HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/15/2003 4° T /' WAS:HINGTON AGENDA i. KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, May 15th, 2003 COMMUNITY SERVICES .John Hodgson 2:30—4.30 p.m Director Kent Centennial Building - 5uite 401 Phone;253-s5s-51©o Mountain View Conference Room Fax:253-s5s-so5o % ) 220 Fourth Ave. S. �I1I1�1��I:I__,1:;�,--"1�,,,_,',�,',,���1,1',I�,I1''I�Il1,�"l�'�""Il,�l1`,,1_'1�1I","',,I,11:',:'��1,­,�'�"�1,0'1,1,,�1'�1�I1,"'�,111"'I,""1:,,"I�I1�'"`'',1 I,1�,���I,"�11I",',":�1��,'_'"��\1,,�I�,,,��"1,'1,���",,I�'�1",,""�,��',�­1I:,,�,_"'',"'�'_�',�,�"�I,,"1,,,"­,'�I��"�,11.,'�,,­'1.�,",`I�,�,�_.I"1�,,"�'"",., ',,l,e­",",I:,'l""�",�"l,""Il,�"­'1"",_,l,,,'n�,'l,�1"_,� W,,���,,�'",�"�,,""11',"_1�"",'',"1,,,"��'�I�'ll"1",'�,­":I':_,"A 98p2-a895 �..�: COI111M�:..��:::......%,:�.!.:%..�:�i:��.�..�....;��,�.%�!.I�i.�...�:.....:�SSION MEMBEtS: ,,,e1,"."',,:,,l_,,.l'",�1",��",,�_,��"�,I1,"I�__I�'I"'"'� ,",'",��,,"I�,",'I""�',,:��,",_,",',,'",''l,,,',,1,,l: ,,�,I,,",I"�,'�,,�,,,�,,,',,,�,II�,,�,"I,`,,,,,,�`,,�:,1,��,,1�,��,,,,'""',,'_,'"',�,'"'',�­',,'�_,1�:",�,`,',:,,��,"�,:,,�1,�:�'I�,'������,��"�1"',�,,�,I,�'",,',,1���',��I'1�,,,�1,':''�,1,�',,,­,1':,,�,:"_,',,,�,,'1,1"1,'1I1,''1­,;,'"',,,'��,11,'�,�_"'�1_1"",,`11'�,",,"�I,,I,�1 I1 I,,,:1'��I ,I 1,,",","�,',,,,,,1 1',,��,,,,�,,1,1_�,"�,1,�1,I�,1',,,,",11,,,",�''',��",�1,'�,—1"l",'\:'�l�,I­,�,�,�"­""1I­,'1"1',"1',1�,,,",� Melvin Ta#e, Cornrnissioner(9/2065) Edna 1Nhite, Commissioner(1/2005) Brad Bell, Commissioner(1/2004) Mike H9inisch, CQrrtmissioner(1/2004.::� .�..�1�:,�....,..�.,-.�..._.-.��_ ."..i�..-,.'.::...%'.":��"�..:.­��_­.I._,'�:%:1'"�_ Perry Raak, Chair(172004)' Judy ftod:: . i. Council Member(1/2004) ,:�"..!"'�,,:!!­:::_'1-��'�_:.:::'',.,,:,�_.,­:"�_1,�_:,,'.,t,:1�_I,��%'_�_1':�.�';­�,_':�t­,,,'!,'.�'I'.-,"'�:,�:.:-,:.,'',�Z-,­_,'�.,,,_I-,,.':1­''�"i,',,,­,�­�,I-,l,,',,�1,�:,,,,Il:',�,�',1 i­!..�,.,:..::I1,Z.. ..:%!.......: �...s�::­..:.-.....:.......%..�.�-..::%..:..:.%...1:......:..-.... .....:...��....:....%.�%� ..:.........�.�1:�%.%.!.�..v��......%..�..­.-..!.�...:.....:.�-....�.��.��:�.....�..: ....­............:%... ­...:........�-.% ..1�:......:. ... Rod Saalfeld,;ll!I, Chair(1l2666) Edward H. Park(1/2006) Vacant Position j , 01­z�:��!:��-:�.�.� : . .....�:.. .;.... ... _­ �­��­_�_­_­­_ ��:% � ..7 � I. : AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1 Approral ofi April 17, 2Q©3 ACTIN ITEM 2:30 Minutes 2. CorrtrnlSSlOtI Retreat INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 3. Work Camp Update INFORMATION ITEM 2:45 NEll�l BUSINESS 'I;: South. King County Human INFORMATIOI�I ITEM 2:55 Services Business Plan. 2. Summer Meetings ACTION ITEM 3:30 ... . . . ... ,.. . .. The City of Dent W A.S H I N G T O N Human Services Commission [1I-t,�:--���":.,Ki-,�,:,�I,�-�I-1-,1,".�,.��,:��-��,�,:�,."'.....:�I,�I1i�1,,%�-"I�:�";:1-,.".."III--"1,,�,,�"tI-�-�,",�'iI,I I�%,-"..--"-,,�,,It�,i��,,,.....-I0"��;,',I�--_�,l�.-,.��-��,--,,."." Meeting Minutes April 17, 2QQ3 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Perry Raak at 2:30 on Thursday,Apri117,2003,in the Mountain View Room of the City of Ken,Centennial Building. HUIYIAIV SERVICES CONIlVIISSIONERS PRESENT: Perry Raak,Chairperson Edna White,Vice Chapexson. 1Vlike IemlSch;;CAmTTIiSsiolle Rod Saalfeld,Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES'COMMICSSIONERS ABSENTIEXCUSED 1Vlehvin'Tate,C:ommtssoner Brad Bell,Comrnissl6hbr Reverend Park,Cotrnnissioner Judy Woods,Comrnusszoner . HUIYIAN SERVICES.STAI+'F.PRESENT: Katherin Johnson," , Services Manager Merina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator Dinah Wilson,Planner' . Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant Presentation;"Buildin etter Futures This is a capital campaign,a join project with King County Housing Authority,Kent Youth ' and Family Services,Center for Career Alternatives and Puget Sound Educational Services. One of the focuses will be to build a permanent site for the Head Start Program. King County Housing Authority has donated land to build the facility. It will have four Head Start classrooms,a Career Development Center,a WIC Clinic,kitchen facilities,office space and a. meeting room, Ms Morgan provided information regarding the funds raised,totaling$2 2 mihlion.$4;,'lion is the amount needed to complete this project. An additional$3 million s needed to add a Community Center 1, APPROVAL OF.:.THE MARCH 2O02 MINUTES Commissioner`Saalfeld MOOED appi ove the minutes of the March 2002 meeting, ; and Commissioner White SECONDED the inotion. Motion carried. 2. $ET RETREAT/APPLICATION WORKSHOP DATE The Commisston Retreat willbe on June 6,2003.Commissioners will review CDBG applications and work;on the general fund human services allocation:budget:for 2004. 3. CDBG Application Cycle Block Grant money is available for capital and public service projects. The Public Services amount is estimated to be$145,000. CapitaLmoney available is estimated .. at$632000. The Home Repair program is currently funded with$300,000.The Joint Application Workshop was held March 27,2003.A Public Notice for the . . ... . -- . .. i ... - .... . .... . . . .. . . . . . . �.i. . . ........ . ..��....�......�....... .. ..... ....: :: ? E I, �!��1 , ,.�� ,, I�,� ;! i.: 1 .. .. . . �� .:�.�:.�::�..:. 1::��, , , ,�: ,,, � ,,,, I :i -- - - - .I.1.. ..:1, I I ,,,,, ,�:,�,::,:�,�%,�: . ... WASHING70:N May7, 2003 PARKS, RECREATION &,:. comnnurvlTY st=RVICEs Josephine Tamayo Murray; E.D. John Hodgson Catholic Community Services . Director p 0. Box 398 NME Phone.253 856-5100 Kerlt,WA 98035 Fax:253-856-6050 , 22i3 Fourth Ave,s Dear Ms Murray Kent..WA 98t332 5$95 Enclosed is your orl:ginal copy of the fully e ecu#eo 2003 20p.. Consultant Services A reement CSA between our a enc and the Clt of Kent An 9 : . .,.; ... . . .. , . :: �:, . . ::. . .. :Y >: o f# e CSA n a:c. :of. our Certt �cate o ;Insurance are;on r e :':. on inal.c a h . . . ... a � ...... .. ... .. . ... . g pY . .... pY Y : ... . . .. . %.. . .. with the Ct y .. Also enclosed are thi. e re ortin exhibits far our contrac# Exhibit A out Ines . . . P g ; Y . .' .. t e o in r re: e ts�, Rlease ensure tha ; our ro ram:inana ernen ,, .,. he r p rt g egur m n Y , p g staff has a copy of tfls Exlibtt As agreed, you will bill by the 10h of the following month for services provided during the previous quarter for ;your General Fund contract. (The reporting (` forms were sent to Tamara Brown via e-mail.) A map with the current city ( limits of Kent for your use in determining residency of your clients is enclosed When submitting correspondence, reports, and invoices please address them to: Dinah Wilson, Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services 220 4'h Avenue South Kent,WA 98032. . . g . Y e ;look forward to wor% m :with our agenc ;darn ; 2003< If ou have art g Y Y questions, lease contact me a# 2 .. $56-5076 p ErE.I. '':1. ::'. ' ..':::':':::: ::' .. .. c.......::: S n.. 1�1 Y'.....: :. ` '' .:.:.........:. :::. :::; ....::..: .. . . . .. .. ...........:.:.:........:..:::.:: .: .. . �: ma sort .. ... .. . ... .. .Human%'Servfces'Go:9;rdinator Document1 Enc. Contract,Reporting Exhibits,Map cc: John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager VAerina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator uman Services Commission File Contract File - .. - . . . . .: :. :%. .. % ...:%.-... - .. .� % ... .� .. :.%%. . . ...... .. �:..��:�.:.: .�.� ��:.:�: ...:. . May 7 2003 W A SHIN O T O N - 7 PARKS,RECREATION& Michael Pollowi#z, Executive Director COMMUNITY SERVICES ...�..:............:.,.�...1�i.�....l..�...1...�..:.i.�%.%%i�,,.:,!'...:��....:%!.�..�...�%.:�..�.:._.:.�.:�.%:.�;;�..::..�..,­!!.�.�,t.:%�:.:%.::...1::..­l�...�%!:_.�-.;...����1Ie�.....-.�.::�.......:�:n�%-:.�:.�.1%��I�%...�:�.­.;:%.�:..%�::.:.�..:.:-:�!..:�.i.�!.�.l��...�...;,�%:.�_..�!_����...�:..t:..�-...��.���.-�i.:':��.�_,..�.��,.�:,��i�:.::.,.�.�:.���lE%�..:�.::..,��;%.�t:..�V�:..�:i:.�0:.1.:.�:.�i�%.:..'�. John Hodgson Parkview Services Director PO Box'65157 Shoreline,WA 98155 Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 226 FoUrti Ave, S , Dear Mr. Pollowitz: Kent,UUA,98o32�5$95 , Ehdlosed is your original copy of th fully executed 'Consultant Services Agreement {CSAj between your..agency and the City of Kent, The City. o has .��:��.�­.,:.��,%,.!����.�����_.�­������.":'E i�.�1: .-.........­.-:...��....,,�;.�...:�.".�...-.:.�..�.:......�..'.....I.....!...1._I.�..�:..:�..._.�...:.�:.....;­:..%..,........%I.�:.......:....:....:U..'...-...�..:��"..%.�......�.....�.:........�%'.:.,.�...-.... on file an original dopy o€tt a CS :and a copy o€your d.. iicate of insurance. Also enclosed is the reporting frarm for your:contract. The �lescriptiort o€ work outlines the reporting requirements: Please. ensure that ;yOUP: .program management staff has a dopy o€#his form Your bllHng has been received.! Please allow upto 30;days fior processing When submitting correspondence, reports and invoices please address them to Katherin Johnson, Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services 220 4 'Avenue South Ken#,WA 98032. If you have any questions, please contact me at(253) 856-5070. Sincerely, Johnson, M anager Housing & Human Servides P:\Human.Services\GenQral :und\Parkview Group(comes spec}111ocatio1 a"i0FullyExecuted03.dot .. cc: John 1111. Hodgson,:Parks;Recreation &Community Services Director Ka#herin Johnsola1 Housing & Muman Services Manager Hurnari Services Commission File Con#rac#File