HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 04/23/1998 CITY . n ` r' (- Jim White, Mayor James P.Harris,Planning Director AGENDA � ME�� ����t�,:��,:::::--,,, ,-I-tt' - ............................:.......�...-.....1....%.:.',.',�11 KEN HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for Apri123, 1998 2 30 ..PM Kent Community Health Center. .. . . . : ... ..... ... . . . i. . .. . . % % % ast' ee er cite ent se..attached ma P) b % Commission Mem rs Brad Be11,.Chair(1/2001j Steve Anderson,Vice Chair(1/2000) Merriah`Futheringham(1/2000) Dee'Moschel (i/99) Perry Rd&(1/2001) .` Judie Sarff(1/2000) Mel Tate(ll99) Johnny Williams (1/99) 1r Tim Brotherton, City Council Member AGENDA NOTE: MEETING;LOCATION HAS CHANGED: OLD BUSINESS 1. A1. pproval of March 26, 199$ 1tilinutes ACTiONITEM1. 2:30 .. . . % 2..`..:'%Re Tonal .:Governance:&:.F ance..,U...:date.;' :: INFO.RMATION.` 2;35.. . g . . . . 3. ` Discuss 1999=20.00 A ligation Fxocess INFOlY1ATiON 250 777 :... -.1..:.. 777 K. BUSINE SI i�!: : . . 1. South Courit Re Tonal Com..... .on.Adviso Grou INFORMATIOI�i ITEM 3 OS .. .. .. .. . .. . : . Y g .... : . .. .' 1? . .. . ...... ... . .. . .. . . .. ...:.......: . '.1�.- . : %"�%-..:...I:... 1: :...11.:- ..:..:,I.%...'.......:�.....'1I....:1.:I...I�....................-:......I.. . .::.::...................1.1..:.i....%..-�.....:%...%.. ..%::........ ...%...:..:�..:.:.....:..:....:........".. . 2. . Discuss Plans for,;Human Services Month ACTION;ITEM 3:20 ..�........�.: 3. CD$G 1999 Funcling Levels INFORIVIATIQN ITEM 3:3.5 ..REPORTS I. Human Services Roundtable INFORMATION ITEM 3:45 2. South King Council of Human Services 3. RJC Update *TOUR KENT COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER 4:10 (Meeting location) . P:\HUMANS EMCOMMISS\AGENDw J�j L:��-��,i�:�'�,,�k_ �� �� , 1: I ", � ,, , . . . . . 'AS\APRIL98.WPD :.` 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH/ KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 �j CITY OF�� ?�.: o _„ .. Jim White, Mayor — TWE -11 Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director . ,-�—�-- � - � � ,�-t .www�: . HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION . MEETING 11�IINU.. .. MAR CH 26,1998 The meeting of the Kent Human Serviices Commissiort was called to order by Vice Chair Steve Anderson at 2t36 p.m. on 1V:arch 26, 1998,in hampers East,Kent City I all l[i7NIc�1�T RVICES COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: .. . . .. . Steve An.%:s.% Vice Chair ; ! Tom Brotherton,Council.Representatie Merriah Fotheringham Dee Moschel y Perry Raak .. Melvin Tate Johnny Williams HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: ;: Brad Bell, Chair,excused Judie Sarff, excused . : . :.. %. . . ERS PRESENT, .. . . %PLANNING.,ST EM .. . ... . . . Lm.Houston Cashman<Hurrian Services 1Viana er : % % :'.: ': 1`aririer . . . .. . . . .. Ka#herin JohnsPWJ ........... . C . ells' Administrative Secret I . . . y W s .. 1 98> . . A PPROV I 'OF;FE RUARY 26.�. 9,. I1'TITTE Commissioner.Perryaak IVIOVED to accept the February 26, l 998 Human Services Comxnisszon meeting . mrnutes as written. Contrnissioner Melvin Tate SECONDED the motion. Motion Carried.: . AGENCY TOUR 1 .11 Human Se rvices Planner Katherin Johnson went over the results of the agency tour questionnaire with the Commission. The results of the questionnaire indicate that the tours will be in small groups or individually. Since the Commission will be busy this spring with the application process and they usually do not meet in 220 9th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/T&LEPHONE (253)859-3300 Human Services CI I ommission Minutes 3 March 26, 1998 I. Page 2 the summer,the tours will begin m the fall. If staff is visiting an agency, staff will contact any Commissioner who has expressed interest in visiting this agency to see if Commissioner wants to accompany staff. Commissioner Dee Moschel asked the Commission if they would like to hold the April Human Services Commission meeting at the Kent Community Health Center, followed by a tour of the facility The ........ . : . . .. .. . . ';Coaussionl:a reed to meet at it e.C....1 u. .:H6....Center for:the' "ri1.Co ............. ri ssigri e'et ri: at Q3'East . g: . .:. . . : p . .- . . . 3' :: . ...... . .:. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . g> : : . eek r: treet S to 30.0: ;; : i;> :: : ..% . : , .ICI...:. e. .. .. .. .� : u3. .. . .. . . . .. :. .. . . . . .... ...:..: % . ..:: . , ..... ..:.::. . it l :; ,, % '`.; 'Ihe'ri ost`re uested:a eric es to'tour vv re;DA `Stu :' ri'` o IYIu tl .er e ';Centers A A R;T : q:. g g3' Prograrr,Kent Food Bank,and Washington Women s Ernp�.oyment and Education. Because of the d�fficult�es .. . .. . ; ; .;. :; . . % e: : rsslo .,;talke ab nv in D' ` 3Ul�T st o s ealz t`a`'Co i si ri`i `; .0 .. A,::DAFT facih th Comm n d ont tt A . aff t. a mrn s o . . . . .... % g .. . .. ... ..... % #3'� P rrieet�ng. ]3ISCLTSS HEAD STA1 T.P�tOGR 11 Vice-Chair Steve Anderson stated that upon learmng'that Kent School District was discontinuing the Head Start Program he asked to have this item added for discussion. ' He said that The Puget Sound Educational Service District,the grantee for the head start program,will hold a'meeting for potential subcontractor bids. Three of the potential bidders are Children's Therapy Center, 1. Children's Home Society, and Kent Youth and Family Services. The Kent School District is only ` discontinuing the space provided for, 11�I lm�,:�:i� � the program. Transportation and food service will continue to be provided by the school district. __ " : :­,1::i= , � - _�_�_�..�:��.:�% � 1 Mr. Anderson stated that the space needed is the ESD's responsibility. He serves on the Kent At Risk Council Young Child Task Foree'and expr%essed that board's interest in this issue. The Heads tart'progranl cutrentlyhas four or ive classroom ►nt.. element1.ary schools(at multi%ple locations). 1VIr.Ardersor feels that the.Headstart.Pro tarn needs to sta .in Kent.%. .. g. Y Commissioner:Tate assured the% CQrntnssxon:tlat:the;Headstart Pro ramvil1 def�nter . sta ,m,Kent and;the g Y y.. .: : :., ,; : . . :: :%. .; . .: ... . Dent School District will assist m facilitating th%e program s�ransitlon He said that churches would lie a good n, % b :, of ... .... . ........ Comms ion rs An erson`and'Willtarris'talked:a out e urc es ; eir :a'rigri-' r it` ; lace ;for Headstart. . s e d ... . .. . g p ... . . ''or ani%zatron%. at�.s xkot`a IC 14o,sl ow a` . . . .:% . . . ...g .. .. ....... . .. .. . .... . % Trish Davis, a Ileadstart employee,was selected to mediate between the'Kent School District and the Puget Sound Educational District as they make decision regarding this transition. 4 ..� - �!%:�.i.:.�1.:�:� �%:::�.... .....% .. ..... ..... � . ..... ..%..%.. �:..:I.�%,%.!%%. .::. . . . . . . ....... .. ... ..... .. .% ...... ... . ......l : . ....l.�:. l.%1 ll.;.�.:.:;l::::,�. . �� � ,I I:I .: . . � . : : .: , .I..i .: ...... �. .. .. .... , I , .,,�1: , l, %, : :.: . .. . , ,. :.�;�,:���-1�-. :�-...-..�.. . . . ..1. Human Services Commission Minutes March 26, 1998 Page 3 MISSION STATEMENT Iatherin Johnson distributed copies of the draft mission statement with the revisions requested at the February Human Services Commission meeting. Commissioner Moschel stated concerns regarding the new wording and the fact that it°do11.11.%es not address age, handicapped, ;deaf persons; and other disabilities She feels that the oxigm... wording was sufficient%in e all c� e s . t<ex ludin ersonxe ess of culture ace :etbmei s.. . . .or addr ssuig hz n ,nQ c g any p gardl , : ty,age,d� . any other diversities: �:l!�1:"�il��.l.��l�l��.,�--:�:!.:�l._I�������:.j�l:I���:.:�.��.:�l,:il.!.���.:�:�i1��..�:�._:::%,.:�:�.,�-.,::::�l.:l,�,:...::!���:.�1:���l:.....�1-�..1II��:%..:Il��.�..::..I1.l�:-�t-.I:::::-:..l.I�::l��1:.I���.:l:�....I1%:::��..I.,G�%..::..-��.:—........l���.�;�:�-�,�.�.:l..1I�:It...:1I!. dice Chair Anderson pointed ou that "culture" could mean a sexuor'culture ox a handicapped culture. ::::: .:.. .,....;;::.:,. :::::::.::....:. ;,: :::;::;.: :...::::.;:::.;;;::..::::::.:.:;,...: .:.: .,'..�1:,l::.,�.Il,..,1:�:!�.,,:..-,.I.,:I Wl...�.�-1�I,Il.�1."�:,�:.,,,-,:.,1I-%--,��:",,,�%..-.I-I,�,",1'.�_—,,.��,.::t.l.:.�.,,.1.l.',--%.'1��I,:,.�:l,:,�i�'-.,�.l�%I.l.1,.,�1:.I..'",�I lI.'I-::I�1..,�,,-..:i-,'1'�,,�.:,:.l,,-.'-,.',1�-,�,�%l!��: .%....:.....l-.:...��.�.-.....:...-...:..l:.......�.:.l�.i:.......M�...11. ommissione r Ta#e agreed;#ha#"cultures" nits broadest defimt- leaves no one out and he l lCed'the idea l. o recvgniz ng diversity. : . . : There:vvas fiirther:di'scussion re Aran ;the M ss on>Statement and the Contri mission on'a fed to:;cl an e.the . : ; g � g wording in the first sentence tv read"The Human Services Commission exists'as part of the conscience.flf the City of Kent in its recognition of the value and diversity of all citizens including the various cultures and . , ethnicities and the City's desire that their basic needs'be met". Commissioner Dee Moschel MOVED to accept the Mission Statement with the discussed revisions Conunissioner Melvin Tate SECONDED the motion. MOTION CARRIED. 1999/2000 APPLICATION PROCESS Planner Katherin Johnson handed out the affiliation questionnaire for the Commissioners to indicate which `. human service agencies they are affiliated with. Staffwill distribute applications to the two Commission work groups so that Commissioners aren't responsible for reviewing applications of agencies they're affiliated with A# the 'April Human Services Commission rneetang the apphcatlon packets will.be distributed to the Commissioners Staff analysis will accompany each application, IVIs Johnson: a Pai ai 990Ies:6f a March 13th S if i County Journal article regarding available funds. She ll l. l. . 1. .also ded o t and reviewed with the Commission the ne in or;a cat�'o rev w and repo eridatioris i. lion. u pp ., ..... ... .. ... .... . 1. , ... 1✓unch will be provided at the May 28ih mee.mg and;breakfast aricl unch a..the June 1$meeting. .. Commissioners Perry Raak and 1Vler. ... Fotlieringham volunteered to be the tw Wokk group leaders. The two work groups will make preliminary recommendations,' l %.... . .. . .. ... ... . � .� . � .. . . ... . .. . : : %.i . . . % . . . .:. .. : .. . . .. . .. .�-� ... . .1..� .: .:.� . .... . .. . ... .. . . :.- . .i�.:1.:.%.i.... :..�1. — . .....: %:%.�:-.1.!:::.:]:! ...� �.��::.����:��..��...:!.�: ...�l���.I.:��::.�%��%��.�.:.��:.��..� . .. . .. .. .... . :::-.� ::..1-%.........%... . .. . ..:.:� - .... ...... .. .. .... %. :%.. . .. . . .:. .. . . : .%. : %. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. � �1 1: . ... %... . . .�!��� . . . ...�.:. . ..:.:.1��..11 :� %1 . . ... . ...... . .. . . :..:. . : �� . ..�. .% . .. ..%%. .::%% . :.. .:.. �:..;:%::....�1.-...:. . ... ..... t . .. . .. . . ..�. . . � . . .: . . . . .. . . .. . . :. . .: . .. i. ..... . .� .....:. . . . ....... .:.�.%:.. :-.. .. ... - . .:. . ...... .:.. � �:��... .. . .:.: 1 � .��.....�. . .% . �� %.. i .. - :.: ... .. . - . . ......... . . ...%% . . �. ��:� ���. ....... . ::--�%:..�%.%-.... .�:..1:.:.11��� :.��:%.�..���:�� :. 1-:�. -.:.�..:�:.... ..... .. . :: . �� �.�.� ..��:�: ....... I �. . . . : -. .�� .%.% :�..: .�...... .� :. .. .. . . 1 . . .:�%.�.1: . % ...% . ::��.��.:;!: �% 1.�::.�� . .. . . .. . . . � . ..% %.: . . . . . ... . .. . - . 1 .I..1 . . . . . ... . . . . . . i :.i:.::.%t: .. % . . .. . .. . .. . . . . : . . . . ... .i. . . .��.�... . . .. . . % I . ... . . . .. . .. ... . � ! :1.��:.:�... :% .. :i i :. .. .: .�: .. . . . .. . . . ... .. ... .. . ...:..: ... 1 . . . ... ...: . --. : . %. - .:. :::. .. . . . . � . . . .. ... .. . . .%. . .. . i-i— . . . ......%. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .�.��:::�.��:.���:.�.�����. :... - -. : � �:% � �!�%:�.�!�;!��l��-.�. �. � ..... . ... .. .. ..%.:. . . i. .. 1 . . . i i : � � : : : i . ..... .. .. . ... � � . .- . . . .... . .. . . .. ---% . % .::....... ... i . ... .. ... i.%.. . .. .............: .. - .... ..... . - . .... .. � : .� . % : . : %� .%..... i .. ........�...%....: -..:,�.�..%: . .. .- -�. ... .... . . . ��.�.�......�. �:.- .�...�: � ...i..... ......�.� � :: ,,�,�,,,,,,��-��� ��,,�,,��, ,� I 1: :�,, I :I�, �,I ..,... .., , , ".I�:�,:. I:,::I I . : ��.. �:.. .:.:��:...j:����,,,,::,�:� ,� ,�::, �:�,, 1,,I . - .: .:%.. :: I( Human Services Commission Minutes March 26, 1998 Page 4 The Commission talked about the 1993 Needs Assessment and the need for a current needs assessment. They also want Dent School District data to determine current needs. Commissioner Tate asked about the application criteria regarding ethnic breakdown. Planner I�atherin Johnson talked about some o%f the analysis staff is preparing to aid in the application review process She pointed. out that a;contingency pian wrll need to,liitbe rn place zn the event of increased or l t,; t .. . . :. decreased fixnds in 2000. There l be drscusion regarding the con urgency plan a,777 a fixture Corimrssion meeting; She handed out a draft of .... . nai%guxdehnes for malcrng funding dec;lions The daft rs tlxe same . ..::.... ;:: , ::; .. t th . .: 1. . , .. . : . e T. sic `<a re.d ::iise a . es:' as last ear with oni minor char s. he oYriMI n e o .. .es tde n . .... y . ... ...y . .... g ..... .. . . g , . ... .p . : . Vrce Chair Steve Anderson asked about the off year.p the two dear f rrdxng'cycie and the possibility. i. ;; o,,,:r, t: r fund Uri`rtuat 1 : . . aenc es ee . at. . ti ne Co riuss : ne Tate`as ted af#hexi✓'vvas>an e e etc A i n din h that . ...... .................. , g g p .. g . .. . .. . .3'. . here are no'%�e er enc funds seta de` Sma11 amounts of s hake;been obta r d fror ';other bud'`et ;; g y g sources nthe past. Community DevelopmentBlock Grantfunds will still be applied for anjualiy Ms. Houston Cashman said 1999 agency funding levels will be recommended, and 2000 funding levels will depend on agency performances in 1999 and the amount of funds available from the City for 2000. Ms. Johnson explained the contract procedure and requirements for City funded agencies. She talked about outcome measures an1:11d pointed out that this is the first year the City is requiring them from the agencies. City Council member Tam Brotherton discussed with the Commission that given the current world economic situation, there may be an economic downturn in 1999/2000 that will impact our funded agencies. The `: Commission should consider this`when snaking funding recommendations. I2PORTS IT:.%i.�T SERVICES ROIIN .TABLE ` c i m tuber o B thertvn alori ':with other SQ...h`Coon Ci ;re. resentatives s :olce at the ` Ct, CQun z e T m ro , . p X : ... :. 3' t3'. . e : e .......... . . .......... .............. . ... Human Services Roundtable mee about.the C Allen es for;human sere e s Rouri' to e'a' o to a : : . :. g %, ; E .. o S s , Coun xeeute u�as elected`Cha�r `arid the :decided to:greet V.Ork Pro am foi the ear R n unm - ... . . ,:, . ... ........� . . .. . . y.. .. . : . .... -...: .. X .: g .�'. . . . : ... .:. . 1d M %Tlie ext . e tiri 'i bean he : a 21st at 11`3O ddn.to 100 rn ' eve other;rnont . is ear. n, . m e s .i g . . ........y........... .. ... % p r... .: ., : . Y :.... : : . . .: . . . . .. .. .. .... .. .. ..... .. .. .. . .... . . . . .. .. .. % . . . .... I egislatui decided riot to allocate children's health co%verage fixndirig, causing them to lose$47,0.00:000 rn Federal'dol:111iaTs, Ms. Houston Cashman handed out copies of the Human Services Roundtable 1998 Work Program Human Services Commission Minutes March 26, 1998 Page 5 SOUTH COUNCIL OF IHUAIAN SERVICES Commissioner Merriah Fotheringham attended the last South Council of Human Services meeting and reported there were two speakers from the King County Housing Authority. Stephen Norman and Linda Weedman stated that 30,000 people are housed in King County in Senior,disabled and low income dousing Welfare to work was discussed at` he meetmg. IVIs..11ouston'Casnnian; tated that';K n Coup Hous n. Author.. h�.b'ecorne;a artner. n the co mun g t3' g . t3' 1? t3% and in the human services arena. .. IYIs,Houstonashrnan gave an.update.vn Regional Farce and Governance., Ox March 198 the Growth Management Plannrng Councrl +oversight Coinrniltee passed a package to the full growth Management Plantun" Council C1VIPC whichincludes human.services, Tie, rIUfPC met Mare 25th t©decde %t will ..be sent to Kin Coon ,arid at tie tinrne of the Human Servicesomm%sson ineetxn' no results had been g . t3' heard, She.handed.out,c© es.ofthe huTnap services part of the pro . . .. ackage vh eh ves.c .- ;of P p p human services to the County. Staff offered to loan the "Families First" video to the Commission members that did not view it at the last I Human Services Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 Respectfully Submitted, Lin H. o stun Cashman Re .. ..............,.. . ..:.:. ...:...... .... ...:........ C: % . orchng Secretary % .. :...: .. . 1HUMA P.;.... . .. . ..I�TSERICMIVIISSIIYIII�TLTTES�HSMIN9$,MICR . .. .