HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 06/17/2004 4 070-0-01"ft 1, .-..� .. �...-.i:.. 1�� 1, ... ..-- . . . . 4 - .��.� ,��, ,-:,�,� -�,-�, �� " 71 ,� 11,�,W ,, ,1 . .. .�:.- : �:I :%i��%�.. .. .;: I� z I 1, ... . - - . `- I�EhI T AGENDAi. 1"75"' 4 T°" KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for Thursday,June 17th,;2004 2:00 to 4:00 PARKS,RECREATION& (possible special session from noon to 2:00) COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson, ©hector City of Kent Centennial Center Mountain Uiew Conference Room HOUSING& HUMAN'SERVICES Katherin Jwhnspn Manager COMMISSION MEMBERS: Mailfrtg Address 290 Fourth Ave,S Melvin Ta#e,Vice Chair(1/2005) Kent,' sad z=5i 96 Edna White, Commrssioner.(1/2005) L'ooatlon Brad Bell, Commissioner(1:J2007} goo West Gowe Jqn BottGn, Commissioner1�2006j rent,Washington Perry Raak, Commissioner(1/2007) Rod Saalfeld,chair{1I2006) Phone:z53�86f��5t170 Cathy Peters, Commissioner(1/2006) Fax:25-I 'l sq q Bret#Hollis, Commissioner(112006) D66b a`Ftaplee, :::I :Councilmember(1/2005}` MI II eeting Agenda Possible Special Session: Appiica#ion Review-Final Funding Recommendations 12:00 pm—2;00 pm (Lunch will be provided) ,11 Regular Business I.`:. Approval of May 2004 Meeting Minutes Action ��-�,��,����-���-,�,---��,,1-,-I-I,-,,,,',1�,1I�I�"',1:1",,,I'",,I, ",,,'1%II,,I1"I,��,,�I,"",,,I',,I",,I���,,I1-',,',1I 1�"I I,,,"1,1 II I'lI l,�I�,,1,I 1,1-'1:1,,'1-,:' 1i, Application Cycle—Staff Ove.:.:���.....:.rview '.i........-.:.-:.....� .....:%.%...:.....I�!!..:I...!. i...-'!...%i-..:%..%. ..%....I.:..:.!'.'.........�...�.....i.:................................�....�:... i...�.....�.....:.....1.-...:..1.....�....�......i:........:... .:.........:...:.... .........%.-.� I:%.nformation I11. General Fund Human Service Recommendations for 2005/2006 Action �...... ...:-::...........%...:.........:..:..�..:..... ...:%%.!�...�.�..:-..... . ... IV. CDBG Public$ervice Recommendations for 20Q5 Action V; General Fund Contingency Plan Action UIDBG Public Service Contingency Plan Aeton New Business: VI1. Human Services Month 2004 Information Vlil. CDBG Minimum Funding Level Policy Recommendation Action � . . ... . . . . . .. ... .. :. 1 � 1 �:1�, ����,�,�,,�1.:���.. . :!��.�.......... .. -.........:: . - -� �-, ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,�,� ,1, "�'' �,I I I 77 . . .. .. , ... . : .. . :..%.-.�...1.% ....:.:%. : %. -: %- �.�.::!.%i......�..1.......-:...... .. - ... .�...--.....�. � � ........ . . . .. � i � � .. . .. %. .. ....... . . ... . ... ..... ..� . . .... . . .. .. . . .. .. I 1, .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . - . . �;�� .. . ... - - . . , :, . : . . . ..�..!:..��....�%......I:��... .:..i.:.....� .. � � . ... I,�- I I - : . .. . � � . ..�...�.:: :%. �... .%. :1. ..%%.I .. . .- ... .... . City of Kent Human Services Commission' wASH,NGTON Meeting Minutes May 20, 2004 I I � ,: ----,i i%m= - - , ,, - : The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Rod Saalfeld, at 2:00 pm. on Thursday, May 201 ,,�,:'���,,""i"�."''��,,,�,�,',1,"I,"':,�i,,�'I,I"�'1,!'�',�,'",�',�,��,,,".'",1,,!e,II'i,,""I,�,1�",','�,�"1,�,1%II,��,,,III',":,1�,,���,�,,:,I,I�1",,','�i�',,,",":,,,,,�,,II��,,,,1,",i,�,,I,'`'�:,,,,'��,",1,`I,,l�,,:'�,1I',:'I�,-,�,:�,,I!:�A1,�,,1,I!,��,1I,:,��,,II,1I�i,)I,,',I""I',,�,�,���'��,i-,�',f:,,.,1i����,,��,�I-"�"��,�i����I I�i�I',i,�,�:�',,,',,",�,"�-:-����,II1,-,,),,iI'l�"��i",��,:1'���,,i�,i"-_,,),,',I,�:"�"1,,,:�,�,l�-'"I,,"'�,-;�,�,,�,:11�,�,�1��,,�''�ii,,����,,�,�,�,�"�,:"",�-,,���I,,��i����"-�,��''�,�'�,l,��""',��!)�,,:1",','��,�-�,"I�����I�,��"`-�-�',,",",,�-�","'I,'�,�,""�',"""",",,�,1",,,,�",',,",�"��,"''�,i'",���'1�,,,.���"v)""-:�,,�",,�-I""�.��',I`�.,,,"�%.,:\��,�:,�,',�1�,:"'"",,��",1'."'""�'�,,',��%'.'',,,'",","�,,'-,'11",",��;:`��,-��'�",,�1 I.,,l"'I,,,'�`'',I:,���,-��"1,�l,'""�,'���'",�"%"�-,1,�"��,�,,''�",,,,',�"',,�J:-,,��,,,:,,',�1:�"�.��,'��,�,�,,,,1�,�I V�I,�,�'',�,�1-,'�-".,,,"��%,,�,,,"���)1,,�)�,'���:'�1,,���:�,-,,,��"�,,""I�',1.",���,,�,",�:,"�"�1�,,��,�,,1`I,',�,��",,"',",,,�,��I",��",�,'��1,1,I�, -:,",-�,,�,"�,1�1I,i,��1��':�,-�,"',%,�,:�',',�,'iI�,,,',�"�li1',�',1I-,�,:���-',1,�",,'",,",,'-1,1��,��-1 1��-�,�,,l1"-",,,,:�',�';'",�'�',�:�',,��,,i�,,��'���""-�'"��I,,�-��,",')�,��"-���-����'�����,,,','-',"�,I,�",,,,�:��",,,",�"�',:"''�-�i,Y�,�'-��"��I',,'�'`-,,","�'�',I,',""�'�",,I,,,��-�'"",,�,I'�"''',�,,:,',I,,��',�,,i��,�,�',�:�,�-��1��',""��,',i',I�.'!,",����%1",,,�',!I,''�"'�.��,��,��"',�,I,��,l,,l,"�1���,-�'�.,"','��,"l,"i�1�,,"I�,-,���"�.e,-'��,,��,-,,,1,-�,',,,,_',-�:,'1-�,'�,')'�"�,.,�,'1�,�"I"''1,,i,,1 l�',,:�-�,-,',1�l,,,"!"��A��,��")�,1�,�,,�-�,".1�,,�I-���,I��"�,�,,1I�,I�1-,1,'1,',,�I"",�,:i,,�-���,�',�,��c'--,�',,,,",,�,�,,�11"1l,��,,%-,,"��-,1�',��1l�,''��"',,��!�-�1",,',��,,,�'��-�'�-���i:1:�,I�,��;�,,",�-.,:",�`"_"��,,''".���,-',,��',,,",���'�",,�1.",�,,,,��,'"��,'I��,,',,,,�J,�,,,"��,'�:,�,,",,,,�:,I-I��i�I�'����-,',��I���I.1���:��',�,'`:I,'�.���,I,,i��!,!�.',i'.:,"_�,,�,',.����I�,�i'���I'i,�I��i��..,,��I,�����!"��i.,��,',,,1�.`,,"1,��..,''�'i,�,��,�:l.."�,,�,��,�,�,'�,,,�,�'�,"'�,-�1����",�,',"�,"i1'"�,-i:,,,':�,��",���,,''I,��'���'%l��,:,,�),",�'�''1�(-,'-��,,,,::'�,�-',,"��1:1,,�,�:,,,,,"','��i,��,�-�1,��:'1'�"�" ..:%i;�1.1:...,,..:-I-..:.��.:�1�.:-.%:.:.:1��.....,'"..:1,.;i......�........:.�..,..:.�....:..���...I.�...�1...%�..�....�:�...�.-.:.�.p 2004 in Centennial South of the Centennial Building,'first floor MUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT. Rod Saalfeld, Chair Mel Tate, Vlce Chair Perry �kaak, Commissioner Jon Botten,'Commissioner Cathy!Peters, Corn.missioner Brett Hollis,;Commissioner Brad Bell, Commissioner Deborah Rapple, City oun...... nber HUMAN SERVICES d MMfSSIONERS ABSENT/EXCUSED: Edna White, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson, Parks, Recreation & Community Development, Director Katherin Johnson, Housing & Human Services, Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Human Services Coordinator Kathy Allard, Administrative Assistant Regular Business: 1 ; Approval f March 20D4 Meeting Menu. Commissioner Raak MOVER to approve the March 2004 minutes, Commissioner Tate SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ll. Added Agenda Item Consideration ofi the YWCA Anplication The M. CA applica#ion for Anita�ista`T ransi#ional .Qu.sing was inc©ntplete upon submittal; The Commission s#abed that in the pas#',the Commission` has no# accepted incomplete applications and in farness to all of the other a'gencles applying; . . . the applca#iori for Domestic Violence Transitional Housing could not be considered for funding. Commissioner Bel MOVED, and Ca#hy Peters SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ........:...�.....M�....�.�.. li. Application Cycle-Staff Update Katherin Johnson gave an overview of the application cycle Agencies applying for 2005-2006 funding from the South Ding bounty : cities com Ieted' vne ` rant :a lication which the Y P � pp Y 1 e wt i tf�en submit to each ci# the ar re uestiri fundm from . : Y Y q g g The goals of the new process included 1) to make the application process easier for the agencies and 2) to make it easier for the cities to compare services offered. Technical assistance was offered by staff throughout the process Agencies had the option of completing the application early and: meeting with staff to review areas that could be improved. Staff was also available for ques#ions via telephone, e-mail and two walk--in sessions: Katherin discussed the steep..:..` increase in the number of applica#ions received and the emoun# of total funding requested. n is tive f he n eds i :o r co rriiunit ; as. we.. The increase $ i d a o t: n u . rn , a as the difl:icult the a e %ncies are Navin mee in : e need, +e ll'``> fib;" it e �espe tf Y m:t d Katherin Johnson, Manager.. Housing & Human Services t„ - . .: . . .: . .. .. ... .. :� �� -, - .. ... . . . ....:: .. .. . .. . .. . . . . , , , - .. .. .. . . . . .. . . ..... . . .. . ... . . i.. .. ... % . . . �.�.�.%- .. . ......... . ... . . . . . . .:% . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. ...........- . . % . .. i .. ..� ... .- % .. . . . . . . .. .. .%. .. .%..... -- -. .. - — ... .. ... .. ... . — . . . .. . .... . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....%. ... ... . ... ....... .. ........ . ....... - - ....I: - ... �..��.��!l�� .:.... , . — �.... ......... .. ..... .: - .. .�..%.�.. �. . .:: . :.%... .....%.. ..%. :.... ... . . .. % . ... . . - - . . . . ..... . . . .. . . . . . 1 1 � - .- . . . ............ ... - . . . . . ... .......; ...�.......... . . �. . . � ......... .... � . . . . . . %��: . ...�. � . . . . .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ..: .. ., .. .. . . ... ... .... . . . . . . - . . . . . . .�. . . . . .�.�, ,­7�1, p ... . ., ICE OF:TNE MAYOR . % . ... . .% Jim White, Mayor I - I 1 Phone:253-856-5700 .- :.....!... � Fax: 25I 3-856-6700 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S.Kent,WA 98032-5895 ...�...- .-.. :�. :. ..%i.WASH GT N , . � I P. A..,� T,.�..,11I�1. 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City Council .pmbeTs ... Mike.mir in :C O O�i..-.:�%.�....*�....:�..:�.i.—�.:,.%......�..l..-....�.�....:....!....::�....�;......:�:�.-........�....�:.:.....%...% ...�..�.!.� &:.- -.-I�: : . k m Jun Va :&7:Mayor SUBJECT;. Appointment46.Ximtft. an.t Services. .A * ..,�:�.U�1i-i. s�.,.1 l J;naye1; p,tinted . . �.Gd k pdams-td serve.".W. npwbOTVf�th� Services' X-::�.� 0� 0".� 0,�.�.. .�,0 4.� �.,�: 4:.," .� .I'e1. .:,. .r..7-. v I.:.. c....-.........%....-.�.��.�!.-:....:....-..ii........�:.:..i :1.%...I..,......:.....;.1-......%!........-..-1:.....� -..:..�..�.:�..�:.........-.. ......;..:..:.:.�...1..I.e..I................�.....�::.....:..:....... .--­.....:I:.�.�%....�....,..i...:.....:..�...�..:...�1..,�..:.%...:....%.-..I..�.��.......:...�1�...�..1.:.... -�...-...:�::.....:.1.s g . . Commission H0 Sro graduatedfrom %Seattle� &_ chooA=&.kPRO YPd,hi �R6fA�1r ....:...... ...%::i:�.-..........:�.::......�:.....::......�....�..�..�:....�.:....-1..-..�.-.�....�..:......�..�-%..:�. .....-..:...!.....%I��......�.....,.�....1..:...­"....,...:........�....�.....�. %....:.-..i....-%.�-...-1......�%.......�-.. :.........1.....:.1... h:...�.�..:%�:,...1....:.........�..�...:�.:....-%..�:..�..-....:.......:....... .I1.............!:....:.%...i.....��.:..-:..1.-�:!.........1.,.....�::%..1.......I.11:..�� 11%.�......-.�..-.......1..:l:...� , � I1VeTS DWas M .Q p A&14 T isbi4el�� n: ��. dUSl .Relations:. . ...o outR- %. ����.......��................!...:...:.�. .-.........- .�I......�...:...1-.:..... :��%.�....'�:...:.%....:... 1.�...%.........:.:..- ....:��....:.�. -...�...:�.-..............:..,:.......%...�..-.=.�..:........ � .�......:.�.%%.%..:�:.i1!.�...1.i.....:....I.'..:.:...i...�.....1r�......:..... .:.... !......:..-...%...,.....1 �...:�:..�..I..:...:.......!..- ....,.....:....%...%..�....�..... .....�.:%......:.: ....1 .1.. �:.�.�..%�...:..........I.�-....%. .Nu A ee e worked.ai Allstate-�$0 Oe�6QM. y;�Ramier:B 1�=d Marsh a d McLkhran et his partl4 retirement 12001 h. worked .M McDowell Northwest,Inch, .. . q currently dt , sz6*h6fship of residential real estate develop ent company. .,,- Mr. Adams volunteers at Childrees Therapy Center,Deparment of Corrections, Communities in Schools, and the City of Covington. In his spare time he enjoys tennis, golf,reading and projects around his home. Mr. Adams will replace Brad Bell,who resigned. His term will continue until l/l/07 I submit this for your confirmation. Jb 1! ...1%..%..:-�.�..Ii.�......%.--..:...�...'....�.!:i!�.�.......�:.i.%.�.T!�:............:.. ....%..;.I�%.........�.........I.1:......�:...�.:..........��.:.........:�.% ..:.:�...�.. ... ..:....-%.1... ..........!...:..:.:. .%�:�:...:..:.... ..1i.%...�..- ..........�...:.:.1.�.�....�...�.!:.�....�. .. 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