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City Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 03/25/1999
.... .:::...- - ...� -.:%-.. ...-... ..... .1... .- .% 1.1.......1.�..:1...�:� .�... .. ....1.::. . ..... ..%...........-..................: . ..%1... :CiTY... lEMBIT.....:.:::.:.:. :..:.::.:... •:.....,::.::......•. ; :::.:::%.' ......,..:. .:....:..... ......:.:. %..: ......:::.........::. 1. r V1 Ir Jim White, Mayor 11" Plamiing'Departnient (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.'HaiTis,Planning Director �� � � , , —, � :����,��,�,,�'..�:�....�..��...�:,,, 'mr AGENDA DENT HUMAN SERVICES'COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for March 25, 1999 .% . �%.:;;. � � : .9 .. . . 2 30;p m 4 30 p rrr . . KEN' 'CO I TCIt ` I ,AMB S E ST` :` `;: . : . ;: Commission Members` I'ery Rank, Chair(1/200i) Merriah Fotheririglram Vice Chair(1/2000j Steve Ander.-:.. . 000j Brad Bell(112fl01j tohu Jendresen(l✓2002) Judie Sarff(1/200 Mel Tate (1/2002j Edna White (1/2002j " Tom Brotherton City Council Member(1/2fl00j AGENDA OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of February 25, 1999 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2:30 . 2. Agency Visitations % INFORMATION ITEM' 2 35 3 Prolect Plans for Coi m. 'on Goals : ACTION ITEM 2:4Q NEW' USINESS 'B . .. . .... .... . .. . : . .. .. % % l `: Review 1998 A enc, 'Year End Re orts . .. g Y . . P. .. .. .. . .. CpBG . ;:: . .:' . . INFORMATIQ T'TIEIYI 3;OQ . RM . . . : .. ID�scuss`1VIeetm Dates for:1:999 C1. DBG.A l cat ori'>' INFO ATION'ITEM : 3 10 .. g pp %% . . . Fxocess :. . ORTS . . . . .. . .`..1 ;. ,H ;, um an Services Roundtable 1N�'ORMATIOIt ITEM 3:20 2, South I in Council of Human Services ; NFORMATION ITEIVI .. 3, RJC 11 t 'HUMANSER\COMMISS\AGENDAS\NtAR99.doc 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH /-KENT,WASHINGTON 9803275895 .,....:.:::..�.: : ...:.: ... .. ... 1. : CITY OF EM Jim White, Mayor tNVcx� Planning Department (253),859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES F ebruar 25 19. 9 . . ,:. . .. . .. . .. ..: .. .. ..... .: The meeting of the Kent Human Services:Commission was called to order by Cher Perry Raak at 2:30 ;. p.m, on February 25, 1999,Chambers East,Kent City Hall,220 4 Avenue South. HUMAN SERVICES COMl1IISSIQNERa�'PSENT, Stove Anderson Brad Bell (Ta ; :ro o :.;. m B ,#hert n . i. Merriahotherngham,Vrce Chair John JM:resen Perry Raak, Chair HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: Judie Sarff, excused Edna White,excused Melvin Tate PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:: Katherin Johnson, Human Services Manager ... Carolyn Sundvall,Planner . . :: .. . .. uci B, rttett. Planner. :. .. . .. . ` d;Wells` A lri riistrat e'��eeret` I` . ... ..Cy : ary O LD BUSINESS AP.PROV.AL)OF:NO,VEMBER 1991.9.MINUTES Commissioner $ell Moved to approve the November'195. 199.. Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Anderson SECONDED the motion MOTION CARRIED ; EVALUATION OF 1999 COMMISSION RETREAT Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson asked the Commission their opinion on the 1999 k Commission retreat. The Commission said the Family Violence Unit presentation was very informative. They also enjoyed having Marvin Eckfeldt as the facilitator of the retreat: `2204th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 . , I I I . . . . . � �� I I �'--,," ,I I , , .1... . . I I I ,I I I . . ..... . . - . :.�.i... -....i I-�, ',%,,, I-- % %. % ..., � '' I'll " I � :-- ,: - I... . . ..i . . . ..: ...:::.I� . . Human Services Commission Minutes . February 25, 1999 : Page 2 Ms.'Johnson stated that other jurisdictions are interested in holding retreats`for their commissions NEW BUSINESS REVIEW 1998 AGENCY YEAR END REPORTS (GENERAL FUND) Planner Judy Bennett went over the 1998 yea1.r end reports for the general fund.humah services fo a enc�es All the a encies met or exceeded their annual oafs'oxce t r the follwin agencies g g p . . . : Cathoh6 Commu i : :Services were below zn;the utub;er of clients rov ded;utili ;assistance . % ty I. % p.:. ty because the cost of r Y a :the service wash er,thar antic ated. ,: p- g1. Washington Women' Employment and Edu%cation were sltart on;the number of chonts .. ... :ente a ob a ess :r n e#o: o ... . e ti I: of Social He 1th: env�ce rui th J Re chn auu du ack fI�e arhn n and a � ..�:��% .1, �� referrals The are workin with DSHS on re errals %... . . I.-...:,%:.-:�:,:%,!,:�:::: I .. g .....................l.............. .��..� --- '"', 1,I... ..:. ��: : %.. .. I ..I:. .. .. - - - , ��. .. 11�..%%. ��.:�.�.:�...II%��:..... . . I.�I: :. -. . �.: - - ... .- !:!i�.--%.%..%::. .. . .�: ��I::��I. . . . .. .%I:. .. . . DAWN Community Advo, ,cacy Program is not a general fund agency but Ms. BennnettI ..... informed the Commission the program was below two hours in the number of training hours The'reporting year was successful considering new reporting requirements: REPORT OF ELDERHEALTH CONNECTIONS PROGRAM Plaiuler Carolyn Sundvall reported on the ElderHealth Connections Program.' She handed out copies' of the January 25, 1999 letter to Nora Gibson,Executive Director of Elderhealth Northwest,stating the concerns and issues experienced`by the City of Kent regarding the 1998 contract for services Over the past year city staff has been in contact by telephone with Ms. Gibson's office. Reporting % requirements have not been rnet, the agency has lost paperworlk, unauthorized sigi3atures have been` submitted on voucher reimburse%rnon s, and`C% onnectzons'staff forgot about a m% onitoring visit. Staff :11. .., ... .. ha t �m1 .e w e ene: •:too ercome the re ortin issues; . ros once%to the Janu 25 s s en :t .. 1 . ag ... y . . . Y.:....... .•.......... p g p ary, . .. .. : . . i� . ... . .. ,.:.. :.. ... ... : . . .: :. .:: : . ....... ... . ... . ..... . .. I. :we. beiri .. e to e.so: e. ese ro ems:letter a;letter fromMs. G bson;s. d that st.. s w mad v ... . p % g p . .. Staff w' ... 11 keep the Commission informed. .... .. :. .. O S ` : . . . .. DISCUSS 1999:CDBG APPL' CATION TIMEIYN ';AND: VQRKaH P li l n c`: ri ' el "lie`went©v` ` ` e a Ms, Su .V:j"l hI.az ded out copies of the CDBG Apph ate . t�rrx Ines S % er th a.p c t o timelines.' There will bI.ie a,common application for the South County region cities; A%n 1.application workshop has been planned at the Carco Theater in Renton. In the past the workshops have been held in Kent at City Hall. Commissioners are invited to the workshop, and staff will be there to . 11: answer questions I I- CI'll Iommission members need to bring their calendar to the March Commission meeting to set a date for the CDGB Application workshop. �" __`�"�' ` `� —�4� . . .- .... I..... . . I .. , �, '41111 ...:.z.........4..:.��......:... ..........:.........I-.:1%A.:..:...__..�_.�.:...:.........4.1:......:....:�..,..............%.:%.....;... :_ � . � I I 1, :1 ,: '. :% .. :..:... . . .. .. :. . : -.... . : . . :....%.. .. ... . ...-. ""11 %:I I �," '', ,. l.. �.:_�.�.... � :. .. . : %� ` . I. 0 . . ::'::.' e - : . : % . . 1 . .: . - . . . . . i. . . : 1%..�. :%. ��. :1 . r . . . . ..... .. %1. .. % . . : . . . .. .. :.. ... . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .:% ., . . .... .. .:. . %-. ..::�:i i. i . . . .. .. .. . .. i. . . : : .. . . : : . . ... %.i. . . : . :. . : �� .. ::�� ... .D�: �:-�:.� . . . .. . . _.:�.:::.:�:�i 1... . -% .......I ...L... : . . .. . .% %..: �� . �..�.. ..:. i �. . . . . .: .. .: . %� .... � I ,: .... ... .�.. . , .. . :, .:....... :.:: ...:::.;�.:: ..�.��! �.,. � . I � �_:, �,::,� ��,��:�.�� ..: ,�:� :.��. .. % . .. .�..%%. ::..::: .::-.- . -%1.. Human Services Commission Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 3 DISCUSS 1999 COMlYIISSION GOALS ��� %�: " in Ms, Johnson handed out copies of the prospective Commission goals that were discussed at the retreat. All of the prospective goals were very important. Instead of giving up any of the goals because of lack of time in one year,Ms.Johnson suggested to use the goals as a three year plan. The goals are as follows, . #1' Achieve CDBG Entitlement Status by tle end of 1999 . ...`.: E;``` %. . valuat .the two ear. and n .c ele, . 5' g y . I f ret W can '3 actsoofor mn fp #.. Human services needs assessrnent'for Kent #S` Develop a business plan with the business conmiun ty to acldresslI'human services needs #6 Develop opportunities for Commissioners to hear from human services recipients #7 Increase the awareness of the Kent community of the need and support for human services and the Commission ���Illili i � � R � , t:�:: ���,�������������,�������������: t: t t _�__�...�__o__� , �,::,�_:_ � . . The Commission discussed the goals and had several ideas on%how to implement them. Some of the`> goals are already underway and the others are possible.' Com %missioner John Jendereson MOWED to accept' . g©als as a strategic three year plan,with staff develp l%n' a: ro'ect rn Zexnentaton,, lan for:each'of the oals, oirnrussoner Anderson. .... . . .. . P . ..P..:............ . . .. ..:.. . . .:; : ... . . : ..:. . . E : NDEI) ...a m00%n, IYI�TION,�CARRImD. .Pro e: : ans v t be res%ente at e Mari . . . . . eetn , . . ... .. . ..... .:......... .. ..... '` . .. . . . . g. . . ..: ...:. .::. . : . . .... ....... . . % % % % . ... . : ..:•.... .. .: :: . :.. : . . . .. .. ... . .. ..... . .. ... :. . . .. . . . % Ms Johnson. landed out: e;three dra s of the,Human''Services Comtruss on Mission Statement, each with shghtly different proposed`wording, At the retreat theorrirnission wanted to changethe . .. .. . .,;;; . ... : .'statement: .1I.I ira`es'ari::atriaos liexe"of corm i.. ,..ar�n thiou h`:edueahox ai` ro ams to . g P y. g g P : . encourage community awareness and action Commissioner Anderson ll Moved to approve I.as amended the statement to read"Encourages caring 11 and action in the community by raising awareness". Commissioner Fotheringham SECONDED the motion. MOTION CARRIED. lIl ...:..:...:::....F.. .. Human Services Commission Minutes February 25, 1999 Page 4 AGENCY VISITATIONS Ms. Johnson passed a list of the funded agencies around and asked each Commissioner to indicate which two agencies they would like to visit. The Commission is unable to attend a group visit because of conflicting schedules, so staff will assist the Commissioners in scheduling individual or small group visits REPORTS . : HUNSAN ER.... '.O. TD:TABLE . C ty Counc member Torn Brotherton reported on#lie Human Services Roun%dtable mee mg. At the . . .. 1.neetiri the>le sl'.:t% e a nda vv . ro ed ;: T'l ri i 1 g g a ge .s app y e age da nc uded crime%prevention; welfare reform, h%eath caro,end housing heIomelessness Committed p%r%oposals are dome%stic% violence,% and service effectiveness, The'Worlcfirst Comtinitee is developing a video presentation about Worlcfirst which will be offered to jurisdictions and agencies for viewing. SOUTH KING COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES Ms.Johnson reported on the February meeting of the South King Council of Human Services. The focus of the meeting was to examine the current success of human services in the South King County cities The group talked about what agencies and providers would like to see happening. Almost all the things suggested were already being done in Kent. Kent has maintained its status as a leader in human services RJC UPDATE Ms.:Sundvall reported on the second round of Regional Justice Center unpacts. funding Staff . :: ,:::.: : ... . .. . ...:.... . • . % ex ects four a lira#tons f©r the funds:;Tl e a : lica ons a. . e Fel ru 26 ;i`999:., . lte44. : . ` `. `. . . ti ar du The a : : ... : .. : p pp pp ...... .. . : .., .......... .. . ...p .: :: �' . .......... .. . ... .. . ... . , .. . .. .. . . .. :. . . .. % .. ....: ..... .. review co i . . . mm ttee::w meet in.iVlaxe , .e Ida Ka exin. Johnson and a ;Kin Coup . . . ... . .. .. . % repre%sentative serve on'the committee. % ...... . ...... IJTME1T . . 1. :: :: .: : he %ee in w s o .: . . ... ...: ..: . .. T m # a ad ed at 3.5.5. .. . urn s ea' 1 rr ed: ... .% % :' R tfu . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . ..... 111,� . Kat erin Jo Recox ' ecretary PaHUMANSER\COMMISS�NIINUTES�IISIV1N980.DOC ': Kent City Council Minutes March; 3,, 4 PUBLIC ORR MOVED tO adopt Ordinance No. 3396, creating DEVELOPMENT' the Kent Downtown Public Market Development AUTHORITY Authority approving a charter and additional bylaws for the operation of a downtown public market!. Woods seconded: Clark said this is an investment in the future of the.,'city;. Orr's motion then carried. NEWSLETTER (CONSENT CALENDAR :-- ITt 3G); Kent Reporter newsletter Contract. APPROVAL 'of the contract with the Kent Reporter to itovide a `. EN one pale mc� thy dity newsletter and .dixeat staff'; tt� d�soot�:nu+e publicat�on of the City's guartexly news]etter as`'part of the Parks and Recreation broghure, asrecommsrded by the Op'era� ons/Pubic Safety �Comm�.ttee at its Ferary4th meetg.. The,.neWslett+ar ;content aril ...... wr�uld bsomp3eted a:n-house,i Distri- biton;:Wald'be to ell Kent .;'households din the incorpgaed' boundary. The .expediture below includes tke Kent Reporter contract aswell as operating funds for additional graphics pro- ` duction work and materials. ,.., APPOINTMENTS (CONSENT CALENDAR -' ITEM 3J) Human Services Appointment. ' CONFIRMATION of the Council President's appointment of Council-member Tom Brotherton 'to serve as the non-voting City Council representative to the Kent Human Services Commission. This is„a„ one-year term and will continue to 1/1/99. . PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEM 3C) RECREATIQN � Ci't �-wide Space study Contract. AUTHORIZATION for the +�layor. t� enter into a contract v�tth eritt+Pdn in the amount of 70 to ondudt. ait �wide ....space study end to establish a tots] budcjtor..,$7 . ,QO , to be funded with 2( '"Q ;O;;' revsus bud eted for this ;. ose purp and 5: ,QDO from the unallaoat :d CIP evenue fund. A,,spa e y would, help staff determine space re+ uirem�nt� for the nekt 11 to 12 years 'for 'all departments, how to absorb space in the Centennial Center as leases"expire, and the need for outlying facilities and how to split operations to decrease travel time for employees. (OTHER BUSINESS - ITEM 4E) Kentridge Park Master Plan. Parks staff, in coordination with the residents of the Kentridge Park neighborhood, have prepared a Master Plan 7 �'` Planning Department (253j 859-33901FAX{253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM March 261999 TO: TOM BROTHERTON,COUNCIL MEMBER FROM: JUDY BENNETT,PLANNER RE: 11'I"CH HI71lAN SERVICES COMMISSION 'IEETIi�+TG C ;'. .. 6 Raab a led the meeting t order, The minutes of the February meeting were approved <.:::.:A erie.`.::::visitations.:are.'beii�i.. scheduled `::`.`::;;; . ;..:.:, g.:.. y g 1. . : ; : Plans fflr the gals ado ted`b;`:the Cenmrri'ssipn`Ai the Feb tin° ere" r ;`e " . . . g . ... ...... ..... ee w cs med. . P Y .. y ... . g p . : : .... : ;; , ;,; . : t1 Johnson o tthned the r+pcess that H 1D uses to dcnf... otentiai ent ticment communities. ::a have p fY p been notified "unof#"ieially°' that they will begin using 1997 denzograplucs v�hich includes the ;most recent annexations and qualifies Kent ley population Barbara Ivanov, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, has been invited to the April Commission Meeting. There will be opportunity for discussion to assess the level of interest and potential for cooperation 11 ` from the business community. One of the Commission goals is to hear from recipients of human services. There was discussion around the process and if it would be intimidating for consumers to come to a Commission meeting. Members would like the opportunity to meet service users in a less formal.way and report back the Commission at a regular meeting. Judy Bennett reported year end 1998 CDBG reports. She noted that once again, staff had to contact Elderhealth Northwest to obtain outcome reports. Staff has been working with the agency to correct the problem. A half day work session%to review CDBG applications has been scheduled for June 17`i'.from 12 00 ;4 00 p m ..%.....I::..%:..:........%:...-......:....:..........:-........:......—...........-..%.:.....:.....-%;......:..........:%......................—.:.%.I....�..:.....................�....-.....�..%..::.-..:........-................%.....%.:.......................... ... ......:h...0:%-:........-..%...,.9..::........:........%%..%....�..I.._.....in%i...�..%.%.%�-.:.Johnson report-..........ed on the%%......�%.... H....�......l.......:.�-..%...:%..-..%��....%um��...:..�.1..:.�.........�1:.....:�.�-an�....�.�.. Service:-.%.:.!.:%�-.:...s.-.:%�.:...'%.� Rou...--....�%..%ndtable:�-::,��:%-,�:�>?el.:.�-���-.,:%�-.1�.,",r.,,m.''--'"...,',-.:,.',�%a�,ne1.-....nt Staf:....'1,:...I.-,..f R."':.�:,._-.,. etr.....:.�-...-:.. eat, d�..:..I..%:......:...:ur:%................%!....-.;..:......:....::....:in....%.......:...:.....:...-......g..:......... ;whi:;..1.j.;.%.ch; staff evaluated the relevancy of the Roundtable. Ka, %erA has a meeting with lVIayor White,::t0 discuss Kent's fixture m -..............�............�.......:.......%..�%..�.:.�.%-......%�:.......... ..%.:�...:.%......�. .-%%.-:...%....:1....-%. .1.............�.%.......:-...... .%....:%.%..:....i.. �.�..�--....;::�%...%..�.�..:�%..: :%..�_ �.1:.I.%�..::..-�.!.:�:%.:%�.: .-.%:......I.... �.:....%.%.:�.:.-....%-�.. -.�-......� ..:. ...%..:.....:%:�..-:..-!%.... .�....:.�.... %�..:.....:.:.:..... .�-:-...I ". ,�,.1t.�..I.. :.,.'.,." -.,...,�-.,' ��%.%%.....:.....!.... ....:-......% ....�.:..::...... .......:.: the Roundtable. Co ssione mini rs discus e Year Pr s d the Ci o am w 'eh is Ain` 'c $ e ... . ........: O , hi .. an :. ...M. o fund . ro a. . ..Volunteers receive a .�: . ...�...........% .:I1.I:% .- ..I!..- .:.: .... , . .. P,, . ;.. ..:..:..:.%........:.:.:.:...�....%...%. stipend to work with children iu subsidized housing. They will be asked to attend the May Coxmission Meeting. Coirimissioner Brotherton announced that he attended the Human Services Roundtab1. le legislative luncheon. :: Katherin Johnson reported on the South Council of Human Services Meeting. Treehouse was the ;guest organization this month. Treehouse raises funds to assist foster children. The Chair of the Boeing"Community ; 1- 11Fund was also there to explain how they raise and distribute funds. ( Katherin Johnson updated Commissioners on the RJC Mitigation funds Commissioner Raak is the chair of the coinminittee which meets April 8ti'.