HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/21/2006 H(�USING AN:D FIUNtAN,SERYICES: Ka.:therin,J:.ohnson.`•. OrHousing;and Human Services Manager 220 41"Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 KENT Fax: 253-856-6070 WA S H IN GTON PHONE: 253-856-5070 AGENDA !SENT HUMAN SE9W9.ES COMMISSION Scheduled Meet n;g fdf Thursday/, ;September 21, ©Q6 Mountain View Conferencetoom� Centennial Cen#er eMtfah�n�fian COMMISSION MEMBERS Brett Hopis, Chair (1/2008) Dini'Duclos, Vice Chair (1/2008) Cathy Peters, Commissioner (1/2008) George Adams, Commissioner (1/2007) Marilyn Lacelle, Commissioner (1/2007) Perry Raab, Commrssronr (1J200?) E66:: lhrte :Commis Qner 1/2a :.; (.: - 7Elrabet o , ettyMunectb M r•r(n1be 007) 20o, U me /Y6 th 2enner rQsmn, 0 AGEhtDA 1. Introductions INFORMATION ITEM 2. Approval of June Meeting Minutes ACTION ITEM 3. Review Human Services Master Plan Draft INFORMATION ITEM 4. Homeless Services Funding ACTION ITEM 5. Review CDBG Annual Action Plan INFORMATION ITEM 6 ew Revi List of Commission Expirations = INFORMATT -N ITEM 7. ecand carter F.erfar tan a Measures Report. INFORMAUQ ITEM s 4. I1- M 8. Financi al Literacy Fair Update INFORMATION E 9.. auirh; �n . CQpnty 9 .1h s� Plan �NFOf�N1ATION ITEM 9 3 c v 3 MEER 3 MAYOR SUZETTE COOKS City of Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services: Lori Hogan,:Interim Director:: City of Kent Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 2006 . n Services>-c6m issr.Qn;was cal:Ied tc�.order.b :Chairman.Bretk : The-rneetin of:;the;;Mum�. .. .. . .. . .. - .- .y . .. n in View Room of the Gentennraf Bu}(din at Hollis, on June the you to 9. P HUMAN StowtiF CQMMISSIONERS PRESENT . .... ::Brett;Hollis m�n Edna 1 hite, Carnrnissioner Dini Duclos, Commissioner George Adams, Commissioner Cathy Peters, Commissioner Perry Raak, Commissioner Jennifer Grosman, Youth Member HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIQNERS, AQSENWEXCUSED Marlyn LaCelle, Cvrmiss�oner Elizabeth Wafisop, Cityoune�l Nl�mbr HUMAN=SER1fT:CES ST ►FF`PRESENT Katherin Johnson, Duman;Services Manager Merma Hanson, Senior Human:Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson,;;CCB Coordinator Jason Johnson, Hurnan Services Coordinator Kathleen Allard, Administrative Assistant t�roval of the April 20, 2006 Minutes Commissioner Duclos MOVED to approve the minutes of April 20,2006 and Commissioner Adams SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. General Fund Hurnan Service Recommendations for 2Q07-2008 Commis tuner Wh to MOVED to recommend the �d 2008 General Fund Human Service a�[ncations as attached. Go mmissionor.Raak SEGaNDED the motion. ABST.ENTIQNS:.. . Multi Seru�ce Center(Rini Duclos) Ch�ldreri s Therapy Gertter (George Adams): Motion carried. Hunan:Services Commission June 15, 2006 Minutes Page 2 CDBG Public Service Recommendations for 2007 Commissioner Raak<MOVED to recommend the 2007 CDBG Public Service allocations as attached. Commissioner White SECONDED the motion. ABSTENTIONS MuitISer�rce;Center Dini:Dodos :. Motion carried. Continaene Plan for 20Q7 CDBG Rub lrc Se�vrce Funds Commissioner:Raak:MfvED and Chairman Mollrs` ECONDED to recommend adoption of the following contingency plan: In the event of an increase, the additional funds will be allocated to the Multi Service Center Housing Stability Program up to $40.,000,00, Any additional funds will be divided between the funded programs. In the event Qf a decrease no program sgo izelow'$10040 00 There will be no decrease to`Multterviee Gerttr�, Housing Stability Program. All other programs uvlll be'decreased proportionately. 777.7 ABTENTIONS: Multi Service Center(Dini DuclQs� Motion carried. CDBG Economic Development Recommendations for 2007 Commissioner Duclos MOVED and Commissioner Peters SECONDED to recommend:the 2007 CDBG Economic Development allocations as attached. Motion carried. 20Q7 Rlannlng.and.kdmin� tration.Fundin4 • M wE n :> ommissioner 11hite SECONDED:to recommend the bud et Commissioner Rack O D a d C 9 foc the 247 CDBG Rlanirtg and Admin�stratiuef[ocaton as attached Motion earned. .77-77 Sling1e Adult Homeless Services $30,000'from the 2007-2008 General Fund allocations will be set aside for single adult homeless services. Staff will conduct a separate application cycle for this funding over the. summer: Commissioners will make the funding recommendation at the September 2006 Commission meeting, Human Services.Cornrn�ss�an June 15,;2005 Minutes " Page 2 Undate;on Human Services Master Plan Merina Hanson updated the Commission on the progress of the Master Plan,which is being completed with the.assistance of Bonnie Olson of Emerging.Design Consulting Staff established a revised set 6f funding priorities following the application cycle test run. . Corrrmissioners.receved a handQt that ocitlined those priorities and ho>v the funded agencies flfi into the;categories October G Ftnanclal Uteiacy Fair Jason Johnson announced,the lapcorning Financial Literacy Fair being sponsored and coordinated by Riverview community Church. The fair will be held October 28th at the Kent Senior Center. The event is open to the public,with information and classes available on topics including: budgeting, home buying, education, payday loans, etc. Project Cool for Back to School Jason Johnson updated the Commissioners on Project Cool for Back to School. The City is partnering with the Multi Service Center and Catholic Community Services to provide homeless children with sup plies:for the upcoming school year. City employees wilF.be collecting gluesticks and rulers;and donations:care be dropped off'at City Hall`or the Centennial Suilding. Committeeo End Homelessness Update )anon Johnson updated th'e Coirimission on the Housing First South King;bounty pilot program.`The'program wifl be atlmiinistered by Seattle Mental Heaith and'Gatholic Community Services. Chairman Hollis requested a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Raak MOVED and Commissioner Duclos SECONDED the motion. Meeting adjourned at 3:30. r'in Johnson Recordin .... ecr�eta.Kathe - - ..%; 9; "Y PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Lori Hogan, Interim Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone;:253-$,56-5070. :: �- Fax' 25"56-6070 i'.:�.......:�::N,.. ..........,.....,.:.,........ .: C�..TON.: :.... .. :....... . :: . . .. ... ..:.......::.....::......::....: :::.:::::..:....::.::.. Address. Fourth/�r�enue.S :.:....:.:..:..:.. 11IlEMC2 TQ : Ifent'Htirrtan'-5`enrioes:Conarnissi n' FRfJJlV1: City of Kant, Housing and Human Services Staff (Itherin Jahrson; 11Aerina Hanson, D�riah Wilson, Jason Johnson) CC: Lori Hogan; Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Interim Director SUBJECT: Applications for Funding: Services for Homeless Single Adults As you likely recall, $30 000 (per year) was set aside in the General Fund budget recommendations for 2007 and 2008 for an agency to provIge services to homeless smgie adults:here in Kent,l�lfA This $30,{300 was the funding level given to CatholicGammunity e i S ce CS ,;in ,0 and 2008 tp run the 1\Ilen s......er. . : • . : ere curr. dstibutdtoafl; t dda en:eies_. theAn'a raki ws nfcre(essnes Single.. hoC unForaenHn [ sn: sst CmtSt iee"tohd. . om Adult: ub committee <and. laced an.the:C =af:lent;websltestartn ;Honda Jul ;17 ; All` p 9 y y zipplicatlans;were'due Thursday August 1Q by 4:. M Four applications were submitted to the Housing and Human Services staff for review. Two Of the submitted applications had to be discarded. One was submitted after the due date (submitted Friday August 11t", 10AM). The other was requesting additional funds to serve .the same number of clients they are currently funded to serve (double-dipping)'. Two applications `were reviewed and scored by staff(Catholic Community Services, H.O.M.E Men's Shelter and Malley Cities Counseling and;Consultation, Homeless Single Adult Housing Services} The Proposal Evaluation Form for these;applications are attached for . your review Catholic Comrnunity Services scored a total of 80 out of 1Q0 possible points. Va1l6y �ti6s scored a:tptaf . 72 out;Qf 1OQ possibl6 points. Catholic_C.ommunity_S ices �CCS1.f Homeless"Outreach Mobilization Effort(HOME) "HOME provides food•attd shelter for hocrieless single;men In Kent`seVen days a week, 365 days a year: The HOME Board (an independent nonpraft corporation) contrapts with CC$ to provide screening, intake and assessment of clients; site-management, and on going case management to help clients identify the path and the actions needed to stabilize their., lives and put homelessness behind them."` Concerns • Current level of case management is not enough to move clients from homelessness into stable housing. Clients are currently only asked to meet with their case manager at least one time a month, 1C\DouxeiSe ngs\KAllard\Local Settings. m r Intemet Files\OLK1 B\HomlessArt o 1.dac PP --- "i �,�,i::��i�'i,�i�!:"i�'�'- , --'�'i ' , '�:'� I I .. .�. .... ' -- :.:!..-.:�:. , vp • Length of stay at shelter seem much longer than 90 days for some clients (HOME shelter should not be permanent housing) • if funded, contract would need t11� o state that no Kent funding could be used to house clients for more than 30 days. i:�1:.�..�..�"i-;,.1-�:i-.-.-I..r�I.".j�i'!.II��...-.-.......-1:�.��'.-l...i:.ii.:.:�.,-�-���'�I�:.:�::-:.��.--:�'.i-:....I�i-:.'..i.�:���...—.!�i.-:�...�.�-1..1�:-:.�.:�i-i-:�.�.i:i.�.�....-...�.-.:.-..'...I1':.-.�-�-':.�':�.-...�.�:I....:.I..:�-�..:.'.�:.�'...,�..'�...- • No long range plans spec.-.�':..�.i�'.I-,:-.7�.-��:'..�..� ified,.'-.:i."I.i-:.�l.:'for SKC i i.."1.I'..:i.:�:1'�-'..:,.�:'....,..:.i.1:�..�1.:.� • CCSfHQME can currently waFt 30 days before cr�::F�-.�I..;....�V�.i'....:..,eafiing an exit plan €or clients. This %..I�...."..E.W�....i..:.�..�i.... shoca;l Vie,done a# intake .. ..' . ...1.1I.'...�"1-,....:1-..i....1..:....',I.,.,..,..-f,..i.....".i,. • is ca a manager;assisting cllonts to get do SSI!SSDI/GAu • : HQw does: f HQ11lI conneot clients tQ Penl7anen#_Housm ' : . $ : .. .! I..id et;.not, a In fe el-:offundin :desilred,fran.t.:Renton and Kent.>Uns are.what ; 9 9 g g ..:-.:.....:.;1.%......i.i....�.!.:��.:.:.. funding dill.get from City of Auburn Advantages I.� • CCS/HQME currently meet and/or exceeds all funded services units • City of Kent has good working relationship with program staff and should be able to iron out kinks in service delivery by start of funding year 2007. • Shelter is open in Kent every night, year-round • Program is good partnership between agency, churches, City Gov, and community;` • : City of Kent has long investment to'program Valley Cities Counseting and Consultation (VCCC) "ThIs,program engages and assist homeless tndiv�duals in the City of Kent with developing self su ciertcy skills and gain_- . housing stabiht Program services wilt help each . . program particapant meet thei .basicneeds of obtaining food; cloth.ing,.shelter, medical and dental healthcare, hnd acceptable trans :onal Mousing rn the first month of participation, and . 'find; ermanent ho,usin ;within'ahe;`eer. A caseworker wiN he! individuals identt ;;issues. p g: y p fy and goals, assist with goal achievement, and help them access services: hat will benefit them. Specialized staff will provide services to participants choosing to receive help with mental illness, substance abuse issues 11, and gaining competitive employment." Concerns • : Goals of program are WAY too ambitious • Program trying to do too much • Not pearl :enou 'h staff time' 35 FTE to achieve even one`of the listed; owls y g ( ) 9 • ':Vision . .program is not clear or realistic • Not.enougl focus on what VCCC does best, Mental Health Case;Managemertt „: : . . ,. .. ,;;P a;; ucce ses eem e . n anfi:on H62 :63 glum ;Start:and`::KCI1�l'HCADSD ...r.0.... r,..:m.:s..s.:...:.........::s..::.....::...:'.s. :..:.....:::...d::.:..,e.:::d...-.::...:....:,.:..::.............:.:......,. ..:........ ::...........:...............:.......... .....:...:. . .... ..: .... ..... P P. ::,. .;. e. r. funding (that have not yet be n awa ded) . • Loil ange plan.cif program is not clear Advantages` • Specialized focus on Mental Health • Access to Mental Health services • Assists in getting clients on SSI, SSDI, GAX right away11- • good understanding of needs of homeless in SKC G 1Docaments!and Setting. -... lard1ocal SettingslTernporary lntemet Files10LK1 B1HomelessApp1.doc.