HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 03/20/2003 WASHINGT-ON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS, RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, March 20th 2003 John Hodgson 2t —4:30 p.m. Director City of Kent Centennial Center Phone:253-856-5100 Suite 401 -Mountain View Conference Room Fax:253-856-6050 220 Fourth Ave. S Kent;;WA 98032-5595 Co,Mmisslo. `Mernb+ars: Melvin Tate, CommisiQne'r(1/2005} Edna Vl hite, ommissioner(1I20OS) Brad 8 11, C .lnissioner (1/200 ) ,Mike Hei .$.. Commissioner(1/2004), erryl 4akql0omrnWimp (1/20(3 ) Judy W+oeds. Ci#y Council Member(1/2004} Rod Saelf ld, ornmissioner(1/2006) Edward`H. Park (1/2006) Vacant Position ' Meeting Agenda i Approval of November 2002 Meeting Minutes Action 11. Approval of January 2003 Meeting Minutes Action 111. Election of 2003 Officers Action IV Regional Policy Committee Report )nformation V, Safe Havens Visitation Center Grant Information VI! CD update Information VII. Subregional Business Plan Update Information VIH. Legislative Update Information n ... PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Ka#herin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 K E 1V T Fax: 253-856-6070 WASHINGTON ` Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 Housing and Human Services Commission' Report GENERAL FU %ND ° Staff developed contracts for 2. % using new contract boilerplates developed by the Legal Cpepartment. staff re worked the scope of work in each contract to make the performance 77 . measures clearer; Tie City;of Kent continues to work with Renton, Auburn, Tukwila, Burien, and Federal Way to 'do joint contractinI'llg for Crisis Clinic, Cornrnunity Health Centers, KSARC and the DV Planner. Kent will be the lead agency with Community Health Centers and the DV Planner �' ( contracts. The benefit to the agencies will be a reduction in paper work by only contracting once and 11 submitting reports to one city. Each city will have an opportunity to review the reports and withhold payment if the contract terms are not being met. For the cities there is efficiency by having fewer contracts, fewer checks to write and reduced monitoring visits This is a pilot project that could be expanded if successful. 1t is hoped in two years to have agencies applying to multiple cities only complete one generic applica#ion that 'will be accepted by all cities COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I310CK GRANT The City ,of Kent Consolidated Plan has been accepted by HUD The. City received its allocation amount from HUD this.month For 2003 the total funding is $97,3,000 which is an increase over the $604,000 allocated' in 2a02. The contingency plan developed ay the Commission and approved by the Council will be used to aliocatethe additional funds. % HOME REPAIR . , ..... =� % . . Youth INorkcamp The City of Kent will host a groupyoung people. from around the country as a Youth ::.. .." .. 1Norkcamp site this July. The teens wil! be doing home repairs throughout the City. The ­ :-:,�, ''I'll '' 1,,,,,repairs are targeted at the homes,of seniors, disabled, low- moderate-income families and transitional housing units. The services are free to the homeowners. We will be hosting a Welcome to Kent Barbecue on July 6th. Home Repair is currently assisting by promoting G\Document and Settings\KAilard\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3E4\March 2003 Report,doc � ,,,I : ,: :I 11 I . . ... .. .. .. . 1, �, : , , ,,,, ... . . ... . .�... . % %.. . .. . .:.......1 -.. .. . . .... . .. .. : : % %� . �: : %: � :i .. . .:..�.:.. . .%.:... %�-�:.�..�.. .%.1..% . .. . . . ..-- .... .. .......... i % .. I I 11 ,'I,� � %, . .�.. :: " , -1,,�����,,,,��,�::,��,� ��;:�,�, ..... .... . ....... %: . ::::. .. I� I, I 7 , I I � I � �, 1 1 1 :�,1,�,I:,,�:��. I I 11 W A S H I N G T O N March 19, 2003 PARKS, RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES Terri Kimball, Executive Director John Hodgson Domestic Abuse Women's Network Direc#or. PO. Box 88007 Phone:253-$56-510o Tukwila,WA 9$138 Fax;253-856-6050 220 ,,, r,h,.Rv Dear Terri: Kertt;WA 98032.5895 Enclosed is your original copy of the fully executed 2003 2004 Consultant Services A %raement .Q between your a enc and the . of Ken#. An 9 f ) g Y Y original copy of the C .. and a copy of your Cer#tficate of Insurance are filed with the City Clerk, I am also enclosin the re` ortin exhib#s for our contract Exhibit A outlines 9 P Y the reporting requirements. Please ensure that your program `management staff has a copy of this E�hib►t As agreed, you will bill by the 10th of the following month for services provided during the previous quarter for your General Fund contract. The reporting forms are available via e-mail and I will send them to you shortly. A map wi#h the current city limits of Kent is also enclosed for your'use in determining residency of your clients. When submitting` correspondence, reports, and invoices please address them to: I ­.Ill Dinah Wilson, Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation&'Community Services 220 4#h Avenue South Kent,WA 9$032. Vile look forward to`working with your ;agency during ..... if you have any questions, please contact me at t253) 8;56-506. sincere%ly, I , " , , I I , 1, I . el: ' ... ......... . .. . ...... ....�.! ........ . .....- . .- %..%... .�. -, - , , , ', '' � , I,_:,�,k?. .. . .� . .�.. - . .. . . DiI.nah R,Wilson Human services Coordinator .. .. W..-...:�%,�:%V: : % % �,�_ ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,!''',�: 11 _::."-.�: . .. . ­i�:%.:�.�.1�:���.��%�.�. . . .. ­. Document! enc. Contract,Reporting Exhibits,Map cc: John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager '11� i t I I lz� Merina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator Ouman Services Commission File Contract File ..: �­ __ , I ''I I I I I I .�:.:i�. : %.�::. . . . .. ,_� , .. ..... . . .. .. , I'll - .. . � _ : � �:���:�, _�::,� ,,,,,� ��,� _-,..::.::. %. .-�1. � I : . .. .......... .... ,,,, , , : ��,�, I I I I I 1, 1, ...... I ... � ...�.���:� .�::��..!.�:.. i .. ... . . : �, ,,,� :,,_�:_ �� , ,, ,, I � �%:-% .-- . : %: � ­, : I I I , �:����,, ,z , I, , . :�%.. .:.%- %%: .. ,:I .... .%..�;..�-...�..�......:: %� % : : % zi �l�f WASNINGTON March 19, 2003 iI PARKS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES, Jan Knutson, CEO John Hodgson. Senior Services ©"rector 2208 2nd Ave., Suite 100 Phone:253-856-5100 Seattle,WA 98121 Fax,'253-856-605 �nurtl Ave Dear Ms Knutson Korn UVA 98g32 5895 Ertclosetl fs ypur original copy of the fully executed 2003 2004 Cdh _uIt,.t Service Agreement;(CSA) between your agency and the City`of Kent The C#y also has on file an original copy of the CSA and a copy of you%r Certificate of Insurance, Also enclosed are tFe reporting exhibits for your contract ExhliI b}t A outUnes the reporting ,requirements Please ensure that your program ;management staff has a copy of this Exhibit As agreed, you will bill by the - - , --mi .. . . ..!:. 10th of the following month for services provided during the previous quarter for your General Fund contract. The reporting forms are available via e-mail and I will send them to you shortly. We have I �41 also included a map with the current city limits of Kent for your Use ini 1, . ... .. % .. . . . ......r determining residency of your clients. When submitting correspondence, reports,and invoices please address them to:' I "" �.�:. J.��.i...�:.��%::�.�%:....§ :. . Dinah Wilson; Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032. 11 �����:�:�����i.��l..�.�.��::��.�� B ___ ___ - ............. ... We }ook forward #o working with your agency during ZOQ3 If you have any gtestioris, please contact me at{253)856-5076 Sincerely, '. . , �:-�:��::��W. ::� �r . �;;:;....��.:�. . %�..%..... %:.:i%::..:.:�:%-..:-:�%:% . . . . . ..% . ... Dinah R WiIson Human Services Coordinator Document9 11, enc. Contract,Reporting Exhibits,Map % cc; John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager nna Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator VHuman Services Commission File "I IContract File 11 �,��;,���,,,���,�,:": I I I I : :�­, 1, I . .. . ..� �.�.�.. .. � .. . .% .. , , , .. ;. .. �:��. .� .��..:�..%:%: ::: % , I�:,I I I .� . . . ... %:. . : ... .... . . .. .. . %.%.� , I I � I,I,1, ���i I I ,�,::i .��:.�%:.: �::.� ... ... .. I: , I I I I 11 , .. .- - - -.: %... .:.. .. :..%.. : .. % � � : : : ::i � � � � �� : '",I'll i 1, 1 %­.. . �-I , � , , ::,z� :1� I II I11 III1 1-I::I I I_I,I,�:­I,,I:II�I:_I I-:'::-':II,,'�1:,:_1_-l�1 l�:,�11:�,::�I I�11 1, I I WASHINOTON-"1 IE�1March 19, 2003 PARKS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY 1 1 ERVICES Marilyn LaCelle, CEO John Hodgson VCCC Director 27fl4"l°, Street NE 98002 Phone:253-856-5100 Auburn,WA 98002 Fax:253-856-6050 , �ourtl 1ve,,a, pear Ms. LaCelle: 111�11 Dent,UVA 98032�5$95 Enclosed is your original dopy of the fully executed 2003 2004 Consultant Services AgreementCSAj between your agency 'and #Ie pity ofi Kent. An original copy of the CSA and a cepy of your Certificate of Insurance are filed with t116ZI y Clerk. I am also enclosing the...1:....�.�.....�.I,.�....�i..!...::_........:i..� reporting exhibits for your contract, Exhibit A ou#lines the reporting requirerne.....:%..:.�...I.:.�:..:I�........���:1..'.:.::.:..�g.�.%..�-..;�­�:..­.:l�!....1�.%1 n#s. Please ensure that your program management $tall has is copy of#his I*xtibit. I;Please note that l=chibit© is not required for the Seniors Counseling Prvgramj As agreed, you will bill by the 10th of the following month for services provided during the previous quarter for your General Fund contract. The reporting forms are available via e-mail and I will send them to you shortly. A map with the current city limits of Kent is' also enclosed for your use in determining residency of your clients.'' When submitting correspondence, reports, and invoices'please address them to; Dinah Wilson, Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services 220 4tn Avenue South Nen#,1NA 98032 1i11e loom forward #o vuorking with your agency during 2fl03 1f you have any questions, please contact I.. at(253j 856-5076 Sincere}yl W ' ; f "I."', Dinah R. Wilson Haman Services Coordinator Documentl enc. Contract;Reporting Exhibits,Map cc: John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&,Community Services Director Katherin'Johnson,Human Services Manager erina Hanson,Senior Human Services Coordinator uman Services Commission File Contract File March 19, 2003 PAR11 KS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES Rita Ryder, Executive Director John Hodgson . ,YWCA OF King County, Snohomish County Director 1118 Fifth Avenue Phone:253-856-5100 Sea#tIe,1NA 98101 Fax:253-856-6050 1. zza I;ouith A�!e pear Ms, Rydj.er: Kent,1NA 98032-589"a " Enclosed. Is your original copy of the fully executed 2003 2004 Consul#ant Services`Agreements i;CSA) between your agency and the City of Kent An original copy of the CSA and a copy of,your Certificate of Insurance are fled with the'City Clerki.. 11 l am also enclosing the reporting exhibits for your contract Exhbbtt A outlines the reporting requlremen#s Plesse ensure that your program ;management staff has a copy of this Exhibit As agreed, you will bill by the 10t" of the following month for services provided during the previous quarter for your General Fund contract. The reporting ( forms are available via e-mail and I will send them to you shortly. A map with the current city limits of Kent is also enclosed for your use in determining residency of your clients. When submitting correspondence, reports, and invoices'please address them to; Dinah Wilson, Human Services Division Kent Parks, Recreation &Community Services 220 4th'Avenue South KI'll Ient,V1/A 98032. We look forward% to working with your agency during 2003 if you have any questions, please contact me at(253) 856 5076 `sere n I'`; s y, 1z, I'll, .. W . 1:-:.....:.�.:. :�� �::.:�%:::%�: . � . 11 / ii�� I�1� W. .. ..!.. 1 1 �.. ........... .............. . .. %­ .% ::: . .%..... Dinah R: Wilson Human;Ser�rices Coirdinator Documentl enc. Contract,Reporting Exhibits,Map I 777 cc: John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director Katherin.iohnson,Human Services Manager Linda Rasmussen,Regional Director,South King County YWCA M�rina Hanson,`Senior Human Services Coordinator luman Services Commission File Contract File