HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/20/2005 ................ . ..... ..... ...... .......... .............................::........:.::.................:..:......:........................ .... . .. .............................. ............................ .................. ...... .. ................................ ......................... ....................... C KNT WASHINGTON AGENDA SENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS,RECREATION 4 Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, October 20, 2005 ;:COMMUNITY.SERVICES 2:00-4:00 p.m John;Hodgson Direc#or ,",1I1���,,��,.,,i���1�,ip,�,1,-'�-1-,:,'",�����I.�',1,.,I,,I�'z,,,�1I I�;,"',I I�I�,�,;-�,'I,�,,I z.`,";I�."�",�-]I-1'�,,,,,,;I,.;,I,',�"�,,�-�1:�,','�����-�,1.,'l-I�I�,��I,"�:-�",,�.,�-"l,,,""1,!��I'�,�,�,�I�,�.:,,��,,-�,�-i1�-"�,.,'l-1 1,,,�''I,-I�;,.""���,�'I,,",�,,,,,��,�,�-�"'�--:,I�i,�,,-,,,,��",��-.I-'�'�,�I":l""�,'0 i��',.I-II:,�,,'"�'",�),,�,,v,I�,I--,���,,,iI,;,�'�,l"I-,�,I"�I,��'�.�',,"�-,I�,�-,";��",1,��,�,���,��,,I',�-'��,,I�,-",',,,,,,i';,,,�A��I',"""I,,;1!�-1;;i�,,,'�,��I,I-I��,�,III'�",I,��,�,-:,"1I�",,,I lI,I',,")�:�,,,�,,,��-,-'1,,,,V.,;.-I�,",'�1,,-',':'"-,-,,,�--,,�',-I,'�'.-I��I t��'-I,,,'�"-�,",,,�-�.,�-;,,,,'":"�-,lI�"��"�,-":,".,�'-',,1,"��"�,�.1,',.,,,"���1�,,'-,-,"�,',v.�:�I-,,"-'—�'�,,�,,,-,-,�,:"1��,.'�,:I,��!"�I d-,,-�1,II,,,�,�,"��I-,'.1--"',.,1,,�',,,�1-,i,I1:'i.,'--�,��,..-'�-,,-­,,',I�"II,I.'I-1�',",�I 1,-'��,--I'1,�)��,1�-�,�,i;.,.-,'I,,,I:-1I­"�"­�1-,,,,,",,.-�1-�`�,�I.�,--,..�:,',.I,,,1'�1,�,,,!"','�1,,',I.''.:'.-'�'�-.;,-"I�,,�—.,',,,,--1�1�-,I,1,.-,��.-.�,,"1�,-�-K,',�-��,1",I�",.�-�I.,.,..,�"�-"�""'�I l,`�L�I,- "CHAMBERS EAST- Kent Ciity Hall**' HOUSING& ,7�::.��'�::-:��.-I!�.',:::--� �--1��,:l-:7�.�,l,:��:-I.-��:-:���:���:-.%���.l�_J1:�t',�::..:,,-���­�.i-',,,.t:-��::�...�:�'-....�_i�I��.�-.�"�,:..��:1��---,:-..�,�����..l�-_�,�:..:�:�_-;::�..�::��-.���:,�..,_t�,.�"- ��...�:�::��.���:-��%.�:��'�..�'����,'I%:�..l--t-_I�.7..����t,�,;.i��, :t-_�,��:;�-,--..�:��,�:I:_I�,.�,::I��-:',�:.I�,,�:��.���,:.-i�1 1:I�­,'�.!�,��::,:1:,�!i��:.�--,.� �,-,I,:-,,...�::',�..�.!1-�!:�.�I��...'��.,-I�,'��.-:�,"��-:�1,��,.��.-:i,:..��.:��,:�.i�.�tI..-�:��I:,::-I�-�I."�,�.,1'-,.—.,,I�.­-��:it�:����..,.!:".:�..-j%.,,1 II�.':�.�,..",.�t'.:1�::.-."�..',,���,�1,,,.7"�i,, "..:�.:-.,-".,I:�-1.-�-.'-��.'.��.��.I,..�,::,-....::-,­.:,..-�..,-:.�:-I:.,�,--.��:..l,,,:�',I,',1..i:,��:�.:....."%.2,-:�...%."-.:,',;.�;.,.',,."-l�.,,-..-!�:��,...�l1.II i..'�-.1�,:.� ._,.:�,1:�!..,,1�','�-I.��.--.����, �--.�...�I.��-.:�1..��l,.!�:...,,I�:,.':.:,,-.'.:.:.-.�t�.,.�..�.:.1�.-...:i- % Kent, VITA HUMAN SERVICES 'at6erih Johnson ,',Mapao r'; a,., P: . . . ee nol�e h change in location >fO,�this mee#ng:) it>r Mailing Addi,ess 22 I Fourth Ave,S Kent,''WA sso32,5ss5 COMMlSSl4:N MEMBE# Sr ©cation Cathy P tors, Chair t1/2008) flo West cows Brett Holli..: Chalr(1/2Q013) gent,llVashmgton Oaorge Adams, Gornmissioner(1/2007j Phone 2s3-e56-6o7© Jan Rotten, CQmmissiarier j112006) . Pax,zs3.-$5s=so7a D{ni Oucl4s, Commissioner;(1/2001�) Perry Raak, Commissioner(1/2007) Debbte Raple , W.. ouncilrnember(1/2006) Rod Saalfeld,Commissioner(1/2006) Edna White, Commissioner(1/2008) AGENDA 1 Introductions INFORMATION ITEM \ 2. Approval of September 15, 20g5.Minutes ACTION ITEM 3`. 2006 Application Cycle INFORMATION ITEM 4. So.uth King County Business Plan INFORMATION ITEM ', Human Services Mon#h INFORMATION ITEM 2:30 prt, :Publiic Meaning 2a0�6 Annual Action Plan ACT!0.. ITEM Approue and f j*.Ard to Parks Committee >:..:. Cat Kept Services CQmmssiWn eeting Minutes` Setemher 15, 2 0;5 � ::: ,�, :,..,%t,,�������������,����m,���it: -��--- ��::�:�: ::!.� The meeting of the Human Services Commission was ailed to order by Chairperson, Cathy Peters, on September 15, 2005,in the Mountain View Room of the Centennial Building at 2:00. i-.%�1�-�i:-�I.:1.:%.z,.1:1 l-....!�-..�.�.�.t1 1.%%:�,.m.-1,-�.-,.�i1..,11:.0i��%,:-:i"%..,%:-..�:I:z1:,l.,.:-�."�:�-.-!%:1-:-.-'.."1:iI',.%:.�,�..",�...:-I. .... iUMAI�I SERVICES`COMM*SSIONRS PRESENT Cathy Peters, chairperson .��,.i-,,.,I,...,,..:�,C,I'�-I.�..%:.-:..�,...�:�:.�.,ffi.-�.��:...i.:.�,-....:-.��_:-I.�:..�..::..:._'z...I�...i::%-"..-.,..:....i........,.�Z-.::�...,�....�..�.�-.�..:�6"�%- t,astor Brett.l-lollis,Vice Chair Ednarhlte, Commissioner; Jon:Botten, Commissioner Mini Duc1oommsspner . . .. -; : . .' :G or a Adams' Corr �s oner e ; g ... . . . e .... Reverend Perry Raab, Com mission r .: :: Debbie Raplee City Councilmember HUMAN`SERVICES COMMISSIOINERS ABSENT/EXCUSED Rod Saalfeld, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT John Hodgson,Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director Katherin Johnson, Housing and Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah V1lilson,;CDBG Coordinator Jason �0hbsQn Human Services Cookdk#.- Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant . App ovat . . t>te May 19, 2005 Minutes ` There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of May 19, 2005.The minutes stand approved. . c...Status t. BG was included in the House and Senate budgets at its present level, however staff. anticpae a °10 to 10°10 cut in the 2006 CDBG budget. 2006 Annual Action Plan The 2006 Annual Action Plan will be'released fora 30 day public comment period. The public hearing will be held Oct. 20 at the Human Services Commission meeting. ................ ..... %.. .. ....... .. ........... .......... ......... ... ......... .. . .... . . ................................ ..... .................................................................................................................. ... .... ..... ........:....:... ....: .. ....: ....: .... .. :. .. . ..... ..... .. ':'1I�-:,I."'NI, .. . .. ....... - ... . .:.....:.. ... ... . es ommission Minutes . . . . Human Servlt C S e : tember 15, ... . . .. . . :: Pa.. . . . .. ., ge. Human services Master Plan In late2005 staff will release a Request for Qualifications for a consultant to develop a Six-year Human Services Master Plan.The Master Plan will be updated every two years immediately preceding an application cycle. The Plan will provide the focus for the Commission's funding decisions. 2005"::"�l1,I�.,I�,%:..:�.:�.I�.1.�.�..-l.�I:l��",:%..,.%.�:.::.l....lI..�.I�.,'%_.,.I:�:,�.,�",�,I,�.-:..�::%�'1..:1:.'�i..:-:.l,.%:,.�1-.:,::.t�.�..:"I l-.-.:.,�:�..%.l..�., General fundlCDBG Performance Report - �lRI-1:-:.,ilt�,-,1':1�il l�-,�-....:..:.-t�..�J��...t...11:.:..l��:..%..,�..:-:-��..._.....,:,1�-...�-..l����1......--.....�%......�:...l..11��l�.......,-1��.......%l��..-.......-...�.,-��.....,l.....,�%........���.%.....�-�.....���%:......�%....�..�.::..I.�,��...i�.%-......��-....1�.I�...�:....���-....-�...,%l��..,�..1�.:.........::.1 l...:,.:l...1��%..:�,-��...,....,...i��..:���.!..-...t...%�.�l....:-,......,.:.....­��-:....1i l�...l:....:t..,-�.���.�:l.%-.��:.,:�-':�,��:.,..1����.-:,�,l.:,-.:...:....-...�:�j.,:.�,��-.�.....,�--:-%-�l.J�j:.,1'�.%,�.:�:-�:-�.:.',-%�.�:���l....%:�..�:i..,.,l-.�.,�::�%:..���,.;l:--�.l.,,::�.�,.:::1'�.:..��._..-'.il.�.,:.�.%.:,�:.%.-��I�--1..�,..�.:%,1:'l���--��..-,�.,::�_:!.�..,I 1...-��i�:�.l.%..��...:..,:-t���:l.��,.l:%...,.�..��l�...%--..-�.�lI:�-�,,.�:.,::Il:...:.,:�l��-t-'i-.�-l-.l..��'��'::�:�.:-:,.,�!..1�-.:,�-�..:..�i-���.�l..,:�,'iii%:...-!�,:�:��.,�:-:..�i...,%.',....l,�.':���..-�,�..,:.!.:�.ti..,.�,l-:�:.l:�:,i:�:�-��.l�-�-�''�:��:'..i...:.%.-;.�:�..i,-.-''�%..,-����.-:�:,�i-"--!�:,--,�V"��.":�,.:,,:�--:-1'-'���:��%,,'t���.,.l.-1 i.�:�.j-,�,��..-.-:,,1....,-��.1',-1.-.,.:!�,�.�i--.l�:-..'�.�j-���-��_1�-�.,�.'.-:�JI,,,:-�i.-��--:�-,'l-.:-�:-�l-%:l�i-:'�--:�:-,-,'��.1"%�-�:'.,l-.,.�,:,.-i.:��:,,l:l�"�:,-,�:%-�"i�%.il�%.�..'�:l�,�::,:�:�.l:1.%-.���.-��.��!l.:�l-��.��%:- Staff reported on the'progress of all agency contracts. 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Katherin Johnson Recording Secretary ....: .. .. : ...... . Housing and Human Services Third Quarter 2005 Report !-lumen Services Commission The Commission met in September after having the summer off. Staff briefed Commission members on agency monitoring visits and CDBG. Over the summer months Commission members had an opportunity to visit several of the funded agencies for tours and briefings on the services provided. The public hearing for the 2006 Draft Annual Action'Plan will be held at the;October Commission meeting. Staff presented the mid-year performance report for the funded agenoies All agen%cies funded by the Genera!Fund are meeting or ex+cee%dtng their annual goals. Safe Havens.V isiitation Center . Business js booming. The center Fs;currently serving about 20 faml�es in 1 A OVW'recently av�rarded an additional grant for$200,fl00 00 that will be used.fo fncrease the.program assEstent hpurs and.add par#.tme,relief stafF..along frith rental,payrnent and training as well); We have developed a good work.. reiationshlp with several interpreters of . .., i#iple languages'ailowing us to rnet the language needs of several families`ordered to our center. Currently there are 14 different languages spoken by the families served. During the third quarter.staff has participated in several trainings regarding anti- racism, anti-oppression, working with immigrants and refugees, and child sexual abuse. Tracee has been involved in several Think Tanks and attended the National Steering Committee meeting for the Safe Havens'initiative. Mayor White hosted a luncheon and tour of the facility for both state and federal electeds. The purpose of the event was to showcase the unique services provided and solicit assistance in identifying public funding opportunities for the future Katherin and Tracee have been actively pursuing additional funding to stant in 206 .a The,` ro ram has ia anched the safety and Accoun#ability.Audit'#ha#�t l.explore P g the question of b6w women Earn about our cen#er, determine�fit's right#or them, and then go about receiving the services. Tracee andorarie Moore for King County Superior Court Family Court Opera#ions attended an extensive training Qn conducting the audit that will utilize focus groups;case reviews, interviews, and observations. We have recruited a multidisciplinary local team that will be v+iork ng alongside a national team with the goal of identifying safety gaps in the system and how to best address these'gaps. �.. . . ... . . Communities iln,Schpols o#.Ken# CISK presented a "Report to the Community" on September 28th in the Kent School District Board Room. Topics covered included the mentoring program, 01­�__�_ ..-�_; Principal's Academy, First &Goal, and performance learning centers. Approximately 25 people attended the event, including Councilmember Tim Clark, former Council Members Judy Woods and Rico Yingling, KSD Superintendent Barbara Grohe, and several key staff from the Kent School District, Kent, Covington and Boeing. Resource and Referral Servrces e to r`2U0 .. ..:: .: . Line were down in Au ust'an....S . mbe ..... . Ca11s to Hu%man Services.f &R. p .. % .. An d o sln assis#artee are usua:I Iowe.. . . the`warmer. . .. .%: as,the..ne+e. #or still.. .n: h.. u .g .: . : :: . .. ..-. ....: . ......:.Y .. : . ...... .............. . . . . . .... ... ... . umber;o homeless uvalk iris'�ncr:—: sumrne�'months . .However then . f ... .. .... ... . .. .. . . . . . .. # f s . . . % f r bu ticks s o© arl : �lrarnatica iy over the Iast quarter with rn©st looking n o , % employment info) Staff me#with Bob Gougeon from the RJC to talk about ways we could work togs#her to:meet the referra1;nee. $. .clients i.. eviction court, lie 1s interested i.. planning a service providers housing resource training this fall 11 The KC Latino Network Meetings are scheduled monthly at the Kent Library {networking with providers who serve Latino community). .. CDBG . Staff with guidance from the Human Services Cornrnission have developed the 2006 Annual Ac#ion Plan t#�at identifies goals and objectives for the funding. The . plan was released at the end of October for the 30 day public comment period and will be t1.aken to the Parks Committee at the October meeting. . DinI.ah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator; is servin on a_ {Ication review committees 9 pp for other federal grants administered bythe County; DOME REPAIR Kerafi Home Re air' , 2n. G2tr s .;. .r3r Qtr < 4 Qt 1 o#al{Sf r Ye �,. u . Unduplicated Households 43 .Q 32 0 105 Job Units 'Minor Repair .744 382 : 658 ` 0 1784 Major Re 'air 2 0 4 0 " 6 .... ..:.:. ... .: Re zonal ;. g South King County Human Services Planners The monthly meeting was hosted'by Kent staff. Plymouth Housing Group staff updated the planners on the status of the One Night Count, which will take place on January 26th, 2006. Each year the Seattle/King County Coalition for the Homeless (SKCCH) conducts a One Night Count which includes a street count and a survey of homeless shelters and transitional programs. The One Night Count of shelters and transitional programs found 4,636 people utilizing services on the night of the 2004 One Night Count. The Street Count conducted in parts of Seattle, Kent, and Nprth Kjng County found 2,216 people surviving outside w�thou t shelter. ln.addition tt.ts yes#imatq- that..at least '1,500 people are Irving 1.unsheltered in the bal%ance of King County The Planners also met vvi#h 13�11 Slock, ... ss: to be u dated`on the:: . Co�fE mittee.to end vine ess%ne ....; .: : .:., c or of the m o am Dire t . Pr r . g .. . . . ..... .. . .; .. C K oun H m essnes...to to y O.:Year:Plan to End o g . South King Cpunty Human Services tSKCHSF) Fo�rurn Business l' 1. Ian . . . . Staff worked with colleagues from other municipalities, Unrted 11Vay, Public Health and fi hqm.service agencies to develop a new business plan#or the SKCHSF. The draft plan wilt i e presented for adoption'at the October meeting of the SKCHSF. The plan utilizes the principles of Results Based Accountability to 11 outline the need and path forward. Kent staff have provided support, chaired work groups and will produce the final document. Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator is the primary staff for the project and is responsible#or the coordination and editing of the plan. Committee to End Homelessness Katherin Johnson, Housing and Human Services Manager, is on the Inter . Agency Council of the Committee to End Homelessness in King County. Jason Johnson, Human Services Coordinator, provides staff support to the Committee M. .of:the.subcommittees. l at her*n is the convening.chair . . . . as well as serving on o ofhe_Homeless Youth subcotttee;vvath 1Vlerina Hanson, Sensor Human Services Coordinator, �s prou�ding staff support Dinah Wilson, CflBG $ o the:lesource Devlc men..subcc>nrnttte ..The O Year Plan C000rdmtor, n p has!been adcpt�ed by King County anu the City o#Seattle, Th6 S66tW.Kng Cpunty Human Services Forum wdl be working with its member fur sdict-on s .. get the plan adopted by each city. . . i.�:;.:�i - ..%;... :.:i.6;.L: ::. 7. - I...... 1,, " 01. . .... . . Men's Network Against DV Jason Johnson become a member of Board of Directors Oct'2005. The organization is working with the Family Violence Prevention Fund to get PSA's out on TV about Men and Violence. . .. .. . ....... .. . ... ..... ........ .. . . . % ...... .. . .. . . ........ % .%........:....:::..::.:.:.::...:.:::.:::.:::.:.::::.::.:::::.:.:.:::::........:::. ....:.......:.: :................:.::::.:.:::::.::.:::.:.::;:.;:.:::::.::::;::.::;.::.;.:.:::::::::::::.:.::.:::::::.::::.:.:::.:::.:;::::::.;::;::::::.::::.:.::..:.:::.::.:.:.:::.:.:.::.::::.:.::. :,::. % . . Housing and Human Services Third Quarter 2005 report Human Serviices Commiission The Commission met in September after having the summer off. 5#aff briefed Commission members on agency monitoring visits and CDBG. Over the summer` months Commission members had an opportunity to',visit several of the funded agencies for tours and briefings on'the services provided. The public hearing for the 20©6 graft Annual Action Plan uwll be held a#the October Commission rneet�ng S#aff presented the mid-year performance report for the fund%ed agencies Ali agencies funded by the General Fun%d are meetmg;or exoeeding their annual goals. Safe Mavens Visiitation Canter Business%is:boomm ..:The center is ourrentl: serum abaut;2Q families Jn:17 :. ... .. .': .. g Y . .. .. . . : . . . g , . 20 slots. ..!reset tl awarded an add�taonai; rant for: . .0`QOO.n that..... be Y g used 16.1h crease the program. assistant hours and add part time relief;staff(along vvlth rental payment and trailing as weal): We have developed a good working relationship with several interpreters of multiple languages allowing us to met the language needs o#several families!ordered to our center. Currently there are 14 different languages spoken by the families served. During the third quarter staff has participated in several trainings regarding anti- racism, anti-oppression, working with immigrants and refugees, and child sexual abuse. Tracee has been involved in several Think Tanks and attended the National Steering Committee meeting #or the Safe Havens initiative. Mayor White hosted a luncheon and tour of the facility for both state and federal ltlelecteds 1.The purpose of the'event was to showcase the unique services p%rovided% and solicit assistance m �dentifymg public funding oppor#un�ties for th%e future: Kit..d %and Tracee have been a.ctivei' ursu n a%dditional fundin to % yp �:�tw g .g start;in 2gQ7. .%...�...%_...:.-....:.--.l.I.......I.....II1.....,..........1%I�I...I.I.....­..�:..%�.�..�.%.�.........-%..,.-%..�..­l.;..i.­.:..�-:...�....�.i�.l:__:...:-..�.%.,-.-...:.%...�..._�..i....-..:...:_.��.��­.-�..-:-.....!_�...­...'....._'...,�:..­I1...-._�..,""_..,....-".',.-__.�:.'—,...'_.',_.-,�,-1.�1.',.-1._1l.:.I_1 The program has launched the Safety and AccountabilJty Audit that will explore t agy es to of how%nrornen laarn 666t:oUr centprj:teterminq fi it's righ...fpr there and then go about reivmg the services; Tracee and ,iorene Moore for King County Superior Court lF ly Court Operations attended an extensive training on conducting the audit that Vuill utilize focus groups,;case reviews, interviews, And observations: We have recruited a multidisciplinary final #earn that wi11 be working alongside a national'team with the goal of Identifying safety gaps in`the system and how to best address these gaps. . ..... : .... . .. ...... .. .... . . .. .. . ... . .. . . ...... .. . . ....................................................... . . . .. . . ..... . ........ .................................................. .... ...; % % % % % Communities in Schools of>Ken# CISK presented a"Report to the Community" on September 28th in the Kent School District Board Room. Topics covered included the mentoring program, Principal's Academy, First & Goal, and performance learning centers. Approximately 25 people attended the event, including Councilmember Tim Clark, former Council Members Judy Woods and Rico Yingling, KSD Superintendent Barbara Grohe, and several key staff from the Kent School District, Kent, Covington and Boeing. Resource and Referral Services Calls to Human Services R&R Line'weredownmRugust and September 2005 (as the need for utility and housing assistance are usually lower%n the warmer summer months). How±irver the number of homeless walkins increased dramatically oven the last quarter with most looking in for bus tickets, food, and employment info)` Staff me#with Bob Oougeon,from the RJC to talk about ways we could work together to meet the referral needs.of clients in eviction court. He is interested in planning a service providers housing resource training this'fall The KC Latino Network Meetings are scheduled monthly at the Kent Library (networking`with providers who serve Latino community). CDBG Staff with guidance from the Human Services Commission have developed the 2006 Annual Action Plan tha#`identifies goals and objectives for the funding. The plan was released at the end-of October for the 30 day public comment period . and will be taken to theiParks Committee at the October meeting . Diriah l:V lson; l a G Coordinator, a;'sq'rvi, .g on;aPpl cation review committees for other federal grants administered by the County 1'%ioME:• EP�4lR . . . ...... . a ............ , -,''.... : %: .... Kent Horne° . , 2" Qtr 31 Qtr 4. Gitr. �..F g' l forsYea._, Unduplicated Households 43 30 32 0 11 1 Job Units Mtnor Re air 744 3.... 658 0 �784 Major Repair 2 0 4 0 6 . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .... . ... . ..... ............... .. .. .... .. .. . . .. . .. . . :.. :................................................................................................................... ............................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .. ... ... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,. Regional South King County Human Services Planners The monthly meeting was hosted by Ken# staff, Plymouth Housing Group staff updated the planners on the status of the One Night Count, which will take place `` on January 26th, 2006. Each year the Seattle/King County Coalition for the Homeless (SKCCH) conducts a One Night Count which includes a street count and a survey of homeless shelters and transitional programs. The One Night CI' llount of shelters and transitional programs found 4,636 people utilizing services on the night of tha 2004 +One Night Count The Street Count conducted in par%ts% of Seattle .:Ke:ilt :end<I forth Kxn% :ou found 2 2:1� eo le:sup vav n outside . .` g p p g . vi/ithout sheiter In;addition, it is estimated #hat a# least 1,500 people are living unsheltered in the balance of King County. The Planners also met with Bill Block, Pro ram director;of;#I 'e Committee to Erjd Ho essne s t : e dated o` e g me! s , o b up nth 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in King Count:7.7y, South King County Human Services(SKCHF) Fbrurn Business Pla%n Staff worked with colleagues from other municipalities, United Way, Public Health and human' ervice agencies`to develop a new,business plan for the SKCtiSF. The draft plan will be presented for adoption at'the October meeting of the SKCHSF. The plan utilizes the principles of Results Based Accountability to outline the need and path forward. Kent staff have provided support, chaired work groups and will produce the final document. Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator is the primary staff for the project and is responsible for the coordination and editing of the plan Committee'to End Homelessness Katherm Johnson; Housing and Human Services Manager, is on the Inter Agency Council of%the Committee to End Homelessness in King:;County. Jason . . ...Johnson, Hu . Services Coordinator, proyides staff suppor%t to the Committee as wel! as serving on two of the %subcommittees A. .. n is the convening chair of the Homeless:: o%ut. .bcommittee with 1lller na.Hansori Senior Homan:. Services`Coordi ator is' rov d n : staff su ort Dinah.... on : D80 :' . : p 9 ..%. . �P . or, a or ... . o in t is on the Resource Develo meat s b: ni 6: a tO:Ye Plan p S. m tte fih a.. has been a do #ed b Km Count a .. - . - M. . .. p y :g, y nd tta 1.City of Seattle. The South King County Hurnan Services Forum will be working with1.its member jurisdictio�: � ili� :::I:I i:�� i% -, , 1, .ns to et the 1 . .. . . . 9 Pan adopted by each city ­ ­- -l - " % ::.......... .. : % , , I . . . . . .. i.: �.. . :_____ ....... I _ 11 - 11 , _­� , I %... ­ . . . ._ .::. . ... Men­� ::�:, ­­­ -, 1­1,� _�, !� _I-. .....­.�:-:-�...����...�i ­­�1,1:11 ­_­ ,,, ,:","," "," "''I'�' I' �,��''' '... . :.i.%... %........ . :......... . ­ �! ­ 11, � : , :'"' ,��,,,��,�,,,,,'':'':� ::,,,,�:'', l''l' ' � ,:I ' ' I' ll - I I .. . .. ..... ... 1:,, _::� '' ,, ,, I 1. ­:. . . . . . . . .... , , '"' 1-1- : 11 ,,,� , , , � I I . . . . . ....... . . ..... . .. . .. I I __ �­11--l-,­­ .. . . . .. I , _:�,: 11 �­­:��:­:­ - 1-- ­_'', :�:: :�:::%.! .. .. .: . . . . . ­ _ _ 11 , �% I :% . . .. .. . . . . . 's Network Against DV` I....'' - _�%�,��___ 11,11-11- 1111, . . . ... .. . .� :% !..� �.: . . Jason Johnson become a member of Board of Directors Oct 2005. The organization is working with the Family Violence Prevention Fund to get PSA's out on TV about Men and Violence.