HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 03/15/2001 -- I 11, I. .. �-� ..- . :�:.���... %�:,J:::�.:� ..: % % :% . 77 . . ...... ..... ....... .%:%:..... . . 1. .... . .... . - . - . ..... .... .. .... . .. .. 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TI . . .. . . 11 W AS:H I NG7ON F AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for March 15 2001 .�.....��1:...��..�l:.:.......:..�..%..:�:i...:.:.:.I..:-.:i.�..�:..�-�..%:��.........:..�—..!....��...!.%.-:...I...:.%....��..:..i.-.,0......%:.�::�.%:.�..,.�:.i.�6.;:..:,�...:..�:%.�:.::�.�t�.i�...�...,:.%�.-�.:.-.�....��.....,..�.....%.�!.��...-�:I:�1��-�...i.�..I..�..�:%..�,:.,�....I.%..::...�::....i.�....%�.%::...�....:.�..:..%�:....: 2:30 p.m. —4:30 p.m. k KENT COUNCIL OF CHAMBERS WEST "' COMMISSION MEMBERS Edna White, Chair(1/2002) Brad Bell, /ice Chair(1/2004) Dini Duclos, Oommiss ion er(1/2Q02) .lohn Jendresen, Commissioner(1/2002) Perry Raak, tommissiorier.( -i. 4) Pamela Roberts, Cummissioner('i/2003} uudie Sarf, ornmi;?sioner{1/2U(33) 1VIe)Tate, Commissorier('Il2002) Tim Clark, City council Member(1/2002) OLD SUISINESS 1. Approval of the February 15, 2001 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2:30 2. Update on Help the Homeless Day (February 28t") INFORMATION ITEM 2:35 3. CDBG Funding ACTION ITEM ` 3:10 4. Domestic Violence Application ACTION ITEM 3:20 5, Domestic Violence Regional Plannin g " NEW BUSINESS 1. Agency Tour INFORMATION ITEM 3:30 REPS S ; 1 Legj labve Update ..45 2. South King County Human Services Forum Report 3. South King County Council ofHuman Services y\ \ 1 \ : \. y : a - - - % ......�.;.�...�.�."�:,:11,1 1�:-11::1:-1�,,;�1�i1:-i-1�,��,���!-i::�,��I i� * 11 THE CITY OF KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION KENT MEETING MINUTES F�� � :1:1 1-I-"II I., ''" - -.I.......I.I.I..::.1:.:.....1%.::i1%...,:-.I..-..I.�,-�% ,�-,�-:�,.�:1-1.i.:��:-�,�:�:-.i-..'%...-....�..I....%I.-.-...............-.........aI I-: EBRUARY 15, 2001 The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Edna White at 2:34 on Thursday February 15, 2001, in Council Chambers West of Kent City Hall. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edna White, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair . Jon Jendresen, Cornrnissroner lvlel Tate, Commissioner Tim Clark, Commissioner Pam Roberts; Commissioner HUMAN SERVICES COi1%If.MI.;3 ER .EXCUSED/ABSENT .ludre Sat ,tommissioner Dtni Duclos, Cornrn ss}onar Perry Raak, Commissionar HUMAN SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Katherin Johnson, Hu%man Services Manager Carolyn Sundvall, Planner Judy Bennett, Planner Menna Hanson, Planner Kathleen Allard, Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Comrissioner Bell MOVED and Commissioner Jendresen, SECONDED to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2000. UPDATE OIL,HELP THE HOMELESS DAY(FEBRUARY 281 20.01) Judy Bennett spoke to the Commission regarding the challenge presented to .:l.�...hj. departments within the City, to, have;employees ;assertible packets of personal hygiene items, to be given to agencies that help seraice those who are homeless. The department prov}ding the rnos#packets per capita will win a BBQ. CDBG .UNOING Carolyn Sundvall presented to the Commission the 2002 budget for CDBG' U�lith the adjusted arnoun#, the budget wili be $645;382.00, This budget vv�A be`the f�r+al year with the i.l 7. consort}urn. Any money unspent does not come back #o the city Carolyn will prepare a report with figures, to go before Cr#y Council in May, For approval Chairpers on 1Nhite asled for a `:motion to be made #o approve this' budget. Vice Chairman Bell MOVED, and Commissioner Tate SECONDED, the approval of the 2002 CDBG budget. 1 NEW BUSINESS \\ \� 111 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE APPLICATIONS \, Judy. Bennett announced monies would be set aside for Domestic Violence grants. Ms. Bennett also recommended a 'committee to be established to help with the application i :. >. ' .1.�i:.. ... . .. .........:.:�a.'. % process: These applications are available through her. Katherin Johnson brought to the atten#ion of the Commission, the;best way to address the needs of DAWN, with possibly an interim director. The Hurnan Resources Director for DAWN and the South King County. Human Services Directors to meet next week to discuss the future of DAWN. 41h QUARTER GENERAL FUND REPORT Judy Bennett reported to the Commission, that all agencies had complied with their contractual obligations, except for DAWN because of the instability of the agency. Merina Hanson reported to the Commission, that all agencies were complying with contractual obligation, other than WWEE, due to difficulty in placing the hard to serve clients. This measure will not be used next year. ONE STOP Katherin Johnson announced `to the Commission, that Mayor White has proposed $ 0,00000 to. .be set aside to do a stud fora One Stop facility for those in neetl. Ms. y Johnson went on to'say this study should only take two months to evalua#e. Ms. ;Johnson has asked for volunteers#o help wi#h this evaluation, ""REPO. , LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Judy Bennet# provided the Commission, wi#h a handout, with the latest information regarding the budget The budget presented by Governor Locke proposes $270 million decrease in spending. DSHS will'absorb 63%'of these cuts, totaling $170 million SOUTH KING COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM REPORT Ms. Hanson reported to the Commission that the forum has adopted a Domestic Violence prevention and education program for their 2001 work plan. The February meeting had a panel presentation from Meg Crager, a consultant for DV regional planning, Merril Consini, from King County coalition against DV, and Mark Gustafson, from the Kent- Police Department. SOUTH KING COUNTY COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES Katherin Johnson announced the Council would meet the fourth Tuesday of the month. The theme will be Begin the Movement. The goal of this effort is to promote a dedicated funding s#ream for the state, Involving Human!Services. ..... ... .. .. ADJOU , ENT , RM t •2 m. T'`;e` etln` as d'ourned 0 me .g w a } a. R ct es a fu Su ` i ted I I bm t .. : y Katherin Johnson Recording Secretary i • MEMORANDUM '� March 28, 2001 WASHI NGT.ON PARKS,RECREATION& TO MAYOR JIM WHITE COMMUNITY SERVICES ,- ,!" .�. :...%,, :_ ,&or iw:­I:,,,,,,,,,,, ..: ::.!.%:: John Hodgson Director FROM: KATHERIN JOHNSON, HUMAN SERVICE MANAGER Phone:253-85s-51oo RE 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT: Fax:253-856-6050 22Q Faurth Ave S. GC: BRE�1T MCIF CHIEF ADMINISTRA IVE`OFFICER WA;98:03.2-w895..'.. .... :: ,JOHI++t HODGSON, PARKS, RECREATION, & C6M111IUNITY SERVICES:DIR.ft. EDNA 1IU �:..��I.�­..I:�.�:1..�:.:.,1�...�%.....�.:!�..::��0... H TE, HUII�IANEVIC COMi1�iI5SfON CHAIR .. J.. 4 BE1 NE7T PL, NNER 4z; ; . At the Marc# meeting of the Human`Servlce Commission i#was decided not to'open the Community Development Block Grant funds for bid: The Commission will recommend continued funding to the current human service providers and the Kent Home Repair Program. The Commissioners received information about other potential capital projects in Kent. Based on that information they;have requested _ additional information on the Kent One-Stop Human Service Center and Lutheran Social Services newfacility in SeaTac. Lutheran Social Services is looking for nominal funding that will allow the agency to show local support when applying for state and federal funds. If you have any ques#ions or concerns please call me:at'5073. .:.g...........��...�...���..:..:....�..�.�..��.�:!%��.%:�:.-::.%:...�::�:::.�-:�%:..�..�:.%:�..:.:.:!.%:��%�....:�.-.�:�..�...::.:���:.:...�.��:.;�!:%.%.�.:.�:..��.!-�.%:�%:�:.�..:.-��%1:..-::.:.......�.%...:��.:.:.-�.��1.����.,.�-.:�:�!��.:.�...:....%%...I..�..:� ......:..::..::.....:...:.:i. ....... ... c:. I-1---�1-:I"--:1"-..::,�I.-..1::I,;,,,!.1.�:1.,:.....I1�1-;.�:��,�1..-��..'��,-1I.I:..-',-�._.1..::.:,�����..,:--���,�-0,.,,:��:.11:����1,.�,1:-��-�,,,.I�,��,:;,I�I�.�:.�1,,,.��_,,�.:,,,�.,.�:,,1-,-1�i:1�..,,,�--:_j-,.��.-,��-1,�,.:.�.j,��,:-'.��':"%1,'%'_�.'.;,', Commisseoners:..... ..:...... .... I. :�.%%..1. .., .,�:-.%�.:.:,.--Z-.z�..�,..�-l..:,.�,.�.�-.%:,.!�,,.::�:.,.:—,-�.�%.!..i:,�.,,-�.-�'-, ...�"��.::�"..,,�:,I.:.,�:.: ..�.�'--....'-!�.�-.:...��-:...�,:.-..�%.:.:.,.�:..I"... ,.J:.�'-.._1..�:....I,�%,:-:�...:_..1..,%.....,..-.�,,.�:��..,.�:1...:i�.:.�.-..i...�:. .... ..:.........-.,�.-l".�,, ..�.11:.,,.:.,�'.�-.,..,,.,�.I� ._�.,,.��,..,�".,�-.��.1.:.�..�.� .%�.. RICK BENDER,Chair -.�.:'",..:�.1. ,,"�.��.il���.�.',�:"...,,�::�.,,,:� DEBRA COATES, Vice Chair ( . 1.,�l1,1,�,1)1�::;�::.I�::;,,��1.%��.%,.,,I,..�::,,�;-o,�.:� :!.�,.I,�...,%-.:.�.�.�.!;.,:,.��i�'.,;.'.,�:.::��..U.'%:��.� ..�'��.-:-...:-%'.:1:.,��'%:�.i�":-,..z:,.'::.I�:.''.,..,,.''� ",,',. .-,i'z.!-.'.-.',''.':'�.::T :�1.':..—'1,I 11..:�"'.'1-1i.i.I 1'..�-Rl1.- .�.1l.l i%.�I l-.Y.!11...:.�....�.:... 1.�..�."�.:.,,.".,!..�"�':...i.....�..'-....:���:...:...' DOREEN CATO SHARONMAST HOUSING A���l..�, UTHGRIT ...%..�%..�.�.....�%.:!..�!�.:.......�.:...:.....%.1.�:i.......: :�.�.��.. �.��..:.....��.�.'J.:f.i��...-......:;:.�%.;�...::��.:....��i. .�...�..%.�..%.-��:��i.. ::.�.�:..� :..%. ..%: ��:. ALVA SADLER ......'..��...:':..:..":�.:1�.'1".�!..:.,.i���.z�I�i.�%...�... %.�.��".�:..."�,.�!:�.�.--.%�.-,.�-:-.-..I:�.�..�,�-.�� �..­..-...%-.\...%..�.%:%..,%..%!....��% .1 Executive Directors STEPHEN J.NORMAN March 20, 2001 Kat..erine Johnson,Manager ` A.. .. . .... . . . ...... .., 5 .: : . Housln and Human Services Division SIN 'AND}lUTA SER . ,: .: . :. : .::. •.:... .. ;;es, :,.. ... ... . ,: ; .. . ... Par1�s iZecxeation:arid''C� r. . Sery c .. . . . :. .. ..... . ... . . .. ... ............ .. ... . .. . .. . . C. of Kent . . 13': 200 Fourth Avenue South Dent, Washington 98fl3 �605Q Dear Ms. Johnson: :1 1.i: 9 =...I - - "'' ........: I'�::-::-—i -%.W .... . This letter is a request for Community Development Block Grant funds of$15,000 to assist in { the acquisition and rehabilitation of Southwood Square Apartments. t . Project Description S11 outhwood Square Apartments is a 104-unit apartment complex located at 26224106`h Place SE in Kent. HUD currently provides project-based Section 8 rental assistance for all 104 apartments. The tenants pay 30%of their income toward rent and the Section 8 rental assistance pays the balance of the allowable rent set by HUD. The tenants are very low- income with an average household income that is 18% of the Ding County median. Many of the tenants are recent immigrants, The:current owner has stated that In the event the sale of Southwood..Square to KCHA does . Dot:ha en he will need t cons 4:.. hero tons that include selling to a `rofi.. motivated pp P . :. , . ....... .......... HUD` Tri s So th. ood S uare I or terinu�ahon%of the Section 8 contract w#h en... t at u %w ... . ;, , .ri.-th .. .. ..... : ..:. .. .. vvouid face the ve zea> oss. 1t ,e:.:.osz: e r� .art e41s.. :,ue;to Mtn- or,,a; e:r nt;' r3' p Y g p increases `'The termlrlatlon o T. f the Section$ ro ect-based assistance�vould:be a lon tern loss P 3 .,. . : ..: . : .: : ..; .:::- . : : ..:... ... ....... : . : ... . . . .. :.,: : .. l ;huin . to;Ient s stock of;affordab c o s . . .. .. . . . . . %KC IA planst acquire the property to inaintain the protect-based Section$rental assistance !. ,1 . e n ;ne 1 two ini liori'dollurs of needed for 104 househ%o%lds. 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Leverage The $15,000 CDBG grant would leverage$1,000000 in other funds we are seeking from King County's Housing Opportunity Fund,the State Housing Trust Fund and the Federal -��....%.%..�._.��.��.:,���.�.%..%..�..:.....,�,!.I��-.1-�.-,-�-..:..�,�;.:�.,��....�.�-.-.:���:.�.:�.::.-�,%t.�'-..%�I,:�I;:%1-�.B�::.�.....'����j-I...- :M I��.:-,-�%,�.��-.�,::�.-t-_-'���.::%:��-�.. �%-��,u�-.I��l,:-..��:�..-�:,,-t���.,,��..,�...�::�1._­.��i.��%:..��--'l��-.,�:-..1�.%.,-:I�����,-��-'��.%. ��..-:���...�1�l:�..-1 1.-I,�:,��1�.....�:�',,1�:.%-,,1.%.�:%,,�:1,�:..��,:.,,"1::-,.1.,�-..,,,:%-�.,,."M.A%,,��' �:-,-t:�..-1��:...._%..1,t::%�..::��-.1,�1M� 1 Home Loan Ban k's Affordable Housing Program. Thank you for consideration of this request. I would be happy,to provide more information or answer any questions you may have: Since , J . Pa' .Fitzgerald Director of Development ( .���.��:�J�.����:���:.���.�'���-�.:1����-t%....�::I1t.��:�%%i�i.�t��:�'..._��.�.��..�-%:..''I-�J�-t......��..I���::.-%��I�-.....:."..���....��..�J'�.���-��...1...:,-:,-:.t:..1�-��-..�I,.�..�..'�I-.�.%!.::...::::-,'��:-!...�-...:����-...��.,��%::�%-�.I.,,,:��.....II..-�...:l,I!�.,-�......1':A-..1,.1 It.!..,�...'-:�1:.�,�,...(-i:....-,..!%��::.�.:.�.':..1�:.::%�:�-......1���:�.':�-..%�:.1�....%.I:-..11�l,lI.--�...j�,�1t,,,,.--...�;.�,;:.%,:!::��,-,t_..-...�.��l-.......,�1I:...,::...�.t!....�:-.:�.�:�.���..,...%1:-.I:....:,;:�...�-..l..,�..%.,�..i--�...1�.;.I:..,:;�,...I;.-l-.�'-��.-I...�...-�..��:Ii�..�..%!-,,'-:.%.�.",I.....�I..�:I���.-�-�...:Il:.:..":.�:.--�...�.�...:.,:.:%..�'.t::,:..�1���..-1-:.....��i��.:..%..�,�.�1�_....-.,l!�J...%".l�--�....:..':1�;...:%.�-._.�.--:....;z�f�...%.�,,.�,-�.��.�,-.�.%....'I:�::.,-:.:..�....���.-:.�.:...,"1-....!-i.:.l.-�..!-i�.f-�.,.�,,,I:-.-......:.:,1I.�.,�..:.'.:.'�:..,-t.�..��:..�t:i,�..i...:�-�..��-.-i,:t,..���,i...:,-..;­:..�,�-.:..:%��%".'.�.::...�-,..-...�.%.:--._:...:-�...:.���..,...-I.--..�,-.�I.��i...-...!.�.�-�,I��.._�..:.�.:i,,.....,..�.�%..-,l...:.:�,-..�...�:1:..".:....�_-%.%:t-�.'��.��,.::.-��.:.%��,:..;.:--���::�-�---%,.�...,�Jt:��.:�:...i�:....�...;......,,-...1..-1"l!:�..�%._,I Ii.1..�.��.:%::I.,..m-�.....;�i.:..._��....,���-��."I.���.�.%:��,-i....:��:'1,-�...,.:_,�,-�:.I1.--I':�.��,�!�.-,:..�.�I­:..��,!-..'":-�.�...�...-�-�.�...�:..1,�.,1:..''J!:-:.t.�..�J:.��!::..�...,�-�,:-�.-�I.I.�:���:..'-,-�.:.��--_..-.-:�:..::::...��"��_..%:-..;�'�:-�-..�:�-%.%�'-...:..�:�,t1,.,-.:.��:...��i...:%..-�.1�:��.!���-,-...::,,��'�-,.....,l..i:,�"1-.,,...�I-!-%�.�:,.�--!�:-�".--....I�i��._--:��..:�:,..::,..:.�:��..::%.��-_,,:.�t.:.��',-�-�..�.1.:...:-��-,..-,t�-,.��:...-."'��.l t,..�I��-,..�,-,'.%,--.�,���%..i�­�.11-�­.�...i�-:.,:.,:�..�.--�.:%.1.l��,,.,,.�.:��":�,.i�-�%j..,:.:��..,1,���t..�I�,:'���-:�:-:..:..-�I��:i.�.�lj�:��...::-1 I,i,Ii::...�:-j�,.���,J��%.�I:���.I�-l..;.,1I,�.­�-I�t.;-::.�,1�-:��',�;-��t..-..�I�':-I1:..�,�"1.:':I�:-....��.,�:-��:��,-�l:,':.-,t....I-���.�-:-�.:���'1.!I�I..�-,.,--�..,'t��.,%-:�%%:-,-_..��..:,II,I:�:.:.�:'��,I�.!�j�:-�....­.?.:.,,�-,,,",...�­!-.,...I:I:.,.'1��t-��:..��:,�'�.,:.%:I:'l:I:t�:�,-,--�,,,�1:��:%�.,''�--�.'�.J:;..�,,��!:�'-:::-.:f:�:i�,-1-,;-�....-,'I'.�.1�....::%-:�-..��:,..J.�%,,''!:.�-l:--:..,,:-i�,-�-�::,.,:�.I�',,�.�.�.:l,!:�...,,:-l:�-::..��,,-.-:I��,l.I1It�........,I��,:,.-:,:.-'��.%�!.,i:���t�.I It�..:,_-'�_­It���,-�:��..��:�i1.�.��:;,I'I.�--.,1_-...,,�.,1_��...��-,�.I%.,��t,:1:.,".�,�!�-�:',".,�......J:�.�.:�,�.t�.1..-.I....,,�I,t�-�:,.....%­i�,I,:::.l l,-�,�l-"I��li- Cam1111S * ners:' " RICK BENDER, Chai I. .�':I:I,���:�::.,-1:.I�.-.:,��-..,-..:�I,.��,I.,�,,�,�.I��-.�:1--K1-�''1,..-::�.':I.��ii:��I..i-.�-,..-.-�::.,l-.-�-.����.,I���,�:.�1,.:�.-,�',..-.',I.:��l�-','-I-1,-I���,�..�:�,, DEBRA:- OATES, Vice Chair .. O �V �m%�.:.,.�%%..:,.:...,l..,,.....�--.�..%...1-�..-.���-i.:.�.�.i��..l::�...%%��.��%.:�....:�....%....1..:�.�:.�.�....:..�..:i:..::.1.:..�-.��.�%.:..�..���.:�.��...�:1:..-..z�:�:..�..1-.��....:���.�...��i.:�%,:.�,1.:....:.��-�..:.:,.i.%.�:...:.�:::...:.%�.:�-:i�:,.�.%%....:%":.�:.�.��i.-1::.:-!...::.i.....z.;..:.�..1...�-%�.I.%%%.�,,.�:..�:...�-:.,.;;...:�.i:%..i�_:-:...:�., :%..%,�.-:.��l::.���,:�.....,��.�:..,.-�,I.��;�.�-.,i.%:.�'.i�:,".�,:�:,,,:-,.�I'.i�:-,�"�:--:����.�%.-1-.:��:..,.,��-%�,��:,...,�-.l..�:,.,:,....�,.,:�:-...-.:.,',:�:l..,:..',����,....%.,..'I..".-,��-,..,-:�-,�..:_i.'�::I::�.�':.��,..� ,t,..:.,.%A���.I.�.���.--%..1��::,,��.',�-.., DOREENCATO : � � � � ��Y { NHARON MAST ALVA SADLER Executive Director: STEPHEN'J.NORMAN March 20,2001 RECEIVED Katherine Johnson,Manager MAR 2 2 2fl01 :.,:: :. :.,....,.. , ::.. ERVI0. S. . . H4l1SING ANp'HUMANS . .. .. d Human SerceS Diviszon . . ousln an .: . . ..... . . . . : Parks Recreation and Community Service sl ;` ... . t . : . . . .. . .. Cit. .o.f...n.... . ., . . .. . . ...... ..................... : ; ourth Avenue South : `' .:':" . ... F . Kent,Washington 98032-b00 D . IMs.` 1, "I".n: This letter is a request for Community Development Block Grant funds of$15,000 to assist in. the acquisition and rehabili#a#ion of Southwood Square Apartments. Project Description Southwood Square Apartments is a 104-unit apartment complex located at 26224 106`�'Place` SE in Kent. HUD currently provides project-based Section 8 rental�assistance for all 104 apartments. The tenants pay 30%of their income toward rent and the Section 8 rental assistance pays the balance ofthe allowable rent set by HUD. The tenants are very low- income with an average household income that is 18% of the''King County median. Many of the tenants are recent immigrants. The current owner has sta#ed'th. in the event the sale pf Southwoacl Square to I CHA'does not happen,he will need to consider other options,that include selling to a{profit motivated . . uivestor or tertnnatton:a£.the section S contract �vxth D. Tenants at Southwood Square would face the very real posstbIlity of losing#heir apartments due t unaffordable rent e termination of the See. 8 pro ect-based.assistance would;be along-term loss increases, Th ` P J, . .. to Kent's stock`©f;affordable;housl<n , : . .: .. KC HA' lans to:ac wire the: :rc e : to,matn#ari the prolect-tasd Secticn 8 rental assistance A. q P pY for'104 households, Our plan includes ur dertaku;g nearly two million dolls.. of needed ar `t usm r an : e s; d'come: . ` o ements so that the roe ,can rov de ho g,f y :;.;;re arrs and.:Im r v: . . . P : p 3' p Y ..........::..... . 600 ANDOVER PARK WEST•TUKWILA,WASHINGTON 98188 PHONE(206)`574-1100+TDD(206)574-1108 + FAX(206)574-1104 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY .... . . ���.. .. .:. ...�.. �% �: . :: ..:. .%: .� .: .....::�:�. .. . . .%. . ... . . ... .. . ...i..... . 1 1- �...:- .. ..... . . : .. .. .. % . .. . .. - -. .. . ........ :-.- . :...:..:... ... .. -� . % . ..%- ::. . . . / Project Budget Project Costs Purchase`Price $5,454,472 Rehabilitation Costs $1,994;919 Financing&Indirect Costs $395,609 Reserves' $390,000 Construction Interest : $245,000 Developer Fee $i,10©,000 Total $9 �80,000 ;I-��-������1�-:�I:1�l:��:�-.t..,i�-���,,::i.-:���...:�-:i,...-,::�-1t..,�:�:....�,-:��%..%.��,..:�:�!..,:�:1::��:I��.i�,-�:.:,�::�-�:�-��..-:,:�%,::,-....:ij,:_...���-:��-1I.��1--�-.i�,:��,:-.:.�:!,-�..��,�',�i:.,(�...:.:�::�,�,::.��,��.-:,'-�:.�t��..i,:..-:.....�i�,"-.�%i,:�,t.1��,j.�i:'���,,,�.-..��,�:,..��I:�:l�:-"�l�-.",-..,!_i:i.��,,.:�%,�:,��.�:",-'-.�,,.,,,..i��:�i:-��::�-�,:��..:�-!.,,,j��:��r:�,�:.�:��:_�-.--�..�,��',%:.�,�,..,--";,�,::t�.:�����-i.��,,��..�,1:-:���_:�,:I 1ii-,i--��,�%--:,:.:�,-.:._'�:.��:,1�:-'.i,,,��.1I..':�,,".�..�-;,i,:.�.,����-:'�.��..1..,-�,.��.,'-���.��_,,-:..'....:�:�::-i,:t.!,-.��-,,:!�.-�.::�;-,�,,-:iI-...-.�I..:.,,�:�,�_:;;�:,�::�.._'".,�..:�,.���:�:,-;.:�...:.�,,�,,,...�,,�.,:��-,��.-.��-�..�i1"1:K:..�-.-',..i�-,-:�--.,,�-:,-..,��-�.:.,:c�-,�,�--�.1.: Pry ect Fi��uexn . . l . . . ...�...1.%.%..-.......,:..:.I.i.�.....-�......::...-...-..�..�.::.....:%.:�::.-:-1...�i..-!.:.:.�1..:.�...::��,...:.�:.:.�.:...��.I-.i.:1�..:�.:...:.....:.......�.:..�.,;�....!.:%��:�:.i.:%..%...�.��.�.-�..-�.....,�:;!.t...:-,�.-..:,....i���.�.�c.�.....I:�::.:.;i..�..��.i,:..:....�.I.�.:!..:.:.:%�:......i.�..�...:.l:���.::.�.�:.��t.:�%;!-..�.­:�.�. ..�:�.;�......�..-;;�%.:..�:.�.:.!...�.�.::.:-.�...:.�:...���.....:;..l�...-�:--.:�!.:i:1...:�..-:.�..:..� Ta �Exern t Bands .. 5,00 ,000 I�1.1.��.1..�I:�....,...:_:...0:::...�..:.iI:...i:.-.:........!­....%ii�:,-.:�.:..�t..�.!.�1....% P Developer Fee Loan $955,Q00 "Soft"boas i3OOQ,000 VVeatherizaon 140, 00 Tay Credit Equity $2,485,000 �'otal9,58D,000 Leverage The$15,000 CDBG grant would leverage$1,O00,000 in other funds we are seeking from King County's Housing Opportunity Fund,the State Housing Trust Fund the Federal �...�...-�:-..�,,.:::��%.::...�',�:..:��:."�-...�-:...�,-�.:1.: Home Loan Bank's Affordable Housing Program, Thank you for consideration of this request. I would be happy to provide more information or answer any questions you may have. Since ,'' Pau F�#zgerald .: . : .. . .. . f;Oev to merit .`:: : .. Director o . . , e p . .. .. : KENT WASH I N GT.ON PARKS, RECREATION& COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgson March 16,2003 Director Phone:253-856-5100 Fax:253-856-6050 Rita y11 Executive Director YWCA.:pf Seattle,Kutg.County&Snohonush County 220 Fouith Ave.S 1118 5a":Avenue. Kent,WA 9.$032-5895 Seattle,WA 98101 . Dear:Ms:R .der;.'.......... :..`....... Y ... . . Enclosed,.are.three.c.. es..of the A ril 1,2661=December 1, 0021).omestie violence Contract P , P ..�,,.,:,I�...,.�..I:%�.�:�.....,.-...���.%.l..,.�i:%i�....�.:.:.....�i1.%�:..:�,i..I.:1��I,.:1%.,.�.l�,-i1I1...,II.�%,,".:..'.I.,.,�,1..:�.�.�I..�.I�.1..,i i-......:1:.,.!,,%.t�.��i.::...:�1.�.�1.:.,.��I..1-,..,...t-�..:.,-��..,:...�..�..-,i��..-'.-....'I�.:..�,I,.%...:..'..�...,,.:I..���..i1...:�—��.%:�,...1-.—..il:�..,,.-li�I,�,I..]..�,�,,-..:..,:,..%,i.I:.:.��...:�:.,:...,.,i.,,,f.�:,�I..:�II—:.i,,,,�:.i:,.%%%%.�:!I�,.�..::%l�.i t.I..i�-�,1i:�,Ii-.....�'-,,�.,�..i:,I:-�.—%�-,t.",,.i.,�-.:1%._,.%::Z,,,]..:.,...1�.-...,,���,�1.,-.�....i..",,.,,�,.�,.-.t1,i-�,Ii��i�1...%.%.,...-�1 i.,�....i,,_-,.i:...i,,.....i-....i...:i.,�1I%.,-,,,,,,-..-,I-.Z.,:i..I.l%,..z��-.,-,,...iI:".9,..'-���.%%l,.-i,,,,l,-..�..,.�...,,.-'��,..,..".�.�.,�".1:.i�.�"".,.�,.,.:,..,�..-.-.,:...%.—�.,1:.",�......:...:i�-�I�:%"�-,,...'..:,I.,,.,,—..,:i,...%�.."� Between.: nur agent and the+City of Kent Tle contract includes a copy of your agency's service .::::::.....:-.........:, .......::: .. ..............::....... '. .....:...:............. .....................:...:........... .::.....:.....:......:....:....:...:......::...........>..:...::..:...............:........:.:......,.:.....:..............::.,............ .. agreement{ b ... :..... ............... .....::....:.... . .. ...:. :.::. .:..,.::.:: :...:... .. is* ` ::` •::: :.i..:•.;:,''::::::'.::::; i::::;: .:: .:::::.: th......•......:::::::......:::::::..:::........:::.......:....: Pleases. . all three copses. :the Contract and re#urn#hem to us mi a copy of:your agency s. board of direc#ors (including.addresses and telephone numbers) and;a curren# insurance:. certificate.Before signing the contract please review it carefully for accuracy,paying sp2cial' attention to Exhibit A The signed contracts will be submitted to the Mayor for his ignature and a` W copy will be mailed to you.Contracts cannot be executed without a current insurance certificate. You will receive the reporting forms related to'Us contract in the near future Exhibit A outlines the reporting timelines. As noted in the Contract,please notify us of any staffing changes which occur during the funding period.if you have questions,call Judy Bennett at{253 j 856-5074 or you may call me at{253j 856 5073.We appreciate the excellent work you do in addressing the human service needs of our residents and we look forward to working with you in new endeavor. Sincere a.... Jo H n Se rces Manager cc: John N1.Hod son,Parks,Reereahon&ComtnumtyServices Director, g ..... .......::.......... ha . .!..9...�..�..�. Edna,White,Human.Se . . .. a mmission:C. ir. `: :::: :,.. um :::........:...... i ari Services Planner.::......::.. ....:... l umari Seryxces Commissin 1+ile f; �:::.. ........ ,:. .:�.: . �...!:.:.%.. ..- . .....- ... � ..... . : � .%-..�..� . .% ............ .. ...!.... � W: ��� . ... . .-..;.�i...�-.�- ...-..�... . : % % 1 . .. . . ..... . . . . j...::�:.% :. :.... .... .. . . .I . . ... .�...... � � � .... . . . . %. .. . . . % : . .. - .. -�. . . %: . .. . .. . . . . .. .... ... ... .. . ... . . .: �.:: . . -�. ... ... . . . . . . . % I . . .- .. . . . .. . : . .. . .. . . . %. .. % . . . . .. . .� �... . . . % � ��i�-�. .� .�:..:. ��..:.... %: ......% %.. .. . .. . ::. .!�. . . : . :� % . . . . . . . %%... . ...; .� ..... . .. .% .% % .. . %.... : %%.% . : %. . % .: . .-. . . .� ��.:..�.�:.� �-.:.��:�.:.. :%. . . . .. . . .: . - .����:::.:.� I I .. , , , a (1-,';,` March 30,2001 Catholic Community Services Attention: Cathy Peters P.O. Box 398 Kent,WA 98035 Dear Cathy, . Recntl , the Cityf Kent's Regional Justice Center Award Review;Committee 3' . ... . .. ... .:::. . . . . .. met to:revi%ew fiu}d n r. uses from huxn an service a one es that had;i p hence g �! g . % % an unpact from the+Reg%ional Jusce Center being located in Vent Thevard; Review Cornrnittee recommended that :your agency, Catholic omnunity Services, reee�ve $10,000.0© ftr services provided January through December, 01k1. nclosed is a check in the amount. .$10,U00 0. Thank;you for your participation m the process and for the services you have provided foA:ho e n need. Sincerely, Tim White Mayor cc: Brent McFall, Chief Administrative Officer' John.:Hodgson,Director of Parks,Recreation,&Cowin.y Services ..... Ch. e ervice Co i sori: Edn .Mwt Duman S . s xnm s aar. . , . . .. .. . .... . ., . ,;.: . .. Katherin johns n Hwrian.S+�ry a lVlan `er . .. g .`. u Berme I;bu an;•6rvices Planner;J dy . 4 ....::..:,..:. ... . •.. ..�:.. ... % .. ( , WADS}iINO:T:ON PARKS,'RECREATION& COMMIfNITY SERVICES Mar1.ch 16,2001' John Hodgson Director Phone:253-856-5100 Barbara Loney,Interim Executive Director Fax:253-856-6050 Domestic Abuse Women's Network(DAWN) P fl Box 88007; 2.20 Fourth Ave:.S Tukwila;WA 98138 rent,WA:98032-%5895 Dear.1VIs.Loney; This letter is in response to a recent phone con.ersatipi�I had il: vurth your Finance Director,Tom Elde%r regarding:.the final payment for the 2000 Communi%ty Advocacy.Program. As you know, the City bf Kent.cancelled#his contract%effechYe October 21,2000 The performance , measures of the contract were 3.40 drrect service hours;to 54 Gity oflent clients involved in the City of Kenf:criminal justice system. dull payment was made:ao your agency for the time period between January 1 March 31, 2000 in the amount of 3/12ths of your annual contract(totaling$12,777.48). Staff reviewed DAWN's reports submitted to our office with the Community Advocacy Program Reimbursement Requests for the time period between April 1 and October 21 2000. Direct service hours that applied to the 2000 General Fund General Services'Contract were removed, a1 . s well as Legal Advocacy which is a performance measure in the General Fund General Services Contract. Staff investigated the reported accompaniments to Kent Municipal Court and found discrepancies in the dates reported(i.e.no domestic violence calendar on the reported dates).'Those dates and hours;reported were also removed from the total Kent hourrs. Staff determined the remaining allowable hours and allocated funding relating to the percentage of the 2000 performance measures achieved during the remaining quarters the contract was in effect Please find attached an outline of the allowable hours and the percentage of fundmg allocated to your agency for the time period between Apn1 i,2000% and 1,2 October2 00.0. ::..::::...:...:. o ve an :further;..uestions;. lease:'ca1..l:zne:::at:253.836 507:4:::, .....,.....:.....::.. >; .. .......:. ...::::...:...:...If y u t►a..:.....:.:Y............:::..q a.p,..:::......:. ......; S cerel.`' .. :: :: ::::`.::: :.:.. ,..;..: ..... .:::...:......::.. ...;,:.::;,.... .:......:..:.:....:... ....:. ..an.:...........y,:.. . ``- � . \` . :.... . " . nnett..... Human:Services Planne%r , , 11 1 , — 1, ,�, ill �--: � � I i"!T:I—�P"'I11,:1 I—;,1—,11,1,�II�,1'I,I I I I��,I���I'-ll,-,�1',1""'11�-,1�1,cc: John M.Hodgson,Parks,Recreation&Community;Services Director Pat Fitzpatrick,Assistant City Attorney (` Edna White,Human Service Commission Chair Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager Human Services Conanissioti File- ... ........... .. . .. ...... ....i :.. : : � � : : : � % ­% . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. � . ..�.. .. . . . . . . . ..... .... . :. . . . .. . . . . . - . :. . .. %... . �. : : . � . . ........ .. . � . .. ...... . .. .. :. ... ...... - ... . ....... .. . .. . . .. . . . : . ��. . .:. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .I .. ... ... . . . . % .... ...- ..........:.. 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I . . .. ..... . . .... .- ..... . . ...1 .1 % ..... ... ... . . .. .. ... . .... .I...1 .... . . . ....... ... . ::..�...... .. . . . . . . . % % ..: . . . . . . .. .- .. ... .. % ........ .. ... .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. .. . . .. .. .... . . . . . - . .... .. ..... ... . ... . . ... .. . .. .. . .%:� :... %. ..:.... .. .. - . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . ..... % . %.::%..:.%..: ::. ..%... .%.��.%.. .. . ::.%: . . . . . . . .. . � . . ...­ . . . .. . .. . . ... .:: .%I� . . . . . .: .. .....%. ... . .. . ........ .. . . . .. . ... . : .. ... . .. : . . .. . .... .. .. . .. . .. . .. %..�.I. . . .. . . .. . �.�.. .. . :. %. .. - %. . . . . . ....... .. . :- ... . ...i..... .. ....., % I . .... . . - I-:��, 1:,:�I�, �-�� , , - I-, ,,, , I I � . . . I I 11 I - I I - , - I , , ,I I 1 . .... I — I I I , - , . . I I I I I 1,,�, :� � : .I : I I I I i ,:,,, I I , 1, I 11 ,r I I , ,:,: I I DAWN REIMBURSEMENT OUTLINE ---:----, . I I COMMUNITY ADVOCACY PROGRAM FUNDS 2000 theunpaid� : -'-j�%:.'' ....: .. - l ,�--"' 11 -,- 6 :.. '. ....... ..' There follows a listing of allowable hours r portions of the above named �'t.l:i.. ... .. � .%% :...-%:....-.. ---- -- between March 22 and October 21, 2000i��:.�::..t%-- " ---- � ... ... � - t ....Contract for the time period betw .:-- � .� .. I".......... .......��. .%..�.:.:�.:::.j:.�......�.�:1.���..�:.% � .... .. . � - . .,...:...:....................2nd Quarter Aprij , (March 22 !7 April 21). . - ,3-1-5 hour�"�:'��... , �� ��...��������'t,�::,. .. ... � �ttt, :.:.:..��l���..!:%. :.�:.��:..: � �-.1i..��.:..:�.�l..%%..I...�.%��.%.��.���;%�.��.�.�..%�.�...��.��:�. .. ..��� . . .. . .. ... � ....�..........,................�� .��.�.:..- ... � . - �.�:..... . . . .. .. .. . .. . %.....% . . .... %% .: ....,��...t t':,�-'"',-%.......%�.. .... . ..... ....- -.:: - I..... .. � ...:%...% . : . �. ........�..�%�.��:.:..:%:�:.: .��.:�. .. ..:.. 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