HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Human Services Commission - 10/22/1998 . T' Jini White, Mayan = d �a AGENDA KENT HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION Scheduled Meeting for October 22 , 1998 2:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. KENT COUNCIL CHAMBERS EAST Commission Members Brad Bell,Chair(. ..— ..) . Steve Anderson Vice Chair; 1/2U00 . . .%` John.endrese: ' 99 : `` ... . . .. ....... .... .. . lUleniah:Fothenn atri` ll2000 ee .sch ( I ) , 001 '. i': : :; '' ' ` :'` . . . . . : .. . Pe: R:a*l /.. .. . e `1' 2000.` ;; ' 7udi Sarff ) .. .. 1VIel Tate 1:19.9 ., . ) :: . . . ...... .. ... .. .. . . ,. .. . TOMBrothert, C� Council 1Vie b'er : :;; AGENDA SPECIAL REPORT: Homeless Advisory Report, Carolyn Snndvall ` 2i30 OLD BUSINESS 1. ` Approval of September 24, 1998 Minutes ACTION ITEM 2:50 2. Discuss Human Services Month INFORMATION iTElVI1. 2:55 3. Discuss 1999 Commission Retreat % INFORMATION ITEM % 3.05 4. 1999 CDBG Budget Update INFORMATION ITEM 3:20 5. November 3rd City Council Budget Meeting INFORMATION ITEM 3:30 6. Discuss Commission terms and appointments for t999 INFORMATION ITEM 3.40 7. Discuss Community Forum INFORMATION ITEM 3:50 8 W Hier Celebration % INFORMATIOl�+i ITBM 3:55 NEW BUSINESS 1, Discuss 2nci uartex A enc R..... orts(CDBG) INFD 11TrD1�T ITEM 4 00. g Y % 2. Discuss changes in 1999 Agency Contract II.IFORMAT.614 . 4i10 3. 1999 KYFS Substance Abuse Prograim INFORMATION ITEM 4:15 REPQRTS 1. Human Services Roundtable 1NFORMATIOIV ITEM 4:20 2. South King Council of Human Services P:gRJMANSER\C©MMISSWGENDASIOC'98 ` :�W � --- : -__---_- I , I 1, I.... ..:..... .:.... %:.. . ... f �....; .,,.;,r .:; 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH+/ KENT WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 ­:... .... %. ._: 1. . : . .. . .- .. !;�­!� . . ...I... I... .i.... . :!. ....!.�..���;��:��.�:.�:.�%....�..:�� . ..... ... .....i�. 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COlY1MISSIONERS PRESEI'�N Steve Ari iersor,Uice : air Brad Beit, Chair Merriah Fctherangharn John Jendresen Dee i1�Ioschel Perry Rack :�­.....:.­�'II',':j!i.:..:..%..:,%....:...-C...��%...::.;.....::.::.::��::%.:..%....'...:.­'i......MI :...­..............:.:..:.....i-......%.:...i....... HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSIONERS EXCUSED/ABSENT; :J�I�_,,���_��,:,�,�6?I�,"�?-i,�.,._,,�,,_.!­..�.,.":,,.._7.,i,.,.���',._,...,.:,-�,_",.,.,.�....z';�I,��,',.­,.,-.�1.,�.,:�"1.�:�.'_,_,I iI�,,­�:II ,I I 1,Iz�-1,,:,:I�I:-,I,I Tom Brotherton, excused . Judie Sarff,excused Melvin Tate, excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:' Lin Houston Cashman,Human Services Manager Katherin Johnson,Planner Cyndi Wells,Administrative Secretary I . . SPECIAL..R bim ;DO ESTI LENCE PANEI ' ` ' ' `;` 1. Planner Kathexn Johnson ixtroduced Ina Percival, Executive Director, Domestic Abuse Women's ... . . h drea DA : ommuni :Advocate and S<arori Ha, ti' :C ` ofKent Prosecutor Network(DAB ty: y � ty .. % 1VIs,Percival talked ab.out the se ces roV1.d b DAW14; Some of:these services;are: . . %. `. % p . .% .... .. ::. .:.::..:... .::.-.,,...,......:.:..:..........:..,:......%.: ::..... ......:::..::..::. Interventin Servic:iles—Assistance by direct services fror:a DAUVN or by referral. These services include ..: : . . ,. s h`. ­.%. . .. .. counse . se i e ssis anee with food' clothin "`;tem or and timer enc elter 'safe . . . ... 1 al rY e s� a :: t, g�:: p 3' . . g y s; �-.::.:j.. :: %. %.:.. :_�_,,�� ,, . g . % %plauung and DSHS contacts. ­ - I I:.,� , , "" ..Mm ... . .. .. ..... ...... li�.l.. ....i:. . .. Confidential Shelter—Temporary or emergency shelter may be provided by DAWN if available. If not, referrals to DAWN shelters in other cities may be necessary. If no shelter is available at that point, referrals to other agency's shelters are made. Permanent housing maybe obtained through section 8 or low income housing with assistance from DAWN. �.p,. A. §�\ af. .. 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH"/ KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)859-3300 Human Services Commission Minutes September 24, 1998 Page 2 Crisis Line—Resource and referral and safety planning: The highest area of need is shelter for the victims of Domestic Violence. Fewer apartments are participating in the section 8 program and the waiting period for low income housing is long. Temporary shelters are full. 'Every year, awareness and education are reaching more victims. When these victims are ready to reach out for help,it may not be available for them. Andrea, DAWN Community Advocate, .vent aver hex weekly schedule to demonstrate what the Community Advocate does. Education and awareness in the workplace is necessary for the overall awareness pf Domestic Violence In. xoday's society. If the public understands the issue they may be.more supportive of the victims, City Prosecutor Sharon Hayden spoke abort Domestic Violence cases. The Attorneys office refers to these cases as Family Violence cases. She is designated to handle Family Violence cases for the City of Kent. The purpose of the Family Violence Division is to ensure victim safety, perpertrator accountability, and stopping Domest c/Fam ly violence. Ms. Hayden also noted that the Family Violence Division is moving into a new location across the street from City Hall. Detectives and Probation will be in the same location, as well as space for a CPS worker who will probably be in the office once a week. Kent is the first in the State to propose such a collaboration. In response to Commissioner Moschel's question,Ms, Hayden stated 50 to''100 Family Violence Cases go through the Prosecutors office daily. Ms.'Hayden distributed copies of an article written by Donna Wills,Head Deputy of the Family Violence Division of the Los Angeles City District Attorneys Office, entitled"Domestic Violence The Case For Aggressive Prosecution" QLD BUSINESS APPROVAL OF"E 25%A998 M. TING:9 TIN MINUTES Commissioner Moschel MOVED to'accept the Tune 25, 199$Human Services Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Fothermgliam SECONDED the motion. MOTION CAItTtIEID, 1998 HUMAN SERVICES 1VI4NTH Planner Katherin Johnson pointed out the theme chosen for Human Services month is htsracy; The focus in on youth with a catch phrase of"klead to a child and build a bridge to the future," There will be displays in City Hall and the Kent Library: A flyer will be created encouraging participation' in reading to children at Kent Schools,Federal Way Schools or daycare center classes during the month of November. Mayor White will present the Proclamation of Human Services`Month to Commissioner Brad Bell at the November aid City Council Meeting. Mayor White will also create a video for the public access government channel of himself reading to his grandchildren. An article will be published in the Kent Reporter outlining the events of Human Services Month. A book drive. '" Human Services Commission Minutes September 24, 1998 Page 3 will be held during the month of November. South King County Multi-Service Center's H.E.A.R.T. program staff has requested preschool to pre-adolescent level books for the book drive. Boxes to collect books will be placed in City buildings, Ms'.Houston Cashman will send an e-mail to all City employees outlining1­-1 the events of Human Services Month. Commissioner Moschel asked if the ValieyLiteracy Society will be involved. The Society operates out;of the Dent.Ibbrary She suggested using so%me of the soei ty's rnateriais in the lij.brary display AGENC3�'TUUIt o t: e x.. iss ' w s o visit nciesn : tenber: She% a%s ed :;Ms%:Houston Cashman n ted.tha th Comm on a t. a e. . . ...... ..... ................ ...... . .. . . ... ...... . . . .... . .... ,: .. .. ... . s t :`` ,. to Bela the tclur'due to stuffing axed others ecal prolects, T Comus . rI war . .... tp ... . ... '. . . . . .,.. .... : .: .:: . . . .. .... ... ; .,. .:, :: . 1c ::.:......:..::... .:::.....:..:......:.....: .....:......... . ... .. ........... o' r ei;wi ; `.. . end;v du. .accoxn an staff gn::rnonitonn viszts to I...:o rnhcx, 5taff.wx o gnat . .... .. Y p g :... n memb6rs to chedule'a;:conue�uent dine;; Com tss oners she u d lEt Is Joh s ka ow; vhi, agencies #hey would like toS. visit. `Cornz ass oriers Bli�ell, Ter drese , and'Raak;expressed interest in;accorr parrying staff o.n a monitoring %visit, 1999 BUDGET UPDATE Ms. Johnson noted the City Council Budget Hearing is being held November Yd. A representative of the 1999 funded agencies will thank the City Council on behalf of all the funded agencies. Staff will contact proposed agency representatives. Perry Raak will be present to speak on behalf of the Commission. The entire Commission is invited to attend. NEW BUSINESS -�t 1-1, :::,:'­ I _:::I--_ :.!.:. M �� ­­ ,� -......� ; : t SECOND QUARTER AGENCY REPORTS Ms. Johnson noted that all the agencies met their year-to-date goals. She pointed out sm the two new items on the quarterly report. One is the submittal of the outcome reporting forms and the other is the submuttal of the measureme%nt tool. All the agencies submttted their outcome reporting form,b%ut not all a enc.up ubrxutted th" ..... surement tao1;,:S..Wbel eve ail ueasuremen t dols;w llsoon g lie in lace''';The a o cies`are`do ``` a. ;'at 'ob`''an.:sub`ri tt `:these ne1.w Q s :,:` :` P. g g J g : . >�. : . In%resp%onse to Chifi Bell s question,Ms Johnson stated that the %Kent Food Bank is doing well on th.it report ng m thod. 1999 ±COMMISSION RET.REA . : : :. . ... .. .,...,... . ..:: % ... . 9 The,Commission proposed to h7 .old th%e 1999 Human Seiv2cesom�rssion Retreat on Januar1.y 2 , 1999;the backup date being January 22, 1999 The retreat will be held at the West Hill Fire Station if it is available on the proposed dates. The Commission discussed several possible topics for the retreat. The Commission will discuss the topic further at the October Commission meeting Proposed topics included housing; welfare reform and its impact on higher education; the City's Family Violence Center Human Services Commission Minutes September 24, 1998 Page 4 COMMISSION TERMS AND APPOINTMENTS Ms.'Houston Cashman pointed out that Comissioners Jendresen, Moschel and Tate's terms expire January 1999. She asked them to let staff know by the October Commission meeting if they will be asking the Mayor to reappoint them for another term. SET NOVEMBER MEETING DATE . . %Thc.Comm;ssiori decided to set the November mbetin `date an%0. ovember 19�' The Commission . ....:. ... ,..::.. ..:.... .:.... . . . �, also set December 18 as the day for the annual Human.Services Holiday Celebration. .., ;, I�� CUS ,,C01'I11 I1' RU 7 T fJR I ST : % Ms.:Johnson noted that City Council meriiber Tom Brothertoti is the City's representative on•the % ;., ;;:, ; :, h Human Scrvices;;Roundtable acid his been serving on the Work Force Success Comrntt�;e. T e :. .: :% e to ent st ;e l e Its Keatit;;< .. . Qse.of the.coinnuttee.is hel .v e7faxe rect i+ents secure rn and a m c .d ........ . .. . . .. y p. .. .. . .. . .. .p P .... ... .. P 3'n ' ; : ; . .; <. ; -: : : ;:. ..; : . e o . .. ....... . is .. ri SUS % li s h v be cu fffrom welfare services.;; Council xnen�ber Broth rt n s v x la ut e .a e . . �n .t... .. . .. . .. ...... . :.... ..:. ............. .. . ... ... ... . p. community forum to see whatthe community can'do toielp and t©xaise awareness. Social Service providers,';Service Organization members,Hu::: Services ConYimiss on members;mexribers of;the business community,members of the religious cornmui ity, citizens and school districts have been invited to the forum. The Community Forum will be held October 28 `at 8:30 to 1,, at the West Hill Fire Station. 11 1,� " ''I", ::.1 t - ''11 - I ...� N i REPORTS HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE Ms.`Houston Cashman attended the September 17, 1998 Human Services Roundtable meeting, and made a presentation on the Community Forum being held October 28, 1998. At the meeting the Roundtable discussed the following work program changes: ♦ Allocate doll%ars for a homelessness project. The outcome'of the project is to provide the ... .. % .. back ound; nforniatlon necess ; ; o a(si un rovements o our,hoxne ess families res nse �. p p,. in Kin. : ,oun : ;. .. rs:';. ♦ Allocate additional funds for the legislative strategy work`item to get roundtable membe .rriore'i.invol I in the advocacy piece. .. : A1so ,the Vorkforce;Siiceess' omatrittee created;a handbooY for,;'ursclietions and businesses;with: % a information a 1 1--ategies in finding and providing employment Ms. Houston Cashman talked about Regional Finance and Governance. The Regional Finance and Governance final report was looked at by the cities for acceptance, then sent back to Surburban Cities. Suburban Cities sent the final report on Regional Finance and Governance to Ding County. The report indicated Human Services would be delivered regionally by the County. The difference iI:CI " " Human Services Commission Minutes 1I-:..-..-...�.-%.-..%..:....%.%:.:..'i'��,,::��I"�,:"�,,-�': I�,�--,,�,I::,":,"'I'I-"','::'",:I,:�,I�:I!i�,I,,I:,,�I I�:-::I,II-I,�I-I-,I,,�,I:,I%',,,,i l,�l!,I�,I''��,1,,��,..... .. .... . . . . :......%.......:..i...iI.: ..�:.. . ...:: September 24, 1998 Page 5 in the current report is instead of the cities paying Ding County to deliver services,Ming County will provide the funds from the Urban Subsidy.Ron Simms stated that the Growth Management Planning Council Executive Board met and agreed to continue discussion. He noted that human services will be the item of debate and the one thing that will hinder their ability to move forward SOUTH COUNCIL OF HUMAN SERVICES Ms;.Houston Cashman noted the he rr�eet ng of the South Counot of;Human Services is September ..,: c ;; ..;; ; 29 A legislative forum wilt be held to discuss;;... ndum 9. If pproved,Referendum 49 wait , :.> .. . : ec s ;Hou :nn hi.. invited:t e ;.o son•.. . :aff x fiandin forHurria.Se ces and Eclucahox. 1VI . st Cas an . C rnm s . :: . : : g . ..... : .. . ... .... to`` e,' attend the S tembe p : >:..>r 29 meeting. . . .: : : . ...... J ? IITT ... .... . : :: ; . . :; :;;The et11 :as''ad'our ed at': 20'' ;''' '`;'':; ;'' . g J tfiil Submitt d, . Lin Ho ton Cashman Recording Secretary gIUMANSER\COMMIS S\IVIINUTESIHSMN98j.I)OC ... CITY pF ZT2 .. % % . .: ;. I y Jim VYhte, Mayor _' VII Planning Department (253)859-33901FAX(253)850-2544 ,Tames P,Harris,Planning Director PLANNIlYG DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM October 26, i998 : MEMO TO: ALL C1(W 1DEPARTiV1<ENTS .;.: : ; FROM, LET HI7STON Ct�SHMAN, HUMAN SERVICES MAN�i► ER SUBJECT: HUMAI�T SERVICES MONTH Each November;. , _ . :;�:_�: �:!��:�! �7 � . i %ii: the Human Services Commission and the Office of Housing & Human Services celebrates the City's role in addressing the human service needs in the community. f This year the Human Services Commission has chosen literac as the them y e f©r Human Services Month, with a focus on youth. "Read to a Child Build a Bridge to the Future' spotlights the importance of early and continued reading with children. The Human Services Commission sees literacy as providing the foundation for learning which empowers children to be successful There are opportunities for City employees to become involved and help the Commission celebrate. The Commission is sponsoring a book drive during November to support a literacy program run by the South King County%Multi Service Center We invite you to participate in the book dove We encoura e the donation of books for ages birth through adolescence The program has a particular need at this . . fox bpoks for;teens exs Ter * .. . .. . .... .... g - 1 : :a will be coll�ection;b . . ... .. ....... . .. .:. . odes available in;the:fo i o n >C;it Build- . . .. .. . . ., .. ...... . .. Ci gs;` t Mall lobo Cente i ,: ,; .. .. Y Y ....I Build n Dent,�omrnons ,S e 8 c a1.Po s Resource. Cen,. . .:.. ... . . . . . . ..ter Se or . P. ................... .:..:.. n ......Center' . . % . li . , ... Pub c Works ho .. S . s. d P% . . . P fin.... ar s Maintenance ho s % : . ..1. ... .. ... .. . . ..... . .. . 5 ,.Po1iee De,.a.... t Ea. st Hill and 'W s ll Stations, ands'&Crow Fire;Station. ti...: ... e t Hi Fire VVe also invi e: o : .. '`' :.. , t y u to visit our..:i�... _ Service Displays which will be exhibited throughout November l. :. in he lobby Qf ity Ra.11 and at the Kent libr loc t na , ary a ed on Z Ave. iT. 'There are flyers;available at the p y ds i a which will list contact numbers for you to ppordnate with the Kent and Fedexal.VVa .Sc o 1 .. Districts if;you wauid like to volunteer to read to students Also watch for the public access program featuring Mayor White reading to his grandchildren. Through his modeling he is encouraging everyone to read to and with children during November and beyond. i . Thanks for your participation. If you want to know more, please feel free to call Katherin Johnson in the Planning Department's Office ofIousing and Duman Services at Ext. 47$4 ,: .... : 220 4th AVENUE SOUTH 7 KENT,WASHINGTON 98032 5895/TELEPHONE (253)859 3300