HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/18/2003 �" , I . .. ... . .. . , , ,, . ...-.-.. . .-....�.� ...- . ...-.. �. ... w, WASIHINGTON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PII ARKS, RECREATION'& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, September 18th, 2003 COMMUNITY SERVICES II I II I 11 John Hodgson 2:30 —4:30 p.m. Director City Council Chambers Phone:253-856-5100 City Hall Fax:253-856-6050 . 220 Fourth Ave:S. Kent,WA 98032-5895, C()MM1SSlN.MEMBERS: Melvin Tate,Commissioner(1/2005) Edna White, Cb.ffim sioner(1/2005) Brad Belt, Commissioner(112004) Mlle Aeinisch Commissioner 1120D4 ( , ) Per Raak, Chair(1. ... 4 Judy Woods,`City Counail`iVlember(1l2004) . l4od Saalfeld;Vlce Chair{'1/2-V , Vacant Position Cathy Peters,Commissioner(1/2006) t' I I 'llAGENDA 1. Approval of May 15, 2003 ACTION ITEM 230 Minutes 2. Approval of June 19, 2003 Minutes ACTION ITEM 235 . 3 Presentation Kent Economic INFORMATION,ITEM 240 Developrnen#—Nathan Torgelson 4. CDB 2004 Annual Actlon Pian ACTION ITEM 3;10 PubliC Hearing 5 .CDBG Funding recommendations ACTION ITEM 3:30 f-I I� PARKS, RECREATION'-'A,I"'"N—D COMMUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 v C Fnax: 25M3-856-607�+0 iW A'S H I N G T O N Addre$$: 22U FoWrtl l AvP.nue il. Kent,WA 98032-5895 HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES SITEMBI=R 2003 SAFE k4VENS 1/AWA GRANT % i Tri.. .. .. ... ....rker hay been hired as the Pa-o ect%CQornator foCae Hens The first meet n9 . % f.the vi o ' CQmrnittee vvas:held on Au ust 26 :203. %Mernbersh . of the eammitree is A . s rY 9, p rescr'ibed In the c©ntract with VAWA and Includes Mate re local and local re 'resentatlon . ij . p. .... . ..... ....:......... .. .. . .--�::..: ...- . . '... . , .. . . ... % t e'`° . . I. .. t:to:s ff:::on:the::d.esi.. n::o..:: .O :::r. :..:: The corl%nmlttee Is charged with prQvid ng ln.pu to 9 p - Pioneer Human Services was selected`and the Evaluation consultant. PHS will document 1. the process used to develop the center and work with the national evaluators to assess the effectiveness of the project COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 2004 Applications ' The 2004 Annual Action Plan was released for public comment on August 18, 2003. The. Public Hearing'on the Plan wille held at th+e regular Meeting of the Humanernrices Commission on September 18, 2003� HU© 'Training Staff participated in several trainings over the sumMer including a general tra nln inforl at on ;meefiin a»d En�ironrnenral. Review tra n ng 1d t onallY the City's 9/ 9 HUD represenfiative provided technical assistance on ZIS7. the information and 'data collection software used b HUD. Start.also attended training on Labor Standards. Y l;. C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET - � � - , - � . . . FILES\OLK3E4\SEPT 2003 .DOC 1 '" HOME REPAIR Kent Horne Repair 1St Qr...;m�.��..1-'.!.i��.%...�..��%��.:.:.�,.�..:.:::�.�..-�1...-. t. 2"d Qrt Total for Year Unduplicated Households 61 35 96 .%..%-.I...:......�.-:..-.,�.%:.:.1�........-....�.�-..z,......,'......%..;..;.:,:..�..�%..:..'I�.�...%.,.......�-:.:..:...��....I=::....�:­!-.::.�.......-.:�..�.::...�1..:.�I,.,:.._��%........,�:-...:.:�!..�i-....��.�....%..?�...1I�.�-.....,...-'..:..�.�:-.::.1:.. ���.��..:..�.�i�-.....:::..:...-�..:..�.%.�"::.l:.%.....--....,,�...��.-..:��..::...:��..�,�.:::,�,.,�.%...�..�-.�..%...��:!.:.%.1.:i��.:.-�.:..-.,%:..��..�.....;.'.l.����....,I.�::.....%:...-,.�:-.�-..�.:;...%�...:.,��-:.%.%:..:-��...I.�..-...%-:.....��..-�,--I:;�:....�.....-I�.­:��..�.-...:.�:..-��.:..�-......�:.�......:.:l-�%�.�::,..��....-%%..:�.�:.�:,.-.-.....i�:....�.::.,.:..--�:.�.l.....:.,,.%�.....�.:�:..�.....%:-�.��,.�:,:...%....-..::�...i::....,....%I�.�:,..����.-.,-1--i.....:�..:..,..-..�.-:...%�...::...��.%...-:.%.�.-���.�...�,....1%.,.,�...,::..-.ffl.-%-...-���..:�:��.�....�.:I:.�l:.:...,��-�.-.-:..%,-:t.-,�_�.%....I..1�--�-..::I��..�:-�:�.,-.I�,�,�.::�-:-t_..%-,.I.�.-��..��:",�.:!I-1i�-..�-,�.:...,�:..��.�.::��:�;�.-�::-.�-�­�..:�.1 I.�.:�-I:�I:�..11�-�.��::I-%..�--..-�:,�,.�...�:...�1%....�..1�-�.:1�',t..�.-�:�-.���-.-:�I�I:.:�:.�:..�,:.:.�t�::-�,,�.�:',l..�;:.:��j..,�,���_l.--.��-_-...��.���,:,�-:����::-�.:�t.:����.-...��..�;;;:.-�.!��.�-i ,:1'.,Z:,.�1:-�1.���.',­:-�:--,��;��I,,,,,.:,-:.,,lj,�1,::.:I���._�'.-,:-�:,,:.�",,,�l��-,']�T.�:�,Z,,-:'�'�.I....--�,�,-.''.�l:.,]�1_,�:�,,,,'��--...�-.�.:��1--.i�',,t.-,�t.,�::....:-"'.'.�,�.z��,'.�,::.�..%%,,���:­1:�.-.�,1�.�',z,.%...,�,�,�..".::�����:,-',t.Z:,'.�,:,�.-.�,-...:.--�t�.:-��.,,,�--..:-�..:-:,--��:.:.-,-.�,,,�.-%,-��...:��:�..�-�Z".'..-.,�Z-"...ji-_.7,:l� ...%..M:,�..i�:.�.,.:��.��:�'.t"l.­..1-'"...,.,�'.�:.,,:�. Job Units (Minor Repair) 423 548 966 Major Repair 0 136 136 Auburn Home Repair Unduplicated Households. 25 : 24 49 Jeb Unatg(Minor Repair) 337 44 3$1 Major Repair , 0 3; 3 *iMMUNITYAGTION/SUBREGIQNAL PLANNING t)ne #4p Human Services Gen#er Staff is working with the agencies and King County to develop a 'funding source to purchase the building. Currently staff is reviewing the feasibility of a Section 108 loan through HUD. King County has expressed interest in the project. All parties are meeting on a regular basis to identify funding and put together the funding package. The agencies are exploring grant opportunities for the tenant improvements that would-be needed. CC JOHN HODGSON, PARKS, RECREATION &Ce MIV1UNiTY :.; .. . . . SERVICES I J EG7.. ;: ... . ': :: .-..%. -% ...... .... 1 ... ::.. . . . ; .: ...�.. . . �. ��i � .... . ..:...... .. C:\D000MENTS:AND SETTINGS\KALLARD\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK3E4\SEPT 2003 .DOC 2