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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 02/25/1999 .......... �..... ,:: .::: . : . .. . . ...% - . . .. .. . . . . . .--..i...-..,��:.. ... . . . . .. -. . ..:.:.:. .i...I::1�I,�,,,�:�,!��,,..... : .................. .. .:. � ��. . .. . . :��.. . �.. :%� ... ... .. .� ��..�....�%���i��..j��-�:���!���..�1:-:. ::....... . .. . ::.�,�: . . %1 .. . . . : .. .. -�%.�. :....�..: %. :..:. .. :. -...%... I I � i % ..: .�:. . ........ . . ''.!.... .. . . . . ... . . :.��.:..1:: ::.�%�..:��.�:::.� . . :% . .�.:�.%%.I..: I : ..%. .�.:%.:- %�....i.% CITY©F I I ,:��,, . . . . . -"��.��-�.. .. . . I 1, : 4. %i ::���...ii: .:: ..:.1.�.:� 0 11 i 11 I I , I ...� .�: : . I I :� � I � I.. ...�1, I I -, ,, ,,:�,,, I ''I'll"I I �. .. Jim`White, Mayor 11 111V I & Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director � -:��--�- - � .... I , ,--:, -:% .�:-­ W� AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Metrng for February 25, 1999 KENT ©UNCIL CIAMBEIS EAST Commissian Members Pe Raak;Chairr �/2001 n3' ) i.erriah Fgtheririgha ,Vice Chair(1/200 ) Steve Anderson(1/2004) Brad Bell (l/20p1) 7ohri Jendresen{1/2002) Judie Sarff(1/2000) Mel Tate ( /2002) wEdna White (1/2002) Tom Brotherton, City Council Member(1/2000) AGENDA ,-.:N..,..,...-:-...'�-�!..1I--:�!...,--,�_-:�-'!...�,-:-,,,.I:..�,,-.%.-.::.....-:..:'::�-.�..t..1-:l:.:�".�,,.�....1''..:�,��:.:-..%:�:I.-.. OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of November 19, 199.E Minutes ACTION ITEM 2 3.0 .2 Eva .w.......%..-�... luation of 199 ..Comm ss>on Retreat INFORM.ATION'ITEM 2:33 ;NEW BUSINESS' . % ;: : :. . .. . 1. ; ova'ew 1;998:A` euc Year:End:Re orts :: . : A T TE 2:45 Genera F d INF RM T N ...{ ....:.. . �-.-: ....... . ..:. . .. .. . . 2.. : e orl ofElcler Iealth Goru ect ons I'xo. am :: INFORMATIO ITEM 2;55. `: . p:; , . .. . . .. 3. Discuss:`199:9GDBG A"":;lcation.Trriele " 13 , and'Worksho s`: ;` :'..' .' :. . A EM ................ .. ........ . . ... INFORIVI: TION;I'P .. ` 3QS ' ......::..::.:..:...:::..:.::.............. ... . . . .. .... ; . . . .. . .. 4; ': Discuss:'I`99:9 Co ri niss on f oals ACT OI�T:ITEIVI `:, 3f26... 5. Adopt 19991VIissiori Statement ACTION ITEM 3�50 6. Agency Visitations INFORMATION ITEM 4:05: REPORTS Human Services Roundtable INFORMATION ITEM 4:15 South King Council of Human Services 2. RJC Update i. . P. 3 /KLNT,WASHINGT'oN 98032-5895 CITY Of Jim White, Mayor r . ar men - - James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM February 5, 1999 MEMO TO: HU141AN Si.%ERVICE'OEl*TERAL FUND AGENCIES FROM: JUDY .. .. TT,PLt�NNER SIJBJEC'I' GENERAL FUND CONTACT EXHIBIT E (1EVISEDj Please find enclosed a revised Exhibit E to your 1999 Contract with the City of Kent. In speaking with the agency staff we found that it is extremely time consuming #o complete this exhibit for.each:quarter. Therefore,we are requesting that you submit Exhibit E with your final :111statistical reports due on January 31,2044. Please remember that although we will only require this report at the end of the contract period, it must cover all clients served during your entire 1999 `contract period. If you have any . questions.please contact me at 5204205. ..... ...... . : . KJIJB/cw I'1IIuman S.erv.ces\General:Furid:19Q9.Contract\Revsed Exhibit.E;:Cover, trdoc.: :.: .. :: .:.:::' . % cc James P.Harris,Planning Director . . .. . . . . ....:. . . . .. . K% atherm:Johnson Huxiari`Sexvices Mana er % (M,�I I � 11 , :: : � % . ... -- I I . . % .:.. :�-. .�: .:!�% �� , — I I I, ,:1, �%�: ::::::��:#M � :� �- � -, - ,11:t � 1: I 'll, ... . ::� ..:.�::.. .!.: ::. . %. - . .. ` 220 lth AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 CITY OF :Q:1,-11 I1,I:�--1 1,, :-i,-I:I�11,1-1 �1�:1, I 1, .I-:1I�::�..z.1%�::%:.-,1-% .1 I I�, ,:­_i-"-,1,1.1-1 :­I I I�:-��,:�-:,::1-,-11-1-1 1:,1 I-:'-:�-,-�:,I-:,::::,::-,":.",:,-I�',"�1,I':11,l:'1',,�:I�-I::,��:�I-�-:�-I--"I,,,,I Jim`White, Mayor r - - James P.Harris,Planning Director MEMt)RANDUM February 5, 1999 MEMO TQITM�t�T SERVICE GENERAL FUNI3 AGENCIES : FRAM: JIJDY BENITT,PLANIIER ....:A. SUBJECT: GENERAL FU 6-to - CT E HIB T E{REVISED) Please find enclosed `;a revised Exhibit E to your 1999 Contract with the City of Kent.' In speaking with the agency staff we found that it is extremely time consuming to complete this exhibit for.each quarter. Therefore, we are requesting that you submit Exhibit E with your final statistical reports due on January 31,2000. Please remember that although we will only require this report at the end of the contract period, it must cover all clients served during your entire '1999 contract period. If you have any . questionsplease`contat me at 520-4205. :: . . . .. .. ... .. . KJ/JB/..c1v.P::1Hutnan S,ecvices\General:Furicl:1999: outract\Revsed.Fxhibit ':Co�er tr:doc.. cc Jaynes P.'Harris,Planning Director. . . . ...... . ..:. . :. . Kather n Johnson'Humari`Servzces Mana er . .. ...............:................ ............f.::..............:::..:.:..................:.....:... ... ._. ` 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 t)ata.Submitted.. City of Kent 19.9.9.i4MENDED.:': Office of Housing.and Human Services EXhibit;E Annual:pemographic Report 1999 Number of Clients �erved* Y.. % ,Agency/Program Unduplicated,(New)Individuals this Year OEM Auburn Covington Des Molnes Enumclaw Federal Way Kent Maple Valley Renton ,:... SeaTac 777777. Seattle Unicarp.King Co, Other Unknown Total 50%of SMSA or Below 80%of SMSA or Below ----77777777 Above 8004 of SMSA Unknown Total Male Female Total 0-4 yrs. 5-12 yrs. 13-17 yrs. 18-34 yrs. 35-54 yrs. 55-74 yrs. 75+yrs. Unknown Total mom NE �t m,, a rh,dF csv? Asian/Pa iflc Islander Black/African American Hispanic/Latino(a) Native American/Alaskan Native White/Caucasian Other Unknown Total Female beaded Household' Disabling Condition f Limited English Speaking *Unduplicated means count each client only once per calendar year. "List all clients served in client residence category and Kent clients only in rest of the categories. CITY OF�J . F...: f Jim White, Mayor INV CCl* Plan rig pa merit (206);859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P,Harris,Planning Director February 3, 1999 Ina Percival,Executive Director Domestic Violence Awareness Women's Network PO$ox 1521 Kent,WA 98035.:: Dear Ms Percival: % % % . . Enclosed is your original copy of the 1999 Human Srvices'Contraet between your agency and the City of .. .. Kent.` TheCi `;also;has on ale ari oil final co : of e:C : r ct'=` d' .. ;, ;: .......... ty g py th„ ont a an a copy of your certificate©f insurance ..Per a s.:.:.:.:..:.:e.,:,.: :,;,::.:.::.:::....:...::.:.: .:.:::.:.::.:..: :.:.:.....:.........:................ . . .: .. ...::.::..:.......:.... ...::::>:......:::.:: ............................. . % par gra h t ire., and;f......f tl e.1999.'Contract all': o'ees riust lie`:submitted ori'Exhibit B`Bi I n1. l g toucher)and must be accompanied by an Exlubtt C( .... , iy Service Report Form)if your agency reports monthly. Agencies that report quarterly should attach;an Exhibit D.(Quarterly S . ice Deport %Form)to the Exhibit B. :All agencies gust submit ari Exhibit D and E after the completion of each quarter.In addition, all agencies,will be required to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. Half-yearly Outcome Reports are required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed' to your agency during the first quarter of 1999. Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for P I ,�- the Outcome Report on January 1, 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk. Please call me at 520 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. l-I �11 . For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reportmg` Requirements list.'This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting;your reports and . invoices please address them to Judy Bennett,Planning Department: We look forward%t1.o working with your.agenc}i.during 1999.; If you have'any questions; me at.. .. 4 .. .. . . . :..%. %. .. :.. ..: . . :.. .:..... . . : . ..::;.::: . : : . . . • :... . .... Se1 �: : , : .. .. . i. . . n y. . : e ; % % Jud .........:.. ... . .: .. .:....... ....:....... . ....:..:....... . .....::..,.. . . . y ..enn e........... ..... . :.... .....:... ...: ......: ...... ... . ...: ....:..... .. Human Services Planning.Intern:, ... . .:........ ..::.... ...... . ... P:1Human Services\Genera.... i999 Contract\Cover Fully Executed99.l . Attachments cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair . ,DI rothy Bosteder;Board President . "041h x\'i N( 6 SUC311 , KEN' ' K aSHING"Lf)N IMO_'-i l), }�V� CITY OF� LSV IIIJ- Jm hie, MayorW INy TA Plan ng ,... ment (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P,Harris,Planning Director February3, 19��-.-).:::...I 1��-.-%—.-�:.i-�-1-�t..,�..--.-I�--..:.�—...:..,�%1.��,.���:.'I1�...-��.4,:.%1�:��...—�.e1%.99 Nina Auerbach,Executive Director Child Care Resources 15015 Main Street Suite..206 Bellevue, WA 9$Q;07 De.. Ms.Auerbach: Enclosed is your original copy of the 1999 Humih Services Contract between your agency and the City of . . .. .. . , . Kerit T1ie C al$o kas:on':f'le as on inai co` oftlie;Coritractarid a o0 of: our`certilicate of insurance:' tY g< l?Y pY Y Per ara hs hree and f r o` he 1999,Contract all:' v ` e e . . a ... . . ou f _ n © c s must b.....subxu tied on Exhibit B. Billin 1? P g Voucher)aria must be accom allied b an Exhibit C 1 hthl Service Re ort Form if our a e y p . p Y; : ' : P' ) '. g nc re orts . . mon encres t re ort' Hart ou attae r:: ... . ... : g Y a p q er y s an E i t D Quarter Service Re ort Roan to,the Y p ) Exhibit B. All agencies dust submit ari Exlub`it D and E after the completion of each quarter 1n addition,. all agencies will be required to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. Half-yearly Outcome Reports are required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed to your agency during the first quarter of 1999 Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for the Outcome Report on January 1, 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk. Please call me at 520 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. . For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency;Reporting Requirements list. `This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting your reports and invoices please address them to Judy Bennett,Planning Department. . . We.•iook forward#o working with your.'agency during 1999. If you:have any questions lease'call nle at p 253 520= 205. ,: . ,: .. .: ` . : .. .:.:... ... .., : . . ........... .... . Sincerel { : .... . ..... .. . . . ... . . ... ...... ....... ............:: ... Humah Services.P:lannin` Intern.: .:..................:...... ....:......::.....-.:.....:..: ..,.:...:... .. : . .... ... ....:.....,:....:..:..:. ...........:.... ..... .I........ . . P:\Human.Servicgp� .e eral.:Fund:1.999,;Gontri6t\Cover::Full Executed99 d+pc:.`;' ..:' :.. . Y Attachments cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman,HumanServices Manager Katherin Johnson;Planner . I. Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair Laura Wells, South County Director . Susan Bennet,Board President '_'I11th:\bLM 1:',OI Ill . KIAI.\\ASII1\GTr)\v5Q '-58y5 ... .. . .. ... ..........:.. . . �j % .... .... ... ........:.:::. .: C)Ty OF44 ;3 ,.,.. , .- }� } .. INVICTA �� WIl1tC9 Mayor- . Planning c ffient (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 3, 1999 i Judy Peterson,Executive:Director Pregnancy Aid of Kent PO Box 1775 .: Kent,WA 98032 :. .: Deer Ms.:Peterson.: nc,o is your original copy of the 1999 Human Services Contract between your agency and the Czty of Kent. The City also has on file air original copy of the Contact and a c4 !af our certificate of>nsurance, .. . : pY y . : pe : . . .. .. . . r ara ohs thee,and four o£the;1999 Contract all invoices must be submi a .o 'Exhib' B:. 1 '. . .. p p. .... . .. ... .... .., ....... . . tt d n xt .... i lui . . .... :. . .. .. ....:: :: :: . ...... .. .. . .: ..:.:: ... .: . . ..: .. .. - . .... .. . ; Toucher; and must a `eeo ' : : j b a .. mpan ed by an Exhibit C(Monthly Service Report Form) tf your agency reports monthly. Agencies that report quarterly should attach an Exl iN t D Quarterly.ezvice Report Form)to the Exhibit B. All agencies must submit ail Exhibit D and E after the completion of each quarter In addition, all agencies will be required to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. Half-yearly: Outcome Reports are required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed to your agency during the first quarter of 1999 Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for the Outcome Report on January 1, 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk. Please call me at 520 4205 if you would`like to pick up a disk. For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting your reports and invoices please address them to Judy Bennett,Planning Department. , We.iook forward to working with youragency during 1999.. If you have any quest>ons, me at . : , : : 253 520-4205. . .. . (.: ....) . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .... ... ..:. ..:: . Si sere n l . :: y, . ... ..:....:.... ... ..... ...............:....... ... .. . :, ..:.:.::; :...... . . .............. .. ."en ..... . :..:::.::::.:: ... ..... .... :.. :. .....,H.:.. ..... ... .. .. .............. . .....:. ......: uman::Services.'Plannin :Ili e .. .... .............: . . >.:.::..::.::..............::............. . ... . ..... ... .. . P:\Human Services\Gene1a1 Fun4.1.999 Contract\Cover)?ulI Ex' %:ted9 .doc Attachments cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair E. Geraldine Battles,Board President .. 20-1111 A 6NCL•si NIIf KENT.`A?AtilI;',(;I0\�)8n__ 5S9i :. -- �;�%�:.:%.�::�:-�.%... .. �. .. .. : %.%%... ..% : . � � �� � :��. . . . .. ....% .:. .. .: :.:��%��::��:;�:�:%�:�. .%.... .-. -.. : :.�% .. :....%. ... � . ........% ...�.%. % .. ... .. .. . ......... .. .-� . . . . . . . . . ..%% %:.i %% ..% ... . . :. . . , 1, — : , , ..:� . ...�..�.. ... . .... � Plannmg,Department (253)859-339o/FAX(253)85D-2S44 James P.$arris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM February 25,1999 Tfl• T©N "T"W Oi�T CO�C7wx... 1vEN BER FROM: J[JDY BEiTNETT,PLANNED . . . ... F.EBRITAR-HUMAN SER CES CO IS��ON T N+ . The:Co a m ss on rov ded.f��orabie feedback re an1�1d n ;the 1999 Retreat, The eneral consensus of the ' . p g: g g. group was positive. Commisionexs particularly enjoyed the presentation. Judy Bennett;Human SeE. rvices.Plannex, presented the i998 year end performance:xeport from.the funded . ... . . .,-. :. :.; e c . >n of C agencies tali agencies met or exceeded their performance x�easures, with the x epho atholie Community Services and WWEE. Both of these agencies provided servioes that met'the intent of the contract. Carolyn Sundvall, Human Services Planner, discussed staff concerns with Elderhealth NW Connections Program. This program is funded through CDBG Human Service Funds. The agency is having problems : % .: With reporting and billing in a timely manner. Staff is woxking with the agency, Carolyn reported on the CDBG application timeline and workshops. The workshop will be held April 8t" at which time the applications will be released. The application deadline is May 7. The Commission will schedule a half day workshop in'June to review applications and final HS Commission funding recommendations will be made on June 24. I�atherin Johnson, Human Services Manager, d�stnbuted',the suggested goals and strategies which were .. % . develo `ed at th Commission Retr%eat:.:: Tho Com ss oni :ade' ted all,. .. owls .and di3rected. staff,to `` p P g . ... . . .. . . . :.. ... ., . . . develo a ro'ect :le entation' lari to accom f sh`each oal '` `;, , ;' ,',```' : , ;` ` .... `. p J P P p g .. . . .. ... .. T. Corriirri scion ado te&ffi revisions to'the lVltss on Ststement %which vas worked on at the;retreat. % P Carolyn Sundvall gave an update on the RJC Mitigation Fund app.1 on cycle .. ..... . . .. .. . . . . . . . : : . . . . Tom Brothefton gave a report on the Human Services Roundtable Katherin Johnson gave a report on the`General Membership Meeting of the South Ding Council of Human Services. The focus of the meeting was to examine the success of current human service system and to. explore changes for improvements. r ( .. f G� . - ... .%. .% . . . .... . . .. . . .. . :.. . % . -��.:::.%-� :�.! CITY::I +3Z.SLM ::. .. .. . % . .... .. .... .. . . . ... . .. . .. .. . . � 1 .. . . Jun White, Mayor INp TA I. Pla In p tment (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 . James P.Harris,Planning Director February 12, 1999 Mary Lou'Becvar,Executive Director Kent Community Service Center 525 4th Avenue South Kent,WA,98032:'. pear Ms. Becvar:: A. 10.e' ". our'`:`;.::. r:: s on a 'co of the'1 . 9 H;::; ' ,''`ervices' ri ac`, :e`' ; ;;;';. c .s d i. n C tr t en``: ir:a e.':c.:::; :;:.:, t:;..;::. .: `.:;`:` : ..: :.. . l 9 urnan S o b tw o .0 and. he of. .:': s' .. ..:.........:.:...:..:.:.,...:... Y:.: ...::.:::,.:::•..::.:PY..:..:. :::..::::..:::.:::....:.:.:. .::::.. ,::........::.::...:...::::.:::::::....::::..:.:.:.:....:....::.:..:::.,...:..:..:........::Y.;.:::,..:.:...g..::.:.......Y.......::.:..:..........:•. h':.,:::......... ... .::. ..:...... ....... . ...... en.:.:::::..e:..`:i..►:on ;..o...::t.e:::...ontra o..:.:our:certr:::cate.o: :nsuranc:e, t3' .:.:. g..: l�Y pY Y.::: ...:::...::.:.::.:..:,:.;: ....:..::.:.::::::::; x.. ara ..a. is:::three::arid:;four.;=iftlie.199.9:.Contract`: 11.:'':rriitst:b'submitted::ori::Exhibit::. $.iilI. p ..... ..:.P. ......::: . . ;..:,.. . . .. ::::.................... :.•.::...:...::...:::.......: :..........:......... ............:................. .: .:...:..>::: ....:......:......;::: ........ :.......::..:....:.. .....•:::........:...........:::...:.......:...:::;::....:........::..:::.....::...:::.:...:.........:. ..... .......:...... ......:......:.:.:........... •..... Voucher. :'arid must b'e::acc:©tn a ied..b..::an::E"h .;C:: nthl. .: ervic ,Re .o cFo if::..o. r:: enc..;::re o s:::.: . .. . t o : e , zrt u a rt . ........ P...... ....,, :...Y : : . Y P Y g: 3' P monthl A eric es that re ,ort uarterl, slaouid attach`ari Exhibit D' uarterl Service Re o Foriri to'the .. ............. ........:...............Y.........:$.:...:..:.....:................:.:.....:.p..::.....q::.....::.......,...Y.:::......:..:...,................,.......::,::..:.:.:...:..:....,::.....:....:.............. ......::......:,....... .......::.:.............,...,... ..:........rt..:............:......,......::..:............ . ......... ...... .. t Y . ... p .. .............. .)............ Exhibit B. Ail agencies nest submit an Exhibit D and B after the completion of?each quarter .1 addition, all agencies will be required to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. 'Half-yearly Outcome Reportsare required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed to your agency during the first quarter of 1999. Please note that you will need to begin,collecting data for ` . the Outcome Report on January 1, 1999. The reporting forams are available on disk.Please call me at 520- 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting your reports and :' invoices please address them to`Judy Bennett,Planning Department. We look forward to working with your agency during i 999. If you have,any questions,please call me at (253) 520-4205 . . Sinc'ere .`: . . . ... :. ..:;" ;: . Ju ` B nn`, ; . ... :.... . . . .. . . . . ri ervice fanner . Hu .. . . . .. . ma .S...........:............... .... .... : s . . . . : . . . .. . . .....: . P:�Iuman.Services\6eneral.Fund..:1:999::Contract\Cover:Full .Executed99.:do..c . . .. y . .......:.:: ....... .. .. ...... . : :: :.;: .Attachments cc: James P.'Harris,Planning Director Katherin Johnson,Human Services Manager - Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair Dick Brunk,Board President . . . 220 dth AVENUE$ULtTFi /.KE\T,\Vr�SHING'fON 95032-SS9S .. % . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ;�::��%��!.��.l ��.1..:: ..%%:..%-I . . . ..... .. .%..%..... ..-� . . . ... .�. .�:�:. . CITY OF�imo,T.: --%�. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . ,, Jim White, Mayor lNVIC CA Planning epartin t (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850.2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director ' February 11, 1999 . Helen Boody,Executive Director Washington's Women Employment and Education 3516 South 47th Street,Suite 20 .... . Tacoma,WA 98409 Dear Ms.Goody: . :. .. ..: .. •. . .:: .:.. . ::. . . Enclosed is'your original copy of the 1999 Human Services Contract between your agency and.the City of .. .•:::Kent.::Th6.%i :;als%::-s%`ori',f 1l an on . .>:of:tho::Coritract:and.a::co:: ::of:.: iur::c.ert licate::of::insurance:: ... ...: .. . . ...... tY : ... g, pY: py Y ....:.... . •.. ::....•.:::.:...::.:.:......:. :::...........:.................:.. .. . ...... Per: .ara :a ii%4h ee.and.f, u .f...:;the..:Y999.Contract... 11. nv© zbxn eked.©n,Exh b..itB... B llin .... :.... . ::....:::.::...... . ..:P. ..... :..::P................:::.:.:: ............::..::..:.:..............:.:;..... .......:::.:::......... ......: .....:....:..................... . .. . . .......... .. ......:..:....::....g..... .':... . .. . .:..... ...`:1. ..:....:...... .:.:.:::.:::ouch r:. :and:.m st:. .e co.. ed:b..: n:::.... b'iC'. "`Drill:::' Se .:ic .R" :ort" .:orni :i .. our:; .....:...ric: e...orts:::::;'.'::.;:,:` .e ... u ..b ac. xn ani .... .... a .Ex...1....i .. ... t.. ... ry c ...e . .....� : ... a 9 1.. . .. . P, Y. .: : .... .>. '.. .: >Y . .•.. .... . 1�......,.. ....), .<Y:. g: Y:..:% .. .. . :..% : .. . ....- m ene e e ..:: h . ld:: ac •::an: xhtb'tD.. .: uarterl:" ..ervice: e..o: Eorin::to:th....:::; onthl , A xes thatx ort uar. n s...ou att h E a . ..,. 5 R rt:: e . ...........:......... ... . ..:..:::::g.........:.:..:..::.:.:..:..::...:•. P.,:.:..::-::9..:...,::.::.:..:.::::.Y:....;,:.:::.:.:.:..:................;...:...::::.::..:.;.............;:::..;.::.:.::...::..:.::::.::�. ,....:.::::..:..,Y:....,:..........:.::::::..:.:::::::.-::P:. .:.......:.::.,..:.......).....,....:. Exhibit B. All agencies rriust submit an:Exhibit D and E after the completion of each quarter.Iri addition, all agencies will be iiquire to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. Half yearly Outcome Reports are required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed to your agency during the first quarter of 1999 Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for ` the Outcome Report on January 1, 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk.Please call me at 520 :- 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving;required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the'contract. When submitting your reports and invoices please address them to Judy Bennett,Planning Department. We look forward to working with your agency during 1999. If you have any questions,please call me at (253) 5204205 . . . ..:...:..: ..... ... . .. .:.. ..:.: ... :.. ....... . . ... .... ...... . . ... ..::..:.::: Siricerel. .. :.. :. .. .. ... .... ......... ... Y .. . ......... ... :: .......... :.:....... . . . ... . :... . .. ... . : ...............:.....:. e . .`.;; , ...:....: ........ .. . . . .. , ....... .:. ::.:..Human:Services:Planner..':: .. ..... .. . . ..... :... ..::...:.......:.:..:..:.:.:.::.:.:.. :.....:..::::.: P:\Human Services.\.General Fund:1.9.99..Contract�Coyer..Pu11 Executed9.9..:doc...'....::::;..:,•. :::. . ..:.. .: . . ...... .............::.::....:.:: .: .. . . Y. . . . Attachments .... .:. cc: James . am.s,Planning Director Katherin Johnson Human Services Manager Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair Lynn Roberts,Program Director . Bonnie Nelson,Board President ... 220 4th AVENUE SOUTFI./.KENT,WASH iNGTON 95032< 3Ni .. �..�:��Q .��.�..�.�. .... . . .. .. . ... . . .... ... ........ .. . ..............:.... ���� ...... .. . . .. % .... .. ..�...i.-i:� .I.i. �!-�: % .�% CITY OF k�r Y Jim White, Mayor 1NvieTA Planning Department (253j 859-3390JFAX{253j$50-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 2, 1999 cl# asto' . '.'. .j .,.... .:1 `:` `` % : : .. 1Vlarvin Eckfel% ,P. r Fist Christian;Church of1:1Kent % " ::;`:' ' :`.. 117.17 SB 2*�: 1 PD Box SOQ9 31KentW0 , . . mw.i��:��;:.�J,� . . . ..�!��..�.�.�1�:��.�-.�-..���.!. .. AeW I - .. :: ..� ..:.:.. . %%I.:.%%%. 11: ar Marvin, On behalf of the Kent Human Services Commission I want like to thank you for facilitating the Commission's 1999 Annual Retreat. As always you brought a feeling of community o the group: Your willingness to participate in the Retreat and devote an entire day to this effort demonstrates your continuing commitment to human services. : Sincerely, G - .. . . . . •... •`` ak .. . ...... . ' ,e . ::::: P . Ra... .:ry... e`' o sson Ch it`` ;' . `' .. . H. uman . ..;Se. %.. s C.mmx : a . . .... .. . . T1THI�TI E.doc: . P: UMANSER\C.ONZHSS\1999RETREA, , . KM.:;. . .. ...: . . . pc James 10 Harris;Planning Director .. ;Kathenn Johnson`Human Seces;Mana er . . g .. . . . .. . . . ... .... . Jud Bennett PluZer . . . . . Y r .. 1. 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WAS!IINCTON 93032-5595 .. ( CITY Of LS. y _ Jim White, Mayor IN V SCTA Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 3, 1999 Sharon Hayden,Prosecutor . ... . .. .. .. . . s.. ffice: : :: :; :` ::; City Attorney : O ::...........:... .:::: 220.4,;Avenue South. Kent,W 9862 Dear Sharon:.. ` Oi %behalf of the Kent Human Serv% ices C%ommissio1. %n I would like to thank you for participating in the Commission's 1999 Annual Retreat. The informa%tion you presented on the new Gowe Street Station and Kent's prosecution of domestic violence cases was informative and thought provoking. The topic of domestic O -iolence is very complex and the Commission appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aid the Commission in its assessment of comI I"munity needs Sincerely, -/z. ��% : �� � , I I 1, , , 1,��:�:::�..�:::��%�.:�%..::.::. . .... . � .. 1, i�:i-" �%����:�:�� ��� �� :�1�R�:�:� I . ..% ..-- (P�� . . . . : . .: Petry Raak : . Human Services Commission Char . P:gWMANSER\COMMISS\19..99RETREATITHANKSHC.doe. c. James P. Harris,Planning Director . . . . . Kathenn Johnson`Huirrian Services 1VIaria er' . .. Q . . .. , f .....:g .. ....... . .. Jud Bennett'Planner. .: Y : 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGT'ON 98032-5895 . � .� . .�..�:.... .... -.:.: . . .. .�...� .....�:�..I�%! .. % CIT.::O:F.' .... .. .%........ ... .... ....: .... ..... .. .... , .......:....., ....., ......,............:.......,.. :. : :.: ... ... ......:: ....:.:,......: .,:::: 11 � N Jim White, Mayor rN V IGTA Plann11 ing Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director FeWary;3, 1999 .. Detective Sgt.Mark Gustaf%son .` Kent Police Deparbcrient .. . .... �, . 220 4 Avenue South 2Kent WA, IDear Mark: On behalf of the Kent Human Services Commission I would like to thank you for participating in the Commission's 1999 Annual Retreat. The information you presented on enforcement of domestic violence laws in Kent was informative and thought provoking. The topic of domestic violence is very complex and the Commission appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you P provided will aid the Commission in its assessment of community needs. Sincerely, 2 I �-���:��_�-�::��!��II!���-�������%-��,:������������ U�t�---�:—��_:1,'11-1I�-1I,1�:1-1:1::,�,:1 I,,-,,-'-:',',I-,1-,�'�,"'-1,,,--I--,��1,�,�,-"-i-:-,���,,—-'i:','�-'�-,1'—1';1:,,:',,1��11.:....... .. . Perry Raak Human Services Commission Chair . .. ....: . . . . . : . .. i. . . . . . P. NSEWCOMMISSU999RETREATITHANKSMG.doc cc James.P Harris Planning Director . .. Kathenn Johnson Human ervices) anager ;;` . � . er Judy Bennett,Plann 22O ddt AVENUE SOUTH I KENT,WASHINGTON 9503?-5895 : .. ...... . ...... . .. .%....... . %��.-�:�.� %.:: %�%. -.;�%��. . . �:.1:� ::�:����:�. .� :.�..:�. ..... . .. - CITY OF��011r.. .:.,. Jim White, Mayor IN V CTA Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX{233)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 3, 1-9,9-9 f cer ' ' . ; ' ` Heather:Cook;Probation(J fi 'ci al Court' . '`;`;` : ' 1Vu�u. p 20 4�'Avenue South Kent USIA 98032 . Dear Heather: . On behalf of the Kent Human,Services 6:: . ssion I would like%to% thank you for participating in the 111-1-:1,11,11Commission's i1999 Annual Retreat. The information you presented on the new Kent Probation component was informative and thought provoking. The topic of domestic violence is'very complex and the Commission '" appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aid the Commission in its assessment of community needs. Sincerely, I -... . ` � �: , �� . .:...% .� . A ��� t� ��!: -�� � 111� :, �..�:� %1.%%.. . ....- ���" - -- � / : :�:� :,�,��:,�: , . . . :. :%. % . ...... Perry Raak HumanServic es.-..�..%.....-..........--��...:..%..:.................-..�.:�.1..:....%..%...:.....:.:i...�.%.....�...::�........!.-;.:.....:.:....%�..........-1.. C.....%...:�:....-..:.:-.�..%1.....o�i-....�.,.:..�.�.mmission.C...... :...:....%..:.....��.... .:.........-.!.%.....�..�...%:%.-.....................:......::.%...:.....:..:I%...-.:......I..:.�...:....�...%.::...:....%................%.........:.....-:i.......%.�.....-...........%....:�i....:.1-:...%.�...%.....%�..%.�.%.......:.......-::�-.-..�%.�.%.-.�%.�.1�.:I..��I:�.:�:�....�I.-.::::I.�:I....,-.%�.,.I:...I,.!..:..�.%..�I z:,-.,%,,..,:i,.,.,--,...,.'_:I��%.,%I.,,.,:�I,,..,I.I.-%:.%!I..,..,.�'.:�...'....�...,.......:......�....l.:...%t...."..,�.-......�..I.......�....�......:...:.�.....%.�....�..:.........7......�.....l:%......-.:....:-.�..........%...::.-......:..-..%.....�.....%%..:....%...%.:..-..�......%...:......�%......%..%....%..:.-�...-...%:.1.�..�....-:...%..:..%.........-....:.!.%...:'.�...'......%..:...%.:.........%:...-%...�.i.......:.......%�...�:.i.i....-�.%.........-....-.......-...:...1...1.%....�:....% :.:-..-.....-..l�......:�.......:,%....:..........%:....-...-:..;....�...... %....:%.%.:....�...�..-......i.:...-.-..�.. ..........-......�. ..-..%.....1.-.�..-.%,....:..-......��..i.�......%....i::-.......:. ..........-. :......%........::..1.... ..........%.%I......:..-...%......% .....:�..%:.......:..:...%....:..:....:........%..%:..:....:.%:........%....:....%:.-1....-....%.........:..%....:......:-.:%..... ..:%..:..: .......:. P:\FNMA ER CO SS\19.9RETREATITHANKSHC:doc .' :..:: :': �%....:...%..%:.... .:.:�.:....1..1...-.:...%.%... .......-...:.. .%.%............:...%.%-:.......-....... ....%.%%....:...............%........:...%...:-%%:.. .:............... ... ...�.....:..:..:.%.....:-........................ . , ...... .. . ....�.....%..::.%%%...-.i...%....%.........�...... . NS .....1....:.%%....... .%..........%....%..%.... MMI... 9 cc: James P. Harris 'Planrun Director . . Katherin Johnson,Human Services 1Vlanager Jud Bennett`Plaririer .' ; `.. : .%.:.-...%�...:............ ....::.--..-...%%%...%..%:.....:..........:.% ..-............... . .::..............:..%.......%.%i�...:........:...:.:.�......::...........%.... ..%�.-...:....%...: .......-.................%%.�::..... .....%..........:.. %.%. y .: R. .. .. .:.%..... .%.......:......%.....%-.�..:..�.....�.............-...:......:...... 2'-0 4th AVENUE SOU'rH / KENT.W SHINGTQN 93032-iS9i . .: : : . . .... . ..... . :::: :. . . .: .:....: ...: :.. . ...::.. ...: . :.. . ,. :......:. ::... :. : : .: : , :: .. : i�i CITYO �4ry.f t Jim White, Mayor . IN V ICTA Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director February 3, 1999 Beth Hs1Q Family�iolene Aclyocate, .. . . ...... p > .: . . . Ci ttorne s 0 fice . t3'A ... % ... �,,: : : : : 22..., Av%enue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Beth . On behalf of the Kent Human Services Commission I would like to thank you for participating in the Commission's 1999 Annual'Retreat. The information you presented on Domestic Violence Legai Advocacy ;` was informative and thought provoking. The topic of domestic violence is very complex and the Commission (5appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aid the Commission in its assessment of community needs. Sincerely, // : %'� V Perry Raak Human Services Comm ssion Char . i . . P.:UiUMANSERICOMMISS\1999RETREATNTHANKSBH doe .:. ....... '.. ....... :.....:......: ...........: ..:..: .: . ce. James P Harris,Planning Director . . ..... : .... . . . Kathe i 7ohnWWI. man Services Maria er . g . . . Judy Bennett,Planner:`; I. 220 411i AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-1895 .. % . :.::...:...::.... ...:....:...:.:... CITY OF ,� 11 Jim:White, Mayor I�vV Planning Department (253)`859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director MEIYIORANDUM February.. 1999 .. . . ..... .:. ....::: : . : . : :. .. . ...... .. .. ��N�,�.%,j�.���,...�.-,1.-t�.-:.'�...,-..—�.:.-:l.:-.1�—.�...:�:.���'�%...�:,��:1_! MElYIO.3'0� IUI�!TAi�T SERVI : :,S CJIVIIVI ION MB FROM: J[JDY BEI*1NETT3 I'LANNLR SUBJECT. 999 UM SER CES COMiVIISS10N G J LS AID 'TRi TEGIE . . . . Enclosed you wili find suggested Human S ry ce Oornm s: Goals as outlined, the work session at the 1999 Retreat. The worksheet is for your use to list possible strategies o meet the 1999 goals Please bring your ideas to the February Meeting. A portion of the meeting will be allocated to discussion and adoption of 1999 Human Services Commission Goals. P:\Human Services\Commission\1999GoalsCoverMemo.doc cc: James P,'Harris,Planning Director Kathenn JOhnsOn,Human Services Manager :� I . . . ., -- Ilk, " , �� � M I I .. � � I I - - 11 . .. ...... :."*-- � :- � � -� -,- - -tt -�, I I I 1 : .. ... i..: -:.....�. : .... ... `:220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WA$HINGTON 98032-5895 ' ....... .. . . . . . : . .:. % . . . . . . . . ..: :. . % %... . . .. . ... .. . .. ..%. .... . . % . . :. : . . ::.-i�.�,".� rrn . . -:.. ... .. . . .. . . .: .. . . .. . ... : . .. . :% .. .. . ..: 1%1.... . . - . . . .. .... - . . . . . .%%::.. . : �:� �E. RUHITMA T ERYICES CUMMISSI 1'. , 1999 GOALS & STRATEGIES Goal: Achieve CDBG'Entitlement Status by the end of 1999. Strategies: . :. . % . .: . . : . . :. . . .. Goal. Evaluation of two- ear fundin :c cle. %Y g .Y %A enc Evaluatonitaff Evaluation/OuteQmes . g Y . % 1 tfate...ies� `. :::`: ; : :` ::;'::: % .:.`:. .. S g1 . Goal: Determine impact of WorkFirst on the Kent Community. Review&accept oversight for Kent in Action % Receive reports of working task groups Explore input on Commission funding priorities Identify potenital non monetary resources for collaboration : .. .;Str tegieI . i . .. . . . . . . % .. . . . • .` 0`` , :..TY,OMX.: `: .( Jim White, Mayor 11 t A . a men - _ James P.Harris,Planning Director February 1, 1999 Kim McCoy, Executive Director ACAP Child and Family Services 1102 J Street SE Auburn, WA 9s,0.o2 .. ...... .........:.:.:...,.,..... .....:..::. :.: .................:..:.,;...::: ..... .. % .. . .........: ...:..::.:.:..:............ .. % ::;. :'::Dear.Ms:Mc.Co. ;, . . Y . % Encl ose is o.d u o final c ..........:....:.:.• .:.......:..:....:.:.:::.:::...::.:.:.: . .:: :. ...:.:...Y.:..:..r.....n ...........:...R .. ...of:the.:.1999.:Human.'Services:Cont act:b:etween::`.:our:•a enc. ..:and tlie.::C1 Y:of.::':::'.:.:: g pY Y : g Y Y Kent. The City also has on file an original copy of the Contract and a copy of your certificate of insurance.A.:: r.. e ara:`.`:a' . P sth` e`; .........::.::...:...:.. ...:::...:.,:... ::.;:.:::::.::::....,%.%..>:....:.,.:•: .......::.:.:..::.....:..:.........,..:....:.::.::::.:......... .. ..::.. .:.....:...:.::::::: .;:,.;...::::...:. .: ;:::::::....::::: ..:.. .....:..::.::.. p:::; n.:..::....our.:o....::t...e.. ...::.:9:;...::ontract`'a1..:: vo tes.:niusfbe.:submi.q.d.:an:Exliibit`:;8. Billiri p ( g toucher)and must be a%%% % : : :led by an Exl xb�t. ('m tlif% Service Report Form) if your agency reports monthly. A%g%encies that report quarterly should attach an Exhibit D:.�Quarterly Service Report Form)to the Exhibit B,:Ail agencies must submit an Exhibit D and E %after the completion of each quarter. In addition, all agencies will be required to submit the Human Services Program Outcomes Reporting Form. Half%yearly Outcome Reports are required on July 31, 1999 and January 31,2000. A copy of the form will be mailed -'" to your agency during the first quarter of 1999. Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for. f the Outcome Report on January , 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk. Please call me at 520 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list.' This form provides the deadlines for the City receiving required reporting information which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting your reports and invoices please address them to Tudy Bennett,Planning Department. We ook forward to working with your agency during 1999. If you have arty questions.;please call me at (253)520-4205, .. incere`. S l . . . . . . ....: :. .. . ::...:.:. . .. : Y� .. .: .. a....... .. .0 Bennett.. . .. Y . . . . . . . . . . Human Services P•laniiin Intern .`: .. . .. g . . . . . .. . P:\Human Services\General F.urid.1999..Contract\Cover f ll x cuted99.d``` .. ... .............: .. . ........ .............. u....,y:.E....e.:::.:.. :.., °c.. Attachments . . cc: lames P. Harris,;Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager I�atherin Johnson,Planner Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair Tracey Sorensen,Board President 120 40i,AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 ciry of 12� V� l Jim White, Mayor INV cTA Planning epartment (206)859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P.Harris, Planning Director January 2$, 1999 D. SharonOsbourne,President: Children's Home Society PO Box 15190 Seattle, WA 98115 Dear%Ms :Os .otime '. :Endo ed. s.:Yq,ur.o.rlgmal.;co ...:.::<f;the..;1;9:99:Huinarx.:S:eri our a"ein%c, .:and.the:Cit: of% pY Y :: Y Y Kent The C%tty also has o file an original copy of the Contract and a copy of your certtf Cate of insurance Per paragraphs three and four o£the 1999 Contract, all tI.nvAtces must be;submttted %on Exhibit B (Billing . ;: Voucher.aitd'+ itist:':be: ccom fed.b: ::; ... a... ... ...... .art- ... . f..G:1Vlont 1:::::: ery ce:: ;: .:. . .::........................:...::.::):.........::.::...... s..:.......:... .p. ...: ....... ............. ................ ..................... ............:.h... ..5.........t......:Re. .ort..Form a c;.:;:re its. . P. . Y . .:..... Y p :... )..... .... .. . n Q... . . . ., : ::: ::. .... . ...... Y P. . . moo 1 : A I. . ie ; h... ,.... . . ..... . --:. ::: •. : :: .:: ; .: .. : : th%y g nc ,s t at report quarterly should attach an Exhibit: (Quarterly Service Report Form)to the Exhibit B. :All aI.geneies�rnust stibmtt%an Exhibit D and E after the completion of;eaeh quart%er.i I addition, all agencies will be required to submit the Human Services Program utcotnes Reportmg Form. :'H I.alf-yearly Outcome Reports are required on July 31, i999 and%January'31, 20'00. A';copy of the form%will be mailed to your agency during the first quarter of 1999. Please note that you will need to begin collecting data for r11 " " the Outcome Report on January;1, 1999. The reporting forms are available on disk. Please call me at`520 4205 if you would like to pick up a disk. For your convenience,we have enclosed another copy of the Human Services Contract Agency Reporting Requirements list. This form provides the deadlines for the:City receiving required reporting information. . `. which is also stipulated in paragraphs three and four of the contract. When submitting your reports:and invoices please address them to Judy Bennett,Planning Department. We'look forward to working with your,agency during 1999 If you have any questions, please call me at (253) 520-4205 ... `in ere S 1 .. c . : Y, '.:..`..`.': . % �``` . .. ...........:......:. .. .. .. . 1. .. . . aB . e Human Seances Planning Intern .. .. ....I ... . .......:. . ..... .... ..... . P;1Human Services\General,Fund.1999::Contract\ ...ver.;Fult :Executed99<floc:: .'. . .::::...:.. .. .:. ...... ..:....::..:.. : . ..... ....... Y. ......:.....:...............: . .:............:..:. ...::.. . . ..... . .. . Attachments cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Lin Houston Cashman,Human —eI. Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner Perry Raak,Human Services Commission Chair Peg Mazen,Families First Director . . ' Morgan Llewellyn,Board President "O )ih:1L'i:\l F SOl'"fli ! 1:13\'f.N':\SFII\G"f0\�)\U}.,-j89j