HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/21/2008 i1oU:SiNG l4Ni<7 iHUMAN SERVICES Kai therin J hnson Housing and Human Services Manager 220 4 h Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6070 W A$:H INOTON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIO;� °NE; 253-s56-SD70 Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:30-400 p.m Mountain Vitew Conference Room, Centennial Center Kent, Washrlgton COMMISSION MEMBERS D ............ ani:Du`clos' Clair' `1` 2Q10. { / ath Peters \/'ce'Ch 'ir; 1/20 0 y a Brett Hollis `Com ;ssie;ner;; 1/2U10 Jon Botten, Commissioner (1/2010j Ma a.V.en ad%asalem :::Cernmiss ones 1 ;20.0.9 9 . . Tamara:Sleeman ' Com'missroner ... .. . ,. (::1 Elizabeth Albertson Gt Council Member 1/2009 . v Roda Barket, Youth Member (1/2009) Pastor Wilbur Vincent, Commissioner (1/2010) AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING City of Kent 2007.Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Introductions,,,,,,,; INFORMATION ITEM ....... ....... ........... ......._,, 2, Approval of, 2007 CAPER. ACTION ITEM (Approve the daft documentand forward to Parks Committee) ..................... ....... . ......... .. .. .. ... .. . ... 3. A rovai of October. 200.7 :Meeting :Minutes,;,;;;;;, ,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;ACTION ITEM. Pp E 'o Elect CTION `ITEM. 4. .'Election of Chair ..A ° ESEN PR 7A TION :Endin9 Y Famil Homelessness 5 ` ``200.9/20.10.A`pp lic don C ycle Up dae FO RMATION.ITEM ..I (Key Decisions, Master PianTraining, etc.) 6. Approval of Kent Supplemental Questions, ACTION:ITEM 3 ...... ......... ...... .... 41 (Key Decisions, Master Plan Training, etc.) 3 3 MAYOR SUZETTE COOKE City of Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services Jeff Watling, Director ,:y . Cit of Kent ..City of Human SO - i.es Comm SS10.1� IVleeti,ng Minutes October 17, 2007 The meeting of the Human Services Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Dini Duclos, at 2:30 on October 17, 2007, in the Centennial north and south conference room of the Centennial 1:111,Building.CHIM i �:i� � ... �1... HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Dini Duclos, Chair Jon Botten, Commissioner Jennifer.Grossman, Youth Member Elizabeth Alcertson, City Gvuncilperson % % thy'Peteii Chair Elect HUMA.N.SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSENTIEXCU-S Brett HoIIIs, Cori�missioner B+dria 11Vh�te,';Cornmissioner Maya llengadasalam, Commissioner; HUMAN SERRVICES COMIVIISSI. .-- % UNEXCUSED Paster V1f91ber Vincent HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT I I Katherin Johnson, Manager, Housing &Human Services Jason'Johnson, Coordinator, Housing &Human Services Merina Hanson, Senior Planner Christine Cain, Home Repair Program Assistant. 2:30 Public Hearing Public Hearing called to order at 2:35 p.m. Those attending: Carol Moorhead, Hospitality House Carol Moorhead ofi Hospitality House thanked the Commission for its continued support of shelter for :homeless women. Vice- .hair Dini Duclos closed Public Hearing .. 2:40 p.'m. . . .;;;Apce tance of.C;o'nsoiidated;.Plan ..Annual.Aotion.Plan. ComC.mjssioner Grossman m ed,to a: rove the . .:. P Pp ConolIdatMdUPlan nd.Annual Action Plan'and forward to Council, Commissioner;BQttfln SCO ©E[ the motion. Motion carried .. , !a Cii#�`Qf K:-�.-I�%-%-�.Il.:�Z-..Il,.-.1I,:O- tVg ahborhoo,_t! Pro��:�!:,:::!-%.�gram Toni Azzola of the lUlayor' office presented ....1a.. �.�..I-: ....�..I...:I:.........-..........- ��:,.�..:1 11,11,I.on the tent Neighbor�-��,i-1'�I hood.�.,,%���.,Program showing positive growth and �mprovernents in 10 formally recognized neighborhood'courtcils, i......�.�'I.�....::..:...'.�-�...�..:i...-...:�:.I1..'i1.:i...1_'.�..I�.:...l::.;.1�...:.;,l 1�...:...": Approval of the September 19th Minutes Commissioner Peters moved to approve the minutes of September 19, 2007 and Commissioner Botten SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. i10712008.-inter Celebration and Annual Retreat ,The Annual:Human Services`Winter Celebration will be held December 20t" at the Kent Historical iVluseum. The Human Services Co.mmiasion annual retreat will be Friday,' fanuary 25, 2008 at Kneely House from gam 3pm The meeting of the Human Services Commission ended at 3:30 pm Katherin Johnson, Manager, Housing & Human Services �":_�­­­­ , , , , . ���. . .. . �. . . ::: :�,'I _ 1 ,11''��z,�,�!,,I,:I" , . :..%�. ._.........::: .......%.... . 11�: �,�:,::�,��,:�,��:��:�,,1��,��:�z�":�,�C#:;��,! ;::1 ,�,:,�,�:��,��,:,�:,,�,:,:, ,,, ,, :,�,:��:::"...- .. .- .. . . .. . - ::,:,� . ..............i.......... 11 �. � �' T � � . .—I .. .. � ���:,: %� :%:::::%:�� � � _ :,�­ ­:�,,,�:,�,:......�'': _��. ........................... _ � ­ , , , _�%%���::� 1. . — � ,,�,, __ - _ � . . . ..:����..,:.;:�::%.�:.::�....� . . ..�. �:�t�:�_ ����������,���:;��,�i�:���������l�l����lt���:��''tl;::�,����:,�:�ll', ­­......... � : :­�.-:%.�.:.��% .. . ._:- ­ ­­ UA .. �� _____ _ __ - _ _ _ _ . ���������������������������������::�,���:�����:����,��� .;..%,.. ....... ...�ii:..i.... �P�� :i�i�::: % . .: _ _ _ - t , " �� %. .­:.! .. ... .I �,_­:''_ %::�%- ��.:.::!��:. .. ;.Mi:..i...�.-..� A � ��J� _ I I ,� . . �. .. �_­ : _� !­­­ _­ _ _ � _ I'll ".. . .... .�... ..........................�.:�.............. . . . ... � �:�� � , � � � 11 ''I'll ­,��::�:t��_ . . .. .. :__ _,_�­_�_t��,, ,� � ��:�:�i�:,,��,�:� � :: :,:,�,;",'"'::..:.:�%��.:�!.:��%��..:..�����.�.� :%:.:i%�.%.�.:.%�%�.......:....:...�....'.....:.:..�...%�.. ..... : �tti�it� � �� � I . . . . .. ,:.......��..... . . . - , . . � . .. t�� ..... � ,,, _�t : , % . . . _:�� :1��1�:�� r 1_0 _ 71 �J�, : ,:______. . � :: .. .. � � � : Ci� � ; _ .. ������:��.�..���� . :..�����.�.�� . ... � � , ­:, I ��,�:, 1, . . . ­....li�;: :� . . % . . - _ , _ I ­11—'11'' . : . .� �....:.:�. � , , '' — �::� 1. . . .. .. . ..�% .. . .� � � � � , ..� ..%% . % - ­ �, , , I ' ' . �-.��I:�.. . ... � t :­:­:, �� �: :­ : , .. . _. . . . �:,��::�%�_ , I--- : .�:.. . , , , — : � ::,�,;, . � !�� �.:.�l : 1� F C ll�4D�_��', . . � �.�%���.%%:���:�i�� W­­­­­ :���:,���_ i'_, . ::...�:. ��:��:��:�,��i���i�� , � .. .. _� , _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � ­ _:: ,: ,:,:'"',.:�.�.�...�:���...������i.,.�:�.....%:.�.:.%.. %. % . .... ... .. ..: ;�l��������i:�� :,�:,,,��,�,,:,�,,�,����,����''' , .. . .::::.�%.�.:.% _ _ — _ _ ...�:_ .. . ..­.%�.1... . :��!� :�!,__!__ , __ - - � ­­­­­­:,­ __� � �,:�, , ' ' .. . . . ...... .. .. . ... 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KEN T WASHINOTON CITY OF KEIT Suzette Cooke, Mayor John Hodgson, Chef Adminis#natI.ive Officr Jeff�INa#ling, Parks, Ii;ecreation ;& COmmu:M. Services D .ecton Kothenin Johnson, Housing & HurnaM services Manager C37'Y CiD1J111CIL : Dwl�':%:::�:�:::: I...."''",....... ...:..-.:%.:.i -1. 1:.. ebbie Rapiee, Council President Elizabeth Albertson` Tim Clark Ron Harmon Bob O'Brien Deborah Rannger w w Les Thomas ,,,,,,�,��-�,��-- , , , - , ... . M �:,:: ,� ,�- ... - . ::.�.�:..;:. ....... � � - 111, --::�%%% ;..%. .:.T HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Cathy Peters, Chair Elizabeth Albertson, City Council Member Roda Barket .::.-....,;..�i.::..�.:�.-:.....-�:�.,%.��.­.'...�.......�...I.."..�—:-.%.:-,...-N-N�%..-.'%....:......1:..�.-.,;... Jon cotton Brett:Hollis Taara;`, eo :a M .. yeng asa am W. lbur Vincent LEADTAFE g :. D nal it.V�l " SO11 CD ;: oof'd1hatfl '. . ► ..... .. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER •3 .a.:..i........ - ­ _ ­, �­­_%. -... .... ...!%.::�� ����� �, ��� ,��:::��1����:� , , ,,, ,�;:,;�, ............,1...._...:..............,......�%.:..:�::1%. . ��t,i:��:�::, �:___t!�:�,,, ,:,::,:,�,"",,,":�I":I 1,�'',",:t��, ..::.:.� !�%��%%.%%%­.%��.,:.. .. . ��. �: : ��_�� ���____,�,���,�,�,,�,,,:��,,,,��,,��,��,,,�,�::,,�, t:% :: %%..�..--......%I.. . .. .::��i����� �:t�11��t��t t�t�::�� ,�,:, , , - , . .: . .. .. .� .... . .. .. % .... �:: �:: :����':�� ,,,,- ,.. __ __ - � , , . .. . : TQi�LE �)r C�E'�6Tle1iVTS' Sectiion%Title % Page I Executive%Sumiinary '4 3I. General Norrative 7 ,. Asessrnent of Goals and Strategies 7 1. 1>. Housing and Homeless Strategies 2. Ecor omid Development and Employment 9 Strategies 3, Livable Communities Strategies; 14 B. AffirmatiYely;Further Fair Housmg:;What`Activities 11, Were Taken C. Evaluation of Affordable Housing Objectives 12 D. Continuum of Care 17 E. Leveraging Resources 18 F. Citizen Comments 18 G. Lead-Based Paint Compliance 18 H. Sub-recipient Monitoring and Training i1..s I. Self-Evaluation 19 J. Consolidated Plan Update 19 II. CDBG Program Narrative 21 A. 2007 CDBG.Projects 21 B. Relationship assessment: Consolidated Plan . .... . ,e?1 22 lV:ational objective and One Year Action Plan C. Program abjctive:Changes 23 ©. Efforts-Assessment: 0 - Y. .i Actio, ..Plan 23 . . >E Explanation Regarding Activities In�olvxng Acquisition, 26 Rehabilitation,.or l?emol . .. . Occupied Real Property F. Economic Deeloprent Activities Where obs 1Nere Not 2i ... : Tal�+an 'B Low Moderate Income Persons G, Report Regard ng `Loan `Repayments 25 TV. Conciusion 2>6 ::�­­:��,,::� _�,t , ,:,��:,�,,,�,11 A_ �, I � :,:,��:,,,,,,,,,���,���...;...........,.,�:.% ..�.�.i .%:: !:I i:��:�:I���t�� � I I �i ,:,� ,��������,���,����,�'...... .�.. :��.... ..�....:!....��..��%� �i � ............ . %::::... CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER 3• I , I I ,, , ,",,",, ,, ,"" ,.,,, .., - ,� ":,� - �, � . - - . .... .�%11 I:�� I I�,� �11 I���.����.�:%..��:���%.� ....���.. .......�...:..i... : 1 . � � Asa prerequisite for receiving Community Development'Block Grant (CDBG) fun�ing tl`� City of Ken' {h-rein-f,,er r-f�rl-ed tC ae the Clt`�) developed V 1 , he 1 L ` L. L//1 L LVI L 1 v 41J V r V IVi.I W Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the period of 2003 2007. Each year the City executes_specific actions to implement the Goals and.Strategies of tll_ Consolidated Plan, actions are outlined in the Annual Action Plan. The purpose o%fi this report, which is called tFie Consolidated Annual Performance .: and Evaluation Re :ort CAPER; ;is to inform the 11 5: De a�fi ent;flf Ho sl . . ... P ( ) ... ...::.... .. ...:...p..... .: . :........9.. i. . .: `:!. . .. an r n;; e e o . .. .. a D v .,pment ( UD) an t o commurnty o t. a activit�es and . a:cco; li P.hrnts:deivod sfro tide intent`of`CDBG'and other resources p fior the 200 %program year, wn c: covers the,pgj. I January 1,..2007.to Decemb71.%er 3�, 2D07 In 200 H1Jp allocated 803 863.in CD:i3G funds to the Clt .: ' An additional . , . . .: $ ....... .. .. . . .. .. . . . .:..............:..:.:.......:.:.:.:...:....:....::::...:....:.r,.......,:...,......:........:.....,.:.....:.................:....:..:..:....:..:.:..................::.:.:.:::.:.....:..:.: ..,.:... ..:..:::..:.............:.:.............:...:.::...........:.. ............... .::.... .. �98,5fi5 to fun s allocated from the City s General Fund budget was used in conjunction with CDBG funds to provide for a`wide:range o%f h�rman services and affordable h�iio'usingneeds.) The City successfully executed the`activties outlined in the 2007 Action Plan by investing its CDBG funds in the following activiti111 . es: public services, rehabilitation, acquisition, micro-enterprise assistance, and human services planning and administration. Because the :11,111,11City is cognizant that collaboration allows for visionary planning and comprehensive development of services that respond to the needs of City residents and the regional community, staff worked closely with regional municipalities, King County, state;government, United Way of King County, : and other non-profit organizations to build a strong community safety net GOALS AND STRATfGIfS The City focused upon he following goals and strategies in 2007 MOus ng a" . Homeless Strate ies . 9 %• GvalH1. Expand Ho%meownership opportunities Throughout the Community for Ail Income Groups . . . . % . ... ... . :..: . ... .. . . . Strate H1`A't CQnt•nue'to' s is vmeow. hers .t 'resol ' e l h; : . . . 9y . 1 a t v hat :an safiety problems and rr�atntein their,hvusing through the CDBG funded Home Repair Program. .: . .. : . . ... % . Goa1 H2. Expand the Lange of Affordable Housing Choices Available to Meet the Needs of Both Current Kent residents and Residents Projected in Growth Estimates. ♦ Strategy H2.A Maintain the existing stock of affordable housing, ♦ Strategy H2.Ct Promote a diversity of housing types affordable to a range of income levels and cultural/ethnic diversity. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER 4- • Goal H3. Provide Stable, Service-enriched Housing Choices Avarlabie to Meet the Needs of Both Current Kent Residents and Residents Projected in Growth Estimates. ♦ Strategy H3.A: Actively support regional and sub-regional efforts to provide a continuum of housing and services for the homeless. Assure that the interests of South King County are included in the countywide process to end homelessness. e Strategy H3.B: Provide enhanced case management and stabilization services linked to transitional housing services for homeless persons. Strategy F3.C:_Increase housing stabilization for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, s Econo;mc Development and Employment'Strateg�es • GQai E1: Im rove the PotentJal for Kent Residents to Obtain and Retain .. .. . p L.lv.abl:e Vllage Job s, :Strate E ,i�: u ort multi-d'ime...s onal appr4;achas linking 9Y lap. services to }obs to improve the ability of pepple to obtain, progress in, and retain living wage jobs. strategy Ei•C:'Make jobs acc.0ssible to all Kent residents • Goai:E2: Increase Opportunities for Brasrness to Develop and Expand in Kent,with ;Particular Focus on Small Businesses and Micro-enterprises. Strategy E2.B Develop incentives and supports for small businesses. Strategy E2.D Support real estate development and redevelopment projects through Section 108 Loan Guarantees and CDBG Float Loans that will benefit :low/moderate-income persons or provide housing for low/moderate-income persons. Livable Communities Strategies • Goal:Cl: Address issues of Inclusion and Integration, ♦ Strategy C1.A Increase inclusion of immigrants and 'refugees and people of color in.the life of the Kent community.:. a C : Create`:a Communit that:Su o s Hea'Ithy IndIv.] Dal$:and Go I 2 Y pp Farnllies. ♦ Strategy C2,A Build neighborhood centers/loch. access to services. ♦ Strategy C2.B Create a cornrnunity that supports healthy families. FUNDING DECISIONS Tl1e Cit s ten member Hurnan Services Commission, a Citizen's advisory Y�. . . .... v ce:issues of the Kent. Cit: Council reviews the hurnan ser i , : , - : . bod; ;to the , Y Y .n, to u d a Cations Community on an ongoing basis and recorrrmends f n i g. based on the'current needs. In 2007, the City funded four (4) capital projects and six (6) public services projects. The reminder of the City CDBG allocation was applied to Planning ;and Administration (P &A) activities. Examples of P & A activities include staff"support to the `CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER •5- Systems Navigation and A zest Project and : ducatlon'and outreach to' affirmativeiy further fair housing The following is a list of 2007 funded projects: 2007 CDBG PROJECTS PROJECT NAME ACTIV TX C©BG _ ALLOCATION Alliance Center: One- Acquisition•, Funds used to acquire the property $72,511` Stop Human Services and the facility to provide a"central location for a Fac(lity Qne stop service center to meet the human . services needs of;the low moderate-incanie cornm+ianit Qjty of;Kent ;Home Reh abilitation; Fundsased to rehabilitate; $4OQ,00 Re air'Pro ram housing that is owned and occupied by p 9 low/moderate income families residing in the C(t of Kent. lty of'Kent: Planning & P &A Funds used to administer the City of Kent $160,773 drninistration CDBG projects and engage in. planning activities. Community Heath Public Services: Funds used to provide prim%ary $ XO,gflO Centers of King County: care:and nursing',services to homeless adults Healthcare for the and children who reside in transitional shelters liable services also available at the Kent Community Health Center. Community Heath Public Services: Funds used to provide medical $26,OOD Centers of King County: services t© Kent patients. Medical Services Green`River Community Micro-enterprise: Funds used to help $25,000 College: Micro- low/moderate-income persons develop or enterprise Development expand a micro-enterprise business by providing business counselingor technical assistance. Hospitality House, Public Services: 'Funds used to provide shelter $ 10,000 Women's Shelter and case management services to`homeless women who formed resided in Kent Muhl Service Center: Public Serurces• Funds used to ronde housing $'37,579 p event Housing Stabalit�r stability grants v�rhich are used to pr r;< eviction o assist lowincorne. rllividuals osts. wit)a move In c 7 00.0 e i e . If=un s;used;:to.; rovda;outreaeh 1 ►: es Counselin Public S ry+ s P 1/al a .Gill 9, .... . t •o homeless lndi .i u r .. ca a mans emen t. :C nsu tataon. and s .g ,e C Homeless Outreach In the ! Washington CASH Kent Nlicro-enterprise Funds used to provide: $.25,000 Micro-enter rise business training and business deveiopnient p Initiat(ve services to low/moderate income<v+�omen, people with disabilities and other under-served individuals. YWCA: Transitional Public Services. Funds used to provide $20,000 Housing transitional shelter and case management services to domestic violence survivors. TOTAL: $803 863 CITY OF KENT 2007.CAPER �il• I i '_­''I" __'_:_,,1�,�. ��%.�.:�.�..%1... . . . :..%%�.::... ....�.:.i : ���: ���: i,�, -,��,�_�_�,!!_,,,,,,11,,,,�i,z���,�,�,.:..�...:�!��..�::..-:: i%:: ��..:...­..................- - ,�� �I�,I, ��:::���,,,;,��,:,,�i:::,�:%:,_�,�:�:�z: ,�''!,Ci,�'11,11, i���i,��.�:�:.��.�.�:.%� ..%..:.:% % : 1�.:.%�:�:.%,:%.%�i .;.i�:��;��, '­I-,I........ . .�:.�:;I��:!.... %%�:.%.%��%%...�.��...�i.� : .......I �:�:-��i�:�.. . I I:I �," I I,1,,,:,�� ,��,�, .................. MRS= .. :..- . :.,,::, � � � � � � A. ASSESSMENT Of GOALS AND STRATEGIES 1. Housing and Ho .....e Strategies Goali. H1: Expand Homeownersk�% Dpportuniities Throughout the Community for Ail Income Groups. Stra#egy H.144 . 044�nue fo assr #hom eowners #4 resolve deal# ;and alefy pro lerris aid +aiefai" tA eir`housing # rougfi fire CD +C at`uded dome Repeir po+grart�, . . . tote:+.;': icesnre%re nstrumenkal :in IteP;n9 the iiry exec, T e o owii.ng.ini is . Strategy%%Fi1,A. The City distributed Lead-Based Paint informational materials to residents served by the Home Repair Program and used the Lead Safe Housing Rule Checklist for General Compliance Documentation as a guide to ensure compliance with lead-based paint rules. • Horne Repair Program staff distributed English and Spanish versions of the Healthy Home Informational booklets to Kent households. The booklet provides tips on how to create and maintain a healthy and safe home. • The City allocated;$10,000 in funds to the City of Kent Fire Department in 2006 to su ort ol.Costs for the installation of handicap Pp accessi p J..:y items in the homes of iowJmoderate-income Kent; • W. se this:, rant was:for a two par period: the wort residents. Becau g �' contlnued in 2007 The installation of handicap aceessib irty items : . , esi nts to sta:` in their homes and. . allowed seniors and disabled r de y . . self-sufficient.::: rema . i` s . ,, X an,d the Ran a of Afifordable Housing.. o qe Goai H 2. E p J Jvalable i9 Meek th+e Needs ofBoth Current Kent Residents and Residents Projected in %Growth Estimates: Strategy H2.A: MWntain the existing stock of affordable. housing. iii The following actions were taken to maintain the existing stock of affordable housing CITY GF KENT 2007 CAPER "7- • The City;allocated $400,000 in CDBG funds to the Home Repair Program to provide rehabilitation assistance and health and safety repairs to 98 low/moderate-income households' in 2007. Horne Repair Program staff distributed Horne Repair informational packets at Resource Fairs that were held throughout the City. The City worked regionally to improve home repair policies by attending meetings, participating on committees; and sharing policies and procedures with regional Home Repair Programs. Strategy H2.Q Promote a diversity of hoI'llusing types of#orda%We to a range of income levels an%ti% culturslJethni+c drGversity. The following action v►as talten to further Strategy H2 C Tle Cit changed residential develo` meat standards to rovrd f r y P . p % ro.undin'g o1"r %naxirn'urn allowable density cicuiations proide fc%r mixed housing types rn srrigle;farniiy zones (2a°/o of dwelling units iii in�%ubdivrsrons may be ruplex or triplex),: and f%or reduced minimum lot sizes (3,000 square feet). 'Evaluating the provisionil. for additional areas of mixed use will be addressed under the second phase of the City's zoning code update related to commercial development. VI", �­� :�', , _� — ­i,I .��i: : I� :I- :��,­�:::: I I , - :� I M. .. ..... . . Goal H3: Provide Stable, Service-enriched Housing for Homeless Persons and Persons with Special Needs. Strategy H3,A: Actively support regional and sub-regional efforts to provide a coordinated continuum of housing and services for the homeless. Assure that the interests of South King County are included in the countywide process to, end homelessness. . . The following actions;were;execrated to support countywi a continuum . . . : , e>r the:Kin `count of% care efforts and to.assure that th nt0 .Is of Sou g y were included iri the goal to end homelessness: : .... ... .. .. . .., e c ovrders ;re resentative. of local South Kin lCorant ; SKC s rvr .e r ,, .. p : .... .. .. �. . . g .. ...... ....y.. ... . ) P . . - : ,. ,....... ., .: ... .,. . ,. Pl. gpvernrne1.nt; and fenders developed t%he south King; County an to l s ire s• Ca1/for;Act%on :The SKC Plan includes, E cL..tome e s $ . :::.. .::. .. .:.....:., .. .. ..::.:: ti........ % strategies designed to address the unique rsstaes crew .ng homelessness in $KC A.and i.s gelded1:1 by the King County RJan to End Homelessness. • Staff facilitated the South King County Forum on Homelessness (SKCFH). The SKCFH is an organization supported by SKC service providers which promotes networking and the coordination of activities to end homelessness. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER. .8• i. Staff supported Safe Harbors (a homeless management information system). Staff participated in the 2153 application review, which was administered by King County. Funding for 2163 was created through a bill {House Bill 2163) which allows the collection of a document recording fee to be used to end' homelessness in Washington State. =Stoff pu;-tic;pated in the countywide Housing Funders' Group. This group meets to discuss new projects or funding sources that are available-for homeless services within King County. The,group also works to coordinate funding initiatives Staff participated on sevl:ral cornmiitees ind supported tha Committee to End Homelessness in King County, which is a ten, ear re ional;eff :rt:to s1 n,ficantly_ redu+cd horn± lossness. Y 9 9 Staff participated on the United Way of King County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Impact Council grant review team. The Imp act Council;r %a 1unding_recornrnendations to United Way far ro rams that rovide domestic violencesexual assault services p 9 . p u hou Kin C. . ..s Two.... .. Kent-based.agencies, I AWl11 ' a : thro g t g Y { ) tlotnestie violence shelter located in Kent, and Kent Youth and Family Services, receive UWKC funding. • Staff participated on the Kent Domestic Violence Task Force Strategy H3 B; Provide enhanced case management and stabilization services linked to transitional housing services for homeless persons. 11 ,i�,� i�:��,��,�, im , - �:::: - .. . . . The following actions were taken to provide enhanced case management and stabilization services linked to transitional housing services for homeless persons • The City provided $10,0©0 in CDBG funds to Hospitality House o . support a shelter for homeless women and link them to securing eosin al h . :`.. . . % errnanent or.trahslt on g :. .. . . . P . . . .. . . f n s to / ile Clues T Cit rovtded 171}0;In CDBG u . , a . . he: .. : YP. . ..: . s Itation:to rovide`o,utreaeh and;case Counselin -end Con u , .. .: : : .. p: ... . g rriana ement services to hom;eless'individuals g; . 0 OOQ.in CDBG:funds to,Community Health • he City provided%:$1 , Centers©f K;ng County>f or th'e.Mealth.are ft.....the Homeless Project, . % .. % T,he Pro}ect'provides primary .are;and nursing services to homeless; families and indivlduais living in shelters and transitional housing. . The Cit rovided to 000 in fund:to Y. . to prov$d :: ransii Tonal Yp %shelter and ease iriaJ.nag%ement services1:1 to domestic v1.iolence survivors residing in the Anita Vista facility. Strategy H3.C. Increase housing stabilization for those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER 4• The following actions promoted this strategy; • The City provided $37,579 in CDBG funds to the Multi-Service Center Housing Stability Project to provide housing stability grants to iow-income homeless individuals to prevent eviction or to assist with move-in costs. • The City continued to actively enforce code provisions requiring mobile home Mark n.z�ne:'s to s!ubmit�a relocation report and plan to the Human Services Division prior to issuing eviction notices to _ - _-_-_tenants-w#-o -must_relocate�lue,t9.closure change of_use,_©ra_ _ zoning re designation rit E ii 2 ..;Eonomc omee .. . lw : o: n . g .:Qa1 E1: rrt rove the;1 tentiiai for Kent residents i�o +obtain p an MtaWt t!WWe .AgW j4bs. �..­.:.%.....:.!%..... . . . . .. tr te. E.1 r4 Su ort�n#4 d ehs►o al a roach ea 1. a.. p . . . . ..: /jP.. . ..:.:. ::..: . .,.... ..: .: : . 9..... ... ........... . .:. .., . , . . ..... : .. .. . .: . ... . :. e.:the;abl%t : eo .e o .. . obs..to�xx>i rod ...... .. .... .... ....... p p . . :;: i services to . . ... .. . Y . . . . . . :L. . ......lnk n 1 . . 9 . . . : .. ::.., ., . . . : . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. 0 rid retain l yr .W. . . b obtain, progress n, a 9 J The following action was taken to improve employment opportunities The City joined the Chamber in launching the start up of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound (CAMPS). The Vision of the Center is to focus on innovation and business development activities among area manufacturers and to allow them to retain and add jobs in an increasingly competitive global manufacturing marketplace. These activities will include partnering with other agencies to support manufacturers' need to find and train qualified workers. Th%e Kent Chamber created a nonprofit service corporation for . . ..:CAMPS :1.1 :with a Board of Diri .tor. ;which includes the Cit of g Kent as a board member The CAMPS Board hired an Executive . .: :. . . ... 2 f 9 7 Ths`fer the : . . Director who be an.work at;the end p D: , .. ..: 9.. .. : .. Board. recruitment eve o e, uti a.Directors;has worked Qn p : . Exec v ..: . .. ..... .. . . : . to i :rrelations i; .s. . . . ... e t d ro. rams -and created sera: g c .. . :: .... . : and irnpiern..n e P 9 with other service providers% to serve the needs of manufacturers in . Kent and the Puget Sound . .. . . .. . a. . Strategy E1.C: Make obs accessible to al.1 Kent res. ents. The following contributed to Job;accessibility. • Low/moderate-income Kent residents received equai access to jobs created through the development of the Kent Station project. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER =to Goal E2 Increase Opportunities for Business to Develop and Expand in Kent, with Particular focus on Small Businesses and Miicro-enterprises. Strategy E2.B: Develop incentives and supports for small: businesses. The City-executed the following initiatives= ._ ._. . 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Y .. t. t Bene11 letters:fo'r: make 504 loans) . wrIti . two Cornrnuni y .. . busiin.esses seeki.n.g loans .. purchase their dwri real 'estate in Kent one business makes Iood and;phart�acology-grade chemicals and the other business is a printing company . Partnered with Evergreen Community. Development Corppration (a non profit certlfted by the Small Business Adrn3 . tration to make 504 loans) by writing a Community'Benefit letter to support.a loan for a newly constructed building in Kent that will serve as a 14 employee mechanical business. • Allocated $25,000;in CDBG funds to Washington CASH to`provide business training and business development services for low- . income women, people with disabilities and other under-served individuals to develop new micro-enterprise businesses. • Allocated $13,000 in General Funds to Child Care Resources to" provide child care vouchers to low/moderate-income families. Allocated $7,500 in General Funds to Jewish Family_Services to : provide job readiness training, job placement, and retention .. services for low income;:refugee or imrnlgrant residents of Kent with . I k'i . lirnited Eri; lfish '`an ua e s :►`Is :; " ` i'; g . 9 g • AlDeated $35,UOO in General Funds to Uashingtonl1►omen's Employment and Education (W. WEE) to provide computer training et-1nco e K n residents ,' .. .. .and a ob readiness class to low rn . , : d : ` .. . .:: :. +GI 1" . .. 2.D 5 ort real es#ate ire oer ; an Strategy upp p rQdeve%pment projects tiirougti.Sect!en lOg loan il . . t to ns #l�at w l ;tienofrt ::` 6uar�arIte..es and Co, �J a ....: : .,!. . .. .... . .. . ; : :: : .:. f vi r ro de;houstn yr 1o.w ;m..odera a-:gin ogee +arsons o . . .:. . . .. : , .. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . ... : . P . p . .. ... .. , : : ...:oh .... low/moderate-income pe s s The City executed the following actions: • Partnered with La Plaza Development, Lowe's, Fred Meyer, and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to redevelop several under-used 'CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER. -11- commercial properties along the Pacific Highway corridor to help revitalize Kent's West Hill. As a result, La Plaza Development began to revitalize an old strip mall into a Latin American themed I I'llshopping center. Additional retail development aroun­11-1d the Lowe's site, included the opening of a new Fred Meyer superstore that will anchor additional restaurant and retail development on the same site. : SPU will seek to remo7e fro; the Superfiund' National Priorities List portions of a _ former municipal dump site that are cleaned up and 'ready for - -- - redevelo�mert. -- _ - r �_T • Recruited an aluminum boat building company to redevelop a 11 closed facto that is locate1.d in the CEty The company will create ... . . . .. :: a ext teen 1Q ; ;ears;. seventy (�0) perrnanent;welding nobs forth n ( ) Y %%n rsh# between the corn any and:iocal co%mmunity colleges . A part a p. P was creaked to exp nd training programs for these jobs; % the fobs s k . . ob e:ers; ; ` % to to ; moderate=income. ..11 be accessible w/ 3 % . i .i3. Livable Communities Strategies e of Tnius �r end Intl ration " Goal.Cil. Address SSu S J Strategy Ci.�1 Increase inclusion'of immigrants and ` refugees and people of color in the life of the Kett community, The City implemented the following: • Staff worked with South King Cou11 nt11 y funders, representatives of I government, and regional `service providers to develop the Systems Navigator &Access Project of South King County. The project received a Venture Grant from United Way of King County to fund a pilot project to increase access to language appropriate culturally competent services for immigrant and r%e7.fugees.. • Staff continued to provide technical-1:1support to or%gan nations that serve the �m%m� rant/refugee cornmun..ty. % . Staff convened a rneet�ng'with local non-profit representatives e an or aniza1.- o..ate office pace:.to provide assistance to h 1p g to the ism igrantJrefugee comrnurnty Ex anded asset building, cultural enhancement, and edu%cational`. p> ;. ......... ... . . . . .. i. t' uin to .... % .. un t connect��n atavitres b con gip: 9 .. .. support and Comm i y Y su or. People of.Color in Fhiianthro a countrywide . Pp, . : PY► orgarnzation that promotes racial equity and social % 'us%tice fior communities of color through philanthropy. Goal C2: Create a Community that Supports Healthy Individuals and Families. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -'l�• Strategy C2.A. `Build neighborhood centers/Local access #o services. The following action supported'this strategy: • Provided'$72,511 in CDBG funds to the Alliance Center to support the acquisition of a facility to provide aone-stop service center to _ _ meet the huran services needy of t! e low/moderate-income _ - sz=3_7 community. - . _ _ _ _._. .... _._ _ %,1:....,1-.�I-���:�..1-.�.%.,.��.:.,:.�'_Z.:.:.-�..%t%..,.:1%�.-,..�._.�.��.­'%...�.,.�,...'.1,..,.'0.��.�-�:%.��,t.1....:%%�.:�­:,..:..:t.:�1�:­...it.,,II:..1 I:�:t_:I ,��.....-..J���..�::%.:.�......%.%.�...-..�...:%...:.;..'�­�...:%:.-..��....:....::��.­.-.::...........�.%...�.�%._...:......,.:�;�:..;:.�.._:.��%..:...-...1�.....:.....�...%.:.%...:-1...:-�.-.:��%..:..�..::..�..o-�.:.:...Q......%:%%.........�_...�.�:.%.1.:.:...%...�....��.....:......:�....:.%.,;�-....�.::...�.%1�.�...� w.��:-I.....�,�:�..�:....­..���..­:.:l t..�����i�I..�.l.�I��--.:�_­..����.�:���..­.:�..%.��­.�..���..:��:.�.:�. Strategy C2.R: Create a community that supports health families. The following actions were implemented in 2007; s '' r of . . . .. ... .. .. . .. > : C : unit ea en.e . ..:.:.. . ., D ;funds to Gornto . Y . : :.. , ..... ..... ed 2i. 00.0 in..C:..8 .. .. : . : . . . P.r...v....d: :- ... .. ., . . : ..: :: ...... .....; oderate- ri . ... med ca 1 services to 10wJrn, h. Count t.' reyide. . !'y . .. . . gin p. P .. ....... ........ .:.. . . . . . . ..... .. . . ..:%....:. Y , : : .. ..... ...... ....... .. . income indlvldua a .... . . Provided $1Or©00 in CDBG funds to;Comrnunity Heat enters o King Counfiy to provide nursing services tQ homeless individuals who reside in Kent`-area transifiionai and domestic violence shelters. Continued to manage the Safe Havens Visitation Center for family violence victims AFFIRMATIyELY FURTHER FAIR HOUSING: WHAT ACTI1/ITIES WERE TAKEN The City continues to monitor compliance with the Fair Housing Act and to respond appropriately to alleged violations; complaints are referred to the Washington State Human Rights Commission for resolution. In 2004, the City hired a consultant fio corn:plefie its first Ar+alysis of Housin Choice . �1I .a...a.cl,irect entitlerr+ent City. Impediments to Fa.r . g ) and ma de The Fair. Housing.Consultant identified three irnpedments two recornmendafiI ns which fall under the tityiS OOthority The two recommendations were: :; rt • Expand current education and outreach effo s, and ownershi and Ien.dng rnarketng to Afr�caq;Arnerican • Target homy p. an Hspant households The following actions were taken to implement the Fair Housing Consultant's recommendations and to affirmatively further fair housing: • The City provided access to a Fair Housing pamphlet entitled Fair Housing - It's Your Right via its website. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -13. Staff distributed fair`housing informational materials at City. sponsored crime prevention training and resource fairs. Staff researched and consulted with regional partners about creating a down payment assistance for low/moderate ' income families who need assistance purchasing homes. �� : t ,i,;'' � __ __ � t i:� :�_ ,:''It,�,,�,,���,:��,����'"'",'"' ,���� :%�i::��.�:-.: S,, . �EE �g ; � �- . ._. i R Q_ � AFDAE � �� ti t � - Rs notedAn—the 2-003 --200J City_of Kent Consolidated Plan, the City of Kent's comprehensive plan is consistent with the Countywide Planning Polices that include guidelines to support housing affordability . ;: e ; in Policies re u. e that ail urisdlctio;ns .: ..prow . .. U. wisde Plann . .:. Q. ::. . .. ... . The gip:: Y. 9 . . .. s: nd roVde. meet a varlet ::of nand :a p .. usin t .. es..to ...... .............. :.-.. Y . .. . % r a diversit of..7 9 YP ... . fo. .:. : . . :- . Y : : .......:..:. ►, .. . tion. s merits of the o ula ::. e:a i:,economic a ,: : : i ortunides fo 1. .. . 9 . . . ;: : : o hou�sin o ..... . .... . .. . . . . . . . . ... . f r .,.... . . Pp . . . . .:. , . . . in:an r. s... O; a ... ci .ate . ... .... ... .: . . .. . all on aII . urlsdici on : : P .. P e ollci.es ftarthor.:c 7 . . . .... . ....... . . ... . : . Th ..:....:.. .- :... ..: ...:.... :...... : .. P . h equitable distribution of low-i1.ncome anI affordable housing t roug out the County'. The City adopted a range of strate11 gies I:i6:1�_1. encourage affordable housing and to remove barriers to affordable housing development. This report highlights the following strategies: Maintaining the existing stock of affordable housing; Increasing housing stabilization for those who are at risk of becoming homeless; and • New funds for affordable housing Maintaining Existing Stock of�ll Affordable Housing Home Repair Program The City of Kent has an e�cisting stock'of smaller, older, and.more ost are located:ad acent to the' ow,n own core affordable homes. M J . The Cit preserved this housing;through the Home Repair Progi.ram an Y % to %Cit s .. other Investments In addit%ion to preserving housing, h Y investment a%verted the expenditure of new developrn�nt costs on the same location, Fall Prevention Program The Gty of Kent had a significant number . senior and disabled residents who were at risk of losing tl�e in de..endence'of rerriainirig in their homes wilvhout the Installation of fall prevention devices such as grab bars, transfer benches, elevated toilet seats, bed handles, etc To address this, the City provided a two-year $10,000 CDBG grant to the Fall Prevention Program; 2007 was the second year of the City's investment. The Program was hugely successful and residents who were assisted felt safer and more self-sufficient. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -14- Units Preserved Through City of Kent Home Repair Program and CI I ity of Kent Fire Department Fall Prevention: Rehabilitation Assistance . 11 �Cit "O ' 1 Cat o l P o ra D �: en , _�:. � 11 . '1 ► f�.1C , �'' N w Dose s A_ __ Outcome/pbaect�ve Outcome/Objective: nhace acces �brl� y o ' . enhance accessibilit%y to, . : . dc #fisag by xs#aliag. % n b :,,.; .. . .. . decant; �ousr: ..... :.:.. 9..... .. . . s y :. a a�cces hht , �r�.�m,. .. oy��l�ng reh� i�l ta;#ion hand�c y alth..arid. . n 44 /ow�molerate income nce and h .. . ....... .. . .. :;.,sr `a . , .. %: . Ken l�ous1 ofrls. 98 . ...... .. . ; . .. . . . safet re a rs...to . .: . . , . . .%: ...%.. :: . . : . .. . . . . y low moderate-income Kent hous%eholds. CITY OF KENT,:2007 OPE,R -15- TABLE 3B: ANNUAL HOUSING COMPLETION GOALS Resumes usei durin 2007 he, .4 e#; ANNUAL' _ —AFF-QRDABLE _. _ HOUSING GOALS SEC. z $iNM : } Homeless Households Nord homeless ......:. ❑ n e us holds ho.. ,e ... .. n. S eciai Needs Hosehods AN h1 _A1:....= AFFORDABLE' RENTAI;.`: HOUSING,GOALS Acquisition of exis ting units Production of new units Rehabilitation of n ❑ ❑`` ° existing units Rental Assistance ° El ° Total Sec. 215 ❑ ❑ ❑ n Affordable Rental ANNUAL AFFORDABLE iki HOUSII�IG COALS; ' k F Acquisition of ° n 0"wn!6 units Production of new n ° units Rehtion of abilita 80 98 X ❑ existin units Hornebuyer ❑ ❑ r< ° Assistance Total Sec. 215 ° ° ` ° ° Affordable Owner ANNUAL Ll AFFORDABLE HOUSING GOALS CITY OF KENT..2007 CAPER 416• SEC. 213 Acquisition of ° II° ° existin units Production of new ° ° units Rehabilitation of ° ° a11, existin units n _Homebuver ° ° _ p--- -- Assistance _ __ Total Sec. 215 0 ° ° Affordable T - Housin AIVNUA. ,, i10USI1N G(A1S z ��, ..��.......::......:���%..-....:.......::..�.%...:d..�.�-.:-..%.�%.�.........%...:%..%......%�:.:.�.�:..-:....%:..:�i...:......%.:.:.�.:.1...::�..-!.���.....%..�...�:-....%..:..:..-�..%..�::.-1:..i.�.%.�.;.�....%.:..-%.......�....-�:..%...�.........:.!%�.:::.�.%.k::.-....!.�%I.......!%.�.%.......%.�.,..:..!.:..�.�:.%..%..�....-......—.........:I i.�i...J...:..-.!..�..�...:��.�...%....!..�....!......:...%:%�...:...�-...�.....:..:��...........%..��.:.%!.%.:....�:.:�...-.:.�..�.........-...:.%�:....::.:....-..�:.....­.....:.:.:.�...�.�%.�.......:...:%�.%....:..�..:....��.....:-:...��.�........%:............%�%:..:......!..:..��.-..�-.:.:......:�...%.......%.%..�....:.:.%.....-....:..��.:%:.....-:..:.....�:...%..:.%....�..%.:.-.i..�.�...-j..�!...:........::.��..-...%.......:.�..:�...;..........%%:....-...........:::�.:......%...—:-..:..:.:...�...:.....!.i;.7�..��....%...%.....:........:.�........�...%........�I.....%..�. .,:�.:.��I:�...,..I..,��11..�.�-....,-,.-i.��.��1..,,,��-..I-..-,�..�_--��..-.,,��.:-..�.:,�..�...:......I:�...I,,!.I i...,.,�:,�..:.:.:�.,.1%.II.:�-,,:-�...-i..%,..,�..%.II�.:�:j:���..%%.-I....-:%::�-.,�:.I,:.�.�%..'�....�:%;.:�.j%.,..:.,!.-%.:.-.I�,...,....�..�,�...,�..��..i.�.-..:.�.��,:...���....�,-%,-�.:.l...�.�.�....:�.......,�%:.:.:�:..!1�I-��:%.,.....�--..:....-��...�1�::�..,�....:,-:�.:.�.....-...%..!�.:�%.l-.::-...,-�-....%'...I...:-t..,I��%..:"%...-.!:�-.....:..I;......:.—:%...�.:��:..�I....�...II:-.::,,-��,....�.I-..,��:.-.:I,::�.!!—.:..,I.:%,�:...��,-,�.:.�:"...:,..:%�...1...j...�.!��,:-:%.:...,1�%:.1-.'-.-....:�:.:..,I.�-..1,1�..-.,,,:-.��..I�..1,.i..,.!:�.,-...�I..:,%�'..,..�:::.�..:......%..��-.�t..�%���.�%'i�..1:::�,.,;,....-,�.l...,..,.,,I.�::L...%-...,1,�-�..:��.I:.,!:�I::I.��".�,�,-�:...�.:!]I.:%.,�.I.:.,�-:..��.,�-�..,.:-.1-.:.-%.!�,..::.�.�:,�,.....%.:..':..,,I..%�.,-.::�.%-:-.:..%.:-,�t-.,..��:­:.�.I..1.?.,:...�....I.�.:.:::�,...�.,-.�..:...:�...:�.J;�..:..,,,�I.-I�.:...:."..:,-I.1:.'�,�,1....,�,t.%.I,1..-...�:��i�I,��,.�.:,......�:�i:�-:.1-.%,.I�!,.,I-1I!,,,.::�:I-I:%�.I.%��.%!.,,...%-..1%:.�..:.,..%.":�:-1--�.:...'-:�1..�,..,1:.....:,1.,,:-�:,,..:.-l���.,:,..;%,�%.%I%,�.%::%1�%,�....:J�-.1,.,--:%::.--��,:..1,...,I.��,l-�:.:%,1:�,:..�I%����,-.:...]..,,�....%1�.,,,:..I.,,,:-I�.�1.,"..:I:%.�,,-:1:-:�I,I.,%.--.����.�!.�...—..:,-.t-.I..I1.�.,:�,,,I..�,-�-..-,...�1�',1�:,i....�%:-,...:�.11.%.:..,��...,III%"':...,.��..,..1,,�%��-�.I%.,-�...,�:�%.Z-....-'-.',,%:1,�-,,:.,��:..:',, Annuai Rentai ° ° n n Housin foal Annual Owner A ° t7 HOUSin Goal T6ta1 Annuail 97 122 X n ❑ n ::........:....: .' :.:.:..:H.o. 5! G.Q.ai.::.: i.: .::::.:: ; .:.::.:......:.::. ...:: ..:. u. . CITY OF lCENT:2007:CAPER - Increasing Housing Stabilization for Those Who are Homeless or at Risk of Becoming Homeless Multi-Service Center Housing Stability Program The City of Kent has an increasing number of residents who experience financial emergencies that place them at risk for eviction.or �►ho_lack _ the funds to pay for move-in costs. Through the Housing Stability Program; rsidents secure the-funds.to_rernain in housing or to_pay a security deposit%and other costs to lease a home. Housing Stabi�i.t Prodded #o nd�-.. ... % is Who Were Horneliess or of Risk of Becoming Homeless ~ y inn: ' Persons Assisted 1�.4 Persons Assisted. 115 ..�:. �, ��� �.�.................i�.,.....%:���:.:Mw:..:......:..�. :...... non"a-MMENEZ .... .:.%.::. : ..:%.. . .:... ..... .. � �^ „ 2007.•Outco°me/Ob'ective :,��J�>.•r �, � � 3 - Multi-Service Center Addressahe need to sustain �N:...:..... j::1-I..:��.�_i:�.��..:..-�..�..�.:.­I.c­.��."".:1!.:�.%...:,....�:�.,.-�I.,:...��:.�.1..�.-.%.,._.��..�..M,:.%�%.:��1.1�.:.j::_. Housing S#ability Program a suitable living environment and prevent homelessness by providing housing stability grants to 115 to w/modem te-income individuals. New Funds for Affordable Housing - 2007 Affordable Housing for A11 House Bill A. . shin ton State Legislature parsec! a bill levying a $10 on document 9 recordings to generate revenue for local governments to provide shelter for low-.income households. Independent Youth Housing Program (House Bill`1g22) st ends rov�de hash i as ed a;:b.I' to . ... . 9 p ......... . . . . . sin ton State Le stature P s, P .... Wah .9 9 out of fiost. ;. a ernent services to oursg adults a9 ;. ar�d case map Y . . ... .....: . care. House Bill 6157 Washington State Legislature passed a bill to provide supportive housing and other services to help offenders who are released from prison to`successfully transition back into the community. D. CONTINUUM OF CARE CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER •�$• The City of Kent participates regionally with the Seattle/King County Continuum of Care for the application and distribution of HUD funds for homeless programs through McKinney funds, Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) and HOME funds. In addition to regional participation, the City takes action on its own to support a continuum of services for ;homeless individuals, --- _ --2uu% the Ciiy suFipor ed i�r�nber of programs that-provided =- - assistance to homeless persons and persons requiring supportive Y-=housing:-Sdpf)brt fo-thes-e=programs came from a combination_ f-City General Fund and CDBG resources Included were: sh r Q Catholic>:Communit Services Housing fpr Men` emergency, e for homeless men .. Jon "e v ces D�vls n resource &. t ;:o :K nt:Housln & Human S r .i . .. .. ... .. .... . Q Ci fi e .. g ... . ...... .......... .. .. .... . Y:. .. : ..: referral:servfces, including bus ticl�ets and client a ;vocacy re erra s r fJ' Comrnunrty Health Centers of King County Healthcare for the Homeless - nursing services #o homeless lndrvrduals residing in . . transitional and:domestic yiQlnce shelters /ocatec( �n the Kent area II Conse o services to Latino �ctirns of domestic violence and &te children living in gent, Including cornmuriity and legal adiocacy, ..;..:i..-..�.:..:-..:.�%�W-..�%:.....�:..:..:....%.:�.�.�.%..�.�.�.�.,.....%.�:....%:......-..:�%...:�..:.�...:.�....%.:.!...:.�:.%:�.�.......�.-..%.%.:...;..��..�..%:...:%... emergency assistance, women's support groups, and access to` housing Q DAWN Domestic Violence Shelter Program - confidential emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children Q Hospitality House emergency shelter for homeless, single women Q Home Repair Program -`grants for health and safety-related repairs for low/moderate-income homeowners Q Kent Food Bank emergency financial assistance and food bags Q Kent Youth and Family Services Watson Manor - transitional housing for parenting teens Q Ding County Sexual Assault & Resource Center - services prodded . .... to sexual assault survivors ;; .:t to c : enc :Ass s n e - emer enc asses ance ;'; Q Multi service Center merg; 9 : Y: . to low incorrte Kent rndfv�duals and families Q MuitI service po te t e 60ncy Vouchers Program overnight. emergency shelter for horn . .% s% persons who:corne rnto contact . with Poltce . ere and tie Hurnart 5 vices Division after fours anii dur�n `severe weather 9; Multi-service Center Housing - emergency and transitional housing II . . for women and farnrlies II Muiti-s% :.: c Center Housing Stability grants to prevent eviction or to assist with move �n costs Q Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation case management: services for homeless individuals Q Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation MiIl outreach and case management to Kent area homeless men ������ ������:�:�'i,����,t�,�����,,��:, ,,:�''t,�:,���t..�:�... .. . . .1, t .... . % N- �� - - -��: �� , 11 , I —,� 1: 1 , . -- :%% % .. . CITY OF KENT:.2007::CAPER :IQ, . Q YWCA transitional shelter_a_n_ nd case management services for domestic violence survivors The City also provided services to persons with disabilities at the Kent Resource Center and escorted transportation services for seniors living independently in the community. E��­_ �A - _____�_:__'t t ......,�, � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, � ­�:__,��% LEV Cl'SAt7iir7 R=3{ v�CEv -% - - - - - - In 2DOCDB�-funds_were, serl in conjunction- in local _ funds to address human services needs. Community agencies report that for eve ... pr©vided by the`City of Xert, another'$1 jt leveraged, Community agencies receive the balance of their funding from other`federal agencies; the State of Washington,`'King County; • t e ca;m a ns, . e a and o F� r charItabl+e; i; in9 P 9 c I:mu ici altties Unit d W. . ...... . . . .... . 9......... ... .. .... . .... .. ..:::. ........ .IA.....a.,..............Ci.........: ..........:....................,.....:....:.....:...,..:.......,........:.. ............,.:..:.:...,.......:...............,... . P . ... . .::...::.::: .::..:..::::..: .,::.:..:....:;....:..:....:......:.. .,:; .. ... .. u t osa. . . io s: nd fundsis�n F.und�n re: c i n oundat�ons r�vate donat n . a 9 :. 9 ..... f.. . . p . ...:.. ..:....:....... .. ... ... ... ............ . ... . federal, state, and local levels continue to impact the stabs sty of. e human services system. F. CITIZE%N CC7:7♦N#NI%ENTS Citizens received a 3U=day perrod to review and comment on'th 11 e CAPER. A Public Notice was published in the Kent Reporter on Saturday, February 9, 2008. In addition, citizens were invited to provide comments at a public hearing held at the Housing and Human Services Division on February 21, 2008. Over two-week advanced notice was provided. No comments were received. Notices were provided to People of Color and organizations working with or who have contacts with ethnic/racial minorities, non=English speaking persons, an,d people with disabilities. . O. . LEAD-Bi►SED PAINT COMPLIANCE; . . . . . . . edu ce .. . .. ..... : .. : . . . ... . .. .......:......... . ... the Cit to evaliata and .r .The followIn :actions were taken by Y : : ...... 9: , , .... . . . ea abased` aint;hazards er.of housin :units contaln:�n 1 d . . . p, . .. .. . . . the numb .. g .. ......: . .. • formational materials;to all • The City provided,Lead :Based Pant in .homeowners served by the Home Repair Program, staff was a.Vallable to answer questions. * Home Repair staff used the Lead-Safe H;ous}ng Rule Checklist for General Compliance Documentation as a guide to verify cornpl3ance . with lead-based paint rules; a Lead-Safe Housing Rule Applicability Form was completed on every Horne Repair client. Staff adhered to and, when applicable, enforced lead-based paint abatement regulations.' CITY �JF KENT 2007 CAPER -20- H.. SUB-RECIPIENT MONITORING AND TRAINIi+,IG 11 The CDBG Program Coordinator monitored CDBG-funded programs throughout the year by reviewing quarterly reports and consulting with programs to address issues that needed clarification. To prepare for on-site monitoring, staff developed a monitoring tool that includes self assessment-Questions which are completed by program staff prior to a site visit. In 2007, five (5) programs received on-site monitoring - - - - - visits-and two (2) progrars_received on-site consultations. Site visits Y _._ provided an opportunity for staff to congratulate programs on s11 ucces%se%s and to provide technical a%ssistance on issues;that were i es:arvere resolve satisfactorily, Programs in ;: :VVh�:1e most; ssu. : : : :.... .... . .. challen ... : . :: : ... .:. . . 9 : 9 .. . . . ontractua re uirem.en.s . . ..... . . .. .. ail re;to;com :l; with c, , . . e: n.formed that the . ....:::. i�Y .. . .. . vier 1 . : .. .... ....: .... : . .......:... . .... % n: or:the termiatton. e lations could result to r medial actions a dI .... . and. ,r , u : ... . .. :.. :.:.. .....: ...:.. : . : . 7Ya1. . fund g Another change that occurred in �007 was th e .institution of web-baked.. reporting. This new system allows programs to submit on line q�aaterly reports and relmaursein`ent requests. Among the go.als fqr to a user;friendl �n s atelm were to crea Y . :. level in .the re .ort g v ,.: ! . . .. . P 9 P reporting system, reduce paperwork, and provide' prog`rarns easy access to a tracking system. Program staff received training on how to use the new reporting system. I. SELF-EVALUATION The preponderance of CDBG and human services expenditures were used to support the wide continuum of services that are essential to the Kent community and the South King County region. The City met its requirements for housing development and affordable housing pursuant to the King County Growth Management Planning Policies adopted% by the region in 1993 T.he Cit 's nine-;member.Human Services Commi soon; a citizen's . Y advisor bod to the City Coungil, reviews the human service issues of ..,. ; ;: .:Y. Y :: . . sis argil recom ends.fund;n9. n. It on. a.n<o.n .oin. ba ., .. . :, the:i:.. cp.m . : y ..: ......... ....� .... 9 . . . w th:an e e towat'd seif r ent needs aion ., i : : Y: allflcations based on the u; 9 ::. .. . . -:,; . :: :: . . .. . .. . ev�ous'fve ears $s q.$;over the : r . : Y . ..; ention. Ether. 1n . . ..... .. . P . reliance:and reu . 9; 9 . :. ::.:. ... . . .... . . ..... ... :. : .:. . P ... ed dertlands for ob :: include.tract tncreas .. : :- ...: ]: of the Consolidate ;Klan ...:. .: ....... . ... om s-... ience.evelo meet im :rovin tha tra+ring and workforce d p , p 9 s. stem, emergency and disaster preparedness and coordination, an Y .nc eas t eiMum er of residents who lack health care]6sUeanc are`under-insured, collaboration in the county-wide goal of ending homelessness by moving the homeless into permanent housing, and addressing needs of the immigrant/refugee population. The City's response to emerging issues included the following initiatives: Increased funding to micro-enterprise development projects CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -21- • Worked with regional partners to develop the South icing County Plan to End Homelessness. Partnered with regional stakeholders to develop the System Navigation and Access Project (SNAP) to respond to the needs of immigrants and refugees, • Staff co-chaired the United Way of King County Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Impact Council. J, CONSOLIDATED PLAN UPDATE - — - - - ry _ _ _ __ c,- Because the Citys five-yeaConsoiidated Flan for Housing and = -= Cfl;mmunity Development expired in 2007, the city worked with the cornrnunity to provide a framework for irnplernenting housing, .cornrnur�t; dev . mint act a es from 2008- human services and ..� . p . 2012. t✓tizen artcpation.was solicited through a Citizera P Participation Survey and Housing acid Human services staff met ah!d consulted with;seniors, People . f Color, homelessness service providers, and other stakeholders t© get their input on the Plan. public bearing was;ke&P6 ct6b r M 2007, and the Consolidated Plan was sub to HUD in November: CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER '22' . . . . A 2007 CDBG PROTECTS - The City of Kent supports housing and 'Human services ageticfes with - funds for on-going prograrnrning,• e.g., feeding programs, medica! _ _ ---- services;housing sta�iiiity;etc.—,through ids CDBG-:entitlement.I�s =-- - - -- -..- the C tyfs policy to support human service programs that meet one of the Q%y:s funding pr�oritt es. A;tatal of 8fl3'863 try-CiBG,funds:was orted by the awarded In 007 The fo.11ow9I- orgarnzations were supp . CDBG Program (a complete list of agencies supported by the ... . .CDBG an enera1 und is attached) Capita/PWaid.ts, Rehabilitation Pr r rn 400 M :` - m Re atr. .4. Cat of Kent Ho e . . .. . .. . . P 9 . . . Y Funds used to rehabilitate housing that is Dwhe and occupied by low/moderate-income families residing in the City of Kent, Micro-enterprise Assistance Green River Community College: Micro-Enterprise Development-$25,000 Funds used to help low/moderate-income persons develop or expand a micro-enterprise business by providing business counseling or technical assistance. • Washington Cash: Kent Micro-Enterprise Initiative-$25,000 Funds used to provide business training and business development services to low/moderate-income women, people with disabilities and other under-served individuals; . - Ac l�� fiion . 1- : ;. .:; 7 l ce Cen#er Qne-;s#a Huan:'Srvices Fat�-$:., 11 Ilan p . Funds used to acquire the prpperty and the facility to provide a meet>the human c do for a;one�sto :servjce .enter..... i cent�-a1 to a n. ... ....... . ... . .: P. ..........:. .. .. . : : ::::: . . . . ..... ... . .. .:. it de ; t ncome;comm n .:. se �c s:needs of the IQuv mo :.ra e Y :: . r. .�. ... . . Public Service 1 h Ce : ers;;of:Ktn Count 3f 000 • Community Heat nt g Y 5 Funds used to support two project; (1) Medical services {$2i; 000), project provided medical services to Kent patients; and' (2) Healthcare for the Homeless ($10,000), project provided nursing services to homeless adults and children who resided in �Funding was approved by City Council November 7,2006. CITY OF KENT 2007:CAPER -23- % transitional shelters; services also provided at the Kent Community Health Center. I'llHospitallity House: Women's Shelter-$10,000 Funds used to provide shelter and case management services to homeless women who formerly resided in Kent. _ _ _ _,_, - i�iuiiti Service Center; lous.ng 5abiliy-$�?,57 ' = --- - - Funds used to provide housing stability grants to low-income or -- ------ - =—hor-nel-es� individuals-to prev-ent evietio-n-or--tc assist with moves-in — —_— costs . . : . . ; , It i n. Homeless .. d : o su .ao . . elan an C . . . .: . . ..... Ilet�es C- urt . y I� Outreach $17j000 Funds used to roide outreach and case management to;homeless p Individuals in`the City ofKent. IICA�'Transitiional Housing-$2. ,000 Funds used tv provide transitional shelter and`case management services .t domestic violence survluors. Planhing 4 h. A d:��I���������i���h.:�'.�.i��s��.�.�.:.:...tration • City of Kent: Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, Housing and Human Service-$160,773 Funds used to administer the City of Kent CDBG projects and engage in planning activities. B. RELATIONSHIP ASSESSMENT: CONSOLIDATED PLAN PRIORITIES, NATIONAL:OB]ECTIVE AND ONI'llE YEAR ACTION PLAN . . .. .. CDBG funds and the $698,566 allocated from the Uty's General Fund provide the foundation for the Clty's efforts 1n public services-related . funded. The combined. ds are allocated by the City:Council based .. on recommendations by the City's Hurnan services COCnmJ;$% . The : ,; of assessments , Commission rev ews the data from a number ... dempgraphic reports and, 0 uns to develop priorities far funding, and theta calls for applications from the:co.rnmun ty Applications for capital a ,ital,-related,needs are also ought frorn.hu:.%% services agencies; p e. renovation of office or counsel*ng space, projects;to . .... 9. . ` acquire/preserve affordable housing, `acquisition or property to build a health facility for low/moderate-income patients, etc. Only CDBG funds may be expended on capital projects. After a screening process, the City employs the following three-prong analysis to determine which programs receive CDBG funding: (1) CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER •24- 2 Does<the Service or need fall within a City of Kent funding prioraty ; (2) Is the service or need an eligible activity; and (3) Does the service or need meet a national objective? The three national objectives are activities benefiting low/moderate-income persons, activities Which aid in preventing or eliminating slums or blight, or activities meeting community development needs that have a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious`and immediate threat to the health or �relfare of the'comunit and :;they fanandial resources do not exist to meet such needs. in 2007, all CDBG funds were used exclusively to 11 -- - -= _ = meet the-national-objective of benefiting_lowrn9slerate-income - persons . :%_.%,', .:. ................:......:..:%�%��.:...:��.�%:����:::�....���������.:::��..:.:!..: .­::­­,­,,J:i��-�& �= I'll Rules governing the CDBG p %rogram place a fifteen percent (15%) cap on the amount cif funds that may be allocated for public services; the City expended %the rnaximUm amount. For planning and administrafi;�O . the"City spent �ns�ert a/o%o of its total CDBG allocation, which is less than the 20% 'maximum that is ailoWed C. PROfRA I`68yiEOT AF OHAI�I ES Program objectives were not modified In 2,, p. EFFORTS ASSESSMENT: ONE YEAR ACTION PLAN A majority`of CDBG public service funded projects met'or exceeded the performance measures required by contract. Table 3A'shows the objectives/outcomes for 2007 CDBG-funded projects. . . . . . . . . .. . . ....4�i:.. . . % . .. . - - .. . . . .. . . .. . . . % . . . '`2 The five(5)funding priorities are: • Meeting Community Basics; • Increasing Self-reliance; • Strengthening Children and Families, • Building a Safer Community;and • Improving Health and We11-Being. CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER •25- TABLE 3A SUMMARYJSTATEMENT OF SPECIFIC ANNUAL 087ECTIVES Obj. outcome/Objective Source Performance Year Expected Actual Percent # of Indicators # # Completed Funds _ DH- Enhance accessibility-_ CDBG -Number of 2007 17 YWCA 24 >100% 1 to decent housing by persons-_-- — -- �G -- - YWCA - 100% providing the receiving HRP 98 - - _following�tt siti a! -- _ Jiouslnp=and = TOTAL:__ HRP housing &case case 97 TOTAL: management for management 122 domestic violence Number of survivors and their ` Households children; receiving rehabllltation home repair assistatace and health assistance and safety repairs to Iovv/moderate ncvme Kent homeowners s � • Obj Ouficome�Qbjective Source Performance Yoar Expected Actual Peroent # of Indicators # #': Completed . Funds SL- Enhance accessibility CDBG -Number of 2007 10 HH 11 HH >ifl0% 1 to a suitable living persons 22 VCC 48 VCC >100% environment by receiving 144 125 100% providing shelter, case shelter CHCKC CHCKC3 management/outreach, •Number of 78,226 19 100% medical services, and a persons AC CHCKC4 one-stop service center receiving Total: 11.084 14% to meet the human outreach & 78,402` ACC service needs of case Total. low/moderate-income management 11,287 individuals and families -Number of persons recelvmg m ed.ieal : iservi ;. : e of Numb r homeless persons receiving nursing services •# of individuals receiving assistance with human a Medical Services 4 Healthcare for the Homeless s Expected number included service units from all programs located at the Alliance Center;however the actual'served reported is based on one program that is located at the Alliance Center. CITY OF KENT Z007 CAPER -26• servlces needs CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER - Q TABLE 3A CONTINUED �, I , "....1:11 :�;:__::%:,�, �, ­%... -7--�t��:�.--.�­t­I��,-.�.�,-,1�..-:-.�i��.�I1­I��:.�-.­,:I�­._.1 1­��::,.I I.,,..:-..-I:.:..I�.::.I1I:..,-�.�1I,�l­�:t-.1::1,��%%.,�.:.%.I--��­-.�1I%�......,­7�.1I..�.�,.:!.��!.'—I�:....%�.:�...i-_...�i:,���-,.,.-­:­�..:�,.�.:�­...--.,­:I�­..�....�1�.�­�.:1�%..I,�.-.���.�:::I��i...�­I.��­,�­�.�­�%,-.�:�.._,..:.­�.�:,...%�:­.....�­�,.::'I��...!.­.:1 1�I�:...��:I:..,�­�-.�:.�­%:�..:-I..%_....%��I:..,,.­%_.­_,..,�.��­'­�­......�­..._I-.­­.II��'.­�J�_.:%.�1..,��...�.%::��­�...::��:i:..­:­i�....1%-.::-I-...."..�i...%I..,,�­:�.:­�­....�­:%-."�..:�__..:.­�....__.��,..,��'�­......��­­%.:."��...,I��,t��­.:.::�:�­__%:.'��..��-­..��..��'�I..�...��­:..1:...�,!��.%l_..�%:­�I%­...I­­�:::-.1­1�%.,...:��:­:%..-�:.�.I����I�.....1:::.:.....,�..�"�..:­:��,i...11::.��I-. • . ; • Obj. 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Funds %.�.:..%%.%.-��!%%.�...i-.....�1...:..1�..%.........1..:.........:%.-.:...:.,....�1.,. - _ _ SL- Address need to CDBG -Number of 2007 50 MSC 115 >100%Io 3>— sustain a suFtable - persons----_ -- �.:.�.��.:..�%..::�:%.:.-.....��.­...�.��i:­..�..�:.�..%�._....�..,�_�......:­.:�:-�:......��.1���...%.:�..�. ­!:.�.�...%...-..-��.....�..:..-..%�I�..!.I..%.-::.%:-.�.:..�:�..��I.....%:I..%..:..:....�::.._1� 1..!_.:..��..:�..:.�-..J�:�.�:.�...%...,.�:% living environment by receiving -__-_ _ _ vidins -housing _ grants loans __ — - - - -- - stability grants`to .......:.­......�%.....%..:.%..�_....: .....I .....%���.%­%:.%.�:.:.�:..�.:....�%..-.....�i..%.%..��..::..;..-....�.:.:�..:....%.%.�.�...... :...,.:.���:�..% ...�,...:.:..::...:I�....�:...i.. .I�:.:..%..�.��..: :......��.,....!:..:�..�...:�.�:.�.!!....:...I......:....�.��1.­..I.-...%:�1.._:-.-%.�:...�,�.1....::_....­��.:��;.:.. ......:.�%1�:..:.::�: :�1:..:%--...:.��.%. i�....�..%.%..�.:.,��.:_.:�....�..­�....'..%. ::_ �.%.%:..�.: :�.�1�........:%... .:.........:.. .......i...�...%...::!...�....: low-income or;..' homeless..:individua.ls.:.:..: ..... ............::......:.:.... .... ..................:.....::. .. .: ......._. ::.:.............:::: : : O... . . Et-1 Enhance CDBG •Nu!nber 2007% 43 WA 19 1 A �44b10 he of peJ�sons;, -CASH CASH t% �1t)0% ` accessibility enrolled in 24GRCC 3 GR C of ` business TQta1• Total: ; economic'i training 67 49 opportunity classes and •Number promote of persons the assisted creation of with micro- business enterprises counseling by providing business training classes business counselin` CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER ... •28• ........­...::.:1 E EXPLANATION REGARDING ACTIVITIES INVOLVING ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION, OR DEM®LITION OF OCCUPIED. REAL PROPERTY AND HOW RELOCATION WAS ACCOMPLISHED No CDBG or City funds were expended for activities that required relocation actions in 2007. - - ---:-1,,-I1:111,-1�1�-�,�,-,,11�-,,,1--,1,1---:��--1-�-� I-�--,--.:I--.:.:.�1--...-.:--...-..--.-.....-.�.-,::,V-.1.1.1.:n- - -1-1111,.,.............%.........:.....:.:�...%..:.:..:......-.:.i. F. -I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES WHERE JOBS WERE NOT --- -- - TAifi=N BY LOitf/'MOB�ERir�T�Ir CO6`�E PERSON . - — — No econorx�ic development 0ctjvites were undertaken involving th.�Idt-- ...", -,'':': ---.-:. , ..--... . . .... %,��%- 1..'�,::: . ... . . . . creation/retentipn of jobs. �G, . REPORT REGA[RiDING LOAN REPAYMENTS . The City di%d not use CDBG funds o enter into loans, CONCLUSION The City and its funded programs successfully met the needs of the Kent Community in 2007. The community worked collaboratively to make strategic community investments, leverage resources and to respond to ongoing and emerging human services issues. In addition, the City expended a portion of its CDBG funds on capital projects to increase or enhance services to Kent residents. CDBG funds, local funds, and funds from % . other governmental entities were critical%in protecting the safety net in the City and the South King County region.` CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -29- ..... ...... . . :�:. . . - - ... - ' ... .... . i. . . ... .... . .. .......:.. . ........ . .:� . � . . . .: . . . . .... . . . ..�.. .��.�.......%.... .... ..:.�:�%.:- .. . . ... .. :�. . .. - . . . :�.%���.%�.:.�%. ��!�:.-%:��-. � .�..:�:��::��%: ...... ... . . ..:�.:. .. . . - . . .. . : . .:: , :�� I%::�,::::,:%j��:.:%%.��.:..:.%:1 .. .. -%::%;� . � , , �,�,:,�- � � � 11 : �� 2Li ...... .. ::�.!::1�..%:: .%. INFORMATIgON FROM /YUp'S INTEGRATfb DISBURSEMENT ANa iNFOR i IAT OA`SYSTEM (L;3ISS)-FOR'RROGRAM '_EAR 2�2�� ➢ _CDBG Financial Summary - C04PR26 _ r - - — CDBG Act�v�#yurnmary deport (APR) C€i4R0� _ . . ➢ Addi �r�nal reports analyzing the use of funds are available u on>re uest. To re: ue t th.....e`reports contat . ous ng an p q A Human Services Division'at 253 655 5070 1. CITY QF KENT 2007:CAPER -30- I - � i� : ,��, -- 7m�%�:1 1 1 1 1 �, , , , I i I ,:: �,I'll I 1, 1, . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL FUND ALLOCATIONS FOR PROGRAM YEAR 200711 City of Kent 2007 CAPER City Kent: 20.0.7 CDBG Public Service Allocations Community Health Centers: Health Care for the Homeless $ 10,000 Community Health Centers: Medical Services $ 26,000 Hospitality House`: Women's Shelter $ ` 10,000 Multi-Service Center: Housing Stability $ 37,579 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation: Homeless Outreach $ 17,000 YWCA: Transitional Housing $ 20,000 TOTAL120,579 2007 DBG Capital Funding Allocations Alliance Center, One sto Human .7777 11 Services Fa'cilit Cit of Kept: Horne lie air Pro ram $400,0 Green River Community College: Micro- $ 25,000 enter rise bavelo meat Washington CASH.% Kent Micro-enterprise $ 25,0D0 Initiative TOTAL: : $522,511 77777777. 77 2007 Planning and Administration City of Kent: Planning & Administration $160,773 20% of entitlement TOTAL $160,773, 2.0 CDBG`Funs ing Summary 77 Public Service 120,579 Ca itai : 522,511 Planning &:Administration i60 773 . GRAND`TOTAL 003 863 CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER -32- 2007 CDBG Public Services Contingency Plan In the event of an increase in public service funds above the preliminary estimate, additional funds will be allocated to the MSC-Housing Stability Program, up to $40,000. Any additional funds will be divided between the funded programs. In the event of a decrease in CDBG public'service funds, the decrease will be-._ proportionately distributed among the funded agencies with the exception of MSC _Housing Stability, with no agency receiving:less than $10,000 in funding. 200 CDBG Capital Contingency Plan IO the eveI.nt acldltional ;ca tal: funds are re'cevd ar:`reca tred :the:addton,al P p funds will`be allocated to the A1� ance Center, yap;:to $200,000 iDecrease If there is a decrease in:;funds p ro'ects will be cut in:the followan`: order: � 1. Green River Community College 2. Washington CASH 3. City of Kent Horne :Repair Program 4. Alliance Center CITY OF KENT 2007. CAPER .33- City & Kent: 2007 General Fund Allocations Agency Amount Catholic Community Services/Valley Cities $ 50,000.00 Child Care Resources $ 20,500,00 -=-- Children's Horne Society $ 10,000.00 Communities in Schools-Kent $ 12,000.00 Community Health Centers $ 57,000.00 CQmrnunity HealthCe7777 nters $` 20,p00.p0 ConseoA. ,000.flO Crisis Clinic DAilUN $ 40,000.00 Dynamic Family Services ` $ 35,000.00 Emergency Assistance $ 1p,000.00 7ewish Family Services $ 7,500.00 KC Sexual Assault Res Center $ 21,000.00 Kent Food Bank $ 52,000.00 Kent Youth and Family Services $ 50,000.00 Kent Youth and Family Services $ 8,000.00 Kent Youth and Family Services $ 14,500.00 Kent Youth and Family Services $ 10,000,00 King Co Public Health $ 25,000.00 MNADV(Men's NetWk Against DV) $ 5,p00 00 Multi Serv+ce tenter 40 000OQ 1 00 0 p p,p . • Multi Service;Center : t 60 000.00 Multi Senrice Center , , , Safe Havens $ 78,10 74 Survivor Support 15,000.00 Survivor% pport $ 30,000,0 0 Ukrainian Community Center-:.. $ 10,©00.00 W W EE $ 35,000.00 YWCA $ 25,000.00 TOTAL $773,660.74 CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER 44- CITY OF KENT 2007 CAPER .35- Public Hearing for the City of Kent 2007 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report(CAPER) February 21,2008 NAME ORGINIZATION PHONE # COMMENT F77 i j f