HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/19/2005 ...1 1 ��. :��.� I I I � � , , , , ... ��," "I I'll I . . i ... , I I _n: , ,, , ,, , . .i.. I � �.- 1. -- -�: . .. � . .. . :. -. . . . . WASHINGT.ON AGENDA DENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS,RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, April 21st, 2005 COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson,Director 2:U0—4:00 kill. HouswG& . Mountain View Conference Room — Suite 40 HUMAN SERVICES Kathern Johnson Centennial Center . i. Manager Kentashitgtort Ms)l��c��4ddress 11 22t�Fqurth Aue , NOTE C IAI�T+�E O..LOCATIOI�T Ken ,1 WA 9$0$ ',6 6 loc_ r"" COMM[S I[�l�T MEMBERS: t�©West ' bath Peters,;Chaff; ersori 1/2QQ8 Kent,Washington Y ( j Brett,Hollis,Vice Chairman(Il2048j Phone:26 I I8 11 6070, Edna V hite,Commissioner{ 1/2M.._ Fax:263435f-6b?0 Rod Saalfeld;Commissioriex(1I20Q6j George Adams,Commissioner(1/2007) Jon Botten,Commissioner(II2006) Perry Raak,Commissioner(I/2007) Debbie Raplee,City Councilmember(1/2006) Rini Duclos,Commissioner(1/2008) AGENDA 1. Introductions 2. Approval of the February 17,2005 Minutes ACTION ITEM 3. CDBG 2006 Funding Process` ACTION ITEM 4 2005 Fuoded Agency visits INFORMATION ITEM 5.First Quarter Human Service INFORIVIATION ITEM Re ort .. 6.Impediments to Fair Housing Study Report INFORMATION ITEM ;Safe Havens Visatat%on and Exchange,C'enter Four .. .1�.:.I::. �!;�: %..%.: !.. . .:... ......% . -.�.. . . ......................�........� . . . . ..:.-��.��.. � :i� i � 1 . . . .:%...� ... i�%� � ���� �.%�.... . ... . %%: . ....... ... :- ...... . . ... ..... % %.- i . .%.i . . . . ...... . .. . .. . . ..... . . ........... : .. . .. ... .. . . .. .. ..% . . .. - % . . .. . .. . . . .. %. . % . . :. . . .. . . 1 - . % 1 . . . . . ..; i . . - . . . . i . : . ..:. . . : % ....: ... . . . . . .. .. - . .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ..... . ... �... .. .. . i. . % . .�.�... : � i .......... ......:. ..� - .. . :...�.�.�. �. . :....�.%%.: . . %. .:.i:.: . � � �� :�::�.�:.�!�:�:�.�::...... . . ..� .%.%..,....I11.%..�..1.:1...%.:1..�...I.i 1'.::::.,i.....-�.:l:..�---�.%L-�....-.:-.�::.-..........,...,%.-.%..%-.::....I�.1,...%..."...,.....�-'�I:.-11-',�.:,�..,�.,�:.,-,.-:.�.�.��,,���:,...�...........�............-.........,..,,,."..,..­..�.....�........,:�.....].....-...,'..:!.....,...'!..,...'- ...: City of Kent ..�.,...-,.-...I,".......�W�...�.%.�.-.....:�..... Human Services:Commission Meeting Minutes IIFebruary 17, 20Q5 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Vice Chair,: Brett Hollis, at 2:00 on Thursday, February 17, 2005, in Centennial North in the Centennial Building �i-i��---D----- HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONER PRESENT: Brett Hollis, Uice Chair George Adams, Commissioner . , , Dni,;Duc1o6 Cornrntssic:ner . Rod Saalfelrl, Gomrnissioner HUMAN SERVICES t WINItSS1QIVBRS ABSENTIE CUSEp� afhy !'stars, GhairJon So#ten, Gommissoner Edna 1111hi# ©rnrnissioner Reverend Perry Raak, Gornmissiorer HUMAN SBRVICS STAFF FRI.SNT John Hodgson, Parks,,,Recrea#ion Conrnuni#y Services Director Ka#herin Johnson, Housing & Human Services Manager `. Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator ,Jason Johnson, Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant 1. 2004 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPERI : ; Katherin Johnson informed the Commission that Kent, is required to complete a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER is a report!to the U S Department of Housing and Urban;Development (HUD) on1. the l.y's actK itles'and accompllshmen#s using Cornmuntty Developm%ent Block grant(bo,. fQr . program year 2( . : ... . . .... ..., .. . . .. . . This're .art wasade'available to:the ublic Qr review over a: a' erjo a review p p Yp penod;includes a ubl�c heann #o allow citizens #o comment on the re ort llllri##en . ; P. . . ... : :1� .. . ... . com ants r o c e to Vi a:Ch it Hol is o e ed the` u llc:'hearrri fir commerts` rn .. a e ais a _c d c a . I : . . . .... :... . b . . .p... . . .:.. . .... p . : .. .. .. :.. g .. . . There were no comments. He then closed the'public hearing. 2. Fair Housina Public Forum - Public`Hearing FOrur� Laurent Walker, the Executive Director for Fair Housing Center of South ;Page# Sound, .. held a fair busing forlln following"the business portion of the commission meeting. The forum-Was held to meet the city's requirement to conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing. Citizens were asked to provide feedback on whether they had experienced ' housing discrimination in the city of Kent. The Fair Housing Center will provide the city with a'report on any discrimination issues and suggested activities to resolve the issues 111�111This report also will include information on what City of Kent businesses and service providers have proactively done to stop discrimination in housing. 3. CDBG Update Katherin Johnson updated the Commission regarding the budget cuts proposed by President Bush. Currently the CDBG program would be eliminated, which would mean a cut of almost $1,000,000.00 to low and moderate income residents in Kent. In lieu of the long-standing CDBG program, the Administration is proposing the creation of a smaller program within the Department of Commerce that will focus mainly on economic development. The proposed funding level is $1 billion less than current CDBG funding and will fund 18 combined programs. This money would then be allocated to the states, providing they meet the criteria set forth by the federal government. Based on early analysis it appears that the State of Washington would not qualify for funding under the new criteria for receiving grants. Staff is preparing information to send to our Congressional delegation to ensure that they are informed'of the severe impact#his would have on the City of Kerat's low income citizens Commissioner Duclos and Mayor Wh1: will each discuss this issue wh =n they meet w�#h the Congressional delegation �n Washington D.C. in early March ; • . Katherin Jo son DATE Housing & Human ervices, Manager Housnlg and Human Services:. First Quarter 2005 Report CDBG The President's budget proposed the elimination of CDBG and replacing it with a new;program in the Dept. of Commerce. The new program, Strengthening America's Community, would tie funding to poverty and community need for economic development. Based on an analysis of the in available about the new program it appears that the state of Washington would most likely not qualify for any funding. The loss of CDBG would have a negative effect on the Kent community as a result of the lack of:funds available for low income housing rehabilitation, minor home repair, public fac r. . anon profit facilities, parks %n low income neighborhoods, etc) irilprovements, economic development activities and :public services. Thirty-seven percent of Kent's population qualifies for assistance under'this program lIe City has responded to this proposal by contacting the congressional delegation acid proytdmg them with information as to hnw;the funds have been used in Kent artd what%will ;be lest it the funds are eliminated, Staff developed a fact sheet and a '30 retrospective of'how CDBG funds have been used in Kent, ; . ,.... S aft convened a meetrng with human service providers and other flarlders `to discuss the impllcatiorjs pf the elimination of CDBG A envies were tolo thatcities would not be able`to g make the loss of fundin throu h ener i1 funds and. that there would be increased p 9 9 9 competition for general fund allocations. The Senate budget fully restores CDBG and maintains it in 'HUD. The House budget restores CDBG at levels slightly lower than the 2005 appropriation.'Both support the continuation of CDBG and maintaining;local control. As CDBG funding goes to the appropriations committees it will be necessary to continue to provide support and information on'the value of the program to our community. Safe Havens The Safe Havens Visitation Center opened'for visits in January. The:staff all completed 60 hours of training prior to the opening of the center The intake procedure..is reguinng,more time than o71. n inall a t'c g . y rt t i ate due tot a dfficul in;coordinatin the individual intakes re aired:'Contact % p g q with victims is often d fFicult'because they are often restdin! in confrdentlal locatrons#hat are' : : unknown to the batterer. Staff must go through the attorney representing the victim`to make the contact..The`program re uires se agate intakes for e c rent d:an o p g q. p . : . a h,pa an . , nentation visit:with the ;children, Gne of the families referred for service were deemed too high risk and referred back to the court. Home Depot donated materials totaling $2,00© plus employees volunteered to 461the labor u reqired for installation. The Idoiiation Includedkitchen cabinets complete with countertops to provide an area for a:`visiting patient to prepare a simple`meal or snack to;share with the children. Donations have also been received from civic organizations and churches to purchase art supplies, books, games and music for the children. Regina)/Subregional Results BI. ased Accountability . E::�.: %. :% Staff attended training sponsored by the United Way on Results Based Accountability (RBA) RBA' is a process of developing goals and measuring the effectiveness of the activities undertaken to meet the goals; RBA will be used as the new South King County Business Plan for Human Services is developed in the coming year. Staff will also be examining the potential of using RBA with the human services agencies contracting with the City to replace the current outcome logic model. �0Year Plant©End Homeless The_ Year Plan to End Homelessness in King County has;been released Kent Housing and :.. or tFi` :wor ' The:': a```takes a. Human :Services is artici atin b rs v din . :staff..f e k gr_u Pl n . p p g YP 9 P . . preventative as well as remedial approach_to the program. The'plan clearly identifies;the need to develop housing programs that provide case hageme t services for lengths of time appropriate to the needs of the participants. The plan also,ldentifies the needs for different types of housing recognizing khe continuum of need. Soiuth IK1Ing County Human Services forum Staff continues to provide administrative support for the SKCHSF. The first quarter meeting of the group focused on several issues affecting South King County. Linda Nagote, Food Lifeline President and CEO, spoke to the membership about the possibility of a South King County food ` distribution warehouse. Food Lifeline distributes more than 20 million pounds of food each year to over 250 community agencies such as local shelters, neighborhood food banks, and meal programs. Food Lifeline handles all the intermediate steps of transportation, storage, repackaging and distribution of food to these agencies so that they can concentrate on getting food to the hungry men, women, and children who need it most. Other topics of discussion included: A Roof Over Every Bed in King County — Our Community's Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness, the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign — 2005 and United Way's 2005. Legislative Agenda . .. . ....... ... . % . ... ; Earive income Tiax ire.>It; 'EITC amps: % : ..;:`.: . i X ... .. . , The EITC cam ai n.i?x .and6d,to,South King i ounty this tax season. The: ITC is . spec al to p .. P beneft for w©rking people who earn low or moderate incomes.UUorking fiamihes and individuals can receive larger refunds with the E1TC=up to $4,3U0 Last year Kent families missed out on $ I000,00ov00 in refunds from the IRS. StafF assisted United Way lri locating a site In Kent far the'prograrn to operate from. The site opened January lOt"':'at the One stop Alliance 'Center and.has been providing assistance two nights a week. The `service will continue until April 15t". Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Site volunteers electronically prepare taxes and file for a rapid refund at no cost. Volunteers have extensive training and multilingual services are offered. Staff also assisted in marketing the site,including taping a segment for Kent TV21 and Inclusion in utility stuffers, etc. One Stop Alliance Center The Alliance Center (formerly called the One Stop) held their grand opening celebration on March 17th 2005. Council Member Tim Clark represented the City of Kent and congratulated the Alliance Center, acknowledging the crucial services they provide for our citizens. Tours were provided and guests were able to walk through the offices for the Kent Food Bank, Renton Technical College, Washington Women's Employment & Education, Multi-Service Center and National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Sputh King bounty Youth Coalition Staff; is working with United Way staff to coordinate Ahe formation of the South Kind County .. Youth Coalition:: The rou forn�erl existed as the' South Kin Count.. Pout Vio ence ....... .. . ......... g p y 9 tY: Prevention Committee. It reeentl . me ed; with a subcommittee of>the :Solath` Kin' ';Coon 1'9 . ...... 9: tY Hurrian Services;Forum that was focusing ort youth. The mission will be #o engage communities in using their resources and%capacity to ensure that all children and youth#hrive and c©ntrlbute where they hve, 1earn, work and play. Resource and Referral The Resource and Referral Line has had roughly 250 unduplicated Kent residents in need of assistance for a variety of reasons, needing emergency rent/mortgage assistance, low-income or supportive housing, assistance filling out public housing paperwork, language translation services for access to housing, shelter programs for the homeless, emergency food bags (and food programs), help with utility bills, search for senior housing, transportation assistance ...`to basic questions regarding the eviction process, getting connected to senior programs, needing phone numbers or basic information for area human service agencies, brainstorming day care options, need for AIDS/HIV testing, landlord mediation, living wills, clothing, help finding chemical dependency support groups, and much more. A small handful of these residents have needed ongoing support and contact Most have only needed to have one time contact Getting the word out to community human service providers that the R&R Llne Naval to h m nd heir'cli #s. s bee i re o for the incre%ased nu ber,of : eo le t I in or t e a..... en ha nab .. n . m . P p ,. a.l g 9 com�n mt g o#he.office. ma.., informal presentations/introductions to staff at many Kent human service agencies and was promoted in The Kent RopoAt : Parks Brochure, and Red Cross 2006 CDBG Application'Process Decisions to Be Made ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What process will the Human Services Cornrnissibn use to allocate 2006 +CDBG funOs? Opert RFPz process Targeted RFP process Gloved process :tan p. T.". ti�i:l��s�d:��:rnrior tl�cWa#ions:.: p � Qther , . . . ` �. There � .:�r�rn�:p�t�nti�l,��'+���cts fat f����,�or��'#orward. that theorrn�a;;tn ohooseo used a targeted.proess are any of the following prjects of interest. Tall Firs Mental Health Housing — Infra Structure Kent Youth and Family Services— Roof Multi Service Center--Employment Support Services 2005 General Fund Agency Visit A enc /Pro rarr� ,.� .. . . .. Commiissiioner ` ACAP Child & Family Services; APPLE Parenting Catholic-Community Services: Emergency Assistance George Adams Catholic Community Services: Volunteer Chore Service George Adams Center for Career,A�ternat�usx �pringwood career Development ` - Child Care Resorts Child''Care'Vouchers Beattie �hildren's Therapy.. nter Therapy Assistanpe Communities l.n + � 2pls=-..: ent, pent©rmc Program Community Health Center ;R,rtrr�atjr Dental Cornrnunity Health enter; F?titery Medical Crisis Clinic: Tel hor +� +eoes=Seattle .... DAWN: Commur� ., yeoep B�Crisis Line NNN: Shelter :„ H.©.M.E.JCathol cCommunity Services: Menus Shelter George Adams Jewish Family Service: Immigrant Refugee Employment Kent Food 'Sank & Emergency Services: Food Bank Kent Youth & Family,Seniice_e Counseling Kent Youth & Family Services: Teen Parent Housing King Co. Sexual Assault Resource Center: Sexual Assault Services Multi-Service Center: HEART" Multi-Service Center: Housing Senior Services of Seattle: Volunteer Transportation - Seattle Ukrainian Commune# Center Cort�muna#y Advocac Y Y Malley Cities Con`sli > FIYFS Farnil 5uppart \lane; Cities C­1,11-1111ounseling; senior Counseling Valley Cities Conseln ; Suiivors Support 1i1ttNEE; Economic S...SufFicien+�y YVyCf�: pv Services Program Seattle/King Co Pbfin Health-Best Beglnninga Total,2fl©5 I'tecomrnn #atidns In the event of decreased funding in the year 2005, each program will receive a decrease in funding based on the percentage of the total decrease, not to go below the rninirnum amount of$5,000. is City of Kent Stakeholder Fair Housing Survey To be filled out by individuals who live in the city limits of Kent,provide services to City of Kent residents or have knowledge of housing discriminatory practices in the City of Kent ONLY. 1.Please indicate your nvolvemen#is the City of Kent housing market.Please check all that apply. Housing provider/landlord ❑ Tenant ❑ Realtor © Homeowner ❑ Broker ❑ Social Service Provider ❑ Home mt rtgage pfo ession�l © Utter. l:l nsu...an....e.broker.............::.... 1 .......:.:`....:.: e" the liv :.:.ofK`nt v de ry c to C o e t` esicle ts� Y```s o 2.,How would you describe your underst 01he of.fair h 6 issues, n.." ......ow......uc. ........©..know. :.a::Itttle.;;::::::C].:::understand:the;bases.:::::;<;.1�•:haYe.::a:tla©roe h::l�owled a.:.:..:•::..:': ::::::.:.:::'.;::,,..':':.:.::: :..,...::.:::;:`'; 3,`Based ion your experience.what is.the extent of 6ousang_discrimination in the SALE`of homes in the CrN of Kent? ❑'non-existent ❑rare, i occasional' ❑ common 4.'Based on your experience,what is the extent of housing discrimination in the City of Kent's RENTAL market? ❑ non-existent ❑rare ❑ occasionalm ❑ common`" " S Are You personally aware of any of the following events occurring2> People being discouraged from applying for certain rental housing People being told they must rent units in a certain area of an apartment complex Insurers reluctant to insure property in specific areas of the City of Kent Financial institutions reluctant to make mortgage loans to specific `groups'or in certain areas Certain classes of eoPle having difficult gettm loans t3 Qd* u....:.::ng:co esor:.:zoning aws:u�npe.: ing.::air.,,.ousugc oice: Other Pease State) 6,.Based.on your knowled eg_are there specific areas of the City of Kent in which housiin$ discrimivataon is more common?If so.please describg: O Yes ❑'.No 7If a City of Dent resident carve to you with a cainplaint of housing discrimivation,where vvonld yb�l;refek' hem''for service�chiBckahree) r : : Washington State Human Rights Commission 17 ;Tenants Union` ❑ `Kng County Housing Authority.: '0 Washington State Office of Attorney`General El City of Kent Housing&Human Services Division Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound ❑ United Way ❑ King County Office of Civil Rights 0 U.S.Dept.of Housing&Urban Development(HUD) ❑ Other Turn ver .... . .......: .. .............: i --�_ NAc +a \ cn 00 iL 114 OIL 44 tap clq "fl a M ro o �1 IX� 4 f k 1 ■ OW I Rl� AL 3 r - r \ pd l City of Kent Stakeholder Fair Housing Survey . To be filled out by individuals who live in the city limits of Kent,provide services to City of Kent residents or have knowledge of housing discriminatory practices in the City of Kent ONLY. 1.Please indicate your involvement in the City o€Kent's housing market.Please check all that tl� Uply Housing provider/landlord ❑ Tenant Realtor ❑ Homeowner Broker ❑ Social Service Provider ❑ Home mortgage professional © Cthear ❑ II���.--.�.%1,3.,��,1�:��:.�-I�%.11-1,�-..:"��....�.",�-��..%�.-::%.,�..:1:t.....:_....::.......���-t��­�..-I:�.....-:...�:!,.:....:-,l...%..1��.......-,"�......:­�....�.�I�­..."%._�....-­1:.......,_��...1.�..�:..��.!:��......-I�..._...�..,-tt�...i...:��.%..-:%..,��..,...:..�!:I-­�...%­I%_�...1%.%,,1��.M......�_I.1...�,_­....���:..I_1:.I..'....%..1,:..1�­�:.:..��.%,,....�.­.:.....,��,.....:.:1:.:�J..:-:::�­...I":�­�....,�i�....­,,�­...:..'.�:__..:.,�.....i.��::..��.,,..1.....,�:::��!....::�...�.:t!..I,�1..��:i%�:........­;�.,._��!..%::I:�...�.::.-�..1I.;J,�_�:%..I.�:,1.%%II!��,�,�.:....:­::�,t_::..%�...1�'.....�..%,.�:'",�..I%.,�%...��_"��­...::-...It:�.:�­­,..�.�..�...1:'-.....:�.�1�..�,�...:,,,:.­�I:..��::%�.,I..._.,�,.....1I���.­�,t_..:I��...�%,:%...._.�I...,��._,,I,....I.��.I�_.�..���.�..�,I.:!..­,,..�......,..�':�.­�:....._..:.-.,�..,­�j....�:...��...���­�1'�...�..:�:..l-�...:��:.�,,t%l..:%�...,...,..:..�...�:i�_�.%.­��.,�%.l�­..:..I:��:�-:....%­_�...�Il�.:­­­�I:�-,j..%..,�...,_.�.,:­,_:..­II��­­%.......:..%�.....�_....%.,..�.,�.�%�t....�._...%..­:�.�..�­..�I.I�:.�:.......,�.�:I..%:�......�_..�-.�:.._­­.�....­,,�...�,.1..I�1�-....1.",��%.:1_!'..�..­_�1%%.;.�....:.�....:�­;....�:.:.;-1'...:.::...�­::.:.:��..:...::.,.:..­-�..::..I-I.;�.:.._��.,.:�...,_�­1�.....,�%._­�....I....:,:.1�.­..��...%�.%�.�t.:.-II1�._���...,��-��......,.....­,�-��.:I�,...,�.%,�..':.��.­�l.,1�..I:-%:.-.....­:�.�."_�..,.:1... Insurance;.broker::. .. .. .. ::.. . . .1 , ..... ��,,,.�.// I live m the City Of Kent.or provide services to.City of Kent residents: Ycs,P ,No ....!:..-..........I:.�..�.:.....�1.i�.:.y%..1:.��.::� 2.,:::low would you describe your unclerstandiu�of€air housing issues? kno. much.::.:.:::: o. ..a>l le;.::::;:::13:. d s.. .d:th :b secs. h ve;.. o.o. ovule e:.: :.:.:. ....:...:.:.% ..w . ...... .. .kn w . .tt . un er_tan e a L7. th x u h kn d . ....::.:..::......::......... :........ .......::...........:.:.:......:.:......::...........,.:::...::...-....:....-:...:::.-:....::.:...:.............:..............:............................::.:..:..............:g......:...:..................$.:... .. 3.Based ou your experience,what is the extent o€housing discrimination in:#he:SALE::o€hoxnes in th'e City of Kent? ❑'non-existent rare occasional {� common 4,Based on your experience,what is the extent of housing discrimination in the City of Kent's RENTAL market? O non-existent ❑rare occasional ❑ common " 5.Are you personally aware of any of the following events`occurring? , People being discouraged from applying for certain rental housing r� People being told they must rent units in a certain area of an apartment complex Insurers reluctant to insure property in specific areas of the City of Kent Financial institutions reluctant to make mortgage loans to specific `groups' or in certain areas ❑ Certain classes of people having diffietitity getting loans 0 BuAldmg codes: r zonnig laws impeding fair housing choice p Other{please State) .. G Based::on vour knowledge, are there specifie areas of the City of Kent. m which hou.sing discrimination is,more commmn?I€so' lease describe: Yes . No ram ' '� TIf.a City of Kent resident came to you with a Complaint of housing disc . .1 .tI %where would you re€er'ther;,m for service(check three) ... . . . q Washington State Human Rights Commission': ❑..'Tenants Union 0 ;King County dousing Authority.. Washington State Office of Attorney General City.of Kent Housing&Human Services Division ` Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound ❑ United Way o King County Office of Civil Rights U.S.Dept.of Housing;&Urban Development(HUD) ❑ Other Turn Over S.M. alternativedocunienis for screening immigr lations Documents that establish Documents that Documents that identity establish past rental establiish credit/ history ability to pay rent ■ Citizenship Card/Consulate Cards Records from school district Letter from employer to establish stability ■ INS Form I 864 ■ Letter from polity company ■ Current contracts for S ons©rsh venfcatxon to establish rental lllsto ma or:purchases to e p P r3' J p tdenhfy credit Cent cafe ofNaiuializatton. INS I Letter from farmer landlord, B. rrecords ESQ tenth a hone numbe ■ Voter's reg1 tration;card ■ Copy of lease from former sponsorship letters residence Ii US Passport INS Form I-864 Sponsorship verification ■ Certificate of U.S. Citizenship(N 550 or N-561) ■ Social Security card ■ Unexpired foreign passport,with 1 555 stamp or INS form 1-94 ■ Individual Taxpayer indicating unexpired employment Identification number authorization (IT1N) ■ Alien registration receipt card with Current Pay stubs photograph(1-151 or 1551) ■ Benefit Award Letter (SSA,DSHS etc, ■ Unexpired temporary resident%card ■ Section 8 Voucher ■ Unexpired employment authorization School Pmt Contracts Car.. I688A or I=6$BB c. ; d.V. ..... ....... , :Paid off Installment Jexpred reentry;permt,(i 32 ) contracts ■ nexpired refugee travel document ■ Paid Utility Bills 7 I571 ; ■ Dnver s license or ID card ■ Military Card or drab recerd or We gratefully aclrnowledge that the work that pirovided'the basis for Military depend card this publication was supported by funding under a grant from the ■ School ID card with photograph U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ■ Hospital records The Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound,the agency which ■ Day care or nursery school records developed this document, is solely responsible.for the content,which does not necessarily reflect the views of the government. People familiar with the fair housing laws know that over the years they have gone through evolution and re interpretation, as do many other laws, Whether you are a property manager, real estate agent, lender, homebuyer, tenant, applicant or fair housing advocate,it is your responsibility to educate yourself about fair housing. It,is important to not only know the basics such as protected classes and prohibited activities, but to also stay informed of any changes and updates. As housing providers, home seekers or tenants, your educational efforts help you and aid m the quest to achieve equal housing opportunity for all. We at'the Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound(FHCSPS) want everyone to understand their 66ts and responsibilities under the laws.Me are available to answer your questions and can provide training sessions and written materials on selected top;es The mall sampling of some fair housing resources ;:available on the Woirld�Nide iIt;b 1. www.cityoftacornar Thls is the web sit 'fi', if Tacor»a.:1t is.ver lllitE Cl bt�t:giues aid idea o where t :, 11 f r discrimination www metrokc goy�(das/ocre This is the web site for King County's Office of Civil Rights l=nforcement. Provldes'nforinatlon on. fair housing laws in unincorporated Ming County.Also offers information on disability access and resources for housing providers 3, www.ci.seattle.wa.us/civil - M - - This is the site for Seattle's Office for Civil Rights Enforcement. Supplies information on fair housing laws in the City of Seattle. Furnishes good related site links 4.' www.wa.gov/hrc This is the site for Washington State Human Rights Commission. Provides information on Washington State discrimination laws. www hud. ovgreupsfaiiiusinrcirri "his is the site for:t=�iii�s�iag ara�1=1;1rt�at bea��lopmenty focuses can tl�� l;eder�} fair l��ci�rl ;:lames; ; ;: ;. ;; l; l*gtiipped with HUB�°eso�irtres, related:�fiformatit7n, arlcl updated;information �: wwuy.fairhousin�;��m The home of the.l`latit�nal Fair'�°lot�sirl�.Aclvocat�;site dives links to,other fair housi�,g�ieb pages,: . ; ' . . as well as;presenl�g g�nerel inl;Qri��#iori such as, legal research, and discussion gr�iu�s.=. lair l=lousin;r Leval Sites '; . , . 1. www.irns.edu%ylier�ndeic%irld+ex.htinl ' John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Support Center. This is a resource for researching database cases and materials: G,pyrigh#of the Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound t�(j Phone: 253-274-9523,Toll Free:1-888-766-8800,e-mail:thcsM2@a ix.netcomicom ; ,I I I . . .... .......:%%- - . . . . . . % : . . �%. . :. ... . . . .... 1 .1 1.:.. .....� .. .. .. . .. % . : . .. : . 1 . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .:: i% . �: .. - -- . . .: ! . . � %. % . : - . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . .. ., . . ..... . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . I I �0!0 .... .. .... . . . . . . . . .1 . . .. .. .. . .:.� %.:.% .% ,, . � .. . . . . . . I , �e7 I I I I I I I . . :.� . .:.: . . : ,:: � I I I I I I I I I I I I .. . . I I I I . . . .i I 0,11 Consolidated annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) � � - . .. .... . ..4 , � . 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