HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/18/2004 ,I ,� ,, ,1, I � , , - - . .. - .. .% �� �. , 1 - ii � : �.: � ...::.%�.:�...:�!%%.�:�::. I I I ,1, ,I I,, ,, " ,:,1�1 I ""'" . ..:%-.-.% . ..1 ..:.�.��-��.: . 1.:� . .... ....:.� -. . ....... - � .............::�.:: ........ .......�.:�.!;��:���.!��:.%�..�:.1% I ".,�, ', ��,� . . . .. . . ..%%. . -. % . . . .... .....�. .. �. ... . . . . .......:..'..:: .. :.%.. . ....... . ..... .... . :�...:.: � % � . . i - .. .... . . . ..... . .... .. -%1.:.... ...... . %-... w., 11 , ..�... :_�.� . ... W WASHINGT.ON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS,RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, November 18th, 2004 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2:00+7 4:00 p.m John'Nodgson, Director The Alliance Center HOUSING& 515 W. Harrison Street HUMAN SERVICES Kent, WA KO ,, , Johnson. Me6agsr NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION Mailing Address 40 Fourth AVO:S'. Kent,WA 9$03 s$gl COMMISSION MEIVIBERS: Rod Saalfeld, Chair(1f2001a) t.ocation Edna White, Cornrnissioner(1/2045) ��V11est °We ,Gaorge l�dartis, Cpmtnissioner(1I2007) Kent,Washington Jon Bcitken, Commissioner(1/2006) Phone 2�3- ,4, 1,p7o Derry Raak, Commissioner(112007.. Fax"253-s�6 670 Cathy Peters, Cornrrissioner(1/2046) Brett HoNis, Commisstoner;(1/2006)" Debbie Raplee, City Councilmember(1/2005) Dini Duclos, Commissioner(1/2007) AGENDA 1. Introductions (welcome new Commissioner Dini Duclos) 2:OD 2 Approval of Oct 21, 2004 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2 10 : 3. Election of 2005 Officers ACTION ITEM 2: 4. Emergency.P. dir#g Program Update INFORMADON 2:30 5. Outcomes (Pierce County sample) INFORMATION 2:45 6. 2005 Retreat Date INFORMATION 3:00 7. illlinter Celebration 1NFORM�TIOi�I 3:15 8. Tour of the AIIlance Center 3:30 1 j y , ENT WASHINGTON City of Kent Human Services Commission PARKS,RECREATION& Meeting Minutes COMMUNITY SERVICES October 21, 2004 11 John Hodgson,Director The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by HOUSING& Commissioner Edna White, at 2:00, on Thursda October 21 2004, in the HUMAN SERVICES y� Katherin Johns©n meeting room of Chlldren's:Therapy Center located at 10811 Kent Kangley '. Manager Road; Kent Washington. INailin0 Address zzo Fourkh,Av s, HUMAN SERVICES CflMMl1SSldlIERS PRESENT: ' ,! seci32-ss5 Perry Raab; Commissioner I 104 Edna White, Commissioner �aa West owe George Adarns, ommissiorier d'i#' aa" °n ,ton Rotten; Commissi©ner Phone,2*a3 a*a6-a0'7o „ .. :2tts�s-sago HUMAN SERVICES.0MMISSIONERS ABSENT/E�CCi1SED: Rod Saalfeld, Chairperson Cathy Peters, Commissioner tI Brett Hollis, Commissioner Debbie Raplee, City Councilmember HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Katheen Johnson, Housing & Human Services, Manager Marina Hanson, Senior Human Services'Coordinator Kathleen Allard, Administrative Assistant Approval of September 16, 2004 Minutes Commissioner Adams 1111+OVED to approue the;September 1& 2004'minutes and ComrrtssionerllUhite SECONbED motign Motion carried. 20Q5 fl#flpers Riscussion was held regarding the election of new officers for 200,5. Cornrinissioner Pe#ers was identified by the Gomrnissiion as a passible nominat�on`for Chair and Commissioner Hollis as a possibili#y fpr the;posi#ion of Vice Char Officers f or 205 will be officially nominated and;e1ec#ed at the November 18th meeting. 2005=Retreat The Commission retreat will be held in January. Commissioners identified possible topics including: State budget issues and non-profit mergers. f ' ..... ......... ... . ., ..... .. . ........ . . : ; `Human'Services Commission Minutes .: .. cto e r 21,20 4 (<- Page 2 Winter Celebration The Commission Winter Celebration will be held on December 16th at a yet to be determined location. Staff will look into the feasibility of holding it at the Kent Historical Museum. As in the past, former Commission members and Kent City Council members will be invited to attend. Tour of Chldren's Therapy'Center Jon Botten gave the Commission' a tour of the recently re-opened Center. Part of the extensive remodeling project was funded through the Community Development Block Grant The �rraprouements w�11 ;a11ow more`children Ifh neurodeveloprnental disabilities to receive services The November 2404 me#ing wi11 be held a#the new Ken#Alliance Center located at 15 W Harrison in Kent; lie...... olly%Su%bmitted: Kath ohnsori, Recording Secretary ..................:..........:.:... : ..... ..:............................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: .:..::. City of Kent SCENT Human Services Commission wASH,NaToN Meeting Minutes PARKS, RECREATION s November 1 2004 COMMUNITY SERVICES 7 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called #o order by Chairman Rod Saalfeld, at 2;00 on Thursday November 18, 2004, in the meeting room of tl�e Alliance Center, located at 5151J1/ Harrison Street, Kent Washington. . .HUMAN:S F�VI+C�S: C�MMISSI�NE�t,S PRESENT. . . . :E R+od Saalfeld Chair er$on . P . Reverand Per Raak Gornmissoner George AdAM Com�xtissioner Edna White, Comrriiss oner Cathy Peters, Cornrtis'ionar Pastor Brett Hollis, Commissioner Dini Duclos, Commissioner Debbie Raplee, City Councilmember HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSED- Jon Botten Approval of October 21, 2004 Minutes Commissioner Raak MOVED to approve the October 21, 2004'minutes , Cornmiss�oner Adams SECONDED motion Motion Darned ` Election �of 200 Officers Comrniss�oner Cathy Peters was nomina#e byomm�ss�oner Duclos to serve as Chair...er.s..�n.ffr 2005�, Cornrm.§inner Raak ECOND Q #he;rnotron. P Motion carried: Cornmissionor Rod Saalfeld nornmated Brett Hollis to serve as Vice Chair. Commissioner Riak SECONDED the motion Motion carried. Services Me Com ' sin m�s a ti`:•., `inu e, , . e ng,M, :t:;s November 18;2004 Emergency Feeding Program Outcomes Katherin Johnson updated the Commissioners on the recent meetings held with the Greater Church Council of Seattle. Staff has concerns regarding the stability of the Emergency Feeding Program. A pending reorganization of the program may impact the agency's Community Development Block Grant funding. Mayor White has requested that staff research the possibility of another agency that has the capacity to assist with dispersing emergency food provisions. Further discussions will be held to determine the course of action on this contract. Outcomes (Preece Co%untV%:: uV ders Group) l�atherin provided the Cornrrussionersuvith literature from the Pierce County Funders Group related to ou#comes, indica#ors'and types of measurement tools. Tha group has produced an Outcomes Ca#a#ogee f©r non-profit organiatlons with a selection of quality ou#comes and indica#ors for:#heir. program. #t is an effort t'b create a..standard forma#for outcome selec#ion, Katherin requested that the Commissioners please review the document and provide feedback to her. Staff is interested in adapting the process for South King County.' 2005 Retreat Date The Human Services Commission wily hold their annual retreat at 9:00 AM, on Friday, January 28, 2005, at Neely House. The main topic will be non-profit mergers and efficiency strategies. King County staff will update the Commission on the King County Human Services Task Force in the morning. Other topics include the 2005 Work Plan and Action Calendar, Winter Celebration The 1Ninter`Cel+ebra#ion will be held a# the bent Historical Museum, December 16 2005 at 2:00. Present and prior Commissioners and their significant others will be invited for dessarts and coffee: Tour of the e Alliance Cnter ©ins Duolos took thearnmsspn.on a #our of.th'e new AI1ance;Center. Currently each agency leases their space, however there'is an option #o purchase the building in the next five years. The agencies that are located at the Center are: Multi-Service Center Kent Food Bank & Emergency ) ssistance ..................................... . ... ... .. .. ... . ...:................. ............:...: ..........:. ... . ... ... .. ... :: . .:. , , : .;: .: . C I. . uman ery c .:... : .. . . . . .. . .. es . . .. . . .. . .•Me .:. . . . . sting Minutes Ncvember 48. 2004 f National Alliance for the Mentally 111 (NAMI) Renton Technical College Washington Employment a`nd Education A grand opening will be held in March: There is still leasing space available for two agencies Res ec full Subr �. ed p Y. 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Councifod Human Services. 1�-1-::,:,:, . .... .....,...... .. .:: . .... ...... ..... -�z . - -- Agencies a� ......:%::.:.... � . . . .. .. . i . mem er o . %..Al �. . d , M . I. .... , Kiwanis 1 is A: b f the , liance%of Social Al%e� I 'g-'1�" s �� .. .. ..... . .. ..� I . .... .. . .. II . . .: .. . .. . .,- I . .� ..... . .. 11 I: I�: , I . ..I... .. ...... . ..!... . . .. : - , - ��-1�1:11 �11: - --,,,-,--- ... ... . :�......:..... 11 --;----,, - ... :.::.... I �:��,,��',�,;�,��,,� He will replace Mike Heinisch,whose term expired, and he will serve as the non-voting Agency��fiM .. . %..%....... . �%...%...�..-..:- %�..-: Representative on the Commission. His term will become effective on l/l/04 and will continue until ..��..:%..�.�:% . ....... ---'' - " - , ... , - v- , I-", 1 - - - , ::�-�...�.�:%�...i��. ...i.... , - , -I , ... - -%- :%!:..... . . .... 1/1/07�-,��,�, : - ., I have also re-appointed Mr.Brad Bell and Pastor Perry Raak to continue serving as members of the ...�!­ - .. ......� . . . . . . %... . %....%. . ... .. ..... . ..... - � Commission. Their new terms will continue until l/l/07 : � ..... . ... . . .:�-I�j� � �: � ...........%.�:::.� .. . . ,� � :t ... .. . 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' PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M.Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson,Manager - -Phone:253 856 5073 �1 Fax: 253-856-607U wA s H I N G T ON Address: '220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 MEMO TO HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION FROM: IATHERlN ,JOHNS41y,,HOUSINGRND HUMAN,SRVICES CO. MAY, ,11M 1111 .IT ;- -< ` - , - <; ;, . ;Eft`. ALIKE MARTIN, CHIEF AQMII1STlATIVE OFFlC R ATION<&:C.OIVIMUNIT1f DATE: NOVEMBR 16, 2004 SUBJECT TEN-YEAR PLAN TO END HOMELESSNESS Background The Committee to End Homelessness in King County recently released the draft plan.to end homelessness in ten years titled A Roof Over Every Bed in King County; Our Community's Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness. The plan is in response to a federal mandate 'that communities develop strategies to end homelessness, The Ctty of Kent is concerned with the issue'of homelessness and the costs to our commune tneludin sta ortrof a envies rovid'in' services olive and fire im acts, g Pp g p 9 a p p and their on businesses and neighborhoods. The:City has spent considerable staff time working on strategies to address this Issue as i. is specific#o our comm%unity. Staff has provided input to the planning committee that develops the county-wide plan. Analysis Staff believes that.man ;bf the.strate tea.in the lan are os#ive and feasible..'For the. Y g P P purpose of this analysis comments will be Ilmited'to the areas of concern, O The Plan calls for the development of a governance body to implement and monitor the Plan. The governance body would consist of key community leaders representing very subregion of the county and the business sector. It is not clear under what auspice this body would function. Nor is it clear how the membership would be selected. Kent staff feels strongly that any funder participating should be represented and that the representation needs to beat the elected Level P:\Human Services\Human Services Commission\REPORTS\2004 Reports\Ten Year Homeless Plan.doc .. . . ... ... . ..... ... . . The Plan expects each city to determine a reasonable amount of its resources to commit to subregional strategies to end homelessness. It is not clear as to what to this actually means. If the intent is for each city to contribute funds to a common pool, especially from general fund budgets, it will endanger the current support the City provides to local agencies providing services. The Plan does not address how this will be accomplished though it would require Council approval of some type of agreement. If the intent is for cities to identify funds currently used to support programs to assist the homeless and maintain that level of support this would be more palatable. Staff feels this needs more definition than is provided m;the current document O The Plan calla#or supporting the ling County Ci#izen's Advisory Commission on .n t:< :and o her interim., Ho Bless Encam rnents l✓A HE ;final recornr a da.:tons . u :: e ort'to rovide eo le;who;ex erience:homelessness fin; n o n an ff P p p p g Y alternative to living on the streets At this time staff�s nod comfortable supporting the recornmendat}ons of�CACH )and therefore;could no#support this part of the p tan, .. O The Plan calls for securing 9,000 untts of housing for the homeless. The intent;is to create permanent housing opportunities for those that have been homeless; Staff agrees that the need is for permanent housing and a better solution than shelter and transitional housing. Staff is concerned that the development of the , 4,500 new units not be centralized in one subregion of the County. And that there . should be a concentrated effort to evaluate the current housing stock and be sure that all sub regions have an equal share of low income housing before any additional units are added in South King County. Attachment A Roof Over Every Bed'In l�mg County Our community's Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness it P:\Human'Services\Human Services Commission\REPORTS\2004 Reports\Ten,Year Homeless Pion doe.