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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/21/2004
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Issioner(1/2006} tent,WashiricJtan Perry Rack, Commissioner(1/2007) t'hcne:253+866.5tf7Q Cathy Peters, Dommissionr(1/2006) t=ax: �s66-6b70 Bre#t Hollis,Corrirnissoner(1/2006) Debbie Raplee;`Gi#y Courtcilmember(1/2005) Vacant Position AGENDA 1. Introductions 2:00 2. Approval of Sept. 16, 2004 Minutes ' ACTION ITEM 2:1,0 3. 2005 Officers INFORMATION 2:15 4. 2005 Retreat INFORMATION 2:30 5. 1Ninter Celebra#ion INFORMATION 2;45 6. Tour of Children's Therapy Center 3;00 � The City of Kent Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes KENSeptember 16, 2004 W A 5 H I N O T O N The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Rod Saalfeld at 2:00 p.m., on Thursday, September 161�, 2004, in PARKS,RECREATION& Chambers East of Cit Hall. COMMUNITY SERVICES Y John Hodgson, Director HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: tlouslNG& Rod Saalfeld, Chairperson HUMAN SERVICES Cathy Peters, Commissioner Katherin Johnson Bret# Hollis, Commissioner Managor George Adams, Commissioner, Mai�ngAddre�ss John Bo#ten, Commissioner 22Q�gtarkh'Aue.S, , ' Kant,WA 93Q32-589a HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSEfl: Edna UVhite, Commissioner West G°`"® Per Raak, Vice Chair Kent,ft0ington Ph Debbie`Raplee, Ct#y Councilmember Fax 2ss e5s � HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PF2ESENT: Merina`Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson CDBG Coordinator Jason Johnson, Resource & Referral Specialist Kathleen Allard, Administrative`Assistant 1. Introductions Chairperson Saalfed introduced the newest commissioner, George Adams. Mr. Adams has been an active volunteer in the community and is currently serving on the Safe Havens Advisory Board as well. After his partial retirement in 2003 he worked as CEO and CFO at McDowell Northwest, lnc in Kent Hp currently retains ownership of a residential real estate development company 2. Approval of the June 17, 2004 Minutes Commsslor� r Peters MJVED to approve the June 17, 2004 minutes and Commissioner Adams SECONDED the motion. Motion carried 3: Added Item - Vioe Chairperson. Commissioner Peters nominated Commissioner Hollis for the Vice Chairperson position Chairperson Saalfed asked th`e commissioners #o approve the'recommendation Recommendation approved; 4.' Review Annual Action Plan Dinah Wilson, CDBG Coordinator, reviewed the 2005 Annual Action Plan. ! This is the one year plan of the goals and strategies to implement the Five Year Consolidated Plan, The Action Plan includes the funding recommendations for 2005 including 15% of the total allocation for Public Services, 20% for Planning and Administration and 65%for Capital/Community Development. k. Chi so e o nod t s ubli heain` on 20.0.5'Annua q`ction l'an; a rper n Saalf d pe h p c g No comments were received Chairperson Saa/foal closed the public hearing. 5. Review 2003 Amendment Dinah Wilson reviewed the 2003 Action Plan Amendment. There was $190,184.00 available for reallocation as a result of an underspend in Planning and Administration and the.One Stop not being ready to acquire property. The amendment allocates the funds to Kent Home Repair Program, $90,184.00 and PICC, $100,000. Chairperson Saalfed opened the public hearing on the 2003 Amended Annual Action Plan. No comments were received. Chairperson Saalfed closed the public.hearfng nnua %c ion an -. c ion ern Commissioner Hollis made the MOTION'to recommend approval of the OOaCDBG Annual Action Plan. Cc3mmiss�oner Peters SEC.0 the rn+�t1b.. Motion approved. 7 CDBi 2003 CDSC Action Plan Amendmen% t'-Action Item Commissioner Adams made the MOTION to forward for approval to the operations committee, an amendment to the 2003 action Plan. Commissioner Peters SECONDED the motion.Motion approved. 8 Presentation —Kent Resource and Referral Program —Jason Johnson Jason Johnson, Resource and Referral Specialist, gave the Commissioners an overview of his position. Jason helps Kent residents with issues such as shelter, counseling, food, etc.' The October,2004 meeting will be held at Children's Therapy Center. Katherin ;Johnson, r Recordin Sec eta g. .... .... . .. . . .. : : : I Housing and Human Services Third Quarter Report 2004 Safe Havens VAWA Grant The Safe Haven Visitation Center has leased space at 407 W. Gowe Street.The needed tenant improvements are being made to the facility. Tracee Parker has been named the Center Supervisor. Tracee has been functioning as the Project Coordinator for the past 15 months. The pity had received an additional $20g,000 to Jmplement the project. Additionally the 't as a lied:for another 20.0'OOO for a fourth ear of the project `It looks premising pp C� h Y #hat the funding will be granted. Staff has developed Policies and Procedures for the center and has submitted #hem #o the bMce of Violence Against Women for approval. Staff is alse working on developing the fiorrn .that will'be use CommunityDeve lop ment Block Grant The 2005 Annual Action Plan was released for a 30 day comment period in late August The plan outlines the goals and strategies that the City will be focusing on during 2005. and the proposed use of funding. There was a public hearing at the Sept. Human Services Commission Meeting. The Plan will be presented to the Parks and Human Services Committee in October for approval and authorization. Home Repair As of August 2004: Cert' H4m ,a' Cumulative to [date' Undu licated Households 129 lob units Min©r Re air 1360 Ma or Re _air 16 l Resource and Referra . 'Jason Johnson, `Resource and Referral Specialist ;(RRS), started In the Housing and Human Services division August 2"d, 2004. Since then, the Resource and Referral Line has been contacted by roughly 120 Kent residents in need assistance (Aug and Sept 2004). Reasons for these 120 citizens contacting the RRS have varied from needing emergency rent/mortgage assistance, need for low-income or supportive housing, assistance filling out public housing paperwork, language translation services for access to housing, shelter programs for the homeless, emergency food bags (and food programs), help with utility bills, search for senior housing, transportation assistance... to basic questions regarding the eviction process, getting connected to senior programs, needing phone numbers or basic information for area human service agencies, brainstorming day care options, need for AIDS/HIV testing, landlord mediation, need for free school supplies, clothing, help finding chemical dependency support groups, and much more. A small handful of these residents have needed ongoing support and contact. Most have only needed to have one time contact. Resource & Referral staff has also assisted four Domestic Violence (DV)Victim Defendants and two DV victims who were in need ofa variety of servaces. Staff has been #tending #rainings t better serve [?V clients (DAWN DV Training, a#tending DV court, educating from City Attorneys office and DV Advocate, South County DV Task Farce meetings, etcj Staff,has`been working;hard to get the word out#o commune#y human service providers that the R&f L ine �s available to them and their clients.%Staff has also provided small, lnforrnal pre'sentationslintroduc#ions #o staff at many Kent human service agencies (Community Health Centers,;Senior.Center, SHAG Apartmen#Buildings, King County Housing Au#hority, Multi service Center, Catholic Community Services, Kent Teen'Clinic, Red Cross, YWCA, etc,). Community Action/Subregional Planning' One Stop Human Services Center The agencies involved in the One Stop Human Services Center have leased space at 515 Harrison St. with an option to purchase the building sometime during the next five years. The agencies hope to be moved in; and ,operational on Nov. 1, 2fl04. The a encies and ro rams that;will be located at the Center include g p g Mu F.Service Center, Housing Services, Utility Assistance Washington .omen's Ernploymera#and Education,'Job Readiness Services Kent ON. Biihk;l Food, Emergenpy Assistance Catholic Cnmmuqfty Services, Emergency and Homeless Assistance Services Renton Technical Coiiege, Adult Baslc Education Natio nal Alliance for the,Mentally 111 (NAMI) ; Communities In Scho©Is-Kent The slate of officers for next year was voted on at the annual meeting in June. Elizabeth - Watson will serve as President through 2005 and Merina Hanson will serve as Vice President. r CISK has successfully expanded its funding base to 'include United Way donor designations and the King County Journal. The agency will also be funded by the City of Kent in the amount of $10,000 in 2005 and 2006. Vicki Foege (Executive Director) presented to the City of Covington recently, however the city's funding decisions have not yet been released, Diana Vanatta was hired as the new Mentor Program'Coordinator beginning in July The Principal's Academy (currently housed at the Kent Chamber of Commerce) appro iched'CISK about joining our agency as a program. Representatives were invited to present a proposal to the CISK Board at the September meeting. The Board will continue#o explore this opportunity.; Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign Housing WHO Services Staff has been working on the'Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign to tare#Ken#for the upcoming#ex season EITC is a tax benefit for working people rho earn low or mpderate incomes Many peoplo do not realize they are eligible, resul#ing in a 20 to 30 percent rate of underutilization of tax credits. Last year, nearly$1.4 million dollars went unclaimed by Kent residents. Approximately 4,200'Kent residents were eligible for 2003 and nearly 1,000 residents did not claim the tax credit Many low-income workers use Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs). Kent was identified as one the cities with a high percentage (38%) of EITC dollars captured using the high interest rate RALs. Free tax preparation sites help low-income workers file electronically and save them an average of$75 in tax preparation fees. The Alliance Center(515 W. Harrison, Kent WA 98032)will host an EITC campaign site for the upcoming 2004 tax season. Free tax preparation will be available on Mondays`5-8 PM and Thursdays 5-8 PM January 17th 2005 through April 14th, 2005. Assistance is provided by trained multi lingual volunteers