HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/17/2008 ... .. .:. .:.. ..... ....... ... HQUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES % .. , Katherin]ohnson ... Housing and Human Services Manager 224 4#h Avenue South V #� Kent,WA 98032 w A 5 fH i N G T O N Fax: 253-856-6070 AG E DA PHONE: 253-856-5070 KENT'HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, April 17t", 2008 230-4:00 p.m, :. ... >vl6. hfi n V16%7 . tOnference ROom, Cent .0 1 Ci. enter . % W. ...leV.. %. r% ton C0„MMISSION MEMBERS Cathy Peters, Chair (iJ2Q10) Tarhara Sleernan, nice chair (1/2010) Elizabet A . ,lbertson, City Council Mereber (iJ 009) Rods Ba`rket, Youth Member (1/209) Son Botten, Commissioner (1J2010) Dini Duclos, Commissioner (1/2010) Brett Hollis, Commissioner (1/2010) Maya Vengadasalam, Commissioner (1/2009) Pastor Wilbur Vincent, Commissioner (1/2010 AGENDA 1. Introductions ...-..-....�......-. .:.-......!.....- .�..,1�:.�F1...�...:1�.:...�.�.....:..R%!..:.;... ..��:.-...i.%.i.:.:...l INFORMATION ITEM 2. : Approval of March 2008 Meeting Minutes,,.,,; ••,••,,,,ACTION ITEM .%:..�...:...��.�..��.��%:.�.:��.:..i�:.....:.�......t......��._.:�.-...:�..�..��:.-:....1.....::�..i..1.����.......!:%���.:.-..:�.......�......:�....�-.��.I.............�.��.�....��.:...-!..-...­..............-%::��...� ....::....::......�:.����:.-...i%,:-­%--...�..-_.�.i l...�..........�-...�...�-�.:..-...�...:�....�...�.�....��-�...-...-..:1.�.-:..-..� :.�..i�.-..:........-..:.... -.,%..'..,....."... .i, :...%�.........:�.%.:. :. .. ,�:...�...�.........1!..�...:�..%::..�l.:�.....:.....-........�..............I..m....:i...........�...............:%.............:..........n.;............�..................�.....:......i................�................:................-..........�.:......................�......-....%�...... ;.... ..i. f�.. ....:-.P...�i.-:...�..!!: :.�-......-...�..-���.!.i....�...-:.�..�"q-...!-�...-.....-"..�..--..;...w..-..�...a-.......i�..m."-:..::...w��.i..�"..%-.-.�.%..�..i....!.-....: ..!.�-.---..-..-.-�.....7-..�i.-....o....--.....%w.........-.:1.7.s!.....-... ,%-�..7�.�.,..�:.�:�...7�h,�:..1,.1��,:�::..r�.�.,,..1...*��.'.�7:.."�z�....,....�,.....q7�-.�.........�.�....7.�...q.,..�......mI...:.-I.....�....I_I.,....................,..- ..-1...',7"..'"..:-','"' ..-"',,.'"'.'%,'%.'""'"...-'''''',...'." .:�..:.�:......:""-:...%:-. .:.%...............:...:...%�:.... 1........�l....:.......%:..:.:% ...-.....1....�. ..... 3. Application Cycle Update ,, , ,,,, INFORM.ATION ITEM: .. ., .. , 1List of Applicants, Group Assignments, Review Sleet, Charts, Analysis of Current funding, Gommrss�on Tasks) 4. Agency Affiliation:DIs�closure „INFORMATION ITEM. . .. . N`F. 5. A �c t on D liver i OR'MATION.ITEM . .. .I a i e. ... .: Pp Y .,.6. . is U`' dates` . s .... T . P. i:.:...�.�........ ' NfQ,IMAT : , : .... NJ ...%%:�:... .: . . ... .. .�. ... .. .:.:% % :.. . .. . . . . . .� �.�.i..�:.!.! % .� �� .. . ... .-:. ..%.. . i.- ... -. . . . . . ... - . . .... . . . . .. . .. . . ... . . .. . . . �.�% .%��.:!-. :%.�­ !... ... ::� . . :.�l��. �::!:..��::.�.:.. . .. ... . : -. .:: - : . . %.. . .. i i ..-....%-:: .. � - -.-. 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HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Tamara Sleeman, Chair Elect Dini Duclos, Commissioner Pastor Brett Hollis, Commissioner Jon Botten, Commissioner` Pastor Wilbur 1lincent, Cornrnissoner H.UM. N SERVICES COMMISSIONERS A'BSENTIEXCUSED Y Cath Peters Chair `Rod' a' tt ,' ' ' ` ;`'` ' : `' : ``: , , , .a l3 ke , C mrrl;i �p Ma a Ven adasalarn; orn'mi:ssldner; Y- Elizbpte Alberon, >w Cpuncil Member HUiI IAN SERVICES STAFF...PRESENT lwl:erir►a:;Hanson senior Human:Baru:ices i✓:oordinator i.. Jason J%ohnson, Human Services;Coordinator Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant Approval of the February 2008 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Duclos MOVED to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2008 meeting and Commissioner Hollis SECONDED the motion. Motion carried:: United Way Grant for Homeless Planner Position United Way of King County, through the Out of the Rain impact Council, awarded the City of Kent Housing and Human Services Division a grant for $17,500 to provide a ;planning and coordination of efforts to end homelessness in South King County. This grant will allow Jason Johnson to take on the role of Homelessness Planning Coordinator and he will oversee the coordination of:strategies and activities that are:outlined in the Plan to'End Homelessness �n South K'hg County. The gr nt will fund a temporary person to backfill Jason's current duties . ...... .... providing resource'and'referral`to;the ubllc :Heather'Nash has`been``hired'as`a barn orar:` `8. p g: p p Y month employde to provide resource and referral services. Men's Shefter Program,Update 7ason;;u dated;the>Cornrissioners on;'the status of the contract with Va19e :Cities;Counsefin and Consultation for the Homeless Outreach program. Due to ongoing dif It y meeting performance rr easures:;and;staffin ;the' ro rain the contract w th Iall:e Cities for Ho:rnel688 Outreach.has: g p g Y been terminated and reassigned to Sound Mental Health. The City continues`to contract with Valley Cities for Survivor Support and the Senior Counseling program. Application Cycle Update Merina updated the Commissioners on the application cycle. The application workshop was held on March 13t". Walk-in technical assistance will be available April 1st and April Ioth. Applications tn are due on due April 16 �Tp�!::i��-:.... .. ,, ............ . .Ee�m....1. .................�:= 4 ..........................� .......................................................... :L:z:L %.......................................................................4-::..............�............�......... .. ...:..:.: .; . .... ., A+�1©pt Evaluation`F©rm Merina.Hanson reviewed the evaivation form developed by staff to assign ratings.to 20fJ9-2010 applications for human services'funding. Commissioners ariirl staff dtscussed the:point system, the supplemental questions, and the balance be ween;points assigned for the application versus the supplemental. Commissioner Duclos MOVED to approve the evaluation form, and Commissioner Hollis SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00. 10�I1-,:9����i�,,--,�.�-.I1I:�:-.--�-:.:-�t...�-I�-�:..:.%...�II,....:.:%:..1,..�%.---'..�:.�..-....1��.%.:.:,....,-'���..1.:1�:�..%-.-..1.�,i:.:.1':%�.--1%-:%.j..1,.:--.."..1...-1�-..-..I.---,:�:%..!'.1.%-.1�-�...-�I..�-:�:�1%'�.%:-�.:11I..,1-�,�...1-I.:1-:.��....II.�.�.%..--�:.:..�I,,-1"1:1:.�:.....%,..%,-..%:.:..!:.I.I.:�":..�1.�,I�i.%-.:-��'.1,1:...:.:-�-.'.....%%�-...�I..�I::,...'I.-.%%..��,.:...�1-..:--...,1:-,.:....-I�...�..t...�-1-......��-...1....:­:..::l,�t!.....—..�%1-'1,%-�.:.%.%,1.-J.-.:..1,�I-..._:....::1-:-..I:.....,��1�:-...%%�-l��%%.�I..,I:-.....,-%.::1 I.%-:�t%.:�.....-.�..�1:%%::I.-.:�%..�:...I��:-...I':.1'.j�.1.�-�....I%:..1.1�..%.%�...:�I 1,..�...,�1-I:�%:......:.:'::�%.........I I1��.:�.......:I.-.1,�..'-..,.'...�1...%,:--,%....,1:..,.:I l..........:%..-,:1..:-:.1:.%i�� Katherin Johnson Reoordin Secretar ; .. y . . . . . % . ,... ... . .:.: . . .. . ....... ......%.. .. i . . . . . Housing & Human Services 1st Quarter 2008 { E Human Services11 Commission 2009/2010 funding application were released on March 12th at a Joint Funding 1 Workshop sponsored by South King County cities. Applications will be due to the City on April ifit" by 4 pm. The Human Services Commissiton held its annual retreat in January. The Camm�sslion used th%e retreat+to reutew the% funding application`form,.the Human S%ervices Matter Plan and discuss the funding gycle Staff provided training on the i review process. . i Master Plan — Bu ltliing t Healt .y Common / 111 age nc�es curreratl fun A E or tannin on a I i Y P 9 pp Y n9 for City funding were invited to a training ;on the Human Services Master Plan Building a Health community. Staff r vie wed the plan and discussed hew the plan will be apr iled tQ the funding process. Agencies '. .. be required to demonstrate through their application how their programs meet th'e priorities, guiding principles and policy focus areas of the . .... ; plan. 11 'I'llGeneral Fund Contract Compliance Developed new 2008 G€ contracts Collected 'fl7 4th quarter reports / billing vouchers 2007 Fourth Quarter General Fund reports were submitted by agencies and reviewed by staff 007utconae Reports ►ere submitted'by agencies and reviewed by staff. .. %. :: :: ... . . . taffi .... 2:, J. l .. .. ra .h�cs;were submitted`b ` a en.... . nd>re..._ d b ` .s .. . .. . 9 p Y . Resource & Referral Program `. . resource and Referral Services continued to be high. Tha need for cold weather sl �elter during January was extremely high. The Mu(ti Service Center, Emergency Assistance Program_ rovided 48 far illles with `motel vouchers �n �anuar . ' .. p .. � ..:. . . . o s M . . c to : n:: e t eso a Fair at Kent Comrrt n arch 20.08 ... . . .. . . ... . %.tanned and Pant:. i ..a d i.......�....n 1 urc ... ....................... ..:....: .. ..:... . p . Resource Materiials Updated Emergency Resource Cards for Homeless Updated Housing and-Human Services Resource brochure Other Staff participated in the First Neighborhood Proi-11,1111 gram Workshop for Neighborhood Councils11 Home Repair 11 Darrel Hammack was made the interim Field Supervisor Staff participated in the Resource Fair CDB C©BG Budget I euiSion - based on the #1na1 fu�n.��ng ail cation FIND released 2008 CDBG allocation-Readjusted agency allocations .�...%...-%....­i.�:i�...��,.::..�...:.......­1...�:�.%...;.�:.:::..%.%.%..���i.�.i�­.:i��-_..",�.�,..i,,::,�..,.­.-i._..,..:.,:'i;:­.�._I_',".­:�.',.�_.�,'�­­:.,�'���,,:�,':�:t"�.,,_�;,��._��,"i�.i,"_,.,',�,:��:I.'�,:i l­-�.:,I�_::'l�_1,i.,��,'"._:1:i::_:__:'­.,:_,I','.­�:­_:­"�':.j��,:i'1,_�.p��,l,,.'l 1�I,,.:�!1I,-.I,""-,Iz�.,:�:1­�':I:_.I':',��'.I:�l­I,"�,i.1���'',,i,l,,.,i 1,:,,!'����':,1,�,m­,,�-::_�:1"V:,,:��::�,',i��z"�,I,1��":,::�"��:'1,�­:"�:,�,l�:�'�,,i1:���'���J,,�.'1;.,:��..::'!%..:CARIER' onsntidate+d Annuall Perforance Evaluation 1eport. CAPER Public Hearing conducted or► 2/21J08 Council appreved CAPER'o.t 3Jh/OS' CAPER submitted t'. HUD on3 28/08 Environmental Re�iiew HUD ER Officer audited the last three years of the CDBG Program for NEPA compliance Staff attended a three-day ER training sponsored by HUD'. Contract Compliance Due to compliance issues, the City decided not to enter into a 2008 Homeless Outreach contract with Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation Staff worked with Seattle Mental Health to develop a draft 2008 Scope of Work for Homeless Outreach activlties Staff continuird developing 2 u contracts . . .. . .. . , Staff provided TA to Hospatalaty Hose on organizational clevelopmert and referred t.h t: a non-profit mentor , Staff.net with GRCC staff re 2008 performance measures Ai blonaIJSubregional Staff attended a Sexual Assault and Community Mobilization Forum sponsored by the City of Seattle SA/DV Prevention Office Staff participated on the Community Engagement Planning omm.ftee of the King County Equity and Social Justice Initiative; a town hall meeting hosted by Councilmember Julia Patterson was held in Kent on March 24tn Human Services Bus Ticket Program Received annual allotment of bus tic{<ets:(roughly 800) for 2008. Bus tickets are available to bent Residents needing transportation to appointments, jobs, shelter, training, family reunification, etc. Community Engagement: Somali Community Engagement Project Staff worked with the Systems Navigation & Access'project (SNAP) Committee to facilitate the opening of the Systems Navigation & Access project of South King County`, SNAP will connect Somali ;and Latino speaking residents with South King County resources. South Kin C g ounty Forum on Homelessness The Sodth King County Forum on Homelessness meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 9Al�l at the Kent Senior Activity Center. This quarters meeting % d#scusson..tppics have included Veteran affairs, H011=JAR3SE Men`s S.helers, Homeless Prevention, Ending Homelessness in South King County, and services' for Homeless Youth andYoung Adults. These meetings consistently draw ;rough'ly 50 service providers, funders municipalities, and housing providers from all over Kent and South King County. Safe Havens Services During the first quarter of 2008 Safe Havens facilitated: - 43Intakes - 14 Child Orientations ���---:-.i.�.�..-i%�I...�--.:.��.�%:.�.:%:..�.....�...%.�%.��-..�-.-�%:1.�:.�..:_.1.j-,.tt.i.j�.�t�-i.--.%-.�..�.%.�.­1�..-::.�%1.t.:.,�.�.-�.­­-��:-.i�:­.�:-I�.:-.--:�:.­.%�..�.i.-.,-,..',-�:-t,,I.�.-,,.'-I--:,.,.:1-.-!I:..1.I,..1.!1-.�1 I,.I.I,1,:.-�.-.:l-::..t-.II1I�-.I'��I1-1--.-1.,l%1t-I- - 196'Visits - 72 Exchanges :...�..:..:...%:.%.:.�:-...%..:.:�.:�...:.-:.:..::..:.-..�.�...:..%. ...�....:-:..::%.. :..:......-.. .-.%.�!.:...%i....%.%. :.% :..- Currently, the program.�..-�.::-.:..,-%�..:.,���.-..��.:�_-�:..: serving 2.-::��.-�.:�..--�.:�:-�1:��.-ti�.-1 5 --..:-�. 3..�.!:.:.:5 f:.:..am.�.....� ilies.1.,,�a....,t.,- a:.t-..ny given;time w:.............. ith....,....,..3 .........�....:.....�...... :.'l..:.�',�..!..%..... .:....il�.%...%i families waiting for regular spots ........ ..t.......-.-..l,�.-.��.::%.�.:....�..... .` I. `: :..'``.;.. :: uncl%�ng .: . .. . .. % . �orntr%att. :with the:State .and Access &% sltatlon:Grant>Pro` ram were a roved . .....:;.::... Staffiin .. '::: ! :::::. r:::'.:::.::.'..:::.:' ...: :%:.: Currently the Center is in need of additional staff and has begun recruitment efforts Training & Outreach Tracee presented oII n various aspects of supeII rvised visitation and domestic violence: 11 - Audio Conference Training calls for Praxis International, the National Council`:of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and the Institute on Domestic Violence in 11 the African American Community (University of Minnesota) - King County Superior Court Training Oversight Committee Lunch time . trainings at both court locations - Children and Families Experiencing DV Conference - one general audience breakout session and one judicial track session - South King County Regional Task Force South King County Community Network (SKCCNj Other Safe Havens was actively represented in the following efforts: - Kent DV Task 1~orce (Kellie rs %the Co-Chalr) KCCADV l=amiiy Law Workgrou p - Sl<CGN Safety &Accountabrlrty Audit ME City of Kent 2009 2010 Human Service Public Service Agelcy W Program �unddng ro :. Requ _ ACAP Apple Parenting 10,000 ACAP Playand Learn 10 000 Catholic Community Services Emergency Assistance 58,350 Catholic Community Services HOME 60,000 Catholic Community Services Katherin's House 14,000 Catholic Community Services Volunteer Chore Services 8,000 Center for Career Alternatives S rin wood 20 000 Chinese Information Service Center Cultural Navigator Pro ram 73,747 Child C re Resources Child.Care Subsid $ 32,700 Child 0ar4itResources Resource & Referral $ '14,900 Children's Horne Socie Siren th;nin Families 25 000 p nam�c 76m l _Services Earl Intervention 60 000 Communities in Sch«7ols Mentorin 20 000 CO Ms in Schools Perfomance Learn.... Cerfter 35 000 Communi Health Centers Health Care for the Homeless 10 000 Communi Health Centers Prima Dental 35 000. Communi Health Centers Prima Medical 103 000 Conse'o DV Advocac 35 000. Crisis Clinic 2 1 $ 6,000 Crisis Clinic 24 Hr Crisis Line $ 5,000 Crisis Clinic Teen Link $ 1,000 DAWN Crisis Line 5,000 DAWN CommunityAdvocacy20 000 DAWN Shelter 35,000 DAWN Safe Havens Advocacy 40,000 Des Moines Food Bank' Food Services 10 000 Diocese of Olympia Jum Start 35 000 Emerciencv FeedinciRrogram Food Services 22,650 Hos itali House Women Shelter 30 000 Lostitut; for Tamil Develo meet PACT 23 328 ];wish TaNly, Services Immi rant Refu ee Em to merit . '49 000 Kent Food Bah) Food Services 62 000 Kent United Methodist Shared Bread 30 Q00 Kent Youth and Fatx�ii Services: Tamil Counselin 65 Q00 Kent Youth acid_Fat arl services Earl Childhood 15 000 Kent Youth and Tamil Services' Powerful Families 20 000 Kent Youth artd Fariil Services Outreach 15 000. Kt:Youth and Tamil Se%rvices' Substance Abuse Treatment 15 000. Kent Youth and Family Services Watson Manor 10,000 , KSARC Sexual Assault 25,200 Mercy Housing Appian W . ay Service Enriched Housing 15,000 Multi Service Center Education 15,000 Multi Service Center lHomelessness Prevention 45,0001 Multi Service Center Emergency Services 60 000 4j17/2008 Agency Requests for Funding2009.xls 1 City of Kent 2009 2010:Human Service/Pub lic Service _Program Multi Service Center Housing 45,000 Multi Service Center Housin Stabili 65 DOQ Orion Industries Work Enhancement Pro ram 20 000 Public Health Best Beginnings 100000 REWA FamilySupport Program. 25 100 Safe Havens City of Kent Safe Havens Visitation Center 100,000 St. Vincent DePaul SocietyEmergency Assistance 10 200 Senior Services Meals on Wheels 152,764 , Senior Services Volunteer Trans ortation 8 40 Sound Mental Health Transition from Home{essness 3� 500. Ukranian Comrnuni ' Center of DIVA Ftefu ee Assistance Pro'ect S D00 Valle .Clties Counselor &'Consultation I'arentin Classes for Russian'Parents 15 000 Velle Cities Counselin $i Censult on Senior:Outreach . 3 000 Valle Cities Counselin &Consultation Survivor Su ort 25 000 Vl/aybacic Transitional Flousing VIIWEE Economic Self Suffienc 40 500 YWU.Q DV Adyocac 301000 YWCA Emer encv..Housing $ 5 000 YWCA Transitional Housin 25 000 Total Totals $ 2,058,479 Available General Fund 822,226 Available CDBG 135 000 Total 957,226 77 A'total of 64 applications were submitted. Two applications were received late. Both of those were incomplete and will not be reviewed. The applications listed above have not been reviewed for completeness.. yet AppUcations`have been available since March I h and staff have provided technical assistance by phone,. email, appointment and on a walk-in basis.The application clearly states the deadlines and submittal requtrernents, Staff wil! review applications for the next two weeks. Applicat�©r s will then be forwOrded;to the Muman,Servaces Commission for review. Commissioners will meet on May 15, June 6 and Jiune 19 . 7777 4/17/2008 Agency Requests for Funding2009.x1s 2 C: O o 0 0 0 O .O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O o 0 0 0 O 0 'O o o o Nt o o O O o O o O O 'O O O O O O o o O O O O O o O O O 0 0 0 o O N o 0 o A' o000000 t000646o46o6666oa66 '6600i6606 E 0000000t0000000000000OOOO 'OOON ooOO OOONI� Ood cVLnoLn0Ln0Nr-IN0WIrd-0L!] M000NWMMO LA N r-I ,-� Ln N -1 N r-1 [t M r-) ,--! rl N Ln LA ,-i z-I N d •-4 to M 1� rI r I :..::.:..::..:%. ..:�... ....... 44 . ..... . ........ ... ............ 1 tt7 . .. . ....... 0 Ui�::��Y%i�� O . ......... •� . N -p > IL t0J UO3 _I O tozz. G (!1 (A E. N v c cvt. Q •� '4a u n t 7 U O O (� C QJ N tOj Rt C c 'U) o U X.1 O V v L i- C tll v v �+ O = _ _ c N � :: a' ° •� (/� : v - •- - N U to S3 3 m C c O (n v L S f0 C A M c v; M (ll c t�7 ; � cncn. vv w > � � ,� m ° cuL � � +� � 3 • m � � rt� � c ro c m c o � - `� O C c � L ° cn L c c U _ •— v Q U .4.1 o U L (C3 (J1 ° L H N c L d (n ' C C :4� N = J L U C O (6 R3 U v + L. OL v — O N 'N U L. ( M, v - O E ;° a� cEE �ovEviuLv � EEXoEaciaciE 33v3 '=' E 'C = Vinia = � Fv- Ln w° uE� �' E °� 'O ry v v o 0 0 00 E o o v _ � 00 M p' v 44 c � c v c c a > ° v' �- Q U v v v to U U? Ua to (! 4-' a� Q c y O N U N f! •O ° U U U U � c tJ 'E 'E •E 'E L L s. s- .N RN c i (n U L L c O t0 (Q .4..� to vI O #� N N N v fn 4 4� a-J V U) � N U- LL LL U- N N c c C c v C c 3 p v M (a (a A) _ ( U► U) cOD -Y -p 'p _0 -p = Z O v v N = 30 O E U, E ._ v v v N _ 0 3 4n' U U U U E ° o cn = = _ EQU ° -, '� M M M M 4M c v v a3 a� mUU p = fU S- = Q [� -fl N U U V � (n to U N Cn +� - +- +' _ LL. t) (EO fo -o :C � L-+J 'cam+ > j N + a=� L C c c C c - C) c - _ O O 3 O O 1- s' O c 3 3 3 3 3 OD N 0l (U � X o o o o o o > v v `N v f0 CJ U o v �' E E E E E �, z E L c :+,' r- >I LL >- U o cn cn to u� = v >, � --° -° EEEEEc 'v, c � � tn ' � ccccc Q � +� � ' =3 C1 f .0 .0 o O O O O `0 'i Q E L O U N N N N v .0 Z' 3 3 3 3 '(U O M M UuuUVUUuc� Un © wt� = °; � � xY Y � � � � � tncn >> .... :. .. . ::..... r i {r y, i 77777 . NAT oil Vs. Avs .. :;;t • i d�F •� �r r • s Fun ding n 'ding bV, gency 2008 ffi Catholic C©rnmuriit Services: 20 000.00 Child Care Resources 20 500.D0 Childre deN 10 000.00 Communities in Schools - Kent 12 000.00 Communit Health Centers 111 664.00 Conse'o 12 000.00 Crisis Clinic DAWN 5 000.00 40 000.00 D namic Fami# Services 35 000.00 Emer ency Assistance 10 000.00 Green Ricer Communat Golfe a ,.:., 15 0.., ,00 Ho s italit House 10 000.00 Jewish Fami( Services � �3 v °. 7 500.0077 � x KC Sexual Assault Res Center 21 000.00 Ke t'Food Banffx a2 000.00 Vent Youth and Famil Servlces 82500.00 ll'(iri ,Co Public Health 25 000.00 l"+1NADV Men's Netwk Again st DV 5 Op0:00 Multi Service Center 147 579.00 Safe Havens 78 160,74 Sound Mental Health . 45 66�5y00 Valle Cities Counseln and Consultation 45 000.00 lJkrainian Comrriunit Centerpg 10 000.00 VVashin ton CASH: 25 OOOAO WWEE 35,000.00 YWCA 49 664.00 Total 930,23Z1 r 00 9I S O OOO Sr 00 Mm �r O 000 RE �r 0000 — = 0 '• z",:,'�'sx 33 0 OrU. r a � 00 a r ` Omw .< s • 0 06lk pp' A 4, p90 a 0 q9 'KIM ppp p 9 avi r L Rg 5n, 00, p0- 00QL ^� p0oll> 777 r ?t9 a h Op 0 y � `� si S "k: f OT L cn L to an QJ Q) cn U >w N p C 41 > u C u � b�A c u ,�_ •dt N � u u Q Q� ai > v y CO C 5 O m Q U Y u } > U U + = U N = Q) `O U Q) = O � Q) [] cn O Q) ' v0l p QJ > c >- — _ Q) S u 9n O �, to a U •in V) •� U U v� v, cn o L v Lf v '� = c U E ou _ uQ u E c c o z u E m = 45 -C U (uv' Y X w E u •cLa n 9n Of E U O > + U 9= U E 0 ai N u U Q' z Y l7 u as m. uman Services issi 2009 - 2010 Application Cycle Strikethroughs indicate application not reviewed or did not receive a sufficient score to go forward Group TWo A-Cathy, Wilbur Staff: Merina ACAP Apple Parenting ACAP Play and Learn Child Care Resources Child Care Subsidy Child Care Resources Resource & Referral Communities in Schools' Me .or Crnrnun;lties in Schools Performance Learning Center AimJ�a�rpt. Institute for Fami,l Develo meet PACT 77174 Kent Youth and Famil Services Family Counseling Kent youth and Family Services Early Childhood Kent Youth and Famil Services PowerfuI Farnliies Kent Youth and Faml Services Outreach Kent Youth end Farriil Services Sulstance Abuse Treatment Kent Youth and Farriily Services. Watson Manor Orion Industries Work Enhancement'Program Group Two B- Jon, Maya, Staff: 3ason Elizabeth Community Health Centers Health Care for the Homeless Community Health Centers.` Primary;Dental Community Health Centers Primary Medical Crisis Clinic 211 Crisis Clinic 24 Hr Crisis Line Crisis Clinic Teen Link Emergency Feeding Program 7Food Services,: Hospitality House , Warren's Shelter Kent Food Sank Food Services 777 st Mere Housin ; Appian Way Service Enriched Housing Multi Service Center Education Multi Service Center` Homelessness Preventifln Multi Service Center Emergency Services Multi Service Center- Housing Multi Service Center Housing Stability Note:'Safe Havens and Home Repair are City projects. Funding for both of these projects is set aside. There is also Micro Enterprise funding available. However there were not any applications qualifying for this funding so the funding will be set aside. The amount of funding available for allocation is $834,726. uman rvrcesommss'®n 2009 - 20010 Application Cycle Strikethroughs indicate application not reviewed or did not receive a sufficient score to go forward Group Une= A Brett, Tamara Staff: 'Katherin Conse'o DV'Advocacy p;gWN Crisis Line DAWN Community Advocacy DAWN., Shelter DA1Nl�l Safe Havens Advocacy a rarnic Famil, Services Early Intervention KARC Secual Assault Sound Mental Health Homeless Services VaIley Cities Counselin & Consultation Parernting Classes for Russian Parents Valle Cities Counselin & Consultation : Senior Outreach Valle Cites Counselin Consultation Survivor Support YWCA DV:Advocac y YWCA Emergency sini777 .777777- YWCA Transitional Housing Group One B Dini, Roda Staff: 'Dinah Catholic Community`Services Emergency Assistance -77777 Catholic CommunityServices HOME Catholic Communit Services Katherin's House Catholic Community Services Volunteer Chore Services Center for Career Alternatives Springwood Chinese Information Service Center Cultural Navigator Program Children's Home nghnl eing Families Jewish FamIl Services Immigrant/Refugee'Employme777777... nt Public Health Best Beginnings RE1NA Family:Support Senor Services Meals on Wheels Senior Services Volunteer Transportation Ukrainian Communit Center of WA ` Refugee Assistance Project WWEE Economic Self Sufficiency 77 Note: Safe Havens and Home, Repair are City projects. Funding for both of these projects is set aside. There is also Micro Enterprise funding available. However there were not any applications qualifying for this funding so the funding will be set aside. The amount of funding available for allocation is $834,726.