HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/21/2002 ��,: K 1�1 T Wq$HIiJOT;ON AGENDA PARKS, RECREATION& KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION c©mMuNITY s>_RUlcis Scheduled Mee#in #or Thursday, Februar 21s#, 2002 Sohn Hodgson g Y Y Director 2:30 -4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS EAST' ' Phone:253-8a6-6100 Fax:253-856-6050 '., ,' u`-- t 1 u1 ..S?;. IC en ,w 19$032 — COMIV�ISSI N MEI111BERS. IVlelvin Tate, Chair.(1l2002) Pamela Roberts, /ice +chair('I/2003} Edna1lhite, Cornrnissio er(1/200i) Brad Bell, Cammissioner(112004) Mike 1-1.einisch, Commissioner (1l2002} John Jendresen, Commissioner(112002) Perry I aak,'Commtssi. h (1I200 ) Judie Sarff, Commissioner (1: 003);; Julie Peterson, City Council Member (1/2003) ,, GUEST Jim Street(Reinvesting In Youth) 3:00 AGENDA , I'm - � � -- I ..-...... .:.-. .....��� OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of the Nov. 15, 2001 ACTION ITEM 2;30 .% 7777 Minutes ,:�,,,,I�1,�'�i�:,,�'�I1�'1��t,,,,,,,,-�,1,,'",",,.,,II',,,,,I:',��,.�`�-""�,��-,,�'I,'-,�,i,,"1'''�`,��',,",-,,",i',�,,'',i�'-,"�I,�";�-����'�,'-,-��-1i"'',,�,,,,1�,�",,��,,,,!,,,1�,,�'',,,:,'',I,,,'�''I,�,I,�-�"I,,��,'�"�1,,,",,l",,,�,�",-I,',l,),,",,,�',",",�-�,,�'',,',,,,,,.I\,l"",.l�,",",,1I"",��,�,��'"1""l.",",,1",,:,,,,"l�'�",.'�,',���I�I",,,�i,1 1c,-1�i"1�",'":",i","1,,,,�"��',,I ii,�,,',�I,I",,i':,I",,��l�i"-,,'1,,,,,W�1�,,,,,,,,,,,�1'i',,1,"",,',,�',"��,;l1l,I,,",',�,,",,,"I"I"",�,,'1,,�",I,,�,�'-,,",,,,,i,,i,,,,",1,'",1",—!,,"I��',,�,�i,-I,",'"1,I"4,',�I.�,,,,,'�,I"'-,1,',,-;'�,�,�� 2. Review Commission Retreat INFORMATION ITEM 2: 5 3. Funding Cycle INFORMATION ITEM 2:45 4. Budget Cu# Review INFORMATION ITEM 2:55 NE111 BUSINESS 1. Reinvesting In You#h PRESENTATION 3; 5 (Jkh Street) 1.. still Manor II�tFORMATION ITEM 3: 0 2 New Regular Meeting Location INFORMATION ITEM 3;45 3. Human Services Division INFORMATION ITEM 4:00 Structure � � � � - I I ,:. . .. ��l��.�.��:.�:!:...:..���. ..... .: :i . i : ---,� � � ''.... .. . ::. - . . � I . . . .. :1 . .� :�:� � . .. I I .%... . . ..:�:... .��. ��:�_ , - ----- � - , " ....... -- ilii, I � :.:ii.�%�.�: :.-i�. . .. ..! - � .. .. t I , -�-- ... .: I .. � .::.�... . .... ................ .� .: t �: �����������ii�����:��:����, , ����, .:-:�::t� . . . � ],ii" �- I' ��.� ::�...%:..!.:........ . � . ... Ill�: . . : .%.... :... � �, �� - '11, 1::-:��%%% - 1:ii,::t y ` ti - - .. 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Proposed 11 11 Public Service Community Health Centers $ 34,942.00 Emergency Feeding Program $ 21,148.00 YWCA $ 35,860.00 Total'Public Serviice $ 91,950,00` (I j�I���0--��1��-�::::i:-,,������R�--�����-.�������,::.��:I"..,-�,�!i--.:��I.::­-�:-,%1:i�I�.:,::��!:.:�..%_I�"�1 II:%-�:,...%1 l.:�"-.J-..,�.-,i���:-I:t..,�:�-:,:.:�.,,-��-.,����-.,i�!%:.�.j�:!�:�%.,:�--.:��:,�-:..,-'1�I".�!:.-��,::f:I:�:�.:..i..��j:j�::-,.,��-:.-,-�,:���-��,.,:�,..�,I,1:t:�:..j�"�:,�-;,:.�:--����1.::..�I,��,,..%.,�:::-%�:�,I�.�-%���,_:.�-:�I;:.:-.-��',:..�-.--:-�%..�,:-::::..::.��,�..-1:.":::��I:.:.1-J��..�...I%,;�':,%i..�t�.%-:,,1..:�-�%�:�%.,:.;,::.1i����-..�.�­.,.:-�...,-":,,�:.:..�,��:-�:�.%-i-t%-.,!;�:�,�...1.,.��..:,��:�::..:�,-.�1-��,!It%:��:��."1;-�:�:�.,�;�...:,��t.,�:��:%,���,�-.�,��%-,1"-�!��...��-,1-!.��j:%.t�-V���,���:.-1-,-��.���,'�_��I,�-,,i�.:.t::,�' ��..".,��-��I::-:�I��,::,,,-!...::�t��I.1������..--:..�..�.����...i,4�-,,�:.���',',��',�����t�-��...1�-:,��--%.�:�.�:,:..�.-,.-.1..�,�,,�%�-.�:-���.,.."I,:�:.1�,..-.-:-�-,,!�-....1'1,:�.,�:,1,"I.".,:�I l-,,,,.�-�',,.I�,::.:,-,"-'..,�.I]�..�.,,I,��.�',.,���,,�,,�1I�..-�1I��:V,�'�-�,���,:I,:..,]:.",,�1::�'���..��­.1-�i�.,-,�-:.:-"�:��:t�,,,.-'"�:,-,.:,',..�,1,�:��,I:-'.:..:,�..�tt.-.."t�,:���:;.�:--�,�'..%�'-:1:,,-..Iz�,II,,'-�.,:'�,:.,:��".�''..111,.��-t,1:I."%1,-:��1.-�,I--�.I�'.11�,1-:�.�,,,I�':-",--�,'-��':',1-.'1��1,1,..�1,,'�-1l.�:�"::����,,�"�,,�,,:,'�1:,,.�.',-::,�'Al',:;��1'��;,:�_-!:t1.�,�,�"-.,��::�I.:::,�1_I..l:1• 1 . the event df an Increase the adds#tonal funds will fi rst be;allocated to the Mult1.:.,%.�:.�....%;.�:%...%.�...:",..-.:....W�%:.:%....:.:.I...,...�I..,.�..... Service tenter Housing Stability Program. �-'�.��1,.%�-����.i:...;-,'�1:. '.-,�-I�,I.�l.7-�..'I:-�.:,,�"�::,.�".,,%�.%..IIIIII�-,1.::.,i::L1'::,.:.'z7,.,..,-::.'.:.I'.7t.,%-�,;����:..::.,�1,-;II1:I:� +. If the increase is less#han`,.5 000 the increase will be divided eguaily between th1.:.1..:,::.��:..!�:..z-...::...:-......:.......%:%�..,...:�:... recornmendedegences, if there is a decreease in 203 CDBG Funds, the decrease will besp(lt proportiQna#eIy between the funded agencies, ' rtal Kent Home Repair Program $300,000 Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services—Kiwanis Tot Lot 4 $62808 Children's Therapy Center— Communit ` Facilit Rehabilitation $35 642 Total $398,450 Increase If there is ark Increase in the 2003 CDBG Capital allocation above the preliminary estimate of $89$,A50: . . additional funds (up to$10.U.00)will be allocated #o the Children Therapy Center Comrnunit idll}t Pro'ec# .].......!:....,.��lA..: Y � Y J . additional ca fital funds r ceiyed trn-excess 6f;$10 ,U©O r. . ..er�d d.forthe P Children's Therapy Gen#er prel�rninary estIma#e will be allocated to the Kent You#h and Family Services Elevator Project Decrease; : . . . If there �s a decrease in the 2003 CDBG Capi#al allocation • funding for the`Children's Therapy Center Community Facility Project will be decreased Plannin &Administration $122,600 Children's Budget Coalition " Analysis of the>Final Budget March 1.5th 2002 + -77 ..... . LA SS Taken and. Cuts LVOl( eC GF=S Other Funds 7777— Department of Social and Health Services Children's Administration Home Support Specialists ($625,000) Family Reconciliation Services H(FRS II) ' ($1686,000) Therapeutic Child Development 35% capacityreduction ($2,007,000) ($1,065,000) Amencorps Mentonng/Harborview Parent program ($4Q6,o0Q) Chi1t Placing Agency Exp nson ($694,000) ( 244, 00) Vendor Rate Change to ($1395,000) ($336,OOOj Elirnrate Second dear$asic Foster;Caxe Rate Increase ( 921,000) ($614,OOQ) Pediatric Interim Care Interpreter'Services Eff ciencies $42, 0oj Public Safety and'Educa#ionccourit Intensive Family Preservation Line Item No Cut Secure Crisis Residential Centers77 No Cut Alternative Response Services (ARS) No Cut Public Health Nurse Program No Cut ( Continuum of Care No Cut Community Networks/Family Policy Council No Cut Parent Trust Programs No Cut HOPE bed Reduction No Cut Responsible Living Skills Bed Reduction No Cut Medical Assistance Administration Interpreter Services "Efficiencies" ($728,000) ($1,022000) Transfer Legal Immigrants SIX. P ($8,925,000) 'Transfer Undocumented Children to;BHP' ($12123,0Q0). Free7777 ze SCHIP No Cut Medically Indigent Program No Cut MAA"Cost Coritainment" NQ;Cut777777 Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration ` Mission Creek Closure`` ($1,452;000) Eliminate the Juvenile Violence Prevention Grant Na Cut Truancy Petitions No;Cut Economic Services AdxnpWi rauori GA-U Program "Efficiencies" ($5,400,000) Eliminate State SSI Supplement ($24,5001000) 77 Mental Health Division Community Service Reductions ($2,715,000) ($12000) Spend Down RSN Reserves ($t(i,757,000)'. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Violence Reduction and Drug Account Reduction (S571,000) Public Safety and Education Account (S255,000) Reduce TASC ($1 03G;000) ($6,0.0 Sunstance Abuse Treahnent for Gravely Disabled ($1,800;OU0) "9evelopmental Disabilities reeze Case Manager Hiring ($3,267,000) ($2,588,000) Reduce Professional Services ($357,000) Professional Service Contracts ($500,000) Long Term Care Treatment of Resources ($2670,000) ($2,681,000) Nursing Home Rate Reduction No Cut Modify Personal Care Eligibility No Cut Office of Community Development ECEAP Funding`' ($838;000) Ad inistrgion Reduct nn ($1 00;000) Office of Came Victim's Advocacy ($206000) ieaclstart State Match ($235, 00) Corrirnuni Services'�lock Grant ($673,A00) Eliminate Walla Walla Comrriunity Connections ($75,flO0) I695 Public Health Backfxll No Cut Department of Health Reduce Nutrition Services and Adrr in in V�IC ($423,016) Reduce Children's Hospital Contract ($182,000) Reduce Funding for Northwest Family Center ($174,000) Infant Friendly Certification ($83,000) WIC Farmer's Market Nutrition Program No Cut Superintendant of Public Instruction Reading Corps ($115,000) Truancy Petitions Block Grant Education`Centers Block Grant Readiness To Learn No Cut Tobacco Prevent* end Control Account Shift to general fund No Cut TTAI CUTS $95 409 016 $8,782 000 Some Noteworth Fund Transfers Youth Shelter Funding GFS-WAHTA $120;000 Emergency Shelter Funding GFS WAHTA $1,868;000 Civil Indigent Legal Representation TANF VRDE ;1,500000 ` Maternity Support Services ` GFS-HSA $8,602000 Childhood Vaccines GFS-HSA $6,478000 Pediatric Interim Care ` GFS-GFF $644,000 Food Stamps for Immigrants* GFS-GFF $1,600,000 GFS General Fund State TANF Temporary Assistance To Needy Fanulies HSA Health Services Account GFF General Fund Federal WAHTA WA Housing Trust Account(SHB 2060) `assumes passage of federal legislation: 1. Cost Savings Estimates for 2001 $3,613,584 11 Year Total: $22,850,584 1217 Children Served Year 2001 143 Infants Served Admit Statis77. tics 4.: Iarri on 1::..:,.. Mine....;•. :.. . . .. : :. .. ..:.:`:;: ......... ..:..:...: :;,........,..s.....,.....:........:.....:....,...,. :.. o est r. . 3.. S. uthw. ... .........::...:...20.:;:.:Gra ..Haxb�... .. .......:.... . tY �... St Joseph 13 St Clare 3 Skagit Valley 1 Tacoma.Genel 13 1�TQrtlmest 2 St Joseph(Bellingham) 1 Good:Samar�tan: St Frances 2.: St.::'..e..ters.:: skim Valle 1' 1 a Auburn;Re oval:....:.::...:...... •: .:.: ::::.8.::.`:.Ca teal.,:.:,:::. .:.. .:.: .. : .... . . .... . ............. :...-::::..:;.,:...,..,•.,....,:...;..y......... :.....;:..:.... .:......:...:..: .....,.:: .., ,.`: In .:.. Gxoup Health` 5 Central WA`: 1 poster 6 Valley Medical' 5 ` Children's 1 Home 3 Race Statistics Prima Admit Reason Drug Combinations Caucasian 67 Opiates 46 Cocaine 37 African American 28 Cocaine 41 Amphetamines ' 36 Native American 21 Amphetamines 36 Opiates/Cocaine, 22 Caucasian/Hispanic 11 Medically Fragile 12 Opiates 19 Caucasian/African American 9 Emergency Placement 4 Opiates/Cocaine/Amphetamine 6 Hispanic 6 Medical Observation 4 Opiates/Amphetamines 5 East Indian 1 Cocaine/Amphetamines 4 *Some race combinations THC 2 grouped together jMH 1 *THC:and:E'I'{JH.often involv..ed.as P DSHS Qffices Re resented lae+ement Statsties 5eattle 62 Mt Vernoh. 1. Foster 80.' ... ... ..... . Tacoma Parents. : 32 ....::.... .:.. ... Kent::...:..::.... 23..`:..:Shelton .: %1 Relatives. 3.Q Aberde 5..::.Siri..lie ;Point 1 Hos tal 1. Lynnvaood. 2. Vancouver.. 1 Bellevue 1. enatchee 1 Foster 56% Bellingham 1' Yakima 1 Parents or Relatives 43%0 Bremerton 1 Ins= Hospitals Served: 22 DSHS Regions Served: 6 . Average Client Stay: 30 Days P .: .: '. .. � __ �', ,, I% I 1:1 ,�, �:, ": ...%...... ....I...... ..��. .�.::�..�..�:.��.% ,:�:� .%%... . . . .. I I I I I : �.1 :.% : . . . . .:. . .- . . . . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . I . . . ..... .. . : : ... . .. : . . . ... . :. . ' ' . . . .. .. % i . % . :. ...� : .. ... . .... . . : �.. ..�, i � . - ... .� .. ­...... .:..: . !::...: . . .. . _ . .... ....!:-­ .:��. ..; i.... �. . ... .. ::. ... .. .. ........ . . .: . . .. . . . . ... . .,I I I I . . " . . . . . . .... . . . .% . ­ ,. %:. � _ : . :. . . 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Edainrtordl - Kent P�IIc Ctiie ®u ®ickers®in, Representative - Co-Chair, House Juvenile Justice Committee Luke Esser, Representative - Mernber, House Judiciary Committee Larry ® se -Chair, County Council Law, Safety and Human Services Committee Laura Ir�veen King County Juvenile Court Presiding Judge Giil 'Kerlik`owske - Seattle Police Chief Jeanne K®hl-I�Uetles, Senator- Member, Senate:Human Svcs and Corrections Committee Lois Nicholas - Region Director, State Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration Greg Nett . 5 Mayor, Gty of Seattle dose h; 4lctae�',...��.::.,,,',�..:.,....M_l..:�.�,,.,.�,t:�._�:_:I,...,1I�".��,�­­��,.1,.,�,..:.,,.:.�,­,.i..-.z��,;.,..�,�����:.�,.,�,-�-I.i!�:1:.1,:.�.�%..:%_t.:....:z_�.::-:�..",,,,.,Z:.%,1,�:..!.:.�..�:I...�.��..�.,,�:..�.I I:,�..;.i��,,".:.%:i.-'.�,��%�.',�iI.;"-.i.�i��:..,,�_,.�.,,...�.;l",,��::.1:_��;...:'.,.�.:.,�,­II.,-�,....Z,���_:.��....,l.�I,.'.R":i:.,,�,:��'�t�:�:.�,.:...,,::��..'�,�.�.­l,��:,�%lI�,�..,�,����.....,,�"�..,.Z,:::­.,l"���l.�-��"�_�,,.:.�,I,:�...,,�i:�,:�:I:,��i�"��,,,".,,,..�Z,�::;�t, �.,�,��...�:�:?:.:�z:�.�_:�i.�.,_:.-.���i�%.��::,���.��.:%..��.!,i.�%.:%..�.,.�;.i.,�-......�..i..!!.....���.��.:......�..�.::l�.��..�...��..:,��.%.::�i-..�..­.�..�.���.-...%��:!.i:'.�)�...,......��.:..­..���.:��,,��:�.:...�.!--��:.!.�:�1.�.I....i�::.I..::�..,....�...���..:�!!�...i:.��;.,�-%.....�...��.:......:"��;��..���I�z.%�..�..��...:�:.��i,...��.���...:�,..!�.�..�.�...'.,.�%.!.��;..:!..:�.�:...�.��:.....:..�......�-.�.�.:�.��....!�.%,......���...:...;.�:��.....�.i...�..��.:.....�:.i�..,.�.,-.:-.:...��%..:..�...�­�.....-.�%�..!�i...-.1.��i.:,.,:�.���...����._%...%...�.��.%..!��;%�:�:::....:::,.:��%­1..���..������%'::..­.�m.�-.: �7�::, .%:. ���-.�:. ,:%:..­.._.�.�.;.I..,..:�;-�..�.��..:.,%I.�...':..�.i,:.�::1.:..%:.,�. ��..��.. :-.... %�:::..:.��j.....:.�.,,�.,�....:..:%.....;�,.:.. .::... .�:%.! 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Dino R .; . c�s�..,.Senator•- Member, Senate Allays i Means omrs7i. Mic haet Silber Tukwila Pubic Schools Superintenderit : Ran Sims King County Executive �: .. ... . . . . — - .. : .: . 92 .:.. %.. . . % going to,state facilities are inept by the state in most cases; local juvenile court judges send youth with serious mental Health issues to state facilities ($147+ per day) because 'there are inadequate resources to address those issues effectively in the contnunty; a substantial portion of state fluids that: are passed on to local govenirnents for juvenile rehabilitation and other youth services are in a categorical form which mares it difficult for local governments to integrate resources and programs or focus on best practices. The Reform State fielding mechanisms should change to provide incentives for local juvenile: justice and youth service reforms and cost savings. The system should reward' counties'`that%reduce costs, 'create managed care like dynamics 'and free up dollars . ... .. .. ... . . : -. .. curre tl. ; n restncte to de d e end o r ams o ev do . Y..: r x cn nand earl xntery n ... . : . % . . :.. . . . .. ... .. ..... .. p .:. .: .:p ..p.. , ,: ., e non..Th%ese . .. .. .. .... . ..: ...: . ... :X : . . ..... % e . . . .. ... ..me hates s . ... ...:::::. :......... :..:........ . : . . m. should. include;}nexease fle E. d act for d contr l.. ..... ..... an o. of state , d ` ..: . % :; .... : : .... '...... .. 1'un s b oca>: ove . . .. . . ... ... .... :....... .... . . Y . . . . ....... l rnxnents :which me t stat e : .........:.. . . .. . . g e ... e l xit na xe axdtn ::best zadices. . ... .: ..... ..... .:. . ....::: . .. .. . g . .. . ::% . e . hauld .::.: g . . p Y 4;c` ;:; ; %x ,ate the opportunity for local goyerntre%nts to capture and use cost savzrtgs atid.cost ad c ,, , an e n the state systexni which axe generated by local tnvesttnents alad practices. Related R... ......b outl>< ' rl�Program State Policy Strategy, Tnvestnent Portfolio Design 5 iraek of Proof on Effctrveriess oYonth Prventiori and Interventl<oln Programs The]Problem The resources committed to evaluation are seldom sufficient to assure rigorous assessment of results. Because of the inadequacy of evaluation, effective programs are often cut and ineffective programs are permitted to continue, and program managers are not compelled to be clear about their, goals and objectives. Policy makers and the public with'positive motivation to support prevention services are skeptical about their effectiveness. As a result the broad consensus needed to support a reordering of priorities does not materialize. The Reform The investment portfolio package should include ample funding for ngorous; independent evaluation ixt `order to tac%k whether systems %changes are being `;1n lemented'' ha . .... . M. ,t ost sawn s are ben enerated at�dhow. :otth.are res 1 .: Y . ondln to .. ..... .. . . .. . .: •:::. .. ..... .:. . . :. . . .. ... ... .....: : % % % . o d and;new a roa . , . ches, The;% teerin CoYnmlttee. na wan to >o ... ply . ... . . .... .... g...:.. t f xm an rode enden .... .. ... .. .. Y. p t . . ... ..... % . subco ee . nunxtt to oversee the va uatio. ... e l . n function dune :t leme : . . . . . ....... . . .... .::....:. .::.... .... . . : : . .. ..... .. .. .. .. .... .. . g ntatJon, Thls;`roforrn ,- . . ,, ... . ..wi :need:;t .. ; .; . . .:. o u on existtn ;;count efforts to deveio co se ..... .... . . . .. . ... . .... . . .- g Y . . . ... .... rt .nsu$ around: gals d .. .. % .. .: .,. ... :. .. .- :.. ... . .. .. . .. . ... .. : 1? ......% : : : : :: . g : :. an . outco e . .... .,.: m s and to aan u ort for,const t t % . . % .:. . . . . . s_en a roaches to.evalu do g . pp pP. a n belated Reinvestlnin'youth Yo'arlc Pro ra ... .. ... .... ..... ..... g ... ...:... an . . . . . ..... : . . : : : . :. . ... . . Ealuativn Design, kxflgxam`Tilveatory,;'Realignment Strati Iuvestixent Portfoh gY� o Dest gn. 7:\DFYS_PIanning\Reinvesting In Youth\Steering CommitteeVan.8 Steering Committee\att 2-Systems Reform Discussion.doc 3 .:, _ _ __ BOSic hfo0--atio� on Re6nvesting in Youth Wha# is its nil. ion? Reinvesting in Youth's mission is to bring about fundamental systems change in the way juvenile justice and youth services are delivered in Seattle and King County. It is based on the premise that communities should p{ace much greater emphasis on "front-end" prevention measures that build strengths in children and families before they get in serious trouble, Few people disagree with the premise. However, few if any communities have actually done what it tapes to fully implement such a strategy on a long-term, sustainable basis. Our analysis indicates that three major obstacles have blocked the way. rnun ties,heve npt fofind the will car the why to-fungi both the deep end-costs,.of'.the.. juvenile tfastlie sys#ei`ri'and trie.front end costs of the early intervention investments on enou h fior .... g the frfln e i .. ........................ ............. . t .rti nve5trnents to: ene ate r dee end savin s The existing sys#ems of fragmented responsibility for fuvenile fustice and you#1 services create fiaidamental dislricentives far any one player in the system to make tie needed . iriuestixlents whri tha#{ { yr has nQ way to capture the swings that will:.accrue to.ether p dyers in;the system, arld . Not enough policy males >ar cltiens realize that there are"`in fact proven prevention and early mterventiori s#rategies that w0rl<. The leinvsting in' oiith stra>#espy is designed to overcome precisely these three obstacles. We intend #o use major foundation grant funding and the realignment of existing programs to demonstrate- that the careful targeting of initial investments toward best practices in early intervention and prevention can generate significant savings in juvenile justice and other deep-end programs; these savings can then be captured and reinvested to help sustain the new intervention and 'prevention investments when the grants come to an end. We expect to increase the sustainable, annual level of expenditure in Seattle and King County on prevention and early 'intervention by up to $10 million within the next five to seven years. 2• We intend: to create a partnership that includes the state, the county, the cities, the schools, the foundations and the non-profit providers of services that will permit the needs of the whole system to be considered together so that the disincentives to investment in prevention can be elitniita#ed, we expect to Ming about changes,irk ,sty#e �unding:systems.ts� increase lzical dontrc�{ and cilhanpe arltli , to ca ture:.s f ty. avin p. s: or .en in Haven .:: ri ous rode en e t : , , d n evalu ..Hate. e rs - . :.: :.... .:..... l s b t�adl as t o h basis for st to i w de nation ..l Whc� is iinvdlved in its Ie der lhi Theteerirg Committee is chaired by a very cammitted Norm Meleng and includes a very impressive merribership l%nclud-h al{ #our corners of the s#ate legislature, and county, suburban city, City of Seattle',duvi vile Court ailo school district leadership. See attached.) :There are twd full time professional staff including Jim Street as the Executive Director. The project also receives significant in-kind support from the City's Department of Human Services and from various County departments, \\HHSI\VOLI\DATA\GROup1DFYS_RlanningWeinvesting;in YoutIABrieting materials\Basic Information for Public.doc MEMORANDUM KEN February 26, 2002 WASH I NGT'ON PARKS,:RECREATION& TO: KENT HUMAN SERVICES`COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson Director CC JOHN HODGSON, PARKS, RECREATION & COIVIMUNT1( SERVICES DIRECTOR Phone:253-656-5900 Fax:253-856-6050 FROM. KATHERIN JOHNSON, HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES 220 FaUrkh Ave.;S, MANAGER Kant,WA 5Q32.595, FEE: FEB.RUARY 2002 HUMAN SERVICES REPORT General Fund Staff developed contracts for programs newly funded in 2002. Staff have also developed a streamlined reporting form that will provide the information neetled for contract monitoring but delete any unnecessary or redundant information. Information & Referral Staff received 274 calls during the month of December requesting assistance with a variety of issues ranging from food assistance`to housing. Staff provided food assistance services between Christmas and New Year while the food bank was closed. CDBG Staff'is working with the County on contracting for 2002. Home Repaiir January toRdate his been a busy month for emergency calls; Currently 3 furnaces and 1 heat pump'system down (2 in Kent and 2 in (Auburn) Contracted and completed 4 shingle re-roofs ` installed a new main water Line at house in Kent ✓ Complete sewer line back-up into a home is currently under control Replaced several hot water tanks ✓ Attempting to temporary patch several leaky mobile roofs (to be revisited when the weather improves) 6 Completed lock change on domestic violence victim's home in Kent South King Council of Human Services The speaker for this meeting was Roger Yockey, Public Advocate with the Washington Association of Churches. Roger provided an update on human services funding cuts proposed by Governor Locke and urged the Council to oppose the cuts and talk to legislators 'about the potential devastating impact to clients. He suggested that human services budget cuts could be avoided if; (1) more money is taken from the rainy day fund,;(2) less is spent'on criminal jus#ice via the early release from prison of non-violent offenders; or (3) the tax structure is revised/regionalized. Cathy Paters from 'CCS also reviewed the state budget based on information Tony Lee provided at our ComrnIssion retreat. She announced that the Council has a legislative committee that is. being re- activated and needs new members One Stop'Human Srvices Center The Partnership Cornrnittee.has identified three local firms engaging �n the real estate business to interview. The committee will select one of the firms to assist the group in; . locating a building suitable for the One Stop Human Services Center: South King County Human Services Forurn The main item on the agenda was a presentation by Jim Street (Ret. Judge) on the Reinvesting In Youth project. Reinvesting In Youth seeks to bring about fundamental systems change in the way juvenile justice and youth services are delivered in Seattle and King County. It is 'based on the premise that communities should place much greater emphasis on "front-end" prevention measures that build strengths in children and families before they get in serious trouble. Communities lril 4. SchoolsC1S) The subcommittee cQn#inues to meet to develop program goals and identify potential projects. The committee s in the process of looking for a Community Liaison/17. Coordinator to hire. The key role of the position will be to establish business connections: communicate the CIS effort. #o the community, and to assist in building our Soard. Four potential can did a#es have been iden#�f�ed. Leglslative Items SUPPORT TO WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN IN JEOPARDY BACKGROUND: Multiple cuts to the WIC Program threaten our state's most vulnerable citizens: pregnant women, new mothers and infants. The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides healthy food, nutrition counseling and health education. WIC helps 2 :��.:.. .. . ...... .. .:: . . . i . ... � . �� . .-.: .:::. � .� . .�:..:.- ..- : .�. . . . . .% .� .� . . . % . . .;.. :.. . .i .. .. .. % .. . . . . . . .. .: -. : ...: ...... . .... ...... ` half of all babies born in Washington and is one of the most cost effective social programs ever created. 1�,�--I,-z�-:-":1,:....1II'..zi.,I.%..".l-�..,.�:.:�,'�%.��I,,.:..��.1�.�i:.:�:Z�...�.�:�..:.��:�.��..::��:.:...:.,�.1��.:��1�:,���'.,'..:,�,.�-�, WIC is being cu#`in three ways: 1)The WIC Farmer's Market Program (with a 3:1 federal match) that puts locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables on the tables of low-income families has been targeted for elimination ($263,000), 2)The state's investment in WIC operating funds is being cut by $423,000; 3) The elimination of state funds that replaced revenues lost by Initiative 695 will cause a 10% loss in local public health budgets causing additional WIC clinic closures and reductions in service. Legislators need #o hear from t:.11heir constituents that th+s program +s valuable. ";d c t�i +#hstand further outs.: ;For exa %m le the Wl Pro ram in ;' . .``. an an : South est l�Fashin ton.has:ahead :decided #o cut U to 4.� clients in. : . : . : ... . 9 Y response to budget sh`orlfalls. t`` t'"es'` one` ......, ::. .:- : :::.,:::::: . : . . : .... .... .. . ACT1t3N NEEDED Send your three legislators (two Represen a v and Sen #or)the message below and%tell them why You care abou#:this issue Aoc�ord+ng to o�+r records, you are +n leglsla#+ve d+strc#33. Here are' clickable links#o your state legislators Representative Shay Schual-Berke mailtoachualbe h@leg.wa.gov Representative Dave Upthegrove mailto:upthegro_da@Ieg.wa.gov Senator Karen Keiser mailto:keiser ka@leg.wa.gov MESSAGE: DQn't cut state investment in WIC funding and the WIC`Farmer's Market %program Th+s`program +s cruc+al f% or vulnerable wemen, infants and children. Half ofi all babies in Washing#on benef+t`from WIG. .... . . . t'' ADUOCAiY WORKS. t Last'year, Washington s#ate asked the federal governme%nt for broad au hority ... ... .. :..... ..:. 1:. . ..... .,...:. ... .. ... .. ::7) % + s: ste : his . ed+ca+ wa+ver,:would::have . . to chap a the scat+. s#1 edaca d rn, lVi ... d.. .... . . . . ... ..... 9 .. ... ........ .. Y .. ....... ..... . . :.. .: . : :;; :;:: . :,. . .. ... . co e el+mtnated certain sexy+ce guarantees for children, r;qu+red same low.I.An rn .: u ....,il. co_ a s``and l'rn and+viduals and fam+ltes #o pay prom+ rrts and p y , + ited enrollment; The`'%Chifdren's Alliance and other advocates met with state legislators, members of Congress and federal officials to express our concerns. .This week the federal Medicaid agency rejected giving Washington state this broad, blanket authority.' This is a great victory for advocates, ( but we are still in for a long fight ahead. The state can still resubmit the ._ waiver. 3 The federal agency was concerned that the Medicaid waiver process was not I. sufficiently;open to public comment. Advocates are asking the state legislature to pass House Bill 2461 (the"Sunshine"'Bill) and require that11, any Medicaid changes brought on by this waiver receive full public hearings in the legislature. For more information`about the Medicaid waiver, please contact Paola Maranan at 800-854-KIDS or mail#o:paola@childrensalliance.org HAVE A HEART FOR KIDS DAY: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18th Have a Heart for Kids Day, the Children's Alliance's'annual advocacy event at the state capitol, will take place on lVl nday Februa 8th F're. Wen#'s ry { Day); Please jolty.us! :The day.will begin with'a briefing about children's Issues a#8 30a4 (House Hearing Room E) # 10am,we'll join the Save Our State rill `on th pa �#ol ste s. Then, at 12noon1 we w�11 gthE`-fora: . Y P P short program m;the Ga rtol;Rot : ld We encourage you to set up rpee#ings p wJth your legislators while you are in Olympia Free transportation is: available from Seattle and several':other areae of the state For more information, contact Jon Gould at (206)324-0340 x'l9 or rna�lto ton@childrensalliance org "' A flyer and registra#ion form for Have a"Heart for Kids Day is available at. http:/Iwwwchildrensallianceorg/Actions:htrn or by calling us at (800) ... 854-KIDS. CONTACTING YOUR LEGISLATORS 1­111, You can leave messages in any language for your state legislators and the Governor via the Legislative Hotline, (800) 562-6000. During the legislatiI 'llve session, the Hotline is open Mon-Fri 8-8, and Saturday 9-1 ' ABOUT THIS ALERT Welcome to the new subscribers this edition► Thera are currently 3,50Q subscribers to the Chldren's Action Alert The �hildren's Actto;n Alert ::; d t co #a�ns i for do c il.NA: action about state l.e isiat1ve;an o her . ra n ma nand .. . . - . 0 .. .. . . . . .. de is�ons affecting chl.ldren In Washington. The Alert �s EmaI. �le , faxed, o . : as leis. t . if t a ma le to advocates for hfldren ..i s the a e.' his v as rid �. forwarded to you, and you �ruould like to receive the'Alert directly from the Children's Alliance, contact us at (80Q)854-K1DS or maiito:lizr�childrensallianceorg Pastal%er#s are available at http:Ilwwwrchild%r1.ensallianceorg or on request. 1. _040 x r: . .. . . .:.: . J t :2` . For ques#ions about this alert, contact _n Gould a ( 06 3 %4 9 0 . mailto:jon@childrensalliance.org or Paul Barry at (360) 754-3290 Children's Alliance: (206) 324-0340 or(800) 854-KIDS http://wwwchildrensallianceorg .. 4