HomeMy WebLinkAbout4376ORDINANCE NO. 4376 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year Capital Improvement Program for capital improvement projects (2O2t- 2026) (CPA-2O2O-2). RECITALS A. The State of Washington Growth Management Act (GMA) requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements and the plans from other jurisdictions. B. To assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up to date, the GMA allows amendments to the capital facilities element of comprehensive plans concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a city budget. C. The City of Kent has established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan in Chapter t2.O2 of the Kent City Code (KCC), allowing amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the City's budget. As part L Comprehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 2O2 7-2026 Ca pital Improvement Progra m of these procedures the City Council may hold the public hearing instead of the Land Use and Planning Board. KCC t2.O2.010. D. The City of Kent Finance Department has submitted proposed amendments to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to identify a six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for capital improvement projects, including costs and revenue sources. E. On September 11, 2O2O, the City provided the State of Washington the required 60-day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's proposed amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The 60-day notice period passed on November 10, 2020. F. On September LL, 2020, the City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a SEPA Addendum to existing environmental documents consisting of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), draft and final (ENV-2010-3), and the Downtown Subarea Action Plan Planned Action Supplemental EIS (SEIS), draft and final (ENV-2012-30). The SEPA Addendum explained that the proposed amendment would not create unavoidable impacts beyond those previously identified in the EIS as the CIP capital improvement projects identified in the Capital Facilities Element implements projects and programs within the scope of impacts evaluated in the EIS and SEIS. G. After providing appropriate public notice, the City Council of the City of Kent conducted a public hearing on October L5,2O2O, to consider the six-year CIP for capital improvements and the requested amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element. 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 2O2 7-2026 Capital f m provement Program H. On November t7,2O2O, the City Council for the City of Kent approved the Capital Facilities Element amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan (CPA-2020-2) to reflect a six-year CIP for capital improvement projects (202 1- 2026). NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Amendment The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element are hereby amended to reflect a six-year Capital Improvement Program for capital improvement projects (2021- 2026), as set forth in Exhibit A attached and incorporated by this reference (cPA-202O-2). SECTION 2, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining poftion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. 3 Comprehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 2O2 7-2026 Ca pita I Improvement Progra m l DANA RALPH,R ATTEST: 0 KIMBERLEY A MOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM Rr' November 17, 2020 Date Approved November 17, 2020 Date Adopted November 20. 2020 Date Published CK,ATTORNEY 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 2O2 7-2026 Ca pital Improvement Progra m EXHIBIT A 202L-2026 Improvement Program C I Iapl ta November t,2O2O a KENT ft'A 5 iJ !f'r {,1 I f r* 1\,2021-2026 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM I CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTONxtt!2{{oIz,ooe CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2021.2026 SUMMARY PROJECTS AI.ID FUIIDIIIG Capital project costs for the City's 2021-2026 capital planning period total 5214.1 million and are funded with City, utility and other resources, as illustrated in the following tables. Additional details follow. SummaryCosts 2021 2022 2023-2026 Total City Resources Utility Resources Other Resources $24,778 s 15,862 1,504 17,169 $ 24,121 531 ss,701 s 73,462 1,480 97,648 113,445 3,51 5 UIc = =D7 NoN IN'ol\,o nD!-{ F =!Fo lll3mz-{ !no 6ttt 3 - =o-T1xmz:r € v.'- z. 6){oz 3 Total - in thousands I 42,\4 $41,821$130,643s214,608 Summary€osts 20.21 2022 2023-2026 Total General Government Parks, Rec & Comm Services Transportation Utilities 8,540 $ 9,8s7 7,925 't5,822 4,077 s 6,122 7,501 24,121 9,692 5 17,700 29,789 73,462 s 22,308 33,679 45,215 113,405 Total - in thousands $42,14 5 41,821 $ 130,643$ 214608 Sources of Funds Utility Resources 53o/o Other Resources 2o/o City Resources 45o/o Proiects by Cateqory C"eneral Government tlo/o Utilities 53o/o Parks, Rec & Comm Services l60/o Transportation 27o/o CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OPERATIIIG IMPACT OF MAIOR CIP PRO'ECTS The impact of a capital project on the operating budget is a keyfactor in considering the inclusion of a project in the six-year plan. The operating costs of a project, and any savings resulting from the project, are captured in the Operating Budget. S0URCES 0F FUiIDS-in thousands 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Sources of Funds City Resources Utility Resources Other Resources s 24,778 s 15,862 S 'r3,s69 5 21,847 370 14,082 5 15,115 370 14,1"t 4 s 15,750 370 13,934 s 20,750 370 17,"t69 24,12',1 531 97,648 't13,445 3,515 Total Sources of Funds s 4a14 s 41,821 $ 31786 3 29,567 $ 30,234 s 310s4 s 214608 UIoz3IT lI.o rnlll TJE3otn zoFt,z T t/1 =Fz. I.JJ:Z LLo F TJ =c 19og,c Fzuls UJ oEo. E tsc u rt| NoN I NoN 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Clty Resources Business & Occupation Tax CRF General CRF REET 2 Golf Admissions Tax Golf Fund Balance lT HLC/SLC Reserves lTOperating Fund Streets - Solid Waste Utility Tax Total City Resourc€s Utlllty Resources Drainage Revenues Sewer Revenues Water Revenues Tot.l Utllity Resources (Xher Resources Grants King County Levy PEG Fees Total Other Resourcca 24,778 17,'t69 260 260 260 3,454 3,486 3,486 "t4,082 14,114 13,934 7,554 6,365 2,850 65 1,742 2,570 241 3,395 6,783 4,668 1,180 65 805 253 3,4't5 6,510 2,200 1,100 65 260 3,434 13,569 6,523 2,400 1,380 65 6,723 2,'t50 1,430 65 6,473 1,900 't,750 65 40,562 19,645 9,690 390 1,742 3,375 1,534 20,670 97,648 5,681 13,37s 3,249 3,379 7,366 15,862 24,'t21 12,'t94 5,925 3,153 3,'t40 6,500 6,050 21,847 15,1 15 6,000 6,000 49,176 3,750 3,75A 20,421 6,000 1 1,000 43,848 15,750 20,750 1't3,44s 1,000 370 134 370 161 370 370 370 370 1,000 2,220 295 1,504 531 370370370 370 3,51 5 Total Sources of Funds I 4a14 S 41,821 S 31786 S 29,567 $ 30,234 S 31054 5 214608 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SU MMA RY BY SO U RCE 2021.2026 5 in Thousands s50,000 s40,000 s30,000 s20,000 s10,000 2021 2022 2023 2024 I CityResources f UtilityResources s- 2025 I Other Resources 2026 2021-2l SOURCES BY TYPE Drainage Revenues 23o/o Streets - Solid Waste Utility Tax 8o/o IT HLC/SLC Reserves 4o/o Golf Fund Balance 2o/o CRF REET 2 5o/o Sewer Revenues 8o/o Golf AdmissionsTax O.15o/o Water Revenues '170/o Business & Occupation Tax 'l7o/o CRF General 13o/o Other 3o/o | :; a':: :, r "'l:il! UIocvrrm UT o.lt 'llCzI UI NoN INoNol n 3 -.1Dr =!no m3lltzJ !7ooFD = n =-"T1xmz _r € ltl:rzo-lOz 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PR0JECTS-in thousands 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Projects General Government Parks, Rec & Comm Services Transportation Utilities S 8,540 9,857 7,925 15,822 5 2,460 4,035 7,444 21,847 5 2,410 4,6',15 7,459 15,750 5 4,077 6,122 7,501 24,'.|21 5 2,660 4,365 7,427 15,1 15 5 2,160 $ 4,685 7,459 20,750 22,309 33,679 45,215 1 13,405 Total Projects s42,14 s41,821 $35,786 529,567 530,234 $35,054 $ Z|4OOA Eot, EI Ev o rnF\JEltoG4 zoFtnz =t /'l =F:z. LIJ:< LLo F LJ E EIoEcFzul E IrJ oEe E tsc IJ l0NoNI NoN 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total General Government accesso ShoWare Center Facilities Fleet Technology Total General Government Parks, Rec & Comm Services Golf Parks and Recreation Total Parks, Rec & Comm Svcs Transportation Site lmprovements Total Transportation Utilities Water Sewer Drainage Combined Utility Projects TotalUtilities 5 roo 5 300 1,795 263 6,445 3,514 8,540 4,077 $ 3oo 300 1,860 2,460 $ loo 500 1,860 2,660 5 :oo 250 1,960 2,410 $ roo 1,960 2,160 $ t,900 2,959 250 "17,401 22,308 1,807 65 8,050 6,057 9,857 6,122 2,132 31 547 4,685 33,679 7,925 7,501 7,444 7,427 7,459 7,459 45,215 7,925 7,501 7,444 7,427 7,459 7,459 45,2'15 65 3,970 4,035 65 4,300 4,365 65 4,550 4,615 65 4,620 3,177 5,605 6,850 190 3,169 13,312 6,750 890 3,.l 53 12,',|94 6,500 3,140 5,925 6,050 3,750 6,000 6,000 3,750 6,000 1 1,000 20,139 49,036 43,1 50 1,080 15,822 24,121 2"1,847 15,1 15 15,750 20,750 1 13,405 Total Proiects 142,144 $41,82t $35,786 529,567 $30,2:t4 $3t054 g 214,608 6 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY BY CATEGORY 2021-2026 S in Thousands ss0,000 540,000 s30,000 $20,000 s i 0,000 I it: HIs- 2021 2022 I GeneralGovernment 2021.2021 BY CATEGORY FUNCTION Sewer 23o/o Water Transportation 'tgo/o Parks and Recreation 17o/o 2023 2024 I Parla, Rec& Comm Services 2025 I Tnnsportation 2026 u Lrtilities Drainage 'l60/o 8o/o Technology 'l2o/o Golf 2o/oFacilities 2o/o Other 2o/o !7ofr nrn{ UI E nD{ Etao7 NoN INoNo n !{D =!7o ln =mz-{ !noov 3 n = LJ'Tt i\mzJ =v1Tz C|-l z 7 CAPITAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GE N ERAL G0UERilMElrlT-in thousands 2021 2022 2O2? 2024 2025 2026 Total Sources of tunds CRF General Capital HLC/S1( Reserves lT 0perating Fund Business & 0ccupation Tax Public, Educational & Government (PEG) Fees Utilitv Funds S 5,365 2,570 241 190 134 40 5 2,668 5 2,200 5 2,400 5 2,150 5 1,900 S 16,684 805 1,375 2s3 260 260 260 260 1,534 190 380 161 29s 40 Total Sources of tunds 8,540 4,077 2A60 2,660 2A10 2,160 22,308 Fzul =zEtll ot, J EIIlzlg t!, zoF(,z = =az LU:< LLo F (_., E &Io CEo.Fzul Er! oEo. =J ts& t, €l\onl I Nol\ Projecb Fadlities 0tywide Training Room Remodel Jail lmprovements New lmpound Lot Securig East Hill 0perations Feasibil'rtyStudy East Hill 0perations I mprovemenB Police Evidence Storage Building Police Firing Range Upgrades 5enior Center Reroof Total Facilities Fleet Command PostVehicle Total Fleet arcesso ShoWare (enter Unallocated Projects Total aaesm ShoWare (enter Tednology HLC 17-18 Mobile Router Replacement HL( 1 /-18 Server Replacement HLC 17-18 Telephony HLC 17-18 Wireless lnfrastructure Refiesh HK 16-18 Data Center HL( 16-18 Network Refresh HLC 16-18 Secudty Hl-C 1 6-18 Storage [xpansion HLC 16-18 UPs HLC 1 6- 1 8 Virtua lization I nfras8ucturc Refresh HLC 21 Computer Refresh 1,795 263 300 500 2,858 250 250 250 100 300 300 100 300 300 1,800 300 300 300 300 300 1,800 200 50 53 368 200 50 300 53 630 500 600 525 300 263 500 600 525 250 48 60 60 30 100 70 130 30 30 100 260 40 60 60 30 100 70 130 30 30 100 260 40 60 60 30 100 70 130 30 30 i00 260 40 60 60 30 100 70 130 30 30 100 260 40 60 50 30 50 50 110 30 30 75 253 300 190 25 25 25 40 50 110 25 30 75 241 390 327 315 't75 490 380 740 175 180 550 5341, 8 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM G E l{ E RAL G0UE RN ME NT C01{Tl 1l U E D-i n thousands 6rmz nr7DFao lllvz =lilz{ Nolv Ih,oN C'\ nD3 -.1 F =!uo m3mz{ !Fo 6ru 3 r) = -T'lxmz:r € -z 6)-{Oz 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 5L( 1 8-20 Admin System Replacement Reserves SLC 1 8-21 law System Replacement Reserves sLC 18-21 PD S;otem Replacement Reserves SLC 18-22 HR System Replacement Reserves SLC 18-23 Fin System Replacement Reserves SL( 1 8-26 PR(S Sptem Replacement Reserves SLC 18-26 PW System Replacement Reserves SLC 18-27 Court System Replacement Reserves 5LC 18-27 E(D System Replacement Reserves 5LC 18-28 Clerk System Replacement Reserves SLC 18-29 lT System Replacement Reserves Active Directory Security Assessment & Upgrade (Security HLC) Amanda Stabilization (E(D 5LC) Boat Launch System Replacement (Parks SLt) CASB (Cloud Access Securig Broker) Deplopnent (5ecurg HLC) (MS ReplacemenURedesign (Admin 5L() Firewall - Advanced Features {Security HLC) GolfNow Replacement (Parks SLC) HR Service Requests - lvanti (HR SLC) lawbase Replacement (l,aMCourt 5LC) Neo6ov L"l!l5 Replacement (HR 5LC) Net Motion Architecture Upgrade (Security HLC) Network Drive Migration (Data (enter HLt) 0nline Venue Replacement (Parks 5LC) Port Security (Secuilty HLC) PRR 0nline Payment P0rtal (Cle*s SLC) RecTrac Stabilization (Parks 5LC) Tiburon Replacement (PD SLC) WebTMA Replacement (Parks SLC) B&0 Releases Business License Payments - Extension (Filelocal) Cityworks - 5ustainment, Buildout& Enhancement Court Bench Renovations - lT lnfrastructure Electronic Signature lmplementation lsolate Police Technology (Logkal) lvanti System Stabilization - lT Jail Control System Replacement JDE Stabilization - Permissions Large Format 5canner Mobile Router Network Redesign and Upgrade Muhimedia Asset Management (MAM) Public, Educational & Government (PEG) Projects Recreation System Replacement - Extension Sprout - Social Media Management WorkDay Stabilization Total lednologyProjetb 6,445 3,514 1,860 i,860 1,860 1,860 17,401 70 70 125 70 100 75 '100 70 75 100 95 70 70 125 70 100 75 100 70 75 100 95 50 't75 75 50 350 75 50 100 50 50 50 45 45 10 100 425 10 300 7A 10 50 10 '10 10 40 390 40 100 20 40 30 50 10 400 85 '190 230 365 40 100 100 300 30 85 100 't34 230 30 100 400 125 70 70 125 70 100 75 100 70 75 100 95 70 70 125 70 100 75 100 70 75 100 95 340 555 r,000 340 1,050 445 460 430 360 460 440 40 190 45 40 100 20 45 40 400 125 30 50 45 10 100 50 1,800 45 380 230 365 20 40 100 100 400 300 30 170 r00 295 230 30 100 50 1,800 45 100 45 190 20 161 Total Genelal Govemment Prujects $ 8,540 5 4'017 $ 2/460 $ 2t60 $ 2/10 $ 2,160 $22,308 9 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARKT RECREATIO]'| & C0MMU]{|TY SERVICES-In thousands 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Sources of Funds CRF REET2 (RF- GeneralCapital B&0 Tax GolfFund Balance Golf Admissions Tax 6rants Kino Countv Levv 2,850 r,000 2,830 1,742 65 1,000 370 $ r,rao s 1,100 $ 2,000 2,507 2,500 65 1,3805 1,430$ 1,750S 9,690 1,000 2,550 2,750 2,500 15,637 1,742 65 65 65 390 1,000 370 370 370 2.220 65 370 370 Total Sources of Funds 9AS7 6,122 4,035 4355 4,615 4,685 tt,679 UIYE c zoF(,z =IJ\ =az LU:< LLo F U E EIoe, A.Fzut Eut o&4 =J Eo. fJ €NoN I Nonl ProjetB GolfProjetB Golf Course Accessories Golf Driving Range Renovations Golf I nigation System Upgrades Unallocated Golf Projects Iotal Golf Projeds Pa*s and Receation ProieG 4th and Willis Greenways Landscape (ampus Park lmprovements Clark Lake Park Development 240th Downtown Parks Masterplan Downtown Parks Phase I lmplementation Downtown Place Making-Kherson Eastridge Pa* Renovation Ganison Creek Park Renovation Gateway Landscape Renovation Hogan Park at Russell Road Renovation Phase I I Huse/Panther lake Community Park Kent Memorial Park Renovation KVLT - Old Fishing Hole lmprovements KVLI - Boeing Rock l(\/LT - Phase 2 KVLI - Riverview 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 92 975 675 65 92 975 675 39065 1,807 65 2,132 500 500 300 1,000 1,000 3,000 200 400 500 900 500 300 700 150 250 250 250 500 750 3,s00 600 i00 720 600 1,000 300 250 '170 250 500 150 2,500 200 100 200 500 200 500 100 500 250 200 1,000 50 150 1,000 10 CAPITAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PARKT RECREATION & (OMMU]{|TY SERUICES C01{Tl1{UED-in thousands !D7x UI No}\, INoN or n !{ =!7o m3tnz{ !ItooIt = n = (J -T1x TNzJ € Tz 6)ia)z 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Lake Fenwick Phase ll lmprovements Linda Heights Renovation Masterplans Mill (reek Ca nyon Revitalization Mill Creek Earthworks Renovation NPRP - (hestnut Ridge Playground NPRP - 5ah AirVista NPRP - Scenic Hill Park Renovation Parks Lifecycle Park 0rchard Park lmprovements Parks Planning 0perating Parks and 0pen Space Plan Parks l-and Acquisition Springwood Park Renovation 5un Meadows Total Pa*sand Receation Projed 50 500 150 2s0 250 120 500 97s 250 155 1,000 50 1,000 500 250 150 50 1,000 500 600 250 100 50 1,000 500 600 250 250 6s0 250 1,500 3,6s0 2s0 250 470 3,000 400 3,975 250 1,462 r,000 120 400 50 1,000 350 500 600 307 500 100 600 250 500 300 600 250 120 8,050 6,057 3,970 4,300 4,550 4,620 31,547 Iotal Proie<B 3 9,857 I 6,122 I 4,035 $ 4,365 $ 4,5t5 S {,685 3tt,679 11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRAII SPO RTATI0N-in thousands 2A21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 5ources of Funds Business & 0ccupation Tax Solid Waste Utilitylax s 4,530 $ 3,395 4,086 5 3,415 4,010 $ 3,434 3,973 $ 3,454 3,973 5 3,486 3,973 5 3,486 24,545 20,670 Iotal Sources of Funds I 7,925 $ 7,501 tAU 7A2t 7A59 7A59 45215 Projects B&0 ln-house 0verlays P&0 Street Contracted B&0 Unallocated Residential Street Contracted South 212th (EVH-72nd) 5outh 212th (Westfty Limits Orilla-Green River Btidge) Transpoftation Master Plan 250 2,005 725 3,395 1,500 250 3,523 200 3,486 250 3,598 238 3,415 3,560 250 3,523 200 3,486 250 523 200 3,454 3,000 250 200 3,434 1,500 16,732 1,763 20,670 1,500 3,000 5050 Total Projecb I 7,925 $ 7,501 3 7rt44 I tA27 I 7A59 5 t,tSg $ 45,215 zo IF l-EoA UIz EF zoF(9z I =az \< LLo F U E E, t9oEo. Fz u,l5 lll oEo. = tso. TJ \oflo(\ I |.{ol\t 12 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UTI tlTlES-in thousands SounesofFunds WaterRevenues 5 6,9135 7,3665 6,5005 6,0505 6,000S 11,0005 43,830 Sewer Revenues 3,240 3,379 3,153 3,140 3,750 3,750 20,412 Drainage Revenues 5,668 13,375 12,194 5,925 6,000 6,000 49,162 Total Sourcesof Funds 15,822 24,121 21,847 15,115 15,750 20,750 113/04 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total c{IF -{tin NoN INoNo\ n 3{ =!Fo lns]nz{ !,,oan = r) = (J -Tlxmz :-l = Iz LI--la)z Project Water Supply & Distribution 590 Zone lransmission (EH 640 PZ) 640 Transmission Main lmprovementJ (EH 640 PZ) 640Zone BPS #2 (EH 640 PZ) East Hill Pressure Zone Garrison/0'Brien Treatment Plant Generator lmprovement Program Jenkins Creek Bridge Kent 5prings Iransmission Main Repair Miscellaneous Water PLC Upgrades Reith Road Transmission Main Reservoir Maintenenace & lmprovements Rock Creek Mitigation Projects 5(ADA Security Upgrade Iacoma lntertie - 0ngoing (apital Jransmission Easements Water Meter Replacement Program Well Rehabilitation West Hill hoster Pump Station West Hill Reservoir West Hill Transmission Main Iotal lvater Supply & Distribution Sewer Comprehensive Sewer Plan Derbphire Frager Rd Pump Station - Grinder Horseshoe Acres Pump Station Linda Heights Pump Station Lindental Pump Station Repair/Maintenance Miscellaneous Pump Station Replacements Miscellaneous Sewer Sewer Main Replacements/Relining Skyline Sewer lnterceptor Total Scwer 1,100 1,100 2,150 1,650 6,850 6,750 6,500 6,050 6,000 11,000 43,'150 1,1 15 200 200 200 1,000 1,400 2,916 1,050 202 150 980 1,300 3,665 35 1,000 1,000 750 1,000 980 2,230 1,500 749 1,300 1,000 500 250 9,463 210 500 3,000 1,000 500 300 300 5,000 1,400 2,800 4,168 1,1 15 1,500 250 400 35 500 500 50 50 749 250 250 600 35 500 350 50 50 1,000 698 35 500 500 50 50 500 50 50 5,000 400 500 50 50 400 400 535 35 500 500 150 50 50 3,565 35 2,500 2,500 t00 1,000 150 5,000 5,000 300 1,000 3,250 3,139 1,000 20,139 300 300 2,500 2,500 s00 927 r,000 3,177 500 169 500 153 500 750 500 140 3,169 3,153 3,140 3,750 3,750 13 CAPITAT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UTI tlTl ES CONTI 1{ U ED-in thousandsr,lru IF-J -F = z FIz =tJ'l =Fz t-J_l:Z LL(J F TJ E E|9o &, A.FzuI Elrt oEc E ts4 (J rt'NoNI Nel\ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total Stormwater llanagement 144th Avenue Drainage lmprovemenS 81st Avenue Pump Station Frager Road levee GRNM Maintenance lmprovements GRNM Pump 5tation North Kent Airport Levee Lower Russell Road Levee Mill (reek at 76th Ave Flood Protection MilliGanisoniSpring/Green River & Tributaries Miscellaneous Drainage North Fork Meridian Valley (ulvert Pipe Replacements/Roadway lmprovements South 2'l2th (EVH - 76th) UP P/S Pump Replacement Upper Mill Creek Dam Valley Channel Reha bilitation Washington Avenue 5outh Pump Station Total Stormwatel lilana gement (ombined Utility Projecb DataNow Replacement Radix Replacement Util$ Billing Releases Iotal (ombined Utilig Proje<t 2505 2505 5005 500S 5005 5005 2,500 2,000 2,000 4000 350 350 250 500 500 500 500 500 2,750 600 1,000 1,000 2,575 2,500 1,800 9,475 100 100 800 700 500 2,000 3,000 4000 7,000 350 500 850 405 300 300 500 500 750 2,755 350 400 250 1,000 500 907 644 1,000 1,500 2,000 6,55"1 250 250 500 1,000 100 300 400 100 100 1,705 2,500 4,205 2,000 2,000 5,605 13,312 12,194 5,925 6,000 6,000 49,036 190 300 400 190 300 400 380 190 890 1,080 Iotal Utilities Proje<r $ t5t22 $ 24,121 s 21847 I 15,115 I 15,750 $ 20,750 $113/405 14 eladsified Proof Client Address 238398 - City of Kent, City Clerk - LEGAL ADS 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA, 98032 Phone E-Mail Fs (2s3) 8s6-s728 kkomoto@kentwa.gov Order# Classifioation StartDate End Date Run Dates Publication(s) 9 l 3880 3030 - Legal Notices 1t/20/2020 1U20/2020 I Kent Reporter Requested'$r,KIM KOMOTO PO# ORDS 43"11-4382 CreatedBy 8280 Creation Date ll/17/2020, 0l:04:24 pm Order Price Tax t Tax 2 Total Net Payment $338.73 $0.00 $0.00 $338.73 $0.00 Salos Rep 9470 - Jennifer Tribbeu Phone E-Mail Fax (360) 802-8212 jtribbett@courierherald.com Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page: I Clqccifierl Prnnf\-/lt lrJ\t.t .l.ll/\l r r \-r\-rl- CITYOF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on November 17,2020. ORDINANCE NO. ,(l71 -AN ORDINANCE ofthe City Council of the Cityof Kent, Washington, amending the Compre- hensive Plan Land Use Plan Map designationsin compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (cPA-2019-04, cPA-2019-05, cPA-2019-06). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE No. iB74 - AN ORDINANCE ol lhe City Council of the Cig of Kent, Washing- ton, amending sections7.01.070. 7.02.230. 7.03.030, 7.04.220, and 7.05.130 of the Kent City Code to ohange the cal- culation of lifeline utility rates for water, sewer, storm and surface water drainage, and to make other minor technical changes within those same code sections. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after the date of its passage as provided for by RCW 35A.1 1.090 and RCW 354.12.130; how- ever, the new authorized lifeline utility rates in Sections 1,2, 4, and 5 will not be utility charges ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE applied to until Janu- NO. 4375 - AN ORDINANCE of Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:2 elaSsified Proof the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, approving the con- solidating budget adjust- ments made between July 1, 202O and Sep- tember 30, 2020, refleit- ing an overall budget de- crease of $4,338,400. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force fve days after its publi- cation as provided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW35A.'12.130. ORDINANCE NO. 4376 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year Capital lmprove- ment Program for capitalimprovement projects (2021 -2026) (CPA-2020- 2'). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4377 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to include the Capital Faoilities Plansof the Kent, Federal Way, and Aubum SchoolDistricts for the202012021 through 202512026 school vears (cPA-2020-1 ). This ordinance will take efiect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4378 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing-ton, amending Section 12.13.160 of the Kenl City Code to adjust the school impact fee sched- ules (CPA-2020-1). This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4379 - AN ORDINANCE ol the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ion, amending the KentComprehensive Plan and its Utilities Element to include the 2019 Wa-ter System Plan (cPA-2020-3). This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4:I8O - AN ORDINANCE ot the City Council of theCig of Kent, Washing- ton, levying 2020 proper- ty taxes for the first year ofthe 2021 -2O22bien-nial budget for the City of Kent. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, ll/17/2020 0l:05:18 pm Page:3 Classified Proof lve oays atter me oate of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 35A.12.130; however, the property tax levied through this ordinance shall not be assessed for collection until January 1,2021. ORDINANCE NO. r$81 - AN ORDINANCE ofthe Cig Council of the City of Kent, Washington, re- lating to budgets and fi- nance and adopting the {tnal 2021 -2O22 biennial bddget. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of its publication as pro- vided for by RCW 35A.11.090 and RCW 354.12.130; however,the budget authorized through this ordinance shall be effective Janu- ary 1,2021. ORDINANCE /til82 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City ol Kent, Washington, made necessary as a result o{ COVID-19 restaurant closures, restricting res- taurant delivery and pickup fees charged by third-party, application- based food delivery plat- forms and prohibiling re- ductions in compensa-tion rates paid to delivery drivers. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force be- ginning Friday, Novern' bet 20, 2020, at 11:59 pm. A copy of text of any be mailed of the City the complete ordinance will upon request Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@KentWA.gov 253-856-5725 #9'13880 11t20r24 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, llll712020 0l:05:18 pm Page: 4