HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 09/19/2002 ,-"-,-, "�.. ...... !�P�--`�-,--.`---!.::-1 .. I I ��--`�---�-`,` I --- 11 -" I - - --, I I - : � : I -- -11-1`��-11-1 — --- - �11-�111 I . 1. .. .. . % .. . . . - . . .. .. i 1. . .. : .. . .. .. . .. . .. -I-,,-- I - I - `Rl I I 11 . . . .%.::. . . . . . � : � % . .. I I I , -11 1� I - . :. . . . ... :%.:1 i - : 1 % : 1 . .. i . ... . . .%.. . .. : 1% . . . . i.� � . .� % .. - — I 1-11 I I' ll 11; -- , , 11 . ..:i::. ..... . ... . .. .. ... . % �. . . .. . . .... . % . . .. . . �%. - I - - 11; 11 1, . ..— i... . . .. .. ... . .. % .. .: : .. .. .. .. . . %- .. . i ::.: . . . .. : .: ���:��:��..� �:. ..... ... , ; "" "' "", 1',- , , lo�,,- I .:.:I �: � %.:.� -.%.%... .. .... . . % .�:......... .... ..... .... . ..: :: .. .1. .....i.. - . %. :1. :.::. . . - -. , � : - - , - - - �-.,m, m,i�� - , , , - , .. �. : 11 1: ��I . I .. . .. ... .. ......� 1 .. .. .... ..... ... .... .. ... .. . . . . . .. . .....i... . . . . . .... . ..� ...�;........-.��!.%:: �%-:%.�- :. .-.. <f. K AGENDA W A:S H 1 N G.T O N `--KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMIS II SIO 11,N - '`. Scheduled Mee#ing for Thursday, September 19#h,2002 PARKS, RECREATION& 2:30 —4:30 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson Director *New Meeting Location* Phone:253-856-5100 C #y of Kent Fax:253-856-6050 Council Chambers East ...%.. 220 Fourth,Aga S. Kent;,WA 98032- 85 C+vmmiission Members; Melvin Tate, Cha1r(1)200 ) Pamela Roberts,Vice Chair(1/2(303} Edna i hite, Commissioner.,.: 15} Brad Bell, Commissioner.1l2004) Mike Heinisch, Commissioner(1 h003) John Jendresen, Comrnis; loner`(112005) Perry Ra.. . Commissioner(1I21�04) . Judy Woods, City CounciC Mernt3er(1/2003) Rod Saalfeld, Commissioner(112003) Meeting Agenda : 1. t . .Appr11 oval of June 2002 Meeting Minutes Action 11 Public Hearing -City of Kent Consolidated Plan Action III Public Hearing Proposed CDBG 2003 Funding Recommendations/Ac tion Plan Action ,1V. KYFS Funding Allocations-Program Review Actj.ion \/ Child Care Subsidy Agency.Seiectiori Action 'VI. Human Services Month =November 2002 Information 0 1. King County Budget Cut Update Information ......... THE CITY OF KENT HUMAN SERVICE M MEETING MINUTES ES WASHINGTON June 20,2002 PARKS,RECREATION& The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairman COMMUNITY SERVICES Melvin Tate at 12:30, on Thursday June 20, 2002, in the Mountain View Room of the John Hodgson, Director Centennial Building, Fourth Ave.S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Melvin Tate,Chairman Phone:253-856-5100 Brad Bell, Commissioner Fax:253-856-6050 John Jendresen, Commissioner Edna White, Commissioner Perry Raak,Commissioner Mike Heir>sch,Commissioner HUMAN .:-R ES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT 1'a Roberts,Vice Chair HUMAN SEIVIC;ES STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson, R,irector of Darks, Recreation and Community Development Katherin Johnson; Manager of•`Human Services Judy Bennett,'Planner Menna Hanson,Planner, Dinah Wilson, Planner Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant { OLD BUSINESS GENERAL FUND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR 2003/2004 Katherin announced to the Commission that is an additional $563.00 in the Human Services General Funds allocation budget. Commissioner Heinisch suggested this money be set aside for Child Care Subsidy. Chairman Tate asked .for a motion to approve the recommendation of the General Fund Allocations for 2003. Commissioner Jendresen MOVED to allocate the 2003 General Fund Human Services fund of$to the following agencies. Commissioner White SECONDED the recommendation. Motion carried. ACAP Child&Familyerv►ces APPLE Parenting $ 5fID0 00 ACAP Child&:Family Serv►ces: Child Care $' 8,5D©.q0 Catholic Community Serwces Family Stabilization $ 6iG,33�4D Cfildren's1-inme Society Strengthening Families $ 25,400.a0 Children's Therapy Canter Scholarship Assistance $ 2S,DD0 00 Community Heal#h Center Pr►rriary Dental $ 10,9000 Communty Health Center Pr►i�ary Medical $; 58,450 00 King County Coalition Aga►nst DV:SKC DV Planner' $ 5,000 OD Kent Corr►u►�ity,S�sCv►ce Center. Food Bank $ 30,00D QO Kent Youth &Fain►ly S6,v►ces ' Team Lighthouse $; 35,Q00 40 Pending a revised appl►catton and Commission approval of services un#s, performance measures and outcomes Kent Youth &Family Services: Counseling $ 58,500.00 Kent Youth &Family Services: Teen Parent Housing $ 7,000.00 Kent Youth &Family Services: Teen Substance Abuse $ 15,000.00 King Co. Sexual Assault Resource Center.• $ 20,000.00 Sexual Assault Services Multi-Service Center:Energy Crisis Intervention $ 11,DOO.OD Multi-Service Center:HEART $ 6,300.00 Multi-Service Center.-Housing $ 38,250.00 Pregnancy Aid: Shelter C� Senior Services of Seattle:Transportation $ 5,D00.00 Ukrainian Community Center $ 7,000,00 :.,.��.��.l:�.-::N�I%,���::�i��I-:%_�.�,%���.�:�.Il�.�.:�::::­.;�� Valley Cities Counseling. Seniors $ 25,000 00 Valley Cities Counseling:Survivors Support $ 13,8oaoo WWEE: ComputerApplicafions $ 12,595:00 WWEE:REACH(Job Readiness) $ 22,flD0.00 YWCA: Community Advocacy 29,21500 Crisis Clinic:Telephone Services $ 5,000.00 DAWN:Shelter $ 5,000_00 Child Care Subsidy Vouchers $ 5,56300 Agency to be named after staff research and development of the program KYFS; Work.Your Yl/a Back $ 5,000.00 y Agency w!li be corgi#acted to reques#an applca#ron jrnciudmg servrcenrfs,performance '`measures a outcomes;#o be joresen#eel to the Co»�mission rn Sep#ember Total 2005 Re1. cvm►nendatlons $ .....t f ..00 G1=NERAI.1=UND CONTI ENGY;PLAN Commissioner Jendr#3sen asked about the possible decrease or increase in the budget. Katherin replied she did not feel that`there would be either,however if this were#o happen,staff would corns back to the Catnmission to provide inI`ormat�on. Chairman Tate asked fora motion to approve`.the contingency p}an; Gommission.er Raak MOVE© and COmrniSS10119. White SECONDED;to adopt the following contingency plat}for the 2003 Ceneral'Fund Human``Service aliocat one. Motion oarried: In the event of decreased funding in the year'2003, each program will receive `a decrease in funding based on the percentage of the total decrease, not to go below the minimum amount of$5,000. CDBG PUBLIC SERVICE RECOMMENDATION FOR 2003 Commission Raak MOVED to approve the recommendation of the 2003 Community Development Block Grant Public Service allocation as follows to the City Council Parks Committee. Commissioner Bell SECONDED this recommendation. Motion carried. Community Health Centers $34,942 Emergency Feeding Program $Zf,948 YWCA $35,860 Total 4911956 CDBG PUBLIC SERVICE GONTIGENGY PLAN Katherlrl rerinded the Commissioners, should there be any additional money I.n November for Block Grant that the Commissioners lad s#ated �# should go for`housing stabiiity #hrQugh the Multi Service E o r commend:the>foilowin contin enc ian, Com,..ss,vner programs. Commissioner Raak MOV D t e g g y p . Jendresen SECONDED the recommendation. Motion carried In the event of an.;increase the additional funds will'be allocated fo the Nlultr Service Center dousing Stability Program with a miniriaiarrt funding level:of$5,DO0. If the mcrsase�sless than$5,000 the increase will be divtde equally between the recommended agencies. CDBG MINIMUM FUNDING I_EUEL POLICY RECOM 1tlENI�f#TION Katherin asked the Commission#o please approve a recommendation of funding leve forI6ommunity Development Block Grant monies. Commissioner White MOVED and Commissioner Jendresen SECONDED the motion to recommend a Local Policy for Community Development Block Grant funding allocations require a minimum funding level of$5,000 for public service funds and $10,000 for capital i. projects. Motion carried. t, COUNTY BUDGET CUTS UPDATE Katherin spoke to the Commissioners regarding the Suburban Cities Association and their work with the Regional Policy Commi#tee. The hope is to do what is best for the County as a whole, rather than make cuts hat might not work.Katherin said Mayor White sent a letter last week requesting the County work i. with Suburban Cities to arrive at decisions that would benefit everyone. Director John Hodgson, commended Katherin and Mayor White for having the determination to question the cuts Executive Sims is proposing. Commissioner Jendresen asked if it would be proper #o' send a letter of thanks to Executive Sims for his consideration of the request sent to him by Mayor White. Katherin feels we should wait until he responds. Chairman Tate asked for a motion to send Executive Sims the #hank you letter. Commissioner Jendresen MOVED,and Commissioner White SECONDED,this motion, Motion carried. Katherin spoke to the Commissioners regarding numbers presented by the(county. $6.2 million to be cut by 50% and the number given, $4.2 million is not 50%.' However this does not reflect any cuts in staff or administration. ENTITLEMENT UPDATE Katherin spoke of the Needs Assessment, due July 16, 2002 with other reports due in August, and the public'comment request to,go out`in August This request is open for 30 days The September,meebng will be a Public Pleating #o provide and opportunity to citizens to comment yin the Flan. The Commission vuill lhert foruvard the Plan;to the Parks` %OMM)ttee w#th a recommendation they;forward It to'the City Counpil for approval, Katherin went on to say #hat staff will provide the information tQ the public t3y placing the t✓onsolidated Plan in public facilities such as the Library, City Hall and the Housing and Human Services office. NEW:BU3INESS HUMAN"SERVICES.MONTH Ka#herm asked the Commissioners for suggestions for.Human Services Month, Chairman Tate thought data regarding diversity, would be a ggpd topic. Not just diversity involving,color, but also age and religion to broaden the focus. Pastor Jendresen said he would like the focus to'tie in Human'Services with the schools, Merina Hanson spoke of CIS, howit came to be, and the work done by this group John Hodgson suggested the focus of Humans Services Month be kids, and Human Services. Katherin shared with the Commission a slogan that is used by Kansas City, "Is this good for our kids?" It is the general consensus to integrate all hese ideas. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 D.M. ....:•.:.,.. .... . .. .......... .. •..:..... ... . ..... . . Res etfull Submitted ..p . .. ti . ..: ........ . Katherin Johnson . :. .:.: i �►�)/flf lent Human Services`Commission 1Vleetr'ng �atei 9�1�-42 L Subject. Publiclearing- iy oKen Consolidated Plan � . Sum # e , The City etsol�dai* ousing 8� Cornrnunity I�euelopmnt F'� prouldes re ew it r ample t nting housing, human sen/ices and cornmut tt deuelo m 2bo3 2fl7 The plan, representing the first five y+ r..;. Consollatd Plrepared by the Clty, was organized to meet the reulremit , of the U pepartrner� f lot �n atad Urban Development quallfy'ing the City o Kent for, ck Grant (CDBG)funds beginning in 205 The Pladwescribes theT ults of an assessment of the housing, l umart services and community development needs of the community and, in particular, the needs of low and moderate=income persons, It describes the barriers to affordable housing; proposes broad goals and the strategies the City will pursue to meet-the ciitical needs than have been identified, and outlines the specific steps #het will be taken annually t4 carry out those strategies. Finally, the plan described how the CflBG functswill be used. Through -adopted CpBG Citizen Participation Plan, the public i5 provided with opportunities-to be: involved at several steps during the developmer## of the Cons+olida# d Ptan end in commenting on its specific provisions. In addition, the public 1, nnuall n progress,and perforrnanc 11L Recorn� w . Open t ty of Kent Consolidated Klan. Close teubl� ft . Approve hecnscilida#oI Pi and forward it to the Council F'orlcs Committee for adoption and submission to HUD. Hur»an Services C©mrn�sslon lVleeng Date: 1. SubjQcf, , Public Hearing- Proposed CL)BG 2003 Funding Recown da#ionsl�4 fion Flan 1L Summate Attache roposl gar Qg3 C�mrnunit [ ten Bk:: P Grant r+cgranr tie City of Kent. The t©tal :prpoed' ro rar -b % 1 :.„ t ted et 6 This estlrna ' F : » ,F.: , :-: f= t n t " �� . roc©mrnended u dingde a tin o,d 'tle cu r 111. Recommended Ac#inns; 1 . Open fhebltc Hearing on the proposed CDBG 2003 Funding Recornrrierications/Action Plea. 2. Close the Public Tearing: 3. Approve the ro osed ear 2002 Communit De�elo men Block P Y Y. P Gant 1r:=�� � ��; tton Plan including.;the cont� �ge�icy : lan for�r►card:'t y``t. Ci#y of Kent Human Services Commission Meeting Date: 9-19-02 MW KYFS Funding Allocai#icon - Program Review 'Umml .. . 1 t the .F :� ... �: .: �� � Seru ces NiN :.._r..:...a., CQrnmi x Youth & FarrmiI Senrmces .. . .. y additional ications to staff hF:.:.::. Commissic = re+ t t� ighthouse application to addressnproltrigin�al submission Theirnsiari : `: also re #ed t � lieation for" W(j,* Y,u to School program, which had not been submitted for c'ermsiderataon as a separate program. Ill. Recornrr�enled Actions. 1. Recommend funding for KYFS Lighthouse in the amount of $ �� support, 2. Recommend funding for KYFS Work Your 1Nay Back in the amaunt w�f to su o � pp , lg City of Kent Human Services Commission Meeting Date: 9=19-02 1, Subject, Child Care Subsidy Agency election Il, Summary Staten# : 0 A# hn Cornm4r" toy ailocatel in the amount of : :ficC; childcaibsidies. S# � wdrking with' hi1drer .: deuelo child care dy Qucher p. ram. prdvidirg`this service #die cities of Bellevue Arid > eliudy: e` ; agency is excited a + prospect c doing this in Ken# l/l. Recommended Actions. 1 . Fund Child here 1 esources #o administer the child care subsidies in the amount of 5 56 - .:....::..:...: :.:.:.,.:;. PARKS, RECREATtN AND COMMUNITY SERVICES` John M. Hodgson, Director 11 HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-5073 *i , Fax: 253-856-607U w A 5 H I N C T o N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Dent,WA 98032-5895 ,i � � � ­� , t , ... .. Weawn , ...........�....... �.:....��:. ; . MEMO TO: KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIO11 N FROM KATHERIN JOHNSON, HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER SUBJECT: EPTEIVIBER002 MUMAN SER�IIES REPQRT .. NORAL FUND Staff is working with Child Care Resources to develop a child care stabsidy voucher program`as the Cornrni .. requested In June. Child Care Resources is providing this service for the cities of Bellevue and Redmond. The agency is excited about he. prospect of doing this in Kent. Staff are,updating the Housing and Human Services Elements of the Comprehensive Plan in coordination with the Planning Department. The Comp Plan Elements need to be supportive of the Consolidated Plan. CITY OF KENT HOMELESS TASK FORCE City of Kent Homeless Task Force was established in July 2002. The Task Force was for e&tQ address several goals, including restoring the use of public facilities without intiM ..at on, establishing freedom and safety In parks and Other downtown areas, and t ; l see i: . ;cease ana ement ;and `homeless' a$slstin the homeless who are .ac Ive. k n rn . 9 y . 9 9 .. . sTsF HTF is re i.. .:.he :se Ice C rren l t e;H e s k orce . ::.. : ....... . . . . s ra ces:in; er . ry s, u . t h omel a. . . . . ... .. . .. .-.v ewl : c t o.. ... . ..: ...:. .. ..... . .. .. ......... Y, . . . . ........... . .. . . . .. ..:... ....... .... . .. . ..rl .. ..:.......... ... ....... ..... :.. . . eo .a tc. ioc tl s t at''`are . . corrlmunities for .ad ltesstn ; homelessness .efinin r h ion h . . .. ... . ....:: : . -9 .... :, :. 9 J : 9 p.. . ...... ... ... :: ; .... acted ;b o ele mess and workln : ;on conven�n a com.r.n ```mee#in to br h . Imp y h m s g y 9 g other Clty partners together to look at the issue of homelessness, COMMUNITIES IN'SGH,66.Ls The Executive` Committee of Communities In Schools continues`to meet every other week. The first CIS Board Meeting will be held on August 22nd at 3:30 at Philip Services in Renton. Merina Hanson of our staff has been elected Vice President of the organization. C:\Temp\September 2002.doc .:......... COMMUNITYVEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Eppler and Associates, the consultant hired to prepare the Consolidated Plan, have completed the draft plan that includes the Citizen Participation Plan and the Action Plan as well as the other components. The Plan has been placed in Kent City Clerk's Office, Kent Library and the Housing and Human Services office available for public review. The public notices regarding the availability of the plan, the public hearing for commenting on the plan and the public hearing for the funding were published in the South County Journal. The public hearings will be held at the Human Service Commission meeting in September. HOME REPAIR ome;Fte ` air staff is workln with #he;Clt ;s>:Multl dl Di vision to`' P .. . ... me v n re are an Ins 9 Y P .P ..... .. ...... . .... err ;vi eo wl a or l e vlsi in Qme'`re air si es a arts; on the; Deal. Y 5 P_. access channel. Kent: July Numbers:: 121 Minor Cases 4 Mayor Cases (2 roofs, 2 bathreoms 1 complete remodel, 1 hot v+a#er tank) 2 Emergency Calls ✓ Electrical problems/hot water tank fire hazard ✓ DV victim safety call Auburn: July Numbers: 79 Minor Cases 2 Major Cases (1 roof, 1 panel replacement) 1 Emergency Call ✓ :Electrical Panel STILL MANOR MOBILE.HOME PARK St ff.at#e a n e he St _ , d# III.M.an©r Pre a Ilea up. IVleetln ; Plannln B I�Idln ..Pu Irc:Works PP g g, g, b . and Fire reviewed the proposal for redevelopment o..the site,6tehtial problems with the applicatlonwere iident#jed Planning staff reco`mmerjded #hat an additional pre application meeting be held prior#o submittal for permits. The Land Use and Plannin Board held a ubllc he.arin : in Au ust on the ro osed g P 9 g P P. Mobile Horne Relocation Ordinance. Residents of several mobile home parks including Still Manor testified. The ordinance, if approved by Council, would require owners of mobile home parks to prepare a relocation assistance report and plan to be submitted' for certification and approval by the City of Kent Housing & Human Services Manager, 7777 prior to receiving any other approval decision. The ordinance does not require any monetary assistance be provided to the residents. C:\Temp\September 2002.doc..' ........:............:...................... .... . .................. . k COMMUNITY ACTIOI�ISUBREGIONA PLANNING ONE STOP HUMAN SERVICE CENTER The One Stop Human Service Partnership Group is preparing an application for 501(c)(3) status to be submitted to the IRS. The new non profit will be the umbrella agency for the group. All of the agencies participating will have representation on the Board. The group is also starting an active search for funding opportunities for the project. SOUTH KING COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES BUSINESS PLAN The South ;Kin 'Count; Human Services Business Dian rQu held;a full;da retreat to' g y 9 P Y . start the process of updating the plan 'The group evaluated the current plan #or success and lessons learned. Using a collection of data and reports specific `to South King County the group .generated a lIs# of proppsed work areas for the next three years. Sma11 subcomrhittees will develop outcomes, strategies and actives for each 'identified area and present the'proposals #o the gratap'a#the Septerriber meeting. SAFE HA1/ENS 1/IOLENCE 141AtNST ....... GRANT The Housing and Human Services Division was awarded a $500,000 Violence Against Women Office demonstration initiative grant to plan and implement the opening of a supervised visitation and safe exchange program' for family violence victims (victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault and stalking). The majority of family violence victims served by the program will be children who are court-ordered into supervised visitation with a parent/caretaker who is an alleged or admitted abuser. The grant is for a three-year period and is only one of six awarded in the nation. The City was the only planning grant applicant (project that did not have an existing supervised visitation and exchange program) that received a demonstration initiative grant. In addition to establishing a supervision and exchange program' in the Kent area, . demonstration Initiative projects will develop model standards and protocols for` supervised visita#ion and 'safe exchange that will serve as examples for. programs throughout the nation, SAM HA..itBORS.;A M p. .Y CoMMIT . . Housing ;and Human Services Division staff participate on the So.. Harbors Advisory Committee (SHAD. ±"Other SHAC members include City of Seattle, King County, and United Vilay of King County staff "The goal of the Safe Harbors Project is to implement .an outcome"based, computerized s 'stem O fadiiitaw tll 1e1 , efficient, and effectiv _ p y y access to needed services and supports far persons who are homeless or homeless in Seattle and King County." Over the last several months, SHAC made significant progress by establishing the. scope of the project and identifying the types of programs to include in the computerized system. SHAC is in the process of finalizing functional requirements and data elements near The next steps will be to complete the system design and identify pilot project locations C:\Temp\September 2002.doc % ..........:.:......:... ...:: . .. ... ... .. .......::...: ............: ....:. ..:........:..... ...........:........:..:......,.:.,:...:: ....:............:.........:....:: < ::;...:..,. :: ..:............:....,...................,......... % % % % ::'..`:: % .:.. . % `:.:::::ii.` :: ' BUDGET'CUTS ` Staff continues #o work with the Suburban Cities Association (SCA) to address the proposed County budget cuts as related to Human Services. The staff work group was asked by the Regional Policy Committee to look at three areas. • Prioritization of funding resources • Funding • Efficiencies of government and non profit agencies The work of the three gr©ups is to be presented to the Regional Policy Committee on` Se tember 20,'2002 . Plt� $QVTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAN ..... RVIGES . .. ... ....... ... The, SOuth� Kin ouncii of Hta an Ser-ices. Se to ber; eetin' on will a s 00 ai ubl c g p g1. p p forum #o%discuss how to bes# prov+de financing for llVash+ngt©n"s fu#ure The Future Tax Structure �f 1NashiinotQrt State Pannelists: Sena#or L. Brown �D-3rd D+striat), Chair of the Sena#e 1Neys and Means Corritt Fred Jarrett, {R-41 st Distr+ct), Member of the Higher Education, Jud+ . .. and Transportation Committees Tony Lee - Human Services Advocate. When: Tuesday, September 24th, 11:30 - 130 Where: Radisson Hotel SeaTac Airport Candidates for the Legislature and King County Council M:-- m""-��-,�:1 i�-� have been invited.` SouTH KING CouNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM The South King Coun#y Human Services Forum September meeting will be in Ren#on at Renton City Hall, C:ounc+I` Chambers: Forum members will meet with 'the new DSHS Reg+on 1V administrator .P discuss changes in pSHS TANi= reauthorization'and Call Zen#ers, T . . . . . CC: ;JOHN MflDGSON' 'PARKS RECREATION & COMMIJNI Y .. . .. . ..... . % ... ... ..... .. :.. .........:.........:... . SERVICESblREC1`OR ':` % % ` '' .` CATemp�September 2002.doc. . . . . . % ... . . :�..�:.. .�..... . . . . . . .. . %�.%� ��%:.:. .%.:;��:�.: ........ .. . .. ...... . ....�. ... ...�. .. I. .. . % � � � � . �:��.��;.�:.:..��T. . . . ..:1�.!1 :.��:��. .. �,. . .. .. ... . ... . . .%.. . . . . . . - . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . ....... �� .- . ..� �% � . .:: %... - ... . ........ . ..:.:.::....... . --% ..:.%. . ......:: � `i K ........ . . I I I I I :� , ,, � , , I�, .. . - . ..1 EN T v�A3 H IN GTO N September 16, 2002 PARKS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson Marilyn LaCelle, CEO Director Valley Cities Counseling & Consultation Phone:253-856-5100 2704 "I" Street NE Fax:253-856-6050 Auburn, WA 98002 220 Fourth Ave.S Kent,WA98,% 58.95 Dear Ms. LaCelle: Enc o'sed .s our.sl ned .p of the Amer tled :co a and Schedule of Werk Y pY P % for our a enc 's Senior Coun-:: .. ro ram Am%ended Exhrbi#A . Amended g. ,Y ... ..... .. .... .... Ez lbit A'istn:.o h c rpora#ed. rnto the 2Q02 General Fund Consulta%nt Services .. 3%. rnent between your'agenc%y%and the Ci%ty of Kent. 1f you h%ave ques#ions, please call me at(25%3. 856-5076. Sincerely, .-:..:. . ..- %:%i:.%� ��- . . __....._.. : i-:, a.:, . %.: :%.:: .. . . � . :�%. . t � Dinah R. Wilson F Human Services Planner Enc. ,A mended Exhibit A , �11 I�,,,�, -:%...::�:.::.�,I�.�....;i�.%��.,.�%,:..t�...t...%-...�.�..-...-...::...:;..�...I.,.�...,:.��.:....�..��..�:.....�.:��%:4..�.��.:.:.I.�-��.�.�...�...-�....���.�..�..�..�..�:�%�1...�.�..�.....!�:�.�.:.%��..�I�.I:..1I...I�.....�...,...�1.%.I i t,.........-..,,..:.-.I.....%1,.I..�..%..1I�:�,.......%..I.%.,.:I..,,.....I.I.,....I.-I.�I.....I.I.II-.�.....II.I-....I...�.I..I.'.I�.-.......,I..l...,Il11:...%.%-,.:...:,,'1�I.�.:�...-!,:...,1,.:1,,',,,...0 John M. Hodgson, Parks, Recreation & Community Services Director: Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager Merin a,Hanson, Human Services L'lanner Judy;Bennett,Human Services Planner ': Ir%1ttw�"eri :somrn�ssron File C©ntract File AMENDED EXHIBIT A I — I 11 �k SCOPE AND SCHEDULE OF WORK ". VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING & CONSULTATION Senior Counseling This program provides senior outreach and counseling services (including crisis and'early intervention) at the Kent Senior Activity Center, including educational groups addressing: understanding Alzheimer's and other related dementia, caregiver survival, and loss & grief issues: This funding will`proviideD.; Quts�uts Unduplicated bent%Senior Cente%r clients ' 30* . I. % :� NNE:.: ...�� ��:.�;�.:��:�:..�6:�� % MoursofCoun:s�iin .,S.±er►ices... %1. 40. . . g Educational Groins 6 1Vf mbershi and ait.'i ation �n the South lain Council of`Human Services" :. . P P p 9 . * Each senior(unduplicated) must receive, .least one (1) hour of counselling in order #o%be coujj %nted as %a client. Outcome Clients' customer'satisfaction survey results will be positive. The Consultant will report the survey results M of clients who report satisfaction)to the City in biannual Outcome Reports. Budget Personnel $20,000 Nonpersonnel $ - 0 - Total :11 $20000 ..Reporting RequetsadTimelinm l'he Consultant will be reimbursed ©n a quarterly basis upon submittal of appropriate. docurrlenta#ion Such documentation will`:include the#olio v ng (as applicable): Billing Voucher and Service Report (Exhibit B), and Outcome Based Evaluation Report (Ethhibit C). These items must be submitted together (on #orms provided by the City) by the 0 of each month` for the previous quaff tet' service. The,reporting timeline is as fellows; i3illln Voucher&Services ort Exhibit BOTe da following each` uarter 9 0 t ) Y ri Outcome i3ased Evaluation f sport i;Exhibit Cj Jul 3.. 20 2lJanuar s1,2003. y v. Contract Administration and Management/Board of Directors Requirements The Consultant shall provide the City with a current list of its board of directors, general or 11 limited partners, as applicable. The Consultant will notify the City, in writing,within the (10) .., days of any changes in program personnel or board membership. .........::... ..: ......:...: ... .::; i . :... Amended`Exhibit A Scope of Work (Continued) SEP Q « 2092 2002 HDUS1tV �NIJII1f�A�Sftt►Ir�s Contract For Services VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING&CQNSULTATIDN S% ENIOR COUNSELING Pursuant to item 1 of the Consultant Services Agreement executed on March 25, 2002,Valley Cities Counseling&Consultation shall provide the appropriate number of Kent Senior Center clients with the following services: Gluarter Service Unit Huber of Cumulative . .. . . % . ;U ts:: Total: ;.: 0 " 0 . :: i . .... . , ... .. d 1st . ,. :,. . Undu ltcated Kent Sensor Cer ter:c Tents serve . . . P %2. H% %ours of Counseling Services 0 0 ... , . ... . g 0 ; . a.:Gro .. c so u s 3, Edu at n.. ..: .. .. .. 6 .` `'.`,`. : .`:': : : ... :. . 1 . . .: . . .: .:.. .. . .:. .: ::.:: .: . :: . .. . . .: nter'clients served; 6:' "` 2n Ibndu l-sated,Kent Senior Ge . d: . ... p... ...... ....... . . . .. . . . . . .. 2 Hours raf CounseHn Services 133 '133 g 3. Educational Groups 2 2 ! 3rd 1. Unduplicated Kent Senior Center clients served 11 17 2. Hours of Counseling`Services 133 266 3.Educational Groups 2 4 4th 1. Unduplicated Kent Senior Center'clients served 13 30 2. Hours of Counseling Services 134 40© 3, Educational Groups ' 2 6 ::... ... ......::: ..:: .'; : t u1 ::1 2 02: The;above:services shall tae rovided b Amended Exhibit A shall be>•etroactive. o.,J . 0 p .. Y. Y . . December 31;;2;A.. ;` `` % : y , pp :: .,, . ..... 2t34 ..Ft+.eim.b.ur%serrten#. 2 . . %. : : lease.; n:to indicate.acce tans.of;.the. .20.02;S,co a of Wark and Performance Measures as s g .. J31. : .. : o....... abeve. : , I I 1, , I ;?�.Z�-j— M -_ I ,, :: I �X2 . . . . �% .. ,I0I'1­'I�II1_I_I1:��I'I:'�'I Il1�,I I1 Il 1�1­,_"11�'1�,::I,:1 1 1,i­�I,,,:1,_�'1::II',,',1,I',1I�1­1 1 11IlI_�­1_11I','­��.l'­'���-',:,:1I,i,1,I�I�_,"­-­�',�­"'"�l:,�"l'_,I,I Marilyn La 11e, Cfiief Executive Officer Date /3 1. Kat erin 4oh , u an Services Manager Date Exhb�t B GeinQr Fund • 20.012 B g VOUcher KEN T and Service Report r wA5 HIN6TON N„ f #'ARKS, RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES Agency: valley Cities Counseling & 70: ` Consultation Dinah Wilson Housing & Human Services Mailing Address: Parks, Recreation &Community Services 220 4th Ave. Sou#h, Ken#, WA 98032 dyilsanCccl kent wa us Program Contac# hone. (2a3) 856-505 Telephone; E.. ......... :mail; ......... Repor#ing Period Program Amount Reques#ed Senior CounSelin�g' { � BUDGET SUMMARY Total Contract Amount = L. $20,006 ^,urrent Request $ 2002 KENT FUNDED SERVICE UNITS Note: Unduplicated client counts must be reported both monthly(or quarterly) and year to-da#e Service Units , New City of Total Kent Kent Funded ended Service Unit Description Planned servlce units Thls sexy Units Each�uar#er To Date Month/Quarter ServiceUnit/Performaince Measure 1S = 2n 3 Undta linated #of Kent;Ctien#s Served 677 6 t 1 13 Hours pf ounselln Services 0 133 'I33 13A Educa#Ion Grou s 0 ;` 2 2 2 Authorized Signature Date F7FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 'JTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT BY: DATE: ...........:.........:......................................::...:...:....: �. % N N CO I o fl O � � CD C N 0 N N Z 3A (! CD D m 3r 3 N f t'lA .. . 3 y wz O 0• p <D{ " (� Q U) a Z 6< m < # S3 c �, .. o _' m Q. m (n .o x O o`, ? (D Q y -a3" - , - m : =. N r".a 0- v 0 z o` Q a. X 0 't3 T p -n ON' a O O O -i+ to 3 N CD O. <D ry, v rn v �- c� v v a 3 -oI'llo. —� t3. 171 (o N o Z ' `� ,-h ;` ;: o _. . . Z . . - m m N C i � I .0 m n b cD . 3 w 11 �. � O O N ~, l.. Q \/