HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/20/2008 noun] AND HUMANt ICa the rin 3ohnson Housing and Human services Manager 220 4 h Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6070 WASH INOT.ON ':..• :.' :': '"'' " PHONE. 253-856-5070 AGENDA KEN T HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION a ided Meeting for gThurst�p�a Thursday, bee 2 t � 2. 08 P. �$i!i �e : Con: ei enc.e ��� ,� e� a Kell hip t .. COII"tl 9^9YSS,S ia1�1 #9BEfiQ9i ERS Cathy`Peters Chair (1/2009) Tamara•';SI'�.eman Vice Chair` 1/2D3 Q Eiiabeth'Albertson '.Cit Cou�ei� Member ' 2009 Y ( / ) Roda Barket Youth Member (1/20 Q) ion Botten, Commissioner (12011) Dini DucJost Commissioner (1/2011) Brett Hollis, Commissioner (1/2011) Maya Vengadasalam, Commissioner (1/2009) Pastor Wilbur Vincent, Commissioner (1/2010) AGN3A 1. Introductions,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, INFORMATION ITEM 2. King County :Budget Cuts Panel Discussion, INFORMATION, ITEM Representatives from Catholic,Community Services, Child Care Resources,, and Health Point 3 ... Approval of;October 200$ Meeting Minutes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ACTION ITEM 4. Vice Chair Election:.:::.:.......... ::`;::...... :. ..................ACTION TTEM 5. South King County Plan to End Homeless ness....................... INFORMATION.ITEM 6. Emergency Meeting (Housing, Shelter, etc) .............INFORMATION ITEM 3 7. Winter Celebration.............................................................................INFORMATION ITEM 8, Annual Retreat. ,:..............INFORMATION ITEM....................... .......... ...... ......... . : Friday, Y January 16t1. r 2009 p p.. Discuss potential topics, � 3 MAYOR SUZETTE COOKS City of Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services Lori Hogan, Interim Director City of Kent Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes October 16, 2008 The meeting of the Human Services Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Tamara Sleeman at 2:30'p.m. on October 16th, 2008 in the Mountain View Conference Room of the Centennial Building HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Tame;ra Sleeman, lce Chair Son 8©tten; Commissioner: Roda Barkett, CommissiQner ;Ma a Ven adaIasam Commissioner Di11 .D.uclos Corn.miss:aQ.ner.. . ;; y Com issioner:' . ..;;.: ;Pasto,r,W�ibur Vincent, ,- m ,HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS AB$ENT/EXIrUSEiD Cathy; Peters, Chair ,.. Brett :HiI1s :C0mm , . • Elizabeth Albertson, City Council Member. HUMAN SERVICES STAFF Katherin Johnson, Housing & Human Services Manager Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator Jason Johnson, Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant 2009 Action Plan — Public Hearing' Commission Chair Elect Sleeman :opened the Public Hearing. Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator, gave an overview of the CDBG program. Comments Regarding the 2009 Annual Action Plan Bran Tierne . d - Catholic Community Serves Kat eriine s. ouse ... . . ..... Y Y i am.k3rany Tierney .with Catherine's House; which �s also Catholic Community Services, and a are, very were grateful to receive funding this year. Most of otar varome� recovery.and we;serve that population in Kent. We have not been funded by y ou for. a couple of years and we are really;happy to be working with you. It creates a lot of opportunities for;us as we tend to see a iot.of women coming out of treatment facilities and the RJC corning directly:here and this will.help us continue to provide that outreach ``access for them. 77 Mike Heinisch - Executive Director of Kent Youth and Family Services .I just want to take the opportunity, first of all I know the City of Kent Human Services_ Commission staff does a tremendous job in going through difficult decisions having been .on the.other side before and making those difficult decisions, and they are difficult and .I nl Human Services comrnisson Minutes Page,3 Mr. Heinisch is also the Board President for the South King Council of Human Services. He wanted to thank the Commission and the City of Kent on behalf of all the agencies in the area, for their support for the last twenty years. He also thanked City Council for their consideration and support. Guest Speaker — 311ne Wiley, Regional Director of the YWCA of South King County Ms. Wiley spoke to the commission regarding her background in domestic violence and housing before assuming her n ri► positjon at the YWCA:: She;'gave ;the Commissioners information:on the new green Bri d a Lean �n ,Center, which sehedul d to o en at g g p 10:00 am on November 5t".; She:expressed`her concern wathAh.e slow economy and that more services will be needed In the areas such as housing, the food bank and domestic violence ;` Ms, \Nile, also;shared:'information,re ar.d. ,Anita; /sta with `the Comm ss,one An%ta Vista Y 9 gi.% is a transitional housing program for victims of domestic violence heren Kent with 14 nts at a conijdential`location There are three fill time advpcates working there and e r court;Jssu'es and`;: offerin full ;wra around services suoh as ob s a ch ';child care' ............� g 1 ... 1 ... A educational support such as GDE There �s also a su ort coup for African „mer�can women. Approval of the September 2008 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Duclos MOVED to ;approve the minutes of the September 18, 2008 meeting and Commissioner Vengadalasam SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Acceptance of the Annual Action Plan Dinah Wilson reviewed the HUD requirements for the Annual Action Plan, It is anticipated•. that Kent will receive $774,000 for 2009, though that figure is not yet confirmed. Katherin shared with the Commissioners that our division was recently audited by HUD and she was pleased to announce there were no findings o;r concerns:by the auditor. HUD also commendded the'City on our.web.based reporting. Cornmiss�oner $oaten M V;ED;to acce t the 666.Annual Action Plan, :Cgmmissioner p jn, e , M i d : : Commissioner Duclos recused herself from the cote Added item King.County Human Services Budget Cuts Mike`Heinisch (Executive Director 6 Kent Yauth & FAmiiyServices) Mike Hein'rsch provided the Commission with mformat�on about the proposed cuts from King County. KYfS currently receives $200,000 from King Codnty and the agency is preparing to lose $35,000 of that amount. He discussed the County Executive's proposal to seek legislative relief during the next session. As more information about the specific cuts is available he will forward it on to Human Services staff. Katherin requested that Mike contact several Executive Directors and invite them to our November 20t" Human Services meeting for,`a panel discussion on budget impacts, . . . . . . . . . %.::..::.-.:�.:��:-�i:�... . . .... . ::.%.:%::�:..:�%. -... .:..� . . .i .....%I . . ..................... --. ... .% . .... - , .i �:.�;:�� t�:�!:.��.%...�: .. . .. %�� � -.�!!!.�.�. .... .:. . :...�.;...%�:.�::.�...�.��I , ............ .... .: %.��..%:.%.. .... .... : ��1�:��.��:�-.�i�:. ..:.:............::.....: ........ ...........:.::::. .... ... ..... ...:. %-.-...�..-...�....:%:�:.:...�.!...%....�....%.�....�...�.�..�":-..-�....%�.:%..........:: :.% :....�..........................................................-............'..-,.-.......'.-...''..-,...'-..,.-.... ........ .: .....: .:.:..:..........:.: ::.:, %�,...�."...".'%...'.....-.1'....,.....,.,1-�:..,�.....:..,......,...�,...,'%.',.�:�.M�1:1.:.�:.,:-.:��1-..-:::.:�1-M,.,..,:.,.%.I....�:.I.I..�..:I'%I".1'l.1.,.,..'.,'...,"..''.................................:......................................,..:..... .Human . grvices.Commission Minutes, : : ; . ..:..:: :. ..:..:..:..:....:: October 1S,2008 Page 4 20©8/2009 Calendar The Commissioners were provided with a calendar for October through January. Commissioners were asked to select January 16t" or January 23rd for their Annual Retreat The annual Human Services Commission Winter Celebration will be held December`18t:1 2008 Miisceillane®us Updates .. wu��i� � - , - ---, . ....:..��..—: . . Commissioner Barket is now attending Running Start at Green River Community College`' and is out of scluol earlier so the Commission will return t%o meeting at 2 00 instead of 2,30 .. . . . . % st Katherin wall resent the 2007`Annual' Re ort for Human ; Nest Tuesday, Qctob.. 21 p P . v ces at � Councrl:` Ser .� !city : . . :: .. ­ ­ . .. . . . .. ... . . . . ... . . .. .. % . .. . : . . ..% . : .77 . :1 I I 11 I . . . .. . . . . .... . ..... .. .... %.. . ... . . .. . . . . . : .::1%. . . . I I . . .. . . . .%. . . . :� : . . ... . ... ... .. .:%%. .. Housing and Human Services Fourth Quarter Report- 2fl07 General Fund • Web based reporting was successful for all agencies. • The Alliance Center, a one-stop human service center, was purchased by the agencies occupying the building. This project has been staffed by Human Services since its inception in 2001. Owning the building'will allow the agencies to have control of operating costs without annual rent increases It also provides opportunities in the future to remodel the building% pecifc to the use. • Staff participated In IT_the %% %Ci%%ty tiuing Campaign and vUiil be responsible for mplernenting the rent Charitable Fund I`inancial Literacy Fair • The o Annual >'inanciai L�terac Fair v as held Saturda October 27t. y Y , ThrOu h a eollabdrative effort with R' . .:view Community church, Housing g ;%The Fair brought together GRCC non-profit agencies, businesses, city. governmentI.and the faith community to;provide information on basic budgeting,`alternatives`to payday I ans, 'home ownership, etc. Sixty-seven people participated in the breakout sessions this year, much less than predicted. Human Services Commission • 2008 Chair ­� M � I . . . . . . is Cathy Peters, Holy Spirit Church Two new Commissioners were appointed by Mayor Cooke, Pastor Vincent Wilbur and Ruda 8arket, student at KM • Recognized Jennifer Grossman at the December Celebration for her service to the City as the first Youth Human Services Commissioner. Jennifer served two one-year terms She was recognized for providing . . , . . : t rom : uth ers ect�ve on humsrt ser- tc1%1.e issues:�n the ::: insgh f aye s p p comrnunity'and.addr ssi► g concerns of `ouch. y % • ;HOME Men's Shelter Partnersh� HOME CCS Ualle Cues CCS HOME i. . P, % - . . % .. .......:..:.:.: .. . . .... . t t =abo ;t the OM Men s Shelter: and yaile files.met wit Dent,sta . o: a,, p., . and case mans e.: there.. d r n; tiie 3rd quart r. GS. . ME is.dding. `' . g g 1.a%g%r%%eat job end has% hared a new staff to focus on case management% duties at H ME and Ai ISE Shelters: They are also looking to1. expand their % ..... ...: . . . ... ::. :.:. Jn e e. I . 1[alle Cities newl hired;outreac%h: shelter services tQ F d ra Wa .... . .... .% . . . . .. ........ ............. .... ..................................:....:...:.:......:.............:.......:.............:..:....:...............:................ y . .y .. .; ;;,;, :worker1. has been,act�veiy working with homeless populations at the men's :shelter as well as out in the community.: Tt looks like Valley Cities and CCS will both be able to make their end of year performance measures • Looking to 2008 .. Valley Cities homeless outreach worker has resigned effective Dec 31st, 2007 and they will have to re-hire for that position m January. CCS South County Family Center Director has resigned effective ..::%. . ..... ..... . .. ... ... . .. ........ . Dec 31st, 2007. These staff changes could create a challenge in maintaining current level of service delivery to men staying at the Kent Shelter. • Kent, Renton, and Federal Way Human Services staff met with the HOME Board leaders to talk about their plans for expansion and the future of their organization. The board is going to work on creating a strategic plan, looking closely at current and future partners, and trying to determine true cost of running their shelters (w/out CCS). Kent staff will likely help them to .%:..�.:..:�....:I....�:.:.�:�..�.iI��...�:.��..%-.�%1.i.,�:....�:.�........:..l.. •�,.,�,��,�:,,��.�,��­:�L,t,��,,_:-���,�,1.�!,�,:����,�,,�::1���,��,,,,,z,,,t,;!%%,,­I��:.���� MUP /CBIM Training Currently w...-.-.�....�:.�%:,..��...�7%�...�.-.....7�. orki..1..,i.%,I�,:::..,;.'.%.�.:.,.%....�ng.%.:�.�.I,�...�::.:_,�%.,_,..,,.�:: with the M,..Z%..,�...­,�,�.�.�­:.....Z,...�%��..i.�,...­�,-,:�..1.._,::.:.­�:.Z_.��,,�%­,1,�.1 en::l:i­l:...",.:..._.l�,::.�_�....�.:',..:��.�".%,:....:t�...,�.:.���' 's ,1.��I..w..i!�.:z...!...:!�.�_��,�..�%I��,...�%.���:.�,i.�..�� Against" Domestic: jolence in planning programming at Kent performance Learnin:.�.:%...-:.....­:......�.%:.%I.........;..-..I.��...%:....,..g .:%:......:.::..%......%....,..,...:.-...�.�.:.%�.%­..,..:...%.-­��..�...':.:.�...-.,%1..%:�...�...i..:..��­�­:..%.�-...;..�:..,:�-,..%:!.:...._.:�.::..:.....�::,..�%:.%..�..��...%...i:.�:.�...:�.�.,!�.�-..-�%.!:..::..�.,,�.��...%.�!-�.�%-::�I.%.._S:..��..::.��..:....,.:!-.��.:�..���%�.:�i.:�..!�:.,'..%.�_..:.:...:,..�.�:....�...:�';..�..i.�..::.-.:.._!:.%-...,.....��.....�.�.i��..��.,:,��.....;......�:�:.:��.���..�...:....�:....�.1!!�_...::­.���:.....:..�:::..�%�:......��..-��..�.:..�'�...�..�..%��:...I..:..:.::�,,.�.:�:...I�:.%_%�....:..::.�......i,%.....:I.:.%...�._�.%�.�-�....:..%:..:�1_%.�:".­�..�,�.:.�.:�...:..!1..%l.....�:..:.,�.�:....1..�...:�...i 1-,._��..�.....:...1,­,�::_:.�..­.�1.::.,�,...�.,�-..1..,��..".�:i1.��,.._,.'��_:.%,_�,:..,".­:�.­i�.­"�:,,�. 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Center, $SOQD.DO currently being held to support this work in 2008. • i'oltce/Fire Mittel Voucher Program Multi service Center's Emergency Assistance Program, City of bent Hurinan Services and Kent Police have created.after-hours access to motel vouphers and emergency services for homeless farnilles, disabled adults, and seniors ` Thts program is now ready for use and run out of the Kent Police Station irecords staff). This ro ram is made possible b the a...a en fundin offered b Kent i p 9 Y` 9 cY . 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Kent Performance Learning Center '.�:-:.:., .......:�... .�..-..i.:I....:...!........_�......�.�..:..:.�..:....�;.,.�-..-..�....:!........!.%�.%.--:::.:...:.�..:%�..:-.....::.�...:-.....% .1...��. • Staff brought Kent Youth & Family'Services staff and Communities In Schools - Kent staff together to discuss the possibility of bringing the Powerful Families curriculum to the Phoenix Academy/PLC site. The first class took place during 4th Quarter and additional classes`will be held`in 2008. Staff is also working on a potential partnership with staff from the . 4-H program at the Washington State University Cooperative Extension Beyond the Band-Aid • Staff led the opening workshop at the "Beyond the Band-aid'" conference i. October. Participants were guided through a mini poverty strnulation . exerth deli!eloiled b .staff to provide e fiery;brief snap-shot into the . Y . .. :.. .::. :..... . ... ::: . challen . fa %ed b those Jiv%in, in pv.....e o.n=a Ball basis. The exercise ;` g . Y 9 p Y was designed to get individuals thinking about poverty and is intended to serve as a 'urn in ofF point for ne t ste s. p g P Ken#DV Taq.: Forte October was DV Awareness Month; The!trees along laisay Way at Kent : ..... :; .. . .... .. .. t ti e;il in d with . r le li: his'thanks tQ:lCbht Station Kent'': .......... % S a on wer IpCn ate u :.. ::: .. : . :: .:.. . . : ..:.:. :::::::: ..:..:. . .-..: P:-::.:::::-:::: . . .:.:.. . . .... .:: .. . .....;, to Kent Sono ttmists;and.the Kent �V ask'Forco E th Tu ;sd '; 0 1'1�, p Y .. and Friday during the lunch hour the Kent Domestic Violence Task Force staffed a table at Kent Station offering local domestic violence resources and handing out purple ribbons people can wear to show their support Kent Housing and Human Services staffed this table four days that month. Community resources and purple ribbons were also available in the lobbies of Kent City Hall and the Kent Centennial Center. Two National Silent Witness Project silhouettes and local women's stories of victims who lost their lives to domestic violence were also on display, King County Food &Fitness initiative • - - -M , 1 :1 , - --l '-, . :.. . ..% . .� Staff is participating in the King County Collaborative working on the King County Food and Fitness Initiative (KCFFI), one of nine projects across the Unitia:ed States selected to participate �n the W K Kellogg Food & Fitness Initiative. The goal of the KCFFI is to help communities% find ways t%o . cr to cc s.to;local ' rown, healthy,affordable food, and saf and % : g convenient laces for h sical activity and lay - for eve +ane. Examples P pY p ry df otential activities include:creating and promot�n farmers' markets and p g communityschopl gardens; impr%oving parks and playgrounds; end rnakng neighborhoods more w%alkable, bkeable and accessible to public transportation, KCFFI% is cur%rently �n the middle of a tvvo-year planning phase tQ develop a strategic community action plan for promoting'access to locally grown, healthy, and affordable food and improving places for physical activity in King County, This plan will be developed in two focus communities; one in South King County and one in Seattle.` Kent has been identified as a potential site in South king County and will be competing against SeaTac, % .. Tukwila and Federal Way. The plan will be submitted to the Kellogg Foundation on January 15, 2009. if approved, KCFFI would receive from $300000 to $500,000 per year over 8 years from 2009 to 2017 to implement the community action plan in the two focus communities, The actual resources available to each focus community would be in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 pe1.r year. .. Gommun�t a ....Sc�+� ls..,-..lien . . r ; CiSK;c' `ntinues'tofocus taff,continues to.serve on the:hoard o% f Darecto ...... . o ..... . .. . . . . ter d. ..nci al s n ent entorin the.Performance Learn�n .den . :an :P o E m a M.. 9 .. . . . .. p . . . . .. . . . . : .. . � . ...... .......9: :..: .. .. . ...... .. . .. ..... ......... . . . e f s e is re;select d or c d o rams. MEIVT RII�I.G:: Elements.% . n a . . ... . A a .em.. r. . .. ...... ...: . ... .. ... . :.. ... . . . . .. .. . . Y .. . ........... ......... . the program based upon factors irinpactin.g their school performance which .. els is 1. hookattachrnent a ed: %osttive adult role rrtod. . 00% c... . ..Ctl ::.::.1 M.P.P.......:.....:U.:.:......:.............:.::.::.:..:.. :...-:.....:..::...<..:. ..::.:..::.:...::....:..:.::.:.....:..:.....:p::.....:.:.:....:..:.....:.....:...........:..........:...::...:...:........:..:::.....%.-...r:......... .. . . . ......... .. Y p ::, %% i lack of direction or limited'hope fQr the future: Often mentors fellow the r child lnto the middle and high school grades, Mentors are matched with a child and meet them an hour a week during the school day. During this time, they do a variety of activities based upon the interests of the child and the mentor. The overall benefit of their time together comes from the developing friendship which provides a boost in the child's self-confidence, II encouragement to achieve in school and life, and an opportunity to see more options for their future. The Kent Performance Learning Center is a collaborative effort between CIS and the Kent School District, to build a caring learning environment where students are challenged to meet their social a'nd academic goals. The environment allows students ample opportunity to graduate and emerge with certifiable employment skills. The PLC opened in the fall of 2007 with 75 students,`which was the goal. Attendance will be expanded ' in 2008, • The Prmcrpals'Academy focuses on excellence,by providing principals opportunities to learn and share best practices rn leadersh%ip and rnanagernent thr©ugh a variety of programs, It rs designed to enhance Kent Scho41 District principals'leadership skills; resulting �n higher student performance. Resource and i1eiferrall • Roughly 50Q calls% month were received requesting resources'`This is up from 125 per month a year ago, There is also a signifcant Increase in the number of walk ins to the Housing;and Human Services ©ffice There`was an increased number of-people-needing bus tickets and an increase in the use of the Housing and Human Services office for homelessness services. Safe Mavens Services • During the 4th quarter, we conducted: 33 Intakes 9 Child Orientations 45 Ecchanges 300 Visits • The Y1llICA facilitated a3 part support/education group for Safe;;Havens I. morns using safe Havens�/is.rtatron Center on October iSth,`22nd, and . 29th,,fix Safe Havens clients att«spates Y11VCA staff facilitated the: . p support groups and provided,child.:care* The . . .Kent end Chr otle at p Kent Statror� provided tbe.evening meais; Kent Lutheran Church provided the facility.;This created a great way for YVVCf'1 to get connected to the users 6f:S6 e M6Vehs. Outreach • Open house for local, state, and federal representatives • Tracee presented at the Survivors Caucus Day celebration at the Seattle Center • New Court Commissioner Hillman toured the center Tracee presented to the Covington Rotary Club • Tracee is participating on the South King County Community Network audit team. The audit focus is on how DV treatment programs address fathering issues and the impact of battering on children Funding • King County awarded $75K to Safe Havens in the new budget Merina will began development of"user ready" documents about the Safe Havens program for use in applying for grants as needed Training • Tracee attended a 2-day roundtable discussion hosted by Praxis International focused on improving service to victims of domestic violence Security • Tracee and'Katherin met with JefF to discuss possible security rnprouements (change in waiting room windows, additional cameras, and rnodifcation of space. Window changes and camera requests completed. Space modlication anticipated in April. • Tracee and`Katheein m et with Police Chief Stratchen Captain Ron Price, and Captain Mike Painter to discuss improvement of response to emergency calls. Tracee then presented at the weekly sergeants meeting. Sergeant Tracy Gorr facilitated a meeting at Valley Comm;and anew response message for ,; 14 calls liar been implemented Miscellaneous • The Safe Havens Consulting Committee was officially launched with an all- day orientation and video conference training by Praxis International. Quarterly meetings will commence in 2008. Community Development Block Grant • The City presented its 2008 - 2012 Consolidated Plan and 2008 Annual Action Plan for public review and comment. The Plan was approved by the City Council and submitted to HUD for a determination of whether it ::..: meets requirements in accordance with HUD regulations. • CDBG contractors subrriitted final relmbursement requests and Program Accomplishments Forms. Home Repair • Homo Repair provided services to 98 unduplicated Kent households, exceeding 2007 expectations by 18 households. 2007 was the fist year the changes in service for mobile-homes was implemented Regional Planniing • Staff participated in the Committee to End Homelessness Inter Agency Council, Resource Subcommittee, Single Adult Homeless Population and Youth and Young Adult Homeless Population subcommittees. Katherin Johnson completed her term on the Inter Agency Council of the' Committee to End Homelessness .............................. ............ ... .... . .. ............ ...................................... ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................ .............. .. .... ...... . .. . % • Katherin Johnson sat on the Joint Recommendations Committee • Staff participated in a meeting called by the Seattle Foundation to discuss how the Foundation could effectively assist in South;King County • Staff participated in a subregional conversation on the development of an additional Youth Source facility that would provide employment resources and assistance in South King County • Staff is participating on a committee charged with reviewing the 2007- 2008 General Fund human services funding applications. The committee it-111s making necessary changes to the application for the 200.9-2010 joint . South King County funding cycle • refugee Forum IIIetwork Participated in monthly Forum Meetings (jrd Thursday at 10Aij So King Co. HS Planners - staff attend monthly meetings (3rd Wednesday at 2PMj and collaborate with otlier SKC irities (on-going) * South King County Forum on Homelessness Kpnt, UUA) -The.. . Forum on Homelessness`meets at A: OAS every first 1i—Inesday...of every month at Kent Senior Center. • Unite'to End Homelessness Event ire Renton -There were;two cp(n ty resource exchange events hind inlovember. The first m Seattle at Seattle Center November 18th and the other in Renton at the Sprrr. of Washington Events Center November 15th. The two events provided over 1000 homeless individuals and families immediate access to healthcare, housing referrals, public benefits and other social services. Kent was listed as a sponsor of the events due to staff participation: South King County Response to 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness in King County • Jason Johnson served as a member of the leadership team guiding John Epler and Associates as a needs assessment and planning guide is created around strategies m the King County's 10 Ye an Plan to End Homelessness that r>light vuork ISouth King County 'Work qn this effort started during the:3rd carter and::contiW d throe h the 4th uarfier; 11.110.;are.curry. A . .; 9.. . .. :. . q. . . . . . , . .... .. .. , . .. o 9 ett�n ubl�c feedback as to ghat strafe ies:and action ste s s u 9 P .. .......... .:. . . .:. ..... ....... . . .. .. . . ...... .. n e. . . ea a ns .O a en i rs r a January . veterans and Human �er�rces Leery '. . .:: .::: . ..... ..... .. . . i If . . Staff ar Id ated �n;the;rev ew ane or a licat ons to'the Kin :Cou'n p p p Pp , 9 tY Children at Family Comrnrssion for the ,leterans apd Hunan Services Levy Strengthening Families at Risk funding.