HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/24/2000 . . .. .. c.irv:o ` m: . . : : . J1M: e May. r IN-ricx Planniag Dep4i n�ent `;(253)85 5454IF�.X(253)856-6454;. , James P HaxAis;P1ann�rig D1T ddr'. AGENDA K.ENT HUMAN SERVICES'COMMISSION: . .. .. ........ Scheduled Meeting fvi Febrilary 24th, 2000 . 2.30 p.m. -`4 30 p . I-E.NT COUNCIL'CHAII�IBERS EA.- . :.• . , . .. . . .. . . Coixurllssion:Men7hel 5;; ..- John 7end'esen,Chalr(1/200I) . Edria White, Vice Chain•(1/2002) :.Brad Be11(1/2001) .Dini.Ducjo ,(1/2002.) :.::.;.: ;. .:` .. . : Stephame FloWell (1/2003) Pe Raalc: 12: 01 rry { I0 ): Judie Sarff(1/2003) ;w Tats(1/2002) ` :'' Toxn Bxotkierton; City<Counci Membez (1 2000)` '.. .. . AGENDA .` ' '' Guest: Linda DiMAim aid Clicut(s) .'.2:30. AC. Y.:Cliild aud.Famaly Scr wes E . OLD BUSIN SS' . . . 1. A royal:of Januax ,:2000:N nutes ACTION ITEM'; `. ::'. 3::00 .. pp .y . . 2, Application Cycle Sct Dates 1NFOl�MA l ION I`.EM. 3105. . 3. `Update o. D Ie Warrein's Efforts: :: INFORMATION ITEM . 3.:1.5 'NEVI BUSINESS`�. -'2.AT >ITEMM w, 0. : . . .. ..: .... :.. .. .. I, Y car,I;nd Report`. General:Fu3 .' 1 4ItM . .. ION 2. Year Encl Report . . INFORMATION ITEM 3:3a . 3. CDBG Appl�catzon Cycle INFORMATION ITEM 3:35 ' 4. Children s l nztiiative INF{)RMAT7C)N ITEM .. 3:45 REPORTS `.'.`: . `' .. "° . . . . . ... : 1`; ..::2000 CensusRe ort :.. % % 3;5 . . p ..., ... .2. . South I ti Count Coincil of Human:Seivices Re ert , . : 4 Ofl:` Y 1? . 3. Southl� g Count Human Seivices Forun Re ©rt 4:05 .. . ... . Y .. p . g Y p 4, Soufih Kin CciuntIane Ow�iershi Ralrridtble;.. .. 4::10 . . . : '"4. �, 7orlcfbrce Development Ccncll Plan . P:Vlhman Semicesilfiman.Smvh7es Gonunissio AA1GE.M20.0DVFe i a�y00 D C s .. . 226 4th AVE:SO., !KENT;WASHINGTON 98032-5895"/TELEPHONE (253)856-5200 11 CITY of > : ... I - — tvrc r� T . __.._._-. - . t, ift! i e. . y6. Plaral rig Depar tment (253)856,545 /PtUI'( 53)S.S 6454 lances P Harris,P!'annang Dar ectni^ ... .. � HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION . ... MEETING'MINUTES: :. . Janua1. . ..200U. ` . .: ..:. .. . .. . The. meeting of the Dent Human:; Services :Ca,.I . . was called to t�rder by Chair : ohn 7e.- . . ii at 2 40 p rn on Thursday, January 27, 2000 in Council Chambers East of Dent City Hall .., . HLTIAN;SERVICES COIVIIVIISONERS PRESENT: • ... .. .:. . :. . Jobe Jendreseps Char' . Edna White,Vice Char . Brad- Dn Dnal©s '':' Ste ha e Home 1 ;; ::: : ;::;:` p n 1 : _'....... . . ...,. . :I .....I.Tate . . . HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSEDl.. -NT: P.. Raa.5 Chair,.excused' Judie Sa 1". excused . . . Tom Brotherton, City<Council Member;excused : LANNING'S°TA:F 'MEMBERS`PRESENT.'.. - I�atherftn Johnson,Human Services Manager: , M***' a Warnstadt, Planner `` . . Pamela Nlottram,Adrhinistrative 8 .c etaiy I OU:B TSINIaSS .. APPR A OF:IVIT .i7TES OV L N. Ccimmissoner Bell MOVED and Coinrissi nor iJ4�liiie SECONDED #o accept the minutes of . .. Naveinhez 18, l 999 `Notion c. ed: ; , :. . . . . .: .. .. . ........ ...:. .. .. ... . . ... . . . . . ... . . HUMANSERVICES`COlVIMISSON RETREAT.FEEIIBACK . . C©inmissioners,felt the panel was infoi7native and edi .tional.. They would life to have the . afternoon session be as strong as the morning presentation: . . .. FIIVAL'20 0 DI LE Ei1 . . . p .FU1. NG. V , S ... : � Cammissioners`w. q,re giypn updated finding sh6ots for their notebobh 1. 22040i AV%SQ.,f K.FNT,WAS I8032-5895!T'LL�YI3QNE (253j 85b-5200 Human Services.CommissionIeetng ..:.. 7anuary.27,2000.. Page.2 -NEV: i kSS BUS N YEAR 2000 ACTION CALENDAR I{tither:n Johnson stated that the act on`cal* dar provides an averview oft k.di ectly 1inlded to the Hunan Services Commission m Johnson asked to move the meeting in June 29th, as she would be u�auailalile to attend the regularly scheduled meeting due to her involvement n FNMA txszning n Alabama, Th co iissioners cone with:the date change. 2001: APPLICATION CYCLE , Ms:Johnson sfaie t at,the:South County Joint 1pplicat�on workshop is being held 1Vlarch 22 in Kent 'M General Fund application evaluation:cycle:beglris m Apti.l with the.disiiibiati6n of.11116 application and staff analysis pacl�ets at the April core inrssron meeting Ms Joha'son stated that small group meetings should be scheduled in May along with at least one work session.::: She stated that there Vi be:one full day and one half day worksessron in June with the final fc� id ng xecornxxa eudAtion to be made at the June 2 Commission meeting Ms Johnson discussed the'revie�u process emp'loycd by the Huxizan Searv�ces Conirniss1on to evaluate:applications She stated that there would be a minimum of 29 programs to evaluate which coiisists of 18 applications. Char Jendreseti asked 1VIs. Johnson If staff could provide the Corn gsiarters with an analysis'af each agency before this nekt meeting to expedite the evaluation process Ms Johnson stated that all citrently funded agiencies;met their performance goals for this year Sle spoke at leigth on concerns that staff has with Merit Youth and Family Services Arid the Kent Food Bank Sle responded:to the Comuxaissaoners' concerns:on how to assess these ageric�es:; .. . .... . . .. ... M§. Johnson.asked Commissioners what tnformatxon they want from curreritly funded agencies. . Commissarier .'fate stateii that he would like`to gee the apphcaton include.information on agency.stafftraixiirig,.staff and clientele clemagraphics. Chair Jendresen state that li d e avould like ; to*:see a11, .the agencies cotnplete applications ..so .that the Commissioners have. :coliesive : . . :'Wbmahon :in:order to con pa e::'agezzcles; T1ie: atlier. Gomrr�iss�s�ners coticurred::with.Chaix:. :,:..:. . : . 7endreseri D velo merit s :..:o. releasiti'.:RF'Ps `far'C ri�niunit e l�Ms. Johnson stated that.:sta£t reeomxnend n, t o. y p g . 1 1ock.Grant {CDBG) :public.services money:As zt has not increased significantly over the past:". . .. two.years: Ms. Johnson stated that staff reoonrnends the continued funding for current agencies without S g;brie in �n new a encie.s'that most likel y would not iecezve funding approval . She g stated that the f na. approval`of these agencies must go through a notification-process and puliiic . hearing.before the Council.' She stated'that a contingency plan would need to:be developed in .: case.of fiauclingincrease o.decxeases: :: JUPORT 4. 000.CENSUS REPORT Jolinsan stated'that N1a or Mite has been'su ortive and resented the lie ote address fox p: ,...... Yn the opening.of the Census:affice in Tukwila.: She stated that Carolyn Sundvall has distributed posters and the,school district will`use the Census Curricultirri s. Johnson stated that Carolyn Sundvall taped a Mayor's Forum with Census Bureau staff. . Human Services Commission Meeting r`n a 27 '24..u QD a Page.3 SOUTH KING COUNTY COUNCIL(7F HUMAN SERVICES REPORT ...°. . . .. Ms:.Johnson stated that King County issued a report regarding Phase One of their`fiziiding cut xecolrunom lions. Nis.:J©hrison stated that the repo11. 1 rt;I is agencies whose conitracts will::expire indicating that th6se agencies will need'to compete with otherapplicants without guarantee of funding Ms Johnson voiced her concern that funding cuts could affect the'24-hour information crisis line :. provided by:the.Crisis`Clinic: Ms. Johnson stated that`staff is discussing various options to iialce their concerns Known SOUTH KING.COUNTY HUMAN.SERVICES.FORUM REPORT Ms. Johnson stated that this is the group that Mayor White,brought together consisting of other South County Cities. Ms, Johnson;stated that United Way axid.all South County Cities are at the table with the exception of.Normandy Park and Pacif c: :She stated thk the Muck leshoot Tribe has been invited to participate in the foram as they use casino:revenue to fund human services. NTs: Johnson stated that King County has been informed that th %South County Hu n to 5ery ces Foiirrn has been established and the Forum has decided to°invite Ding County council t0.attend as:associate ineznbers once t1 e.Fanim has been formal ed. . . SOUTH KING COUNTY H011rIE OWNERSHIP ROUNDTABLE 1VIsc:' .Johnson stated that Mayor White assisted. rn establishing the South Ding-County Home. Ovvnershzp hound Table in partnership with Auburn and Federal Way ;1V1s Johnson stated'that staff is vsror.14 to bang' developers, lenders, agencies, bankers and nonprofit organizations. together Sh$:stated that these organizations will c iscuss the type of resources they might be.able... to pxovrde citizens within the cornmunity'rn order to pxoinote and increase''availbility of single family dwellings 1VIs.`Johnsori stated that the purpose of this project is to allow a larger number : of people.to become a permanent part of the commuzaty as well as.address the 100 percent turn over experienced.in.the school districts G EST:SI'E ICE Coznmissiorier Jeiidresen introduced er Yit: .ear.o'ld. ler Warren:who'has ex ressed concerns . g Y. . 'Y P ever the:plzglit of the hoineless;ir :I�ent lltrough a letter written.to the lVlsyt's office,':' Ms: olrisori`..... J stated that'Tyler Warren:has:.s�. .ested eStablishin a national: homeless`da on fig.... : . . g`. Y Fehr idry.lG;Wherc:tire'coil inanity could bring items to established:Iocatioris for distribution to* the.homeless population. . T or Warren su` estecl estallsliin 5clrools as dro off locations.for bringing ii cl thine leddin' g g p g g o � 91 food or monetary donations.' He suggested that these items could be distributed thirough agencies lilce:tlse foad'bank f'or:the homeless population; Tyler, along with his.paxerzts stated that.they have written to several school districts and have received responses f... `Tssactuali and.Auburn. Katherin Johnson as cured Tyler Warren that she would work with the.Mayor's .office to place.: this issue on the City Council's calendar for Febrizaxy 15 in order to proclaim:a:date to be aet as Homeless Day. . . . - - ... ..: . .. - . .......... ......i7...i..1�.:......:...�:.............I.........I..",", "I'll,...... ........... 11 I.......1�.�::...:......:..................................................................................................i:.-:i:..................................im--­ ................................................................�%....... .. . . . . . . .. . ... 4 . . . : . . . . . ..:.....:*--* ..I.%..:... '%. ..... .. . .:.. ....:.................... Mit ai SerVices Commission eetin . .......*....:.I....i............:.....I:i*....L:.i..:,....:...i..........!:.an.0 y27 2060- .ar i- 4.. . . . . ..l..:.:';..... ....:%.... .. :..i :... .: .... * - : .. . .. .:: * . .... - .. .. . . ..�. :. . ... :.. ':- . .. .. .... . . .. : ..:::. . .. . 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M:Vld. ....,.. ..:..: .,. ,,. Flaming 6 pa to pnt (253.)85G 54541FAX.253j:85G 6454 .. ]ames P Farris,Platinizt;ID.t>ector \ E1VI .: ORA D . . . .. . ... . . . . N UM... ... b .. F+~ arua 14 2{l�(l . . . . .... .. ..: ,: . .... . . . . ... 1 1 M4.:TO. JOIN � DRESEN) H�CJMAN SERVICES CQMII�IISSLON.CH TR: :.' .. ;.: .. . . .. ...... ..::..:. .........:. FROlV1: J�7DY BEt�TETT, IUMAN SERVICES::PLANIER .. SUBr T::'::;:.; E C XEMPT PAR.SIN PA .: G SS t. ,.:... As you requested enclosed y6u will find yo r`Exempt Parking Pass £ar the.City'of Dent, If'yoa>' .. have any:questigns;please call irie ak°.856 54 1. . . .. . . . cc: lames P.:.Ha�ris., Plannir I)irectt�r . .. . Katlielin Joliiison'`Iui�arz Seavices.lVlaager . . . - -�-- - -- - - -- 220 Ott,,%vl:.SO.I f KIINT,it iSI IING�{)�!i)8012-589i l T131..LPH0N1: (253)t;56--5201J - - . t SiT i �s r: E I'. QV G Avg HANSON WIT S Ejob way a On Any t t i 7,4 1 3 45 F- 6 1 3 t F i il If )�lYl opt f f € 7 :.- � . M� I . . . ** * '. . .. .. . .. . l .. . t :.. ciry QF , .r..: , M : . ::.:...� . . 1 : 1 :: .- :� 'l , . .1:� * ... . . . .. : l... i. .... . . . . ''. . : . * ' ...: .. ,; ,�A A �AAtos ayor , . S i .. .. ...'.. .. Planntn D artment 253 _$56=545 L...x 2..'3 85C-6454. , .. . ( ). da es P.Hamra 'III: in 33ir. .:: .: :. .. `... ZA g..... ... . ... :\14 D. RJN .. 2 ' 0 .4 . . 1ViENtO TC};.-'. . HUMAN SERVICE C4MMISSfOI E S . . . . ER%` F°°RQiVI:. .'.: JUDY BL�aNETT,H1.UMAN SERVICES PLANN E'AU N NYU R . you.requested at the January meeti-:11ng1. of the Human Services Conuniss�an,1. Mayor White4. agreed to proclaam February 29"' as "Help the IHoxneless bay"in Dent. Tyler Warr vvx11 . receiVe the.proclamal;on at the1 . February 15tr'meet1. ing of the CitV Council "Qn:F.ebruary'29""city offices,poll.ce stations axed fire stations will serve as drop.off points four .. airy donations: Hainan Service staff will ensure that donations are distributed to agencies pro.cnd' assistance to homeless xidividuals:and f tnilies ih Kent. . .` ' . . . We:wanted to update you on planned acilVities rn case you might want to attend the Couiicii.: :Meeting on February 15`t'at 7.' I p rn Tyler will be there a httic early. Alrangeizien. have . been miade fog Tyler to meet Chief Crawford and Chief Angelo; as well as Mayor W.laite, :1Vtazy Swift wi11 co�ar the.story for the South County Journal and KUNiO's People Helper;! rook. ' . Sta�ford will also be doing a staiy I Tylerc, If yQu have,any questions,please calf in at (253) 04-5411 `. 1HumanSer%vzceslC3e* e:**>a�and11%999Conti c orrespond%o'gYlerW�ir9p..U.CQme:d.9.0 ::_,. . T CtOr . . . ... Co.* anies.l',:l Iarris Planning U e . .. .' , .. . % *i atherin' c�linson I itinan:Sl.ery ees'.4 Jpar.:.. ..` . � .. . . .: `220 4tb AVE.'SU, i KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895.f TELEPHONE.(253)856-5200 5 .. . . , :. 1.. :: . CITY1.:'.C. . ..;: 4. _ .. d,. .. 1. ..:.... . . .. ..,..:;I...,' '.:: .., .... 1. AP. rN.I CTX F'lannirtg:Department (253)856 5454/FAX(253)856-G454 ;James P,Herris,Planning 0j0q..tor .11 MVO ,. Feb .. % 60. . . ..: .........:......:: ... ..:....:...:..:....: :...... ...:.. ... ... .. ... . . . .%...:..,.., ..... ... .. . .... . : : .. . % .:... MEMC? Q:: I3RENDA:JACOBER C1TY CLERK •::' Y S ..:V1 P.. . NNE . . ,.. . FROM:.' . J,U,©. BENNET, HUMAN, :.ER . CE:..LA. R. .. . SUBJECT': .. 'GENERAL FUNDHUMAN SER�/[CES 1999.2000 C NTt AOT AIVIENDED.EXHIBIT'A F;OR FUf�pED:AGI=N,CdES ( Attached you well fired original Amended I xh[t31t A forms for our 999=2000*General fund Hurnat�.. :Services Contracts. ;Please attach:them:fo the:odginal contracts . ... Thank`;you and if you have.;any.quest[o— please contact meat 5471.. , .' .:.. .. III .s P. Harns, P1. . .j g;Director Katherin Johnson„Human Services Manager . Merin a War%—.' t;:Human:Serv:IQ. Planner ... ... . . ... . . .. . .: . i :.. . . Yi`i:)11�A:4'.1 ::St)..'i ltiE.':['.l\'ltilfl�( l-ON.�� {) -;" -; 'IE(.1:1'l lO i; t?;��ti (�=. '*Uu � __ .. .. r-T . . . . GIFY.'( I .:,:. % . , r1 . il,hait , laiy®� -- Pi.anning:Department:(253).856-54,541FAX(253)85$cB4 4..:,. :.:.:`..:. ;fames P Harns Plann.il;g L7i�ectpr EIVIORANO M M U Febri 3 2.OD' `':.;% a rY. . . .., . ... . . .. . . . MEMO TO: GENERAL;FUND HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES..BII I LNG QUARTERLY .. , . FRC3M; . JllDY BENNETT; HUMAN SERVICE P:L:ANNER. SUBJECT REPORTING EXHIBITS 1.A I. ND TIMEFRAME FOR TH .2000 CONTRACT.YE1. A. s. t' :, hbits..f .r' our 1999-200Q Generzl.Fun a Enclosed you will find the 2000 balling and re.. ing x o y .. Contract.w.ltli the City of kept. Please review them carefully as the format a.s changed ;' sign ificantl.Y for some fr ou b. t are re faired o .. :;.:;,:..:: .; Your agency'bills quarterly for reimbursement The following exhlbl s q m y y . the 1.0"'.of,the month fallowing each quarter Exhibit B (Billing Voucher) ua.e,rl :'.ervice.Re ort Exhit!it:D (Q Y p.. ,). . . In addition,the#allowing reports are due.as outlined below: t Outcortie Re art:. ':. .. .' :Jul .31. 2000 :.,. .... : ... :. . . Firs p y : .:. ` Final::O.uteorrl'e FZeport:;:::.:;. . :. `: January 31:;:2001...:. :. . Exhibit E{l emographics) .January 31 ;2001 , . :. .,..,...,.;.:.. . A form for reporting an exariipI *f a successful,outcome is included. This report is optional. , The reporting forms are available on disk or:by email: .Please call.the Human Service Planner assigned to yaur:agency(Judy Bennett or Mertna Warnsta . If:you would like to pick up.a.dlsk or receive an email.{word and excel formats} . .:. .. . . When submltfing reports and Invoices please address them to the Human Service Planner listed on your..billing voucher{Exhibit B) ' . .: : . . , .. , We look forward to working with your agency during 2000::'i#.you have any questions,.ple6s6.call . me at;(253)856 5471or:Merina Vliarnstadt at(253):856-5460: . . . 1... . . ... . ... . . . .. . . Cc:.. . .. James P,Harris,Planning Director.; .. . . Kathenn:4ohnson.;Human Services Illlanager . . Merino.War nstadt,.Hurrian Services Planner . .1.. . .220 4th`AVE.:S(3:, 1 ifEPVT,W 1SHTNGTON 98032 5895.E TEI hk'I CJI![ :.(M)856 52U0 : .. . ' e 'r�1;\rf 1 ctry of t��'_r t I I. .. . J h�.t- .(. �. . V ---.. Piarcnin ,Departinent (253).85b-54'54/FAX{253)85b-b454 laixies P :Harms Planning Direc#or IJ1. :::: '`:: : ' ..,.. :.:. .:::...... ::..... ..... EMp.''C):°: DENA. LAURENT, G4IERNv1ENT AFFAIRS MAAG R': :: , . ROM: .:.:::'::::.:. ..: :: J(JDY:BEN 4ETT,,HUMA....SERVWJ:ES:P . . . . .... .F . SU$JECT: :°` . CHILD CAFE RESC3[7RCES LETTER .'.: ;. , ;.. ... . I�atherin Johnsen asked me to get you 40 capies of the letter that went as.a;stuffer.in'the.' , Business License rnaiI- I have approxaznately 26.originals Left(attached) and I have:. . . . :". included 2D pI.hoto c .pres Please call n e at 5471 . you have any questions .. , . ... . ..... .. .:.. .... ...... . . es::P::Hai-r�s1.1. ;P.1nn1n 'Drectox .44 :. . . cc: .Jam . ::.: . �athei n Joh son,.�u.inan Se. i . .. .Manager . . .. % t .. . .... .. .......��....:. � ',3.. F N k3 a, ,5ti�1, . kk.t.t_i li()\l:.t.—_ 3,._E,.._ . . . ..:, ., 2211 4 kl.k\'J:_.S(:) ;i f,,.iNN I.:S1.y51i1N.''Q. ....�i. .. .... .................. -- . ..:...........:..................... % . :...I, .:. . _,v, .... i. ,. f ..3 . t r l;:r IA i .......a.:.....'.-.:....�t.......�.....:...:........:-... �....:.t......::'.I 1�.:�....I....-_..'�1............''..-:.....:.%.-..:...1 1...- .....:..%....'..:.1.:.:..:...-..........'...........:......,.I.:..` . .., ,Jiaa`�t6it . .. :. . ..... . ... _ -- — . ... ... ..':'. .. - - -- -- - - -- - urn -- - -. .... w...L-....._.__.._-................ ._._.._.. _.. �.�_ . ,. . ,. ,. .. . .. . „ : . :., , . .. Planning.... .trnent (25.3)856..54._.: X'(2S3)856 6454 Jaynes P:Hams,+Planning Director . .. MEMORANDUn :.... .: February 3, 2000 R. , ... . 'O; . .. . ` MAYOR JlM V#1HITE AND KENT CITY COUNCIL IIA Mi E S ff=:ROM:.: .. . .' KATHFRIN JOHNSON, HUMAN SERVICES'MANAGER'.. RE:. HEI:P THE HOMELESS DAY IN SCENT;'. : Recently Mayor V1/hlte received a letter from a jrourtg::magi named Tyler /amen. Ty#er's 8 years ald and a znd Grade student at tar fake #emerltary Tyler• .. ;.. expressed his cariicero for the horneiess an wanted:to flnd a way to I eip {`~'. . The yrrian,Services Commission invrted.Tyler to attend t JanIuaty.meeting.. Tyler out#fined his concerns grid reinforced his belie#that there . . Iould be a special day:to help the.. om ess. In order to acknovi#edge Tyler s efFarts, t fie . Human Services Commission requested'that 1Vlayor:Whtte;proelatm Tuesday; . . February 29«' as Help t o Hornefess Day in the City of Kent Cit Offices; po#ice stat#nns and fire stations wiiI serve as drap off poants Ftir ally Y donati:©ns Human Service staff will enstare that donations;are.4Jqtri te to Age rtcies::providing assistance to hemeless individuals arts families to Kent . . .... Tyler wl#I be available to accept the Proclattiatio .W.or�.F br iary.. . : and woufd like' o..briefly address Mayor White and memb:ers'of;tfi.E:City Council.: Attactid you will. ih a copy of Ty(er's letter, as,welf as a letter from:hi.s father Terry 111Jarren If you have arty questLoris, pfease'csntact me at 86- 470 .. tor:. cc: JaRies:P:'Harris; Planning.Dlr. . .. .. ... John Jendresen., Human Services:Commission:Chair . . Joao. ,Bennett,:H ax a.n Sen l.. fPlanrter .:: ..... .. .. .. y :. .:... . . . .. . .. . ndeneel, Ier:W**'*1r12jra.CodnalMeii b:dgc'::':. ` `:`. P: umansaMI.999200Qc4mmrssianl..Cnrre:... Y. :.. :..:.:........ 1 . :.,. . . . .. . . ......::. .: .:. — - . — ---- - %.7,777 -_. ._� _ :..__._r...:. r` �, , asi ;:,i: ;:M ifr\I . ,�.:!3 .�\.I ��.f:: :I.i;��'.:11;;.� .11t,.._......... ... _ _...._.—,...._--- . /',;. l.• ,9 . 'i ; :.. -!.+ - . . .. .. . . .�.. ... /. }.... . p . , J . . . ''l� I t . . . . .: . i �.*:***.7 . , �� .- L, _ t) �7.. . 11 �.m` . 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N '01 R3 ys {!) . 4.. to Selected Results fi orii the CHANGES Parent Sop11 port`Net - r k , ad t11.e. . G"HA11rGEtrzsr�I7tTM Program Survey of August, I999 Prepared by Iiob Loveless Exectitive'Director.:: CI IVGES Patent Suppnrt ,etwork January,2Q00` A'voluntar stir ve. / restionnarr e was distributed to ar ents:attendin weekly st oz t >.: :`.: . . Y P g ) PP riieet>ns at the 6-end 7uly, 1999 and collccted'at dururg the fast two weeks of August, 1999. total of 77 responses was received from the six support groups in the Puget Sound,area 'I'lie questionnaire contained general questions about the parents' iarrtal' : , status, length cif time rn a 1'SG, age of tlfe child and PSG most often attended A section I the survey asked parents tllerr fe�elrngs about the CI�TAN-Mrfrsi�I OW Prograrn's vnp.. on tlrerselves and tlerr child. A tZnird section reques infomalion about the parents' actrvrtyin tlne suppo't group--their feelings about meeting forrrrat and them unvtilvement as a fclrtator in the<PSG. Finally,'there was an optro><ial section asking demograpliac I. iriforrnatron .gender.; income, residence area and etl1 icrty Th. bar`;charts on il. followung pages are provided as`informatron horn tine survey. accompany the Final:19991Zeportto the"City of Kent as.a requirement of a human :.. . services grant-awarded to CPSN for 1999. The charts represent major progr am r esults acid depict the;nrxrpact that CPSN and the CHAN I EinsrglrtTnr Prograrn Iras on farnrlre5 . :;:�. ..:. and their Col ilmunitzes' ,.. . . Figure 1. represcrits the distribution ('I clrrld's age when. he parent first started attendug a PSG. About 78°l0 of the parents came to the gaup because of a "teen" aged. child, 1'2 to 1g years-old. 'Somewhat of a 8holit charge from a similar survey clone rn. ': : 1vlarcln `1998 is an increasefrorn4;�/o to 13�Io iri. "2`1+" age groin Tl ,se results aye. consistent with proiam goals in lelprn pAients wrtli'out of control adoCescerzt belnavel•° in their far nrlies Figure.2 sliows tlie'drstrrtzutron i thb,parenW situation at Borne ari terms of wllethe�°or not there is aspouse and whether the spouse is supportive in tZne program The bar for` "ixrarried and spouse attends"is fi5% Arid shauld be ilia most frequent because if one spouse filled out the survey,usually the fltI souse tlyd as well. If one reduced tlirs bar by about one-half, tben the chart;vvould represent tlle`,..., rbutron'oF arentmg sitLrations. . ley fgomiy, n% by asi iA bal Parent . . Figure:I slows the;distribution of responses asku)g parents about thee,impro�rerrre.t ' . parenting ability Over 3Aa Of tlne'parentsfelt a "sigrnificant'> or "major" ztnprov. i iaa pareratirrg s}nce atteridung a PSG; No parent felt that llelshe did not improve .. Figure 4 depicts the distribution of the par Brits' per ceptton about iZnerr.'clrild's behavior . since;tlie parent has`been involved in a PSG The question wa .reStrrcted to"continued a: _ . improvement in behavior"by the chzld Abaut'$9% of tl�e parents felt tl3eir cliil 's 1: of ae` » behavior improved at least.``sonnewhat" wAlt 50% �eporting a s1 nuicant. or major .. . :::. .improvement. F.igure 5; shows the respanse d�sti butio i for the pale ts' fcelu�gsI toward the possabil ty of personal growth fni themselves as a parent `About 84% felt a"s gnif ant"Po. `5naj01" ossibitity of i npioved personal g-owth.:<No parent responded ' the"none" category. Figure 6 shows the distribution of responses about tl�e level of support they feel they ' have rece ved Pram the PSG About 99% of the parents feel at least"adequate".s I W.- t from the>r grgtap wltl? 55%feeling the suppoft'level to be "excellent". Agam, this LS con$s� e 1 with CPSN program goals ofernpow erung patents through peer support efforts. Figure J Ls a"doss-tabs"eha t:sl owing the relation hip between length of time in tl e.: PSG artd.how they felt about tl�eir'nnpit�vement m parenting;ability Sot ewI t' Pr d' table, a shoe ter tune in the group corresponded;to higi ei fi equenci s n the , m w at"Ian :.. I a f ::. pa�enti ig categ fits while I igl�e fie uencies fog the "signifieant" and "�naaai" nprove nevi categories were associated with longer times the grasps Tli s agauz points out`.pro9f. i belief that family dynamics took some tune t'o evolve into;iheu current.,..t and the'pare,ats' attempts to change these d}nlam�cs fot: the better usually takes some timeand Bard work A sample suit/ y form - availa1.ble upon request:,. `: . ... :. . : . . . :" .. . .. .. :,:,;:.1 ... ... . . , , .. . .. . . ... . . . .. �:: P : ..::.:: . :....... . . .. .. i ire:l: .; :ild;.s. a 1tlThenParent : rst Aft:ended S Fg. C g . . 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' �: y A phcatic�x C cle. . : . 7NFORl1�IATION ITEM : 3:05 B NEW USINESS` .... . 1. Capital CDBG Application INFORMATION ITEM 3 I. Red Cross INFORMATION ITEM ... 3;3'0 . I ICYFS �hTFOItMATION ITEM 3;46 .. .. 1, OOO. eiisus Re ort' 3 5:0.:::.;: . . 2. C .. p .. 2 r.' : . South Ki 3g County Council ofHuman Sei*ices Itepa�t .. 3.5 1 South I g County Human Services 6rumRep..ort 4:0.0 4. South King County Home'Ownership Roundtable 4:05 . PQ 5. Upclatie on Help"the Honieless Day ;. s . . . :1'O . ' . . P.,Wurnan��Ser•vicavWjirrrai�Setvrces f' rrrnrissio(rift.LEND�S1�00(iI'lla,,1.hi3O,1) .. I I �_._ . 2204th AYE.SO., /KENT,wASHINGTGN M32-5*5/`I'I I.,NPRONfi:.(253)856-5200 . . ,.. . . . . . .. . : . .. .. : . . .: �. I �:. .: . -.. .. :.. . . . �... .. . t ... . : . -% ... ., . . . . : ... ..:: - .. . ... ..: .�. .. : ... ... ... . , . - .. ... .... .1:!. . .�. .. . . .. :. .. . :.. .� :. -..::-i s: - . :: . :% : * ... - . . .:..... ...%. .. . . . . : � .. .. , - . : :*.. :%.:-,-;. -.. ,. ... .-:... , , , ...:s ...,.*:.,��* 1. :,..-:: .'.:. .:.,, . . . ... .. . .. - , . . ... . . . . .,:.: . ., . . . . , . . .. . . . ... .. . .. :. .I .... . ... . . .... ,.: . . ; . .: ;:.... . . . ..... .. ..., .... . . .. .. .. : . . : .:.%:-., . ... . . ...:;:..... ..... y .:.... .. .%t:�I. :..... :;...::.. .:::. .:�:..::I: .�'::: I :.:� . I . : .: .,�:.:. . . ..:., . I i .Y o, . � . . % .I %.I . .. . . . . . , I I . � 0' t , . rNV1r_Tk. Jain Write;Mai .r': Plfinn jbodrfinent (253)85;6-5041FAXV53)83G 6454. Jcr�r�es P HI i as A.l(P1.PI ng DtiWd. HUMAN SE..tVICFS COMMISSION M,...d G;MINUTES . . :. .. . >t Y 24,20 . Fehr ua OU The:meeting of the bent Human: Seratces CornrnLssion vvas called .. order by .::Q...­ :.h..—....A:...:..:..:�I..r 1.John Jendrescn at 2 30 p m on Thursday, Febary 24, 2004.in Council Chaaaribers East of Tent City Hall: HUMAN SERVICES;COM ISSI1.ONERS PRESENT John Jeniresen Chair . . . . . Edna White,Vice Chair : : Brad Bell.'::: D acl.Dn s, : Pe Raalc'rry e ar f :.Jd .S f . .. .f. Toth Brotherton, Crty Councrl Member. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT Mol Tate; excused :. . PL Ai\Tl\TI. STAI".+ MElVI13ERS:PRESEIITT:. . . . I atherin`Johnson,Human Services 1Vlanager Judy Bennett,Planner i e ridva l`Pl ruie . ;: Carol � Su l , a t Planner`1Vlerria;Van stadt, , . Painela:lVl off.rarl,Aclrnznrstratrve Secretay OLD B1.USINESS,. . APPROVAL:OF MTNtiW. ; . Coininissioner-White MOVED aria Corn missioner Sarff SECONDED to acoe. the'minutes of: January 27,2000 Motion Carr.ed 1. APPLICATION CYiCLE lr�—SET 3lOES Kaher�n Johnson stated that there would be' a joint:.South.Ding•County. . . , application . . vvorlcshop lVlarch 22 at which time:appl�icatLons will'be .released to tlae agencies 1VI"s, Johnson stated that applications are due back to the C1 ty Apt tl l .and.'to.the Conmtssiane>t s at the April 27neetiig along with the staff analysis. - i .'. . t:° Ms. Jcilunsor� stated . that June s .meeting would; be held the� 9tl at w, cl� time` the Ccimmiss oners' recornmendatLons w111 be d%ue. Co, mrmssraxLers will meet Ln small groups during May to review applications The Colrlmissioners 49ro' d to have a wokk ses1.sion before the May .: 25t11% Cointn>lssion fro as 12;Q0 to 2:30 and Jurte 15 from 9 0(l to 4 00 :1. .. . Corri �tss�ciners 11 discussed the applicat on and staff.anaiys s process at iength. . . 220 411i*XV.*:.801 /KENT,VASIIINGTON 98032=5895/TELEPHONE(253j$M-5200 .. . .Hufiiki.Services.Cor�iriiission Meetin g. F.elirua. .24 000:. , .. i 2 Page.2: . .. : ... . { :�­ UPDATE UN 1"'YLER ?ARREN S E FQ S. Judy Bennett ieporfiecl that Cornra� ssioner white,repiese iced:the CvmmissibfiAV the Fe. . iy.15 City Council meeting and that there..has been extensive press coverage Ms Bexaaett reported the location of the'collection boxes and reported that Tyler Warren's father received a pledge o $50;0 40 fiorn .his erxiployer and :clalleriged ether South Charity law `frnns .to''donate equal amounts. : I�IE'W Bi7SZNESS ! EAAR END REPO�t,T-GENERAL FUND Judy Bennett stated that all:agencies met their performance:mcasii es. 'I.She.stated:that atliolic .. Corirnuriity Services used utility fails for xent,`as that was the greater need.... Ms Bennett stated that the`kept Community Services Food Banl� continues .to experience problems with the reporting process: . .. YEAREND REPORT CDBG . Merina arn.sta It stated that all agencies have met or exceeded their year to date goals. .:::::.:...-:...;:"..:..-:,..:.:!.::�:�,...:;:..::.......,:.:...%.�......%.:.::.:...:;.......L...,.,.%..,...:."-.�...�:;,..��,::�..�:i..�.:�.%..:.......:�'..�:.:..i,...!..'.::�t—.:...�.�:�.-.�.:.!�*.....:.�:�.--::.:.-,....._..*.1�.�..-�I%-.I:.,.,.--:-,I:.I CDI.BG APPLZCA' `IUN CYCLE Ms.''Johnson stated that as CDBG funds are not increasing significantly 1. and the City curieritly funds Chi rrnuliity Health Centers, Emergency Feeding J'rogram and YWCA l'rarzsI .1. . l . Hosing. Ms. Johnson stated that the programs are priority one; basic needs Tle xti , :. CDxllnllssl0nelis agreed to not release CDBG applications to the public , DrsCussrOrl regarding allocation of 6pita 16as will be on the March agenda.`. .. . CHILDREN'S INITZATIVE Ms Johnson stated that the C1�rldren's I:nrtrative rs being funded by a grant of $1663o Q0 awarded:as:a result of a giant submitted by United Way tc�Bank of America: Ms Joluison?stated that she rep South County as part`of.a countywide g oup to work or�i..what:tlie.:Initiative: would look'lrke REPOtT ....... .S .. .. :.:::..: fl0U CENSUS' PORT :`. . 2 RE Ms :Johnson stated that the Census'Bur'eau invited staff to meet with a Census delegation front'. :. ., `' Washington D, as the Bureau felt that the City of ICerit e. l fies .hod ar tnersha .Ms p g. P p Sundvall reported that:the City of Kent has Yecelved a maximum grant of$I;500;0.0 W-1ith vas : . .. .: . awarded:based on a pro3ect that the City created to ;rnake.'tee shirts designed by the KeiYs . . : Graphies depaffmont. Ms. Sundvall stated that`the tee shirts; are designed wxth.a logo "Census 2000 Kent Counts" aril indicated that she has axdexed magnetic; cat signs to place on pity vehicles..* . h... Ms:.Sundvall stated that fb. een .questionnaire c..ont .. axo established:in lent imaiu ed.w.t , volunteers. to'answer::the .pu. lrq's.. l st ons,and.said that T� '.s hoiiieless.camps:have. been . 4, identified..as well. : .Ms.Sundvali stated:.that she.aritiei .... ates th&Cit Coui cil.will issue a: roclamation lVTarch`7;. d :.. ... .... .. she reported that staffwould promote the census at the Par1�s Community:Fai tci be held at Kent. Carim©ns. u a .Se ces.'Corrims'sioii Meetin:.H in n rvr g.. Februa 24 ..2. 0 , .. % . n'. 04 Pa"e"3, fx g" SOUTH':IGNG.COUNTY COUNCIL O.-1 ff,HUMAN SERVICES REPORT. ' Katherrn Johnson stated that the `South`In County Caunczl o Hux1ian Servzces held their.: g. . .nreetIng February 1 attended .by Dena Laurent who gave a:presentation on Worldbic-6z. .. Developrrient 1VIs Jahnson'stated that a public heaiz rg will be 6l in;the 'Councrl''Chambers..:.. Febraar 5 Katherrn Johnson stated that:the 1Vlayor would be the lcey.of speaker'at the annual Council of Human Services luncheon SOUTH KING:COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM REPORT Kath. * 'Johnson stated that the South'I ng County Human Services Forum is comprised of a % group of:South king County` cities meeting on a monthly basis. Ms. Johnson stated that the Forum would finalize their mission staterrment at their February 25 meeting She;stated that Tom Br©therton, Cathy Garland, United'Way;and Jeanne Barb clge, Federal ;Way Council Member; .. mare up the subcommittee <.: :. SOLITII KINiG COUNTY HOME OWNERSHIP ROUNDTABLE Kat erin Johnson stated that the South King County Howie Qwnership Roundtable would hold a meeting in March to look at ways to provide affordable honk ownership;in South County ;N.ls. ': :. Johnson stated that the goal of the next meeting is to bring developers tagether to discuss barriers to brildirig affordable housing f©r law and moderate-income farnhes WORKFORCE`DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PLAN : . },: .; .. .. I. . .. City of Dent, Government Affairs Manager; Delia Laurent spoke `about": the. Workforce Develapmorit.Plan Mayor Wlrte rs the xepresentatrve fcr suburban cities oil the iorltorce Ixivestmerrt Board,which consists df 50 Yriernbers: This Board has been meeting since'August: The State requires that a strategic ari operating plan. :" be provided by March '15 for using the fiinds as previously tcit,.6 A.draft.plan was released fox public,coxnm. ent during February:.:. 1VIs ` Laurent::s�ibmxtted a summate of the plan prepared firom a suburban city perspective. Including`'areas :of concern with ,the draft One etincern is that services be. 'geographically.:: . . . distributed where the highest px©baHity 6I fobs are as;v,�ell ss targeting where job seelcers.'are in South County. Commissioner Duclos stated that ih the:`current draft; services .gp. directed mainly at Seattle . services; for profit agencies, and cot r rnunity and technical colleges, whereas the "local % coxrimunty based organlatlons are predoinrnately zgnored .Ms..Laurent encouraged.1 gencies to attend the:publrc'hear rig February 2S rrr slippart .of Sout%h ., .. . , ., ... .. I. ... ... .. In Count ;s.vzews bri.hoi�v adult`basc;edicatiop cne 'sAuld b"e:.used.:;:" . g Y. . Y 1 tithe ohnso i ll re esen Ile H rnari` ervices '. a aciission:at:the.lac ir'n .with.. . a v. ri . . . % .. . . .. ..: :..,. .. J wi.. . p. ,: : tt : u 1 ...... C. zx ..".. al g..;:....:. : . .. . ,. submittal repxesentrng'the Commissionex`vtewpornts Commissioner Duclos :noted that under .the. Federal 'i av�r's. `Wort fotce Irivesirrient Act '.: . : .. ... , . .. ., ....... .. :....... .. . ... iL... 9),: coliinrznity action agencies are required to;be a paxtof a one strip .. . . . ;. . .. ' .:.,. Hur,nan 1.Services Cornrn, sion:Meeting February 24,2000 Ea e 4. .. . g. .. GUEST SPEAKER . Kather in.:Johnson introduced ACAP Child acid Farrnly `Services Executive Drre.etor Liiada: DrRrenzo` The ACAP program was fortified to1 provide affordable;day care for families and xs . . ' . % .: ' located in Auburn ACAP vvrll ' then thirtieth anniversary celebrati'gn breakfast June 9 at Grace orm "m I Chu in Auburn ACAP rs:licensed to provide childcare for`�S children from:four weeks tc six years IJdof age. I.This program inch des subsidized child care, special needs child carc, as vuell as providing 18 therapeutic chip. care,positions for children referred.through CPS who are at risk of:abuse and neglect. Ms D1Rrenzo stated that a social worker is. assigned to work with these families and . that the child care ratr.o for at risk children is one'instructor to three children instead of;the typical Qneto seen ratio In ,addition to the regular subsidized and theII rapeutic childcare prograxts, ACAP runs a Head Start program ACAP also provides a site at the West:Aubui n H'I School for teen parents and . a drop rn center, the;;Regrorial Justice Cezrter, An-additional component of the program is the Apple Parenting Program, whrch'ts geared towards parents in South King County r no are risk of abusing their children. The foals of`tlris pr©gram are to create healthy family relationships thereby reducing abuse and neglect M.I. DtRren�o introduced Alana, wino works at the Regional Justice Center and whose son;was etirrlled in the ACAP day care program. Alana's son has severe learning disabilities The II. . teachers,.AC",worked attentively withhim in a safe environment . .t. Alana recently moved.her son froth ACAP to home day care because she now lives>n Federal V y. She had aA and tithe finding day carc willing to accept special`needs children Ms, DiRenzo stated that ACAP charges paients the DSHS rate; of $700 Q0 for infanta and $500.00 Per month for toddlers and young clnrldxeri .. .. . . ..'.. The Board of Directors, corrsrstrng cf.mile rnerribers,`wont voluntairly to establisholrcres'an€ ACAP's mission ,ADJOURNMENT! RNMENTI . .. The meeting% adjourned at 4 ;0 tn. . ... . .:' Respectfully Sunrnrttecl; . ` ft . Kathe Johnson . . Becoming`Secretary .'.4 - P:IHcunanServicesiHuntanServicesContntissioltlMINUTES12000k112242000tttflt.floc CIT.Y'OF � . I ,. . �, . �► jGmA J>m::white, N ayvir . ... . . :.:::..Plariri' :De artment::. 25.3. 85.6-5454/. X` 253. 856-64.54::.:,.-: ::.: g. .. P {..: ) :... .. 1. ) . J. es P:` arns Plaiin' Dir c or: ;:.,.: :': :•. am tI t t iVlarch 2 'z000 Linda ©i e*`zo' E ec . . 1. .... .. . Rt. n x utttre ©irectar .': .::: ... ACAP:Child ar.- am)1 Services.'':.:: :: °..:.: .. % y % ,.. . . . .. ... .... .. . . . ...... .. . . . . Auburn,:WA J800,2 ... `k %r. :DiRie z e o M Thank you for`meeting with.the Kent Human Services Commission on February 24t�..`... . .. The Carrmmission appreciated yotar presentation andI a information that was gamed, I. frgrn a client's perspective:, 1 also think it is �mportarit far tYte Commission to#year that .. . . many employees of our funded.agencies are irtcome eligible far human seivtee assistance; Thank you:once again and please mark:your'calendar,for March'22nd from 1 30�-3:30 at Kent City Ha11 far the.South County Goordmated Funclers'Vllorkop You wti.l`receive i. Information regarding the mee#iri to the ve near future;. . 9 rY :SicerelV . Y9. ,. , ;' d Bennett . . .. ... . . Ut1ts�1�?.`. ervic�:p . ... . % % % . H ... S _ Planner CC: ..,.I .. .. amesR :Hatras :Flaariin` : irecor . g : Kath d Joh so :Hu e n n mari. . ices Nlana er . .. .: ... ,. 1.:., ..:.':. :. .. 9 John Jendresen;`'Human:Servicest:ommission Chair 200O . . 2204th AVE.SO.. J..KENrr,WASHINGTON 98032-58951 TELEPHONE (253)8564200 ...... ;. `:: :. .. ..........::.. ;.. . . . `� . . j:. ,...�. � -�.. . - .. . .. . * : . .. . . . . ...: ,. - .. . - I *:. %.::. . �: . ..:� : �.-.: .*.:: ,*---.� ;:..:...:. . . . . * ... . : -. - * .. . ... .. ... ..1 .. . :.: . . : . * . . ... - .. .. ::.. .: ...:.l. I ..l... ... ...�: . .. . : ,:. ,. . ... . ... - .: - ::m . 4 m.:��:,m *:.�: �-.-*!--.-.-�� * m�� �. . �i.. I * * * .: ... *: *: � i.. :. , '. .%..-: : .::* � . .: :.: . - i I . . .. ....::. ......L ..... . . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .. ASOUT THE SEA.TTLE/K*ING COUNTY . WO F.. DEVELOPMENT COUNT IL'S YTNIFIED PLAN; :: . :;`... .. . " :1.::. . . . .. . . . . .. . 1 :, . .. . . e yV�rk#or�e: ?eveio ment'S.::.; t: icn';. . :.::.::: What is.th y.. ,.:.G4 ::.:: .: .ro ra... that use: rivate an o itilic-.lo.a1 , .4n...... ... . :,::' The:. workforce.development system sneaa s p g . p p .. � federal) iUtds to::ptepare workers for employment, upgrade worker skills, retrain workers, :or pigvide`. :::: eimploymeiit or ietent q.n:services for jab seekers; wo rkers or employers. This is the.sy5tem that provides.the edt�.".......,1 icat nib, empliiym.. . . . ::.-I..'' 7 a ad related services far:tha# poiition i,..:�......' . of the workforce. equiriiig less'.'tI a::baclie.ior's degree ::Cu�rsiitly an estimated 7S percent`of the jobs require less.than a:four-year degree : . . ':. What i idsbf P ':ograms are. eluded 1 . . ....:...y .: .... . .. .'.:. Services are provided by:a wide:zange if tnstitufiions;:.including scliaols,cornmuntty and technical colleges,state agencies,>eo xlmunity based organizatians, local gover+aments, and tlae Seattle/King Cou xty vVoi lcf,oice'Deve;:lop►nent Council. Inc.ud ng .. . . ... .. ■ Secoticlaty vocational=teel�nteal educations . ■ :Coinirunity a4tecfinidal college V.ocatianai technical.education' .. ... 1' ivate.eareer schools and; ri�+a#e col lege..vocational programs ' ... .:.. '.::.. :.: onsored trainin . . .:. ::...:. ......:.:. Em to er s .. g... ... p. Y . ....p . . Youth;adult, and.di. ated.workers programs . :. Worl�<.related.adult basic education and liteAac ro ains: . .:: . . o.:�nent.Serv.ice Ern l . . . p Y . 1i s..: : en#ices! . i' r p 1p Works ourc e::0ne-S to S .stern p..Y. kills ro ra iia;: to .:S b. p. g W.,irk-related comnpcas�ents of the vocatto."al:"elia... E Lion program.' Services provided b}i tl�e Deliartih6iit of Services to tlie:Blind ■ Programs offered by rfvate and.,public nonprofit organizations that provide job training and'' . . . . . ....: .... . ern .lo inent services, . p.. Y e, acid veil call :fuiidesl:�vorkforce:dev:elo. mcnt. ro. rains' Other.local,':stat ,.. . .. ... Y., P . P. .g . . ... .. ailin About. . . ..'..,.:.: . H I:: ::,. © v.N uch 1Vloney::.. ..* g ''' re `eo1.n's workforce develo ment s .stein. Best them s about$200 mill ion in the. ,g p. Y ., . . Pr%elim�izary estimates sug�, The lai gest portion of the money goes to postsecoFidary vocational-iecfinl6al education(42%). 'I'his:is' : . followed by.secoiida<yvoeational-technical educa"o*n(24*%)and,ati It edt cation and basic skills (18%). . o e. rather' than:lhe.'federal overnment. . .... ... . . ..: . About :65 :—, 75./s,.; of,,the ,money comes :;... tlae :.. . ..,. . ..:.b . . . . . . . .. . . . _�ry w . h. :ar W .0 'an in °the S. stun W . e h. .y iIt> . . .. .. . .s. .. . . i..:.:::.....:..,:� . .. ..%..... .. . . ;. y g. .:.� :. . . . ..:... :, ..: . : In :ugust:. 998,congress j�assed the`Workforcc Investrnerit Act{�VV1A),.:to prepare.youth,adults,aka ,. disl:ocated.wrke%rs for entry into t1 .he workforce and pio�ide for the planning,tii.nplementatron,and oversrgl.1 of a compielaez srve yvarkforce developrtreizt syste m designed to rmpr. workforce educati1.on, training,:and employment: WIA replaces the;ex°isting Job Traa3aing 1'artnerslaip Act:{J`.CP );.e-f, ct, Tune 30,2000 In August 1999,Govel. i� oi Gary Locke signed an executive order:gdrdrng devel iprnent of such a coznpreheiisrve workforce development systexr at the state and local leuel In his.execrtrve ercler,the: G...1 .or de rgnated the W`c kforce.Trainiirg and Educatibn Coordinating Board as the states:workforce ' . board,created a statewide systerri of localvoakforceieveloprneirt couiicils,and identified key challeiges `~ facing the workforce developixient system. e rated . ... . . With these state and federal changes comes.aix oppo­turUty to create a regionally-;coordinated,int g . systerxi out oft he::collection ofeciucation,employrneit and trainritg programs—a system designed to rrreet the:ieeds of tlxe.region's.'job seekers,.lvorkers;and errrployers O° :. .. ::.::...: .:.: .. 1. Who i th%e,&Attib/Kin Cour� Workfo .c...De* 1OPMent Council The Seattle/IC,'* County Wor.force.6 :.:pmenfi Cott.: .WING) r1.s a 55 rner Ib.. council that provides stratel;ic d iectio�i:and aversiglit to thb reg.,,. .s yYorlcforce tlevelopn ent system.:Its rneinbers- appointed • by:I{ing CoLrljty Executive on Sims and Seattle Mayor Paut ScI .1t in 1949 what�ortth ws 6 . i r }f :. . �rtem erS°crp o:nted�]-come from business,:labor;govex�iinent;acid the community .. . The SeattlelKin auiit.. ,re laces the Seattle TCin Count Private Industr Council g Y..:..,,, p g Y Y 1 . . : �V : " . .... ", .. . :..:�: :. .:... .. ...�::-; s:.� . *. . .: ..: . *...-� %.:�.:.,:,.::..:�:.::.; -:*.,:...'.'. . - . . :%... : .. . . . :What Do They D©. Ass olled.o rt'iii>tlie Govei�ior's execrative.:order;.loca{ vorlc oice;develcipment councils snob as fire. :.:: . ;.: p I. Seattle/King Cousity WDC arm rerspoiisible foot cue.o meat:s stems ' . . : :...: . .. .. . . ..... :: . . . • developing aad rrar�tarnrng a local rinrfied.plan for tlie.ivprlcforce d ., t p y .. , . . ..... .. . :.. ....: .. .. . .. :.:: .`.... :. i over*`Tht::of the loc l WorkSource/oire stiff :s stem;: : : : .`::.. conductii g : .. . . .b a...... .. ... .... . .. .. ... . ....p:. Y. :.:. . .. .. ....... .: .... t e.:loc41°level aricl`erisur1.ln a link .. . ,.:.: promoting coordiiiaiiQi :.oflworkfoice:developmeitt activities at.h g. .. with:':local econornic development,strategies, . .. .., . • :providing a:coordriated acid responsive system of outreach to.employers, .. .. :irieritif in e!i ible traraing.pri�viders; : :: :::. .. . y. g, ..:g , ..::: . . sten .. rformance .arid nxonr<tor}ng sy . . .%.. .. ..... ,. ... . .... .. {: . P •..:collaborating On welfare-to-work strategies - .. .. . . - . - . - , , , - . - -* . .... . .i..:... �..-- .......... .... ..-..1...�... . .. ......:..::.....:.. % :%'.:'; :.....::::.:..:.,.:::.;...i:.:.;;;'.:......,1;:�;:.%. .::..L.:.1.;......... . .........:.::- - %;: : - ......1m.... .. ............................................ ... ...... ....... .. .... .......... . :.:,:.. ::.:..-:.:.i.:::,.:.........:... :.%,4., :- : t::::.. -:': :.,- .-.:*... - ......:,... - : :-:1..... ....... ...:::...... .. .:::..... ................................... ...... ..:�:.........:.....i.. . .............l..... . . .. . .. . . .. ,%.,:.: . .. 411.1........I ,t .. .. . .. .. :: %... ..::.... it.,..... :... �- .. . m I. ,�! - '::.: .. . :%�. . - . .:...; . �. ...... , ,: .... . -� ,,..: - . -.. ..�.I..- ..:-.1..... ..%.i I --;�-... ;��:�`-.'..�!:.,-.��:�. . �. ;:::::.::..::.:".- :.':.:. :.:�.�... ...�. .:�,: . .:: .m.1..�::, -� �: .�; : ...�::. .. . ... .. . . . . . :�%'. : ... - . : . . . .. .. .. . 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Ca dace.O'Neill .. . . . . .... � ..,.. :... .: . JosePh 0lechefske e .. y 26I 460 Caro1 Pelo7a Bman Read ,.Kent City Mall, City Council Chambers 9P6I0om Roberts - 20.4th Ave South;Ken N ul.Schell :.. . i ..: rt.Scheunemann Brad.Schroeder % . - . .. :..errySeaman ot .ca s ,. . _ .Of the aft-Unifi d.. Ian at Ou .office, Margo. filroyama _.� y Ron Sims =Ur W sit .Atwlv. kd 9 dc o46. . Patti Stonema.n Lowe . 'Robert Swanson - . .. .— . .- t.%rry.Thomas Seattla Ki6c .Count World6 ce*- e*y 1.opme.6. .C6um l : . . JA:Thompson O iw�O Watt `1 a (et Place OnO.:Sdite 250 2003.W estern.Avenue eattle,- A:`98121-2l62 ji.m._ .te . - 206..448..047.4 . �06.'448.*0484 fax. W W.s cWtI.C.Pra . . .. Bob Williams.Jr. .- The ..DCjsa EqualOrtunit Emplbyer rand PrQgram .. Ron Wright abilities � ait.Yeager Auxiliary Aids mid services are available upon.request to Perso..s.41th dis . Nashing a Telecommunications Relay Service..�00 .833.6.384 . ........ . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 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' W. rk c .boardIcreate i state .de:sYstqn of local W&kforc deveIo nen councils,a d Ken i ted key challenges facinglglIIp :Oqvelopineiit system. Wah tliese statb-ah f6d4al.cfian es omesano0portullit *to create e A.regionally coordinated,. integrated systemout of coll6c-ion.0f e8UCat Q11, el-aplo ment and tkainhi 9 p ogram- a- : f':- -4.st6 ni.designed Io ineet the needs6iq p giqn,:s fob seekers,:wor ers1 and em) 0yorS , s part'o the:chan es ih:file.workforce.d6v6lop 6ii.*sy8teiiij ti e Seatie-KAn oun y Private,:.. idustiYCouncil has.�been replaced by 66'..eitt e ,(i.fig.ICounty Workforce Council. S6afd A6n--Count W6ik 6rce DeveIppr agnt6oun it W C)J �a 55� eihqer�cq ncil thaty � provides:strategic�djroction.and oversi Iit"to he region,s %Yorkf6i e eVelopment; tein .: .�:. - . : , .. t heSeattl ). Count . ) has.an pppoittitijiY 6�6ieai��Strai6g16I visionfb 46469iofiOS W6 forc developmentelopment system ati j ie .pta-.t6.address-critical syst6i �wi issues ... �.....:.,.-... .....:... i.........................-. .... .-.....:... .:` ......:..:. 4............. ...........%.....:: ..::...........,..... ....... �...- .......' .:..�...............'. ....% ....1...::... .,. ....::..�....-...1...... .. . ..- ...�......'.%.....,i.. :. .-...:..I...% . tlowever4�one ot:fh l a1 . es:is d hat-the.. 1W ..Iias atibest, il ct control OVOT only , .5% 0f the resources As 6 t init 6 perattons coniponpiit of unified dp1aa,Iihis . . .... ..... ... A66itides WIA* r grami.fbr 6dults.�y.Outh and dis1 oate �workers.:and iidVoik�0iirce/6ne-k oP syste!-n... T116 D su.bniqqO a 4�Oft.Planf iu, .i47 2000 Tie*pubIi6 corntrentperiq�extends until ` * . March 3,*2000..:ByNla chA:5,-2000"66.- ounciI is vquir6d to.s b itits Local .ni ed Flan to : : . .,:::: :state rk brcetoh�d� n hG w r.nor: qrOviqW::a 4 Opp �-� .io e ..� . . 1-. .� ... . 1. . T his.paperiiig 11 I3ts.1Ihekey data.w.hicilnf6�me�i 6 A6�elopmefitof th6 Strategi6.*dn :O..eatioRs cciinponents.af the Plan, andthc goals,strategies and obiecfives.v6iuh.f6llowed..The. : interests sbould refleettlne b t e many stak6)d rs involved jn.deve oping-a successful c6thp eh n ive w rkforce develop ent system. o.diis.6nd, your feedback.. vaIg- bie. :d . . necessa .ry .. . %: . . .. .. ... (, '.. .. Af you would like more.detailthanIsprovided below lease..review the full Araft.Plan..For..:':: . ... , 0 o es,.call the WDC:at(� 6)44�.W.74.6r:d6ynl ad.afrom y t. e wpb�O� � ..Skq C.Org. .. - .- .. : :. :s..-. ­ -- :.......�:�.............�.-...,.. .....- .. ..i - .......-............ .-...... ". .. ......................1 ; . ..... : - :......-...;:.-......1: .........�....i 1. ...... 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':. .. .. : ...� - . . .. .,A.g : . , P. :'O"7 *� 'At I...t.MghsohwI&q­.-,.. 1 ... ...I� . .. .'..'.. . . . . . �. �. ��p , V. .I * *: .9 *. ' . I : ' 'I, � " . .... ...:.i : . . . . .. . wt rnwim - ... ..... .M. . : � u 11, '��" . . IB M. . .. .: .. . . . . .. . .1 � 1- . . . . . :. . ... 5 . . ... . .11! * . .. ..%. .. . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . . . . - .... .. .. . . .. : . I .. .. . . . . . .. .. . ... .. :- .. . . . . ... .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... . .... ... .. . . . 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' . ... .:. t ... . . . . . .... ... .. . . . .. . ... . . % . ... . .. �.... . - .. ... �. . ...' . .. ......% .. . .*:.:�:. .:.� . . ..... .. . :. . . . ..' .- ..... ... . ..... .... . . . . 2 .: ;.... . �.'. :: .� 1 . .. .. . 4... ....%%... *.� %.. � ..%*! . . . . . ... .. . . .; . . . .. . .. . . . . ... ..i . . .:...... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . * . . . . .. : :..: .. , . . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . ... . .. . *.: . . : . . . ­ . .. ._:� . . :. . :. ..4:......;. . . ._......:. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . State.vvid`e survey results silo Seattle/King County`employees--about 74°1a-- ir►all sectors are havirig.diffict lfyfinding qualified applicants. However,the problem is rnore acute in some recto s'sricli as construction and rnanufkturihz !interns of education arid trainrn about.75./°of Seattie/I�in :Count eiii to ers rppo. :.`. g Y � Y........., porttrrg dlfficu.lty:fi.ridiiig qua ipJicarits:ai'e Jiavir g:difficrilty.filld finding those rv.ith'A vticatioiial.; d 1pinrria or certificate,a vocational associate degree, or a bachelor's:degree; In terms.of skills, 80;.>w .90%af'.eriiployeis:reporting difficulty:ffritlili qua lifie i applicants'are..liavirig dff culty:: :. finding those with occupation-specific andlor workplace.ski'1ls such as problem solving,team.. work;ailc ,.wozk habits and attitudes..:.: . :.:.: .: ... 4. Eiti Io err.re oft that the scareit `'of skilled workers has.lowered rociuctivi red€iced out put*or::. sales'`and re duce d uali q ty CURRENT&::#OtbRE WORKFORCE :. Seattle/lCin :Coiiiit 's o ulatioii is ro�vii� at ai'inrcli slci�ver ace thin the rest of the state: I rng county population:grew by 1 Q: %-between 1990 and 1998;.bririging the total population:' . to over:l.d:lnil.Iiori . This:contrasted Fvitli a:.17%° .'rowtii'rate in ci ulatioii statewtcie Althou h the `rowth'rate is slOwin divers'it` aiiloil `.count residents lias'iiiCzeaSed si nitzcantl '. . .. g over the last teii.:'ear's." lri 1990 eo le:of color acc©unted'for less tlraii 17%.of tlre.c utl :'s'::.. o rilation.: l3. ..1.998`:their:re reselit tion.had increased to over.'70%:. p p. y. p e:c'i t nit t diveisi '`the current w rkf`rce.con in a `fi 'a e. Bety�een As the firture'w kfore . o u s o. fy, a . a u s e g r; 1990 acid ZOOS, there will:be an l8%o reduction in increase paptilRtior� of 20 39 year olds;and a 67% increase in those ages 40 59..as the baby. tooirieis enter this age group Kiirg Coiitaty'lies enjoyed`Corisrstei fly lower uneiriployriieiit rates the the.rest of the state: The....:: cuirerifiiriernployni'e«t rate.is 3 1%, statewide the iate'I% 4.8%° By2005,;CCing County's uneniployirient..rate is expected to.rise to.:3 96c wit the state.:rate rises to fi.0°lo.: Tlie county,s.. anriiral Iab'oi•force.growth rate is declining and rs;expecteri to;gi at only 1 5% per:year betweet': 99&all 2005 These data create the. contest for a varretyof issues and challenges to ernployrnent access and success.: ysrs ton. Seatld ofte piptlatwarcfoice County show that people ofcoloi;rvorneri imiu ig ,an i:eftrgees,,yoiitlt and`tiie disabled face bard lers to tlie:.sl.rlls :tra1il, acid edrrcaticin that:are correlated with successful em to mint:.: ., g�. • Iinmigranis and refugees represent l 5%of the Seattle%Krnr County I tion, but::. . . . represent 29% of the popu:latron with hoiiSehol(::Incomes i�elow the living TAN_ reci rents are eo le"of color coin tired to 20%° in tJie overall p P p h, p P. s 57% pfTAN1{recipients are female •. Only:60 6 of`drsabl d mdivrduals`are employed;eorrrpared to 85 percent of:the.Lion disabled population. • People of color represented only 27%6 tolilrnunrty/technical college enr6l1ments however they represented:30%€�f carnpletians in Joiv-wage.programs . t -omen r•epresented.56%of all cornlnuiiity/technical college enrollrnents, butrepresented 75./a of the.completions:in low-wage programs:. 3. :: I'he Cur rent Workforce I}'evelo meiit.'S stern P Y TIie Seattie/Kilig Coiiiity:"wot=kforce.development system' includes prograiris thittiise private .. alid/or public (local';,`state,`and Fe de al)funds to p�eparo workers for.eniployinent;upgrade worker . skills,retrain workers, or provide:e nployi lent of retention services foa workers or'eltilployers.: Services are provided by a wide t'aiige of"institutions, inckiding public schools;co*mrnunity anti ... ... . technical'colle'es state.:a' encies,cornin.iii t'-.based 6r aimz* tiofts `tocai' %ovemments;and t%he .� . ......... y ... .:..... .... ..g..... .. . .si...: . g. . . Seattle/Kill CoLitity,Workfgrce . elopment Counol ;: :::`i'i:'::,: g . . .'. . Current,Workfiorce..Developraierit Sys#ert11"uridtng.. i. . .. vi+iAN aa`: >: :. Other $% 11°/n % . ;"F' �,' "F �^'. Adult U/Basic Skills . ,P 18%. rq'' t . . �'. c_7 . Secaiday Vo. ech 24%. .. ' . 4. , .,, .. I. ast econ a p oeP. % , � . . ,. . . 4 . . .% . . . ....:.. . �.... . ..... ..:.........:.. . ". Preliiiiiail ' :`estitiiates sii' est t11�re s about.$200.ciiiilton tai.tl1e i•e iows workforce develo anent...`....:'`.::%..:' ry gg l? systenla "1'11e Iai gest port>ioi ;of the money goes to postsecondary uocatioilal techntca.l edtication.:'::'. .` . . . .. {42%}. .This is followed byseoohdaly vocatlotlai-tec[inical edt cattoi� (Z4%}.'nd adirlt edticataoai and basic skills (1 °l0) About bS 75%of the llloney c€riles froth the state, i atiwr than the federal government. '. . . ... .. . .. S Tlte.CL lrrel1tS. t�I11.tS7. . :. y. .... .. �... .11!Tlal sate*oltcal :'. ..: .:.. b . Y: g, ,.:... eceiitralizeZl:::. . . . d :::. . .... ...... ....... .. .. . . ... . .. . raPnien.E .... .: - alotfocused on a:'duaL customer base ...,,.:. ..:'. :. ... . ... :.... . .. :. . :........ . . a:.: iacic!!1g !!1 t otlltnan outcomes/overstg lt: . .. : ' : :. .:::: ::. :: - .. - .. . ::.:... ..... ..., ::....' .... .. .:..:... - ... . ......... '_..... _.. ....'. - ..:.: . - ....:,:... ....., -..:.*.:*.-*.. Q...:-.:..-.::.F� *.::. . .. . .. - ........:�...... '��::i:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . * �. 1 Creating A n .w system..�....s.. **.1 ..-...:-......T....h�..*..-. ....L.o.c..a..lUnifiedU n.* i:fi::e..d.. P:l.da..n..:.*....*-...*. .': .. .. 1. .;( ..*-..__. ` The T1e........-.'...Mil... i4...­.n...­...i..h�.�b....j.-.Jd:.:-�e.�s.z i%%b..-.-.6.�...:t.��.h...:.a....s...t.*�r.Z..-%A...*.t..e......-gi..c..".�.,`4­,:n..:d:.::...i-.-.ll....'.­..p-....-e�..r...I.."..o:.....�j..i.:.s.i.:.-...p....Q.-..1.n i.�1,p.�.o1.:.-.n.....�.e,...:n :.. ... . . . .. :% ... !:: ... ..:. :.. ....... . . . * : . Component: b :..-.:....: . . .... * * * . I.. ... . . %�.... ..% "; ,�...�.. .. **.. . . :.:..- .. . :..: . ..., .% -a v ic-,. ,omponen * . ............ ....., �I ...n:: �!.'.­ . ­.**..:1.­-:-.-.. .:. ,... ... . ...-�. The:Sti b �-Y' t 1�: - .. .... . I .. . ...... � : , - �� . . .. �7. ... . ....... 7 . . - - .. ........... . I .� .. ... d....�. , . .. . * . .. I ... ........%%-d ..... - .: � ., :...:.. - - .. - . . * . . ...i I . .. Y .. _s. ..... * ..."� . . I .1 - a or market,�including*its liployment opportunities dil -�.:�:'.:.- assesses the econoIn an"di b ., -el I ... . , I I . .I .I �:. .. . . _ . .."I I I . - -.11111 .1, . . . . . . . ... . ... ........ ..-��: .. . ,I 1. ::j , � �... . --.*�--;:.%�, .I.............. ...... . - - - - - 'skiR tieeds, .. � ......,,.... ".'.. .. - .... .,. . . . . . .... . .- . .. . . . . .. .. ... ... .... . ... I., I . : . ..1.- . . ... .... . .�M. ... - . .1 I .­...::_..� .:..:.,: , - .1 I. , . . .. .. - ... . ....... .. . I . % . . ... "..... .. ._.. .. ::::�� .. . . . .. . .ib .. ,, .. . - I ,f . .... . . . . . .. . :. 4. . . . . , . •. . 1, -Iorce:*; : . :.. :.i� ..... .:.:.:...... ... ... .. :. . .::.: �.�asses.ses..tlie..curi*eiit4tldfitit.ul'twol . ... �. _.. . .. % ..... .. . . � . . . . - . . . 1, I . .. .... I.. � .. ...... . . :.. . . :- . ..... . . : : ..: ::: : . .� . . ,.. ... ..% . 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I .1 ..:... :� - : ..... . . ... .... . : 1. . . �ST TEGIC. :-OMPONENT�m VISION,- %.,: .,. . .: -%..: .. . - .. . . . tTHE ..A �!GOAS .OBjr.,CTIVr,,S & - ,GIE,S. . .. .. a .. . C . . . . .r::..:..: . .!. ..:.:.:1. %.:.:.- . :.... . I..::,.%.: .,:,. .... � 1.: .. I.: . .STRAT-T, . .... . ...�l-1 . .. .. . .. . .".. . . ...... . ..:::. :- - .. . * . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . ... . .. . .... . . . .� . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . :. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . � . .. . . . . 1. . . - . .... . . . . . . . . .. .. . ... : : . . . .. . ..:........�...t.I..:....t..."...::..�­.�....e.:.�...:.....i..�....�.`s.::.�.::..:.:..,...�...*:�I.�!.?...:.:.:...s...,...-....,.*.:..:........:...........�........:...........,....,...........i....-..s..T:!.:.�..:..t.....-...ji�...e.:...t...Seattle/King .....%....*0. 0.*..!..`,.�16�,.:.-:/-:-K.... i.�-n.....A1�..-.:C...-o-.u.I,..n...:"1t...y...I..W."..1­..oI.....­r...*:k.I.­.1�..f.o...::.rcI..�.e,.. 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C....o.I:.I..L.�.i.�n.-�c....i.*l..'S..I- vision ....ii-.s­.-.7.I*�o...in.:....i::.s:I.........a1....:..w.......o..%.r1,11.l .d...."c. l..a..s... ...._..e.: .u..:... .-.I:.I-I..-.1;... . ..�,..I.I..�...-........'.-.............'................%....s'...,...-...1.::.:.......................:....1 ....:... : ... .. ............: ........1 ... ..:.......m.. .. ... .... y, ,... ... . . . . . . :0- :­ .. .. s,rslts 4 oriented educati 11I training,:anO Ci loypent system l �results allAndivi individuals attaining and, retat i,lIg living nd 9Are er pat hs nd 4 quaIy workforce for Puget Sound area Q1 1 C s, Seatde/ ing County residents will have the and resources ces needed to attain and reta n.1i llg wage qlp qyl11pnt�:Ej�ployPrs:will1a ready apee sto a well qualified..e workforce. ... ...,; .. .. .- �I............................................I.....%.............:..........�....:.....:�..J..,......,....:.................-..:.:...........,...:..:.:,..............:..:..%..:.....i-..:.................'-..-................t...:..........1:.,................�...�..........:,...:..:.....:��...*.....�....... :.....-.%....,..-.: :...:.l.-.%.*.-.::.�...�.....:,,.....:....t...-..-..%......�I��....*.... .�...:.-.....'�:.�:.....:*%.........,*'.........:...�.I...*......:.:.,.............*...:.............�..s..%-.._:.:.4.:....:- ..�.*...-7.*.:...:%.....:-..�:.:.�.*:.%.1..........%........:..-i..-...-% ...:..t. . .. . 'y:chara teristics.ofthe.ie io.n _ wo1kfQrced velopmentsyst n include:; %;.:%.: - .. g .. . �: . .....:*..­ . . A dUal aistonier focu s,.provi flig . thloua h training;support services, and services that are responsive to:the needs retention services.. .........�.. ...:..�... .t....�.. .*....... .i.�-.........i .:-.................. .�...1..:%.......!.1.� .*..%.;: ...:....:*....:�....... ..... .1....1...1 :.:.....,..�: .........:.:...:..:.....:.. :. I....::..:.....,...*. ........- : ... ;-:..... .:.�...%...s....:. ........ ... .......' ..*�j1:.. * of both ebployers a djob .. . .... .. . seekers./.workers. A system that is connected to:t he .. *. - . :..:! . . .. I i* .. ;, :regional epo1iomy.*- IA userfrie.ndlY,seamless,Jl*e le . system that ensures.e.nploTers;..o . �:. 4 . K sys.tem that actively engages business. ... . ' seekers/ vorkers,%�i - .1 kn6w:W1at!::.: �..-. .,% -�-andl .bor.1�.I.. . . : .�� ..! -: .:� .. .... services:47e aya � e�n� I w�to access . them! ... 1.., A,S stein that.integrates human services . �.eM .Io vinent and.training. �.-* A-regionaIl .600rdin tet::`nee -at : :.:. ,_ :.�. %. ..:': .... .:. ....... y - i.. . . .��. . � *. .. s stein- ather thana. ollectiqp,,qf�: .. 1-L..,A:.fb&IS..01161ACC)mes, performance,and. r gapilt dprqgr �ls d cou nta Il � . . . . . . t;o- .A*syste *that.lie]P S.J .- %.....:-.. -. ... s6Ck6rs V61_1c6rs:=: Oarjjc6larlyj e0ple0f.. *4�.. k. . niffittih.... to.co iOnuousquaH y valor, won.en, people witi ciisa iIi(tes, inprovenent. I . a nd the.economically disadvantaged . . . ... 1. novp. pjQb9.skili,. ]id_wage: ad ers * : I..�III�s....1. .,:...:.;..:.. .. . .. .. . . ... : . . . � ... . .. . .. . .... .. . .. .. . . . .::....s- . . . . . . :.: ..:.* .. .. . .. .. . ... % :... . . . .. .. .::.... . .... .. . t. � ...*. ... - .- ' . . .�: .. ....:. . . s . 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'. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . '.... .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . ... .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . �- :::-! ,:,. : .. :*. .. . .. . ..... .... . . .:. :. % .:: .... . I.. - ... ,. � - .. . .. . . . . ... .. . 1. . .. .. . : .!. .:. . ... �.- ...I . .. . . .. . . .. . . - . : . . .. . ... .: :, . . .: .. . . .. . .. : .-. ...% :.. . ".. .,1I i...- .I 3 ..S.... ..u....�......m..1..1,...�...:.1:..I:..Im.�..1.I.:..I...1.a�...r.....-.i..*..Izo-..�cur`.......:....%..I.r�.--., i.....,.:services �1..-..............,..%...............t:�..........i-....c,....,...e.. s,.1...O.iI.:.:�..,.I.....o.. v.. iII1I 1.�d11 -e,11.:-I,II..'1d.1... III:.IIb. y,.I.yI.'1.1q u r I:.,.I..agency gancy �.. .....:.-:..�.. ..,"::...... �`(-11 I Attach a cPPy,ofthe. genc s annual balance sheet a- t c .a p p .Of� ho.. pcy,�-most recent l anq.aI:*audit�* er.-, . �..I..*......:..:�....,...4.. :%.. .......� -......... .� ...:: .:...:... ,:.. -.. ...! :. :.. . . .. .. . .. . :....::. �: :.! ...I.:. . .. . . .. -. . ..: .. t .�. : . , � .. . , .... ... ... . �. ... . . . .* . %. : . 1. . .. . .. . , . ... :. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . : 4. .. .... ... . ..'� . . . . . . .::% .�:... �.. ....� .. .� * ... . . . . �::.!�.-....,.�.,....i..'';........%- ... �-.... . % ..... ...: 4. . . . - . . . .- ....I.:-,o.... ... - : ... .-... ... .4. ...:...:... . ..... . . . .. ... . .. -.. . .. . ...... - . ... .. .. .. .. 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O current nembers 1 M Attach minutes of the last ea board'meetings Now many current board em. are there? - How manypositions are Ourrentiyvacant? o many oard menbers are from the: of.Kent?. ..:.�..-�..:...: :....:... 1::........ -..*......... ......—-.�.-.......�-.....-.....':..-....%.. :...%. %..:.:..... ..:...%�.�...�...-.�.......:..-.... .�%. ". .:.:... , ... ..... .'. ............ .................I.. ......L .. ...��..... ... .-.1:........ .... .....� .. ... .::.....,.,.....%.-. .....:..:.... .:.... ......:... .....,:.:1.........*-..... . ...... :.. ....%.:%.... i. . How many bo rdme tingsIwereheId in the ast 2 months? HowmeetingsM ny h d a quorum present?entl , WhI are the.re i�p.mepts.for board membership and d�. . pgqpcY recruit ebPrsI . (. . . . . . . ..- . ..:. :.. ... :..:.......I .. .... I ..1. ........ ....,.. .........-. ... ... ..:.. .... �..... ...� ... .. .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..: .. . . : . . . . . . ... .%- . . . . . .- . . .. . . . . , .�- . . . . ... . . . .': ....L . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 : .:...:-,.,...-. .. .. . .. . . ............ .............................................................................. ............... ............................. .......... ........................................... ...........- ........... ..................................... A*enc : '... Pro ra g M.:. VIN .... .. ........ ........ .T.ma: 1. n :Complete ...... li 0 , * `W.,Sec.. ��aqency And Address 9. ' 'A Ild .1d CYDire or .00 ct g atu n re,:: f :: #ephpne.;.. . H address.. Ate �:Pode NumberSlgaatiire. (Atea Code. F of AgencV..'Board..Presid By:signingabove, certify he Information in this.:eipo application'15, accurate t the best your 0,you. Per thatt. �jn trn 'ac Ura ,yP, ... Knowledge: Att -profit -r..h proof of non t.4t4tus.if-the-gge.ncy.:hcis...npt,Pr6viousiv.�been fundedbvAhe...City� .0, rdgram-Cos.. gramforWhic A.e agency is submitting an application for.2661 100dingand ., pro fund!nO:ft.oil),! i§:.iiity:in 2-P r hl6h -0y P w . On received Titl he(30 2000 06hbrti Funds 20010 MI Program:Title i. .e d Requepted Awarded Funds.......... . 7777 ........... s".All Programs 77777 PREM e Pro ram: :. :'A nc. ,:: . . s y �.. .. .... ... . .: . . :..: : .... : .. . .. .. % Corrimun t ;CoQrd nation.. 5, Howiaes your agency make its services ixnown#o the communi#y? :.. o afe#o fovic e':s rvica ? 6 : '.1Nith wham.does the agency coifab r p,,.. $ :. . . . .;. .. `:`;:: .. . . ... 7 pescrilie:how the agency:uses votunteers and wha#pasiffons#hey f ::. . . . .. .. # .. .... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . m. . 3 . ,:.......... . ....................... ........................... .. 44 py; 7. Pro ram:: Access b�[ity sndculo,Ml DOi6db6*h6W the*agency is.jaccessible,ors,:, terms working toward u.. accessibility of a} affordabUity(sliding fee etc lol hone pprilbers . t 4 Me, scholarships, p ev.ance. �apd..�6nsitkvlty..(ethhld fid lihd*u*Wlc rel t. 9 p y prpgrarn s " n f 1 PPTqp-r.ioto.*aff a4trgns atioh se . sica -. cornMUhidation andp ysicaj acces: ibillitY.fforp S.- th.rsbWi q phy I di bffit!Os) : V .. : * . ed?boesp-progran.p�ovlde.TTY ITDD hQne:grvJ66*4the-Apqephano hearing` T 77 , YesNo if yes;-TT yrrob transportation:(pro it transpOttot pp.j:$paq Pn a Aal trposppi6ti :prpgr rns,-.vouqhOrs. M.Y. ............. !::.a)immedi cy.ofservim (waiting lists,pnorRizallonO dlient need etc. : st is F.!mJndtlon(Wrlftendes,polic iractices):-polibles related to non-*di$ R Attach agency ... ated odmin6tion • 4 . ...:.. ....: P•. ::A enc .. e :: ., , : . P. rt' I:::.P o r m Descri tin..a rO p ., .::: ®Attach a separatePart 11;for each program for whFch the;agency W requesting funds 1. 9. Title of Proposed Program ...::..:.t�.:.....4.�iI:.......s.%.1..:...........'..I-...i...'-.....�.::...:::.:.:.........:........%.:.:.........:-.:..:*I s�......i.-.....:.�..:....:.::.....:-.........:..1..:.....�:..:......:.....�:........:�......1..:...-.�.'......-..-.....:.%:.:.....'...:...i:.'..-...:......:....�...�..:.......:---:..........I.....-......:...­-.-�.....:js........�.....:s.-.....:.....!..:4.o.I.....;I--..'.-*:.....;%.:...�...�..-....:­-:..::...:�.:....'....�..%....,.::.�t.:.'..:...:..1.:...%'......�....Z�-.�...'......:.--.:.�.�—.....�.......*:........::�.....:..s...�...,.:...%..-:...I-1..:.............*.-...-..:..:...I.'....'.:....:...-:�c........:*:..*..�-.:...%..ff...............*:......-.:*...:.:...'.:..:.*...........:...s...'......-.:.s-.I...i.........-.!%.t:-.........::...1....�:.:......:*.......'..d..::....-�.:.........:....:.:::......-.::.:....�...L....-..*..:.....:!..-...:...:..::......'...1.;..::I..*.*:;�..:�..I..,'..:.I.:..Is:.%.I:,.:%.:.—�....:�.I...:.......-'.*.-.--:..,...:�......1.--..*.:*.-%I::...'....... . 9 Program Contact Person This must be someaee who will be ava!Iable to answer questions during June,July; and August . . .. . . . : :.............. .:. Name and Title. ,. :: Area Code)Telephone .. .;:,:,E-mail address �f a livable ea Code I=ax.Nui fiber:: ::•;.:::: ;.: p ) (Ar 1`7 Program Loco#ion{s} k` :'" �2, Program Summary: Describe the program forwhich funding is requested.to Wo a summary t f the .. . l. target population, program,goals and objectives If tl7i `program is new to the City,glve a brief history, . .. .. . 5 . . . bvs�ribe program modificit*ions during,th t, yegrpr Xpe ex.:y A 4.4 .. ........... ld 14 If the. dhdihg tequ 6 previous.years nung-awar. e reason ors. itisdifferentfronthw. xp ain the 0 C-h Ah. difth lncrease,d r qP90 JlTprogra. d.. h . ii�*.!!Or urn -.1ceit ue that.youi A qn#f eai h. ansery s c4n.�j opumbot which'this program y" a res,.s. pop e:a 0 c dd Is Ah -a pu.ia� ul t* that is hAvi'ng.a:.signiTicant���mpp.cl�:on th. ? _YPA: ::,,,a lon: n y Explaiii 6 ........... .......................... Pro.gM art 11. rogram Descriptilon -7 -t ro 16r W..khlho4i :requesting..(inds ro O-Ptaitllfoi All. ge T Itle,of Proposed Piv ------------------------ A 10. Pro. 4pswerques ipm 61 t Th June,.July,and August. N' ame and:T (Area Cade T �ph eld la- .� ............... ....... m lj:.add.*s,(If;ppplIcabI Code),FEtx Num er 11. Pr ram L:ocatFon 44. Andtjd6 a.su-12 V: Describe the program tor:Whidh*fUhdl s req 4ram. . umm.ar 1 i ue8t6d. 4,1 If the`program t City,i :target PPPUIOPP, program,goalsand- objectives, .:..,.. h.:. is new to givea bdisf:1116WI .: ... . cn .. m . : . : rF r.,. p; C �3 .. t N p, L �a "a f �. 3 ,:' { p. , . ..,. . Q :.. P° I.w � 9� . ".. p� G :' ' IW X r c 0 c >0- ' c w 1 u c, 2 o C . :. RrT A c vci U o: .30: W n O c . ., g 9. 7 Z aci to W O. ..p r ca ; Q m d ca . a +. .V i w. -a 2 ar "' a `d c rr� to 0 .X -' ti C o IA f! .ff �j C �' M. L7J - W Q .j �. .1l.::. �' 45 L �y .V. //�� f k L 10 .1 # �' Q O: . r. .Q... _. .. .: . t -a 41' a ... ... t1 { � � ,,�, ., 'ate= s �^ ' sl1 05 .J ..t L ,c N) t0 «. .t §� LL cn U C3 i3 U, D V) Q o . . .. ... ..... .. . ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . - . . -.-.. :. ....:.%... . .,....% .i . .. �. ..... . ..... ...... .. . ::. Agency: .t Program:. ..%-....... .. . . ................:. .........�....1.........�. .. .............................; .......::.:......:-!.,�::::......%-:.. :...d...:.. ....,..:..,..,.: ..-...,..o..-... n.: . . . :::. :.. .. .j.: .. . .. '. .: . .. .:.:.: �.. �- ... - ... . ... ........ .. il- . .. . . � . . . .1,... .1 . ... . .r ... r.r I . I , r ,r% ......: . r-: r . rt�he�rrogoin r .. . . . .r: .. . ds2s.'shown in Budget . . . ,, ,,d ... .. .1. .. ..... : .. �,,.,�17.'.,Iln;,narr�itive.,form.r'6X61ain the. 4. !-.Ont .*�*�` : . .::-,... . �- ��.� r r r.. . funds... * . . . . 1 .. . ...., . ,: - . r r: .. . :*...- . . . .. . . . . ... r I.. . ... .1 . .. . . .. ... r. . ... . ::�. �.� .. -.,,.. . . . : . .. , . . .... -.. . . . . .:.. . . , . . -, ....... ... . . . .. . , , . ol... .. . .. . .. . . . . . -.:�-..... :. %� ....., . . ..: .......... :� . .. . . - .. .... 1 . . ... . . .. :��.... . . . . -...%."r­ ... . ... .. .. :-'.....s..I:.:. : . .... . . ... . .. . : :. . .. � . . . . .. . . . ::- . . �..�.-. �. . . . . .. .. .. . .. r. .. . ... ... ...... : . -... .� . . .1�. .. . . ..r r..... .- 18. 4..*, Are-.�.1:rrt.,h":. e i:r4:irr.1rl.,,'.�...hifir�r�,q����%-a:����:i.�.....h::::i::::�....:.....t.b,.u. g�:.-.e 4%.�,c h.....0 n.. .o...%...r..:...e...-..-%s f�.-�np t-.e....��...q 0..1.: 4 s. y.. ....%.1 e.,..d:.....�..A .....r....%......1.s..........?. ..*..'.W... h- #........--:...1.:.:.......%�.....:.0...-.:....�..0..::..,- ..%...:.y* p 4r. plans .r pj�:".�....I.'. !1 I.,.r..addreSs jhOSe Ch nges? -....... ...1. ...... .. .. ,... . . . . . . . . . r , .... . . . . . . .. . . - ..... ... . .. ... . .I . .. . .. . . . . . .s. . : .. . . . .. . ..... . . �.­.. � .. . . .. .. . .I .:. .%. . .. .. ... .. . . . ... ..... .. .. " , .�. - . 1..:.. . .. ..... . . . . ... .. . . .... . ........ :.. .1 . . . : . .. .. �- . . .. %.. : .. 19. Number' 1,.:�...- p, F� T.�.::.:%;� .Ir.'..i.E I,:..f,*.:..'re,..d..... q .e s. t,'I..-:.:.i:-.:n.',I,-%...: fr%.u.hdrs f,....:o...�,._. r personnel,II:.. :I�..�........ r'. ....e�..I..... n..:,... t..::... r lrr .h.. 6r :�t.... Or: TII'.I.V.I L.III,..n b r e:�.I-%� r 6jr 0r:r r:....:......T ��.-I: j,1. s....%� f:.�... r .a .6 calendar year ofthJS�program. :,or exampje if agency'sexecutive irectorspends 1 8, frhis/her -.... time working 'thP' program and ,staff 1��ofIth their each working With this, , ram, ndjUd6 116 1/2 + 112 1/ I= l 5/$ FTthe S ,nu ber of Pq�,s far the program ..:..:.-.1 r­ .I.:�.:.......... .� . : ..%I :.: ..,...:. -. ..... , .. 2000 20 1 r ndo( ) "M Or f TE's 20program,:. for the - manyh 0Ur$ er week constitute f6fI , e empIoymertfora fT ?. nOUrS per:week i. �� .SU g r 0' IIs Personnel onnM' 0�tS of FTE unbe of n rU I Salary FUndS job Title: PQston6 tmp,pyws a ger 6r:1 FTE .iRequested p611 Part MinMax.'p Time T. .e What percentide of Ahe totalprogra btdoet.hs used fbr:adm nistratl n:(I pl4de all . . P94tS re,at0d to carrying out activities assisted In wh Iagraft r in Part with fdnd ). i ` 1 ....:,.:...:...:.: ..:.,..:.::.. .,�..:...*..-...,....i....�,... 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' recttaed leve I?_ ... ::.. . . ..;,.i..: ...: 23 W6 plans do Xou have#a lexcrage othorfunding? What#und�ng sources.equrre a.,mat t from the'City� 24 Perfiormance Measures . rst twa a..rnore quantity#ive performance bjecti�res for the prvgr'arn year, Qne object. - must be the number vf.undupIica#etl city resider is to be served Additional`performance. ob;ectives must:be in terms of measurabie units of service,which descnbe.the tYl�e of Seri/ICes giveC] (see AppendEx C; Service Unit Examples for guidance) y '°V{. j 5 f5 f �. S -'ri � f fib; '}�f 4'"G' y 5 �Ti S e+�'e �` ' � im i e� .. � , �r . a� „,�.,. Unciupilcated Ciry`Cliertts.Served 2 3 4 © f.: ilne.eaCh.serw e , fit.: :. ,e. a un ... , . . 28I. . E d . . . . . . . 9. . . . . -.I...1.�.....o.......I.=I...11.1::........ . ... ...:. . ......-...... ......I--- -. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . : .. w -.. : .. . I . . . . . * I . 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"Ore Wh Vfj4holin f n Ii a- require m ng from 14..:. tPerformanc.e Measutdc :List two r more quanfitative Perfor in and..objectives for the progra, n year: Qno0jedfiVemust:bejh6 huMb( up Icated city'resldentsto. e.sery dAdditional p ifprmahc--e!.. .. t f h' h d0s -...objectives mus eln termsmeasurable units of service,w Ic .06 Ices OTmeaSL see ppepd!x:Q S6Nice Unit examples for:g.0 gui dance),:p),. 1 UnduplicatOd City-Qlient$:Served 7�4!7 D e ne e fl al t.- iejWce uni 1 . 4:. 9 . .:.:. .:.A enc ;:.::;:.':: ' :Pro ram: :. ',:: ,:, : `, g Y. . . g - --26: Program.Derrmbgraphic Informatiatt Only report the number of city clients sei.ved.by this program in the number of clients:column Provide the percentage Qf the total client population. the I-nII percentage of plientstolUMn. For in ome level use the 1999 HUD Income GurdelineS given,at ' Appendix A. 1=or drsaf ling condition,use the definiti'�oh n provided t Appendix . .: 6 d i -� 1 E €:;, E� 4. f 0��1 E. K.t '�0�� _ 20.0 ( xtr�lierits' °fo.'of all Est:# Est % df'ali of e polated) clients Cirents Clients Client 30% of median o :below Income 50%f-median or below Level : 80%of median car below: ,. Above 8{l%of median Unknown 4 k TOTAL II :Client < r, i=emale epder Male` :Household, Female-Headed;Mouselold .C1►enf' 0-4 .. Ages 512' f d � 13.1��1.7 . A 8 34 ."., .. .. i 85 54 55 74°` . Z E d 4"'S4 K r 5+.... Unknown` fi , TOTAL 1=thrnclty }° , AsienlPaaiflc Isiander. Cultural ` ` Bla.WAfrican Arnencan f �., 5 �Kn i 4 S S FBabtground Nrspanic/l:atino 11r t�.z 5 _-. .::: ... �, , z d; , . Native Amencanl Alaskan H< i Native. . ... '. ' yE , �: ; p ; . z; �e WhitelGaucaslan f4 -:. $ ,_ Other. x 3``,, s Unknown . . . ., % /, . . TOTAL . cirDsitrct?. . Drsabling`Conditon ,, ESl-,'``` Limited English Speaking 11 . . . . ..................... - ': '..:...-.i.-:....... ...: �... . ....... . . . ..... ...... .....'..... . .:...... ......... -..... ........ ... ...... .......... ........... .. ... .........:........... ....%... ... .... .. .. . '' ............ :.:. : ..�.,.!.-t!:—.:...�.-.........,.:.,.:...,::.:.:....:.....:.::�:-::..::.".... .. ..�...'.:..�:..........:.... ..:.....l....-,!..%.;:. .-.:...: '---�::- .:. . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. : . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ...... � . 4 ... . . . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . � . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . .i. .. 1. I...... `ram: . . .. . .. . . . %.... . , . . . . .. . . . . : ... . - . * * : . . . ... . ..�. :.. ..:.�..�.. : * p , . -� .:... . .. . . . . ... . .* ..... .... ..... ......:........... ...........:- ...'.-..:-*... - . ;..:..%.... .. . :... ...: t -.: .. :i %—�* .. .r o ... .:...�..- Agqncy:� . . .:,:,*... .,.m:. - . ..-,.. . : .. .; ...-...m, . - .. ...I— . ,:... � i* 4�.kii .... . -�.. .. .-I ...... . .. . . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . . .. I . ..... t.. .. � - ... . . .. . . . . , . ... i . . . . . .. . . . : . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ..:.. i. . . . . . : . . .. . . :- . .. ...... .... . , . . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . ... .. .. ..... . :. � .. : . . : . . . . .. . �: .:. ....: .. .. ... . . . : ....� . . .... ..... �1...' -:. . .. . .... . — : -. . . . .. . : : .. .. - ... . .. . . .. .. . . ,� . .. .. ... . . . :. . . * . . .. �. ... .% . . ...:— .... .. . ..... .. % : ..:.% .. . . .. . : ..: . . .. . :.4. . ... . . .... ..... : � .: . .. .. . . . ... . . ... -I. � ..... : ... .:.... . . . . .. . .... ... :' '. -... .2..... 6 (coat) c-l:' o n1,I� t�-,���������,�,' ) R'"�," r,l��1�''�-t�:"'�� o.'.:. a r�I1.I...oI m D e m. o.,...... r- aI..... p."i""lI-.......:..:..c.�'I..i........... lPlease l..�f n t l-"d1% n�,.,��..-1I::..... 1 1.:....j' O l :lII...,......:...:ul..:.-. sl1..%.:.:.::..... total O t,-�"",:..a I �r : r.'....'..:..9.1:..1. a� m n�,I.:'...I.9'. uI..... n b,.1II.:.....9... e,.:.......�% r for chart. t".:l'::%..:.;.:... h.-�."III'I,.'.:::.....1.. . s iiiI!..I1I....,:.%:..!..�:..:� ii­..1:I%9I9III.:.��:....�:... 1.:I9..".,:..%.:...�.. I rLr1 r rr rr r * %L trr ...%::.:.:%9...:..... ..:....�...'........* .:..........:.... .­ ., ( j djc ipn l00%*I Y, V,OXP�?f Est I'll Est c# o"f - i01 1!t Clients � &fits z rW# d) ,Client� Algona es. enpe� � Auburn.. :. M.. :% Black,olam d 0 0d1 n . F 66v166r n De9Uol e Enumc.ow. Z : ' FederaI%.Wa Knt Maple VlII y AormandV*P Pap'fi10 Renton :...1r:��, . : :..�......-....%..%.....- ' SeaTac S tt*, S i, �, "" Seattle " Tokwila ORin6br orated. k! County. . ;"� Other . ,�.:..:.:....... :......... :... ....... .�'.. .............1.-'..:. � .....:.........-i*.'. .........��i.,....:...-.*-.... :...:. . .................l.. .... ...:%.:........!..-:..:: ... ..:...t.......... t..........I.. .....-- .......... .... .....:..'.. . E , , : Unknown. . . . ' E -.- . TOTAL :..:..:... .:... . . . t. . .... ..... .............-:......�... .1... ...........:..-.:...... . .......... . . :.:......-...I :.:.......�:....... .......I.: ...%.. ...............%.:.... ......:......:..-..,1... :.:.....:........ .. .�:...�...... �....... - ..:.%..�... .,. ......... 4...........":�... . .:..�!...........:...: ..t:....I.......— .-'.... ..... ................... *... �:.... . I .......:...-... ...�.:... % .. :.................. :.. .I .-... . ............. .'..I.::-.... .... .....1 .:...:... .. ................� ... . ....:....... ...... .. .. ........�..........-- .. ... .-. .:..... - .�.. i - ..:....�. ... �.:..-.::::.�:.....:I��.. I ,, . . .. ......,..,.��-, I I .. . . . . . . . :. ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .. . .I . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .I . . 12 . . � ..V...:.I....I�........r*...-.�.-,: .� .. .. ... * ...............� - .. ........ . - . . . .. . . .. ..:... I........ ... .....:..;... X- .. .... . m . . . . . . .... . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . I . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . -I : . . . . . .. . ...... . . . . . ... . ... .. .. . : .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . ' . .. . - - � * . . .* . . . .... ,-.i.... .:. .... . .m.... -�%qn , *:� :...*:. .. ..... .I... . . .. *-.....% - ....., - * * * . . . . . .. : . � . . . . . .. - . . .-.�.. . . . , . . . . — . , ... .. .... ..-�. ,pyi :.....*...... .... . .. . . . . . :. �: -;.I �--.-..'..�..-*�..---�.... ... ...- ... . - ---�.:� .. **. �- . . , . �'. . - . @FP!7-.I.z:I . �.�-.. . . .: .. . 7.m. . - -. ..... . 1 '... :. .. : :.:.- :. : : . . -% . .: .i - . .. .. - . - . - .. . �.;�..*. . . : . . � . . . . . ... . . . . . . * . . . . . i. .. .. . . .. : . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . - . . . . . . . :�. . .- i. . .... . .� . .. ... .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . I . .. ... . .. . .... . .. .. . .. � . .. ... .... * . . . . . . .. . . . . . .1. :. . ... . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . ,.:....I....:.. ....../....-..m.*.....,:... .26. J:.2*. -.16.:11 1I.1 .P-,r. r'....,.;'.:..�..I.:-":..M....,.....,-.-..1I:.M,.I.1.1,1...I...e.1...I..-........-...I,-.,--I��.-��.o-.I I IIIgr-,-"1-a"1-I-Ip.--,I-hI-I1I-Ii-1.c1-I1 lII1In-I11 1IfIb,1,1,1,11r,1,I1Im,1II1:I,I-�-II-t-1�l10 ,­...1-.�.-O, nly,.----,...I�r-....,e.,-�1,..p,-,-.1o1..-,,-rt the n,.I u, M-:.:-I.--1.b. eII%.r.o--...1-.c:-.-%...,'I..i..t,I..'y1�-,..:--clients 1. p.-:-er:v-� .e.,a...:.....-.I.-..:....I..... this his 1p1I,I , iI-I.,'r g.:Ir a:.- m I, in the number of dient counn., P-6Vidd the p6rceh 6.of i 6: otaj.cilanfp6p population in the .:I..I.....-.I. , percentage of client column. For incomeievol use the,1990 HUD Income1Guidelines ven at Appendix A. For disab inV conI ditio use the definitionprovided at Appen,lx:, .A.. ......-:. .. ...%'..... ..,..:.: ... ..... ... ..; .�..I C ,- 1,,,�, -;J- ,., � ,-I 1, ....m15...-. 4,. .1. , �,.I.:.......%..�*.-... ! O 1� 2001 1 .I IClients aR tt� E � 7 - I , -%�1-:.�......*. ..�,1...�1�..........: ......: -1�:....-....... . ...... ...! I.:I.....:. :-. ::..7..:........ ..::1�...:.1........1.I� � .-:.....-....�. .,..... .... ...:::....,:. -.:.... . ..:...;.....:..-:... .........:..... -:.....l.....-.* :.:�..�....*.. . ....�..:%....%....,....�Y -. - :...:...:.:......m.. .... ::......:.......-*....... ..........t i....;,... .......:.....4:..,...%...i.......... .m..............%...:I.. *. 1 ....:,...:...... ................,.*....... .........::..%.:-.-* ..m............. .... -.. . ......::... ........- . .......... ... .....�. .:...... ........-..... %-.......-... ............1.. ........ 1*... .-.....-..,...m ..........., .....�.. ....:..: :I .. ..... .....,............%.. .. , .. :....:...:..... .. .......... .. .. .�.�%.....:1 : ....: m .. - ... .;.. ...... ........:.... -:..... ....�........ - :.. -... .. ........�....... . ,. .-... .........'... ... . .I......' ....... ... , ..,-.. . .......... .-.*- , .�.�.. .. .... .:.. .m ............' : .. .:..- '..:......� % 9 d I Ii _1-...I xs I' t td 7I!e t 30%of%median r 6LIOW . income 0%of or below' : - � 90 80% of median r beloww %. - ... ..,.. . : Above BOW f MedIar! I . . Unknown � : t - . TOTAL_f , Femp,w , M Male 0P ", F maIe Headed Household C110nV-' b-T AgeI�� . 2` 81 . �:. 1.: E V 7 .. 55" 4 76+hkFown-: : TOTAL E%h'dfty4 , Aslan/Pacificisl bIder: :%. , ; uf,b�aj I p Ktpan.American. Back" r dfi11I" j i ;-.t ,� � i,itt ' 1% �` " Native.Am6dcan/Alaskan . �� 7 ,• .Natye%+ . .. .. .. White/Caucasian . ; * . . ' l ­bf� r . . :: :- .. . .. . Unknown'TOTAL Ow i Disabling Conjit on . . -ESL Limited English Speak.n g ......�.. ..:*.. .. ..:... -. -. ... .- .:...;. : .. . . .. ... - : .. . . .... '.. . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . t.. .... . . . . . .. . i . . . . . %.. . . . ill ... ... .. . .. . Ssf,wu�%:..."....,.......-:.. .#� 4�xdi'�°F`cs.S ;rd * €..;; �F �' '2 �.- ?.s a fir{ °e �s FJ��z,t w 5 s a5- �s:�:q- raa.�,tFtaa :' cxm�t��,' a t .� - -= X 'r " f '.n.z, s� _..' � .� ::...-.I1X......:.....%.,..,.:1..1,:......:...,.--,.:....--;..%".::::.....:m..*.,...,:I,.:I..i................*.-�......:.....:.-,:...:..-.....'.....%......-�.­........:-.......-:.....:...:i,...1:......-.I.-.......�..i...::..:...:-;1'.��,..'1.,-.1-�I-..-.r%i..�:,..,,�,.:::............:.:.:�.::�:.,..-,%.:F.'.....:.�.-.....�.�.1.:.d..I�........m.....:,1.�..-.....:..:.:---,...-:1:d.:.�%.-..-.!...%..��..:.....-.�.1..............:::.....,...i........:.-..:.::.�.'.....:...I.....:1,.;.-,-.-.%:.N%,I'.:..-.:....I.�.-,...:-.—,I....�...:....-:.---..:�..I:...:"....':.,;...-................;-.-.:.:..,..;....,....I -..:.-:,......1,:.�..m.-I.....:.......-.........:..,::�.......�...-I.................:.:.:....-...I.�...-.....m.....-.........M..:.:...........,.:.-.-.:.!i...III.-.�.............%.....:...:..:..:...1W"....-.:..*.;.....,.%:.-.i.............:.I,n.......-....."i;I-�....:..�.....:.-:...�''.�.:..........-......i.::..:........-..........:.-...:,:...........-,.::.R.....�.I!.....-.,."%....1....,.....-.:.'..i—1:......-.m....1..��.....:..:-,..:...'%.-........1�',r..:....:,:.:.....-:...i....:.-�.........�-.....-....�:....�.,...I..!......:....-.:....:1..--%...'.....�.I.,...�:....�.........I 1:.....:........::-..I.�,...:..........:.........-:..-....."I:......-..—..:..�.........*:....-.�.�........:..*.....1....:..:t-....m....-.:.....�.i...:......II1-1-..:...�...:�...-:...........I...:...,...1.....�.........:�,.:.i....".',.:-...,..i..:....:....,..i..A�............,.........,................I:'.�.:.�....1...............�....i1—...�-.-...:.'.-..-.-..:..�...:,:................%.......:.1�..:......t.*.::....._-................:i:..:..�-'.:........-.,:..............%�....-...1....:.-...:,..;...�..........�:....,..%,1..,.......�.......,:..'-.....:..:.....::.:.:-..,1.,�.:......*...:...........,-......4.:..:....I—IIIO..%...-:..::.:.--........-:.�.....'I.....::�:*-*-............:..-.*.....:..1.......::...:..,.%..:.....:....,..:.:...,:...:.1�.:........:...I..t..-.I".:-:.:.--..��-.1.......�I-*......�.:.., .._.... . . A'#fachmenfs required to be submitted with human service,program applres ., . 1 Proof of Hart profit;s#atus if your agency has not prevtousiy received fending fr©M, ..e;Gity Annual agency balance sheet A#tach a copy:of the agency's:most recent`;financia! audit cover letter ... Lts#of.current board rnerrabers(include name,"t%ccupation, home and Woe k`address, telephone, board cl ear#er a 're osi#tor an m x t s p. y.. A ) . . . . : .: ,: ..Minutes;of:e.a;t`. ree:bwa rneetir s:. .. . . : Ago.... polioios reiated.to nonm. iscr mination "` •anizatior l chart :: . ; Agency org a . . .... . . ;:. . - crate .: = Sliding#ee scale;:if appr p o ram' :. ... I II`1...: if.t 15 r . :... .... .... ..:... ...:... ........ ... .. ...... . . : ..... . ..... . ..... ... . . ... ... ....... ... ...:.. . . Copy of most recent annb6l fepdrt end brochur /newsletter describing p�.o ra .: P 9 r s new to;the City). . . a . �4ttochments required:to 6e.subm#ted with:each co of a l catr e ent .. . . . e t financial stat m``Most re n C. . .. . . . .............. 4 rij tolls WER9,11101 NNW ' 6 ticim 44.UbjnCOjM.OUId0in6%S%fb �Inoxneamwntshave n r6unded to the nearest -4.wS&pperlixop 3, Z ...Wdian Incorne i"ra6 inoorne(balow.60%'of median)*. 35,15t1 -40150. $ 452 -50, $ .0 00 2.0.. !21 1:.LOw ln=ne(Wow.50%of median) !� 23,066-�4. 26, $ �.9600 02,9.00' .:$ B&ern8(V 11DW lnwms.(Wow S. $ .`213001 22,900 $ 24 $ 4,1M Moderate erate I n bi*ome is c E r -Awarded funds fora pro.uOrdvises.1nese lncoO.0901delifi6s qhnually�..IT your agency.1s.. und gram.thOt. tIpleO client e screening,�ybdrzohtradt W1 require upd abuidelines q Sq:P HUDIncomL ­0 WFIIM M 7. t .- Thb.c a,§si ica jon,o persons who is' Wities is..**.-based oh'the]BUri.e.. --t :-haVe severe d' a i - in. . . ofinition. According a I severe.a A A d WK6.66ve gAdAllit defi It' ..n.jonj persons isability: Use aw eec air.or, s*D L :Mxrnorithi%orAohgerj.! -pcia aid for pe ormone e.,-'as .Wit. activities of daily re.-OnObl. to rf� sistanpe. :A or-more 6661 6.ctlVitl6s ,or noel h I 2 3 Iving or instrumental activitie s of dpjly�living i'Are:Drevented from workinig.cita" 6 or:i ' ­1housework;jp... . . -qqjn.g..,: cted bonditi Imaing.a. I -�es Disease,sen lit ....Qnjnr,, autism ra.:PPISy,Aii6om .1 y:or dementia;tii.'6r-mbhtal.retcirdation, or-.* Medicare or recelve.SSI. Are.under* 6.5'years of *e`,and.:*qr*e* tove re. y. bn h deestpod, liftin g,-*alking up IF dtionalactiVitips., eipg,:�hears s g, qving.9ne spppq up V and carry n la.fl t in fight o stars Wdwalkl ..%Ct!viti.es-ONOk:living; g*e,fting*.:a*roun.d.in.;side.th4Ek home,.getting in or out of bed or a chairs bathing, ih*to*dressing,g* , eating and..usIPg:.. a..Oillet. Instrumental activities of-da y k of moneyand bills, 11 living*.. going outside.1hehome,keeping track . �-.prqparing meals, doing light housework telephone. M. a., ork and using ele0ho S. 66ZO I ME-1111 I - : .... .'...­.:.:­­...... . . . - . . . .. .... . . . . .. . . .­ . .. ... . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . :. . . . .. . . . ..- . . . .1 .. ... .. � . . .... . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .* -. . . .. -...... . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . . . BFOPIV�p;l�rivr��,M7'!' , 1, ... I .. , ..:... .. Y �6i " I , " ! "I � : ,� '_� 11, I. . ,_��, ,� , � ME .-I.1-1--------l-MMUM� , lplO!7g ,IN "kfqai;t. f � ' 's .� . .. I. . z � -W a w � , �. " '. � . luall � ... , haffi, - " .;� , I .. 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Atlult Day.t±are Provrs:on#or alder aduits or the disabled; a place for rraental arrd.pliyslcal renewal as well as socialization `Measured byro;rarn day or h`ourpr v� �r1.'. :` . .,.:.. :..: . ,.,... :.. Advacac interveritionlcontact eh behalf of.a ciaent when the mdiVidpal'. ..group cannot represent Y themselves effectively Measured by contactor hour: This is calculates! by multipljring the nurrrtr of persons inuoivetl an the contac#or..sessian by the number of contacfis or'sessions. Case Management;.Comprehensive treatment approach for a zin I in I t ..of i. ,., g porsonal counseling aril liaison with:other providers to ensure:;coordination antl consistent care Measured per ., ; session�or hour. ' it:is presumed that the?case manager will:ddal with one client at a time,, I#there is rriore*than one client; multiply the.number of cl i nts:by the number of sessions. . , ... . . .. :. . Childcare See also Therapeutic:Day:Care):Super�rrsed care for children Measured by child care hour or day ' al re' aration . and w ork ...,.,..;. , : Chore,Servkostln-Home Care: Essential transportation, housekeeping,::me ,.,.p , p. . , y. .... ,.: : . .. . minor horne'repalr, respite, movi.hg and.personai care Measured per h6ur of service Aded. .. . : . . .. . . .. Clothing„Batik:.:A source.of previously used.clothing for low and 1 6derate-:income persons::.. . Measured by visit or nu er of clothing units distributed `A visit is counted when individuals referred. . from social service:agencres.picls,up the number of clothes:authorized.. Counseling (Mental;Health, pomestrc Violence;Housing, Employment);:ln-person individual, #amity or group consultations with::.(l)a professional social worker(with alcohol counseling certification, where relevant), (2). psychologist,:or a psychiatrist for problem solving, ,3) a:housing counselor: Specify . . .. individual or group gluing the size of the group. Me r cr unseii our sessio . This r-. calculated by multiplying the number of persons counseled`by the number df counseling hours/sessions. . . . Es.#imatethe:iength af:a session rf.less than one hour. Crisis line; A centralized toll-free telephone line offering emotional support, crisis intervention and . ,�robiem solving usually by staff or trained volunteers Measured b is cal,