HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/16/2006 HOUSING ANp HUMAN,SERVICES Katherin Johnson Housing and Human Services Manager 220 4th Avenue South �NT Kent,WA 98032 wASHIHGTo:N Fax: 253-856-6070 ........... PHONE:: 253-856-5070 AGENDA SENT HUMAI1t S'15RICES,CQ►IHM:ISS�QN Sch dul d Meeting for Thurs. aX, N4�ernber iS 2006 E Muu i �a on R . rn n:n ente %aI. Center . .......... . Kent, 111/ashington COMMISSION MEMBERS Brett Hollis, Chair (1/2008) Di'ni Duclos, Vice Chair (1/2008) Cathy Peters, Commissioner (1/2008) G Adams missiornner (1/2007 ) : Perryi Raak, Comrntss1oner (1/2007) Zia e :e r b`er>Cth: at b. e r .sma b e (1ierG r �20d ' `2:::.Q O 1. Introductions INFORMATION ITEM 2. Approval of October 2006 Meeting:Minutes ACTION ITEM 3. Presentation IN FORMATION ITEM DAWN Board of Directors 4. Election ofi Ofifcers' ACTION IT 5. o issi n 1 �nter Iebr t�: n INFORMATION-ITEM Cmm Q Ce a Master Klan` TN:F4RMATION ITEM: -urrtan : ;;ems}ces:M MAYOR SUZETTE COOKS City of Kent Parks, Recreation &Com:mumty Services ga.n;Interim D...irector . . ...........: City Of Koh Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes October 19, 2006 The meeting of the Human Services Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Din'.Duclos, at 2:30 on October 19, 2006, in the Mountain View Room of the Centennial Building. HUMAN SERVIGES GQMMISSIONERS PRESENT Qin�:Duclos; Vice,Chair George Adams, Commissioner Perry Rack; in.-m;ss over Jennifer Grossman, Youth Member Edna.WlTte, Commissioner Elizabeth Watson, City:Gounoilperson HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSED Brett Hollis, Chairman ` Cathy Peters, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT Katherin Johnson, Manager, Housing & Human Services Jason Johnson,Coordinator, Housing & Human Services Christine Cain, C,DBG Program Assistant Approval of the September 15 ` Minutes Gommmssoner 1fllhite moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 2006 and Commissioner Raak SEGQ(�lDED the mota0" M;ofiian;earned, .77 Financial'Literacy Fair The Literacy Fair is on October 28th at Kent Senior Center. Lunch provided by Boeing Employee Credit Union. The flyer is available for anyone requesting information at http //www.ci.kent.wa.us/humanservices/2006FinancialLiteracy.asp Web Based Reporting Human Services has been working with Kevin in Information Technology to develop a web based reporting system Examples will be ready for tat' at the November 7th Providers Meeting Review.of Human:Services Master New pQ lets an; : rock.;ures'o anuvere;:rey�ewe e s e s;i:np u;:e' rien e a or an p R p 9 Y council < . Jenaece Ghoate;':Ke>1t Food:Bank&;Ernes enc Semites rovided:tle Gorrinlssioners;with`an P" ..... .... . issi overview of the`ser\i'ices provided by tl a Kent Food Banl . Ms`Choate is the new Executive'D'r 117o . The meeting of the Human Services Commission ended at 3:40 pm Kathenn Johnson, Manager, Housing & Human Services . ....: . :' f10USING ANI]HllNiAN i.. Katherin]ohnson Housing and Human Services Manager 220 4th Avenue South11 Kent,WA 98032 nr,, •�T Fax: 253-856-6070 WAS,HI NOToN October6th, 2006 i?ARKS, RECREATION& PHONE:-253-856-5070 COMMUNITY SERVICES "�: ._..�. _r_J_ Lori Hogan Interim Direcf9r Phone.253-856-�67 F..ax.253.856-6050 220 Fourth Ave.:S. Ken# WA 98Q32 5895 Lear Liz Ligon, .:... :�:� . , �"-"'--'�'-:'� '�"'-�:�"':-:' �- ... .���9 The Human Services Commission has completed its review of the General Fund Human Services Applications for services to Homeless Single Adults in 2007-2008. We are sorry to inform you that the Commission made the difficult decision to not fund the Seattle Community Law Center as your application for funding was submitted after the date/time due. .. . . . . We sincerely Nape that yo..ur agency's positive Invaluement in the rent community will continue. . If you` have questions, please ;'cantat Kathenn Johnson at {253� 856-5073_ It is appropriate at this point in the funding process to raise questions with' and provide comments to Human Services staff rather than Commission members. Sincere) , .. . . -:. . .. . therm Johnsoi: `;` Ka Human ServlCes IVfanage.r 3 . MR John M.Hodgson,Chief Administrative Officer BrettHollis,Human Services Commission Chair �-3 � �� � ��:�. I���:' ,� ,.�:��Im Merin Hanson,Senior Human Se vices Coordinator 3 Dinah Wilson,CDBG Coordinator 3 Jason:Johnson,Human Services Coorcinator : H wServices'Com issian°200W,R : MAYQR SUZETTE CQQKE _tea_ _< Z._ ___ -. City of Kent Packs, Recreation&Community Services Lori H:ogan,.Intenm Director ir .. .. .-:. .......... D®anestrcAMuse omen's Network Presentation;to> he Ci of:Kent Centennial Building 2:30-3:00 Thursday, November 16 2006 1. Introduction —Jim Berrios, DAWN Board Member f 2 ate on Exec.id, D;recto db0th �7im Berrios Upd .. : ..... . . 3 ; U :'4.at6bh 9)te:nded a: ;Pro ram'=:RQo;Price:DAIRVN';Board Member P Y 9 : 4 DAWN's:Long Terra Housing Programming &:Goals —Judit Torrents, DAWN Housing First Coordinator 5 Conclusion &Questions Jim Berrios Domestic Abuse Women'S Network P.O.Box 88007 • TuWl;a WA Wl W united way Partner envy TOLL FREE 1-86C.28 .-DAWN(3296) Offices;(425)656 g3p5 • Fa�c{425)656 4309 UNITED WAY j TTY Gen:Info:(425).6564305 24Hour Help Erne (425)6567STOP.(7867} TY TTY Shettec 206.6221881 r ( ) E-mai{:dawneiworkC�dawnonhne.org Web:vuuiiwdawnonlineorg; N�. DA1NN: WMQ WE SER1/EQ fN 2005 • :Serves!a total of SEEM 1150 unduplicated clients,most in`person * Answerer!9,700 crisis calls (thanks to pur�ronderful volunteersE) ......::..::......:::..:..:.....::......•.-.......0rov d.ed::l:e .. .: ... . f c mntun. based cbe�rts • Served 104 women and 122 children at Qur cornfrdential domestic violence shelter for a total of 2$;9 clients: Provided 7,22 bed.nights'and 21.,66 meals • Turned awaY'4,577 reouests for shelter fora turn away rate of..18.1. • Served 908 women in our community advocacy;program. • Provided 149;support groups to 139 women,with an average attendance of 7 groups per person. • Provided 175 hotel bednights to'62 women and children unable to find shelter from domestic violence. Local hotels donated these bednights!! • Provided 5,943 extended stay bednights for 18 women and'30 children (18 families) • Served clients from allover the world. • Through the generous support of our community members, provided gifts and food to 76 families through our adopt ¢-family program during the holydays >�AWN;Client praflle: • 89% o�•clients are.eery !ow•or'law income(HUQ guidelines).' • 78% of adulticlients have children • 46%,are people"of color;17°f°are.:intmigranfis ar refugees; 1:5% have lRmrted Englrsh speakingskills 1QA/° re Qrt_a c(sab,lit indludn osttrmumatie s#ress dlsoreler _de cession anxi t a p y 9;p p e y, nd substance Outcomes: • 89%of adult shelter clients who received at least 14 days of shelter services have successfully developed and implemented a short and long term safety plan; 98%°are confident that they can follow through with their safety plans; 100% know how to use community services, 100%self-report that their level of personal safety has improved since using DAWN's services; 94%self report that they have a goad or excellent understanding of domestic violence since using DA WN's services, 97% report that fikieir overall situation has ,mproved as a resulfi of using DAWN 10C1%would use DAWNS services again,and.would recommend QAWN's services to others. • 83 f° of community advocacy clients who've received at leas h IO hours of services can;develop and .... . ;!m;;:ement a <;or.-an an fi`erm's¢ a Ian AND have'a aad uncle s; r p 9 fiY P g r land ng of domestic.violence and its impact an them and fiherr`children + 92%of legal advocacy clients who've reserved at least 1 our'of service self-report that they have n ,better untlersfiantling of the legal system and how it relates to their situation as a result of their contact with DAWN. • E[even;of twelve families (92%)successfully completed the Extended Stay program,transit ioning from crisis homelessness to permanent housing in the six King County units operated by DAWN. Domestic Abuse Women's Network P.O.Box 88007 Tukwila;WA 08138 United Way Partner envy TOIL FREE 1-866.286-DAWN(3296} Offices:(425}if564305 • �aX,(4 }6. „'. UNITED WAY. TN Gen. Info:(425j 656 4305 24Hour Held Line (426)656-STOP(7$f:7} G T1 .Sheffer 006 6&2 I Email•dawneiwork@dawnonGne.org • VUeb:vwuw c zvuruuilirae.org :.; .. Qarh tic:.Abuse;Womesn`s Network (DAWN: Gurrenfi Board Ros#er .::.Members Team '; '. ` ,Bos�fi�an `` Commifitee(s). 11/02 to 11/05, 11/05 tdJU President: Executive, 1 Jennifer Politakis, Wells Fargo Bank elected Finance; 02/04 3d.Recruitmt 7/03 to 7/06; 7/06 to 7/09 1st V.P: Executive, 2 Kay Tomlinson, Weyerhaeuser elected Legislative 1/05 9/04 to 9/07 2nd:V P,, Executive, 3 Lynn Buchanan Weyerhaeuser Program, elected .` -. - 3/0,6 Development • ,:. 1T/02 to.11/05; �1/05 to;:li/08 Secretary. Executive,. 4 Tom Kirkpatrick, Community Volunteer Program elected 5!06 ,.. 11/QT er. tiv .: :...... ii!.>.1 :........ .. ...:.:.........,.-.". .. ... Trensur. ; ecu ...... ..:. .,..e, Ps. . .. . . .... ........ .. .. e lected:'.: Finance' .. .....: ..:......... 03 :-::. 11/02 to 11%Q5; 11/05 to'Si/Q8 5ecretnryc 6 Erika Nuerenberg, Senior Staff,Zang County Councilmember Patterson elected 4/04 to 4/07 Member Finance 7 Dana Laverty Departmen of Homeland Security 5I03 to 5/06 5/06 to 5107 Member Auction, 8 Suzanne Berrios Owner/Operator of the Golden Steer Steak Development and Rib House 5/03 to 5/06 5/06 to 5/07 Member Development, 9 .Jim Berrios; Owner/Operator of. Golden Steer SteakLe and Rib House B d.Reccuitmt Dove. rntit 0.: bra.Overlm.:...... ..... . $.oei..:.Com.a ....,2/U3..to.... 06.,..:..: ..... .. .: .Member.. Rrogram,.. 11..Zack Hud ins, State Representative, 11th District uitmt 9.. ecr 9/04 to 9I07 Member Program 12 Victoria Vasquez, University of WA 1/05 to 9/05 9/05 to 9/08 Member Auction, 13 Jan England Evergreen Pacific Mortgage Services Development 4L06 to 4/09 Member Program 14 Aida Fraser Hammer Kentwood Nigh Sc4.hool . ... .. ... . em . n.: be 1.5: Lt;RonPr�.ce::: Kent;Police::Department 5 Member 9 16 :Jeffrey Thompson:::.:.:'...:..:: Boeingo..mpac�Y:.: Program iaAWN s...Almnistrattve Sta.... Roster Name Email Phone Lee(adawnonline.ow (425)656-4305 1 Lee Drechsel,Interim Executive Director ext.251 2 Sandi Schram,Housing Director sandis(c dawnonline.om (206)622=1881 3 Alicia Wells,Community Programs Director alicia(c�dawnonline.org (425)656-4305 ext.238 melissa.anas@dawnonline.org' (425)656-4305 4 Melissa Arias Development Director ext.258 shannon:iohnsoaCaZdawnonhne:orq.. .. (425)656-4305 5 5hannon Johnson;:Finance;Qirectore244 f FICE OF THE Suzette Cooke, 'Mayor Phone:253-856-5700 Fax. 253-856-6700 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue s 000 Kent,WA 98032=5$95 WA5 HI.NGTON TO: Deborah Ranniger, Council Presrdent City Council Members FROM: Suzette Cooke,Mayor DATE. December 5, 2005 RE: Appointments to Kent Human Services Commission . I seek your approval of my appointments of Ms. Tamara Sleeman and Ms. Maya'Vengadasalam to serve as members of the Kent Human Services Commission. Ms. Sleeman is a ;Colorado native and graduated from Tahoma High School_ She attended Washington ::State University, Green River Community College and received her degree in science from McCook in Nebraska. She and her husband are Kent residents and own and operate"One 18`}' World Hobbies" located on'VV' 1Vleeker Street in Kent. She is looking forward to serving;on the human Services Commission and feels she has a significant eonttibiition to offer. She will represent the business category and will replace Mr. George Adams, whose term expired .H new term will continue until 1 112010 I have also; appointed Kent resident Ms. Maya Vengadasalam `to the Human Services Commission. Ms. Vengadasalam received her Associate of Arts from Broward Community College and her Bachelor of Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University. She currently is employed by United Way as Site Manager for Free Tax Preparation for low- moderate income families`. She has an extensive background with agencies such as Safe Havens, Youth and Families Impact Council, and is an Advisor on Immigrant and Refugee Families. She will fill a vacant position on the Commission and represent the business category. Her new term will become effective 1/l/2007 and will continue until 1/1109 I`submit this for your confirmation . Jb ..... . .............. .. ... ::.:..:.... .:.......:...: .......... ...:::..:...... ... .::.::....:..:...... .: ...........::.... ..........:.... ...:...... ....:.: .............. j; Kent City Council Meeting Date December 13,2005 Category Consent Calendar 1. SUBJECT: I... ;SERV CES E±C)1. SSION't I'P INTIVYENTS AND . 2. SUNIlVIAItY STATEMENT Confirmation of the 11ayor's re appomtment of Ms. Cathy peters to contmue serving as a member of fire Kent Human Services .. Commission. Ms. Peter's new appontmment will continue through 12/3110$. Confirmation of the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Rico Yingling to serve on the Commission. Mr. Yingling is a local businessman and will represent the"Business category. He is a former City Councilman and familiar with the work the Commission perform. He is looking forward to serving. Mr.Yingling's new appointment will begin l/l/06 and continue through 12/31/08. He will replace Mr. Rod Saalfeld,whose term expires 1/1/06 Conf�rmat on;of the;:. oir's a o n mein ;1VIs:lV sril: LaCell -Ua11 :; Gibes T)rector pp 3'?a. y as the Non;Votnig Agency.position on the`Human Services Con�rnission 'Theis is a two year appointment: Her new appomtrnent wi11 begin 1/1/06 and continue to 12/31/07 3: ETTS: 1Vlemorandum ILECOAIWNDED BY: Mayor White (Committee, Staff,Examiner, Commission, etc.) 5. FISCAL IMPACT Expenditure? N/A Revenue? N/A Currently in the Budget? Yes No If no: Unbud eted Expe g nse Fund Amount Unbu eted Revenue >fund .......: ....... ....:........ 6: CYTyr OUNCIL A±CTII�N. Councilmernber moves;Councilmeinber seconds DISCUSSION: ACTION: Council Agenda Item No. 6EE