HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 03/16/1998 ...l.. . . �. . ..� % .. . . �� .�..�.. ...-. . .. .. . ...... ......... .. .�.�....�...�� ��.�0��;�::�.. ::!. . . .%.. ..--....-..�.� � .. -. .. �Y O , . . ..... .--- ::�, ,, , , , , 1,: . ,, . 1. . ... �i-::.---% ... .-......... . ..�:�:�..�� �I I�, I% .... : I I� I - ,, ",I ..... .... ..... .. �,:�,:��� �:j:"�:����,, , I I I I -.. . . .I .�%�,%- :�::� . ... z I 1� ��,�: ��:, ,� "��,� �� ..�.��.� 1 ,, I �... .. I �% , , � I I I .. I I 11 I I I ��,,:�,!I:... .. . :, �,,�z, ,,.. . ..... 11 I I I .. I,V�,�:��:::,��%���: -, I I1 I I11:�,:,� : ,�,:�,,,�II:,11 i::,�,�I:I iI,,I I : ,�,:, ,,�I,I I I I I I I I z I -I I I-I,,,�I , I I I , I ,,,���I,II,�,,,:��:,�,�I��,,:,�,�,�:�!I,,���:,II I I I-II I II I,� : � ,.,,.�-,�,-:-:-I I�I,:I i 1:,,,��, Jim White,Mayor James P.Harris,Planning Director AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for March 16 1998 .:�:%.!-:�.�..::�::-.:%%:,�,..1-w.%...:��.. 2 30 30 PM Kent City Hall (Chambers East) 220 4th Avenue.N. Commission Members Brad Be11,Chair(1/2001j Steve Anderson,Vice Char(112600) . Merrtah Fothrin hats 1/2U00. . .. . . .:: .. . . : .. . . ... ... g 1; . Dee Mosehel{ 199) Peery Raak(112001j Judie Sarff(1/2000j Mel Tate(1199) I Johnny Williams(1199) Torn Brotherton,City Council Member AGENDA . OLD BUSINESS L Approval of February 26, 1998 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2.30 2. Agency Tour INFORMATION ITEM 235 3. Discuss Head Start Program INFORMATION ITEM 2:45 .NEW BUSINESS . . :. ion roc ss; : IN' tjRMA`t'ION'ITEIVI`:` 255 .:: I.'.. :Discus 199;9/20.00 A li,at P e .. ....... .. .... .. ... .. pP . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . t A lie on Worksho . : iNFORMA: 'ION ITEM; 3;15 ;' 2. Debrief 1999 Join pP; ati : p REPOR��'. .. . .. INFORMATIO 1TEIYI ;: ': 3.;30 . :; . 1. i 8: vices Roundtable N .. .. .. . H 2. Souting Council of IIumar Serve 3. ` RJC date *VIEW "FAMILIES FIRST" VIDEO (COMMISSIONERS 3 45 WHO MISSED LAST MTG 1. -.., . p:\hurnanser\commiss\agendas\rnar98.wpd 220 Ith AVENUE SOUTH 7 KENT;WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE.(253)859-3300 . . % . . . :. - ... ... ... -. .. %. .. . .... . . . ...�:.��..�. .:� ...... .%.. .''::.. 1.:%. .i.. .. ... % ... :�..%- %-..� �:�. ... :. - . ..... .. . . . % -............ :�� :��:�....... ..% .:: :.. % ..... . CITYOF � :. . %..... .....1:1% . .- %% - ..% %:..-...:% . ... . .�%.: L.. ... ... -.: ..:%. ..%.:.1. ::. :�: . ... ; ,_, Jim White, Mayor Planning epartment (253)859-3390/FAX(253)'850-2544 James P, Harris,Planning Director AGENDA KENT HUMAN`SERVICES COMMISSION . � VISEI) Scheduled Meettng for March 26 1998 i ,. " , 2:30 4:30PM Kent CIt, Hall Chambers has#) 0 4th Avenu 22 e N. Commission Members Bxad Bell, Chair{1/2001) Steve Anderson,Vice Chan(I: 2000) 1VleM-1 . . Prmgham(1I2000) Dee Moschel(Il99) Perry Raak(1/2001) Judie Sarff(1/2000) Mel Tate{1/99j % Johnny Williams{i/99) Tom Brotherton,City Council Member AGElTDA OLD BUSINESS 1. Approval of February 26, 199$I.. .mutes ACTION ITEM 2 30 2. Agency Tour Il\tFORMi. . ITEM 2:.. ..... . .... .. ,::. . . ....... . ..... F 3. Discuss Head Start Program .: . . ... IN RM TI N ITEM. .`. 2 45` . NEW%BUSINES .. ... 1 ' Discuss 19.99/2000 lication Process. : INFORM�'T �N ITEM 2;5 . PP . . . .. , : {. 2. Debn. i999 Joint A i�i.ca ion . or. .. INFORItiIATIQN ITEM 3:'15 Pp %p REPORTS e :, IN :ORMATC1N;ITEM3t� . . Human Serv>ces Roundtabl . 2. South King Council of Htaman Services 3. RJC Update . *VIEW "FAMILIES FIRST" VIDEO (COMMISSIONERS 3:45 WHO MISSED LAST MTG.) P:\HUMAI�ISER\COMMISS\AGENDAS\1VIAR98.WPD . 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH 1 KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 I ` ... . .. . .. ... . ... ... . . . .. :.:�. � . %..:.% . : .. . . . . � . - ..� �.�.. � : .�!�: %.... .. . .. ...: :.%.. �... . .. . .... . . . : . .� .. .% .%.I..���.�!.::.:.. . . . . . . . ... ... ��. -.... ..:... .....,: -, �.i.,.. .. ....... .�.... . % . . . :... . .�� .: . ...-.% ... ::.:.i%.:.%.:.�:.%.: : �I% :.. .. . & � A. . . . . .�. :.::.. . ... % -. . . .. .. . � .. . . . �: `� Vco� � ; ..., Jim White, Mayor 11 p�u'i�Il�SS� Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 26,;i998 :.The.meet ri` 'of the Kent'Huina%n Services Comri iss on vvas'called'to artier;. :;Vice-Chair Steve ` :' g Y .. .. . . Aridersori at 2:30 p.m. on February;26, 1998,in am MA.East,Rent Ci1.ty Hall IIU. . . .SERVICES COI�IMISSIONERS PRESENT St. eve Anderson,Vick Chair' 'I'©m Brotherton, Council Representative; l .e.. Pother ngham :D'"e` ` s .;e%.: 1 ` ... : :: ': : ';:•; ;; e 11�IQ ch l Perry Raak HUMAN'SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT: 'Y Brad Bell, Chair,excused Judie Sarff,excused Melvin Tate,unexcused Johnny Williams,unexcused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:` Lill Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner C' ni': Yells`:Admin'stratve regret I . :;; , :.•. Y . WELCOME NEW COMMISSION MEMBERS d . C, . C . .; V�ce:'Cha- Steve Anderson:riiroa :new it.`: 'ouncil Re`rese itative for the Human`Services: `:`: %`'. . . . B. 1",, t d t nt; .' . . s a ; T m Brotherton ;Mr:'Bro erton`anieri sneer at :oeui is new: a ec e : o' a Ke. . .. . . ..omm s n, o g g� Y .. 1. City Council%and is ar active member in his community of Lake M-n. .. . .: : ..... ........... ........ Hainan Services Manager I in Houston Cashman xesented new CPUMU.ssion members ;Steve . p :. Anderson end Pe ;Raak uw tl';thel ert f cates'of ` out grit :: : .' . 5' pp SPECIAL GUEST: PEG MAZEN, CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY Peg Mazen, Director of Children's Home Society handed out copies of the final report for the Healthy Families Program for 1997 and the First Quarter Report for the Early Head Start Program X a;i .. .. .: .. 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH I KENT,WASMNGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 ' Human Services Commission Minutes February 26, 1998 Page 2 Ms. Mazen described the services provided by the Healthy Families Program. The support begins at the time of pregnancy or shortly after childbirth,to identify needs. Nurses and family advocates 11 assist families in the home. Children's Home Society collaborates with other agencies to meet the client's needs. Ivls Mazer tallced about the funding sources and criteria for this program . % Ms Mazer pointed out%that Crreen Ri%ver Community G6 ege now has a childcare center operated by% Widren's Home So ciety. The ce%nter serves the low income student.% Most full:time students are below avert le%vel income so the cost. childcare cannot be n et. p Y .. Cliildren's Home Society is working;with the Department of Social and Health Services on another ne- program to get kids out f temporary{foster care,shelters)hoW mta permanent homes. The parent a;d i istparents in the i e These at risk parentsare close to lostheir children and need guidance to make the right ices. Ms`. Mazen played a video that showed the services offered by the program. With collaboration and support, the family is educated and enabled to help themselves. The video showed several case scenarios where the families turned their lives around and became self sufficient:` The Families First Program is successful because of strong collaboration with other agencies. The collaboration of resources is essential to getting someone bacl�on their feet. Ms Mazen is concerned because the Parent Aid part of the program is being removed. Parent support is needed to achieve self sufficiency The Commission thanl{ed Ms:Hazen>for'h�r informative aresentat on: .. %.:.:...�%:....���.:.%...i::.::...�.R:.:.%�%.;..%.. :: OLD BUSINESS 2b` T 5 : :` : . :.. .:. . APPJ (OYAL OF FEBRUAR , U E . . . .. .... ... . . .. :....: . Commissioner Dee lVloschel'IVIC)VF�D to a rove the''l�Tovember 20 1997"riuiutes: Comrissioner . s.. . . .. .: : . .. ,: .:.. .: . ....... . . . Judie Sarff SECONDED the' otion M TIQN CARRIED: : `: ' EVALUATION OF 1997 COMMISSION RETREAT The Commission agreed the 1997 Commission retreat was very informative. It was an advantage to have the former ommission members at the retreat. :- .. %.% .% .. - . : : . . � � � ..� . .. ..-: .. ::% . i� �� �.. . % :. . . . - ... .. 1.�:�.:�.�% .:�:. : :.....�::���-.i%.%:.� . . ..1 :1 % :: �: ..:1.: : �. �:���. . . . .. .. .. . i. .. . :.% 1:1:.:1.:. .. . -����..�. .. .. .. ��i. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .%.:�- :�:.�:�. .��::;:;. .1%.%..:1 : :.:.%..:.;..�- ;.!��!::::�:�� ������..�% . . .... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . ... .... . .. . . . . . . - ..� . .. . . . .� :.:.: . �. i : . ... :11.::%..���i%:.:.%:il%%�l.%:�: �! ... .. . . i%�.��:�:! :�� . . ....%.. . :� . . . . . . . .... �.% .. - �. . . . .... . .. ...--..�.�:-.I!.�. :�� .. . . . .. ... .. . .:... . : .. ..� :1 . . . .. . ... . . . . .%:�.��. .... .. ..%::�.�%�- . 1%. --.�.:- .............. . : :: . . ... ..... . . . .. . .1. . � :�% .. . ... . . .. %. ... . .. . �.%..:: . . .. . . : � . ... i... i..... . ..:. . .. . . .. . .. : . . . . .. . 1 . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... .. . .. . . :� . . . .� .. ��� . . . . : :.. .... .. .. :.: , ,. : .. . . . . ..: . . .: . ..:, . .. ..... 1 .� .. .. ... .... � . ::.. : .. % . :, :': , . .. ......�� .. ... ...... . I 1. �. I :���:,�, ,%,! �: � :.: ..:�,� .:�� :: -�.:, - . .,� .1 . . : ::.:.. , :I I ,� I I I I I , i - ��:-'- - ..�.��.��......:....�....�... . . . . . I I :: , , - . ... ... .. �� I �:,, , , , I I : 1 1 ...... . . .. . . . I I I I�, � -I I "11 I I- % I � - , ,� �,!:��,��':��,�!��;�z:,��%�:� � . . ...............� .. I I I I 11 I I . . - , , - , I I :�. �:..- : . .. . .. . .. .... Human Services Commission Minutes February 26, 1998 Page 3 Councilmember Tom Brotherton pointed out that our diverse culture was not addressed on the Human Services Commission Mission Statement. The Commission discussed diverse cultures and their ability to receive needed services. The Commission felt that the City's diverse cultures were . being addressedbthecm neDuh tif The Comnuss�on decided o add the Mission Statement revislon discussion to the% March Commission Meeting Agenda. �,���!��:'��I��,q��i-:�-�,��.I�:,,����:���,i�.:���,��.,t�:t�;,�:�,:1..��,.,�'!.�:,��:��_�.i,:�-.,,�.�.-:':-,��%�:�.::�.:...:,��.�.....:�1....1:::..%:,...,�t:�...%.:I;'�-i...:(..,��-1...:.,_...i.:--..�:�.�...�.:.. A ENOY TOJR ....... . . . .ri.. ::. ��P.�.���..I�—�-.......�li��.�i�..�"',t��....::..:--1�..�:.��.��.�:�.,'�-:i��.�.:�..:-t�.-�,.:.,,-:�:..�,,,�...,,,�%.i.t��:,.-'�.�..:�:�l:�::I�..�.��:�.,�:�..,:���,���.:.,t.�,,:..�-,:���-.-%:,11.::�.,���.�:.,.�::.�-:.�%.�-.ij���%-�.:��..-..1:J.:�:.%�1���-,!.�..��,�..�I.��;�-:......��.I.�::-.�'�I:...�;,�I:��..,���.-,!;���:..,,I-.�:,:..��.,:�.�..:�-�:1�:��%,��:..I�.�,��:�,_--�:.%�.,��:.,��t..1����.:�;:,t��%%::,��.�:�..,1!-�-...,�:�I.�1-�-,,,-::.�-�!,��:.,.:.-.,j,�:.-.,.�.,::.��j..1.:���,t:..:��.1��,:.��:�I..-.:�-:.��....�......1.:��..%-�,I..����....�.�:...'..:�;::�:��.,.,�:.,,:....�,%�,���...t�i-1-;���...I�.���.%%.:..�.,I1%:-:..!�'!�.--1.::'�:�t�-:.%I,�!�:�,%.:-.���:�.�,l!�.:1..��,.�.j�,l.,�!�,�!..���,�:I.l.:,�,:,�.:.,_�...�,,:�:.�l�:�.��..�l:�"t l.�,���-..�:,:.,-:.�I��,,,���t�i:�1.�-...�.,%.��:...�:�.%:�..':�,�­.%.1%,�;!.:;:�..::��:�.�I:.,_,--�..-:.��-. Hurrian`Services;Planner Katheri ohrison'ha riec% out;:e ies `:a`list`of the' : ` ride erierat . ;:. M .1 3G A 'eric es at d sl ecl'th Co riu:ss 011P %t .I cfi: h. e. a.eric es' e; va It`l k ' g g ... ; :; ;; ....... . ... . She outlined a riuimber of dirent % Lions fi r visitin a encies She W%11#abulate the .and report back at the March meeting ` NEW BUSINESS REVIEW 1997 AGENCY YEAREND REPORTS Planner Katherin Johnson reviewed the General Fund 1997 year end reports. All of the agencies met their annual goals except f©r the following: Catholic Community Service Severe Weather Shelter Program did not meet their goals for the numbers of laundry tokens and emergency food packs due to the services being provided by HOME,the church based homeless wens shelter. : Domestic Abuse Wom ens Network,General Doesticlolence Services are behind iri the ` . : .. .. .. ... .::.. ..... ...%.:.... . ...... .. . . . . ...... n ber:o le al dv cac ;clients and le al;elnrc consultations:due#o rQble�ns with the;clenta um f g a o y g p . follow n `throe h v%4:.their a . ointments.' . ....g. , :,; :. : . ... PP ... . e . . . p ... .. ... . . . . Pre nanc Aid of Kent;AS short th nu nbcr of bedn is rovided due to flooding m January, .'; Y . but fell only 10 short f.t ir annual goa10£300. `e . . . . •. . -; .; .• . South Kmg County Multi Service Center Famaly Stabilization Program was low in the num r of single residency occupancy housing because the cheats are able,t stay up to 24 months if they are successfully meeting the programs requirements. T1e`1997 participants have stayed longer than in the past. Human Services Commission Minutes February 26, 1998 11 Page 4 Ms. Johnson then distributed copies of the yearend reports for Community Development Block Grant. The two agencies that did not meet their annual goals were Community Health Centers because of late clinic opening. The YWCA did not have the bednights they projected because of �ttfamil size and len h of stay.Y �1-:�:����:,��I:p-I�,::1�1:%,�:,�,,�:.,,:�,.::�: DISCUSS W...000 AGE1'�T. APPLICATII�I�T TIIV IE NE M WORKSHOPS . .. ....:.. ..:...:.....:.:..............:...... . .......�%.:�',..%��-.,-.�,:.­-��:�::,..�'-1,�..��.:�1�..:1�-,,i...,1-,.::.;1!�:�.--�:'1;-::.�.�--(!�:-1..:.,..:.I:.���1�.%.�,.:.:-.:1�,�:,-,�.�.',:,,...—'.%-.%��.��:,..��.".:,�.,..,!...-.:-...,:.-.�.'��,:1.�����1:��.,1...i�:::..'�;1.%..-,I-�1.�,,'-.��..-1,.":..����.%�'.!�!,:i�1-,.�-...:1.�:..�.�...I1-���I.��-.1.--,:...�...�-:�-.%.:i,-�..,���.!,.,,-,,:.."-­-:�%-,��t.1-!:....�y�:,-.�:.%�-,"_%�:.,.��,�.:�A:-.—.�-:.:...::..:Ii��%:_��::�...�..�j����,,!��-..'i­:�:.::��-�:�-.�I,:�.;�::.�:.�::�l"...1-:,!l.��:%l�::::���-...�l:,.,m..��:.:'�:...�..:�.-.::�%.-.::�..-:.-j:�.%.I�:;,j..�,::.:�-.�_1��-:�:c...;_;����,��.!%�.::�...1,,�.:.,-.�,,,...:�.�..-.:��:�...;.�%!..�.�.�:,...t.��:!i:::!:,��:.:..1��.�.,-..-�:.-�_:�..1��..�%...I..�:...-'..���._,.. . : . Ms; Johnson handed out co tes bf the', ',osed'tu elffid T r:the'`'1999/2000 a" l cation e'cle .. e .... . ...... ...: p p p pp Y tai3 e t''al out the d.:dl rie fora l canon s b it : a cl vvl-eri,.. ommi'ssioriers l`rece ve`co es ::P.p. . .P ,::: . ,. o tl e a lioat vll ack ';The'Co lriiss on;chari ecl tl1e"ro :o% d t rriel%rie''as:folio s<' '` ; pp p g p p May 21, 1998 Application.%, Session 1`00 2 30 (before regular meeting) p21, 1;998 Regular Meeting, Special Date 23U 430 May 28, 1998 Application Work Session 1130 -4:30 June 18, 199$ Application Work Session 8:30 - 430 Julie 25, 1998 Application Work Session 100 -2'30 (before regular meeting) ADDED ITEM Commissioner Steve Anderson asked if:the Human Services Commission ever enters into an. advocacy role in the Kent Community. He is quite distressed that the Dent School District is pulling out of the Head Start Program because of the long range impacts on human services m Kent. He wants to see the Kent School District stay involved m the program even if they are'not providing the . , .: w; H 1 t :: . .s ace::far;them;because t;is:a. nn .ortan artnershi a ea: start:: .. ain a:wQu e' v . . . .:.. . ...:. .. p . : p ...... :: . .p ... : .. ... . . ... . . . P ....... .... ... . .. . .. address the issue.as. m .. .. s;..e .. . . .. .:; . : Ms.MblistonCasI an stated that the Commission caanvot .....f r rile i but ma .write letters` `;. P t3'� Y . . :ind v d fall" of the o rimtss o can`for and a`leppm.m dot ori'ty;tl�e C t o c. % '``'' - '' Y� There was some discussion about having a representative from the Kent School District at the March Commission Meeting. It was decided to add this item to the March`Agenda Human Services Commission Minutes t, February 26, 1998 Page 5 REPORTS �-t---:--� W I 1, -- , ,- , - : �-,�I:::::�� : : H��i��:��������;�����,��:t�������:�� I -�,�, It ----:ttE1 -�t�:�_�,_- - t:'"'I',","............. : ...�... :.% .%:.�: :�. .: ....... UMAN SERVICES RflUlYDTABLE Planner Katherin Johnson handed out copies of the draft 1998 Roundtable Work Program which was the topic:of t11 he last Roun&kle rneetmg 'I'vrn Brotherton will attend the l arch'meetirig SOI7TII COIT... ..QF HI71VIAl�T SERVICES At the last meeting of the South Council of Human Services Tony Lee from Fremont Public . : ::. . , .:.. . ,; ,.,... A .: :; : A sso'otatio tailed about': ale `slab st es on h triari se %ces '>` 'he trans``ortation'1 ; stat or to` :: ' ':: . ... t1 . :. .. ,. . ..... ec h :.. ....:..:. . ........ :;;;;; fund rQa s will:m act human ser ices b ease the u ari' ery s arid`>hi her`: d d " on of ....d c t cry orta P. .. g .. ...... .. . . .. . . . . . .. ..:.::. .. . :.:.. :.......,: .. ... the'general fund may be used.to meet the aanclal needs of fui�ding'roads ;:;: % REGIONAL FTl'+TA1�TE AIYD GaOi�ER1YANE Ms. Houston Cashman reported that in the human services proposal being considered Ding County would be responsible for delivering human services Countywide. The package will include nine basic services, funded by redirected dollars at the State level possibly through the motor vehicle excise tax or liquor tax; These funds are currently given directly to the City but would be given to the County for a regional pot to fund human services county-wide.` The local funding of human services will change drastically. The proposal as it now is being considered has an assumption in it that there will still be a local role for human services,but this would only be as an enhancement to the nine basic services. This is because the County knows that in this;regional pot there isn't going to be enough money to;continue to deliver the same level of services. The local enhancement will be needed to keep the current level of services and it will be the choice of each city to decide local enhancement The concern% for the City is the possibility of a higher cost fora lower level of .. . .:. . . . . . .. .. .. . >. .... . .i.4. ... . % %. service: Ihexe orial)'furidslvvoudbe'`;e''uall";s` raovexte`'Inorites'arid!tlereould. g q . Y g:. 3' . . : e added you aclm n str%at ve'cests' o e''i tl e'local`s ry oes the : ''and;offer;cities fund % t3' �Y . ...... ;. .. . . .. : .. . . .. ... would'c1% ear M:d%fd tonal s stem less th funds then ";:: e';cost to#1re fit is unitrio n:' pp g Y y : : .;: .... .:. ... : .:.. .:.: . . ... at this tirrie, mforrna%txo:,77n regarding the cost is to be presented to the;C�ty's Managers Oroup today. Tle City 1Vtanagers melt„a an on arph 4th where tey; ll,dectle on a xcornendatcn to preen# ,. to,the Oversi lit Comma ee:of the`Growth 1. ana e dent;. a n n Co c l GMPC %, re arils to g % g g . ) g . having human services ass part. .: the;first phase regional pact age The GM PC%Oversight Co%mmittee will then decrde on the full package at their March l3ti %meeting and male a . h 25 d. .:: .d ; .. % recomrnendat o to the, 1 OMPb w o wr' meet' arc ari rr e;a;' eeision` ., n ful (" ............I.................�.:............................�.......�-�....I........-:..--....�. �,�.�..............�..7��.�..::....�77-:-!�,........�.........:1......I.........%................I..:.:. . . . . . . �.. .i . %...: : ..:. -.. %. .. . . . . . . : : %.%.. . . . ... �.... ... ... .......... . : % ..... .. . ... . . . . . % i. . ..%. . : .. :i... : �. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .:. . ..%.%.... .....�.... ... 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February 26, 1998 ...�.........�.. .�.I.!..-.�.%:..%...... .�.� ...:�.::...% i!...:. �.: %.. - page 6 . ...... 11 , . . . - - - - - - �... .............. .. . ��-- ''' ' ----, ----- -, ,, -- -- -, , - -- -- � -- ---- --- � "''' ' ------- --- - , �.. After the GMPC decision is made,the package will undergo a review process,then the Metropolitan - - � .... ... ..� �. . , %:%........,.1�113.1:.- ... . . . . . :%. Xing County Council will review it. After County approval it goes out to the Suburban Cities for:��-.�.�; � - - ... . ... .1 - :.: � -�tt:I - _ , , .. ......... . .... .. ratification, or not . i , - - - , - , ,. :,�_ - �� � �� :�I�........ ......... .. ..........................- -� � , - - .... %1 I.. . -l-, . t��"�- I % . � . .. . . . . %:.-�....:%!:............. . !:. .. � �� .: .:.:... %.......%..��..���;��.��...I�:l�i.::�.;.�.I.....:%.. . 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I 1. . :�% :. I...... -- . %-..... .... .%..% ..: . .. .. . ... ... . .i.... .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. - .�:: %:.�:%...:�. . . . ... ... . .. . . . . .. . % . :... .. %... ��.. .... . ..1 .�. ... ............. �� .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . - . . . . . ... .. . . . � . . . .... . .. . -.. . :. ...%. . . . .. ... .: .� .: ...% . .. ..... ... : . �% .�� .:. .. . - . ...... .... ... ....�...... . . : .............. .... .. . .-- I . . . ... . .. I .I .. . . . . . .. %..I . . . I . .- . . . � � � .. . . I , .... .: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . � . ... %.. I .. % .. . :-. .% - .. .......:.:..::........:... ..... .1 .. . .. .. ... ...: : . ...... ....:...... ITY:.O.F: . .. Jim White, Mayor Jii?Unit3� MEMORANDUM March 6, 1998 TO Human Services Agencies . FROM: ' Rachei X: Johnston`'Planner: ..... :. RE: 1999 Application Workshop(Federal Way) Please find attached a'copy cif the announcement for the 1999 Common Application Workshop, ::,; a cl. a 1. ..;........ ... ..... .: :. ,.., :... . ... .... . . . . ...::..:... . . Note that the worksho ts;h i .1 Fe exai Wa :'and:`is''s:orisorcd`b`` tlie followiri 'cities: Auburn P Y p Y, g . .. . : ` :Federal`VWa Rer ton` Tukwila DeslVlo nes` Dent`arid'Sea ac;'Re: res.ntat v.e from,th`e—arious:.' % Y- . South County cities will provide an ovc:mzew oftheir respective city's 1999 funding priories; review the 1999 Human Services and Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) applications; and provide technical`assistance. The date is Tuesday, March 17, 1:30-330 P.lY1 (see attached announcement for details). ,: Note that the format for applying for CDBG funds has:changed. There is'a joint application for <. alLlzuman service and CDBG funds,plus`a supplement for CDBG only. If you intend to apply for public (human) services CDBG funding or capital funding you must submit the supplemental CDBG application We beheyi.e the workshop will provide important information and encourage you to attend if you have questions unique to Kent,please call Rachel Johnston at(253) $50'4789 or Katherin . % .. . . Johnson dt(253} 850-4784. `However,if you have queshans regarding directions to the site, . ... . . .. . . , .. lease call Federal Wa Hum'Services.at 253. 661 4044 'D rectiohs are on the back:of the p Y ( ) announcement,: 99apwsho 220 dth AVENUE SOUTH J KENT.WASHINGTON�80-12-jS9j/TELEPHONE 1_'>?1 559-33UU SERVICES S }, gn } } tttlll j fy_ F VTTEE;t.i/ WO � H NT oil Applications will be available for 1999 Human Services and Colnmunity Development Block Grant Funding. nA $ A t TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. , �' ``h4 h h Federal Way Regional Library, 34200 First Way South ti•h: h h}, ;3 3}; AGENDA INCLUDES ,h. ■ Overview from each city on.their 1999 Minding hh h� h priori tof finn avties, amoun ilabl e and aPPanon he deadlines. Revietiv of 1999 Human Services and Ginity ` Developinent Block Grant applications.; ■ Ted 1 is ; ;_:;:::::>:»:<:: al Assistance worksho s with Ci " '`}}`{ :::.::>:::::.::::.} p ty Staff. ; .�.�{}::::::::}; S �� ,. p t�soied bt' thc. Cities of'Auburn Des rV { I�edc'rctl. bT O., Kent, 1?enton, SeaTac, and Tiiktivila ; Y h t i �t FO1': oreinfdimlton, : " '` { `call City of Federal Way Human Services .V„ at(253) GG 1-40.1�. :. �h C I 11:-�I'I,-�,I,:I-:I 1I1,1:,"",�,�-,1,",:..�..:..,..:.:.:-�..!:�,!.%.­...!"%--...i.�I.%-..:.i.:.-.:%..., —: -,�� , ,,,,,, :,.�I,,��,,:i��:: -11—I'I�iIl 11-1,I I 1�:1 I 1,I�I:—,::I�1'::,1�-,i:I�:-�1,,i:�:-.,.I,.�,-�i�1:-:ii1l��,1iI li,�1,%:Z:1-!I Z�1�:,;�,,IZ,-,,i,,�—:_,,�I1:,�I1i, Jim White, Mayor 14II 8�" Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Apri19, 1998 . MEMO TO: IUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION . . . . FROM: IyIN% :HC2USTON:CASH1\ A1�T HUlvIA1T S RM...ES MA %NAGER SUBJECT S.TAFF..M.% CHANGES We are happy to have.Rache1.Johnston back full'time in her position of Human Services Planner Rachel's return to full-time status has resulted in some changes',in staff responsibilities. As of Aprii. 1 st Rachel will be providing staffing support to the Human Services Commission. Katherin is now 11(` funded totally with Community Development Blocic Grant'(CDBG) dollars and will shift her responsibilities from general fund support to CDBG support. Although Katherin will no longer be the staff person assigned to the Human Services Commission she will be supporting you during the application cycle. In fact,my entire staff(Rachel,Carolyn,Katherin,and Judy)will be working with you during this time. A reminder that your April 23rd meeting will be held at the Community Health Center located at 403. E.Meeker Street. I will be out oftown and will miss this meeting,but`both Rachel and Katherin will beat the%meeting. They will be giving y%ou yourapplieations end staff analysis %on the 23rd. .•:. . .. ..... . 3 e er l d a lieations tflt in % 087 309::and SGUBG'' ubl'c: Human `service`:.... .. . ..... . . , e received 7 n a fun.. pp . .......... .... . ...:g.. . . . . p . . . .. ) . e e 1 . %. . . . . ... licatt s ota in 92 913 with onl $4 9 59.6;of n ra :Md;do11%:nd;$77 764 of DBNO. a . pn. .. ... 1 g$ .. ., ..:. .... ..y . .g:. ....... .. Pp . .. . .. .... . . dollars avarla%ble makin fundin recommenda#ions ill once a air be a diffcult,task,' .. ` : :'`;: g g g % . . :. . ... : . .... .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . % . . . % v rev�ewi our a hcations and I'will see ou;in lVla c Be extra' o©d to ourselves Burin Ha e fun. : ...i ........ .%:%. �'..�. - :. . ... i%: : %.i�- .::- :. ..... .. ... : ... . % Y g Y g Y this busy:%�t�rne! . .... . . .. ... ... .%:. % . %. . ��- � I - . ' "' 1 %� :.. . % 1%. .. . . .. . . . . : . : . . . .. . . . . . . . : . . % .. . . .... . . . . . ..� . . -. ..­::: , ill 1 :1 � .i.- - % ..: .. . . % . : . ,."�,,,:,,, ,:''.' '.�'ll' . .'','''', . , ., '', ... . % .:. . .... - . 11 11 i � :,:, : . , I I 1- 1 !-- :. . ... i -% :. .-.. .:%..%._ :: .:. I - :.i:% ..%%.-.� %. : -- , -- I --, 11 11-: .% i:. .% %-. % ... I �: I ii , i - I - 11 : : % . . . . .. .......- ... .... % . P;\HUMAN S ER\GOMMI S�\H SCMEMI 11: 11 - ill- %: .-::%%:: . ..... .. .. ...... . cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Rachel Johnston,Planner Katherin Johnson 1111, l,..a Ci •.i.:c .. .. . .. .. . 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH I KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 mvvCITY OF� : p ., :' Jim White, Mayor p�VE SPA Pla In ep Ttment (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planping Director MEMORANDUM April7, 1998 . . . . :: . .. . ..: .: :. . .:.. . .; . . : ;:: ..: ., TO: %% HUJVIAN SERVICES AGEI�TCY DIRECTOR .. -.. ,. .. ..:. . .. ... ..:....... . .. :: FROM: RA CI EL Y, JO. STON,PLANNER ;:. . . :. :...% . .. 1;. .. .. . . : : . :,; RE: 'THE SIJBlYIISSIQN`OF THE 99 UTCOM%ES REPQI LNG;FORM`, :;' Pleas. ease,'note that your outcome and indica#ors per the logic model acre due by% no lAte than Apr�130. The request for the outcome is fisted as Performance Measure for the first quarter(oxi Ekibi#A), Submit the information by completing the "1998 Outcomes Reporting Form" which was attached to your . . City of Kent Contract. If you have questions,please call me at(253) 850-4789. IM Thanks P:\OUTGOMNIE.wPD 4. 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE.-(253)859-3300 . . . 1 . . .. .. .. .%. % . . ... . . . . .. . . : . . i�%:� - .�.. �. . . . . ... . . . . % . .. �:�. . .. .. . . % ...`:.CITY:..OF .. . . .. . ....... ..'..::.. .:: .::. �E220 : w, ,. Jim White, Mayor ii-illPla n� p rtment (253);859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director MEMORANDUM DATE: ,,, ,,,,,,,,, I . . :i. . . . . ,�-. .�� .. ..�........... a li�APRIL 9, 1998 . TQ DOl3G WHALEN,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC POLICY AI*1D COMIvIJi*II'fY INITIATIVES 1~RR LIN 0tJSTON CAS.HMAN: MANAGER :OFFICE OF HOUSING AND% %Hii%UMAN SERVICES RE UNITED WAY 1998 INVESTMENT PRIORITY INFORMATION;SUMMARY 1VIy staff leas been doing research on the numbers of children and seniors residing in Kent. One of the;docum. ... staff reviewed was the United Way 1998 Investmen#Priority Informs#ton Summary. We feel that the population count for the City of Kent you%th`and seniors in this report is very low. - It appears that 1990 U.S.Census data was used in the above mentioned document. If so,I am sure that same data was (/ used for all cities. However,not all cities are growing at the same rate as Kent. The City of Kent has grown 85% in population since the i 990 U.S Census. I have attached a spreadsheet for you to look at. The way we arrived at our estimates are as follows: Actual enrollment figures of City of Kent resident children attending the Kent School District and the Federal Way School District have been added to 1990 U.S. Census percentages for under school age children The 1990 U.S Census percentages have been applied to the new growth figures for Kent as reported to the Washington State Office of Financial Management in 1997 Based on our methodology a more accurate count would be 17,574 youth,aged 17 and under, 5,685 seniors aged 62+, and 4,5.8%.4 seniors aged 65+ %O:ur methodology certauiI has room for error and inay result m ail overcount Howev%er, of Ken uth and..... ........We feel it is a more accurate:reflsrction of current,C ty tyo. ,. se....::graph cs.1.:in,cozripar..ing numbers i. of youth, the figures :obtained by applying growth figur%es%only are :very close to..the figures obtained using;a ::.:.:::::::.::.:.:. ... . ... . .. .....: ...... cnmbinatiori of actual data.6 school';a a children;and' rowth fi ures'f©r uitder school a e chiidrei . Us i `1990 g $ g g g figures is definitely an`undercount for a City that las graven by 8S%. I hope this tnformatton.can be of use.to United Way in your ef%forts to maintain the Community Safety Net. . ... . . We understand;tliete is an updated United Way 1998 Investment Priority Information Summary, We Ioolc forward % to reviewing that document when it is released P:\HUMANSER\U WAY.DOC cc: James P. Harris,Planning Director Judy Bennett,Human Services Planning Intern . 220 ath AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 98032S395/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 ZL7 ( ~ Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253)859-3390/F.AX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris,Planning Director PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM March 10, 1998 MEMO;TO; : 0 ty Funded;rIuman Sere ces genc s. FROM: iin Houston Cashman,Human Services lylanager SUBJECT: 1;999 City of Dent general'Fund/Coimmun�ty Development Bloch Grant Human Services Applications Please note that the 1999 General Fund and CQrnnunity Development Block Grant(CDBG)funding Applications will be available on Friday,March 13, 1998. Both applications can be picked up in the Planning Department which is located in the Centennial Building, 400 West Gowe Street in Kent. Please note that completed applications must be returned to the Planning Department no later than 4:30 P.M.,Friday,April 3, 1998. As part of the application process,the Cities of Federal Way, SeaTac, Auburn, Renton,Tukwila, Des Moines,and Kent will hold a Joint Application Workshop on Tuesday, March 17, 1998,from 1:30-3:30,P.M. at the Federal Way Regional Library located at 34200 First Way South,Federal Way (see memo dated March 13). The Joint Application Workshop will address both General Fund and CDBG applications Also, South County city staff will be available to answer any.questions Information regarding the other SoutW.h County cites' application process will be made available at the:wor sho :,Attendance at the;wcrksko is;strop 1: recommended,as`there:are char es in the % 1? : P g ' g .............: .:........ ...:......... 99 application ;For exam le there is a' ojnt':a . cation' or:a u ag service 19 pp P, J Pp plus a supplement for CDBG'only, Additionally,`;Kent h implemented a two year fund n process .... ...:..... .. . ......... . .............. . . . g lira ions: nl : Technical ass stance'; v ll be d.I bleat the work ho for General Fund;A t o. . . ........... p Pp If you have any;questions,please contact Rachel Johnston at(253) 850-4789 or Kather n Johnson at ;(2,53) 850-484 for General fund �nfarmation; or Caroly%n Sundvall at 859=6100 for CDBG information. LHC:pm P:199FUN.MEM cc: James P. Harris,Planning Dircctor Carolyn Sundvall, Planner Rachel Johnston,Plattner Katherin Johnson,Planner 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH/ KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859 3300 . %% - .. .. .. . ... % . .. .... -� : :.:. .. .. . % 1.. % . . .. %. :. . . . . . .. % . . 1 ... . . . % - - -.. - : . %. . . ... . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . %....%-. � : . % . . -.. .%... - . . :%. ��:..� .:�.%.:..%: :. %�% %. . .�%: % .- :.. . . %. % .:.. . . . . ..:. :. - . ..... . .. - - . : . j..%.%�. -..%. . .. . . . : ���:%:.�l :...:��:i�.�.:�: .. .. . %.%. � :��. ��.�..%.:����:.�.%: . . � �� �� %. . .:%.::..%.�1. :.: . ..:%.::�: % . ! : . . . .% .:..:...:.....��.::��. �.�.. �.� . . ... �.... ...... ... . .. : . % . . -:%. .:.%�-... . .... .���...--:�..:��.��.��..:� % %% i . ..:.—�.::.�!%..:�...:; ��.��-:�:�:%:�.%��:�:��.�%.�:: .. .... . . . % . .. . .. . . . . ..�; �... .. . ..... �. : .. .. . CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF AVAILABLE FUNDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Kent is accepting applications for 1999 Federal HUD Community Development Block Grant Funds. City of Kent's share of 1999 funds is estimated at approximately$523,000. There will be approximately$72,000 available in Public Service funds and approximately $380,000 available in Capital funds. All proposals must be consistent with Federal HUD and Consortium wsderegulat�ons,and Kent's Local Funding Strategies Applxcations . are mailable IVlarcl il3 19.9 ''at&C. oM ii Plaririir De`'artmenI 4'00'W t GQwe`street;quite .N-:%%%�%:�.��......:...:�:%:.�,.....:.....�.�-......�-�,%,...:..:....;: .. ' : g P; > l'..I. ... ; ;' Ap l cat oris must be returned b 4 3;0;prri;nn; 1par l'. ... to;'tlie City;'of rit p Planning Department For further information call the Pianring Department at(253j 859�3390 D1 TED; Nlaroh 10, 1998 . J es P. Harris ,.:,.. Planning Director FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL ON FRIDAY, March 13, 1998 `% _, 1'11,-I - - I , , :1 � ,::: ,,:�I - I I I . .:. .:. .. . .�.�.!%::. . % .. . I� , ,, , , , , . ... . . ....... . .. ....� . : ,,:: �: 1 1 -1'', I �1��.... .1 . .% . . .I : ,,, � ,,,, , .:.:.. .. . ��... ... :- „,. I , ��:�!I � .�� ....% - 1 �� . ......�.. I I ... ,�,,��,1%- :::�.:�::....... :: . . .... .. �:-�:�-- , - . ...�..�-.�...:�:.�..:.�..-�.�::�.�.�... ,, ��- - ,� .��. . .. , , I I . . . . , , -��---�;,�-,� .......�l:��...�;:�:�.����%!�.�:�. .. . A,-,...... :--��-��....��- ��.... . �!-:Ia�v�:�..:.��:.� .� . .. .......�..��.��.-..%..�:�� , N .... , ........ � ," .. Planning Department (206)859-3390/FAX(206) 850-2544 James P. Harris,Planning Director MEMORANDUM March 2, 1998 �J�!�:���::�,��;���������,j:,��:���:�-�:i�:.���::.��-��11-�.A�:���:��t�.�:�:l��.::�I�I-:-:��.�.�,...����...::���....i:t�:�.NJ:,:,�-...�.��.��:...���.:_�j:it�.�:�::���..._�:�.I����..1���-���..1..�t�it.�:��,�.:1.�jI-�.���::�t:....�l��.I�,��:..l,��.�:ji�1��i,(,�%�-��-�...��.�:l����-:I-�.���.'I.��t��..-�.,1I��:"���...I-11-I%���:�!-.��-%�-��:.�:.�,�%:.,tI�:�-,,t�-,I..I��-1..�-:��.��...1,.:""�:%.��.,:�,-.1.-,��.-%�����..�:j.%�i�,��.:..:�-%�:�.I':�:���.�.:�%:��.�,I'�-t�:.��-..:.��:�-�����.:�:�.�-����..II�;,����,��.,�,.��-...--:.�-:-.�l-..i:.�i.-.���-�-I i�-��!.�.:1�-.�.����:::.��.%�:_-­,-.�1:���..--:��;�:.���J:-.,,:��.�-�-----!. MEIYIO T4: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION FROM; KATHERIN JOHNS ON,PLANi�TER .:��:�,�l l-:.,�-�����­...���-:.%���--.�,�.,l":--:...,:�:�,..�:-:::�I�.,�I�!.:..%,������,���::�%.�!'...��.1.%�,-%:��t:"�.-�.�,l:�-,1,:���':I�.-:.;������%:..�.��l�-�:1�1.�,-�����.��:1�:.�,��::�:.,�.��!..�,-���:�-�,..��.,.�:,:��..!-.:..-�.:::l��:,-,�:����i,:�..�:I��.:.��.:-.,����.-,1����....1-��....�l.,..�:i:-,:�-_.'-..���--,1�'�:..�:,:...��:,�:�...1...�,:�!...:�..:1:.::.�.�,��..�...-:�::..�...j:�..-:.�!;�.�,"-'J:.,..:%�-t�:..I�����t.I�'.,�.!-....,:���.%.�i�...����1��.1:�....�..1I,-.��:,:�...I.%�i�—�...�.��:�.,�,��..%.,�:�1�:�,��.!,-.�����..:,1,:'-,�-:.-:.�,��I:1�.�j1-l��:1�.�"t:�.-�����.:.��,�.-1:�:1.;:,Il��:,,:��:11�.��:..�1�:,.-:���,-:.%I�.;,�.�:���...,.��-,�-.,-�:�...1:.:1�.%...1.I��...,�.�,�,:::�.��i%:��.����.�-,�-1..��j t.,�,�.�:-.-1�.i,:!..:I-:I�.I_��..:I,,.�%�...��',_�:.l.�..��-�-%:-%�..:�I�:.��,:��1���,�,..1..��:�'.I�..I:;:�...I��.�::..:,:...:,��.�..:��.�,..�:�.��:�:.�%:�,.�..!��t��.:I:::..,�I,,-��-.�..���..-I.���:.�.%.�­��:!:,-_:.�.i...�:�..:�.����,��.1.%.�:1..I�-��%�'�!�,:..��-.�.::�..:.-���..I..:�%::I�.:II.,�,....._.1��.�,,�,I.�,��:-�.%..��_::.....;��_:-��.c.::�.�-.::.:�,��,_�:1::..�I�-�.:.:...,-.....:_�I...:...�....:I.�..�.��..,,.,��...�..�:....�:�-..:..�.��.,.,���1-.�:�!..-�', RE DRAFT REVISION'OF MISSIOl*1 STITEMENT " 0Nt MIJTevision to the l s gon Statement ;vas proposed Attached:..:,,��...%,�,�:�.-.:�.:�..1�-��:...%:.:,.%����-;�,��..��:t�.:...-,..��.-��...,,��,.��:.��--.-::�..�:����::.�,'�!.�-�:I­�.j!%,�:..:-�.t..��.�;.,'-%.:L��%."���.:.,,,t�-....�:1�,i!�..%-:..�-E�l-:II:�:�'.....��::.....���.�1�,:.:��..:,��:�..::��:%..�,,-t�.�,j'�-..::,�.%...:�.����....1I��..�:�:.,,:...­-.::.,1'-.-�t...�,���-.�.1�"�R�..I:..,:�....I,j.-:%;�.��-... s of the underlined phrase in n item on the 1Viarch agenda: P AHUMANSERTOMMISSWISSMEMO.WPD c : ` James P Harris;Planning Director Lill Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager Rachel Johnston,Planner . . �- omission Statement rI'he Y uman Services Commission exists as part of the con� ttscience of the City of dent in its recognition of the value of all citizens including its carious cultures and ethn cities and�its desire that their `basic needs he;met. An order to C CCZts mq. on :the ant human'Services . . om.USSRo .. . R. +►+ �...l - s and r spends to'needs of irzaC.v%% is andfa zlies ire %.%.%i� : ....w...... �:�:��:-.:�:% the ant cornrauity. Encourages an atmosphere of community caring through educational programs. +:+ Provides leadership to develop and manage the variety of :����l�������::�..... .������ :�i.���. �:%:..::�.... community resources. +:+ W v w..s applications and recommends human service aff atzons t t e nt z n . . . .> +;+ �t�rovzd'es. . . . Ilsf�ap and encourages colla orat I.on �n seef ing focal c ' ar ` s````. r na. .,ohuazins to F�uman service needs,' : .. .... . % l�znsed3/98 ntiss398 . .. .:.::::.: . :.::::: . cisv r,f MIM Jim White, Mayor I—IPlanning Department (253)839-3390/FAX{253)850-2544 James P.Ha Tis,Planning Director LL MEMORANDUM 1Vl4 ch 16, 1998 TO: ;Commission Members FROM:` Rachel Johnston,Piann r :n`` `'ena 'T ` .' `` ;'' ` RE: Questionnaire Regard. g g y our . : .I. : . ........ • .... .. .. .. . .....:... . :. ..::.. .. :. .. . . .. . : .: ;: ... .. ,. .. . . `, :: : ' ` Attached is a cra of the uestionnaire`re 1 din ` ossiblo erieral Fend Human Service';and Co riuri pY q g g p :. Deveiopment' loclz Grant agencies to visit during 1998. 'Ties questionnaire was dzstribited during the February Commission Meeting. So that we receive your input,please fill out the questionnaire with regards to your choice of which agency to visit(please choose 4 agencies)and your"preferred" time for taping the tour. You may check more than one preferred time. After completion,please return to Rachel Johnston or Katherin Johnson via fax at(253) 850-2544. However,if you like,you can return by mail at 220 4th Avenue South,Kent,Washington 98032; or drop off at 400 West Gowe(first floor)in downtown Kent. Please return the questionnaire by no later than Friday, March 20 because we need to compile the responses and present the results`during your March 26 meeting. . : . . you have questions,please c*.IU ,h 11 Johnston at(253) 850-4189 or Katheriri Johnston at{253) 850-4784. .. . . ., . . memcoxna a :: g : cc: James P. Harris,Planning`Director Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager "" rx 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT,WASHTNGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 .:..:.:..... .:. % ould be interested is ti .1 % .. 1 Pie::..:e`choos :..:. : ties. ou in v n sn 998. ,.`:: .:: Please. .. .. e 4 agen y w _ . . i .. G ENERAL..fUND HUMAN SERVICE;AGENCIES ACAP Child and Family Services,Auburn-Child Care Subsidies(new agenry) Catholic Community Services,Kent -Counseling,Emergency Assistance,Rent Cold Weather *Child Care Resources,Kent Cfiildren's Home Society,Kent families first' Children's Therapy Center of Kent-Scholarship Assistance :I��'.�L.���.��L::.L�.%L.��LLL Lt.�L1:.�LL:...:��N:�:L...��LLL��.%..I L...­:L L L L...��.�%:.:I,��%..�....I��::.:%�...�.LL.:...:�.I",LJ,�....­.:%�%�,1 L%..�...��­"�IL LL.:..��LL...l%1:%I�:�...:-..%:'LL�t..:�..1.L::L.%...�:�.�I.%....:...�,�L�L�L....%%..­:'LL:i.�..--IL�:......1I:.�!L:.I::.:::.�.L%...:.�...�.:IL Lt.....��..I(�LL L��.�,;L L.....I%.:':I L LLL LL'...�.:..I..:.%.���-II.�LLL..1%%-­'L:L:L.....­....,L�.!.l,J:L L....II.!�,L L..��:.�L LL%%I�I:..:.��I.�.,:..�.'.LL....:...LLL...:�.._L:-LL�,LL LLL L:�:L I..%��:.�L L.,L....��L:L..I.:..,�::.lI L.....��....­.LL...­LLLL..I..�:LL.%..Ii.,L L LL'.ILi:-��L...�:.%.L.:I­...�,L LL..:..L..:..:%.:LLLjL....."L L.LL..-.­��LLIL...%��,LL:11L��.:�L...�.:.LLLLLL...,1..,�­1L...:.I...::­�LL t..�.,1 I1�..�.�:Lt.�.,�L.���:L L%..%:::�..:...L L%I,�:;.�L.:..I�:.-.­-�L L...-LL L..J1.:.....LL'.�L-.%���::,��L LL LL..�L,.�.�.L:'.1.:.%.....1�LL:.,-%..%,�L L%�........,-L LI;..I1 1L....:L:-�.,...%,':L�.'.I L­.�.�-L LL.�:I.%..!l...I.I.:!,�.�I_�..'LL...-.��LLL....,..­1,L L'.�:..%,_....,L.:...�..�,LLL...L,I,.....%�.L L..L�,,t.�L IL:....1;�LL LL..�L II..I1.�.:,LLL:-7.,—7L7�I7�LL`.I_L...��LL L..",L I�..L L.,.:.LL..�.,;L..�,1,­.��LLL..I.11L,%.1..,IL L L.:.,,,L1..:L 1 LL�I�.:m,L.�I:�.7:,7�:;....:LL L.,1L.6.I.7;L 1',7.1-,tLtL...:1:..:L L�.I�-L L L-,.I;-1..:.:,1-.%..:,;L L:...,L4�I�7 1.1 LL..'I.,,�..,LL..,,1,....L..�.�%.',LL 1'w.'�:..7....�LLL��L.I LL L I..1LL I...,L L.%,I 7�_LL.��:.LL L.:..1 L..L..L I.:I:.....:1.L....7 LL L�:LL.:I..LL,:L..� Community Health Centers of King County,Kent-Rent Primary Medical,Keni Primary Dental(new facility) . Crisis Clinic of Seattle King County,Seattle.-24 hr.Crisis Line ::.:....L..:%...��....-.�.L..1�:�:%.:....%%.:.L%I...%.,1....I ..:.�......:�...:....1%..:. ::L I�.-.L.i.--L:LL..��.LL..,,:.,LL:%...%...,�,_Lt L.ILL�..!�,L..�:1%::I s..%%.��.IL�I��.IlL.1�I..L..:IIL.%..:Lt1.I�.,L.�..I:..�L.:...�L.... �..�,_...1�t..�1:,LLL,.�..LL-.-.,L L::L%:1 L:L..,��­­L L. ......:�...l.:�..:::..:....:.%.�1.......,�.....%..:...:.....:........%:�.�.....;...:i.�...!...%�...........��%%.-.:..::..�.%-.!.....�.%:.'...:.:.�.......%-�......�...::.......�.%.....�....:..��...%%..i�.:1......�% %.5.........1..%....�..:�................-......�.......%...........:..-.-.. %.%....%.%:....%..:........::....:..:....%%...%.... . Doe b e m n s Network DAW S.Rin Cou t Con fidential.Shelter Domestic Violence lernces'.:':: `',:::,:',,:: "....:::.: ;....::.:: m s..: A..us Wo. e. N)�.. g. ::�Y , .:.,1....:..�..:..%....%.1-....:.......%%....�....:...-........:..:....... .-LL�.....:ILL�:%..�I,LL..,..LL�:I1�.I L LL.:�i j..LI�.,:L.:.L%_LL...L����LLII�:.,L.,L.:­��.!I,j%I,1 :L..L.......LL L�.-�!�L:%�,:- ..,�'.:I:1,�:',%.....%",-:�:'",..-�,,....:_.,�t,I%__1_t.I �I..:.,,,......,...,1�-I I.�,.I,..,.%I:....":.,I,.I::1..,1,,...��,I...i...�-��..I.�..%.�,...1.,.1,'�..1:m...,I,..I..:.:,...1.,�..., -11.::.�1-,�...�..:I,...,,,::I...I,­..._1,,%.,..'.,,�I..-I�,'1_...I..'�,I:�.II.:,..,1...,��,.%�:�.,1,.�.�.t­.%I.,,�:,,:,�I:I�,: 1,�..��..%�,...:�1,.��,....1,.-...',,­.:....,:..�.t,:..I�I::..,:­',,.�.:I�:�,..'��:...%1 I�,,.�.-....1..%�...�....."1.....:.'".,.:"%,�.'.,�,,..:..�..Z,1,,�,.:�.-,:.,:I:,., �:1�.,,i,_,:....,'.�.,�...:,.�,:,..1'...,�1I:I.,,,�...,.....:....:,�'.��:.�..!1I�1_,...::,­��.�.���.-,:....�.,...:..�.",-���,�I..l,-.....%::1..�'Z!.1,.�II...I':,,..I�::,:.:::.I,,�:..-.�.,�..%-I%,-,....%%!.II:.�.:I,,_.�:�.:�'�,�:�.�I.'1'�%i�II..,:...�,���.�::.._,1-�,.....,�::...:'�!:%,:.,�,.�:���,�%..�...'­:����..:..,�.::���1.�.,.:�II,,��:�.%.�1I.�'1.,,.%:!1,:,�.�.�1"t�,:.:,,1�.!:­'...i:"�..�%:.,:­.-...�:..:.',,:.:��,:,�%.�,,I­�.%.,,,�..:.�.�1,I I:.�I-,,:.......,_t.-:�.�:1II.,,1,�.ZI:..'''_�.:%I,.-,,'I,,.��..%:..I��,1.1 I,�%.:�.t-.��'.:%,II�....,��,..���1..�I1:,��l��::......�''II�_-:�.,I,I.��I..I,I,":,,:.,.��..'"l�,.�...�.,,,-I�,.,..::�:I...:.,,�t.%:�..1,',..�Z:1 I I....,.�-....�.-;.:�.%.....�...i..:1.�.�.�..1..::..%.........�%.�.....%�..%..�.�.::........�%::...........�...:.�1...-:%�!%..........�.%..%..:.�:...­..��..%:1.::%....:.....:.�.:...%�...:.%.%�.....,.;%...�j...:.1-:.��........����...%.%.%�..:-:%%:.�:�i �-..i.�1%%..­..�...�.:-,�:-.:%.:%....j..1%.%...l..!..:%-.:.......:%...:-%.%..�:.�.��.........:....�:.%..-....:.:.%�.::........���....:1...��:...%.��....!....�......�....-...-.'�.:.:.....!%...�...:.%:�.:...�..:.!�.-.%-..��.%.1:...%...%.%..;.:..:�....:-.�.1 1.�.:..:::....:...I::.:%:�..��-%.....%..�.-......-:.�......:..:...-.�..%�...-.:.......�.-.��....�..�.:�..:..%....�...�.....�.:...�.�-.%.:�.%..�%..,.�%.%..%....�...-�......:.%..%:��.�%-......%�.i.�:.....�............�%.:.�..%....-...... �.-.�:...:.�:...:....�:�...--:........--..::..........�... .:..%.-....:..:...�..::.....-.....�...:...-.............%-...:..:��:�:­.%.�..:l�%.%:.....%......I...:....%...I:.�..��.�%..��.%..........:.....%%�.%..%..::..�...::�.i.:..�.�..�.%...��:..%..:.-.%:..-:........%..1�....i....:.:�......%-:�..�..I...�.%.......�.�:...�...:�..:....:.......%......:.:......:.....:�._......�.::...!.........�.�.......��%..-�:...%...�:..-.­:...%:%.:...:.:1�-.:: .�....:.......%...­....:.:...:%........�...!..�.....�.�...!%�.....�.....::.�%­._..�...�...�....%.:-,:-......%i..�..::i...%.::.�...:...-%.%.%..�.....:%...:.�.....:­.....%..%:.��...::..�.1.....::..-...%...%.....�:..%�...:...................-':...:..::.�....:��.:..:�%.:...�........:....�.�%%�...:%.:........--..%�...�.�...%..%�..1... :...:.:.%:....%�....�.:...:%.. .%...:.....�%...%...� % -...:.. . .Kent Communit Service Center Kent food.Bank ... . ... ;.......:...:.....::. :. ......::.. Y ...,... Kent Youth and Family Servues,Kent-family Counseling,School Based Counseling,Teen'Parent Transitional Housing Program Kent School District, Kent futures Club * King County Sexual Assault Resource Center,Renton Comprehensive sexual Assault Services Pregnancy Aid of Kent,Kent Shelter *Senior Services of Seattle-King County,Seattle-Volunteer Transportation for Seniors South King County Multi Service Center,Rent-Family Stabilization,H.E.A.R.T.,Energy[risis Intervention Program(new program) Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation,Kent-Survivors Support and Therapy Services Washington Women's Employment and Education MEE),Rent-Computer and job Training COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) Community Health Centers of King County,Kent--Primary Medical,Natural Medicine Clinic(new program) Connection.Adult ay Care,l;. . .. ... .. . . :...... ......:... E e e c Feedin Pro ra ofSeattl in Count Seattle. ..: .::.. mrgny _g g m. e�K. g :, ... . .. ..:. . YWCA of Seattle-King County,Kent-Domestic Violence..Housing *These are information and referral agencies which%do.not directly deliver services.: The'nature of the programs offered by these agencies would not provide the best situation.for tours. Piease mark,eac. .ype of 8e14.trip you would be Interested.in participating in ......:.:. ....... .....:............. .... .: ::. .. :.:::: ...........:.. .. . . . .. . Lar a Grou -two to three a encies.•'::::: .. Mornin -:9-12. Afternoon.-1-4.. 8 P g Small Group(3 or 4 Commissioners, 2 agencies) Morning,2 hrs Afternoon-2 hrs. Individual Visits with a Planner(I Commissioner,I agency) Marge Group-I agency 1 p.m.-2 p.m.day of Commission Meeting . . . Name ff�� � CIT Y OF �u� � •. I. . Tim White, Mayor d�7RC Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director Apri123 1998 ..... laune'Peterson .. . . ;: Kent Youth and Fari�il Services'; . .. . 232 2- .A.....,.%S, 20 .% ..% % : : .... . % . rent, WA 98032 Dear Laurie; .. Qn ;behalf of the Kein# Hunan Sere ce&Comrnrss on I vuQ tld l ke:to ..Bank' .U.Jor rovid n a client to'` . ,; .. . articx ate in tI Commissions 1.998 Annual Retreat: The.to 4:f welfare reform is ve c m lei an he P p ry .o p dt. Commission appreciated from Monique about'her experiences with WorkFirst. The information will aided the Commission in its assessment of community needs. Sincerely, � � Brad Bell Human Services Commission Chair P:\HUMANSEM OMMISS\RETREAtTHANKSLP.WPD c James P Harris, Plannxng;Dxrector . . .. . . . . : . xn ouston :as . . . . ... . : . :: ...ax1 uman ervices an4ger . .: : .. Rachel Johnston,Planner ,�IQ1I,,I1�I1�,1I:I I-��I I I I I I I I I I I I I I1 1 II I�"I-III--111 1%1-I 1I z,i I 1I11 I,:.:.%%....::....::..�.:.%�....:....;%..�..:-..%:...%�:..�.:...:....�� .- -��:!�� �-,�--: ..:.��.��..........:...:.:.%..:.%.::�.%.........::................I--�",Il iI I,I I,,���:,�Ii�l:,l,�I,:�-:!:�-�, �I-_�-:�:I,�,I I:�1,�1�:1:1_�,I�II "0 4th AVENUE SOUTH 7 KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-589;/TELEPHONE (253)859-3301) ,: , . . ... :- . ... ... %- .. .. . 1� ..... .... .... .. % ... . .. - . � . . .�.�.......:.�.....��:::.%-I.�.:::..�.:%.1�%...�.:��...�.�.�.�..:�:...�..:%......�::....:I...:.....:....:.�...���:�.:...:...%-...........l..:.:.............�:i��..:...%1..��:.��1.:...::....�.i.:,.�:..��.,�..;%......:-.�....�:.�..%.:..:.....-.::....%..��..�--�...�l..�:-�....�_,1....:-�.�-...:��...�.�..:...�......... .:...P Y..OF,;IMIMI . .......:....:`:...:..:......:: ..:..;•..:: :,.....:`..:. ::..;:' :...:. jm �::I,:.:,,,�:..,�:1,­-....�.:�-:,,..,�,�,��I..,:�..:..:.�.:,....:-,�.�,I,�...1�:,..,�..�-.�:-,-,:.�-,-�%�..,�.,�.;....,.;...�%,1�...%I--:,:..�It-.-�I...:�-.:­,-I�..:-�:�.�.:..:�..��.-.,�l..I--::1I�.,'';�:.:�.��1..�,��,,,::.....�,,:%�,..,:.'"::t�.�..�I��I:�,,,..-...-�;�..:,,.1.-::..�1,!,....�,:,,��.',,%...%,-' -��1-.....::�.:�.,-���.:.�.I�,,�.�.::.,.,�I:.:.,:.::,_..-.:.%.�:.1�..�-��,....-,.::,,�.-�,:-.:,:t�I...,,,��-�..,�....,.t':�'�I..%...,�-..,�,..:�,.:...'�...:..,tI...,1-�:..�%j�,-.....I.i-1�-...:.,..�I,.,......�I...����::-',%.%I.��.,1%.-.:,....,.....�,'.-..��..,,t.,��'I-.:I..:,.-t...,... ��'.,...�:-.::.�':�:Z,'I,�,_-,..-..:....':...�:....��"�:,'..�..,?�.,,,.!:.�..,-.1.��..:,..�...:.-�:.�....�,.....-,,...:.::%�1'.�_.'.,�:.:t.i�:.,,�..�%,.-'��:...,�I��,,.!,:...�!.,-:",,:.;�,.��:��.-%�,,.�,.,':..'I,.%.-,�,-.:-�:�.:..,-..�:�1".,...'.,�.:.-:.,.:.�"�..:.-,��,I�1..�''"I'llI'-�':�.-..,.:-t,,.'......:11,..%�I:-I:..�.��.:��.,:....�',I'.,I.:'1..,-...1I,, 1�::.".I t:::..�,�'.....,.�'....-�-..,�.�- .'......�l,..1�,�:.-.:­.�.,.-,�,'�1,I..,,.1.,-,....'"..:,":.'..,,..I..-::..:%1'.�..-.��!::..1111..I,,.�.--I.-...�..':,.�,�....:..1,'I-",,,-�-.i;�,.I..�.',,'.�,���1'.�,���.,'..I%�%:-1�.1��t.:�,.�...-1�...:�,l.-�:�%l%..�,�,:1...:��.::',llI''I.�-....�-,,,,:.. ..1.�","...�.�,,-%�,I.',�-,�.,.�.--�I t�..:.,-�-,,I!,:",,,-:...�,:.,.."-,,..".:,�',..,i....I�..,,-.,.:�,-,,.%.:-I,....:�.I-,..-,..:,,�.-,:.-,:'"-�...-.�.,',"i'.."I.-�.I,�..,1,-..�.,...�',%�l:�.-:..-,:.I-.�,,..,,��:,,-M.-.-:i,,,,,'�:.,,I�.�..,::.:..-z,-,...�-..--�:I�..,.I�,:'�I.�.-',-,,.I:%.,.-.......'1,�.!-:.:,-'1I,%i-,,,..-...�1�'%.�-,,....',..I.:.-.�.�,..:.�,,..I1'���-.'1I,%',..,�l�1..�,,',�-�:��,I.. �X.1,,����...�1,�:',".�.'-,..::1,...'I-:.�:�.,'...-,.,1--�,:..11.,'�::�:%,::::.,,�Z,�...::',,'-�.�..'%�,I...i%'I�i,...II,:.�l.!�..�:,��.�...����i"��:.',:,',1I.,;...1:,..,'-.�.:�..',,".:.��.,,'. .:.......I-�.:..:.........�.:..--1:..�..�%�:.:%.-..i�.�........:.:.:..�..�.:-.%.�.....:.�.�-:.�.::.:.:.1-.......::..1..%..:..........%Q....::...-..:.::..�%..�..�.:���..�".�....�..%%�.:.�..:1�:.....�-�..:..%'.�..-::.-�....:...%,-..%..�......�::.����:...%::.�.....: :.%.,..1�.....!:..-. .....::..�.:..:�.-..��::....1..�.�.:..�..:..M,..�.�..!.......�%....:..%%.���--.%�... Jim White, Mayor ''�F,f ip'IItC1[da' .'..�%I�,.,�-�....,...�-�.....�.­�...:. .!,.�..-...:�.....:��.... �.:...-.%.:�.:.�.%�..:.%�..........%�...%.....�.:...�..�:�.�... ......1...-..::.-..%.�....�:.:%--.I..�1:......%....%...�:.%:.::-....�.:-.:..:.%..�...� .......���:........�...�i.....%..�%.�..:.�.......::...;::...........�:..:...�.�.......I.%.....I..�%...:.-. Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX{253)850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director April 23, 199$ ........��......1.....:..-:.:.:.......!%—.�.....�.-.-�:. ini:.. ..e os ' ' ;'; .1::....%.�.. Du ..-:1...�..:...,::..�:..:.:.:.....:,.-:...i...:..:..1...-. ....%�.....::%.:... :.�%�.%:.-....��%,-..!..:.%%.:-..:... . %: • :. .. : ::: . . :. .... . . . ... . �aouth Kan ;Gourit Mult 'Ser ice Center ... . .. g y . . . ...... ... .. .. .... :.:::: ; . . ... . 1200 S. 336th : . . .. ..... . : .; ...... : :. Fecleral 1+�a VGA 98003: ... . IJear Dina: .... On behalf of the Dent Human Services Commission I would lake to thank you for participating in the Co .... .;: mmission s•19;9 , 8 annual Retareat;: The information;; ou. rese to :o. . n d. n Workk�rst was info ativ d . . . . .. .. .... . ... ...... . . . ....:.. .. ............. .: :: .... y: p.. , . .. . . , . .. . .. : ........: rn1........e..an.. . thought provoking. `The topic of welfare reform is:very complex and the Commission appreciated your willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aided the Commission in its assessment of community needs. }.. Sincerely, // Brad Bell Human Services Commission Chair .P.�.... ER1COlYtM[SS..RETREAnTHANKSDI).:WPD `''' . ;' :'` . cc; James;P, Harris,Planning Director . . .. . ...:.... .. Lin Houston dashman human S.erviees.Mana er: ::. :.`: ::'... . . %., . . . g . . Rachel Johnston,Planner ( , '30 tth VENUE SOUTH / KENT.1C:�SHINGTO\9SU3_-iS9i!TELEPHONE (^i3t Sig-310D YO ` - _ Jim White, Mayor Pla iT° s rtment (253j 859-3390/FAX{253j 850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director April 1998 Monique Edwards Watson Manor Kont Youth and Family Services 232 2nd Ave, S #20;1 Dent, WA 98Q32 Dear Monique'; On behalf of the Kent Human Services commission I would i. to thank you for part,- tizig in the .. % % Commission's 199.$ :dual JPr.t,,,The information . u resented n WorkFirst was informative and Y .P ... .. .. . . ,.:... : .. thought prov©long The topic ofsweifaire reform is very complex Md Ahe Commission appreciated your willingness to share your experiences. :The information you provided will aided the'Comnission in their assessment of community needs. Sincerely, : 0 1 1 ,, - �� , " - ��- "' ' I . . Brad Bell Human Services Commission Chair P:\HUMANSER\C©MMISS\RETREAntRANKSME.WPD cc James.P Harris,Planning Dir%ector . : .... : .. :. ....,: . . .. . . . . . . ......... ................. .. . . Lin H%ouston Cashman,Human Services.'....1 ger `% ` :. Rachel7ohnston,Planner :t . 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE.(253)859-3300 ... . . ..: % i. 1. ctr.v.:g.e:s% % % ..`;::.:. Jim White, Mayor PIa , 7 tment (253)`859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 1:1James P-�11 . Harris, Planning Director April 23, 1998 Phyliss Lowe DSHS Regio%n IV Office % . 400.Mercer.Street, Suite %600 % : 1. Seattle;WA 98109 Dear Phyliss' On behalf of the Dent Human Services. Commission I would like to thank you for participating in the . . . . :. : ... Commission's 1998 Annual Retreat The information you presented on :%.... F rst was formative and thought provoking. The topic of(welfar+r reform is very complex and the Commission appreciate you.I r willingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aid the Commission in its assessment of community needs. :�O,-�, � , I : I�: Sincerely; w -.�. ...�.-�� V-- � � �� � � �',__:, ,, , , . ..... Brad Bell Human Services Commission Chair PAHUMANSEMOMMISS\IZETREA IITHANKSPL;WPD cc: James '. Harris Plamm� D;rector .g. : : . . . . . Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager . . ., : Rachel`Johnston'Planner ..'. : :: .% . . 110 dth AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 9s032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)359-3300 ......%��'-L:..':..- ............�.... ........... . .. . .... .. -.. ........�.......: 4:-.1................�1.....77.................1---1-;�;-1';";�;......'�;, -'.-:�: - ... . .. . '.....z.--4:�Z-�-­%!:'-�;.'Z.. ...........z�z ............!....:....'. ........ .............''....... ," �; :."'-... 4 -Z�...�...;..:..........................L.....!................................-:.,:,:......�'....-:....Z:-:-::1.=:....:....:...:1........� . '.: -." .... 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Q'.:.'!....'-:',....�::.i...%A'. h''..-�',�� 6.'....._,'.....",....-....':"....�k�Y.'.....�'.'.."�.�0'4�1�,' f..""'...-.'�0�,. T'I�.I.1-..:.'......:p.­.: i I.. .I:P.:..%..-:%% A..%t.1R.;1:I:%''...".-:.....%..':..:,.%....-..1.i...,...:V::.�:A..,.:.:........R%..I..i!...,....:.%::...�.....%fl..1.!.%...:..,:.i e b 6ffinissi6ns 4 W ua ��4- T i fp rM t. n r s t . Ann i . h . ..i o e4 on.: of. Pd:t was 4 . ffiat and tibuphU provoking. Thp� ppjq qf:welfare,ref0M . ..very:complex� d th 'Comniss!Qn�appreciat d You..r wl11ingness to share your expertise and experience. The information you provided will aided the Commission in its assessment of community needs. ......-.....� .:�:. .%.I ..,.I......:...:1...% .: ....I ....: ...:. .�. ....%. .:..:... :. .%:. !.. ... :- :.. .... .:- .. Sincerely, . , � - I i I I . ........ . , . ... : , , I - � ��-��� . '.. ., �� � �� .... ..........�.... . . . .��.. ... .. . ..... . . .... . ... ..... - . .� '"', - .. .. . ... ... . .... . .- 1 Brad Bell �-' : ... .. ... Human Services Commission Chair, I ... ... .... , ,� .. % ... . .. .. .. . . : - .. .. .. . -,-- -...��..-..:�%....:...:....�..::......%;..!..........:.�......�.........:...%.:.:%�.:.....-:;�..:.:..%......�-.:...�..%.....�%I.%...-.�:..�%.%...::-....�.�...%...�..:..: A.....:..........."...:.H..�.:-...............-:%U�.�.:-...M..%.'A.I.NI:..-.SI:%:I.E-..1,....I.MC...I:.�..QJ...,,�.......I,.%:M..�._.....'...%�1':.%':.M.%%'."....�.l�'.'I:.-'...S...�....�..S....,..%.%.M...:..�.;%...�..�u...............T...�..%%..%.R.....�.....%.E..-......:..:%A...�..-..%�...n:....:....:'�....."I...:..T%...........-......".'.....�...R.:.......�.......'...:...�.....'...�......A.........%�...%..:;:.......: ".:.M....�.�.......�.%�...:::....:.:.-...%...%.k....�-..:...�.�...�....%......S........-..��S......-.%I M: ...-M:.i%::�.!......:.......�.P:..—.....::...:...%.. .�..�.::D . Cc James P Harris Pl iin Director . . . . Lin Houston Cashman�H human S icps..M!:....:'....�;a.%�..:>.�..:....:n..-.....:...�....�..:%�....a...%.%!........:....%....%..�...�.1.%-.....­....--:.:.....-..�..p..­%. ..r:..... .....%�..-.......:..:t:...........:-....:.. ��� . Rachel Johnston,Plifir& . .. - .. %�.....'.�..:...%.i......�..........:....:...............%.-.'..:....%%...'....%.......,::.....�..%.....�.....�.,.�.:....,...�:................�....:........:.%:-.,.:.....'.%%!.:...'..::....:..�.....�:...�-.:'.. ...�..... ....%� ...�.:..:.. .. .�.::%..!-...1..:.....:.%%...%%.%...�....:....%.... ........ . %..-..:......%...:.. ..:....�..%...:....%.-%� %...: :.:.. .:.. .::.� ... �...:%::.%.%... ...:%::..."..: ...% ... .. .%- :. .. ... ...% .. : .1� .. . . - . . .. . .. ...... . .�:�:�-...-�.................. .. : %. : ; .Q........... .. ...... . .i% . . ..... . % ..i%�.� .% % .%. . .... .. . . . .. . . .. :% , �.%�E.... .%.. ... �. . . ...... .�- . ... . . ... .:.1 ... ..%. .. .... . . �.. -..-�:. . .. ..::... .��.: ....% :.: . . .. .. %%. ....%.. . % .. . . :....... . . . ..... . .. . -1.1- " . . . . ... . .. .% . . . . . . . . . . . . %.. . .. ... . : . . . .. . . ......... % .. . .. . %..%. . .: . �... � .. .... :. .. . ...... ..: . .- . :� �� ..... ... . .... %% . ... . .. . . . ... .. ... . ........... ...%: .. .... . . % . . .. .. � .. . .. ...- ....... . . : � . .:: ...... . .. .. . ...... .:.:. . ...........��.... . ....... :....�. . % . . %.' . .�.:�.:.- :J:1%.%�% . ... ....... . . . . : .-..... . -...-% . .. ..... ..%:.::.:..!�:.�:�....:��..���%�%���%..��..�:... : ��.. - .. .....%.% %.... .:%% .% - ::.%-.%.: .. .. .. . . .. . . % % . . . ��.�...... .�.��;�....��......... � . .i ... .. ... .. . :. :%:. .:. . . ..... . . .�. . .1: % -... .. . .. ... .. ... . ..... . ... . ..::..%. .. .. . ..% . . .% .. . .i....%... ... % .. . ... .. . . - . . ... .... .% .. ...%....i - �.. . .. .. . .- . .. . .%.... ....�. . ... . . . . . . . - .: . .. . . . . . .:. : .: �-f%.%... ...: .. ... . .. . . . ... %......: ..�.� %. %%.-::. ... .. .:... .. . . . . � . .!..%..... . . �.. . � � .�. ..... .-�� ...�..... . . ..,.:: . . .. ..... . . . .. .. .. % .... .% I ... .. . . . . .: . �..'..�..�.: .. : . .. �.:....�. ... . . :.:�..%.:�.�� %. - % :. . .... .. % ..... .... . .. . ..� .:. .. .. . . . . ...:% %. .... . . . . . . .. . . . . ... - . : . . .: ... . . . . .. . . ....-:1... %...:..: � ....- . .. .... . ..: :. . . . -� ....:��. .: .�.:...�.........��: 1: . .. . . . .. - . . : . .. .. .. . ... .% .. .. .. . . . . - % - . : .. ..... .. ... . . ..� . .. ... . . . .. - .. . . - - - .. . ...... . . - . .. ... .. % .%..�- . .-- - -- - - � - � .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ...%::... � - � - . . . . , 8 . . . .. . ... 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINOTON 98M-SM/TELEPHONE ( �')s-),59-3300 I . ... ... . %...:. . -. . .. . . . . % 1 .% 1 .%:: . � �:� ... � !:�� �.. .% .�� ­%. .�:.:I.1 % .� . .. : . .. .: .. . .... �� .. - . ': .... . .�:�;%:I�1.�-�:.:... . .......... ..�� .�: . .�.�.%��..:.�:::�.1:�.�l.:...1 �....:::.. .. } CITY OF� �� j,, ,�',�" M:: % % ::%% : � , , , ,, , ,, I I I . Jim White, Ma or Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P. Harris, Planning Director Apri123,'1998 .... ..% .. . . Marvin'Eckfeldt,Pastor First Christiar Church of Kent 1. i 1717 SE 24(lth PO. BOX 5009 % Kent, VVA 98031 bear Marvin, O­11 , n behalf of the Kent Human Services Commission I want like to thank you for facilitating the Cominission's 1998 Annual Retreat. As always you brought a feeling of community to the group. Your willingness to participate in the Retreat and devote an;entire day to this effort demonstrates your continuing commitment to human services. Sincerely, . .,. T . . % % . Bra `'Be11 '`` ... ' .` ...... .... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . %. . .. Human:Services Commission Chain % ;` . . .1. : . . . .. .:. . . . % % P:�ANSER\ O S \ AT1TH �MARV:WPD. . ..... % . cc. James P. Harris Plannin Director `. . . . .. .... ...... . . . g . . . ....:............ .. .. % 1 in Houston;Cashman`rHuman Services Mana er ;,, : "' % g .. % Rachel Johnston Planner : . ...... .. % 210 4th AVENUE SOUTH / KENT.WASHINGTON 9S032-5395/TELEPHONE:(253)859-3300 . .. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....... . . ....... ..... .... . ... ... . ...... ......... .::�: .�::, : . :� , � � I:, . .. .. ..�.��%�...- .�.�� . �: �.. .% :. . .. .: .. :.. . .. Q �. � � .: � : :% .%: . � . :�: .%:%. CITY 4f. :: Jinn White, Mayor Rjj7II(C9CA' Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253)850-2544 James P.Harris, Planning Director Apri123, 1998 Jane Leet, Executive Director Community fIeal. renters of I{�ng County 403 E lVleeker ST Suite 30,0 . Kent, WA 98031 rMLes. eet ,-,.�..�.�..�:.:...1.%:�-t.,�1—�,.�,w�-I�,�.',1:.I,%. Enc osecl is arev sed,co. of,the.,fixst,. a e of, ©ur 199$ Co tfactbetvvecn o.. :a enc ,and the G of:Kent.. ... ..: . p.... : ..% , . . .:� :g.: ... -y, .... .. ' :.. .:. ' ',. . .. ,; .. . . .. .. . . . . reflectin :the'ciian a in our billin a cle` Please discard o`` :` re io t a one'' f:o''` ;' t' . .. ... . . .. .. : : . :ux ... .. Q. ur 1 98 Contrac and . . . ..g g Y g Y Y p pg Y replace with the enclosed copy. w also,have;a copy of the revised page. Per paragraph three,please submit an Exhibit B (billing voucher)and Exhibit D (Quarterly Service Report form)not later than ten calendar days after the close of each quarter for reimbursement. Similarly,please submit an Exhibit E at the completion of each quarter by not later than the dates outlined in paragraph four of your 1998 Contract. If you have questions,please call Rachel Johnston at(253) 850-4789. Sincerely, i v . . . . . ..: . . . : . . . . . 1 Y'ace o . son . . Pl ; : er .; . ann YJ c/ w.P:\CHCLTR:WPD. ..: ':` :'':`: % R . . Attachments ; ; : ':` : ; :.. ;;:; : . .` : . .... :. . cc: : James:P,.Harris`Plannin Director: :' . .:. . ,. . . . . Lin Houston Caslunan:Human Sery coo:Mania er : :. :: :; . .. ..` :% :`: . - 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH J KENT.WASHINGTON 9803'_-5595/TELEPHONE t253)559-3300 % .