HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 03/20/2008 : K" HOUSING atherin`'�ohnson ' Housing and Human Services Manager 220 4 h Avenue South Kent,WA 98032 t`t T Fax: 253-856-6070 PHONE; :253-856-5070 AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, March 20t", 2008 230-4:00 p.m. 1Iounta�n yew;ion ern�ce Room : Cen#ennui Center r K e as 1n g on commitSION kMBERS: Cathy Peters, Chair Tamara Sleeman, Mice Chair (iJ2Q10) .. .... zabeth Albertson, City Council Member (1/2009) Rota Basket, Youth Member {1/2009) lon Botten, Commissioner (1/2010) Dini Duclos, Commissioner (1/2010) Brett Hollis, Commissioner (1/2010) Maya Vengadasalam, Commissioner (1/2009) Pastor Wilbur Vincent, Commissioner (1/2010 AGENDA 1. Introductions INFORMATION ITEM ......................................... ........ 2. Approval of February 2008 Meeting Minutes ACTION ITEM United Way Grant for Homeless Planner Position :.......ACTION ITEM 4. Men's Shelter Program Update INFORMATION ITEM 5. Application C cie U date INFORMATION ITEM Y P 6. Ado t Ev :luatio IT M p a n'Form CTIQN E 7. Miscellaneous :U dates p. F4RMfTQl� T �`!l a 3 c 'u 3 r rM-.AYOR.SU2ETTE .COOKE - _ City of Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services Lori Hogan, Interim Director . .. ........ Cat of Ken# Human Services Commission Meeting`Minutes February i21, 2008 The meeting of Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Cathy Peters at 2:30 on February 21 2008 in the Mountain View Room, of the Centennial Building HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Cathy Peters, Chair Dini Duclos, Commissioner Pastor Brett Hollis, Commissioner Roda Barkett, Commissioner Mayo Vengadasalam Commissioner Taman Slernen Commissioner ,]on tten` imissioner% abeth';Ab<ertso'n,; fit:' ouncil;Mern;ber Y HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSED Pastor�lilbur Vincent' HUMAN ... PRESENT Katherin Johnson, Manager, Housing and Human Services Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator Jason Johnson, Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant PUBLIC HEARING City of Kent 2007 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) No comments were submitted Annroval'of the 2007 CAPER Commissioner Duclos MOVED to approve the CAPER. Commissioner Botten SECONDED the motion. Motion carried A royal of the October 20.07 Meetin Minutes tiiR g The minutes from the=October 2087 Human SeriGes Commission ;meetln `vura a roved with;. two corrections: .: .. Elec#ion of Char Elect Commissioner Duclos MOVE© p elect Commissioner Tamara Sleeman as Vice Chair, and Comi loner Hollis SECONDED the motion. Motion carried PRESENTATION Keys to Ending Family Homelessness Katherin Johnson and Jason Johnson attended the National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference. The Commission viewed a DVD from the conference titled: Keys to Ending Family Homelessness. This DVD'featured pilot programs from around the country, which are proven to be successful in ending homelessness. ........... ......... ......... ................ ................ ....... 2009/2010Dlcation..CV cle Ddate:I.:A U . KatherinAiscusse e.timeline for the upcoming :app cat. 'on.cycle..The appIicat'on workshop... will e:held.on .M6r6 12th .:at:10400 asmi . atcarco Theatre. in Renton Kent s ap-p Ica.d.J. o. n cycle......... ofOcall opens, h d4y .and applications will be due. o th eCity... Wedn esday, April I h Approval of Kent Supplemental Questions Draft supplemental questions to the application were provided to the commissioners for review Commissioner Duclos MOVED to adopt these questions and add them to the application and. C ommissioner.Sleeman SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at4:15 Katherin cr P . . ....... Johnson Recordin ... ... r Y CITY OF K T HOUSING & HUMAN SERVICES SENT PROPOSAL EVALUATION FORM W#SNYNOTOl7.' AGENCY NAME REVIEWER PROGRAM NAME CATEGORY OF SERVICE C ` . PL`E N SS' r)M . ..T I TIINEI.IiVESS DIRECTIONS; USE ONE FORM FOR` EACH PROGRAM. PpIIVTS RECORD COMPLETE BOTH STl�S �OF THTS FORM. POSSIBLE POINTS ARE POSSIBLE P011TS TO BE A111/ARDED ON EACH ITEMI IN THE INCREMENTS GIVEN 2G� EARN,ED FOR THAT ITEM. a0" IS GIVEN ;FOR"NO OR UNACCEPTABLE RESPONSE" 'HE AMOUNT IN THE RIGHT COLUMN IS THE. MAXIMUM TO BE GLEN IF ALL'ASPECTS 4F AN;ITEM;WERE COVERD CLEARLY A'ND CNSTCELY. MID POINTS ARE AWARDED ONLY IN THE INCREMENTS GIVEN. THERE ARE N0 HALF POINTS. Q 1-7 Agency Information 15 Maximum Agency Information: All information complete and`accurate 010 015 Agency Attended Master Plan Training -77777 010 015 Agency Attended RFP Joint Workshop. om nnen s Page I Q8. ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE `(TWO PAGES) 10 Maximum Agency Experience: The organizational background describes relevant past and current accomplishments. The successes are in Kent and/or South King County. The agency has demonstrated successes in the area for which funds are sought. 0 0 3 S Agency Operational Structure: The operational structure of the agency is clearly defined. Roles,,responsibilities and expertise of management and staff demonstrate the ability of the agency to administer a grant. The role of the Board is clear and there is representation from Kent and/or South King County. The make up of the Board is diverse. 0 0 3 5 Strengths Weaknesses Q9. NEED STATEMENT (TWO PAGES)` 1s Maximum Definition of the Need: The proposal gives a clear, current accurate profile that identifies the problem and substantiates the 0 3 5 need in Kent. Research & Statistical Validation: The proposal gives relevant statistics, comparisons, research and experiences. 0 0 3 5 Population to be Served: The target population is clearly 0 0 3 5 defined. Strengths Weaknesses Page 2 �o Q10. PROPOSED PROGRAM: SIx PAGES) Maximum 10 A Program Description: The project name and site of services are clearly stated. Services are easily available to Kent ` residents. 0 0 0 5 10 B Program Measures/Outcomes: The service delivery plan describes the performance measures and outcomes in'measurable terms, one for each problem or need to be addressed and how the target population will benefit. Often, these are the behaviors or conditions to be changed. 0 1 3 5 10 B Methods: The activities and services proposed clearly state what is to be done The sequence of activities logically flows and c e a b'ec 'ves. e r 'ona o f r.s' lect'n . rticular math >s th : o J tr . Th at I Q :. ► 9:; P .:; actrvrty shows that rt is optimal compared with alternatives. D o f a oac f` r e t e; ob` Sneed in ;` ern s rates th c�ptirnal a pr h, o th yp:. of pr lem p 0 3 S a of s ibn m ner. 1 r e s al an 10 C EvaluatlQn Plan: The measuremet�t`procedures;and tools accurately deterrnina how'the objectives;have been met and prov;lde feedback for: .. r ctrve action .. .......:: Str the Weak ep9 n 77777., Q11. LONG RANGE PLAN (ONE PAGE) maximum Lon Range: Demonstrates the agency lans for Ion term 9 9 9 YP 9 sustainability 0 1 2 `4 Strengths Weaknesses Page 3 1S Q 12. BUDGET NARRATVE;(TWO PACES) Maximum` Narrative: The proposal clearly identifies how the requested funds 10 will be used. This is supported by the budget charts. ` 0 3 5 Cost Per Unit of Service: The proposal clearly identifies the cost 0 0 3 5 per unit of service and how that is determined. Strengths Weaknesses 2 Q3. ,Unduplicated Client Chart; Maximum Corn�ieteness o p 0 5 Q14. PERFORMANCE MEASURES Maximum Measurement: Proposed measurements are appropr,late and 0 1 0 5 feasible and match narrative Strengths Weaknesses 2 15, Demo ra ides Maximum Comp77 leteness 777777 2 16. Pro 9 r am Staff : Ma xmum Completeness 0 0 0 2 Page 4 77777 A0 17 BUDGET Mamurn Accuracy: Proposal accurately reflects and accounts for all items involved in proposal 0 0 0 Budget supports narrative 0 0 0 5 Strengths Weaknesses 100' Maser Klan ; Maiixnum SQ1' Funding Priorities `- Proposal accurately identifies 0 5 ]0 15 an appropriate"Funding Priority Areas as listed on Page 18 of he Master Plan. .... Proposal demonstrates how the program aligns 0 5 10 15 with the selected Priority SQ2 Guytliing Principles`- Proposal describes how the program 0 5 10 ` 15 addresses each of the Guiding Principles listed in the Master Plan. Proposal uses program data, procedures and 0 5 10 15 ` demographics to demonstrate integration of the Guiding Principles SQ3 Policy Focus Areas - Proposal identifies a`Policy Focus 0 2 7 10 ' Area the program will address, Proposal discusses how the strategies used to meet the 0 1 :3 5 focus area, Proposal includes in 10 on how success`will be 0 ! 1 3 5 demonstrated SQ4 Client Access - Proposal;clearly explains`how clients ,0 2 7 10 access program services.: Pr os ;ide t. . Q al n ifies are s of c aer a d otentia so ut o s: 0 2 7 .10 p a . on n n..: p 1 . 1 .:,� .n 5tren' t s VUea:k sses Page 5 ......:... . ... .......... :::. „ ......., . .. . 1 ev�ewer s % en. al %Comments. % ?ptal Points = Interview Questions/Responses: 1, 2. 3%. 4. 5. 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