HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/15/2001 ,"'""'"'' �1111111 I�,,��"I",�,,�"',,� ,, "",,,,,, ",�, ,,, " - -�� � � i ::�:.�: ..: . . .... , �; �� �.%.:..�-� - , "...,,. ;�::.��- � .i... ..�:��. � �..�.�-. ���-� !� . """""" � ",,1��,I�1 , ,�,�-', ,�,,',�"',,'" 1..��:.:. :: - . . .: . . . . . '�- WA51HlNGTAN AGENDA PARKS, RECREATION& KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES th John Hodgson Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, November 15 , 2001 Director 2:30 —4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL OF�iiC��:��iH��il-Ai:1�1�� EAST Phone:253-856-510D Fax:253-856-6D5D 220,Fdurth Aue, $, teat,w ss'02 5896 COMMISSION MEMBERS. �I',,�---_I���,"'I--�''--.,",':",1,��I'1�I",I,I1 I,-�I,1,�"','',",I,"'"l��'-,''1,��',"1,1"'I�,��,:',',1I l,"�,::'I",,,,11"1�,�,,,,�,',',I,,,,,�,��,,:'�',1',,,�,,'�,��,",���,��,::,��',",,�,,�,"�"","��'I,I',-',,,"I�,1,',I,,,":,,��,,�,,��,I,'1''1�"�,,",,,"'��I I,I1�,I,",,`,,��-�,��I",,,-',,,,,,,"�,'�:,',,,!`,,�,,-���,(�,�,",,��,,,,�,,�I,(���,,�,,,"�,�,',�4,-�`,I,�,�II1,"',,,,,,":,,I I:',-�I1�:�,�,',�''���',",,��,I�,'�,",1,��,,1,,,1"�,��l"�,,�,'�,I�",,""-,1�,�,�"l",I"",,,'�".�,'''-,�,",1'1'"",'��,,�I",-i�,:��,1,I I,,,��,,1��,"'�III;";",l�1:�,",,I,I-�(,�','i",-'`,1�,�,",��1,I�,I"I:�,''!,�1�,,,1�'��-,,-�,,�,","I;,�I,��,,',—,""�,,,,I,"`',"",1,11""�""'�"�)",,�:I,',,',\�,,,,,,,"',:,,,",,":,:,�,1I z�,,',I-",,,��,`,,1',,��,1�I�,,"�'",,,���,�,,\',,�,,1����I,�,""\�\�,,I�,�,,,11I,,,�III�.1,:�,,�,',,:��,,:-,�"�'I,,,�.,,�:`,,,��.�','":�:��.,,',,,,",�'"�,,I.����'",�1,,;,'",�,.,�.",,-,�PI�,l",,,.,,-,,��",��,I�-,I�,�1�l I"I�1,.I I�,',,-",',��,II,,.,,,",",'��'',,"�"��,"",,-1�"':,,".­,,II"�'1""'�I,,"'�,,'"�,,,1'',,",,,"I,I''.,,�I,",�,,,���,","-l"1,�",1'�l,�,,"�7,I"�,I"�,,I,,,"-",.1,",""II,'�,�,1':�,""��,'1,'�,�,1,,�'I',":-1�.,��"'',�,' Edna V1/hite,'Chair(1�2002) Brad B' II, Vice Chair(1I2004)' D#ni D' clos, Commissioner(1/2002) . , John Jendresen, Oomm%ssioner(1I002) Perry Raak, ComnIssIoner(1 J2004j Parise#a Roberts, Commis#over(1/1 . Jude Sarff, . 6. I tissi.. i(I 2003)` NJelvin Tate,'Cornmissioner(1/2002) Tim Clark, City Council Member (1/2002) , AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1 Approval of the Sept. 20, 2001 ACTION ITEM 2:30 Minutes 2. Approval of the Oct. 18 2001 ACTION ITEM 2:35 Minutes 3. Com,nission Retreat 1N. FORMATION ITEM 2:40 4. 11Vlnter Celebra#ion INFORMATION ITEM 2:50 , NEW BUSINESS 1. 2003/2004 Application Cycle 1NORK ITEM 3:00 2. Expired Terms INFORMATION ITEM 3:35 3. Election of:Officers ACTION ITEM 3;4� �, . I�,�,-,, ... . ...; . . : - . ! % . . .. . . .. ....:%.. . %. .:. . ... % ........... ....... ..... : , I I I � I 1, I . . .. ... .:....% -.%.:.. - - - - .. .. . I.....%. , I z. . I . ... .... % ... . . . � % :� .:�.....��.����1� ...�::%.: 1%. ����.�.� ...��:��.��. . . .. % .''' . I I . . . ... . .� . .: : . .I .. � . . I . . . . . . , . . I I .. .. .. . .. ..I. .. .�:%. � I !%.1% ...: :..: .::,, ..:. . . .% � �:�:%� � .-...�..�:.-..: �����; . . ..�.... .... . .I�1, . � .. .. . .:. . � :.. .: : ... - .. . .. . ...... .. : .. ... . .... . . . . . . .- . . % . . .. .-.. . .-- ... - . . . . . ,I I � � .. . . �� I I -,�, I I I , . . . . . .. - . . I I �,," �, �1..�: .�..�..�:1%�%��. .!:..I.��:�%�:.� �� . . ® THE CITY OF KENT . 11 SETING MINUTESISSiON �' W A S:H{N G TO N OCTOBER 18,2001 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Edna White at 2:30 on Thursday October 18,2001,in Council Chambers East of Kent City Hall HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:' Edna White,Chair Perry Raak,Commissioner Pam Roberts,Commissioner Tim Clark,Comrssioner .��.;��% . . ,... ...... a ivlelvm Tate,Co:. _i .gio sex HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSEDIABSENT Jon 1 dresen,Commissioner Brad Bell,Comussioner Judy.Saaff,Commissioner Rini Duclos,Comml..oner 1[UMAi. SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson,Director of Parks,Recreation and Community Services.: Merina Hanson,Planner; Wiisor,Temporary Planner Jim Vinzant,Lead Home Repair Specialist Kathleen Allard,Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was not a quorums so there was not an approval of the Human Services Commission minutes for the month of September. ONE STOP IIUMAN SERVICES CENTER UPDATE Merina Hanson informed the Commission that the One Stop was moving forward. Mike Martin has reviewed the information provided to him by staff and is supportive of the idea. The proposal vs�ill go to the Parks Committee m November A'plamm�g sub committee has been forrired to establish fundmg and#o:search for a sight Staff has me#with the City legal department to create an agreement to be signed by the agencies.ou#lining their commitment to the project. HUIVIAN SER ICES.I M11 —SENIOR BR+DC URE Merina introduced Dinah Wilson to the`:Cornnussion I3mah is.a temporary planner who has been dev..%:; ng.:a Seniorr Resource Guide Dinah shared with the Coriatnission how the gathered anforcna... for#his brochure.]Vlexina:also mentioned;with our focus..on seniors#his. month,displays.would be made:for City Hall and the Kent Library. .lie displays willprovid.. information to seniors ou different subjects such as our;Seniox'Center and the Zwmo Repair program:. Dinah::presentedttie initial draft to the Senior Advisory Committee a#the Senior . Center Ad it was well received: COMMISSION RETREAT Dates were discussed among those present. The final date will be decided on at the November meeting.Potential topics were not discussed due to the number of Commissioners " { not present at the meeting.The One Stop was suggested as a possibility. Staff will generate additional ideas: a .. . :� � �: , I . �: I I I I '�%,��:�!��, � �. . . . .. - l- , ,, - �:��, � ..� .....-.:...-.. . �: : � . : yr. ��:�:��:1���t�t,,j�����,��,t, :::,�,: ���,,,,,�,:,,, �: �:-.:%.�j.�.:.:1..�.:..:%..�.:.�.�.%.�:.���.:�%i t��,�:�;�: �: ��t� I���,,�,�������t ,��,�,I�I 1,'I,:,I,.....%......... %1-�%:� .:.....%�.::.�.��-;: ..:��. ��1 -, �1:��:���� , �� ::� � ����;i,�,::�:�.::��. . .. NEW BUSINESS ��:�� :��:I:�1�1: � ,�::� M�::,�,�,��,,�:�, .. ��...:��.:�. HOME REPAIR REPORT Jim Vinzant,Home Repair Coordinator for the City of Dent,gave a presentation on the Home Repair program. Mr. Vinzant spoke to the Commissioners as to how the program is implemented,and also provided before and after.photographs of client's homes. The ;..:. plotograplts included major raof.;prolects,plumbing problems and porches that had been .:.........::....%.. ..............::..::..:..: .: :;.. . I. r::r or n : ec :o :::hts'::'ob":ie elients`with>erzer= ; ;,.;..' ..%. ::;::: ...::.:::::•:;,:ibuilt::..also:.discussed.ono.the........m..........ta....t.as..:..:.5....f t........... ..::.:...,.1le. _xn .:....::......:......:......,....... .::...... . . ...... ::::.::..:::::.::..:..:...::.,:.:::::..::;::::;.:..:,.::.::::...;:::::::.::.:.:..:::::.,::......:::.....::....: :.....::.....:.::.. ::..:..::.. ...::..: .:..:.:::....o;:..:....::..;.1.,...... 1i lit.bulbsr ';t e:::. m nd::.tie;': .::::: ":..:::::: savtn :t1 .s..sucl.:as..: ..l..a..ci.n. .more...ene..r ...:.e..ffe.tetat...... .....:.......................n..:.h..:.::h..o......:. j...a..::..:.:.:::::::...:............................ . %g p., p b gy... b n�aint%ena.. care of clte»ts' furnaces, Tlae program also places grab bars and l`andicap: acessorzss ui the`home for the elderly; This yeAr was the fir$t year the prograrrt laelped r.:.:v..::%e...dtta le§':seliioisrto.:sta%...in`:their: se:ntors with tlie�r,;yard work. The... this program p a,. td s b y hQines loner. WINTER'CELEI3RATLON The Winter Celebration time And':date will be decided atthe ne�ct meetirib wheu more people care help with the`decision.makinb. MUNTIIY R%ElP�1ttT Tlie monthly repot#will now be included in the mailing sent before the Conmiission meetings for'the Conm�issioners to review. The meeting was adjourned at 3:10. Respectfully Submitted Klti:�erin Jcil.»isuit.. Recording Se�retaiy % ...:. ......::...:.........:............ . . % ;:::.:.: .. . ....... ................. .:... ........:.............:..: .: -�I ,�........ , "� � ��I 10�, , , " , ...�.. .. : :... .�..:� �.�.��.� ...j��..�� I : :�,:��: -jl� � 1�11, � .. .. : �,: .. ��:�-��I, :� � I t` . . ... .... . :. .. ..% . . . � .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . . . . . . % . .. ..�.�. . .. . . ...I . .... , , , �:z � %!�%��:�.�.��: �� � .... , ! � - :���� i :: . . , :-�,�,I -I ,�,,�� . .. . . . .... ............... , . .. 1 PARKS,RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson November 20,2001 Director Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 Cathy Peters,South County Director Catholic Community Services 2.20 Fourth A. . P C Box 398 Kent,WA 98b32 5895 Kent,W 98033 Dear MsPetexs: .. % The..0 ...of.Kent:has.. ..anted....oux.a ezzc:...additional.....::.diii .:o1.0...to,. .0.bU f, r..the..201.. .....:::..............:`:.. . .... ... ........ ftln......... .......... .... . ... .. ...:..:.....:...:...:.:.:.........:.... .....:....:.....:..:..:..-..::...:::-:.... .:...:......:......y......,.....:g...........y...:..:.....:..........:......::..........:..:........g...........p.......:.....:...:.......:....:.:...::...:.:.:...........::..:...::....: . :.. ':T `se=a'd 'bona'':`oll:rs'were;:: uthori ed:li::`;Ma::::.or•:7 ; :.:: e:e'e:...:: a :;:5<elter:Pro l d...::::::::.:.:.....::......:::..:..:..::: S...v..x. Werth.x. .h.................. .am..........e.. .........d�.......... ............a....:................:a..........:................... .......:..... .......................... .. ...:...... ..:....:... ...........:.......::.::::::::::..:.......... . White to;shel#er the honiieiess during the:extxezrie y co . wea er candt.,'ons w.. may :. experience this y_ar. This mon%ey is in additio i#o your regular 2001,irontract amount of;617 U00 Any needed additional funding inust`be expended b.December 31,. 1. Please provide billing and demographic information separate of your existing contract for any additional funding expended. These dollars will come out of a different line item in the Parks Duman Services budget. If you have any questions,please call me at 856=50�3. Sincerely, Lathe in Jo H c....4. aiiager ,:. cc. .,.......:Ma..or:Jun.Wlu a :' ;......: y t .....:...:. :.......: .... C .. ...............:.:... ;,,::::........ . . ..... ......... .. ... .:. . .... . . . . Mike Mift. . Irate i dmim Matz ffi �;:.. ..::...:... .:::: .. i ncial:,pl.:.....:....::::.. `'ana er.. :. ff:. g, ma amm�g M ;: 0...:. ...:::::...::..:,..::........ o. S.cvices` ire t r::'.' ;'. ...:..................... .... . .. ....:...:.....:....John.M..:Hod son,:Parks,;Recreation::&..:....:...mnaauu,..........,..:......:........D......:..c..a.. ...........:......:.........:.:............ ....... .... . . :::::.:.:..:.:.::::...g..:::.::...::.......:.:....:..::.:::.:......:...::......:..:...:-..:::.:::::........:...:.:.:.....:,:..........:...:::.:..::...:::..........,.:.....,.. Bdna White,Human Services Commission Cliair Judy Bex►izet#,Humanervices:l'lanner Merina Hanson`Humat Services Planner ins i :: � 2t..��. ,��� � .. . . .. . 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Ii John Hodgson November 20,2001 Director Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 Ms Dini Duclos,Executive Director Multi Service Center 220 Fourth Ave. S P:O Box 236. Kent;:WA 98032 5895 `Federal Way,WA 98093 Dear Ms;Duclos: Of .. e2� 1 3be..Ci. .of.Kent'.has.. .anted.. our.a ene .acldit Qnal..fundin .of ...to..$3 00......6 th6... .....0..., t3':. Y :. g .Y g l3 Energy Assistance Prbgrarti 'Tlies� ddtion�i dollars were autored by lv[aor Tim White to; assist your program due to increased energy costs and the decxease m federal assistance from tl3ie LTHEAP Program This money is in.addition to your regular 20©1 eontract'amount of$fi,000 00 Any needed additional funding must be expended bJ:December 31,2001. Please provide billing and demographic information separate of your existing contract for any additional funding expended. These dollars will come out of a different line item in the Parks -. Human Services budget. If you have any questions,please tali me at 856=5073. Sincerely, ;'.. Kai Kai e n Iuma ices':Mana er 8 cc: Ma or 7�m White Y . Mike Martin,In 6ifi ChiefAdxnimstrative 014i er ..,: Miff Craig,Financial P:annang;MAnag�r .... . . . . ::..... .... ;..........:.::.::: .;:::::::::;:.:..,.: John M::.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community Services Director c s Co ion C it .......... . Edne:Whi#e, unnan. :exyz...:e....:.....:.:m-1 s:..........::..:.ha..:....:.:..:..':...:............:• .. .. ... . . . . .:::.......:. :..;::::.:.........:.::.:...:.:.....:......:.:.::.::..::.:.......:..:.:..:..,...:.:...........,:....:.. .:.....:: .:.....:.....:::..:.. um ervices: 1....:......•er.:`.': ;;: Jud.:B --W.tt.H an..S.................:.:...1�...a ....:..................... ..........:..............:.. .... .. .. . ... .. Merma Hanson,Human Services Planner :,.___. ,eea Commission Frle 1 '''' --�:��-- � . . . - li - � , , , . . 4, m, �T VPG � i�l ' --��,���a-..ii�!%�-�:-�:�:.,,��,%�.I,....l,��.-...j:..,.1...-::��%..::.%i'i:i�,��i1".:..�.i,i��....i....:�.::..�-:11,--..!,:���.,1�-..�.:,;�...:.:���-:...�:�,-1,.:.:����--.I'�..U,i-.���.:..%:"(..�,�:�..-�.,:,.�,,,,�.-�: TO: LEONA ORR, CITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT CITY COUNCILMEMBERS :-�:�"l,��,-::l-,..:::�:,-',.l-'.�:,���,-:-�,,�1:zj�-i-:�:.,li;'.,,�'-,'�,".::�-,,,�"�'-.,.V-t.1,:,:,'',zI,.,-'�-',--,���--,�,-1,."�.:'��,�-.."1-:-,_�,:�,:,---:���-�'.1-..".,..z:-:,,,',:l,'�,.::,"�::".��1..i,�'�.l�,I'.,i"-,',--­.,�,—:"'t'."-,.-:,'i,,--_:,'�,:-._t,,',��,.-��..­",t�t��,��:"]:.,''�,',�.�,,�,i�:-:-�-�,�'-,',,.,z,:,,�,'--',',.����t,����,li,.��.':.,�-I,�:,1-::'--��-�,I'"Z:z:-,'._-!i.,1,:-.,:i",�.-%:".,.�t�,-�-I.,'��-l1z-,,�."--'I-,,:.�',--it''-1.:—:'�',,,t'.�,.:,..�',�,,:�l l,'.�-i.i.i�-1l.�:�,.�":,�l,�.:�""1,�:.���,l-:.�".::,-,�:,1-,�,l,"1-��"-".,:.,-1:���::z.�-i ...:��",'1.i�:1�-.:-.:':��,:,�':,�,ll!,.1�',:,i�'i��,,1:l-,�:,��,,�z,",,''"--1:-.�:,',�,.:i�i:�,�.��:',���l,.,,,�':,��,i,!�t,:"-l"�z,:�l:':,t-,�� FROIYI MAYOR JIM WHITE DA I. NOVEMBER 27%2000 .. SUBS CT: REAPPOINTIVIENTS T4 .XENT HUMAN SER DICES COIVIIVIISSION i!have reappointed Brad Bell and Perry Raak`to coritiii suing as members of the Dent Human Services C©mmision. Their new app©intnents wail conto P I%1/04, I submit this for your confirmation / jb MEMORANDUM KENT November 6, 2001 WASHINGTO N PARKS,'RECREATION& TO KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson Director CC JOHN HODGSON, PARKS,RECREATION & COMMUNITY Phone:253-856-510o SERVICES DIRECTOR Fax:253-856-6050 FROM: KATHERIN JOHNSON, HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES 220 Fourkh Awe S, MAI�IAGER Dent„WA s803 -a895 RE; NOVEMaE. 2001 HUMAN SERVICES REPORT:.::. General Fund Multi Service Center will be given use of a city owned house or two years The house'has four bedrooms and will accommodate a large family. 'The house was part of a parcel purchased for a park. The park will not be built for two years resulting in the opportunity to use the building for transitional housing. Human { Services and Parks Development staff are working together to get the house ready for occupancy. Information & Referral Staff are receiving an unusual number of calls from residents facing evictions The callers have been laid off and are unable to pay the full amount of their rent. Efforts to work with property owners are proving unsuccessful. A new SIti..on has been added to Human Services to address the needs of citizens and as a response to,the County and State cuts to human services The Resource and Referral specialist will be responsible for working vlrith ci#Izens #o find services to meet the callers needs, Jacquie Berg is the new,staf#person. She is'experienced in direct service and information and referral, Human Services Month Brief/Senlor Brochure November is Human Services Month. The theme for this year is Connectin With Kent Seniors. Mayor White will read the proclamation at the November 6 council meeting. The display at the library will showcase the Kent Senior Center and other programs serving Kent senior citizens. The City Hall lobby display will showcase the Senior Center and Home Repair. Dinah has completed research for the Senior Resource Guide. The booklet is currently in Graphics and will be available in November. s 4,..t . .. .. �:�� �: � �: : ...: ........ .... .... .... -.%. .. . . ...��..... . .�.... ............... . :..��..�......�.�........... ... ......................�...��..�..... . .. . %�.�!%%1: 1..1 .:.. . . -.� �. . . ,. . .. . .. -. :: . ... . . i.. . .. ... . .� . . � .......... . % i... ..% . . ... .. ....... , , ,,,,, �--�,-- ,-,� �R � ��. . . .. .... ��-. :­�:%:­.;. �,;:,T�l�,;�,��,�:,�,,:,, ,,:,,,, , , . ........��.1 1... . , , :,, ", . ... .. ,,, , , , , ,,z,,::�,�',�,1��,���:,�,",,, . ..�.:�.1 ::: .� �......1 .. , , ,,, ,, I , , .�i:..%:��.�.��...:�:.:........... .. � .. .. ,::�,�,,�:,�,,,�, � ,�,�,�,�:�,,, �,,:...........!.... ..... ..% I I,.,. , , , :.�%-%��.:�::.�% .�..�.� � . 1:.: .��. ,:, , 1, .. . ....;.�....... 11,�-,,� : .. 1... ... ... . . .. . �!:�:����,:� ,���zl�,��,,�z,�,�����: , "�:���:,����:.�-���.:..::.. .%.;:�:��11:��:. .. I,,,�Z����i��,zzl:,,..�.: . .�.�.�:: � .:�:����..��.::%:��:�.:�: . I ,�,��,-��,�,:�,::...1::,��,��,��,,�!:�,�,,�,1�����i:,: :�� , . M..-M......:..:.. ... GDBG ���,,:��:"�,,�":"","","","', " , , , ��:' '�,,c',-,�z:Z:�-,�-�,,,�..... ....M�,I ,,,::: � Joint Recommendations Commiittee 11 � t � ��� -, , -I """, , - I . - ... - - " :t-M . Judy participated in the CDBG Consortium Wide Income work group and presented the group's recommendations to the King County Joint Reco : i �. � .V mmendations Commi#tee The,committee approved the recommendations . .. Home'Re air p ✓' 2 Major Bathroom Rerriodels lJnderway ✓' 2 Remodels Pending 1.1 . ✓ Appr©xirnately 1 fu mace breakdown%s ✓ 6_Leanr Heaters put currently( in_l�uburn, 4 in Kent) . %✓ 2 Fall-Safes for Fire Dept completed recently h si ✓ Work will begin on Haak House (#ransitional ou ng) Winter Preparation Checks ✓ Lights (are clients using very low wattage bulbs to save money?) ✓ �zzHea# (are clients setting thermostats very low, not turning on hea#?) ✓ Food (keep an eye out for signs#hat they are low on food) ✓ Prescrip#ions (are they talking about how high the costs are?) (Refer clients who are having problems in these areas to Judy and'Merina. They can help them access energy assistance and/or help with prescrip#ions.) � � � � I I :::::: � - :::---- I-::i 1 i�-- --�:!:����:�t­��-: :,::I I�:�, �-�--- -:,�t,::,:, , --- M :�� Certification Class Home Repair crew will take a certification class to install PEX plastic pipes in the near future This is a new,`updated system that will take the place of the obsol% ete # al con ver# to' r 11 even u 1. e eaiwi o es Hom R train wa#%er line su I 11nes fin,triobtle h m : : P y pp Y .. .. it #v keep up with the demand while the older systems con#trite to break down. Af#ordable HQusln Staff attended the three.day Affordable Housing Conference in' Tacoma, A vari%ety of % o d le. ousin ublic..ousin and rela%ted . . to cs were.cover..ed incl d�. matntainrn aff r abi..... . ... 1. g, P : . . : 9i.: pi 9 g programs, best practices, as well as housing 10'f.' 11 South King Council of Human Services South King Council of Human Services in collaboration with the South1 . King County f Human Services Forum hosted a panel discussion on the impact of County cuts on human services. Representatives from Tukwila,` Federal Way, SeaTac, Kent, Renton Burien and Auburn discussed their respective city's `commitment to providing human services in their communities. The representatives also discussed the impact the downturn in the economy is having on city budgets and why that precludes the cities from making up the shortfalls due to County and State cuts. Cities expressed concern#hat the County is collecting tax money from city residents yet has adopted the position #hat any services funded by the county will be for residents' of unincorporated areas. There was 11 also discussion about concerns over the increasing needs because of projected layoffs in .. our area. One Stop Human Services Center Staff presented the One S#op Feasibility Study to the Auburn Human Services e I eceiued. ll. will.soek..fundin from Auburn #or this project net# somrnissign. It was w i r year. outhK1 g`County Human Services Forum >Vlary Ellen Stone, Executive Director for the King Coun#y Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCS .RC), presented information and data on sexual assault in South King Coun#y 1 in11:3.girls and% ;1 in 5 boys`are sexually abused by the age ofi 18 Less than%1 . 10°I� of child sexual abuse cases are sported to authorities. IViany children tell no o111 .1 ne about the abuse until adulthood, if they #ell at all. increasing awareness of and education about the problem of sexual abuse can lessen isolation for children who have been abused and ... make it easier for them to tell and get help. KCSARC assists victims of sexual assault and their families recover from the assault and provides education and training aimed at preventing and eliminating sexual assault Communities In Schools §=­_ =�,__ ­ - -:,"I",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ..��. .: � The steering committee for Communities'In Schools continues to meet regularly to work on goals and outcomes; Grants received`to date include $5,000 from the State CIS and $;90,Of0 from%the I�ationai CIS. Valley Medical Center has pledged'$50,OU0 in program % % . s rec ntl ` submitted to r n in :;Another rant a acatao.n wa: . e . Y, funding when CIS is% up and u n g g pp the Boeing Employees fo1.od Neighbor Fund. . , . l% uman Services Budg%et M© itoring .. Staff is monitoring state and county cu#s and assessing the impact on programs serving Kent clients. It is expected that the down#urn in the econ©my will result in more ;human service needs. Staff is also monitoring the TANF #�eenac#meat process, The current Temporary:Aid to Needy Families will expire in August 202. At that time any farinily that has received TANF for a total of 60 months will be at risk of losing all benefits. DSHS will be making proposals to the legislature in'regards to exemptions' for families that cannot enter the workforce, what benefits will be available during the next cycle, and who will qualify. ,;` 3 �. . .. ... United Way The United Way:campaign has been an exciting but challenging time. The City employees on the cornrnit#ee have responded #o the challenge with excitement and enthusiasm. The campaign started shortly after the events of Sept.' 11th when so many employees were already doing everything possible to support the victims and emergency workers in the east. But as always Kent employees are working hard to'make' sure the needs in our own community will be met. The event on Oct. 31 st was well attended. The auction and raffle raised over $5,000. Pledges from employees through the payroll deduction program total over;$29,000 bringing the grand total #o $34,000+. . Dona#ions Kathy was able to getsecure storage containers for the food banks �n the South County :area again #hts holiday season. All Phase Transportation (Sumner) will donate the portable storage un�ts,to South King County food banks to use through Thanksgiving and Christmas last year frur food banks were able to use the units(Des Moines, Kent, Maple >Valley and Vashon} The containers will` be delivered the week before Thanksgiving, and there'are till 3 o;orttairiers auailabls. .. . ..�%��.::. K���:��:. .. .. ..%....:..%.�..�..,, wo .. ..:::. .. ..................... .. % i..... . ... ... .... .� The local Girl Snouts troops will have a food drive from November I. - 30, 2001. Last Monday several Girl Scouts with their troop leaders had a "kick off' meeting with the x«4 Mayor. There will be 55 troops taking part with a total of 568 girls. The #roop who collects . : r the mos# canned goods will have lunch with the Mayor. % y im I i Q �� .. .. . . .. III TED 2002 COYI1', NITY'DEVFLOPiViEi`fT BLOCK C 1iT`{CDBG). PROGItAI�I EST A 0 : APPROVED August.,1, ZO l Estimated 2002 Ca ital Funds. 43a,624 Estimated 2002 Planning&Administration Funds 81,066 Estimated 2002 Public Human Service Funds 100,981 Total CDBG Funds. 6i ,b71 Capital Projects Recommend Cit of Kent Home Repair Pro am $301,981 Lutheran Social Services FamilyResource Center Construction $10,000 Kin Count Housing AuthoritySouthwood Sq.,,,,,uare Ac uistion $10,fl00 Kent One Sto human Service Center Ac uisition $1 T1,643 Total Ca ital $433,624 PublJe uman Serviee Pro rams Recommend Kent Conununt ,Health&Natural Medicine Services $38,654 Kent Emex ene Feeding Program ,471 $23 YWCA Domestic Violence Transitional Housin $3`81856 Total Public uman Services $100,981 Plannin &Administration $$1,065 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT'BLOCK GRANT CONTINGENCY PLAN PUBLIC (HUMAN) SERVICES if the City of Kent receives an increase in public service estimate, the increase will be-divided.equally between the funded agencies,(Community Health Centers, Emergency,Fee.qng Program, and 'lf the Cit of Kent receives a decrease.in public service estimate, the decrease will'be split proportionately between Y funded agencies.(Community Health'Centers, Emergency Feeding Program,and YWCA) APITAL RE UESTS C Q ent's H se n he Ga ital estFina#e, he Increase wall be ailvcateito K uman Service If the City of Kent recelyes an increa p One Stop Proiec#. If the City of Kent receives a decrease in the'Capital estimate, the decrease will be to the Lutheran Social Service`Family Resource Center Project(to an amount no less than$5,000), then to the Southwood Square Project Ito an amount no Iess than $5,000.. Should the decrease be greater than $10,000,'the additional decrease would be absorbed by the One i Stop Project and then the Home Repair program. PLANNING&ADMINISTRATION If there is an increase in the amount available.for Planning and Administration the City of Kent will allocate the additional funds for Planning and Administration. .. ......... . , , , ,