HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/20/2006 II I II z.. .. ....-....-............... 1. % . , ,, ... . ,1,-I: �, ��:; ,,,:...�:,",,,,,,"" i,,, ''I''',,-,','',''',,, I,,, ,,,I1,....%%. �.::� .: ...:.:....:.:...: % %.. . ..-.%. . � .% .. :: � KEN T i..:z::...�..���I..1..:;.:.I...1�.:...%;%.I:..%:�.::%..:.�.:.,..:�_,.�..�........%:..�:........:�-.�..�.:�:..�..-.:.�..-i....:...:..,:-...:.1:I..%�.­.... %.......:.j.%a..::...�..:%...:.%.�...:...�.:%...-...:...�.�......%.,.-�.�.I:..:­"...�.1...��..%.­.:::�..:-..:C..%-�...:..:.�..:':...­:....%::....:..:...:%.......­.�.-..%.�..:"�...._...1:'%.�-:.�..:%%-:1.�.�.:.,..%..:::..1�.�:.!...%.:.� AGEND:1.,�.,�:�,-,.:.�:...��:�1..���i!��.:�:....:-:�1�:.II,���_�.:_.�.-��.-::.�:-..,.,%:�-:�..�­..:.­..��''­.�­:,_.%a%.'..��...:�.,�:.�%�:_�.,��..�,�.�.:�­.i _�:�-,I�",�­1",l-1 t,�����l�4"1.":­1,.1�."�1I�,����z�,,,;.',,,,1�:1,I_.,,�,.,�,:,,"�,�1.�1,��I',-1�1",l'`1.,_.���� -�,,1�_'"'�­1­,1��,,._,',"_-I1-T��I.�I;I 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HOUSING& HUMAN'SERVICES i other n Johnson COMM�SSI{..I�EMBERS: " � ' Brett Hollis, Chair �12U08) Mailing Address 0ini Duclos, /ice Choir1/2�0$j 2 Fourth Ava;S Cathy Peters, Commissioner{f/2008) '�1"�I"�,�,��,",�",,,,",:,�'',,,�',,,"_",,,,�I,,,'I�',,"I�`,�,,:,,,�,�,��%�,,,�,�"II"",'',�,�������,",�,�"","�":�1-, i<el, to WA 6e432 9 George Adams, Commissioner 1 2007 . L600t1on Marilyn l acelle, Commissioner2U07). ,�,,_0,,�,,'��,,,��,,�,��'.�,',��,���,��,,�,I�':���,���.�,�',,I1,,,���,�I,,,,,�,��,_�1.�"I,,"�',,'',,1'1,��,"'�� 40O Wl st W`ili Perry Raak,Cornmis6i©ner 1/2D07) scent,iNashingtc�n Etlna liilhite,Commissioner(1/200$) Phone:2a3��a�-5070 Elizabeth 1iVatson, City Council Member(1/2007) Fax:2s3�856.6070 3ennil`er Grossman, Youth ;Member (1/2007) ._.�"�....�.....:::�.��.�-%�..!%-%,....!'� .�....:I:.1"...%�:.�%.::I....::.....�.:�1.�.....:.t_�..%�:..'�..-_.��%.�.­:...�....I-...��:�.�%.�:.....�-%%..�:-�.�..'�":::�� :....-..:.�.... .-�..:...!�...1­...�1..i......� AGENDA 1`. Introductions INFORMATION ITE:�.......�..�..��.�,.......,...�..%.:.:.�..�...%:i.�.�. 2. Approval of March, 20Q6 Minutes ACTION ITEM ...'�:...��...%....-'....%.......�..'.....::.%..:..::%%..:_..%...�:_z.j.�..%..:.�...- :%...:�.-..�.:.�:�.��I.�..,.�....­.��:....�......�.%�:...,..% .%,�%..:�:.''-.:.�...�.�.:,%.!.�..%�.:...:�­;_.--.1,�...:.....:.I:..�::.:..�. �.�%....%..-��.%:�.%%,..''.....�:�.:I!,.�..._1......I�%��:..:..%.��......:..:.:,.!..-..,.,.!.�.�.._'..-...-:I..�:..-��:.l...:..�%.....%1.%.:-....�., 3. Conversation with Mayor Cooke INFORMATION ITEM 4. Review of Draft Funding Priorities INFORMATION ITEM 5. Agency Affiliation Disclosure INFORMATION ITEM and the DV community. Tracee;and Jeff Edleson'`have developed an in-service that will be presented to both King County Superior Court locations in April and 11 we are working with our Collaborative partners to develop an advocacy training11, for"post-separation" issues for survivors. We also applied for an AmeriCorps volunteer to help us develop a Resource Center here. Should we be selected, v+re will work closely with the volunteer to create a library of community information via outreach to various formal and informal service providers throughout South King County. Additionally, we applied to Soroptimist of Kent to provide funding for that project, "go-phones", and emergency transportation funds, We're very excited abut this and what It will dp to .improve the lives of our clients �.....:..%...�P.��:..-I..i.',..:....�..:...�..:.I'1......�...1::.%l..:I.�.I.:'.-Il:��%..�.�....1�1�,l:.��%.:.�:.�..l­.% + 1N. t%. NI- O During this reporting period, : have had to call on KPD on 3 separate occasions ,.�:l..;�.�..�..:I_..:.1:�.%...�1�.i.i:...:­..::-�­.:!%....�._...i�,.:::i;..._:.o.�:...�......�::�.:,...�...­.A!...,�::-.,:�.:.!..:��...�:�:!.-%�::.�-..­-.�.:��....._.:.�.I�:;..:_-�:.�.�.,1..�.:%.......%1:�:!i�.�..�.�1.l�..�.:I::��­��..,�:.��.i-:i:;��-:�,�..�:�_....��i.:­t,�­,,-�l:�:­�._,,iiI.������.:­�t�J����.������:�;­�t­.',:­,�:,!���-�'�,:N,::t�:�­�,i­:�....I.:­.,.:...-.,I..%,.�..:.,..�::..':.�,.%..::..­:,­�:1',:.:...,�.-�1....::!,­..�%���...�.-:�,�::.:.�:�.�,..�:.%��'i.._:.�,�..�.�1'�:���l.%!::,..���.�.�.­:.!i.:..�.�..%�%_:,.l% . .... .for as stanc . T sem a zed ur:nee o. ocus:on ;irn rovin o r;.rel tionshi s�. .. . a hf hi .. o. . . ..... .d ..1 . u . ... .: :. :: p p g . . :. p 1 a Sri orc erl. as a as pu: ;' ' > .9 r.sQ a so o r7lhair.9 ;' ; y' Coin dispatchers regarding our services V11 have bogun this effort by increasing g nication with various of cars and wiU continue to develop this as we our Seprogram it will be essential at that time for a rapidse fore need call them. We:are also planrnng to expand our`hours to include Sundays, We have'been'busily working out the`details s© watch for more in the next quarterly report! Home Repair Home Repair has provided services to 53 Kent households in the first quarter of 2006. REGIONAL PLANNING • In' 2005 HUD and Ding County discovered that CDBG entitlement cities (including Kent) were not receiving Emergency Shelter Grant funds for their communities. ESG funds are administered by the State. HU'D directed the State to amend its 2006 Action Plan and include opportunities for funding in entitlement communities. Staff met with representatives from other cities and the County to review the Actioa Plan proposal and submitted commentsto the State. Worked'with United.Way D% % tjc V' lence/Sexual Assault Impacfi Council to revise funding outcomes a %nd raceived approval from United Way staff. Final approval will be prouided`by United 11Uay Board of Director Safe Havens Services: During the : quarter of 2006,;%the Safe Havens Visitation Center facilitated11� 1153 visits and conducted 24 intakes. Four new Relief Visit Monitors (RVM) were hired in late December and began training in early January. The RVM will allow us to offer more visits slots and assist with services as We are happy to say that we are able now to provide services in Spanish. We will continue to recruit RVMs with the hope of providing a more diverse staff and culturally accessible services • Policies. VVe are always learning and have instituted a new gift policy here at the Center as well as a new information sharing policy. Our primary goal is always the safety of battered women and children and every change we make is in`response. to something new and challenging We are preparing to launch our Safe . Exchange% program :and have begun drafting policies and procedures for that service. • Sustainabiliity: $50% ,000.00 was included,fo..us --the DSHS budget for 2007, (thanks to the amazing persistence and hard%work of Dou11:g Levy and 'Mayor Cooke) • Outreach: Two new Court Cornmrssioner toured the Center in February and we've had multiple inquiries from centers across the state as well as nation wide. Tracee has presented on two national audio conference trainings for Praxis International 11:111,111, on working with interpreters. We are currently recruiting new Consulting Committee members to help guide our work in the most comprehensive way 1 . possible. We are working to continue to enhance our relationship with the Courts CbBG The House Budget Committee approved its FY07 budget resolution. Rep. Jim Nussle (R-IA) Chairman of the House Budget Committee, provided an additional $111:11,11, .3 billion in his manager's amendment for CDBG. The CDBG support letter from the House members to the House Budget Committee, which the CDBG Coalition spearheaded, helped in this effort. Representatives Smith and Reichert signed the letters The Commttee chese not to increase the discretionary budget cap to accommodate' this increase, therefore, the Increase w�li have to be offsefi by cuts to other.progrem areas. Even though the budget resolution provides an increase for irDB , it does not haue the force f law like ether.legislation, there.bit the ultimate deci ion a to whether or nit CDBG will be increased thls year rests with the appropriators. with the budget being so tigh the approprlar'tors will, once again, have tc ugh choices to make ri✓gardIng funding. The progrp ij5 t d with a ljuge cut this yearof approximately ' 1.1 billion rn lorrnula funding. This amount must restored to the program dust to get the formula funding back to' last year's level of 3 77 billlon Anything above!$1.1 billion would be a true increase to the formula funding. The CDBG Coalition is advocating for $4.5 11 billion in formula funding for CDBG. • Staff developed a procedure to conduct Env(ronmental'Review on Home Repair Program rehabilitation projects {Determination of Categorical Exclusion, subject to Section 58;s). • The 2005 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) was. approved by Council and submitted to HUD. The City received HUD approva of�Q06 Annual%Action Plan.` .. Staff ubl�she the Third Amer dmeri ;to the 2005;Actlor� Plan. ;Tl a Amendment p d will allow fer'increased undin ,to'th6 lent l�4 .e- .air Pro: rem and:: :% 9 :9 ..... .. 11Vashi ; ton CH which :rovdes`mcro-enter:rise busiess`tralin ''and loan: 9 ► .. .... ;; . .; ente .. fundsn addition, the Amendment includes funding fpr The Alliance C r, a . .fJ a-Sto er ce:Can er and i�reen;Fiver C. 6m ;uni; College, which .:rQv des; P . . micro-enter::rise Uusiness'eaunsel n` and tec:ni assistance to-lo.iv inco e' : : p . g. bent residents, Staff developed a preliminary concept for a Community Engagement Plan and met with City of Tukwila staff on best practices for working with the Somali community. planning recommendations for how to impact the issues identified, and include measurement tools for how to monitor progress. The draft funding priorities will be available to the agencies upon release of the human services grant'application and agencies'will be asked to align with one of the priorities as part of a "test run" to determine how well they work for Kent. The plan will then be updated by staff every two years. Communities In Schools of rent CISK held their third annual Community Breakfast on February 8th.' Over'$10,000 was raised the morning of the breakfast, and it was expecte.6 that the total would reach 000 11e ends'of''thee ;r a f st'fQ u ed o irifor ................... be s of the;co up ; .. ..... . . ty a I Ks: r s :inel: in t e ; nt ;m ro m >:jrst & 0 :a the. bout_C S o ram ud h m or ra F oil n p g , g . gR g , . Principal s /academy, The rnentoring program is currently recruiting mentors for 4th end bra: e s ,: r in a en ;; coo is ri `41th ........ All Human Servicesoordlnators artici ated to ah audio conferences onsored by the Nate na1,l_e Ci s L. that f eased;on: th strafe �bs to vuork wi disconnected': o a ua of �e N C o g 1. 9 ... . youth. 'The N1 began intensive work on this topic of disconnected youth se�reral years age, recognizing that there are too many young people often concentrated In cities and towns who are less connected than we would like them to be with family, community, and the workplace. NLC issued an action kit for municipal leaders at that time recommending a number of ways to think about this issue and preliminary strategies for dealing with these issues. Since that time NLC took an intensive look at practices in eight cities that are using cross-system collaboration as a means to reengage and reconnect previously disconnected young people. The report will be issued this spring, and it essentially reemphasize important points such as: the critical need for mayoral leadership; that collaboration can take many forms and still be effective; that a lead city government agency or intermediary organization plays an essential;part in creating and sustaining cross system collaboration, and finally that understanding the ditavi.11iifoster . . collaboration and help people to understand whether their efforts to reengage youth: are making a djfference Rolurce and iRerr : layer 22O>Resource and RefErral falls • :45 bus ticket cl1ents t eci 1=our dornesttc vtolonco referrals from Kent s Le al pe arkment, All of h l ants .neede::;; ousngssis ante' • Over 33 waik �n clients looking for services (non-transportation) • Ten emergency food bags given out • One client given clothing for her children • Two donated whole turkey vouchers given to HOME Shelter for evening meals Housing and Human Services First Quarter 2U06 Report Interdepartmental/Community Coordination I I • Staff coordinated with a local child care center in Kent and the Police Public Education Specialist program to provide car seat safety information to parents of children age infant through 5 years of age. Child safety seats are 71%o effective in reducing the risk of fatality in the event of a crash, if used correctly. • Staff coordinated with a local child care center in Kent and the Fire Prevention Public :. Educationpecilist program to provide bicycle helmet fitting and multipurpose helmet fitting serices'for children through S years of age': Wearing a bik%e helmet ca%n reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent. Betwe%en0 and 50 helmets were expected to be distributed through the program. Y.0 h &Young Adult Committee (Comm�".-...---�­-:%.�..�.::.�....-.:.�-,.1:.:.,..�:::.:.-.."'��..�,.-.:.ii.�..'..-;..-.��.�...:��....,---�:,.....j.-�........--.---.,-..%.:-�...:n�-�'�.-......1.t�-.�..i.�:.:.��1.���.!'...�:—,...-...i.s�l........:.:...,..�....,:..... ittee to End Ho�nelossn+ ss Kent continues to staff the Homeless youth &Young Adult Committee (Hlr'YAC) of tb',e .,.��...��..:�..%��.-�..�m:.::%...%.1.�%i.,:..,,.. Committee t d; i elessn'ess The HYYAC is curreritl focused on hew to m eke :: ... . .... . . . .. n . . . . . .. . . . . . ... ......... . . .... .. ... .......... . ... .Y.. . ... . %.:!...:.....,..:....-.....m:-.......1........�..�..�-...........�....,.. .%%-........�......:...I.........-....:.....1.%i:.%...-....:.%:.�..........i.:��.....:.....�.%%..--.:.:.i....1.�.....:i..l.:%%!...-..�..::�:.....%.�..:.......%�.....:...:I.-1�.....:.::�.1..::.!.. stronger;partnersbips with 'traditiona.. housing developers tv secure housing fpr single young adults, services needed bjr this populations and making the connection between service & housing. The legislative priorities of the group include: • Pass legislation in 2006'to extend foster care benefits to age 21 (Accomplished!) + Increase funding for mental health and chemical dependency services. • Change WAC to allow unlicensed scattered site independent living programs for youth including teenage parents. Human Services Commission The Human Services.Commission held their!annual retreat in early February The main priority of the morning session was to provide input into the`Six Year Human Services M ter Plah.;tb ssion s scussed treh'ds in':the;;comm+uinl and.identifed areas as mini er di .. % bet needed attention and where ma ng an impairt was possi .e... omm stoners a so provided input into the guiding principles for funding human services The afternoon session focused on the upcoming grant application cycle. Commissioners havereviewed the new a licatio.1 bnd discussed the.rev%ew. rocess with staff. Commiss oners will pP p . be' in their onion of the:review r©cess:tn mid-Ma , Six lfei�I Human Services Master Plan Bonnie Olson, with Emerging Design Consulting, was hired to develop the City's Six Year Human Services Master Plan. Bonnie met with the Human Services Commission in February to work on current trends and guiding principles. Bonnie has also been conducting focus groups and key informant'interviews with individuals in'the community. The master plan will identify issues in the Kent community, offer strategic Human services Mas#er Rlan Update Bonnie Olson, inrrth Emerging Design Consulting, has been conducting key informant interviews to gather information for the Six Yea% %r Human Serv+ces Master Plan. Staff will bring the Draft'Master Plan to the Commission for review and comment prior to forwarding it to the Parks Committee` Veterans J Human Services Levy Update Staff updated the Commission on the proposed distribution of funds that will be generated;through the`Veterans/Human Services Levy. CEH Update Staff updated the Commission on the Committee to End Homelessness, including the Housing First Pilot Project. Tha meeting of the i-iuman Services Comrni sion ended at 4 00. ;# atherin Johnson' :Mina er Nousin & Human Services 9 9 Human Ser��ces Commission Meeting 11411nute6 March 16th, 2006 The meeting of the Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairman Brett Hollis, at 2:30 on March 16th, 2006, in the Mountain View Room of the Centennial Building. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Brett Hollis, Chairman George Adams, Commissioner Cathy Peters, Commissioner Marilyn LaCelle Commissioner Perry Rank, Coa.nm�ssioner Jenniferrossrnan, Youth Member 771. HU:MAN.-SERViCES`'.COMMiSSI�NERS ABSENT/E�CCUSED D i:D u In s Vic clo e a r C d , na White, Comm�sioner Elizabeth Watson, City Councilperson HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT A en Johnson, Manager, Housing & Human erv�ces' Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator Jason Johnson, Human Services Coordinator Kathleen Allard, Administrative Assistant Public Hearing 2005 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Chairman Hollis opened the Public Hearing for comments on the 2005 Consolidated Annual' Performance and Evaluation Report at'2:40 p.m. No comments were received. Chairman Hollis closed the Public Hearing at 2:45 p.m. A royal of thel anua . i't 3Q06 Min tes` Minutes far 3anua i19. : 2006 mere a roved;as amended, Comm sign r Adams MDVED;and pp Com�rtissr oner Raak SEC4N[?�D the motion, Motion passed. Update.on C1B Funding 2006-2007 Staff.updated on the Commission on the% budget proposals fon CpBG funding in 2007 Mayor Cooke visited lJVashngton Mate s delegtion to advocate:for rnaina�ntng C©BG funding. Calendar of 2006 Review Dales Staff reviewed the workshop dates for the upcoming application cycle. The City's application cycle opens on Monday, April Td and applications are due on April 27tn Affiliations and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Commissioners were asked to list any agency affiliations or possible conflicts of interest relative to the upcoming application cycle. Staff will provide the Commissioners with the complete list of applicants once the application cycle is closed. .. .. ... 1.1.:. � ..i . : . . % . . . ... .. .%� . . .�. 1:��...i:�:� . . : . . . . . . . i . . . . .- .. . .. � ... ... . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .%.. i-:.. .... . . ... .� .. . ... 1�-%:.. : ......... ... :. -1 .. ....i . V. �.....�% :. - . :... . . . . . . .. . . .- . :.% :.�...:��. ..777= �--I,r--::-,: air Program:Pr©vides Award approximately �-..;..�.�..y%.. 35,000 to Kent Home Rea. to 80 unduplicated tion assistance and health and safety rep rehabtlita_ e rovides 72 hours of wI oderate income Kent hous Community Colleg p 8 i°w_incorne l0 15,000 to Green River anding Award$ nand technical assistance teas q gS n�ss or exp business counsels g in anew micro en P Kent residents with dererise business. and loan an existing micro en p ton CASH:provides business training Award �10 000 to Vilashing en eople with disabilities and other funds seNtces to 501ovusincorne wom p under-served indty.-. pOINMENT PERIOD OQ5 annual Action Plan is av; l dell, , pUB..1C RE�IEVl1 AN ., , ent to the 2 tce, fir 1oor,Kent C y The City of Kent's Third Arnendm Clerk's 0 ibra 1 ; �a Avenue IJorkh� est lic rsviev�t and comment at BheoCtal l- rll ter ©0 ti for;pub Cetepnial Cen ...�..:�....%­�...ii......,������:,.%�:.:�.`�.:.::":.��:...::....%..1...,.,��7�..10���%.:�..�,�,i�.:-�t..�:�-i,..,�t!.�%:,.-��....-�..�.�.17�::,.:..,"-�-.1 220 Avenue S�iuth;the Kent R g Suite ADO, Housing&HumaneNices Div+lion, dment will be held on Kant,WA 95©32 Gowe Street to consMder the erne. Mountainvlew A ublic heartng Pupir Nearing p ;30 p fix,m the Centennial Budding, 2, ril 13,�OOg et 9803 • Thursday Ap 40©W.Gowe,Kent, Co n#erence Ro°m' are available at the Kent par 4� WesttGo e iesf the draft amendrnen Human Services Division, 3. Cop artment, Community Srvices Dep 98032 The draft amendment is also available for Street,Suite 490,KenteW website at: review on the City of K tt :Ilwww.cikentwa uslHumanSeNiceslindex.as h or may be mailed to Dinah arson during the public hearing, and Human Services ommen€s may be made in p , Housing C unit Development Block Grant Coordinator, Wilson,Comm y th S Kent,WA 98032. Division,at) . Kent,220 UA iNfQRMA7:I on 1equest, The I.a .ch ... . .. ... . . . A .. .. ..... .... : Is with disabUities up . . . iv''idua . he ublc hearing .. ... : .: . nd att p . . .. . . . .: .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .:..:... ., . . ........ s for. :. . tons. ... with ;: . . . . . at . ....... .. dat als ..... to form rnme ividu ... .. ... rna.... ...... accsr or tnd alte able.......... .... b10 f . . ble,n ......... . ason . , vaila-- availa . . . ; e. Re I are a e.ts ssjbl tend: ..... ctl or.... .Disc.. c. rna::. dire. Y his ....- air.a... . ... tad. 07U T.......... .. Belch.... ........ orr. nn.. 56.5 . . wh::.. . ....... .. tsf. p ... 3 5. .. . . ter is ..,. . en to forma;: <,: . call, 2a.. ....... . . . 1 C.:... ... ... ...... erne ase Centenrl�a retatton or alt assign language inters ., da s advance nonce. Pie . disabilities with a.. ...hum of n 17) Y f°r TD©ca11(253 886 5 SeNce call 1�8©0-833 6388' for Braille Nelay SeNice fall 9-8©t1=833-638 f Qr Hearing impaired Retay rks,Recreation&Community Services Director F� -- -,:�,:�:- - t:�,�:�.�..�:.��.�: �.i� ..... .. .... . - � -- — I I I I I , - . Lori Hogan,Acting Pa Date for Immediate PubFica#ion''. March 17,2006 CITY OF KfNT PARKS,RECREATION&COMMUNITY SERVICES PUBLIC'NOTICf Notice of Public Comment Period For the Third Amendment to the 2005 Annual Action Plan IVOTICE`1S:WC 9 IUEN that th`e`Cit of :% is T . , r a o' 'e 20 '>; , < , ; ; y Ken; bird Ame din nt t th 05 Annual Acton ... Plan is avallatle for ublic rev%iew and comment, p . . X SUMMARY n s 20 �omrnunity De: pmen#Block Grant(GDBO)Annual Ac#ion PlanI. ,the Glty bf Kent awarded $105,000 t:I-lomeSight, a fast . ...O homebuyera prflgram fer low/rnoderate income Kent restdents� The program was de-funded due to service delivery issues,and the money was recaptured; 2 In addition,the City stated that 20%of 2005 CDBG funds would be allocated to Planning and Administration. The City did not use the full amount to administer the CDBG program;consequently, approximately$35,000 was recaptured. 3. The City stated in its 2005`Annual Action Plan that if capital funds were increased or recaptured,the first two options for spending were: (a) an increase in funding for Kent Home Repair Program up to$400,000; and (b) an increase in funding for Multi-Service Center(MSC)up to$150,000, (In its Second Amendment to the 2005 Annual Action Plan,the City canceled funding for the MSC project pursuant to a HUD ruling. Funds originally allocated to MSC were redistributed to Green ��M,t,:�� , � ,�, , 1:,t,�: 777 River Community C©Ilege and King County Housing Authority;) 4. The City of Kent stated in its 2003 Annual Action Plan that$116,002 would be ..J...........�..��.....i........%.�.�....�..t:....:.:.....%:.1.�%t.%,.I.%�....�i:1-.I%.1.:..i....�I.:.1�..:.I1��-1��.�j.�.,�,I�.%�,-:-..:..,:�:,-...,..�:�t..I�..�:�I.!�1�;....�1_t V�I::�,..�..:�i��...:...1,-.,��-:-..'��.�I-I-.%...�.....;..:::.�.-�-.:.-1-..�..-,'--.:%I1:i-,....%j.--.....�.%:�-.�:.-���..�-II.I-..�:-,I�...:.,-.---��.,I-.:.�.,-��.I���..1..:,:V�::.%����......;.--:...�:--.,t1....-,�Y,_��.��,�.-1.,-���.:,%�......�:-..-�...�:!.�:-,...:-.�.,��:�,...,�.-:.-���:,�.-�......,-�-.c:.:�,.,-..�,�......�1�..1�-�.�-�.�:.I,.:-.:--�%.%1�.:.1��..:.,..�-..�..-.1.::-,...�;..%.,-1....:,�..:.�t..I.---,..."t�.�,-:.�.�I-�.._:.:�..%��..��.�1--��.�,.,....,-..,:-._...,..�--.:.1�..%�.�..I��.�..:.....:,!�.:,-...��-:...-�z..-..��%...!�...:-..�1.:Z...��:,�,--..--.�:1%..%�...,,It-.....,,�...��1--:1..;:..�:-�.,1,1i:.%�-..�Z��1:.1:,.,.:��.,%.�...,��,-.�-.-,-.�-I.,�.,.,:-:,�.�.,:�%�.:.:!,.:.��.:.�..:,�._:...-%.z--..-,�..-I:1�::..:.,�.��-:%:1 I.�:�:.%..,�_..-1;�::I�1����..�.t.:.:.,I...1.-%]"11,%:-I..:'!,.,.�;'1�.:..I..:�,-::�-..::...-.I:,I:."i1,�i.,—�:,%i..,:.:�.1.1�.....�1:.,.1.� .....,I I...,.�...-1,:..�,.�.....:....1...1�.�..I,-.:.%,..-�.'...I.:-.1....%I.1:�1,1..1::1.:I,,.,.-..�.1.Il1-.:..I-...I..I1..'I...%-;.,....l 1...%......,1....t..".--�:�1�-..-.,.'l,�'1.z1-:-..-.%...I1...!..I..,-....%.11�'..:,........1.i-1,.:.�1'1,,...:,:"..:.:I.1.1..,,I.-I:.-........:.,1-..II1..:...�-..II.,I....I I.......,,�.I::......1:I1�%:.1I:.%;..%It:.1 I...1-..I1..I��J.-,.!-..I�..�...:...�:.�%....�...-�.�.�.:..�:1I11..,1-.�%.�:�...,1I:.'i...,:,�..1,�1.�...,II t,�.t,......I..:I%..1 i.�....�...;.'I.�....%:.1:..:..I:.1 I'.1...::.i:....�.!,:.��,�..1II..��:,.%.-%.:I:..---'....1�.�I..-.l'�,1�.....,..�-:.1�:.:1.i"i1:�:,..,-.E..-,..I 1-%:1l..-,-%.I.:.,1,....I �...-.-...�-�.��%:�::.-... .�..�.i.��.- ,:...I�:.�i�.�..%..I!:i��.%.�:�.:.�.-.: ..%:�.�....:i.�,i:1..��;�.�1� %.�.�:'�,.I�.:���,,,��:­�.;��I,.,,.t��. :.l�-�"%, �:���'.Z�,:.:� awarued to the One-Stop Sert��ci Center to prouide a central location to meet the .,'%,���i�....���:I,z:.i:�.�:.��--.:I'I,�1,.��)-:,��].z.:I.-,,- .umaniservici�s needs of l uulrooderate-iil ome c sti me'ra However; a lo'oation...::.....:........:...� .........:..... ...... ...... :..... . . . .: . for:th.% one-Stop' ery ce Gen bbu. not be secured unit l;>2D .5 e C t vuieh`es`' . Y to honor its prior c0rnrnitment and provide#inanbiai support for the One S#op Service Center through the Alliance Center at this tiro . 8 AMENDMENT . The follow n J&3the r0 osed Third Aiftendmen##a the..0A5 Annual Achen Plan; 9 P P . 1;; Amend the 2405 Annual Action Plan to allow for the reallocation of a total of approximately$140,000 in recaptured funds. 2. Funds shall be redistributed as follows: • Award$80,000 to The Alliance Center, a s6ne-Stop Service Center. Low/moderate4ncome customers receive human services assistance in a central location. �..�.:..!.�..Ii.....:-.:. % .. .........':..:... '. . . ..':......'.:...: .. .....'.... . i. % .. ........ :: . ..:. .... .... .:.:...:. .. % CITY OF KENT PARKS,RECREATION&COMMUNITY SERVICES TH#RD AMENDMENT #o the 2005 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN A. BACKGROUND 1. The City of Kent Consolidated Housing and Communi#y Deueloprnent Plan provides a framework for implementing housing, human services and comm1.unity 9development activities front 20.0 _7 Each year the Ci#y outlrnes the goals tha# it v�rishes to acccm lish and the st P, ra e t gies that will be used, In ats::2QQ5. ommurt�t .0 evelo rnent dock Grant C.. . .Annual Action Plan the Cit awar d;$10 . #o Hpme$ght .first;#rrte,hpr ebuyer r gram for Y p Iovalrnoderate income Ken#residentsM The program Was de fuhded due to service delivery issues and;the mone7.y was re%captured . .:::::'.... .. '.::. .' �.:..::' ::.� ."::. In addtttc�. the CE :Mated#hat:20.1 of�QDDBi fiends would b ;all4td to . ..Q PI > ;I :a d dm �s#r �o , T.he. it id. o use.theful .anion:t.to administer . . ann n ..n ►. in.. at n . . . % ... .n t 1 n . the CgG program;consequently,apprt ximately$35,0Q0 Was recaptured. 4 ; Th%e Gify stated in##sQQS Annual Action Plan thatf capital funds were increased or recaptured,the first two options for spending'were: (a) an increase in fundmg for Kent Home Repair Program up to $400,000; and (b) an increase in funding for Multi-Service Center(MSC)up to$150,000. (In its Second Amendment to the 2005`Annual Action Plan,the City canceled funding for the MSC project pursuant to a HUD ruling. Funds originally allocated to MSC were redistributed to Green River Community College and King County Housing Authority..) 5. In its 2003 Annual Action Plan,the City stated that$116,002 would be awarded#o the One-Stop Service Center to provide a central location to meet the human services needs of low/moderate-income customers. However, a location for the :' One-Stop Service Centercould not be secured until 2005. The City wishes to honor its prior commitment and provide financial support for the One-Stop Service Center #hrough the Alllanue Center at this time; B.: AM%ENDMENT % t Amend the 2005 Annual Action Plan to allow fpr the reallocation of a#Dial of ap.. AMa#ely$140,000 irk recaptured funds. 2 l=unds shall be reallocat%ed as follo%ws: • Award$$0,Q0 to The Alliance Center, a One Stop Service Cen%ter; , LOW/m�:dera.q.Income bus Omers receive human SerlliceS SSISf nce In;:a central location. • Award approximate#y$35,000 to Ken#H©m'lle Repair Program: provides rehabilitation assis#ance and'health and safety repairs to 80 unduplicated Iowlmoderate-income Kent households. • Award$15,000#o Green River Community College: provides 72 hours of business counseling and technical assistance to assist eight(8) iow-income Kent residents with developing a new micro-enterprise business or expanding