HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/17/2003 , , � .. .. ... .. . . . . ... ­-�% ��::%�l..:.-%::::�-...,:,:.:.,�,-.%�.. :: � � : ,�i �.��!:��.. .. �..% .�-.. .:.:...: %...............�...:....- . .. % %..�.....-.:. %..%...1- �. ...% %.- 1.%.1.... . �..: - � :.%�::.%:�.�:-::�.%:.::�..:.i.�..-.....% �... . :% % % %: . ... . .. ... . . . . ....... . .. .. � .. ..�% �..�.... %....%- %�::l�:�:����:.:.�.��.���.....���..% .. ... .I.� .. 1 .�����..���.��.�.%:..%%��%:�.:�..:�.::... � � � � :... ..... .:. .%. .. . . . ... . .. %. . . .:. . �.i�:��...�..... .. .. - ..!:. . . . . . .. . ...... .. - ��� �,..%...... .1 %:. .:.:I:..-��:.:%:�. �.:....::.�:�.:....1%:.1�. I , .1. �. .. ..�.. .. - .. I .� .. I 11 I I z,, , 11 I I . . ... . . %.. ..... KENT W A SH I N G T�O N AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS,RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, April 17th,2003 COMMUNITY SERVICES % ` John Hodgson 2:30-4:30 p.m: y Director.,. City of Kent Centennial Center Phone:253-856-5100 Suite 401 -Mountain View Conference Room Fax:253-856-6D50 220,Fourth Ave. S Kent;WA 98032-5895 Commission Members: Meluin Tate Cornrnissioner(1/2005); Edna White; Commissioner(1)2005) Brad Bell, Commissioner(1I2004) Mike.:. 1isch, C©mmissioner;(1/2004) Per Raak, Commissioner 1/2004 ry { ) Judy Viloods, City Council Member(1I2004) Rod Saalfeld, Cornrnissioner(1%200. ) Edward :. Park,Commissioner(1 :-, -, Vacant Position Meeting Agenda Special Presentation ` BUILDING BETTER FUTURES PROJECT ` {Mike Heinisch, Executive Director Kenn Youth & Family Services) I. Approval cif November;2002 Meeting M-nutes Action 11. Set.Retreat/Application;Workshop ©ate Action Ill, CDBG A%. :11' tion Cycle Information IV, Safe Havens Visitation Center Grant-Update Information The City of Kent Human Services Commission KENT Meeting Minutes WASHINGTON March 20, 2003 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by;Chairperson Melvin Tate at 2:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 20, 2003, in the Mountain View Room of the City of Kent,Centennial Building. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Melvin Tate,Chairperson Dr,Judy Woods,Councilperson lUIiice Heinisch,Commissioner Rod Saaifeld,Comtrissionsr Edna White,Commissioner Perry Raak,Commissioner [1[JIYIN SERVICS COMMISSIONERS ABSENTIEXCIJSEA; Reverend E.I ParlCommissioner Brad Fell,Co'nmissoner F[UMlN SERVICES STAFF P11aEESENT: 7ohn lei.Hodgson, Direetor`ofParks,Recreation and Community Development Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Merina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson,Human Services Coordinator Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant I. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 2002 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner White MOVED to ;approve the minutes of the meeting. Commissioner Heinisch SECONDED the motion.Motion carried. U. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 2003 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Heinisch MOVED to approve the minutes of the meeting. Chairperson Tate SECONDED the motion,Motion carried. III ELECTION OF 2003 OFFICERS Commissioner Heinisch MOVED to nominate Commissioner Perry Raak as the new chairperson for the' Human Services Commission. This was SECONDED by CommissionerWhite. Mohan carried. For the position of Vice Chairperson, Commissioner White MOVED to nominate Commissioner Rod Saalfeld: This was SECONDED by Commissioner Heinisch. Motion carried Iv. REGIONAL POLICY COMMITTEE REPORT Katherin shared with the Commissioners the latest effort to define regional Human Services for King County, The group has gathered and analyzed data from King County, Seattle and suburban cities to develop a baseline funding level.This report was presented to the elected members of the Regional Policy Committee on March 5th. Since the members did not receive the plan in time for review, action was delayed until the next meeting. 1�1:111 1 11 I�:I1 I:1I�1!I:,�,:�1:1::,:—�1��­�,1,�,,­,��,'�:��I'�­,,��:I,�,—�1­��I 1,,�1I�_,,:�,��:��,�,�­��,,::",�,�:"�,��,:'",�',:,:1,�"�,-_�_I-���,: I I 11 V. SAFE HAVENS VISITATION CENTER GRANT1I1{N,.,. Dinah Wilson,Human Services Coordinator, shared that the City of Kent was selected to :�1...%..%%%�,1­.%.I1 I.:..:..�.�.%.:.:­.— ..­.:.....:....%% receive a three;'year $500,000 grant from the Department of Justice to develop a safe %:. visitation and exchange center. Users of the facility will be low to moderate income families with a history of family violence. The City of Kent is one of just four cities nation 1. wide to receive this grant. am � - =��, :::�1.1 1i VI. CDBG UPDATE The City received its allocation amount from HUD. For 2003 the total funding is$973,000 which is an increase over the$604,000 allocated in 2002 The contingency plan developed by the Commission and approved by the Council will be used to allocate the additional funds .%���.�����:.��%,��.I..���:.�.��i1�......1���i..:.��l!!.��......:�:�.�..%.:.......!.....��:%..,�,�,.%!:i.:���..I:��:.�l�-­�!...��.......:.(-.II.%:...,�,,..�J:%.�.�.I..:�,:�..:.%..,i.����'�1..,—..:����.��..1�,�t.�.�:.-:.%..�:-,�:�.�:.'.�.%,:,:"��.�...!.:�����­�,:..%,��:.-���::I:%%�:.�.�.�I.;;����:t.:.:�.��,.�%:�:*.�....�:_,J:1,�:- VII. SI7BREIONAL BiJSINESS PLAN UFDATE .....::....:............... ..:.. . :....:.... .....:.....::::......::..... ...............:........,..:.. .....:... ...:...........:......... .:: :.... .. «.:..:...` ....::,I�...:i,.�.,,!�'.�..'�..'­�,�..�%...:.:..�����:.:.I��1�.�.�_,�'.��,�,n..'�:.­,:..,.�.%,.:_,,.�:%:II.-.:.:.�!_�.:­�.'..::�,��,—�:�.�:...,,.,,..1,:%�..:%.:_,.%­�:......%�,:�-.z.�Z�..�,.�'�..":!.:�.%:�����i.:::.I::-,-.:....�:.,i:�...',..'�..:�%%%�.-%��,.:�:_�,:��,�.�_.,,�'%�:%,I....:.:_,,..�:���!��.::.:�:::j,.�.._�l�.�:I'���.':,..,���!.�::��.,,.:�:'.:,,.::�.�Z1—.:�:��,��":,.:­, ,!-�:...1 p.:,:..I,1�.�.,.,:,I:..�1.:�-..�11:..��..1���.....,�,:�,.��1�.."�,,_ 1":.I,�1�_-::%:.I.,.�.�1:'�l,�-:....�,,l_1::,,,l...�:t..l.:.­i�',:t..,..-I::..",:�.1 1 l't�.":..:�I::..:�l...�,l:_t.� ..:. .. ..... ..::.:::.::.%%..::........:. ion r r ceive st a e. n 2003-20.0 '13.- ss Plan : >Buildin Health; Commis e s e d a aff u d.t o ..... .. ..... . g . .... .:.: P, ,- .... , . . ..: Human Services in South<King County. T1h are dive key areas;being addressed in . .. .... .. .... ::. . . . . ; . . . the.:::.: lan..includm. ..;:Goal...1.:::..the..;` a .. n...food..:b:ank. .a .ac1... ...:.and..;the... ......at8x...need..for.:'. ..` p �..::::... . ......:::: g..p . timer ertc ;services -:;Goa1.2. the la k,of out:of school activities for, outh; n:South Kin . .. S 3' .. )-' Y g .. County); Go a signifi an nce problem.. Ktng Count. Goa :::... . . a13 (th t domestI y�ole n South 1 4• obae o:use n South Kin Coun .. is hi her:,than in other 'arts of the Gour� ., add Goa . .. t c ...... p . t3': ... ..... . ....::::........::..: S t3' : . � :.. : :::::: : .... .::: ::: • :: : If self.siuffeienc; wa a n.a' .. 5' nchv duals moon om we ark to or cannot;ac :;eve;u , ... ... . .. . . y , g , single step and childxen who do riot graduate with a h1gh school diploma stand;little chance of sustaining themselves or a family in today's economy). The Plan will be presented to the South King County Human Services Forum at their May meeting. VIII. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The Regional Policy Committee of the King County Council received and accepted the staff report defining a baseline of human services for King County. The Committee also approved a joint legislative agenda: 1. Mental Health`Funding - further cuts to the mental health system cannot be absorbed 2 Stable Local Publk Health Funding local public health needs a dedicated long . :term r venue:st':eain :' ,'::'%:::.:`:.%%.. . '`.':;';.` .:: : :.:.,' %.. : ... ... . . ..•:. .:....:.. : : : . . . . :: 3. B.asic:Health Flan—Rl'C supports`coverage for as many 1ow-income households as possible .. . 4 General Ass;since=Tritenm GA'=UI C o : Qses cuts in.GA= . which:will. . .: Pp r:::::..:.:.:.. .:::::.::..::...:.....::;:: .::: .:.:.:.::>: ,:...::..:::::...:.:.....:. : ....:.........:......::.,.:.::.:,:: 1::.: 1 d to�n r sedr.omelessne s.�ncreas d hun er' nd increased use of acute menta health services . . . .. .. .. ..... .. . . : : .... 5. Children's Block Grant &A:% 'o `oses;cuts:#o:arid`J... k; anhn of a nun b`er . . ::.. : .... : .... . .:-. :.. ; :;.% ...: .: g l of s ificant children s ro ams:that hel 'reduce the demand for home ess 'oufh �gn• p .p . Y servIcesin the County 6, Housing Trust Fund the RPC opposes a'statewde reduction to the Housing Trust Fund used for`low income and affordable housing The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. ( ,WU&AA�-_=� � I I 1, 11 . . % %. . — .......... .. ­­__ � ?Jlaw -/ � ­t��:1 �_ � � ,, � , I I I �­. . ... .. . . . : . Katherin Johnson,Recording Secretary ",,,,, I,'I',I,'' ""I"," "", , �...,�Ei., - -- �i� -....-... � . - ... . ... :...%..%%: ",, " 111111 ��, ' :,� �1-111111 77 . . � �� . ® THE CITY OF KENT K HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION wnsH N0T0N MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 200�L, The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Edna White at 2:30 on Thursday, November 15, 2001, in Counc) Chambers East of Kent City Hall. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edna UVh�te Mel Tate E:.....:��:�..:���.���.�..%::.:�..�...:.�..I�:�:..�..;:%�;��....�:�.�.:.::�..:�.�..��.�.:.%�.:�.��..�..:.%;.-:.:..:.�%:::.....�.:i::.:.:!.�I�.:-.,..�..-�-.%.�:%�:..... -.-.�� 2.� .. '..:..��...�..:.�...:%��..��,���t:�,�'�,]�,���.�:���:-:�:tt��,I��:��",:::,��,�,:II",,'�.:'�t,�.I,..,:.I.�......:..�.......�..:..%:...�......!..�...-:!.%.:.�.-.%.:.........:....%..% PIt-erry Iaak Pam I�oberks Jon J.... ...en' Dim Duclos HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSONEFS EXCUSED/ABSENT Brad Bell Judy Sarff Tim Clark HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Katherin Johnson/FlumanServices Manager Merina Hanson, Planner Kathleen Allard, Secretary OLD BUSINESS .�-,�:9.:.:.�:�.....%.�....%.:.�..:..::...�..%:. APROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Jendresen MOVED and Commissioner Duclos SECONDED, to approve the minutes of the September 20`h Human Services meeting Commissioner Tate MOVED and Commissioner' Roberts SECONDED, to approve the minutes of the October 18th meeting. Motions carried COMMISSION RETREAT Katherin Johnson announced #hat the. Commission Retreat would be Friday,`' January 18, 2002, . .the Nealy House. The Commission deciMe 1the topic for the:retreat would be state budget cuts, relating to human services, with dIscuss10n.also regarding the one Stop WINTER CELEBRATION The WinteI-, Celebration for the'Commissioners and staff, will be held at the Firecreek Gnll �rvth a luncheon on Thursday, December 20th, Past Commission members v►iill also be invited. NEW BUSINESS 200312004 APPLICATION CYCLE Katherin announced to the Commission that the budget for the 200312004 .1��:.n-..-:.:.:-:.::�.:..-�.��.—..:..�...:..-.�..%-...�:..1.�..:%.....:.�:..�:,...��-�....�:.%-:�%.-;..%:.%:.:%..�...�1...:%�......��.:�.:-.....:... i funding cycle will be impacted by the slowing economy. She wanted the Commission to consider all options including an increase, decrease or ;cam.. ,.`.e;�::.,. .. :.�:�. .;.%. ...y� " .... .. agency that provides needed services to the community. Katherin also reminded the Commissioners that with DSHS cuts, King County cuts and the decrease in private contributions there may be an increased number of requests for funding. The Commissioners and Staff reviewed the sample RFP. EXPIRED TERMS Commissioners whose terms are expiring are John Jendressen, Edna White, Melvin T11 , ate, Dni Duclos and Council Member Clark. Mike` Heinish, Executive Director of'Kent Youth and Family Services and Cathy Peters, Regional Director of Catholic Community Services were discussed as possibilities to fill the vacant spot left by Commissioner Duclos.; Comm�tlission wilt recommend Mike Heinisch be named to fill the position. Staff will forward to'Mayor White the names of Commissioners'requesting reappointment n Mike Heirnsch as`the agency re resentative. p. ELECTION QF OFFICERS Commissioner Raak nominated Commissioner Melvin Tate as Chairperson for 2002. C;ommissfioner Jendresen SECONDED this. Chairperson Edna .1.; ''.ge nominated ImC,o%:%% sooner Pam Roberts as vice chair. Commissioner Raak SECONDED the nomination, both motions carried: Pastor Jendresen wanted to go on record, #o say a very'apprec�at1. #hank you %to %the Commissioners and staff for doing a great job in 2001. Chairperson White also said thank you to everyone. Commissioner Raak gave Commissioner Duclos a sincere thank ,,.. you for her input over the last two years. . . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 430. Respectfully Submitted .. Kath. ri o ,nson Recording Secretary r, . m KhiT WAS I N G ION April 15, 2003 PARKS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES Judith Peterson, Director John Hodgson Pregnancy Aid of Kent Aw Director P.O. Box 1775 Phone.253-856-5100 Kent,WA 98035 Fax:253=856-6050 RE 20D3 Consultant Services Agreement 20 i=9,41rth Ave11 'S Kent,V1/A 5$95 Dear Judith; This is in response to your letter'of April 10'h In which you Informed us that Pre nanC. Al.d sus ended shel er to c g Y p # Rents pending' renegotiation of its landlord-contract, , A thou h:'..% ":a ; reclate ; o r; e a s . . u x ! n tlon We cannot rele s t. : .. . .p. p . , . . . . a e. funds: tq. %... ..... Y .. :....... ... : ......... ..... ..:.... .. ..... . .... . . .. ... .. ... Pregnancy Aid until the agency fulfills tts obllgatlons pursuant to the Consultant Services Agrement'#hat was fully executed on March 3, 2003 if Pregnancy Arid proldes tried rnghts to Kent clients during the second;quarter,. you may bill us for at that time. Moreover, if the agreedii%upon service units/performance measures are met before the contract expires on December 31, 2003, the City will pay the total contract amount of$6,000. As always, we appreciate the service that you provide to Kent residents. I wish you the best as you renegotiate your contact with Mr. Stewart. Feel free :` to contact me at(23) 856-5076 if you have questions. Sincerely, 1:%�:%:..-..-..1..%...­%. ......... ... ,.:%.:!..: � ­­ � I I ,: �,�:, ... . .... R . . . a �*�t�.�%�:���iK 77::..� . . .... __ . l3inah`R.Wilson W.'. , , , �i�� . ... .... . .... 1Hu man Sere cas,Coord nator, John M. Hodgson,Parks, 9.00 ahon.&__... . it Services Director; . . . ...... .. .. . . .......::...:..:........... ... % 1. .;::...::: :>.atherin:Jo{r son::'Huai... ':..Se....ices':. ., : .: : . . .... , , ah Mann er ..... .......:.:.-.::rY.:..: ...........fig............. .. ..... .. : . :..... :.:. ;Menna:.Hanson':S riio. u:.......... ..:..:.:::-,.:.::.,:,,,,,........ e.. :t.fi..:..:marl„S rvices:Coordinator 1. Contract File PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 #�I T Fax: 253-856-6070 ,v 1 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S W AS HINGT ON Kent,WA 98032-5895 Housing and Human Services First Quarter Repot# 203 GENERAL FUND .% . . Tl cuted. a ort. I I . . .. .�. , �...�,::��-�,�:,�,, , - - 'a"��,",, I :- %.! ! %-. . . . . .. . �---- � ::: I I I W - -��,��,�--i�--� es h ve been fu11 : x6 . . . n ie #o human serve .. a y . on rotiit a e c. s .... . .. .. .. Contracts with n g. . .:. ... %. ;: ;. . .; p :R Federal Vya Auburn en pn;' is s:of;;Kent Burlcn. . : Y, ... .. , % d . The c tie ... .. . . . .. .. .. . tr ctin ,:. liot.is unrnra .. . .. . . . .... .: . .... . ....... ........ ............ .. ...... . . ... ... ..con......a.. .... . .................... ... . . .....y......: .. . :.... . . .... ... . ... 9 p .. ............... ........ . Crisis ; tided to.the r©ect triclu :ed ... . . . . % % i . The a enviesric1 P 1 . Se Tac,ars art�c at n .:: . ::,..... .:.. ..... ....... .. ... ........... .. : Tolcwlla and a :: .. p p �,� .. . .. , ,. ; ::::: :,: o nce an t1. � A a�nst Domestic. V e C tint Co..all on . . . it. enters Kln ...... . .g .. . . . : . . . . . . . : ... In C rnmuni l"lea. I.. g y . CC, o ty ........ .... .. ... King Cognty Sexual Assault Resource Center The agienc�es well submit one reportto the contracting city Which wail then provide copies of the report to each of the partic%ipating crt�es for review. Bus Tickets Human Services is participating in the Metro Bus Ticket program for, , M , ,- " " " ,:i�:� 0 . the first time. The division was approved to purchase tickets at a reduced rate of twenty cents on the dollar The tickets will be disbursed to low-income individuals as needed. Staff will be required to obtain demographic information and maintain accurate records to submit in a report at the end of the year. This program Will provide additional transportation options to residents needing to travel to Seattle for services. SAFE HAVENS VAIIARAN ' : e sti to . . . . . 5.0.%0 000; rant fror.I#h� De artmen# of Ju c:: The City of Kent received a three year $ g p develop a sate visitation a�iind exchange center, Users of the #acility will be low to moderate income familes wltl� a history of faintly violence. The agr,ement with the Dep%artment of m fementation: An ;adviso t are.,currentl. .be. -.... 1 .. . . .. :. rY ee s� ned. and :s aff .. . ..... . . ....y..... ..9 .. . :9 .. . . . Jtastiee ;has b n . . : : , . .... ;.: ;. . ::.. .. .:. . : .. . . t :.In the ro eC# is b.ein f%ormed,: he )o . board conslsting of the partners #hat wlil pa i..;.. a e p 1 g description for'the project coorclinatc1 has been developed and an RFQ for an evaluation group is being`developed Staff:has attended two' rainings. ���-�-���i-�i!�i--�:,�-1-,�:-�1�--����--���-���,��:�---�t:�-�,��,:--:t-��i!�-!1::����������:��t:�-:�1I C,,�I-II'�-,,,'�:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2003 Report Human Services .doc ',,�I­'-tlI-- �.....:. 1: . I ,I I I I , I , I I I . . . . .: . . . : I 1, I I I I I 1,I:, ,, . % I I I I � ,,,,, ,I I I I , , .. .� :I,.,:I�I ....... : I I ,�,��:�, 1, I I I I �I I :. � .. .-. . .. . 1. I I I z I I ,, .:. . :��! I I I I I I I - ,I I . . i . . % ,I , , , : 1, , ,�� : � I � 1, �:,�,:�,�,:,I-� '' -1-111�il - .. . (.........,I : I I,:�,, , I :, ,:, I I�I,, ,I i ,:I I I,I I I�,-z�-:I � I 1- I'� I , :1, ,I I I I I . .. ... I I ,,1,,�:1,�: �: �,� ,,:1%:z��,,�, : ::� I I I 1,�,,I I I I I I I I:�,,:::,:�, ",:i,i ,, , : . ... ... .. : ........ .COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 11 �:,:',- ,I im, ---%� . The City of Kent Consolidated Plan has been accepted by HUD. The City received its allocation amount from HUD. For 2003 the total funding is $973,000 which is an increase over the $604,000 allocated in 2002. The contingency plan developed by the Commission and approved by the Council will be used to allocated the additional funds. The transfer ' agreement between the City and the County is being developed. This agreement will transfer unspent funds from 2002 to the City's HUD account allowing the funds to be used in 2003. .... ;; i : o review; oi�cies and: rocedures:: : and t CA! ;li .. ,re re$entat ire t p .... :Staff %met�►acith trainers........... he. ..... .........................p ...... .. .. . . ... . . ... ......... ......�... . ... :... .. ... ... :.. . . .... . . . .. . .. :::. :.. : .:.: ....... : .. .... ..: . . .. ......... . : .......... .. ... .. . . . ale rn lntenance . .: . or standards env�ronrnental re ;�ew� a required by HUD. Topics included lab ., :11- and eligible activi#ies.: �004 Appl�cat� ns Applications are being accepted by the City of Kent%for 20-04 C©mmunity Development Block Grant Funds. Block grant dollars are available for both capital and human service projects. The human serve.es portion 4f Block Gran#funds is very limited;esti t.at: d at $145,000. Capital dollars are estimated a#$632,000. Capital dollars are also limited since the City has consistently funded its Home Repair Program with capital dollars. The Home Repair program is currently funded at$300,000. . I�k����!��,��,��,�:,�::j � �11 ::, I , " ' 'M . - 1:� , iffim'' Applications for the 2004 Block Grant dollars are available by calling the Housing & Human Services Division. Completed applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on May 15, 2003. HOME REPAIR You#h t111orkcarnp .. a ou d the coon#: as:a Youth : w 1 host: a.. rou oun . . eo le frpm r - n ry ... . . . . . The Crt of Ken. lI . :: y . p1 . p ... . %. Y ..: : .:... :. :.... .. . :p. ..:. .:... . ... .:. .:. % . ,,. . : : .orkcamp sets this ,duly ThisQ. is a ion.. protect with the. M011 Service Center and the Kent ,. . s o sor of the event:':The. . i e>Ce ter :>;is the;non . roht. cp n . . .. c o1 D strict, T_he Multi Sere e : n . ...... . ... . . . . ......... : .: p. . . . . . ...... . . S...ho........... ........... .. ...: . ... ...... . ...... .. .. . .. : .... . ... . i b uden The teens;w. e hi a ool:to:house the:st ts. . tr ct: is rovtdrn use of a; h h. . :. .. . : .:......... s�ch�ool drs. 1. 9 9 . . . . . . .... P . : . ....... .. . ...........: : .: .....:..... ...:. ..::.........:. re #ar eted at the'' omen o sen ors ou o t the Clt .,.The. re airs a. ..... : : ....... . .. . : ...orn .home re arr..s th........ h....u.... . ....... p t.�... ..... . .. . ............ ................ g P 9 .Y: . .:: . .: . ... : . ... . ......... : : .. ; ;: . : ;.;, ..., .. .: . . disabled low- moderate income fam�l�es and trans�t�onal housing!units. The services are c e:to Kent Barbec0§ on Jul nth,'H.pMe wne s. Staff w�II host a V1lel of y . ... .free:to the homey . , r . ..... . ..: : .. . . .. ;..; . Repair js currently assisting by promoting :the program►, wnt-ng the work plans, pnovidin general oversight, and reviewing the applications. In addition to the youth and the adult supervisors Youth WorkCamps will provide matching funds for the purchase of materials and supplies. The youth participants pay a flee to participate in the camp. The Multi Service Center is raising funds for'the additional materials and supplies. Funders include the City of qW Kent, Weyerhaeuser and Wells Fargo. C:\Docurnents and Settings\KAllard\Locai Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2003 Report Human Services .doc 2 � � �: I �- , I I 11:,�, I I I 11 I ........ . . . , , � , ,,, ,, ,,�, ,, , "'' ,''" , ,:,,, �" . .. . . - . ... .. I I I I I I,� , , I I I I:, I % . . . .. , , , ,I I , , , . . . .. I ­ '''' :_, : � ,: , . :� ::� I, . ..:..�.. . �:-��,�:,,�, ,�� , 11 I - '' '' , :�.. . . .. . I : , �, :, :: ::,� ,:: ,� I �,� , �:. , , '''' :, - '' ..... .. - -",,I � � Z::�'':, ­:�_�_ :1 I - � I I , I : I I � I �, �': - ......�,,�: :,:_ :, , -, , ,,, '' _­ � , , . ... ­:.%;_11!�..: �::�:��!���! . .. 011��, �,:i� � 1'' - ;� _�_�_�.... ... , - ­­­ ­ ­­­ .... ... �..��....����..�...�l:.:::���.:�::��%�: I COMMUNITY ACTION/SUBREGIONAL PLANNING Communities In Schools Vicki Foege is the new Executive Director for CIS-Kent as of February 1 r. Office space for the program was donated by the City of Covington in their new City Hall. The Board of Directors is currently working on completing a three;year Strategic Plan, a requirement that must be met before CIS KentI. is recognized by CIS National The Human Seru�ces Comnbission was identified as a group that should ;review and provide c mment on Ae draft;plan prior#o im;plemanta#ion. The �ni#jai CIS Kent focus will be "a one on1_0 -one relaticnsh�p with`a oaring adult". A pilot Eleri;iinen#a and l leadew laid e: i A _rtl. a# S ran brook . . . : 9 : roe .::will; b.e in . n : . g ... . . . . . ...... ..men: ct . g .. p p J .. ..... . . : . . .. . .. . .....: : : ,: r... P . . :. .. : .: .:. : : .. . ;,::, rt. I .. .. de stude is urt r th 4 . b... :;and ti ra . : . tors w�II wo k w� . 9 i-. . n s .. . A mall number: of men .. .. . . . .: .. .. Elemen#a . ..... s.:. .. ...... , , . ... , .. . . ..... .. .. :;.. ... �y.... .:. .. . . . % : .. ... : .. e% tors will . :be:evaluated and the number ofi . ::n . :. of a r.:The ro rem w Il .,. , :., .... . ...: the end of #... a sch±� .. � .9... .. .... . . . .. . : .... .. .... .. . . ... y. . .p...... . .. .. . . be expan%ded fior the 2003-2004 school year. 11 �-:. %�.- .j.�-��..!��__�:,::� �� 77'', I �%: M il .. . 1. One Stop Human Service Center The One Stop Human Service Partnership Group continues to look for a building in which to site the facility. The group has developed by-laws and Articles of Incorporation to register with the State of Washington. The real estate agent for the project is currently conducting a revised property search at a reduced square footage. South King County Health and Human Services Business Plan The 203-2005 Business Plan "Building Health & Human Services in S% �,�I�����I:�!� 0:11­�': :11J­11 , . : : �%­ . :...: .: _ outh King County" ' draft willecmpleteinFayhefivekeareas engeinhePlan arey To .:..::: Goal Area 1 - There con#roues to be a gapn food ;%Bank capacity in South King County. % .. Goal urea 2 - There:%is a lack of quality, affordable, accessible out o..school activities in South King County#hat are culturally relevant Goal Area.3 - D . tic violence contmue.s;#o be a sag�ifican# problem in South King County, as It is elsewh ere`' ': .. Goal Area 4- Tobacco use In South King County �s now higher than �n other parts of the County.' Obesity, overweight and the lack of adequate physical ac#�vi#y is beginning to approach tobacco as an emerging preventable cause of death and disease. Goal Area 5 - Access to education and training, access to jobs that provide potential for skill development and career advancement lead to self sufficiency, t or income security for a family. C:\Documents and Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2003 Report HuI'llman Services .doc 3 , I I i . . . .. % .. I I . 1-. . - ..1.. I I I I I 1, 11 ''I", ,,I 1:: ,, , 1. ... . .. � ..: .. . ..1 .. .... :i .1 .% :.�! ,"'�, " , "', , '''''',"" """ ,, -� , , ,,.. . . ..... :. . .%. . .. (3 : , � ,,z� , :���%:���..�:�.��:..�:.�:�..:�:�l..�::. 1:::� .��.�-...---��-- :: :,, , ,���� %.: . . . - BUDGET GUTS County The Regional Policy Committee of the King County Council received and accep- --�,-"....... -, , - , -'- - -=��W I � ted the staff` report defining a baseline of human services for King County. The Committee also approved a join%t legislative agenda At the April meeting the Committee directed staff to begin work on Task Three The components in7�17clude: • [3eveiopment of a proposed administrative framework #or the countywide partners hip`for th!e delivery of regional human services EfcienGy Policies CO 0OtIt.VW.c0ntrqcting process Standardized service agreements • Streamlined administration and overhead e odic're IO .4 ro tarn. riot#izati.on Policies;#or ri . ... . .. .. a g . .. . .. .... ...:. ....:.:.. . . ... . p .. ......... ..... .. P . ...... . .p ...... . ...... ... . . . Practices to improve interjurisdictional coordination of staff an money • Develop a financial plan for the regional human services system Financial Plan Transition Plan • Develop recommendation for funding mechanisms and source of funding for the regional human services system Potential Revenue Sources Regional costs/regional review- prioritization � W — 11 -- ::::::,�1: :1- t'll 1, :% - CC: JOHN HDGS�JN, PARK, RECRE%ATION & COMMUNITY' SERVICES DIRECTOR .��.�.��. . .�...�.. ... .�.�-.. W .i� . . . .:. C:\Documents-a nd Settings\KAllard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\First Quarter 2003 Report Human Services .doc �il4 11 cr` KNT WAS HiINGTON April 14 2003-_ PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Jan Naughton, CFO John Hodgson Multi-Service Center Director PO. Box 26399 Phone:253-856-5100 Federal Way,WA 98093-0699 Fax 253-856 6050 Dear Jan: „220 Fourth Ave S.'111, Kent'WA 8$032 5895 _ o of he fu I .ececuted 203 204 Consultant :..,:. .,. Ise :is our on tnai .c . t l . . . ..,.. . . . . .Fnco d . ... py .. . . . . .. y : , . . ... . : . .. .. . . ...9 .: . . . : : . ..... .. ... ,; C`t' of Kent: n . e ee our:a,enc and tha i . . ... .... .... . ,:, :S i e A reernent.. CSA b #w n . ... ..ecv c s . . .. . .. ... . .. .... ... . : .. y.. . g ... .y.. .. .. ... . .. Y . ... . 9 .. ... . ;;.. ; :: :.. .......... ortginal cppy of the<CSA and a copy of your Certificate of Insurance are filed with the City Clerk• lo%s% he;re or#itl exhibits #or our contract,. i. .�chib..t.A:,ou#1 tjw- I am a s%o en�c ing t p g y the reporting ret uiIt. ents. Plea$e ensure tha# your prog%ram management staff has a copy of thus exhibit As agreed, you will bill by the 10 'of tfie#allowing nonth for services provided during the previous quarter for your 'General Fund contract The reporting forms are available via a-mail and 1 will send them to you prior to mailing this letter. A map with the current city limits'of Kent is also enclosed for your use in determining residency of your clients. When submitting correill,spondence, reports;and invoices please address them to; Dinah Wilson, Human Services`Division Kent Parks, Recreation& Community Services 220 4`h Avenue South Kent,WA 98032. 1Ne look forward to working with your agency during 2003 If'you have any questions, please contact`me at;(253) 856-5076. Sincerely %:�..�.:....�..... ..�%.�'...,.........;.�,���..'...! .. .. .Ad . �.j.:� �1.�.��.�� .­.­­ .......... , .�::�� . . ... . .. . ....... ��:. ­. . ...:.i . . . . . . .:�: w ..... ... .. . � :I�� .. . . . .. %... :. . Dinah;z Wilson Human Services Coordinator 11 Document1 enc. Contract,Reporting Exhibits,Map cc. John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services.Director` Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Merina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator Human Services Commission File ( Contract File ................................... .............................. �I �1, I I I,:�:!;,,z,: '�- ,i �,�.% . .. .....:.......:..........:. .... ... .....1 .... .. I I 1.�....%......:% :PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 1I��,Q-,��:,,::��,��,,���,'I--�1I1:11,�',���,1��,I11,��IJ I'I1,��,':,'�:,,-:,;,:�,�J���:1,�,�,,.-i:Z,.��i,.!:,,-z z,-'�,�--I,:,.::�,I,�!,�."'"-"�z-.".'"-.-�-',-:',"�1:'I.,,1." John M. Hodgson, Director . HOUSING AND HUMAN 'SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 • .. .. 1�i T Fax: 253-856-6070 W A'$H 1 N G TO N ,'. Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. --_ Kent,WA 98032-5895 .�.1i:%.i�.1�:�%.......%.-���1..Ii�.%:-�...:.1%�-..�....1..t�::��-...;I�.:..t�...:.....�.�-....I.......:.:�...,-�.:..I....:-�-.1.I....-1:..-..��-::%%1�_-..�.:.%-�.1..,�.....-�:1��-.::,?,�.-.....,..:��%.....%:...:-:.......,--.1���......:..�t...�I�.��-......�..;..%-,..,-..,,�.:.�,.:�:%...... HOUSING A...:.:.....�4..:.1��.-I�.::..%...1:.�.I.�J%-%1�.'�%..�.�I�:-J1I.�.-�.::�...,,.......��.;.i..��..1�...I 11:,�%.�,.%%...1.�:..I"..�....,:...-I....i�..�...;�.....'.%%%:I,-I�.I,,,�:...-%,%.-..%1..-,......'::%1,�.i.I.-.1..�N:.i�...i....:.,..%'..�...,,..��...'..-,I:I�....:�.�!....��...:�.l!.�'l...�:1,-1.,.�.......�....:I�.-:�..%.'�..!..,�:..:�:,.!...,'".T,l,:...%..%-..:..'.i.:..!D HUMA....--,:-��%.%....1.....��:.I::'.%.:�:.-:...%:�'�:.:�.��1.�,...:.-..�.:...�..�.:...%...i-'�.�.:.�-. N S�.:...%..:..t.:�.%.:�-�.�...-.....�:.%%:..:�%.'......:...�.. 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" : .:. . .......i�.....:�.--%....:... Two consultants were interviewed for the Program Evaluator posttipn Roth candidates have excellent crederttials.:The interview anel concltaded that addittonal'infprmation would P %.... .....:.-....:%...1.�.:......%%..%...�.�%....%.:..:�..--.....%%.-�.:. ...:.......1:.::%.�:...........i...:...-:..%...:... . . help in the selection of the final candidate ar>d second interviews have begirt scheduled, Interviews for the.Pro. ect Coordinator position will be held July The position needs tO be filled quickly as there are mandatory trainings at the end of July. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT : 2004 Applications The Human Services C omission did an initial review of the applications at a retreat in June At the June Human Services Commission meeting the Commission will make the irntial recommendations. ' .1 se recommendations' ill be used by staff t©`develop and Annual Action Pl`ar 'HUD.re u res he Actio .. . I t n P... ..-. a avalla: le to tf a .ublic far a .3. da . p Y . comment period..ah. ;that a.public heating is held to allgw for additional comments.. Staff plans to release the Phan in late August and the Public Hearing will be September 18 `2003 at tie Human Services;Cornmisslon Meetin HUD Agi%. .. en# The City has received the agreement from HUD for the CDBG'allocation The agreement ...... .........:...:...�...:..�..... �...%.%.�%%%.........�......... ........i..:.....:...% ......%.......�:..%..�. �..:.�......-�-......1�....%..%.....�: :��%......:.%%....:..�....-..%...:..:.....:-:%... ....-....... .......%..::. :.:.i........%.........%....:%.%...-%:......1.%......:.i........�...:... .%....%..:.....%... ......:.-% ...-..--.....%...:%:..--�.-.:....1.:......::::.......­.....%..i.:.......�..-.......%.1.:...i..:..........%..:%....� :...­%.%.I....�...:.:..%.....-: %........1: I.:.... ...�.......:... ..:...: ..�...%�.....%.:i... .:.%..........:.......%.%....:%.:%-�i% .. .....-....%..:.. ..............-. .:.........::... .........:..:..........%...%%:. .. .%................ was late due to the failure`of Congress to appropriate the funds in a timely manner.`Staff will,now enter into sub recipient contracts with the agencies being funded through CDBG .... ....:. C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD�LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY`INTERNET FILES\OLK3E4\MAY 2003 .DOC 1 1,���� , , .. ..: .. � � �:� ..- .�,,,�I I I I ,1: I , , , ���_,�_Q�:� :::_�:�:: ....��.. !,�_�__,�,i, �,�, I I . :......:. - .......... . I 11 ,::, I _ ''""''', I 11 I 11 11 I '':� PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES !I John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager1. ® Phone:253-856-5073 K G l Fax: 253-856-6070 wA s r a H Tor, Address: 220 Fourth Avenues. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Housing and Human Services Apri12003 . . . .....% ..: . : r: ; `S. d? Merina ands HansQln Marl a bab b+o o`n`Ma T 2Q:0 :The` ro<ud a ent an bab Y Y , Y p Y are'doiin great. Merfna will be on m %aternity leave for most of the summer GEW:WXL FUND . . % % 37MM on profit agencies #o human services nave been fully executed. T%he join#is uriderway The cities of Kent; Biarien, Federall/Uay Auburn, Renton,Tac are participating. The agencies included in the project included Crisisity Health Centers, King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence% and King County Sexual Assault Resource Center. The agencies will submit one report to the contracting city which will then provide`copies of the report to each of the participating cities �_ for review, I'll Bus Tickets Human Services is participating in the Metro Bus Ticket`program for the first time. The :. division was approved to purchase tickets at'a reduced rate of twenty cents on the dollar. The tickets will be disbursed to low-income individuals as needed. Staff will be required to obtain demographic;information and maintain accurate records to submit n a report at the end of the year: This'program will provide additional transportation options to residents needing to travel #o lea#tle for services, SAFE HAVENS 1 AWW1 CANT The City ;of Kent re%csi%ved'a three year $a%... . , grant #roi the Department of Jus#ice to . ; to . ill;be w: moderate: d xc an a center, Users:of the:facillt v to deelo a sate v�satatilt an e.. .h : .. .... .. ..... ... .. .. ... .... . .. . .. .... ... . ... . . .. . . J . : . ........................ ......Y........P ... ::: ... . . . .. .. ... . . . . .. .:. fa I i ence, The:a regiment with th._,..pe rtinent o . . income.families with a h�sto of M. V.QI ..:..: .. .. ... .... . .. : ... ..: p .. .. . .. : .... . .. .. . . .ry Y ... . �� . . . . ........ . . . .. ... ;. , ... ...... ..... ...... I......... i . . . , Justice has been signed :and staff ;ire currently beginning implementat%ion, :An adv sort' % board consisting of the partners`that will participate in the project is being formed; the job description for the project coordinator is currently posted on the City's website and the RFQ for an evaluation group will be posted on Monday, May 5th. E, Link to the project coordina#or job description: http://www.ci.kent.wa.us/EmployeeServices/jobs/59.htm C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET.. . FILES\OLK3E4\APRIL 2003 REPORT'.DOC . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 2004 Applications Applications are being accepted by the City of Kent for 2004 Community Development Block Grant Funds. Block Grant dollars are available for both;capital and human service projects. The human services portion of Block Grant funds is very limited, estimated at $145,000. Capital dollars are estimated at$632,000. Capital dollars are also limited since' the City has consistently funded its Home Repair Program with capital dollars. The Home Repair program 5 currently funded at$300,060. Applications for the 2004 Block Grant dollars, are available by calling the Housing & Human Services Division Completed applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on May 16, 2003. Staff attended a half 6d HUD Environmental Training on April 29" in Seat#le. HOME REPAIR: Youth Workcamp The City of Kent will host a group young'people from around the country as a Youth Workcamp site this July. This is a joint project with the Multi Service Center and the Kent School District. The Multi Service Center is the non profit co-sponsor of the event. The school district is providing use of a high school to house the students. The teens will be doing home repairs throughout the City. The repairs are targeted at the homes of seniors, disabled, low- moderate-income families and transitional housing ;units. The services are free to the homeowners A Welcome to Kent` Barbecue on July 6t" will be hosfied by Human 'Services. Staff ic' currently seeking donations for both the barbecue and the "welcome bags" to present to the youth participants Con#act Jacquie Berg at X5061' for more infiorrnation on donations Home Repair is currently assIsting by'promoting the program, writing the word plans, and providing' general oversight. In ;addition to the youth and the adult supervisors Youth WorkCamps will provide matching funds for the purchase of materials and suppll�s, The youth participants pay a fee #o participate �n fihe camp.;The Multi Service Center is 'raising funds for the additional materials and supplies. Funders include the City of Kent, Weyerhaeuser`and UVells i=argo COMMUNITY ACTION/SUBRE?GIC)NAL PLANNING Communities In Schools-Kent The CIS-Kent pilot mentoring project began in April at Springbrook Elementary and Meadow Ridge;Elementary. A small number of mentors will be working with 4 , 5 and 6 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY'INTERNET FILES\OLK3E4\NPRIL 2003 REPORT DOC 2