HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 11/16/2000 ...'.. .. . .., % ,.�. ". .. % % N T WASHINGTON PAl—lRKS,RECREATION COMMUNITY SERVICES John Hodgs II on AGENDA I, , " Director , ��HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION II Phone:253-856-5100 Scheduled Meeting for November 16,2000 z Fax;253-856-6050 230 p.m. -4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL CHAMBERS EAST 220auh +Vw K�r�i' 083258$' Commission Members John Jenuresen,Chair(12001) Edna White,Vice Ghair.d 2002) Brad BeiJ(1/2001) Rini Duclos(1/2fl02) Pamela Roberts(1/2003.) ,; Perry Raak(1/2Q01) Judie Sarff(1/2003) IVIei Tate(1/2002) 11 0, , "'111"'111,11, I x � z 111,11 I : � Toxn Brotherton,`City Council Member.(1I2001j AGENDA' Special Guests: Cathy Garland,United Way of King County 2>3,0 Merina Hanson,Kent Human Services "Building Health and Human Services in South King County", OLD BUSINESS 1, Approval of October 26,2000 Minutes ACTION ITEM 3:00 2: Update on Human Services Month INFORMATION ITEM 3:05 3 Update on Help the Homeless Day/Tyler Wai7en INFORMATION ITEM 3:10 4. DAWN Update INFORMTATION ITEM 3:20 3, Human Services 20©1 Budge#Update INFORMATION ITEM 3:30 6. Commi sion Retreat:Update INFORMATION ITElVJ 3:35 7, Wintex Celebration Update INFORMATION ITEM 3:40 NEW BUSINESS 1. 3RA Quarter general Fund Report INFORMATION ITEM 3:45 , . .Quarter CI%. . Report TNFOR3vIATION ITEM 3:50 .,,, 9,"I1"'l"-l",,1,,I 11�:I���, ""I,I",""�',",,," REPORTS 11 1. South King County Council of Human Services 2. South KingCountyHuman.ServicesForum:Report: Iii ," .. : N .�>C , ..., .... ... ... .. . �' , '' 1- , :�� ...... ... . . . .. . . . . % .. ..... .. — .. .. . �i ,�', ,, ,,"- . I .. ... .. . . . .. % . ... .. .: ...:.:.:.:' , :. 1:�:%.�:-�1: ...... i% -:%.�:�%.:...�: � �........ ... %,. ... �., . �, � . .....: ....... .. ... ....... ..'"' -���% � .::,�,%,::,:� ... THE CITY OF KENT „ �r T HUMAMEETING MINUTESN SERVICES ISSION W A S H I N G T O N OCTOBER 26,2000' PARKS,:RECREATION;& The meeting of the Kent Human Services Commission was called to order by Chair Jon Jendresen at COMMUNITY SERVICES 2.30,on Thursday,October 26,2000 in Council Chambers East of Kent City Hall. John Hodgson Director. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Phone:25 856=5100 Jon Jendresen,Chair Fax:253-$56-6050 Edna White,Vice Chair Dini➢uclos,Commissioner ,y 2; (9 Frt�,iJ'th eve,, Perr. Raak,Corivxnssxoner 1w57t, 91JOM1 =. 6 '. Pam Roberts,Cornxrussioner ' Brad Bell,Commissioner HUIVIAl�T SERVICES COMlV1ISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT; . Judie Sarff,Coinmissiorter ; Mei Tate,Commissioner 1. HUMAN SERVICES STAFF':MEMBERS PRESENT John Hgdgsony Director of Parks and .ommuriity Seryiees Katheriri Johnson,Human Services Manager Judy Bennett,Planner Merino Hanson;Planner " �,P�:��:�::�:�� ;�....��......��,,��, '' IN �:�-...! .. , — . . , Kathleen Allard,Secretary OLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Bell MOVED and Commissioner Duclos, SECONDED to approve the minutes of September 28,2000.Motion carried. UPDATE ON HUMAN SERVICES MONTH Merina designed the brochure for Human Services Month, with the focus on the junior high and high school population. The draft was submitted to the Community Council for Youth, asking for their input. They provided staff with a few more ideas regarding other agencies. A master copy of the brochure will lie giver.to allthe middle schools and high schools for distrabuhon.. Large displays providing information t%o the public,placed at .Xty Hall and the Kent Librai..ry, are being designed:by Merina'and Judy.The displays will be in place.throughout the month;of November. .:. 2001 FUNDING REQUIREM8NT UPDATE 1.. ...., Jo......reported that the request by the Commission to the Food Bank,to provide more accurate reporting, has been achieved. The Food Bank continues to.lceep the Human Services staff satisfied with their mor<thly reports. ,�:"I-�I,,-:;,,,,,�%,�I�I,.—,.��.—.,�,�,,��I��,,,���,,1",,,"�I,�,'�,I,,��,a,I��"1,,,'I—1,"�,I,,"�-1,z1 1-1�111,1:""11",,�,:""1,,�.,"4"�,,�""',,,,�I,1,,1I"",1".,"I''l",,l,.",",.,'.�"1.",.,,,I","1."I1,,"'�,",1,,"'I"I�,'l,1,l"','1",I,"""1 1,�,`,,,, DAWN:continues to cause concern with the cities in the south county area. Chair Jendrese a reminded '',"',,",,,",,,.',,,',"""',,',,,,"".",�"""�,",1",�,I�"', the Commission,there.:was de van,by➢AWN,concerning the loss;)d majox funding, at a warksliop held ori:June 15, 2000. DAWN has not liilled Sea ac :or served there:clients; this entire year. .. IDAWN has lost in excess of $250,000.00 from the county and south county cities.;'Two'letter: haveI. been sent to DAWN, reminding them of the requirements, set forth by the Commission. There has been no response. United Way has met with DAWN. When asked by United Way,why the Board of Directors was not complete, DAWN replied that they (DAWN) were quite satisfied with the five member board they had in place. Ms. Johnson went on to say that DAWN wants to amend their by laws to allow for a smaller board. A memo fiom Chair Jendresen,will go to Mayor White,requesting that the budget numbers submitted, allocating funding to DAWN,be changed to Domestic Violence Services agency to be named at a later date. r a y :< � �. vvc: o`- (,,., HUMAN SERVICES 2001 BUDGET UPDATE The Council wl. ill begin work on the budget,November 7,2000 at their workshop1. `NEW BUSINESS ..�..--.�.%..�!.%...1...�:.�.o:.i.�.:...�—.. :.�.I..w.,1 1. COMMISSION TERMS AND APPOINTMENTS` Ms, Johnson reminded the Commissioners that sortie of their terms are due to expire soon. She asked them to: consider remaining on the Commission,however,if that is not possible to please notify the Mayor by the middle of November, so that a replacement may be named. Commissioners' Raak, Jendresen; and Bell indicated an interest in remaining on the Commission. COMMISSION WINTER CELEBRATION .........:.:..: .. ..::::::::.::•....::::.. .. ssion: o d.hke::to:conhnue.;tradition:with:`.a:VVinter:..Celebratio`: ;liosted.'b.:.a.:.`:. :: :.`:::. `:.`.::: ..1VIs :Joluison.asked:the:.Commi..... .....i f.the .w...ul....:..............................::........................... ....:..:.............:.........................�..:.............:....Y a:. . .. .. y..:......:...:.............:..................::.:.:...... ...:....................... ...:.........,..::.....::.;:..: ..;:::.:...:. .:.:.:.::,:::::.:...... ......:... .... r..:. ..:o ssion::m ehn :f r:the :inori `:'of:Decem..er .:`:; .. enMO.. ComtYussion member; instead of the xegula. C mxxu e g o g consensus.was;.to.have.#he.Winter Celebration.. Councilman Tom Brothe.itQn has offered;to host the event,to be held on December 15,';2000 Time 7 00,(potluck). Commissioner.Bell suggested we invite past members. . DID.MISS.:HTM1T;SERV + E..:COMMAS,sIO1Y.RETR.E�.T.>:,:.:....:.'........:.:......:.:..:::...:..........::..:: The retreat will be Januaxy 19,2001.' Ms Johnson asked for ideas;fora topic of discussion. C4.=. .gSloller Bell ;::::::: .:.:::....:..:::..::::.:.:..........:...:. .......::.:.. ................,...:.. ...:.:.:.::..:.:.:. os'':': "s.,,Jo::;:.::son:felt'.'.:`: `:::':.... :::: :::: o vio en e..:;::D.. c >.. ourt::D:iversxon ::was:su. ested;b. ..Comrrmtssione..r:T).ucl........, ..M..,............hn......:................:............. ........ ....................su ested..:. .:..uth:.....:....1..:..:c..:,....::.:.:tre...t..:C.:.::.:....:...:.........:,......:.:.:...:.....;.,.....:............gg..s...,....,...y:..............,.:.:......................:.:.....::..........:.....:............:..............,.....................:.............. .. . ...:. 88......;:...:...::.:y...:.:..:......:...............:..:.:......:..:..:.:....:...::..........::...:::......:.............:.......:::::....:....:.::: ...:...:..:..:......:...:..:....:.................:..........:...........:.........:.::...:......:..:..:::.:..:......:.:......:.......:..:.........::......:.................:........ .: :.... .. ........... . ... ....... . these;:#wo..;sub.ects:.vould..be: o.od.to;addr..ss....... eth.............. . ....... . .........%:. :.......:.:::..:.....:.................... J g::.::::. g: .I...-.: NOMIlYATI+C)NS FDR CHtIA/VICE CHAIIt Commssioner'Bell 1VIOVED to nominate Commissioner White for the position of Chair,`of the Human Services. Commission, for the year 2001. This was SECONDED by Commissioner Duclos. Motion 'carried. Conuiussioner Duclos nominated Commissioner Bell for Vice Chair. This was seconded by Vice Chair White, . Motion carried. -NOT ON THE AGENDA- County Cuts in Health Cme Executive Sims has recommended a $850,000.00 cut in the budget with a$550,000.00 cut to community health' centers. This is money used to supplement the working poor with medical assistance. This would drastically. effect the numbers of people seen in Emergency rooms for the common cold. It would also mean that communicable diseases would go untreated,affecting more people. The money being cut from health care;will be used by the crnunal justice system. A letter will be forwarded by the Conuiussion to Executive Sims,asking him to please reconsider this decision. .: . . . :::..REPORTS ....:..:....::: ::::..... ..... ...:....: ....::....::.:...::.:......... ..:.......::.::::.........: :.... . . .........:.:.::::::... . .... :. . ..% ...::: ..::S.O.UTH HING CO.UNTY:COITNCji k]111JMA1'�.S.ERVICES..:::. The council had their October membership meeting here ii Kent,`:at the Kent Memorial:Center, with IVlaxgarita .... .........:::...:.: .:.:.,...:.:..;.:..:..:.:,..:...:..:.: .... ..... ..... . ..: . ..:: Suarez:as:the est s ealcer.::::;:: . :... .:. .:.. .. : ... .. ....:.:::•:...........:::::.:.::..: ......: ..:.:.:.::::. AN S FU UMREP.ORT.:: ;';::`; . :. .. SOU. . . ....QVNT3�:HU3VI.:...:: ERA'I..:..:...:::.....-............:::::. ....:.......:.....:..:.:....:..... ..:.:.......:..::.........:..:......,...:.: ...... C. oalition`riiade;a. resentation saddressin`'sthe.ho. .es: Msi'Johnsonx orted at:the;:.Cctober:mee�n .the:;Foo..d:Bank...........................:................11.:...:...:...:...........:..,.....:...........:..:.g.....::.9.........p....... .. ep g, to star darQtz I.the f6od banks .One major drawback in standardizing the food bags,are being made complicated by the;fact that#here is not enough transport;or stoxage availability.:Bomm Baker and Toro Bro....q on will make •are uest:to:Boe.M to:utilize.`the r:lruelcs. Vliennot:b ...Ms.;Johnson::also.'shared:vy th.:the.:commiss on., ed.for.... .: g .:... dock facilities;preferably with refrigeration. GUEST SPEAKER The guest speakers this month, Kay Lasco, Vince Rowland and Diane Heidi are from the South King County Community Network: This agency began in 1994, through the legislative process. They are asking for,input by the Commission regarding youth issues. Mike Heinisch,the Executive Director for KYFS,was also able to attend. .. . . . .. .... . . . . . .. ..% . . .i.. ::%. .::. .:1:- .. ... .... . . . . : ...-:.. .. . . ...:.% . .... . . . Ms. Lasko spoke of the steering committee that is being formed within the communities to identify the needs of our youth. Concern with child abuse were voiced by Commissioners,as an in issue: ADJOURMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.mi � �:-t :I .......1 � - — m—,'','", �. �%%.!.: :: !�% �1-.. .....:��...�:. % Respectfully Submitted Katlerin Johnson ................. . ............ . .. Rec cxcing S ecretary` CFIAPTER SEVEN hiUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT This increase:in the,,number of young children, combined with an equally dramatic rase in the number of Kent women in the workforce with 'children under six, imply a . tremendous demand for child care. Currently, only 30 percent of children in South King County;who need child care can be served by licensed providers. Lack of affordable child care is epidemic. The going rate for infant care of approximately $500 a month requires a family income of at least $60,000 to be affordable. (Affordable child care is typically defined as 10 percent of a household's income.) The typical service needs of young families are exacerbated in Kent by the number of famthes to poverty This poverty rate is evidenced by census dernograplucs and student erolirnent in free or reduced-cost lunches. In 1993, 25 percent'of Kent School District students located within the P received free or reduced-cost lunches, This includes a range of assistance among'schools, from the two schools that had less than ,l0 percent , of their students on the lunch program to the two elementary schools that had almost 50 percent of their students on the free or reduced-cost lunch program. Famthes and individuals in poverty are nruch more 1`ilcely to expenence difficulties in life than those who are more affluent, The following quote indicates how the infamous cycle. of poverty develops. "Starting life poor often relegates a child to a lifetime of struggle f.._ and poverty. Early childhood experiences contribute to poor children's high rates of school failures, dropout, delinquency, early childbearing and adult poverty" as well as health problems. While cities and nonprofit`agencies are unable to affect the systemic causes of poverty, they can provide services that help alleviate the symptoms of poverty. These services sometimes are enough to help individuals break out of the cycle of poverty. - The youth of Kent, in or out of..poverty, are fac. urgent problems, For example, Kent has the.second highest;teen pre me rate, and the s ©nd hi hest rate of certain g sexuahl transnutted dseases'uf teens in Kin Couti. outsde;��eattle. Keut also has the '> highest infant morkali rate in al of out! Coun , Me us ve o a is an teens.ty tY Kent's hi h rate of teen re na. and g. P g c�' the nctderice of equally-transmitted diseases. un i an u rent need for sex and are©t' education: in'additton the im lcatxons for P y P mS P ADS and other health risks to mothers and`the children of those young mothers are obvious: A much needed response is more education and access to health care for our endangered youth. KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 7-S Hi1M. 1VSERVIES F.i�EMEN1' CHAPTER SEVEN Another school statistic that is indicative of need is the number of children in English-as- f a=second-language (ESL) classes Between 1980 and 1990, the number of children in 1, ESL classes in the Kent School District rose by 600 percent. Interestingly the top five foreign languages of those children are, in order, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, ltiissian, Spanish, and Rumanian. This trend illustrates that culturally relevant services, including translators or bilingual staff, are increasingly important in Kent. Families in Kent also are experiencing significant abuse problems. Domestic violence is the number one creme in Kent, with an average of 100 to 150 domestic violence cases . . % as well.as.200 cases'of.chld abuse reporked,each month, No ;only.is there a,need to get . the yicros;out of abusive si:tuat©ns, but:eQunse" ihLb ;andjob:training also;are:needed g for the women(the usual victims of domestic'violence). Counseling also is cruciaY for the children who are in a domestic violence situation, victims of child.`abuse; or both. Unless counseling andlor anger management therapy are received, children who are in abusive homes are likely to become aduit abusers or adult victims of abuse. These children also tend to have more;health and behavioral problems which require further specialized services. Populations Most in Need of Help The City cannot solve all these problems nor help all residents access necessary services Therefore, in order to use limited government funding resources more effectively, Kent targets its funding resources to lower-income persons. Low and moderate-income people typically require more help in obtaining a full range of services, although the need for human services extends along the entire income continuum. In 1990, almost 40 percent ` of.Kent's popularion m the.PAA' qualified as low.and moderate-income. Half of that r_ ___7pop n ow-- — e ion future Needs ; Pros +fit o e et found Re tonal Councrl ro ects that dent s PAS o elation will`increase 48 ' 'h Pitg g P J PP .. ..... . .. . . ercent .b ear 2010. This alone.:will increase 'the demands on our.human services P y y. tat urtemor , hen pase ndelveyF d t dca tethepercenge.r of lower income people in Kent`probably will incre%ase faster than the population as a whole. Our increasing diversity, the aging o na f the populace, and the natiol trend of a rise in lower-paid service jobs and a decline in higher-paid manufacturing jobs are other, factors forcing our human services delivery system to change continually. We need to 7-6 KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN H.4PTER: SEVEN ::;:::;:;HUMAI�;SERVICES EL E ::.:•:: EM NT This increase in the number of young children, combined with an equally dramatic rise in the number of Kent women in the workforce with children under six, imply a tremendous demand for child care. Currently, only 30 percent of children in South County who need child care can be served by licensed providers. Lack of affordable child care is epidemic. The going rate for infant care of approximately $500 a month requires a family income of at least $60,000 to be affordable. (Affordable child care is typically defined as 10 percent of a household's income.) The typical service `needs of young families are exacerbated in Kent)by the;number of families in povert . This ove xate:is evidenced' tens d , Y P . rty . us emo ra hkcs and student .. ....... .... . b3' ................ .. ............ ..:....:.:.........:..........::..:.............................:..::.....:.....:..:...:..........:..........:..:.....:.....:......:......::........................:......::.:.............................:......:.:.....i P enrollment in free or reduced cost lunches. In )3. 25 percentof Kent Sch©Ql District students located within the PAA received free or reduced cost lunches. This includes a range of assistance amo ; ..chools from the two schools..that had less than;10 percent of their students on the lunch program tv the two elemen , scho©ls.that had almost 50 ; Y percent of their students 0. the free or reduced cost lunch program. Families and individuals in poverty are much more likely to experience siifficulttes in life than those who are more affluent. The following quote indicates how the infamous cycle l of poverty develops. "Starting life poor often relegates a child to a lifetime of struggle and poverty. Early childhood experiences contribute to poor children's high rates of . school failures, dropout, delinquency, early childbearing and adult poverty" as well as health problems. While cities and nonprofit agencies are unable to affect the systemic causes of poverty, they can provide services that help alleviate the symptoms of poverty.: These services sometimes'are enough to help individuals break out of the cycle of poverty. The youth of Kent, ui or out of poverty, are facing urgent,probleffis For example, Kent , has'..::the :second highest ;teen re an rate :'and ihe..Second highest..rate of certain g p g cy sexu ly-,#ransmttted`diseases of teens in ;Coon% : outside Seattle::;Kent a1so:has the highest nfant mortality rate in all of S©uth Kiwg County, inclusive of adults and teens. Kent's high rate of teen pregnancy and the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases un;1 an ent'need;for;sex and`: aentn :education. ;In addition `the im c do r P y g ph, a ns fo AIDS and other health risks to mothers and the children of those young mothers are obvious. A much needed response is more education and access to health care for our endangered youth. KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 7-5 . : . . .. .. : :. . . .. . : ... : . . .:.. .. . . . .. : . . ::: .. : :'. : . . . : C. .. HPRSEN E . . MFNEMVCE.keep abreast of these types of fluctuating demographics and try tv provide the leadership and incentives to address fully the human services needs of our community �..-���:�..:�I:.I:�.—::.:....:.:�,.W,_.t.���.­:1..,..-­.,..:�.�­l-��.:� The preceding paragraphs are not intended to convey a comprehensive picture of the human services needs in Kent. They simply cite some key demographics and a few of Kent's most urgent needs. Kent's A Caring Community contains a more detailed assessment of Kent's human services needs. That assessment helped form this element and the following broad goals and policies. '' '' `: I�[JM T SERVICE G!O&Ls PaLI IES o; : . . verall Goal Enable each individual to meet their needs by provadtng cuff cient, affordable, accessible, and appropriate human services throughout the City, TI3E CI i" . I LE .. ♦Goal HS-1 - P1 ay an active role to .promoting comprehensive and'effective delivery systems for human services, bo#h locally and regionally. Nnlicy HS-11-Provide human services to residents regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, national on in sex g , age,famaly status, sexual or gender orientation, illness, or sensory, mental or physical disability licy HS-1.2-Actively incorporate and encourage others to incorporate hums;n ;services into, the social, economic, and physical aspects of the City and the region; To this end, the City should act as a leader and model employer to the —_ larger Comm_unity through its.'_policies, _including._land_use, facilities,` and `' Ire s e z - - blicy HS-1.3-Continue and e c` , nhan a the Gcty s supportof the Human Services . , Commission. Housing aria♦Human 3eiv Ges stuff, and current,l% alto Gene a : cation . r Z Fund. bud et to h . Of . S uman.,,,kes.. . . . . . .... PaoLcy HS-1.4 - Where consistent with.a department's mission, maintain and encoura a ro mms to all Ci . g P g ty.departments,to address human servaces needs. .: Pbliey HS-15 - Mvoeate for new and earistang human services programs, policies, legislation, and funding on the national, state, regional, and local levels. KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 7 7 .... H:Z711ANSEIt:y10ES:EiGEMENT:::.::::::..::::.::.:..' CH:4�MR.`SEVEN Policy 'HS-16 - Involve those who use and provide human services in the.. (Y development of human service policies, funding' strategies, and educational - ` programs. Policy HS-1.7- Promote education throughout the City and the region regarding the full range of human services needs and provision of services: Policy HS-1.8 - Continue the City's active participation in the Regional Human Services Roundtable, the South King' Council of Human Services, and other. regional groups MEETING THE NEED Goal HS-2 - 'ontinue to zomote a;co rei%ensive coordinated and ec ive: stem o mP human services that addresses and anticipates human services needs and ,prnvides leadership in the,development of community.responses PoL H -21 DeYelop work programs on a regular bas thQt target sped•f c c3' human service 4qques artdlor goals and policies Policy HS-2.2 - Give funding priority to preventative and subsistence programs .:. and stress quality of services over quantity of people served. Policy HS-2.3 - Endeavor to build community support or and awareness o cy h' PP f f ` human services in order to create a society that values diversity, responds to the special'needs' of individuals and families, and appropriately' distributes the burdens and benefits of living in this city and region. Policy HS-2.4-Periodically review the City's General Fund allocation to human. services to assess increasing it in proportion to population and need. �My�..Lfacl���7.s�c� #_�t�1����t �a�r#�i�i�'o capacity to better meet the needs of ihe:community. Building capacity can include In In an a en s cien 8 P .fi g $ , �' e,f,� cy, creatin new non ro t a er#cies t© address n o t envies abtlt to;meet:;the ever .. . .. .......... . untnet:needs or ex undtn . ex�sti n ra a ...... chan in human services;needs o the ommuni >; . . . e aoaltnonsto meeth uman servics% needs1 . .. .. ... . ... ...... ..: .. .. ..... . . . .r hes; l ers< businesse sch©ols and by, vorkmg n paMorshtp. with chu c emp oY ,. , nonpra. .agencies in the community Policy HS-2.7 - Periodically review the needs of the community and update the needs assessment and funding priorities as appropriate. 7.8 KENT'COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ::.::::.:::..:::.::::.::.::..'::.::::>::::: :;::,:::CHAPT.�R.,SEVEN..•..... .:. .:... . :.. :...........:.::;::.:.. ...::::.:...............:.::.. ....:...... I�iIMAN:SERVICES:. 1l�ENT;:..;.::.::: :.':: ,:..`;•.' .'': ............ keep abreast of these types of fluctuating demographics and try to provide the leadership and incentives to address fully the human services needs of our community ' The preceding paragraphs are not intended to convey a comprehensive picture of the human services needs in Kent. They simply cite some key demographics and a few of Kent's most urgent needs. Kent's A Caring Community contains a more detailed assessment of Kent's human services needs. That assessment helped form this element and the following broad goals and policies; iIAI SERVICES GOALS. ►N PG LC Overall, Goal - Enable each individual to meet thear needs by providing sufficient, affordable, accessible, and appropriate human services''throughout the :City T: tITVfS ROLE Goal HS-1 - Play an ac#ive role in promoting comprehensive and efflective delivery systems for human services, both locally and regionally. Policy HS-1.1- Provide human services to residents regardless of mce, ethnicity, cultural or religious background, national origin, sex, age, family status, sexual or gender orientation, illness, or sensory, mental or physical disability. Anlicy HS-1.2-Actively incorporate and encourage others to incorporate human. services into the social, economic, and physical aspects of the City and the region. To this end, the City should act as a leader and model employer to the larger,__community, _through its,,policies, including land use,_ facilities, and-- m �rsonne I licy ...... - Carttinue and enhance the City's support of the Human Services Commission, ousirtg and iYuman Se vices staff, attd current ! allocation of general Fund budget tv human services Policy HS-i.4 - Here.consistent with a department's mission, maintain and encourdge programs in all City a'epartments tv address human services neeals. Fnlicy ':HS-1.5 - Advocate for new and existing human services programs, policies, legislation, and funding on the national, state, regional, and local levels. DENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 7-7 CIAPT'ER.:SE.VEN.:...:.:.:.::.... HUMAN SERYICES.ELEl11ENT Policy HS-2.8 - Encourage and enhance :`access to existing and new human services through effective information and referral systems, culturally-relevant services, translation services, education, physical modifications, and transportation HUMAN SERVICES AND THE BUILT WENT Goal HS-3 - Integrate human services into the fabric of the community by addressing human services needs in the physical planning, budgeting, and priorities of the City AoUcy IiS 31 Consider the mppacts on and implications for human services w en:` n ;land use decisions and other t oltc C ty es and re ulataons,` P $ P6bcy HS-3.2 Determine needed locations and locational criteria to ensure that physical space is available to h ouse the full range of human services throughout Kent. lxpdoze methods ro enact this physical space requirement For exasmple, using ena, create'a zoning overlay that encourages or requires a locational crit eve r� er to ;accvmodate; ;ident� ed : u n :.......... ...:.......... ....... h ma . services;:;needs; within a n eve o men :or its surmu....to ;area:::t esti a e: P g nv g t appropriate zrtcenttves 'oLcy HS 3,3 Stress access to,lobs:and services, especially for laver-income people, when planning local and regional transportation systems and economic development activities. Policy HS-3.4 - Conduct a review of City policies and regulations, existing tYP u g_ � g and future, to ensure compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, the American Disabilities Act (ADA), and related legislation. Policy HS-3.5 - Encourage the efficient use and sharing of existing facilities by service providers. ` Pelic-� HS-36-- Serve as-an examt�le-to Drivate-ittdustrv-anagencies by using s surplus`City space to house Appropriate and essential' housing arui human services. KENT COMPREHENSIVE 7-9 PLAN ,' v o a p. o � r oaw � Cl. H V ti `O p .0 to cd .f .a co td a) O 3 o ao ° v . a) ..o Iry "o, o a� a) 'Z a) a) Lo � b wo f a� ►, � bn co a) � ° S ao ,o .goo o .� o � � P. ° oa3 y ` � � a, •d •o h >, ae . �, O 14) y > `� O a) c ° o %o 'o 0. .. �q� rn;b xq ad.t+ : O a ° c) �' d i0t7 . ..C* 1. Z :,� 4) O 3 R o a) ^y' a) % O'O o a) :. D : tka rn p o a�. ed a) ' o .w p +'fin. o s.i. ,� A " °� ` V4 a) .� �°)+ 4-�........�.. O �„.: 11,11, to ,.o '�'b �-'i V W t�. 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Pei, .� s t t i w'tS w a ti !",�� �'��:;. •,f;, M"r '� .'� C:.y y S T, it f �.',"�•+ f A A .,y y! s, SEATTLE/KING COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL r MISSION, VISION, PRINCIPLES, gc CHARACTERISTICS The following is a revised version of the Seattle/King County Workforce Development Council's mission and vision, along with the WDC's key attributes,values,and principles; and the workforce development system's key'characteristics. it is based on the ongoing work of the'WDC's Organizational Development Committee, supplemented with input from the public gathered through the public comment and review process,and the"Vision,Goals,Objectives,and Strategies"section of the draft Local Unified Plan. Additions are marked by italics;deletions are marked by strikethroughs. MISSION :..:: . . The SeattlelKing County Workforce Development Council will add value to the King County employ- . .. .. - rnent'arid'ti°axuri 's ,stems The cotmcltxlX:en a e and su :ort cm to ers,Chase<see . g Y g g pp , p Y long employment and/or'trainir g,and workforce service providers in developing and implementing systexri-�v"die strategies that meet customer needs, The couneil's overall focus will be on iu i ing,in collaboration with key „ taiCeholders;a;world-class,,results-©riented<educat on obaxanun and a to ent s >s m m I{�ra 3 gP. y g County. The system shall result in individuals attaining andretainin l� wa a em to ent'and g g p 3'm career: aths and a uali workforce`for Pug et Sound area em to ers. p tY g p y The Workforce Development Council recognizes that people of color,women,disadvantaged youth, _ ' immigrants and refugees,and people with disabilities are essential resources to meet our regional labor and skill shortages. Therefore,the WDC shall create a workforce development system that promotes diversity,equal opportunity,reasonable accommodation, and the opportunity to share in the wealth and success of our community. The Workforce Development Council will encourage and reward innovation that improves outcomes and is considerate of a diverse workforce and individuals who may need additional assistance in developing their skills and abilities.The council will regularly review the system-wide impacts of local,state and federal policies and investments in employment and training and will recommend ways to improve the szveralle� iz�yeshnerit_Ittl prioritof the council to chaileng existngegaxlatonbariers _ :v•--that limit the ability of local decision-makers to increase the capacity of the system to serve xts custonners. Whenever possible,the counetl will seek to increase the ability of the system to focus on customer service,flexibility,speed,liifelong employment oppoif6h ties'and results. The:W6rkforce..evelo ment`:Ci�unetl draws u on'the idance of extensi%ve;business' wo`lsforce servi e I? .. .. .. P . x. . : c . aroytdet `;;local' oye=....t educat`on``labor leaderslu `<�nd.commum r Me p , g p, ty ep ntatives, The council will have current knowledge about the Puget%Sound economy;its essential sectors'and economic develop- mentpnonhes and will regularly revise strategies iorespond to changixig market conditions. . ; The Workforce Developmeit Couiacil will invest its resources and encourage investment'by other system Partners to accomplish essential elements 0f its`system-vsnde°sixategc plan:' "• �'gyp,"�� a � ££��}} k•*7�',.,w a�„,_ � S �' P t+,+�"'.M:"a�'4.{'4 ,!t s tr%.Tqq r,'✓,r$'I'S 't.,: i iJRj.f7:'E-,'..R� LF•"i.��.c��,�'iE it n ,K,2..y .� . ¢f s . Ki t t / F �::1) s �ti T Y �i�.tij S{�,44� `�tn.�t 1?. f ✓ 4 [ Y } 1.' ! 'a { S->ti, S 4✓l,,.2 Jp s :F l'. y. y '� k • f I ; — i — VISION angr l �rt ds.J � ' 1i -� �i3'rt r Residents of King County will have the skills and resources needed to attain and retain living wage - employment. Employers will have ready access to a well qualified labor force: `- KEY COUNCIL ATTRIBUTES, VALUES& PRINCIPLES The Seattle/King County Workforce Development Council will: Be strategic tt Be;system-focused,not program-focused .... .. .. ... . • :Be;finariciali re onsible SeelG best practices and improvement in quality of service and processes Maya to workforce service providers/opexahng agencies,Job seekersleareer a>iangers,and employers Be nmble/responsive to market and opportuni#ies • Pay particular attention to the needs of specific segments of our population. This will include: - - Developing goals, objectives,;strategies,and performance indicators that ensure people of color, women,people with disabilities, and disadvantaged youth access to and retention in the workforce development system,and wage progression. In addition, the WDC will maintain flexibility in who is served by the system,so that low wage workers who do;not meet federal poverty guidelines are also served Creating a workforce development system that is community based, linked to community based orgarazations that provide culturally:and language appropriate services and enhance - 1'lacrn' a riori , on su ort services deli , ed to; ncrease access,andretenton such;us ESL.; g P h' PP and bilingual services;appropnate,job rela#ed adult basic educixhon, chzld care, and trans portation assistance, and specialized services for harder''to reach communities such`as tmmtgran#andfugee, home ess,l and ex-o fender re communities (In terms of non-tra#Wing related support services,the WDC will focus t#s efforts on bunging social services into the stem and leveret n ofher resources. ;sY. Sl g �.. :. , Focus on wage level and progression,skill gains, and long-term retention ' Support employers to be strongly engaged and involved ':j-.%�:1'l..i:"1�_,�.:.I%'�,,1:�.--�t.:..,:�"���....,-�:.,-1..:,-.I_-'�..:1,-�:-�%.�:-%i.:1-.�:,,'�!�:�:,�:��-I ..4...:..:..:...7..%i���..1..,�:.­..r.,.-..�.......�1.�.-..:I�::.�..1.-.....1..P�,.,4*l%�.-. :-,;t'- 3 l stir: i J s „`.r ik' f. T t• ..4:n vt3.S1 I' t •^w•' r'M i 6" .+`sd. .. y,. Z .'.:���::..-.�,',-:.,,�.-I,,,',�:.%,-11..-...I�-,,1���:,-���:.I::...,1��-��1�,,..'!11t--�..�,,1:��t.:.�,-.i..,-l�.....--:�.--1,�,�....,1����-�-���%%.-',-�-..,:11-.."�.-,:1,�.�.-.� �4N � J -R.�iry �4". . �yY '+ i.. 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Residents of King County will have the stalls and resources needed to attain and retain living wage employment, Employers will have ready access to a well qualified labor force. KEY COUNCIL ATTRIBUTES, VALUES& PRINCIPLES The Seattle/King County Workforce Development Council will: a t �,. Be strategic ,: Be system-focused,not program-focused ..:.. . .`.. . c' ll re` or,sible ` ;' :: Be. . a y sp + Seelcbest rachccs and inprovement in uali of service and cesses '' P q t. . P • �A.dd;value to workforce service providrs/operating agencies,fob seekerslcareer changers,and employers '::;' 3.i t: Be nimble/respons ve to market and opportunities Pay particular attention to the needs of specific segments of our population, This will include_. ,-,, _ - Developinggoals, objecttves`strategies,and performance indicators that ensurepeople of color, women,people with disabilities, and disadvantaged youth access to and retention in the workforce development system, and wage progression. In addition, the WDC will maintain` flexibility in who is served by the system,so that low wage workers who da not meetfederal poverty guidelines are also served. Creating a workforce development system that is community based, linked to'commumty . based organizations tha#provide culturally and language appropriate ervices and enhance cogrrtR c-a - - _ -- - - - Plactng apriority on support services designed 10 increase access and retention such as .., and bilingual services; appropriate job related adult hasic education, child care, and trans- ,: . ortation assistance•and .ecalized services yr narderao reach communities uch as• ';.` ... . ..... . and en er c it` n e -tr c. t mt a t;a d re ee homeless ex o d ommun tes. t o n n atn n m .. n n g ., . . ,......... 1 :. .. , > : f g S�' . reltxted su ort services theC will focus its efforts on banging social services into the : PP system and leveraging other resources) Focus on wage level and progression,skill gains, and long-term retention Support employers to be strongly engaged,and involved � ,r .:;� �: `�r•` J �f, ��.1y t'r4 t`�.frq�#'�'b� ._Lt'i� 'i��t?�6�h•1.�,�.�,�pJ' ���+r "'s;� r J �'ii.• .is H, 9�j�C?.t i �`� ,y7,GptD�'°� t�'4,Y'�'. 1;lrY °�iz�;�<�'r,1rf- ' a � '7�' u'�cY�.•r 'rr.. '1;��'s;�� :` r �, R' a� ,+�, ,,.� ; ,e;' a�.tt�.at �,er+.R , �r��,�+{s z#.r.;,,�+ t., r ;j r y3f :p/sr1 r�•v,�i� 4 a��4- l, r,s.:`� . i ��j +t r ;Rug 4.,.r?'i.'j i 1• + .•S. f t, �t'?y 5�# s +'.£.�' tvP i .Y,,. a, ?rt ? ..r A ;Y r 'ti ,4Ar.• - ti ^• �. f y z 3 •+,�R 1 , .>`J 4,i i t��y;SiM t'ly�e u c• ,.i ;y.. !:^`#^ �'Pv1 x'r + �f"+ opt /� 6 Y y` ,YS�'• •+'` � N� y +.r 4r ,t. F3Y r +' T s ".t;7 'i ka�,'t, + 'q•e •i•� ;`Y. �:x.r;:'t' .5�,�>r,+'`.•+—mil 7;�,+1y ...wr:a^: ++1�,�f�+*', �1x •:�'{,. sa.T.•`'�ar • Be knowledgeable of ou locaheconoiny s .s r r ;- • Focus on integrating a broad range of human-services,transportation services,youth programs, economic development efforts,and other related systeris'with employment and training e Conduct our work in a manner that respects the contributions,expertise, and knowledge base of our employees and endeavors to provide them with a stable'work environment • Seek to work in conjunction with other workforce development councils across county-lines to maximize client access to regional training and employment opportunities KEY SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Consistent with the Seattle/King County WOW rce Development Councills.vision and its key attributes, values, and principles, the key characteristics of the King County workforce development system will • A dual customer focus,providing services that are responsive to the needs of both employers and job Seekers/workers A userfriendly,Seamless,J exible system that ensures employers,job seekers/workers, and youth know what services are available and how to access them •` A regionally coordinated, integrated system,rather than a collection offragmented programs. . • A s stem that hel s ob seekers/workers articular) eo le o color, women,people with Y PJ � yP P .� P P disabilities,;and the economically disadvantaged—move up job, skill, and wage;ladders through training, support services, and retention services • A system that is connected to the regional economy, • A system that actively engages business and labor • A system that is community based and responsive to local needs (added,based on public comments] A system that integrates human services with employment and training + Ajocus on outcomes,performance,.and.accountability �:..:A.commtment to contrnuous duality improvement Taus last section was included in the"Vision,Coals,Objectives and Strategies"section Qf the draft Local Unified Plan,and was drawn from earlier drafts of the WDC vision/mission;the WDC's group exercise.on setting priorities,conducted at its October 4, 1999 meeting; and the planning charettes, j conducted as part of the Local Unified Plan process.] I ACTION ITEM: Adopt a revised mission and vision statement. G �F you#h King bounty Hum anServices Forum - _ Revised Mission Statements: The South King4un#y Human Services l=orum's mission is to advocate for the effective delivery of human services by: • identifying needs and procuring resources; • developing and promoting collaboration, • educating residents, `providers and government; and • facilitating essential communication, Z, The South King County Human Services Forum's mission is to advocate for the effective delivery of human services by identifying needs and procuring resources, developing and promoting collaboration, education residents, providers and government and facilitating essential communication.- . .,: lRevised /is�on Statement: An effective system of human services in South Kin Count g Y EN`E 1�TTR4DLTCTION k.11 . PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING SUBREGIONAL PLAN The process started in Spring of 1999 as a result of King County's Strategic Plan process which was examining each sub-region of the county in terms of human services and the various needs, Originally the King County Service Division called for a subcommittee of representatives of the South King County Human Services Planners. During the initial meetings it was decided to broaden the scope and include service providers. Tnitially the scope of the document was to develop a singular needs assessment for South King County, . . % « ,,. . :: ;, That:son ave:wa: to a:bro r,vis o . . ... ..: .... .:.,.....:::::::..::.:.:.:..:..:... P.::...:...:::-.......:::.y:..:.....::..:.:.:.:.:::.:.:a:.:.e....,...,..x.....n..Q.f:devci..o. in .a..:..b...usiness.• .lan.;that..co.ul. e:.0 ed:i %v ..i P g P s n%a ar ety of arenas and:with tl}e otential of inereasin revenue f p g or human services, Tll9 neOwl e e anded u b'e an �ev ewin all'the available dat p $ .,p g g a firom sources such as individual cities, the UnitedVay Community Assessment for South Ding County aricl ICn Cciunty, In pidition' s ecific . g p . . . .. data on seivioes areas such as basic needs;childcare,edueat.on,seniors,homeless,etc was also reviewed. .. . ...... e;o: i iri . . . . ...... nzum ttec embers wanted t . obt m f. . . a in urination from under-served o l u ahons an evelo e . . :::.:::.. : . .:.. .. . ..... . ... d d d a . lan �' . . . : : . .:. . :. .. .... .:. . : p P .. . ..: p.... . .. . ...: :. . . ::.:..:....... ..... t....accom .is stll s.:.::::;:. ., .:... ,.:::...:.....:.:::: ... .::::::. . p . .. . . .. i . The ou star eted;included:i i . ... . p . .............. ...... a p ... mm ant and refu ee; ou such a$;E g SI s astern . . : .. . : . , .. : ..; .. ...... . . ... : . .. ,P: ....:.... ..........::.:..:: ,:....... .,......:.:.:.:....:.. ..:......... ..:: ..:....:...::..::.......::.:;..:..:. .:::.: ,::....::::::.:.::.. :. . .> uro :cans`His anic :So p p s, ..utheast Asian;East.Indians(Sikhs)as well as minonty comiriunities such as Native Ainericans?and Afneaninenaans.The group also distributed surveys to selectedi populations groups such as seniors,youths, eople with disabilities and others.In addition,King County conducted telephone surveys with 400 South County households to gather additional information. Once the information was collected,the committee held a retreat in'November of 1999. The committee (E reviewed and analyzed the data collected. It was decided to use the United Way of King County Community Goals for standardization.These goal areas are: Food to Eat and Roof Overhead; Supportive ` Relationships within Families,Neighborhoods'and Communities;A Safe Haven from all Forms of Violence and Abuse; Education and Job Skills to Lead to an Independent Life and Health Care to be as Physically and Mentally Fit as Possible-. The committee proceeded"to identify needs and gaps in each of these areas. Criteria was then developed to prioritize the goals that would be selected for implementation 0 * - ...�..:........:::�. . .... The main criteria used by the committee was that something could be accomplished in a year or two and that any impact had have`a South County focus Using this niethod`the committee then selected one or two 6jectives for each of the fi%ve Community Goals. . .. ,Drafts oft o Plan; were;tl en;. ..... uted:to;the outh;Kin •Goon :Human Se s o g ty rvice F rum,comprised of elected officials representing all South bounty cities,the South Kii�g Council of Human services (comprised:cf servtce providers and city staff)and representatives t'rom t e business community for feedback an su e scions.:These were l i e r e . . g8 a l n 4rpo at d into this final document. I. - -- - I I 1, 11 I . .. .. I. . . . .. i . �.... I I I — — � ,� I I I I 1, — �-j :.. 1.. . . . : ���:� : .01 . ;. Page 1 : EXPECTED OUTCOMES. F r, * To increase involvement and understanding,throughout the community, of key issues and strategies to build stronger health,human services and housing capacity in South King County. * To increase human services funding,in South King County, from both private and public sectors GOALS: * To obtain;agreement among human services funders, service providers,businesses,churches and other members of the community to collectively focus resources on key issues identified in the plan T fund at:least one;collaborative; ro:eet;that addresses:fndin s an >i le ri strafe 'es :<; d....iri..:...... e....ts.............:... i.............:............... ...................:. ... .... ideriti ie .i :the.. .. .... ... .. ..... . . ..... . n SU ITH KIYG CQU NT PR�F>iLE un h;s,9;sc: 001`' ' ,< ,,,,; `; "`, > S uth ..t3' a h dxstnc a coannbrned enrollnclent of 1fl7,Q0Q studezits tby contrast there,are 65,OA0 kids enrolled in K i2 to east county aril r}$ +m Seattle). According to 1999 popuiati+sn estimates, approximately.... 97,040 people hve in south county making it the rriostpo�ulated region in the county.About 390,000 people live in incorporated areas and another 210,000 live in unincorporated areas. The population has increased 55%since 1980. The region is inclusive of large industrial complexes(many of the Boeing Company's largest facilities are in this region), crowded suburban shopping centers,large residential areas and rural farms.The landscape ... in the region has changed significantly in the last twenty years as it has moved from primarily rural and small city economies to the increasingly large industrial complexes which now take up most of the Green River Valley floor and are continuing to increase. The; oilowng population impacts are of particular note: • Significant growth . Large immigrant and refugepopulahon - -,-- • Incre in div 0vpgpula 'on,panic arfy a as crop-ean, ' scan erican; ispanic African`.East'A#rican:refu..ees. .IJlaainiari.and:vietriarriese :. t g ) ..:...::.:. ... . ::::. .... ... .......... •:, �©tiddable trerid:of more low=income faxinilies leavin other;areas of the coon ;to move;sou wh e g . ' th er . ousin :.:i`.:;.;: h ,g s m • Areas of a high percentage of people lng .....in poYerty +. Growing nurriber of senior citx ens moving to South %County,again attracted by the lower cost of housing Marty agencies were developed in the 1970s by community residents concerned about the need,to provide services to address:,a wide array of issues:hunger,unemployment,`youth problems,alcohol and usage,domestic violence,child abuse and more.Agencies in South County have strong roots in the community and have a history of collaboration as they worked closely together to meet growing needs. The South King Council of Human Services has been a catalyst for meeting the needs of agencies and people in the region through collaborative grant funded projects,community education and advocacy.The Council continues.as a strong planning and advocacy organization in the region. ' Page 2 GENER.A INTRODUCTION T,.. .. PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING SUBREGIONAL PLATY The process started in Spring of 1999 as a result of King County's Strategic Plan process which was examining each sub-region of the county in terms of human services and the various needs. !--�� � � - �- � ,t��!:�t�,%��! t .-� .. Originally the King County Service Division called for a subcommittee of representatives of the South ..�. King County Human Services Planners. During the initial meetings it was decided to broaden the scope and include service providers. Initially the scope of the docurrient was to devel%op a`sinV.gular needs assess%ment for South King'County. That.soon ave::wa :::: to..:a.broader:visi n:. f.g o o dev o el in a usrne >: ...:.::.:'::,.:': Y.:...........:..:.:.:::.....:.:.:<..:...,.....................,.:.........:... ye.. pi A. b s ess. . lan.that:c.o p: g uldsbe used in a v ie of .'.....:..:'.:............•......% r . % �' a en s n ;; ...... .......'..,::........:...........:::a..:, ..::::d.:w#h.::the:::..:ntential,>ofi;'increasin <:revenu %o ....'::::...::.:..>.::...:'..:::......:::.....::'.'.::.:.:.........':.::....., P,. : . •% ,:,.g e, ,r u an services. %-�.P%1-�����:-.I-��:�1����:t�%-1����I.�-�%.::,,�-:-.�-..1—��:'-,,..,�.�-,.,��-..,�-.-...I 1-..�::�-.i...,��.....,-...-t....�.....(.'-:.....1��.....�-......:',......i�..%..,.�.,I,..e�I.-..:I-—:-......I;��:I�.;"�1-...I,% :,,.%,t'.,'�',:I-:.1i,.;l 1-.,,.�.,I.�::I1.%.I"......�..::=.%..�..%%.. Th ,.. .y expanded gr..%i.%=.............%......:..:.�...:.1%......-:.....��...........::....-......�%�.%:....�...:.�.....�.��.oup began reviewing all the available data from sources such as individual cities, theTnxted Way Comul Y.Assessont:for South :....... .. (3... ... .. .. Kan C un and Yn Co...... .. ... .. . .. . g. . . . ... . .. : In addition s ....:.... . .. .... ...................... .... ......................... ..:.... .....:.....:......::-.....................:. ...... .......................-.�' ........:...............g................ ............................ ecific. .... . . .................... t3' p .. .: ... at .....:.....:'::..:... ......... .. . ................... ....:..::.... ...............:... ....:.,.:...: a on serve . .ce :areas.suck.as basic>needs : hrl c . . . . c......d are education :senio h. . . ..::..:. rs omeless e. . . .. . . .... ... . ... .. . ... ... . . .. .. :- c was;a s©<revtcwed:: 1 ..he comth ee emb t nri ers wanted to ob ai t n inform tin • -a o fi m and r:e served o ula ns. .. .. do and .... ....... ... .....:.:.:::...:.::..:.:.::..:::....:..:::..........:..::.:...::..:....::.:.:...::::.::.:.,:::.::::.......:.........:...........................deyelo .ed::..:,i:': ::;i:: .'...`'..':..`..'.. p p a. p an accomplish 1.6. The groups targeted uicluded immigrant and refugee groups such as lrastern Europeans,Hispanics,Southeast Asian;East Ttidians`(Sikhs as weal as rninonty communities s chl g Native Americans`and African Americans.The group also distributed surveys to spied q j op i4ti0 groups such as seniors,youths,people with disabilities and others. In addition,King County conducted telephone surveys with 400 South County households to gather additional information. Once the information was collected,the committee held a retreat in November of 1999. The committee reviewed and analyzed the data collected. It was decided to use the United Way of King County Community Goals for standardization.These goal areas are: Food to Eat and Roof Overhead; Supportive Relationships within Families,Neighborhoods and Communities;A Safe Haven from all Forms of Violence and Abuse; Education and lob Skills to Lead to an Independent Life and Health Care to be as Physically and Mentally Fit as Possible. The committee proceeded to identify needs and gaps in each of these areas.' Criteria was then developed to prioritize the goals that would be selected for implementation The main criteria used by the committee was that something`could be accomplished in a year or two and that any impact had have a South Coun focus -_.- Using this method-the committee-then selected one or two objectives for each of the five Community. - Goals . Draft of the Plan were then distributed to the South King County Hainan Services Forum,comprised. elected officials representing all Southounty;cities,the South Kin Council Qf I3uman services . g (comprised of service providers and city staf fl and representatives from the business community for feedback . and su e . . . .. s::;;; , ;;, ; . gg shons, These were all incorporated into this Enal document. G Page 1 ...� � �� �........ % .. . . . :� . � �:�.,.�.�......... ...........�..�....��:...�����..���...,.....�.�.- : ... ... . . ... ��......... .�-��.... . .�� .. . - ........�.�.:-�. ....::��..�.i � . �r. . . % !: .:: . -R...M. �. . .: ... : ...... %; % .. ... %.. Comlrnunity foal: Food to eat and a roof overhead r` I. Definition of Key Area The intent of this community goal is to ensure that all people have access to basic needs. Basic �.�......�:�.:.:��.:I�..:%:.�.�.%(.a. nee is defined as having the basic necessities of life. Services that qualify as basic needs are `:" food, clothing,and housing. I. The overall outcome for this issue area is to increase the uniformity in quality and quantity of food bank services throughout all of South King County. IL` t. Key IssI.ues . There is;a gap in food bank capacity, Data ind ca#es #hat there is increased use of f%ood banks 'desp.I the "strong " economy but the . . services tQ meet th s,de�nand are.rtot` resent. The increas d d p e ernand is a result of several factors. ............ �+�lfare families who obtain full time or partµtizne employment experience a reduction in.their . 00 ; stairn < lloo .bn p att These families tend to be employed m low wage fobs <w�th fewer opportunities for wage advancement In addition, increased housing costs consume more of the hou se e ld s h co o e .. in m leaven le ss for oth r ece .:.% .,, : ; .. ...g . e n ss3taes, The for xe a food: banks re ed.: ... ... . . . .. . ..... : . ... .. , .... . .... ... ... ... ..... . .. .. ... . .. . . . .. g « , . . ... . upplerrtental income sources by families with limited or fixed incomes. Food bank service delivery is inconsisten11 t and spotty in much of the South County, " especially for the homeless. Access to food and food service distribution is inconsistent and spotty in many areas of South County, especially for homeless individuals and families. For example, residents of Tukwila' Have to go to Des Moines to receive food. Service requirements and hours also vary. Some food banks can provide weekly help, others only monthly. The volume of food and operational procedures also differ from food bank to food bank. The reduction ur affordable housing stock has resulted in more people, even those..'employed, experiencing homelessness It is part�eularly difficult to connect these'�ndividuals"and families —wit-h consistent services'sucFi as foocarid cl4thin . — - — --- - - - " - ......:.:......:: ... ..: . ... . ........ . .... . .. .. . .... ... ..... . .. .. ...:... . . . . :. III; Finding and Data` ood;Banks in South Kin :Cou•:.....; n ..re oit,.'fli t::re .uests :fo .f. g : t)...... p . . rand assistance are•c n n q .... . 9...ti.u1n t0:';.,.... 1Y g with the greatest growth of people visiting food banks boing fammilies with children yvhere a household member is working,and senior citizens who are living on a fixed income. • The South County Food$ask Coati#ion provided 4,$88,4$4 pounds of food in 1999:as compared to limy 1909,084 the previous year. • Food Banks now serve as an on-going support services to low-income wage earners, not just as an emergency service. It is predicted that food banks will continue to see greater numbers of children and working poor. • The 14 South King County food banks are being especially;impacted by Welfare reform, as the ( 11 largest percentage (44%)of families receiving welfare live in South King County. , Page 3 ... % . . .:. .: . .�. . . . : ... . .. .� .. ..... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . ..:. . % . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . . ...I.. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . -- ...:..�.:I�:::�.��:l�.;�.-.�.. ...��� . : ... . . .. .. .. . . . . : . . . . % . . . . : .%.. : ..... % i.::.. .�I . .�.. .... �.: % � %% : : : � : . - :: . . : :%:. .. . . i :'The'Emergency Feeding Program,:which`provides food`to those unable to access the more traditional . food banks and to provide resource counseling and referrals, provided 7,500 meals to 1,056 :I��.:.,�j.,:...:,i...,i�t..%..�:1�,�-..I%t��.��:,:�.-1..-��'��...����.�-�t.:.�,�-�I,:.:...:�-..1--..--i�I-,�.,�-....-.....,�.-�....-..,..-j,1��..-�-���..�,-!.::....���,...,�.1,-..�-....��t 1t....,�I�.'-:.-�.-:�....��..::�-�(�..,.-i,-.....�:...�...�:���-�..��.-�.....-C1 i�I:�..1'�..::..�,��....,.,�-:.I�..��,�.......-,,�...�.-�i,,:....-%,�...:."_...�.��-.I.I�����':.:���..!�..����::�1�...�:��I�..-�,�".-,�.,:....�..��.-1��%%��..:��::�-:.......,��::-.--.1�-�::�.�..�,���.-,,�i,..�.�,��..,��t��.%..����-:���.�:-1�.v-�.:�,,.:'-�-.�.'.-�.�..:.1�.�:,.!���t�����.,��7.I:::.�:::.�.�.-��..�..1_:�:,t�:,�...-.�:.�-.::.-,���1-�1:-�--::....,.:1:���:,�:..j1',,��....,.:.,��!.:..1-�',..1:::t:�..�-I..�:%%%-I:-.:.:�1��-:.:::.-,,-..----.%....'�','�1�,:...,.-�....:1.��:t:�:-�-!-:..%:.�.:�..!�,:���:..�...,-...%,I:-��%.....�..-.,�.-,.I�-t%�..���.:,:...._j�:�:�:��:...:%.-.�1:-1.::-...."%.��.�.',;,�--.1.-j:�j�-..,,�%.%,:,.,���::.-�t-�.....-,:�..I:..�.ri�1�����!..,�j��..�_-j:..�:'�i:!�:.:.%,I��.i��.:�����:i:--..�:---%!�.�:�,-:I,��-:.!�:��,��j%.;��..I,�..�R-I��,"��:.:-.�­tt:..,,. % 1 households in Kent,while 3,183 meals were provided to 527 Federal Way resident. - • The population in South King County has expanded by 55% going from 400,000 to 620,000 in the :. past 18 years, * The per capital income of this population is under 95%`of the County level by 2003. In comparison, East County had a per capital income almost 1 i5%of the County level for this same period. • By 2003 17.6%of the south region families are expected to have incomes below 59% of the County Median in comparison with 23.7%of Seattle and 9.5%of East region families. I ' :`; `Pro,: : ; :1: : . ;` posa . .. QUTCQME; Increase.the a tormit .,in uaht and want t of:food,barik services :: .Y q Y Y. .. .. .. , :.. ..... ... ..:.::..:::::........:...::: ;.. ,.. tlirttu hiout ail.ofSout :Ki o :n , ,: <; ;;; g h ug , tY Obi ective#1 : To convene.all the Food Eanks and Foad Distributors and`establish cozritxion procedures and practices, Suggested Strategy; I. iop a w...orki. group to draft.a standard of practice to be adopted bya11 local area food banlrs. Objective#2: Increase the capacity of food banks who are'stretched to the limit by aBering : ., incentives for collaborative efforts. Suggested Strategy: Obtain a food bank coordinator position. Suggested Strategy: Conduct fund-raising operations such as capital campaigns,etc. Objective #3: Link food banks and food services to the many cultural groups living in South King County Suggested Strategy: Provide recipes and cooking classes to help those of different cultures learn how to prepare food.. a._. — - - — raggest tratsgys� tnenus� oelcb©©kztzd predQ to allooa�d, Suggested Strategy: Obtain nutritionist help for food;banks from various Universities . . .. and Colle es g . . . v. este : trite U e. : c. . s ood bank.re. i a. .ts.to obt in.reo .es.o .o ela e . . .:. . era .. .a h zr nd,m als u$$. .. BY : P : :: .... . .. : . . . . . •. . .. .. S'u est d tr to . . . :..:... . .... ........g ..... .e..............a..... ....:.. ........voca... :.:.:' .......... .:; „: . g SJ' c3' Page 4 11 Community Goal: Food to eat and a roof overhead I. Def:Iiinition of Key Area ,1:1, ,,,�,,, - 11-1 , ­­ up - , ''- I ...... The intent of this community goal is to ensure that all people have access to basic needs. Basic need is defined as having the basic'necessities of life, Services that qualify;as basic needs are food, clothing,and housing, T�_�����,,��:__�� :_ , __ � 1_16 e It mom � � � . . .. he overall outcome for this issue area is to increase the uniformity in quality and quantity of food bank services throughout all of South King County. II ' Key Issues ...1.i. . There is a i�igap in food'bank cap�ci#y. : Data.indicates that there is increased use;of f q::: FE «: % o banks despite.the strong economy,but the services to meet... demand are not present. The increased demand is a result,of several factors, Welfare families who obtain fu11-time or part-time employment experience a reduction m'their food staria ,allocation,; These families .te d .to.. : :: P n... .. . be ...m l,: ed ; o in lo�v.>xv ">:,o. ... .. . :. ae bswi . . p ' . g J t11 fewe%r ` opportunities for.%wage advance_11ment.' in addition, increased housing.costs consume more of the .. .... household:<ncoine •leavin %:l ss f e or othe%r necessities:<• There# 8 ore fo. d .. .: :... ...:...... . o banks e: us... .............:....: ...............:...:.:....... ..................... .. ...:. �::%: . ar ed as' �,�,�%�,�:,�,, � -1, 1 . . .. :. .. . . %. ..... ,. :.: .: . . su lemental • tncome so ce pp ur s h . fatlxes with hmi ed o Y t r fixed xncorries " - '' � ' ', I .. :.:�:�:���.-.�%...�� :��:�­�,,�__�, � �­1,11111 ", I . . ­ . "... ....... ­ , . , ... � l'' ,�,,����:""���,,,,�,�,,,,�,:"��,�,�,��,� ­ ­ � . : - 1. , . Food bank service delivery is inconsistent and spotty in much of the South County, especially for the homeless. ll Access to:food and food service distribution is inconsistent and spotty in many areas of South County, especially for homeless individuals and families. For example, residents of Tukwila .` have to go to Des Moines to receive food. Service requirements and hours also vary. Some food .: 11 banks can provide weekly help, others only monthly. The volume of food and operational procedures also differ from food bank to food bank, The reduction in affordable housing stock has resulted in more people, even those employed,' .:%...%�...........�.......�.1...-.......:.:�..:�.�-:'..-�. _..,-.experienair g hoat lessi ss� t�s=particulart -diffxcult to connect these individuals-and an lies—r ---� a �..­.:.l,I'_..:_.%I�I'�..:..­.1:......""I��.­:.-1....l,.­.::..:.:-l_...­��.;.:,.-�t%.:.".....1...�..�....�-,.....!..,._­.:...1:�.%..��.%::,�:...:.._­,,..,I....:_.%''....!..�,.:.:.:...�......_.-,"...:,.%,�..i..�:..�...,........_i..%...,�.�,..:­..:�..:.'.�....-..-.%...�,:....,....�'......,__�..­..' ,........-..:;."�,.��....�.-.......,:.�:�.:..,.:.%-'.­_...�:_.1:,......��:%..��.1,...�......I....�,�.:-.:_...-..I.........�.,,.­...,..1:..�.I-,�......,-I..-�.I,�.:.%.i��....�O....�:..�%...�..%._._ft:_..........­,%­.­.I.:.I,.:�­.�.1 I.I,i�.,.­,.­1�.,�..�.:..�..11,�.�....:..-.�,­�....I­..,l.:.�It-.­�.....i�.'.1:..,,I­..�....1_�%.l.i1.%I.�...��._�.1,I...-�.;..:.1;..�.:..:..t...,.:....�....�..,�........�..,.11�;....!.i.:�....t........l..I��:I1.,I1.....�I:.-.:..�t.:.�..�I.�I I�:.�.:.....'1:�I..t1....­I.....1%­I...I..l1...�..4,1"..­::I%,..�%:.I..I�..l�.�..-....:.%.....:�:%......:.....�.......:...........�...�...%_....::...!­%�.......:..:�......,.........,._....::.........�..%..::-..:..:...:I :.:..1.....�I.-.::.,I�.%..I:..-......�....:..-........!...�...%!.-..%...,�.....1..:..:.i.,...�.:...,.._.......�.......1.:.........I..I...�.:"......:..I...�....�:..�.I......�......�...%..1....�.�........1�..%.:..%...!....�.......�.,­....%.�..%i......%:_:�..�..........:.....%.-:.....;..i....�...:..:_.i.%,.......�:...%I.%..%,..!....%�:.�.%.:I.....:I..�:I��.:���I..;...­%.:...�.�:�::.1.­.­..�:.1.%:I!.:��.����i..��.��.:i:�:.i:�.�.:!.;:.:.N....:���._.....�.....�.-.....:.�.���..:.�...I�....1.!..�1..:..:-�:..��.:.i��..i..:......��.�%:%:I.�.!.:.�..�.­.!:.�.:.._.......�i.......:.-":.�.-....�..-.�....i..!:...­.I.:%.1.....��:.1.%.�..O,�.....-1��...:...:��%.....I..���:..�­.....�..�1..%.........:..-�.I...!I:�...-:..1:......'��..�...:.,.%..:���..::.I..........�_..��:,.....%.�-...-.::........���..:.I�i....��..�I..:­�%...�:..�..��...�.%......�.­i.��.....­..:....I..........:%I..���.�.�....:.-.��..:�.I­�.:......­.���.�..-....�..�!..�z:.I.­.�..I......:�-�.­:..........-.:.:.�.1....�....­�,�%:.��.-%...%..:�,.!�:......:-�...!�:...I.�..-.��.:-�.:.%.:-i......I:..'-��:.::.�..........�..l-�.: ..­���..l..:..�:.........��.��...i.:-..:..- .:­.�...�.-:..�­­�.-%...,.�..1_...1....,...1 I.., ....:­.�..,�.:.�-:­�.­.7'I����I.-.-�-%',�I.,I��,i.I-�I:��.�I7I�I,_��:.�.�,�:-�.-­,%:.; .:,1,..!�,,,!.�..,,��:,.�.I. ..I.%..........:...................._P..i.­.:.­. with consistent services auc as p tdAi cliithin g ... .:...:::...::.:::.:::: ;.:..... . : ........:.:......:.:;::: III. Finding and Data .. Food;BanXcs in South Kin C un re 0 ort.that re, uests:for:food . g:: p , . . : .......assistance are continum .. . . .. . q . . g.,to grow; .. .........: .. :.. w...::.'..-e grea es gro o eo aistin ood banks bean f P p g g amilies with children where a household member is Wlt ,ri and senior cittzens who are livin on a fix ..... . . ge , . . ........ ... .: ::... ... ::... 8 ..e.....income, . ... . . .. . :: .. ...... . . . . . . . ., ,: . ou Coun Food;';Bank Coalition rov ded;4 88 484: . ' t3' p $, pounds of food in 19.99 as compared to only 3,909,10, the previous year, • Food Banks now serve as an on-going support services to low-income wage earners, not just as an emergency service. It is predicted that food banks will continue to see greater numbers of children and working poor. • The 14 South King County food banks are being especially;impacted by`Welfare reform, as the ` largest percentage(44%)of families receiving welfare live in South King County, '... . �­ �� I , ..... . . � � � . Page 3 1, . bity��..%_ Supporhv Relationships within Families, Neighborhoods, Communities - - ,.. .. I. Definition of Key Area The intent of this community goal is to ensure that all people have a network of support available to them. Supportive relationships are a primary need for any healthy community. I�. ij Key Issues . � .� a ...��.. there is a lack of quality affordabX% accessible childcare 6 South Kong Couuty th.0 is also cuiturally;relevant(especially for infants), .. .............::.:.........: .. .. .. ..:. .: : ... . ... .......:.. ....:.. .. ... .... .... .. .. ADA h Accessible childcare needs to address such issues �s; transportation,% shift work, , c iidren with special %needs,% irxfants, %sick children; school,age` children, aril sites collocated with busnEssE$. Childcare that is;culturally,rElevant provides apprepnate:services and envirazments:for clients o .e lion :disabilities: :`Pro arris: aze based on ethnicity, gender, religious practices, sexual .ri nta , gr bilingual +here possible, understands cultural differences regarding child rearing and family practices and provides rriulticultural program: According to the State of Childcare Report by Child Care Resources "Parents as well as providers and other professionals in the field,recognize the core components of a high quality program as ,., , % y,. • Frequent and positive interactions with child • Consistent caregivers • Individual attention as well as small groupings • Teacher skills in helping children grow in in%dependence, social competence,intellect,and i self-esteem The chief ingredient in providing quality care is the`child care workers themselves.However,the affordability issues hold down'child care fees which in turn,impaat the wages and benefits:that centers provide to teachers an4 the incomes of familyproviders .•% . : .. . . iII Finding and Data ..i. : c .s .::... :. DSHS onl reimburses childcare roviders for...../o of the o t, y p . :� Licensed childcare has increased by#hree percent since;1996 .However,all of the increase;has been in childcare centers The number of family childcare homes has actually decreased .y seven percent . . . .. . .: .. . . . .. o f it child homes'has decreased:. nons for families; . since 1996.This loss,. f axri y p, • In 1Vlarcillh 1999,there were 13%3 child c%are centers in South King and 732 family child car .%home%s. • Since 1994 there has also been an increase in the percentage of calls to Child Care Resources for evening and weekend care, particularly from low-income parents living in South King County and Seattle. Unfortunately, childcare ;during non-standard hours is very scarce. Some parts of King County have no licensed facilities offering weekend or evening care. • The cost of childcare presents a significant challenge to working families in King'County. Childcare 1. i in licen1: 11sed.centers now costs an average of$750 a month for infants, $620 a month for toddlers, and Page 5 . ........:::•.:.:.:... ........ ........ ...:..... :................ .::... . ... .. . .... ...... ...:... ... ........... .......:........ .. % % .......::... .. ........ :......... . .. ........ :.. .. %% ::....... .... .... .:.. .. ........ ...:... $525 a month'for preschoolers. Althougl'these rates are not high I. enough to secure decent wages for chi"ld care workers, they are still beyond the means of many families. • The quality of childcare is integrally tied to the wages and benefits paid childcare teachers and aides -lT Poor wages and inadequate benefits have contributed to an enormous turnover rate in childcare I throughout Washington State (31%). Because of high teacher turnover, child care staff may l�:,�������������,����������������,���������,�����������::��:��,"', � ack experience and raining and be ill equipped to deal with the complexities of helping children ���......%�.%:�:�:��������::I��l�����������;;��:���. learn. e �. ... . ITnited Way data shows that 39 percent'of the'county's children now live in South King County, -t: - However, records maintained by the State Department of Social and Health Services show South King County only has 34 percent of the slots. All of the increase in childcare slots in recent years has been in childcare centers.While the number of childcare centers...increased by seven percent from 1996 to 1998, the number of family childcare % hornes'actualiy decreased by seve%n perc%ent% during the same perzod I', Pro" a : M,�%�:...1t:�.,1-.�...'�..�.:..,%!-..�'-..!:--,..,.%�,,I--,�:.-.......,.:��z,.%!..I.-�....,.1.z�.....1��.I-.�....%.!,1..,.���.....:­'i.,....%...,,��:.I..,:-..�.....::.,".-.%I...%..�.�%.%.":',...�.:......,...I�.�...:�-��"-!:1%%.....�.'Z,..i...",;%.�I:.%.,....�...,1�.,:'.i-,:%.:..�,�%,. . : V, pos . . . OUTCIOME ;'In .. t�he;availab li ttf' ualit ;affordable accessible childcare; ` ..:..... .... •: ' ;. i Objective#1 Increase the in olveinent of erri to ets: ' <: :` .% J P Y .:•.::::: :;::. ::::-..:..: ...".:.:...:.......:..: ..::....:. ...:.....:...:... ... . Suggested StraCgy: Sponsor a South Kttg County Childcare Ferum with .. pa ers, government, nonprofits, sunders and rticipation by employ providers. Suggested Strategy: Provide businesses with information regarding the benefits of onsite childcare Objective#2: Assist providers in becoming connected and forming networks " " Suggested Strategy. Sponsor a' South King County Childcare Forum with participation by employers, government, nonprofits,funders and providers. Suggested Strategy: Form a partnership with Child Care Resources Suggested Strategy: Start a South King County Child Care Coalition Suggested Strategy: Involve community colleges Sugg... . 'Strategy Sponsor u frtrum for providers on quality issues �= . . . - -- Suggested-Slr ategy;-� zamtn he Be7levuelRe 6a)i motet- -— .. - - .. ....... . . ::::. Objective#3: Increase the awareness of fundin o ortunities .. S. ested.:Strate 5 ,ortsor: a. South..: Kin Coun.. .:: Childcare. Frirum.. iyith..: `.:::::.:: ::::`. .....':'' gg $7' P S h' ::.:.::.......... .. parttctp yens, government; nonprofits, funders'and .. atton by einplo ;. rovid :..:.:.;.:..:...::::.::. ers ...:.. ........... .. ..: ........::::.::%...:. ::.:';;;::'Su ested:Strate Start::a:.Sauth.Kin....,G'oun. .'.Child'Care:!Coalition. ' %:%: . gg S7' 8,..: tJ'.. Objective#4: Review the potential of developing chill care cezters in`youth King County Suggested Strategy: Encourage nonprofits which provide childcare to open facilities in South King Cottttty especially those providing school age and infant care (" Suggested Strategy: Encourage cities acid county to require large apartment facilities " to include childcare facilities Page 6 % ...%..: :...:..:............... .. . . . . . Communit Goal: ; Suppor11.tive Relationships within par,i . Neighborhoods, Communities - 11 I, Definition of Key Area The intent of this community goal is to ensure that'all people have a network of support available to them. Supportive relationships are a primary need for any healthy community. II, Key Issues --��,.I:.I�1­�,-...0,I­:.,­i:..1:%:%,%.'�j­�.��%�...�.1.,�i­:...',1..,.����.......,­,:t..%.�M%I:��1....%..,.­:�.....�,'":_'­�­:...:,�;,-­.._�,��-.:%..­..%...:...,-��_i.....I­.:....1..�_­-1:....._.%"�,1::.....:..�,'�:��.�.:.��,­iI....._:�!..�..1��.....­.�!t...1..,­_I,­,..I�....,i�:.I1�:­...�"�.�:,...I.'1c...­.�1,��..�.I..:.;,1,­�...,t...II.;_1:_....::�..'..:i-:_.:I.,.%...,:,l;�_�::..,.�"��.....­:,�!�.1�...�:..�.�,,,:�;%.,..'!..-.���M.,(�':.��...:l:�...�_.:,�.':��i..�_�4:,..-:I--'­:..11-_.,�I!��..,�,:,1.,.,­��"!%..;�­_,.­.':-:,:.:l_����..I-",!-:...",'­�_:��.1�,:,_�:..:�.,­,_.-.':_....,­­­:,�%­l�,-.."�,������:�",�,I%..:::,,......I,�:­�­��-I�,I,i..�::�..�..:�I��-,�_.l:,!,,�.%.I__:,��,.�:_,..1-­,�:,­%�:.I11:,1_:..����..�I::,,�_:%.­,:,_..:.�­."�:­':,"­,,�..._�,:�%1_,��-:..-­_-­�,,_��:.�:-'i_1­..­!:,,,�'�-_�,i...1:-��..%:I:�_�.,�,l.��,�:l­-..%.I�_i­-.1�,,:­:.1::l,_::"7...­1­I:",;��­.',�:,:.�%...,1_�,:�..�1II�::::,_�­.1 I'­..�.:-,:���9�.i:_1;�!:,�..:1_�..'':1-:��_...'­�­�,���.%.%.­�:,�:%�1::_.,_1,��,,"_1�.-_t:"�...:,-��,��..�1_::,%..��,,�:,­::.;�,�,,-...::1:I�::,�.'I�l,,i,.,l�­-,-....1 l:,,:,,'i_-:-.I.�:.�,�.­1�:,'�-...�.:,;'4 1.,__­;1­.::,-...:,,,.�­�I,_'.�',�:�,�,.;%.�1t.%1-�:','",..:1,1i�_­;..:::��..1:1:�',��.­�1­"',��.-..:1__����::,�__,,­�,....­'��':'��.�...1�l��_..,,,,!I:�..,:"�:,1."�:,�%.,:i:�:�_��!'I_�1,�..t�­,";:.-,�_�'l�,..."',.':�-�.._,­_J�.i 1I-"':���.�,,,i::1..."­I­��1:­�ti�:�...1-�����,:_,��:..�"�_..-��::,­t.%::­'��__­....��,._��,���..­,,,�-...:­,.�-,:."1,�,"..���:J�,.­:,1­'�,:�­:­�­,�:­�­,,.-..:I'::,.t�,�-t.-�,,.:�­�,..:",,-1­j.��:­11�..�.I'I,­,�',..:-I­._,..:_�.�!­�_�%....!_ There is'a lack o..quality affordable,accessible childcare in South Wfin +County that is also culturally relevant(especiall for infants, . Y )' ... Accessible childcare needs to;a.. ess.:such; sues,as: ;trans ortation shift work ADt� childre P n with special needs, infants, szck children, school age children, and sites collocated ;with busimsses. Childcare:that is culturally relevant provides appropriate services and`envjronmerits' for clients based on ethnicity, gender, religious practices, sexual orientation, disabilities, Programs are bilingual where possible, understands cultural differences regarding child rearing sand family practices;and provides multicultural prograiri. According to the State of Childcare Report by Child Care Resources "Parents as well as providers and other professionals in the field,recognize the core components of a high quality program as '• Frequent and positive interactions with child • Consistent caregivers • Individual attention as well as small groupings Teacher skills in helping children grow in independence, social competence, intellect,and self-esteem The chief ingredient in providing quality care is the child care workers themselves. However, the: affordability issues hold down'.chxld care feeswhzch in turn impact the wages and:benefits.'.that ___ w-. aw - r M,. -. r -- ---centers provide to.teachers-and-=the-incomes�pf family providers. -- J - :::.: III, finding and Data . .;; ;; . .;. :... .. ..;,DSHS:onl re rrtburses ch ldcare xoviders for 62/c:of the cost. .. : . . . . : : . :.. .. .. . Y P . . . .: .. . . .. •.: Licensed child h ......::...::..:. .... . ... . .... .. . .......... ... . . ... ..: . .. ... ...... h. . e as zncreased;by;three ercent s nee 1996 However All;of the increase has b n 1? ee In childcare centers, The number of Tamil childcare hories has actuali decreased b seven except y ` Y Y p since 1996.This loss of family MhIi 1 Mes.has decreased options for families • In l arch 1999 there were 133 child care centers in South Kmg and'132 farrly child care Homes. ` • Since 1994 there has also been an increase in the percentage of calls to Child Care Resources for evening and weekend care, particularly from low-income parents living in South King County and. Seattle. Unfortunately, childcare during non-standard hours is very scarce. Some parts of King ...County County have no licensed facilities offering weekend or evening care. • The cost of childcare presents a significant challenge to working families in King County, Childcare ` in licensed centers now costs an average of$750 a month for infants, $620 a month for toddlers, and : ..:. Page 5 , ......................................: ...... . % ..: .......... : .. . . .. . �...:: . ,. . . . .. . . . Objective#5: Support legislation to require licensing of all childcare`facilities including school rF based centers ., 11 t Suggested Strategy: Advocacy 0 iim ,..,, , (�:�:� , . . . . 0 !!!!!! i . Page 7 CommunitvGoal. A safe`haven from all forms of violence-and abuse. I ,1�, - , ',��,:_: :--� % �--: I I I . NNW --�....:::-��.��..-%.. . -�', I. Definition of Key Area The intent under this area is to ensure that all people are safe and feel secure in their communities, This includes the environments of school, work and at home. It is a primary function of any community to provide public safety so that their citizens can enjoy the benefits of their hard work and good citizenship. 1. II:`, Key Issues . . % Domestic,'�iolence is.a si m.1caut problem m the Sou#h Count with .: . .,, g Y ,;. : limited local reso1.urces to'address it,. . . .. . Domestic violence continues to be a significant problem in the South County,as it is clscwhere. In response,a"continuum of pare"has been developed m the South County to aid victims of domestic violence and their famiiies. :Included in the continuum are community advocates,court advocates and housing. However,thew is only one primary provider,the Domestic Abuse V�omen's l�letwork tDAN)located in the South County. Gd.bAft operates the only confidential domestic violence.shelter;in South Kirig County. Anita Vista is the only program offering transitional housing for domestic violence victims'in South King County. Both these: programs have high turn-away figures. Many more victims are seeking advocacy,shelter and.. transitional housing than can be served, " Given the large geographical area of the ISouth County and the high demand for service, -" R this is unacceptable. The current programs offer a variety of services,including shelter'and advocacy,but they are not sufficient to meet the demands and diversity of the subregion. iII. Findings and Data • Twenty nmepereent of the South-Urban:'respondents in a 1999 survey said that D..omestic Viole'Itnce was' tnaj it or mezler�te�� unity pzoblein�b the South Rural areas;28%"said " that domestic violence was a major or moderate problem . . .. ::: e. In:;1.99.7 :there.:were;' .320.:domestic.:vio%lerice.:cririies re orted:.to.: olic.e m Sou Kin .Co . . •• . . . , p p th g unty cities. . . .. .. : :. . ....... ....... • Virtually a%ll vvomer`using.shelter..services had very%lirirted incomes.:Forty.-six percent had ::.......:....•..,..:....%.:,....... ,: ,.. % 0 less::than3 .0.0/month:in.iricoine';73./o.ha znco%mes below: :1:0.00/month:an. a•o. 1 :::.......:.:::.::...:.::.:....:...:........... .. ...t.,ta,.o.f..:87.,/0 ... had incomes below;$i,500lmonth:. At these levels,managing:to find..housing and support.. themselves and their children presents the victims with`very real c%hallenges, :.... . .,:.` , : in 1998 the Domestic Abuse Wonen's'Network. DA which' rovides crisis s%ervices.. t p and the only confidential domestic violence shelter iri Sout1:11,h King County,pI.rovided emergency shelter to 183 adults and 236 children. They turned away an additional 1,537..: adults'and 1,867 children. • In 1998,658 South Urban residents received domestic violence victim services within the. county-wide ystem, .. Page$ .. : .. . . . . ....�...:........... ..%.. ... -- . ...� . ��i. . i ..... i: � %% ! , 1 .. -....... ....%. .. %:.:-.:��:!:..�:.:�.�-.�..�..!:�:..�%:�:. �! il�.:%:.: � : i �-�. � , . : ....... . : ..... .. - - - . ... .. . .... .. . .... . ...... ........... .......... :. ... % . .. . . .:.. . . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . � �� � '.��.�.:..-.�. ::-.:i.. . . .. .:.....��. ... .. . . . . . .. i. :: 1 . . : .. .'. ....... . . . . ... . .. . - . .. ...... . . ...... ..�. . � :- : �:�:. . ... ... :.:. :::::%:::��:� :.:1..��:..�: . ��:::�.:..:�::%��.�.: . ... .�.�..� �.�.�%:��.:��� . .��.:.. . . .. . :... : .!:... : . i. .. ... .. . %:% � : % : . � -.��-.-.'�...,:1%:��I�:..-�.�.--%�I...�I,,�.I�-:�.I-:-----��-�-t...--:�:.I�:...-����..:.'..,��.'---,1,:.�.:',.....-...:,.,--�..."����--....-,...-,I�!i.--%..%.,-I.....-I�:..�1:...:I�..%---.l-I.:..1,�-�..,-..:..-:'-........I�-::-.��......1�:.�:��..I-.�..:..-.:,..,:�....1�i:�......—.%...1��,�..%......,I:�.I...,.,i..�.�.lI...I 1:1-.......:-1 1..I...�..-i.1l,.l�...-,�%..�,�,.:..��...:�.-...%.-.:...,.%...�,-�-.1�I�:�-%:�-:�...�%'..I I��-.,�-....:.-��.....l::...:���...-_..,.��I.�..�I�..��..,l..�..��.::.-%,-����:1:I�.�-r-::.":.;(.:�..,..Q��.�I'��-....:.-�:.-I:.--.:.���...:-%.-,­..i.:...��:��.;.%-�1...1-,,�i�-",..,�-.�-%��-�..i.�..�..-�:I,��.�;���:.:�,-.�,�-.%�:�i..--.�..,!%�I�:.i-..��..::-�-%..�,:-..�.-�t-i....::..I.�.-I�:.-.:.---:.-.I,l:.-�I,�,��i.-,!�.:--.�,���-r�......�-,..:,.��:;:I:t�-.,,��:.%.--:�:��.­",.�%%-�,�.1,,.�-.�...��.��.�-�-�.�.-���":.".-��­-.-t-,.,�.:....��.!..,:.�,-.��-:.1::.���:��..�-%�.:,1..I,,��:-���:.-.::.-I��,-�-�..%::j��.-�-.%,.,t:..I:.,�_.:��-,.�%,.-i.�.�--��-..�:I�:.���-....iI....,.�-,-t..:�::�::��..��,:-:...-.�:,:.:�!%:����-.���..:.;%::-�:�-,.:.,,.��:���-..��.�.-...��,�..:.::�:,.�:�:::::��:.:l--.�,�-%.,::.��..i�..,%�:-,�j-�..::,�'�...-�-%..�'�.::..I::�%�.i�.%�.�:�..��.�%,1%-�.�,--,-�..I1,�...,,:.1�.!.....��:-��:....-l.-�'I:,'��.%---:..-�%,:.,:.�',...:�,���-.�.-,,-i�,��-.:�.�-�,I.�'i.:..:-...�,:.I.,�-.�..,j:!:�.��.-'%.:-..;��.,,.­�:%�.'1.��-�...:.-�-:....',.�.1-�-:.:�I:::%.,:.�:�.,,-�r:I i-.�::..1,.I1-�I—.::�t.-....�.:-,:..�,,::�.��:,.�.�.�...-t.-,�.L--.�:..��.,�.:1-.1.--1.��.-.:....-::,-'��-�l.�,...-�i��..�.-..�-:�;.-. .. AV. Proposal `, ^ OUTCOME:Increase domestic violence services in the South County t'"' Objective#l: Add at least six emergency shelter beds in South County. .:,'l%...t1t 1-"-�-l",Z-''':�:::..'�".;-.:.�I,-,.-;.-:..-:,1�..:S".�."�---I'I��...,%,�:�.l:',�...:''�1,,,i,.,1�:�..I l.:,..:�...::,,:l_'..'.1..,:"..,;.....��1I.1I.,�-"��:.i.,-..�,!-..",.I....'�,,�'.,I1.-1.:.�1l..����.�,:�-.1'��,..t�:1-:Z,:.%::�,.�::.%.-_..�,��.,-,-t��..%.��...%�",,�.I'�i-�,,-I.�%-.,*1�,:..-.�,.,�..;....,�.�.-..,1 t-I,.,.::�:I�-1..�:�I�..,:,.,.Z�,".:.. .................�.........�.t....%....:-.........-...�..�.......�...�.�...'.....1—....�:....�.�:...!....:..-.......�: ..:......:..�...:..���......c....:..�.%...�:.� Suggested Strategy: Direct more county and city funding to DV shelter services i�r the South County, Obiective#2: Expand and diversify the number of domestic violence service agencies operating in quth County. ,Suggested Strategy.• lstablish a family violence unit throughout the county. es ed.S'trate A . .:touch..exasttng,domest c vaolerice victim services agencies. Sugg t S7' Pp ::. about their descrk:% ;: tty to expand t: South Kmg County uri. . o d enhance:th!6in6stic violence sereices;that the c t es,,and co. . ty Objective#3. Build up n an already have in place,including churches,judges,prosecutors,D task forces,etc Suggested Strategy: E di ine effective models in other cattes(e.g., Seattle). Suggested Strategy: . Assist cities in establashang or macntatnirig domestic violence task forces Suggested Strategy. Reconvene the South King'County domestic violence meetings of service providers,planners and other stakeholders " Objective#4: Increase services for children who are abused or witness:abuse. ", Suggested Strategy: none developed Objective#5: Increase safety of victims Suggested Strategy: Provide cell phones,portable alarms and panic buttons to` victims. :..... ............:.. ... ...:.:..;...,: .........:.::.::.,:.::..:;•.,..::::::.::: ..- ... :. ..:.....:.::.:............:. .:.. .:...:.:.::............ . .. . w reness of domestic violence .`. QUTCQIVII✓, nc�rase:a<a ; .. .. .: . .. . . : b ective#1:Make domestic violence vlolattons:tqual to: : .. . riving; O � . . :. ..... ;: :.; • : ;..:: : . .. .. , Suggested Strategy: Parttclpate an new King�ourtty domestic violence fatality review .. .. .. . ..• .:. . anel, . . . , .. P . . .. .::...:......:::... . . •Increase education about domestic Violence throughout cultural groups. .. Objective#2. a �: Suggested Strategy.: Bring . ur al aspects into domestic viole�ace ina#erials,sima.la to materials released by the City of Renton. Objective#3:Establish victimless prosecution for domestic violence crimes in South County, courts, t Suggested Strategy Advocate tivithin legal system to move to victimless prosecution, Page 9 .... .. .. . .. . . . ', % . :.. .,Suggested Strategy: Ensure that all South King County police departinents_have I.a domestic violence supplemental reporting form. Suggested Strategy: Assist police departments in securing training to officers on .'.-(_. 1111 takingphotographs of domestic violence evidence and interview child witnesses. . .�����%%�l.:,.�;%.:..���.:�.l�:::..����.%�%:I��: ,�:t�: i-- :: :�� .:.: I ... i�� %. �. . .��......�.. ,� �:,:,:,���,�'',��,��,W"",'"', I- -�X. ��.-�..- % i� .%.....�.ii�.::� . . � , , ,,,,,,�:,, ,,,,,, , Page.10 %. .... . .. . .... � % %... .- ..1 . . . . :. - . . . .. . .%. . . .. .%:: % . .. . %. .. . .: . . . . . .:.: : .% . .. : �- � . % . %:% .... .%.:. . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . %. . . . . ... . .... .. . . . .. . %.... ..� :� A. ;..%...i. : . . . . ...... ....... .. .. . .%.. : . .i .. . .... .. .. .... . .. .... . .. : .. . :... . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. .. .. . - - IV. proposa.. .. ...... .. .... . . . .. . ... . .. ..:%.% :. . : - . .-. - .... .. . .. .... .. . . : .:. .:i-- :..:...%. .............i.::.�. . : : .%%..:.:.... III/' ( OUTCOME:Increase domestic violence services+in the'South County Objective#l: Add at least six emergency shelter beds in South County, Suggested Strategy: Direct more county and city fainding to'DV shelter services in the South County. Objective#2: Expand and diversify the number of domestic violence service agencies operating in South County: Suggested Strategy; establish a fttmtly`yaolence unat throughout the county, Su ested 5g::......:.:.:.`Strategy, :.: :::Appro%ach.;04$.tt.:n1. domestic.v olen...c�e:v etim:services.:a encies:..: g g about their des re% tY# % d t S a apaci o expan o. o%ath King County Objective#3: guild upon and enhance W.domestic violence services that the cities and court t3' % 1. already have in place,including churches,judges,prosecutors,D task forces,etc Suggested Strategy: Exa%mine effective models, n other cataes`(e g, Seattle); Suggested Strategy Assist ctttes'in establashtng or maintaining domestic violence. task.orces. ,Suggested Strategy, Reconvene the South King County domestic violence meetings of service providers,planners and other stakeholders Objective#4: Increase services for children who are abused or witness`abuse.` . Suggested Strategy: none developed Obje6tive#5: Increase safety of victims I 'llSuggested Strategy: Provide cell phones,portable alarms and panic buttons to1. victims. ::.......:: ..:.:...::....-........:..:..:.:...: .-.:.:::...... ........ ,..:.::: ..:::.::: .::: ,;,... . OUTCOME,increase awareness ofdomestic viole . .. .. . nce . . : . . .. .: .. .: . Objective#1: Make domestic violence.violations equal to drunk drivzng . .: ...... . .. .. . Suggested Strategy Participate in new King County domestic violence fatality review ... ........ . . ...... ...:...:.......... . . .: .. . . : :.. . . ..;: a . n.e...l ...::.. ... ...... ..;.............. .:..:.P..:.........:.. .:::::......:: .::.:::::..:.::::.. .. :.. ...:..:...:.. :...:......::.. . .....:..:.: ....... :........ :.. . :.. :: .. ::..:..:::::.. Objective#2: Increa`e.ed s , , ucation about:domestic vlolence.throu ho t cu tar 1 0 1 .. . . . . .... .. .. ... . . . . ... u l a u s. . ... ......... .. Su es ed Stra`e .:....:::...:. ...... ..:.:.:...:.: :.....%. ... .. .... .:.........::.....: ...: ....:....... :::. . . ...:... .............::..:...• ,; ::. .. ... . t,gy. Bring cultural aspects into domestic violence materials,similar to materials released by the City of Renton. Objective#3: Establish victimless prosecution for domestic violence crimes in South County Courts. ... .. Suggested Strategy Advocate within legal system to move to victimless prosecution. . Page 9 —:.: COMMU tV'Goal: Heaith Care to be as Physically and Mentally Fit as Possible I. Definition of Key Area . Improve and increase access to physical and mental health services in South King County II. Key III ssues �1�1:��t � :��:��:��:.....:�:�.......�t:��:.��..�....��::��.�.:��:.��:::%:%.���.:�:�I:..%;-�.�%!��:,:.:�:%�%�:t!.%�.�­-�:���::��:_����­���t��:E , � ��..:.%%.�...i%.�:.�.­......:..1-%%.�... Lack of familiarity with what mental illness is, what the mental health system is in S©uth I�ng CoP.unty,and J.hove to %access services ithm IIA system, M nxal Health is the afixhty.to engage.in productl a act vrty,to fulfll..relat�onships tvrth otl►ers,adapt to`change,and cope with adversity lYiental illness includes a variety.;of disorders cha1.racterized by alterations In thinking, mood,or in belavior: In South King County there are i Y.providers of care people do no#know,..I._....."..vho they arf.e or. ,° a Mental Health e.: ocat :;Va11e...:Cit, C.ounselin ..an..:....C...:ons that ori,.Seattl......:.......>...... .......:....:..:............., .. .......... :..: . where they ax 1. ed y g . . ..Mentor Health l*T:Qrthwes#,and Hxghliie West S cattle Me #a1 Health Center are the mayor providers o£mental health services in;South King County City tTniversit Aa 1dat olid , Comrriun Services,also r%v::a counseling agencies which specialise in mental health p counseling for children and thex parents are Kent Youth and Family Services,Rentori Area Youth Family'Services;Federal Way Youth and Family Services and Auburn Youth Resources If a child walks into any agency that provides mental health services in King County and asks for an assessment,that agency is obligated to do an assessment.This is not true for adults.The Crisis Clinic Crisis Line is the another way to access County funded m11 ental health services. Medicaid,which is funded by the State of Washington,is the primary fundor of mental health services for the low-income population.Eligible residents receive medical coupons which can be redeemed for services.Medicaid is accessed at the local Community Service office of DSHS; there are offices in Renton,Federal Way,Kent, and Burien. . Mental health service'gaps for low income and uninsured .. . ........:....... ..... ....:. ...:;.. .. . ... e to`e oil for lVied caia is a na or issue..';Tliere.`i: a;stigma to be ng'vn public Getting peopl nr J assistance.Access to Children s Health Insurance Flan(CIHIPj is through Medicaid CHIP covers counseling, doctor and dentist visits; hospital care, eyeglasses, prescriptions; and physical and .......::.. .. : ll . i to: ualif in axents.;as.:weli as children:`:::.. speech therapy.It can provide sery ces q y g p . .. : . .. The mental health s std.m.does not serve man eo le who are riot elig a o..r a icai , ay..n. y YP P . . insurance and are low irioorne Washington States Basic Zlealth plan does not cover mental health . There are no psychiatric hospital beds in'South King County for children under the age of eighteen.Valley Medical Hospital has a psychiatric unit-for age 18 and above. Depression is a major issue.' IC hildren act out when they have behavior problems.Parents, teachers, and people who work with � children deed to recognize the signs of depression in kids. Page 11 . Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in U.S. It is a major risk factor-for f� l suicide and major contributor to disability and loss of productivity. 11 It will be the second greatest cause of premature death and disability worldwide by the year 2020. III. Findings & Data • Medicaid serves an average of 16,727 individuals per month in the prepaid health plan and regional support network. 5,766 children; 13,742 adults and 2,890 older adults were served :�..�;'...%'!i��..��"1Iz%.�.!."...-i:....�'Z........:.:'!.�.��:.���:.�:1...�;..�._'.::�'-.�:.1,.�i. �j.i.......:., ..,..:-�.,"�..�.::..._�.:"..�:�:.I....'.­�,..�...­�,�.'.".'.�.�_..'�..�..,A.:�.%�1 '..a­::..l.I�.:.��.%i:.,..�:::.1. ..~.I:��.�:'%....1I��.'.�:,_I....�.I�I.'�.�1�'...,�.­I:,.'�.�: People are not accessing the mental health system. • Only 11%o£the Medicaid eligible population are enrolled in Medicaid. 8%0 of the Medi..caid enrolled population;were served b ding County's Mental Health system Less...than....1°�a...of.f...e ,..o..0 ation.vwho..are..law..::income.._not.:Iyledica d.eli.`ble ..and.have.no. ...:::... .... ..: .. . .. :...,.,::.::. -:. .:...:.::........:.. sur nce ar .r C s rn n 1 cal s e rrr a e usrrrg K ng. ourlty a ,ta h tlr sy t, We:do.not:know:what: ercent.4 a of the o ulatton`•have;; rivate;inedxeal:insurance:which ,: p 8 p.::: p:.. .:................:...... . covers:mental health and;are usw. mental:health;serves.:: <: . .. . : .: ., .. . Seattle-. Cri; HQa1th De artent:re orts;that the Stjuthest ro ion<oKn : u . .. .. Ittg. .. ; . p ... �... g ' 0 ::.....:.....:.::.::.::...:.::..........•.::..:.::::::>.h. e.. a ,:. f:: s.:.:... ::- o:. .::n have::.a 1..::.: ur ee: 12:...�l::A "';' ;,:::` as th. ghest rat s o a ults age l8 G4 w do, of h, a . uls an . .�` • Fewer than Half the states lave adopted legislation requiring some type of parity between mental health and physical health services in private health plans. • South,.King.County has, the;.second highest rate of `depressrpn, :firth 1 'I depressions..per 100,000 population;Nineteen million Americans have'clinical depression; less than 1/3 • get treatment. • 'In the`South King County Urban poll,35%to 53% of residents thought drug abuse was a problem in their city; 32%to 48%considered alcoholism a problem and 18%to 32% „ ., considered mental illness to be a problem. • In 1996,hospitalization rates for depression for residents of Federal Way and Auburn were significantly higher than the County average. The rates were higher than the County average for residents of Vashon Island and Kent.The rate countywide was higher among females than among males: + : Rates of hospitalization for bipolar disorders are higher than the County average for residents of HighlineBurien,Auburn,and Kent. • ! Late-life depression:affects about six million adults in the US,;but only 10%seek treatment ,� .- _ YV.. Proposal . OUTCOME,:,: ,Iner ase access to Imental;h ealth services to,south l u bounty residents . Objective#1: Educate community about ixrerrtal health&mental health resources Suggested Strategy Start mental health`task forces an cttaes 6r in South King County Suggested Strategy Publicize tivarning sagns,of depression{in children)and where to get help Suggested Strategy: Massive community outreach and enrollment in the Children's Health Insurance Plan Objective#2: Understand the mental health system Suggested Strategy: Speakers at South King Council of Human Services,South.King County Hitinan Service Planners Meetings .. 1. Page 12 :,I i . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . % -: %..� %. . . . . . .. .%.. . . . .. ... . .. . .... .... .. .. . ..... . Comm nity Goal: Health Care to be as Physically and Mentally Fit as Possible c I. Definition of Key'Area1-1 � -�-,1 i::i�i�—E-:i��.��.�I�t l�-"--.�i-i-��!i:,:�:�i:��--.!�.:,(�:.1�-�t%%���.:�:.:,,':i..�t-%:�::,-..����--:.i.�i:."�%�-:--�,,--.....I...l:l,:�%:.�...��...:�...%..:��—::::..��i����i-�%..�..!%%..-.,-�I.....-!:�....:,'ii:—.i.�-�i.%..�::!.�,l,Ii�--..�.-..��.%.:...�.:��.....:..,�!...:1..:,".....:-�,._.:l����:,:�II�-,:�......—,,�:..t�,� Improve and increase access to physical and mental health services in South King County: II. Key Issues ��.l...�.,1:�-:�::.i.i,.���....�.�.-.-�,�--.:::��.�1���,..�.,��.-��%.1�:�::...1.1:��-..7�..�.l�-:,-:.l:-:.,:�..:-1I1:.::i�:.��.��,,--,-..:�1-�1-1�..ii.,-�,�i�:��.:'...:-1,..1-�:��:�,,....:.--�,:-..:�-:-I1-...I��....��..:�,-�.�:..�.-:.�.�,,:;.%..�.�.9��!..,.,�.�1�..:—i.::.1:-����1...�:,1'�..:��.,��..�:li:..%.�..:�1��%1-:���-�.�.�.-���.i.%.�,�j��.��..::t.:,-��,,-:���,-..:1,',-�.-.:;�:�..,�,��.�:..,t;�:%....'1:..,�......:-,:;,,..�:�-:l�.­-'.��:�.,,:���:�-��:�%.:�.:�::.�,�...,�::::�l�::%:—I��l.�,-�....l,i-�...�:�....-�.�..i�i,­,:I��-1,�i:.:--i..-1��,��.:���i�,��..�-.�.,,�::�:,�..It:l::�.,�..�.��..::�..�:�:i�,-�lI-�l�.��.�:.:"-��-..1-:�!%,..-,:,�:i,�.!"1��;��:..!���....-�tl..�:.�,��...%�:ii�-.,I1�%.:�.���-.:,�:,�-..IIl-��.�-�1�i�::�:.,-�j�..I1I 1it..:�...;-:..�.I-!�.�%,:,:��-1.'�:;i�:'!.:�,-,,��::o.�,,�:-.��i:���,��-1�I-:%l.,�: 4694iii f familiarity with what mental illness is,!what the mental health system is in Southonnty,a�u . how'to access services within`the system.. the alii.... to engage in productive activity?to fulfill relahonshi s withPadapt to'c... U99 1.and;cope vitii adyers�ty Mental illness includes a varie of t3' ..lisbrders charae.or�ze+d by alterations n thinlang,m mood,o behav or . In,South,icing oaunty there are many prow ders;of care: eo te;;c o not;laiovv:vvho the are or . .. P p Y where#hey are located:Valley Cities ounselmg and+ onsultatxon,Seattle 1Ierital Health, lUlen#or Health l�orthwst;and Highline West Seattle 1�Ierital 1?Ieatli Center are the major providers of th.04l health.services in`South Ming bounty.City University,ana athQl c Coiriniurii Se ce , ,:. :.',,.:. ., ,,:. :. °':,`;; ,;: ; ;:;;, ty rvn s also provide counseling Agencies which specialize�n mental health couiseling for children and their parents are;Kent Youth and Family'Services,Renton Area YOW T Family Services,Federal Way Youth and Family Services and Auburn Youth Resources. If a child walks into any agency that provides mental health services in King County and asks for an assessment,that agency is obligated to do assessment. This is not true for adults.The Crisis Clinic Crisis Line is the another way to access County funded mental health services. Medicaid,which is funded by the State of Washington, is the primary fundor of mental health services for the low-income population.Eligible residents receive medical coupons which can be redeemed for services.Medicaid is accessed at the local Community Service office of DSHS; there are offices in Renton,Federal Way,Kent, and Burien. Mental health sery�cega�s forJAW!Jncome and uninsured .. —'_ ,_._ . __. ,_. ... Getting people . . enroll for Medicaid is a major issue. There is a stigma #o being on public .... ..., . .:. . ... %::.l. assistance; Access to.;Children's Health;insurance.•Plan C IP; •i thr( H ) s ough Medicaid. CHiP covers couiiselmg, doctor and dentist MSits, hospital care; eyeglasses, prescriptions, ;and physical and speech therapy:It can provide'serviees to`quahfying'parenfs as well as ciiidren .: . . . ., : . .• .,, :: . ... . . ....... . . .: . .:. >. . .. .. 'Ihe rrierital`liealtl`s`.`ste:::.:. does::. .... . .. . ...... ... ....,;:.. ..:...:.....:.... ::... ..: .......::.: ......:.......:..:not.serve.man eo. .le.wlio:.:are':not::eli ible.:for: ediaaid Y...::...::........:::...........:....:::.......:....:....:.....:...:....:....Y.....P:...::.:p.....:...:..::...::.......:.:.:..:...:.....::.....:g...:::..................,M:...,...::............. :have.no . . . .. insurance, and are low=income. Washington State s Basic Health plan does ;not cover mental health. There are no psychiatric hospital beds in South King County for children finder ,the age of eighteen. Valley Medical Hospital has a psychiatric unit-for age 18 and above. Depression is a major issue. Children act out when they have behavior problems. Parents, teachers, and people who work with (- children need to recognize the signs of depression in`kids. Page 11 CommnnitwGoal: Education and.Job Skills to Lead o an Independent`Life (;... . I. Definition of Key Area : �, __9 _�, ��_1: '"'I'll __,l_�_��... I , ,,� "%11�,:_� ::� ......%::.%.. :..-.:... ­. Education and job skills are the backbone of:an independent life. They are the primary needs that must be met in order for a person to become,gainfully employed and to thrive in the workplace II. Key issues The demand for ESL se%rvices in South King County is increasing. Many of the 5,000 refugees who comne to Washington each year are now settli1.ng in South King County because they cannot find affordable housing in Seattle or'the Eastsmde . . . . .... . . .. . % d % There as a great need for mmme late and,up-front ESL services for mmtn grants .. soon as they arrive. . ;. iv6 der;f r:E imsh as;a;Second an ua e ESL leainers to;lead an rode endent life;the must; > ; r n ng L $ g ( .. . p Y be `able to read,'write, and speak English well enough to mamtamn gainful emnployxrmen# aril to communicate successfully mn all settings It is important If reach>immigrants immediately after they arrive so #hey can lie directed to ESL services. The sooner a newly arrived immigrant has a support system in place, the sooner he or she can become economically self-sufficient: Iii,� Finding and Data •' The South King County region experienced an approximately 2% increase each in Hispamc African American and Asian enrollment between the 1994-1995 school year and the 1998 1999 school year with a corresponding 6%decrease in white enrollment. + South King County had over 6,400 students,;or 6% of enrollment in bilingual programs, compared to only 2.6% of students in North King County and 4.7% in East King County . Seattle was:.the most diverse w..th 5,7QQ, or almost 12%, of its students. in.the bilingual program. ..... .: ....... ........... .:. ....... . The`youth`school distract re ion had almost 2`000.east Euxo ean;students,`; r;1,200 Asians .. . . ... .. g P and al ost l`3 tudents xn small numbers;vwith over;70;different native lari ua:es,: ;` : . m s ., . : . .... ... . .. ... : . . . ... h . t . ; lmne and Tukwila that ave;lii ... of ulat ons:of imni ant' .... Dmscts such as Ken,. ,gh P.............:f.,.: childxen.lackmn :Eri...l 4 skills;:and,lar e;:numb....rs:;o...::transtent;st tderits ::;:. . ....:::::::. .. g.. ;8.:: .. :: :.... .;% .. . . .. ........ ......... e e mn`So th`Coun school districts ran es from a roxmmnatel . . The number of larmguag s spoken u. ty g pp Y 30:mn Tukwmla to 4S in Reritoia and`64` n'Kc rat;' . . . ..:... .. ., . . : . . q ..: •: 6 .. ade ublmc school students meet w4shmn ton Assessmnent of Student' Under 55/o. urth gr p g . Learning reading standards in South County 1 #h Comixmurii: :;biealth 'Center 4fKin Coon reported orted that the rma. lan ua e For 999, .e ', 8 tY P p rY g of 10 percent of Patients is Russian, of 2i%o is Spanish, of 6 percent is Korean, and`that another 9 percent speak a variety of languages other than English. • The Federal Way South King County Multi Service Center reported in their literacy program, :: over 50%(108 out of 202)of participants have limited English speaking capacity. a Seattle and South County have the largest number of adult residents with Level 1 (lowest literacy level) and Level 2 literacy ratings. Page 13 .... :. .... . The current:'national ESL:learner o ulation is rimaril His anie 69/o `and p p p Y ( ° ._ stan (19%), with the vast majority(85%) living in major metropolitan areas and residing primarily(7.2%) in the western region of the United States. • ESL clients indicated that participation in adult education had helped a majority (600/,D) of them to improve their basic English skills. • Six-month follow up results indicate that 35% of the ELS clients benefited in some way from adult education in terms of enhanced employability. + 24%of the ESL clients who lacked a high school diploma had resumed their education within six months of leaving adult education, most of them having reenrolled in English language instruction courses. JV Proposal . . .... . ::. .. ... . . . ... .. . ... . ; OUTCOME; Incresse basic ESL skills, Objective#1: Generate rnpre ublie awareness for existin ESL ro s. .. % % : p g p gr m Suggested Strategy Coordinate with ESL providers. ,Suggestel.Strate :... . ...1Vlctke....ESL..Ie..arnsn...::.more:,,accessible::.at;..:.ch .. s-�;��_�;,:1,­'.�_:%��,��­._��.�1!�.��_:�......---.��:�­:..%-I:--����I-���I,L.,��:�:',1;-�:����:�!��.7,1_t!,I_..1:.Z:��...��,%��.,��:j�1:.:.I..:I:�:;,�_���:.1:­p 1�:�­::.�,I�,.::�..I.....1���,IJ�.� _���.�,.��,�::��-�..-..�.I':_.-:1",I_.:-:,:..��.,�.::%_.-�:'j�..:��:�!�._1,I_1-:.�I_.:�.�I,�1.,.��.-%:­:�;t.I�-,":.,�1..!!::.�.­��1_:.��,1,..:.::"���1�:"".-,��.�..��_�:.:­�­�...I_:.:�1 I..�I­C.��__.I11-.­:.­:,��.�.:�,��.-.:��.:�,".%...:%!��,�:�I,,�!..�,�.,:�::-.:I��,--.�...­�II�-�.1.��.�­_..��-��.1,��_.__��1�......�o�I1.�_��:1,.,,...1__..I;:,:��__�.�.:.­,1��__.�.:."�.,.'..1�:,���__:..:i���­�1..�-.:_�:.�:.,­:%�1,.'_�%..%,I__�!��I.�­,l��....!-1,..:����,,.__!�.�.,.'�:I,,,,�:..,­,,,.__..�:,�,�.."�:_.�_.�.1:.,,�.���_­.�1_�­_,:�.i::I.'.:­-�::,1,_�..,I�I'_�i%,�.�!.,..�..:­:_�..i,�.:_�.�..,1I_­1."�:�:��I�:��t_�%��...��.��,�­.,.'_�..1_I,�....�.,_..::I',_.:­:.1,:...I;��!­.:,,�1_��.�_.,.�:�..�I,'....�,:;..I':.:..: ,I"_...�1.��..W�..:.,,.1�:,��"��%..,:.,�:�...,_.:��i�,",......��.,:,:.,,',�,­I,,....z,,,,:1:z''t�...1'�...�.,,..-:,'.�.],.:,.�.1':..,I'�'..M...,�'�..:-....'.,,.-��i..'.%.,,_"�..�..�.�:,%.:.,Z,l�...,.,,.".�.1,:I_i-,.�,.:,l��:.�.�.,�',�_,1...,�,:.:�%,.t�,:..._:_.z',:'1�..I,...,I.�,,].���.,',.�.:�l�1...."���i:,:,....1:..�,.:��,.:,-Z_.�.:,,_.��,.,_��.�..iI 11.'....':,...,�:�1,..I..,.�:,,��"..�­....�,._.�.�..,:,_­.,..�,,,1"1,t�..._�,1 I�,%�.�1::_,.:�...�.,.:j..'�'��,1�,I:.­.,_.I.,�:..,,z�.,.�'..:,.�:,I1_.�.�,.�.�%�,,:_:%.,'�..I�,,:i�,Z1,._....,,:,.,,l,"�..�:..���,��...,,..�..,".,.,l',_�...I;:,.�-�.�._�_���..,,,:.i�:....zl,�1I.I",­."':..�_...:...._,...,l�:",1.�.%�,­:..1:�,1...iI''!.,..%.'"1.�.�,��.�,I�:".%�....�i":,�,.,",.�.�.,�'�,�:��..,,"�%!.�_-.,;�1.,�%�-"­�:::_.­,.:.,:.,%i,,,_,,%.", 8Y $ urche , workplaces, 1. .: non profit agencies and places where the: ESL :population congregates, Obective#2: Increase services and access to literacy and ESL programs Suggested Strategy: Support the growing number of cultural services and ESL ( centers in South King Cou�aty. Suggested Strategy: Move existing college programs into our communities. Suggested Strategy: Shift some of the ESL funding away from community colleges., i OUTCOMiJncrease individual employability and job readiness for ESL learners. Ob'ect vi e fvReach children'who need ESL services through the school system Sz .• .sted:.Strate Develo .;ESL:•.c r.•r .:.....%::::::;:::::;:. u .ac lam a g$e g1' p to nd teach it tmthe school classrooms. Objective#2: Increase the involvement of e ployers. . . Su` ested.Strafe Es b is . . to 1 h a r nttc g8...... ..... : ..,...BY... .... ....:: Pl:.:e.;....:..::�....M:and::rrtent- rnadels.,.or.;use:tn.the.: . .. . .. f b usine ss envronme nl....... ....::`:.:....:.: . . ........:.... ......:. ........::::.,...::.:....:. ::. ..:..:.:.:.. ....:.:: ..:.;:.:;::..::.:..,:..:.:. Su ested Strate : Su ort educat o :...:.:...::.....: ........... $$. . . .. . . . t.:.n or:.e.m .lo.:ers::that romotes.tn.cr._e . ...... . g1'.. .. .......;PP..:..: ..........:....1.....:Y_.:.:........:........:.:. ,....: .:-.:...........:...............ased htran . . . ......:......:.:.:. ...... ..:..... . .... : a d n r ten o e tan E .: ...; % . a ,SL em to e .. . ... .. ...:. ...:..... ... ..... . ....:........:... .. . f.:....:......:..:.. .:..... :..: r...........:..::.:..:...:.....:....................:. .;..::.... . ..... ..... .... ..: .. .......:... .. :. Page 14 Communit Goal: .Education,and Job Skills to Lead to an -. Independent Life I. Definition of Key Area Education and job skills are the backbone of an independent life. They are the primary needs that must be met in order for a person to become gainfully employed and to thrive in the workplace II. Key Issues The demand for ESL services m South King County is increasing. % . Man..:;:of:the..:5 000:;refu ees who.:come:to.Wash.. to :eac ..... .....:.:Y..........::...:..:.:.... g.....,..:..:............:....:.....:.....:.:.:.........:....:..:.:ng..:.n..............h.. .ear:are.now.::se.. . .�n%:South:Kxi ... . ,Co .... .: Y g, g b Count eeause xhe cannot fmd afford ble h : .. .{ . . . , . . y .a .. . oustn in Seattle or the Eastside . .... j . i. e: T ..s h r rea` ` ``` .. :. .• .. ....% .:..: .. ::: . .. . . . . .....:.:..: ,......%; :,. «_::: ::::: ::>:. ;:..:-....: :•,;;, . .:. e a g t nee;- . immediate and up-front ESL services for immigrants as soon as they%arrive. In order for English as a Second Language{ESL) learners to lead an mdepen<lent life', they must be'able..:tc .read,.:±:write..and.s ::eak.%Eri fish:well.:eno. to.. ai i p; g ugh m nta n gainful cxployment a%nd to communxeate successfully in all settirgs. It is important to reach immigrants immediately after they arrive so they can be directed to ESL . services. The sooner a newly arrived immigrant has a support system in place, the sooner he or: she can become economically self-sufficient.` IIL' Finding and Data • The South King County region experienced an approximately 2% increase each in Hispanic,''I'��:11�"1""","","",,�:� -::,�:- ,- -W :%- :�:�� """",," ''I'll , 11 ---"..... ... .:�­�,�­ ­�.-�. African American and Asian enrollment between the 1994-1995 school year and the 199& 1999 school year with a corresponding 6%decrease in white enrollment. '11, • South`King County had over 6,400 students, ;or 6% of enrollment in bilingual programs compared to only 26% of students in North King County and 4.7% in East King County Seattle. was the most diverse v:,! s,70Q, or ;almost-,12%, of its students �n the bilnngual - - ro ain • The South school district region.had Ghost 2 000 east Eura`earn students :over.1200 Asi p ans .and aliinost 1 300 students in small numbers with over 70 different native lari ua es .. .... . : g.%::.. .........:..:.... % .: ..:..gtr cts such.as.Kent% Al; Y Kline.:and:Tuk.w*la:that.have.h2 h: . u a on ......:... ...: ....:.%.:.: . ... . ....•...:::.. g pap l h s of m..= art. ..:......:::::c .....: : hildren.:lackui En 1* h:skill :and::la :e. .. . .:$.. ...g....:.:.: ..........s...... ..........r .....numbers:of:.iranstent:students :: . . . : . : .... 1. ...,.. : -: :.:..... ., :.% . . .. % .. . . The iiih&;of lan a es s aken in South Coun scho . . . ... . . . gu g p : ty . .o istricts:ran es.from a r iiimatel . . . ... ..,.. ... . .. . . .. .. . :.% . .: .. : . :. :..... .:: , ,.::........ ..... g .:::.:.::..:::. :... ...::. :...:::...: ;:;::;:p.:,.......................... ..Y.::. 3 m;Tu .. . .. ..:......:....:. :..::::.::.:...::::...::.::.::.:.........:...:..... .........::. .. :..:. .. .. kvvtla,.o 4i...... enton and:64:in•Kent.% ....: %. ... .: .: > : ....: ... ...:-,. . • Under'S5%of four.....grade public school'studerts meet Washington Assessiment of Student . : .. .. . . . .: ,. ::.. . .. ... .. .. .. ... ,:. , , , .:: . . : . .. .. ..,; earnm ;;re d n •;si. : . .. :.. ....:, : .: .. a t tandards Yn South%oun. , :. ... g::.:.:........g.:....... t3'... • For 1999, the`Community Health Center`of King County reported that the primary language of 10 percent of patie%nts is Russian, of 21% is Spanish, of 6 percent is Korean, and that another 9 percent speak a variety of languages other than English. • The Federal Way South King County Multi Service Center reported in their literacy program,`` over 50%(i08 out of 202)of participants have limited English speaking capacity. • Seattle and South County have the largest number of adult residents with Lev1 .el 1 (lowest literacy level)and Level 2 literacy ratings. . Page 13