HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 06/19/2003 .. : .. ..... . .. .. .. - .% .. .:� . . . .�..:..:..�..:... . -. . %%..'�- : -�. . �.;... �. .. . I � w � �� �� �:. ..�......%..-% : � i�........� .��.�..� � . � � -i � .Q�A.-.. .. - . . . . . ... .... .... .... . ..... .. . ... . .. . ... . . . . . ... � . . „, . I K W A SH I N G T O N AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, June '19th, 2003 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2:30�.4:30 p.m. John Hodgson Director Kent Centennial Building - Suite 401 Phone:253-856-5100 ' Mountain View Conference Room Fax:253-856-60a0 ' - j 220,'Fourth Ave. $, Kept;WA s8b3275806 COMMI4SSIQN MEMBERS. ,1��1l,,l-".��1",:-��:"t�,,1.,,',,�k"�,�,I�-r-.,"-,i�,I.�,,1��,,.,,,�.�,',,,��"-,,".,"�,'.",'�I-1,�:,1�",'.",�"1,:�,I"�,1I 1,�,�I,,:��,,1�����",�,���,�,����,,1',,,,,"'����',",-''-���,,"�"',�I,':­:,�"��'"�,�,�I'"'��,"�",��,'",'�!�"$�,,�"�,I,,'�",,,�,�",,,,",I�,"1,��"�,��,,,�",,"`,'",�,"�-�,�,,,,�',":,'%,�,,��,,�",�,:':",,,,,",,I%"I'���;","��,,,��,,��,!�',I''-:"�"",�,,,�,�,.�II�,I,,�.,�,-.,,I�1",,1�,,�-1,.,,,�I1,,,"�'',,�"',:�%�""����,��,.,-'"1.",,,,���,�,-1:,,�"�"',',�,11,''�,�,,I-,�,,,1","",,1'I,,,,,'�`�,�,II,�',"���l�,'l�,%l'�",,",%,"x,,I��,,,�,�l"�,",�,'",,,,�",,',,":�",,I',,�'',':II,Il�%l1�,""",,I',l,l,"l"�,,,,�1,,,��",�I""I�,I:'��-",,�:,�����,�,"�,,,�,'"','�1",,,'0I"�,1�,,�,-,,�,,�,�,��,'�",�1-,',�",1'�"%I1�e,_,,,�:��'`"��1,,�:��,"�,���,I,�,�,1I,����,,%,�,,���1��'"",'',�',II�,,,",1 1,,,�1",',,10:­�,,",","',"�,,�"�"-',"''�,�,,,,,,,',,,,'",,,,��,��,:�",,-"��'�,�",'",�,'�-�,,",��"�",�'��,,��,I,,�I'���,,`,,1'-��-,��,�,"'",-�'',�,��,1,,'""',,'.,,:,,"�1�,',1,,,%,��,,'��""�,,"",�,'��"�"",,­!�,,,''�1,"�1,�"1,,"���,'�'�:"��,":,,�%�,",'',,�,,"1�,-,�,1,-,�",,�,',�I"",��"�'"�I1��?',�,,,1',,,-",',�-�V-",,l,'-"'"�I,l'1,,"�,��,:�',""�'"�,,,,,,,�",-,''��-',,,�,,�'","-,�,",,,",:I,1,;:-�"�"�,"1,,"'�'�,1,'',,,�,,'""�,�,,�,%���I","A,,,,',"�,��,"�,,�,�,,,,;',�'�",��,,"�',,1--��,��'�"�,1�,-,1,,,,�,,C-,,,'""�,"1��,;,,,,,�,�,,�',,'��%,',,,`",c,�,,,1,,�,,�,�,�,'I,,, Melvin Tate, Commissioner{9/2005) Edna White, Commissioner{1/2005) Brad Bell, C©rrlmissoner( J2004) Mike Hbi%... Commissioner{ 12004)`. Perry Raak,Chair{'1/2Q04)' Judy 111Joods,';City Council Member{1J2004) Rod Saalfeld, /ice Chair{9/200�) Edward 1 i. Park(1J2006) Vacant Position i AGENDA 1. Approval of May '15, 2003 ACTION ITEM 2:30 minutes 2. CDBG Funding Recommendations ACTION ITEM 2:35 3. CDBG Contingency Plan ACTION ITEM ... 4.. General Fund Contingency Plan` ACTION 1TEIVI 4 Q0 The City of Dent r EN Human Services Commission WASHINGTON Meeting Minutes May 15 2003 PARKS,RECREATION & y COMMUNITY SERVICES John'Hodgson, Director The meeting of the Kent Human Services'Commission was called to order by 220 Fourth Ave.S. Chairperson Perry Raak at 2:30 on Thursday,May 15,2003,in the Mountain View Kent,WA sso32-5895 Room of the City of Kent,Centennial Building. Phoney�53 856-6,'i0Q „laic: 3HUIVIAN SEIZ�?ICES'COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Rilevrend ferry Raak,Chairperson Edna White,Vice Chairperson Mike Heinisch,Commissioner Brad Beli Commissioner Rocl Saalfeld,Commissioner` Judy Woods,Commissioner HIJMAAT SERVICES C011'IMISSIONEIIS ABSENTEE CUSED; Reverend Edward Park,Commissioner Mel Tate,`Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Dinah Wilson,Planner Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant OLD BUSINESS 1. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 17, 2003 MINUTES Commiss>oner White MOVED to approve the minutes of the April 2003 meeting and Commissioner Saalfeld SECONDED the motion.Motion carried 2. ;COIVINIISSIOI�T RETREAT The Co>rrimW.16 Retroat will be held on June b;2003 at Neely House from$:30 to 9:30. Staff will review the CDBC applications for capital and public service projects and provide the analysis to the Corunissian, The Coriimissioners will also woxk on the general fund human seruces allocat'on.. udget fox`2004 3. WURKCAMP UPDATE ' Katherin Johnson shared with the Cornmissionexs the progress in organizing the Work Camp Project scheduled for the second week in July. The 1Vluiti Service Center is the nonprofit co-sponsor.The Kent School District will house the youth coming here from different areas around the country to participate in this project The youth will be doing horde repairs, for disabled persons,low-moderate income families and transitional housing units. Mayor White will welcome the students at a ` BBQ on July 6`�. . . . ::.:...:::.. ::.:....:.::::.. .. NEW BUSINESS L SOUTH COUNTY HI fMAIV SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN Katherin reviewed with the Commissioners the key issues being addressed in the plan These include:; ✓ There continues to be a gap in food ban1�capacity ✓ There is a lack of quality,affordable out of school activities in South King County ✓ pomestic Violence continues to be a significant problem in South King County i her than e other a rt$i a county ./ : . . Kxn Ceu- s now l p . . .. .... Tobacco use in S uth . .. . . .. ... : :. . . :.g. . ..:...: ' ............. .. . ... . ::: : ; : r s of; e less :h sicall. active than; n gthe art .: :. : : : . . .: : ✓ , Kin Coun axe . ..... . ...... . Residents South. t3' .. ... : : Y Y . . . . . : : .. .... . .. g . .. .. . .: . . ;, nn t ach;��e a:self su . Gene ;;image. v from w..Ifarc to %Work ca: o.... :. .In iiduals mon coon. . .. .d. .., .. . ..... g.... . : . .. . : . .. .. .. .. .... ..... ..... . . .. .... .. :. .. ... .. :. . . . t3' . .. . . . .. .. ,; ,,;; , ::::> ..... . ..: . i once: transitjonal work subsdes,an :tame, Ina single sti. ep,this requires assistance,gu d , ....%�����:.�...:.!::�;..��....%.�� 777 ��W�::�.�t-�����.,::�:.::I:.:.-I�.�.��:�t�:��:!-��..��:,%,�;��-.��(�,�.-:I-1I�,��I:.J',�:��:�,�:�"l��.,:%.:-:..�I,.:��1 i'�t�.%,:,�.�1::�,v�,:,--.�j��,-,.:.:,�:��:,,,1..�_�..�:-,--�t��-�-.�,:����.��--��-..I�I::.:�t:�j-:,-;�_J�1.��.-.-t-.,���,.�.,:�,.��::..�:�,,�II�%.:..�.,:::,..��.�,�:�.:�'.�.�:�l�­.I:..%:����-!.��---,:I-:�",I��,-�:.�I%.�::,�,��:-'I!1���%-%'�,:,���t��I.!::-..�1.:�-�..-:��­t..���,:.�%.,��.:��1:-,",t:-I�%..,_:,�:-�:�-.It�!�',,..�,,--.��.:�",���,��-�t,I%���i�-��,-:;,t���_.:��,t.,-�,"�::�l.%,,:-�:-�,,�.�:��:.:�,.�,-_���:�;.�t,:.!��,�:...:::I.,"j.,�-�:,i:!:-��;�.-i.-��-.::,_.���:.���.,,i:%.�i..-�.�%:",:.�,!-.-.t.���-1:.i.%.�I-��.:,i:��.,�,1l�.:%1..I:%.�I.�-!:���:.,'�1t...:��!�:.-:�,�,!.i:;::I.��t:�:,:��I.:'�:-:::-.�.:l����:�.�,,:II',��::I.-,:�_:!.j:"�-:,,��I:-,�I.::�:�:�.-:%�1 i:..�:%I:-1��..,,,:-...,�"i::�--.-,�-.�.I1:t�,:I.-��::.,:I.'tt�.�,,t�"j�-t�.t,1�.::j�;%!..I'�-�.-t.,_,-%-�t��-...����'-��:..-�-.�:�._1�"�.�':-�.:_.��-�..,.I�-.':t-�-..�.:-"���.%'.-�1�1',..��.%-',�..�,,...�,��.�.::..1�,,-�.::��.,��-.."".�.'�l.%..,���l�..,�-,,.-:-,-,...,�'',..,,.l'.�,I�I��l,�.--:",.,,,...�,I,:;.�II.:.�,.I,�..-t..---,,�.�.--�-.,-..�%�:��It-,...I�1��,,:�,�1.,,I.:.:.�:I,::.�,..�,�:-!,...:-,:.'.�-"�--,,:.�:�...�:�.%�.I;,,,..J-:.....:-,,,:.:��I�,�'�-...�.,t�:.-%:::�:,I,%,-,�I.�.�.-­.,1.::,::�.�.l..l,'",�-..�,:::.�:...::�.�,:,�l--.��I�.,."�:.::�,.Z.,�,�::.:.:��Ii�:..,-".%-��.��,t I.���-.��.I,��.�-%:�,�:,%:�-,�:�%-�:�..%..�,,-��:,,t:�,I:-I:�.�.:�.l:-:,:.���I.'�-.�,;1-,,..:%�:,,I...::,1.,�j.;:�:I:,.,�.-:��...��!�,:I�t...::,,%,,,:..�;,.�.��.%,�.��,t�;�,:.1�,'i��:I...�-,1:-:�,:��'�':.::�.,.:...I,'%�%,��,.1.�:,.�_-'1,�.��:t�.,:.�:,-�,�:,:.:.-,I%:���...��-�1:��::t:.�,.��,.2: SIJI. R IYiEE'TINGS „ an3 s oiler e I O I to cancel the summer Meetings, Commissioner White .:...-!�.......:..:�-.:...i..�;�.:t.........%...:.:AE�.:%i..��.-....::.�-..%..�:.�.1.!.::il.:.1..�.�:...%....:�.�.;%.....::...--.::��:. SEC{31�TDED the motion. l�Iotion carried The meeting was adjourned at 4:30. Respectfully submitted .. ... .- . in;I prison. . :..:. Kathen o . . ` . .. __.. . %..,%-,�..:........ ::%.�.� .. . . . ...�. .. ........... .......: � ... ........ ..: ... :.::�:.1..�%��:�::.. . : .. 0.,�. ... ,I, I . . ... .... . ... . ... - .i:.:I: . ...... . ..... .. ...... .--.. . . .. . ........ ....�� ....��..�.�.�.�..��.;.�� .�. :...i..... .. .. � . . . .. ...... - ... ­. . � . The City of Kent Human Services Commission WAS H i N G T O N :I:,mr:::-�I::,:�::�­_:��_:II­I,-111:­,I Meeting Minutes June 22,2003 PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson,Director` The meeting of the Kent Human Services was called'to order by Commissioner Brad Bell at 220 Fourth Ave.S. 2:45 p.m.on Thursday,June 19 2003,in the Mountain View Room of the City of Kent, Kent,WA 98032-5895 Centennial Building. Phone:,253-855-5100 HUMAN:SERVICES COMMISIONERS PRESENT: �i 253-856`60�a0 Mike Helmo-h,Commissioner Brad Be11,Comrnissionex Mel Tate,Commissioner H>1J1V[AN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS ABSEi�1T/EXCUSED: Reverend Perry Rank,Chairperson Edna White,Vice Chairperson Rod Saalfeld,Commissioner Judy Woeds,Commissioner , - ...W,��,,,",,,,'tt�t,��,"t,""""""""","""""""""""""I'll","""""""'I'l"""'ll""Il"""""",'I'll","",,"""""I",""""""""'l,""",','I'll'I'l,""""""Ill",""""","",""I'l"�"I'll""",I'll'I'll',,""""""",",""""Il""I","",","""""""""",,""I'l",,,""Ill,""""",",ll""Il""I'l""",""I"""",""�",'ll,""",,,��I 1",,���,,"�,'I"�'II"�I 1 .....­.........1H- -- . SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager` Teri Petrole for Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant 1. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 15,2003 MINUTES Commissioner Bell announced that because there was not quorum the minutes cannot be approved and will be held until the next meeting: 2. CDBG FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS Katherin Johnson presented the 2004 CDBG funding recommendations for initial review by he Commission. The Plan will be released in August. The Action Plan must be available to the public for a 30 day comment period; A public hearing will be on It, September 18,200%3 to allow for additional comments Katherm Johnson:stated that the fund mg recommendations w>il not be';formally approved�znttl after the p%ublic hea%ring has oci.curred. The ZQ04 Action Plan w%ill he completed and rele%ased for public comment: ugust 18I.2003. ,,1��",",�,1",1,"�'''I,:;1,�,"��',�nI�,'t'�I�",,�','­,,,,'''�`��,,'"��",�,:,��,"%,",'�,,,,'"'�,�,,,�,,,�1"�,,"_��,'1�,",,,,I,,��,��'"��,%,"'t�,'�",�tl,,,,,,"�'�'t�,t,""l�,�,,t,,,�,I�t,,,,:�,I�"1­,�'�,�1,,t,",,z'�"',,"�,,t,"��",,,I, 1iI.%.�............:...�..%....%.%.i...:%....-.....1..�.%.�.....1�%...�........%.:�.�.:..Discussion was held on the application for Building Better Futures,Springwood Community Center. The application has been denied as the project does not have site control.Ms, Johnson,City Administration,the City Auditor and the HUD representative have confirmed that this project does not comgiy with Title 84 and cannot be funded. �, ­�� ­!�%��.�.�.��.%-� :!.:.... . ... �!�::...�.��. �: :wl� ����,�,tl�'�,'"''"�,,",,�"`�',I,� � ���� :..:...%..%:....�­.......:..: Commissioner Bell recommended removing this project from`the table. Commissioner Heinisch:abstairied. Commissioner.Tate seconded and.ahe item was removed. This will leave an additional $61,55000 for other capital projects. The following options were discussed. A.Increase funding on current applications received u B.Accept new applications for a targeted strategy;within the next two months, . .. . :..:..... .. . . % :. .%...:.:.:. .. .. . . . . . ... . . - - - . % .. . . .:.. . ...... . .... - . :. ...%..%.. ..:.:. %. �.:. .....%.%-�.1. ... ..:.1. :..:%. %�-.: - �..�%%.�%. ..... I � � . .:. . . ...... ...... . ..... ��N%%� 9 . ..�. :: .- .. ..... ... .. . % . . . .. .. . .... . . . . . . . ,I I I I I���",,I--l''I I I , , I I �-: I % % � 77777 The Commission decided to propose funding in the amount of Kent Home Repair to $376,550 —1Mc-;I�1l�-I1-1L:.j..�-.%1��.,�l�,1t.�..1.1.%:.:�.:::�.�::�,:.:.1-.��!.I:l-..%:1.�j�.:.:..:,�%-I���.:�.I'l.:..:,�,:....�1!.�..���iv:%..4�.%�-1.�::%i.TI.'�..:".1�..--�..-:l.�.It..�..�..,%.��-,(I�l�:.���%�,t:::.��:--.��.��I e-I�:.,"1.:.:,I:!..�-j.!:.��ii:1:.:�i..:.�,::'_.;.--..���,�.1���,,.:�...�....,­�E.:11-�..I�.�..%;�%..,,�.�.�::..��-..1.�%-.J.��­::_��1,.��.%-��1:���..�:.�.,...�-,.�...:.�..,��!..%.-�..�:�-.�:..1:�....i�.-.!���...�.�.,.1,��..%!."��.I!.:!�.�:��..��.,:���..,�::.:��-,.:-.%...�t%.�:.--.:-!:%�..;�-.,����.�.�,.:.-�..��1:�1�.:��.,..�.-:�:..��..i.%��.,,i���,..I�.-�--,::��:,.1!::t.��.,,.:;�,�..i.-.,�::�:.,,,:...1...�-�%%:��..::.�:�:..�:..�_1��.�,,:�.::'.:��_1�-...��.�.l.-.4,i—..,,�"::�1..%�,.:.�:�-t-�--�:��..'�.:;!�.1.�.%:t..��:�%%:�.��.;.������.-,%-,,�'l�:�.lj j:-:t�.--:%:�.:�,��..:1,0-���.,�,.�.��'�:�%.,.�%�.�,:��:.�:��:��:�-�,,����:.:��t..,�:J��1-��:.�--:���..,,�--��%�%�l�i-.��;�,::.._I:t:.�1��,��1t�..��..�VZ_,�,�_,..�����-��J,:���%�,'.�:.;���-..�::�-..--,.�-�,',,�,-:--.,���.��tl.�%%:��-.�,�t.�:���:�::%�:�%�,'��:,���:�..:�"'i�:��:�%:;.����:����:-��::,::�I�,",t.-..%::��"��%::�1���.�-����%,-,�.,t%.�,::�-�-:�­t�:I�-�:�. �..�����..�,..,:�,t.�1.:�-,..:�.i�-.:����:�..,:.�.,�,,Q t,�,�-:.:,�..�-�t-.i,.�.:�.-�..:�..�.%.,,� Kent Parks Development $55,900 Children's Therapy Center $50,000 Economic Development $150000 3. CDBG CONTINGENCY PLATY Public Services Contingency Plan-if there was an increase in Public Service funding,it would be divided equally among the funded agencies,unless the total increase is greater than 10%of the total Public Servcce funding allocated. tf the increase is greater than 14%the commxssipn w111 review the increase .... r 1 b 1i ro o f t l wit n a enc ;been , e ueed4 o f ss`' an' reooxntriend act}on.A dec ease wx l e ed xt_ona e h o d . . .. . .. . . . ...: .............. ....... : Pp P P . :.�'. .... .... .. . g... ....Y .. g ... .:... .::.... ...... . . . . . . ..... 5 .0.00 : ....: :;.: : : .,.., . ;, .;: ., Capi#al Contingency Plan if there is a decrease, the Commissioners recommended that the Horne .. :.:. Re air Pro . .be eut;back to 340 OOO An additional decrease vvoul l:be:to luldren; Thexa s but;nQt p 5 Y, Y less tli .;....:.:.:...: ,............ ..::::..::....:... ,:...... ......:.,..:::. :.. ,.o;..:::;.:.:...,:,1.::;,::: an $2 ,000. ;If there is a . increase �.. will : distributed proport� Hate y, as outlined in the Public Service section of tkte c9nongency plan. .. GEI�TEItAL'FUND CONTINGENCY PLAI#1: Katherin asked for direction frbi the Commissioners`on what projects to cut if`there is a decrease in the general fund`1% allocation. The Commissioners recommended cutting the funding to agencies that do not ,,... meet performance measures,follow correct billing procedures,or provide reports by scheduled deadline: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 P.M. Kat rin Johnson . IZecgrd1ng,Seore...... , 'Y .