HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/17/2002 � � � �2- -..I...........................................................................................�.........,..-.-,..,.-.,. =�2= �--1`11- I ............... ........% .. . .. . .. . % ... .. ....� : . . . . 1... . : .% I �- . 1 1 % . . . . . 1-1-1�-1-111-1-11 11 11, ",". -1-11 --, --,-- ��7.... . .. .... .... %%-.%-.. : % . .. ... - - - . . -1 ... .. ........ ..... - �-' - . . . . . I - . .. . ... . . .. ... .. . . . .. . r I I . . .. . . . . � . . ... . - . . . . - . . . .. ......,.....""""","","""","","","",""�"",� - .. .. ... . .. .. . .. ... . . . ... .. .. . 11 I ..... . .... . . . . ... . .. . .. ,--- , I , "".. .. . ... . ...... --, . ...... . .... . ;;�-I I ,,. . . . .... :. . . . . .. %- , .. .�.�:.:.:.�:.�.��:.::���:�::. . I :: : ���� ��::������. .... - I I :..%.. .�:.:::: %_i,:�''j_- . ... . . ....................... �- - . . ..... ,-"",7,�-�-�,�,-""-"""-""�,,,,,,,,,�,,,, � .. . .%.. % ...:..:. .. .... . .. . .�......1, �- I -� , 11,� . .�� ... .:... I �` AGENDA W A 5 H I N G To N KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, October 17th, 2002 111; PARKS, RECREATION& .' 2:30 —4:3'0 p.m. COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson Aff Director City of Kent Centennial Center Suite 4©1 -Mountain View Conference Room "11Phone:253-$56-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 F220 Fourth Aire.S. Kent;WA 98Q32w5895 Commission.Members: Melvin Tate, Chair(112005) Pamela Roberts, Vice Chair(1J2003) . Edna White, Cvrn. Issioner(11.2005) Brad Bel(, Commissioner(1/2004) Mike Heiniscri, Commissioner(112003). John 3: dresen, Cornmisaioner(1/2005) Perry Raak, Commissioner(1/2004) Judy Woods, Ci#y Council'Member(1/2003) Rod Saalfeld, Commissioner(1/2003) Meeting Agenda Presentation: Washington Women's Employment & Education Lynn Roberts, Director of'Program Development I. Approval of September 2002 Meeting Minu#es Action II. Contracting Report Information iI�,.I1"I,_-,,.--;�,--.I-,.;-1�-.,,.1.1I-�,!.�,.1I.�,.,k,,,",I,,'1 1,,'I',,',1,I1,':,"I I,',,I-'I�,',I,,I,,I 11�"I,:',I`''I,I",I II",-,�1�',�,II,,11-11'-,I",,I,�II,,1�, III. Human Services M......I......::�.. onth Nove..%%:.r-.-.......i...I.....i%.._.-...:...%.....1.:...:...:.:-%.%..mber.!%..�.............:....-..2002...:..%.......%.....�.:...........:......:...�........:.........%....%...:..�........:.i...%.:...:..�-.....:..%%......:%..�.......:..:...%...%..::........%................::.......�........%:.:.......-...:....%..:....-.......�%....:.......:...i.:..%.%........%.....%.....I..;.........:..�....%...........-.............-....................%....-%�...................�%.-.........-....I..I.Inform.....I.....,....�.ation %,,1 I,1,1,I I",I I,,I I-II-I II-I,�1,I I,�II,�,I 1I,I,I I,11,1 I1 I-I1 I II��'I I,1-,,,I�1I1,'I,,,I,'�,I II,�,I I1,I-,1 I-�I�I",1-,,,"I I,'II"-,II I A M".1.,-.'I�.I l�..II 1I:�.�,I. ..... IV Budget Update Information ..... I t. .:1....%..I V. Consolidated Plan Update informa#ion :..:.�%.....-.:..%%....... .�...:::�%...:�...:..Y�.-.%.....:........:.%.-..�:.:..%........:...::�.!!....:�...�....%...1. .��..::...l....... %�.%....:i:.....%....:.....�.......:...:....:. ..:.....���% .% ...:...!..-�..%.....�.�.�.:...-.......-.:--.......!:.....­...�.:............-...-:........%-%........:.�-:...-%...........%:...,...� THE CITY OF ICENT KEN HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION w A S H I N G T O N MEETING MINUTES September 19,2002 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chairperson Melvin Tate at 2:30, on Thursday, September 19, 2002,in Chambers East and West of Kent City Hail. I�UMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESEI�TT': Melvin Tate';Chairperson Pam Roberts,Vice Chairerson Edna white;Commissioner Mike Heinisc Commissioner Brad Bell, Commissioner Rod Saalfeld, Corrimissioner HUMAN SERVICE$COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: John Jendresen: Coxnrnissianer` PerryRaak,Comriiissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson,Director of Parks,Recreation and Community Development Katherin Johnson,Manager of Human Services Judy Bennett,Planner Merina Hanson,Planner Dinah Wilson,Planner Kathleen Allard,Administrative Assistant I. APPROVAL PVT DUNE 204I MEETII' G 11rIINUTES Comrussioner Vhtte 1VOVED and Commissioner Heiriisch SECOl�TDED to approve the minutes of the Jurie 20,2002 ri eeting. Motion carried. II. PUBLIC HEARING=CITY OF DENT CONSOLIDATED PLAN Commissioner SaalfeldMOVED aril Coninissioner White SECONDED .to open the Public Hearing on the Consolidated Plan. Jon Botteri,of Clutdren's Therapy Center spoke to the Commission, The address for Chldxen's Therapy Center is I`0811 dent Kangley Road;Kent Washington] 98030. Mr.Botten: I just handed zn a written version of this, sv I wz/l dust go off`of this. l just want to comment that I have% reviewed the plan, and I feel that it is well researched and well written and fairly addresses the housing and human service needs of this area, as an agency that provides services to one of Kent s most vulnerable populations,young children with special needs. We can certainly attest to the ( growth in the past ten years. Our agency is in the process of expanding our : .... ... ..... ........ .... .... .. ....... ... ...... ........ .. ....:...... .:...... .. . ::,:...:. ....::.::.....: ..:...... ..: lI facility and;our programs to meet the growth. Vn,fbrtunately, due to the current economic climate, its more difficult to get funding from some of the typical suspects; the foundations and corporations have had to cut back. It is extremely critical the City does everything in its power to bring additional resources into the area and we thankyou folks for taping this stand. There were no additional comments. --- -� ��-,��:�] ,�� ,� -I t =- �1, I :—: , - - - -:�i � �:�: !� :1 %:!:: Commissioner Saalfeld MOVED to approve the Consolidated Plan and forward It.to the Council Parks Committee for adoption and submission to HUD Vice Chair Parn Roberts SECONDED the oho 1Vlotion carried. 'sc`s i wi %the Commissioners was held xe ardn the C%onsolidated Flan. . % Dt u s qn th g . g .fi :. .. .. . , sc Boris that:6 felt`rieea a clam ca on . ;:Comxrussioner Heim ch.addressed de . . .. .. .. . .. . .,.. . .: . :> . .. . . . .. . d h th$se uestions an ;concerns: r orrection KatherI Johnson:ass ate wit .. .... 0 0 .. }, Katherin Johnson thanked the Oversight.Committee fox working closer with staff and the consultant. develop the st.4.... sand goals that are art cif this Ian She commented on how itn ortant it was that local citizens also had a hand p p . in helping staff recognize the areas of need`in this cornrriu -,- 'She personally thanked Lois Maier,Brad Bell:and the consultants for their hard work and dedication to the project: I. ':` Chairperson Tate asked for a vote to approve the Consolidated Plan and the vote passed unanimously. III. PUBLIC HEARING -PROPOSED CDBG 2003 Judy Bennett,Planner,gave a staff report on the 2003 recommendations for CDBG. They are as follows: . PUBLIC SERVICE Community Health Centers $3. : -. fl0 . . :. ... ..... :.: . :: . . r nc eediri Pro am $21 1....I..' . ... . . . . Ee ge y F , YWCA 35 8f0.00 : . . . ... . . Tota . 1 'ub + ;Servic+ $91,900 ; . CAPITAL.: Kent'Home Repair $3 ... fl0 . .. ... .. .: .. . ..... . .. ... .. KentParksReereahon .$ 62080.0 : ' .. .. . : :.. .. .. .. Dee10 merit . . and C%::. t . Y p Kent Tot Lot 4 Children's Therapy Center $ 35642.00 Community Facility Rehabilitation Total Capital $398,450.00 % . ....--- .... - 1 . � ::�.��.�:.��:::�: -.- . :::��!:�::........:.:.:.....:-I. -..-:... %.. . - . . -. .. .... . . - - �� :�:��.��1�%�.�:� -� . . %. - .-.%..I:�% �!. -.�� � � .��..��.%�i..��:��.....�..����.�...!:�.i:..�..�.�..��. . �: 1.�...... !�� ���... .. . . ... ........... ..:.: : ..-.-!..��:-..-...-.�;�.i.. ... . .. . 0...:.. . . . . . . .... �.-...-. .-... ......... .. . . .. . .... . ..M....�. . . . �� � ��.. .... . . .4��O- - - .% : � :� :4: �.. . %. ... .. .... . . .. ` Judy also presented the contingency plan,which states: INCREASE Tf there is an increase in the 2003 CDBG Capital allocation above the preliminary estimate of$398,450 Additional funds(up to$1fl0,000,00)will be allocated to the Children's Therapy Center Community Facility Project Addhtional capital funds received in excess of$100,000 recommended for the Clldren's Therapy Center prrehminary estimate will lie allocated to the Kent Youth 4 1 a ify Services Elevator Project DECREASE If there is a decrease in the 2003 CDB`G Capital allocation Funding for the`Chiid en's Thera%py Center Coiununty Facility Project will be decreased 'Planning&Administration : $122,600.00 Katherin shared that she felt there would be an increase in Capital funding. This is based on information provided by data from surrounding cities. Commissioner Heinisch questioned Katherin if the formula for distribution by HUD could arbitrarily change. She informed him that it must go through the appropriations committee,and that Mayor White has given his support for the current formula. The'committee will meet the last week in September. Katherin expressed how important it is to contact our legislators in support of the current formula.When the numbers were first compiled,the state of Washington was economically sound. Obviously,that is no longer the case and it could ;change the outcome Chairperson Tate requested a m©tion to open% tha public hearing for the 2003'CDB din xecoinznsriclations. Co�cnmissioner White 1VIUED and Commisoner Bell. fun g 3EC©IDEiD the mo%tion. Chairpe1�1.rson Tate requested public cc�iru%nent Jon Batten came forward`.with his statement I dad nat I.realize that bath would be . ... . � ; e a aan Z:ana:absr�lut%l e�ccite :to. . toda :b t .%oh Children s.7°1zraen . . .. y . . is u, %1. y g .. .. ....... .: Y....::.........f...'.. ... ............ ...... .... .. . . : .. . . .. . ............ .. .. % . . . .. ... . to. .. n ec m endatzon ;an even more excite ear h%ear thaat we were; ut an the rst ru r o .:m: : ... . . 0. .. .... . -.. .: .: . ..> . . , . e seat h ran s 'la ra Center wau ossi .. et; to . that there.as an increaz............h a;C t r . .. .. .. .P. .: :... . . ..,P,:. ...... ..%.. P % . : . .. . ........: . ................ . . ........ ... . ..... ............. ............ . .............. :. .... .. ....:. ... . % % % % % % our Zd re nest amount which is$�p0 000,0.0 Our undraisin lan has been oiri R 1` gp . . g ;wedgy, but it does feed as if we hake plateaued: We have kind of gone to where......he o$vious daces and because about 65%of our clients do come from the city of Kent, we hope that the city of Kent would support us and our efforts. Thank you for getting us this far we appreciate it. ,.. No other comments were made, Chairperson Tate requested a motion to close the public hearing. Commissioner Heinisch MOVED and Commissioner Bell SECONDED to close the public hearing. Chairperson Tate then asked if there were any comment from the Commissioners. Commissioner Bell MOVED, and Commissioner White SECONDED to approve the CDBG finding recommendations for 2003. Chairperson Tate called for a vote and it was approved by all of the Commissioners IV. KYFS FUNDING ALLOCATIONS—PROGRAM RENEW Merina Hanson gave a staff report and review of the revised KYFS applications. When the committee met in June there were issues with the Lighthouse Program application that warranted the apphcahon be rewritten The Comrniss�on als©re uestsd that KYFS % ..... .... ..: t an addition fundm re oast for the;WorkYor; Va: Back=to>School Pro am subrru al g q y Me " d i nna provide an analys s of each application to'the C. mmisskeners for tlle�r review s that s wieiriandmKathenn�nfrnd the Cmezhe ndMa th Mr Hnh re ar late m t L� thouse Work Your'Wa Back and t g dmg gh gh y , he school district function to improve WASL scores.Katherin suggested#ha#improving WASL scores is a school district function and should be funded by the school district. She encciuragetl the Comri�issi�n to recommend to the school district that diseussiops on a possible partnership take place.ChairpeYson Tate to the Commission lie supports the idea of any organization working with the Kent School District#o improve the WASL scores or to improve any#ype of academic achievement. Commissioner Helms questioned if it would be possible to ask the school district to fund a portion of this. Chairperson Tate mentioned the request should be given to Barbara(Grohe) and possibly the two schools involved. Commissioner Saalfeld asked for a clarification on the amount for the program. Merina informed the Commission that $35,000.00 would be allocated to Lighthouse. Commissioner Heinisch replied that Lighthouse could have expanded the Program by an hour to an hour and a half directly after school had the extra amount of $2,000.00 been allotted. Commissioner White asked where the staffing comes from Commissioner Heinisch responded that the staffing comes from KYFS. Chairperson Tate explained that his school(Kent Junior High) offers tutoring, and study groups;for one hour after school He mentioned that the time after school and before parents arrive home;from work is the most vulnerable time for kids to get into trouble, Commissioner Saalfeld;re nested that;staff be' 'n researchn artnersh ossblities;with the ...... . 1 P cho l District and:I XFS for,the aftersch©o1;:program ' a r an d4b.b til s'in brmat onto S o Commission for review. ` e` ` ` ' Oomrn ss oner.,White MOYEo to recommend fundin 6fKYFS Lighthonse in th amount of$35,000 to`support small groups,inchvidual counseling and education hours during Lighthouse evening sessions. Commissioner Roberts SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner White MOVED to recommend funding in the amount$500000 to support counseling for the Work Your Way Back program. Commissioner Roberts SECONDED the motion. Motion carried, I^ V. CHILD CARE SUBSIDY AGENCY SELECTION Katherin reviewed the Commissi,llon's recommendation to fund a child care subsidy or voucher program. Staff is currently working,with Child Care Resources to develop a child care subsidy program. CCR is providing this service for the cities of Bellevue and Redmond. The funding amount is $5,563.00, Chairperson Tate requested a motion for this approval.Commissioner White MOVED and Commissioner Heinisch SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. VI. HUMAN SERVICES MONTH -NOVEMBER 2002 The theme will be "Good for Kids, Good for Kent"' Katherin shared with the `Commission that City of%K6 employees have adopted..Teely O'Brien School.The'first project undertaken was t. provide i95';school kits,and an additional$L,500M to buy coats,shoes: and sucks for those in need. Tlie point of the theme"Good for Kids,Oood for Kent" as su Bested b `Cornrnissioner Jendressen is that adults need to be aware that g Y what we do ood or bad, affects children. One idea fora related rW t would be a . . p J rnentonng pragrain for the students at Neely O'Brien. Chairperson Tate mentioned. Flow Industries adopted a school here in Kent proved to b'e very successful. .. . challenged the Commissioners to visit and hake contributions to the local schools. VH. KING COUNTY'BUDGET CUT UPDATE [ Katherin updated the Commissioners regarding the Regional Policy Committee.King County's current budget forecast has been that the Human Services budget would be cut 50%in 2003 and following year the remaining 50%would be cut. In other words,by the year 2004,the County will be out of the Human Services business. Councilmember Julia Patterson has taken this on as an issue for the Regional Policy Committee and has asked Suburban Cities to be a partner in developing a work team to address this issue As Mayor White is a co-chair for the Suburban Cities Association,staff has been requested to work on the%..%........:..�.-....:..:-%.�.....l.i.-:..project. An initial presentation was made to the RPC in July. The RPC requested more rom the work group,including that'lie list of funded ....%—..._..:....:....�.........,:.-.�.I..-..:...�1..��.,.�I�...I...-.-.:..�,%......-.%�,'�,.%�_-..%..I.,..-..���,,...-.l;I 1-.�1::��.,%.�.:.1:,..l.,..-:.,,.-.I��1,i..%.1.�.,�.,,II.. programs be reviewed,r pnontized and additional funding options developed, The scheduled meetin :for that week was canceled because tl?e final r. ,ortneeded g; ,,,, - ,; .. : . :: . ;. .:.. clanficatan on funding options;dge to the currentonom� climate. Iatheran believes that the long term t'itnding piece will need much more tirrie and consideration As of tlus . .... ........ . . ..... . .. . . . .: ... .. .. date Kan Count :has not released the lu ` et' it is tztativel scheduled fr;release`:the th g y. g Y :1 of Qc#ober..:.. n;also muntiortud to the commissioners that the Human Services policy framework for the county clearly states that the first priority:f Hainan . . ... .. . : . . .: : Services fundin will be for ro ains,that reduee;the aun act on:the;crimnal;ustice g . ss - 1 , ���.;:��..!.-.��!��:�. : . . . . - � �� I I .,..-.-�il�',." ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.in. , , , .... . . .. - -:� - I -�,,,,,,,,, ,I,� ,,�,�,, 11,� I I I'', I ,!� -I-J�:... . . . - - Respectfuily Subnutteci Katherin Johnson ;:� .%%:%:.�% . : ..... M... .. . . . .... ... .... .:.... .... : %..% .. . . ..:1. . . . s, r °" PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES John M Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES Katherin`Johnson, Manager Phone:253-856-50?3 11 :�..��:19�.�,I�%.:.��-�I.I�:,.I::.,I, 1. V C�i Fax: 253-866-6070 w A S H N 9 T o Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S`:' Kent,VVA 98032-5895: MEMO TO KENT HUMAN SERVICES GOMIVIISSION FRAM: ': KATH,ERIN JOHNSON, HOUSINO`.AND HUMAN SERVICES MANAGER ES P. T< SUBJECT OCTOBER 2002 HUMAN SE'RV1C RE OR GENERAL FL11NI� Staff Is vvorktng on Human'Services Month for November The theme is Good for Kids — Good for Kent. S#aff will deuelop displays highiigh#ing activities in Kent that prorrtote positive activities for kids, encourage adults to be involved with kids through mentonng, tutoring and other activities and identify how various aspects of City government creates " environments that promote a positive environment for children. The Housing and Human Services Elements of the Comprehensive Plan will go to the Land Use and iPlanning Board on October 14 as a workshop item and October 28 for a public hearing.Both elements are supportive of the Consolidated Plan. CITY OF KENT HOMELESS TASK FORCE City of Kent Homeless Task Force wil meet with a group of community members #o continue v+�©eking on homeless issue in the community; The group will look at Define the problem . ldentif the at ra a Y n . . . ... .. . . .. ... . . . Identif : eo ra :hj.c roblem`areas : : Y9 p p Name community par#ners :`, . to Find best raCtlCes of:o h r.cd es. p ... SIN:'` : O' S. ":: ;::: COMMU...N SCH OU The Executive Committee of Communities In Schools continues to meet every other week. The first CIS Board Meeting will be held on August 22�d at 3:30 at Philip Services in Renton. Merina Hanson of our staff has been elected Vice President of the organization. P:\Human`Services\Human Services Commission\Reports\October 2002.doc. .: ........:.:.....:: ....... .. . . .. ...... ..... % % % % . .:... (" IC ommuNiTY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 11 The Consolidate Plan has been completed. The public comment period is over and the only comments were in support of the plan.' The Plan goes to the Parks Committee on Oct. 8 and Council on Oct. 15, HOME REPAIR �- "M , -�::::-�:�-'w t� ... .. :!�ii�:�% Home Repair took the lead on the Mayor's Day of Help project. Three homes were identified'for a range of work including painting, yard clean up, minor repairs and installs ..M mailbox. Approximately 40 City employees volu%n#tiered to spend the day at one of three sites. There�11was also a team of.Inmates from the #dent jai ThE,results Mere Incredible and left three Kent residents very happy. $TJLL lllll�lVOR MOBILE;l-OM PRIG Residents are still looking for spaces to move their mobiles. There are approximately 20 units still inhabited All residents must move by©tic. 31 The Clty Council approved the Mobile'Home Relocation Ordinance that will require owners of mobile home parks to prepare a relocation assistance report and plan #o be submitted for certification and approval by the City of Kent Housing & Human Services Manager prior to receiving any other approval decision. The ordinance does not require any monetary assistance be provided to the residents. COMMUNITY ACTION/SUBREGIONAL PLANNING ONE STOP HUMAN SERVICE CENTER -- - -- tit-i::--�:-�,:N 11 �. .. .. i . The One Stop Human Service Partnership Group visited several prospective locations for the Center. The.ij�group will review the locations visited to determine what features of . ... eaph site wouid work and vuhat features would not work as Human Service Center, This ;; #: ... Information wll! be used to refine the search criteria and identify other potential sl;es, .. urii ie : r lea e s #o a s. ... ; : r t is d:for...the: Partnershl as h re;.ar ort: : t T.hi..e . +went rn...ko .. ...Q..... . .. . .... .... p► .... ... .:. . ..... pP ... g with o tlon to urchase tha#make help make the acquisition easier; p p % .:..::.`.`B: ET:.OU 5.` . : ; UDG....: T...:::... ... ....... .....: :... .. .........: .... i. i. .. i. Staff continues #o uirork with the Suburban Cities Association (SCA) to address the proposed County badget cuts as related #o`Human Services: The'staff;iNork group was asked by the Regional Policy Committee#o look at three areas. • Prioritization of funding resources Funding ( Efficiencies of government and non profit agencies The work of the prioritization group was presented to the Regional Policy Committee on October, 2, 2002. While several members of the Committee were concerned about P:\Human Services\Human Services Commission\Reports\October 2002.doc r, making any cuts #o human services the recommendation 'from the work group was approved to be forwarded to the County Council The recommendation included $580,000 more that the amount being recommended by the County Executive. The funding work group has been charged with locating the additional funds for the short I I term, CC; ,JUHN HODCSON, PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNIT' % .. . . .. oER /tE;S DIRECTOR` l :. P:\Human Services\Human Services Commission\Reports\October 2002.doc ..