HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 05/27/1999 .: CITY OF � r Jim White, IYIy®r IAIVICTA Planning Department (253)856-5454/FAX(253)$56-6454 James P.Harrisjlanning Director AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for May 27 1999 43234prn 0m, p . . ... . . .. . ... B E 11 .. T: T .0 .. A ... . . K .. .% . 1 I � I HN E4 .. . . . . Commissiortembers., . :... . : . . .. Pe Raak Char 1/200i . ..Me . . F9% ern harri :ice Clair` 1/2000 . g ( ) Steve:Anderson 112000. : ..: . ) Brad Bei1w John;Jenti .. ., ...�..��-.,��,.I��'-�:�1�-�.._,�.:�_.,�-.�,�-.,�.�—.%:I'1.,1.,���:%I,I:�-,:�1.I�,--,�1�.,�1,_.-��I-I1��(..111�.I.I��:�1%I.-f�,,��i.--1II,�.1,I:,1�%.j-�,�:�.%�,-I1,-�-�,���-1-..1�1��1-I'��:�.I,:,,,:.,,",._-::,,,,I-1-�,,:�:,,',�—-,:-�..�,,:,1�:,-�-z��,,1,1��.�-:,.-,-�,,,,I:�:,�,�.�;,,1.',:�--,;1,.�--:��,,�-,-.:-,,�_--i.-����"�-�,,,.3,:,,-1 I,;:�,�,:-:�1��,:::-��,��.-,:�:�����,i-,�-��%%1:,--;,,�:�,1-,,-,:�,�,-,,,:�,,�,,11,-�-,:�i-:,�,,,�,��..�-,,,�,I,:�,I��:;�1,,!.-�-,-_��� 7ucie Sar �,—,�..-:,,�.�,,,.�1-�.-�...',,.:,,,�.,.i:-.....:��...,:-.:�,.Mel Tate -.::...�,��.'::�,1:.;�:�1;'.,l.�i..1�,%�;��:,,.,�..�t::..%,:...��%.-:��.'.,:�,-tI:,..�-��,��:�.,�I..:!,�..".�:-t._.-i.���....'I��-'�.�.1I,:%..m�....1�...�"�:..-�....�.:�:.:,��...�.,��..�.,....":�..�.�,��,,..1.�.��.1��:....--..-..:�.,-,�.�,�.�,,..1'..:-�����I."..�..��1,,.I,,.,�.-�-.I,.��.i.z,'�.,�.,',"..I.1,.,:�.,­.:�.:t:,,.-.��.:�'..�,,,..-.Z��..::�".:.%�,�,]-':.:-..��i.::-�,....:,�-.��.I.-�.t.Z,I',�t.:,�,��,-�":.Z�,-,�:-��.'�!�,,.���.-��.%�—�,,,-,:-��',]t,:.%,:-:'.%I, Edna White(1/2002) Torn Brotherton,City Council Member(112000) AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval ofMarch 25, 1999 and Apri122, 1999 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2.30 2. <Discuss Plans for Human Services Month ACTION ITEM 2:35 3 Discuss Application Process INFORMATION ITEM 2 50 N ; .A Deter negene es to hteryiew Il�IFORMATIfl T ITEIVI 3 00 W BUSINES .Review 1stuartez General Fund Agency Reports INFORMATION ITEIVI 3;1`4 sI . . 2 Review 1 quarter CDB Agency Rep©rts INF;t)RMATIUlI ITEM 3,20 3. Agehcy Vq. .VReports INFOR .... 16+T ITEIYI :3`0 4. King County Comrrlunity Services Division Sabre Tonal Needs 1ssessment . g INFORMATIOI*T ITEM 3:50 5, Discuss July and August ornmisnq Meetings ACTION ITEM 4;00 REPORTS 1. Human Services Roundtable INFORMATION ITEM 4:10 South King Council of Human Services INFORMATION ITEM Entitlement INFORMATION ITEM y a P:\HUMANSER\CO1:1- MMISS\AGENDAS\May99.(f6 """ ''' ` 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH I KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 . :::�Q%!���..-��.........�..:��...�������������i...,i��;....�:����i:...���.......I��......��i:�i��;i��:�:!...�:������;�%..���....!::���i:E....:;;�����:;:������..� -..��;�i�.�.....��.�.�.-.:���.. .-...��....:. .�����.l�.i���....���...��:���E��%�i:��E�E�...;�.......�E��..� — :.:...:. T . 1.:. ...o .�N�:...% ,!;i,::z ,�:�::: ...%%—.;:.-4:1,,-,z� .�:::.!.:.:::::�.%�.�..:.�..%.-..,:::..:.%!%�4, �E.::%��-.�:-', -. ,,......"%....%..�...�,:��,....�..,..ilia...........,,,�� ::. ;.::�:%.�M.Z. � "I---1-;-;- -::::",%%:;:�%%�:%"�%�:��lil�-%%�i:l��:%��;�-:�.... CITY t3F Z� I ..%.............:......�:...Affi-:�: N�� T Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director HI f�vIAN SERVICES COMMISSION lYIEETIN MiiiINUTE Apri122,1939 The meeting of the Kent Hurrian Services .01=ssion`was called to;order`by Chair Perry%Raab at 2:30 . t>> . Ha11 22Q ..:, v`' ue Soutb: -.. m,;on A n1.22- 1.. ,C am ers E% ast KEnt on . p . . . p..... ... 13' I3TJ1VIAN SERVICES COMMISS ONERS PRESEN Steve Anderson Brad blf �,�-��!-'"";'�"I'z:,l�,l::,�-,:,,-:Z,,1�-'1Iz,1—"11,�I:-':�ll-�,,,::�,,4,�1,�,,,,I,z��--1��,"�-,: 1VIemah V 10 eringhaTn,Vice Chair "l�:,I III-��-1-'',�,I�-1-�,:�:-':III:,��W-::�,,,,-,-,���-,,,,-:,;,Z Perry Raak, Chair HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: Tom Brotherton, excused John Jendresen excused Judie Sarff Melvin Tate,excused Edna White PLANNING STAFF 1VIEMBERS;PRESENT,•' I A era johns. Hainan%Services Manager .. ... . . . .. . . Judy Bennett,Planner % . I .. C i'Well : ` . '`nstr%at�ve Secret ynd �Y .. SPECIA : LTE T '. ARBARA I Al tOV' EXE±CUTIYE DIREC TOR ITT CHAMBER . % . At the Human Services;retreat;the Commission chose tv"Improve Co nmunicativn v'nttl the Business .. . .... ... ::.. .. . ......:..: .. . . .. . .: ... . . . . h . Co ,, e ofthe�r o ts: The:Cvmmisslonnvated C 1- . %% man as on : a .. : amber representa%tives to attend the meeting to brainstorm%ideas. I ..�... ... . .. I 1 , �11 I - I":I:--,1-I II 1�I I II1-I—11,-,�--,,I-,��,-"-"I-III-,I1�,,I���1,-I,II 1�I—-1,,--��,,-,Barbara Ivanov of the Kent Chamber of Commerce and John Ryan, Chamber President,attended the Commission meeting, ;The Chamber is a Private Business Association. —%I.,.—.�.:.......:...:..�.—... Ms. Ivanov inquired what can the business community do to help with human services needs. The WorlcFirst program is forcing many to work. Lack of education and shills causes difficulty In 220 4th AVE.SO., /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253}856-5200 tKmt%!"�=.........�9...=94::.-.�...==M=M.................................................................... , ,� � .. ..................�.. ......................................... ... . :. ....... :. ...- : .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. ... : . . .. . . .: .. . . .� � - . .. .. . . . . -- . .... �::- .% :. . % ..- . . .... .. .... . . . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . . -. .. % ..: . . - i.. .. . .. ... . . . : :1. ��. ... .. . .. . % : . . .... .:1 ...: %.-. . . . . ... . . ........ . : .... ... . I .� .:..:.. . . ... .. . ..�.- ... . . . : :-.. .���.�.�.1:������::.%�1 �:-:i . . .. . .:..� �..... . : . ..�:�%�% i .% %. ... . :�: . . ... ..... 1 ...... .. .. . ! ��.::!%��..�:::��.i��:::�:� . . .. - . % . .�::��.� �-�.::.�. ; :% %:.:.. .. .. .% .. ....:�. �.;-% ..:�...:....�.�... . . . I. %.. .:% :.. . ...: - . - . . ... . .%:.. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ......... .. - . .. . .%:�- : : .. . % %..i:... .. . .... .i .. ..:. �.::: . . . . . . ... :. .� -.. ......- . .�.� ;�-.�-..�;.....�� �� : ..: i . . . � ��. �.��.� ..�.:.... . . %:. :.. . ..1 . .. ... ...... ....1. 1 : : . . . . � ..... i�� . : -. . - .. :. Human Services Commission Minutes April 1999 Page 2 finding employment, Basic works skills are needed. Helping with human services can benefit businesses. Staff discussed a resource directory for human services that is currently being worked on. Ms Ivanov suggested putting the Human Services resource guide on the Chamber's web site and to make the Human Services brochure,available to employees in Dent Chamber businesses.`She talked about a new program called"Working Together"headed by Rico Yir�ghng for community improvements. f th `Hum % e,; ices::`' '` i `':' l ske o ,h e o G ambe :a enda to a l au .th..fun ons o e an.S xv...i. Bzad Bel. a .d.f x . m.. ....n � .. ... ..... : . . ....... . . . ....... . : .. ...: . :. : :: .... . . . Coinm�ssion. June wad selected as•;a possible t�rne. Staff will schedule this or rad Be , idie Saaff,andatherin Joliiison to attend a Chamber meetig. Communication between%the business community and social services zs a problem because of lack of knowledge ofeach other - . . % .. . -. 11, �--- . . .. . . . - .: !. ...-.: ;:.. ..-­ -...........-....:..:§ :� I.. -:,:-�:�11 - ....-- .. ... ... .. � ........ ��%�� .F �-- , M % ...-.....-.... .. .. .. ---- ::­.- -- , .- . . . . .. , ,, -:- - '''' ''.. . ... :.- - - . : ­­ --------- 1�1-::--- ��%--%!:-:.I..: :.%.......%. OLD BUSINESS11, I .. .. APPROVAL OF March 22, 1999 MINUTES The approval of the March 22, 1999 minutes was tabled until the May meeting due to lack of a quorum. DISCUSS NEXT STEPS FOR BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP The Commission discussed the next steps for business partnership. In addition to the human services resource guide becoming available online and to local companies,the Commission discussed starting a small roundtable coalition between the business community, human services staff and Commission, and social service representatives, Such a coalition would be valuable by raising awareness on both sides and finding o�11ut what they can do for each other, DISCUSS 2 .. AFPLICATIflN PROCESS Planner Jud Bennett ointed out that the. %. . A % hcation worksho Ys June 17`: 12:0. .rn. . : .. Y 1? .................. p ... -. .. . . . . . . . ... .. .. a` lications%ancl` . to.;�4 3 1.pp at the:Kent iAbhc .5ocie on East, mit treet;:` :t vvr. x n . p t3' pP . staff anal s . ys to, e ay% oinmission meeting. NEW BIJSIN ESS % ' , . HUMAN'SERVICES'M . .-.T ` Ms Bennett asked the Commission for ideas for Human Services month in November. Last year's theme was literacy,the year before was a celebration of the Commission's 10-year anniversary. She pointed out it is CI)BG's 25`"year anniversary. Homelessness was considered as a theme. The Commission will decide the theme for human services month`by the June Commission meeting . . .. ......, ...:. .�i... . % .: . .::.1. . : % :.:: �!�i��;��. .� .�: . : % ... . . .. . �:%.::.: . . . .. . . i%.%: .� --��... . .�......... . . � ...i.... ... . . .. .... % . .1. I .. 1. i :.. .;��.�-.:: . .. ... .�������:%..�:�.::: ��!�. .. .. :i..�.�:�.I�:%.��.�.�: .��:%� --� .... ... : 1, �. , : I . . . , . .. .. . . . .. � %.-.. .... .. ," Human Services Commission Minutes April 1999 Page 3 CDBG 2000 FUNDING LEVELS Ms. Johnson went over the 2000 CDBG funding levels. There was a decrease in funds from last year due`to overpayment by King County in 1999 and a decrease in program income. Even after the City obtains entitlement status,the funding will probably be lower until the 2000 census. REPORTS ii7lYIAN.'SE %RViCES ROUITDTABLE ..:.::::- sc::::::;.. 1:: : The Roun able c1 ::` a<: 'E;s c' : e: The last Human-Services Roundtableneehn was A nl dt an a th tru tur .. . .. . . . g P . ... .. . . ... .<............. .. . . . . : .. ........ , : . . ... .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . .. . . of the:meetM s llo; ore;; for re resent tiv s to cornmuiucate abou.what s;ha enui in . a wu rnme a : % ::.. . : .: . % . . . g. gi. PP '. ..:.:: . :.. ..... . ... ..... .. . . .. their:cities ; ori:i list acid homeless issues were;discussed:at:the rneetiri It Was;decided that Kirkland would he the pilot c for aorlchrst pilot ty SQTJTH I .13NG CQUI CI 4F�iI7NAi SER CES .::..:::;::. �:::: ..... ,:%: ::::: l 2 : : o disc `ss th 1e is a ve The South Council of Iurnan Services meeting is be ng held Apn 7 t u„ e g l h session. = , ----l'' ''"'.. . REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER The Regional Justice Impact Committee recommended funding awards for the impacts of`the Regional Justice Center on local human service agencies. The following four applications were accepted and awarded funds: �����:!,:!:�,����::���:���::�i�''I'I t , , - -��"'', :--H' .�!: . ... . Catholic Community Services 10,000.00' YWCA 1,084.67 KC<Sexual Assault Resource Ctr. 8,136.00 Highline West Seattle Mental Health 621.25 . AAJORNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:45, Res:;e t Sub i .e :;. c full t d . . .. . , ,.: ,: ..... ,- _— , ..__ .... . 1. .... athe on rding Secretary \\CENTENNIA\USERS\PLANNING\PUBLIC\Human Services\Human Services Commission\MINUTES\IiS MINUTES MAR99 doc 011 I I I I - - I � .... . 1 %: . . - - :- - -1-1-'' : �� : I . .. .. .. . . .. .. t..: . - . . .. .. .... :- ::. . .. ... . : . . . � � � .. .:.i: . %: . ....::::: ::::...::.. . . ..... . ..... .... .. . .. .. . . . . ... .... .:::..%� !�.!%�� ....... ..l..... .. - ... . ...... . - - :..i%: .. .: .. .l... . �.. ...... .. .. �l.�:�l:�::�.��.:� %!��:%:�.. j�:.��..i�:�..... � . : ::% 1. - .... ... ....� ... : � ..i�..�-.:�1 ... ...:% . ... : ... .. ...�� .. . ��:-: ... . . . .. . ., . - :::l.li%% �..�.. ... .. .. ........... ...... . .. ..�.�I .....-��-.�;%�.� !:::% .. � ... . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .....- . ......�... . .. . ... . .... .. ........... . . - .. .. :1 1 . ... ...... . . ��.. . .. .. ....... ..... . :��. .....l:% .:.:.%. ........ . . . .... � . . - - .. . .: . .�...�..��:;�...... 1�:.�:.::%.�1.1�� . .. . . .......... .� . - � . % .... . . ... .. %. �.% -%:.� . ,::� . -. !--.�.��.�.......�.. ... � CITY Qf rNVTGTA �lnl i 11 �9 lYlil�# � 1. Planning Department (253)856-54541FAX(253)856-6454 James P,Harris,Planning Director MEIVIORANDUM aM19y913 -... . . .. ... .,-:- ..... . . .:...��.��;.��.���..�:.::i.��.�:�.�i...:.. 1 � � �� , , -�,��,l,�--l�l-i. ........ .............. .. . . .� . . ��.a... lVIE1VIC)TG HUlYiA1�T SERVICE COMMISSIOITERS FROM; 7IJDY BEl�..N. T'T,HUMAN ERV CES PLC] R SIJEJECT YEAR 20�Q GENRA1 FUND C4NTI1�IGENCY PLAN The Finance Department has notified us of the dollars available for General Fund Agencies in year 2000. As you are aware, a contingency plan for the or of increases or decreases in funding was adopted by the Commission and approved by the City Council last year. The available dollars for year 2000 funding has increased'by $40,370 over the 1999 funding level The attached work sheet applies the contingency plan(also attached)to the available funding and outlines the increases and year 2000 agency funding levels. The Commission will need to move pn the:recommendations;at the.June meeting Upon ... . .. . . . . . Ma or f r<incl sori:�n`Ihc 20Q0 bud":et: a royal the xecommendahons;wal besent:to the . o u ... . . . . .. . p .. ..:�..... : ... .......... .... . . :.:.. . . ::.. . .. : . 3' .. ... ... . . . �... .. . . . . . .. p .. . . . s : :: h t , :in. in rfo e;measure :wa t dse a enc_es.receiy a' % . % Staff will<ne obate increase.. . e . r . . .. ... . ..%. . . .... g . p:::::.. ... .. .: ..... : .. ::. . . .. .. : ....... . ff:r co en s ; hat'a' enc�es receive the 6 235% ..s ficant ncrease; n;find. Sts.. a ..mm:. :d.. .t . .. .g. . ... . . ... . . . . . .... ... ......:: :. ...... .. ..... .. . ..: . :... .� .... . . .. .. .. g ...... . ... . ... .. ...... .. ... . t :t . e o ce meas es as: a are;coi�traded. 999 .`.. increase.ke.e% the%.same rf rm. . .. .... ur th . . . .. p . . .... ... 5' . ... . . :;. .% 5........... : . . . m t 2 .% If u have an uestions. ; lease call: e a 3 856 547 .,. . .. . ..... . Y . .. . Y q P : . . .., .. ....: .. . : .. % .: . . . . . ... .. P;�HumariServiceslGeneralFund11999�ontract\CorrespQndencelContirigencyPla.Memo#oCommissioners doc :%:�::.�-�.�.�� :.�. . .. I�... . .. - . % . .. ... I 11 , -� -, -------- �:- ,,:,, - I I . l.... . : .....: cc: James P. Harris,Planning DirectorI �I%:-%-I :.%i% .... . .. :%..�..:��::� �.����..��::. . ..%..: I�atherin Johnson,Human Services Manager t � � �: : � - t - I . I ...:l. iW I ���,:, . .. . .. .. . no 41h,W E.. . 1KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)856-5206 C ity of Kent 2000 Human Services'Gerierai Fund Recommendations ( (Amount Avaiilabte $600,007) 1999 % of 2000 Agency/Program Funding increase Increase Funding ACAP Child Care $8,000 6.235% $499 $8,499 CCS Counseling $10000 6.235% $624 $10,624 �....�.:....%.%...�..%...t..%...t%:.g�:..�..i.%a:.�.,��..%...:...,,...:�:.%-.,t.i ...%.:.,::...%�,.:.%..;.::.%i:I�%...�-��.�%..j.:I::.....::.:.:%:...%%:%.%-.:%:....:..i..%t...�....:.,:.:.:......:�..%�.:..i:.���......�.:�...:.­��.�....�.'�:...�:.�....:�.:1�.........�I.'....��%.:�.%..".��:�I..:.I..:�...�.i...,I;..�%..'.%..�,..!�.�.�..,.:....%!."�...�..::!�%.�.:.........,.�.%...._��,�.%:l"...%....:......."...1%..�.�:i-..�......�...'.�.:.,,.::%...�l..":,.�-..z.�.:.%..�....%..:!�.��.�..%�,.,...1%%...%i:�l..,�.:..i....�:..:..I.z.%:..�..��..��..:%1;.:�..I...:��..�..:..­.�..I.....::......,.�%%%i....I:.:..:%:�.:..��..::.%....%..%.�.­.......'.:%.....�...:..��1....�..�%�..::%._...:.-..�....�%..l...;::.:I..:..::.:.....l 1.9�:;�%......%_:.._..:..!.;�::...:�.i...�i:..��. CCS- Emergency Assistance $28,000 6.235% $1,746 $29,746 CCS- Cold'Weather $14,000 6.235% $873 $14,873 CCS- HOME $17,000 6.235/o $1,060 $18,060 0 Charges Parent Stapport $a,000 6.235% $3'l2 $.. ": Child;Care>RoWurces $5 000 6 2$5. $312 $5,3'�2 Chiidren's Hor.. .Society-Families Fitst $14 500 6. 5% $ 04 $15 404. .: Child. n.$). . rr..e Sbcis. . -:Health`-Farn►lie :.. .: 0 5 0 `. Y $ $ ,00 $5,000 Child'ren's Therapy Center .` $1$,00 . . I. jA22 $19!122 Communi Health Center- Medical $55;000 6.235% $3,49 $55,429 CQmrnuni#y Mealth Center- Dental $10,262 6.235% $640 $1640 Crisis Cllnla $3,342 49 600% $1,658 $5,000 DA1�N - Shelter $10 500 6.235% $655 $11 j .. . DAWN - DV Services $47,000 6.380% $3,000 $50,000 Kent Food'Bank i $25,000 10.000% $2,500 $27,500 ( =S - Family Counseling $40;000 6.235% $2,492 $42,492 KYFS - School Based Counseling $15,000 6.235% $935 $15,935 KYFS - Teen Parent Housing $5,'373 6.235% $335 $5,708 KYFS - Teen Substance Abuse $5,000 60.000% : $3,000 $8,000 Kent School District.- Futures Club $12,500 6.235% $779 $13,279` KSARC $15,000 16.600% $2,500 $17,500 Pregnancy Aid $5,500 6.235% $343 $5)843' Senior Services Transportation $8,610 6.235% $537 $;9,147 ..:K SC 1=amily Stab liizat' $35 000 6.235% $2,182 $37;182 ..o.:.:.. ...::: SKCMSC = l-IEART $6050 6 235/o $377 $0,427 . . .. ... .. ... o . ::::.... SKGMSC;- Ener : ,Crisis lnte.rve #on 5 000. 6:23.5/0 3::. ..::...........:..:.............. ...... 9 n . . . . :.$...,::.... . : . .$:.. .... $M .. : . Q .::.:. :::::::: al le Cities Counsel n 13.000 6.235✓. . . 811 1 8. 1 . . V g $ a, $ $ 3, 1 . WWEE..:....R;EACF1...............:....:. ........:::...:.:....... .. :;..$17,:00.0 .` 6.235.... .. ....$1.�060.. $:1...$,060.:.... . .. : ... . . . WWl*E Computer Applications $6 000 6.235% $374 $$,374 . . : . l'OT.i. `' ;` 459 637 . ' `` :' 40 370 , 0.0`; 07' .o S .:: % . . . . . . �.: . .�1 . ... ... . . . ­.%... . - . .. .. ... . - . . . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. ­% . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . ... .� %.. . %....%.- % . . . :;. . . .:..�.... - ..::.!:..:%1 1....:�:.�% :. ... .. %.. ... . . :. . .��.1:�.�:::.:. .. . . ........ .. . . . . .. . . . %.- . ., .. ., . . . � :��..;.��:�X�-...�:��.� % % % .. .% %..:%�:: ��:.. . �:� .. . .... ... � I . .%:..::: : . . . .. % ..�.�­: 1. -: . .......i.. I I I I I�I I I I 11� ��I :1, ....�%:.�. �.. .��� I I I I::I :�:� � I'' : ,�,, ��,I I I ::,�� I I,I,,,,,, ,, � �,I , ,I,,. ....%..% . .. ­ I I , I I I ii:1: ,:,�,:,11:, I 1.� .. I: I I I :,� : ��:: �,, : ! ,, ,, : �,,:�,, , : : � �� � ,.%:: .:...... % . ...... 11 ' ,%i..l i"—1'I I I!'""-I,,:1,,"',,,,'I'�I 1,�1��­',�1'1�I_,"''1!i:�'l,1l�l'l,'........:.....:.......:......%%..�-:......'...'..........:­....1............_....�..............:............:................. Human Services General Fund 2000 Funding Contingency Plan In the event of additional funding in the year 2000 the following funding changes t ill be implemented'. The available funding will be allocated in the order of priority as listed 1. The Human Services Commission has designated the following specific programs to receive funding increases in 2000. � �_��,�� � 1�,_��:���:�:,��::, ,�:,�:����t,�,,, � I I 1, .......................... �:.-...... a a.' Crisis Clinic increase funding by$1,658 for a total allocation of$5,000 1. b. Kent Community Center Food Bank increase funding by$2,500 for.a total allocation& 2 . 00 .- . ... ; . . :. c•:, Children:sHorne oc earth :F lies : ill'be`:f fund 5'`0.0&0 % . % . S. .xe.. I... .. : ._.. .un.... $ , d,`` KFS`Teen Substance tAbuse increase fundm : b ::$3'0.00 for`a :total g Y alloca#ion of$$,000 : :. : %e.' KS,ARC increase.fundin b :$2 500.f.fi :;t AM Allocatic iof;V7 500:; >,, Y : : . .:.. . . : .. .:. ; , .. f DAV,W. %:omestic Violence.Services mcr6ase furidin b`` $3 000 for a total' .. . . %. . . . .. .. .. .... . ...: .. :: : , % % allocation of$50000 2`'In';tiie e` n r itio d e ;; % .. v t e a d ai ar 're :... aft r the above ro` s e are n of . s . ra am are .funded at the recommended levels the remaming 1999 funded% agencies will receive a cost of living increase based on the percentageI'll of increased funding remaining. In the event of a decrease in funding in 2000 each agency's funds will be decreased proportionately M - - ..::::.......::.. ... . .... .: . . . . . - % .: . % .. c:c .Pa . ': `` � . ..%.. CITY OF Jim White, Mayor INVICTX Planning'Department (253)856-5454/Fax (253) 856-6454 James P. Harris, Planning Director .�.....�l­�i.1j....1:'...,'-:..l��."-.�,�...��..:......,�t--..,-.:...-l':.��..:..:�:..1..:-.�...�.��......-:F�.�....., ..�',..I�'�.''.�...:..,....�1-.�.'.M.E-...�.'.1....�,.-..,.'; :�.....%�W.%:..%�.�.::.�:.�:..........�:.t.�..%..��...:....:...�.%.%...(....�-.:..:...:'.::-:.%..%%�....-..:--.�,:...% CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT .�....—..:i"..�1.�..�.�:�.�....�.,�.:.:..i%.�.....:�.t�..',.I.........:.�..,:.�.....'...:.;%..�%:.., 253 856 545 . . ... ...�z�:�.�,,.-.:.,_:'�.:,..--��.-'.�11.��.,�—�:.-.�:...�,111..%..,,.:,.,.�,,'.',,�''�.1,..�i:.­��'.....,�',1,"-�:I.��::,.'.'1...'.'..'''—-,�.�-�1:�.z��...�...,...,:.I�..:',.�,-,.MI.'...�;1'-:��':::.%�..:-..�,_��.��%�:..:�,:��1�1...i,.I'-.,..-...�--��.�.-�1:�...�.��-I1.'','�'.'..,,.,,..�1,�.....'1..�-,"%....�:'..%,�..%�. 1...�.......,.�........--...::..��:�...��%..-..I�..,7...'.%.:.:.���.....�.n.�...%...I..:.:.�.�. . ..�....:a.'.�...%�-..........:.%-. . V1ElVI(ORA*1Dt3iVI' . . MAY 3 1 99 : MEMO,'TO; MAYOR WHITE A1�TD CY C Ul�TCIZ MEMBERS F1ZOM; CAROLYl SUNDAI;L HUMAN SERVICES PLANI'�tER SUBJECT: YEAR2000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) FUNDING LEVELS City Target#4 Community Involvement BACKGROUND Recently the City received from King County its estimates of Community Development Block Grant Pass through funds for year 2000 The estimate of$528,223 is approximately $131,133 less that the City received for the 1999 program The estimate'At this'tlme is based:on the;`U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developments ;(HUD) proposed year 2000 budget The estimated amount may increase or decrease due to changes in the entitlement, program income : . . and r.c. tured. ....4 .` :. . : :: .. . p . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .... . . .. The City Council needs to tlke three actions: . 1. : Receipt`of fiind The City,of Kent needs to inform the County whether It elects to receive:and administer tlie`Pass through funds again next year. To date the City has not been notified by HUD of our eligibility to become an Entitlement City. Therefore by accepting the Pass through the City will be assured of continued HUD funding. The Planning Department recommends that the City accept the Pass through funds to: 1) Maximize local discretion in allocating the funds 2) Guarantee a minimum funding level, 3) Eliminate competition:with other King County and small cities projects. if the City does not elect to take the Pass through funds, Kent is not guaranteed any CDBG funds, and . would have to compete for all funds. : . .... .... ..... . ...... TIDE CITY OF QUALIFIES FOR AN ESTlivI TEQ IN 2000 KING COUNTY CONSORTIUM CMM[JNITY l?EVELOPi�1ENT BLOCK GRAN (C T DBG) F,UNRS, WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE JANUA;RY 1, 2000. Please check one; Our City does not elect to receive and administer the above'estimated pass-through. We choose instead to apply for CDBG funding on a project by project basis through the County and Small Cities process. Our City elects to receive and administer the above estimated pass-through with the,conditions outlined in the 1998.King County Community Development Block Grant Consortium Guide. Among other responsibilities,we recognize that in accepting a pass-through we are accepting the responsibility of identifying priority'needs and allocating the pass through funds in accordance w`th the Consortiurxr's schedule f U.S, Department of Housing Wand Urban Developrn�ent. C166i.which accept the pass�thxough should check the following if applicable Our...Cl.t :would like to`allocate a ortion'pf ourfuds for; ublic human serelee activities. Y u.... .... p P Our Cit would like o.allocate:a ortion of our funds:for .lannin and.administration activities y P P . Our City is eligible to request the use of additional planning and administration ceiling, We would like to request additional funds for the following: Our City would like to contribute a portion of.our capital funds to the King County,Housing Re pair:Program so that our residents may participate. We understand that 15%of the total amount allocated will be used for program delivery costs. The following lists our distribution of CDBG funds for 2000: (List amounts below).,' Public I Planning and Additional Housing Capital Total Funds Services ; I Administration P&A Re nested Re air Pro'ects Available Signature of Mayor or:Authorized.P.ers.on.. Date Please attach a copy of the.City Council's authorization of the above and return to HCD by June 1, 1999. .A,,, end/nIMON s' �, , ,� , , , , ,,I ,,," , ,I I 11.:..%...1:%.%......%�1::%..%.... . ,, ,����;:���:,���,���,:����� � , �,,, �,,,z ,,, I I�,�.:��..:.:.:�...:::::��%I�.�::. ....:.: :..1:.. -1;1, ,e��,:,::, ,��,,,,, :,,,: ::�,,,, ,,,,,�,::1 I, .% . ..�.-�.1 :�%:%!....;�-:.I :,�,:,�,�,�­I I , " 1 I:,�,�:�,,:���:,���,�i�:�1�..�% ... � %�� ....: . ... I I... � ,, ,:,___ " ­1,1�1:1,i""'"'1, .. . . , , — : �"'�', .... .�......�.�.�..::�.�.� .. :.... .:''::. � .. . ,�:::,:, , , , ����� �:,,�,, , , . ... .. ... � ��:,�:�:�% ::,� ,, ... , ............ . .-...- .,,,,,,,,,,, , :, ,,,,�, ;:, , . : . % : ..i.......... .. 1 .. % % Planning Department (253)856-5454lFAX(253j$56-6454 James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM May 28, 1999 TOs TOM BROTHERTON,COUNCIL MEMBER ROM; 3U%OY BENNETTOLAPM RE MAY HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION ME%ETING ere: rovod Chair RaOk c dled'the meeting to order: The March and A,po. minutes w Opp % 1` them . A,theme, nr Hurrian Se�ty oes.l.....nth was a gored. 'The omm ss on.chose I erne essness.as,the: -e. . .: . for T%ovexr ber activities. Judy will develop a plan to be presented to the Commission`at the Se. . --r meeting. ;; s`, %sc":'ssed'[ e a: >`c`` 'on vv:: o:.:.. .. . . ;; : Thei roaess<for review'ofiCI3B`G human;service;a l caho t wad a .. I 1 aft . .. .... P p ppIfi p will` be held at the Kent Historical :Society Museum from 12 fl© — 4.30 p:m. on June ';_: ... The Commissioners were asked to `decide which`ageniiicies they would like to interview. They decided to interview the two new applicants for CDBG funding: ANEW Employment Services of Highline Community College and Federal Way Family Center. They also will interview E1derlHealth Northwest Connections Adult Day Care,which is currently funded,due to significant reporting problems. Katherin called for interested Commissioners to participate in the CDBG capital application review. John Jendresen,;Perry Raak and Edna White will participate. A meeting was set for July 22"d at 2:30 p.m. The first quarter CDBG and General Fund agency reports were reviewed. The:majority of agencies are on track for their annual goals. Katherin reported that plans for the Subregional Needs Assessment are progressing The steering comm�.ttee.is in the process of developing an action plan for;its implementation The Commission chose xiot to meet during July and August.' . . . . .... . .... tr . Judy reported the':South;King County Council of. Oir n Services`Diversity Training was ex„eme y well % .k. attended:'; :The or anization also;;>held;elections;:for officers; �a�therm`Jolt'son.was elected''as'Vice g % President. i ... . ....;:...:....: .....:.............:. ::.:::.:::::.::. ::......,:....::..:..... ....:.,......: ......::...............:. ..: .: ,.:. :... ....:........_%..::..:......,..:..:::.. ... .. . Jud' ave a%il u date on'the Workforce I::::: i ri nt'Act:and the. subse uei....`deve.p merit of the`Seattle= Yg p q ; p ... Kiri Coun Workforce Investment Board. The Workforce Investment Act repeals the lob'Training and g ty Partnership Act I'lland sets'm plane new requirements for the% composition of the Workforce,Edixca4o and Training Committee. It is important that South County jurisdictions are proactive to ensure South%County representation on the local board, The Act also mandates the development of "one-stop" centers integrating employment and training services with human services. ( Katherin gave an update on the CDBG Entitlement process which is progressing. A meeting with IUD will'be held on Friday,May 28, 1999. O A ,�,��,� :''::,,,���,, �.I �,-,�,,,,,,-�, ,� 0 I ,,,,, -�,, ��:, ��-I,'," 1, I I lz,�,� � jN vic rA ii, J ll11111CC� MyflP Planning Department ;(253)856-5454/FAX(253)856-6454 James P. Harris,'Planning Director ��:,tt�11�� � , =—�---- -t- .--......:%%1-..;%. .. .. . -��,��it:::-�:I�j� -��-�� , -�,,�.:-.!...��..-�.::.�: . :%:. DATE: May 18, 1'999 . : of Human Seryic+�s Providers .;,:. .... . . . ; ,,, .; a a er gR M Kather><n,Thnson Human ServiceV n. . . .:. . . . Q % .. s` t . T. C� ofKent; ieed Assessmen UBJEC .. . . . . ..... ........... .... .: .. . oriel'o: "u' o c t . . .. ;: : . .. .. .. ... . . . .. .,.,.... . ...... % ;. e`` .'iriv" The arty %of ent Will be do><ng a citywid%e needs assessment#h. summ r e% ate yo t oxgarizat�oral meet><ng to provide staff with% inpu#on the process and to asss#us in 'identifying needs, gaps' n services, anJ.d any weaknesses in services prov�dei in Kent, We anticipate only three'meetings throughout the entire process.process. This will give us an opportunity to use your expertise as a service provider, and also to get your input on solutions and funding strategies. The first meeting,which is in June, will be to get'your input on the process. The second and possible third meeting will be in July and will concentrate on solutions and strategies o meet the needs. Your'participation is very important to the City and will effect future priorities and funding decisions for general fund dollars and the Community Development Block grant funds. Please RSVP to Carolyn Sundvall at 253 85.6 5473 by Monday,May 31, 1999. .. nesda June 9 -1999 . . .. .... : .. Y..,: ; < :,. . 1. .. 9 a.m.=11 pm. . . . . .. . .... .. .. .. eu enn a g... . . % . .. . .... . . .. .. . . % . on.,exence Room; ' `Ft♦nrth : oor; 400 West owe . Kent ew/P:�Human ServiceslKatherin's In Box�PROVIDER.doc cc: ­11James P. Harris,Planning Director Carolyn Sundvall,Planner � � I I 11 --. : 0 �,­ 'It�:,:: .. . . ­.. . . . .... ..... -% 11-11 11 22o 4t6 AVE.SO. /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)856 5200