HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/18/2008 . ..... .... .. ... ..: ...:...:...........:.. ..... . . . HOUSING:ANb HUMAN.SERVICES Katherin Johnson Housing and Human Services Manager 220 4"'Avenue South 1�11I�II-,,�-�,1�II I-��,I:I�1�,�11--t1,�1,�,,�:1-I,�,-I--�:�'t,:t:��:-�:���:t',:��:�l--:l­�,,:"��,-:::�!-��,,",-:�II::'��'�,:��-j-"�-i"t�,�"1���'-,1,,�-'��-1:�",':��"�-,-��:�,t'�,�1:,:,�:l1,:l-:�l,'�,l'��-K:':�t,I,,,:'Z��:],,,',,:',�:,!1,�:,,:,zZ�''E,,�:z1��,'��,1:z�1,,,,z 1,,,���,,,,i1z�'1-,�,,,�'Y1-"i'-,-'1,1,",�1,,-I�-,I I-1 1,l 1�'i�"1-�l�:I,1,"�-��-�":"',�:1 z�,:"IZ1�:'"1,,Z,::,-,,,:�,-,,,-,'�,�:�-,"-:-,�'"�-��,,,--�,z,'�,,�,-"�Z,,:_:1�:-:,:_,,��-t:,,�-:,It--:�'�:_,,-:I:',�::,�::l-�'"t:�'l!-':l,,-:zZl,�,,!.:.%.�:.-.l.:...�%...�.�...:�...:...%.!l...%.......:�..�:.......:..�..'..:.:...:,...�.%:..:..-...-.1.:.........-.I.:.,.....%.-�,�%.:..%-.--%...%::.�..,..�.�..-.,t..�..%.%-.....�..%�:.1...,,.-.:.�.:.�...�,i.....�;..-��.��..:�.-.::...:%�.-�%:i....1��.l%A.,.:-.�-.-..�.-�---.%%1.t.:.-�:-......�:lIi%��i....:�:....:I.:�....t....1��..-i.1�.��-.-.:....�-...,i..��.::...-�:..I.�:-��I�:....-:.:.:;.��iQ�%.��%:-:%.�.:.:;%.�-1:,�;1!:%i�:,�%I:�I���G,�:%��.i::.;:,�:,�,�'����.,:��E�,��',��.:,,�:�:�:,��--,��-:,�:,;,,�:��i:,�:i;���,:,�,�:�.��1��-�,.�1:;.,�,.-�,t:�t,;.,:,,��1.�,,���D-��,:�I�;�.���.����,�.�1i�,i�'���,�,:,�,�,'A�",�,�,,�-'�,',�:,',:���I'�,�����­�-,-���,����:�-��-�:,���,,-,������,���,�,��,��j-:;I�-l�!-���"��,z:-�,�::��,�,�-:�:��,"���,I,�� Kent,1NA 98032 T - WASNINaToN Fax: 253 856 6070 p� PHONE: 253-855-5070 AN i�ii KENT HUMAN SERVICES C®MM SSI®lV Scheduled Meeting for Thvl.Irsday., Septa er 8th 2008 ', �e�®` i®� peii,t� ountain View Conf �" a If�t��r ), �entell�n>ial Center Kent 'ashingt��e Cathy Peters, chair (iJ2010) Tamara Sleeman, Vice Chair (1J2010) Elizabeth'Albertson, City Count%I Member (1J209) k da Barret, Youth Merrib'er (1 2009j Jon` Botten, Commissioner (iJ2010) Dini Duclos, Commissioner (1J2l310) Brett Hollis, Commissioner (1J2010) Maya Vengadasaiam, Commissioner (1J2009) Pastor Wilbur Vincent, Commissioner (1J2010 AGENDA Presentation Kent Food Bank Jenece Choate, Executive Director Discussion: Increase in numbers seen by the Food Bank, upcoming holidays, obstacles, what HHS and'the Commission'can do to help % .. . . .. .. 1.. Intr..oductions ;; .. ..... .. .... . .. .... .. .......... . ...::.. ................. . ........ .............. ........:.... ..:.. .%......:.... .:..... . .. . ova :o ;< n 2008`Mee�tin Minu%tes``' AC I'OIV ITEM z /�ppr I f.Ju e g .. Seconid Quarter Report . .. . . ............ : . .. ...... .,. ... .................... .,.. .. N . TIOWITEM . .... . .. . .. ...... .... .. %. .%. . .... ... ;:: I %o RM ceiian ous U dates .:..:: . ...... .:.. .. :.... .. . 4,. Mis e p .............. ... . ..". ��:%.:.%%. --''--,--.% :::�. .. .... .. . . %-. 7 . .... . .. � .. . % . .. ...%:.. .. .. 3 c w 3 3 3 ® MAYOR SUZETTE COOKE 11: City of Kent Parks, Recreation'&Community Services Jeff Watling, Director :.... .......... .. .. ...........:...... ...:... . % ..: ... . . ,. City,ofeut Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes June 19,2008 The meeting of the Human Services commission was called to order by Chair Cathy Peters at 2.30 on June 19 2008 in the Mountain View Room, of the Centennial Building. "Ill HUMAN SERVICES COIYIIVIISIONERS PRESENT Cathy Peters, Chair Tamara Sleeman,Vice Char `' Dini Duclos _commissioner : .. ... .. ... ... ..... .... .. � .... .. . . cl 1c ''` r `< . Ro a Bar.e4.,�ornm� s one ::. . 1VI%a a Ven adasalam Commissioner . . . % Y g . Pastoar-Wilbur Vincent Commissioner .. . . ,. . .,Pa for B e : o11i Co siori r.... . .' s r.tt.H.. . s mnus e. . HUI�►�IAN SERVICES C()MMISSILONERS ABSE111TIECUSED Jinn Botten, Commissioner Ezabcth1liertson C Council Member ; t3' , HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT Katherin Johnson, Housing&Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator Jason Johnson,Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard,Admin Assistant PRESENTATION --�� No Ding County I.Housing Authority—Springwood Renovation Update Latch Weedmari Resident Services Director Christina Fxiedenthal,Resident Seises Staff .. ... . ..... . ...; ... .... : . . .... . . . .. The I u ;Count' Hous ri Author' 1s reno�atin ';the`housin un ts'at x n oo `Six'ouildiri' s w ll';be '' g Y g, ' g g P '�' g demolished and two others reduced in size The total units at Spr ngwood will;be reduced from 3 to 262 At completion in'May 2010,there will,be 3 one-bedroom units, 9S two-bedroom units, 123 three-bedroom units,36 , , ..:.. ... . .. . :: , .;.. : : : ::..:. four l edroom`: it ts`arid'3 five'-b:' dr om u..is r es in lud wa l rs aril` ers' AD A. a cess : ark' ,'`` `>;; ` :' u e ad c e s, e, ., ,d A c a mall b . .. : : . . . . .. :. the stream and new andsca in . . p g ApnrovaI of the April 20+D8 Minutes Commissioner Duclos MOVED to approve the minutes of the April 17 2008'meeeting and'Comer issioner Sleeman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Funding Recommendations Chairperson Cathy Peters MOVED to recommend the 2009-2010 General Fund Human Services allocations,and Commissioner Sleeman SECONDED the motion,Motion carried. RECUSALS 'll Chairperson Peters-Catholic Community Services,Kent Youth&Family IS Early Childhood Commissioner Barket—Kent Youth.&:FaM. Services Commissioner Vengadasalam-Kent Food Bank Commissioner Duclos—Multi=Service Center,Kent Food Bank,Washington Women's Employment&Education, Catholic Community Services Chairperson Cathy Peters MOVED to adopt the contingency plan. In the event of decreased funding for the 2009- 2010 General Fund Human Service allocations, and Commissioner Duclos SECONDED the motion. In the event of decreased funding in the year 2009,each program will receive a decrease in funding based on the percentage of the total decrease,not to go below the minimum amount of$10,000. Annlication Review Process Debriefing Katherin thanked the Commissioners for their time,dedication and hard work during the application process. She asked Commissioners to share their thoughts w.and ideas on ho to improve funding cycle, Commissioners provided input and tharilced staff for providing mate%uals and staff support Katherin reviewed the .....::. ... dal t ' irialed trecommendations`wihMayor Goke aidleerswillie o khe a ericles g. Miscellaneous Updates Jason;..ohnson u dated;the;Com ssioners on actiori'iten she:' s'..Tk%n' on throw` the .6uth''Kin `Count. P g g Y Response to l Iomelessness effort Work groups have been formed to focus on building pout}cal wi11,deelopiz�g a day center, and developing affordable housing Katherine Johnson Recording Secretary, t Housing & 6kuman Services 2nd Quarter 20D8 Human Services commissiion' 2000J2010 funding application were due to the City on April 16th'. Staff reviewed and rated applications prior to submitting them to the Human Services Commissioners fflr review. Staff and the Commission met for one half-day and one full-day retreat to rate applications, discuss programs, and reach funding decisions ";';` at`. ,.fie:. : ` '`. Thy Human Services Com ss o .made their formal fund n' fecommendat ons. t l`%el% u t `` . . >: : ;;: % . . .......une Human`Services'Corr rni soon'MC.eetin ' Fu':ndln n%ot fidatidWil t ers vere ma o .. .:.. . 9 g . ;:a'n :" ;cies:Nave;th:e o' ' orti rait to:;'meet'>uu�th staff:re'' a-d`i i' t... ... rati,'rn::s'an:d to` i w d ag pp Y 9 g g: s; le' u lei ated``` lo, , l' ' s;: ;;`: amp s ghly r app at en deneal'Fund Contract Compliance 2008 First Quarter General Fund reports were submitted by agencies and reviewed by staff. .;-..:e��.:�.�.:...-:.�..:......%::.i.!.--....:.����...%�...�.....:.!�......%...��:...�.%%�.:::....�:-......� �..:�..m��-%�;l..i:,,%.�,...�..i�...,%...�"-Z.��..�..�..�.:.:.!,-.�..�:i,,%.-'�...%�.I�%..�.�...�%.��.:..,.:I'--,.. .�,��:.:�..:,.:._,,..-11-1"�"...-..%%,l,...:'':%,i..."w,.%�%�..,.�­..;..�,l,.'.i�'..,%.­-.::1',�!.�.'..�.,-:.::� 1. CbBG, HUt� NE®nitoring review HUD CPD Representative audited the tbBG Program for compliance. Home' Repair, Public Service, Economic Development and Capital projects were reviewed. There were no findings. GRCC has decide to no longer accept CDBG fuCds for rn�cro enterprise development; IRegIonall/Sa bregiional Regaon.. Subregional , Staff attended the SOAR`helping kids reach for the sky Putting the Pieces ?ogethr conference. Th'e conference focused o61 cultural relevancy in our communities and the challenges faced by children, youth and fannilies, Staff attended the South King Council of Human Services Annual Luncheon. Keynote speaker Dr. Stephen Bezruchka from the University of Washington delivered the keynote address, focusing on race, poverty and health'equity 8ouirh ling County Eorurn on Homelessness The South King County Forum on Homelessness meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 9AM at the Kent Senior Activity Center. This quarters meeting discussion topics have included Veteran Affairs, HOME/ARISE Men's Shelters, Homeless Prevention, Ending Homelessness in 'South King County, and services' for Homeless Youth and Young Adults. These meetings consistently draw roughly 50 service providers, funders,'municipalities, and housing providers from all over {<ent and South King County. safe l�aven� Services Dring the second quarter of 2008 Safe Havens fiaciitated 50 Intakes :..%:�­......:..:..::%:.%.:.:..:­.:�­%_�-,���­,�,,���:�-�,,".,��:,_:!�:',,��_'�:-I",',:,,':-_t,�,���t�,,_���iV�:___,:-�!t_:­:,�:_­1,,',:,:,:,;,::'­�",i­�-,�,1I�'�,l,�z l,�''�"z'�,,��'j�''l,',,;,''",,'�,:�4"�'_:,'�,,,'�,,,,,�,�,�,,,�j,.I1 I1,�,IIt,'�z,::,'",,':�',�!I­��"'_�:l:­:�l,�:",�:��,,­�,�:�,,,�1,�.�.�'.i..�.:��...�:.�.�:..22 Child Orientations 22111isits 133 Exchanges Currently, the program is serving Old 4 families at any g#ven ti.�W-�.i�:�.....:1-...:.�....%.:�:..:..�..�:,..�...!.%.%'.�..�...:....-...Z%..�!...me with 4 . 1fl farnilieswalting for regular spots and 8 families waiting for intakes Funding` Contract with the King County was approved Staffing Program Assistant, Leticia Figueroa joined the staff. `Currently, we have one full- time program supervisor, one 3/4 time program assistant, two regular part-time visit monitors, and four part-time relief visit monitors Training & Outreach Traces ;presented wath King County.Superiar Cour 3udge buBuque at the Spring JudIcial'Confsrence Other Safie Havens was actively represented �. ;the f0...0 . ng efforts Kent DV:Task Fore. ; Ke11ie 1%the Co-Chair . o: or r KCCADV Frn1y i_aw W kg up SKCCN Safety &Accountability Audit N � OD O N O O O O 0 O O : O O O O O : O O f ILL 7-1:7 ~ch tM�. 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