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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/17/2001
, ..... ..... . .:.........:.. ., �.�.�-.-.�� �. .. ...-.��.-g-- i i . ...!..��.. r-._„ #-I�--11,, W AS�HINGT�ON AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for May 17, 2001 2:30—4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS EAST COMMISSION MEMBERS Edna lMhite, Chair{1/Z002) Brad Bell, �ce chair /2Q0 (. ). `Dir' Duclos. Commissioner(1/2002) John Jendresen, Cornrnissioner {1,/2002} Perry Raak, Commissioner(1/2004) Pamela Roberts, Cornrnissioner (1/2003) ,Judie Sarff Commissioner(1/2QQ3) Mel Tate, %omm ssioner(1/26Q2) :.Tim Clark, City ounci Ptb e(1/2002) AGENDA AGENCY TOUR -CHILDREN'$ HOME SOCIETY ` 2;30 212 5 AVENUE SOUTH OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of the March 15, 2001 &April 1;9,2001 Minutes ACTION ITEM 3:30 2. 2002 CDBG Program ACTION ITEM 3:35 NEW BUSINESS 1. 2002 Goneral Fund INFORMATION ITEM 3:50 2. Human Services Month 2001 INFORMATION ITEM 4;00 DISCUSSIJN �F AGENCY:TOUR 4:1© , , ; . � . I I'l,l"",�A�"""�I",,,���,,,,,,",,�,,',�,,,,'��I,I,,,�,"""""�,��,,,� ��,_"",,,���1�.-.,."��1'1,"�,,,,l,II�,,,,,',���I,,�:�"",�"�'',,��',�,'4 1P1I�1, :��,���,.���!�:!�:�.��::�..��:.�.!!�:.:.l..:�....�..--.%.........�....�..�. .��.�,..�.I......�..�..1....�....�.,�.:.....�......I:......!...�.....��...... i: — --- .. ����������,���������,���������l�����,�������,���������� , -1 - . ... ::::� - _ ,,�- , I . . . ...i --:: �t:�-� ,�:_: ,` � � -. . -I:-::- , '"' ..... �:�:,! 11 — �. .. -- � —l -,''', .. . .. ��.%�.i.:%�;:.� �::.�� :�� �l�����t � - .�:::;�:�::.�.::�.�.��.�-�. � - - � - '... . I 1, % :%.:.:!.:-.:%�:� - � ...... ��l�:� ��,����,,������������,�����������������l�� -z, I . : :: � � -��-��-�,-��,,�-�:,�� , - ... . - - M.... ... ,N� � . .. . .. - . . � :: : - �...� ....... ���...�.�����..�::..��...�,��l�:�����i����i�:i���i ,:�t::�,t:t �� I i � �i : i � i :: . ... .. .�.��:�:.�..:. 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" -- - - -- :.�... ........�. �......-� � � ` �4-�, I . .: ... � � �: � 1 . . - 1H "" ,*O�",� �� ,�,,,�""",,�"L .:. --- _� ,, I % -- - ,�-, ,���-A ,, -L, , . :. .....:% .. . . -, . .i � � � � - ae,x, . .�.:. .. ..::.... %�::�, . . -:,-- I 1, . . �, THE CITY OF KENT �` :KEN T HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION wAS':H�NG T:ON MEETING MINUTES , ,a .. .... . . . APRIL 19, 2001 � � � 1: 1-11 ,,� : :,:Z , ::: ''I�'',Nm::, The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order, in the absence of the Chair'and the Vice Chair, at 2:30, by Commissioner Raak on Thursday, April 19, 2001, in Council Chambers West of Kent City Hall . HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Perry Raale, Cornm�ssiQner Dini Duclos, Commissioner Pam;Roberts, Cc mm§.... er Judie'Sa:6 Corinrnissioner HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONER EXCUSED/ABSE'I. Edna White, Chair John Jendresen, :ornmissxo'ner Brad Bell, Commissioner Mel Tate, Commissioner Tim Clark; City Council Member HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager Judy Bennett, Planner Kathleen Allard, Secretary OLD BUSINESS' APPROVAL OF MINUTES There was not a quorum, so there was not an approval of the Human Services Commission minutes for the month of March. AGENG'�/INDIVI,DUAL TOUR On the day of the Commission meeting in May; the Commissioners varill visit agencies, which receive financial support from the City of Kent General Fund. The Comrrtission... end staff will then'meet'bacic in Chambers tQ review their findings, then proceed with the regular monthly meeting. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REGIONAL PLANNING Katherin reported to the Commission that the plan has been completed, ;and submitted to United Way and King County. ` King County has-6ffered to dohe printing. Copies have been ordered and should be available to the Commission by the May meeting. Short and long terms goals have been established to help with ,the DAWN crisis. One long-term goal would address what can be accomplished as a sub-region, to have a coordinated response effort to assist those needing 11 r11 help. United Way may be willing to help with a commitment of $20,000.00 each year for three years. `Katherin will bring the Commission a proposal to request '`. funding for that position. , :.. 2001 :CDBG PROGRAM Katherin reported to the Commission that the Capital Fund estimate, for 2002, is $411,981.00. Fu1.nding requester! for 2002 includes: Home Repair at $301,981 ��i..�:�:���l�����,���::��,,��������:: ' �:�:�1:�:..�.��... .. . �:. . ..........&. ... ...... The Human Service One Stop is requesting 100,000. The City has authorized a f%easibility study, fora "One Stop :'Shop," benefiting the ;%provider as well :as the people needing these. .services This idea would place 'many pro1.viders . ..one . % .: •ce t 0 ved . .e r rno%re;:servi s centrall boated area and usin the sa . m n tc ov�d . %.... .. ... . . g Y P ...... ,. . . ..... ......... .. .. : . .. ..... ... ....... . ........ .. . ...... . ... . .. . .. ; . . ..... , Bra more people. Also, Ci tholic Co�rnunity Services,<the Food a k and the Multi . : :: ; : ..: :: : ; . f Se ice; raters:have run out o s ace at';the'ir `resertt`;locanions: ;' ry Ce %p p 00' KC King County Housing Authority, Soutiiw4od Square'is reques ing $15,0 H is ro`.os%n the urcl take of .04.a artrnrnt douse, S© thwoad.S...oars, located #� p 9 p P q on 10:6i" Place th'a# is currentl Section $ The concern is #hat the resent to . . .:. . :... Y :. .. :.: :. : : .. .. ........p . . ; Hants : . :. :..: . #; if; ew ow;e s off n t e units at market rate; will nQt be able to afford #olive here, n n ,r e h King County Housing Authority is also requesting $500,000.00, for the Springwood project. The project includes a new Head Start and Career Development;Center located where there is currently an apartment block providing 11 units of housing: Commissioner Duclos stated she felt the budget was poorly prepared. Lutheran Social Services is requesting $15,000 to fund the new family resource center being built in SeaTac. There will also be senior housing on the site. Funding #his project will allow the agency to leverage funds from other sources. Commissioner Raak 'asked Katherin for staff 'recommendation. Katherin responded 'by saying she felt the One Stop% will benefit providers and users of %services Co%mmissioner Raak agreed . . .. . ...:. The%recommendations to be taken to the full Corrimission in May is . . S: $10,0.00 00#o Lutheran Soria erv+ces, $10,000 00; to King Count Ho%using Authority ;for% the Southwood Project . ..... 0 OO for the One Stop Hum7.an Service Center NEW'BUSINESS I I , , - , N� _�, '' _�,"'' ., 2001 FOCUS / SENIORS Katherin Johnson introduced Lea Bishop, Recreational Facility Manager, from the / Kent Senior Center. Lea provided information to the Commission regarding the growing senior population, and the needs they are facing. One of the gaps she is seeing is there are no counseling services in places such as the Senior Center Seniors are more likely to use services that are where they engage in other acitivities. Bernie Hughes, Multi-Service Center, Energy Assistance Manager discussed the serious issues seniors are facing, especia iy in the areas of future affordability of housing, utilities and medicine. Both speakers indicated many seniors must decide each month, whether to buy food or their heart medication, and with the rising costs of energy many will go without heat. Discussion continued on budget and program cuts affecting seniors and how we can heir) serve (hose in need. This will be an ongoing subiect for the Commission.: REPORTS SOUTH KING COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM REPORT , I�athcrm reported to the Commission that it is the goal of the Forum to standardize the:Food B%ank services in South Gaunt ;;The domes#ic Violence subcommittee:of . the Hyman Service :Forum;antill; rQ use that;a search beinducted #o fill a three P P year planner position This position will be housed under auspices if the King County Coalition against Domestic Violence. OUT SING C(JUl�1TY COUl 1L OF HUMAN SERVICES 1'lie annual luncheon isyearwil 'beJure iverRoc#h 6th athR k Cafe. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was'adiourned at �:30 p.m. Respectf Submitted Katherin Johnson Recording Secretary : m.. I:,,I, , '' --l'"'' '',", '' ,..� .-.� � . .�. . %....111,I - - I.. ......... ....... .. . . ... I I , ,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,�:,�: . . . ... .. I, , ,, , ,,, , 1 �� , , - . ,� :�.�.. .!... . "I ,�, ; ,"!:, ,,,,� -, ,,, , % , � ��,��, ���, , , ,,I -1 ", �� .�:�.�:�� 1.��.:::�.....:..�%..%%�.%�:%... : �, ,, , , , :,:,�,� :�:,�,���,, :,1z,,,�,,: �,� ��:��..�:..�.:��i�Z:�,�����,11: ... , ,�,�:��,,,,��:,��J,I- ����,,:::�� . . .......... �...... . . . I I�,,�,::,,,,,,��,,,,,,�,,",, , . , , ,,�,;",,,�,,I,I I��,:�����,,�i ��,�,�,,,�:���:� ,,,,...,, .. .i ...�:.�:�:�!�:� : . . .. .....% ...%.. . , I .. .......I ,---,,I I I,I I I I.. --,,�, i I�,,�,,�I'i:I I,,I I,I , . :-% . . . - - � PARKS :��%���.....�%:%�.����:�...����:��. N ,� '' - : .� :% ::: John`Hodgson MEMORANDUM Director May T 2001 Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 TO: HUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION MEMBERS 220 Fourth Ave.S. Kent;WA 98032 5. FROM; JUDY BE- ... T,.;H .. SERVICE':PLANI`TER SUBJECT: MAY 17 AGENCY TOUR ;..�.:%..�:::%:.�..:%.....��........���.,.%.-��.�%.%:...�..-:�-....�.::..�::.:%....-:%%.�:.....%..�.�.�.,��,.�%.::-..::.�,.-��::�..%::-�-���:%����..-�:::�:.%::��'i:.��%...�%%::.����:.'��,.�-:.%"...:..:�.1....1..�%.:%.:.:%:,%.:%:.,::-.�:�:�..���..:.:...�,..�.�...��%�-�..�,�...�.:.�:,.:.!�:.:.%..,��...%:%,�.1:.��,.:.%.:�:.:.��:%...,%...:..����.::..�:.,,�,,.,�.,::,,�.....,_:_.�::�..,.I,�.,.-.,:",.-...��.I,I...-:�."��,:....,�,,:j�.�...:....�..%.1%..:.'.:�...%%�:::%�.:..':-:�...%.'.:�.�.::�..:'.%.-��%.�..,";.%:.:-.%��.':'%..':�.�.::.i.:.',..��....,.".,.�"..�.�.....�..z%...:...:.-.-.-%.�%.%.�...,:..�:.%.:..:�.�..-.:..:....�.....I::...:-...%..%.::.:..%..�.:�.-.�,�...�.�...:......,:..�;-.:.�.�:......%.:.....:..%...�...,-.-.........'..I�....%.....�.,...._..�-...�I..�...............-..-......:..:.......%1...........-..%...".%........:..-.�%..�'�..�..�.,...:�.%.�....-.'.%.:.:%. Those of you.:-:�--.�...E..-�%W%�..�%..�....vuh:.....-.-..�1�.:....��%.�..:......�.... o were present.:at...%......�..:�%...%-:...i..�.. 6:.....%.......:.......�.....,....-:......'...April 19�`Comm.'��,,:.,,� ission;.,.i�,..�j,��.,i.:�.�,:,Mee�<.I..!.i.%.._'.�.tnig'expressed interest'in touring Chil&. is:Home`Society's new:Center located acr©ss the street :..,:...�.-... -.....�i.-. ....��%%.....�.��.: .-..:...�....:...%%.....:.%...-:..::%....%...: .�.%: �.:II Z.. .�.�'.�:;...,�... :..'..:%z.-�.�--,:....::.4..::.�;-, Frain City Hall. i made arraigemerits with:Peg 1azen,Regional Director for . . ,... .C ...;%.:.....�%�.%..�...:�� .���.-:.-.:.%:.:�......� .�.�. .....%�.:%.:.... hi s Home Society to:provide.you with a tour of the facility and.a program -.:�i.:..��..:..:%:.�.....���:.�:..:-.....:�%�:..:,%��.-::!. overview. %...�.��...i ...�..��:%�....�..:..:..�...i%: ...%.-.:%.�-.�....: �.!�..%.... ..1%.::�"..%-�-..--�.:..���..:. .:v.-%...!-....%.!;�:.%.1:�.:-..�.:j......:. -...-...:..-:...!....%..�.... -.. �z��,�,�:,::1'�!:z:, '', �:. �,,,�,�''''::''�,:,�,:""�:,:�����'',]""", , --�, , , : 11 11 . .. I 'll, - - . . 1 , The tour is scheduled during your regular meeting time from 2:30 -3:30 p.m.on .�.�.%...:.�:...�:.%:...%..% May 17`h. The address of the Center is 212 S`h Avenue South. It is directly across the street from City Hall behind the Mexico Lindo Restaurant. Following the tour,we will meet in Chambers West to conduct the business portion of the meeting. As we have an important action item on the agenda,we will need to assure that we have a quorum for the meeting. If you are not able to attend,please contact me at(253)856-5074 as soon as possible. The meeting agenda packets will be sent to you on May 10`h. If you have any: % . questions,please call me .. ..:...:.. ....... ......... ... % . Vic; Sohn.Hodgson,Parks,Recreatton:&.Community.Services I3irector :`. Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager .:............... ... ....... . . .. . .. . .. .:..... . ::.....:.:..:...:.....,:...:..::.. ....:......::.......... Pe..1Y1 zen. Childs, :s:Ao:: %Sti.eie .:Re' oiial`1Via I er ...:.:.... ...... .. .... ... ..: . ... Human.:Service..Commiss on,F le:` `:.. . ..% . :: l . ESTIMATED 2002 COAVgUNITX DEELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG)PROGRAM Estimated 2002 Capital Funds: $411,981 Estimated 2002 Planning&Administration Funds 76,733 Estimated 2002 Public(Human)Service Funds 94,437 Total CDBG Funds: $583,151 Capital Projects Recommend Cat;' of Kent Hone Re' an Pro am $301981 Lutheran Social Sevc$s Fatal 1esouce Center Construction $1000 Kin' Count Iousinuthorli .Soutvvooa S ...... Ac tuston $10,00p Kent One Sta Humansrvice Center Ac ussittgn $90Q00 Total Ca' tal $411,981 _ Pub�iG omen S�rviee Pro gams Recommend ` Kerit Communit Heap I�Tatural Medice Services $36,472 Dent Emergency Feeding Program $21290 YWCA Domestic Violence Transitional Housing,,,- $36,675 Total Public Human Services $949437 Planning&Administration $76,733 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTINGENCY PLAN PUBLIC(HUMAN);SERVICE. `' tf the,Ci#y of Kent''•receives an increase in public service estimate; the increase will tie divided equally between the funded agei'cies (Cpmmunitylealth Centers,Emergency Feeding Program,andVtiCA) est m Y '' he dec ea `e wi l be s"lit ro ortionatel between If the Cit of Kent:receives a decrease jn ublic;servlce i a_e t r I P p Y p ,. l� Y funded agencies, (Community Heal#h Centers, Emergency Feeding Program,and YWCA) CAPITAL iJE TS GAP, . REQ ,S e 'I be al oca ed to! nt's Hurna` Servlee lfthe'Ct of lent;receives an;increase'ln theca ital estimate ;the ncreas wi,I 1 t Ke n Y P One Stop Project. If the City of Kent receives a decrease in the Capital estimate, the decrease will be to the Lutheran Social Service Family Resource Center Project(to an amount no less than $5,000),then to the Southwood Square Project(to an amount no less than $5 000. Should the decrease be greater than $10 000,the additional decrease would be absorbed by the One l top Project and then the Home Repair ram. Estimated 2002 funding levels.doc One Stop Human Service Center The City of Kent is conducting a feasibility study to determine the viability of establishing a One Stop Human Service Center in Kent. The Center would house a variety of agencies and services in order to provide citizens with easy access to services' currently spread throughout the community. Transportation issues currently mare it very difficult for residents to access these services. Byobtaining government grants and foundation funds'to purchase the Center, agencies' will benefit by being able to pay a lower 'rent. Agencies would also be able to share operating�73, costsfor %maintenan%ce and cleaning services The lower costs would then enable u ds c rreratl needed fc�r:overhead and to 'nsaad use them.for direct agencies #o release f n % u y service. .. this tune i# is projected ;the Center will include agencies providing housing assistance; emergency assistance, the Kent Food Bank, employment and training services, and a. horneies shelter at nigh#. The tenter will be located on a major transportat on line for accessib%fiity The Cs#y has formed a committee to work on thEs pro#ect including: Katherin'Johnson, Human Service Manager Merina Hanson, Human Service Planner John Hodgson, Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Dini Duclos, CEO Multi-Service Center Cathy Peters, Catholic Community Services Regional Director Linda Rasmussen, YWCA Regional Director Lynn Roberts, WWEE Development Director Phi Pham, Community Health Centers Director of Marketing & Community Relations Arthur Lee, Emergency Feeding Executive Director Cathy Garland, United Wayof King County Y t to . .. e;sco e<of week.f©r:.th :stud artd:will select the consul an n. The committee developed th p y Apr( 17 2 01 The e4nsultant.wilI interview agencies to deft . Ine interest and ;space p .. otential fund I sources, and ro ose sites needs research orre sto . models and p . .... . . , r.... . .... .. .. . p ::_; ;-. : 13 . .o.; able or meeting the space and accessibility needs. The committee will also be resp ns developing a funding strategy. . . . :; e t t timel%nes for C:DBG;'i# ma d be;com Ieted b June, Dct . o e . . . .... . . ...y . . ...1. .. . .. The feas�b�1 . std. :shoul. :. Y . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .: : tY: .. . ::.Y. , .. ...........:...:..... ....:...:... ..... .. .:. . ... . . t ro to; t e:;. n recornmenda ions 1 r is ion ;;;to; make fund. .. ... ... p ....: . . sa: : for the ;Hamm s . ..g . . .. ... .... . .. . be:. needs . .. . . .. . .: . . . rY.. . .: .. . �.: .. t Human Service sn:er presentatjon of the ftndrngs to the Mayor. :lJffice, The One S op, Committee is requesting the Commission set aside funds for the acquisition of the facrli#y By using funds for acquisition, ESA and lead-based paint issues should be avoided. The committee is requesting $100,000 at this time. LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES of WASHINGTON & IDAHO Intergenerational Campus] Community Services Facility. PROJECT: Community Services Facility,including Child Care Center TOTAL BUDGET: $3444,000 LOCATION: South 188th Street,SeaTac,Washington ORGANIZATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lutheran Social Services of Washington &Idaho promotes healing, reconciliation, growth and justice in response to community needs. The agency began m 19i7 as the'S. i ie Seaman's Center serving the homeless and unemployed in Seattle and Tacoma Over the past 50 .. ... ; : :: : :;:, e e o% d . •ise: The *Iortl west'�r�a Offce' ;` s th a enc ex anded to okane•.Kennewick 1.1 M rt.,n,an Bo..... ..... .:. ..... .. . .. . % ... ear . ....e -. . . . . i . ... .. . .. ..................... ............ .. . . ... .. . y g Y P . .... su ce tees foster care a u hon es d SnohomMs Counties with:faixltiii: counselin fanu ort. n , F serer an ...... . 3'.. gt Y .._PP ...... ........... .. ... .. . . ... . .... ... % ......... ........ .... ...:......:.:..........:.::..:.:::.:..::..:..:.:..::..:.........:...:...............................::%.:....:::..:...................:.....:......:: ...:........... ... .::................ . .. . o ive iAiea'Ofca'servesl' . ; `.< . . . service an refu e. imini ant services,:Each ;ear the N rth st . ............... . ...... . . . . ..... . . . su ort .. s d. I y .... ... ... pp . . .: .:.. .. ..�.. .. . .... :. . . . .; ;:. :: .:. . , : •, % . h2 are desi p..to; OW—15:fa. tes ari % .. ":` oxi t%e1 20 OdQ individuals<throu h;these ro ams; w ch. . .... .. .. . ..: . . ... .. .a r %ma.. ... .. j-. : ..... . : g p i . .. ... . . .. . .. Pp . y . ....... . :::,. :. individuals with the stalls and support they need to lead healthy and productive lives. O : .This ro'ect is for;new eonstruP. . of a:multi-sin ce,facil . The .. DESCRI TIOI�T OF THE PR, JECT p j Y facility will house an extended-hour cold care center(70 $U slot;),a fancily support`canter,refugee and Ynainigran#mental health counsehng services,cho. services for the elderly/disabled;and adoption/foster care suppor#services,The facility is part of a larger effort to create a multigenerahonal campus on alevel 4; acre building site centrally located in SeaTac. The campus will also include 120 units of iovc�income"senior` housing,the LSS corporate administrative offices,and possibly other facilities such as a health clinic. Over: the past year,LSS has been working with Lutheran Alliance to Create Housing(LATCH),which is overseeing the development process.LATCH has a long and successful history developing large low-income housing projects. Pre-development planning and the designs for the building are now complete,and fund development for the project is underway. We hope to begin construction in August 200211-111, . NEED FOR THE PROJECT: Human service facilities in South'King County;are currently extremely inadequate to meet the high need in the area. Many services which are available are based in Seattle or other distant locations,and transportation barriers prevent South King residents from accessing them.This new facility will allow LSS to greatly expand its services in South King County. Currently,most services to residents of this area arebased out of the LSS Seattle office. The International Counseling Services,which prov%ides mental health counseling to refugees and immigrants in then'native languages,conducts home visits and:uses%:donated c..,..rs ace;to serge %utl% . pur residents, Therapists must travel from,the Seattle.. .. p h' office in order to serve this area,taking up valuable time which could be used to serve more clients ]'his is ::.:.; . ;: i %do o ii foster'care:services:, : ; ; . . . also true:;ofthera fists and su: ort;workers wind a n an . . ... . p . P p . : ::: p. . ri` in`. ;:: ::: "nd e a a :..:,:.,;. : i..,O......t..,.:;, ff : ..::::....::.:....::;:....;. :;C Y: :In add ti n o irn ruy%n th%e e 1ceric a. X a d th . BENEFIT TO THE 4M1V... p g % P p . . of existing LSS services;this project will allow the a%gen%cy to initiate much needed new services to residents ofthe area An extended hour child care center is being planned with the help of Child'C.re Resources and: ..:,,. .. r inf t% ' ''1 `er d :`r�-schoolers. d ro m% : This center will have 7U$Q slots f© an s tb din : .. .... > . . &in Cow .Chil..care.P a ... ... .. p . . S .... ..: ::, : . . �,: : . .. ..:.::::.:::. . ... :;....:. . ..:......:,..,., . ....... :..... . e;.of.. . .extended:hour;natur this i like in lode before and alter schoc�I care;for older a itdren,... q . . . and wit. . 1 c .. ....:.. . .. . .i. .... .. . . .. .. . .. . Y :: : : ....: . . . center is essential to meeting the needs of residents and employers in the area. A family support cen%ter will be established to serve South King County residents. This center will help families build on strength%s to increase their self-sufficiency and provide safe and nurturing homes for their children.Youth services will be developed in collaboration with local high schools. Services to the elderly will also be developed,modeled after similar programs in other LSS offices. These will include chore services and volunteer visiting to increase senior's,quality of life and their ability to stay in their own homes. These services will be provided to members of the general community,as% well as residents of the low-income housing on campus. CONTACT: R.Y.Woodhouse,Director of Corporate and4Foundation Relation 206.694.5709 LSS Community Services Building !_ Budget Financing Sources � ������, , .. :����,������,���:�t� �:�I:,-t....... , :00,11, , .: ..:%%.: Building Site owned by SS $ ; 264,000 Secured CDBG Funds C�#y of SeaTac-2001 % % $ s5,0� Secured City of SeaTac-20.02 %% 65;OOQ Tukv�il..-20l)2 10,OOU Kent-2002 % :.. ,., City cif SeaTac-2003i. 65OOfl 2 l 5,000 ::, ,, ,. .. .I.. State CTEp 30Q,000 Capital Campalgr 2,1. .... 0 ,,�.:.:�,,-�......�,..I,�,�'�.%�.�,�t...,,,.�..��:,_,�,.�.,:�,,�,-...,1....:,1,..��:.,,...,::�i-1.��..�,�1�...��::.:,�7�,.,1...-�,-�.,-.,�:.-1:���-.��,I�_.:':",,,:.�:j..�,..-,�I.,--..-�-�,�::�.�,�:-�-.1;�:--,1�--:�!:%.I;1��,:.-,,,...1:,��:.....1-,,��:',,,�,,���...��,�.:..,11�,��_�1 I�1�.%..._���_i.�-...,���..�-,,-,-.:��.%',,:,--.I,.�"�:..:,:��:����..�,,�,��-...�I,I�-�...t�.-,.:,�.'�-�1��....�,:��-,,.;.,�..:�,:::%,I-�::,�,�-�!%...:-I�::.."-,�:-:.:I 7:�1-�::..:,,-..,!�i�.-�..:--:,!.:IJ��-�%jI,::�.-,�-��:��...,l:-t...�,,,,,-�-:.�,::,,,i%�-�I�::,1��...�-';�....,,��..i.--!��:�:.:��,J,-:-�..::,-'�-...,t:1I,:��...,-:,�-:.':-,�.�::��-:�t.-1,I-t�.:���-,:..-.�i:j,��....:.-��.,,�,��%.-1�,......:---.-����,-���.!��-..:1,I-,,-�....�,�-I.,1:,,�.-:,�j�..-��:�:�..,�,�:..�.�,-�t..::�:�.,.�t:,,,�-,...�"1�1���....-_..�,:-�....��::�l-�....-,���-.1::�.�.�.�:���:,:I,:-1i..i�:,,1�--.-�..,1�,-.,,�,_:-...,;:1'�.1-.,..-�-,-�-..::�,,,,�.-.��--,,:�-:.�;�,1::!-..�-.,:,—,,i-1,:,�1�1,,�_�.-"1�-�1,-�....,",,,.-.1,t�,i,i.��1�':1�.�,�I,,-11:,�":��,,,;:-,,1,,-I'-�t�-',:--�--:--�,:�-,,1�-�-��,-,,,��:1:�-1�,�,-:j1--�,-,,:t-�I�-:�-:I,�l���'-,1,:-,—,�i,�j,I,�-:I:����-�:�-,,---��,,-,""�-��-�-,'1--�,�:--���11,��:::�,���I:!�:11,:"-,:�-1,-�-�:��-,-::::�-,,�,,-,,,1:�-:,,-�,�,'1-�:,,l:-�--l�,-:�1��-,",�,:��- :-��-�-�-._�",,,:I1-j,�II-,:,��-�,:�--7,�-��:��'.�,�i��-�.1,��,I"1,:!���-:1��,,�;,��,'1Iz,,:�-"��,���:.',��::��1".,,�-" ��...:-.,�.lI�:,,�.,1....�.:,,1...I�".::':,�1.,-,:�...ll.:�-�.:Z',,..��:�1..�i-.1l7t,,I�...,%.,,,�.I�,..-'.:�,--�iz--�:,'z,::':-.%,'..,-",,��,�.1�,�,.:.�t..-�,�,;-.�,I.I���,i.,",':.:�i.,:"��-.'.�%:,j,:l.-��,:.,':'�.�-�,,-�.�,::,,:l,.��::'"i�,.I�,:�1:,l:".�...:,.1...�,_�..i:i:.:'�l�.�',��:1.1-."..,,�.��-�,:--��2..�:1..1,.--.��..�,I,:-l.i..,'-�,��1..�I--'�.-.'t:���I".-�,::-��%,:.,�������.,--1-."'..,.'-�:�t,,%;-I.,.i..�.�I,�.�.1,1��,.."'-,".:!�1I,':"1-,�:�i,�.�:c�1,,�..�:1%��-�',.����1,�:',�:�.:..".1��,..1�.'�,1ii�-"�.��:.�.:�i.�i1..,�.I.,�..A��1.,,'1.:�1���."I�..,1,...:�,....�,,.:,,.,...::,�.���-�.�:�..:,,'.%,.�1.�.�,.i�..,I:,��-....�,,.�"-1.:,,..�:���:,��.�!,�..Z.-.��:.:�:.:�,...����..%,:,Iz%��'".j,..I.:.I!:.�.:�,��.,"...:,%i',,.�..:�,,��....,,-���,,..�",.i���,�%�.!.�,,..:.:,:�:�:.�..�:���,...-.::..,.::;..1..:,�:.�:.%..:..��.,.::..::::....-�...�...;:�...:.....: -I.:�:�.:.....1.:.'�.�..:..!..�...'.:....:,...��.......,1.t.��.�:.......,-1.....%.....i..�,�.�'..�-,I....�.:.%.�-.�..:..:-:�::.!..:%:.�.�....'..;..:�:..-,.11.%.:�%..-.:I.....::.-...,.�.�..��.:%.....�....:,-,.:.:.�,%:..�..�t i...-�-.�...�.....-��....!...:...-.�:...�.1..:..........�.,���:..-t...:.:..:i��..:--:..�......�:....,.%...%z.:....,-...��.::.��..!��....,........-....:�:..��.�....1i.-...%.%�:�:.'�.......:I......:.:.�..�1.....I�:..�.��,�:.�.,:...."1E.::.:,-..!:...i��..�.1",�...�i�Z�-::�.�.,,1....:.:i...:........-�:...�..:�.!.-:l....!li,..:,z��::.:.'..�........,....%.!,.::.��:.-�...�-,.�..:...-'..-.-...:...�..:�:.,:...%.:..:�:j".....-,-..��.:,..%�..%�.....�i.:..-.:'....�...,.....�.�-:..%�!.�..�I....�.�'.�...::...,....:;.....�..,...%.��.::i.::..%l-t..::�:.�.......�%,�.....�.�.:........!,.....�....�.z'.!.%.:�,-�....z.%:..:I..�....�..:�.i.,,!..�-:.1......�:%..:..,.:.�...,�..-..�%.�1�.�.:..1���....�...�..�-....i,.�:.:..�.....:.",.:%,:..��,,.�.-z Z,.�...:.�.:...1....,i,. ..-..�.I-...._.�::-:I:�:�.-.-...::.:�,::-.I..�..�,�.�.:��:-.��.1.,�..�..,�:!..1.:.�.I"�....-,:t..:�1�,-...1-:..��.:.�.I�.%1I!%�,�.:.�,I��-,.%.:�I�..���1:I..��-:._�.-��.,�.:�-:.��....,,�.:���.--:�-�.,�!�-..� ��!...�:-��,.��.�-:�....�1��-.,,�%,0...,::,:�.-.!]..._�,�..%��..�..�.�,-.I��,:,_..:�:.'���..--.�:,:1���:!.1:t..�:-Z%.I,,!:�_,�:,.V:%'�:..�-.%�,-.,:.:_,:,�,.1:,.-;.��...,,-..�1.,.,::"-;:.:��'�1�..�1,�1z.�:,:1....i..:,.�,�1.,7%:��.7,�.-.1,--.....1�I1�.'---:..-�:::-.,,..:,'.I.,.�..-,��:�,,i�':�...��,.�-:��.-:-:-.,.%:�.,�,-,�,�..�-.:�....�.:"..�l.�-.I�,...',.1..1-,.�,�;.�,v.-..,�'%-��.�.-,�:%..:.�,�.,1:7..�;.,,,�!�.:.,..!.:�,.:.:.i.�,.'�.!:,�.��-�I.,'.:,,'.:1:,�,�t.�,..i.::,---�1��l�._-!I.,',.:',:..�...:",�%���..:.-t..,--��:,.%1_'!.:-,I.��,�,�I.-�-,1....�.,1�-..,��..,I�%.�.,1.��-,'.1.I 1..:..%z,z,,1:."',.:1�..%,,.,..Z,.-%I.:..,-,,I-�,-.,.I: ,.:.'�.,-,..:.�--..,;..:�I-�.-�l 1�%.,�.�.:��,1::..I:�....P.I'..::I I.�1�i1��..:�,...�..,�.�":.�..:�..�.' NOTE Abridge I+oan may be secured depending on the timing of pledge reireipts. Total Financing Sources $ 2,640,820 Uses of Financing Property Acquisition $ ` 2"''. - Construction Costs Site improvements ' $ 334,760 Construction 1,571,240 Permits 14,400 Utility Hookups 41,040 1,961,44Q . . . Professlobal.Fees . Architect/Err ineer $ 168,430 9 P.ro ect:>..ana ement . ..... . .. .. , . .' 83V TN �:: g Other 10,54 262,540 Other Development Costs 152,840 . ...- U Uses of Financing $ 1'i:�-... 2,640,82t) CQLLAB�l, IdM,;, �a° � 'awe SOUTH KING {).0 C ',11 ( 9ofl - 1+ OF HUMAN SERVOICES o��P �ryo -a�� I. 2001/2002 Proposed Board of©irec#ors The following slate of officers and new board members will be put forward for approval at the May 2001 General Membership meeting. Current board members` wjll continue to serve i 2002 of nt`President Kath1.erirt Johnson, C. ty Ke President elect: Caren Ad rh ; Seattle/#��ng County Public Health Secretary Cynthia +�oodvin, Ruth Dykernan Chiidren's Center . ;�:.�..:�:.,�I.;..I...:...,i,.....�I....:%�...�.. Treasurer . Linn Roberts;WWEE Board Members; Arthur Lee, Emergency Feeding Program Jhon Valencia, American Red Cross, Language Barak Jack Laverty, Auburn Food Bank ( Roseann Martinez, Children's Home Society Romani#a Hairston, World Vision, KidReach Current Board Members President Dni Duclos, Multi Service Center President -elect Katherin Johnson, City of Kent Secretary Cynthia Goodwin, Ruth.lykeman Ghldren's Center Treasurer Lynn Roberts; WU�/EE . Members Garen darns, Seattle/King County Public Health l ine Aird C.. of Auburn . Y y . . . . . . ... . .. B k : o t , r Co .. ..... ni Ne tiork :' . 7 a 1#h lay 5 u:h.K. .. .. un . .. ... . . , . : ,.:. . .. ::J Y .:...: . o.th S e is s Ric and Brooks, Renton Area u n✓ e Cathy Garland, lJnied Way An,Gu hsr, pity of Feral Vllay . ent .` Lor# Gu�ifo I e Ma le Valle Cornmuni Center . . Y . :p. . .1 . ..t ,. . . . . ;: : Jean Huest South Kin Goun Communi Network :`' ;;; 9 . . . y . . . .... . . ... ..... . . . a. . .Mus, . .. .:.. ... ;,:: ;;, Sue Lerner, Tukwila School District Cathy Peters, Catholic Community Services Tom Trompeter, Community Health Centers of King County . Linda Weedman, YWCA' working co,//ab;oratiye/ to serve South King CouIn. Y . %. . % .....:... .. .. ..1% :..... %%.. . . ... .. %:��... .. ... . . .:�. .%1 . :-.%%:1:. . - -- - . . % . .. . . .. .. . 1 ...... .. ..... ...�: .- . . . . % ..��.% .. .. : . : .. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. .:. 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PARKS,RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 11��''1.%I..1 1 ..%,..il.:-:%I��'-'l1,�1,ll:-iI,::1':1-'....:..:.�-.1',,-,�,,�:,-�-�,-..,..,�..I...-..........:...:.....�1.�. .:..%%... 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTINGENCY PLAN PUBLIC (HUMAN)SERVICES if the City of Kent receives an increase in public service estimate,`the in�::..:..�i..�.....�.�-�i�.%�::.�..,,.t�-%...'.-.......:...-..%:i...:.�...;..,-...-.�:W i.�I.::.:1�.-......:...-....::.:.:: crease wi11 be ...... equally between the funded agencies (Comrrtunity Health ' Centers, ��....:.�...%:��..::�..:::..�1......�.�:m%.-..:�-...:..%.%:..:...�-:%�!....�I.:.:�..:�:..1:.:�......:.M. 0...�..�,..�:-�':.I...%. Emergency Feeding Program, and YWGA) . If the City of Kent receives a decreaee in ublic service estimate, the decrease wiN be p split prop+or#iion�tely between funded agencies (Community H. Ith Centers, Emergency Feeding ;Program, ar�d C CAPITAL REQUESTS -- If the City of Kent receives an increase in theI apital estimate, the increase will be allocated to Kent's Human Service One Stop Project. If the City of Kent receives a decrease in the Capital estimate the decrease will be to the Lutheran Social Service Family Resource Center Project (to an amount no less than $5,000), then to the Southwood Square Project (to an amount no less than $5,000). Should the decrease be greater than$10,000, the additional decrease would be absorbed by the One Stop Project and then the Home Repair program. .. : . . : PLAN�TINC DMI1�IISTRATI01*t . ;t. If>therE is an %ncrease In#hir amount ava%Iab1e for Plann�n and Administration thei y g . ..... and:.. d t .. ,.. . Of Fen#vurll allocate the additional funds for Planning A tnn�s ration ..:.-..,.. ....... .. . ..... .. .......-,A%;..1.....1......:.::.....4.�...::..:.U..:...,:.,...:....,..r.....:.::�.i.:....i..1!-.-...�........-.I�:..%.:........,.:..�...:1�...::.-...�.!...i:..I...b..I...:I.I:.P.I.'......1.......1....ft:;......�...:'..%.........�........'...............�.....E......................................�..:..........1...1......T..........:.........:....:........:.......: ... ........:.....:...:: ..............=.:E%%..%.......,-.-1.�.�:.1::..�IL...%._....P...::...�i.Mi..... 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I:r- ampai n SolutiI.o.'Ins ��:,l_1_�-,,,,'.�''_,,.i,-�:�Z�%.,,,..��.�,i_:i,�,:1 i1i,�,,�,'�II.,II'1,,��,,!I....:.....:.!....::......_...�.............:........%.�.%......%.:..:..: II1I1I 1I..,I.I...%.�.....%..�...:.ii.:..�.....�......i..i.i.......%.!:...:..::.i.:....i..:...........%...i................i..i..:...::...i..,.:.:.IIi,1,.l I 1:..�1 I�1:1I�-1 1I,�:'1,i1'1111,-.11 1-1I.I 1:�i�:1,1i:%,:I i�i:�,,�_,_��::,i�._,::.'I�,11.�II 1,-:�%1.:��iI...I.1_�.,i1-.�I,, �_�,�:��_',_',,�,::,'_',�����i1:I 1'_1':I:i 1�:�:_'�,,,',,-_�,_1,.,..i,!�.,..',l,.�-'., ......:.:_�...i....%_.ii �..�...�;....��.�.....�.: ...�... Support Health} Chiidren and Families ■Children from families with low income wilt benefit from Head Start (a ������_��__-�:A��i:���,�t! A regional comprehensive child-development prograrn) and WIC (a preventative investment In health and nutrition program). three facilities: .. Build a Healthy%, ST.afe Place for �h�ldren and' The �'reater Families to Meet an+d Play Kent Farrtily ■Yo ung people will have ari indoor plane b play and the connrr�unity Center will have a place for educa#ion.. and social activities. ..�.:..�..:...%..�.:...�.............:..�iI��:�:..��.,':t.�.�",..�::�::,1,%��".�.I,.��.I'_...�,"_.�.i1 I�����:,,-..1�i,:..1,'1:ii�:,....I,�,...:.I.�:l.;I.i.....:.%.�... Create Educational Opportunities for Adults The Sprngwood Community ■Adults will have programs that teach job skills, English language and other adult-education courses necessary to improve their lives. Center . `The Time is Now Kent Youth ■ Kent continues to grow rapidly and so does demand for services It is and, family the second largest city in south Ing,C©only; its school district is;the S1'VIC£ Center fourth largest in the state: ■ Start slots i. in the. ast so.,: ears Kent has lost r�ee ed::ad itional;Head . .: because space was pnavailable, .... . ... . ......:.......... ::... :.....:....i. . . . . : Wjthou#:a n h e :fundin for the current ro rams;wil'l be ostto : . ew. pm , g. p . . . . . ther' ommu tie o c n s .:.�:.................:......;�r..�.....�.�........:.�......�.....�,�,�...........�:�...........: , , , , --, '. , .- ,-. , ___ _.. ......................:................................................................................................;...�';......�,�,�,,�";,;,�,�,;--"��",;,;���-,.A,.A........'..-,. .--...,..... %A.:.:.:L:;:z::4-:_; V . : � ...... . 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BUILDING BETTER FUTURES 11 .. . ..........:�...�!. ..... , .__1 . . . ... ..........�:: .1�% ...... oject Goal: $7 Million.�_� :.. .:...%.-.. .�..: :....:. �:������i�::�������:;I������:����:����,'', , ,, .... ��:�I����: �_ �t.-.i:_.......%..... .... ..-%-.I... .. .... .. ................ ...����:i�� :��������������t ::� t_��__ . .. ......... . . ... ... :.ii. .. .I.: _ _____. . . . . . .:%�..�.%��.���.:.�l..�...:;:...�.....t.�t.�:�:.�..t..: .. . . .... %...... . ..��:�..�! . . ..�.:�j��. .�... :�............%�........�......:. ... .....�:%.. ....%..�....:..%.: �-......:...�: ..:� ..:.. � ;....... : :.. . ands Grants;b. . . $15 .11i6h ... .. Governmput F .. .�& . . .% �:%.: 1 �..%%. .�:...:�I..:.:.��..� . .!::��:. .:......I -� . ............ . 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Foundation :& Corporate kifiti: 11 5milli6fi . . . .:..:�.......1 .....%...... .. ... ......:.. ... %...... :.%. % . . . .... . -:... . . ... .... ....:. . %. :��:%:.::�.%- �. : .. ...... . . .�........... . .%..:.!.��::::;..:%.;:. . : .. %..... :... ....� .. �!. ........ . . 1� . ....... . % :. ' ' , . ......%... . . ......"I'' .....:.....%. 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State of:Washington,;Department of Community Deve opment: $300;000 Tb.ftfoyerW"Oni Support: $ 5 million _. ..�..�.:....:'..�... ....!..:::: .:....: ,.%:..I...!:-%........�;���..::..%�..�'.�.......�'�.......:.%%:...v.......�.�... ....��.;��...-.........I:.....:..;%_.i:%..:.....-:..I:.1..%.-%...:..%:.-.�.:..!:..l%....%:�.%....:..:..."%_..��%...:�.-.%i...%.-.%'..................:�....V::..��..:.�:...�........:........�:%..:.�:.....,....!:.:..:.-%....-.....:.�.��....".......:.�.".....�.....�.;..%_..�.....:......�:...�..::. ...%..I.._....:..:i...%:.�.......1...%..%....::._...�.%....%..:....�......%.�..!.�..........%..........%.....:%:."......:...%�.� ...�:. ...:�.:........I.,..:...l..:.-:.��.%:�.!......:..%.........%,...�I..%.....�..��.�.�.:-��......�%."....:.. .�..:..1..�,. ..�..:.�..:.�...%.�.....i..%�...%...:::.�..-........i�....%....:,..i..%..�.:..�.......�.:.-..�.......�'..�.I....:..:.l....I��..��I.....:.. ; .�.:.�......:. ....�..,....-.I.: .....� .%:......�..�. .. .............:�..�;....-..:I..�::...%.-%.-...-..;...�.:.�.....%-..%...�...:.:.........:...%�:... ..�.... ....I ...'-.�. ........-....::..:�!I...%...%...%��'........:�:�..�..... :...I�.�%�I,........��%.1..:..'.....%........�%...,�...:..�.....�......�.!..:�;.... ...i.,..%.. ...- .I....-......:.:..;..i1�. ......-. .. ......%�....:... .i:......:......'.:..�......;.%.. �....�.:�.. ..iI.:.. .::.. .......:.%...%..._�.�.....:....�..�..:..%....�...... ..: .:%!�...�....�...% ... .%%..:�:�..:...�... .:...:.�.... .... ..!.:.. .. .-......:..�.. .% .:1:��...... :.'...�::.,..... ..�.,.:..%..........:::t .:-...%.::.....,...:�.� ..-.:. ..-..:...:...,:..�.�.....:��..,�1�.%.. _".... .... :�. .....-,-'.. ..:.:�.....-..:...% %.:�.. ...:..%.....: .:...... . .�..._...........%% �.. ..�. ... ......-.... ..... .�......I... ...:.—. ...�..:..%.......%. ... �-...%...%�.... . ..%..... ..-.....%.:.....�. .:....... ...:...:..I... ....::... .%..... .1% ..:..._�.. �..%..�......,. ....�: ..... .!I.... ......%.%....%.......%-...%..�-�i.. .-....:..:.,.:...I-:. ..%.1. .:...:..:!..��..... %..%...... ..... � %. ..%....:�% ...%.....!....: ..:%....:.... ....��i. ..:.%.-%.%...%-.......:.-�..-... .:.:.-...: ..:%..%.....1. .:...%... .... !.: !: %:.%...�.:..%.- � -:.....%%. ....%.. .... ...�. .:. .... ..::...... ...: :%..... ..�- ..%.. .::. ..- :%.. :%..%�...%. .. ....�,. ...%�... ... .. .. .... ..: % .% .:.. ; ...- ..-- .% ...%- .. .. �%... .�.. .� .. .. - .. ... �. .. .%. % .�. .:. � � �� , I I I: , ......... . ... i .. .� . .%,��,I'��1,�,.. . .......:.....I� �,, �,,:,: , - , , ,,",, �'' � : ,",,% - .....% .� ....1.. .:....1% ��.. ..:. ._�,— :. . . . . .. - : �: .�.......�1: : : �. .. . . % .. I.I . . ��..........�.... ... �.. .�::.��.�..:�, %. .. I I : �z � . � . : - K I�T WAS H 1NGTON `... .. May 1,2001 �, N . '"' , , � ,1�� � , �%,!,�%� �,,�,_:. � �_:�� ,, ,,:�,�.�.�.. : ... PARKS,RECREATION& COMMUNITY, SERVICES Johnr Hodgson Mike Neinisch, Execu#ive Director Director Kent You#h 'Family Services Phone;253-.856-5100 232 2"d Ave#201 Fax:253-856-6050 I Kent,V1lA 98032 220.Fourth Aye.;S Kent;WA 98032 5ss5.: Qear IVIr. isc ' . . Enclosed is your original cop of the 2001 ZOr32 General Fund ion#ract y between your agency and the City of K . t for the lighthouse program. The Gity also has on.file an original copy of ti. a .Contract and a copy ofi your certificate of insurance, Also enclosed are the reporting;exhibits for'your contrac#. Exhlbit A outlines the reportrng requirements. As agreed; you will bill by the 10'h of the following 11 month for services provided during the previous %month. The reporting forms are now avalable'by a=snail or on disk. V1/e will be sending` #here to you shortly. When submitting correspondence, reports and invoices please ,, address them to: Merino Hanson, Human Services Division c Kent Parks,;Recreation & Community Services 220 e Avenue,South Kent,WA 98032. 11 We look forward to working with your agency during 2001. If you have any questions, please call he at(253) 856-5077. Sincerely, r V uyrU *�__.�� Merino Hanson . Human..Seruil✓es'Planner . General Fund 200:14002 Cont .Oc .Agency Funding 1;etters\KYFS Lrgh#house Fully Executed0l-dot Inc, Contract, Repo►.ing >=xhibits, cc: :lohn 1V1, Hodgson, Parks, recreation&Community Services Director Katherin :6'hnson, Human Services Nlanag , n ' Contract File .. . HUMAN SItVICES ,' �11,-k k COMMISSIONFILE WAS:HiNGT:ON c PARKS John Noclgson MEMORANDUM Director May 1,2001'. �...:.........�1....:..:..�..:-.....I.....:..-I�.-.-..:....1...�—..i�.-�e��:.....:......:.�..:.,...�...��:�....�.�.�.�.��.-�i%.........%..:.......:..%.�.%--....�....%-..�..�......�%....-.%.....�...:..�.�.i.l......�.......i.-::....::..��..�..�..;.�.-..........�..�...1.:-..,..�..�%:....--.::......��.�.-.....::....O.:.......1...�%. -..,��..�...�-.-�..�.%....-�,�..�.,:�:'.�:i%.1�,I,...:.�..::�-%.,...�,,.�::�.���,�---.Y::.i.�:.:..�:-,�...-I:-i...-1,�.:..--:,�.....�I,...�:.":-:..,t:..I%c�:.%�..,1,.:.�...,ft.�.- Phone:253 856-51 U0 Fax:253'=856-600 TO fIUMAN SERVICE COMMISSION MEMBERS 220 Fourth Ave.S. Kent,WA 9032-5895 FROM JUIDY BENNETT,HUMAN SERVICE PLANNER SUBJECT: MAY 17 AGE N. . TO: Those of you vvho were present at the April 19�`Commission iV.-. ..— g expressed interest m touring Chil&re Home Society`s new Center located aerciss the street .t..I.,..,....:.%II:...:0.,:.:,�-�.I:,,..'":..I..�.I.., ftom City Hall. made arrangements with Peg Maz' % Regional Director far Children's Home Society to;provide you with a tour of the facility and a program overview The tour is scheduled during your regular'meeting time from 230 -330 p.m.on Play 17'l'. The address of the Center is 212 5'h Avenue South. It is directly across ( ` the street from City Hall behind the Mexico Lindo Restaurant.' Following the tour,we will meet in Chambers West to conduct the business portion Of the meeting. As we have an important action item on the agenda,we will need to assure that we have a quorum for the meeting. If you are not able to attend,please contact me at(253) 856-5074 as soon as possible. The meeting agenda packets will be sent to you on May 10�h. If you have any,. questions,please call me. Cc: John Hodgson,Parks,Recreation.&Corrununity Services Director I at.: ... Johnson,Humari;Seimmes Manager Peg 1Vlazen,'Children's Home Society Regional.lVla. ger 1. Human Service Commission File• i \\\\ \ \` \\ \ ' �\ :,.; \ ,.e ,..,.,,..,. .......................:. �j }J ..:.. % ..... .....iu....... g .. ....:..... :..:v;: i: . :::::::.:... ..:.. : ........ ............. . .. � . y ., : .. 3....... �.......:..........a c3... A. -.. �, ...., g '°' aq � " .. W"[ — y o �.a cv oo �v °'t4 � . 4!M4 , , .. .... I � a IL)� En Sao z � °'� �o �pu �� �I:��:::��'��" ,:i'I:':�' " '', II. 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I�I , :�, ,, I , �, ��,,",�,,,,���:,��,��, : I I ,,,,, ,,,,, -ME::::::,�,, I ,�,, ::,: , I 1, I I� ,, , , , , ,,,, , , ,, , , , , ........ __ I I I Although Sara's fears eventually quieted,a spark could reignite them. ;' Last year,a 11 two years after the as- saults,an odd incidentrekindledher ,r° panic. # While riding home on a school 1. bus, Sara came alert as_the driver 1. "` braked to a stop.Startled,she looked : out the window tocheckherwhere- abouts. r ', That'swhenshesawit-thewhite u m, car parked'at the curb Lilts a zoom N lens,hergazelockedontoasuigledm ry ys " tail—the sign in the windo .h:a 3 `�U ho•ril~ied shock, she made out theF,t ''. taunting wprds,"I)ave's good:' � � ,.v� s: �, Saxe arrived home frantic. !' s� „ sr �;a. Dave has a sax, she jabbexed ; .: • M hysterically, "and ;it's f n.... .uig n e "' n and.�t says;`Dave's good"' .. t Ad nd e trackea':down.fie •" vehicle,preppared.to betas the child's r ': attacker.What they found was ari c r- dlciary parked car.There vas indeed 4 a sign ux the window�-a For Sale sign. 1. "Drives good,"it said. Grasping at justice Pierce County became the third jurisdiction to file sex-abuse charges against Dave, and prosecutors from nesses feel more comfortable in i he three'counties considered con- court.Kids learn stress management solidating their evidenceinto asingle techniques and get a walk-through of The non-profit King County Sexual case. courtroom procedures. Assault Resource Center served "That would have been best,"Ja- "it helped me a lot,"- Sara says, net says."When you hear from three "You getto actually go in a courtroom more than 2,700cexual-assault unrelated children saying the same and feel how you would feel in one. victims last year,including people thing,it adds to the credibilityof each You get to talk into a microphone and whose assaults occurred in pas# case," see where the advocate will stand." years. In the end,it didn'thappen,part- Meanwhile,her trial date was seti. `. lybecause of defense ob�ecdons and reset at least five times bena Th%e agency's legal advocates ate Sara:agreed#o. .. . in the Sri. recites _ggr.. .:.`.`l'd ask€or tune.:off si ne.:d to:.ttle r :u. hl ':.1,OQ0. . homish Coun .rxal,the first case:.o (fronn work)and It changed;I asked as g !! y. .� cases per year chat mvoive go to.court..III..... „e;fact.1.that Rave was for tm e.off and it changed,. ;....... beurg held ut custody gave her roar 'The teal fiinally began in Se c%gm- crlm% . charges.Seventy-five to . a e.to roceed,She,corn;f eted inter ber 1�99:, When Sara was called to: SO percent of Che%ss%crime victims $ P P %views with prosecution acid dg..ppe tns.ify, Janet escorted her into:the are Children o1.r:teens.The agency attorrieys; but ln`lUiarch;1 Qp9,with Courtroom and upp the aisle. "I was also promotes community #lie trial under w..ay,the judge ruled rea. . .%A rvousandscared, 1. "Sara says. education and assault prevention. Sara's testimony inadmissible. % From the witness. stand, she The Snohomish Couzitytrial end- sneaked'peelcs at Dave and saw him ncy's cr l:::: .:: .Quit.::Fierce.::.:..:.:: ..eekln bac..k.:She.:feltshe.wasseein The age .. . .isis line is ed in;a. uitta...At:tha.. ........:............ . . P.. .....,.. ....... . ...... ...:.....: :.:g....::.:..:..:.:..:.:...................... g :.:.... .......:.........:... pp 80 -825=7273a1ts':business:office... ::', Countyroppesl;its charges, partly hira for the first:tune 0 because the victim's familywasxeluc- "$efore," she says, "he used to number(in Renton)i%s tent to go forward. Took normal,•but when you find out 425.226-5052. As the sting County trial drew what someone does,they look differ near,Sara spent a Saturday learning ent—ugly and raggy." General information is on the Web the ropes at Kids'Court,a quarterly at www.kcsarc.org. event hosted by he prosecutor's of lice to help sexually abused child wit .` . .... ..... .... . ; :.:: I ,:, � �, �,�_��,�� �_"_��_;� , .. . ....�, �: . . ,-,, ,1,, '' ,,,,, '''".. ........ 11 ,,,,,,, , : :.: ::%.:�,-:.�..:%. : - �.....� 'I',�I:I�,�11,I,11:::�I�!�111,,,'' :,,",""�,,�, �,�!� . ....: � " , �,1111",�, ... . . % � 7:7:�,,:,......... , � � , 11�,� ��..��I I ... . .��:��:. ..�.�.-.1!..�%:%.%..� �-� Sara clutched an angel-shaped payback for what he did." she's a kid. `worry stone"as she answered the With a new;jury in place, Dave "My favorite things," she says lawyers' questions. The stone grew agreed to plead guilty to;a greatly re- with a shy smile,"are playing basket- slippery with sweat and nerves.But duced charge—communicating with ball,hanging out with friends,slum- everyone treated her kindly,even the a minor for immoral purposes. The ber parties and chatting." defense attorney fatntly supported the deal because it In some ways, she has changed '"Ha was really nice,"Sara;says, required Dave to register as a sex of forever '"for someone who was against me:' fender;move to another community "The(ma3n etiaztge as,I can tailct.to To assure a f trial,'the jury was. ;get: atment and refrain hrozr.. all anybody about a ty ing"Sara says. not Informed`of,the sexual-assault rcontactnnth ehitdren. If there s a fighf. omg oin,I can..tick charges filed against pave in fierce Froth Janet's standpoint,the:s1. . up for riysetf Not rudely --I.use and Snohomzsuntis,In the%end, tense is less nnportant than the well- vo%xd%s.But before,I was real quiet.I the Jury spht seven voting to con- :being of the child: `. never would have said an �: vict;five to acgdit, . "I.warlt to see somebody come 1b vkher]ads ha bQ. uri... `"We sex more butts juries than ;through it fealang good with them- secrets,her advice is, Dun the afraid anything," Janet says;"3uries want selves and able to movenvitlrtheir (to telly because'if you keep it inside somethtngblacltarid�ntiiitetolookai: live.,'' she says `Whether {the:of- �fyou,it�ustgetsv�+orse;°: 13ut iri moste�ccxal assault cases, fender}.goes toad or not the least .theme are no wtixes.es;there isn'k any of heir concerns" hag end trove ph sisal evidence.A lot o1.f times the ....... , . 9 oy evidence you have is the child's COltliil t�peBCe There are deep sighs all around word:' It has taken an hour and ahalf forSa- Lena's face clouds with anger as One step remained before the ra to tell her story.For a moment no she recalls the verdict.` family could move on. one speaks. ( "It was terrible when we found "We got rid of everything that re- It's almost time to go. out it was a hung jury,"she says."We minded us of Dave,"Lena says.' But first Sara has a presentforJa- weremad and disappointed and con- They stripped a dresser of the net — a yellow hose wteathed with fused,ilike it was a big v�aste of time, new knobs Dave had installed.They baby's breath.Yellow means friend- We were so angry,itwas hard to sleep threw away Sara% Dalmatian corn ship,she says. at night." Porter and sheet set,a Christmas pre- Janet has a gift for Sara—a fancy, After 11/z years inpretrial custody, sent from her parents,because it had beribboned bagthatcontains abright Dave was freed. Sara's family got a beenonherbedwhenDavemolested pink journal and a bookstore dis restraining order that barred him her.They also removed the grill that count. from approaching within 500 feet of had anchored so many backyard get- Smiling,Sara opens the gift card . Sara.Itwas•badenoughthattheystill togethers,because the smell of char- As her eyes scroll through Janet's spotted bun occasionally on the broiled; hamburgers trrggered. bad message, the srntle broadens `:Sara' streets.of.their South Ittng County :memories l%ooks up,eyes stoning,and fl.... her comtriuzuty''Itvvasreallygross%tosee BventuaQy, the family had to arms a%round Janet's neck,Theyhug ,,:.. ...........:. n ..-o er....wa ..:to, %andvortt.:to:sxa`.'..in:toueh1.:...,...............:.:::..:.::. .. bun, Letta.says. move ,There was a m , y Y.... Tie iartuly decided to keep fight- break free of tle meznortes. 'Their she and Lena s1.ay their tng Backed b Sara, Janet and the Sara completed'coun.i li 18 goodbyes and go out into the gather- teal prosecutor,the parents pressed : months ago butthe counselorleftthe ;%ins darlcnesS just another family success#yly ;for a cent trial,:some- door open for her 1.to return anytuxe `Imhungty Sara tells hexnaom. thing th atrarely occurs except to 111 , The tegn years;with the%ir emphasis She yawns, ... . .deadlocks .. dating aril sexual attractton, And they're:gone. ... ........:.. : .::.. ,...,................ ..:.:., ..:.::.::.::::.:....:..: .:...:.:.:::............. ......... ....:.....:.:................,:;:,;. . .... ... .. ... ............i1 f .. ......::...:::::.....;........ ...... .. .. .. .. . .......:........:.: ..:.::::.: a Sara': ....:..:..:::.:%:.:.:.:...:. ..%. ..... .. . .....:... . d twa thun..o.• etoff:So.ea...:..:.mt ht....o.en.:...0....:new...::ts..su....s..:.....:..... ..... . lcli n n t g p % sy,"Sara says'"I wantedim'to hays knows.. is. During bar months of P-�reporter Cecelia Gnodnow abUse,she began shying from .pys. can be reached at.206-A46.8353 She's:past that;for now Once:more, or cece(i.agootlnow�seattle-pi.com.: Softly,Lena asks.Sara,Tan youA .: `:t imagine testifying without Janet? • Sara s eyes.widen,.:. can t..even : I 3RA t Lnt 0u imagine,"she says emphatically ' 77+,�o months later the King Coun eady kne ty prosecutor's office charged Dave alr with three counts of first-degree child molestation — sexual touching'of a child under 12 by an offender who is FR©ME1 at least 36 months older,or forcing the child to touch the offender. AlthoughBrettwasnevermolest- "Bata's having a nightmare," he If convicted,Dave could be sen- ed,the family suspects it was only a said smoothly."Want me to tuck her tenced to 51 to 68 months in prison. matter of time before Dave widened 'in?" his net. Sara usually played'possum dur- Flashbacks,nightmares "We believe now that-he was ing Dave's late-night visits to her bed grooming both the kids,"Lena says. room,hoping he would go away.She Sara was already imprisoned,by One day Lena received sobering began sleeping in her clothes,telling fear, news from one of Dave's relatives. her mother "it saves time in the. "She would get flashbackshena D ve etas in Snohomish County jail, ;morning" says. "The refrigerator;would;hum charged with sexuall%y assaulting a Like.a sailor battenuig the hatch and she thought itwas hun,spookixtg child"Don'ttellanyone,"therelative :es, she buckled a belttight around ;::tile refrigerator. Or ellchimney pleaded."We know he.dldn't do it:' her waist at might and tucked her would tap and she thought it was Lena agreed to keep it quiet.But :sheets under the mattress, Though Dave" gone evening, :when she azi�i.:Sara there w4s rio ev..... left on the During the period when the "were enjoyingtheircustomary"girls' sheets,.Sarabeganchanginghearbed- abuse.'was ongoing but not fret xe= night out" at;the mall, Sara asked ding every day to combat the feeling liorted,some of Sara's fears surfaced point blank why Uncle Dave had :of being uneleaa m early morning, The family had dropped from:sight. Most of all,she tned;to inakd her adopted a new,weekday routine that Lena told her. self scarce when Dave was around "1 required Sara to get herself ready for Saraswillowed andlookedather used to bide In the closet,"she says. school after her parents had left for mother. "My parents thought 1 was playing a work.When it became clear that Sara "He did it to me,too,"she said. kids'game:' was too frightened to stay home The'trutfi was more ominous. alone for more than,.a'short time Betrayal Of trust "Iwashidingfromhim" presumablybecauseofheryoungage a neighbor agreed to let Sara stay A look of dull pain crosses Lena's Building the case with her to wait for the bus. face as she recalls-her reaction.She When the truth about Dave came scolded Sara,assuming her daughter Afew days after police filed their out, Lena found a new job so she \ was making ame-too bid for atten report on Dave, Lena drove Sara to could be with Sara before school. tion.Sara convinced her this was no the KingCounty prosecutor's office to "I changed myhours,"Lena says, joke. meet with a detective and an attor- and stayed home with her in the "I wouldn't be crying if I wasn't ney.Sara cried all the way. morning." telling ithe truth,"she sobbed. From the child's standpoint, In the aftermath of Dave, even In shock,` Lena hugged her meeting with authorities feels like a school felt unsafe. 'T was scared to daughter and,began to cry.They re- trip to the principal's office,; says stay at school during;recess," Sara turned to the car and sat in the park- DeAnn iYamamoto, director of client says, "'cause I thought he would ing lot,too distraught to drive home. services at the sexual assault center, steal me from school." Tearfully ':Lena....asked, "Why "Often,"she says,"these kids go into In weekly sessions, a therapist didn't you tell?" an Interview thinking they're in trau- helped her deal with anxiety and self Sara's response was devastating- blame. ly naive, Asa prospective witness,'Lena Sara wondered,'Why did he do "Ithoughtyoualreadyknew,"she was barred from the interview, Sara 'these weird things to irie?'Like,why said,"I kmd of thought Dave was just ..was placed under the care of Janet, did he pick me?" using.:me to`be friends with you.::her new friend, legal:advocate and She says the therapist told her guys" protector.TheyJ*if just moments w "that none of this is my fault, and I Dave had spent months wnnntig foie the interview began didn't make any bad choices. ..... ., f ffi....'fami —:ki .and ar- :...::;. .: Family tiietrustof..the l .. .kids ........ .. it counseling re aced`'. e=` : .....:.......... .:..: .>...:...-...::.;::... :.:.::,.:.::::.:.:.:::.....:...,.Y....;....:: .:.......P.....::.. .. .. .It.Wag.:hard.sharing.uxtimate...de-:::.:;::.:.::::: y g....l?. P ,...... ...:...,..................:.:.:.... . ents alike.During his two months un- tails avth the detective and prosecu na,Mel and Brett for::emotions ve e d . tu....:. :...:;::behavior that Sara mi t dis la o.. der;:;their.::roof,..he...:mo.:.:..d..b...yon... tor,Foxtunatel $kahadbondedim p y..,vet': Y, time.:It also helped them understand grooiimg to active molestationt, mediately to Janet,who hasa.warni, "It.always happened at night," big-sister dsnneanon "If you..need a the mentality of sex offenders. . Sara says. "He always tried'to be break,":Janet said,"just tell iiie" "You really go into this blindsided sneaky," When the interview ended 4D about how they do this,"Lena says, Sara was surprised that her par.- minutes later,Sara came out feeling "and how they can be in your house ` ents hadn't noticed any clues, good."I felt proud of myself," she doing these things and you don't "Don't you remember the time I says,"because I actually did it" know about it" rushed into your bedroom?" she From then on, she depended on Wracked by guilt, Lena and Mel prompted. Janet to ease her through the process began to fight bitterly.Brett was an- rt Slowly, the memory crystallized —to be her buffer and protector. gry and confused. in Lena's mind.Late one night Sara "At first I was really shy to meet "Our whole house was turned up- had dashed into her parents' bed her,"Sara says,"but after that,if she side down,"Lena says."You want to room and slammed the door behind was notatthe court,I would not have make sense of it,so you blame each her.Dave entered right on her heels. gone there. I would not have said other. I guess the feelings we had Before Sara could speak,Dave had a things" were pretty normal." ready explanation.