030, 7.04.220, and 7.05.130 of the Kent City Code to ohange the cal- culation of lifeline utility rates for water, sewer, storm and surface water drainage, and to make other minor technical changes within those same code sections. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after the date of its passage as provided for by RCW 35A.1 1.090 and RCW 354.12.130; how- ever, the new authorized lifeline utility rates in Sections 1,2, 4, and 5 will not be utility charges ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE applied to until Janu- NO. 4375 - AN ORDINANCE of Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:2 elaSsified Proof the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between July 1, 202O and Sep- tember 30, 2020, refleit- ing an overall budget de- crease of $4,338,400. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force fve days after its publi- cation as provided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW35A.'12.130. ORDINANCE NO. 4376 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year Capital lmprove- ment Program for capitalimprovement projects (2021 -2026) (CPA-2020- 2'). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4377 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Faoilities Plansof the Kent, Federal Way, and Aubum SchoolDistricts for the202012021 through 202512026 school vears (cPA-2020-1 ). This ordinance will take efiect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4378 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, amending Section 12.13.160 of the Kenl City Code to adjust the school impact fee sched- ules (CPA-2020-1). This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4379 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ion, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Utilities Element to include the 2019 Wa-ter System Plan (cPA-2020-3). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4:I8O - AN ORDINANCE ot the City Council of theCig of Kent, Washing- ton, levying 2020 proper- ty taxes for the first year ofthe 2021 -2O22bien-nial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:3 Classified Proof lve oays atter me oate of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 35A.12.130; however, the property tax levied through this ordinance shall not be assessed for collection until January 1,2021. ORDINANCE NO. r$81 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe Cig Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re- lating to budgets and fi- nance and adopting the {tnal 2021 -2O22 biennial bddget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 354.12.130; however,the budget authorized through this ordinance shall be effective Janu- ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE /til82 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City ol Kent, Washington, made necessary as a result o{ COVID-19 restaurant closures, restricting res- taurant delivery and pickup fees charged by third-party, application- based food delivery plat- forms and prohibiling re- ductions in compensa-tion rates paid to delivery drivers. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force be- ginning Friday, Novern' bet 20, 2020, at 11:59 pm. A copy of text of any be mailed of the City the complete ordinance will upon request Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk 253-856-5725 #9'13880 11t20r24 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, llll712020 0l:05:18 pm Page: 4