HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/18/2002 W, -- `, � I -' , I I ' . : . �:�.�:::::�.-� . %��:�!: .. . . . . . ...% . .:... .... fr .�� ... .� ��.:. .:: � , ,�, �- , �� , ,,,,� , , ,, .1 . . - - :.: .. . .. y 1.- vv wnsHiNcroN AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION PARKS,RECREATION& Scheduled Meeting for Thursday,April.18th, 2002 COMMUNITY SERVICES % 2;30 -4;30 m. lmmi, John Hodgson p• Director Phone:2s3-sss-s1oo *New Meeting Location* Fax:253-856-6050 Kent Centennial Building - Suite'401 (Mountain'View Conference Room) 220 Fourth Ave,S. Kent,WA ,403,Z ,896 bI� OMM. .I..S—S....1.6 k.MEMBERS; Melvin Tate, Chair (1/2005) Pamela Rob`erks, ice Chair (1;12003) Eona Vllhite, Commissioner(112005) Brad Bell, Commissioner(1/2004) IVlike Heinisch, Corrlmissioner(1/2003j John Jendresen, Commissioner(1/2005) Perry Raak, Commissioner(1/2004) 11, Judie Sarff, Commissioner (1/2003) Julie Peterson, City Council Member (1/2003j AGENDA AGENCY TOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES 2:30* ****PLEASE ARRIVE AT 2:15 TO BOARD THE V ►N****" WE WILL MEET iN THE CENTENNIAL BUILIa. LOBBY. OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of the Feb 21; 2002 ACTION ITEM 4:00 Mina#es 2 Approval of he Mar. 21, 2002 ACTIN ITEM 4:05 Minutes 3. Entitlement Status Update INFORMATION ITEM 4:10 TH E CITY OF KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION � i MEETING 'MINUTES KEN FEBRUARY 21, 2002 WASH IN GTON :The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Vice Chairperson, Pam Roberts at 2:30 on Thursday, February 21, 2002, in :Council Chambers East of Kent City Hall. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Pam Roberts, Vice Chairperson Julie'Reter on, omm ssioner Joh%n Jendresen, Corihmissioner Perry`Raals . Corrrrnissioner Edna Whi#e, Commissioner Srad Bell, Commissioner `HUMAN SERVICES COIVIMISSIONERS EXCUSEDlABSNT; Me1vin Tate, Chairperson Mike Heinisch, Commissioner Judy Sarff, Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT hKatherin Johnson, Human Services Manager Medna Hanson, Planner Dinah Wilson, Planner Kathleen Allard, Admire Asst. 'OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER MINUTES Commissioner Jendresen MOVED and Commissioner Bell SECONDED, to approve th.e minutes ofi the November 15, 2001 Motion carrred REVIEW COMMISSION RETREAT The Muman Services Commission Retreat ;was held on Janua 18, 2002. Ka#herin Johnson reviewed the re#reat wth the Commissioners, asking fOtt..... I. . selossed that th ewa# ed m rt `. comfortable and accomrnoda#ing. The Commissiopers also said that the panel ;presentation was Informa#ivy; and ;indite#ed it would be.useful in the upcoming funding cycle consiidera#ions. Katherin shared with the Commissioners, tha# the I.was impressed with the dedica#ion shown Tj6h. FUNDING CYCLE Katherin spoke to the Commission regarding the Human Services General Fund Application, to be released to the public March 21, 2002. The application work session will be held March 22, 2002. All of the south county cities will attend this work session, with the applications due back to Kent, April 22, 2002. By the Commission meeting May 16t" staff will have to the Commissioners copies of the applications, staff analysis and total funding amounts requested. Katherin expressed her concern to the Commission, that with the recent budget with the applications due backto Kent, April 22, 2002. By the Commission rneetirtg May 16t", staff will have to the Commissioners +copies of the applications, staff analysts and �= total funding amounts requested. Katherin expressed her concern to the Commission, that with the recent budget cuts, the number of applications received will increase. A rating sheet will be used to review the applications. Staff provides technical assistance to the agencies including a review for completeness prior to the deadline. The amount ` available for 2003/2004 funding will be $598,247.00. The CDBG funding cycle will be run as if the City is still a part of the consortium. BUDGET CUT REVIEW County Executive Ron Sims, released a letter to county employees, projecting a $50,000000 cut in the county budget for next year, with an additional $30,000,000 cut for the following year. The Governor's budget calls for significant cuts to human services, Staff will watch both the-House and Senate budgets as they are released NEW BUSINESS REINVESTING 1N YOU11 — Guest speaker, Jinn Street Mr, Street served twelve years on the Seattle City Council and four years as judge: Mr. Street is now the Executive Director of Reinvesting in Youth. The prolec# is currently funded ay the;C#y of Seattle and King County. The goal of the project is to identify best practices #ha# can demonstrate the ability to keep at risk youth out of the Juvera'I justice system.;The project will initially look' for foundation money to fund the projects with a long term goal of redirecting savings from the justice system to the programs.`. STILL MANOR . Commissioners were updated on the status of the families residing in Still Manor. Many of the residents are on a very limited income, have limited English skills and/or disabled. Staff continues to work with the residents to determine their needs and how we can assist them. NEW REGULAR MEETING LOCATION The Human Services Commission meetings will now be held on the fourth floor of the Centennial Building, m the Mountain View Room, Suite 410. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30. Respectfully Submitted Katherin Johnson Recording Secretary all"" I , I , I I I . . . . ::�.:��:.�;:�.....�..%. . . . - - .. . 1.�.%�:� .. . . .%.��:.�.��..%:�.:��.%.:...::. ..... . ~C THE CITY OF KENT t K E N T P�MEETING MINUTESERVICES COMISSION WASHINGTON IvIARCH21,2002 PARKS,RECREATION& The meeting of the Kent Human services Commission as called to order by Commissi w oner COMMUNITY SERVICES Edna White, at 2:30 on Thursday March 21, 2002, in the Mountain View Room of the John Hodgson,Director Centennial Building. ,,, 220 Fourth Ave.S. Kent,WA 98032-5895 HU SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Heinisch,Commissioner Phone:253-856-5100 Judie Sarff,Commissioner Fax;253-856M6050 Edna Wlu#e,Coznnnssxoner HUMAN SERVICES;COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: Pamela Robexts,Vice;Chair Mel Tate,Chairperson. Pe Raak,Conamassioner rry Brad Bell .t mm$si©ner John Jendrese:n,Commissioner Julie Petersoaa Coannissioner; HUMAN SERVICES::STAFl PRESENT: John Hodgson;Director of Parks,Recreaho 140"Community Development. Katherin Jolia son;Manager of Human Services 11 Merina Hanson,Planner Dinah Wilson,Planner Kathleen Allard,Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was not a quorum,so there was not an approval of the Human Services Commission minutes for the month of February. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Katherin shared with the Commission that the legislature had passed the budget, but as of .. .: ii #has date, the'Governor had:not signed at The House budget was far more devastating to .. services for children than the Senate budget Katherm would like a message to go to Governor Locke stating there should not be more;budget:.cuts that would further impact children. Katlerin provided::the Commissioners with written inforanatioai that listed the agencies that are being out,and the arraount of money they will lose.John Hodgson asked.if we knew#o what extent the agencies`presently funded by the Human Services Commission would impacted,Katherina'indicated that:we would have a better idea once applications are submitted:±and can be reviewed: The general consensus is that there: will be a large increase in applications. ONE STOP UPDATE Merina Hanson informed the Commissioners that.the committees for the One :Stop are currently meeting monthly. The Service Development Committee is working to'determine the service design of the agencies that will co-locate in the building. The Site Identification Task Force selected Morgan Llewelyn, a local realtor,to assist the Partnership inlocating a physical site for the One Stop.The committees are doing well and are on track i ... FUNDING CYCLE-SET DATES Katherin reviewed the upcoming General Fund Applicationycie Timeline. The Commissioners were divided into two groups to review the applications. Each group will have a staff person to assist as needed. Edna White will Chair Group One (Melvin Tate Perry Raak and Brad Bell). Jude Sarff will Chair Group Two (Pamela Roberts, John Jendressen and Mike Heinischj. Commissioners will receive the application packets at the regular Commission meeting on May 16t'.The first work session,a half day,will take place on Thursday,May 30th. The full day workshop will be heldlon Friday, June 14`s. Selected agencies will be interviewed on this date. Final funding decisions will be made at the June 20`�'Human Services Cormmiss on meeting• An additional block of time (noon to 2:30)ha..s. been set'asade praor to the regular meeting rime if additional time is necessaxy i�.�,A.�:;:.!,-:-:�:1:..j��:-�:N,I,,�I,l�,-....1�,I:,.,-.I":..I:�� :�:w...�...�:.:.I ....:���:...,.....:.-..-�1..::-....��.I.-.w..�...-.I..:11-..!:....%::...-::....I��I�-�...I I.....I... .:...:�";::IIX�:m.I I 1.''...�%..'I..:-,I�.:.:-...I"�..—I-.l'I-�iI,:-...-1��'"% NEW BUSINESS AGEi�I!CY'i'QiJ]t Kathertr spoke to the :'Coxnmi$.A61*rs regarding the annual tour to one of the agencies pxesently funded by Kent. it was deckled to visit Catholic Community Services. ICatheru wall contact Cathy Peters,administrator of Catholic Community Services,to set W the tour.`: ISLII�TIG Kathexiri expressed her concern to the Commissioners regarding the Crisis C1uuc's failure to apply fur funding during the last application cycle. She would like to see th iCrists Chnie receive$5000.00 a year in funding as aline item in the budget if it would be acceptable to ` the Commission and Council.This agency is one of the few truly County-wide services and staff relies heavily on the Community Information Line for information and referral purposes. GUEST SPEAKER-Barbara Drennen PICC founder and director,Barbara Drennen was the guest speaker, Pediatric Interim Care Center is a non-profit medical facility for infants suffering from prenatal drug exposure. PICC provides 24 hour a day, short term specialized medical care and therapeutic handling for up to 15 newborn at a time in a homelike atmosphere during the withdrawal process. This agency is in danger of losing almost $700,000.00 in funding with the potential state wide budget cuts Barbara spoke of this and possible solutions that their board is exploring,' ADJOURNMENT I'he.meetiui :was::ad'ourned.at;4:3Q; ,.m . .. . . ::....................... ...... .................... ............... . . J. p . . . ..::..::. .... . . . . .....::.:........ ..... .:.:..:.:::;. :...:: ...: .. . ....: Res ectful ...Su m ...d... ..: .. .:.. p b tte,. r atherin on g Secretary Pouf ' il.,.. `, .'R §; PARKS, RECREATION AND COM11 MUNITY SERVICES John M. Hodgson, Director HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES: Katherin Johnson, Manager e��ii Phone:253-856-5073 'E lr Fax: 253-856-6070 W ASHINOTON Address::220 Fourth Avenue S. ��. -i�i 2,-:-� , ,- - - Kent,WA 98032-5895 MEMO TO; MAYOR JIM WHITE AND CITY COUN% �� � Ell :-'�-�,�,�:- . -I --,:�:: �: :: �j :� 1: CIL MEMBERS FRAM: MELVIN TATiE, HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION CI ... SUBJECT: RECOMMENDED YEAR 2003 HUMAN SERVICE$ FUNDING LLOCAT#O;1V The Human Services' Commis...................1%...1.sion has completed its reyiew of the 2 . .,.:.�.:.%:�:.. General Fund applications. Attached are the recommended 21303 aiiocatioris for 30 General Fund programs. I --.......%.I..�.:.%:�.�:.%.....:...,..-....:..:.. :�-.-%.- have also attached the Contingency Plan for Year 2003 Human``Services General Fund allocations as adopted by the Qommission. We bre forwarding our`recorr mendations to you;for mcitasion in the proposed 200.3 General Fund budget. Funding recommendations are consistent with the City's adopted funding priorities` The priorities are the following: Priority#3: Services w11 hich meet basic and emergency 111 needs (food,11:1medical care; shelter; protection from abuse and neglect). Priority#2: Programs which are preventative in nature and promote a high degree of selfi dependence. Priority#3: Programs that seek to enhance' he quality of life in persons whose baste human needs are already met. Of the thirty General Fund programs reco%mmended%for fundrng in 2003, two were not previously .funded # .thq City. The Cornrnrs.. has phose-W to fund the %... Your Way Back program y operated by Kent Youth & Famrly Servrces rn 'partnership uvith the Kent Parks, Recreation%& Cori�munty Serrces `in the amount% of: $ ,000.00. 1n addition, the Commission 'se# aside .. .. : .,.:.%1 , ..:; ::: ; : ; % . c er ro rarrr fihts'set aside was In lieu 5 00 Q0 rn order to establish a crarld care subst.. vow h ............ .:. . .,fl.......: ............... . ..:. ..: : .. y ....:..............p...: .... . ......... ....... ... . .. . o e led b ` Chlld ' are ... .:... . o:.co tr um . to;fund the Resource Arid f.efem... ..: Service. r© ram.... :..:.ra.. :... Y: ....: .. . f. .. ... . . ..... .. ... ..... p g . . ij . . .... ..... %. . . % .. .. . :. ..... . ... 9 . .: .:. ................... .. : . ... . ... ;, . s; i rtant:serVice the Commission;fee s:hat Re our. Although resource and referral i an m.% , .. dire . nr rs for< ore t current need rn:o r co % mt_r t m % ct`services: .. .. he u m y The Comrnrsston also allocated 11 $%5,000 to the Domestic Abuse 1Nomeri's Network (SAWN) for confidential shelter services. This agency was de-funded by` the City in the past. The 11 Commission met with the new Executive Director and Board President'and because we were impressed by the progress made in their effort to rebuild community trust in DAWN, we. allocated the $5,000 minimum award that can be made to a program. DAWN'S funding will be i contingent upon their ability to satisfactorily meet performance measures agreed upon by staff'' The funding is strictly`for the confidential shelter, which we believe is an incredibly important. resource for our resitlents. P:\Human Services\General Fund\2003 General Fund Application\Allocation Memo to Mayor.doc . - %.. ..... ... �.. .i ..: :.� :. . . . ......: . . . .. . . -.1 .� . ���....�:..�.:..�..�..�:... .%�%��:i.:..1. . .. . ..� i :..:..�.:..... ...... � � � - " .­ .....;....�.�. ... .....: .. .. . .. 1.1 . . : . . . i %.. . . . .:. i .. . . . . ........... .............. � . .��%�. ... .......... .......� ; II Wherever ,possible and appropriate, staff requested;that agencies applying #or funding for multiple programs combine them into one application. This will reduce the number of contracts, increasing' efficiency for both Human Services staff and agency staff. For example, Catholic 11 Community Services currently has three separate contracts with the City. In their 2003 application, all three programs were rolled into one application for"Family Stabilization" While the Commission is open to funding agencies not previously funded by the City of Kent, no new agencies were funded for 2003. Competition for funding was; unusually tough due to the limited amount of funds available and the current crisis in human services funding that continues to impact so many of our agencies. Five agencies that had not previously been funded by the City applied and did not receive an allocation. Attachment cc .. Myke Martin, thief Administra#ive officer ,. . Park Recreation &Communit . Services . rectpr John M. Hodgson, s, Y Human Services C©mmission Members Kathenn 66:i h?Muma JSp;yIces Manager Merina Hanson; Human Services Planner Dinah W lson, Human Services Planner Human Services Commission 200 File : 11' ', ,� It— 1, I 'll, . ... . ��� ... .. t ������ � N : I t ­_ . .� . . ..�i . .. 1 P;\Human Services\General Fund\2003 General.Fund Applica#ion\Allocation Memo to Mayor.doc �.. N-r.::. WASH IN.OTON `.' 20YA■��■ � H:uma:ne rvlces;. :.:; PARKS, RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES General Fund Allocations I ` Agency: Program Recommendation ACAP Child & Family Services: APPLE Parenting $ 5,000-00 ACAP Child & Family Services: Child Care $ 8,500.00 Catholic Community Services: Family Stabilization 777 66,337.00 Catholic Community Services: Katherine's House $ Catholic Community Services: Children's DV Counseling $ Catholic Community Services Counselarjg $' Cht1d Care Resources ResourcelReferral $ - Chidren's Home`Society: Strengthening'Famlies $ 25,400.00 Ch�ldren's'i-herapy Cen#er: Scholarship Assistance ' $ 25,0©D 00 Comrnunity..eatth Center: Primary Dental $` 10,900 00 Comrnun�ty Health Center: Primary Medical $ 58,450 00 H.C�.l1Il.E, $` 30,00'0.00 KCCADV. SKC DV Planner ` $ 15,000.00 Kent Community Service Center: Food Bank $ 30►0�0.00 'ent Youth & Family Services: Team Lighthouse $ 35,000.00 Kent Youth & Family Services: Counseling $< 58,500.00 Kent Youth & Family Services: Teen Parent Housing $ 7,000.00 Kent Youth& Family Services: Teen Substance Abuse $ 15,000.00 King Co. Sexual Assault Resource Center: Sexual Assault Services $ 20,OOD.00 King Co. Sexual`Assault Resource Center: Parent Ed & Child Therapy $ - Multi-:Service Center: Energy Crisis Intervention $ 11,000 00 Multi,Service Center HEART 7777. 6,300 00 Multi-Service Center: Hcusirg $ 3$,20'00 Pre nano Aid: Shelter g : Y Senior Services ofi Seattle.`Transportation $ 5,OQ0>00 Senior Serances;pfi Seattle Meals on Wheels $ : Ukranianomrnurn#y Center $ 7,000 00 Valley Cities Counseling: Seniors ` 77777 25,000 Oq Valley Cities Counseling. Survivors Support 13,800.00 WWEE: Computer Applications $77777777, 12,595.00 WWEE: REACH (Job Readiness) $ 22,000.00: MCA: Community Advocacy $ 21,215.00 Center for Career Awareness: Springwood Career,Development Center $ Crisis Clinic: Telephone Services 5,000.00 2003 General Fund Allocations ;Page.2 Isis Clinic: Teen Link $ DAWN: Shelter $ 5,000.00 Institute For Family Development: PACT Page Ahead Children's Literacy Program $ - Ruth Dykeman Children's Center: In-home Counseling $ St. Stephen Housing Association: Kent Case Management $ St Vincent de Paul: New Connections $ - Child Care Subsidy Vouchers $ 5.000 00 . ...: . . ... .our. a KYF�, Warp Y W .X 60 Tot I �0©3.Recommendations: 598, 47, I Total 2003 Reques#s $ 82'1,070.16 Total Available $ 598,247.00. Balance $:: i . .. . ...... . %: 1, ,�,:�:�,: 11% I �- .%. . . : . .. �.. .... .. , , , � , . .. . . . . . . . .11 , , , ,��, ,:��- :1::,� I :�, . . . ..::1. . .... .. ... . ..... . .:..% Human Services General Fun 2003 Funding Contingency lan in the event %of decreased funding in the year 2003, 'each`program w�1I.1 receive a .. .; .. ::; . .. cre a net;to. o decrease i.h fiundmg based on #he,perc%en#a% ge of the total de as , g below the minimum amou%nt of$5,000. i PAHuman Services\General Fund\2003 General Fund Application\Contingency03.DOC