HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/20/2004 . . . .... . . . ... . . . - - - .. - - - . . . ... . . %. % . .. .. . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . . . . -- ....... . . % .. % : % . .i.:i.i . . . % . . . .. ..%:i 1�1. �:, .. .. � .�.i:�.:���.%%��.�.:�.�:���..��-I i .:i:::�:�.:.:.:i:.�..�%.. . . . . ... . .. . . ... . .......�-% -:.! -... i��.-.;:��..:...�........... .. ; ,,�,,,� .. . . . .. . . . . . ... % . . .. - ...... .... . I I .. % . . . ..i...��:�.. .. . . . . . I I�:. � � � � � . �.. I I I .. . :. :- . :%: :1 I, � , � , ,I 1 , %,_�, :.�%.i.:��-:::. .�..... .- .. �: . :.-.-.. - - - - - i � 1.1:!:....� -�.:. ..�,.�..i:.:, I I I I:z I . ....� ........... ...:,�% . . % . ....1 i 1 1....,,: ,,,,,:,i,, , ,,,�,,,: 1 1 1 ,� ,,: , I I . . .. ... . . . .. . -..-. . . .. . . . : KEIV T WASH INGTON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, May 20th,2004 olt COMMUNITY SERVICES 12:00—4:00 p.m * John Hodgson Director City of Kent Centennial Center Phone:253-856-5I Conference Rooms Centennial'North & South* Fax:253-856-6050 2 p FQorth Aue..S,, *Please note the special time& location of this meeting* Kent;W& 8042750,iI" " „ I , ��,;%��,��, % .. .�,I.-"1�0::��ft,�'IIII:,�tI--;"--I,���—��P���-IIIII-IA��1I�1"- COMMISSION MEMBEFS f elvin late, Ulce Chair(1 2DD5): Edna White, Commissioner(1/2005) Brad Bell, Commissioner (1/2DDi') J;on Bctten; Cpixlmissioner(1/2DQD) Perry Raak, Gor Im...WWI T(1/2t) 7) Rod Saal#eld,'. . a% (1/2006) Cathy Peters;'Commissioner(1/2006) Brett Hollis, Commissioner(112006) Debbie Raplee, City Councilmember (1/2005) Meeting Agenda Special Session: Small Group Application Review .'1:1-,...�I..:.,%::- 12:00 prn -2:00 pm (Lunch ffl.be provided.) Regular Business: 1. Approval of March 2004.Meetin.g Minutes Action 2::00 Al: Applcatlon.:Cycle;=Staff Update Information 210 Special Sessiion:; Resume Small Group Application Review 2:30 p.m t` ............... .................... City of Kent 1 KEN Human Services Commission WASHINGTON Meeting Minutes March 18, 2004 PARKS,RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson, Director The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Rod Saalfeld at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday,March 18,2004 in the Mountain HOUSING& View Room of the Centennial building, fourth floor. HUMAN SERVICES Katherin,lohnson, Manager ' HM A'SERVICES C0IVIMISSTONERS PRESENT: Rod Saalfeeld; Chazx ng Adtlress Melvin Tate;Vice Chair Kent;WA8g32�a8 Perry Raak, Comrrussioner ion Botten, orcinssioner Y octian Cathy Peters, Commissioner 4op 1lVest Lowe Edna ante Kent,l/Vaehingtari ,:Commissioner Brett Hollis, Commissioner P�c��e a�,�8s65b7� fax ;253�85E36(37A ; HUMAN SERVICES COMiY�ISSIONERS Al SENTJEXCUSED: Brad Bell, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT:' John Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Merina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson,Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard,Administrative Assistant I SPECIAL PRESENTATION KEIYT$UIYIAN SERVICES NEEDS PANED C arol Kirkpatrick,Pastor;First Presbyterian Church of Kent Jane Prestbye Paster,Kent Lutheran Church Oleg Pynda,;IJkrainian Community Center Perry IaPastor Trinity Corn:rnunity Church:` During the annual retreat in Jarivaxy, the Commission requested staff convene two panels for the February and March meetings to discuss the latest trends inhuman service needs, and to review$ervices provided. For the month of March,the faith mrnissionto discuss the issues facing their chur community met with the Co ches. The common issue for the churches has been the large increase in people coming to them for assistance with basic needs;housing, food,help with energy assistance and employment. I. Approval of February 2003 Meeting Minutes Commissioner White MOVED to approve the`February 2004 minutes, Commissioner Botten SECONDED the motion. A correction was made to the first . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . .� . 1 . . . . . . . .. . . . . : .. ..... . . .. . . - . . . .. . %. .... . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . : . .. . .. . . % % ....%...i..:..:: ... .. .- . -�; �. .-. . 1.. �:.. . . . .%1 :....:.:.1% .. .. ... . . . .. . ..:� . 1.!�..�.��� �:�� ........ . �1�. ...:. ...�i.���.:t%::.:%.i. .I��� :� : ��%:��:.�il ....��..NdQA. ..: : ��.% .....-.-::i� .. ..... . . ..����!..�.�:. .�.�...�.� � ..�i�.: �...��.�.. . i : .. paragraph in the minutes. {Chair Rod Saalfeld called the February meeting to order, not Commissioner Raak.) IL Application Cycle Update Katherin updated the Commissioners regarding the upcoming application cycle This application is for the 2005/2006 funding cycle for both General Funds and CDBG.Applicat ons will be available to agencies interested in applying for funds on March 25, 2004. Staff will also provide a South King County Funder's Workshop on that date at Carco Theater. Katherin discussed the criteria for reviewing the submitted applications and outlined the timeline for review. Apphcattons axe due in our office by 5 QQ p m. on April 22" Imt�ortant Dates: �1:�,:��!�:�t�;�t�-�-�l��.:��.�Ji1���1�--I�.1'-�I�t�-�-�..�.�..%�:--��1�:.-:�.­-%..�-��..-:�:,-%.��.:-!.C:�-..:�:��:..���;--�.I.%�1�.,-.:��,::..,,1..,-�!�-�...,%.:.���:�1�,-.i-��,�.�-���.-1..�..,,�-�i�::�::�.�,-:�-,.�:,'...,1-6.J�..�:.,.�:-��1-I�:,��:;..�:�:.1,:!...�1::�.�1.�,���,,.:,,,.1.��..�..,"i,-­:.�..,�-..�-.�..:���:.�:�..%��%.��.,.�.�..--:..�.,-�:�.,:%I��.:���,':.:I��.:..,!.�..�....',.��1�..,_�.�.,��..:�,'�%.%�:t�:.,_�....�-�-.��.:��.�..��.�....�...:.��..�,�::..�.,,,-..��.:.-�.�­-�..,�.��.�_:..�:..,�1!:��:.��.,,,.��,,i�.��"�-.:.���!,�t:�.,��...:...i.,.��I-��.-�%:!.;.�.�.!.j;::,::i i..:,,�.%:i����.....�-�.-�.i:%I��.�-��..�-:--..�,��t..i.��t�.,�-...�-:-�.�,:,�����,.:::.�:��::���i�..:�-'i:�..�.�.�.:I��.,,,:�..��..��:,'�1..::,,--!.�-tJ..����.:��.�.�-L.�.:%�l;�-,.:,,��;.t-�,--��;�...��:.:�..�--,�t.���.���.:��-%­..���.�:::.".:�::"--.��.�,�����:.�:,���.��-­::�:...:.;-.��.--.-::�.!"i.�.:,�,��_..�,-:.:.-��.,,,.�,-�:��" .. ....:..,�-.�,.%.�...�1,��Ii.�..%�','":I�..t�I,:.�.�.�-'�.��1'�,,�,7:!.Z,,::�-",�.,:I%'-.:�%�'l�I:�,���"I�,�-�-.!:''�,:...:I.,'!,.�.�,":,,-z�1-_%,l":�t...:,;'.�1�I,. 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The Cornrnission will meet at no:�...,'���.....:.l�:..-..-.%:-�t.�:..-.:., o.�.1�...:....:i..�.,,�..I,1.:1:..:....:-���..:..::�::..:�:.-�.�:�..:,�.:1�-:�.�.%..�-�...i:.-:,i...,,�'..,�:....-...�:--.���-......:��:.':�:'...�-1��t-...!.�.:1,..-�...�-i:-.�-1�.n to b X..:.%..-,-�...l�,.,-:,�.:%.�'�,�j.--l�.�,i���..%.�:.�,-...�'r-:1.�-�::.....,-.....:tI.j�,�%..1...1...�.�-�..�...1��:.:�..:..�-�%.'�.-�,.:.,.�11­-�eak into i!,,t�.....]I�...�1�,.�...,-�l I..,.--...�,�:1�-.�....-:::t...%...-%.%.�.i.�..:�1...�z.....:...,-"-.:.,�,-�:�I...-,,:.-- groups:.....i.....::I..:1'....%...%��::.!....1..!:%....�....�..-:�!I':......�...1.......:1.:�...-�...I t.. o review applications. Lunch will be provided.:-.�"-1:...I-.�­..��:-..-�.:�:::-:�%.�.:.:.....:�.�..t.-ii.:.:.��,1��:..-��,�':�:�:.,-�:..-��.....�-�...%l:....:�...I:i�..,1�:. ,,-.::.,:I::...� "�..-�..:_..:l:.-�,,..::..-.�i_,..:.:,..:-��!:t'���.%-,:.:,����%.�%:...l�..t�%:�:�...��. :�.,:.....i-�,,-...1I-�:%!1..",:I I,�.:.,...--:..-�,1 j�,��...-I I11�-'...--1,IiII:,I%.%,:,..,1-�%.I1 1..1..,..%.�..i..�I,I'-�:.1:�..�..,:1..,�1I...,-I'.lI,,I,,1.,1:%.1.�]�:..,��I.%.,:,-tt...� ,�...,:..:...,,�:...,l--%i:-.�":..%t.'-,,..�,�,�-1..1.::1,:-,II-.'l:tI.:.t:. ,...�,,,.�..:,%1 �:._....��1...�!...:..,�...%,-I. .,..,,-._�'..t,...�t::1,�-�,,I�....i..%..... 1"�-I.,...�,�:.::1..I%-,I,,I,.�,-'�,-.1,-...t.:,-.�:l�..1�..::'1..%...i.::-�.I-_..:�-..1:-�1i..:��-..!t:..':�..:.. ,1I.":.1..Z..�:,�-...,,-I...�,�...�.��....;-:...,::I.-�:.-,.�..�_-....:.,,....:�,...:. ,-i..�" :...:..:......-.....%�....1...:11......�:�.�.�.....-..�.....:..1.....-..�.......��....:1�..:.:1.�:�......:-.:-.::...:%...�1..�,;:..� "...%........".:.ii��,��...�......�.�.....1.... .%......:.....�......,....:...!.�:..1......%�.%:.%�...�......%....-.....:1..%�.%.:...�.�1 II.i...:...%.�..........::... ....%:.�%%.:...:.:...:.-:��.�.....:....�:I....:1:'.�:...:.. ......%..�.�.:...%...:.. .�:.%..i..:..........�.:............,.%1...:.%�.:.:�.%%.-..........i..i..i.�........ .-............1.!....-..�%.....�A .:.....i.��%.....i.-..%....:.......... 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Respectfully Submitted ... .. .: ........ . .. . . . .. :, . . .... ... .. ... . . a er n p son; , ager . . .. :.... . Iloustri &Hurriari Svices ` g OFFICE OF THE M�4Y©R Jim White, Mayor Phone:253-856-5700 Fax: 253-856-6700 w n s N c r o N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 May l8, 2004 " :I,mml:�,,,,,�,"""":,�....��..%i�.%- .. ...::—.- �.�:�l:���i,�����:����������:���������:�t:�,,I t'� :�' ,�:�.�.�:��!��%�!��%...��.. .i..:::. .. ... :% :�..- To: Mayor Jim White G t Councilm tubers Y From: Julie i�eterson Coon . . .: ....... .... . . . cal.Pres dent ..... .. . . .. . . .. .. ...: RE Hum Services Co fission". APpomtment to an . tutu . . ., : I have,a o;nted`Counc lmem6er Debbie Ra 1ee .t ' ve;as.the Council k xesentat ve to the . . Pp P P i exit Human Services Commission I. submit this for your confirmation. 3b . . .. .... .. ....% - -- .. i.%.%..: .... .:: ........ .... . ....... ...... ......... ...... . . : :.:. . . % % .:�-..%��. ... . . . . - - ::%��. � %1%: : % 1..::... .... .... . . .... .. .... . . . . ....%. - a ::. PARKS, RECREATION'AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, ©hector HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 KEN 7Y Fax: 253-856-6070 w A 5 H I N a T a N Addrsss: 220 Fourth Avenue S. . Kent,WA 98032=5895 H%�usrng`and Human Seir�ic�s Frs uatelr lie. ort; 2Qa4 . . Q P:. SAFE H VEIVS 1/1�11VA ..- 1NT Staff attended an 01/1lU training un sustainabfilty artd collaboration in San fra...... , ( A. The Safe`Havens Project receiyec� the Fathering Aft%er �Iolence Project gran%t from QV1N and the Family :v ence PreventlQn Fund. This is an 18-month technical assista%nce grant designed to assist fathers who have battered in recognizing the impact of this behavior on their children. Staff' attended the FAVP National Advisory Committee meeting in San Francisco, CA. The Safe Havens Project submitted a supplemental grant application requesting ari additional $200,000 in funding. The additional funding is being requested for funds to lease a building, hire one adlt:ditional monitor, and maintain the project coordinator for an additional period of time Staff is� �: � �:,:,�t �:�t,:,I . . ..,..... .. . ............... .% . 1�01�� -­ —:-:--::--: - .......... �....... - .. . % . working with a re% a..t %to find,;a space for the facility. As part of the project graf t staff has had `the opportunity to visit other sites throughout the country to view t7.he physical layout:of facilities Project coordinator and Collaborators;have begun meeting regularly to discuss some of the .. ..:. . %. . d e than a service. ma or.areas cif considerafi�on:.fcr a u ery sed visitation an: : . 9 % P . . t rt tvvo ::Adviso ; Committee : members are working on the Proje%ct Coordina or. a d ry % development of a policy and procedure m..%... i fir the facility Staff and Advisory Committee.` menders `attended the institute for Community Peace Sustainability Immersion Training in San Diego, CA. Funding for this training was provided by an OVW scholarship. A. 0�:�,:� C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2004 Report Human Services doc 1 ..:..:......:.....:....... . .:%... % ,�. .. ...... : . . .... : .% :I ,: : . ..%... :.�. . � .. :.............. ..... . . �.. ..�.- ..... ......... .....% 1,%I,""� " :I� : �: I 1,�I I,i%: , . :I I z�I,I, : ,,��, ,I�:.��: . . �:,:��:�,%,i::�,�I . .... ... - % - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CDBG The 2003 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation and Review was submitted to`the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The plan outlines the accomplishments obtained using Community'Development Block Grant funds. Major projects that were completed include the rehabilitation of Tot Lot #4, remodel expanding the available space for service at ChtJdren's Therapy Center and completion of the public sery ce projects. Stil%l underway Is the elevator installation at Merit Youth and Family;Services. The appropriations for theDBG pro%gram were delayed in Congress again this year resulting in a delay of contracting between the Ct...y and HUfl and between the 'City and . % funded agencle8. Ilt is anticipated contracting will take placD.e early Ir% the second quarter. Requests`for Applications were released % date March fo'r CpB funding fir 2!00.. ►pplications are due Aprl2, 2004, The Human Services Commission will.;review the ... applications during May and June. , li , j,::� ,� - ME .... HOME REPAIR ,�1,''I",'"'",�,;-�:":,::� I --- -i '��Izll��:, , z 1 ,,monism :...!: %::% . Kent Hpnl� Re n t1' 3' tY 4 - �: Unduplicated Households - 73 73 9 9 Major Re air 6 6 . % COMMUNITY ACTIQN� UBREC�IQNAL P".... . �a . nie %Sto' .-Human Sery.ra enfier ,, .. .` : .' `::`::: The One Stop 'Human Services Center is looking for a stew site after the County reach d a decision that the origiinal. proposal was not feasible for there The ;new site v. be considerable smaller;as the Health Department will not be participating. However In .the past month two new agencies have expressed interest in locating services in the facility: The nonprofit agency is hoping to locate a 35,000 to 40,000 square foot building that can be leased with an option to purchase. This would allow ample time to develop a funding package that would include grants and loans, C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\0LK3E4\F1rst Quarter 2004 Report Human Services :doc 2 ............. ......... ......... ................... Communities In Schools Kent- . ........... CISK held their first fundraiser with a breakfast at the Golden Steer. The breakfast was a "success raising over $8000 as well as identifying new mentors and others interested in volunteerinq for the agency. Several new mentors have since been trained and will be% .,placed in the schools before the end of the year. Board Members (and several potential Board Members) 'attended th`e second annual Washington State CIS Conference March 16, 2004`at the Tukwila Doubletree. Session ppjp Included OoardideveIopme.ht. fundraising and marketing strategiesThe th wi. b.��he Jay Na' y2of'�&F61M dG If Club first�.Mhual CIS ifTournament b Id M6hd .......... . ..... 0 ............. in Renton. .......................... .-HUM P�tOicES COMMISSION' KN17. ................ .............. The HUrhan Services....C. sion...l. ....e......e. asea Request for both Development Block Grant funds and the Human Services General Fund for 20 5 0 d members of the non profit prepare for the application cycle the Commission invite community and the faith community to discuss the needs in Kent. All of the presenters identified emergency assistance for housing, food, and medical care as an increasing need in the community. Many of the individuals needing service are new to the system. Layoffs and the lack of available jobs combined with unemployment benefits running out are resulting in individuals that previously donated to service agencies asking for assistance. Both groups stressed the importance of developing strategies to stabilize families and prevent crisis situations such as homelessness. Ahk:MJIFI;�b:ip�: .e%�appJcati6h;:%JsJ.W� new format It . . ...1 : J t:... 40 : : I. ommow�:i...ap plication Pogo wa IX.16 ............ Jh OVI ...... e�a accepted:ty. C proved. in or ion �servjce&l�� e nq�;:prbvi et��11tro...g. ..Kihg��ZdUtl t f mat, 6130.ut�Ah&:� )U%i�i��S§66A:h1:::: a htify:;I�Ih&�'Jevd!. :.:fu In requested�bf� hd.!..§.%-�:�be. equ Ide fiis�4-1:11:4116W�staff 77 each bd In �.Jpg.�Jeve..s�%--:O�- J e��:COM..M.is-$.ion%:"��i�.n6i;bbiets.�:��:�:�tt.i... P...a.re �rvim;!�::and. V .......... .......... . ...... St... ff training kajnfng�a : e U iWiptift�' ... I ldddb�Adtall d t h F Op j d W h 615��100 Staff provi Uy . . . - . .. .......................... a N t t ��pw�equ If: icomplete rain ;�W.po ..U Ing w4s�A.e d rovi e;: with. . gencies etitive. br� Un :Ing, ... ........ f ea a ande ppup R A, Dlk F A.L.. Housing and Human Service staff has seen a significant increase in the number of calls requesting assistance. There has also been an interesting shift in the profile of the caller. b�\Documents and Sett1ngs\KA11ard\Loca1 Settings\Ternpor6ry Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2004 n" T... Reporl Human Services doc .. ':4. .: .. '.: .. .. .. .. % ... .: .: Many of those calling for assistance are first time callers that have been on unemployment and are unable to find a job. These calls require significantly more staff time as the customer' has never used the human service system before and is unaware of how to access services. For the first time the division ran out of emergency food bags during the third week in March. In trying to locate other resources for the customer staff discovered many of the agencies that provide emergency food bags had also depleted their supplies � EMEM�:� i�'�i men' ' . ... . CC:` JOHN HODGSQN, PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR ,... Rffi- � � --- '::- . :%.�.... ..... .. . . —!:. .: — � :� :_ _� . . . . . .. C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temp11 orary Internet Files\0LK3E4\First Quarter 2004 Report Human Services .doc 4