HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/18/2001 I .......�"I" ',�"'-� ,,`����,,��," � "" . . .��.�:!: �-�.�. :�)-��:... � ..%I" "I �11""� , 11", , 11 , �,, , , , I 11, .. . . . .... . . . .� ... .-� .: - . .. ... . . 1. :::�i.. .... . .�. .. I .�-:-:- 1..... ...... —.:::.�.� .. .. ���;�� i� �.. I.. 11, .. . . . i.. . . .:................ . .. .. ........ : � .. . . : . �:.��.......�.!�� %:�%�.1 . 1 . . . %... � . ... ......� 1. .::��::::� . . ... ..... .. .. . . . I 11 ..:.:. : ��::::.�1� �.�: 1 . . . ..... .. - . . ..... . ............ .... .% I.. I - %..:.... ...�. ..:. ..%.... ..... . . . %1 1. : .::�:..�.:%:��:::.� ::..1.-.... � ,I I,11, z . .% ......% . ..: 1.:. .. ::%%....% . .. .... i..1 �� ��:.%� ..:�.��.�.:. .. - . I z, . %�,%... � .�::�..::�-%.:� ��.��::� :�.. .... . . 1 1 .1, , ! ,,,,,, - : %.. - .. .. . ,�, , .%. .. . �%:: .1 .. 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WASHINGTON � , - �7777777 AGENDA PARFts,.RECREATION& KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES th .-:::.,"....-:-.9:'..::.� ,,.!I:.:.-.,z,.!;I t��.�.�,.;.�,::-.,,.---.-�.�,II'....-%1.�II,��,�:.,,.�,'�.�"I 1...N::-1�._:i'�%1..,.�...'..%,,���.%I!���,,'..%.....-1.�I.,.,�".',:-,,..:I�..%.�,-,.'.����.�'1,.���.�-��...:.':...,..-.::.:.', John Hodgson Scheduled Meeting for Thursday, October 18 , 2flfl1 Director 2:30 —4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS EAST Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:258-856-6050 220,Fourth Ave,S'y, {Cent,WA88() 2�5s95 ` COMM#S 10 MEMBERS Edna VVhi#e, Cha#r 11/2064. Brad Bell, Vice Chair{112004)' DM Dtaclos, Comrr1ISSlorler{1I2002} John Jendreen, Commissioner(1/ 002} Perry Raak, C�imnissioner {12004) Pamela Roberts, Commissioner{1J2003) J>_Idie Sarff, Commissioner(112003) Me1Vin<Tate% Gornr�lissioner(112002) Tim Clark, City Council Member (1/2002) AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of he Sept. 20, 2001 ACTION ITEM 2:30 Minutes 2. One Stop Human Services INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 Center Update 3. umaw.Seiv#ces Month.— INFORMATION ITEM 2.45 Senior Brochure 4. Commission Retreat INOORMAT ON ITEM 3:00 NEW BUSINESS 1. Home Repair Report INFORMATION ITEM 3 '15 1. 2. 1lllin#e.Celebration INFORIU#ATION ITEM 3:35 3. Mon#hly Report INFORMATION #TEM 3:45 . �. .. . . l ..... � , �,,: t, , ' ', t :...::.. . ..... .... . .. .. . - — �� I — � .. . .. . .. .. � : ::— ti — 11 11 - — -' .. .. . : : : ::�.!. . -1� I 11 ��. :— .. — � . . . i :.... .� :. :::- : : �� — — — , --, % � . .... . i. i %— % .. . . .. . .— — -- ::,�— - - % .. .. ...... - - I — - .! . . % . .: � ' ' I ' ll . %— .. : ..:.! . �, I . . . . . . �. .. .... . i. .. � � �� �: �� � � ��� -- . . ..—. ...... : . .. . t. . . . ... — — 1-1:, "'' '''' '' I.. �. .. .. .... . ..%. :... . %:.. %:.. .... ' 'I ' ll � -- -.... . . . . ... . � — �-- ' ' I 'll .. :. .. .. . ...:. . ...... . . ..%... .. I I o — �.. . . .... . .. . . — —:� : I — , 11, —.. : . . :-�� : : . . ..... .. 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I I I ..W * THE CITY OF KENT HUMANS SER VICES COMMISSION W A S'H I N G11 TON MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21,2001 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Edna . White at 2:30, on Thursday September 21, 2001,jin Council Chambers East of Kent City ; Hall. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edna White, Chair Perry Rook,Commissioner Mel Tate, Commissioner Pam Roberts,Gommiasioner Rini Duclos, Commissioner HUMAN.SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: .: Brad Bel,ViceChair Judy Sarff,Commissioner Jon Jendresen Commissioner TI djark, Commissioner MUMAN;SERVICE STAFF PRESENT Jphn Hodgson, Director of Parks,Recrea#ion and Community Services' Katherin Johnson, Hurnan ServicesManager Judy Sennett,Human Services Planner Merina Hanson, Human Services Planner { Kathleen Allard, Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Duclos MOVED and Commissioner Raak SECONDED, to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2001 meeting. Motion carried. ONE STOP HUMAN SERVICES FACILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY BONNIE OLSDN, CONSULTANT iSathenn Johnson introduced Bonnie Olson from Emerging Design. S. with Don King, from DKA, spoke to the Commission regarding the €inai report of the fea .billty stutly regarding the C)no!Stop Human Services Center.: Discussion was held regarding possible par#ic%pants for this Center, along with possible si#es that may be ponsidered. Commissioner Duclos discussed the possible tenants and 1pcatiori from an agency perspective Gommi.ssioner Raak asked;about'the time line for the Center and the agenoie's That will parf icipate: The Commission s.C4 -0d the report and forwarded.it . the Mayor. 2902 CDBG PROGRAM Judy Bennett `reported to the Com missioners, on the pubi.. hearing for 2002 CDBG Funding, This as hed on August 14 at the Parks Committee Meeting: The program was approved and forwarded#o City Council. City Council approved the 2002 CDBG program .` as outlined on August`21,2001. 2002 GENERAL FUND ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION ( Katherin reported to the Commission an additional $40,490.00 has been allocated for 777 - ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . .. , - services in 2002. At the May Commission meeting, the Commission decided to consider �,' additional funding to be given #o Senior Counseling, a Domestic Violence Planner, and Energy Assistance. Commi1.ssioner Raak MOVED and Commissioner DI i uclos 1 SECONDED to recommend#unding in the#ollowing amounts for 2001 II y ,. �� .. „st ....:.:.,.: . . i I I ,:: ,, 'i,I 1,I I I 1, � % : : 1 1�,,:1,I�:: ,� I -�i�;,�:; ,��,�;;,�,,,,,,,�� �:�: : ,, :�1 i i..1:.� Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation: Senior Counseling1IZI-I 1— $20,000 Mufti Service Center: Energy Assistance $ 5,4901. King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence: DV Planner $15000 ,,"" " ,� �;���,:������,,,��,,,,��,,�,�l", - I i , , �,�:�:� : 1-1,�_ li,,i- ��--!, , �� --Z'"''I", : ,, -�%!... ":,'",''", -��.�.�j.����§l Motion passed: HUMAN SERVICES MONTH Human Services Month, scheduled for November, will focus on senior citizens. A display board with pictures and information will be in the local library and in the Centennial Building lobby. NE1 BUSINESS KING COUNT(BUDGET CUTS 1I.,,Z�-...:..:�,I,,I,.i,''1 Katherin spoke to the Commission: about the impending budget cuts by King County, proposed by Execu#ivi Sims. A recent letter from 'Mayor �1/hkte to King County, forwarded to the Commission, stressed that Krng County needs to reconsider decisions that would afFect local citizens. These considerations focus on tax increases With Actual cu#s !n services to those :citizens. Katherin also spoke about programs such as Lighthouse ,which will be. C+C)MMISSIr�N';RETRE,AT Cornmissloners were`asked to bring proposed topics for the annual retreat`:to the`hext meeting Commissioners will also be selecting the date at the Oct. meeting. MONTHLY REPORT ' Katherin Johnson will prepare and submit'a monthly report to the Commission monthly. The report will be included in the agenda packet. It will contain updates on all committees and planning groups human services with Kent staff participation. The report will also include performance reports for general fund and CDBG agencies. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30'p.rn. Res ectfull Submitted p Y a her n ohn... . Recordln S c Afar ; :::%::` e y