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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/19/2004
i of Ien .'..:`'.. C t �.i�....%:.......��......:.:...%.1!�:..�....!�..1..::......�%:.:.��........�... . . . . . Human Services Commission Meeting Minutes :February 19,2004 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Conunission was called to order by Chairperson Perry Raak at 200 pm., on Thursday,February 19, 2004 in The Mountain View Room of the Centennial Building, fourth floor. Hti ✓IAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Rod Saalfeld,Chair Reverend Perry Raab;commissioner % .. ......: Jot ;Bo#ten Ct�mmiss�on.r: .. ... :' , . % Catl :` Peters`'':Commissioner . Y . . . .. . . .... .... ... .. .. .. .. . : ,. ..::: na: to: :>:o m ss oner . `i. I. . . ... :. ..... ....... . :% : . . : , . . rettHo is Co ssz xier : .;. .` mm o . HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSEI�ITlEXCiTSED: Brad Bell, Commissioner . .: �:: .. .. .%�i..-... . .1 .. .. .. ..777 -_1.1-�-:1:-_.�1-.-�l....���.-,�:�:.!�!-!�1.%..-��..��..�,,�.:�--:��.:.%��:�.:-,.�...�.�---�.-..:�:.-��,.-�.:.:�--���.-:,1li-:xi�:�:-�,-:',�.%_�.%:....--�I.-�-.--:��.1.:-..,�...!.-:.��..:�.�.:.,.!V-1--:-�:11��--.�:...,��!I�:-�--:�:-:.-,�-�.�-�--.,,:�-1%,�-,i:��:�--..�.'_�..�,.-.:-�.."��:�i,1�,�.�-..�.%��.-:��...��.�,-.�.:-'�,--�..--�-:II�..�.:�.....:%������..,�.,�..::�-�..-:..!...�-.....-���..-'%-_'.;,�,��.�.��%..:-�.--:.�,i:;���.,I 1,:.1-'_�1��.-.:.'-�---�,..��.:��.:1,-..-.�.�:�.':.::.-.�,,:.:....-%-.��..�..%.�:_.�...'�-,,::�.�l:����..�,'..:.-..:�-.�-�.,.-�.�.�'.!�-��1.�.��..��.-.,-..:,,I.",...'_��..�...�,�--:�. il x 1VIe1 Tate;V. ce;Chair N SERVIIES STAFF PRESENT: .�%�.�I�:..����.-I---.--,---�.,���.�:,�.--�.%���....�..���-..--�...�:�-...�.�i�:--�..:.:.!,-,-...�..1��..i.��-.�I:�..-t I:.,�..-,'.�::.���.%%.-.�.-.I�:,�!...:...:;.II I:.I',,..,-���.:.�.:.;-..,-��...-�..,.:-:�;��-.�:%j�.;:�.!�-�-��...:��.-.i..,%!,,.�.�.::.�-:�-�:�.�:�-.--.II..I:..:.--��.�:-��%:���.-.%,:�:.:.:I:..:..��....I,.:.�.:�-����..:.�.:-,�..�I,-i--..-�����._�..:!�:..-�.�-�I..1���.I�:�I-.:..�:1-.t..�.-%.I.%..-I:,,--....:I..I�...:II!.�-�..-.�I.�����-:...�:.�t,.:1..-:1-�.-.:,:.��.I�.:.1.���1..I-��-�.:-.-:,-�.I-��,1 11...�t...-,._.�1t.,--�:�:�..1�.1I.�::.���.I�,1�...:....-%1��-:,I�!1..:::�:.�-:%:-.-,�..-I:-�..�.�-.t�.1,-..-��.-,:%.%,.:�.::J�::..�. John Hodgson,Parks,Recreation& Community Services Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Merina Hanson;Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson,Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard,Administrative Assistant I SPECIAL PRESENTATION IKENT HUMAN SERVICES NEEDS'PANEL Josephine Toma o 11ilurra 'Catholic Community Services :; . . .... . . .... ..:. . ..: Y Y, . . ......:.... : .. . Thomas T eo 'Teter Co un t 'Health Cerite `of'I ,Giant .. . . .•.:. . . Y .. Y ..:1:.1.�.,.,.....1�%i:.-...�.�...:..:,�.:-,.........I.1..�...%%:�.-.�.:.:.....i..t.:..:....:-....!..._i1.-...�...t...�%.��1%-.:.�....�....:i..:........:�%�--.�.-.:i:.- . : . a Subrarnaruam CHA A`: ;a' ` :. .. Bob Johnson,fit. Lational Rescue.Committee .�.-.��.....-i:.%%:.....'��....;.i.:::....-.......�-I��%..�...�:.:..-�'..!..........�......:.:%:I.-�.:..��.;�...%�l%.....�:..-,.....1i...-....�....: ..:.:::....�:...:.1-....::...1..���...-�!............:.�.. .%..-..........:.:...�I.: .%...%.......:..I��.......::...--.�....�.....:........:..%::.....I-...:!.1-.....;.......�:.�..........:%....!.�...%.......%-...%.-.,......-.............�..i�:: ...%..�....:�.........�.....-�.::..�.:,I1..i .:%%...��-...�..........-:..�....::...!�...::..�.....�-.....%.%......%....�.......��..�..-.�:. . .; Durm the annual;xeti;eat in Jariu ahe.Commission re uest4. taff<conyene tvvo °anels. g3', ...�. : .... . . :, . . ... . . . . . 1.-:-.:...!����I.. . . . for the'Feb�uar: ;:and March meet ri s to:discuss;the latest trends ri hu ari;set c..`needs ;` . .. . . .. . ;:: :; . Y g . . . and to review se vices` xov ded:.The: u ose';of the anels s'to: rov de the ;': .. . :. . , . , .; p p. p P. Cotrinn ss orier. valual le back round information;for the;u co ri n ` antra i'cat on:` cycle. The panel discussed araous trends including:, an increase zn the number of clients, clients needing more assistance{particularly with energy bills),transportation needs,and harder to serve immigrant/refugee populations. 1.Approval of the November Minutes Commissioner Raak MOVED to approve the November 2003 minutes, Commissioner White SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. .......................::::.:.: 2,'One Stop FIuman Service Center Update. Katherin Johnson updated the Commission on the progress of the One Stop.King County has once again lowered the amount of assistance to Dent, from the original$87 million to $5.7 million. This means that Kent's financial responsibility of this project would be substantially larger. The Alliance feels that this may not be a feasible project, especially considering the inability of County staff to commit to an actual amount 3. 2005-6 Application Cycle Staff reviewed the application cycle timeline and discussed forming groups to review applications for the upcoming cycle for 2005-06 funding. . A S%outh King County application woilcshop will be field March 25th at Carco Theater kn;Renton.; Notification will be sent to;:a encies currentl ,%rece y n flu din ,as g Y g g well as other agencies who express an iriteiest ii applying for Kent funding.A press release will also be submitted to the King County Journal The;acaton will be unversal:for allSauth Ilan Coon ties for the fi time en g .cis m : e Epp Caton onee;an su;mi i o eac i eY are requesting funding from.'This will`be easier for the agencies and also give the cities a clearer icture into what rservices the'a envies are< rov din for ea h i lcatioris :- g,. p g for the C1ty of Kent will be due at;S:00 p m. on April 22nd Staff will dedicate three days to reviewing the applications. On May lot the applications:with the staff analyses attached will be available to the Commissioners. The Commission will split to form two groups for the initial review. Two full day workshops will be scheduled at Neely House Final recommendations will be made and presented at the June 17t"Commission meeting Sincerely, K r'n Johnson ... .. . .. ....:.. ..... .. ... .....:....... : ,ache � J s ;Reco�dirig`Secretary City of Kent Haman Services Commission Meeting 1''inutes K N February 19,2004 WAS.HI NGT.ON The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Perry Raak at 2:00 p.m., on Thursday, February 19, 2004 in The Mountain View Room of the Centennial Building, fourth'floor. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Rod Saalfeld, Chair Reverend Perry Raak, Commissioner Jon Batten, Commissioner Cathy Peters, Commissioner Edna White, Comrx.issianer Brett Hollis,Commissioner HUMA�N SEH ICES COMMISSIONERS ABSEiYTIEXCUSED; Brad Bell, Corrmiss'onex 1VIe1 Tate; Vice Chair HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson,Parks,Recreation& Conununty Services Director I atherin Johnson,Human Services Manager 11:,.-%1�.,I:.:I!..�..:"�.1I.�I1.I:.I,�...'%".1M'-.i:..� Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard,Administrative Assistant I SPECIAL'PRESENTATION KENT HUMAN SERVICES NEEDS PANEL Josephine Tomayo Murray; Catholic Community Seivrces Thomas Trompeter, Community Health'Centers of Ting County Vega S ibramaniam,`CHAY. Bob Johnson,International Rescue Committee During the annual retreat in January,the Commission requested staff convene two panels for the. bbhvar and 1Vlarch meeti g to discuss the Latest trend 4 j6 se vice eeds, and to review services tovi ed0 hq. Lrpose of the'paneis.1 to provide the Comnussianers valuably;background information for the upcoming grant application' cycle, The panel discussed various trends including ,an increase in the number of clients, clients needing more.assistance(particularly wzth energy b l.... transportation needs,`and harder to serve irnmgrantlrefugee populations; 1..Approval of the November Minutes Commissioner Raak MOOED to approve the November 2003 minutes; Commissioner White SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ............. ......................:..:...:.:...:................:..............:.....:.:.:...........:.........:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . ............................:.:....... 2;One Stop Human Service enter iTpdate I�atherin Johnson updated the Commission on the progress of the One Stop,King County has once again lowered the amount of assistance to Kent,from the original$8 7 million to$5.7 million. This means that Kent's financial responsibility of this project would be substantially larger. The Alliance feels that this may not be a feasible project, especially considering the inability of County staff to commit to an actual amount 32005-6 Application Cycle Staff reviewed the application cycle timeline and discussed forming groups to review applications for the upcoming cycle for 2005-06 funding. A South King County application workshop�wili be held11�1arch 25 at Carco . . .........:. ................. o envies.c: ntl: receivin fundn as .. Theater n Renton. l Totification will be sent t a urr. , y . g g, ;well as`other:a' exicies who ex Tess an interest in apptying B Merit fun' g.A press release will:also be.submitted to the Kin Count Jeurnah , g st The apphcahon will be universal for all South Kmg: ounty cit the fr ............ tune:' gencxes wi' pn'; a:aP i ca ,on once;an; `'su r o eae '`` : , cy are ; requesting£uridmg from. This wilt ib easier for the agencies and also give the cities a ie ; e ro for ea it A: 'licatioris' are . ;cute into what services the a env s ar vchn p:• : . • .•. g p g 3' for the City of Kent will be due at S:OO p m. on Apri122nd: Staff;will dedicate three days to reviewing the applications, On May loth the applications,with the staff analyses attached,will be available to the Commissioners. The Commission will split to form two groups for the initial review. Two full day workshops will be scheduled at Neely House, ,., Final recommendations will be made and presented at the June 17 Commission meeting. Sincerely, a - ,b. Ka en Johnson, Recording Secretary ..............................................................................:....................................................................................................:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......... .. . PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 Fax: 253-856-6070 KEN w A S:.:H I N G T O N Address: 220 Fourth Avenues. Kent,WA 98032-5895 MOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES FEBRUAIEtY 2�04 SAFE r4VENS VA IlJ4;;; '�RAWT afe Na s:;Ad so Gornmlttee;arld sub=committees,'continued efforts to increase The. S vqn vl rY understal d n of cQrnrnunit needs arad also to identlf fou i.8 to r�aI o11cles that wlli.gulde % % 9 Y p the work o f t he V isitation G enter To"t his a nd a missian s#atemen#was developed _ To provide a safe and accessible; culturally sensitive supervised visitation and echangr program for f%amilies;affected by Intimate partner violence and abuse All policies will be designed with the victim and child of such circumstances in mind. We have begun the application process for supplemental funds that will primarily be used for leasing a faculty Project staff attended Demonstration Site Grantee training in San Francisco, CA. The focus of the training was safety and collaboration. While there, we attended a Project Directors' meeting aimed at answering our questions and clarifying why each site was chosen to receive grant funding from OVW. Kent was the only grantee chosen that did not already have an existing site. We were selected based on the interest in how we could build something from the ground up and for our commitment to picking up where Common Ground left off in 2001. We also attend a tour of the San Mateo Family Center Supervised Visitation and Exchange Center..while.we were there �fl;NIIVIU1►111'YEVEirOPIV1INT BLOCK GRANT Can�ollla#ed A�tnual Performance and Eualuatlon Rep4r#tCAPER) The CAf'EI�was completed and released for public comment as required by HUD. The report details the use of CDBG funds during 2003 It also higtllights activities that Add . oal and Irate` es from the Consolidated Pi,an. The report will be submitt to 9 i 2004.;folfowln Goun�l a royal, : . 67 H p Ma c 2005 Applications C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK3E4\FEB.2004.DOC 1 % ..........................:.................................................................................................................................................:..::................................................................................................................. .. ......... . ........ ......... III I ,.I.. The 2005 applications for funding will be released on March 25, 2004. Staff will participate II"I in a joint workshop with other South County'cities to review the application form, funding guidI'llelines and requirements on March 25, 2004 at Carco Theater in'Renton. DOME REPAIR Home Repair is working with Lowe's and Home Depot to provide clients information on free classes for minor do-it-yourself home improvements. Information and class schedules will be available in the Summer Program Ouide and.;Home Repair brochures B%rochuri.es are s.. :. :.b ;rn u a#ed% t .:•i ode ne income urd Ire : Home'Re air;currerrtI : has'3 ma or obs : ' `: ...: ..: g .pd : : : o n.. w g p Y. 1..... J ... out to bid; % : :. . . Krifi l-'lorYe'Re' air % To Date` . : , : j ' ` /.�':.``:: :::.{`.::..:.:::`.'::: `:.:::;.:., t.�;::::..::;�: �::.:$::. .: :0. ;`.:.:': .:'.`. ;.::`:'.:`:.....`..:.:. `.'. .`:....`.`:%:. :`::.. ``% ':::.,'`:: ::.`.: :. ... :.``:``.' :•'`: `:_:'`:. ':....:.:.::`.: n...uplicated%1I 0seh dl. % . .: "`:.'' Mau r Re airs :" 266;`un ts'' %% % % % .. . .. Major Repair 2 Auburn Hnme Repair Unduplicated Households 13 Minor Repairs 120 units Major Repair 1 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION The C ommission h eld the first of two panel d iscussions on he human service needs i n Kent. Members of the non-profit community provided information about the needs and changing serI'llvice #rends in the community. Agency 'representatives discussed ;funding chailenges, the changing population and increased need Next moni.th th`e Commission will . . it . ;. :have a rasentation from<'the faith:common: on the same.issues: P Y % .. : : t D O d Human a is s Ge eral .. The Cornmi stun ... seekln a lication #or. bo h C. B an .. . ..r... e n .. g ..pP .... Fund for'2005/2000; The applications will be released on March 25, 2004 at`:. . . Ponders Workshop. Agencies can also request`;electronic copies.of the application via email. . . The Commission,wilI be usin zero;based.fund n as �t devela 5 fund n recomrriendatians, g . P 9 he;Co is encouraging all agencies providing services that will meet the humeri service needs in Kent.to app y .or un .. COMMUNITY ACTION/SUBREGIONAL PLANNING . (::\DOCUP�IENTSAND SETTINGSWALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET. FI LES\0LK3E4\FEB. 2004.DOC . 2 . ... .. 11 1 One Stop Flurnan Services Center The South County Area Human Services Alliance is looking fora new location for the One Stop Human Services Center. With the withdrawal of Public Health the square footage required is considerably less. The Alliance is looking for about 50,000 square foot office building and will convert office space to warehouse space appropriate for the food bank. There continues to be growing interest on the part of non-profit agencies in leasing s1:1pace once it is a_11 ,111,11cquired. Communities in Scho:ols % : .,CIS- %% to Kent held.thelr#first annual;Com It mun Breakfast on Februa 4: fiver 10 0 l. . .. . . . ..:. .. . .. . .. . : ,. ..... e. e : ,... . .. Y.: ...: :.. .....::..:.: .... . 1'Y: . .. . ... ..... .. #t % .. . a ended th ve t t ;:, . . .. . .:. :. ......... .a e. . e, Q). er l ee� TheJ.0 notes eak r ttorn : G'e , A e eneral Christlrae Y p Y . . .: ... ,,.. .. } . :. . . ... re sire disr"usse t g : : -, : an 1 bull in Ie Islation and the im orkance of ento in . . Y 9: p : . . m r children oafs for.. event were to cultivate a greater awareness about CI8K In the Kent and CQvirt ton cp mu ttes, recruit rnentors.a.nd board.members ;anal ra> e:f n s f g . s u d or#tie . , . . . .. .. .. . .. . ro ra 1 g v 1. . . . .. .. . rn.. indi tduais ex re:s'sed Interest In or n p 9 .. ... . .. .. . . . , : : me.nt, :I and 19 Indivlduals:e reseed, .. . . 9- .: .. ....: .. . ............ . . ..: .. . p �;tere . , st t n n he B . oar of©I d rectors an . r e dv . . d/o th A Aso. Board. The fundralsl .,. . . .: . . . . . n was vet . . . .:. . . . . . ... . . . . g .... . . y .. . . successfiul, with neaily$850Q in donations receiued and nearly$900 of;in-kind donations. The event was well-attended by local, County and State officials, the business community, r. School District officials, City employees and the non-profit community. Human Services staff continues to serve as the Vice President of the Board of Directors cC: .JOHN HODGSON,PARKS,RECREATION&COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET. FILF_S\OLK3E4\FEB.2004.DOC ; II : WASHINGTON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, February 19th, 2004 COMMUNITY SERVICES JohrrHodgson 2.00 —4;00 p.m. Direc#or PhoneII ;II 253-856-5100 Mountain View Conference Room, Suite 409 Fax;253-856-600 Centennial'Building 220 Fourth Aye.s. Ken QUA�8Q�2�5895 t✓OMM1SSION MEMBERS Melvin'fate, Dice Chair j1/2flQ5), Edna White, ommission r('l/200 } Brad Bell, Carrimissoner j112007} Jon Batten, Gernmissioner j1/2006} Perry % k, �orrirnissionet(1/2007} Rod Saalfeld,;Chair`(1/2 .) Cathy Peters; Commissioner(1/2fl06) Vacant; Council Member Vacant Position y , AGENDA Special Presentation: Kent Human SerII vices Needs Panel ❖ Tom Trompeter, Community Health Centers of King County Bob Johnson, International Rescue Committee . Cameryn Flynn, Catholic Community Services ❖ Vega Subramaniam, CHAYA 1. A r., .. of N6v 4, th, 2. 0. ACTION 1T M 3 00 . pp Minu# s 2. One Stop Human Service Center 'INFORMATION ITEM 3 '10 Update 3' 200b=B Application Cycle INFORMATION ITEM 3 30 The City of Kent Haman Services Commission Meeting Minutes T November 20th, 2003 WASHINGTON Mountain View Conference Room,Suite<401 PARKS,RECREATIONCentennial Building COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson, Director The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called'to order by Chairperson Perry Raak at 2:30 p.m., on Thursday,November 20, 2003 in the Mountain View Room of HOUSING& the Centennial Building HUMAN SERVICES katherin Johnson Manager HUMAI.4 SERVICES COI�IMI SIGNERS PRESENT; Reverend Perry Raak,Chairman 22 g Address Rod Saalfeld,Uce Chair 0 Foodh 1uo. ;a. Kent, U1lA 9802»585 Dr. Judy Woods,Council Person Mike Heirusch Commissioner t.AaaiJvn , 4t�o west Bowe Edna Wh>te,Commissioner kCent,lNashing#ttn , Cathy Peters, omxrussionar Brad dell, rImissioner phone,25 =she-SQo pax: 53s66 600 HITIYIAI�T SERVICES CO SIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSED: Reverend Park, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: ( John Hodgson,Director of Parks,Recreation&Community Services Katherin Johnson,Manager,Housing&Human Services Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Kathleen.Allard.,Administrative Assistant Special Presentation: Communities in Schools Kent Vicki Foege,Executive Director ! �fvi�k �rr1"J�U4 � 'I Pk v' 4✓ d i� Y i5 passed r , ! 5 _ 4 ( Staf i _ to develop 3 funding strategies y ................................................................................................... . .. .............. .......................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................. .. ................ . ... ...:.:=... . .�:. ..I . : . ..�..:...- .% ::.. - % 1.. %1 . : :% � . :: : .:: : :i:. . .� . . %% : :�:: .: .,.::1,1%::% . . . . 4 December Meeting The December meeting is cancelled . A Winter Celebration will be held during the regular meeting time. NN -i - 11,I 11 1,- I I 5 2005-6 Application Cycle11 The 2005/2006 application'cycle will begin with the March 25, 2004 workshop for agencies to learn about the process. Staff discussed standardizing applications that would then be used to apply to any South King County city. Commissioners discuss11:ed zero based funding and prioritizing basic needs 6 Annual Commission Retreat The Annual Commission Retreatwill be January 23,'2004 at Neely House The agenda vv�ll include 2005/2006 appI tion cycle and review of the South King County Domestic Violence report . . Res ectfull Submitted . . . . ... .. ..P Y . ... . .. .. . Katherin Johnson, Secretary . .. . . "�-- �- % KNT 'mot rvlx--& / WASHINGTON i. OFFICE OFT MAYOR Jim White,Mayor 220 Fourth Ave.'S. : Kent,WA 98032-5895 February 5,2004 Phone; 253-856 5700 : Fax:253-856-6700 ,;:<,: R pv.Edwaard PariC '- . . . . . ... . .. .. , .. . . % :.: 104i 0 SE 216 St. ;. . ... . .: :. Kent,WA 9$ 31 `: :< ar ev: kD .It hay come . my attention that you have been unable to attend and participate .; .. in the H c U%6%a% Sew a Co sio :, ,; :>,.,,, ., ... .. i= meetin'. ,: s n s her . .. ..... .. . .. ::: . . .. ..... . . .. eat the �t of Kent: . . , .: . .. . . :. . . .. .. . . . . ...... g .... ....... . . .. .. . . . .:. W. . . . : . Y ... .. ..... . . ;,; realize that fitem+�ehn s obviousl d©not co es. .:. . .... P. rr pond with your schedule, . therefore,we are releasing you from membership on the Hurnan'Services 11,I :illCommission. W11 e do appreciate your willingness to serve the community through the Human Services Commission;it is just unfortunate that the meetings times-conflicted with your schedule: S' cerely, :11itWhm V aYo. :1 %b' :` .. f rr'�. r 0 17 (! PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John`M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Kathenn Johnson,Manager � i Phone:253-856-5073 �E� Fax: 253-856-6070 w A s a N a T o N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Housing and Human Services` F©urth iQuarter Report 2QQ3 SAIE HAVENS VA1iNA GIANT The Safe; Havens Project Advisory Cornrhittee ; began the process of a Safety and Accrjuntaili Audit that will take lace within the cccrnrnuns an effort to discover how tY p to increase the safety of domesticIolonee.victims and their children. The audit question has been determined and the team recruitment is in process. Staff and Advisory Committee members received additional specialized training aimed at the development of an effective supervised visitation and safe exchange center that utilizes best practices for keeping women and children safe while complying with court ordered visitation. Staff and Advisory Committee members continue to network with various community organizations and are working to identify outreach needs. Subcommittees have been meeting to address evaluation needs, possible site:locatons, and cultural 'accessibility. Staff also;participated to a site visit to a Dallas supervised visitation center ©NlMIifNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ..CbBG;Ca #al . ..: ... .. .. . Kwans`Tot Lot was';the firstDB ca ita1. :r4'ect to:'be com ietedsnce Ken became an P p J p entitlement ci HUD re rese.ntatives attended the dedication on December 9t..The new tY R ..:............:.. structu e:was: e e or ch Idren 5%an r� : hen hborhood ark alread had r: sigp; pp ," , y aprucre orb es an a n C:\Documents and Settings\KAI[ard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\0LK3E4\Fourth Quarter 2003 Report Human Services .doc 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2004 Action Plan the 2004 Annual Action Plan was approved by the Kent City Council at the October 21, 2003 meeting. The Plan with all of the ';required certifications and attachments was submitted to HUD on Nov. 15, 2003. HOME REPAIR Kent Home Re air 1st tr 2° tr 3r tr 4t tr Total for Year Undu licated Households 51 35 22 " 57 J75 Job Umts Minor Re ail- 423 543 235 $11 20 2 Auburn Home Re air Undo Iicated Hou%seholds 25 24 : 2 26 �00 Job Units Minor Re air 337 44 204 275` Ma"or Re air 0 3 6 1 14 COMMUNITY ACTION/SUBkGIONAL PLANNING One Stop Human Services Center The first official Board Meeting of the South County Area Human Services Partnership was held November 5, 2003. Kent and King County staff continue to analyze the feasibility of a Section 108 loan through HUD for the protect All parties are meeting on a regular basis to identify funding and put together the funding package. Thy A116:nce has :hired an architect to:''d the:Jnitial :floor < :lads; and`develo: a tenant P Im :rovement bud et. jf the' rQ ect roceeds accordin tl�e t�mellne it vuill o en October P. ..... J.. : P:; 2004. The agehcies are exploring grant opportunities for the tenant Improvements that wouldbe`'neecied : .. :.., .. .. . �Corni" nitres Tn.Sch+ools- Kent CISK achieved`"operational" status with CIS National in December 2003. (Kent Human Services staff continues to participate on the Board of Directors and in the mentoring program.) C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\Fourth Quarter 2003 Report Human Services doc 2 . . .. .. % ..::......... .:... ......... ...: :. :::..... ..:..:... ..;:. ::::;::: ;.:;'; CISK took approximately 90 students from Meadow Ridge, Scenic Hill and Springbrook to the Seahawks First and Goal event. This program is a short-term goal setting process and recognition event provided by CIS of Washington State (CIS-WA) for a limited number of. students served by CIS locals in the Puget Sound region. Those who achieve their goals are transported with chaperones to Seahawks Stadium where they have lunch with Seahawks players and hear one of the players talk about the importance of setting goals in achieving success. A Mentor:Program Coordinator was hired to oversee and expand the rrientoring program.' . C1SK will develop mentor programs at 'Covington, Meadow Ridge, Scenic %Hi.ill, and : Springbrook Elementanes with a min+rnum of I0 auult mentors each by June 2004. Ht#M Ai11 SERVICES COMMISS UM Commissioners' Brad'Beli and Perry Raak both requested tp serue another term on the Human Services Cbmhiissl.1. . Jon Botten, Executive Director of Cl .ldren's Therapy Cent%er, . will serve as the agency representative fora two-year te I'llrm Ali .were:appointed to the` Commission by Mayor Vllhite in a1. December Council meeting. Rod Saalfeld 'was elected. Chair and Melvin Tate was elected Vice Chair. The January retreat will focus on the.. upcoming application cycle and the process for allocating funds in difficult economic times. Human Services Month November was Human Services Month. The theme focused again on "Good for Kids�,:,�, , :: , _ I I 11 :,::'l, �:i, E'� � I ,i - Good for Kent." Commission Vice Chair, Rod Saalfeld, accepted the proclamation at the November 4th. The display in City Hall lobby focused on the question "is it good for the children?" and the five basics that all kids deserve: . 1 ..Health Start . Y::: ..:.. . . . .. % : ... ... . : 2 ...Safe'Places .. : ;:: .. . . . ...: ... ..... ....:.. % i. % 3 ' Carin Adults .. % . . .. ..: 4, ;:Marketable:Shills . .. . . .. . .: 5 Oobd tun t es to Serve ;' % . . C%.%..........::..�!�:.�.i�i��...�-.�:...��...:.1�.....�.::��%....-�.�:.C: JOHN HODGSON, PARKS;RECREATION &COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR . C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\Fourth Quarter 20031. Report Human Services .doc 3 PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES l John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson,Manager • Phone:253-856-5073 Fax: 253-856-6070 WASHINGTON : Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 MEMO TO: MAYOR JIM WHITE FROM': RUD SAP�LFELD, HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION CH,A1R SUBJt:CT: REOMIIIIENDED YEAR 2005/2006 HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING ALLOCATION a e: er l':fund nd % . . ... . .. 2 .. a c m e e it%s reu�ew o; a 2Q05/:'006 G n a The;;Human:Serv�ces:Gornrn�ssion h.s o . 1 . .. . . B ock Gr t C BG ;a locations: The Hbrnan Services Commission ;. .. ;:aC.?%% % t r;Develo rrtent I an 0 . . . . : % . ) pp . . .. ...y . p :...:...-. ... ...... .. .......... .. .: .. . . All ia en ..J. .w. infor e . used; er base fund n a roach as I.t'evlewed he a icatior. ... .... . : : . a z o .. . . Pp g.. .... ........... .. . ............ ...:.::.. .9 pA . :... ... .. .... . ... ... . .... .... . . .. . .. . . .. . ............. . . ::;..::,: . ., , . o co nit needs the a enc s use o that the Cornm�ssion would recommend funding based n %mmu y % g y the application to'clearly identify and address a community need. and %demonstrate how the program would provide services to Kent residents, weir defined measurable outcomes and past perfo%rmance with the City, Attached are the recommended 2005 allocations for 28 General Fund programs provided by 20 agencies. I have also attached the Contingency Plan for Year 2005 Human Services General Fund allocations as adopted by the Commission. On behalf of the t v ; Commission' I am forwarding our recommendations to"you for inclusion in the proposed 2005 General Fund budget. Funding recommendations are consistent with the City's adopted funding priorities. The priorities. are the following: . 11 Priority#1:` Services which meet basic and emergency needs (f_ood, medical care, shelter, protection from abuse and neglect). Priority#2 Programs which are preveritative+in nature a%nd promote a high`tlegr%ee of self-dependence. . : ::... ....... .. ... .. .. ........ . % .. Priorlt # : . . .Pro rams that;:seek I enhance;the quality....ii#e;tn.p .rsons ,whose basic y .... .. .. .... % % ... ..... .. . . ... . . sae Irea met: . % .human need . r a d .... . . .: 1. Y % . .: . . % Of the 28:.Genera) Fund ro rams recommended for.funding in 2005, ;six were not `previously P 9 ;funded by the City, The new agencies include Center for Career Alternatives an employment development program Communities in Schools, Kent a r»entoring program DAWN —domestic violence community advocacy and crisis line Valley Cities Counseling &Consultation—a family support program on West Hifl Agency to be determined —home visiting services to new mothers Additionally the Commission did not recommend funding for Children's Home Society, Kent Youth and Family Services Lighthouse or Kent Youth and Family Services Teen Substance P:\Human Services\General Fund\2005 General Fund Application Cycle\Allocation Memo.to Mayor.doc Abuse programs. The Commission is recommending a reduced amount of funding #o Kent Youth ( and Family Services, Counseling Program. The Commission also chose to move the funding currently allocated to ACAP Child & Family Services for child care to Child Care Resources to expand the child care voucher program. This allows more flexibility for the parent in where they get child care services. The Commission set aside funds for a Home Visiting Program to new mothers as part of the early intervention model. The Commission also shifted funds from HOME1. to Catholic Community Services for the Men's Homeless Shelter. The reason for the shift is the funds actually pay for staffing that is provided by Catholic Community Services and contracting directly with CCS will provide the City with better oversight. The CDBG recommendations will be included in the Annual Action Plan that is due to HUD;on November 15, 2005 The Acfion Plan will bs presented to the public in late August fora 30 day comment period concluding with a public hearing at the September Co%mmission Meeting %At that ti e-t o ission will forward the reccmrxtendations to #hE Parks arad Human Service Council m he C trim Committe%e7. #or recommendation for approval from the full City Council . am including a listing of the recommendations for;both CDBG public service and;c% apii f.p:: je%c. . ��g%���.I 1�����',:1�-I1�:.I�.:��i��:I,,,..��:,:;_'�:,�i,::.���:%����"::..1�,�:L���,'-.1-,:��1��,:_1:_,�;,,:::!,:�:�-��:-�t,���'��:����,.:�,��"��::�-;�'��:,"�!��!t�:,��:1':1�-,�:,���,:�j,:_�,,:,:�t���1'��i,���-����",,��"�-1�:,,���,-�-:j,,�-;�i1t�,,-'���,�,i!--�,�1��,���::-�:,����::��t::�,��%�,,�t��"�,����1,1,:::��--,,-�,�%1: Competition for funding Was very competitive The City received $'1.5 million.:.I,I II1 I%.1,:I..,1.II I.I 1:I 1%:I,1--..:�'..1I:�-�I,-I in requests. The Gomrnission looked;.%-i��...at duplication of services, iQcation and leyeraglpg cif funds in addition to the ... ...�!I�.i,.��'t:,:..I..V:I:,�%,�.:I::.:I:-�:%�:I I�.:.',"t.-t.:.�I,1.:,��,I..�1- ....%:.�..-...%...�..-.....%......:.....-. criteria outlined alcove. Agencies were offered technical assistance through phone consultations, individual mee#inga and two days of walk-ir;i assistance.; The final recommendations represent a continuum of services that meet the needs of our community. Attachment (, cc: Mike Martin, Chief Administrative Officer John M. Hodgson, Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director Human Services Commission`Members Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager Menna Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson, Human Services Coordinator Human Services Commission 2004 File P:\Human Services\General Fund\2005 General Fund Application Cycle�Allocation Memo.to Mayor.doc ��• 2005 general and ENT PARKSARECREATION S ' Fl,lndlll Rec:on�n�e'nl�at�ons COMMUNITY SERVICES ACAP Child & Family Services: APPLE Parenting $ 10,000.00 Catholic Community Services: Emergency Assistance $ 55,000.00 Catholic Community Services: Volunteer Chore Service $ 5,000.00 Center for Career Alterna#eves: Sprtngwood Career ©evelopment' $ 1 Q,D00.00 Child Care Resources: +Child Care Vouchers $ 12,070 fl0 Children's Therapy Center: Therapy Assistance $ 28,000,00 Communit�es In Schools` Kent Mentoring Program $ 10,00fl:00 community lealth Center Primary Dental' $ '15,00D,00 Cornmunity Heal#h Center Primary Medical $ 5$,450 '00 rsllslllrnc 'Telephone Services $ 5,000.00 DAWN; community Advocacy & Crisis Line $ `:O,OOO.Og DAWN: Shelter $ ' ,000.00 H.O,ME./Catholic Community Services: Men's Shelter $ 30,000.00 Jewish' Family Service: Immigrant Refugee Employment $ 7,500 00 (; Kent Food Bank & Emergency Services: Food Bank $ 36,000.00 Kent Youth & Family Services: Counseling $ 45,00000 Kent Youth & Family Services: Teen Parent Housing $ 7,50000 King Co. Sexual Assault Resource Center: Sexual Assault Services $ 2000.00 Multi-Service Center: HEART $ 9,000=00 Multi-Service Center: Housing $ 40,00000 Senior Services of Seattle: Volunteer Transportation $ 7,50000 Ukrainian Community Center,-Commu ijtyAdvocacy. $ 7,500,00 ValleyC�#ies Counseling FVVYFS Family'Support $ 1.0,DODDO Walley Ci#ies Co>anselang: Seni Coun seling ©0 . or Valley Cities Counseling: Sur�iivors Support $ '15,00000 WWEE, Econormc Self-Sufficiency $ 35,00D.00 "YWCA: DW Seru�ces Program $ 30,D0000 Undetermined Agency: Home Visiting Services #o new mothers $ 25,OD0:00 Tota12005 Recommendations $ 6D4,72500 in the event of decreased funding in the year 2005, each program will receive a decrease in funding based on the percentage of the total decrease, not to go below the minimum amount of$5,000 P:\Human Services\General Fund\2005 General Fund Application Cycle\Allocation Memo to Mayor.doc 2005 CDBG Public Service Recommendations Catholic Community Services; Katherin's House $ 10,000.00 Community Health Centers: Health Care for the $ 9,500.00 Homeless Community Health Centers: Natural Medicine $ 13,000,00 Community Health Centers: Primary Medical $ 24,450.00 Emergency Feeding Program $ 24,000.00 Hospitality House: Women's Shelter $ 10,000.00 Multi-Service Center, Housing Stability $ 35,000 00 Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation Homeless $ 17000A0 Outreach TOUL $ 14295o.00 2005 CDBG Public Services Contingency Plan 1n the`event of an increase the additional funds will be dEvided egually among the funded agencies. in the event of a decrease each agency will be decreased proportionately with no agency receiving less than $10,000. P:\Human Services\General Fundl\2005 General Fund Application Cycle\Allocation Memo to Mayor,doc 2005 CDBG Capital Funding Recommendations Recommendation 11 A enc Program City of Kent Home Repair $ 2$9,81fi Employmen# Multi'-Service Center Develo ment - $ 75,000 PICC New Facility .�..:���1..::%.�:�...,���t-Ii�%t�..�-M.%.J-n�!!:.%���:1.I,:t.�:j,�..�..-,ti%-%.%....:,.,�,!:...�:...:.�.��.�:--::..._�_�..�%_-....:�...,�..�..�,:.�.,:�%:..I,:�:......:�.�..��;�-�...?:.%...(�....,%%..�..:�����..:..�...-..:....'t%.....i:....�:._%%....-:_�i.......:��...1:.�_�..:...�.....%.,.:...:�.,.1.��...._.:�%..�i..��.,:!!..:,1........1�%.%.�I-..,.:..:..:.I-t�.I,�.�.-�!..I�:�.�....�...,.�:��...,_�_-...%�.,,�...����..%-��:...�.�:%.��_ii�.:-.I_.......�-�i!__'1_..:I:..�.:,�;I�.::�,_..:.�.�-:..:��..,�:�-�:t��I.:�_�..%I-�::'I..�:.:�.,:..�:--�.�,�.!%%:.�...�.�_.!,,.,�:...:,,::.%.��o%�-..I,.��.,ti:�-..1��:.,,'..-I�-%-i�1.�.1:..�"-�..:;..�1�1.�...�:�.."_��1':�._...�I�'_..��.,..,���...!:..,1����,����.�...,:�.:..,.��.�,'1��:;I,'�...���.�!���".1%..:1:,��..,I'..��.�:��.'I�.,,.%��I�..,:,��.%�:W...:I�,,�,�%.�,�I_��.-.1,,1:.�:I-:,�'.,�_�..�..,.���1.l.._'-..��..:1,,��.�.�.��,.�,�,:�%.:�"�:�t ii.�..�.�.i��,.%,,.��___-.I._,,-%.:'-%:1:�,:�.��..:�.��%:....�:,::..1:�1��:.,":�-.%:1I:l,�.11:i.,:..1J��:..���._�:,I.:.�,.,:I:�..I,..,�,_%.�I1..::�.:1:.:!�,:.�1:,,:i..,.,..�.I,,..__;�.,,--.,�.�:�_%�.,::��.It_�,�,��..-.,:�...I,...�,:1:�.;_.,��:.�.�1,'.1:.,..�-1I,,I,.:��:_.:I:::1.:1�.�_.,1I,��_-1.!1�:,1.::�-.....:1.%..�..���::.�,,�_t�.��.'1_,_�.�:,%::%1::%,,�__:.:.,,I��..:��:1J::.I—I1 1i,...%.:�,:1:_1,!..I,.�_':i-t.�.I:,1�_,_��I%�.�-..i'1.I l�;,1�-�.�II,-:1.�:1�:':_.:%,�:��..::._,_._1�l:t:..�,.��::,I�..�,-t1.- Construction $ 100,000 Home . ht First Homes $ 1051000 g Kin County Housing Springw©od Community Auth©r�ty Cen#er $ 50,000 7©ta! 619,816.00 200 CDBG Capital Contingency Plan CQNTINGENGI( PLAiI INCREASE - If additional funds are received or recaptured the following will be funded: Q' Home Repair up to $400,000 total �. Q Multi Service Center-Employment Services Project up to $150,000`total Q Public Facility Project - non profit rehab or Park rehab DECREASE- If there is a decrease in funds programs will be cut in the following order,. 1.` King County Housing Authority 2.' HormeSight First Time Homebuyer Program 3. PICC .. 4; Multi Service Center.. . . ..5. :I of Kent Home Re alr . .y p . . IN RpTI©N . 20 5 CDBG PLANNING AND:ADM lST. Total Planntn and Administration $ 194 600 ..,` . .. .The Cit has.e.l.ected to ex end the full 20%0 of En#itlernent fpndin f©r Plangin .and . p g g .. . Administration . ::. , . : . P:\Human ServiceslGeneral Fund\2005 General Fund Application Cycle\Allocation Memo to Mayor.doc .. CDBG Ca ital Fundin With Reallocated Funds Reallocated `` A enc Program Funds Cit of Kent Home Repair $70,184 -.� �:'.".I,1-."I:-�'-I.1"I.:%-�.:���%.z,--,�'�..�,�:::_'�.��:�-:�t.:.I�:1,,.,:'9..,�1.-,,��.-l�.:.,�.l,,�.'�,!,,.:.'�,.-,.-:.:-"..,�,.,���%�.l�-�.,...�;���--J�..:.:�:�i-.�-.:.,�-,�.�-:��..�.�%., City of Kent Park Project $120,000` Total $190,184 Funds Available Recaptured— $116,002 One Stop %�1::..�..�.��:%� :�. ::�-.-:::�...� �..i�:.:..�� � �M ... Recaptured — $74,1$2 2003`P &A $'!00,'!84 �: :I���:�l����:��:l��������:l�l����,,�:", M :i.:..1%.-....% :.. :.��!.-!%:: % .% . .1::.:::%:....% �..!. -.— %-.. ..:..% .: - :.!-��..... . %%.-. . ::%:i�: ... .. ..- . ..i�...... ���-I�V�t.,,�.III�i��I:",--�,�1I�:�:....���,.....%,-..���.:.I..1,�:..�..:..:-�-I,-,�..:-..-�-,:�:..�:..�.�%....�.�..�-��...III1;I...I1 I,-.--.-�.,-1(N:-�::.:-��.�-1::.....,,;I11,:..,�j-I:.......-�:.:...I.�...1:—1�..�...�-i.�,�...-,!.,-�1-;,�::.%..-,-...-,,,,,,,,,,,-.1-�:.:�:.-��."-:..AIz-�:..:_-�.--:1,_,:--.:,-":1�:��:%1������������,'�:..�-:!,��:.:1,�.I,-���,::�,-�..:1��.-"%.%;��,-�..-.I,1:--�-::�������������I--:.%1�',..............,.....,�'t,��.:-..I Amend the 2fl03 Annual Action Plan #o cancel the proposedDne Ito Human p Service C�'n#er Actlly at $11. 6 and to recaptWre $74,�18 of unused Planning and Administrafiiion funds. The funds will be reallocated to fund t .e following . projects: Kent Home Repair ;$ , ,'184 Kent Park Projec# $120,000 The proposed amendment will be prepared by staff and released for the public comment period as set in the Consolidated Plan Citizen Participation Plan. There will be a public hearing at the close of the public comment period. The amendment will then be forwarded to Council for approval. If approved by Council the funding will become available for use ..__:_ PAHuman.Services\General Fund\2005 General.Fund Application Cycle\Allocation Memo to Mayor doc