HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/19/2001 �"", "I�"",�1,,,,,,11 I, ,,�,� - . % ::..: . 1. .....% ..... �:%.. -. . ........... .: . .. . :... .. .- .::.::.�..:(�- �� ��� ... 1, .. . . . . . ..... . % . : ,,,� , �"I'll,�!11 ,1 z I ,,�,`11 �.. . .. . . :.1. % �� ....�:.: %�..:�: � .:%�;. ��:�..::.�::.:. :::.�:� ;I i, �I�,�� , , , "''�""""""' .. . .. ..� . .:l . �� I , ''"'"'" ''� ...... . . . . �..�. .�. :N , "' 11 , � I I I�" "",,"' """"'"""" , ... ..... %- .% ...... . .. .��:%� ... . . . . . . . . . . - .�:::��:�. . ;�, ,I �"�11 "I il �'111116"� � �, � . . .. . . . :: . ....%.. .% ...�: . ...: . .% ... .. .%.%... . : .. ... �... � I � .... . .. . . . . .. %- ... .:1. % :. ... . . . :� ..%. .%..-:%:.1.... -. ... . � 11� "''"'' '"' � � � � . .. �:!�:: .. .... .. . 11 "I'll ....... ,,, ,,,,,. ...... .. .. . . . . . .. . , I � ,,, .. . . 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Con f:m inner(1 AW. John J.en6 0. . , Commission . (1/2002) Perry Raak,.Commissioner('I/2004) Pamela Roberts,'ComrnJssiO;ner(1 200a} Judio SarFf Commissioner(� 66 , 1. Nlel Ta#e, Gommssi©ner(1/2002) Tim dark, i#y C;ouncJl MernUer(1/20. : : ,,��,�,:,`, _" _� :: 11 11 : _77.,�.:: .. . . :% . . .. .. . . I � �­­­­ %�.... .._. _ . � � � ,'""' '"", _::�_.�:. . . ......... . . � � - , ""","",�:"",����,,�,,�:i:%..��..:....�..�..: l..:......:%!%.:..:.��:%.. :� � � ; - 11 '"'' ' " ,:,�":,�i�:,� ,:''�' . ......%..''... . ­­. �...�...�..�iU :. . I 'll ' ' '', ­­ ­1, � � 11, "'' I", _�_ _ ­ ­:�� ­_­­__ : AGENDA ��,�::�::� , ! _ �.�.�... . . .. . .... ­%j:. :.�.%�:-. GUESTS Lori Hogan, Parks Department 2:30 Lea Bishop, Senior Center1. OLD`BUSINESS 1, Approval of the March 15,'2001 Minutes ACTION ITEM 3:00 2. Agency L Individual Tour INFORMATION ITEM 3:05 3, Domestic Violence Regional Planning INFORMATION ITEM 3:15 4 2001 CI BG Program ACTION ITEM 3 25 NEW BUSINESS , 1. 2001 Focus/Seniors; INFORMATION 1TE11Il 3.4Q REPORTS. 1. Le islatiye Update 4.00 Z. Sod#h King County: man Services Forum Report' `3. South ling County Council of Human Services. 1� � �� �!!!.�:...-...:.��% .� :_�:�.-. ���N � � , �_��', - � ­ - . .. ...... .. . ... .. ` . l THE CITY OF KENT 11, KEN T HUMAN 5REVICES COMMISSION WASHINGTON MEETING MINUTES ...::.:..�.�-�.!...:.1.%:..:...-..!...:-�.�.�..:.'.=.....%%...:..................�..�i��i��.��..�::�:;.��:��..:�%���..��.�.-.1.......:..:. MARCH 15, 2001 - � �� � �� �� � �:-� -�,:, ,:-1, "'''' , -,- -11 01, 11 :11 z �I-11 , ''.... The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Edna White at 2:30, on Thursday March 15, 2001, in Council Chambers West of Kent City Hall. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Edna 1Nhite; Chair Brad dell,Vice Chair Dini Duclos, Comrnissio'ner John Jendre'sen, Commissioner Judie Sarff, Oommissiorler Perry Raak,';Comrnissioneit Mel Tate, Commissioner P.1 Rig 6.4 CorrarnI . %I r HUMAN SERVICES COMM1SS10NERS EXCUSEDIABSENT: Tim Clark HUMAN SERVICE STAFF PRESENT: John Hodgson, Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager Judy Bennett, Planner Merina Hanson, Planner Kathleen Allard, Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL'OF MINUTES Commissioner Sarff MOVED and Commissioner Beil $ECONDED, to approve the minutOs of the February 15, 2.- meeting. Mo#ion carried: ,"".",,,,,,�",,I�'�l-�,,,,,��,,�l,"",�1,I�,��1���,,,���I�1'��"�,�I,",1,'I�I,,1,,-1,,,�'��'���,�I,�""�)��1,,,,"�,,,,,,�,"�',�I"'o,,,�',,I-",:,,,,,I,,",,,, ,,,�,�,,���,,,,�-�,?�,',1A,"1�l�",-1,1��-",,"",�!,,',,���-�I,,,,,�,_,-,,,:�,",,�',-���,'�-,,,,,,,,�,",,,',,,�,,,,,,,,'�',�,,,,,,�,�,�,I,,,I,1,�",,I"I1�,,"�',,,,1 I,,"��",,�,,�","�,"I,,"',,�-"'"�:,,,I�,�,,.",��,�11�",,.,,.,,"'':�,`,�",,�,I'.-I�.,,,, :.��,:,.,,',,'��,,h,1'���,�,,-��:,,�,-, UPDATE ON HELP THE HOMELESS DAY l-�,',,',�,1""l�"���,'�:�-,,,,,.�,,," ,Judy Bennett spoke to the Commission a,.,...�I.II�.I,...l%.....z..' the success of�.-,... th.. e Help the Homeless Dray, City departments competed against each other#o assemble Hygiene ,.'.,!:�:.j::��:.:­%.�.:".�...z..'�:�.: Kits for the Homeless. The Adrninistra#ion Department for the'City won, with 59.2 bags per capita. in all, 2,295 kits were made, and distributed to agencies. CDBG FUNDING Katherin Johnson began the discussion regarding the 2002 CDBG Funding. it was decided by the Commission, not open the Community Development Block Grant `. ( funds for bid. The Commission will recommend continued funding to the current human service providers and the Kent Home Repair Program. The Commission 11 received information about other potential capital projects in Kent. Commissioner r t, �, , ... �. Jendresen asked staff to provide more information on Lutheran Social Services and the Kent One-Stop Human Service Center. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE APPLICATION Three applications were received for 2001 General Fund monies, set aside for Domestic Violence. Commissioners Sarff, Raak, and Chair White, reviewed the applications from Valley Cities Counseling, Catholic' Community Services and the YWCA of Seattle, King County. Commissioner Sarff MOVED, and Commissioner Duclos SECONDED, to allocate $20,50000 to the YWCA of Seattle King County program DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REGIONAL'PLANNING Staff wll! participate in the review of the final plan on March 28„2001. South King County wi!! be researching and applying for grants #o fund domestic violence ro rams. p g N'E11V BUSINESS AGENCY TOUR Discussion was held regarding visiting the different agencies presently`supported y the Human Service Commission of Kent. The; general consensus is to meet on a regularly scheduled Human Services meeting date, choose an agency of interest to l visit and then meet back at City Hall to discuss the findings. Added Agenda Item NEEDS OF SENIORS Commissioner Sarff shared with the Commission her concern that our senior citizens living on a fixed income are struggling to pay their rent, taxes, utilities and purchase medicine The Commission asked to have a presenta#ion discussing the issues of seniors at the nex#';meeting Commissioner Sarffwould like;to see-this as a focus#or the Commission year. Commissioner Pare Roberts, works with the elderly, and knows of the problem our seniors face every day. REPS ; SOUTH KING COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM REPORT Represents#ivies from South King County Metro, spoke #o the Forum members regarding a #tve year plan Commissioner Duclos ed tha mention back t cu# s in transportation would negatively affect Senior Citizens. SOUTH KING COUNTY COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES The March program will provide agencies with concrete tips for working with the diverse population in South County. The program is designed for those working directly with clients. OTHER Katherin announced that Arthur Mensah would be the guest speaker at the WWEE breakfast at the Double Tree: next Thursday. She also mentioned the Food Sank . would hold #heir annual fund raising breakfast on Apnl 24th at the United Methodist Church on East H'rll ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted r ather�n Johnson Recording Secretary ,..